Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jan 1872, p. 4

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THE 30 IL PJLOL'RJETOJU. MAc~Tui1tz T1IZ OELEni Leffel l'aient Double T flîs woIl 44tlu u iuaL'ti'lt/ tuiilu Otustia, o. W <t ' iiîiwii, *)uItanto, 'liiertn, Yoîîrr e:lbtW:--ck ý,-4 iuj'iuid ail Othirrie- Weîîaîl~,oî.ligatcd iariitlveui ta tth'ue'ou ti! jo; us51r iiultiiua ilto tîîîg te rio cI lir îîe-ît. li ( ijii'1 lioî,it t haetafor- gliuîtboui c lV'ù i ieul r IC,10Oc ~îit'e.iîIa- îiilî c.r guielitîjil w-c Adimee sio Iiuiîrîî-.,iiiiW'I.l Mure tiliit lie wlil lttîtld a V iiilit will gluvi upe'rfect cutisico. tîîa.W lq il r, uu Mein hm tu miie ùl iiIli miîh (e itiîû coliidouce, test. ml i i et Pl iîritî11lîciure b, WlîpOlluucl & ~Cîclu qtil t-i Our cwuî. NVa utiin .ihlt-u fiiriiileli Vater w1lee Oiiri.'ltilt, luillet, u a lliiury l acii tii ill tl LI Miiclà o lu mainei tuay"nl-iieiiduittii uti- aoc! f, il4t0e biki' i.11 plu-h >'.i iglit btitli taeyb, asdr 1#11111il ii >ll ite tîidiu 1 e iieroa hiuien. i ti rulittm-èitudd *tlî W'~-t ui iîic"i.olniko a i eilia-o et fluatir Iv1'leli)U o- tlt. iueiec lîey may ruila i U fet u'i iin, it i ilec e sii :&hIua yu iie !l cIt ilit t agii>u e c;,aig oc yeWinut uîj liî lw Iii iiaihe uiic a cte Leliui etiiruniiit ie dù ta Lau ii ai lirtîela front-l i'jfiinteI-ens wh 01wcoq Wejiîîtiua iittil niWullii.l wîllto lio W" - Taiil iii.................e.. . 'I'ioîîî-u îiit ...i.......... . N iriio..............,iii, JIl ,1 i l,. .. .... .. . . iipkil, 'iluu i. 1 pv ý......u-,î iaiigir. A . J. i llî .......................... Jai h u-ii-................ -îcc Clirsttilitr .....;,.au iller iuî Jtiutk in A 't , .... ......N etlue , .......il-ni ........1ifitrd. ...........W........ tiaàuiiin .........i......t> al, ..b......... e..... icldgt!,, ........................ai... [llvîîlt tlgtiuai 0)iini..... .. Vert)doy joi.nTtgclivý........c na, DJic oi'ltà.itui . ........ufjl luîu.j ...............ioi . ... L cyu ..u.....'an ..... ..'cenalýi l fl. iuieriI-'.......................uitree, l-icictlti . .....lUl ltu, 5. J. lfIr Eoii....... ...........ui. l'iiiil.....ii'...............i ta ...aiuJiei ................vda Ji i. G i ... . .........Geiwo (îliias hMIl ..............lear il. i id ........î.. .tiil~~ %% .hîî, iittLu........ ;....... id 'ii.##& fi'4)i................. ýilai, 1j'W ii i.. ............Uitlu, Iiilîi &iklîtiui.....,......... Ihiiuîtha, 'tej. ~Iilie,....................elo L~iut. Iuiyii-c. ..............iceI ali igtt............ ....l. .,luiiie lIitwlt.r.... .......... Qgle edCç H. I Chira............f!riklid rc Irwsî, & flk->....................aor Ilape .iauii Iiili-s4 . . . . elphi. J). 1p J 1Iul Cak. laiuaaiique, A. LÀ)eii-ia................ . Cliereuke Jaihe iI ............ .......... Urolft) Celelnia e-el ....... .twcîe %Vteglu miuii.......... ....... C .ii...aiu J.h 'u.Mriei..... ......... ewmusrit, 1'iililliailiy . ... ....... 3ild %Mey Jiîhi.McFCru ............enrrew iqilja-u,& s ........... iitt ........Iu.I1i.i( ... -liewui, Wul., -à,a. . . . Iiainoticid, A. %V. &Co ...........o...iraî, P!,i Irilirt;. ......uiîvte Wtloiiln-o.. .........PcPkiiig. .euI'al lire. ......l>Isefiiby Cocrk lea-u riui - :::Ca. ......ljelroe. ;IL Pird ................... îia, l'enkî ic, ,î , 'yu..........uiiul (1,1 huiil .............îc A, D.. -. î......... liieamiricge Il, & Ir. llidiatiîi & Ca .......î l fitwiiii 'iili . ..iac tiiiiii.li "ri,..... . .lwîui ut. bliiîrataiiu..............ulhind, KCuia., 111'h4iinas %Ci.. ........iau ..ftîNua-eau, N'Iîihec& . ..........er ..iliiigoud, IL. & .I.>iu......U Uigir, Al~ iiî............... OIiwe, Joîîaitie....,........... raeuidalc Geornge Kiitee),.......... ..iiu iiral, Jluliîî tiaiit...................i0 Montet. 110ler tiiiiiol...........ililels Fll. CGluiiinliiuittl................. rktcrit, I. liilfleui. .........uIarg, and iiu uipe,. ........... c er 1rî.#jtîiâ% . kltaie rvitto ...... lfast &lajiliiiiiuiii ........... Dciuin, .lîtr m ....................... iecial Allert, .lîu leuu llu .....u........... . . - Ileil" 1 o 'upto... j.............l îd Da ct'io .. ..........lowuuiuivl, Bluîiiîu.......a..a....mcuu-rattllo or % fiitceler .............tt xbrdre. ......... .Aldlltraeul, . . .......... ... ..Icborg, Jahiu,î uhery.............rutc T. K N I li,............ iîtictie, ... Wri.............. . . Gn.'eglile. -iJflunes Melciali t .... .......... lisidium cntr WE4 A LSO)-MA SU ïACTM' POltZTA lL Etan d Sîl71 OSER Y tom E giines and'i 361Iere 0yON LL itt!CDS Mac max.. cutý.I Auuiuiiciu o-i xî$5. ncuig K twurte'uil'ctaiat Odeelig Gang and Mulcu- a -"ladMltua1¶ d fttt-Sattlg Clecittar liaw Muliià - auîuuc caî ouillaEdga1 proveueneea.- Stiege cudilcdlugMacl us nuint aîrs. N oi~od 'tiiikiiug bMcluineu-y oeteil Lds. --Legias hilie 1gl ll$Ize». Iliuers, Ktvtlîug NMchi Ilnu tusiiaue. eîuCutiers,, italei X'taclaiuie I.atiir r$phiiig iabtie ad Kuufe Uu-iîiao. îVcIigua llîlriuueuig Pess Sa i1.A jttauieg tcagen, witb Sslf-Oiliiag nexe4 OA&STINGS 9Or &Li, KI ?JADE IN' JIIASS 0OR IltONa lpletonaiu, cf e ven> demât lptiou Madiewhet btie'iineouy a'iranted K outîefl -. cluauuu'Mattriiul, h ct1ooegt oukn -F.- W. GLENlp:residit, .ityreeètv é; 1 1, ~ ~store, oit Dundas Strde.ît, a larg-e -iot ofnhewgods suitable for the sensoi atVerylow .prices, .......m..... An excpilent. BraodD4h L2e~eru a thingi -luiue. s Ilata andU.tp'0.enlem'en'sfui5ig11A'IN lt O AL KND - god~ ep~g-i~eî~ cop1&~ Lateau~declohin. ,SCHOOL. BOKS.&.&a LLL Family .«roce,'ies cQwpj.tée.Né'w-i"Tr-i, Ro ae ftevr aetVUr *u'.v*r, &.,for Christmas aid New -Ya'.3 çxcie;drè fo h-Itgihmau e'à tpieMb -WibDecmbe,' eth, rsufi. ' 1 5cents te 1$5 erla - I. GATCLEAIýlt.GSALE op'- Buff'alo Robes,,, Railway Rugs, WJî>ite.and Grey CanaMin BlanketeI TIers. blankets, .Cgrpets and' Feit. Overooata, Clothil tg, o. anadian Tweeds tendFlgaue)s. Cotton Yaru and. l3age, Fur ('aps,4 in 8. S. Seai, Ikiaver Ermine-Mink, &. -- 'EUV M l¶ Y Lforie. PIease call and We oSfer special, inducements in- - the lie o lmes A ~ e1I EeT leI ~ J Whitby, eptember 13, 157ý T. IL McMmILIAN& e Lt£1. i L L LLULl MeMilala'. ho(k, Brook St. ______________________________________________________Are iu reccipt of further arrivais. of Winter goods, anad beg te annouruce that theur sockil e Ow cun;uActe 19 Cvary dearatment. ~~ E ~ ~ . *, Dress Goodis in gi-c-. vaivity. Claie Tartani, Phlin and Tartan,Wieys- r RE 0 uigîlsît.OF -Secoeh atid (Iauadian 'weiduu. THE 11ILLIN ERY DEATU T wl b 'tindu replete, witle aIt the tateci attiactlc i asc f uts VIib ore w ivate- i, *laittle, Drge- r R o t ' ho o r p a Ie y Sotte of splencdid Fut-e - i-eu-y chnp, tinta lta epuli Ie would gay, -The Tauluuing I)cjartmtint. as ittierto- îuider ili-, skillful Pn erinten dance If ibe> woutd look arud soc' -IAW , 3ay ra,187 . 1 y 15ilts i theDomiIiu' ade For boots tend sIltoas thetr n OSHWAMay3r, 171. cf lrst-clues cutter. Hatst arid muost felinbeitieiiteDotuctmio or- Than lot tluem corne Ko ume. -The queestion irturall.- arisin-,g amoîîg- those wanting Photo- My .RcEw E ItI1 *7wctl stoick d store is oie Bt empls, s wereshalmeo t ge >1,eýr "::0 BOOTS &S IIOES - eîyltelily uiie and ofthte best qîcalit>-, ut ver>- low Atteridance, euurteous, kiui 'The gst judges et picture weuld sa>- go te o'lfn-m-guàide ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~'~ " . ~ - 1W h t b y N o v 2 8 ~ .~ & A . S M I T I L N o b tt r ca n y o u fi n d . - Tu Fari Gcld ana pa~'h~nRns Bracelets, Gent's stàdsi1igand pnclectro-plated îases,' writing ,âc.,sks.wr bs Portmo'naies,.'land fnycLes lu great va'tysuitàibl efor the Holiday seasor.. Whitby,2~ov. 4, 1871. 48 - 1.~J~VV.U~ AL 48N -~ .0. ~ Iii 'Wed~ng ins, Spc 4An eýrl,r e all Bc rhe Larg-'t, A rmo «JAMES iJoiNS7J Riehardsen's Block, Brook IN rpin C dUNTy flg ust re-ceived 1alarge stuck- of i>trfect fitting and eleganit BWaots and Shoés, for Ladies,* Misses, Gentle- men, boys and Chillren. The largest assor-tme-nt orfinlewokn to'wn or coanty. M,ýany,.iew styles for Latdies, nèver introduced. ijliiJ allLIu auiu 4 L irs ltbecteu as lereto- U examine. Dy ail incarts. as ie is far in advancuetiail others ini the County as a P'hoto- grapher atid Purtrelt Puititer. Ii- outuaetquoauîflcatjaua 1r, ai,;. loiu.g xrertciici.c iuîlitîthe warrauuti; tiffi eiî<trii nthîat lie li theIsi.lect l ue ti4îui of tfctljll>-utîî10ry;,» t liç4jaîc for ho Coîu u d To uat iu i,. lh tc brut tliriîli itl ; l ho Il e ts ii ihi e Ou a c sv a s a u f t e l l a l i i0 8 fein t e e lia sli i t c i ,c c rî orl c c rv - t iti g t ý w o ri w i letii ; l feIia t u l Rge e Ot l a Kesu o ti î tc f ' i re friii ii'u i iii tic C u r v , en yu elî 1 liti l 1-or f cri Wilodeutc e at 1k, 1go ta lOT'S PIOGRAPH GALLERY! And leave their- orders, which will-in future be as promptly at- tended.-to as at any cuher Gallery. ICael and examine specimens of Photograplis anid Pgiings, by 20 HOIT, THE AInisT. "THE,ý ROYAL OAK" Tic gwuh4cribtatkes .oceaaion ta litorun -item frilsnîiiu satl te publie, thîîlic ues aopeluci tthe Ititel uialr Kthe chue deuiigiutioii of "I*lic Rocyil Oitk" ut llîîîuî us Coriit-na, wluano 'Lrtitaller» 04Sua! min-tciaii ilwu>à becieli. pli d iitathauet iii c sîe o. A gocdri auu up ei,, ticy,,Wai-îuî sîcitig, cini attenîtive actions, l'ueLqiiund ai o- gens. Wiltby, Nov. 14, 1t7 il. * 46 lIARD -AND SOFT COAL! WOGD, o lVILLOW J8ANKlitcfIltXN LEGILVzul, .MALL EUG, -CIIINUT, &. 'Vuacgroead clore coul have na supa2iar. 1QO. TONS B.CKMTI' OALJ OOCORI)$ WOOD), JIOUXNREITIL. IkakS.- Wîitby, sept M, i7]- F0 leS A LE. A rluuihtc Fucn, in Ai c li t îth cf cltive.. tda o% meot cxaulleoin lia cidé bhelig Lot 26, uîul cau"iot iîti-îtU o f id.u t se sc, itie.ranc lcr<ç.cjdweÃŽr.wainrod1 élu o -ota u-1 f.cl;tjice fnuit-'sitîxitod wltltfn" 4lI nilai a dfetlc flihg iiabuuWvacof Park W a, ct-l coiltuutiig 142a-r . !arkkie Â' ND 0 T IlIE R . Tuie Thortiugi. 1ruii B 8R fil iRà 11-0 A 1, Ihreld iiy Mr, JuIii tMiller, witl 1.0 iiaiilalflor cure-ic the lreNecî)rt mc.in. ait tlie ofiicc iithe auhamcriber, Lot Nu. 23. Brokeîî lroiit, Pku~g Thils Hier eiaiaflrt-caâpodigrea lie iii fiînuiauîImprted s tock ; lits uîad.itlîa il twa clilers îtook ti finit priza lWiEatiad, ffir ae ui Qt Pies, lii. 1870. ;iiii of ttiiem took lirst pirizaeut flic Proviniale, uima fitI ; t1icir uni- ther sadliaf i1it] tivetik 11$500 prne t ('titcliga, luis tijl ;ho i.ack C2 t;dutlLoriitiiui andi#sliàw&Iai it trliîai 1ît 1 li.inahttir Wsc msold fbr $800 Ko aa leîick ta E112lind to the gerihtariîiii that valse'! lier; lier mster and I~x oif lifr pitgs wcrc colt for tOf. ta goîta the Uîîtted 8tateis, TriRMS.- $2 00, pape blie timtreof ser- cice. JACOB il. TOOL, .Dîîuuhuirtouu, 1'. 0. lekcrn,, Novomriber 15, 1871.-0 lu.c.a . t. svicdf ie liit-ux,* lke Ili!» . wb'îeui'hciiîaaricle,îia .c, *, ,l .îi i , j'ý Fuiie,iyû.a i, tîîrw iieaiit1ba of die ~a~uutîi t and C .A L L N & C D - ii < it i~ e ui» FIlillinery & Fanoy Goodo. MiP-8. KO LN MUS. MATI-EWV'5, luî*,uielauaithe JuuaiiiAae 1itely ovi-Clltdi t> LIes KutuLu,ynork 'trK>t.(iuiar the ltoyal Moteel.) wtuenq ticy '1oW carre- on lihe.îilti-ry a... 0:> ALSO DRESS MAýINGe LATEST STY~LES 'AND SIONS. Alito FANCY GJiJD.,-ninrcitig Feucy Jwlyof atkiuîls. Bnuijcaieta, ltnocliîs, Rîiug,-,Neeklui et<Jut',beeu-f pis, slirt -tîl.&c., Liiliesu' tvany wools, ctuignîîîai4. caitncs, (îueiw etylas), fliJwari- eotaeba, brudu- es, &.u. Almo goodg for Tii7 and iartutu DUEiS ( Ic))* bils. KKi'iLro& AfI , MATIIIVk4. WliitIiýyuNov. lâtta, 1871. 48 -HEIiRY WAÃŽIR. NM.1f@De UROOU INr, - ONT. In Aid of theJVIercy IoÉpital, Omnala. 3 -0 18 OuDn aile4 Oer- *ou I[N CASH PRIZES.- - TîIciTa, 8 col4or twofo04.$$ Onmaha peaiers cent froc. Ageuts lVaited. For fultlîiaticulare ad- PATTE & GAItttfkNEll LuuoaMeUageîa. Ouuuli, Net. Iiov-mintis , iA7I, .hi13 A Ni D Af~4I) 11lA RI The cli e !Ih~Sjgnved Ies.r<os, 1- o iî -lis, tîImerous custorluers, th.,-f wnith the roomy facilities affX*ded lir 'initbeinBew préiuiseê, jîcto whielh lie lias reinoved, ho is cnablod to kleep on -îaand a large stock -.Of* cloths of -evenry kinfd, %ell selected by h.imself, auJ o the best qualty- and a perfect fit guaranviepd. ,Piiadp to Geîth'îîcî'sFur sIiîin ,ood s, iincid t Shirts, Tics B1racem, 110west -ptylets of &. JOHIN F-ERGUS0Wi, Dîendas St. Whitby. (I>nerjscs lautl- occtupdcd b>- Mr- Get-nie, as a Drug ,Stor*e.) Whitby, Nov. 29, 1871. 019 D'ONOVA8 CARRI'AGES & -BUGGIES, latest stylo and 0F T1ERY SUPEJIOR WlORK314XSIIP. BUGGISI & SLEIGH.-, WIIITI3 Noi 22iîd, 1870. AWA~DEFIR8T PRIZE At i~vicia E hiiflit IIdat lo ronito, Wre oller to our customers for the tominga .trvést, two distinct Mlachies, which i styl, aud con-strulction, enraethe latest and most useful improvementý-ôf theday. JOlISTO 'SSI GLESELF-I'AKING REAPER, Théunier T]Icessfthi MciNG 0 eAPERS."éfAV oltàtd ýThéù tnd'iotersa Sccsof thiucs,. M ahne;t.h - ing talo-se $l ou1 kêstg Mulis ah in ehadecfthmo f-e o otý-s eeushicuýand.g hi s a elf Raing suecese aria legs faeule, titan ltrutofore oficu-cul Ko Kt ptublie.i ,içcCayuga.7Jùünlor ower, We were awarded the FirstPr-izeUxnd Diploma,athîPçij~ -]ýldiiblion, ht-Id in Torontq', 1870, ia compotition with'ail the leading,- M'aehinr'is mana- ý,swétuu4d un the Provinca à an4j with ou- reeent impu-ovamntq, w l6coiestaMin gly chalicig iveRtigation aradeýouîeparlsoni wliIeccaeepei2t u tLacles, W6are satsflecl that. sueh ieostgation will -effivinate ever>- rnprcejîidicei nairi, hat wc chfer - the bs Mowrer te the Farintr for;1 1 thb' e .amotiiui a Sciai fer decriptiee 'WIitbyu Juue 11, 1 &fl2 Arond Tley' April 10, 1871. lIcol. & Sleoe Store, Brock streeK~ WhiKl LIas reunoôved f'rom lis old prelnises to Mc1.Millan'is Block, Broc] Sti-Cet, aîîd-begs tio iform bhis numert3us patrons andý t4e public gener.afly, tliat Lis -stock cm- - braces e'ry reqqisitei A general assortrnent of best s2lected ýClot.hs. AUl Cloths înmad( to order. No Slopwork. NO FIT, NO PA.Y. 'Gre«t Caro and Attentton pazd Io .drI2twtw Cutl/lug. Acèonti-îuauce of th-at lberal'patronagé . extendd -îto hIl du ing the pa3t 30 years in Whitby, respCectf ully solicited. JOHN' SAUNDERS, BROOKSE 8 ne-puy, Wock street- id1, -usucr.. tend to lange tend aimali; 1 hey'1i Kake a few turns, rd the tcwt.,uand onnme C ali ýll bu>- rlu--, 0f Boots 1 keep-a a eij. stock An-d ladies wlien yen cIloose Yo'u- pu-cît>- plreeei te unttick, (;Un buy t-40 neateat shees. My Icather polislied, fine and good, - My prices. low bgside, 1 At onîce willISsueit a dashling groom, -WJJ. &A TUe tor,? \k-tret Wlt MARdI 28, 1871. I CMTHWCOLLIN-1m Ne. BLÃ"W, - and Comuùi (1 door Rat c f the. Robeoui liauiss. .Bog to inlorna the Public lt a cIas staitly on Jband uteirqaiIt' Fleu, Ou aaeK CrjeMeat, cris 1"heat, tCuàhem Flouer, Oau I3rav, àand Shorts, Anda nbuuje an ~i ea lino doiven the %ho-tes4t noticei, wcih i,%j Sa!t en Pleater for sale., 1 Ncvember 2.3, 1870.. R. P~LA11, - < opriél R.l'.lark htiete ilIfrin hie!ioàfdf iand eituitirs tl!et hle as rfiUeuk aiud etiithe cli liot(t lîxicyxeab tha 1&P,, Buîui,' Snak ., whcra lie wiIlb lulis auha tbunioui iviîg hm acal!. rate chargea. Yard.- l ( itleY-ruu, aui dStriia« ,Bauids l'rje Pç ilies, TExci'sraaae auudLiisi Jnih , u nb ettur, (pauut paU(,ý, ta 201ayi7 70. ApLIVE KET. - lui i e& pr Dt ig Aud trusts by.ppoper attention and- mo"derate prices o -enea GEO ontinuiace of ublic patroniae. Pr c.cluhîterng. Peeetr'e-t ad T TM îI k - C>oaterc i.o% - - &.tuje JeOstftO an TJnldrting'and2 Funerals Fuly _Supplied,,as> heretofore ltefil$, iý'Somp splendid, Spuiimelîs of Picture Frames, 9-nd UNRAÈ Rememiier the: OU Btand.g - i,1uacti Wtby, Mýrh 9, 1868, besp-IBeg t announeso he custmses auJthl epic0tht e ia opeueBd sess on Uick prm-ies at eouie Dwb> Mr. Bande-i n Bock steetd thakoftho s o -' in rece RIptof a leni Stock f th And -of the best style of Boots and Shoes. Also on a Ilrge stock of IIOM1E-MAD1E Boots and Shoos Alhlhtxiio o eteju:îetalatduqueyteed lt'o.' Aui orers puucttiyattnde o asuulRteair santdouQ e. Businhoelsocrido.suula h l tnna h Ro'ty, a y otel 1871. ThFEST AB LIS HEPDl183,3.] Teundersigned in returning than«ks for thie liberal patrobage hithertiextended Ko' theo ld establishment, for neerlyv a period..of forty 11cvaru, doÉire. to say- that hlehhms now on hand a largeussortîne nt ef the nucet'modern tend clcg-a as gaua ceuno ~ oiandagh W'HITBzLiv.R ST e.dijty cI thie h-d, and .ataded i ucalta O&e utei and vehie Ouia.laIpes b3 heuuginua et the %Cran tai ustonge-a fa e] N. B-co'n- Ctlre îuaef ailadliest. irhotJteua s aIl ondanai. % N. RAY, Pr WVIitley, Aprit 8, 1888s. TIIIJS OID LAUGIUNÉ 011 7,11É NEW AT DlENTAL ItOomsi, ,UNDAS STRri ,WIIITBY, C. W. ZOOMS..-0v0,.M. Il. ceehranc!1% 8 Y POP H 0SPIHIT .Aaueatgst the dieiaasas elareotus ,d byAp - I'ice,1 CE N~ TARI4 i .1 -h. -i ---I i * - ai -a -s - s 1 1 -Whitby,,,Nov. 4, 1871. 71. v 1 - - 1 1 April 19, 1871. ý 1871., MARCII 28t 1871., ti-48 -SPRING OF best 1 Begrs to annotince to his eustom irs imid the public' that' he - bas 1 1 REPAIRS AS USUAL. Repairs neatly donc. a ' y y JLý tt- MATTREW COLLINS.

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