fre soceout or etbar*s eaaés halé saLettltémnt ) thsaiâe. AUlse. matIte ras>altig uasttied itar b. - CK IIRBT 0P 3ANUARYe OC. vlil b. placeS lnemy Solîcitorli as tufareo T rIco Ipea.PsPartie svilug eltlintsalutet aeý f roqueated te send la thé 9auie forthwitb.1. testeS hi A A LIXANDZYR. IlOc tif Wbftby, Nov. 20, 1671,.48 nc)Utt<téd te uubl Auction Sale' OP A VALU/IBLE IMIPROVED FARM.9 TOWNSHIP 0P BEACH-' 87vîtu of à Power of sale, contaimed lu a ltol rttine"Qe, whleh wlI ha produued ilest tlernPgRIIAY, te 1*th dey ai DECUIIIDEU, 1871. nt 12 o'lock, miun S e natal, lunte village of Port Perrv. PÂE0ICL --Toe Nortit bal( of Lt flamber Twouty lu the ét coucesion of the Town- ship of hasch ln the Contity of Otarlo, cou- uilning ou.eitandred acres. TEitMS.-Tait par cent of the parchase mnauy La ho paid down ou the day of salé, For balane terma yl bc known t te sle. ,Jer furtiter particulira, apply to-_ JONES, BROTIHERS, sallitora, maaie nd]l, Teiroûto. Or t. 7. & D. J. ADAMS, Port Ferry.. Died Toronto, OLu Nov- 1871. WhiLby, Nov. iti, 18. td-46 LINEN SWITCIIES JUbT. RE0EIVkýD. Iff- R YLCANADIAN JAK 1ÇOTICE ilaitereby given taIt a dlvidend of four per cent for te ourreut hlf yesr, boaluk et te rate of eight par cent per osum upon thé patd-up capital et Lhl8 Bank, bas tlis dey beau docaele, îud that tho icame wl!U be pay absitate Bank and Its branches ou and after Tuesday, thie Second day'of Jaauery - nexi. Tita Transfer l3ooks wll beciloae frotn the lflftaénth Lu tha thirlotli day .of December, bath Ilusive, lly order of-the Board. 71108. MoCRACKEN, Toronto, tiov. 22nd, 1871. 47 "TEROYAL OAK" Thé mubserîbor takes camion to Inorm hle friands and ilie public, tîtat hoc bas opetd te tiotel utîdor the ahove dcîigtatiutîof uT 'he Royal Oak" et Iloiu'r's Corierç, vhere Travellérs and gueltiteau always hé cap- plied viLI te tomt lu se-innt. A good roorny Iotira, tldy, waorm stab1iti, ,ad attentive aLbi. Pure Lquors iotîd ci- <ars. 14,GEO. CÂMERON,8 Wbitby, 1Nov. 1 . 4 HARD ANI. SOPT COAL WOOD, &o. .oln Keth IleIla rooaipt of WILLOW BANK, moniRI LUN, LEIL*Il LUMP, SMALL EGG, CHESNUT, &o., Whicb am grat anud teve cool have no superlor. 100 TONS BLACICIMITII'S COAL', 50>0 CORPuS WOOD, COip, for Uuîshl oily. JORN KEITUI. Blrook St. WlLby, Sept BC, 1871- 88 JMPOIITANT TO PARTIES USIN G The Osbera Séwéini MchnçfhS Do rival. , .7 Improveraents bave WeiY be a. éuabllng te nýannufttrers le ciai t L ùnit SiPLtS cIVliô fSewing Machines, Hundrtd of testîmonilas arc hiug raclvéd dsily fromi old as welI sa new oparatanrttetlng is wot-, derfelepallta. WiII do, s.11kiniia or donfestie séwlug, from tée finet esnibrie Le te cearbst overot or upper leather. euaa&tmED To ES As EVERTEt, 0O1 ne SALES WAZEUED, 10 TSIBKTZA.a Thé OioruOutOL la eoumploe ansd readilya ooruprebeudel I. la t Iotte-heif te plet itithurto charg 4for imacbiues Soiug À 111e.t rà nge of work, Lit manufactu rera bcbng de- thrmIneS te plate IL wiLLiIu te rewei of évery famlly lunte country.11 r A T.ZAT. aoa its uasa l ilcanvîncé ail taI Our mathin 0s eeuu.qaalled. pnI!e Guelph Revôreible la pre.emniueutlv. the bt Aingla ~retad Met- pun férdt e blie-b ,-a ILs tarvolloas suoceess. WiII do ailvariatten cf domenajet aewîug. Prlces greatly ieducetL. - laud Machinie witii fîtîl ouitL, $12; readfle do-, 817- gW. IXcMachine guerantced. f lA AGENaus vuTznuvzarrwutiuuc. Splendid1 lu uceQMnie umake 'mouey. Apply t- GUUELPH SEWINQ SIACUINE CO. GUELPII, CANADA. Lewis Alun, Agent 1eor Whitby ; B. & H,t L>'LIra, ferIl3owmanville; Lewis (Quick, for Northt&- 80th Ontaro. May ét, 1871. 12m4-9 MACU1NER 0Wu-> _0J. _T OKE Tii.011 excels ail allier 011i, bot animai CB. 0- D vegtabia, naiS WC ara préparcd ta shcaw 9M*tu44 =- a lita superîarlty ottîtiff011 oautiter,îietaîîda Z. CL c te tas ttocessettîa Procure aflireqtelat,, nar <3- tioea-tleq atlaî,tedt uta t Iii t otiruv y mni chstîery, frein oelouikorel ttcuîe L teé beaetor 0f citls. Tile fotIoiwn are thé point* Ina avitchItILetculr oter- lis4. IT WILL N -'onatet.îtitey aabc hept eIt^u ^I î l tti tiflede, tnuliL il olean iuselîliîery LuieL bite ui aready gumnmed by ater Duis. IL vili nt cingeal or titokcetai la taeuiodestofen etluer. Vitis le s quauty _______________________ ol teé lîliteet ltnportattt., frein nîe feet aunt01i notitavlng tutile qîîuiityw iii fltL lïblcotua oolS tciteft, suait 81ut Intoy bc Applied lu a MANUFACTUJRD AT TUE héaLed eLte, Lut tme nt it u cee acold sltsftlt tcifieailaicl t flttlabrîc-aLsn -M' )ML m £ l14 M « tii tdatrual by acltin acqtîres tiiot tomlin c lualW rs stare nuoéssîry ta Pt(Iltico IL te a liqlild XcLaeI giutrlW r sequirlng a hh ito tparaturs by fieatot. tho A r jornai axpanda andth ié box la ljureS ittla- IE F LBC E1lA D u imoscible ta uiée ail taI vwiii oîxîd on a L FE ' C LB A E oold %haft wltitotit tItis recit, so it la te min- aie 011 vîit waLt,. J. Q. toeck's 0 l i lu- AEIAt bricats Lthe cotdutît tusehtluery té momeut lit obeT Sà aple. ITits 011 la nov need lu avér twva ibeT RIINEWA.TER WIIEEL. bnrdaeétabliaitmnelita, anS la glvfug te bot pf callalseltltn'id ail ntiti n a t(né tltq us Noti osOltOÂAL vit xa u vo sa oeafer l eLo reitied Srltn or pure 0i ve. Ilt if -(res froîn teé objection» urgeS agaîttat ait otettr Cilsas IL doeivoL giitunor freéue. Mev s taépublie are awaré litht isu vortitle Ibinge ara pufalotoluot Ley, inorder te provo titat titis la ne hambugç, snd e moeurs eerselvésa églut ité eoperntious ai unscrupit- ious oil vent, (mcty et vioinlIull o iets. ttaae e pafnlm eIk it 2en ouil of Oilrefinories se balug IdentloIl wlti. ltock's extra Machinîe * 01 ) w. propose, e taose vita are lnleromtadl lla e trati t ffLa. tatemoente, Lu ceud Lu *mhets seliatlan, Iy mail or toliîerwluu, barg luauywuîy, a eatnie ¶lu oh0, thattm ay speak for itolf. And ylIso sèend Vitit It a févrsimple ttat, s efefective as tIbmsoaeto by wviteigolJ la knoitw airn theta , ' bmsér mataIsf, sud wvicit viii affable parties or- dod téIe Lsoeur hesmsveagatuet Itupol. clounby enfiblîbgitnt te determiné at once witheaar t ho 011 fcrwarded là as gooS se Art *aartIea Saaliug lu machineé 011e yIII do ye e raomnuléste viLla yi GLU. 1B. S'OCK, bllruan, Ont. - sols Agent for te Dominion Ereuglîiîarekh 15, 1870. -Tits Jeaaru1ALDUanM40-111111Weos, 1 O-0h19V44 A prîl 4,1870. G. 8. 010011, EeG, Ea 5 _Wé bave 7T'HESYW itasla vacare nov maaaffaeurin, bean t*it ur tLubrlestlag 011 t1r teé pot .-Lehesper ttan any othersiteole inte nu four montff, anS ceni asy vîitot bittl.en trj', sud vé vîl give s guarane. vite sac], lhocaIls lias boit oi e ve av t 1111seS.'ît le lbelaaîvrrantîng titemtLa a s valimaatt ai sltpeaud lesta angair titAn say alter ail aSod se gae90d stlsfaetlonause an> mscuu ininrlarvé Iran, nusiî.,, fa4ured lui te Domlilt. ed eh-lins, Rii îlated ware, and fanoy lesit Nov. 4, 1871. Ll V48 intei tion, We theraré commée MuaLu ite pulescuaîla vida entire coufidence, feél- Iug suehé"il utiufacLure a Wheétlunanl respectat equael Lu aur ow. WARIIA.NTY, W. are prépareS tn a friit WuerWheels,, Oeat'p, Sitefts%, i'uheys ar.d ail Mtîahlery ne-: casaary toeattaci thLité eeis te thé machine ry Lhey are inteudad Lu drive ; su]. If, afLer'Lwo! moutîitatl, they are uaL setiabiaotory, Ive wii, Leke ail baek, psy treiglît*bh tw ays, sud ré- fîtnd any payutenté tuadé to us thereon. W be partien ara nuL aisSieS vite te Witeei, tatd cannot make a change et ite.- Lne wîitouu.laits Lu businests, bey ma au -Li te wheel at~d iaoiuiery a reasaonailti me wul,- on iagnot exceediîîig one year, lu order tiatLh y îa moa antege vitlitut, iîjulry Lu their briuics. Botaow are given te naines cf parties vbo areDo uo nug trotu oetasL e oneacitof Our viteels: suid we itnvite partieit Who wlsh Lu parcat. Luorrespontd witit tera. Dsrvd AnmU.................. Doter. Tbe ",Arbeil....... ........ Arleti B tr& Andierson a..........Lcorgi-m, Bèw"a* Priuzie. .......... Aveetigg, William flois. ............. Oeuawn, A, itentîn & Ce ............... Vuleyrictd, A. Barbeau................... 00S. DAVitie N. Bsalîart ................. Toîio, J. B. iekeit .... .... ...lircektin, wjn. B :rne ................catigar. A. J. iiuck, ................... NarVCe. Wîtî. »ooutiei. ....... - ..tdd>se J M. Brae ....................ilbit'. ?.tis C.ppe I. Car..................iiîvtiliiie, J. aes A...C..................Nitýp,înee . W . Chm *er............. pteflul, JmsA. lose A.,& 1 Chitants................ ij-tan, JAhtilUyt....................Uxbîîdce,. Di)auoitd & Di.aîeitd............ Belleville steat i ron............... Liidscy, C. M. ........... ....ilouutaîn Viaw, AIl. D.Seril.................... sj1uuae-, lump, 11iioi....................t'. i ipe. Nic3i,uhiîo J*.ttl..................rotteu'bn, tI.e ......... ........ Ivrtroi. Koitrrt Frst........tliaiitrefi, PralijisBRÉoq ...I ...... îtooktiît, 1Fat mri & le i £s........Campbe1ltird, 8. J. Orccg.. ........... OreeweOid Thoamas 13315............. roxeter JosephiUolcd ..................Uzbricige, Win. i. l"tin...1.......... absow. (tiLt ................. 04îtmwa .............. Wttî.it.. Co ......i-u &Ci ... oud %tm.. %Val, er Uuîtirie ...... 14 tootl, %Vti. ttîwî.r. ... ... ît'aà ..t tlitigerr1;Diitit................etilil, RD) d. L q"................Qutiil t -tttt ..oltr............. flttae Coet . it> .îtve................ fittiîî'"l eel lott ip.îe .............lIiîadCe R. V.. i-irrit ..i........... ......itlroiklit trwmu &L. il....................rt hope Joiti ...................... 6ticipti. D. Fl. lottes & Ce ................ iintattoque, A. Lamaq...................... tlieTbrooke Jaimes t.eïii...................Goraitta Calautait Lenat........... ...... oawst'te, He0.ogiî itui.......... .......-inuglrin, A. . I.,ut.iai.............. . vmaret, ,Hgli i..l'ta........ . . it a J.tu t lotiCil..............lteifnre Jot c0of'.t tCl ............. emnIrestLtt Waitt etir..... ............uruiadMa teail.l cmre elr. laaie Merer .............. nilbrè Jiaut rtiptu......... îE'trulé A.L W' iglivi......Ce........... .$FAiîtrca0. tVil. ............Eruip itta: A.1 tiird ItAie O ...... . . 'tite IV in ...c........ sl a tuitl ite ....lme...»..........OuStet Crecke Ptteit&C........... ltite Lu. .....V..... ~I0ibO0ue Pcue. itlie & Ca .............toirelai esL ttil'uutoy..................... C .ntpion, Jamt, Coît................Ltliîrelîa ..ota ....iictiu..... .........oita, C. l'a-;il .................... .eaoriag lchn tdl e.................i. ti,itle 'flutardit it.Lfli...............towiai foi>Bru.,................... 1eZuîttvttta Mouevé Siit..........D-ttl.iqt Cree4 Thoritas W.Stephetioou1 ......hNo. wocd, îltaples & $ihiiesiberg .....Catliiiuwôod, . rJ. I ituh..... ........Or.qiîr, Aiez. 8mati ............ oiaWe, Thomtas tepteuton ....... Grattait. c1 Jlieh taw -........ ..........Moirmatidata, Gcorge $tctey............ ?tonreai, Joha Sitiit. ............taire. Peler Iimtn...................iitit' l'aIls. Charte% t ltotit..............îVarkwurth, IL. Sies.........Cbourg, Stephtenson k&Laiton ...... Bratupten, Terre Bras.............. ......Mount Albtert, Jouetrhutmpso ...............trokti, Wm. Tuer............ ...... Haytfru, David Tawn&s.. ..............Baowmalivilté, Thamas k Tawtiaed...... Orau, J Thunpon&u h ........»..owmsuvitts GeïgoWiteeicr..........Lxuridge. P .WOOd........ ..."Nntrta4i J. C. Vhte.................. Coltuug, John Woouay .............Pettruaia, T. P. Wite........... ....... WhiteMae, Wmin Verd ..... .......... orecovitie. James Siotcttigbî ............ Wîuditmm Centre WE ALSO MANuFAcTuitE PORTABLE and 0TAT1ONB7Ry Steam Engines and Boilers 1 3h un o., 0raOt et 'Att lune,5ANI tZls. Ssv AMIiMachiner>, af il1 Kiati,, nttng itnits snd Ànterican L(tgs. bwSwôsu Patelnt Oitilstiug Gang aetd Métay atv land.auîpesd $itticIîu ircuila SaW, Mlii. Sait. ad uble Luiges. Fleuûr *ii NauerybeaullKiads, vit It là "alm peavementt. Woad Warkitlgllachinery cf ail Kindc. Englua Lathe fait itzé. Pititun, rllng MsehtI, Benu; Mscltiaes, Boit Cuters, Wailcn Mschiesry. Lesiher SpIilt;tisobtc-ita mi nLit' OGrtders Naaiin oanHUsuelPritîtu Prestes TaGornCytier Preaca. Se lu.OiItg Baies. CASTINGS 0F AL>LKINDs MADE 114 BlIASS RION SNev Machîier> cf any kinS ma#s te Patterns of véry Sdomo lptLetnadvbe e RireS. classi% 4aterWI'n atorongî>. workmciaibm IP. W. GLF.,N, Preadse,, IR. NEW A-RR-IVALSn S I MC0£ S T.#«SHWA. Are. i rèceipt otf frther arrivais ef Winter gooda, and beg to announco that' theirstock is now co.mplete lu every alcpartmont, Dieu, G oods iii gréat varipty., Clan Tartan, Plain and Tartan, Wincéye, Englh. Scotch sud (Janadian Tweeds. THE ILLNER EP T~!NT.wili b. fonndreplete, with' ail Lhe latent attractions iu styles of iBate, Ribbons,'Fhowers, Mantles, Dresa-tritu Sté spenid Purs - veî-y chea, The Tailoring Dopartuient, as biLb erto, nudor the skillfnl superintendance of a firsl- clans cutter-. Best sud moat fiameionable nuits in te Dominion luade Lo or der. PRESU OROCERTES & NEW FeU1T, !~BOOTS &SHIOES-stylisitly -tuado sud of the test quality, at very 1ev, Prioes.- Wbitby Nov. 28, 187.1. R.- & A. SMITH. 11ly-48 GOOD, CHIEdP AND WAIR The undersigne<I desirp.s te iaformhis numerous-cnstomers that with the roomy facilities afforded hirn in the new premises into which he lias removed, lie is enabled to keep on baud a large stock of clotlis of every kind, well selected by himself, and of the best quality. Gentlemen's Gai'ments made to" order, and a perfect fit guaranteed. Gentlemen's Furn,*sliing goods, inctudifig Shirts, Tics, Braces, newest styles of Collars, &C., JOHN FE.1RGUSONt iDiudas St. Whitby. (Premises lately occupied by Mu- Gerrie, ase a Drug Store.) 1Whitby, Nov. 29, 1871. ,tf-48 .1 CALIIAGS &CUTI-ERSý CARRIAGESi & BUGGIES, latest style and best Manufactuire, Splendidly Finished Cutters' 0F YERY SUPERIOR WORKJL4 N,$ IIIP. BUGGIES & SLEIGHS. REPAIRS AS USUAL. WHLTB- Nov 22nd, 1870. AWARDED FIRST PRIZE At Provincial -Exhibition, held at T.oro'nto, in the Fali of 1870. We ýoffer to our customers for the coming. Harvest, ý,two0 distinct Machines, which il, style and construction, embrace the lateat and moet, useful improvements ofthe day.. JOIINSTOIN'S SINGLE SELF-RÂKUN-G REAPER,ý The univretsal success of this Machine, both in el1osely' COntested hi ýArlalsan iudnuthé bauds eofte farmers, arrant us Ilu sayinz tat, ase sSefRaking tý Réapingz*-I Machin, IL bas more- good Oints sud leca détects, sud bas met wlth mret suceésa and basa ailure, titan beretofere offered Leo the pubie. w Cayuga JuniQr IYLwer,,, We were awarded the First Prize and DiplÃ"ina, à t the -Pc iW0 exbhititatIa' eld fuTounte. 1870, iu eomoatitien vltb al Lte léadini Muhîinea mawu thte ine, treof Charge. O-Imxproved A" i n';Stovepippesan, L3ouutyt 0> Best Coal Oit *Wh]itby September 2( rirltural Furnaees. d Tinwar0 supplled t6 Pediars and Merchants in the always on band. . WTI. BRYANO Ot. 1871. 3t 8 Ig w lurtorni -atautly ou Flour, Oat 1'heat, BsII anS Plater for sale. N O OlýT iE IL N SWHITB Y.-- R. P. CLARKe - Propi E ,P.Ousrkhep to luformil is aj aud cualamer* thant hé bas réfutteS vated te old hote-known a.,tt Lit Inn,' £rock ast., iviere hé vill b, lisp ceive tant, on givitîg lm a en stshlittgz, hox-ggtlla,att)d ceosed yan raté hrg. m US8IC 1 -MU 81 WfllthytBras and String Baa,és.aai soires, Pic nies, Excursions- Q partiesq, de., &oe., ill suppiy til sud lttat Miasic, ou reaserg Applications muet b. mande eltiterf or by lutter, (po.4t paid,) te - J. WOLFE, 20-Msy 1, 870. LI V-E-R TIIE INDEUSIGNED DESIR!S farra hi.% fr'ndsa nd -patrons bas, agait reoume.L.bteiue§s nt iil 'WHITBY LIVERY ST. gl laving, aucreaped te ni quatity outhLie etuS, aud alite addad t proved te cottveyalWoa sud valitt remiseâ, lie hoped by boiug iluas meut the vunts 61i custoulers ta meW of publie patronage. w CHARGES JIODERATi N. B.-Covered coemuvyemuct i f sudlImdies. Promtpt attenaujane, ait La aUl arders. N. RAY, Pic WbiLhy, April 8, 1868. TEETU BITI ffl-WfTHOPJT PAIN 33V TULE USEOF NITROlJS OID LA.1GI1L'ýý OR-RitE NEW ]LOCAL AN,ZSTH AT DENTAL IEOOMS,,- DUNDAS STI&J IVIIITBY, C. W. -WitLy, Jane 26, 1867. ÃŽEL-L3w8y I- o Y - P'H O s p H1 .Aruougst Lime dinses ci ereenA ltetise ai Dohility reïulLing froua Tyçaioid0 Io* féversi,'Dil)itheritie Prcstratieé llvpoitondria, AmineujIrrittés, 010,8 mis, -letoorritoextNervoliôusLUtat mus orWsLiug aofte Mst4o Loos afiVVee, Chorear St. Vitue giaggiuhtteis e f ltée Liver, tIlite Feeblci or ite ileart, ýs9f00ii caased hy usnobsitructions Oeti sud Air cisees esdiug Lhretetisu foin variausýcaus'as, m au s puared Itopelesa. - Sold by Apotitecaa 0'pute., 01.50 S.41,efo$ ' JAMES L YELLWB, JOHN CARTER LICENSED AUCTIOIi ONTARIO, YO-RK &-i Unto te public I.wooid say, If Lhe~y Výloo an sd see, For boo Il sud shoca teir Mnney payi Tben Ie'theut corne Lo me. . My well- stocked store us ou Brocit stret- Atteudauce, eurteous, kiett, Yoo'ih Sud my goodu indeed s treat No better eau en Sd.- April 19, 1871. 1871. 0f Boots I kcep a teavy ýstock ; 1 And ladieasviten'yen cios Yenr.pretLy purses te unlock, Can boy teneateat aos My leatiter polishe 'd, filuénesud good, My prices low beside. At vnce viii suit a dashiug groom, Orsa sweet buhnrg, bride. To Farmers, and tLe large sud' ami, jf Lhey'll laite s 1ev turns, ÂAround te towr, sud ou me eall They'll buy frou- WILLIAM .BURNS*- Boot & Site Store, Brocit atreet, Whiffy M"M IL L A N'S B LO C K 18711 AJJXANDER J>RJNG-LE1, Fias removed from bis old premises to MeMillan's Block, Brock Street, and begs to inform lis nuamerous patrons and the publie genertilly, that his stock em- braces every 'requisite lu Gentlemien's Furoisbiog Good s, A general assortmcnt of best selected Cloths. AUl Cloths made to order. No Slopwork. NO FIT, NO PAY. Great 6Care and Mttentzon pazd to Artistzc Gutting. A continuance of' that liberal patronage extended to hin dur- ing the past 30 years in WhiLby, respectlully solicited. M1ARCIT 28, 1871. 13 SPRLNG STOCK OF.- BOOTS & -SHOEýS. MATT H EW CO0LLINS8 Begs to, announce to, his cuittomqrs and the public.that heé has opened business on the premises lately occupied by Mr. Bandeli, on Brock Street, and that li l now- * in receipt of a splendid Stock of the -And of the best style of' Boots and Shoes. Also on hand a' large stock of HOME-MADE'Boots and.Shoes whieh caunot be surpassed for quaijî>and price. Ail orders punctually attended to. 1Repairs neatly done. Business also carriled on as usual at the old stand, near t he Royal hoteli Whitbyq -May, 1 0,1871. MA~IT11EW (-OLLINS. THIE OLD STAND! [ESTABLLSHED, 1833.] idersigned in returning thanks for the liberal p *uided to the aid .stablisbment, for nearly a perieS eft rety ye Sho bhas aow on baudas largaasorttuent of the nuost modem LE ATH ER -LIN ES ïÀrât CLOTIIING