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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jan 1872, p. 1

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ýTY BRANON. K. F. LOCKHART, Domi~nionlà N a. B. Taelorj, Aé 9>". ÇÂMEItoU k MACDONELL, JOLaw, Slollotersi to thie Bikl of Montreaî, *adthe Corporationî of thé Oouuîy of Ontarlo, Notsris, tte., &oC., Wltby, C. W. à . O04IMBEn, 9Q.0. H. J. b(AoDnExLL. gWMlonoy toloai upon gond neourlty. -Ap- ly at théO 1.cf f thellrm, *CourtHo,- Solthw'g8 Li.COCHRANE,.LL. D. el ONY COW N ATTORUN ET FOR ON-. tareBrristar ani .ttbruey-att-Law, 80 f trin<hhueoyNoary Publie, arc.- Ofio-Broïik ,street, noxt door to Royal 11.I, 1'bltby..I BOr, Do piiy t7 effîtrar, Mattir Ittrlierdl d ry,, na eoxamine-ln Chiaucer), for thet,'oun- t>' ofottario. Offie, Coutt 1lieseWhltby. JAJIES KEITH GORDOIV, ,U) -S lnrl Chancery, Couvoyancer, No- ary Publieo, &e. OuJiez-Noxt door te thé. Stor -cf B. & J. Campbell, Brook 6t., Whithy, Ont.. Whlth)y, Nov. 16, 1867. 4 FARtEWRLIL & eg~Ez. 3 ARRI$TEI<t8, ATTORNEY8, SuLICI- j5 (1ONVEYANCERR, AND No- Ovusce-Ons cloor uorth of th. Pot 011e., noshata; -and KLFecer's Bîcex, oî.poaiî.. ...2wu Hall, Bowilaville. ou B3rock, U.' W. .. RAMER GRIEENW ODI, ATTORI<EY-AT-LAW. SOLICITOII IN 21.hancory, Sotary Publie, 1CuoyAucOr, &o.,1 Wiltby 1. W. Owz,aByren stroot. Bouth -if FobtO 011.. -49 ZYXAN bqULJSJI, L L. B.. D RRIS'>El1 AT LAW, 8olloitor lu litan- 40 JAMES LAXIO Ni CONVEYANC Bit, LA NO AGENT &c. OisQyr4ruuotrung's o l, 'main st., êURG SON 0 TIITE COUNTY GAOLI 4 THOMIAS HIUSTON, TOWNCLiiIIK&TREAtdUiEIL, WHJITBY G.YOUNG 8SITE, fLL , M IXCHfAXCKIIY ANDINSOLTENYI yfoTantPULYIC, £0.,£. 3800 lm~, -WamTr, OiT?. WATCUXAKER, L&c., Brook Street, - s-* Whftby. atws, Sewinag machines. And overy-tllt Ng Mohanical Ruinaireti and in-ii proveil te sait a1l. at Low Rates, sud un the, W.îhy, May si, 1971. 2 L O$DON A881URANCE CORR;AIt4TION PMRE AND 0LfNa. F r à A I-17 ........ ,Âr~a 129 IIFAD AGENT, m<)NTRITAL....I>MEO il. No. DO St. FrausnnâXîvier Street. r .jOI'N AGNE ÇV, Agent. Whltiiy, Mss>' th, 1811. -- 19 S 0 HO0 The utidernigneti tîklepi'icesalouit o luforn iqi. temerg. that tii% ahove MRu!», sitnstei on lot No. 22, Is tise 70, uoncessi of île Tovnnghlp of Uxbridge, are stow lu PUL WORKINGýORPDIER, Anti reaty for cuttlug Lnmher lu sny q nantît>' to stuit enstomemsatîd wîth pntuolit>' snd denpateh. Lumbor ent front10Oto 80 heet lu l.sngth. JOHN qWEIR.. OINARIO IHOTEiL. DRtOCK Iut,*WÙITBY. C. DÂWES, - Proprietor,' Thé*above oli eptallsheti hôtel ioasieen luit lied>' fittesf up ani rnîvated tiiroiîgltsmt b>' I rprletor, al the. npartments beisîg huuseivwthnDev antli ultabIe fumuture. TIse utuitemignet i li beave nothlusgndesie lu prouilltsg for tIse comtfort ot bis giiesîs;, and tIse> mu>' relu. rpin tIse beat cf pure lîqacra helInsurpled i Ihl'Bar' Strict attention psud to the stabing, aud ln keoking afîonîthe cvlhy or hotîcra. C. Dawes, Pneprietor. Whltby, Nov. 22u, 1871, 47 JOHN WOLFENDENI .1081(7 oiCTUEa CELEBR1AED, SOOTTISHI GRANITE. W~ Kt Marble '%orks cf 0JQNATIIAn WOLFENDEN, Dundia-St.. Whitby. 17 MCNEY TO LEND AT REDUCED RATES. C. N. VARSP anoloeirdtredsymatt I tAlyriiA L Denttt, Oshawa tmni ieae 0rn n mnt0 oiehe~OîmEut~ on utieTovîsPropenty, et 'lueloweot posatible e.. 1tenrate et iî,terest, bts s..mi ausd metîner tbsit ltniceepu tiird laon-iortli ofîthe Ontario busrowero. Priticiptileau he n.paid by'yetanlj Bank,. -itutlmoîits on lits oepnm. Soverai *l islivateiî Forma ausi Lota cf iv i L~ ~' v (1 Il~ Lt il-I Lerid fr olaesep. W IIlL S 1-10 U S.E92 nveoqtssti macle iis Debanînreiu, Mortgagea .88 1I5Ii- - ansd otîser Soecuities. -A. WILSON, Jr., - Proprietor.- hilver issu! Gree,iacks; bon iit anti sod, T 'EEXhgataanonct Ii For furtiter particuisirsp siy to trililatsalîlde pub5lic kcssarslly, tîsat hie ..JAMES HOLDEN, bas openo e ikle slie 55C Itel lnth Ie Village OffleiaI Agnigree, Moties lirokar, &c. of A4sishni, for tIs asiccemoiîtiess e tIse tris- E&'IIQE-MoMilan'a Block,Brk strc-et, cl obi. 'Tîts shusse le uew. siti hur- Wîitby. a is b h ie ".014t t bh o o g li un d c a ssto ta ila e iu b-2 t , 1 maber. Ounests wculfitilaven>' coîvenience etmer2t,17(). at the Asuve ostah1l-itnet *, W em, Liquono, and Cgarse'if tIse bes Bn. iism alccys kept rs C OM M ER-C IA L O.T.E L nanti.- gW. Geai Stailitg isît attentive Ootlers lun.$iRICK sT., M H ITI$Y. teudance. 1 - 01 uc oil A,. WIISON,Jn.,Proprieter. IlE snbscriber lig t itu Ashburn, bloy liot, 186i- tf- 18T asusi tandte niiosu ie tos ra munmd pnae,tioîî oftlt-e soovu. ve elland fa- Grand' Trunk -Railway Hotel. in byses Ieecsc i swfteu AT tyvnîruîr STAT.lIONi. yes preagiscm kstowiltils le Ori Wmu lt l Iitby mobtion, hegs t lisiorti hl» frieffis asl te travelitig pl tlie tlbat lie hae litaiup te hutsold îssî tablem lu flt- elans sétylo, and 1)ty Vuttettlii t llite valitof Chose Who lav(ur it i A sh 1loir patronatge .$rnot5 te0menit aCo1tjtaltý, <>1 theîrcuatom. I>» arttcs takilig the trnain ansd oaa iimt herses iîli have item welluumkuucase of tili *thoîr retuirli. * jOYAL ( 1ANADIAN U T EL 1PORT PEIRy, ONT. H. rUy, - Proprietor. Sup¶urlor aeeomiltadisosî. oud utatlills mcdi ed roo-ns, andtittitîtive ostieris. Port Porry, Nov, 8, ists. 4.5 1NSPECQR QF I>UBLk(j 1CîlOoL FOR tie elt Q utarto. Ano)aimsoglau hast Office, QOnt. PORET pz R i yHo U . PORT PERRY, ONT. JAMES THObMP$ON, PItOPRiIETOR. Tii. Bâibscrlber wleia te inform the. com- mout>' that blé Ptoetuioe are nov open te tise publici whore ho la preTared to furuish a. good geommodatithisa. auv iiitheisCeunI>. 'WUITDY, -UVNT. A. ]K A 8ONt Proprietor. ýrh. Alivé ha. been thoronglily reuovated, sud thopubîbo vit) fiievery eouemsuodatîon adhe L'et tt.ttion. YWE9TERN IIOUsE, DUNDAS ST.«, WR1rBY. rh*nd brsbgued would lIUmsto tue J.pu hlo at the above pleuulsabave w.p p.wiyrfitnd up. aGd rnoqat.d ibrengli- Dot,tor the amenmiedatiau cf Gqiets. Bunt wem ansd lquéra, *sud Cigare. 6 e Crai of Canada -aine Pure Rhlno jugeWaili aLoger, wboloinalesant eal. JOSEPHE A. BÀNDXLL. *gydoro loRen' b>' the week oh moderato -oe folr puliec iîejfeî., lIa a'-sigpur bile. i(,iiiii n si,,r uieliquors aid ciuirp.Co.n.u ?4til)i le 0 i telosciyards, cuit!iitîuilîve (Insa,. ai ways olt tîe premisem. Charges Moderate. E.' M- CALDWELL. Wlihbv -lau. '4 is' - 2 GLOBE HOTE Li i 3Rooxr,,IN, JAMES POWELL, Proprietor FIRSC-CLASS ACCOMMOVDATION. Fehi. 22ud,9 1871.L c ENTILAL HJl )TEL, B Ei(;1% JOHN BÂILEY, Proprietor. Tiesoe yaotel isun eesuvi>' lflîetisp andî furusiuei utes tw iilideoinîensablo scciommttoation aundstlertion. licoci roomy stehliug anti attentive ostlern. Jan. 46-80 ,F;AhàilNG IMPLEMEN-rS, &oc. The uudcrsgignoî begs ta slate tat ho colitisînea i mnuifacture- ROt, Seod & Ma5nuro Drlls, .48 WELL .As * î H-A RR KO W 8, 'à C U PFPL E R 8, 1 'AuALIiÇnS Or FPARIIING IMIILEMENTS. II~GL &WRINGER, Ngt4d as one cf the benit rtloeln 0f the Ikînt mutniitured lu the aîe su,,d hbies iurov.- pelor lu over>' reso. 1>' eY ole., sud livin§' prepareî onaetfErmeon'î Ciehrt, tale n>'ha.izn nov e.tac>~h.bg cblclielnar o ryethobon ordero outhenhhat ho m h the %ualit>' of th. en n icsom u a Crdoedsu ip o, aterial.t W, OrdOOdandLumbor laken lu change, janti Qasi PrIe 5o 1,ed e x- 0 JAXES CLAYTON Iais. fiion,.hsardoua proport Inl. sura for 'Ibm o arsor je$, etaJpecly low rates, t. CJe-, Breok St., Whltby., WlîhAi.29, 1871..8 C 0 L ÇO'L. ÇÙL a u c e c - p r i e" ,s t , - -u iÉ e - d e e k o r d l l v , <jOHN BLOW. Whlthy,' Ang. 80, 1e7.8. ýPLANK r~rs Stages toanld !:Omwitbyoàll dai]Y'.,Eve altentieîs pli toguantis. Cereful #6:4 attol FIllE AS SURANCE COf IJOMBARIYSTIETP & CITARING CR08S GIL1.E-3IP1E, MOFFATT &Co, Agents t Canjada. JAMES DAVI8,.N, Maniager. rNSURANCE, agalunt LOIS by FIEE nr L uvffeted on -the usoetfavorsale terma, anc LOIS ES PA ID wtbout tf oreuco Vo tis. Boast lu' London. YEi)MAN (IB$OlN April rd,l888. Ag nW tl FIo r Feed IlIEN IlY $S1IIEPPARlD Desira to Isifori tise lniiabitants cf Whitby sud Vieluil>' that, lie lioan ueoeed to thse Uineon et HENRY W*V'Frzn, BIROOK STREET, WHITBY Where ho keopu constautl>. os band, Fleur, Oaîmoaî, Corameal, Brain, Onts Shorts. Grssbost Floue, &c. Andi evorythbnitsm the oFeti lse. Bot of fleur for fomily use. Zsverytlsing ah the lovent sellsig îpriocq. The cash, sysî.em mtricnlya4hheroiî ta. Plumeu catI and examine qmneity aud brio.. p 11 siEPI'AID Wlitb>, Feh, 1871. OSHAWA. -e- Couvenlentl>' fitteti op rooma for Conuner cili travelara. Billiard» attachei. Aprîl 8, 1870. 14 TERRAPTN R ESTAURANT BILLIARD UM (87 & 89, King atret BEast oute>. THOMAS CARLISLE, - PatOPRcu-EaO. Thoemnt eeo- * gatsnt, .spsiouo sitid comrontsshle Rda - ~ ftarsîmst i (,estntda. MWeatos4 upîliisd st *t0pal Isours. -Winés. anCn (iyaters in every style. SWD Parties visittg 1er-cale for a dity cilI fistci every acomnîmodation at the Tenrapits. Apt!] 5, 1870, - 14 * JOHN ROBINSONIS flair Dressing and Shaving ýor. ery for SOUT Su 7 a X i RANE OF iio-#TBEA-L. JK Wilitby Janî. 22,168i. GEORGE GURLEY,, ""IfIUIIIANT 'rÀ 1L 0Il CLOTHUER AND DRAPER, 0 . OSHAWA. OENTLEMEN'S GARMENTS inaieipIsL tisa betst yle suisulatst tiislsu. A ino tsck eotu0tfo trun wh'lIste mike a nelectionsfirn stienesu's uummer suits. SAILOON, Oshsawa, Ma> 12I189. li bog tu retrîis tlîa .knkfor tIse liberal patron u ge Jieretol'ore tîesîowed iupon )me, andtocan- nont1uaI iam prepured ho condaît sales, eilîsr i TOWN Olt (COUNTY AT IBEA89NABLB RATES. gMArrangements for sales eau b. made ailher ut tlie UOHROxIOLE Office, orant My own Office, liroek streeh, Whltbý. Whltby, Jualy ' ;11 40 M AIIIAGE L ICENSXS 1 KARRIAGE LICENBES W- offie-Town Hall. Rosldnce-Ilyron Street, threc doora uorthcf Town hall. (LÂVr-E iýP 3s ROEL, DIJNDAS STâtEET, WMITBYC.W GEBORGE itOUSON, Propriator. T HE-subserlbor bof. to announce liaI ho nas lesed-tîe building fornierl>' kuown s iri turela Hotai whtoh bas beau ronovat. o, refsrnshod,ats4 Stt.d Up thronghout,Lu tho bestof style. 'neh.promalsëeoarepleasautiy altuaaod. opposite tfisePt 1c.adlth ceutreoft h o Towîu 1e. u uh Thealaym(usalaîlt ot.lsnd the stages for Uxbridge sud Boaverton laei thedoor.v.rynaor4jug, Board#] perday.. QEORGIROBION Abà,oi utY Acrea 0f1ood tià ad, cps fpart o lot 18, utlt pisiefLe owîsup of Miirray , Coul IV» lA'îlesandauJlu'iotputblo tie I guven tO al the above prep;erly. , For j, P-articulain a&PPlJ to thoe 6fler. FRANCICL hlylv19, 1871. IA DMNISRAT.)MtNOTio'r. IndebtedteotIse oataig 0 lisume<llaî. s'ettlersuant . And pailpet4outi lngr CIlslms airaisnt tIeti, ai elt', ara î iss ed toaoned &hemsate the ùnulersignestidf inaîment. MARGARET iWATS( y. . Lo,,KHls' N.G, RE.YNoLýDS,' Adminibtn Datei nt W lIt,l the 2t dy Sp' 1 D. HOLLIDAY rc ASME FRT as sd ISOLATED BIXSE PIRE INSU-RANCE 'O F CANADA, T(ORONTO. à Peasar Câ.xrecUx txanII-uroy ' A gAent andiAp ralser for Canada1 - msnett BIldng nd aving SOCiet', -oIo of moie te> 10l4 arsohlintereat. Whilty, Augnat 7th , 1871. 1>'a R ICTIRD SNW.- Beg to inferm bis friends and thte bu ) tItilie 10bau re-taken ls hst ipromises, latelY-û.oepld h"Mn, Arutali, viser. yho Imn su prePereti to muppî>' evorytlesî lu tise UONFECTIONERy LIN) s Jaint recrlvod, 050v raI cases of P EAtC;1liM & TOMATOES, ver>' aupurlor, Cilt>WE ArlaLKt & PEAI 9 FRUIT OYSTERA. PFR V 1T 0FP AL f.KI mD1 0KePt cuntautl>' oun ban, lu seasun. ORANGES, LEI!ONs, SARDINI LOBSTERS, RAISINS, PRIUN ES, (IlH rEsE, TO!lACxO. N.Il--Hymîers eau b. bai b>' the plit ookei or nue. Bresati Jlivereti hall>' toecnatnmers, antij Chîer enovisoions and gois deliverci a. n, iii, nndered. Chobce Brand& of Cigars. iVniîiiy, Sept. 18, 1871. 8' T lE SOLATED IISK FIllE INSUTRANCE C O'Y I 0F CANADA. Il9A D OFF1FIC -Kine. Street, cre Chuneli, Torossto, CAPITAL, - - 500,1 Depooited viibGeverument, $5,0 1W. A. LA W, AGENT. Mcmilîet'i Block, Brock St., Wîsith Wlitaby, bept. 2Ctls, 1871. a DJ WELLING IhOTUlES TI) RYNT, At HAMEgR'S CORrÇERS. AIl most di sinasble Residencet. Pont Moerato. Appi>' tu- JOIhN IAMER, Es;q. Whitby, May' 2sd 1871. BOOT, &k SHOE STORE TIse undenisigutoti ha.somovea his BOOT AND S-e9E STORE ta the plmises aýIjoining the Western Flots- DuiaStliSt., I9'Iitby, wdard hosila toc iîrepted tsi execute ail oudaro for Work. A hlarz, and selset stock oun sssihepairiisg Jone as nassîil. JOSEPHI A. BOà.DELL. il b. iirthir L.RK. 29 tf of th, make I iext br ad- rators. 70 'N IITBY P>IANO F ACTORY -o- JOSEPH RA N ER PROPRIETOR. The sub@tcriber, il, retut.ing h,& smin- cane thanks te. the man>' fricuis si custemers oh the Wîiishy PIANO IMANIJFACTtJRY# beir, to ptate thut ho nov carnies on the himi nests scIai>' Upen luis ecuaccunt;anduinlisgs- licfirg future onienais e beize te costume tsesin that uotîsirie wil, hg left usudone on1 husaret »e give ntifsctieu, lu supplyiî sus ~wumu OF StrUuîea11 Q Il A LIT Y, STYLE,& The celebr'ssted new patent sud cross-seale patteru f huisovu lInvntionuiflanuractunei as heretfoer. 45 SW. Ail erders executoti vith promptîitde asi dispatai..1. JOSEPH P. RAINER. Whut.by, lIa>'8, 1870.,I>'-18 ORinAND ftMyIoiTa goNCU.1 010088 TUa ASIpcEs -or vea Jannar>' Dih, W2, iah Eediek's Opora Bous. -Omaha. lIX CASH PRIZES. $50,000 GQ0L DCO0N. TICKETSi, 88 esli, or tee for $6. »mah a possent fref. à-mAgeente Wanted. For fuil partbcalars adi- PATTE &,GARLDINER. Buaînemn Mangers. Omais, Job. Novembv 2th, 1071. *Smm48, athlein âWaY fro the dhi'm dlands- Yevtill arc thoir rolées iuulted lu oag. UT.Tnown ta tiim, ho, thii, 4ii1ad the. orth, Tihe dark threaouiug eloudsatlaat .nvfoop ' the sky ; i 1 But the storm.god IsOouitig-th, wlads hav, awok, . And swfhll lth, ploud herald rises oM hlgh, A mosu11k lbl, uh aerane ocf trr6r uaIut, Fron, the <st ,Iwxuilig teopet dinolves everf' drea; And thf ionwtlwil W4 elurlk cornes th, luricua blast, , I Atsd iddinut aI c6la theo ncu'. mer>' Da kosansd terreroi egu oer th.eave- Vainly thi.>' trivé W outwoathev the, gae mountalu.like billowa ougulf the frail bark, A nd thse w îd we op a ove them w ith d . ormae wal Amiy and Loonard l teep quiloî 'now, 'Neah the willow that growo b>' Ontarlo's totrand. Lifleas and cogdou the bach lby wre found, Clamiing osoli ollur lu deatli by the band. ut fen the Plwaino, os tley W4k on th. On osslm quiit@ oveulugafane>' they bhur [The foug or the.loyera swel ovsr the Wat'e, Ad swee.y und touderly'fuit on the car wh. givbzlts Curseo-A @tory or Bine 'A Stuc ve ael ca le th e à"D ort ," e hi ch au ieteesu London anti Madiera, anti wiicliba juat besu lost 'on lie cosat et Africa, la tho tourtb voasolof thîeSame ame, boonging te tbo sane cmpan>, si baubeen lost.' , Tbus es4a e priragrpl lainb.te ws colurn of !s moqut tiail>' papemr; aud iappoug te knov that tho ait iparapit la meut easeatially tmue, I bave tbeugbî tuav s ief histr>' oh the ls. oft îee oqm resels migt iitret the gneral meaater, sud-aittiavaiIoe crue it ont very- nearly e j >1 as mîlttî to aie nes long since, by â'yong gentleman, s son ofthe euoe paniner lu the fira wo ovui th le tour veamels. Cleiming noîiiing oethue aton>' es my oe, excpt te riaig, I ili i aiuodce M. Guilonti Faxo, jr., f tl i maioe Faxn, Guld, Lizer & C., London , sd iîvite YO o te iln te bis narratve in tié' q DART No. 1. 'The has etf ici my ater a, sl, ant face s pae sauuarble, -pral an isinthe enior -parner, bas on m:in> pei, sd lifting - hc qntruser frein1 b . yeara carribet on u exten ive tnoae lu e t s tongh le ta i been au infa t, fruits, ine st e , i h M i deira ciieli h una l ot i -iim over -the. sue, ioati ng doi -about the year 1841 bstd lureoed ho suclit ithe obat, ful 'on the bad& of ti an extast iaI as t u otninecefsar>' e ta fte Oansuen,. ad wo noe vesaal, te the fluet oet'fruit. 'Pire l' sieutedtiho diacornfsed Peniu e s w e y the compu >' ; 'anti a. le gues, ermblig-to bis feet, and ta din bying, ellig, officoing anti rnaning, -tere iîb the bs et is claklr evoule victualling and fiting ave>'ofethte vessos te s as Captain Manuel Cortano, tE vos alaya manageui b>' rny atiir, be militar>' govenor of Porto Santo, os vil iiving been man>' yea a captain imelf, treacheronsae scoasirel a" ever disgrace h o tite rn u u t asu b u l , o n ra t e r h a ev le u n ifo n ni e t a u >' n a tio n . bul haut aHll, tce beautifual clippen bniga, The oliiera iesiteteiunutil tlfe orent ounti anti fitted ti c i al the mo& rn m fire as repeted t he' i lut iateti rufar prvemnts ; anti hvig mae up is sd tin four bllets ised b>' Alyr, mmnd ta have, nt ouI> ne vesels, but ba, *o auteti in thner tons te t] A, bran nec mstes ton leu, ho alectei rnate anti cree tee approtico, just out et tiir ime lu 'Hlo, there, M . A llertn I jum p foi oeueoa our vessels, ho commndni um twand, ir, ih ail isudo, and ibnig the i ig . k e g e a c i e n h u a w a >. O v e n e t i h m .- 'Tiie ioya, or ratier men, aluce tie>' heave l' ha criai, as the affcior wu became captains, cae bth teady, indus- pieti on the iig's ail abote the oat trioua toîloca, excellent salons, capital 'Hoave, MY>'8seul, suddai the raeaiala * avigaters, nîrecsi in ibusiness, ever>' ce>' audocu ent the, keige ; but lie Porto s ca able ef com m n îîug snob crafts os guese ba i siive i off jusu lu ime te av ei tie>' cene eppeisute ta, as an>' tetthe i destructive missile, tiet woulti eîheu. Young men li hie kiuigiurnoft 'Great ciai, have goeesquare tinougli lie bette, B ita l. A n ti yet, uehithitandi g ail et lhe mr boat. tuis, thse Ico youthtul captaina cane as 'Never mini, sir,' saiti Calitain Alvyt, LoielI>' anls. lu ver> ' man>' important mome caîrl>', ai ho saw lie anchor gs traite of character, aa ero miduight aui down dlean of tebot ; nver mid, Mn noon; fer Captisi John Alwayn vas a Allerten, I1eni, glati' atter al, that ce sober, quiet, deep.tiin king.-.pçrhops in't mil 'eui;anti nOW I hope 8Sene isceinîg youcg ma, *ven>' seluom lagit.'Cetano ilI go off homes autinmd is *ig euîîound, sd neer boiahron ; but ecu business; for, y My soul, if ho t aicaYu gooti natumeti, mopctfut ta bis 'onters suotier musset fired ah us, PlIrn s upoiors, sud people aider thon hirnselt, his boat docu witi thie iig, juat gse sune kinti sd indulgent 10 hoe coder hua as I'n au Esgliahna. Bat, put sal et comm" a ndi, u nisersalî>' conueaus anti aas tas o e ple ,s ir;' antinluilesa gontîemauîy in bis tieponîmeut luvardsthoan f fteon. inutesthie lihile Dart, va ail1.', waling off fron'tho land, ner veuy 'aptain Etiarft Ietn, on he con- inci Of canv, hulethe Portugues. boat tram>, v a abluff, iea my; - ff ibandt ello , Wc as toat dis ppearing lu thé, dep ouing qute s got-ntuet as Alyo5 but tligtasllni, as ohé puiledtin loards rogI aud incnidentei lu bis speech, le shore. otton osyug thilga btagava offenou,,anti Captàin Alyn ordoerothei. ahuard 1< thon apologizig in s tank, beat>' vaY, carry the. packagea that ai been Siang cn tht turuoti ffnce. mb goot-umo, anti dock dtiulae the.cabin, andtontien cu beogied the ffeaeti into tagivensa anti Jeen isef ithe youg lady, iee forgoîfane4so f e te inu it, saIth oe sme be emaineti o n m ore tien: u ior ; and lie, hn l cameoair dck. gin, beoemol>' 'Alyn sd Irton ee of the s.., tforemtlI ha Isalernedth le gin'a oe, bomu la the. saemavilla ge, a ev mileg ittr>',andt laI ho cnidaed t e s ne froua London, anti bath bati sened ther et tii appisî vengetor ber lie, ben appmouiceabp lu bb saine veasl ;and sekiuig proteoticnoui board the iig, snd alîogli îe>'bati nver podiéhily quarrel. hia 4aving secueti er.from thaescendrel le d p*y e t t ie >'n y e r q u i e g m aost i s u > '. C o rta n . B u t c i e l th e m a id e a t r >' tig. Tii.>' ere 5iofsea3ds,'neet- ces r ci>' ho conidoredi imalf sa fesse but n c com panions, sd - oib alwa>'m ortoaute inl isting m t le , h a iti n t t o t tI s e m e t c o m tf o r t a b h o v ie > ' . t h e > ' c r e i n o r n u e , c a r t i I l ea n i t a a y t i n g e t s id a apa ni i a local p oii ou Mu* th a>' the pa nticala ma ou til a vek a te n bar- s. ona in habite ant isdîpsition. rival t Madeira- 'M y ftoier andt he ller m m be ma e of tise Sm, iaicaya appoaredtiheard ii. vs PREzICTIcx. I v e y a u g m a cii m o q i n, c i , as 'O ui o u r arr i ,ýý l t F u n c h a l, ce fo n ti fo r in s t, lt o g I l ikrot i I e to n , >e t. I li s C o u rie r d ia ci rg o t, s ud a il re sti>' 't 0 munsý confus.1Iliketi Aivyn tam boter ; neceivo hem hoinevard cargo, liai Caplàiu sud chou MY fathor meut me round te Iraen intormatiousho ahoulti au ameuce Hall vlt t he b. oou ng aptinatasus& t akiug iu o un ili. foileing morning. thom lu Sîuiug hein respecotivýe.voeslfor >It cas aftes.suadecu we e ecame te oea, sud interunet me thst ii couhi be- laIt an ancien, but Irn'àva amoat im i eisi entimel>' 10mi u n>' c cbice ab hich atl>'du board teI iËe 8anti after along uaye,-we. .. esc itres' sot,'5 1 weigb for Maderis propos.,Wb' - - çj1 vo vere getting our suohor, a boa: lk 8 Most beauhlfql- Portugues. girl l slteru aheets, 8"staffued by two .5 *men, pulleti off alougside, eud Ithe eeuzing ou dck begged of the capti se arneaî a manur-to b. laken tg lieirshai lioth cf us were convinceti mau be soine ez.trsordiusry occasion hem iuuportuuity snd anxiety ho gel frein Porto $auto. ' iYou ahabilgo, oeor aslid tain Alvyun; sud searcel>' bad thee os sud Most Musical ' Muit oNgado, >1 OaEpitano 'Ie beau a1poken by the k girl iu rep>', ihen twe or tbm. -p oeeSng upon deck by the fSbot sud the nez: moment their littie, damted away ztowirda lb. ahore,' 5v0 'by s cirenitoua course, ' a laermasdi oluMSny.bOokiog boat, which, came 4 'ng Ont froi theu ]andin& towards brig., ' "Deo, me salve 111 ezclaimed maiden, lu accents cf terrar, grasping Young CaPtain9a arm, sud 'qaiveriung eu avion, as ier oye <.11 upon the pmeacbing boat, wlich contdss'ed carsinen, four soldions anined withb t kets, aud An individualiainthe stern aI 09 mnffied op lu a besvy olosk vo coulti nos niako ont Who or what The. auchor wuaa a eigi, . eforei mail sund to'gallauî sail veme abeoted bc ti.he belsansa vere rmn np, sud the. bad! oang round h.à.d off ahl , sud boga 10eauoffbofore th 9ghg bri as the boat rangeti upîo ,the gengway, tic in lu the qloak leaped te bis1 eud d6msndd the inatant aorronder of ruuawsy dongbs.r. 1Ho lies, captaitu i 0jsavle meII int bis dangter-JUd VI amnnn SIMent screaoeed the. tmembling g irl, cli ing SÛIR clouertu, Alwyn, and 9mhini boeuind biinfol protection. licorn, ni bore and convince met ài, lad 1broîid, sud f ,o ali t ber hene ; but othervise, yen abaîll u aid theescpîsia,. approecbing the al and looking dovu mb uthe.boat. Tii. invitation vas quickly mespon( to by tbhe loaçed Stranger, Who aeized manopes aud aprang op, the aide-ladj with the. agilit>' of a eso.; bat hiq sac adi dserrenget thei. eds of his cloak mat bin fuamuresaPsud the bnéast Of a gs aceti militer>' coat ver, panlsal>' meveol 0user a the, aber.' lady lte u'r etia red~. , s udWvits inipedS aln, 'Yeu Ibreaten-me, do -y., Edesmd fIr B forà ahurt frocksoaubsasilora cali s lump- ton-covard clmelp that y. 'are-? evrf 9 spouleibly witei, withhs broati blue baok ho >'oar veasol sud careis yotrai &wx'dollar .open at the titrona ndturnametiback -digdisedi'lemsu..4yofy. Sd bercîhor ou hua ohouldomu cithbaswviiteanchor. 'Tis a sCauning aoim-ta dauiu ir i orked i u ach Corn r. T e om pfloe 'ti, b niy . Cou d not quit. decoive me, il 9mroeuîS,, theboylvrsa-pair of ligh, long- il l'Il1 maie yelrepent sihes Ireas ovl'qua rierldpampeansd' on ho, hend aà iest lyore tilt ye die. l'il- ircoîs sentiisbat, oveuo ratlmegelutheicab in, as c Ther,, yon bablng .14fool,' lalt ,rhuha stranger vell poateti up in minltèea atopping folcsmansd gnaapiug tiheeo iOËi nfautical etiquette migbt bavewoeudered;crone b>' IL. arm. . Dou't-eurae Cspt. Iii crafig bar to us *vhoe knec bac necessa-ry'i *bat, ton quit. té death.' Wbai bave len gi idoug liat vanste thebomnplotion -cf tie.- boy'a reserved for, me P7 _ moedieaiso, Lt seeed er>' ýpropar that lie 'A cnrse-a blighîing, vitheming cura euh soalti veor ieel u lb.eprealeace of his sisshid Mk bt a nkins;eby.l- commnder. ' ite - aIl- ever>ting huana, sujd the tc Thé, female cable boy, asavrod to h.-.--- .the usame ofPeter, sud converaed fSuentl>' upon 'Poil lu love vitb yoursel, I aupposl thke vsmions aubjecta, vishuiet the 1aligieat y0on eltiPortugues Scorpsop,' I aboutei ik perceptible Portuguesis accent, apeakinj as I flang the hideous ld ihig aslde, a four the Englisi lauage 'perfecily and vaîketi off Wiih my coinpanioua, iauir beforc ve left lie brig near midnight, 1s t ti. choIe afii whibe thb.enrage Mou-a belanto entertain soins' <oubsu,if liegl BoCk Witch sacreameti forth. hem maladiel thît va. l, realthie Portuguese maltenabe tions afîog us ail the moe rfaiîically. ti ho al claimed to o be an sie came on. On car vsal back te tho'boaî lauding, board at Porto Saute. leamneti frein-Câpt., Alvyn liaio the beau )top-. Tvo dayq passeat es, sud thebon- fut girl- cbe b iti eepd ou board oas.rvs îag cf the third day for advauced wvien a sel froua Porto 'Saute vas -ithe oI>'Cii om boat, filel cili offeena andi aoldiers,,cama of Vicente Ybaàao, àa-veaiîby menebas brig off alougside, the. commander eot cie living oser Setuval, on the eat 'Coaat-î Wecame on dock, ant i nfos.med CaiÎen AI - Portagal,uoî fer frein Lsbon. Ton mentît sud wyn îhotînteîligeuco lad jusi bean roueir. pnevionsaly Iaabelits bald0"cometeFuchba féees eti freinPorto Sosnto, liat Senor Certanoon a v luit tuaunt wc> hvasid* té pons b ie tie govornom'a younansd beauuifal elfe, &sesgreas veaIîb; but wbo IUved ie luimes! latel 'Senomits Isobelita Ybauos, bali entire aeclnaiou -lu a metimetinook aome-fsi amn olopeti, taking ciihber s largo mui of miles freinhe Ceeu. ofiSenor Moanueî'amoue>', tbgotior viti -1 About fSvo coaka provliens o eus. arriv nsu>'an valwmble jees;an sd it billi bean al,"-the olti lady bai dioti, leavinÈ ail bel k n s cortaine ti bey en da d 6 J u t la i ao âie l d ie eo w tteb er s m o tli ' n o l d a uje u msleti the island lu the Dam. . ls, We Isabelits cho cas en lhe point co Iit 'Indeeti,' aid eCainalu iyn, quieti>', sîsmting fer home, wien aie -vas seizeti ont fakte chou tb o foo wcasdoue apeai lg;'avo evsniug sud caitiedoff ta a drea r'cave is et il yen board, mener, liat-lii.- laascf Ponta. the.Mounutaina, ebere se v, as gqsnded bi. Ie-gsl, or bem dependeucies, allov the mar- au old bl for sevl days ani Sôally niage of men or vounen vith làdr ovn sent off on board a sniaîî crat, wicb cou. tieticidr,? voyeti hersa Porto Saute, were ah. e thebn I arn Oware tîsi the>' don'î, captain, mained làintle power cf the inffisafoi tien vi>' do yen ask soaaquestion' hbre day, ountil aii fseale escsped duning eutaes seor on the evenng hatî1 bis 'tenmporary absence..bynbing 80 saidfoïProSno ati otn epr nite esinig î-obadti>' od boanieti my veanel, and deniandad freinl une after goiuing [ rg1 tetkneýw, le;me tuis ame Isbelitesa sos lisrg Wa ail cenh.off to the, Couler iài apt- pou ber s bis daug&ter. But happening toIneton'a boat, aud as i.etepped lu aver lai kno v tiat the. govenlof o Porto Santo the gangvay hlm Sirat' e a-ir f lte mato baiaoO:cife or-cliild, I aboved'lniinrathar wv ofr Isabolits. bis uuceremoailoaaîy over tholdo, opeu vbich 'luobelita, i,' excîsimeti -the. mate; he ordared ishlmmen b Sm ireai e,, chicit <ci>, air, asagoula. wuoutrage 1 ,bave aleati>'repel e to ar 'Gene, Mn. Man>' 1 Gee? How wocosuehrè, andtiècîI aaoil netfail -teciien -wesudi mbe go?7' .gaspedI lv*yn. report faithiaîl> tu, he propos. departineut 'within îblrty mmiutem after'yool lots tiie ou el return tb' Laudeni .A>, andtihte brig. I tlioaght yen sent for bar, sir' commander cf yomtdey frigate, îoo, *witinu 'Ideetaudvrchaht canseti you te tui ng tce twt>' minute, atten aie. anciors' audti at, -Mr. Many? SAlcyn. pointedté t a gsllout British fnigate, 'Wiy, tbis note, in.' asad tbe mate pro- U , so ema our m fies outaite, standing ilu for d ce ti a pape n vic i A l yn sautcet ifro ma e , F au cha i, talo ce ti n et a m ile sa te nu by a bis bn tian ti ea tialo at: i- cdrcack iiîoop.-of..cam. Senonila Isabelita-Theie ieca of yonr to 'Yeu, Cao seanci ni>'vessel, air, sud- if escape, asti the informati on îh1î -yen are yau fini Senon Manuellea runaca>' vmte, -ou board the. bnlg bas reacheti heee, sud ~'dangiter, or an>' eue els e atiat does -net you are not langer sets chers yen arel- iSbeîong here, ch>', you are velcons i a e' Coe cihlie bearen eîhhis, Wvie dli ha thei etut.' condact yen té us. - - r- Bu4 consideration -of the near ap. Jouit AL*yTN, ef tMe Davf. l t p nech. of le t ee ren-o t.cw nlir, t e P ort . E DW AD I aPnC so»i f th e C u r r. e nse officer vy'courteonsl>' ceived bies 4"Tis nm au' r~gsdyt ee r igit eh aearcÉ, auJi urrying dtiovunmo penbend is,ùg aand Capî. Alvyn. -bi, boat lu the musundignifieti mauner, 'uJ htl i'aiuîn e o m ie vus C -etI ff anti seutt hr u h te k I nover vr o ia' exelalénet I eton. - water lu tocards tie ahore, proibî>' a 'Didi &h. take the Packagea, vit'à hem ?'yli ldgreat deat teister Shen abc iad ever gone sketi, atter a pause. before.'No, ais. ; lb,>'are 1idcked op aste,'e- su 'That vas the lest ve beard of Coptain pidti ae Mauel Cortie, anrushite wfrein te au. Notiing culd be done.llt;al vouîug, t uoniisaof Funchsal ,but une evenungbut vwenoet e l o u ntnocover ithe ni about îi<eedays aftervards, I leanned ~ aet gr uaetlp;gdy 1slbs > portion of tho secret counectect vit thlie rs neneiden. ',ýa aingular accident, sud o a Ain rehoun IaslenCht.Alwyu rovealedtu home tle - TEREUT is At aueanly heur ou tho mermli fol 'Tetoeecaplains. sud.myselfcosa viti ahnl oeir ucligaîog e b ase wrq t iiappearance cf Ifabehit4a, le in soreiogthe, ad wlki' n alnl uevaitetionthe consul, la Company ' itb lie o f a mngged bill erne tee mile. froua thi.coma nder, ef.the monoe asu oa Stocu, wien ie eucounteried Ïnumber etfinunidate tii un aIl ce knoc resapecting assumali boys Cunmine tram lisevioylanaail the girl anti her' abduction. la amasiag th:sseveaiiti ahooîiDg--a poul The.consu1 promuiset 'is assitance. zar kin 1ofk.rscnt ont Of b&rdcood, as îiti'tbeo ceuuiui 1a9udi t tasionet ikean anovr, and pojected b>'Satis îo boerm mter vo bauded, tie choie a moi et elastie Wood, hliing a conti of cvlsdaim.r ec fFuhIwr tho sanie lengtb, eue endi ?ecmlned loe .ou tié aletieé dicovsrthe porpetrators stick andthe tiohenknoetd te fit a uotcb et tho outrage, hbit the. day cisb>' ith- eut -iA->-9et the a-L-0. I bt otn55u ntitllgnc-0-u-oa anti 'o Ii of 'it :t. got se, [n e, id' ld ild M - of' er f. >y lI nelx inýgaun th e eveniag air a swildunu-L earthly'shnieneOfý mingled pain sud rage,k froa alidoîus.lookiang olti hag tbsî vuo bat o cerved, soalod,ýinifront of o rude. keuitIls tee yamds dielait. qmoý te - b- CO. Ferý 82 t ofi -- v iollvered on ri. BLOW$ 47 sic g ~ET b>' A.éiàý 1 1 1 1 - l FL 1- 1 Y. 1 la 0 '1 il lin de ee ý, t ar D$ va ai 81 ,tu gc W ive 01 lie ha an re )a es u ey at Ig ut, intîmidated, she amaiied him even f»M ite 1 tban she bed doue Alwytr, il

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