Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jan 1872, p. 1

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VIOL XVI G. ýYOUNG 8StITR, L L. De w~iiTy B4ÂNjl~. K. F. LOCKHIART, SMANAGEU. f.B. Tayloér, AOJtNT.. prJlO1T-.1 LANaw ui N d éte bllteaNVE L, ho Gorporâtioln of thse iuunty or ontarlo, ,ries, &c., &,whiItby, 0. îW.- OÂMeAUe,,oQ. 0. _I1. J. IIAoDPNELL. ['oliey-toloissxupon good éecurity.; Af the. Oid i aflrai, Court louant,- -3. Hll. COCHRANE, LL. 1). ýUNTYOROGWN AýTORNEY FOIZ ON- rln (hauaeory,, No'tir1y'Public, &c.- -Brook strot, nextî door to Itoyai 1, WhiLby. si GEORGE il DAWrNEILJ,, 1RBISTEt, ATT-oI8N£Y , COT6VEYAN- eor, DppiLy Rogltrur, Muateir E-itraordI- biid exauhluru (hanoery for tbeCoun- fUutarlo. Office Court hlouéu, WIitby. JÂDEKEfEITII CORD)ON, Solaitor lu Ch4ucery, Conveyaucur, No- wsx-N0zt door to the Stor- of' R. ~ bol, Brook 8r M Wiitby, tjiit. FAREWELL & XMcGi!'B, l!uR's, CONVEYXLNCE1u, MANI) No- Es P>UBLIC.- *oj:.-One iloot uortb of the I'o4t office, a; and «MOleeter'A Ilovit, oppubitc oui]l, Bowmeovlle. i~AU8ELL. . MOE. VJCJIÇtL ÈS C.IlE L LER, '.dlt NY.AT-LA.W, SOLC'nuuN look, ().'W., l r. 11ADER GRÈtENWOOD, rORZNEY-ÂTr-LAW. SOLICITORI IN hancry, tàioPubleConveyaeor, Viltby 1. W. 'bmros, lByron 4recet, pfonst ofughd.48 CXÂN1t'GLIflL L.Iî.. RUITERÂAT LWSolinluchan- [SLAMON, IONVEYANCEII,LANI) ÂGENT&c 0 itu Main st. Uxbnd~e-mToe llt, 868 - f-2 ItRQEOl'iTO. 11ECOUN'LTY (MAI TROMAS HUS~TON, OW L UXT&RE AQUIL %WIiiTB' 0' N.- - VARé.Eturane itretn.'I ird J!ueniiàrth ofhie Outerit N LSON \1-1OU -S L4 L..WILSON, Jr., - Proprietor. R¶1E ST2BSCJIi RXbeuisah nnuoîîîc teIliii -frieuuds aui tisliliii-iîeraly, iliet Jlu a Qpauîéa is tlU ulîoiea- hitel hithue Villire Ash btinu,, foIue ahe auuiuii olu*tue inci- ýIlig publi. "lieui -au!e ta eo. end tfut-. ubed bu c utucut thûiorihatt] couitortale nuer-, G(ti will Ilîti ever-y cotuveuiu,îca 1 OClgars if thse liat 1iicdâ ehîvcuye pt ui ~"G&ad Stehiulig tuial attetive OStîcnaIlu j-.WILSOUN, Jr., Praiprialon. itbut ic, May lat, it60, tf-lt8 rand; Trunk Ratilway 11otip1. AulT VIIITflV SThAThION. KT .O'NEIL liavieltîg hurctu1.c. ead i tfI y and îre-tîie-aa huoam itLIe Grnîd îuîk Ilotal, it luihyttliy eluttlige to ; ifuiunu ýfrIandis etuIl thüt -tir lgju biia lt lue i lta] ni) ti i.,hunt e an]deiiiii ui In Be ttyla, Iluud isy uaîtiîuîu 10 the ue ienhauo Us muhe tivor'tlciuu-his tui t icirptronaîge eto e nt a eoi:tilsin tl; o huair t- iutti. gr jlitttlée lchiug tis anîîuutuu. l uaii son sihi ihae (bcu i ltakcticaeau-aiitilI Ir rettru. ,OYAL 0-\NAIiIAN j-1 £OILL,- I'CutT PI'hiitYOITI. Uper.Ior eeîiiuîit i Gn u îliuug bileodrcouîu, und gaîl it1i;îîtve ce. ur t'enry, Nîov, t, 186V. --45 *PEC'T(bth -01?PUBLIC 1SCLI001LS FOR ise Cjoucihy u jiutarun Petet-lul i ot Oilea, Ont. OX T_ PE ERi Y lI U 8E. POËIT I'EKIY, ONT. . - o- - et3ibscnilucr a-hul, e toiutînutuie cciii- ftlv tliat liiipiiti i Kuu UeIncauujc tu taithc leo, ohuene lia le uniéhucre] lie faruuie&utes;d tlumodiîttuui.U Lý ýit-a e ouit,. pt.1b, 1 80. t7. WHIUIIIY, - ONT.ý m A SON,- Proprirtor. e abova lias beau tiiorouculi y n - iviiiéi, .lie t -hi ilfi,,] eury acucniuedauto 1 dtatten tion. )ritla1, 1870. 15 VESTE RN IIOUSIL,1 -DUNDAIS ET., Wh1'IihY. t-uîuirti,'î d tt l itthiti te10 Lt putlie, tihîît tue aboie uilleeliant- C 1)ewly itatî' t)ad refiuivâtu-J ticinisiîui- t, !9 iteuCcenîuîcuadeitti cf Iiueti.* huai 0 sailliquor'e, uuidCigare,.e ie -Creni ohf(inadue'-uao l'un-a lbuiýtie - JOSEPHI A. BANDEI.. udero atkén b>' tise muakt 'cismoderato *'-ul8, P7 1. - 19 1N07ýJ1Y PUBLIC, -,0., £0. OFFICE.xsr MÎLLÂN'8 EL T0CMT, 'Walches,ýC<ockçs,NMuical Instrumenats Aud ev.rytiîiug Meohanleal a]Eepelrcd andJIu- proved to suit il,. et Luw Rates, and ou tise Whitby,Mey8 1871 LOND>N ASSURtANCE CO1tPoRItIN PIRE ATvo LIait. E4TeaiLzTSnEIcBrROYAL CEAItTJï- 1728. FirN.S leRAND ...£2,6,i8,3 Ils4d. Stg.' iIEAD AGE2NPr,, tONTREAL..ROMEO Il. STIiPHINS. No. bd St. Frauculé X..i-ir Street. * JOHNI' AGN5EÇ, Agent. Whitiy, May St, 11,71. 1 s0 10 Tise tundtraigned tjkere cîîeioa t0 intern eue. tClnere, Cliii the ehove àBijie, eii tedionLot -No. 2g, ili tii. 7tf, roneaeion ofrîle 'iowliîliip of Uxbridgt, araciiow iu PULL WORKING. ORDER, 4da neaiiy foir uttinir Lii her inany qr.entity te isuit cusltoinea, aced wîtis-pu notualitycand Lum'ber ceut fnom Io te Co hoat in 1.3netii. JOhIN WEIR, septaî..hbe 293 1$7.0. 41 TO 1,rASE.. 140 Acres, 60 ploughcd, 80 ini grass. Arra-r TO P. lW. McKENZIE On thse promises. %Vhitby, Dac. 5th, 1871. *1 i 49 ONIA11101107fEL. BROOK Nt, - V1ITB1c. C. J)AWES, - Proprfser, Tih. above oh] vtalîliishad Ilotel hasg beau j ast inawly listai np aîîiiracovatauil tiroughnt by tisa tîi*ol)ikîo, ail the apartuients haing TiieiudersigmAid nuleve uotliju ng lu proviîling for hie ciic.rt orf île geaate, sud thiy eyrl>- upmn ttu hst of pnre hiquore beYw lusîepliid lit tii, Bir- straicttentioni pald to OJie etabiing, and in lcokirig citer tha civîlity.nu homtiare. C; Dawe, Propu-lator. W'vhithy, Pov. 22ud, 1871. 4 JOIIN.!WOLPENDEN, - OEL'BRA-TED SCOTTISII GRANITE t9r At Menile M onks of JONATHIAN WOLFE.;NDE,;4, ieSI Whithy. 17 W> NEY TO LEND AT IILDUCED IIATIeS. cF pprty, let ratas as iewhi hoe weÂtLblled (,nyljinCanada. 004 udprop.rti éuseai for Itre 'r - L, FAIR0BANKS, r., rates - (flece, Brook J, w WhbAng. 29,91871. S. c ~0OL.COA L. Thé e mgedlamd. neo for e large- enpply or the diù'enéutIkii, Ste, and Grto el,»asmas e lu 0"ea, whici 1.4i kpt couemtauitiy ounhfd), 4hb1ý.1 quiilit3, and. iyBIiejld icI gl1eet: dacel priais, 'sîlther On thse-4Pok- Or dei Ad. JOHIN BLO Whitby, Ang. 80, 1871., PLANK - - Propriétoi Stageas touild cbom Wlthy oeil daiy. EVe e'.tentioîî jiait to guete. C4réful aad etteu EHRNIX FIEASSURANCE PA' GILL.ESPIE, MOFFATT & Co., Agente fto C~anada. JAMES DAVIt,î,N, Manager. X SURANCE againet LOSS hy FIErce Ietfeetzk ou tise nàostfîîvorabio ternie, aid 1,098 I PAID witisout referozioe to tie Board iu Loîîdeu. YEOMAN IIBSON. April 8rd,1a46. . Agenlt, Whîthy Flour týcFoo--ýd 11- TO 0 R E. IIENRY SHIEPPARIJ fluelre.,to inferm ths le hliintof lithy and Vinity, thiir, li .en;ecced to the ie i ili,a Is UENILY WÂLTE)IS, ]BROOK STREET, WHITKY wViere 1ié kcepa conestantly ou band, Floua', Otatmeal, Corumen), lJnaîn, Out§ Shorts. Grabala Floue, d&c. And oerytisxing miithse Feed fine. Boit of Finur foîr f.iînily ue. ihvérythiog ut the luweet r.allhîîg pr!iee. oeil unjoxmudue quality anJ pria. Il. SlIEPPAftD Wislby, Fais., 1871. OSHAWYA. JAIIES I3LACK, P PRpIîuOR. Couoniiîty Serlup enilefor Coimusér cial travaere. Billiarde etteehoîl. April 8, 1870. 14- upy M. rERRArIN RESA URAN ANt» n M l TaiIuuia- rrpineci te lerait eu t i înl ohf > .J.>lua .-4liU f h I c oio hu Cscaurity uti eonti Fat-na.o on n- (87 & Si, KCing at-eeut Eat Torno). déieTwtn Proluenty, ut ualwe osù raite oh iiîhet, hl u etisit:ujumutie -r ete e.ilbleTHOMAS CARLISLE, - PuRtttLETcuc ho,-nowse. iiuitiul ean u hareptd by yau-i>-o imainet.u.-its un u unne Mui. uThe niesi oie- SauLaicoleiiel ea F and ci]Lots cif izagnt, epaehiîuseuidý avil-h ,litufou sala cl -upî.unîfircî.hla Ras iuuvu iuua i le li lu 0l>c tttrc4, M'otgages M at- .iid i ileriidccciitiSci boi lit cuit aold, L: o6a inet-e cut - -- llic8t b ulidr aIý1 c e futer ua.tiiulane.I&pÉly to atu atu s atre in ery Mt> le. JAME~- IlLDEN, ,t/"l'citie ititiug ToF,)iito fh-ruaday ouIl fln]d evany iaccomodation Ur-tise Teruulun. - Officu dgiael M bnay trokar, &e. A Plili 1170, 14 f)Fi(E~c1hiiaue bltie, l3ruck atri-et, - Wlithy. isClîcuutsr 2BA 1-m - sz s.u z c~ COr-IMERCIAL HOTEL II ) l -~AK , BhiiJCiC usT., W11lfIIJY. Ac. cdc TJlLIFisubmeibc-r hegs to atnoîîîcé t10blié; dsSte - Lluîb'n iiolmI lidta op uhhie., thcal 10,lui ene - D ids Srct, »e ui4 ,OuVt etuiueèd hoauso-ofle o l a nd tfit- Vor-aly tntnicîtei, ilîlhis Ilow ftiuîd'irp 'IJNZAJS FUIrLLY nép;SU E ence fu e re acut iaoh ofguettautiite tre- JOH ;Zriiucgita.C lLmitt i i.cnd 14 or J 1IOLIM3' ~ euulîiîtHàîr -Dressng and S'1j,,îing wacys oniChia Iliei- a..ChargeilJodeateaoc3.ALooN, - E. 11.CALI)IWELL, BIoCEST., WIlITBY. %luintbîv ,. îî ice,2-ly :7"' SOUTIî 0F vuu iat: Ax air MOuTocAL. - ------- Whi'by J . 22, '8. GLOBE - ILTEL, ULlT ]3~O K~IGEORGE IiLY JALVE'S POlUELL,. Proprietce WCLOIIANI) DRAPERb, F110 iT-CL'IASS ACCOMMODATION. C>OTs R A N» IMIA rEIt Fît,. 22aîc, 1871. 8__ -GEINT-LEMEN'S GAiAIENTS 5mcdo lip lu E Z;'.TUAL 1t>OTEL, DRtUIJIIAM tescneî eî>lo iitihaiu't fuilion. 1> A fihus euîeki f(1itthé trouu liC; i- tO make a xeeioiui hafur ittiuuits sumenia sL. -Ji 1 3A.1LEY, Proprietor. >ctaINI, M y 12, 1849. 1 Theabo iotel hi ic i-tenîîvy (fittedJ' UP t11ý tÏ ou-tt-îblu A lP I (. 'T ti I 1, ts ti i jtj ucutiiuIouuu ti ciidi-îtleuîhîuu. - bug ta ncturiu tuia-utc for lthe liserai pahron -~ ~ ~ bg Tit(.)h Mi~tl u eltelut' islue ealluaratofara bemîowed riponcmu, aiîdtau. eiucIt1juius lauccccciurnutitice Liati am preînarea- te conduct sales, il 1 1 cihlitr list n-0> Q oed (z Mauuro Dr,,Àà. TOWN Olt COUNTY,- AS WLiLL .9 - -W AG ON 5 AT REA89NABLE RATE8ý' Il A ~~ , --Anreegénuatits for sales cetiha uuuuîiha il itit xv8, oeliuet the UlaCuNIteucLua Office, oru t cemca- s c u rFriF L.E Il SI Olisca, Brook sîrcetlity ANDcuLL LIND LOFFAIRBtANKS, Jr., FAiI!ifl Ti a-uai'muaouuu., uuu..-AUOTuONLE11.titt CLO)TH1ýS HÂNGLE&W1NE, Notud u c ofte tsati articlem (fohei.kiud Inaliufaettlud ilui thi zi utrn juiiud i, ii pruav- c] SIIIAW CU rTFIIIIs,.0 asiW acil kajun d igo supoîsile ovuîný li-cleet. LofeBy ttuah lia le- 'iiuw enabted to exaeutL9.il Drdets olit 'ruiiliececi; hé bu uOtedci ilpa, ad oltit gracIer ixiuiîoî lti tjtluoîd ta guetiîyhtic-a cy aou kii tijneîî tuaîlei$ CW Carlç'aod:ai t iisc;)r ltan l x ýlcoga, n'a u Oilài ce ehloWuea. - -JAMES CLAYTON. IV Lu(Lcy, til 170, - 47 veiby, Juiy 8, 1,ccg THtE ROBSON HOUgç, DUNI>AS STCE E T, WIIFITjiY, 0.11 GEORG E ROLISON, Propietar. T IIE subécnibor bape 10 anuneauce thuet luS éd, urnshuatlie builinug fornnerly Luowvu esSari îure'eiq hc isbeéhi réucovIcl tîso hastofai tyle. Tise Pramiemuane p canant], situaited, eUppiielti htse ut Office, aud ln thie centra ci thé Town. The-lailosy Onibus caîlaat the lleel,atud tiesaitagout for Uxbridge and Bevenîoiu lesïvc thedoereverynuornig. Board$l perday. - GEORGE ROBSON. -lste B 1et aIwyin îédme e. id dc I. whitby, Nov. W'.1811. PRrfl>RTY IuugAL1 T1F gulmnr's,, eroffera for Paie tiii folIning tiuebl.pe ry.u tY iheTown of Whit-- iy, vit :-Anexellient Brick Cottage with q=rtr of ari acre of-laud. -eîtaatei on thse Cor- ue fGreéIn anl t >,r StrCeel, in thse Sôntis Ward.ý AiRO. hal' an acr;e oh land, Wael feoc.d, aad~ lu a iii at foutaton utlieoGnr of NIeliligtou ani Giiorcl Str(eet4, Nortis Nard. A "arter orenu acre o11 Centre Street, soiffl of thé eemieute cf 0. Draper, £eq., lu tiie Zonté Weir4 oe8- . Coomp6aed oT part of lot 18, lu the Ol o.e- Monfi oh e 'Towiîaislp of murray, Ccuuty,,orh Northumuberland. SAcarand indis4putable Vili. wiii b.l gieat al i e u proparty. Eor lurtfhr P.riueéaîî,t the owner.: eFiANCIS CLARIV. Wiitby, July loi 1871. 298tf A DMINISTUT0,S18 NOTiE. Ail pertoné indebtoc to ftifsate éof tb. lat, Neeti Wéatnt tare requeted to makre ilann6iaté eettietnelit And ailpensons bai' lu "in' elîiaalut thea sud estate, are nequét ed ta ernal them to theauuder»igned l'for eý MAIIQAREIP WKI'sOx,' K.« F. L,0IKI1aRv N. C' REYNOLDS: -e liiitbY, th 27th day Sept. 71. 40 De. HOLLJDAY. BROOKLIN, - - ONT. AGENT FOR THE ISOLATED 1115K FIEE INSURANtJE 00. OF CANADA, TORONTO. A PUeamu cÂlÀIA i tCTITUT et Aiso Aîti.nt andît Apprîieer for Cîîueda Per- niaunlt Buildigciii 8îsviiîii;Society, -onrlaitue Orfinoiey LU iowr ratea is it uret.. W'ALîby, August 7tis, 1871. ly 32 Bug& te inrinîviuhifierdean- i tie nubile, thit lileia4 ne-tiukteî i nid prenîlcu, ictely lu bpe y Mr, Aiiell, whaner lie idlé Iîîw îrepiiîeîlto aîulipiy îivtrý-tliîîîg lu t4ic AND CONF ECMIE RY LIMEPL Jiiet reeaii-od, severa1licsas of - PEA(CLJESý & TOMATVORS, very supenion. CiJOICE A.Vl'LES PEARS, FRUI 0F LL KIND5j, KlL.LI l1U U Rapt corotanitiy ou iland, iu seaeou. llennessey, Meaustreau, ORANGES. LEMONS, SADN, LOBSTERS, RAISINS, pIfNv , <HERSME,' TODACCO. Flécau dlilvered dai!y toetoinae, and ail 1 E D"T' other PrOvi#sao aagaede dolilva I lUv3 E lié ondenedt. ra ienaTL~ÂL ail A Choice Brands cf Cigare. Wnitby, Sept. 18; î1871. - ONA110Fý .tmlnNl IB ass, Youngpei D IVltJLUAL INSTJRANCE L.o. vie's, Dow's, anfd O'KeefE Ilead O~ Bro Iç St Wbitb. in quarts and pints. Coii.. luriuy liera rmBimi clhîP()Il 17à, uLtli.uritae, iwi.y L i-ioa. Jr S Guiinnes&s and 13ood'%, in L FiIIZLBÂNxu9, JR., J. B. BICIIFLL, pints and quarts. N. B-Mru.> H olliduy lé no longr u Agenjt tf tis Comnpany. Wlîjiti, Spt. 6, 7l. W 11ITBY P~IANO F ACTOY 3 3~ JOSSEPH RAINER PRORITOR ,* Choice Lid<nLai Tlic ',bîîhr,îu rrng W is.,sn- er Raisins, .leCroiwu, c(utliejkse othe îuun> frieude Black Basket, Musca- JuiltU~yuîira i tie WIii sy el, &c. Currants, hcge to.,talttethat lhe now carrie on ithe îuaeî Leinonsi lICC 1tOlI lJpWiIlii oçiii eec.,îîîît ,and le se- lle tî- ue urje Ir. e I)iizm se ile-ucre tlîcîî tht IX 1lt fl wiilu2 e efkt uîî.ine 011 lue îpart id ' to e s e recticeîon, ilSP3ing aup'p'il>t Riu S air SUPEILIOR Q ITPA L 1 T Y, * WINEý A4ne assortment P rt and'Sherry in Frenci pure Grape, red Wine, Spanish Wine, Pale Sherry, Sweet Wines, Wn draft, in case c Boule. .On draft, Otai-d, D) puy's, llennessey & Co's The enialuritileuniaientuclei tud ct-oss,écîlu petternil <'I hieowu tivecutaon iîlinutuutred (tl" iladerAeoecnte] aiCi, ptionîptiiuaic JOSEPI .RAuNER. -WllithY, May>3, 1870. 1-1 THO(-MA$ HUSTON i -issuEit or - MAR~IAGELICENSES Ve I)tlie-Towii Ihtihh. Reid.,uce-Byron SCreat, tîtnia dîore uorti ohf'revu ball. Jan. 17, 1870. 8s D WELIING liTSEut Ta> lENT, sAt 1 1AMPR'S COitNi'1S. AI! moet de- tSii' Riadec elit Mcuorato. Aî.îuy ho- - - JOiHN IIAIIEI, Enîq. WhiitbY, Mtuy 2nual 1871. BOO 0T & 'kS 1-01?STOIT Tite undereigna holiéeienioed lim' BOOT AND) SHOE STORE to the Sictues etjiiuîtiicg tihe echte.ttt hotel, D1.t stiueS., tU, luth7, oiuire lle 1.uoo ulireared to, Aecti.n ai lotalaesfur Wot-k. A la it aunti eleet stock ouà isand. Ilepairng dulii.aas ,JOSEPlH A. B&4NDELL. W'I.tby May, ,1871. -19 T ME5 18OLATED RISK FIE INSIURANCE, CO' Y 0 F CANADA. U A 1) OF F 1CvKRng Sireot, corner et 1 ChurcS, Tuouito. * 3APITAL, - - - $500,000 )éposited with (Governimenl, - $50,000 - W. A. LAW ",G~ e illhaBouk, linecktaS., Wlîicby Wiaiîy, Septrt, ,1871. Ui i A cilt to arrivq ehoi tly. FRESII FI-SHl FinnanÇ Iladdieui, Oysýrs MSORNES GRAILATED WIIEAT, (Zat'dI.,) OAT- CONFEUTr i N se 0f Scotch aîîd other manufac tures, will be shortly, on hand, - R.HZ,'JAMESON, DunIdas $.,Whitby. 'Wbitby, Nov, -29, 1871. Osv-48 enig.ect c~Tué isea-rti-2stm made blnxu aqu11dnt. 5hSt omT leContinuea, J 'l 1, - Litllten, as be oai; huamiibanly syei Iuqickly turneil, ce-d bceeii tndnr tho bsI acquainîeuces, ceuld ibOîd'up bis hèad. Thse ctl laieawhduh ht hu ,ahie, tioi-looiiag y otîng jiuuîuu H L. mat net a icca is p.uiel eneqo c cf Ja eoj iit- i tie ctf ay-iig aa lhipeiîîllii anthe HO umc -lîeubs iran stend, a-SoilthLie soau .ofhcuricîga- H* .iie eve i cugisuer It i cmhcuteil by àlc iccurl niziliehutlii-- wf.éels close belut tttanus lm ~ sd Chaels Go:-d n egait ha noter in- West - Te-xsetttatleln itét is in a lok round, tiraî up uis rtns. afild utter qinu, fr hé a-uitne. au âyý- ging mu.,. stock,' from tie eetcaaanpta yal 1 shallîîevar -forget. Theise ,xî la e do e.uh -ca 4av.anlte 49i0iut,- instanît lie %v'as clittgiuig le thee cirriage it comunuced ai sa certain City istili, gîvea Jeor, cxclaiuiing, iîu car-splitîing ace - e libanual Lard - îMo', idcooti îued A littie boy recauschy. préisauteula-n fcents-isti huîyiesnec il;uiniimate de výitîuimeiut ic ienuaticalto) Irumpel, 10obwiicishahe bC..u't' é_ssua .,e ven hlm- ChuasfG'ilrdot, , b ome neoc ,ihe. One uighî, Wi-h h'rt .-.çvi '2igiriieny ctei.-hmnt a-eut iu'ili e î arbgmé:o is %.îi e, ucmu .b-e t ubi hute dand a-atn c oetuipantu cilishe carria-ite 1 reuýogîîizca'i v afuuet-viio is es ,n t a i re, be. ittided tise trurpt ' e h ] é c i s o e i h c l o w a ud c o l l g e c u t u , C h a i - l à m u e en d a - p si t i s l w e j l n ei . 1 G udo d n o i s g r a t i d m à î i e n , B s y i n gZ , ' H a n a 5 n i s u a n t G ortdon, ant i shuaprtty w ife. Tie latter Irçii4ed &a a matision t a i g H gigaîa, îo Ou >o Sl w bo il, 1 pray.1 - I - i a- i. - -- termusi tttegoogtjathl-7KUhauun 1j1nIj1ý '-théIra.îquieta îamlly, . . l., o -.uup.n.. et,4lî n o o r etb- raéd -verll-- ùs for :hey bao inÉ fi, _ - -js eg sîil et t Thair me?,-, oict eiée ir m> iffleczue O ;nt g rn1 - -gest ha i e agruedq.ve<ryabot aid i tempe l~ Theirlij gnuessnixe u ille pai4 contets 49tl 14s tg)jil - n laoh i ptb i iir fot lave eow,-a remndy.y- ieli-,uaweeeatef Mrerîb A eetécfniin pargtis vt, .e n,éailga ces. - Ttàbeks»» wc ni us, aud severa ot 1ai' e ppnthy i lowîag kof j - ,:,ci . î eî a t -a m ô m ' >îi i n 1, - W c.. s e ble 1 -a g 1 p , Ctie in s e n s ib le fo rn o w 4 iî t ib e w a s c a p a b le n i îcst e p cc t. T h é I c ltIl à -a ptî e , i c . 1I Ce~ f w p :. P l e E- î te î l in 1 b o u t f o r l i ; aU W & L k i i g w a it f aût i Utit'tîi iali b b,41lé e1_ I ,1--co_ g i e fi ov oo tam w ale aeldu # à 1 8 io a î s u r g e o n b e i n g , i:c g , - tuafriiîtnedcchaîmwei cc on aunoneal hac prouhuiceal it a hpeles *Nv tné ecu!se!ta 'al Bt ronil'lie unkixownà coutry oltée thy case. -NO Q'a.i,min-iiiania àtIseth at a ie1f dwél Ateidby euotitoy-wiulfet, won.0 a- man iie uîeflyeu dete a bitry b My Ubhiénsend nt) ptdge for bhues Or derigaha Mnnalon:yldnindi uttih ie ut recivewal fgre Thir si iliriîa aves tiie. to'rY tiywould ChaeneoTiscbsrmi'ng ofe guî%t Jerk b in-au yeauisiteck1 ly oUre,. 1411. csubi7 haarvear ouI, s; -ndbcb-kani Til I en iep tem u uy rmasgiu i s:yed te tie sd. h twaa nt. long LU -aca hms et thé ourg man te scat- A ud JIl le w i l n v e r t in t n y f v e r é d H lip s o m in g . ' A f ie r t ise .- e o f a b o li t a n t e r h o ma je e n d ig a c n u a te ly a mo n g y o a . yr! h a n d y n a s autute ii t n e u n e d n.u g h t b o r t e i 8e 1l , y u à Frnttiîueo!d wil,-t wobeul hu' iedyu aau~rmrd i fl irls, vai ree' somé1 ita, ithil,-n b ill î d i e u m ,'C u t m e fo r a i a n a aJa te re st , N o t th .aî l" o w a s z £ e e iY e ly Wit, cge liteMYehldru Ote- qiafed" ain-Dot more then u sux yoen c s Wiiucgu Ucmyoiidrn lai qcfé.sud e sweli I O, Bésie si e 'eu UOr; o sts.bs s m'aeny, goo- But sO maiow, y om a unguearqeai acident, ou d net ave eft you fo r a1il isaa el ,go d 'I e trr e Dotubliugeuuai n ct lau sepea'felo me winature~~b mc p rlitps s e e t e e t i tâ ý ;to rotuii . g o id ha C lifor ulja j! cua I cI oa ithén er stc p p .d - T heépt lon ut , ad h s îo y m y e-en df'ec n i so . d i prL o sp e c 1 o n y k i o w t h a t o m e t r a itti e , e v il a d , bo l d ln a fe w o o d és . H a b a d : he n e-t. . i g i b v e o n .ad gý o o Ile tbeeu . tt w4rk 'ou3oîtér, lSemer -aud stage V pnir ton o telise curete or cathier iu a bauik. Certaiulv of For Ira.;e geltneît saiféno seét ing theatres, aud1#cangaged tné igior- bis tî nt giftt-d wilî iELficieut énérgy ci' N o r f r u i t n s o d u r i o n s , a s t e y i s e a t o b c . . i : e u l t a e o ou a d b U è b - e b a t a c t e r f o r 8 p o fsu .a u . u l t g l lfe r , t hilio v u v e r , M a li n l o v é , p d t e s eM I s l e p s o . bose gond .face sund fine fige 'dclf pruIred ber deit 1 ou. Ih was tise cou..Musica, fnd U o eatry, aiSnd- l.uoe. ac&hte uintiiletiéoh a0oeisenti -, - ~~~from ithe theatre, ever -usé bridgé,e é ud-hntss hNli u ag t Inn;abtt onvrteecr ber oe as fétrong ecoug i tebave - urned wiéiir A Se -Stueue Ra etu e. ~ ' humble homne in Lç-beth, sud: tiste îa tenî o te théi -e r e cîî,-ar;y ts.- )roccalsions, no'dohisi, onstiinîed.the poe * éwe H1oa as ésetfoifrent atý. iîYJ. AiittNS AL. Ofehbis ie. Qe niigis-it as a-Chrst.Bdlo, îHi î I am nt mch givan to dreari y m$ v So6.m seven yeaeré peviosy, atiaeuliseho ther. -ise1 nigst or day, andi pecuatico u- tise - at ie'-tage door 'or ber l au klul ii acryhs esvr isi il;th & o lad' l 'Ys 'a. lu tisacourse oh a fému- meuitis h iîc MY leries of life, apart fr in the eve y d îy ~h digappeared-beeniaeiow edu p tutehbi o d k pe~ bî ie e.liii w o r l d , a r e n fo t m c h l m y w a y , f o r 1 - i n t h e v o n u îx o h L o d o n f e u 7 s un d s i n - m b t ef o n d 0 . Ti ï s y O u n - ' e r , he T beioiig te a professiien - ohieh bnuig"e m ansd thé l0.s înrned hie brain. 1ec ni umsat ahe waor Tb&Ey -bul ofie mi., a z< a i u l c n c e p tio n .; ; b i t I . t îu s t t c o i e :j, im u if ; b u p rk i i m moen, etaîuvtisuJreltistsa ar ufiiî t he by hiée nIO tin scri; , dexe'edks tid vewt fi .hat tisa bridgea oh Londun, t bave aioaye tiieta'eel ab leo Io rwu ie t fOnd 6O fdalit. 11ièe1:nii . t cythipi- at fornie a trange intrut. ten ilb, dts ie h eae el-knwligreceti éuneely,. DLtllOa a Nh tie daythne, wi lletsafun iining brigst -" bri . ldéh a eane ail twIsCI drts rinao vtsn il.c iy, andthe o satele and near et caaîieiess poiicar-- Pu i dgelie - - e .1 U lte" i en e fshow - - agili1 c t i v i t y a r î î n d t e , h e y s e o n c t l e n a t e ye a n n r o tu n d ; b u t ée v r y C h n i a v oe 0 O m a e s éa p ( u t t L e be gaunt'aîîd sadow.y liks betwaan two macla hi@ appeuacce ai tisa ioii-wiJckeu day- beitisa boulsee aitrîILthe meruing, quite differe t Diodes of existence. A t s vera l im s mtis nv ryirg pu ctu e ily and did cu ot reinnra i i thea ev enng , i n i iý h , i n s ut a fo i o e u s n in g l a n d i a n d i a ud a s h ée id n e t r e c r o i s it f o m , t h er o n' f l týi r , t e t ie inter, ortie men coldly ightîuîg p tisa Srry éie lyn quodaw friend tie coi- consternation or-:bals fu> falier aùJ tls. dank surface et thé Styx luke river, viîiu loe ltis bec facbr~ da»tiher. hîuiend of jsuetry iNlié e.ci i te batiks -ehdiîgy truc ture, - nre ii.rcv d p an ti n, ne is- w n " - om . ru eceied a à l att l er by Out ua1 nlthe aby a sligle beauty, the bridges, e no iatîen _utuu o m oea c Otbîo oluci Icrssti i igîe ~ ~ uùacny-ne of thoe adreadt!e haé a u0igrueto i Ivanmesmur- loked ncd made tna <utias itiihey wei-a 'rlîîulao is uiiI ik th ibhbitiit-of cIrtb, iat:tia ay hhieoarCsre o lisaitc. One in parktlc ar, adw h Auid .vetw usel haly andu, dn -tsa YGLLI< gLLiîc lleîs -otitcnt (al was he cçt an)liar inpit-sed Butwhit bu d hie mîn- -y aad thbýi he buppy y unir buta m e very s ro nýgl . - SztîighLt an ti icel as w iîb bis, hig te d lie ? '1T h .t é s ~ goe o 1 B rigisîn for a,f ov dily . a ~awig rous~ ~eriMuly s1mpid i ery îp me, aud, beiug tbe odeicao-a mat Cstla080oot iefuierapci aslk;ever m'ore te ~£ idteue a ) uie uî 'eml-eu .ué le letier, askiu,, ta e l.igivu, tkt ~~muèha~e..snu~ ie4yi.4 0 -logliun-aftrwarue, ùid probably youldaichbamluhîjsfau npung - nfein cuaad~4oaoqîpu~petry, havit'beau .r a dito rçolectiun oh alitnaîll atratives a vebeâse ntil uw, bd I uat marned J isi i 6P *Lbtirha reic.1e- ujl l r n i c e e d b y t h a t i n x o r a l l e ! c h r o ii c ir a e c e u i n o h M s . C h a r l e s - G o r d o n , î% o1h i o , e p ' i e p r o 1f û d 'e c e t - f r o UI p b s f ct,. ef fa c ts , t iie p re s s , li d îit l cue c ti m if - lik a-, g a v e m e th é w o h e érni e c é, O i i i e se n im e n t h e ,d re a d e d , im a gin ation. W lutever t le ali e, that % iic i, ast btey c aiuey a pre îy tigood ls- M n L i itcn, 'ho a lc ti.e d d l- n tl- bridge lwys imireaiFeetme ich aetm- senau Raa toeinblysrngtiiri IhvsgerQi tisé eder M.G.dn eb iu snicholy anti eresîioîi hiciteven ithe talieu thé libonfi iwaitue lto iis ehla iCCiCMiio f' hiig euuapd-i s cuiet'ofhe awecdy icarco.tica failedti tedis- in-, narrative 1 - trow fiisT-zlialy utVLca. d e u . I. s ip a te . 1 h î a ll a v a g u e itji c hio i C a t î t e ii l f I t wits tictti d- tiît t itthe - itel - . Whatdo popIMat fr marri-d hur%" ilt a-ut lvesed .l he tîcvienvlausfor lové. and, 1 preue, gauû Je'cwîj-ýr oe, ,hithonhr.au brricd to tie giosts of tîose ooie oia c-o ad 'yy9ohmw-r-îc uuea.- u P, atgitare Li lleg c .. ~ rmîuiiyucoghi tu gntîcl )li- t iu is bc pertiuauîltly aiked Whaî us tisa natulre- 4u, î~nie N ou, c.hcn-a i h ile wViii, dii 1 tis blaethîi l aiuoé d t enciy -Ail ConicL a fi, i nut Iluiti a-ci. lîniîabii tlove,,îunixgttii t lutit a bieci, 'lunea G idit , - lîiaton, for iaiiuiîbecoion cattteget% liecitsiuin t-ticlile.~ , tenns Wtt nie îîao tli- tlla tien. 1i801î11 lhif tei- ut, ieau the heraidy oh'searte ie Liiuetoîî, épisuvr,- tVtaeen, iu diîcoVered tiat hi tiumy etnt,îeliiilte as oli £ut if band ? .mo .[g lie, youtiu- dc;ijiuile nsigit î-Lut hatijli belief uiîut the liîe w astec in - b fui et lise bre.his olt f tise fnture, theisa n- Gu >8 sy ? 11%saut , si-h t- plhoila laî.htrvun-, iheughe bi 81a-,wAOf lfii-tiht f! elui] or, ypo aI i in stbt-suce thaui tiiesi fci lut j i riy us[ hu e ie xcepti"on tThat baih'g iq creautiug. -admiituýd. utosighut altjo wiîh g'ti.d rnia-on catis humna-ff a-uts a ahicuing 1i N<iit * Peur ft-uuî.i ie wis couliît11ii il) iiu- lie qusii-îir-ied wtut le ovelài?J'li orniouthi I , 1 i lfiici-tenuc- tire [rilli lis plu>t longtg, iml ier ppha iniiaini ainthreod.T~nw Sc-e- ~in erhe la. Sa I1- hall îibl ula i ut lii.s elvinîm1 btaethn e leaécdetlcain oiep-Uo tehle a-i>- ' - i f 1 t cilc th a t 1 ti i e uisait O c o t i i g X e ll d c p î b lilid u ruL s e , a Jti u b i r fu g e l , A J a P ' U t c0 ' ît h e W U y h o d id fo r n hha ~d tureuinuoredevbîut iui-ati lrtîdttii <u, a iti an.-, Inls ébitug, acipied , -oaaiaàJ sslyraccu-neti lu 1lt< - l i t s u c itic s te I i. s p e c îc l d v i iiitjî r , % ' i c l th e g e îit in e u lic ! e ? - D e s n e t p a s s io n a s e . - l e u d o k o f t h e v o u îu . îîuay hiave beat u1'niuchs, l.tdge", Kicthii, ffcnnuently as pnioiciple give tu.fint colmer Auu Id abat of Miorcet ~o-uî on Chic înarid ucitoniti '1B.11.;" but lie ilIglu)lb-a couetracl 7 AàJ*are net t î,bribd isped t, nur.b, acd dcstJ.îî ins lwaiys decortij, and t lime hiketi instincts j osim n fans lîtîsnaJ6i.euidulesevu I., c as scareci as a -hîuiteti cat. 'helIc lae-t tilt(:'MiiYU 1sam itn la-ucon a mccc', ci-uc-h aied a-ruangnesnuht ? In ms-iaga a-:Itsitstussciucaun ht."Sn:s -l ? alcu tinitnai n, ecr uonliu tuti~ gcal plu e, tie huera h amoenaimpor- fr1isih.-s"nyeiniesfq - tî;e nge'ut - homne iii London, cîîîy cîi)atiuîiens. i-1 as haut tclement of ccnsittratiaie tiltise y0ucig eand hlîlîf,.a-a e-m hi-ifi -J i l h fegcged teeied a hIiiiliv nt ia dar iii îîeeuî.TBut hov; mucis ;bat Wle etinay decia iulrless iliaiLithan- . -tcu- place, sout iîhoule' t î iiîcy niche frnuîiguîiîed in tise iseudlciug Vse eoahimpetuo c t iti u.duuquuuna.ly titî;.îriîîueuî towî ; cuti, as I kiiaw fronîît xpeeienca, aine, anîbinkiuig youtîis itCa ei llat*ae.li ileî'u t fi iai llts926e Il d#jg-gzirt . et tisaIif i*niziitite risc Irasluiiittlt, mort)u- hy tise cUIlenuuarreniagas o oh tecc.led 'Culit attiar aise batillhy ccojprehbèilip.-. ing hi luesiplan -tus laitItego'telîui c-Irijen tbet teuaout nnisppiiy 1i1uth ie exîcuut if lien dissapinti edî eari>-, but te iLake saîîinehurocetit rcict X_-1 iltlul an hiî, which i1id by gig la athutro i o n dahéi atiaaian buin lg caiel puulier bict, an -, utd iiuuuin oü %%lihit cigtur oit theiseluruly miteal - thosa wyso leaple ll-cuthiî.ie id l tiîd tuîream e r t-ar hi br-idge, Iluat iras; coir 1loîuud myseif cii o miii Cfliuetilmenit a-us theirt-n yheir, or fhit i luta ai;, wôit.iiy e.rc.r ei -<initici bvcc upîî l ct aradoned as iîule cepticisn ou tie osb itîceci'cf demcui>aür ;but ee5;Êù - 0 o i a î c , x c îl î î g i i c î g t h e c n ) i î i ii u i î u l C id o f j e c a e to h m h î V a r , i n t e n e l o v e , p i c u i r n o a s h o a v e s g e d . ( a p . ~ a 1 1 i : *the sason Witt)îuîy îcîîîiailtuae, tic t he itifond -flutteielo f chte eui, t.n-tî-p i,,,th, buîtner hui[, >eK toi] clletr. lic 'tiauSs h-îintîisy ehcis boiteaimnynn0 eol lto -iuu. pp-aOcloeti teai Olilo ee sl~ky, Sui h eeu ie: nnai I lit tan er ucû uS. ieupe a ()ilitiee ou -m aiimpOiu .r o ei  uaeu~s slink . bu 1 so n t!irnii ibl, in te( - 1it iii l-iià it iiiie ie. à.â bé 1. $TYLE, CHRISTMAS

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