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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Feb 1872, p. 3

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r»lêu.'.k WhmG:Uo w*a r<Vitied asel ";Mr sde ead ommircesand Iaaufcel uterees.Wuvtet naziioas frcia the: *Air, li Reepnuddtob7 Ceptain Poeah, Mr., bleii ansd tdiers. EIoqmmniddreus eeare also imade bj ?Msd. glbbo, and Sir. Mayor Greanwood. fieverel ether toaste*vers aise givre acalvod appropris. remàn - the isead eOMPSnpai Lbraiug ou atili ouir or raLlier-au ary bour usaI alor ud L'aving opasat altogether rmoet a04q ho . oeuùeîî for supplèmauting eho of tihe volunleer; blé -vota on.that &ica wue not- gives ouit cf goy hosîili a tbe vo1usaLer- ft iare. ll'-,ha ont. sffreaes -ta lbe source Item whlch rolunleae abhouid b. pald. 'ot ehat e thonglit they.dld not deare ki; ha vsd thay dld. . But ho lIooked uposi sourea eipreestcus aMd, w-ile-ha led #lhay war# aulllled te encourage- taf a'mèe permanent character -vblb Ibo giomby thae arraettcf thé tr..fn tbls, hosad, hoawvasborna. ythe course cf other Ce. ocuncils, ho ulnad, and hatth<le r.tre- tliv.. of Yorkand ether ceunu là bad vfuiad &Id ta the. vaisaieiii on uiu - groand, bul beawse tbey, bbitveil gorarnmçal vas »f 9 po.par source vhléh Il abouid bave bacc racaived, a vhich b.longedtlia ty. Ha on- ffrwi il-others -SI 19 the mode lu Il aid should bu given. Thoea*as mg ho vosuld ,pay morso ebeerfully towards lha support of the velus, - ; ad ce anather occasion sigh 9 be »d1 le. streh & peint -fer ha.;jaI- h iho pod 1h. tima iças fer distant, lite vluuteora vould a"galu have te laed out la defonço of tÎçir connery. ase bstlsoed Chat thire vas nô dutarI- hk luth. materlal of ,ibicb the -voi- ýr ras oomposed, "sud t,th-bme ld' g of 'grow-lng wiser sdWeaker' did pply tq Canada, oecepti uas ta grewing . île coucinded by hicpIsig for tsamy tiens of he.festive' scoeL e1tta Mriï. bondon aloreplli zela blwsef froaepi l cofm eNu aVota, ais -Ibe griul 0 t. t tevounteenu».pn.thes rnoui tbat ha actsd (fromt, a dee-of d uty1 t<bu herepreaantsd.-aud lb ne fictiot or grldi 11il ~ su Ict oz .Wardiusî, aise briefly raplied. "Thié Iiùbse of Cosmmns."enupled w-h thb. mre of Mr. T. N. Gibbs, M. P., vo --nazi' gitan by tbe ehaîrsuan. mir, Gibbit, ln r rtring Limsk,, confemsu thatlie lbsd (toth.lrpug hoàtthes.wimole avaniti s soinewtlt Lilzed feelimgot pieastine sud pmî la loeklgiroud ltae ftiva huaird. Upui asother eti,§ou four 3earé ago, wlmsilà ~ r a gaveaclmori W',tie Cun g+es1.duel inond fealut oriliariLy obaunvAbl, lhthngbt;atid w-Ay lis was notplropineI énsUoazin&piaiu.- C.rtinly amiuunsconittibl s4lllbïIn tryig tOlo oak t t'lime 9utureiha( iakdtupm3eoaon 09 lbncoit. W iy b l' I nîo tort.1., Th* fotundf uf icit awua agrea piciblshtiéom wietavor point of'vies it mua bi@reassed, w-lmthr Caur onioctioitîwiti *Lher w-me ni isiimit for ourgmives ar viether ve w-este bouaborked inlimegmFou republie of tha UtiiLed t tates. fiesknew %limai lesdilli public au ndicacaed amomgest tioni. slvas the. aeemaimg lepatmy %bthatPievalaci ou Ibese Ipi li à maawaylimthàiLàw-ce o dis- oussediuLte public praos,. Tiierwai a felni Miv wers lait 10 w-ýrk omt du<innwdeetiujy1 w-bat IbeL vas tlime alonme, wouid ravei B otruatsci wil tevul romaàloac i icden im -l.ftur.,R that <ime dmy vautan diasat wheî Caniad absouitibue sejianicteci frountLie MoLier countrny (CheCrt). Wa ma ilhave un- leuroc sny lfti s* long asnLiat comnecion Iasu. Titi slow feelng tlo w-hit lia Cil uded w-a, oaslbq liet scid, diseaseeli by publiae mi-hemone parti. aeiatly referred lu dit Aiusandar GiL, aud atr. w-ho view-ad puicU uattona tromufilm étend -poiut, sud vimo iuid ltaI lima destiuy ot this Country la one cf indopeudouca. But lie MrB. G,îbbat) hbeki&t, ismdpettdàtt&e muanctte iret stop tow-rds¶âasorptlon lu Lime neigihor. l og rephiiblici-w W 'a wcdmllo Engiard- Rot cily Osuada, iut clite other colonies oi Ibm Empite. LeI tua do aur duby ioyaliy And fntéruelly, and b1 bolilved lime laiiatura of tloie flrwould'Éud tihs truc aniftion tu, ai cur Ho could iot lîlp looklig book tu tlie p at w-bu muait feling; ud while am m ieiltative moud nt wil CLm ha lied ,,o ,loigbook toth ie pact of four yeurs - gh'oud uîlotimlpui clug o uîlud the 89gle uthmnw-ohoo imemi ed Lie Chair (the Itai tlÇol. yeainbau kt ) an4t hé ceules bU whIichb by venu aunrroumi dd. That geumnan gave hil w-bolstlipb LoeLime advanclient cf tIhe Volun- Iser forces 'H.o<(Mr.Gibbs) kuew- LiaI hoalbcd sacrifieed lifil o*u tieoitlCouaseoumfDnL sud bis mucus,fllutmau,uteofte Vol unteer.. . And could nuL repres oa teeliug cf samdese w-heiu hd ssw- ti position field by licu late Col. Fairbanks vacat' by film foraven ;-Anmd D ot only hit Position lu té voluteers but bs position ln t.e couty aud as a meuxher cf Lihe 4joutvConucth. Au w-bah% uis 'ili tlLured bockitu1022 year a ge, w-bau lie fret outered Lb. - oneii of lbhe - Uultad Caunîties, sud reverteci Le O?* cfterbenOtLer of the men - imce Pâtît sud gom-PetCr Perry, lfznss mille, - j ama Hoive, cudthaLbrs, hao onftnt bol gthat foillng cf te spas holLie prosemît %trahmi andm nkimîg hum fe Illal ha w-se no mugor kluiluf a yoaug eminig be0lait #etoast: umuu plctsmig foaturo of thea ening's uniertaluandut wuste ras- liUes cftsemwny Oax-Wardsus. Haliad begun -lers.ouid b. gomie ttromgli; no Weil wasLie office diâtrlbut.d that oeory one appesred tn bavs'beenaofsome limea a rdon ostte comin Iyï, aud -ha Simobt flailil M. tuly t10 o nIcli»i. ,PlsOeesun e,-V. Arcen auj alec îsmpoudlotiete tost (Cieer. and laugfictr). -IL reumiuclad him. wh-li e ihard se umauy naines ealled over se a'Wardeus, cf thisnmerons nampu of loiuorabluce ahetiont lu Lb. House of Com- mOus, -60 uny Importeaihonorables w-re Iliars, anddasegreIt te burdet . pou Lb. Ulenk eof "MURnont LimaIl Honorablea M.," -andt he,,' Honorable Mr.," thut a reohutioti W"-asses. bey w-icb te teîsIl"honorable" Ças' îIMp attrogn' mambeis' unes axcepl hut fes cf lieaAud ha toiL as iluLime r nce Ioniatharin cf ex- Wandeu migimî dis iw-ith. The. i.gislattmne ôo-he - ie li onho ouiomctuitd au usy mocecle Monauee l ltiseaounLtryoan nratc , buOht 6140 s inc e thaL Lie Lhuey lied the ir an tis u muis suit wrenttb, au wu ,bo e) olma tigh ll aiadcfionies ud- le d -,lt oo ininodc. ti.henocd aDi Os f anaMau now- eanbedfroaie Imoane tue lilain eohe Domiion, <.la W&lo t lime ol ongî iesnppcred a flb.oi pc lfrae.BinétaM'meustrliedL ,t,àuuo seul eralum; bia Wndîluito u -b w-sd e tltarfwuLimte olniso Grinead r e w ould s bava e preo i on i.The Lb ei p arlîs0uiGraul itin Buthras nt t*u eora, e as Cnd -au deu- &y w . bface L. flou tuClonisf o w- Idsada'would hv epen xta iorute c :eo aohi&w-94hauiCnd co nea. m fsior wui hâd, P fat onru. r ur aervimpotane mportaiO I om aon.1h.0naz session o ew ab lel raty f lmhng natio as etft h e syth oursea SJGN mig lI 'ntbi HE 18 PRÉPARED TO SUJPPORTY Roi made lI the Assambly e. n Frjdayls hava ,the ring of th. true matai, la the, -Mr. 0oyne sâd that durlng the lut foi 'years hae bfd uuppor4the b.hou. muemub for Cornwail, and ou but f ew votes hi the han~. (omînlselouer oforovu Lac, recorded a difloent opinion- from hime No on* had aver dsred te &opéas Il eharacter of the bers. member for Ottav If bon. gentlemen bcd belleved Lbhemo masbber fte b. the pald egent of any fIe eat ln thatBouse, &helahciuid gaer bai veted for bit éection to the Speelterahi eitbat Ohambm. Theugbbê-(Ir. ocyn miglit ct the moorlngs that hadboua bisa for the peat leur year, ha vas î pirsd 10 support th. bon. KMrcer for 01 lavaý.Ho believedl that gentleman b. tb. Intereaît ibtis PovInce âaIbaarfi, n ha baiieved the toveruiment, et novr eon atituted,' falriy rsefresegntod tha Iciteresl of týée Province. Se caed not vhetbe th. bon. gentlemen opposite verescalséd P'atent Combinatlon or a Coalition,.Il hield that gentlemen abouid. boJ!udgedb: the vieve vhbh tby consldered moi conumcive te the boit lutere-ets of Ibis Prc vîîca. - MNe held le te bave been tbe dot, of the bon. Premier speadily te brn1 devu a meaipra te aboliab vbal vwu oeil ed tbe dual iropreasmtaton systmu. Io order te carry ont the policy of neutraii tp, tba latter, it vould bacome Chou. gemmîle mon te leava that Chasabar separat arng d!ntiucîifr4m the inifluences of the OLtsi Cabinet; anal h a ueblwith nmaregre tit'the vory correspondouca, the m advicè, th. very telegrssa vbicb tbe bon Comiuisouer of Crowu Lande bad reai ahowad the prononce of a band &Wthatoulg neverbave figured lu counactlon vith Ibi logiplatlen of Chat -Cbambern (er, hear' Un rdar Chat ln future no sunob Intarfer. csc ubould taire place, It vould becomi 0'ar mamber of thal flous@ te stand ul boidly ggainst it. He took lb. observe- _tiens of the (ompnssiioner of Crovu Landi en declarlngsa position lu whlch bh. oui Fire bimbhis cordial suppeort (Usr, bear] Rulbeo dismeted-(rosa tbeievflrxprssd by the Provincial Socratary se te the ear- lier political life of thi1 gentleman. No ,n@ could cdaim ChaI ths Oommlsclousr el Crowr, Lands had beer stinLlct 'ýàw u>a'fleformtbr. -fia did .- ee libou1e 60 diAtinctiy-krsown cea aConservatvi baât Goverrumen.Ho looked upon bisa as w-bat ha had aivays bean-,.n honst îprlgbt man. ie limdad ilne commpuai- ctou vitb the mambera cf lbe Goveru- ment, exceptlng lete len te an explan- &ien of hie, position made 1e bisa by tb. Jesaafusoner of Crown Lande. Ha hoped îmrty bickerlng vould be put à stop toend *han hononrable gentlamen bad* mada their mark lu that Chercber, Ibey migbt so cousiderefi qnalfed toltaka honourabla positious iu tha Dominion Parliameul of thie country. Te DRovu T93a WEBVîL PROX MILLe AND DiRANA 1tu.-Numerous remedies bava eaupropoaed le prolec vbesa sd coru [om the ravages of tha weavil(ouroülio 7arnaritu), but tir bas beau fouud a car- tin and economical agent for axpellimg ffi Irise ts. - % À w-nier asserta that bis fatier had bis renaries sud barns infested villi these 8aca;semnch so LiaIIat hy eeatsd meilthe chaean d amoug the linen. eà piaced au open cuir, înipregrsated vith ar, lu the barn, snd Iban lu the graucria.; kthe iad oet mre houri the veevila v'era «an ciimbing along the valîs sud.flying n ahI direction. from the cuir. On mev- ng lbe tarred yesaei (roei place te place me, promises w-erna làafaw deys complets- y clearpd of thasa troublasomeanad per- emcous guasti. - Tha farmen as, moomusha parcoieivs-thei eseuce muet -impragnate the surface of orme old planke w-ith tir and olaca thesa a requlred in, bhis granarli; ranew the r fnom, lime te dime ln lb. course of the aer te prevault their ratura. The intentustipu lths theFrenchi Inter- nationasie ara purchasifi# arme neefi uet -croate any great siarsa. They are net reedy fer cuelcugit yet, but blnthle gons ôn the cama pincipis tht the old lady w-ami 10 l theiou-thiagc wens 80 chap sud the miglit w-amt thasa somatima. -A sou et Mn, Alexamder, of Coiiobs, I!hile s'allsing (nom S0oneuoeleQeamichan Laite, a fairdaye ago, w-asattacked by «a baud et voltes.. -Reafired aeti ýw-umded e, w-iah is toîlT'rit"tof ÏSm.- band fiîl npou Iliair -senudsd cumide, sud w-ila tisey wana makiug a Mual of hlm, the Younmg Maiot off afaly. AN Indiima convie:, -ho vu as ing Ibrea menthe &ge, blias albeau grauîeti a naw- trial. Ht doseucl tappaci.te late *" greaL itreat in iL bimif, sud w-leu tLe decislon et tha e O unI w-s nondhad baleb exaoiy.as if it madie no differenes' at aIl le lii..Bouime,;Mi ara uànexilea.> able. - The Coeuny Coucil of York adopied a- report of a commutte. ;recomumuemding tie establishament ef a Houas cf Refuge for tho couuly, te çostIô1,00. DIBO, M&RSHLL-Ât Oshawa, on Tou dal, 261b ulto., Mr. John Mrhal,brotber of Mr. Michael Marahail of this îowms, agad 82 yaars -. £ . . - Wh Ïtby Ia es enJcma Onzoa, JAN. iet, 1879. rail #Vheat.............1» 81 §ru Wbeat..........-.. .20 (a 8 parley ........ ....... 68 65 Pees.....................70 ily.............à........ 50 140 cie... «..-' c 4 11otates...........c,*-40a Hay'......e........i .ovr ..ed..... ...8 .0 $5 .f--- .. " 0j mer doi " 'frq........... 4 'é50' Chokus ........... 5 Dueke ....... . ........... Q as. Porkpaet.......... 50 U's Buttr .s.i5 c.Q18- Wo~d.4.~..; 800 Q e.0 For tem, t.,pply on theaprend teasp - -lins, BIDS, Otô - JAMES H4LDENfl, 9f $Vli tof by. SEWING MACHINE -o- C'alai etJohn roes Kue"i ti tore in tliatouî of Whitby, cml sea Ibis beantlifl -masmina - hich mïkas tour diffi'qui kinde eof atitabes sund siws bàth w Rua very iht; Land stili. Thos. li1tedlmir te buy a MachIlle If ftbey will send their saddress ,te ,iobu 8. M. Wileox, 'Whitby, *111 necelva a Mil descriptionl of the Mahblnes, witlî prieés a, L - JOUN 8 M. WILLCOX, Wiiby, Jan. sRal, 1872. Agent- phot-ogra hy, Pieturea of ail kimids and sizea tskeu lunlime best eyle. Litesicaprris ilirpano oiôr W lu Ole,tsrs lori uk(i ~pie- tares neatly eopledLl. omas' canmeo Vignette P'ortrait, patokaiby Notman, of Toronto,' takan et LWlliso'e ew- Gallery, Wcllacs's BtOek, Wiîby. * L 0 OM 1 M1 0 ut li ma Fa: er. 'p md. et' In ra et id Id le fi if A Parker Breeeb-ioadinig Double-banneleci The boat aud iowest priced gnlu the woid. Sarrela seif.locking. Central Smoa, moîcllio aartridges, w-bioim eau be reloadecc sud uaed suy numiter of imes deaired .- Wilhl bosolci chesp. àpply aL te CIIRONICLE OFFICE. IN CHANCERY. MORRI'S va HAMILTON et ai P MRUANT tô i-decreo and 1inal order for mâle of the Court of Chauory for Outarlo mnace la Lbe aboya cause. there w111 be sold by Public Anction, by Mr. Levi Fairbanks Jr, Auctioneer et the Royal Ilotel, on ýrook street,."WAltbY, vitli the approbation Wo Georgre, . Dirtnell, Eaq. -th. master of,the' sid, Vauxt tscrî at whtbr, bu Mo 1ah 9th-day of Februsry next FLOUR & FE ED STORE . Tih. underuigudd bagtet infortu the InlabiL- sut. o elxb simd vielully LimaI Lhy bava opened- c PLOUR AN» PERD STOREI Iu the pi arnics blateiY oc'cupied by Mn. Jiae Waliuoe, ou Dndas Street, W'-UiPM§ITE THEI ROBSEiN HOUSÉ, .M 3w-be. bey-, truist by kespiug evem'yciine -ln tir Mne ai w-cys ou baud t ho mche to gmvs satiiftion te customei'.- Bran, borts, OaLneel, Crackcd Whsst, e&C., of the Cast imlltv whost, sprint, end Mixedl- lnt pnices for assi. - ah frSMITH & LtEIIINGWAY. cahpeid fu*l kinds ofFarmers Plroduce. Wiltby, T'Sa. Cotit, 1872. 2- MECHANIO&S' HALL, ýPRIDIYt7 EV'NG; FEB./2nd, A-NU'CO) ERTI IAcRxI>, LA5510, oi AND SALI-AD. THE EAT Io STAR, Ros , 'rin a, - EtrIN'S USA DONNA, nas lts- h onor onnes onse ofher Grand interntînsaàt a , W-bau ohé viii intro. ne.s bar mary lOU M e aed, Cime- le, Openatie d &hl Musie, lucladlng ber oelebrieadIl hbuon OueProgammei, nüttled Ic Iof ros Lands 1 " aso ormsd b gracious oo dlcf ÎLm Prince md lnin - e.cf Waies..'8 -Admi ou SOcairese and number- bds 6 cout*,--4 b. sel front a dia- grama tf0hai BellaAlliu's Bo tons. D epmu saOi:8s; CtoComm 'stS. m~Porimsanid Pres Notices. ie D'Enin a, rspectfiilly request that Lb. 1ieue be seated'botoro 8 o'clock. !bitly, Jan. 28,1,872 14 UIN FOR* SALE!1 bu AT TWEL'VE O'OLOCI, W0oNlf oneý lot the foilowilig valuabia landlu tn he TOWN.OF WHITMýY, In the Connty ot{'Ontario, viz: Uot umber TbirtY-threo esmuarked upon the plan ofTown sud Villa. lote, laid out ou the noril, Teenlty aoreb othe South hait of LAL Number 1'venty Six, lu tihe tret onession of the Township of Whitby, by John Obier, P. L. S. The aboya land in situated almout balf-wsiy botween the-centre of the Town of WhfLby and the Grand Truuk Railway station' aud coi- taing nearlv 5v.acres oflaud. il surround- ed on thresie by streeta, and la well edspt- ed for building sites. The cionditiôns$ofssje srelte standing con- ditionsî:ofthe i3ourt of Ohincery, for Ontiario, witb the following vnrhmiiUe: Thq purohaser shahl at the tlïne of saa psgy cdown té tbe Veudcàr or lhie solîcîtor, a Japosît ot one-tenth of hip Porobsse muoney, aud similI psy the bal anc. thereoi l wtbi oee nonth f rom the day of ,0610 *bhe e Will b. antitLied te e conveyanoe, aZnd brit-itto possession. Th e Vendor Will nos l. bound to produce, goy titiedeet ollu his Possession. Further partljmîlari sud onaitionwof &il# enub had u applicatin 1te Lhe uudersiged. Master, the Auertouer, aud the endrl G. HB, DÂTNELL, LYMAN ENGLIS8R, ,muter. rr OÉOAGP-J ID L  D, Appiy te or sddreem - WIL JEFMEY, Whitby, ont. Whitby, Jeu. 22nd, 1879,, 4 81u* chep. - Iv s'iiouladinentÏy that ho <las epeiiea eut > - rorStcko Boots suùd ahos e t every.desc itiôu,-' which, wýIbi ki Moutrealpràs Partiesrequiig ùGeodi i$ bisli4laSilldeo PItO e, Mi5-a' k ro ternis ou wnlbiob ho, ia oùablý-d ltépïrobase*V' 6W: y 1faility1rgv img'Bargins haretofore tîknewu n n whi..- Mu. KEELER a1omanuiîftures ail kinda ofsetitehièd,sewedl and peg work, te erder, oit reaéoenaleterma.RepSI.a ira e e on shoert notice . 0- iSigu Of ti, Xammohfo, ro t Wbitbye Jan. 22ndo 1812. 4 ly] GROOERIES & OROOKERY A large stock of the very..best of ail kinds Crceie, ines &Liq uors., 0Fp -THE BEST BRANDS. FilES' l'il t/'1T~, Biscuits, Frèsh Oysters, Lubsters,- Sardines, J Crockery in great variety.,:j R. FRANCIS, WVhit4y, Jan. 22nd, 1872. Dundas St, Whitby. - 41y Go T R~ES For Dress Shirts of the Newest Style-. For White and Liwender Tis- For White and Lairender Plovmes- GO TO PRINGLE'S.1 GO, TO P.RINGLESP For newest styles in Linon and Paper Uolars, Fronts and Cuifs, Foi Genflemeni a Frnishing Goodls of évery kind-and of the Bet-1 The bestqnality of Goodls for Dress Suits always on hand- Parties requiring Odd Fellows' Regaliarcan get what they want by. leaving their orders-- Ji anuarj&22nd, 1872. NITJJRE FIR IVJE AT, THIE SLGN OF THE G REAT ROUKING 9IAIt 'W Furnîfture for Notli ng! Parties making purebtses af the esta1>ih ment of the ufidersigned. Will receive presents according to the amount bouglit'by them,; «s folleve:à Up te $25, $2 50 ;,$50 to $75-$5 ; np te $iO-$1O;- and for larger purchase, lu propoin. Now is the ti me to embrace the opportunity of selecting from thé largesat eodk lulb. countyo f edeboards, bureas,contîre tablas, sets,,- chairs,, bedireom:sets, U&c. cmi ail ef the best quality sand manufectre.- Whitby, Dep. l2th, 187.1.. JÂXE H. AXO. Fria-Aruit 5LQks, Young J'ruu% (Qrne- mental sud Evergreen Seedliînp,.Bulbs, Roses, Vines, Esînse and Border Plants, C. thebMstulcomplet. ûmotImeue li America Pre-paid by mail.' Pricea catalogues 10 auy ddress, a 1o-tr* W, gratis.Seidi cmi Cosamisio-Aj ivante&. - -- -B.,M. WATSON, Old floiouy Nurser- i and ýSeed -Wcrebeuse, Plymaouth, Mass. estbliabed 1842.-- Thb only firat-class est,blishment inthe County,,g>herepi!uner-1 aIs are fully eupplied. GREAT CERIGSALE! -AT- OLD 2N'O. 1. the public lu gpueraI, nov beg te luform tlb.. Ibstmlà ordertotereducehi& stock, ef Dry Good s a much au- possible, bafore Christmas, elferu Cime w-bol. pfbhis stock, cou. sieting ot Camadiamu ad Englieb weedc, Beaves, Deesiis, Broadi lotbs, Siti n vie. àd grey CotIons, fauoy Dasrm a nad Ribbous, 'in audleu vathety; Hosiery. Gloves. Nublas, Hoctis, famiii kinds ef Fangy w-col gcode, snir.abl. for the season ; w-i4qBlankals, bots. Blankets, Buffalo robes, Carpets, &k', and a full stock et Mink Fuis. The viole'ef the abovo will b. sold cheaper thau thle eheapest ln Te.wn. Ladies ccli sud examina for youtselvas, befote purcbasing -elaew-bere. Just arrived et pli Ne. 1-, a choie. snd full assortmnent of all kinds of Chiristmas Fruits, -Valencia sud Layer Raisin%, Ourrants,. choie Tocs -Caffee, Fige, Sugar, &k. 0:>Tic highest price paid for Peultry, Rell Butter "ud Eggg. Don't terget the place or name, WANTED IMMEDIATELY AT OLD NO. i. OD- *4 1,000 Good Drossed Hogo, 5,000 bushels PsU Wheat, AT PRI NGLES.I 1 or wbicb the higlisat Market prW ie ii be paid. 5OG4ubs, Good Butter, 1,00>4uehoe sSpring. 'V 1,000 blqhels Clover,àï McMillan's Block, Brock St , Whitby.' 4 'y ANNUAL OLEA RING SALE1 DRYI -.0?-. - QOO NOW GOING ON,- AT TUE UHEAP- CASH-'TORE j JOHN SKINNE&R- in returning tbanke'&for the Patear'sàpa.l; [~ tronae.b bisn~uieosfiends and . irer theï1ba1anie oî b is large stock at nnpreoedented Iow prime, lï~ ij.-ger to prepareî for S&ook takmg. AUl the Goode are marked down to th"ey oet wolésale Cos I>iice. Thé stock isý for the -season, very eY -consisting of Clotho, Sheetinge, Wooleis, Tweeds, Blanketè Flanuels,'ÎdlI kinda et Dress Goode and F aucy Woolen Goodes, 11950,o Gloves, taras, Shirts, Housekeepers' Goodi, Jackets, ShaWls, Coats, Pants,Vet, irlhig2e, cfs Collars'aud Fancjy Goods in great variety. *CÉt' sncl éxamïino.the goods. and pries.- [BrI ok ýSt., Whitby; Jan. 22nd, IT.-P AVýr JQIIN SRIKNER, 4 ly] BOOTSe& HEs. The nrigdbat.lgesokô 0-Boots ail ShoePs 'a~to ode. O;rersho a Ined a nd mftbI ndaIber k -. - WILLIA I5N Jan'y M, ig .-v . MtSb" sSteve, Brook$tru.t Whltbvy Whitby, Decesabor 0,1871. N 8 PLUS LLTA, A N4EW OLM]EEBOE wm PIANO AOMrUPMExr Prie $1 50 esch ; $15 per doz en. -o- , 'Wherever the "Ne Plus Ultra Oie. Bock" bas been introdnced, IL lias beau prouounoed superior te ehl other works of its zinc]. It Is Lime Iamgeat. isteet, fineist sud onily colletionm of New Gices anid Quartetir, uemmriv sîLof which bave Piano Acpmpcuimant, e illib. Sample copies- niUed, post-*paîd, for $1 50. J. L. PLTERS, 9 Broadway, New York. JmYiay 2nd 182. t P. OR W WLB M d - OROt RAU I -LlueA 1fý.s55 A train wlll, uutilfcrther notioe - leava Port Perry staiinn every liawful rnoruf1ig t i3e e'clockt, sud WhiLby at 1:00 p.'=am tping et intermediata statiouo. Whilby, Jen., SLh- 1871.,' HENRY WARREN, Me; Oô BIIGOICLIN, ao NT.<ra li beOn ~afthe %iêJ, md ýbcou. Md, JI18I72. IF Po BH,5 FORTH1AES In a r lte Rayai, cuL ,by eal ]I' ce liti. astoreMaud a ver>' gcdk /nos', decresL ladies, I begyortîo W b-ih.e a few of mly gouda I tait. e wsf I have bats, 1 bave bonnets, ot mauy a differ- Andi Il'y rbbons sud lacs juat snited la your minci; Thora are leathorsansd faiveru of every ehade, Andi velvete, te puresur sud bnightesl Lbal' Iu cl.lgnons, I have a vamiety, I'm sure, Timey are lit for a icdy,on a 'Imaici onuh'Moor ' 1 hava aippers sn bomutifni-bLhs rsised asud plain- If you-w-ecr Ibes they'l cave you a greaî demi of pain. Andi Jewelleny-yee, I1lied aearly forgot, Aithrng luntise cuse ouw-l f ucisuoalot, Ofpanis and rubitca lowu 1 cau't boat, But Itope lu gooci imi. La oeiltemIthe Iniveit. Thée reet ni. sd ftOj'mw-milu very godtaste- AM ikÀo neUcfit boy the pràud sud the ohmate Andi now-. dearest hiccies, pnsy tiva me a camI, And vou'h1 fnLd eveuing flovere- for fb-e Oddc peilow-s' Bah 1u.fooL, or ou borsehcl , loigb oron crnme, - ome thiig, l'h best of goad vaine yen'l l frosam-.- N. B.-The partnership imartoforo existing beiw-eau tMra.-Knawhing sud tira. Matheiva having beeidisuolvociby xmutuelcnet h bueluesa w-h l u tuta b. ýcarlâ-W y ie Know-Iiug on hbar 0w-asccuLt. c1 s wtum i as '41a - THE - Liverpool and, Lohdon, and (Qbeý INSURANCE COMPANY;. Avellable Assle, $27,0O00 000. Losses paid lu couroe ofrthmrty-fivc, y'eara axcacc - ORTY-.MiLLIONS OP DOLLAR5. COlaitmushy tJrn cAeO Ftai mimataci et iîealy $3,000,000 are boiu . 1iiquîdated as fààt es adjated witeio.ut dodsîc ton- - SeCuni;ty, Prompt Paymeunt, sud Lib.trality lu itdjuatmueut oh Iais Lseare Lthe prommueut Meatures of titis wGaahby Company. ifeaL Office, Canada Bruneh,DMoutreel, Chiot Agent tforfloimulos.. L. AI0;N . P . xC. n, 4 ' IWhLyOnt, WI,1tb7, Deoc. 27t1u, 1$71. Se LYMAN ELLIOT20 kA ce, ToRONTo, AGENr. Wh ieh sgra4 10t4>u bSept:Sc, li - 1 j -i -1 s- *1-* UP ý a t'he - First day' PRINGkE-,Ys. 1 . GO TO PRINGý1,ES. 1 1 ý »-%m - - 1 - . 1 1 1 - 1 J.: 1 1 - 1 1 1 . 1 1 ý- 1 1- 'l 1 - .14 1 1 R. B. B. KEELER, of Januarv neXt GO. TO'PRINGLES. 1

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