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Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jan 1872, p. 3

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Furnituro fôr Nôthingi Parti eu -maki ng, purobases at the ç,sta'bih- ment cof the underaigned - Up' to he First day Of Januar nxt, * WiII receive prellent% A=Gcrdifig to- the amount bouglit by them, geo ya: U». p to $25;- $2 50;-,$50- tô $75-..$Ã" -tii te $100-$10 ; snd for largeÃŽ NQw-ia the Mine to embrwce the o-oftif estgfr- tho..Igigeat stock In th0 Oounty, ofoldebeIdsting fromt c tbe ssofas, chairs, bdrooM sets, &Q.,and .11 ol theboibt quil ity and manufacture. Whitby, Dec. l2th, 1871. The-ouly first clats establhmment fin he C.ounit, beýre'r- ais are tfally supplied. FLORAL GUID ]PUR 1872à. Tu i, rAt elion eof v.'Hnrod Thons- andi oopi01s jnat pubiied. It it% logsntly riutod on oe intod pAper 1 lu îwiscoierg. An sud,1ntrited whliiover l'tue hluîudroul Xu«ravings of Flowsrs sund Veettabtos%. and Tv> ceint d liatu9. 'The mst -bemotltiu aid lnstructlys ,tasloun,îud irilGunide lit the worll-112 piîgefi. oglvinirthorotsý4 directions for- the cultuoe of Ployert; nul Veg.tasbia, orhameuflug -grounds, uîdklug wlke, &o. A Chrltmils prleeuf*for My cutoitiers, -* but forwardod te stuy wio apriiv hy mail," for Tonl Cents, o»ly oiieequaterorti. cq.. Addronss A ISVICJC, - ~ lC5ta5ttN. Y. *.Dcmbor 9th, 187 1. 81 *W.,-H. EVAINS, M. B. P HYsICJ-A f, 8uUIlaGE oN, &C. OvtgFTtfloor Gr~ Bok. Wbtby, Nov. 7th, 1871.. ôm-46 IjNClIANCERY. ]BUNS vis$ BURNS. Tu piir-uatteofo ut sDcrée.cf tihéCourt et' chsuOrr, ii. ln tii. shtové caume, witu t'hob aîurbtlnnof (iODr4Cl, . iartliîcll,'Eeuqur, lisstr lt%lsCourt, ylhslub l hy Publie Secotion aBtRotmsinn's Iletel, lui the 'revu cf Wlîliiîy. ai l oock lu tîteforoucon, cf 'fdodoy, the OiLh dayàf 3nifsY, 1872. AvFara Jo% r., KAu.îieeor, the Pcuth k4irý, f te p%"rliha i t Ntô o27, 11 the. yth onnessli ofi 1.thoe owuliip ef-WiÃŽt1,y, exoptig tIsnreet ithes uouli wf oit tunsea;ci thé gald.îiouth blait', cutaiiliig tl.y adulnrcure- moqi, 4orty sora,ito thue aime wotre or les,- thIcteansd folicod, sudý n ng about W'dfeci hy -80 leet ; 8sso,a piôee.esut.t talle, asud aa wi of gocul s 4r ndKgeoil orCliard.ý à4e.,.l.t-1, 1whiclî la Or a rlch eday &,A rtthe.. l.Toiuwnî et Wlctbyi about laoupy dyusmil".im e "I#e té t l Ven a, uir s i itlte, lu b'le F~Proportion,* Of'$10 for Over>' $100 n thpti lm 'piriaa moliev, Snd the balanceéIlu 010 ~'jonth tliertsftcur, vitîseut hitereit,lliturtnl, to tho oeredit cf t1-luis0c-use,. Tue 10purelolumr rllll nt bce utiil ta pru- 2pas.aouudtithe Int daé Of Nov-embi, 1872, 'VAutu,,preseiut tenanlt hs te be nt Illhety te rsmcv. flsi. r0.'» muid prouorty «.np tte 0lot Of Deoember. tlurefter. I-n ail ether 'respecte thuae nndltiunm f eut ui aethé standIng. conditions cf sole of tii. For titrther purtlcnlarm ,irpîr tua J;.Keth Cordon Veuior's boictor, ..lîsmor tireon- Wooded.1quiré sund theu idcrsig'nd Nh.tito f titie Court, aI ý 'hiby. J. KEITII oO;îDON, G. Il.?4RTNELL. ~*~»»Solcitor,Matr -Wbithy, »e,l8tii, 1871. 4w 50 AVOD QUAC(. - A vctim oret'.riy ,M »Ihudlieoretlu, Ciguueiug urvuuuuu alchiity, -.protinture dûcsy, &oc., havili trle< litiviuil) Sivry- d.rtied nsu;uuly, hua clcoiran'cl a simple niouaof ,l-ciire, whilie ho yul seusa fise to ligi fellow sAffercs. - J.- i. EEVII, 88-1 y 78, NmmulSuîtreet, Nov York IMPOWI'ANTTO -11AltIM UdIN G IACULINERV I #T..J.,S TOOK'S Tl 011 exeol. ail ottier O11, botht animal sud u'geiabia a81)4 wo art,. 'ppredtato show tise uuporority of tlis O11 te ail othier, it staiîsuis ths e.tueet c.uuury te procura a fltrutci't an U -tiole. it 1 adatutte elthier ligit ur lu.ty îmua- ohlîaery, frin a c'ick or uewing-innehuiie bu bhe fuenestof et lus. Thoa toiiuwiug are thuu pointeniawJuih ltexcela otiaer Ois :,IT * WîIL luoTrUu!, li-euce rmuotinery con luc, ke oai itil tubut lith, trouble, oiffl t vil clesu nselîlîîiery tiiut lui. hé,:, ulreeuyriy unînech by oter Otil. It wiit flot cougesul or tli heté -luihe O01lueit of Wcatiuér. TluAix u a quîîsutl eot Ihe IiigliotImportance, frouint hefiot su 011 uoôt hsvlitg thixl quislity wiii sntIlibricute a cood mitait, such0'ils 1 îîay >e appuiet in a. lhoated otte, but the. mouuenut It tcuùeclu,, s colu slhafit, t tciigeaul anîd Willl t it ilricut.tiun. fti îi.t1urual by ieti 1) acquilroit luut. tempA-' &turc tiecesafry te. reillicé It tous liiuid Sato 11) soqtsrlîn l uhilér tsnî,raturo b), fiction. the otouexî,éudX fiuhttihe box la il juroai, it ta - Mi IuPM(AsI PIe teao lI O 11ttut 'w M cuil l oa -** old sahft ithoit tItis resuit, ius hi i. teanii- ,CI 01 wth ntr. J, G.'gtock'g oh i lu- J i&tAtiteoat mui.snry fthé mmouuit ilaspujliet. Thia <>11la nowuonee uover two bud rod Pstfbl lobaientl, snd lu. givhug thue hein pt'ltitctiou. audtailcil uuite isu aavilig î-ey -orofer t te reflieti $Spurun or pure Olivo.i t sx frace rom ite objectionis urgeati uîît ail o6thor OCils, as Il dec»o rot tatou or frueze. Now seb LiepubiS te oavare tlttt MnY vortilîes% thi , ns are poffed hilei noturity, Ilu rier te provo thusuthio la un humbuq, sud te secirs *osirselveo egalust tho opeono t iiscruu.ui. loup Oit 0 ost%., <uueuy of' ahituwill Ii iut esil taite ps tfi «tIe iiein offaitof (,)Il rofiuîcries ssbetiig Idouitlcuel uitit Stock's extra. aItuuiue 01i ) w. proPru-so. te tiioso v huoSare itereuteti in ilieu truthiofet osé stutoiuits, 4te pend te thmOun ,ap]Plcatiltu, hy Snell or .uîuerwii.e, free ofettarge lus suy %waY, ,4.Dta aaniu 1916uo01i, :t"tI "11u11 apeauk 1er itsoit'. -Antdwilalan- a.î'd vitît t a fCW isîpie tet4 s fa tiVe as thiouaotest. bY waIhîîtgaltli. kiciowis troithue bar moel». snd vhsîchi will esIluartica or. deluta eCure tluenioseive»s gstuiust impos. - îlougbvetiabuuîg tîsens to- ltornine oiteosuco - fitoith5ý0I11tcrwirded Ios good as Ml prtuomAseauinlui Machinue Ohi ii ade w el-te comuiits wo ith OZIU. lit STOCK, Breugiaui, Osnt. ë ols Agetnt for tise Doiniuon Eogliai ieMrcis 15, 1870. *~TEéTIMblONI1AL. -TuasilJeigatt11 ALL M-eiit Weaxu, Ohnswà,APril 4,1870. 0. 18. MSie, Ea., u s Snsx,-ohv beon usine your Luiicstii)g 0i1 for the past .four mpnthe, sud cou May vitheut issatlon also eosp. anîd lests longer thiuisy aller oit. . W* have runOutlarge 14 (dt'etIron 7plSltuer. 7 dayl vitit on. oli-sg. IL lýo#r'sfluco ols olean Sind bliht.W. do nol vut sunythlug bttlr nea0 lubrIORtO'r - tis or rui, * gT. . GLZU #.PrO*siCtlu, MANUYACTURRI) AT THE Agricultural Workg, Double TURBINE WATERWHEEL. 703 VOST ECONOMIOAL WHZsL t0 içoUor i T lry lceîsvare nov inufsotnriug cheapertliu anuy othershiop lu th. con- try, aud we will givo a guaraetee vith echi 'W licol warralitiîig tilium tebcéaseil himfde,- sud te gi4 %» good astlfatioi-s u y uIsUu- factiired lu the Dominion.- Partiogdeuirlug furtiier ln(oruiatlon eau ob- tain It by sddrosiugni PAXTON, TATE A&00, Forty-St., Port prry, Ont. Tiioruiid, De. 15, 1871.bf5 Tram tht.. dute tbrvwd CASh L lb- qnireil lus d,'suc. for *laiçî re sud magziie.-No tirkhasg thon t Whithy, Dcc. 7hlT.4 NEW MUSIC STORE; 1 Tihe twuceleigred bîalu.t tpcned buaIneas ait hli as tore-(t es,aBlocke, Brook st., -wÉoro wll ho I'uud S!IEFT MUSIC of al kluis, MUSICAL IN- STRIUMENTS 01 cverY doacriptloîî, lu- Ciubug §t9Vietitu atring sad boys cf the bet uuizy. t8TATIONEItY or ai load», SCI1JQL BoUES, &o.,&. Also s ehoice snd varlod asortuteut ni J'rotemsor e0 Mn.c Ail mrlers for Music sud Musical Ieatru;!f mnctsac 'ret'îlly fillel. whulîhy Nov. 22ud, 1871. 47 XV BITBY PlANO FA<TORYýý JOSEPH RAINER' PROPRIBTOR3. Theo iibcriber, ln reotriug hl in. Caotîantike othé îîîauy ftleuds sad customors of the Wliitby PIANO NMANUFACTOUVI- belgi te taté that lio nov carnies ou tho bei- tes, moieiy upoiuluiM. owii accuunt; sud iu %o- licitii.g future ordere ho baue te emure them Vhîéî nottirigwiU huée loft uidono oit hlm part te ggs'e ati.t'uctleu, lut upplyluî STYLE, & The cetohrited naw patent and croxss.pce pottoru t tlls ownu Invenîtioun nauufacturod ait haretotoro. tg- AUl orders executed with promiptitude asid dispiutliî. JOSEPII F. RAINER. Whithy, Masy 8, 18'O0. 17-18 m 1ARUIAGE LCNE THOMAS HIUSTON issusît or- SIARRIAGE LICENSES tifr Ofloo-Towiln h.fef. qoid.',c-Iyrou Street, threo doors north or Town bail. Jan. 17, 1870.3 DJ WELLING u101 t S TO RENT, At TTAtER'8 CORNERS. AI! moit do-' hiralbe ecidenox. Rent Moderato. Apply th,.- JOHIN RAMER, Eeiq. Wltby, Msly 2nd. 1871. BOOT & 5110E STORE. -o- Tiié undeolgniulhn.cmovedhlm MOOT ÀND BROZ STORES to the pi omises ndjnlning thé Western Ilote;, Duncit.St., IVhitby, where ho le nov prpiet tae* Il orders for W Irk Alagead select stock oenlbaud. lepiring doue as nsual. JOSEPH ÀA. BINDELL. whltby May 8, 1871. 19 THS I1SOLATBD 1BISK FIXEF. INS1ITRANCE CO'Y OP CANADA. H EAÀ»D0OYY 1C R-Klng atreet, oorner of Chureb, Toronto. CAPITAL, - - - *0,0 Deposited wlLh (4ovrnnent, -$50,000 W. A. LAW, Assai. IIcMllan's Bloc, Brook St,Wbitby. W lî,aby, hepI. sob, loi. - W Nature 0f Churge. - do . J. ontgosry. chie( <Josibleb.0- -do W. R a an. aenopb O'nnor * do do do d Aereiai OCono John W. Kerr. doed do d do de. Jospl hrantj... 1 Abraha. Stonr...k John . Ke.J. .j do do.. do do . Davd -rPon.x...f do *do it.......1 Juro oesp Bytj...1 -William Péih.... I John C. J. Pear.....V do %.do... Hseny Dnad...h Andzràet. Hoais... f Joseph Bandi..... James GruEsi. gary Lee....,.,. Robsrt Johaston.é. John Cossa. rfleary Wlddufieid.., W.. MOCort. W., MoCor.. Alfred uason. Salisbury , Wright... John Dick .... John Fnaîte Thomu Noli .... do do John Nelta do do.... Andres Anderson.. Jobrà Hookeridgéo.. John- Armstrongé... Thomu' Bihi...,. Rieni>'Chin'es .... William Doyle... Bilvana, Bobylard.. Joseph Akh.... do do . John Loetis.... Duncan Browa. S. W. Card... L Mal bop,HE Maybee Bdvard Oý'Donoti.... Mary Shier...... Dauid White... W.. MoCoohi...1 Ira B. Carpenter...1 Wîii.1m Cuihberî._ . Aos Labare. B. Labare ....ýÀ M. J. Shearo... Richard -Harris....À JO& Pileh, Jas Pileh A. Moor, J. Winn. Lohis St. Joh.... Mice" Hanahan... W. Boaheon, L. Iu. C. P. Colline. . do do Maurice O'Donaehi.. Dlsterblngdtsheac............. *: do ' do ................. Sel5l Iques vithon, lcvne......... Dlsordsrty.................... - do-. ......... ..... gaSlling lqaor on 8anday........ RsRln.... .................. a. 9 0 . 0 .................a do Dleoderl~.................. Praofantsen... . ..... .Ksplng loft addl.. . . . iFlshleg vithoulli, r .a. .. ..... Shuooing wlld duek,........... ]Piabing-Whhboat filens........... Fiaslng wthoaî liceau.. ..... t;onpaÏmenî ofvg.. ...... Shqtég wlld dock............ Flsbiug with se ilegal net - . Aussit sud battery ............ ~1aeenr................... Assalt'and battery ................. Drnh snd disordsrly. ...... Selling Liqnor on Sanday ...... .. 2eling liqoor withonilces..... Selling iqaor et anlavial bonmis....... Sellng l1iur leau than oneiqmart..... Assants........... Injry!0 properi>' .................c Bebaving disorderi>' on ihe 4ighvay. Damagd 10 propert>'...... ....~. Behsving diaorderly on the highgay... 8elling liquor withont s lieinse. . a. .....D Augait ............................ oSeIling liquor after 7 o'loek, pin Saturday' Amaaal...... *a .......- ...... .. Throsîening..... ..... Obsîructing pbiNibay..... Folony...- ......................... Nou.paynient of vsges sud llreaiment.., Assau Luing services............. Asaui.................... ...(0 stealing mono>........... Seliug iquor vilhoutl heaume.. ... Selling hliquor vithoat lcee.... I di 28, 46 ' do, 2e , t do IC' 14, Ué Dit. 6, - a 'dé ' ' _( , -a de do -do do do 4do -do Seat 29. Nor. 27,u do» do do 16. 20 o Sg 30 ' do Deer. 2196,4a Nor. 17, 'a do M'a Or Lu8nviotidg *U5l 71 .DG.erde...... do d....... -de 'du and Dr. Gmnon do d...... do do ................ do de...... do d....... do> do.............0 do do .. . do do........ do do........ ..... do do....... o...... Ydo do...... do do do- do....... do do do de doodo do do 1 do do do édo do do........... do do ............ Adam <lardbo AGeorge' <Jarie * do d*t do,,d do ' do d- d - George Lsêi. . ............. do do ......p........ . do do ........ do do/............ JO.' H.T-lpson à M. Cowan do do .. do doý ........ & 'do do do do do Job8 Haighî.......... do -do, &T. P. white., c. 1... ....... . John Batlilf.... de- do JBpesAiy, 0 WhelerjR"Speart dl GeorgeWbl...... Jas. MoPherson APbilîp lMens. do do 2 00 6 00 1 00 20 0< 20 00 20 00 1 00 4 00 20 00 20 où 20 00 à100j l300 20 00 20 GO( vt Pau....... ONol pald.. ..~Pl........ 5 Nol- sld... .............. do............ do........... Oie bwîh . ........ 0 'te. . .ofOt.. Forîbwi.............. 20 daya....... 20..d............. Novomber 6th .... Forthvith ......... . On 15th December.... SUPPLY * -..~....... . dé ..... .........e........ ... . do do do . ......... To Flahery deparîsuent .. Inf........... do . . Co'ent>'Tresereir... $1 Coma:>' Tressarer, $5 damage Coont>' Tressai........... Hgalf to proseeulor, haif to1 corpu ..... CorporatIon........ To.procector...... TonaipTeasur....... Connîy.T.e....e...... Conni>'.Trsas....... Fine $5, te, Tp.. reunrer, $1 to pl 'ruaanrer of Mars.. .~~ rpr ~20 diy. -~~ .1CmmîtedfrO dY".............. .... .... .... ~......... ............' .. . . . . . . . . . ......us~....... ~........ .. up.........I ...... .. lai . -. .. . ... ... ... oration. it-. . . . . Dsisd... .Noî.. ....p...id........... .Not pad.......ost... .. . .C mNe t id ahsonetrial ... ..... ..... ........ .......i. . .......... 1 certify th a the above is a true copy of the JEeturns of Convictions made to me to date, Office of the Clerk of the Peace, December, 1871I. Xras Groceriest No. 1,q ON-THE CORNER.- FOR THE BEST 0F Fresh Groccries, New Fruit, Wines, Brandies, Whisky,' And everything in the Grocery line of the best qualizy, and LOWEST PRICES, AT. Whitby, Dec. 13, 1871i SELLING Jzo FRÂNCIS, No. I., on the Corner. OFF Grand Annual ,C leariog. Sa QOOS9 .¶11~~ f I X t'y A r r JOHN -SKINNER'S Fuit particulars next week. Whitby, Dec. 27, 1871. - o 50 CU N&1CU NSHOU N8!! Hatch à Prother have received a fresh snpply from.-England, 'of those celebrated single and double -barrelied shot 4uns. -Spiendîi referes cas b. given insido the Corporation, testifying ta, their being fini t.clams Aise, Eagish Hogakin covereti Powder Flasks. Shot, powder,&o -SLEIGH$, SLEIGHS !- Che.tper at Hatch's than eithcr Messrs.ý Walkey, or O'Donovan's. Little folks oel and see, froîn 3oc. tîpwarde. ENGLISH-PLATED GOODS. FI.& B have received first quality, silver plated tea and table Zpone. dinner anti dessert oris, ec. Persons reqningi, the ganuino articl, yUl pleaee note the faut, t>'AW'atiles yarraated us nopreeted. COUJNTRY MERC HANTS- Cen be supplicd with Ceai Oul, Boiled Raw oil, Machine ele, ýStok'. oit&o, e TO'DRUGGISTS ANI) FA INTELS. Turpentine in lots, to suit yen, frern-one te ten barrels ; also, ExigliahSh 01and gecnine leadeisnl 25 and 100 lb kegae. Partie% requirdo stocks wiIl ple eil, as n low quotations 'will b. giren Ïor round lots. u' Arinstrong's Stoves and stoyepipes, Patent Dumb Stoves, &c., aât tho noud iCboap Iluse of1 KÂTOR &~0NI Wbitbye Decmbor 13, 18719 NEW ALVEI F RESH £>] Wi*ûerG oodsi DOMINION WA'REROOM#S, CONSISTING IN PART 0F Ileavy Tweeds, Beavers, Mettons, Fancy Coatings, Whitneys, Serges, Flannele, Shirtinga, Shirts and Drawers, Cardigan Jackets, Fancy- Wrappers, &c., &c. Ernpey's Ctoths, Meriîoes, Satin Shawls, fancy Opera Cloaks, Cheet ProteiCtors, -Capes, Clouds, Fringes, Fancy Trimmings, * Fancy Cloakingrs, Ladies' and Gen- tlemen's Furs, aIsô e8ome choice Millinery Goode for the- Season. Clolh, LU'Mittinery, Dressn'aking and Taitoring DON E TO ORDEýýR. -o--- gc-1. The Gr ocery Departoiwnt weII stocked with chdice new Teas, Ceffýe, Currante, Raidins, Fis -Spice, and Fruits for Christmmis,-Fine Brigbt Navy Sm:Loking Tobacco. Good- Tea for 50 cent&. LOWES &,,NWEL Whitby., Deomber -6, 1871.- pea ce,",2.O On a'nd,*afteér, the 2Oth Dec,, WILL OFFER THE BALAXé E OF OUR. H1EAVY WIINTIU~GO~ W-~ AT GREATLY RtEDUCEtD PRICM. - Dreîs Goods. - Hosiery, Millinery andi Manties, Tweeds, WicesCIoudst Flannels, .- Scrs Blankets, FU, [ 1n our will order t a ake a illoroîgh ,êc-aranice READY-MADE CLOTH1NG. STb-YK,- gieat -bara.- be offered. HAMILTON&C GLREAT CLEARING'SALE-.! -A « YEOMA GIBSN inreturningtbanks to hi old friendso utorners :: the public lu geuoal. nOW o t nfocuthom that inorder to roduco bis stoCkD t-i DIry Goods as inuch sr poasiblebefore Cbristmas, offers -the wboleoro bis -Stock, (L. sistiug of Canadian aud Englisb tweeds; Beavers, ,'Doeskinà4, Broad clotiq,Sbri. Wiucoys. Paucoy'Dros gooda. Cobourgir, Reveisible Bls7ck Lustra, es o, Pri.- white sud grey Cottôns, faucy Droas Trimwiis snd Ribbous, -lunondless a rieit Hoiery. Glovoà. Nubias, Hloodg. sud-al kinds-of.FaIOY od oo004 uitablo fWilî senson ; white Blankota, borse Blaukots, Buffalo robes,, Carpets, &Ç-, and a full at(, l of Mink Forsm .The wiole of the abovo wilI be sold cheaper thAn tihe oheapest in ToMii Ladies cai sd examine fer yourselves, before purcbasing elsewbere. JuiL arrived àt old No. 1, a choicto and- fuit nesrtment Of ail kind - (Jbristmssq Frulis, 'Valoncia sud Layer. Raisins, Carrants, choie Teas, Coffee, 9I? Saga;, &c. ' 1 O>- The highest price pid .for Poultty, 1oU Butter anduW Don't loýrgot the placo or name,d g. WANTED TMMEDIATE4LY AT OLD 100GoodDrosised Rogo, 500 Tùts.(G 6,009 bushesFal Wheat -10,000 bush O000 bushels Peau, 1,000 buibe 1«, whch the lgbeSht Market p irie vibu pad. i O . OLD NO. f. H. J. 3iACDONELL,'Éierk of (i ItT 1SEBM E N TS. ~1'VCE1['AE 1. 1 1 0 lýe

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