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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jan 1872, p. 3

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lntro~ ru. lieue urlai.ntg vers1 ud 1 ook elriesis. w.,, t oie*O@iuarbdoudt =wrpu Lb.'edCanstioothetnUtM Ii. s.eu p ..a ustetrjito té 80 tsticmdidb sfot"toshlm. I1e0etnph"Itlesl n1$ist tU.ho wwbtbol! beet, id.tt le.eîili eor, ait bar .41rsogly, In foneetion 1b Iepasage. of »s Ibrouglu 8h. l.g¶Éia:ner e i VU tai Liii prtiithe.io!1:9 àdirisr of bal itagie sued la .the i.luunbeir rde. 'Ilie séo AI voir, V.made! oene futtlng ont ei Pr b fllilation. un lts' cotiay, b. hi seetnpalot the. epensa ofe two privas out ofais ). wufeeket. lie donjsd 'fi thtli 4 lar , tel'esIl Mr.<. .Csseodregréwil ithàt. theoe =rad t at IMtrmott hod. et fersi teeprinellis îthe avaritment wVus hI rsaethe Banle Ai the isst, nalvely, -aut H.o dm obt rged Ir. sEitk6 with, batng li A eorrupi aral¶It the . le Tresurer, 'Wood,,wbl el!hes *«oeecteti for bis de fou frein the'late Ouverusnent.- Mcr, Bleke suid I ,Caueren pd state oeleet that h (Late) bâtinsade'.a comr bscln wlth M r. Wood la britit'gthlo ttitbprômi6w et olle. and*filet h. <Crné I ontd prduce peofb. lge Dow ohale log, Csineron te opreduce preefs. Mr. Caueron mata he lediDot $taled thal *Would prote .1grofs, but he luialengeti Blatke te dent ilsifaut Mr. lakb sati hdenled iil empbatioally Mr. Cimeriun thon sakti h. would ssk tf .Vomeluleeet le,'"Il,.' Mrc. Coyne s9tAtý,ci that it vos straiige If laleGobverpnt leiieved Mr. seotte bq = aget o e, htlum rmen tbsi they sheuit h uletei m A& Sporkar. lie0 ,iid net4 lieder whilenana.ibtis Governunet kuoiut butl It coîttalueti Mr. Scott, and SaietI V lail heneatluihie h(Mr. Coy 'soaltisuppaort ilh. Qovarntoont Minmtes MrW ddonlid empliatodliy thaiti b.d beena*Iy Ind4itunes bren ght teboar b lmu ta preene is éreoignittioin.Ho ee tolti any on. lie waa golog tii resign eOS the xinembar for liolî, r.iykert. proeisimed thst le hod always na on foi or, ansudopndltod tIse ides thott Mr. Camte wvs fis leadler. or 1 ad aîîy rigît te upeak hlm. il. nged the neceeuty for alaïgar tresentatton et Itlfarmers l, it: hetuir PaFrllmteui luvellef the fiat tisât "ube fui Mntal huaIs ef thse Çottstitution b.d bý do ednuemq.a peti îaig r" Montat -eA tii. 1sIuioba ansui Sitisis Culain Ifli pluiet eut thu~e nMaltuem»te Ontario til'iode adoptsd ln arrainglhg 'lse repréese tien fer *gs UoV Provinices, and stîowing i Ontarie wonl uier gftnuellly by the ci etruoofetthe nterçoioniol Rsllway. wanil gîve the. ne* Govornunent a taircsa zrbut neversakex thena tsr ativtiiug, a ou sak itthetai. [ie fInishothy deolari fleld hi, votil4do jusgtice to Johin Suti ModUe nols is oefeOs -e est l'reail thâl; 1ied ever lelo In ntuatuario. rAfter a few wu?4* tru>în.Mr. Clarle>e ofNg ~.>folk tha joeueaelJ<4apfet 1ai il odk. Mon lay, Jan. 2Z %. Tii, deobtot ur eepfufalioii oftise Cel lisietior 0fortrawn t. 55dwuu ausiti, MdesArs. O(tiuabriat, o(.'llin, Boliht *Ardagh, iDr.'Bonîter, IMeUisatisc anti nil c upporters oet ho ]lsteGoversinieit, protnis tu gîte théeprenatt overtîmcitit asfisr trisi ai jsupprt'tnmeeoi not mun, , Mes.rs. Sexto Sitilr Perr> Prince esd (,Cori'y, promsise lna detlnleg ther position to sîsippsîrt tue pr sent Gavernnaent. tIr.'BlauIk@ wotinid np t] &lt@teian Ale speech l'Lidolonce et M Ga udt overr.ieus Tl'esday, Jan. 28. M.Baosresoîtitîens oxpreoiuig rogi fltash malins hall net beetlon to briniîg no te iemurders et ThQtiias scott cuitio r l'or discussion, and vust pa-tseuî bhy ai inijoil 0' 'nfi t 1,'o.M, C. Cîntrous hIîIg Ctt oly dlient.ou A reolstiou iti d irei congau iîa, ir M.jeuty onithe rusaeuryg Et#%& l'uiby Ciiencîl. Thse Counnol ottise towglossij' 't kEWi.ét til t uUis do y et nouis . Meisf'r ssiprtiussu Whobe,ruiy look asud ssl'gri"ei t ,e0DU4.lsa e'folithtolsr, ansi atdremosetithe csînieil. pettil ous iepresqeuîd, slgsîeslby A t'arowel X* aq I'1. skiuasç. a gr,(i o iey toui, bý%'ildsni a house. or W idow 3'owss. a pe vomatu Viia large tamlly ni , iti lchili rer Sdopendent on hér. tisn uotion et lr. limiti oesqndoti by Mr. Lokb, tise sumtor4#m Vu ffranteti on conditiosn that fie letiiio'iti * ist,'inbicribg, suiloxpouii sasoinn eutIc 'isson $0. for thiefilecpurpose. hby-lawvson thoena uitrodiaced uti' passei bppelntleg Mener, . lnertnatad W. s$ontt Alitor., Anti also té -iaVt ssipsiîiillg Mr J. MoGUlIu e..sot for Ltse ,repsesît 70r. s by.lisv VistIson futrodued asd Pauli tg eiueeptIherondi eliniwauce hotwosrb ut lot AU aIil lu the uorth hait'otîe St lu con., an., te sbi ausd'wesilite sature ils 0.stsiàaliodcisoîs s. ol dhhirail 'reoted hiua ie ho bd plaid ti rairefr $2. wililtlie hli eceivod trotn Mu 8. Toms, roat for il1.. road iissllîwaassre 1btweer lotsaI sd Wlanti 5't aucî irIt et lot ,uisorh antiout ai Mc. Lick, fltelohrt wes itistcleî te order the ostationuey uotirsid toc tige As. sessor, C00116o1or. &c-. t'I l.. k Was--a.1. ville$ X10,18880, 21-A eu IConck this iuornlnga youug maeuined Theodore Thorn@, la ua ftolniiniîy, ehot bisalie,, Mv. Groes, ud beri<wo dia'gbters, Wilbel râla,$ae ele i 'aia gdeighî Va~ 'l'o fomôc ers, abatinthlb. tomaob 'ma 1111 . probubly Ales The latter vag vàms4é4inuthb. up and viii veoeve. T:oéýàla att.mpted ta shoot bie bro- s pupt a pistai te hie ûrw Ieî u rt,The ballet gîsaed, ImPJmIag * puifl utuls udnerous wud. -Thorn.@ a "nov le 'tbe-boupital an vIII i b ausliusd lathé Ciy Court te p.yu Mrnimg, tber. Application tulil be éto oind hi8ta't a niatle aIleum. À# i$@ uq.ltabI. Gormabiiu rifur'Slff aM-Shtillle ommitîed ,ai. ,~4Bmorlng)q aagtng hitasei. k. i"st»b«sud' iDieunjrstle battig Sté bi, es thse cau&@ of th. %tiWoeom. ~ *&,?or31of Lie ova d Wlultby Mark.tn. ivy câ.aaouru OsnaJaiJ". 4fth, 9 MM 9. lias t 1 W be .rM"s to n-s. . . . . . . . . . . ........... I .. 8 0 , *taa i .. . . 0o nd he1pb7 2 .ab rt n Ore l ............... 0 iybll .........mle. -.doovo(tia UrU'Bon"e. othe -'ti ove Ro, ed qv......... ..... .. nt &'baub.,urotfl~t cm aî dofore qc.........4ý5 24f ' mjA» gitn . ...... B B~M.LrIP nrieyvgr lIa& ~ ..V.....:......45 . 25. r, ,rivale............... tharPw. t n ertain ev à n thse m Ierej roai a ' d wig Làasoit Breas $ase- p e'sCco.- Qrateguî îPr>tisef: a oj f Lot ne. 1h wore aund eComiertftg.-à.uy a ihoreuagh knov- 'l hue 1gbconteyevno 't MasU n l uketa letge oethle uatr* itrai -swshlch goveru the. Ccunuet$ of t,iafah=11129(00 nseras lHe' peratlouis et digestIon anti nutrition, anti iy oisu. are au. frou te secsIo- I about à oArsWui application of ditefins preperties eft andi 191,, fret tromam F air1 omil welI.soiectesn>encoa, Mr. Epa lissu predti.Hoe iQoi a LiiOU' he misufl toll ounr breakrliattVi te a de lîotevouvered >F furîýhar piarticnaecuppl't 'a ba.ersewilu nay omare-uit msn ctuy eay a Bobieloa 01'r'o bllY matte docora 0i -1.l.rls saU.Mai tqNo. 7» Ciuroh St. oo»é Mr.: 1 1 IylthBeilugwitter or Mll-FrAeia .lM FPr", Z. ttlbTrn ps1hle isuaite, Lotdon.' Aitoeimaktrs ' lUatyll7tb, b d In et Sla'uMIlky Cco (Cocos and oeudenseti SNEW. ADVERTISEEITS. ~<3X C, tise c N CIIANCElLy. CASH i . i aquxaub roi ro MORRIS voUH4MILTON et a. W0oo4 &C o 'tid -ON -DELIVER.' hae UItUANT ba a déce.s andtinlasl ortier for W- Non.o viiite moiti on ais> atherfter ocar: -P ise Courio# Cliacer? for OntroJON KET i. 5h Publie Anilous, by Mr. Levi Fairbanks' Jr. me)Auctiptacer 'nt tieIte Bi Ratel,_on_______________Y,_Jeu.________ hos a s u ari t f Cancory sti Wbkby, on 'ts r on ~fi. fki iotte-r of GE9ORGE BLAKE,i evér Monday,the l9Lh day of Fobruary next .însolrent. Air AI sVEuv 0'o,01Ra, X ..OThe- Iniovetut lias; made an assignineni irai ts on bo îli fOIOVng aluala and luthebis Estate to tua, andthie creditors sure notili Bon ' noelt&uflown auelnst te tiseet at'tIi. office et Jantes finiion, in t feor WN .F WH BY Townoi Wlilthy, lst he C'onuityet Ontrio,g lion 1 XMQnday, fth February,184 'COu. Tblcti-tbre a muarkesftpes tii Ilan «own AVIs OlLOC, I fz TiiAF5!EttONI sced- suld Villa lotid ont on thfie etlî êetV 'j<race ive .i0taecnents of bieaffairau, anti hle, acre% 91 the Soti hait cf Lit Nomber fventy appit anA 1uir > et Six, in the Orst concession oethtie Tovnsbip cf Datet ai tiae Towia. cf Whihy tis Ia th d "ta Wbiîby, by Jh iir .L . how 'oh onSter .L a f Jannary, A. D. 1872. jo- Teaboya landi la sitnato.&'àlmoxi liaI-vo JMS LDN Ha letveen tiseCeuntre etitIlo!rown et Whltby sit 1 '8'Iittrin Aasigne >.tise Grand Truiak talva> station, aund coJ- aui ltins ucîrlas blae acces cf land. IL is sarrounti. rilig cion threeàltica y streeusuaniwell adiit- HENRY WARREN, M. D il- c ter, buildtig altos. [ers, Thiee ocuitoisa et uale oeothe stanilnig con- BROuKLINq ONT# o-ditiona'ofithe Court et Cisncary, tsar Otrie, CORONEIR. witljfnlowiivituf t Tbatpucchero shfli, a thtualit, cf sais psy tiowota thle 4 isuicca tleréoi Vithin oune ithtironsthe duyb o.sale, viesihe vili ho entitiadti tea euavoyautoe ,e, su u oltito posses. ed IThe Veittir viii nnt ho boutîtIo10ptodece ln aiy titi@ tieis net in his possessuion. Dit Fia lter partîonlara i en odtiion* et sale O. ad, napîaunt re- satCalibe1iun pl o i li te uuderoignesi d ho aster, tise Auotionor, andtieibtu eUL hSolicitor '1Éer 0. H, DABTiNELL, 40 s 003 mZ etLYMAN <ENGLhISiI, Muter# . -W e E eo aI& uap 1RU GARDEN. FLOWtE.,TREE, tu~ rA anti Sîrub, Evergreen, Fruit andi w. i ~~ ,,j Rerb Scedî, Prepaiti b>. Mail. A' Coin- ~ ' .2 _ e plots anti uticinus aseorftneit, '95 locrate cm . of elîher clasm, $1. The six classmes, (50) M .. C *prucêteis) for $8. Aliso, an immeonse steck .0 itouae yesr grafteti Fruit Trecs, Stnal 0 ý' Fruits, F ruit Stock,;, Yeuang Priait, Urna. i, uIisii al ,]E-'ergrren Seodiuigs, Bulbe,' rRestAs, Virise, LUouèe andi Border Platnts, A 1'&. ;., temeat comple-ote ausarenl. in iAtiuerica. , 'Pre-paiti by'muail. Prîceti id cataligu'es toi any address. aise matie liste, or gratis. Seeds on tJommiiaaion. Agents 'nt wanieti. ' S B. X: WATSON, Oid 'hleny Nurser. Tvnrns Ouu(24CL'ss..wm',w, li is es andi S ee Warehnuse, Plymuouth, 20 80atm us Mau. Establiabed 1842. lan5ud praitase uatg o heaxauafrom, vhe,:F il ttcl.uiamp. t ~ ~ ~ o th te toubtt raessees 5-9 0f r$¶E'TenittVeoumee ofWcoe'a liousxeraa a MAGtZiuft tiegins vith lauury '72. luTU is efite yGl itmu 8n. 8. Wood, anti odsH.lrVhibruce drfel es mnf i~.egýolr lverpol and Lodon and G101» or>Tito Hoae GalyOi Hautsiton, Thn.K.Boulier, Dr. Db Lewisg, Dr. W. W. ' XNSURANCE COMPANY. SHall, Jatmes Fartou4 etc. Harriet Boceec- Stove, Brick i'omeroyJanl.Si.,Ms. Avllbl asts S7OO,00 11nlKlii-ti.k". arolum.. lasb, e-iy Anti t've ribions anti ise ut suuteti te o'uv Tiers are fethers anti Loyers ef evîr>' $lied#e, Andoti eveL, th. puceet anti brightstsi Ilasi mae, bunelignona, b have a vaiity 'n'soare. * g Tie>' are s ftfaldor a letlh'Moor' "~ b bave alîppersau entba-oiraisti an4mi m pirpi- If 700 vear lien t e'lsave 2 a greetdoeal<N "rtia et pain. Tuot ' v t isgls. Andi JeVsliery-yul a, b.dnevi togot, freu. J. P za e ~ r, Dq St.4 AitiseaÉb lunLiheeue V00 vili-R snob ma t il~ Tt.Ii > rtgss oIf peuris and rubis.. ovu 1 oan't beaat,, 'Bal hope iu good tis, ta sali hm t L. tset. TIiere are eta asi-ine jewela lu very> geod;taate ORT WH1TBY &' POECL Punit-V Anti ube1ýtIâes fMfor lie prend and thecai r Anti uow. duerti alles, ptay gir. mue a oeil And ioau'hilin1evauingt 0o.vafoc tisa Q4 o>n foot, ar n on csbtek, aisgisor esrlaogo,, l'ho boutaipof 'ývalu. y4ul eL fran--, N. B.-Tbé parttlecablp bsrtocs.im b.ven ng. Ziviine att- .M atbevea Àtrain -vluu talama? .vnotie itre Pot bavlon 3ee"e "cdI-8l sua nst, thé ~rmstallon.ovsry lavful onoir t a lu busevlkl (parb.nIeonby Mm . deook, ad Wbibyas i:. s.topua XnowiJugon ier V4 Owl >it. iu Jana.att, ne ' WiltsyJais L olli 1Ilkatgs Es, Front lb, ;72, sud tore eter ifor Ito ified the on 2j te lay os. F F T JE R asmüeh'pIeé are in acqiÂintin g t ei h in bf W î ya a aurroôundiug oûitry thali h. baseopened out -a L àaqe sSd enWor-Stock of, Boota aàd shoesoI evet'y descrption, whioh wil e' uolt M ot ptic... Parties r.quirmngGoodi ii hi&. le will do weil to 'examÙine isu Stoc , pre. vious ta' ptrh4uing elawbere, . Iii. largo exptrience iad 'the favorable* terme on wIhich belu eaableid ta purchale give hiiïý .very facility 4rt giv- fig Bargains heýetotore'unkaow n laWhitby. - MIL KrnO4..ibo manufactures ail kindq'o%'sititclied, gewed and. peg work, tO' order, on* reusnable termoe. Repaire lene' on Ohont notice. ~'Sg ff the Mfammoth B40t, Brook BOÙ Wbiitby, Jan. 22ad, 1872. UB.RIEL . GRORIES& OROER A'large, stock of the very best of ail kim of Croce.ries, Wi.nes& Liq7uor, 0F THE. BEST BRANDS. FilRES H FileITN c Biscuits, Fresh Oyst.ers, Lubsters, Sa. rdioc 5D' Crockery ini great -variety.1] R. FRANCIS, Whitby, Jan. 22nd, 1872. Dundas St., Whiti Go To PRtINGLE'S For Dress Shirts of the Newest Stle- ' For White-and- Lavender Ties- For White and Lavender Gloves - GO TO PRJNGLE GO TO PRINGLU'e 4 ly Y; ds by [. se se, S. G0 O -soP1INGLE Fer newest styles in Linen and Paper Collars, Frontsand CufI GO TO PRINGLE" 'or Gentlemen's Furnishing Gopds o vr id"n ft Bet-ofoeykd-doft GO To PRLNGLE' rho best quality of Goods for Dress Suits alwrays ou hand- AT PRINGI.E'ý 'arties reurn Odd Fellowst Regalia can get wýhat theY*ra by leaviuig theirb>rdere - AT PIRINGLEt, inuary 22nd, 1872. McMilIan's Block, Brock St, Whitbyi 4 ~l à6NNUALCaOLEARING SALE [y oUT QOO BS, NOW GOING, ON AT TIIE ~H~AP CASH STORE. J OHN SKINNER, in returning thanks for- the paatyear's pa- tronage' of bis numerons friends- and custrees, ffej'e the balance of bils largo stock at unprecedented low'ý priceii, in order to preparefor St)ck taking. AUl the Goode are umked dowu tte senowswlîca ot Price. The stock ie, for the seasovi, Very eounpletq....onsitîng f Clotho, Sheéetinge, Weooleno*t Tweeds, Blaiiketai Flannel., 'tlikindsofet9DieOs Goode and Fancy Weolen Goods5 leue, Gloves, Yaruu,, 'Shirts, irpnaekeepersi G4oodu, Jackets, Shawls, Cote, Fantg, Veste, IJndérclothing1.'T-ies, Scarfs, Cellars and Fancy Goodu in great 'varicty. Cali and examine the geeds aid pees. ' -. JOHN SKINNER Brook .8t.9 Whitb,1 Jan. 22nd. 4 I g- IMPORTANT NEWS. BOOTS &SOS.ý The undersigned bas a large. stock 1 of Ladies', Get8', and -Children's Fine and (Ioarse Bootà & Shoes .De Boiý to and Shoei, made to order. <c Pvrnhooe inmed warm.and comfortable.- India Rbé~ ~ff eparîn netlydoue. Cal a the odSad Bodti So. tors-~rck t, Whitby 't Brock.st. Whitby, Jan. J FIJRNITIJR IFIJRNITIJRE AT THE SIGN 0F THE' GREAT IIOUKING "CHIAIR. Ftinitrefor' Nêthig parties nlakiog purebases, at t he'estiabllishi". mnent of thé-undersîgned Up to the Firs.t day of J.anuary, next, Will receive presents according to the amountbought by -1hem,ý as follows': Up te $25 $2-50 f ote $75-$5 ;u o$0-1;adfrlre purchases, in proportion. ~ O;u o80-i;adfrlre Now is the, time to embrace the opportnnity of selecting from the largest stock in thse (euqty, of sideýoards, bures, centre tables, sofas, chairs, bedreoom sets,ç, and afl efthe best quality and manufacture. Wyhitby, Dec. l2th, 1871. The only first-clMa e9tablialiment in the ('ounty, where Funer- -ale are. tuIly supplied. ANNIJAL 'OLEARING, SALE. On and- after the 2Oth Doon WILL OFFER THE BALANCE 0F (OUR IIEAVY WINTER GOODS, g~'AT GREA.TLY REDUCED PRICES. Dress Goods. Millinery and Mantles, Winceys, Flannels,- In order to nuýke a thorougrh ecarance of îr READY-MADE 'CLOTHIING STOa"K,- greit bargains- riii be offered.r fi ou Hosiery, Tweeds, Scarfs,- RAM ILION & cou GREAT CLEARING SALE -A T- OLD WO. L e YEOMAN GIBSON lu rrctnrning'thanks te bis old friends ciatouners and Dry Goodu as mmci sr Possible, befoce Obitti, offors tise visole of hie stock, con, siauhng et Cirsrdian andi ghiss tvéds, Beavecu, Doeakine, Broad ilotho, Sbirti9, 'Winceys. Fancy DresgSeds. Ceboorgs, Reversible Black Lustrea, Meriuou, Printg, wite sud grey Cattens, fancy Dresu Trimmnings andi Ribbons, in end!ess varioty' Heeiery. Gloves. Iubias, Hoodi. nd ail kindu efFancy,'vool gootis, suitable for tise eso;whitée flanketu., hors. Blankets, Buffalo. robes, Ciarpeta, &e-, and a fuil1 stock The whole of-the above 'wlIl b. sold cheaper thdati he cheapest in Tewn. Lpdies Calil sud .amine fer yoursohvès, befoe.purcisas ing eleiebre. Jst arrivëd t;oed Noýt, a'choie. and fal, assortissnt of alLkinde of Sngar, t.'tef'e ls 9> he b et re ad for Poultry, fRoll Butter and, biEetjgse a. 9. 'Don't forget the place or jasme, 1,00 Goo Dresed oge 00,Tulps Good Butter, 0,#000 bushels Fali Wlheaýt, 10-000 busiiels Spring W*ieât, 0,000 bushoesPeu, 100bushols O1oVer Seod. 1 orwhich theialgbst la!ket price viii b. palct Y.D GINo- lige 1.22 im Wlaatby, theceusaber G, iSIhI. 'ct tep.The Mhuttle ana Bobbln; are largo, the ne é sort, straighit, and eamily se, enio pefeet, n Impossible to igot ôt oforder.Tl"ý ii. fod cn b. raieed sud loeed at wili, aocording ta the fabrie ta be uBtd. Tim "OSEOUN" CHALLENGES TUE NÂR- Guiaranuteed for three Yearg. ThfouÎ&nds now laueue thronghOuvîcanadaï. AgËents Wanted EvoryWher'O. Bi. & -H. 'HARA. 'BownTanville, Gererai Agantâ for Ontarlo eonnuty, Durbura and Vie- toria. OtrELIn EWING MACHINE X0. Janr th, 187-1.2 LYMAAND ET&CoM., TouoD TETMOASTs WOQD, &eï John Kcit in il receipt of WILL-OW BKNù4K, AfOiti R1r uz LEIGE LUMP, SMALL EGG, vWhîcb sagrate and sîovecof.l haie no satior. 1- 100 TONS BLACK1SNIIT1's COlAL, Cheapj for (;£Sb onlY. JO UN K TÉ~, Brock St. Whitby, Sept sc, ii; O i«ýS1HOT G~i U13 ST II 111F.WbRLDj? 196w York Qffioe, 27-BEEKU&N ST, IMUTAL INSTJRANCE Co. Ileid>Office - Broek st. wlitY.ý ¶Thiis Coimpany inquires Farm Bauldilirfs, COU try Churcee4, Schiool Ilouae, fsd thoir cootitjtsetRates zut L9 WIVns thi se ofau Weil .5tal;i.qbe(l CedpaLy in Canada. JUST LOSSES PlAID PIIO3PTLY. L. FAIR13ANI , .. J. B. B IR E IL, Secretzary. 1rsdn. D. B-r H}ollids.y la no longer uný Agent of tlia Company. Whitb-, Scpt. 8, 137l. - 8 19-W M USt1i 8TORE «! Tlý undersigned bas 1net opencd7 business et bie noV storo-Otrrie's loîck, Brook St., 'store wsll ho foulid 8'IEET MUSIC of ali kinds, MUSICAL INÇ- MTUENTS ci cvery descriptiotn, i- elnding Violin strinir). a,,d bows of the b dt~saity.IfAT1O>KKY of -Il kînd-, SCiISOL BOOKSP Alio a choiee sild varied-assqortment of Ail "'irer for Mu $id-'ancl Mts. cl l lntrn.. mnenîsoarefnuly filled.- Wbitby Nov. 2211a, 1971. 47- ~T HE Snbscribers oSier for sale any quaptsty J. ettho very bout qiiality-of Timber, und "a rtcand ef ai> lsngtl ansd îize te suit. Forturthsr paiticnlars s8pply to.tbso proprio- 'tOr, ~ tOBh/N & AUT, Lot 14, con. 7, Uxbridge-, 2 milesý wesîopf Uticoen Or to- JACOBO DAFih,.Utita Uxboidge,_)Dec, 20, 1871. S Eiher for Poste, Railg, or Codit,rimle', ta B818 pnrchusors. Wthin onle mile ort1,ho Ronge iiià. REnire, by letter or Ipcrsonailsy, D. 1ut,, .O 10 )TIE sis oreby glî port4#W(thv & Peut,! latf~c -Y., ISQN, i - _ - J 1 j-ý, y 0 1 1 1 4 Co*. 1 -k jy 1 dW@W» lx«9ýut,&iýËLY ÂýT -OLD No. i. H AM ILTON & 1 1

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