r f iak durilng the perlo4i 0f' LWù ye,. 1) to p' po*e theo oospiracy of thee smà nn- iVôbddone. the mostof their con- berh '~bouse. ie.b n b- ",ul n 01aur~id uonher and'Stokes to ptin heéjblishlt'g this matter, and o ut tis ia groiitlbis desth. ]Prince ma&rc k bas sont a, Prossisu %figs41 te4Sldeî;d o helajniëp Go Tora. sent uiaaiory .om0;sýtlo 'aor' the 4sm ssa n.1d by German' cthise duriig thé *r. outiobis wioh' bave-,disttirbed that qun.AFrench 'man-of var hau bèoù dont to the osate dosfiiaaion on a similiar *rrand. DÂiNOv RousaTr.-Â mesenger of the, ..Y M' 6' roplia aIoua Banik bhdbis poobt !Phce1 to-daj while pasaiug tbrough à orowd ln Broadway, anui beri f notices and acceptances, a gold oeeono the National Park Bank for $40,820-.68, and $2301.09,63 -in Unitedl \Bgtates gold certificaeo-and gold coin. The, Mesonger gays, the thioves tbrew some g lpild ino hiseloye. Thor@eils noe 0140to A PAIR COxr'LîXsw.-lUptergrove is, a ToVry cupreridîug village, but the geaial1 Poutmuater, Mr. l'boa Byrne, la la boat in bloùslf,' He fille the important positions ef villag~e cboolmaster and postmasater, a"d, lu tbe spirit of true Iriab generosity, le alwayé willin g to lend a belpiug band te a neigbbqur in difficulty, when an op, portunity occurs., We bolieve the -suhool à lu riliing, aud ithelPest Office voit cared-for, under i direcion.- Evos- Rio? ix LoNDoi.-A diiracetul riot oo- cured iu London on Tuesday nigbî,,by wbieh a meeting of' loyalitta as -broken op by a mob of an, calleti repubtoicians. The lattetwcnuued te fligbv of the chair Man, broke op tLe, itiform, demolisbed the furniture, and departed singing tbe woii know.n French revolufionary bytun the Marseilaige. The polico authoritios 0, looked on quiurly wlîhout iiiterf'rring. N~W II- STORE 1 The nîîlerigîîd ifim jtimt telitued lulîess t dà it aw soo-it-i,'i iitk, Brook t., wi:ore wil lie tr'nî. SHEIt-T MUSIC ocf al kiinlm, MUSICAL IN- 8,'l'ttJ N IS r$of0f ovry lorietlotila i- e11litirg Violtît trîn)its alJ 'howm oftbe quat liity. $A1t>NCXof Aisoacie Moi turtled uassorttnent et jfessrr of Mîîsdc. At'rigoris 1 t nuîo Mioticai Iuutrii Ailln îy 110lo.,( The Osburn Vkctorlouis Eirywliere. 3 SECOND PRIZES, 2 DIPT.ONÂSP DUItu Grt)TitiFALL et-'1871. FIRZS T P RI ZE -locketitch Famnily and Light Xanufacturing Sewing- Machine 0 V 1Ril ALL OOMPETITOR4. - TIi (,55f>Iiprtrtincetiby ait p ti .6owittgMtbieolîeope, who bave tl-I o'ngh examt¶rmt l t' t - "ot Only a Fieut--htiss Mla' chine lnu er rpatîcolr,"f but, lu their bonet TigeDent Famîly Lockslteh Lewlug- Mfachine nlatiie msrke. avei aIlerslns:-lie exellence abtl aloi PilCity' of ils mephirtiru, tii. mat-etllaetiy ed lu is oeontiatriton, îI.latldgqutlitties sd wgtdo t-are r ge fwerhtperforiltd snobhsas ne ciober otsebtum lui fi. elussstud sofilt)etis pt-tee cesc>ttemîtt. Tis tibuttie aund Bobbitl iarej large, Fite neeihe short, straight, aeteal>' est, tension perfect, andti posîrbie te get ot or order. le food) eau be nahettant) iweted titsylI, smordtng t-tu tht-lbre to h. used. * B OUiioI 011ALLECNGEB R uS Re HZ 73 15 EXQIAL. .~Guuanteed fôr three Years. -tbouiuds ,uew lu. use threugbout- Canada. 'Agent4i Wautod Ee'oryWhere. 0l.k.M.O'AIA. liowmnautrlh, Gaverai, pgute f«o nt4r10 coutty, Durhasru d VIe Jan x iy îtbi1872. g il T RES'E Wtt..). weare 00w manufacturîn ohe"ierthonu*"y cilleraho pfitl b.eouu- try. and wowili give a goaraceowth eaeh W hecet *arranintg them b b as wail madle, and W gfi ve ai good satisfaction aut anymnti- faetnred lui the Dominion. ~ t~nf yaddteutog * FA XTON, T4LT£ & 00., ?eriy-StPC.po*erry, Ont. mareb Moto, 1809. ai8 Thorald, DCLa8, 1871. 14 OR T WPARTIU, USIN G 1ACINEJIX i this.OII excsi a t etr 01 oti, animal andi oegetablir. ad twe ird, prepared tu show thte snptririrty ofttiis OUit utail otier.itistatido the tests ieessutry te procure a first-elamuor tlile, it fli edaptlut thoitilier lighit orhetivy ra- clitîiery,J'rto»a elck or %ewing-maeluiia tetire beavctof et'sîaits. 'î hte oltowiug uare tire points in ii wlttct t cxt.tlg ctlttr Ollé-IT %'11L NOT 013M, litiec n c etiitery ea» b. kpttotwthbut Ilititi trouble,' ani It wtt) denîa ttitrhu istis ltee» îlresîyguiuued by Othler Oils. It wtl ct contreuil or titieken lit t ite urolds_"t oi werittber. 'lt's lis a qiatty of titr tûiest imtportttnce, <t-ontithje fet ian Oit. itot htuvlig titis qtaity wili trot Iltbricute a ool li uait, stict ieif ilayt>'beapplied in a ttrated state, liiit tite omelontt it tonc-ie a t-aId xtiatfiil 4Coutt'att"tand wtt) fot tubricate on' il tt...,DitrttiUb' fletivo tio-m tl'u -t tompot-- aluittitiicetrs:ry lu t-uné tttt lt-ru iid stattu iii trtitale-iltuz a ui tire bx il§it'e by Ietiet lbît 1 ý1 il-mcoilthutwillt dut) cri e Coli Attlait wittlotlit titis re..li, r.. b tl tu uj- ie Oit wittu 'ier. J. G. ltck's 011 witt tlu- briatt ie 'uî't il!c'Ii tre mt iomentt cid. riliius (tilt i% Dow ticoît ;ntirer twe urdîlemtattitiato, out)i]im ivitug the bogit pfsbttiiuttion*utt i aliite trius tl iiy oreter t to e cluiil 1iperri or purite Olive. It is freo froîn the objections urgea 'gatlqît ail ottier 1)11e, atit dite-s rut glu or ft-iizit. Now ai ttte pubtlie iu-c awire tirai lnuy vorttlss ttitngs ire rtiffettl htu u noîît-ety, inutorertto pt-o tht tititi. le f0nountumb&, andi te seurs ett-tItvcý»ti giiu-ti4it tot-Liitions ut titimairtiFtt- fo* cil tagenits" ( itly (If, win wil trot lîemt- talt l in u!l' tile âiell offl o l e iroincrlen s bong tdoiîtimeal %ith tSt-ck'g extra Mactinie 011,) wu propome tttoute wtîo uite irulrestet) lui tthi trotti cf t1ioseO utteitteît. te coud tu ttuoit critapilpicationt, ty; mitttl or utlitriotWe, ft-ee u c i u'go li any wiy, i.stiMule ' li'e o1t, dtuit ltt uiiy *stîutttlot- it.hlf. And witl aloin siti with l t-a few simple tests, as effective as tioO o teus y wlictî 1oj is lîowii l'rtm tIhe baser iietals, atiwhîcta wtt) eluable partiez er- derilituct» argot-e tf-tirnîstilri againhtt nlpooiw ttit, ty erîat>ittttc tîcmn t-o letrtineat cotîce wtiotber the. 01t f(rwat-dod la.as good sas Ail partiesl deuling tn Machine 011.o wiU do weill te cemmun-icute !il), UEQ. B. So 'Brenghaîtu, Ont. Solo Agout for the. Domininon iirougharn, Mat-ch 15,J870. T ES~T 1 M ONTIA L. ltucsEeriît hALL MiaîtrezWolin, Oshawta, April 4, 1870. 04. B. Seocs,EQ. rtol , litAit $m,-Wo bave also dhiu, andti tats io,edlr t t a îy tter 0e1. Wove aerurfcOr Iat-iio14 <cet it-oti ilaititr, 7 Jay% wttf ith re oitilg. tt keerîs tie tocte; oa arn! îjîtait. Wu dourDot warii uuyhinig ibeiter as a iubriitor.. Ialti, yonr-s truly, F . W. 6 L "UN, tresidaut. VALUA13LII FAM FOR tS ILE. Thie -'H SteRt) of the ,t1 .Iolin .ltl ->q uire, t il, tfîree ti ifritthe Townt cf "Niaitra, rhing 112 antd 11t, in the. Towishtp *'iugat- Courtiyir> f liacctit, Conttituitirg 200 esi liridý, fr et-es of Wood lauti1, a goo liard; lis weI twatored by t-le Fourr i cuit, (ai spriiug creok), whili troastut I l ots, Tite soit le exil lIent,1 welt apte tii) kiats is grain au ilroot cro The 0 bnilditias on hotu lots ; wilt eld 'inseit a lot, et- togetiter. For f uruateîisa te Peter C. Surro iolert N. 4al.1q aNîrt; Of Johin C-. Bllt, et tie Tes ce 0frIMr$. P fi,13il, Thorti4l or-tu Mr. ITiom- .trr Col. Wallace, U hitbv. every edvort-st'î'retnedy,inis dlsoovered a *e tu îeatîns ucoit-eure, whicelio lietl senti free to liii fot)ew suftereu's. J. il. EV , 83-1 y 78, Nassau5ft-ett, New -York F 011 SALE. &vauble-Farti, lui a hîiah state efocultiva- tien,i suit not eut-etlied Ii i Cutada, bourg Lot 25, 2n.d.con. Wiu'ît Willims, (Couty et Mit)- diosoex, 80 aeruii leuuted, and iweli walered, geod lotieos;, gu-ol lPIiitluttgantîd' a 'Rie yetulig oreiîuîtd ofrottoice t-t-it ; sit-îate witbiur 4ý4 mileis of t-e la te'isiiiîg village of Park -ilt1t, tand eoutaiîuing"14') at-ro. Fer particolars uippl> lu- THIOMAS KNIGIIT, Y-ar- tmiti Wlitby, JnIr,2lt-h, 1871. t-f-2i OUR 1NEW tÂTENT CROAS FL7WK TUE JOSEPH HALL N42'1F.ACTURINGO GJIPÂNT, 1'IIOPMETORS. 2LA3IUAOTURE TIE OELEBRATID I.effel 'Patent Double Turbine- Water ".Wheel. -W aa ie ouly uîanutaeturars W hooeau fia'- nligi th4 geuslne "LoftWh4- u fsads w)) b 011 euby tbhé loigeetfeter -Smr<ixuo.'Mo ,Dec. 25i 1888. ,Wecaike ploat.re ln iurferug the put-blc ef Ceida, that we bave suid tandt) rorrliecl Mr. p. W. <(-;LNr, of t>staws. (Ontario patterns, cessuire )ifurritotio build eut'onIebt-atsd Double Turbine W ater< Wlreol inventet)b v JanionsLeft'a.utuutl-k ttewn ante ' Lftie! Wleel"' We have aIt-o oi,ýi)gated tannelvos l utorisi the sanefae.ilitis tut- matiofaotit-iiig t-e tu utiter patties lui Canada. -W itîtont tîte infor- matiotine olucre aire» to Mr. UaarV, o ne eut isnceesfitl)l'birild oitr Whceloi, tnd)'we adrise paut-icoltir Cauirla te put-t-titisouar Wheela ef 1re ut-uer muotiftctglrat-. Mr-. OLEi'a faculuttes are nuîutrpasedl, atîiw. felesurt-a tatite wil t3irld a WlieeltIiat wili gir. perfect auielso' tien. We tiiot-fore cermntihl tii tu e *publhile of Caraîla WîitIcatit-e coiiftlîorue, teel- tng ert-e owtll Manufacture a Wlteei in ail rosî)étot tquai t- o unrowri. (Si gner),) JAIllIS LEFPEL & COU. W. tre prepat-od t-o furiltiitWater Wbeehs, Goeurs. Sihti*ts, 'îuller;, an.d ailI Mschiuet-y ire- ,eesatry t-o att-iti theîto ltots toe tc icuiner>' t-ud iriteudod tut dtiv t au.l 1f, aftei' two utttiti,, thoy uitc not satisîtactot->, w. wil tit-e 41tI lack., liai fririIglut- bot-h way-s, tutd te- Il11iUl auy hay[ltuuerts itinda te utsttict-cout. Wlierui pitrtitare litt ç;ttslled witbhue. WI:utI, unt-titI 'tutut intuie a cltutige at tIre titue witilittlost-o iiitt-s tey wrira lunt-le itita tutcliiît-t-,yute rtsimtutbhe t-ino wltlî- ont- ctuau'o,uttt- ediii outoyüat-, luiret-*t tî.ttig t-titcy uuay uteutchtanigeWlt-tuut 1iuujur> te tlitir tiuile. iteloit at-o giturtue uranos uet atties lto tire riow uneiîg fittn(4i t o t ent-t it t 0fOtt wilreot, ritiiewoisit-e parties wlio wisi t-c 1îurchiuru tu» oOttcsumid wttltitti. Davtd Arniold. .................. awn. 'tfumtiti aqArts ............ Arkii. ill11eutfur & uititit-Ot........... u'rgina, IBttwgntt & Peuigle.,............ Aeeuttttg, Wttliautt »eau............... Cuuwa A, litattuii & CO...... . -efttd A- Btarbeiatt ............. t avidit, N tarolt, ................... 'ruiuso . u.icll ui..........;..... . utoki Win. ttirnt............. ittigtt. A. J. 1 tcit..................... Nrtwitis %Vîn. i3ouoitltl ................. .il'tvttui e J. NI. 1rue ..................ubocUt.I'.iti cilrtnsiuulDurretllrt.......... ltlf Itti, Jtacob 1 l-oier........... lttt u J. Jarret-lt......... .... Lest-uit-. C. w. u;arl ......... ........(auuuter JmsA. ClOie- ...............%Ntaice,, & .ciglauuuute--.......... uer, A.Clowut..................... Kitgsiout .Jamtes Li'tt-........... ......... t-t tr>,own, Joliet uyi.e................. ubrîuucuu Duà atil k & ijattitil........... tluiievll SauelutIaitrt.......l...... .iidati, Ç' . L> )ceWety................lItutati Vew, hit, t-rgent ......................Natiatue, )tâmte% ltllt .............. -...... uru ltie. Niehoitis E-ais ................ .'t-ittihtitîu Rut-uicl'verts ................. rcutuu. tloieni Fur&) Iltît................ »boiurelil, - It-ratita ltos ..................lintututitu Arrardk & e.................CaipIftd 4,Il. G. recs,...u.................t-ceiweod Thluo -ilmtso................ il t-titett .1 eeplti outtf.................. UXInige, Wina. ictuio.................... IIU*tigw. utils" & lu-o .....e..............(istha wu 11,. &k G iltwtiod ............ Graft-ir Cuit-Ssi, NgcliaY & Co........... t~r>d -%Vin.k&Waller (Jt-.inin........ Wtitîut, Winm. tItler ............I. ...... ilt-tit;iieu.n, ilituitîril k izuil.............. lakeihafft, 0. le I. , -tit.......lI...Il.. . .Quetce. Hutlier 1luttîtturse.............. .Attiuiute, CUl. iiPYue,................ M otre, lîtitti tiutgaart ........... !'ertf. J.kt.tutt tttî,wsi................. ltlsittt Crse tleatft Su Ioftl. . Ftrurtllc, fi. t'. Hatu'trt ........... lI--u lt-wtok llyd. ................. ,1t o Joht, fuitie........ ........... it-rlpht. ?. .Jutes& (Co.........iittiutttitui5 A. gLeitas. .....:::: . erbruioke jiuesiueiglu ...................irtio Calaltait Lentt.......... ... ....Newatle, .. . utkl8-................... aguos H h Mliuturo ............ Ciitigei a.« llrsleit ................. Nwarkt, JOU h l ett)ugalt,..... ......... Mttretl. Wtrrua ugn Mturraiy .....1 .....%il titI ay John MetCtae .................. lireti MeDowcll k & ota........... eirnteitrlI SamuiuetMiernîtr .. .............. Newîainbtutg Isaacoltorciinuf................. Eiea jotnttîliclaoute-n...... ....... Iicutrew Johin Niofitil ................... $ tei;rituiue. Win. Nuouin.................. 1110011tted', A. W. Ogucit & Ce ......... .. - h oatrteal, *Witn, ....ie ................. tiuiunandlteu gllCtrotuirt ...........t..... Leskei. i'aloiu î nattuiifg (Cu....... t'Sheirooke, Wtlltutiit t-j4.................... 'icket-ng Jente . iouu & Jo...............Quefire.l f8 bt-.Pn&Co........ 'I»rif.t.. Peck, Btitîtey.& Ct-i......... »itrtt Jutin patringu...... .. ... rîireai, 0.~ ~ ~ : Prit... ........... ijt- Jaumes ttuidutî............. ainde Tihomras (Quiitrifalt........... ttra A, 0i. Ruas. .-......... l.,Uciarnvag'r 93' & IV. ltiogetat& kCo .-- Atuitu-ite John ituseel .................. Cisreuitttit, Ed-wat-d iiinitfi........ shawa, Sitih rtos.................. ttuowiatifle, Muascs nttuutnh.............. .... I tTul, rîs erit, Thlomas WN, Steptuensuin. ... Ni-wt fitapesk........e.- . Coitiwood, g. j.H.Sunttu...........irugr, Aiez. $mai[l.................. Ogtaw, rThoumuas iwttpt-cutao. .......... t-tet-tou, Johnbu $law ... . ...i.Nrrmatdale, Geirgr Sanep*........... Motreal, John Sorit ................. lotitet, PeUt- Mis» .n ........*........ .ittintuFaIts. .....~S tiî.............. Varkwortu, ..iandpiel.o Thomas B. tummril . ll.i Stephenson & Et-atout........ urampon, Terlto,.................. iotut Abert, .lb t'rhttinpsoi............... iriiolî, Win. 'Tuesr.................. Haydeu, David Towîta................ Bowmtille, Thomas & Townseuud ..... ru, Theiilison & tint-ns...........owmtvllie Gleurge %heeter ......... .... xbdge. P. %Vt. Woodru.....-............ Nirtrel, J. C- Wtite................... Cuttoatg, John tvotraty.............. ertoa, T. P. Whtie ................. Witievaie, Win Wt-d ..... ............ G ttîtie. Jauri4c enigîtý ........,...Witdhami Ceatre WE ALSO MÂNUYACTU1IE PORTABLE anrd TAT1ONERY- team Engiues and Boilers 1 OF ALL Elittt Arloaizi. St-w Mill Itaeffiiet-y of ait Etutus, rucludtng Fei)gia su incnimeioGanugs. 'Iawetot Paien Oscttallng Gang auiS Mulay Séw Mitis. Haud-SiettinganairSSeIt.Setting Circuler Saw Mllit' Suîugte andSDolohe Etiges. Vleur Mill Maoautery of al Kbits, witt iLLate li Itprad Ah Machines ar ouies Mkio-ed Workig Meehsery of it Kintda. Eujine Waho&s ut-i Snizes. Plabteus, DrillIng Machinesa llerttg Macuhines, Boit Vuuiers, Witolet itnery. tumrather Splittitg Machîtisaend iife Geludra tVuehtngtou Ht-uSPritiogPressesi. Gordi tower Presses.. Tâylot-'s iyliuder Prous. Papet- Cuineei si nle fovmmois. lihft-r, Pallies. Sel8.jwniùg Baugera wth selOugBlee CAZTiNfGs 01p, LL KINDS - MADE 11 BttASS (Ai IRON, - D Cow Machinr> of an ' kInd made 'te ordor .Ail SLachià ry vsrrantéd te betmxdeofo est olmassMateri9tul, t her6illy workusnllke Du-nham, STATION14Y .,QF A LULKIN D8 -SC1OOL-BQOOIS$1'e; - -C- é '0()m palper Of thé very lat est -patterns.7 reoeived direct frOnj tbe Euiglish manufacturers. at prices of from 5 cents Vo 1$.5O-per ri. , m [ncluding best GoId and Silver Watche's. Gold jud plated cbains, Rings, Bracelets, Gent's stnds, rings and, pnelectro-phuted 'ware,ý vases, writingdesks. work boxes, 1PiortmonnaoiéS, and cuLrilui ge vretyà uitable for the Holiday season.* 1r; v.l1117 V-C1 à SY Ir r T . Whitby, Nov.4,181 s - 48' Qoods. N EW A RRIVA LSO' IR. & Â..SMITH SI 'MCOE ST.,. OSHAWA* Are -lu receipt of furtlier ativaLi of Winter goods, 4nd beg W ,announco that their stock la new connplurto iu crcry dtijartmunt. Dress Goods in great variety. Clan Tartain, Plain and Tartan, Wiuceys, Euglish. Scotch and (anadiati Tweeds& THE ýMILLINERY DEPÃRT.ENT. will be fouud replete, with al! the'latest- aitractionîr in styles of Bais, itibiions, Flowers, Mandie, Dt-ss'triun $otte of eptendid Frr -very chcap, The Tailoct'ng Ira't-nt'nt, as bitderto, nuder tluo akillul tperinteudance, of t fitst- cItes entier. * Bvst and moat fauhionabie anits in the Dominion made to or FRESH GROCERIES & NEW FRUIT W- BOOTS & SIIOES-,styiishly made andi of the best qnalfty, aI very Iow Pries.6 Whà ty Nov. 28, 1871. 'y.48 GOOD, CHIEéP AN D C LOTIHINI -The uindersignd ( 1etirP to infoiuîrn his numnerous customners tlat with the roomy fatciities afforded hlmn in the new premises itto which ho lias rernoved, lie is enabled Vo *teep on hand a large stock - of' cloths of cvery kind, - well selected by himnself, and of'the best quality. Gentlemen's Garments nmade to order, and a perfect fit guaranteed. Gentlemcin's Fuiirn*,.sing gonds, including Shirts, Tics, Braces, newcst styles of Collars, &e., -JOHIN FERGU:SON, Dnudas St. Whitby.- (i'remises iately ocenîîied by Mr- Gerrie, as a Drng Store) WiVby, Nov. 29, 1871. tf-48 me On- DONYOVAN'S., CARRIAGES &- BUGGIES, latest style and, lest Manufacture S-pIendidly Finished Cutter, 0F VERYSUPERIOR WVORKI.4iVSIIIP. BUGGIES & SLEIGHS. REPAIRS AS USUA L. WHLTB ~o 22ud, 1870. AWARDED FI.RST PRI'ZE. Nt Provincial Exhibition., beld at Torento, in, the Fali of 1S7. We-offer to our'customers ýfor the coming llarvest, two distinct Machines, which in style and construction, emnbrace e latest and. moit useful' imprýîvemnents of the day.JOiNS'ION 'S SINGLE ýSELF-RÂIKINO' REAPEIJi, TIIE '"RRNG »0F REÂPERSY." The U'nivergal success of hs Machine:. both in blosely coùtested tuiais' aïd lu tho hands of thefat-mers warrant ussilu saying thatî5 as a Selýf Raking Beapig achiine. it bas 'oe od pontesd lftus defoctea,- and'bas met .Wtth more suees sud iWBi (allure, Ibm hberee-foreooifforerd-10the pub lic. z,:ee ay,'5 J uni;ô,r Mower. We wre wared te- intPrizo and Diïploma,at the Prcviucial. Eh biin elinlToronto, 1870, lucooeptitlou with alUtho Iesding;Machines, manu- faetured ln tLe Province; and with dur recout i m rovemeiti, *e, pnhesitatiugi challenge itveRtigation and comparison1 with competiog Machines, weaWre sailsofid that sncb iuvatgatiou wili couvince, every unpre"judiced oiud, that wo er thý'ie ,bout ,gower te the -ariner for 1871, buit.ln the Dominion.- IW Seud 'for descriptive catsTo800S k-'V A ,WWpiqDaftM - WbiIbY, ,~18thi f 24 on WILL OFFEKR THE ALA, I-IAVT WNTI~G( gAT ,GLIEAT LY REDÛUCED 1?RICES. Dress-Goods. Millinery and .1fanV.les, Winceys, Twseds, Tweed, Furs, In order to rîîak.e. a horouigh cicarance 01 our, READY-MADE OCLOTill'NG STOV"ýK,- great 'batgainS D UNDAJ9 will le ,gffered.(1do - ~~~~( . AM1otIO (f - ~~I ON.-C04-Beg t ul ;,HAM Ttanutiri Bsrla NEw.ÂW AND CBOCE GUODS**. JAMES Jm. MURPHY l-ias re.eîîitly received, at i'sà neNv stocre on O)undas Strcet, -a.large lut of new goods suÃŽtable for. the season* lie ady-rnade Clothing ol't llec bestquality,, lit very low. prîcès, An excilient fdock of Dry Goocds-e-verym thinWin the liîîe. llats' and Ceïps Geîlînnsfù.rnising- g'oods Departînent coauplete. Ladies underclothing.a,-- --s Family ('oroccî'îes coniplete;-. Nf.v F ruit, &é., for Christmnas anîd New' Year's. ,Whitby, Dccembou' lm)t, 1871.' 1 d GREAT CERGSALE AT. 0F \ 13 rto Robes, î'taîway R.,, i te ani Grey Caniti lil lî'e ot-so Itiariktrr, ,ar1îtts anicl Fdt. 'eeilsatI and tit,. Cot-ton rt niî ain *Bagï. Fuir Ca:ps., ini-S. S. Seuli, [luai seuli, l>ltîtkt.tl Outet, Plttcked Ure, flt.~oi. peul iiducelieits um T. II. McNILLAN & Co. MM lttiock, Bruock St. SPRLNG STO'CK 0F BOT.S_&_SILQOES.0 MonATTHEVW COVL LINS8 Begs to announce to lis cuiitomirs and the- publici that he has opened business on the premises lately occupied by Mr. Batîdeil, on Brock Street, and that lie'ig is ow in receipt of a splendid Stock of the 49 'Amdt any tbing iu the Feed1 the obortest uoticoi; 'whiceb Sa"It a ud Pituter fer' ae. «n Ro cou-, ne deltvered on oc wl s"Il cheup N. ifLOwt 0 1- T i E O TFL i - WH~ITB. R.P. CLARK, - Proprietor B,.?'.Clark begu o lb iuîfrm is oM 1risumI andî çuîteuterg tl-littlrli as refittet) sud, reo- vitee tlIteoit-I hulci hlown asuthu e Y'rmerol Inn,' Brook st', whuce h will bhappy tvt re- ceira,' tlucm, on givýiug hlm a cruW .Good atabliniz, ber-staîlà ,tsod eneleseti yard. ]gode raute olintgea. Jan. 51 1870. R .C4L Wbithy Bris su ad Striung Bands. aflapted for Solroos, Pie iâs, ltertitt.Quadrille partieli, &c., &cu., Wih1 suppl>'fle btcd sud iat-csJn itleon reabonatîle Auîpiioation uuit tadeuloeltlierpors5ousuly or b>' ltttr, <îîeemtid~,) t v J. WOLFENDES, 20 -M ay 7, 8 70. - ' Wbitby- Ll V E R Y T tru us r auuiianipatro« lias agraiti reeuýmej bhuinea et thI WHITBY LIVERY ST e~.ltv n*icreteid tlue fn t> tt-hae t-ut, and uit-cad ded t6le-m îttuve thureetretaaesand reliiclepjt p'eunises1. luiéitopes-bi.>' haiin a spcsgj tIect t-Ie Wtttsofutnst-trtierd IP 10 erit of publfic pltrouatge. £CIIAItGES MODERÂTE«'- N.]3-covergt) couureyaliesitfer it Wblty, sN. IRAY. Prqpr#tor TEET M EXTRACTEF) 9-e WITHOUT PAÙZ1, BY T111E USE OFý' - NITROUS -OXIIYLPdGIU GSIs OU TIE 1tEW L CAÈ ÀýiE ST HFTIC, W RIT YC.. ROOMs.-Orer b?. » Il. Cocrane's2tors. -W'iitn)y, Jue:261 1867. S u GIIT FIT AND MÂKE y ELOW' ,HPOPHýOSPHITE'S. 'Also on hand a large stock of HOYE-MADE Boofs and Shoes whicia caunot be surpassctd for quality, and price: Ail orders punctually atlended Vo. * 'Repairs -ne ny oe. Businesalso carricd on as usual at the o01& stand, near the Whi, May: 10, 187l. MATTH E-W 'COLI-JINS.1 THEOLD STNDI fVES TABL PS Il ED, 1833.] The- undimrigned in- returning -thanks for the libéral Qatrng bitirerto exterue n te lietblrbun, for. nerhrl.y periot) of forty yoara,, desires '4o esy thtlie-hasn ow ou hand aslarge* assortinent oftto.mûs tmoder sud elegaut Fdetuiu' conpoterd Çriup of IIep7rpM4ua AIRE es* flDb (Âifdn aiof DebiirY rePult-iugfruuriT>'pheld snd other iow tae. )pt-e-toPrtrution, Hysteris, l{rpoctiondrtti, Ainonriteri, (Illorosis, Anae- unis, Leootr'hoeu, Net-yens Extauhllt5l gares- mus or Wcstiug of t-hie Muscles, - &phoa,4 or Lotis ut Veice, ChoiSi or-St. Vitus's Dane Sluggliubiie#s f the. Livet-, Iuterrupled anti FoutU, Action efta eHeart, .SuforiFusg causidbv muoos obstructions,*of the.. Luneg and Air ?uissagea leudting therete, sud Debluit>' feu-mn yatioos esusès, mai' rasew twbieh aIt- peut-ual topelese;- a SoIt) by Apottrecarica.- gW- Pet-ce, $15 Six for e.0_O. 1 *JAM.ES 1. YMLLOWS, Cusswr, 15 St. Jhn, K.B. JOHIN,-CARTERY ONT. YORK& CE-Loi 8, i And trustsby proper attention and oeaepies-oscr coutinusuco ofpublic -patronage. Pracîtiuluphoialoring. ,Fururture. re:-stnffed sud t> envened.U Utndertaking and Fuxierals euly Supplle shreooe £W"Sorne splendid, specimens of Picture Frames, and «flding. hù Remember the 0Id ,Stà nd. - s . "~-'1- ly t-- T. J. h SI I ut t <i -t--g k. 1 Win ýer Rkw WIRM