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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Feb 1872, p. 1

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ftARIO BÂ3NI. WIIITUJIM BANClI. -. (2r*eUw CoZtq. Du~~,L) VHYDICJkN, ~ON,êo OwmoL-18ret ber Gônie'a Eloe&. Wbltby, Nov. 78b, 1871. - $~-4b. (*,.YOUNGBMITK, LLB. *AR81STE1~ ATTOHuIZY-A?-LAW~ 101501. 1<. F. LOCKJIAUT, >OMINION BANX~ ~W3E~'N? ~GENC1r. IL E. Taylor, AOEIT. ~rll 10, 1871. 18 ~MEROU é~ MA.CDONELL, ~,O0ÂxaoiQ.. I.J.MAOoNELLz. xQuoey tolonn upon good seaunrlty. Ap- 1 st tihe Officseotthe irm, court. Roue,- OR. ii. COCHRANE, LL. -». IÇOU4TYOIOWN ATIORNEY FOR ON- ,Sfro,Brrhuter and Attorney-at-Law, go lilorlu (Jhaucry, No'ary -Public, k.- -OISo-Btock lstreét, .1éît door, tO.Royal 11otel, Whitby. 8 osirt Veputy tiégistrir, Mater Extraordl *T7,Ob nd examine-tu Chancryorteon ty 0OUntario. Office Court losWhitby. flARRISTER &AT'rOIONI8Y-AT-LAW *aar Publié&0. (5ue~xs-!4otdoort thStov,% of E. & J. Campbell, Brock Mt., Whltby, Ont. WhIthy, Nov. 18, 1807. 4 FAREWELL AXGE ,~b RUIWERSATGR»NJYS,. LCI toRn$ CUNVEY ANCEBS,,AND NU- TARIES I>ÙBLIC.*...1 Ouîioa -Onie doi)r north of thé Poqt Office, Oshawa; ', ed Riutceéer'u iBloc*, opposite ?un all, Bowmanlville, J. . FIIwzLz.E.MG. 18 Cnf I.RT.FS C. KELLER, on Brock, c.,atile ATtORxEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR 114 Oh)ianoery, Notary Public, <*ouveyaicér, &é. , Wltly il. W. Oiwa'îcx, Byron street, $outil of7poot Office. -48 luOban- gImce ,-' , 40 JA MES LANION, -CON4V£YAfCEIt, LAND) AGENT &c. OnvIîx.-Ovér Armâtrung'é iotel, Ris i8t., Uibrldge, Jane tli, 1809. tf-28 R. J; GINJ.D. &!URGEON TO TIlE dOUNTY GAOL, 4yron Street , Vitby. 4 '~THOJIAN HUSTON9 T0W NOLERK&THiIEASUHEIL,WHITBY Âi'Mfce-Town liall -ounra 9 to 1 o'clock. C.N.- VARS, P IIA'rlCALDontlat, Oshawa Détali oomna, dirèeLl.ý oppo- ?,noe$trept tlsrdloor.îorth of thé Ontario Bank. WI.L&ON HOU SEl A. WIL;SON,Jr. - roprietor. T RR SUBISCHI BE) cg. te annonucé to l1iK X frieuds*and thé public g1mrlly, thut lhé ban apéned thé aboyé aéew ho1l i thé Village of Aisliliairsa for thé accotodaion ut thé tra- velliag puhhc.-Thé 11OUK i slow. emad fur- nluhéd lu a illoot thértotigla nd coliortable manDer. Guests wlll ind cvéry cOnivolalénce et thé aboyé cëatblishuînilt, Wiéa NLiquorsç, sudulgar ,ftlaé beét Brund% alwaya képt aen W odStabliaîgjand attentive Ootlers lu 4, WI1LSON, Jr., Proprietor. #iiurMy Lt, 1889, tf-18 Grand Tr uuk Railway Hotel. AT WIIITIIY STATION, 11,TM.O'NEIL litvig pnrchaeéd the hot., Vynd prénajisea knowu os thé Granad Iruk ilotel, W hithy station, begs tto i nforna hie frleutis and -te tra4vellingpuiblic that hée kt. itted iap thé hlf anoésd elables inlu rlt- .aiels style, and by atténîlôn to thé wantâ ai those who taLvçr hlmn with titir patrontige O8rnata toDnient aonitianéac tiaéeir oustous. jar Iartion taklng thé train sind lesa iî hérée will havé theinswlltakeu caré of tif, tbeir returu. WhIltby, sépt, 1868. go RO YÂL CýNADiAN flaOTEL, PORT FERRY, OINT. X . PO0Y, : Proprietor. Qu perior accommodation. Good stabliag. -éadhhéd roans, sud attentive ontlero. F ort Ferry, Nov, S, 1869. 4 * JAMES MoBilIER, TNSPRCTOII 0F PUBLIÇ SCIIOOLS FOR J.thé Coauty cf Ontario. Annaxse-Raglau 1l'est Office, Ont. iéylt,1871. 69 OltT P Rit ý110 USE. POÙRT PERRY, ONT, JAMES THOMP8ON, PROPRIETOU. Thle Bubucriber wislses to Infortn thé cous- riunity-that blit promsises earé uw open te tise public, wviséehé la prépared to farniah as good .eéonmmodatiai a nynesu nthé Céunty. WRITJY9 - -ONT. -A- NA SON,___Proprietor. Thé aboyé bas béén thoronghly renovstéd, sud thé pblic wi1 ftndivery!acommodatiton and lb.ebéat aitetton., Aprti8, 1870. . v.WEStERN.IIOUSEI DUNDAS ST., WllflhY, VT'hêunuderslgned woufld lntlisate tb thé JL public, that thé .abové pseml"s save lwtu n.wly flttéd up and réuovatéd thron h- eut, for théaceaménodaion of Gueste. ,Zet 'Wane. sud lquere, and c ere. "Pt Oéani f Canada --alsoPure Rhin# IeWaIz'é Lager, wholesalé ud rtail.. OEPfA. BANDELL.. .Eé"rdrs takén by thé wéék ohxnoderate WW*Y, May 8,1. 19 Tm QwOUANM Àx«OUVwe sÃ"iaolted eud non 1a=Yrd 1M~:rUartvlu- IIotAIIT UELJO , Ac. aûuéd forI'thréé véar orlees, > p iyloy Ot'FÇJLDIcILLA'S L<> KL' FAIRBANKS, Jr., axoo mzv, - asvr, .Offilce, Brock St,-Whltby. SWhltby, Assg. 29, lei!. WATVIJNAKEE,~ héThée underefgned ibas adéanmnl - Erock Street, - - Wbby 'pnovéd 1o auit ail. st Idow Ratés, aud on the. îho.téet nollae.. 81 Whitby. May si,161 LONDON ASSURANC~E CORPORATION ]nUR AI)DLITE. E#WrAmanUDDy ROYAL CaÂeru. 1729. PwrNM IvuAN...£2,4am8,88in7a4d. Stg. HEA D AGENT, MO(,NTRXAL-BOMEO B. No. 56 St. Francolu Xavier Street. JOHN AGNE W, Agent., WhItby, fay 8th, 1871. 1 The unclérulgned taken occasion to Inlor OnU-» tomera, that the abové Millm, auinated on Lot No. 22, ln the 7th conemaaio oftlVis'fownahilp of Uxbrldgc, are jnow ia And reasly for cntting Lumboriln any qrautity to suit eagtomérts, adid with punctuallty sud despatch. Lumaber ont froma 10 te 80 féet ln l.ingtw, JOHN WEIR. septenabe 29, 1670. 41 -ONTARIO HOTEL. BROCK SM. -WUJTDY. C. DAWES, Proprietor. Thé aboyé old eptalilihed Ilotel ha been t tin nowly itted up etid renovated throaghonu by thé olýrolprietor, ail thée pariments being farn:ahédw th DOW and oui tabeofarnlt,,re. Thé nndersigned will leave uiotliig nadotie I providing for the comfort of higuets, sud they May re yipon the béat of pure 1quora belir otippliallntthe Bar $triot attention p aid to theé utabling, und in lcokIng after the cf vlity ot hosticrs. C. Dawes, Proprietor. Whitby, Nov. 220d'1871, 4~7 JOUN WOLFENDEN, A&olcNF YrOR -TIUE OELEBRA.TED SCOTTISII GRANITE £W- At Marbl c Výorku of JONATIIAN WOLFENIDEti. Dnnas-St., Wbitby. 17. MQNEY TO LEND- AT REDLJCÈD RATES. T aus uaw prcparafd 10 lcnd any amount of usouoy oms the uccnrity uf good Faria or pro- ductive 'rown-1'roptwty, st >be aowést poeisibie rate of lîteréat, iii.measd naisuer ta .sit borrowérs. Principal con hé r6paid by yearl3 iustulméî,ta or lu ocieBan. 1 Sévéral well ctltivated Ferma and Lots of wiNl'Lansds for sale ohebp. lnvctmontn made in Débenlurea, Mortgtiee and othér Secuirities. Silver sand Orcoubseku boulit and aold, For further particularia apîly ta JAMES HOLDEN, OfficiaI Ass11ine, Moîsey llroltér, AC. OFFICIE-MoMiilau's.Bliock, Bmock étrect, Whitby. teptember 26t1s, 187). COMMERCIAL HOTEL BRCOOK15T., WIIITBY. TrIIE s.nbacribcr hcgs toananounce to Itis Lfiena and lte pttblic, thitathé lias ré- sumed posqeeselan of tué aàoy wéili sud fa- vorably kuwu holél, which le taow ildlnp lit s ouperior mantîîor, witltévéry colivéni- étîge fon tIeé rtocéption aof guesta sud timé tra-, SBet accomimodations, sud supprior winea,ý liqisorsacnd cigareq, Good ste hling, w'ith éniclomed yards, sud attentive Ostîcru aI- ways ou thé preusîsea. Chargés Modérate. E. M. CALDWELL. Whlitbv, Jan. .14, 1988. -2-17 GLOBE MOTEL, JAMES POWELL, Proprietor FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION. Feb. 22ia.c, 1871. 8 CENTRAL IHOTEL, BEU011AM JOHN BAILEY, Propfietor, The aboyé hatel bas béén ucwly fittod np and,ftrnishod. Ouests wili dind coiorlable eccomismodation sud attention.'~ Gooa roomy etabliug sud attentive ostiére. Jeu. 26, 1870.. F ARMING IMPLEMENTS,&c Thé uuderaliguéd bega té slalé that hc ccotÇies té manufacturé Root, Seed & Manure Drille, ÀAWBLL AS w A GO Ir S, Sl CAF ER RW A1D LL KIRîDe 0. FARMUNG IAIPLEMENTS. Ç'LO TEES NANGLE& WR1NGER,. Notéd as eue of the best articles of thé kind -usanufacturéd 1» tisé aôuntry, sud hie lus nov- éd STRAW CUTTEÇRS,sBoéasîly vokw fan ao superior ini evéry respect. lisving preparéd une of Enrsoso' Clebrtd <Jalodoé-Englueat Is umaunactéry, Ité bégs téo ssy that hoe la now enehlcd ta excunté&IIt orderaý vitis whiéh héOsssay bc favoréd checaper and wth gréétér expédition tItan hiihértoaud té guaranttée véry satisfactions ta custamérs luI -Ise quality of thé vorkisutisip asaud uteriâl.t 9W- Cordwood sud Lumabér taken iu ex- ébangé, sud Oua Priée sliowéd. JAMES CLAYTON; JOHN BLOW_. Wbty n.80, 1871. 35,~ IREVERE HOUSE, XANGEBCSTIýC.W. PLANK - - Proptetot., Siéa,101 to ai,d c~m Witby cal] dàily. EvMr .&%uon pald to gneste. Careful mail atten-, FIE ASSURAN~CE CO., ESILBLIBUXD IN 1782. QILI Lf1, MPAT& Co., Agenta for .canada. JAMES DAVISCN, Manager. rNSURANCE againat LOBS by FIXlE arc effctéd on*tille motfavorahle terms and LOSSES PAIDwithontrefcrence to the lUoard lu London, April rd,1366L YEOMAN (hIBRON. agent, Wiitiy1 Flour *& Feed S TO RE. - IIENRY SI»IEPPÂRD' Deuires toi~nfurm tpié Inhabibitatsof Whitby aud Viinty, that 4hlinumuccecoed Io HIENRY WAILTEBO, BROOK STREET, WHITBY Wheré hé keeps contantly on band,' Flour, OaiméWal, Cornineal, Brün, Oatao Shortis. Graham Flour, &c.. And évérythink su thé Fééd lune. Béaoit of Flour for famlly uae. Everything -nt thé luweht sélling pricoat. Thé cagsh uytém a4trletly adherod to. Pluasé call and examiné quality and î,ricé. Il. SIIEPPAkD -'hithy Féb., 1871. .* 7 00-MMERÇIAL g-IOTELe - .OSHAWA. JAMES BLACK, -- PstOPrIcTOR. ý-o- convéniéntly flttéd up rôoomu for Commer ciel travélere. Billiurds ettuclsed. April 8, 1870. 14 ýTERRAPIN REST AURANT (87 & 89, King atroét East Toronto), TIIOMAS CAÙSLE, - PROPIITOL. gan,iapaciona sud coînfortablé Réa taî5raîît P;Canada. .Méat. sunppliéd at 4a11 heura. MWjnes, L.q non, nd Cigare of thé ducast rands. Shéli anu Catis atera. iu evéry style. 7" Pisrtiéa4 visiting To.rî.t' for a day will .fitidevery accomoîîdations at thte Terrapin. April 5, 1870, 14 JOHN ROUINSON'S flair Dressing and Shaving SAILOON, *BIOCK ST,, WlIITBY. SOT Bou n aBlANK OF MONTREAL. ~ Withy Jan. 22,1'88. CEORGE GURLEY, MEURIIANT TAÀ1LO0R CLOTHER AND DILArER, OSHAWA. 0QENTLEM EN'S G AIIMENN inado up h., thé béat stylé and latest ftaliton. A âne stock ofClothts froîn wlaicla lu uaké a séljection for Gentléînua a unaméî suite. Oshawa, May 12, 1869. 19 AUCTION BUSINESS 1869. 1869. Tbég tb rétaru thanksfa* thé libéral patron Lagé hérétoforo béstowed upon me, sud tau- nouncé that 1 arnprepared ta conduct sales, éither ln TOWN OR COUNTY. AT REABONABLE RATES gg. Arraugéméntun for sales eau bé madé eltiser at tisé CusoNiou eOffice, or ut usy owu Ofllce, Brock etreét, Whitby.. LFAIRBANKS, Jr., Whitby, July 8, 1ARD M 1ARRIAGE LICENSEQ I THO.M~AS HUSTON. IS9SUER OP W~ Office-Town 1hall. liesidoncé-]lyron Street, thréc doora uorth of Town ball. THE ROBSON HOISE, DUNDAS STREET, WIJITBY, C.W GEORG R ROBSON ,Propriétor. T E aubsorber bega 10o anoancb that hé T bas leaséd thé building forniérly known asdcripturolo flotél whlch hae bcess renavat. ed euruishéd,anal fltted ný throngbdatin thé bestofistylé. Thé promisesaepleassantly rnftuatd ojpostetht Pott Offie, and in thé 'Thé Railway Ozunibus cals at the B"otel,itnd thé a.tgfor UxhridIgé and Beavertoîs liave the4ooro eryniornlng. Board SI perday. GEORGE ROBSON. gALE. ofe fpat tlot 18, là thé 101h oéalu ainfléonblp of Murruy, Coulte oi, 4SW A clear sud indimptitable title wilt ba givén Io al thé aboyé pnopérty. FOr futher particular apply te thé owué,r. FRANCIS CLAMI. Wbltby, Juiv 1o, 1871. - 29-tf ADMNIBTRATORS, NOTIOZ. Al _peronu lndébted ta théeaRtateoiofthé late Esson Wason. ereré rqnésldW tusait lnsisdlaté attlenment.: -And alil persanbey lng cla.luse against thé said àsae are réquesit- éd téeénd thora te théeu. ériguéd fatad- jusatment. MARGÂRIIT WATSON, ..K.Y.. LOCORRAUT. N. G, RIEYNOLDS, Dotée t WhllbY, tse 27ts dy-Sept. '71. 40 D. HOLLJDAY. BROOKLIN,- - ONT. ISOLATED 1110K FIEE INE;URÂNCE Co. OF CANA15A, TORONTO. A PVElT rCASAim4myIXTTOn Aloo Agent and Appraseér for canada per- meént Building sud S.avitng Society, for jeans of monéy lt low rates of luléreat. Whlîby, Anerust 7th, 1871. - Iy 32 R ICHIARD NW .Bége ta Iuform nie fiér.ds and thé vnblic, &tIiot lié biau re-tkén is aId premisceî, lately oenpicd l'y Mr, Aruail, wlicre, hé la Dow pnepsred 10e anpply évcrythttsg lu thé (C8NFECTIONERY LUNE~. Just réctsvéd, ucvéoral case of PEACIIES & TOMATORS, very supérior. CHOICE ArPLES & PEARS, FREBlI OpysrEL, FJtIIT 0F ALL R INDs, Képt conatantly ounhaond, in seaeon. ORANG;Eg, LEMONS, SARDINES,i Lt)BSTEIIS, RAISINS, PitUNES, CIIEESE, TOBACCO. N. B.-Ilymtere con he liad 'by thé platat, oookéd or raw. Bretad deiiveréd daily ta cnslnoerfs, sud -ail othet proviesous sud goodo, dolivéred ais tnay lié nrdéred. Choicé Brande of CIgare. Wniitby, Sept. Io, 1871.* 87 TOISWftIN CLAMS-...Wr ,wPl.' t. turàx i u c la p.ed w.tt.. I.i.a.at tbr.l"' en"eontym .f qaoacaé,sn. tu.axtionntoiy deveting amuwh..mn. Thaiawl.,.ee tha. cýoy-cnhi a<id.e.c, enat !t thei.busta'f, W ,4w xi.ltht.cwaoi efftr och atte t.t wmeciate ew oend #a1p5fTa Qaw ou-. t, a ý.. . "tP-0t me.w,rk, add.> Ï.ALL N & CD-. AUQU&~T.- Mallg& T 1E-PISOLATED 1115K FIXE 1INSITRANCE, -C OY 01? CANADA. Il E A D 0 F FI1 C Il-Kiîsg Streeat, corner of Cburch, Toronto. CAPITAL, -- - . 80,0 Depooltod with Governmcnî, - $50,000 W. A. LAW, AGEN. *MltlsîsBlock, Brook st., WlIithy. whIsîby, Sept. 20tb, 1871. a8 D WELLING IIOiTSES TO RENT, At IIAMEiIS CORNERS. Al ust de- airtsble Réaldonce. UéittModerato. Appiy te- JOHN RAMER, Er;q. Wliitb.y, May 2nd, 1871, BOOT & SHJOE STORE. Tiiudcrsigued bas scmovcd bis BP-OT AND SUOE STORE tothé téemia;esad'oiningtisé Wettrn Ilotel, Sanas St., Weity ee oi o IËîr t,ètta al aidera for f w r.A liege and select stock ou baud.liepairiîag doué as Dsllai. JOSEPHI A. BINDELI. Wijitby May 8, 1871. 19 USD AND RECOM- MKNDEO-BYTriiE MOST EMINENT rPkYSIClAamé IN NEW ENOi.ANDFOR THE5 LA8T4B YEARS. - - "NOTIIINQBMTER." CIJTLER BRaS. & CO, q OSTON. ~e.sujni dbYtfDrwe.t.&. LYMAN'ELLIOTT d& Co., -ToRoacmo, Ac.ENrs. 1,VBITBY PIANO FACTORY JOSEPH RA N ER P R OPRXETOR. .The aubsoribor, sn, rétnrcing ht& ain- cere thanke to théeusany friands and mauernera 0f thý0 Whitby PIANO MANIJFAghR*yl bege to atato that hé.uow cerrneouthé huai. née s olely upon Itis owu aecosunt; sud iu ae- iiciticg future ondéra hé bope té asesire them tIsat nothiug viihl e ft lindoné on hie part té gie ustiefaictin u tspp4ji 8 T rL ej Thé celéhrated uéw paient and- éroiso-scalé pattorns o lisowu inveution natanufctuod W- Ail ordérs exécuted vitis pro",ptitudé sud dispatoh. ý! JOSEPH F; RAINER. Wîitllsy, Mey 3o 1870ry-1 Ansd y»a triluet no thora. My hart forget.a to béat, mother, My %bu]unufoldà ber wlugs , And on iny wakenîlg'ear, usother,, Céléatial usniéTngs.- BOrit angéleflo# arossnd, Inother, 1JI.on tieprlimed air.- '1 The are-éckoafpgftsé away, mother, TLir eâÜiés bMa touharé;t, A torions vliir,,4mother, barétas 'Tfiq honvou 'éanicousla.'d I My mothor dear-ýadien I The RonntRoom. I aroé, mavéd tise round tsble te a place bénéats tise vmdow, sund, standing upon it, gazéti ont on tlu laudénapé. It vuas lovely day in Qîbober, andtise sunligitst emaédt dreamiug ia thé mild, mneliom sly. Not a lest stirreti, tisé dis-' tantlmeadoirs -more s slespy glov, tise locust piped anon bléiséllacholy notes, and tisé tan-off voodlands, tiated vush thé bues ot aubuma, atood againsi tise westen éky 11k. tisé grovea of a heatkeo Paradisé. Boy évéét bise repose of tise gravé, thougisi I-orgetfuneseud calm1 111 vili bave régti,'I said, 'lo-aigbt I vilI see tise sun set for thé lest timé.' 1 vas lemapted- vitis bie dreaus of sui- cide. Tise thougisî'of oblivion vas coma. forting.1I at domu scoeduly, ttise 11 buruissed flecka of ligisî réminded me et sunoligist. 1 I arose ta séethé sanuet tortise lutý trne. Isavit isangiug loy lu tisé est, lu a miagling, aeéthing s of pisospisonlo eloud sud malien golti, dséiug tise sigist, sud seeming to antédate scènes apbcalyp-- tic. Thougsaofthtie - tan-off oity ot jasper and gold iisngcd my mind. Could solf usurderené enter ibère I had reeolved to desbnoy my.self t n ms, and bad -planned a vay, but tise sun- set -.,e propbeic « a lité of glory for thse goI beyoud tise world, a utte'too beautiful sud exalied for self-murderers to share.- Tisen thé tisought camé te me tisaItise chid péniissed i vstiste body. Did lu not?1 To ail appearancés ilt iti, but it eemed dormant in a dream orn a brance, visén perisupé it. vas neyer «so activé, seemiug to luve years in a moment, Appearances mené decepîlvé. Deatis migisi hé tise tbro, of a spiritual birtis to a bigL- er lité -that monid Se no sranger than _thé bulltisat uaseréd ut; into existence.' Did ot tise véry vorma isécome gaudy insécts ? What tmas thé body, after aIli but au agent cf tise mnd,-Uastise staff tn thé limb, sud tise telescope bo tisé eye ? Naîhîuig. Did it il!, sot, tisink or eujoy itâelf ? No. But tise mind beaiame en- téebltd vit tise body' sud las, therétore, maaté1ai.J I ilsuai still ata'y lu tise 'onld, pand bide my ti ém. Sa I soliloquiseti, aud dispain seémato btehémy portion lu lité., Again I loaked tram the cirtutlar miudom. Tise isarvéa t fieldis mère lîegiuuiing 10 appéar louesomé sud cold, sud the crickets srnong tise grass mené bummissg the plaint et tisé cening of mise yesr. Ereny ennui! broké witis au unnatnral londuéese on -tiséair. Thins t raya cf tise tallen en gléaméti ou tise tan-off treetops, sud thé sisadomé mère bégiuuiug to bug tisé eartis. As tise7 grév thiciser, I tisougistI ssv tise onulliséss of s figure by s melI iu tise rocky pasture tisat slopéti tram tise yard ; it grev more distinct as tise datnué.,hidthtie surround - ing ebjects ; I couit define tisé veny fealures -tsé7 startled me ; tiser. vas mucin ltîiem tisat reseusbled usy matier's pt>r.rsit. As thé mon rose,.tisé figuré fade4ý I turuét sway from tise indom* I sept ;manrniug lamé, sud I arasé bevildénéd. Thene vus eometiin10tIe rounduess cf thse noom that exérted upon me au, oppressive and sickeuing seosution; mhimrévér I leokét s monotonous round- neés bîmrret my min, sud unséttîet its nos of' tIse fscnlties. I soon pelrceived tisat liséreé si omeîbiog tormenîing about tise place, snd I recalled my governDess'a injtsnctiou, wmus mauy éburtliug canjectqréé as to its maysteriaus mésuin g. Snddenity a sisadov tqll upon me, as thoagi some isuge specite darnenedtheis lsgist. My brain vhirled-I hati a vagué notion tisat I mes in extrême dauger ; ml béant béeat violently, %pd in s moment ils action seéméd to cessé., I am dyîug, Ir tisougii I sisaîl son kuow tisé gréat secret. Tisé darkans of deathis i upon me ; it milI bc a fan-cff day -when the ancisuugelléa ummoné shah rekindlé tise llgist oft tise eyes. Sometising visité fLoatéd by, sand a priést..liké voicé téréd tise morýdss 'Whuî is timé t6i bise dead ? lu thé rnoMneidests darkené thé éyes, tise I feu sa siniiu sensation, antI iecame uncouscioué. Tisé oext I recolleot, 1 seemed -diembodied. My form lay beforé -me -xiti ité pavera suspende& ti. as a eickeninýg aigist, I lIed away. I lad a situlbody.,.sud ibé tacultiés et once obéyed ýtise béck cf the mili; as qnick as- thoug U' could fiy to a placé, I vas tiser. r eéut $ toanarregion of spice ; it was a Paradis.etfbéslsud hindi tisAi 'once vllthéliving tide of ésrtis. I beiseit a élderéal visionu; thé telescopie stars 'mère as uoting 1 tise -revolving diadems oft constellations about îisém,cinclîong-onvard, ontard, upiard, a p rard 1111 ah ééoed a:, u.swa thse glialémériftg pisénoménon,'àMd mank by it.intô oto'rqstagnsant darknoés, tilt I lay, épél-bquud sud quakiug-;vit , fean, on tise biliava1 of a rsighty chaos Par, tar ,al>ove.me, 11h. adim costbe. tien,. appeared, thé, gigautic éIoék; '] vonderéd a-bat my nezg étalé would hé, sud vaitedfor a chaig.. - uupouattor- iured me 4 I lived over agin lu motirint reccllectiau tise deys cf My lift; véeki sud menthe seemaéd tl pus l the rétrosi peci, but no change reliéved thé monoeo. noaéÉ*orror cf si étuation. Thé hais ou tise mighty dsi seéused to, move Dot. 1 leushed existeuce, and lafsged fcr auni, hilation. *t hast I tiougist thé hand of the. mighiy dial xuoved. I vstchéd, 19 - .viî hope. Years, décades,. centuries soee 10 pas-it movd -it vas néaré * tisa Ogure one. Tisoasands, millions of yearà seemél bu pais lu tisé vigil ; I remembér. éd-but vaguely my exitence an esnth. Neurér, neaner approachied tise band te ise figuré ; it réoched ilau a appailing sond ike a thcussud ihaudems éiook the régions ot épace;- tise gigjentie -cieci strack, not one, but -Névé. 'It echoed aud re.echoéd npvard sud - dovuvrard; il reverbrsîed ugain aud egain' tirongh the distant iseiglits sud fanrtIséj a cf épucé Tise camet-isand âvept buék te ils oï-rigi- ual place. WasJ this eternity ? What tissu usé lite ti tiié? Despain éeizéc me ; a rasot vingt veut by,aud a migis. ty voice uttenédîs 'Thé diock of eteruity neyer éttikea oe.' lu a moment the isole acéné cisanged. A tan-off tmiligist, a hala of tempéréd lustré sudd éubdued parplé, glimméred on tisé bills in tisé occident. Cool$ diliciona airs fiosied aimlessiy about. I étood by a grave ; vild fdamera isioosed bisre, tisa lest of bisé fading yéar. It vas a negieét. cd gravé smoug antique marbleé sud zig- zag, moss-grovn îombsîonas. A gisoatly slsb stood at tsé héat, and thsé sparkliu1 sculpture read, &rsia -Dku HaWi, Aet. '2. --ise vision~ pmsed- ; -tise> 4ëri« ot hallucinations euded, sud I vasagaia a beiug ofthtie vorîi. Wisen I récovered wy éeif-couscionesé I touud myselt séîtiuig beside a dAiestiî ou s sunuy bauk néan tise'manaicu A maost palpable and isateful récollection cf bise rounudrotmaated me, end my brait séeme inb s measune psraiyzéd. I couic vili but many ot my faculties vere incap able ut abeyiug; I had distinct concep- tious, but vus unablé to éxprés tien cniserently. IAké au agonized pnet of visom I once réad, uay mimd, lu s fleshy tnmb, seénsed bnried aboyé grond. The indepeudénce of mmnd of malter, tis e éuifî of soul, and thé subtile mécisaniém of tise brain tbrougis vnici tise sonI acté, vert apparent ta me, a raré sud strange gifi. I livetI in a romalu thé basem,,nt, sud s d_ýnstic, a équaliti, cynical olti voman, seemédto ta hve tisé ovéréigist cf me. I vas evid ently regardéd by tise domiesticsasa idiotie. My brother looked alteredy, and Annie Baler mas tise miatreus othbie pre- mises ; aShe mas, 1 sn&n discovereti, my bnn8.ier's mite. Thingsasbout tise place séémed sîtereti, Hom many tisys or moutis or years isad puesétince my confinemeut lu bise round nooma? Bad my lite bée misolly passét inlutise orld?7 Wouid my brsin- éver tisrov off theisélcubuéýtisai tisiotîled ti hand reanmé il* >buoy auce ? Timné lIed iseaily ; still Ilised certain gl imnueringé of plseuré, seasons of ivweéi contemplation. DidtI ts ailmissds sov tise fields wvus plumed seede, or tise bores! témpeat, 1k. tisé crack of dooma, break the spel! of breatisleas dsys, or tise vernal sun, like thie-vision of angélé, caîl ftnsthe resunneclion oftis year. I béhéld lu éscis scène a Supenior Intellýgence, sud deligisti éd mysélt lu tracing tise - tioughts oft tie One &W~ I maudeneti béyond tise enclo- sure ch thé mansin intQ a bleak, open Bpacé of ilsu ad talé. Rare' trees sud sparaély covéeed evergneéns, brokén rocks, bouldérs, ribisétiasd gray sud mauttétil utS tenas. Beycud vas ý uoak ot evengreéns, by t'sholsigismsy léading b tisé- City. TisitisernI stayeti. lu is a bunisl place; il looked strsngely fumailian. - Marbles,1 antique sud. tanteétia, éStn .gist lilce among bise dark green trééi. I ?miused usyselt in, deciphenug tise inscriptions, .mn1y cf misicis veré iu French. 1 ut lengîis pausé'd bétore a elsb tisat startéti me. Tisé inscription vas, Maria Dlau Hamlin, Att. 20. It vas tiseSains spot sud the gaume Stone I had soeen in uaiy hallucination. I - WaS tise gravéetofMy motiser. BatI 1 dreumed .arigis of tise place- on bat I reshlly visited tise glace I -ssade a diacovery aI hast visicsproeéd tise tunug point ot my étrange hsistory. I ob,érved tisat thé éfet tsunlight wma saiutsry; it sîtréngtbeued sud regulatet, my israi n. -1'ae&uiséretoré ta roam macis iu milti veauiser in tise SUn; thé sua -lu invigoratea tisé nenvous éytm5 the brain5 sud gradnslly didusymimd'recover thé -ue nt ils ongauns. Of thisI s4it notsi4 .I purpoaely gi-ev more sullea, ant appéaret more vacant, for 1 teIt*tisai neo calsiBitde 0 amaitéti me if I diécovéred n.turniag mens- tl hesîh. My brotiser'e domastie-reiaioué heame unisappy. A yoang w, muss,' a dsasingr brunette of versatile a"éomapliaismémst.u d rare conversational gifîs, engaged his af- fections, and bis condisct towaîds--his vite became altered.' Wliatevét ébie uaid to bitS tee auvolome ; hié alvaya lacot-I Anl.Esr'said Il standing fut thé T6e campiou -ulltisétheLondons «at bedelde taksén~b indiciné thatthé edotor showir alued et 5,000>. - - lavé, ibéièr is~ bs ééngivngyen Marriagé la otten tise end of as esafe pOisOn, - - -.trcubles-butniesiisendl she étared. pitifuiiy at- M6, sud only éeid: ot mkaslw oe du' Tisene vs a noaring of thé mm*d. amid fe io i , o~p~ th. pins grovea ; thé ight torches flared, . Wood la selling at $1 pencoa n- 1 fffirr casîiug di8m iad isôvm About tise routa. nistos,.', Wauld wé lived tisené.e, The biloFy éloudsuisllod rspidly up.- the The motion of Stokes' coatiéel Io i ky; thé rain camé daaing dovu, boat- thé iuidictmént has bées réfi8ed. i - i - - a- a a 8 g T 8 - I - i -. i - wéaisa 5tD55eTtSifÏù-tlldlsght. 4 y, 4alth, reuinlg, the. néeélty or Tho., clouds mnové4- southériyï-thé etard c éaîiging My aitUatioii Oonsatly eDgsged oian ont, $hb tilght beesatlll W4coDl sud 'My attention, Ib waupé'plexing poobj.ÃŽ_ibéAuiiful.- WO, est élentl-they-verà *-I bad no frimuds;' the peophlainthe.vi- scIéimaiheure. cinity _wooldregaiel .7 atéry as-au aberr- lu the nsornj gthe phiyslclait arrive a tion ef theé mmd ; I aisculd lie regrdéd s froiti th'eity,; lie pronouuced. thé casà - slisste b auatormey;su a iteofPoison, Bali preueriW~dthé proper essU-; Ipoverty and-hardaip fwaitéd me if Ias.- dates. c rety âd îo oe m'o teprio t Anie Biler- récqvered. -My brotbés-'à c o n t y c u i d r n gé o k th r e v h i m b a n'r e r v o u s f v e r , il< hile Clb.ei tedifférent plia Thosetreng maas delirous, aud 'ieeused I tisai pnesntédemaevsstrrbe ia iétlsimprisoned apirit, ta vwho8b ý,leion fastneýd-itqelf opono my mind. Au - v Orlf destruéëtion h etIsd-u i *nie Elser vas aick, and gredmalîygrew eind- vorée Sh. vas atiended by the oid; tan. ,.&unl'sfathér anrirécfwiîis tnieuds, My a i4bé.faced doctor. My brother and the brother vas placsmd nudir arreat. Weekî idoctor wene in frequce nt ionsi t stloh. Thé aifexcitément follovéd. 'Mly brother na- d servante wére* eoustanili spéaiig of &us~. covéred and iias placed iu confinement., Hauslia'e étrange aickneas Tishersaid han,sd'I was snîmonéd to attend tisé trial. ivas coid sud déath.liké-that ah.eva o- I vas the prinipal vituese. . I told ih -vnlset aiintervals t -emimld vander-a amelting maisuér:thé cruélty tisat Àni e d, that aisé hsad méaiforthé ýportrait in Esoler ha aufferéd, sud; sarrated tiese tor 0thé atisdy (m7 motiér's), sud ou beholdiug. of mny lfte.asd -vrongs.' Thé -révelatior. Sil aise had ezelainsedîs 'Tis. éme, jtiséof 1a 'spectre would not-. l4avq béén more 0same.§> . appaliuig t9 th is lf-condéne nédsd ruiu- I Ospécted ibai the old doctor isad beaunaiédodéendant.> a hnibéd by my brothér t poison héar. Itbe -Annie vas diverced. I aasrtéd usy Iliéved tisat tise doctor vas. capable cf lb. rigts-ibé vitnéaaea ta t7 woher's vill a Moat héartleaa crimes, suid I lcaew thé 'uni vere fonnd, and dïideaced lu usy Layon. happy vifé atook iu thé vay'of my bro-.' ieceived My igheful inhénitaÊce, whichbe. t hér', love for an artful sud béautlfnl o. aides oÏher large property -embrLced the; tman, msnslou and grnade. hv s ultry nighin luAugut; tis air lu solitary confinement uin ouimnot vas itill sud feverisis; thé moon, hanging roon, but square sud smash, Msrt!u ré- Yloy on the-verge of thé vatery horison, vieva isis lité of érror.. I am. kind t him; ascendéd alovly lisrongh tise lack flecky 1 visit hlm lu hie céIl, .1 Bandi im bolu of tonoda; the trées and thé ahrubbéra frous .y library, and délicacies- trom my il seemed lifelessansd dréamliké. Thé vin;_ tablé f I piîy hlm. idawa ofthtisémansion veré open, éxcépt. Anlé BIlern d I livé lu tise great oîm tbtose cf lise sick -rooinu; tis ervants vêes msusion. 'Thé gronds vili scon b. alonginig on thé moôn ettées about tise illumalnatedl again; musie sud bisé pattér.- 0 grounds, My brotiservwas readiug by1 thé' ing of maerry teet wilW again fili tIe gor. - indov u isehaaitîing.room. A dark goea prlors' sud, uts u1 so ér fom tl p téuen, and euteréd tishe i - vlIh had oice mare 8oém hobua.. Il vas thé doctor, I isad hoard t Wilt thon taeétisa mans ta hé t4y lut. 9a servent say tisat-tAnie ras 7.Orse, tisat fuliy véddéd isneband P - i se vas -oinkiiug fabit and that il vonld not And a.délicate, carevorui, but béautifut ho éetrange If tt sgIt-a h, .i Wom"awill*auser- i -Tisédocior and myi brother vere alone ~ vl lu thé aitting mont. A buttery jolned thse è's s li tcm hud emuuicated viti t by asomal, .JIM., Oct lot, -.To-day tht 1éiilg shutter. I glidéd nciselééaly into oid isetor'a promiesé -mère eearciséd. A- tebuttery, aud oaked t hrcugis tisébSut- moug hetpéa vas fouud lime follovisti tpr éav tisé docior sud Martia éonveraiug note . Iearueaily lu a monotoue*TIsecuyèers- 'DearA Il A round rooln, cenIstrncl.; t ion vas évideutly dravinig-to a close, éd at céflsiu iÇlel ustîé is'mn 'Send for me as son ashi laoqVer,' aaid iu thé uee cf ,iii orgu à-ï. sud- produce a thé doctor, iing. #I viii -conduct thé kind of ejsait~y la which 'i'lsesul ieem, Sezaminatiou. It la arrangred., ta éxisl"sin atate distiuct fro*"eboy SI have confidence flu you'aid my bro. -bcd tiser. a >I helpéd your faîhér once lu a simar Ba éndédth nrdcéeûotedi Y casé,' rétnrned tisédocior. 'Yeu remým.'. r~ b er thé round room, sud bis lut vifé's Wé hâve uîrezd? e taïed tisat eMartin 0éloknéss?' Hemalia vas, atdecossé,a t ulivý1d tbe Tise Doctor took trom his pockét a Vial ohé C hr fié- î . drésde 1 handéd ilt t my brother, sud strodo uer. lu .-oýffamily maîo< "i4 theîi vouey on oftiséroom. -facdt!7 gravéyard once aftér tise ra E MY bro6ther datstileuîly, viîh s dsrk dé The gravés sud tise duit of thse uuhappy i igning look, thé spectre of hic cmn spirit-. famiîy péucefuîly mslged, but -tiséspînîto I Ssddulyhearoe, ud uesédasié tséof tiesé scepers, I refiecîed, Lad gotiedîfý -ahutiér nean viséré I vas standing, sud feront vsyé. I lefitisée placé, feelinig lîki reachimîg mbiota- tebuttery, vithdrév a onée s> malboutlé 0etvine.- His baud éisook, is blé es flaéhà nervouely ; I conid hbar- that o aeaér n r otlî walk ilesféar ansd dreact h is béant paîplîsté. Hée ponred thé ou Anîd, Iîavitig once tuntied rnni, n-al4g enou itenteat tise viai iota thé vine, audn hd. Aid1turne nooeIii, feacl r orednt he ct a AughtheAllSeei .Bécasaelié knowaa fghtful flcud céré atthé et s tsougs té AiSéé,sg Doth close bohind Iilm lfrod." - téyé pierced ieiévery seul. I bisaîpped - bâék, sud vas - unpércéived. Whilé fééh. A gent eman visa traveléd through Ise- àing about in tisé dant for tiese heif againsi b-ella County Micis., ash * opdl é $M vbaisnlen m ud camé lu contact bouses.wisilé a distancé oftwentynne milee 3 viti sose bloody méat. 1 drev it back aud ihat lén mothérs prondly éxhibiîed ta 1. iLckly ; tiséblond star "Id ume, an, for a hlm ten oéyad uéeingpisa tlsbmeutusad me orge aysitutioivins. Tiséy didu't conaider it a big yesr ansd 1 îhnév torvard tisé bloodyiau&lc o vieétsr 3 tically loto tis tronger- lgist béfore thée_______ i sutten. .I1isoard tise vine bottle olmop sud '- A esa1% memahér of thé Géorgia- Bouser ibreak; 1 board a gasp, a beolle*,.- rsîîling ot Represéntatives invariablq votes lu tise zound, and a heavy néirvels taîl. 1 pééi. négative. *Upon bcbngsaked te explain, éd îisrnugi tise open ebutter, sud 55v my -h. said ~ brothér iying corpse. like ou tisé-floor. Hé 'Can't fool ne wid Damaoaratic bricks, Ï& isad seen tisé bloody baud, snd thoughisî we allea vote un 1', Thé Deémocrate havay an apparition. Superatitinbadl unnéried a wajority ilu ttiibody3ý hlm; it is a straugé pisénomenon, tis e far visicistisé guiltY bave of tisé ourse of dis.. Aldtacé,usuov scsl ad quiîed spirits; does it havé soute éonuéo. À lboy tadnp sudanbnvIo h kiD -aad tionvusrealtyc - tise big girls la thé woodshýéd, - i.sopea Tise doctan ré-énteréd, sud seemed 1thiathé o1'ïnId siéd tenas sud promise tç Il în imi - 'e

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