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Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jan 1872, p. 2

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bmi.61.s Was*m-fýWuk Powell A»ýlM eti ng- W I W . 0110 ofra.s to.k1 &a., theprop.rty ' of SMv. Tho@, 3ovtop, $04 lot 82, 9th, .ont .Wf&itb rnada ck.40 ONLY 8150 CENTS A YTÉ iVIbTkursday, .January 49 1872 - Tise sixteentis ysar ef To. Wuatv eCusieLscomueuces vils ibis Ijue.- Loolleg lisk aIs vsa sborî urne fh seeu1 Adyesî boy eveutiel I Tru enda-trlsd -frieudi cr fflWse jean aego h oir màny have goueto r"Tisat bounue iseuce no tvlravoîle n e.1 To ocil! tiss U ito necollecîlon vould InAssA awaken sud memoriet. -James Rovo, Donald Moray, Dr.,. Hau, Normsan Hiw., Alexander MPbersono Joisn Dow, -John Wslab, Robsert Rsebgrdsqp, John - prowfk Col, - Yroomus-end, &aus Iuca- -m"ni more cf tise boat issu ôf their day.ý AnA before tiisvolume la cempleld isc vili thesiauce stand ? Hcv mauy more May ho.-addid te tise sad long ilîtWho, ilu iéitiating Volume Seveiteont' Mar- net have te adA tise prest- vnilor' Dames? Change$ i1surs enoqugh s vend Pf change. ' But se should not\ave boeu tompted to dvehi enpos tise Peut.; tise- Future-tise * iscpef*l future - should riser b.o or tisem .-AnA jet vise osa forbean dwell. lu;gciý fitteoene of-fifellime. sud cali log tO minA tise boudreds, cf @ventfal- evenli oounected with tise honorsabls uames ve bave zqeutionod I Deriug IseoensUiug jaotvexpeot 10 b. enubisd to curry oheui.pnemis.d an- m agemene for the enlangeusent cf Tue CEaIao1Loe, tO e Iresvshave h3retofare zeferred. With a larger ticed shoot, ansd lacroeed spue for reudin; malter, voe hope to ho ae Iste Adimore justice te aubaci- bar». As isrtofars, Teus aoaîiîLevIi viii he fcund pnruuiong a thoroghly inde- pendent course; Doct Indoîging in lise *empîy about cf Party, bocans ocf tise sud- -dent cf-a Party Demi, but .,. .eîiug au in- .telilgnt opinion on ail matr? of public ceuseri. To looal mations ithe largeet spaq9s-nt omrtdipossha ba. devoted; sud,. lu inbis respect arrangemetehave SiesnMuaevith eerrespoodelatu.1 i iaett * parts ýë thi eusOny isici, vs tresi,. viii *mel' .Catôssta msti l ei ccspt-' - --able as à local. uevspspsr. GreiUegor - ' , . adon LtVitis mlitlise 'Complimeuntsf tise li.tlv mson, vs (sah al s owour.efforus - . - utise future te b. tise eiterlon bÃŽy whýah- - . i - 'e iS&U edeavor le mei tissoir appu>val. t - Thse Goverumeet. - Tise papens teem vith argumentesud -t- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ pv e esos r nd cenas bto eformation cf 'tise Govorumont. W.eauondisceru ucthing- 1ke au uttosupt at au iuàependent Ã"pinion. Ail- uppeun to-e b. uali by ihe demon of Party strite iu condeming sud snltielsieg escis thr-potting one iu miod cf Gay'& lico.s "iiaTht politiciaen top& bis part Il Wluo nsudlycaîs 10 vus art." -~ Seoct apponte ho tise terrible- bog- bear-cue ide luisîlu; tissuhojb. la- Cone.ratlve; tise cuLer <t Se hou eus. braced-Referm prînciples. Iiis àmotter cf rttetlsdiffsrence te ibe people wviic la viih. It May b. said cf Mr. Sco t- 'F rons virtuels alîli Reta(asre frein vonnal,) - "'ie.r-hhuisted venonsi ahaitt rehoîsîd1 Bo "8 oinc b llgbt betare mankiuud, - " l14>.11tlris prove un isone.%t mid. Ir Ilis lis countiy's eas,, lie fie, *19 Debstnsn S'gensuis te advlitc, * " tlubnlb'd. una'd, lue duos lnsîîart lTisheIsoiot dietates cf hbsIsliesît; -- No otîltlral frovu iso taons, "But l Inhs rirtue pernerere.", - Tîte New Town Coucil, Tise Coaneil fcr 1872 le. t vili ho seen, - a decided improvement upon tisstftise - - - put jear - lu tise addition of secis mon m asMn.r. B. Powell, Major Harper, Thos. Lavier, Chinles King, sud Mn. John Bics eoetii u Sas -gaine.!. Tisoy mire ail n!lSegnt, gond business men,wvsll qealide* te dieusange tise Auties of office - - - asutaaetonhly. TIsCsev 'blocd, vilS bMr. - -- - Greenvocd aetishe seéd of tise Corporation - s Majore, oegit to b.celete givo a good - - - - -aent of. iseif île emieg jean. laocnosqteéenseof Me. Gsrrlilt cnliremsnt from li addtr for tise siorsitj,- -anA the ueoppoeôd eleotion -of the noire anA depuaîy reev, tisevs.uoompuaetivsly - - Vrj lititie ecitemeet over tise resol, if - - s saept tise Ceaire Ward vhore mattora asemed an Indifférenat r for Mn. Pbiîp, i - - sd. sou~varj e tuesa sangunce egpeota tilcele sudle bs .defes. luail tise -«ords candidates wov ersmm..! vIeneyer lntendd gola te tise polil buvisas. -nom«. oeitrary t-n their ovo .zpnss.eA r --v1la yere talud ou tise polilboe. - - -- 3vribic paeeed off in tise Moat qui« - . ud, ord4nlymauaner#,uas la mar a th ie good love cf Wiby, ua ' Basehé sgénral r ' .»o lean w a isaI vo alroidj prediotedlal tbIses oloua-a mors efficenet Council, Plczuaîxe -McLrtuuL Bozuwr.- Tisoenua i stisg of tise -PiÏkoieg Agnielnhnns ocletj cli b.hsl.!a u iseh Iove boil, Bivugissmi ou Fnidql Jsuuary 121- IWist eon0 i4ock. péssible finie t0 .fe-preest danger of UrN 9mfls oWuu d hiffo SIL . A tMSU Ête engine-fas t oàce th,@ e bst oe moât eoo.kaul , 1111 oet a litl,ore f*1 Ont:, ut inatheensd Ih 111 b. (coud tise 6110444% 94e tlI asth@.boit. A'Z..dcité ou bus promurod 1cr àU,#O0, sud Town' debeôîuroa-: ancing ofer Ivent, Jolis vonld, ve aie 1asursd, b. ccspted le psymeaî. With -ample ak". cari, .ind sv.ry apparaus, purisaps thse groos suet *would sas op $4,0W, .This .xtsudod ovr a periol.c ( îvenly jesisvoold mate ltipeoreeptibli ditereuce o uîlepoisset rate of tîazsîi O~f courue lt mal bu nrged tisa: lsh& eeare higis as lbsy uov' etandy sud tfisýpeople are net preparsd te bear su, additlonai bordons. Busthlie good eld adage cf 46 SU oue cf praveli- iaotlve Io botter tisnu s pgolnd of cnrs"o ebould b. borne le minA. shonlA a fire . noapplly.break eut, sand -end in ths den. tractlan-of thonsande cf dolers of valua- blé proiserty, It vould b. ail toc lute for people toblame tior owu vaut- of fors tbeegisi. Late evenîs sisould iunlise terrbloeaisaracter of tissir desîrnotlvo0noss serve uas avurning. The subjoot of the rovel of tise Concil Chausserp, sud tise office, cf the Town Clork sud Treasurer to a more -central location, ;hors ail th. ratopayers yull b. botter convsnienced ce need noc stop to dwell upon. Alisuugh v e are sorri Io have to admit tisai vo iavo urged ita importance viisout *ay adequate re. suit. Iu tiss as volt as the duty cf tise Concil to retnove tise Town sosIes to s more centraîly COnvenient location tissu et tise far avay place called tise Town hall, vs trust vo yl be botter seiconded by the more Intelligent gentlemen composiag the Corporation of lise jear 1872. Tise subject cf sid fis matnufaeturea ia oue that vs bave frequently presented lu thee- coclmus, Il should mot itis tise serious conaidoraticu cf the Concil, sud ta h voe shal[ sddreas ourselvea more et lougtis ln future columns. Thse Parllauuentsari ZElctîcas. WEST DuaiAn.-Mr. Macleod, "ap- porter ai tise Gcverumsul, bus been elocced by acclamation. Pascscoi.- Mn. Hamsilton, Coservutive, visa vas unsate.! et tise late trial, ws. ne-elocte-d by acclamation. Mn.f1auil- ton bu preuslsed toi gir. tise Gave remens a fair trial, on tise undenstandiug that Mn. Scott accepte.! office as a Coîserrative.- iaiagain boin electod bya large major- .ty çvsrDso'îey, tise Governsn candi- daté. - 1as.EDavl.-Mr. MoCuialg, Ceni- sonistve, boas dofete.! Mn. Stiier, tise- lat4ïmmbbà duiAGovstvnstsupporter, WBSeT ?sre..-"Atishe Dominatiion ,for W*8t Tc Ïcit-iý'oDe i'ooday Iu,Âty' Gi.Cotan mn bipr or oeswAre a.oin.ted bii!%11dmiw.o pose Mn. Àauor-llthcug-fulli reternushavo net jet beonci "evi up ta tiseisoun of golug g0 prouo eteiliiibelievol isai Mr. Mouck la eiected. NOwrH SSinoo.--Tbe polling-lu Nortis Simce teeS pisce te day (Wednesday.) Mn. Ardagli, tise foruer. membisa, Inde. peudent, aA D.Ramsay, 'Goysnîament, are tise canddtî Exanaluallea of Teachers. Tise hsifà1sarly sxamiàutie)n cf teacis- @rÉ coder lise novAct tocis place ic iseb Wiitby Higis Scisool, cammsricing on iSîS Decamiser sst sund contiouiug for tva veks. Tise euxaminera preseet vone R[iv. Dr. Tiseruton, Rer. Mn. MacCleDnus, Mn. MýcBrien, County Inspecter, isnd Mn. G.T. 8Sîi, InApeeior of tise lavîf sciools.- Tîventy.faur candidates preseute.! tiscussives fan examinatian ion tiird- clais certificstos, nineteen étf vhcm vene succeeasstu. Pire preseute.! tiseusoîres for second,,cîass certidesates, ail corvisou saueeded ;l anA one oandi date via up ion firet..cl1oes, -vitb is e osait r omraine ta be seen, us tise pupers have te Se exiamine.!1 hy tse CepnaI Board cf Ex*îminera, visa examine the first .clus papers cf sU can- didates in t he Province. _ Tise exsusiuation vu net se evere as tise lait, sud-tise candidate. appeare.! ta endensîso.! tise vcri requined botter: cefl- sequently tise. suudiug ls mucisigier- W. gire below. tise natuos, clauses, au.! grades atphabtiosllj arrsuged s - SecobCi.asis. -Grade A.-Jobs!sP. Balfour$ W. S ît.. Grade B.-mlie.Berna, Mise.' Hicise Mi#«sè F. Wce'dliouse. TÉiRis CLsS.- Grade .-C. F. Col. lins, Joli-sMcMunnciy, Gec. W&¶d. 1Grade [-JenCollin, S. Uerr, -Jas. M. Lavrence, Levi Lupp, P. Pugis. -grade III.-Arnold! Bresiscun, Henry Clonke, Alex. Hardy. SanshLuise, Allen .MeLsini W. C. P'arishill, W. Il.-Rose aund ýNsucy Tiscrue. -Grade 1V.-Msry Anu Brown.. Ptt.Âdeo4teoctire fine oecornod near Mynîle en Fridwyeecein; lut, by visicis tise barnna, sheo$s sud stsriw utuoke belcu;- lu; te Mn. Dauby vers £oWsiy destncycd. Tise la, ce eadena.W, lei'ea n sd tisere asueoossce. Tise Ire le sup- peasA le bave beu sisork oetàau luos- dlany, s. "Aînatw SacseSnear thse lam wva lirsi discevened Ie -@.nlunes. FatLOi.ev' rropneanI3t&%.ai . F o- love- visSes us te statse te ho.bssne Suthenlzed agenît. bottîit bus Hypophos p~hIteîs y bo aisainsal- QtalI nespectable- DregglstA and! Aptaeariss at bis peua ~ITisetHuston, 8eeý, " R. WhIlis3, S.»D. id W. foslvorly, J. D. 1, ..A.OCarson,DO 0 J. Deverill lvrs '44Wdà. Tbompson "A. Andirson, 1L G. »John Tule, Tyler. 6S G. Y. Smiths, >. inaceCou. "Jus. WbiÏ, ) STisi ein oe, tise broîhrevon ador tis cisarge cëf tise Junior Wsrion, s1djoe'rned- rons labor to -o eimns ouin reput via provided lu the sute.room, sud mucis cordiaUty sud brotberly. feeling provalied., Nearly ifty cf tise craf: asaom- bled ou tise occusléo.- The amsui tomate were givon -sud recoivod vs iue Xàonic hesrtineaa; tise W. M. fiiling tho douies, cf tlis, chair. Tcwxaex i rWuintE.-J. B. Biokel, reevey John Tveedie, dsputy reove iB F. Campbsell, Jos. Burroughs and M. Me. R.ca- Adaus Gordon, vo.?.; Noas Bates, and James Hoiman, deputy reevea; C. H. Mead sud David Purldy, councillors. TB3or.-Chas. Robinson, noeve; Jas. Camerone Augus McKay. Oso. Proctor, sud D. Ross, couuciliors. - Bitoosu. John Hall Thompacu, M. P., reeve, Goo. Shire, deputy ; T. Amey, A. Sbire and G. Horu, counciliors. Piczenîeciv.-T. P. White, roovo; John Miller su d S. K. Browu, dep»ity reeves S. J., Green sud - Palmer, councillors. Town or Waîvav,.-J. Hatuer Greeu- veod, mayor ; T; H. MoMilîsu, rer.; M. 0: Donossu, *deputyt councilloraB- Norths yard, N. Ray, J. B Powell, Major Harper; Centre yard, Thos. Lavler, C. Kiug, sud D. Botte: Souiji!yard, John Blow? Daniel Cameroue sud F. Clark. OsuÂiw.-Tise old'connclil vasre-el. ected. Pusv Puesaa.-Jcseph Bigelc,resve; A. N. Sextcu ,Jeisn Piillippa, sud - toncillors. ' -Naaeev Esoai'z.-Ts« flue blocks of buildiugs--Gn Brocis St., ln ibis tavu, and kuovu ai the McPissnsau BlocIk, narrovîy escupe.! destructionfroua ire ou Saturday nigbt lait.--A fire oiiginale.!lu tise rocus occupied by a jaung man, visa at tise lime vas absout, and az largoeisole borut inthec floban A ycung msan viso occupie.! roome lu tise sausobuilding iscovare.! th isames, broke luto tise rocus, anA by ii timei y assistance tise dames vene suisdoed, Scions any groat damaîge vas doue. SOIcEAND siCaataea.-Tbumusn cf tise»Union Snnday Scisool 'oi Green- Wood, vill hold their annuial soiree ausd cancers in tise Orange hall, Greenwcod, ibis (Tbaodsy> fiternocn sud ereuiug. - Local rNcWl. rnviu ,tqul1, 2 .Am 1ll"s aise Arkland and ilaggle iS.Ç chose , yet chose the brigbtsst gem- 0,bai.:c6oLeuc- Tiesobuof heroec, (world ei) es Slilçb 2 9Mary IlcAl- Lorn et heir cf Mecallu-MoreI !orus-l A. Ooutiard, 2- 0 f ueventy on- f nyears Io-ni hence,- Îýobadoï 4 X. ElIrin sud Itwill b. told how near the Pritito-, IV Fcru-i1- Fanny.Woodtoo, 2 Lau- ra'Beall, 8 M. MoAllayti, 4 SwiLuko. French opsto-l-omlM Rtlose, 2A. Coultiard, 8-F. srýinig, 4 1LElwiu., t . LV Form--1 M. -cJn2J !lb En~ias Cmpaitcn.jiU'rm-l -M. Pringle astdF.arng.u, 2 M. Rob- Bonn, 8 W.Çret snd ERtsa eqaal. -i IFori-r O. ~uu,.~~B.LuIse, 8 F. Wcodbousc, sudM.pAj1cp, quel. 'GeOeory- I orp-4 i 'W Crons F. Brewi,- 8 -B. Morris.4 F. Higgino*.' IV Form-1 O. Ycqpg, I2 Win. Serti tors, 8 A.Grat...~ .j Algebr-lZ Formuý.b*výhiÏn B-i L Arkindiud . C~Olis&d, al,2 Eliza- beth Joiinstou sud-A. Àlin~, equal, 8 bM Dlvk'oion A-1 Wtu Cfn, 2 N. Elvin, 8 E, RosbArithmie ic-41IlIFeti-i C. Cooke, 2 L. Arkla4d aud F. Marling, equal, 8 M. Roboon ànd N. Elvin, equal.- IV Porm-1 F. Woedhous, 2 O.Younug 3 L. Beail sud A'. Grant, equel. - Naturel Phiîosophy-1 F. Woodhose, 1 O.- Young, 8, L. Bel, 4 J. Canton. I1o(ay-1 F. Woodhose, 2 M. Me- Allen, 8 L..Beill. Anct- History-1 S. Luke, 2 F. Wood- bouse, 8 J. Canton. . Geography-1 Laura Beall, 2 F.- Woodhouse, 8 M. Spoulliug, 4 F. Marl- ing. Moderj*Hitr-111. Form-1 M. Robson,*2 Elvin, 8 M. -Pherrell, 4 F Marliug IV. teorni-i_. Luke, 2 M. MoAllan, 3 P. Woodh*ouse afid J. Canton eqiiol. . Ancient 1Geogapiy-1 A,, Grant, 2 0. Young,- -Euiglish Éiterature-1 F. Woodisouse, 2 S. Luke, 8 AI. MrAllan, 4 L. Bettîl. Mlap-draing-1 Win Cron, 2 M. Ale- Allen sud L. Beail equail, 8 Eliz, John- ston sud Erlz. Ross equal. Eauîes-'Rer. W. D. Ballentyue, B.A., G. Y. Siiiitii, Esq., LL. R, S. A. Marlinug. M. A., J. E. Bry'ant and Septi- mas Lobb. The Wcek of Pritycna. Union Service vilI b. heîd la this tevu during tise week comostncing on Monday, Jan. Suis, as follovu :. Monday - Canada Preabyterian Cisorcis. ,Tusday-Congreasionai Clius-eL. Wedesd'y-r.,Andrew's Cisurcis. Tbrdy-WYesleyan Methodiet Churcis. Friday- Canada P. Cisurcis, Services to commence ai 7.30 p.m. Those are tise toiios suggssted by the Evangelical Alliance as sutibîs for ex- hortitîcu sud prayer.__ îStanday, Jan. 7. - Susuous: oj< Tise faits once dslirared to tiéseasinwlea universel sud sverlastiug b? 0! noni tise Christian Churéis. The, dnîy onlils defonce sud extensiona bindiu'ou aIl be- lievers Monday, J.an. 8.-TàiaGovsrNG God'a 14unapsakabe gifu"7 ; for merdieé, prqnal and relatjve ;for national mer- cîes"l-.foîtishe maintenance sud restoretin cf- peace, sud for prsen.tinn fraus The rongis ai Oshaws, sud especially ton merdies Io'tise Christian Cisurei eue Tommy Knox, une a source cf- truble frtepogsao hiIt~ ingdous bis tho peacable ,eaidents. sud i-be useîniness cf tise O tien. Min- isbry. - Tise jury on tise iniquesi bel.! ou tise Tueday ,TJan. 9: HUMILIATION : For body oi Sqrabhonatîe, wviss.suddau deatis pensonsal sud national sinsi veakuesa of vias unnouuced lu our tast, returue.! m faits, disohedience and vanidiness in tise -erdicstishat aise dîinl a fl.t -Cisurcis. Acknovledgments oi Diveine Sirice a woad Inspecter ha. been 5p. jodgusaaiis, confessiaoncfonfiuh)itbuness, poinied, tise loau.!.of Wood brouglisinlufon an.! prayer for tise revirai ni religian as in sale couhain a full car.!,- not three.quantens putai, rne. s funuserly. Wednesda3t, J-an. I0,-Pass <in. Miduigistmass qwas celebrate. lu tise tercessnry) : 'or fasnilics ; for tise sousý Roman Csîisolid Churcis on (jhristmu an.! dangiters oi Christiau parents ai home eve. Tise chunni s ve caomale.! iy an.! in otisor landes ; auso for tisose atz ail denominatians. '-Tiseinuide vas bru. sciool, callegessndudnuirersities ; an.!ion- lisnily ligisie.! sud decorate.!. ail entering npan comhrcial or proieugo.- Tisa Reformer bas a norel ides,%i n eal dues i on tise increase ai spirituel- tsrlarding uts editoriisa itis 6 puRs a«nýidlufe au tisas w'ic couls Chriat ; -for thsÉ tise reeaden is greatly nelieve.! by tise cconversion cf tise unconrerue.! ansd ion aparlaliug vit ai tise specials--visen cain- tise ssntifyiug ci afflictinux bots to parents panedw ib ho "àoriginal " srticies. sud cisilren. Tise Tempersuce iaucy fir nbel.! on Thursday, Jan. Il-Patit a inter- Tuesdisy, Wednesdsy au.! Tiursday lait d5550ry) -For Linge sud aitlà tII ority wus very successfnl. for nations, especîaily ibese recently visit- »zÀ,gair?.e.! vutiste calamintes o! wâe ; fan tise sgAveTata. . . . prevalonce af, pence lu tise conncils of A largo voîf vas eeu n luthe vsctsty taiesmen -,tfor nîgiteousuetîs, isesny, oi tise village recently, but vis not -and goadwill ausong ail dlassea ; for tlle A hot. ibtr iq'rtei t i oe spnead ai sound isnovlsdge, an.! fan God'a A prisiiiay lquo Ia lata . rtedbiesin; upon special effor1sý ta resisu ou isy tise rehepayenîcof Tisaonacitise Sti tise progrescf infl.!elity, Superstition, ilit. inteuspersoce, sud ouhen Snds cfi mmmcm- On Friday vseek lest a maulder lu alityr. the Beeverton P.eodry vas painfuslly isora- Fidayi, Jans. 12. -Paàres (ilibercea- ed about tise face, b7 cindens. . sony) s' For tise Christian Cisurcis ; for Prom tise Seginunng ef lis, e nov ean, bishopi, preibyters, pastons on.! Abiision- tiser. vý iii be a daily mail boîveesu Orilis arias for transistors of tise Hoiy Scrip. sud *arertn. -tures loto vanieus tangues ; ion office bearers, an.! ion cousmittees, socîetiss,ý Tîieed, bovin; "geot îired cf Seing aud anthors eugaged in Christian bunddasd barras..!,' bas resigusd bis voris. position ausà Cousuiosionen -cf Public Saiurdup, 'Jan. 13.-Paast-t For a Works, and as a Dinectan ef tiseBEio Rail, langer autpouring of tise Holy Spirit; for wîy. Keep it op, willigo 1, yen have a tise inoeofc Christian lore sud -haly gond deal more ta reaigu before Ion gsi zeal, an.!tise union aif belieers in prayer ibrougti club the business, sndeèffort ci God'a glory. *si S9undayu, Jan. l4.-Szstmstaae "Tis EHzA&i-iRam 'Srvosxs-Sau- Fnancidco, iingdous corne, Tisy vii! be dune on' sans Dec. 3I..-Tbe'tomlu Californie, One-as. it 1. -doue in ieare." (Mst. vi. 19.) gon sud Nevada, i. unabuted. lu la nin- - ing aimcnt incesssnlly sud tise rivens une Tiu Oirao AIàD CAmEOitDOS BoàT evoryvisore oveiflowing. Mails, telegnoph,, Râcz.-Tseneev presideutntisehéOxford an.! travel ans iuierupted. LUiversity Boi-Club (Mn. R. W. Lsslsy, Lares. - Tios torin is abaîing, sud tiseetf Pembraise Collage), bs despatcise.!tise vieyand country are genslly floode..challenge i)iattoierfie u Ca1 - ~ ~ - bridg'e Bn J . Golie, àf L- Jabn's) -,~IOt4ANv.A dsacs(a arvtis enuai eight.nar cutter race SnFrsocisoy date.! Dec. 29uis, saje Ithat a s ual on tise Thu.mes lu tis prnu, sud a parsy cf.anme.! sud dis4cised msa ibis in a tev deysawva my oxpeet bp viii re- soruiug euot t eBate Çreck leve., -nreur ceive s satisiactoiy ieplyfrous Cambridge,. Msrysvilis. Fise- bs re!feet) cf tise wviibu beon endonatocd for some imp levâe s a,ebeen voiLe.! soay, sud a large put, bave culy bemu vs ltiug for Oxford setion oi counjyfloode. .It ia feise!-agiate to wdovu tho gaunatlet. Tise <basth is iisj of Manjavilie viii be inàu. Axtije fer tise pepolar evetost sof date&! . course at prescrit r emain lu aboj*nce, bût - -s-s-.~---- o udorstiud it vili met likely b. eu Tac. FuNssor' Waa.s. .-London,Ja, W8urdal tise 23rd oet Mreits li 2(2 p. us.) --Tb unooa bulletin lieu Bond- cf lLitary, or Leu;, Tontus at Oxford. inghiou reports that t4et Prince &top&voi Tise tse preidenîs bar, long alose coin. lest oigbit sud continues ileiyil te ira. ýnanced tîiug tise ueW oani..n he.» 1rore. Tb& Queen andl Prnce Lepotd hou s'ÃŽcae lto - veilaïn1w tlinc l'it vua uinuewullsre-mngiauu-s prido.. Came te death'a door, and ail bât died -1 'Tvsseventy-oeotiasa8w Lise kuses, .5aw Mn. 'Grimes sud Mrs. Gatp,- (Wishose fathers once or bogts did vamp,) Trip ligbtly toe isci measur'd bar Befere tise 8ec0of tise Czar 1 'Twas Sevettcy-one, in tenror dire,' Witnessd thelgreat Chicago firo, And sa'ee rreat, fan and Wide Devastatsd un evesy sid. - 'Twu Sevetsty eue-'(al.ter long ycsrs,). Wben -Wiitby isailed,, witb- tbricc tbr ce- « cheers, - The fiery horsê,,go pra nci ug fo rth And Wbity hÉaii ber Railwayporth. 'Tvns Scventy-oine that sa'w cor .',àes Gýark-fifl1theecivie chair ; And, vers be net adrie'd'il, Penhepe tchat ho vouîd 61i It aill, Bot now thse Tovn vil! uerry be, And prospan 'nesttihie GlE NwoëDs ires. 'Tvas Sevantycune, vitis unucis vexation, That 6lo4'd theuI Patent Combination. Saw Bit4 s withoutt a party nsind, And S ndfleld scarco an Ilaxe to Sav Goi erunicnt Party fersake, Ahsd Bla le à Coalition moka I O1d ý hitby tbnre ln. eeventy-oue- The Conerthoen mas bulltupon- And Yule, Gernie, Ricisarctaon aud Wal- lice, Built buildings equai te a palace. i And Murphy wîth s dwelliîîg fine,î Ont of muet others took tise siaine. In'Sqronty-one, vitis baste sud grae Did Mss. Knovling seek bsr place, And everytiig tise vonld oder, Site sell.;at et r nics fency store. But nov thua it us puset andl gone, We'lt bid adieu to Seventy-eîse, And! liaîIit ihcheers, asa ve ouglit te do,'- Tisa Élad New Ycar of Sevanty- tva. Tis then by rail, blitisosome sud unerry, WVe'Ii- thunder nortb col nice Punt Pery- Iu Pulltman cars, cden roadesud bifidkes, And scorco a stop et Rai' igs We'll travel, without a mietake, To Huron frons Ontant-uî?s'ýLake i--' .Prosperity,&9o--and în'butnd~ W*itls pleuty tisrongh aur fertile lard, Au.! progres itis adreucetent nuko Ontario ceunty a! tho Lake - And Wluitby hlod its ol.! renovu,1 lu Canada tise faireet tuvu ; An.! etill tise Carrier Boy axcel, *Whso b rings to yen Tute CuRNtcLE.i OtYTIAGE AT ROCItE5TEII-TuE MiLiTA ty FaselesONTHE MoB.-A despatcis mcm lRa- chiester, N. Y., dated Jannary 2ud, sys thett On Sat urdiil' last a negro 25 yaars of age, idecoyed à littlo girl named Ocis, (en ycors noflige, jin hue urominaus just oit- sida of the city sud there comuitled a terrible outrage opon her. lHe avidently intend.! bkilt ber, strikit)' ber on the face w itis h% fat Sise-wandere.! mb tise tuv 'Of.lBrighton, heving tb cross en tise ice, of',tisa Canal river andi feeder ta do so. She sclugist refuge in a bouiie vbauriter conditiont vas îîteartaiteed and word snt to tise police. Tise girl gavé sncb a des i cription oethtie scoutinel as ta aîîuîble tisa poli1ce to suspect wiso ho vus aund lie ws capturad thi snring et tise botcs of- n r*lu'.ive in tisa towsn et Penficîti. lie vos et ofice brouglît toe s city end tekeiî before ilise girl, wiso ideutifiad Min. Thie peopîstuiitale aitateîtîpt te lynch it su, butë tha piulice longlît thuein off. using theira revolvers iu duiug so. TIse girl is in.- a precaninne condition.. Tise. exciteitent ovar the a flair les greuit, sud thîreats are fraaly mode egainlut tise lue of tisa neýt'o, mhase na is Hloward. The exciteinalît over tise ontrngo in veryý greet tisis forenoont. A tnobof fonr on tira istndned peopta vent te tisejail au.! atti.mptcdl to break ini snd kilt blie p'-iso- ier. Tisay vara fbited by tise slitail and1 police.11 1i LAiTrpIr-Abou 0o'lof ,Visile acrovdl ditectoa of a deforuot bankîug institution may be asëen, vitis tieir coa off', Ibrat- iug bhnudrsds cf tbonsands iiothtic ieate. store. -Tise dinectora deserre onrelit for9 the able manuer in visiis tbey discbarged their da ttes un this occasuon, sud dessroyed tise oca chissbsd symbo la of vealtis ai' cooiy as îisongh tisey oust nooiig. That tbey usay nover &gala be cal.ed upon ta bave a baud ini sncb an ses, is no& ouly or visis buitbtat cf lise acotes oci orptsus Asnd vudeva visa lost theïr saiugs by tise faille.of tise commesrcial.9 Prince Alfouseo, the sou cof ex.Qneeo, esbelia, is founte6n jeans ef age, sud l4 aboutte be*jent -te - ocilge. ila moîb1er bis faits tisat hbu yul je t ba tiséKing cf Faim . I L prepobitîce in râceived vilS (avour J-sue"é ticiputfoct iaiilt miegit rosuIt lu s redueé- lion cf the present exorbitant rate of ta- 16 en câble meyssages. Tise North Shsore Rsilroad (Mnt -site1 Quebe) bas ceaie te grief, .bnd a tise' employés. hve bbé isi lcharged. -Tise IÏanka have refosèd te make any .fir tier advaucos, sud thé entorprisé a.. me oýo sidored S. crusbing. TËhe Gosonismout cf ýB.ritiah Columbia ,d~ites tenders for the consruction cf a gr2ýî iug dock; 450, ft. by ! '0, ttieluterest ou tise 'cosi, neo sxceeding . *000' b~ep~.usrutêd y.twpoujuouGoveru. oeis undél"IIbo lerms, cf ÃœUulb iu a wind etorin a few dae eagoa u oni'psrt cf the roofof a stable wer carried a distanceofetwo bundred yards. InU'IW# sud Uaborue severai bainus ansd other' building& vers nnrcofed. The 'Osbornl Sewiug Machiue,. Trial before purclisate given by tise Guelph 8ewv iug Macinie Company'. Tise Mitchell ,Advocate- Beys isai Mn. Jas. Huston, ni tisat placoe, viile siowiug a grain-cruaber, got 'bis baud caugbit Wu tisa macisine, and befane Se conld bsene - Iesd tise Seul wais almoat samasised tw Tise Peeboroughs Examiner is irate Bt tise iudufl'erence ai tisat tuvu te raivay eutorprise, sud feans biset&ktise folty cf tise -people cf Peterboroughs- may iose ta us tise trade of tise bacis coun- try." 64H1eaiing cu ils viugs," SAY ail wlr bavae made use of Dr. Widtar'i Bolisam î Wild Chserry, and by suais ose heen curetf ni cou &is., coldsitnucbîini, sone tiscoa;-, influnuza or consomnpion. Tise pruded4u viii aIways keep ibis standard nemedy k lu Lake Snperior, a slfnimp reseuwbluinK tise ses sbinmp, -aîîd ontyfouud su mails aer n su Lke Wetten, -Swedeu sn fouàd. Tue isaary of tisa fiîîdiug of tisa fiâ lsu ube Svedîai lalce ils, tise t hwv@s$ais ,mo nais cf tisai species visan Swoden vas- cnvred by tise sua. Tise dnedgiug of Lais. Supenior bas brangisu ic ligisi many aptcies only found bithierto in sait A special to tise New Yorks Worold fnorn London susys :---Alarned ai. Mn., Glatd Stone'@ Repubuican teoàda'noies tis e ouser.a! !vatire section o! tise Libeaai, led îby thes Duke *i Somt.rsee(na -Visaunuat ]Hlifa;ý are saekiug tu iorm a oualition..,vus th IrW'e Tories, fortise perpose . ocf etactiug :bç Rîgisi Hou.,hMr. Bouvre ni aspeaker ni tise Hanse Of COMMOD, nstîead oi tise Rýt -quon. Mr. Heury A.Braiio, ,end tecouseV'iise istiremétusof M.*-Gi.5d-& Stone.i depredatiaus lu Texas, near La Redoa es prarsd in baesbesa committe.! by Kioket- pan laidiena fiaus Mexico, by an effidavlti furnisised to tise Unuited Statea Collecton alieaRedo by gMaxican .olHciIs. Tise commaadaitntis te rerolntiouary forces occu pying tise fron tien tas offened tob-aI ina. a pursuîng party mous Texas te eroos into Mexico ta iollasv and punisis tise Iniana, visa are campêd nean tise barder vitis large quantities of.tise stolsu stock. FiRes1x Conîuuno.-Ahenî 3 o'crocle on Satnrday marniuîg lait a fire brokteont- in a tbrea suary brick building occnpiéià is7 rin.-Cand, sudued as a isoroine! bouse. Tise occupants veeuall tai fine- maen'a batll et tise tume nitise fine breeking- oui. Tse. couanlat'on anon spraad te- isetva adjoning .brick bouses, ans cf r viicis vas occuplecd by Prof. tisyner, of Victoria Colloge, tise oîher by Misa Lean.' anul. -Tiseire bau'geioed snob a isesdvay in tise finit bouse isalone 1h vas diacovred that nothîng vas sure.!. Tise lo,;s vas iseary ou tiaisbuilding,' sit vaë) inaured ion vry lutile. fiit nt lnovu visetier Prufesaor Rsynarla place is insured,-as bu' is awsy, but mos.ofcieisfurnitura a @ared taithoot muais damnage. Miss Lean. sîdte inruiture va al0so ed. Tus A A.aàmA v~LAtM,-A despatois tram London, Juan. 2nd, says :-Thebeie rels fieng t10 lise rumaurs tisaI."lise Uu;ted States vili mois. exisarbitant demeodi be- lons ise Geneva Board fer tise-s iudemnity fan lusses by tise Alabausa and otisen rebel reseels professes to balleea hat Ausenica bas nu sou u îsîint îou, tiatlils main dasîre is ta obtain a public acknoviedgment lisat tise position it tank aundtise reoastraudes it made dnrng aise war vers founde.! ou reoa. Tise 7'mes says it in dosinable- thet no encouragemsent shoni.!lbe giron belligerenus ta ising extravagant c!aiîps akainst usutraîs lfor canatuitrie injuries. T'isa Cologne Gazette assents tisat tise United States dlaim au enonmans amaunt for indeusuity su tisai vissatise dedecuiaus Are made they usey receive a bisdouse ausa. Thsis tise Gazette denoncas as au artfinsd uuvcrtisy brick bus it le nat sorry tbst cnîy tise ivo nations visicis fnrnisbed supplies ta -France durng tise ver vitis Genmsny ares nov siusiianly set by tise of blond, anA al iulng difficulties, It.bas ne equai tbst *vr.ýw@e ivoirerd cf. 1 (Ilip foittiva - TrOWN -scIIooJ.s. WIN TE R TE. L1\11 WILL OoMMrNCg ON 190N D AY, JAN, 8th, 1872. Funotil attendui ie la %iqeoted. i. J. MACDI>NELL, Cîtairînen B'd ofTrue"i. 'Wlittrv, Ja;n. 8, 1372. .' T119 AINNUAL IMEETîNG OP 0F 1 WflliTflY& EAST WVIHTBY UNION AQRICULTJR.AL 99CIETY Will bc heldtt tha Globe- loto), Brooklil, nt. 2, p. in., ot >THURSD4Y, llth INST«;,ý ,For, tise plî.pmssof aleatiîîg qîlilcer,..1und i rosions for the a oxist ýevar, atnd otiier hn..1. nsu in coinetioi'viththe tsSocisuLY. The ,prctdstît. asfleor, sud Direutoru arc rcquestod to nîseet et lot , s.r By ordar ci ths e ialciat. JOHIN WiLlqi8 Wittby, Jsti*. li, 13-,2. Wluitby, Dcc. 27t1t, 1871 T EAC IlE1- W I ficste, for'u-Seictioun >Oeb, VALUÂK FARM FOE Tha llorne8tend - of the E 1re tVirgil, thres ns 1; racooçpi minz It cuittir;inw 0)0 nana... o?-ý vo'tui tonde gz"o roha lay tha Fouîr Mile-Cra.k, vlîicis Cli ttirvuýls hatio c-xcu-i]ebt, vaiul ta-pted te aîusd rootînopie. Tiiei re lots will:lua old lu caponi F'or furthier i.ntioîtar't Saens or'Rot(sr N. Ba.l.- Pet-rIl - 13ÀII. Tlîor.,td, or soit Un Col. Wallaas, W Iitl ..sîuatAY or lier iéo; the boit, iViast, &c lîladeat bssbarid îIat e ver liqved. Her Msjoaty conc1uded' lber lotte, with tise ope that ber fsiihful subjectu vil continue to Pr&Y for thse complet. reoovery of the Prince.,: Ilrequêlot-which ta certain to mei: A MOg.eriîespous.. 1 ÂMURsngamai BÂHNa2Q. -Cyrus Picliard, the mordorer of Ducan MeVasànol, &.r mer, i oa st Nai.uieon Thuràdsy, 28îfi D)àeoi6risnged in thse jailyard, Loudot iu the* preasuce of tise riff, joli officiels, sud about twoutyiouierspeciatorb, conuist. ing of angsrt,~~iscsssd ciizns. This wuà.the first primet exocolilon thesro, *Uýdor îhs Âct-ýf 1.89_ . èprisouer ad- mlted useieuda. ocf bis sentence, and ssid lis~~ rpcîdts diiîcftelaw sud w"s villing sodir for 'the offence.- Wben thse a fl!<.kuot slipped round unde bis jsv, sud ho died isard afier sa feiirful struggie. Ouacof bia arme ai;aslooaened, nd he made frautiaý efforta f0 -seize thse rope by visicish e vas sua'pended in order Io Meesse isimeif. Hie died by sî.rangu- lotion lu about siquarter of su bour.. Lusor À iLussiiN STEÀE.-Thé Russiau steamsbip Kamas, plying ou the Caspian Ses, foundered-iu s terrible gae. Il on board, officera, crev, snd passaeg- ers, wers drowned. These aer sd 1,000,000 roubles in tressure ýon board, viic is a total les,. CN.OLLY ADMITTEU TO BAIL.-New York, Jan. 2.-Ez.Coi trol ler Connolly, viwhaasnov been 1iii Ludlow strej since Nov. *29th, was ye trea-.eles on bail iu one tboussrd dollsird, on encis of tise criminel iudictinents faund' agrains- bim. .Frous tise St. John,. N. B. Gl1obe, vs learn1 ilat; isewev'Brunaiakera are now einjoying-tise- Indie S umtuer ubicis did col pu i B apearancu a% tisensal lime in â.te Fal, - man died st4Wheeling lest weak wlio -.bed nslspt. inside. s houae for sixtesu ..TeEmperr 'nýl EoeRs of Brrzil ,are et. RQme. POWELL-At Broulalin, on t ha 26th- of Den.,j 18711 tise wi<e of Mr.'J. Powell, of tise Globe Hôtel, of a son. MARRIED., ,KELLETT -SHA W - On lise 27it lto>., at is!eresidence of the bride'. moîher, isy the Rerv John C Pomerox, Mr. C. ýC, Kelleti, ta Miss 'Sophia J.- Shaw$ aflul Port Perry* ...l«ha...............L0~ia ý*prinjz, Whent ..... ........ .1.18 CM $1 20 Barley................ lup (m pous...................... 62@ es .110........... o 6ô Pota'aa.... .........84e @ 4a. .. .................. s.@ 4405 .lover eu . . (. 4 - ý 4.V5 .15c... .... .t"2le. pe oz Beef, lîind qr ........ .....5 B' fore qr.............. 4@450 Ctîitcoi............ .... *@ ~ Du-kýA.............. . 58. Pork per cwt......... .....*4.50 (Ba8 ~ii <Zîmlrtig.By throouîkuow.- I;Mdcs ut tfthe itiiral lav, whihclincverrî this opors'înuua of ctiageetlil îand l rition, andl by ,M elirefiîl îîpplicntion of thie instropertleq 0f vvetl-,%,eeted ae'ena, Mr. 1E-'pe h-ie cîrciaided our bre:itçfîwot table, vitt. e,deliaîlv fiîîvotired barerluce whiplh nlv vaeîîu i-ne în y lienvy ..îmuly vitti Roitjuuw --jiter or Ntilk- t(îd pluîc1et lla hld-îJÀvcEA Iepffl & Coa., Uoîio- oep:lo t Ci-nîiieua Lnîudoffi.' M,.o. niaktera t Epp'a Mitky Coco& s (ca uîmd coitdsuueedl 'lRAVELLEltMç'GUIDE. Tritim.Prer 0. T. Railway-, teuve wVIiby Nfation O'î,.n tailu, 7.15 a.mi. ; Local.'7 21 pan, Mî,ueit 25( p.. ttNC WIITLfl'ft.8.10 ,.m. ;Exprea,. 10.15 a m.; I1-'Fres ot. OtSpan. ; Mixed. 5 10 p. in. * l'he trejîla run i*Iiistrel lime. wtllit la2.1 min aie&s rijier Itotîl iVtîîtr ltme.1 1 %latnic1c-a i the whiîîy Pt'oOffice. as ft*1mwt: 4" '44 INEFOU SA A qlturltii3 Il fPitua iii tha Inca-Sei 0flot Nu.31, fai 01 ikrt. Apply'ta o T Or to -t. A. Poe Yorkville, P Wsitby, Nov. 27tis, 167. -îLm lm1 THE WORt F-0R S ALE. '"'I i léct, lad eot wai ngtt.1iand ;ii putr lasersq. lion fonCtier partionlairs apply te *tus tors, - - 11-' , WORI)ltN -& hAUT,. Or to JACOB IJAFOI Uxhboidjre, DW .20, 1871.- N <T ICOSis heralsy giren thît- Ntneetiiid, uthrtinolîsulders ni Part Wbîtby & Pont Penny 1 -Compnpoy, - vili be lielti oin 1EINE.'IDAIY. tus nt ýJA NUA R V, A..D1). 1k72 st byeo 0 ut a tIse Scnsetary'î oilico. li th W lu'thy, fuQr tut purpose of cloatitg. nact.1rx fer tlseensuin9asg yUA ssrequis Act iiceorporaihsîg the malal Conespao - r -- t,, -- -r I L -1 -i t i - I - I rso ar C. tri. itnu. ~4 a I -i CAUI 'i'snrTin: blov fin r LY.IAN ELLIOTI' & Co - To1. le- ez-A lto tis a dice;<if Wisiîliy uîtîd vîiiniy, f libanal pîtroneco, lijiae thea olîpîriiitt tonîiuîiig -tcî tIIe.tit cme ha, r- mIÂ Dniuaar'Maki tugaud. Mait ta-nîaking Apai - - over - - IlIR. SINNERPS ST-4J viiteneas Istitino, iste lm preparei to i uiti asacuitie: lordeana vith puneiatil Au'tRENTICES IVATED, ta les Di'aat-niakîing. Whitby, Dée. 12, 1871, 1SEfi

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