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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jan 1872, p. 1

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$M enricti que wth u4ivýrtIif* by thé Oylur or othenwlue. Ordo"i to discontinus umertnm.'ntn4Muàt be A e I ONAIX0 ,BAN£. * 1K. F. %ocICHART, W2RISZU ANDArr»OYt; T .. a- -;llitot otlitB akolog .Aant. SWt b YC.W. - %j.O Cuaxaxt~.(i. Il. J. MAcnomgLL. S;Irolete1onntiofl rodnneurity. Ap- Iy ut tîn.. <)ttoe of tino rm, Court lonë4 ,- Senuthitong . 8 ri 17NTY C NI)WN A'TOlCN ET F1111 N- j..)tarin. ,lerrliil ntI ttoýrny-sit-146W, go liotoril n mury, NnnrTY Pnîllic, &c.- fiooc-irun'k utroot, nicit oort to Rtoyal GEBOUGE fII*.ARTN£LI, 1)cor, 1iepnty Itegltrer, NMtor iFtràordi aryts nid exannnistîo? n n Clnancry for t t eun- ty ef0Utârlo. offilce.court flous@, whitby. 3JUýiS KFITU GORDON,, ( x 1o1-N.xt ioer te the Stor -of B. *J Ç4tnpbelj, Brook M., Wlittny, Oit. W!nlth, Nov 1ANI1)7.u- paKIE PUBLItC. O)gniojc-Ooe oir niorth oruth10%ot Ooce, O*hawnn; mmd ! teuFotar'u llociopuut C,11 ARLESI!C.KELLER, TtJ)ItNEYAT- LIV, SflLlCiI<I on Brook, tW TrURgNEY..A'..1413V. É8IACITORIN-17 A litncory, 1;Qttry 'lho4Innoyne, '; ,Wilittny il. %W. OrturîByron ntret. Sounit I>oNt (Jtlcc. 4 LYXAN 1II Ll ii. . fl AiII8JIIIAT 'AWSllc n lu(lIAn- LFory, OontioyaL O&C,.- $,fnoos Et.--tlbinawê j AXES I.ANION, - .iOLVtTOU LON CiIArt Seii, CONVEYANCElt-lL 4NI)AG ENr c. Oa'vuey.-t>vur Arm'ntrunlg's îlot- 1, iMaini St-r (JxJ>riiigp, Jniioilte, 186à9. tr-28 - SUitGOZmN roi rIiE COUNTY (IAOL, 01yronsiitreot, W 1itiny .4 - C.N. VARS, p ctIIOA i, i ai t; , it , lnmà ateieo rne, dtcO:.EttnmnOOon -- Ifnett-rept tlîti t,-.oornortb ofthé oOntario Bauk. w LîSON HOU-SE,9 '.WILSON., É -Froprietot. 71~RSU~8EiBNt-~est-qannouneco.eh T fri le ittihé PU blc gcnernniiy, tinitho * ,--bnms opuetidtlino aibove meslitiel in thli Village - t Ainbn)tr-i ton-t-lie a0t0onnetiloet tIno ira- "v11t1 îpiblTi no pte nn n no.,dhun-- tîlmi nýinnefst- thituiitanti oanntortaiule -tausr.(ioci6tan ilii 4iduvon-y Cotofntmnnco sed télgovni otno btout. Ni oi lIni ot- .19r uGouti stabling sanidattentieOtiert lu 4,- - . W LSOJN,Jn-.,lrepn-icton-. Ahbuin, M py It, 16 ,tf-lt8 - - ran~rink aiIway HotoL AT W BITU8 STATIQN. WuT. t>NtKLL igiil'Fe puroiuinedti tue hom, mod proniicuiiqe vou ami tinoGrantd Tkînk Illetbti, W, itthy ptitou,1 ht-gmtuii iioni islo nntu iAnuml tInonv-liing public tiot he hâ insu lotp t-lihe iot a iund ntaitlo nnln-srt- clou.ot-yle,nni by nattentio ni t-o tinosanttet tinomo uho loer ttn vii, t teir patroinage -t-ramitneriot- c rtiirtl<tthioncutbinp. he~Pmr$lnî t-nklug tlie trai nnnd loua inng Zrviilhavé t-bout veli îakanncers-ofo!titi Whiitby, isept., 1868. P ORT 1'EIZUY,- ONT. y. oY-yo Propriotor.' - Itierior ucconnnnnpdillunn. (aisain adti% ieti rouni, aatntentive o aitr. Po rt tVon-e, Nov, 8, ietsp. JMIE JtcUJIEN, INSPFct(IR OF mlIc SClOOLS FOR tine coutty Ut oltr'o. Auua*u-Ruglan tioOfice, Ont. PORT L>ERICY BOUSE. I'(tiRT PEURY, ONT, -- Th ubeiue lîeu Q»te .inton-uttinocent- ntlty ltai t it ptoinlttom atrcnow fOpnuto tine jnbiloe'whontole1%l pnnnîni-lto urunusli augoîrd uoonnauunatiant!. t te eaty. sept, lit, 1870, .8. WUWTUY, - ONT. - Ak%'111 ON, *-Proprietor. 'litýbfialiowilfid vory ncummoditioti fSTERN IIOUSE, ,tiiot tire aove -pnomiuenê tsve- -of (nu a' -'nnlw uis wo hins>' VOL4 XVI W. M. EVANS, M.B. -(If<nfty Ooues'Dublin.) WîithyV, Nov. 7ti, 1671. *n48 G. YOUNG SMfifitZ:L L 2.1, BROK T I'IYBL O NT0. *. 2 - WATCHEAKER, &o. Drock Street, - Wht. Watce.e,Cloekçp, Mgoinnlùsitrtlmipuis sewl, semoir MuChînei. And évorytloi'r lloelmnnlol Pppairod end tut- prnveonlteo nit si,1. et Law Rateon,and oui tho Whithy. May8, 1871. 22 _ L ONDON ASRNECV RTO EOTAELUIED tir IIITA nIMnu 7 put<I XHAOe, 8tS,1 7%4[.%tg.. IIF.AD AGENT. MONTRFAL,-RObIEo Il. No. 56 St. Francoiu Xnnver Street. JMIN AUNEÇF, Agent. Whlthy, Miny I&h, 1871, 19 -Tino Unidersigucti ttý-On. 'ncoito nform OnUA- tcnen. tinot the ablivo MIS it lnatenl on lot N.22, Inn tino ti. pienîncoolonorftie'Townshiip -or Uxbrli.gte, are now ln UÏLWORZING ORDIER, Andt roaly for cnttinnir nnntnhrinln y qr-nttntity to uint cnntomeo aanti ith punntuel .ty sund Lnnmbor 9nt from 10 to 80 feot lint loneth. MJOIN WEIR. Septenibo ie29,l17 0. *41 )N'TA RIO HOTEL. BROCE Ste *WIIITUY* O. DAWES, - Proprictor. int nîowiv fittoni nnp eana rPInovilted tlinroul<nnt hy tltno proprietor, il the mnpnrtmonts beinng furnnnnh&l wtb necw mmd unitable furnitmre. Th in nterulirtied wii mmprve tnnthitlt unnuonn inn provinlinc -for tino C"-' \rt (ift ig ugnelntnn nnd 'hynnnn or.P', tino 1-e;t et pure tiquent strkictstnteninnyun t htlie rtniiliinîg, audinu leokinng after tIhe ciiity'!ýor inonties.. 0, Dawoin, Propri£-tor. Whithy, NVov. Ifun, 1871. 47 01OY %WOLFF.NDEN, *10557 Fu TUE CjELEBRKTED SCOTTISII GRANITE £gr At Marble lVorku of JONATIIAN. WOLFI'N DF2't Dundiu-6t.. Wbithy. 17 - AT REDUCE» RATER,. 1 finsinov irepurdnd tnet]lodati v'~nio.unt"of mfnnnl"y ilthtI necnlruty of gacteniFatior îro- Jucti;-e Townn Property, ut -lie lOwunnt poninibte rateor einteret, lin ;..tnn.amlnitivntn'r to POit bo.rowert. Princeipanl counnnli tpand by yoarly iuntuln'.I.ntoor lu onsO0nnnnm. Sevoral wé-li cnntivîtod Farnmuanti Loisofe wWi' Lanndn for uaie olncn.p. 1luvosiutemonn e Dbontureu, MortgnngeA and othor Soeurities. Biler andn Greoubaoku boni lit andi oii, For tlrtber particuuinruo pply te JAMES BOLDEN, Officiai AMI41ge Noo, eny Brokor, &c. 0F PC NMoMllaa'uBIooek, Brook etre-et, w îitby. nleîtemer 20th, 1870. go COMMERCIAL MOTEL - BRUC 13t., WIliIT. -0o suunod poxéuuu.iom of tl!o tahove woil andi ta- votin bi kownn hotol, wltich W nnowflitted ii linn a nnpror tuattuor,wtierynnvn- onice for tine rt.optii cof guoatg aujlthne tirs- v linn 11,nt '0'io issBontaqeommnodnntion.n.udouip crier winîsu, 1iqnitnnngIlgari. Gocnd. ntablitnng, with eueooîd yardcls, andl attentive Ontetali wayu ou thoprooen.. Chargoes enne E9. 'M. CALDWELL1 * Wlltbv .Jn. ~4, 188.2-11 GLOBE HOTELqi BROORLIN, JAMES POWELL, ^Proprietor FIRST.iCLASS ACÇUMimoDATIOZi. lob. î2ntn, 1871.S Q TRA 1JOTEL, BR>U<nî JOHN BÂILEY, Proprietor. Tin uiov lhto Ia.been nieowly fittod np aund ftirrtind. < onntn ii d outortabfe accomnnmodationt ond atention. -- (;cou noonny îatninîg and iattentive ocîtionu. Ju. 284170 Tino undorulgnesi b-go te .tate that ho conîtiiniesao te anntfacttn-e Root, Seed &--?Xanure Drile, .49 WNLL AS-- 9ICU P A 9 R R W àAS» ALL.KIDS Or N1ANG Li &WI1NGER, Notod sm oreOf! tn hoot rticteiof etthe-lind innonutnured linntii. oontn-y, uud hliipnov- eti STUtAWe3!JTERS, à 'uelnliy 'veîtked, s9d go lupoie I very reppeot. - - llvlnngpropurnolnue of Znffnnon'aColobn-ate ýcalorian aIfnes a i lsumanuufotory, -ho:bffu te sy thoist o i î~evlati dto eoute £l Critou. n tn,- hinn. a n efdnowad catno, Capital, *400,000).- o nt ile1etnbllsqhbd Compary, vWeil exmnituhllitnpmuv lu csnjnnd. Iuolintd und moni bazardoA 1.propprty lu- oureal fon- th-nno yonn-ue s, atcupeotlliy 1e h Offloe, Brook St- Whiltby.- 0o..&L OAL- 0QA L. - Theinoudon-itned ha"untne rn-augomentu ton- a lorge> unppî, ot he dilidrentIiue Stiive ai a.onî, (ui eilia. Blouulnun-g Cou, .wltnotnllukept conî,tantiy ont baud) aitl of te lieut qnilnity. And i ili ho 80oiti tt roatîyré.e ducnl i -nnn, oninoir ou tine dock.on- doutver- - - - .IJflBVo W. Whithy, Aing. 80, 1871. 85. REVERE HOUS.E, -PLANk .. il, - Proprietor. stogeu tonnnnd omi Witbyocali daiiy. Every allonttionn puiti tegueste. Careol imcd &tien- l/)MBAtLDSTREEE? CIIAJtIN(4CROSS, M9I1BLIBRED IN 1782.- QILL.ESP1E, MOFFATT A Co., Airents ton tanada. J AN DAVI'ocpN, Mnager. X sUIIANCE atait tLOSS b, VIRE oarc I.effoctnd on thpinuonnt fitvorable toern, anti LUSSES ?,&ID vitîjueentretoeotetheoBoard lu Londnc. Apnii 8-dn1~8. Agent, 4 lntby Flour &. Feed S T ORE. Deniro. to Inoitrmn t Iiln asit:cnor whitby aind Vieinity, tillintle innn..noeaced te. the iîumnnnc-,cu of HENlRI WAlýTilRN BROOK STREEr, WHITBY Whore lie kecpu contantlv onlinatn, fionir, Oatnnoai, Cormmeunti, rnan, Oais S siot». Graionm FPloufr, &o. îAnd o eryttiRni nntheu Feed hne.' Pu4of 8lour fomr4fmily unue. itvorytlnig at tige iowont *moing piri-cunt.i cidi and xine- îity und price. il1. SilEPPA RD Wiithy, Finit., 1871. 7 COMMERCIAL LIOTEL, OS HAWA. JAMES BL~ACK, - - PRornnî,o. CqnnlvonlonnltlrflIttoni up roonnsu f6 ignmer chln travoloru.Bilrdatncn. T'RRAIN 1ETUAT (87 & 89, Kinig troot Enst Toronto). , THOMAS CARLISLE, - Paopmrsroa.' -o- Tha nmnîit oie- gant, è.lnnioutt und Ilentin uppliod et ail Iouru.- Winieu q.no and Cigarit of theeflunot branîdis. ili and Gant <lyateru lu ovc-ry utle. Zar ~ Plrtion iitngTo'ntufrnidn iii fisid o¶unry uonnnl the tnTerrupnn. A;nri 5, 1870, 14 A, 49 l f ; U -NDj'EIRiT AKXE R, o &Coq, &c. Dundas Street, Whiîby, Ont FUNERALS iFULLYrSUPPLIED.' flair Dressirig and Shaving SALOON, BuoC1É ST., WIIITBT* lW, Sourit on vTÙ2BANK e, MowrnzuL,. Wliitby Jan. 22,1'88. NERCUANT TAÀ1LO0R CLOTIIER AND PJIAPERL, GENTLEMEN'$ GAI<?nENT8 Imacle Urlin the bout utylio anîi in te«t.tnno Aîfnie2utook ottiu f(rosiu vi toîntmake a uolectio;n for (ieut1leesSU MnUImnuultan. OnbasnMay 2, 1809. .1 AUCTION BUSINE S be ureturnti hamkntfor the libernnl patren beo ebeotove oitinem, zndtotin- am puê-tJ>ij cm to coeuducî uaies, TOWN Olt, COUNTY,5 AT REASJNABLE'RATES. Areaoinufor.ounies caru ho madu] oltîne-t theino UicOtLE 0150é, or ut uuy evu OflIee, Brook treet, W hithy. L. FAIRB3ANKS, Jr., TEE ROBSON.- OVSE# DIJ»AS8TKET, WHITBY1C,W Ga'li e kolO-N0, Propricior. ptItc onlaf othenemrîl. whltbr, Nv otB81. N AT. lu th.,Towuýof hbit-. by vt:-uoelltont Brick cot-. vi- quarter of an mre Qt lgni. nnt c e iteO- iiierb o!Green and St-. Peon trcets, is Southi>urd. lneh- aenWeil#nen.eilt n 1118 hlgh utiee f ltaîo 1ooi u entvto-ou tho oenrun.n- er WeliiîgoîtsudGifoýIStreetï; North wnn-e, -A quatorfa~nonon i,oferooAles tC Dan teocn 'foute Ward'nt -DrPer, knq., lu tho AI-o, Twouty ACn-. ,Or gomd landt, beiugr COMPO.O&l Oftpàn0toîlot113,-I lte liPtieun-eeu. nninn1 Ottine ToVniiIp of Mnr-nv Cuni7t o feair andi lndlispnenbîo etiti. v'ifha' 91vent te ail thOeahenve, prenoty. For Iutter puîcIrnpyto the evuer. FRANCIS eLAiIL Ail erona bn'Iobted te theegottte 0f tihe ite wliuon WUýt.ou, an-e neuntt0mk fItmeliate uettlinent rAuJ ah pon-nionu ake lut cîniimni agoinnut the ugît eutnt,are rrqnnenuî eldto unnd it-bou t tethe unieruign.d l'onroti- - K. F. 1 "Ii'HARI' - ouWlthh2tdnyf4ept. '71. 40- D. IiOLLIP)AY. iROONLIN, sauONT -AOYNeT Isoig 1E ISOLATED IIISE FIRE I.i8URAXCE Co. OF CANADA, TORONT'O. A Pga imriCNIU tbi-To -A1140 Art-nt andi A ppraîsn- er o<'Jiniidi lpen-. ln"innent BuililullA. -inmg Seciety, ton- onne Ortnny ut lbs raton 00 lot-en-ena W titby, Augoust Ttln, 1871. iy 82 IIC II R D S No0 W. - tn-Vfo-Iitom n-t 'na rier, andnitIno n-ic, ltent holi ia.n--titent lit o utpronri*nom, Igtely niocupiot i ly Mn, Arnnii, wien-< lieuléit'w Pri-pinel teiuipply- evcrythînrg inn tino CBNFEgTIONERY LUNE. Just rékcld, eJ, ennani ottues et CH('ICg AryLvi A PEAIIS, FEHOYS 7Eits, FRUIT 0F ALL-IN , Ke, ,tnatyou nanlu l ,o eion. ORANER, LEMiNS, SARtDINES, LI'BSTZ1RS, RAISINS, PICUNES, 4 -HF EERE, Tî >'IACGO. N. B -n >y.tcn-u can bho mat by tIho plate, çookoi anris. Breainel îr-nai! nmai- ent-iner n-,unilMI clintr prrviaiunnunnu nid igoiodu llt-red as tiy tle on-deumn. (linoice'Brnsd.%et.Cignnru. - Wuithy, Sept. 18, - R. IVIJIIAI. INSTJRANOE Co. Ilead Oftle - Brock st. Whltby. 'utnConmpany imaurs FPan-m Butidir.gu, Conitny Otin-eont, ;Sltil lîctuseio,, nnd tînein- contentg, lIunt a-xnias L'J W a icgth eof et ay Wei i tnhýimahed Compnn.y lu Cauàn.- JUST IUSSES PAID PJIOMPTLY. L4 FAIRBANKSn Jit., J. B. BICKEI., - Socretary. Presitient. N. B.-Mn-. D. loliiday -la ne longer nu Agonit oftîlus Company., Wtitb**, Sept. 6, 1871. » - se W îfBfY PIANO F AÇTORY JOS'EPH RAINER Tire unnbacribor, lu rettlng, hiêsln- -cere thnks te the uan-y -fn-end. anti cumtomoru et tino Whithy -- PIANO MANIJIA CrTV4, berm t-ooit ta t ho nos oarn.ýta.,4il tiws ioiy unon muoi uý ecaut; atàn -- licitrgture a-don-nieabog te esoure t-leut- tant- niflg wil: ho lot e-flnuteson-ht ýpart te give satisfaction, lu suppiytng - QIT ALITY 9 S T Y LEB -Thneo iebytnteti uow patolutandi oroogu -ponn patteru n bt4i$u own nvtnvon n ntaaétidý SAI] orderu o'ceuteti vitîn promptitudo Wbithy, May8, 18740. 1-8 MARRIA4GE LIC ENSES, tW» (ico-Town ull. aidi.looinno-iYro Janl. 17, 1870, D WELLING JIOTTS -qTO RENT, At f HA bi mis ColtNERS. AI'nit esid- aîrenhleUReidoeou. Pe ouemtinne. Appiy te- - - JOHN HAMEEn Eoq. WIlthvn-Mly nyud, 1871. MO0T1k-&SHJOE STORE# Theo ntiemeh i a. oed Lis IBOOT A» SHEOESSTORE pan ok tÇul itblngthoWcuhern lqýot-el - propreti ten ogeote ulI an-ters fer - Wek. A larro "ud! sléc« atook -- ou hmnd. i. r lIng donsei -iJOSEFJIà. A. ND ELrJ. Whtîby May8181- .j Ta'? SOItATE» 'B]a" IE TTi~TT)i-Mn'V. av~ WINES r. A& MW'r Liquôr s, A fine aàsortment of Port and Sherry in Fre neh, pure Grape, red W.ine, Spafiish 1Wine, Pale Sherry, Sweet Wiimes,-ini draft, in mae or Boule. On draLft, Otai'd, Du- PUY'si Hennessey & Co's. In bou le -Niartella, Ilennessey, Meaustreau,v&tc BOTTLED A LE, Bass, Younger, Da- 'vie7s;, Dow's, and O'Keefe's, in quarts and pinta. Iiottled POR'IER, Guinness's and Blo'o&s, in pints and quarts.. Cloiee Loîjdon Lay- er Raisins, .Aue, Crown, ;>Black ]Basket, Musca- - tell &c. Ctrrants, me 1f -igs,- CRANB-RIES! A choicelot to arrive ëhortly..- F RESIIFlkg OSBORNE'80 WHEAto RIISTM A 'utbee e.ay lx iurk. pÇelrighter ulnyu beote emui T esrouI tei every ueten-sint nmneat sd -_1'oMbe ilt 1 Pax$ t-héjorntnnn.' - Te'bemanuttonie jjsnttiutmd - tIAbon andtti uIanmd yen may fini-' - oinulouIn leipty, pitobor.' A Sep-Snstenorte eege. tiJ. PANSONS HTALL. At tie noed e vof wekChnalovine obtaineti s holiday for t-bat bniet timo, reu t-sud, sud piscel bis wveif nt furuiunod lotiings'. Bsn fatnet diti net refuse i. recelve ber;,but-<be*rergotioally peinîco Oui ihe itnpoli6y ,o! is boing - inplicat-so lu tins affair as au "céosony, after ibe ,fsOt. Chan-les resdiy feu lne ,bis viei, anti ho vas really enchnnnted- vitnbis udariing Nol. lie. Ro, like tin oreai eovsnd ha, vas. put ber intq a cage wviicin osed et o t-be Meut injurions osuiol*nu'for ho conta eniy visite ber, a. k ver.oy, by sîealtb9 Cinsnle's lainer beinx strict'in the dlscip. lin. Of bi sebetd ai te banna and scioml reslienco. Weoks olupuod-eixceedingîy ploasant onoc tino, veeste the yoag couple, Who nelîher o! tlÃŽ;m ralie any boodtct the mer. nov-but -u Chni stnaus approscinet. tho unecrnathat bad-besn'gat-bering roundti tho hunît turlouuly ovor un8hp eeiofetone ar tin. 'ut oat s ith e vokeut. Idan-. garnt, by- dnt ôo! fnesding bar step.fmtinee'î Iav beoksud ti bt-ing soenstorked conomel fn-e. a law elerk a. ignorant as beoul! on-tino 'unijeot, in-aliy penuuad bersoît et the ht"egelity' o ettie'o nier- rige 9 sud as oh. canulanti, visýted theo young vite ai lfier logings, mi nuly unit eti(é fa fitfiig opponnunîîy to, evervinet, hbïF vith th ins ciosuns. I<lcsme the ver> day before !ChrIt-ma., anti partîy beg Chaio inbintieit, wina, seesin t-o sY9 baviu1 inecemeîeumevbaîtitiietofhis soludeti marital lite, hbai glatfi, vsltetibimelit0i an invitation for sbeeîiug uÃ"mé-?edistance front towvn; sud as bis tatino,, Seotiigm- liII, did not observe tin. Christmnas 'feui. vat b. vasî'b. atone roadit, enýbtiti t-e fiy fn-e, bis t-!o! dtiy. Mollie hati -mp le 'mans at commandi, sud ha -bai smaii dl'ffioulty in, convincing ber tinsitine euîing meuIlI do - iiagood, anti b.engit t-o go. Margaret bsd'- oro- vigitly soya some eoft-h. seels oe!hâhainl lins beseat. of tinelotigibg..beus eel~eper. 8h. bail interviewss th tat von-tiy lady -as vitiou, vitln daigintors prepsning te b.e governeme-in wiicb mli.batisamotid tooks of deep coimaiersîioa, obruggod ber forredt t, nd vas indignent lu ber donun cistieus o! tino vickedues e!fricin Iaung spendthitu- - Tin o mai, teel tins alan-m. The g4o onme ef ber bous, vas lber Ilv- img, #"t-, thon, the bigh t'ent paiti by be yeumgcoaupie, une gave ne trouble, vau sa cenidrtien umn-eng eoanin-te les, iespesking ber mimd,' us-abs tenineti it. It thus iappenoti that Mollie on this day vas lefi sioe, anti. ieging te spenti tins Cbrlstmas-day wtth ber ftnner, vol-. cetiMargaret-'. visit - siiblilvely, smtidiao Margaret, vino baistatiot ber part "là', kissuilbot vit-b sc6s show ef vannuti sn4 thon, takiag e sent se as direct-I7 te face ber, fixeti apon ber sch Is gîîno.e t' s'ofapuyt-butN.ltlfr- trsatbleti sud'- taruet pale. y -'ày fatinr! : eis Ialiguspeti Mle. nom i t ii- be i1t e lt, , vas ibe m es an-ireepty. -Il s yoarsel' Mol lis, bo i& 111-111 vit-b Mo 1 athn m ortl ic.ne.s 1 tari la Dot sioe.yenpers on, but your very 4bo4-slist sidll11.- -NellII'etiid noi speek. Bine tookedti in bildtirua"iïe ftI.-- M&IIla bsse.o!fCbsnles, sud ai issch* ttsu ontlued Margunet-; - hureae Nolli. heti moi* ,,Dg« uit ont bok linadosentionl' muid Margiret-, rai sing hoberveice ; 'buse, re derfion ?l -.- . crue 'Marganos, vinai ails yen, te muire y* spéal in tha ai vs,' exclsaoi.mod llie. > WÈai ails asm e1rpii th -e stop-sistor, la à loser key.' ýý*Wby. wviat lse can a&l Me except-tine punk-otltnowing heu y<>a have bren teceiedo!anel urongeti' 4-'aeired sandiwreagèd Vtit' on-ltele, ataiug S'up, stfudsiing x lit-t-o indignant- t on i j te br@ Boue tbai ery dàj Pouuuou NtIie bun vo ber<notbt-si- - -le aPoer Nlie sa huoura moer ot~dns osgered snd tel! inseDaibFe tidte l. oot. i 803614ot.on tine ltte gee ture lé(g l-ino voatoan, asuummenin ug slt- suce, Ne Ille vats placed ' ou) a concta. - 4a s000 n. oh. eviniced' signe - of netnaninug cenriciouunesu, thie iundiady, Who vas e*peonued inu cb eOme, dresadiag byster. nos,ý vieoin od'bave tôld- satale e! scaudal, sdmnnsered. su opis'te, and tins eutrsieed tbng, wife sisptOuntil long after th. uluter day'1 lg hîha duoop-. peaeet. Wbeu mab. avoine, anti batipartaÏent et s CDP et, tes, mmercr enynoanuodybut lreuibt witit it ouiy ou. recoolectia-Code stiog.- ing -dâ h a net Iraw'e', bot s diubeoned girl, vhem thewvend vulad, obu.tise -scd toflare vith ils scern. son.- a itivte ant , a obilti simouit luyeano asI weil os lu miud, ilu h to b. veqdened 1mi s $bok et mach Violence uboulti balve apoet t-he uitie intelëî oh. pouuessedl7 Nt ver haviug t-mou cslid apen er bat occasion te thiuk for bsrsef-e more Oreresno impulte, euth the iuuociuce oft 1e- rafflot deve -se.gs berueif up uaeoiutiugiy te Be lintneveugtfui sfop-eititer hd all nat id tn t tbntnn.muit. Thuna anmeti,' or rainer t- mnnunetihy t-be soign t- Xaeýiian-y 0thengnt, aine exbined a -cai mneset -mnu or gtat avodth -e' tandlatyi, - i0. lonce; sud, -moroly ssyuug ïht- ne, daubi ber tingu voulti be sent fon-,.tateas wuu rt-bt boqr, tofn the buse.- Whither bounti I Ala t vit-h lion choottoail agies sun a semset fundosenveti obame, @ho inntonorti te lb. river-te the bridge about whieb' oh. baisurnds e mach -anti sgngb.7tte bide bonsett froid, oenAuuiug oeesint the muddy doptbu iu ubici nose mnny innd soughlt a 1refuge treou epir., Ith uo aucedi thai tbe idiot etft-bo Bridges, ai beiinuti become àte ho kbava by, vus entbis, panuiom -Cinisîas eve en-anti; anti. fancyiug tint àho recoguizeti in Moitie the Bessie ef!'biu *vacAnt sean-hbleeupnsang tmewarde beor sun s teribte on-y, wviiotmOCerrifii,-tberinit rin hor frigbn aine -clumbunoti up t-ot-he para5petsud ook'the tin-osful lestp. The -benoand ta.5.ge-carpent-r ou eld havés tel- Josotibut sas pro;ented by sncrec et hie poriodical *alaminy. Molle, h owveo, bati been ebuerveti by seieraI on t-ho bridge. 'An ,siarin bad upeodaty raluoti;'andt, by ýt-fs aid of an' unctoudoti mansd ber crnoleine, which buoyed ber seop npo a titi. az about, the fulll aine Vas neucuoti and breuglt tu te lagting maire, ,ennueo. but Osnceîy iu- jured, excepm fromntbhedokis 8n ue cobl Undor ukiI<all- oct on. -and nurses lu Cbinug roub -Hspinmi uo - receveneti aufficienîlle Iogire ber fatinor'us. ddreosé anti ausinveral. penaenu-.the t-cii collecter sas ue-vene neady ta uvear -thntugne hati jumped luitte îe river - tuesocaipe trnu tino pumuui&ý emniuts, t-bore wvas lut- hesiistton about ber beiug - gîven.- lneo bis Co-dy. Se, on tbe fin-st Cbn-iutman. day &firter onwedding,,mine lai luin br fasher's bous eon a iidbelie, atteudoti by a bireti nurse. Her step-uiutor, terrer- atiicben,) if net eenscieuco..tniýcken, inuol ggos1 e nver te returu. Aund bers mn tuîny as sel! ho- siaitdi at- oh. ultimatly îouk t- e estage, taietiin Engino. vent- t-o Amenjcanbecame .whit inttheairiial .tsng lu coltetia I elr5ctres,"marni,- aund - bus s large family.- Maths hmadatisserlous itîneu, ant ivinen mina gay teingin -tinodelirium et foleer ber fat-ber, .obtaimacg front ber incainerent atterasnàu- e inotiides of s at-int, occared o oqld, r-su t-h. cquan-malery figint '0thns step-tiabtor, vas ïïinduceti te take the' ut-op uhlîi 4 -ho ougint--to have t-sIen atetmine pn-tvionuly. 'H. c1mniunni. est-ed-vitb min pet-enistetofMinciug.iano -net'le persen, bat b, ltttor. lu plaint lamiguigo ho tot toreny et t-hoclandes- tine naraiage hlmbsabâesintis ous- meut-, snd- ulyiwkn-ti ton juelice te lie ohild ti thminbansotlber bumban., t-o uhoa h. entoesetinoie letfifeusiedti utealy îo e8ues A t,- b ite f iiuttuutly;, or t-be coouquences isopît-bo uinocking, invelving tient-hsud oxpesuïe cf sttmight> ho- neratetibis beartleis -conîdant:.- To sey t-bat- Mim)cing li a pset by tins aneoriuconlot '.:wuldi bat teebny il tioscribetne ime Wet tho men-ohuatshe -il uau ai once minatâtsescinene be bsd been :n mikiug ion an aiioince vit-ba titieti houe' g inuti-rumblodol uteduti.n Béiu5 a Sinu of- prompt.itude,lieo ivsîtod ou hLis n'ant et lair', ndn-Mtt3in la, passion, sas. mur e bn-ostilyEotch lune-.E ct at -luaai. - 'Tins doie is-no' oftâge, andtih-e t-bin)gt- sinus stand goi.' -- - The atnanney ibook bis neati, ant il sato! hi seul bave otinniel'o opinion on &b. matter. - ismage me despstcbed for Linîle-- id, vit in tanveiiuugiy littis e non.- ni s tneaîy of slliance , sud- -suce va. concludeti betuoçu ntheo ' ~But bov-&tient itis notion oftho ohilti'. f bat thne i-rre.gé ii iliegatV muqulýreol Littleten, nenvouly. - 4Les1e tiat te me,, oulid Gordion. 111 mske theo marriage au hindi5 au if i bof) boou pentormeti by a, theo miniotono' îthe kikrk. o Sceotiasd tiEngiutid. Who 1h' tb de'il put îhaîut ouueu u lut e rn t Li mnieton. explaluet,sud Gordoý mut- - 1tered - ëWnat initter- vedu vomîntan-re ta 5vempn I A man wili fergive sy -ore., isud a seman s manu;buta-i eantan,ù veman-nover 1 r The morchaut uns carranê. Won, ilike priest. do ne afford uetn. intertalu-- Fment te n ho angel o! iorgiveu)es. e 1Moanvinle, boy faneti it vith tno Jenuz hnnoýbauid sud. wifo,? Cha-lem,, vineuta a good fetoes, nd--very mach *lu love, wv1nf aimait diutrnncted wheu - h. beard cf h;, Nelhiela danger. -HReflely te ber aide wii- ailthe*haste.heo ulti, and hiâ prononr- Sprohsbly oontn-ibnted mo-e towarin h, neovery thn ail the pre:icriptieus.lu t London pbannuacoigpia - o.uld have- ddt- Whnn .teId everylhing--forN- Mllie te- bunthoned Ëerhon d neely -Charles>tin net holp binobing a. ho îh&night -of t.- finrtatinusbhsd'kiDduiged 'i!î ewitb Mar-- goret, and vowed le1 b.o vol ho more disereet'iu future. - Fortided with unen resolatiouu- manY et tem - borie-f dire' tppreheueiouu et a renoii eloft nuiii -attempt-iie vas pn-epanedta te mit hi. fatitor vith mo-o courage the& -ho gen. erally diupîayod lu îhnî formidable plro- EH isur-priseand gn-atiictnn mnty bue guesed sinon ,hiu fentid-ail bru effenc-i coudoued ,and theoelti gendtemeni dispsne ne receive bis doughier-in-lis with sorneý grim .- tcnrity. He bati cime up tai Littieito usrne te adre-f the Influie fori binnuet!, as ho pbraiîwd it, atnd acconupaui.' ed n)y-hi. lawyer. - & Yeolt do,' unîd -the mon-charit nh. - crfietcdy ozamnîn-dtho blnihing ctitt suce of bis suoi'u bride 'yn. Il d sIlt'Y an-o ne tare mn imy Jean wvan cad tutbniity 1- ta, g.ondes ahe«venu, antid u- î6. aqnd bains vil! vorÀ«hnp tne ver0 ifrov-A. yp treuanou. As te your miarria-e nni my uenn Cbaniey, nover fnuh ynun-uélf about it.. My gooil friand boe, Mn-. Hngher, viii tell y. y. are tenutdinu edleok fau- ýThlé legul gentileman tino, oppéesiet' explaintilneatthe very attentive Nael'lie tit ber mariiue. atough inlu a- ponuital gînîdablo, vins nul vuiti that uinin t- uer Charle. couid titai ausoliolpato set_> sslde. The.ouiy onanoun erbo couiti ,t-but soreira îw thn.r, o-orbon- r -P, thut if both or eue dnd le ibe court-bad diocretionary penn-en, ahich i krnreiy - z e-ifpd,iezcept iid nnes. ofrgrenui' rmuil. oupb as an mineranti b ýr bengn e trap i. aln.o mSrriSg8 by -te. tioi>pruetaioo et-pet Sithout -Péilion or chu n1 HeCler. Hon e o- re- ne faise relire- Charie Anti committei îfemtLng- 111e perjury tin mak-iug nafaluée eclaïttion. about the doent, wbich vaî, nie ýdenbt, vory vrong lu s -ueral point, et vie.-; but, as thon. vas neo, prouecuner, Itt vould hie-- -v-oer Sui'lte Ma.iko sum-uot ,doubly ecure, Mr. Goi-don,, seu.- bad inetrucned -hlm ta pn-eueuî te Mm- Chuarles*-GOurdeun»-à vén-y b1 unmue pet -upliai sottlemeut i48 C à mna box. Tnno it-vas that my -friendu, M-.tr, er- Mnr. Chsnieu «on-dan, becamo sjiligahi onnooteti vit tins uoor, braiu.stricke- ilage-carpente-, ni-on )vhom Cinirie., I sheniti'mention, lu hlm new manheoti. inti aetiet a oniotit auuuity; whk-h:, 1aftr tito lecoaie Uft tiat unten-nunute, vwas cinoor- nnliy outinin-,d t-o bis vidowei moitier. - - Concludeti. An asinent-busbsud receivedth Ie fQllow - ing -compreheliv. lolegrain fn-o.bis vite n iauger -t',My dean hosiad-I bay . cashud_sud, aket,s>nd bemd s boy baby - gat threughby4. 2-30.' Tbiuk 1'il rast- 1 1 1: ': - uif . tinF 1 ý 1 FI

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