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Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jan 1872, p. 3

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'est- tue WCesIFY, TIl the ýkei, ol by lbe goUdp, su&gnd Mthbe aie faînter sud 9 glippedF awoy, Fisher, who aat M ô'eock ;-theil Id was Lt hanîl. ange Cime, anal 10 sîgu cf ogon>' l'heno was ruy twiehiug cf tbe Of the limbe. tis lfoiwbicti bbetj awa>., andf 1 Fsk. jr, WAs e lait, bo 'wss 'biietlipo'u bis is futufre, A PAcrd in the %v -lu the parmin bocre iyas bond- it su i wnlq thIlft Went nud came nouth tccoffnu, Itt igu fni'te t-s tbis suuddei Fic bcblid au ýrt lu bronIe il c Win! a pictune ver 10 bue seon .'oed îpuu b>' beeluue cf thle nul)( th.)living qide the corps., aiiornence by e fills which Who was Jeaul. -New York,- hight Henry Mou, La. I., set - enin7ig the 01the wespou ioua luireiired fOrt g't rap as(ound by ifenoaglu ta 10t IVfFtiCB.,. asrnu ")f te tî.ils, 9 opetosd for Ailton>' uel Ov fiai -îbe.4- perjurer"asnd )n impoôsou. anmd Cmnrt6 obuIC rogues' ous Ips. rnad lettens CfS %FM are. 3ft of thei t lie waued- - defencea atloed Sir- dAuce the, 14 tt lauf, vho- t* verebi rondine oîng on. loto from ly deaire. Wise snd MDe ol ' youtb* t9 vie'. The* Cataqfzr -Ça.. lui 1 TtNew York Holso ctrmedent . deeptel fros mW lùr1k J.. iUm.1 Li tUU iUc 88s. th.ue lOn Capital ha o <orwarded'the #M bt4it" riry * Of The note of IbhélImpérial Cbancellorf ~ ~ i ~OeIU~t'. Gorlssbakoff,,te Ur. Ourdi,, tlb. ,loUsi uU5 li, . Biés.- Nlnister et St&,Petersburg, wlthl 19,le Mid tit ir% a'.prop.r4 , f., -il eesdto tCtoc"zy b mibepubtiob.d dbsama peu, wula mantî ID roi. ilb 1là an nuual<course for th.eR p au Govermebt, md bus ben sdopted in A bond of femaI. counto'rfolfer, bas ,order 10 expre.. resttent at,.. the b brkn pi llinnls. ment and prempI:or, distilsal of if. <7s.. FIab. . - t ilt ii n le.of lo'bridies'f ailie TI, foo wln ia orec o'neaîo c o Il Juwby Ib Rur. K&ode?. lb nte blb .publisbed'lu ?renob soU . .,Kr. Wil Birleit.mise . Obp i ctorous- vzwc -'M. Consntine Ciàaqzy, Envoy,lExtra . eond dýaiter, etM Kv. Jhn Gis. ordlnasy and télnlter Plop;poe.ntigy t bom 23 t b ivahl p hIbyT PRI*fiS, -h Tut&Stat. u.ha. been âMrdIl h,î3uEolfl> IIIZB mai:Highnoesthe Grand Dut. -Aexs Wbitbv,, 'Karkts. 97"takn hè dparture trou 4qh. United :!-M-cti bvsaJà.. 7tb, 1872 Duarva T»S ALL ON 871e.. Ili. Oacazy Voir -etthIe aime rne n- F ai W hot 8.0. 1 fovred thés h. willl fot sleturn tte b-pont '::-$ -<> r'adelExhibition, Kîngton. 1871, Bon7...........600 S65 ofWasbington, butthat bisaecal ilié Posa................ 49 a 7 PIRST PRIZEM finsin ucomlla ewith the request of RY1.........A4.... fi ù 4 tb.ý United States Governuient. The ...tes44~4 o' overnuient of Rits Imperial i%¶jety te- Il!...............$ <In ' TIO S-OR N -gretsA lia the painful affair did flot ter- 'lover T HE.......sso< eoSj Inînate wii b Ibis. qj a s W1rsasnabl t10..................15C. tn 200. per dos Jau b.epce.The ~quqiescence by the Bef, hind qn........... Lockstitch Pamily andLighit Tm. b ovrniet f usi.b,1h ' "fore q.......4@450 PuprL ovmeto ub n h r Chielena........ ...250. 35, X antfacturing Spwing- quest of Secretany shou&hîthenllytle. Dnks.........0.~5.M c vlo e ourîn y betweeu tivo Iiendi, né- Pr pret...... 4.50 @a$e 25. mETOR. dions, to bave been' coutile. as a finla Btte............ (0'. ~18 0 VBER 1LL %COM YO . acttiemeut of the question. In like subse. wo"a................. $40: (q 4 Il,. 4funt correspondence ou 1th. part of Se- -I------ Te (,BOIIN ia prlînpuncedby ail praetical enetary Fisb thiere was, howcver, ucither firenkrant.-ý- Eppeta Ccon.- Gmaeint ewing Moelibie iteople. wh, haýetil oronily mm ad ComtdrîÎag..-a.By a thonronsgh know.. età1l>ed ta. %b 66nnteunlv a Firort obtus Me- auficiei attention non 'proper. respect iadge of the nhtural lswa Wiîeh clivera the chine ln averyparticuiar,li but. 1pi their hosiest sho.'., lu a Rnaan Ambassador. perform- uperationsorfdigestion -and nutrItIon, and b1' jutirg! agit, lnig dtiîe, auceh asu li lid a right to i- la erafitl applicastion of the fine propenties of pool from th *oGovertiment ai whlcb bo well. solecteui er.ns, Mr. ErPa bis prnvidad iThe Dest l1'nmîiy Lockatttph Sewing. dur breaktout tables wtn , allttelv fiavonred machine la the 111raleg *ivas accredited. lhoveraoreawhloli itnay nveas nu nny heeî'y *The le tter of Secretary -Piah prescrits dootoràr' %eija ute. Made Serlons titongli vague complinte against simli with lloillnig wuter or Milk-,. Mach -Tlo pnneipul pointa of menltin es OS3OIN M. Catiéz»,ad h -nitsti.I Per acke»t lx labellod-jAMES ve & ài:o. ilniu- over aifl,,tiun a: -Tho exoellence and atm, lai Cabinet tojudge tbe couduct of ils re- p'ha(heitLnon'Asnaespliy 0fIruahilnt.naeilop cf Pfppa Milkzy Cocos(Cocos and eutdenoed ed ilit ite cou.natciol,-its Iaîing qonlities anîd presentaîlve. lu tho0 opinion of the Gov- bMilk.) as Wide rs.ige of work perforntedî sncb as lio enuiment of lits Mojesty lte Eruperor, Mf. - ohher machline in ils clanxansd solîi atat prie. Ostacazy has ýtislactorily refiite,many TRAV ELLERS' GUIDE. eau attemritThe 8httla and Bfobbin t are of ties. cowplaints; on th.o ohers tho Twîns twri. %lwyl . M lay$itn rgo teneetilo short, sîraiif. andI eaaiiy 6V lt eltension perfect, and 'un potietuîie oet ont lupri Cabinet. wili deliven ils jucjg. as llows of onder. The fved cmin Ibo rait-ed and lowered mient wh u-M. Ca" sz h ad-'fuli O1. carào-Mil,7.15 *.. Il 'fin Caaczcal hd. 720 P-03, t.will, aceording to the fsbric tuba nused, iiben;y 10 preocut bis case. Tho Jupon. .1r.t.1,9, .3ou0 xecs 01 lai Chancellor hopeithal justice il fi. a. m, Extircs, 1.15 p.m.,; Mizcd, 5 1e p. ciently uudenalood in lie' United States Th trains ailon ?lttnircal lime. whiloh a 22 min Talc OsBQItx CHALLENGE8Ti EMAR- not'to expect jiL before ." e 7 aiea saer hnî htby FOlime.QA The. toue out-the wboie note wu one 8of .Miiucloso atI bo Whitby Pont ofice,55sitIla1. 'h audied jusoience .and ol eamentl Whttim-o EsBpWi mad" .. ni-G tedfrhe Y as sgint President Grant and Screts, èi1ý egstmil tiers sho nld ud 7*1Nîho nodfrtreY as - Pub.i 11 la certain tual Prince (Jut- wickeffl «hi9noiesbcfure timing of mail,.- chakofi hua lest lu;semoiper at what. as ho- Enuiiaeh mail cloues avary Thumrw.voeil n, hnad o uus hogotqau privately exprçased, hocousidens anineulh 't 7.15. p. m., por Utinadian steamers ; oveny- go Russa. Titre i gouod gnound for il ud>y PS. a Ourdseae4 Agents Wanted Everywhere. luq gè linl ail probabilify, M. Catacaz The. above la Whl by lime. Soniy oboyod the order of bis Governeut; tcs ev e verv muninr(SI.ndsy, ce.Pie.)set R. &HI. 0'1 ARA. l3owmsanvilae, 0GareraI Ihat. lu bis coud ici witb regard? toi the 9 o'elock. for th, North, making connecctios wth Agent» for Unlio coînly, Durhamn sud Vie- Perkiuaclaimîî sud bis attempitoaprevent 4£Io&lpruitecouop,'. . iia tb. conclusion of tie Treaty of Wéshiug- qDIVIYf p SERVICE. GUELPH :sEWING MACUFINE CC. ton, he folowred out 10 ils fulextealt the AUL IIwAY,;@PCimnra. [Chbre.h ..fEnghnd.)f-At il Guelph, Olut. Instructions of Prince (îortscacblif Thus iLit.aouI7 jini-Rev.. 1D. Cayley. Jannary Qth, 1572. 2 - hè. Cscazy' catastrophe Le -a rebuke to AT» it ndlltucr.pa.ttn ery nniay-mev. iJ. _____ 1th. Impenial Chancellor hiimeif. Nul ï s a ti ehaw~~' an, irtîay-c.J withsanadiug lte defiant neproof tb the Si. AIhW% ecflra.lna]A 1 .i Unitéd Stteocrnent-ihe note ofSand 8.30. m the Prince closes witit expressions of cou O P. m. UCreeiAtI . isu '-END S YTHE MOST tinud smity. It la, howeven, anunuques- 1 vzotl5YAqMc SîyfOf>?ioT uaci-At 1E20 .m. and I EWE'AN O t.onable fiel there is a decided cooineges 5.10p.m. Rer. Mr. Cmood. TH~oE L48T " YEA. l n tie relations of tue , two Qoveruâments.. Coaentto. ITusc[-A i l s. nm., snd 0.30 - NoTiiINOeTTER pin.-Rev. Mr. Gibbs CTRI o Firet. ------ OSTON. -NEW ADVERTI8EMENTS. uocuuasaa Soid bytho Dnugil~ Fi itADTit.-Five LITES LOIT1 Bradford, dan. 101-A dwolliiug hous I .. A E LYMIAN ELLIOTT& Co., W411 -dstroyed by fOre à few roda front Iis FARM F R iA E Station at two o'clock Suuday 'innnniug, Tu omi 7rhentoi tLt rn oRoNTo, A.rs. by wiich fine lives wcre bah,,n the damnes, D )r of tlot unrt [lieiii tue tnw'l of %Iit- vik, a wornau n ied Tessier, ber two by, at the honr of t l 'ck, noon, on tae ciildropu, to yuuna worisaau. er niece and as%%.% .- .- -___x tuan whu: bosî-dedl b iue nte mou, wiib bis wilo tond citilul, bard, oe%. capeul with their liveib>' geîîlrîg out of the bod.noom woindown The oigin oft'the line is unkuowu. - Newbutîg, Jan. lO-The Newbtrg;Aco. r dtpmy cok Orenetah8:30 a.into-day,ond burnefi down. No inourance. The sclbool will go on witoul much interrtiptiu6n. The fligb Schuoi wîll bo kopî lii the baie. n oentheiiWooieyan Xlitîholist Chttrch, auid rooma i -it 6e liovideul fon thie en 'deponînieutas ooto, Thee etue of ibe tOre lunkniowii. - Bîrumpiiîf.- Jait. 15. -The barn sud mtabi.j cf Ileibent OL.oSe, about Ilîre RPIiles Ironstiia l lce, nare bun,îd wiîb thein contento ou Sttunibay niglîl 1l-49, Isth Imat. Tlhceintgi.îttîcS re SUCî as 10 beave no nolîbît [i it was tue maork of an lîebitdiîiry. Lo4s,$dIOo;,insnratice $2501. A bouf a y.ezîitr ce Mlr. Lowca boul aIliisbains burneul, swit the ecalme orop 22Cdloi January, A. D. 1872, Ry mn 'oi Fiirhanks. the younger, Aoc- Undar aPowrno a ua certain Mortiag andt mubjcct t a, hecondition», lu ha litnaiý thae proiiiO'pd, lita foiiowltiz Landes and t'remu.es: Tii.Noctl, îteof Dit No. 18, it ite i Ith con. of tha Towni4hil»,4nf bMar, luthe C 1tt o i lo o t!titting 100 lt'e.,,more 2n ler. iere te fromuC15 lu 40 acre. icleered altd pnnîialiv frpa Inoni stumfpa. Fair Lote Ucunse aisd Good lctr Btrnu Mt ite pretnit'et. For t'innlier partiottlitrm japply l to etttro. Sifotirmr,gNo. 7o lîtînels St., Tvrouto, onrio J. Ilili1erry, Eaq., IWlil)y' .Iiiia trv 171l), 1971 E.»' COUINIV 0 F. .TAliO.ý A Munefuiizf0b tl cv aud Lepnu"i ni-aveu% of tht, vitriOns i ._%aia tio-n of ti-lt, ,nutyof <>nlariO, siii li în ici.Vie tîttoil V<'titenler, cort Ili e, in lite FOW' Q. l l'BY9 Tuesday, unuary rd, 1872. the Coullcil cfjfie Corporation c(f t aloèrcssid cuty C. Ofic. J AD> of lhe er, enttiliiigia lotis ci over $2,000 G1 E D tT S ALE Wbithy, jeu. but, 1372. 2 Whby Dec.. 27, 1871. abor, e118aItîsuranca. Iu titis case lso 4h t - lucendIanistu wasauitdtubticlly the cah1se. OV Onl11Y Co feW yciars ievîcuâ Iote is aIl hie , 1 banna sud crops wnare burned iîtîder sim Impoeted and Puaro Bxe Short :IfI- Iveraglly respected, and id lta oware cht ua 'in i- h, mp rte d o a t-4d NS I C hbi a singlu etieîîy tîtat would du hiu - 'Mpre Ct l 511>' itru, il;if; dhflicuit to assigar a cause Shèpp, and Tmp rt-- Hatch & Pr Uer have received for au :h seecuîitgly tuoliiots ca dBekhietoecibae ~gosddul NOrwich, J.0. 15 -l. 1 steam a5w Beau ahos ebiveid * bo Cororbltion, ...... . cf. lt u'hotoas Cowîmn, ituateti about six - - Swine.nidth orortin îleà eesttoutNonîs-ichi, *an do îrcycul b>'y Allio, 1nglish 11ogàkL vsered l>owde neyelodo oonhîg I a upt.e Wili ha sold bsýPuili Aulion, un te be- tbe work of au incendiary. Los% Wednesday, the 2VLh anunry, 1872,SI H $18 500; no insurance. - V ii(oW2,Iliciçsinc'0îknil, r-' Cheaper at Ilatch's thani~O Dominion Noination4 WLIM MIliR , - Little foiks caîl and see, from o0. upu sREOitw AND>COXSEItaATIV9 ,CAliDIl)ITEu OSb 8csd p Ttra lofp Oatie, a t iim- E lien oi fiîo,îî61)uunt r,l) iih e fi - ENGI.11 UIIICICVILE, ud lelsns ii) l't wuld~ba~~ati atn,,,Il.& B have receiv~ first aua -nOstôofthoiii mpur tcd. inimpdinil land lcaliira Brockvillo, Jannitny 12. 1872.-A Re- Suwa i-oa - oiom red Bnc i hireaPilla. (FFICE AND WAREIttj -PE T0 R ENT. s)n.diurad dessçl f8k, &u. forno Convention was fieldI in firockvillo TEItM1-Ail ms niter 825, oili ; over '-'wiil pîcase note the fi, 0-AI1 anticli to d ay te select a can d id ate t o co tes t lie hi t iicto eig bt t n on îbacor d it, on u uishi îg A h pre ttnt n -l au h f.7..Jo hin l;low , Bîding at the next cîcclionuof amoniben aplyrovi.d paper. Ts ' osit iei liFlrîiyoI.FrC NTBY , for tbe Hosso0f Commnus. About sev- Taslih luln'Cekea~In atcularapp>I 4 nydelegobes from Lb, towu antid th I. , k vting jbtfore asud nior or0fp" W F-1; Can be sunnlt dwith Coal Oi, tonsip Eiizabetb weng present. o- i> tute "if1 Lieul.-Colonel Buel was -nnimcusly - WILLIAM ILT.R, WityJ 8BiIh 1i .ln tluth>'tcksol,&.C eboson as lie Reform candlidate, sud the SfP. b li guSelesi nthesissu revolieul. PlokerIin Jeu. 151h, 1872. 8R G I.T T'iefoiiowirig resolu1 vows moreul iy -_________________n il otDR o uG iStSy Pg C . Froser, aecoudid b, Col. Bueil, /P OSIR' VE q dp Trpn e nlostosityu and unantimousi, egneed'to:-' Tuat tie 'W U AI ( M4 i English ils aud geniîjue leadt, -in 25 Reformera cf-ibis Ridtug, met iu couive.,- «Mmamr E mutocksI lease eau, as bow quotationt expres seauweli thein utniOStconfieuce ln - as ut819eIQUIuZDn Amtog oovsadsoe -:ti presenl Admiinittratioti of Ontarnea Ba bcnle hapIoneo Ibeir uuqu>iifed satisfaction ii lihe r rnvumade-10 pari, Governtu. o dicCi A onurrtieCovetin isalo zaHO G Whitby, Decembor 13, 1871. bsid to.day aI Dublin Corners. Tiens ON DELIVERY..lS IN TUF. WORLDTUES wàs à lange atteudsuce of degoptes. W Non. vilb ho aod ou sny othor tenrs.me* .as W E ST)/JJTS ' ~sr.J. W.i B. Rivons, of Liona; 8 ..,wtOKil"WaaJP .Y K3oBraîne>', Reeio of Elizbetilovu; Joe JOHIN LEITIT. Lvepolad-odo nd r.b Doson 1. . ooke, W. Fitzaimmons, Wbltby, Jan. 1, 172. MaA cu-M (coNlt iepo n Lno m lb M, P. P., Jameui Crawford, M. P.; John ]KW YO* Office,27 LKaJ ST. INSURIANCE COMPANY. IdoMîilvu. 1'X. S. McDonnld, M. P. il.,il N O-rrjiJc'B E - Aviliable Assees, 027,000,000. Samuel Kefe4 andi Hem> -B. Abbott, 8 heret, gircu tnalise partnî-rab, croto- - reldntofLi lrckul. nt Caiss.foa xft~îble u, Ietan1 nul t) ILsatspaid iu conuraoflbirly-f vA years exeeed Ralswore proposeti andi secoudel. amha finiifAît C.. G.Sitarrerdi th man Mlgentlemen* except Mn. AbiolI facture et Lumqn &c., 1 len tîilidaty -FVRtY MILLIONS OF DOI.LARS. rerellndandb bis nomination wîs mode dîieuvocil by mutu ouno . Ail dotes o- Ficr for Poafa RRai.s, or<'oalr Tiuî., to unanlmous. -inz te hlb. idal srît a are te bha paîâ We me h pneiimerii Wittiiii ut..einlla of ch, Claitoa ile sceoo Fats, extboatl t hneari> , AronShanar, (ien irad; ntiaildais Rouge LiiiiL nqptrel, b>' letton or peruonally, 03.000,000, aro boirit liquidateu as fuaI as ~ aaint hh id part ila en bi a et.- tb djusuid wilhoîoL detnctloiu. Disiju H RAT o uthe m1Id as Shsrr db y v1f'om ho ,- W.BFLLCtIANMlWlt., Sennrty, Promïc Payment, andi Libersility Westporî, Dlgby Counîy, Apnil 4 ISTo. Dated a ah irnar-d tfils a cti day of __________________P.__ 0.___ la fahjustis wetby Cniuareeprom. -Jams J Folow, Em.-Dsr ir: Jatt ABLESi - t - SUA ~ ide Awake and is o% 1ie e 9 e4leaaarscî lotel huW in yya*svcz uEIA Aitnil. ALIN S8R>0 -- (4e. F.C. SXITH, eatDiuesasd IProtraion of lhe a,.- -11 E hrotu ÃŽlos I lite lze-uxo1,iite ~Cie gn o oiit tom goueally. 16h, 1872.1111_8 .0 ot on! a 9il Puinti ga (41 EAenNfe Dminon Ofliguueïsl, baing nie d pbysermuu- ACTt -bu ente very sAmcrflorte HE RY ARE> L. FAIRXBANKSI, a1., AztT buti luEurope n»i AmelosLiNVLVIIN snd obtàlulng no reliet, 1 waa aIi sat mn-A.rV 15BEECKS'SgratLientor', et fgouAtWhitby, Ont, 1Weekly New P,îpen. Agente arg arest .,-ae 0byyu aaebeSnp u .BAE nmces u .0 noa n monîhas; Whitby, Déit. 27tli, 1871. -52 sbppy teouay,, ith tli e bot esuits, . nvt7Ã"fGO~J iotier 672 ini 8 tia ;-ilo or 118 un one ________________0__ -On uing the frst boîlle w, complamu Zeelsu ueek ; ono 81 in o day, ta nai otliers E1- W" bttè!.an belre te furthwu fn- he Isoleqitall>' vol, makià nom 5 auj $10 Io$0 DORT WHITBY & PES labete, Ivsudbfrele(oniwo u ii nveut inhael a asigument of pra.Tkmon-ai tilAuolulagont wmo - iaeIvsempitely cured bie Mtais te us, aun ohe reitons une uotified mlora, nayt "iiîijjj t tle beit businessRmL aAY Pispubliai ot ononfit of otiers, tO meot 'atthé oofe tJaune. -Holdeai, itsitOfoelale ssBA ve1o . orrIAidY.o %nlt onî' of olarlo, onengige ooner." P bel hasn au>'book . - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F4 s -atojnu ~ ~ :~ 82 qeneai. A rare 0o ice tu utnealoncv. -- 1 nOr hieal liae À w eLcMTLiocal _____________________ Ii _Ip-sud chu liM t àrumo, nsliot snandi voîneitoi tlevert'vi ia' rri.CulT-rcli beet tbsafia n 0vae f vaigo enen a vii lsiisnoui. is ~f h 5hdyf r anrsd leno.J. B. 0 À O~,Atrain vii, unlil faon ernotice ldav" pont 411111841sIat*ned - te lu tim e, * . i anusny, NA.Yok;. 1872. 1. us mieesp er. 7 Pr 11*., 14w ~rk;il Boui Id t.,Penafr ain eiery lawinl morunirue aI7.8 d dwred. Tbe needyiaDr- W-u. - -- BLDN ass,; 285 Weiât Mdisntract, o0010el osdWhltby At 11.80 a.M., ahop làlgetai 4àoi tl î,fWlld C-erCh b oi 11.inter iLs.aoen. - - l 8 nbnl Asiuc. Jamuay 911,17. 2 Wiiitby, Jan. 8Ibý, 1872. 2 a B. la Reliablie -Wati'bea and-Cfà ,Genui ne CoIored. & BiIg!4i, Sterling Silver Watch-a Jewlleryj Electro-.Plated -Goods of the---3est (uality-,, 4ND FÂNOY- GOODSIN GREÂTJÀARIETyq,« 1-lavinog; t trust, sa1ibda .nmam e, for~ reliable Goods, I amn determined to earn-e-reWttttion' for fielinq cheap., Buying and selling- for cash onlyeýè'bizngimeto do go, JAMES JOUýN STON9 Practical Wafeh auÏd Clock Makeà] 3rock-st;. Whitby, Janf. 17, 1672. FURNITUREITWll~Ïflfl AT THE SIGN 0F THE~ GREAT IIOCKING.-cHffAIR, SF ur nit ure f o rNoeh in g Parties making purchases at the establish- ment of the nnderaigned Up to the. First, day of January next, WiIl receive presents according- to the amount bouglit by them, as foiows: p te $25 82 50 ; $50 to $1f-$ô ; Op 10 $100-$10,- sud for langer purchases, in proportion. Now is the tirne to embrace the opport!inity of seiecting from th. largesi stock in the Ooutîly, of sideboao.ds, bureas, centre tables, sofas, chairs, bedroom sels, &c., and ail of tho bout qnaiity and manufacture. JAMES HR. SAXO. Whïtby, Dec. l2th,.1871. The only first-cla.5s establishment in the Connty, where Funer. ais are Iully supplied. SELLING Gra-nd Aùnnal Clearing Sale -OF- QOO S r NOW GOING ON AT JOH N»SKINNER'S Full particulars next wveek. DOMJ '~eto sFanecy uShirtinge, -Shirtsad r-WrapperÊ, &c., &o. arn errn.oeg&. Satin Cloth, aks, C hest Protectors, ges, Fancy Trimmings somç choice [s for the 31~ iii inery,/Dressmakl g and Tailoring DqJ NE TO 0 »pE. 8cý The Grocery L partowit Is well stockýd with choice new Teas, Cofflees, Q -Urrants, Raisins, Figst Sp{e,i and Fruits for Christmas' Fine Vright Nav'y SMokng Tobacco. GoodTea for 50 cints. LO*ES &POW\ LL. Whi4y, December 6, 1871. S L ÀNNUÂL CLEA.INGSAE1 a fre s,!,,ply trom Engliand, of rei nht <bs'us Splendid rofereacco tifying bt teur being first-ciass. '0elasks. hhot, powder, &0. SLBIGHS! Uessrs. Walkey, or O'Donovan's. O n a nd wards. U'ED GOODS. WL INsilnr e:lat.ed andtable. 1 EAVY i:le.on reqirin., thegeninearticle, os w e as repiremented. -~ AT G rIERGH4N'S Dress Gool Boiled M4\oii, Machinle ojis, Millinery ai lu o Winceys, ANI)PAIN RS.Flannels, XNI)PAtN~Rs.Blankets, fu-om one to ten bar es- alsod t aud 100 lb kegs. Parties quiriug Ini order t as wili be givèén for round lots.'\ou RAD-MAI pipes, Patent Du mb St oves, &c., will be offered. HATOH & BROTHER. ýafter the 2Oth Dec. )FFER THE BALANCE 0F <OUR 'WINTER GOODS,%N LIREATLY REDUCED PRICES. - ni Manties, Hosiery, Tweeds, Cloudge Scarfs, rlake thorotugh clearnce of ýDE CLOTIIING ST'.X3V*K,- great bargains 'HAMILTO JIAMILTON & Cou GREAT OLEARING- SALE' --A T- 0W0 YEOMAN GIBSON lu rettinning tiuanks the public lu genenai. now beg bu itîfonni biem i w Dry Goods as mncb ar possibhe, hefora Chnistus.', MM(5S l-lE W AK S7R>io astlng cf OCaian andi Enghsh tweeds. %4avers, Wtuceys. Pîey Dresa guuds. C0obourgs, Reveteli geuuin buti nane wite andi - grey Coilons, fane>' Dreas Tnitmnings blov l ueiss ervnBek Hosiery, Gloves. Nubios, Ihoodu., nnd aih kinds ci fivojpXhimsx As2.oa~e pmphet eut season ; wiie Shankels, horse Blankeui, Buffalo rn 5.1db, û~~çgi ol6f ink Purs. - The whole of the abuvo wiIl be sold cheeîp -Ladis cali sund examine for yonnaeives, before puon Jout arrivsîl aht i4 No. 1, a citoice' anti1 t10 E OR LE*Christmas Fruits, Valencia anti Layer Rtaisins, Cu A qu i <f Pn. n li oni laitSugar, &c. of lot No es, doit't- g. 0> Tie higbest pnice palîl for Ponhi->',B Apply 1 1 - .Don'b torgetthe place orna.me, T. MOCANÇ, Or tgJ W1 ~ A ST.~ jWANTE1 il! IIIID[ATEJLY A' it ,'Nov. 2m71. sl-U 10000 Goôd ]Dressed'Hoge, 500 Tb 5,000 bushels ]FailUWheaç-, 10,000 b<> - -< 5,000 bushels Poas -- 1,000 1 A MINKEl vR ou front ruad, ior, hib ite iigbest lUnkotjris e a >twn 5Ir. ývTe'u de Town LII%- f i b atl i Tuesdsya#tsr ,the gh9nholu b.fiuder -- ---- fil 06awmt Nu E. -YULS, suit- -- >1l revard vsr i-nn , - Whitby, Peceuiber i9,187 L. ito bis old frienrls éustomers san bal lu onder te reduce bis stocek C ., offers the viole of hie stock, con -, Docukins, Brod otihous Sirtiugo uhe Black LDîstres, Mérnos Pnints and Ribbonn, in eudlese variety Po Fney vool goodm, suitablo for ti robes, Crpets, &c., sud a fu lltoci ptr thantnhbb choapest iii Town. rchasiug elseviere. full *,tesorîmnent of ah1 kindà ol mrants, choice Ttus, Coffe, FigR, hR Buittr andtEt ggg. hi Good Butter, bushels Spring Wheat, bushels Olover Seed.. Y. GIBSON, . OLD'No. 1.- OLD NO. SWhee1s we are nov msDunfaturing Wiel%ïraningtbe tebeons Weil' mdul, and to - ive un gÃ"od estactlon a5 any mn- feutreain the Dominilon. P * r i e s o s i i u g f u i h e i n f o r m a t i o n c a n o b - . PAXTON, TATE,& CO., .Pory-st., Port Ferry, Ont. Maro $.lt, 1869., -> ThoÏnldDec. 15,1871. 14 J. J. STO0K's E~XTRAMMINEUL -Titis 011 axeela a1l other- O11:bath animal sud vegetabie. and wo aappaned to s how. tii. sneriority of his ia Outo al éther. 1h tands tha tseneoessary te procure a &rat-eissa a- tioeit lxlaadaplcd te aithiierlighit orheavv ma- ehinary, frono a elock or tewing-mseline.io tbe beaveai- of shaft%. - The f6l lowing aia tha pointa lu whleh it omcis biher -Vils: IT WILL NOT OlUM, litetce machinerf Coueaub kcpt c1ean wilh but uitle trouble, tond il will dlean machinerythat-bas baen eircalyginmmed, by ohher Vils. Il will -nul conLgasi or th ieken- lu the coldea't uf weatlar. >Ti ix a qoalîls- of the higzieeal importance, froin ltae factaun 011 nouihaviing Ibis qnsiitv will îlot lubnicate o eold ahaft, anch au t-il ena> ho appiied iln a bcated alate, but the momaent il touchea a cold ithaft iLt 4enengcoad oud wil not lubrieata un- fi tiitejbnriial by fiction acquinea t-bit tempair- alune neceaitry te reduoe il to a iqnid satte ln scquiring a bigiier temperaluro by fiction. tta Journal expandg oti th.bbcbx la injored, il la as impoattibie ta u3e Col thol willichili on a eoid Ilbaft wiliîouttitis renît, ofat s a umin- ueOlwith ater. ..G. Stock'e li wiiI lu- iesoAthtie coideal machiner>' ta moment il laanpWied. ihis 11 ia now uset inluovan îwo hundad establimlibmeiil. and la giving Ihe begt pfaertisaction. and all ullie tn atiyitgiirt« orefen il te refined Sparin or pore Olive, Ilta frea frein thé*objection% nrged agilîtal ailH otîter Oilm, ue il dopa roi goînîx onfniieze. Ntw ae the public are aware that mtiny wonîtiltia thingat are pnffad mb uoîorioîy, lu ordîl ao prove that Ibmla j no hnmbng, sud te sectmra onnciven egeintth ie <penations ut unscrupa- ion. oi1 agenbt, (many of whom wili nul liesi- tata lu palm off the itucon offal cf 011 rellnenies ait beingidantieal oilb Sfoclt'i. extra Moclillta OIM WCa preposa, lthoaa eWhouare, intenaoîéd lu tua lrnth uf thotia alatements. tho aand ta tbem, ou applicabiotn, hy insul or. "'lter wiac, free of charge iîî.any why, is ouipli- 1ocil, tht il may mpck !on ibecf. And wili nlâsý .entd wilh it a few eimPle tentg, am cfletcîi neo tho.me lesta by wiehruoid la knowît rin -Ijue baer inctais, ondwieh icl e11asileparies or-, derni-o seenre th "etrie.l%,eiaglîiit ipoai- ibt, by eiîabline them ta delortlît <oco wieilîan the 011 ftrwile l" gin eagboil as- a ample. Ail parties clotting lu Machine Oila will do0 well tc communiente wilh Bo GEV. l. STc K 1 ,8r70.- n, nt TESTIMO'NIA'L. -- Tua Jc>sxrîtHALLMcnte'cne VshiApnil4,70 G. B0 voe. , BotoviTîiÀ, Pi-coi Q'ln,-We liave béton naing your Luhrietîî1g (lui for lte p1t four mcnîbt, and eau it t:y witlîi teit itn ilînt il ia thie best ciii wo hire t-ver up!ccl it la alun cbeiip. aid lasta lingir thoAn tliT 011cr oit. We basve runounr large 14 fei- rit i.ipiiiîo, 7 <laya wilb une uilig. h beersta ictois clean aud hîigiit. We duo t saut anythiug botter as a labnicalon.- 1 ami, fours lrniy, 5 F. W. GLEN, Preeldent: F F1. RA.- 4, iV DE T4 Tirot IFl:n ut ~wntîitnîircdl Tni- aid e pies just billied. A !Ilel -cat!tity ttriuited ont fite flptiper. ii *t-oi titbins, iidîîn iaedtr ir eui-n iit Iteu Twu Celi/nt <e. l'Thein i.bcitntittilu; inaltieiv ~atsiogne auid Floiîr:1.(4ida itae wolc- > p-u-ca. uivlîth 1îoroni .Cirectiit for lhpt'Culture cf Fineets ant i itable±a, orna enting grond», m.tkinf wslkmS-'a. -~Cbrisltita prettent finrnMy'eux mmer, Ï~6 forwîirilidt70 u> alto iopiu y înai , for - i O C IE T I, N . Y . Decemlhen ftb. 18-11. s- TORMSAER' 'Tcftise vary best quality ofilinier, sln aitd 0tlet-ant1c1)ii lenthgliand izo te csuit Fort narthlàlwnrlnurg îtppiy lu tle propnia- tors, WO.)N&lHART, Lot 14,ntî , tie, 2 mile. clofLt - Or to JACOB DAFOE, Utiiot ttbi1e C. , 1871. ve t 51 gýjm rPort whilby & Pont Penny Railway Company, viii hc heuti on 'WV1>NEYZ.DAY, thea211h da>' Of JANLARV, A. D. 172, Ï91 Io 'eock, p. - ni., aI thua Scery', 'lflfee. lu thea Wwn-of Wilb.ftto ôpturpopc uf elactinîr aine Dl- recon. tn iipueîiîgye-an, au requîired b>' the -Act inoonponatiig dta Raid Company'. of eceettry-T Office. - n . W b itb y , D e c . 1 8 h , I rol1. w VAL ILE The- Hme e- fOteR t jhnCE.al Ea. Atnire, ut Vinili, ibrea miles froie lie ToI!u 0f igaa, cmpnaig lotsa1Itsud11,u the VTe rbp0fIiagani, Counit>"of Lincolni, Ooiiitîa2 >acrost- 0u, Isuit, fifty eres of - rooti landi, a-goud rchard; làtweî I wsbereel b>' lb. Foari Mile Creak, -(a sprngore> - îhich rua lîtrotgli1both lots, Th il i9 ~ exonlieul, ml-asptospault il -kinda uf grain- andl roui crope. Thieieara buildings on buis -loti ;will'b esolulI las-prae lot$, or bogeteîir. For funther Psrtlauisea- tpplyte:u -Peter . servos.or FîIRIent N. lli. Itaqires, Nlsgomu; o r qI s o u (!. B ull , a h th e rex ii e n e .-o ri'M r . Peter*lh.nlu',Tivod, on t(iMo.- rjohA T.hom-. uon uor (l. Wallace; W't'ilbv. - AVOID% QUAILKS. A vitiai orfati> Amuiscreio, asusinguervousjdebl~ity elcy dar e4 rcindy&o, h-igta d iaovet4o avr simpemaousofoîfnr 0 o i e l iii ouci. fresto hul feil utfee. U-ly 1KNaeuaStreet, Now.-Yerk . -1 OF- 1 1 co.li ÃŽT OLD N(j OFF' . on ýo ivcbe la

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