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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Feb 1872, p. 3

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viII lthe uecacwen fulversi e 7OUfgiMta g*igebed te thé Suaday 8.obIô of. 'tb. .birch. Thé piper gis th îme f h geLv. J.D. ~unton as the miet., sd ieuc ,Dr Hston b as loft tie ciiy,smd Ibo eadsli with wbiho i e f qo or@0osid Iobave eceurd wlilI hé.V84 51er of Si. Paii's Metbodlt Eplseepal ur .For th. put ebevea moalhs h. bu been pister cf Tri ity- Clinra, on MIadis... AveitieThe s..u.r 14 pew Exchange to-day al1opted res olutions op- ooslnr te propose Niasara sllp canai, (,>r wimfch a 1>11la Pendiug in the Legis- lature, and a comtm! Ueeocf eceu was ap- oitdtaheisitiOttawa andi cecuro the $Oo o f(time manufaturer, of Paris, Dot belng ibis ta flnd lrencli worknmeuî, snd belîig unWýilllug te etuploy, Gcrwans, pro- po te ngage Bohemniang. A wcorkmueu's Club "t Praguo offoua ail the necessary lgtormation tea uch Czech worknion as propose goiug ta kParis.- on Sattmday night a large portioa cf the American ron works owbcd by Jones, & Laughlic, ut Pittaburg, Pa, was des- troyed by.flire. The lbas wili rcacb near. 1 1800,000. Tho proprietors arc insureti about $100r,000, andti tey prudeuîly nduced foreign companies te accept the si. Ne ore company howevcr,ý wil lame more thanÏ*7.006. The woî'ks gave empioymeut te 2,500 men. Mr. Mo(3mrthy isla obe tue candidate of tae Conservative paf ty nt the coming ai. cetion in North Simcoe for tliCoiumons. tqv. Fat lierKane's parsouagaet N q - tianket.wes-partiaily, dcstroyu.d by Fro ycmlérmlay aimtrnoon), occaAieniîng alasmicf about 81,000 oer tho lusuran ce. The Mdand MIacufacturing Compally, - Port H1ope, have contracteate suppiy one h ~undrcd cf the piatfornx cars- requircd by 010e intercoieniai Railway. 0'Bahtwin lime pugiliet, la oaid to have f orward.d a latter frein Pittsborg, te Jcm MaCo,,aCouing bhla of cowarclice in wish. -img for fght 'where they were coure te be arreled.~ It la believeti, however, that the match wiili ho made boouer or later. The Mdxican rd.voluioniiaîa are now oncentrafing their strongth upon Sac j'uis Potosi, which la defencd by Rocha, uarez a buGnerai. Siiouid îhey aucceed i11v capturing the city, thme position of -,~Jcarer, lu Norlimera Mexico wiii beconie Scriticai. As curieu8iy as it mlay secim, the Pen- illouta of Acte, t,titad. tipen a boid plat-. cau l i te (rcciail Archipelage, Io a place t rolu) whiclt woran lias trom simue imme- motiibocri exeltdeti. Ilmre,in lihetuitst of cultiva ted filds andi extensiveo 'od- -- lantis, lwiis aut emsic confeceration of UreekClhristanf, with twcnty.-thre con. S vents, ai nuuubring morc than severi thotl8iandl souls, andtione eo f 1h. mon- j àsterlcs dates freon a Inter tiîno than the tVlfth ceiitury. A fou' soidiers guard the me hrders tof thimt arimtnaicIan d. andi ho weunall j, aiioweml te cre8s ils fronticr. IIRTH. (JURIIE-In Prince Albert, on the lotth met.,.the wire cf Mr: .John Ctarre. of ~3uggtos, TUE@ aloiiaptel 8PîenctmoxBzýgdf;jgjthdropb £8; 1 e6Snd-i>amd l'rince Aih.xt o otc gent liugy 1 1 quar, box Buggy; ' cai box 2 two>:saat,>d second,-hmd DemocrataDeort; lmey Bso 1Bgy hjd stere m prngs%, seqond-haud ; 2aseondoý hui qaebxBuggloeý Ali the'ahove Newv Wôrk la mades on houeor, lnuh l atent'style. and hemt material antd work- mam"lm1p, nimd wli h. oid witmout Any reserve, te mikororn for SpringR Manufacturés.' comenc ah ocioksm.Lnneh TEitMS OF SALE.- RElit- inontima credit wiii be iIven Uy pionfitlligapoe etmiorsami Notes.,ate mrmliigapoe h'. FIBN~ 8 Whbit by, Fat. 28, 1872.ý T l1T FAUMIisER,'ANI) MECHANICS' LOA ýSAVING3 Co y. Offic-.. King st. Eat, ente. Pmusiit B4]IC N CAWT ,EQ Vie£l'itsaîn JOLN L, EsQ. Diîuoroj-jas rowt* , Esq., Jas. io0-_ doemieCq., P. fi lait q, JinSmithu, ESoI MBaLioToE-,Wm.. oCkW -Eso liAsamm-The D liian Moncy Loan il a'g eDposita cf $10 aid, uliwmrds r ii d 7itareat aiiowed- tereoil,b "' nie, de 1 us gbo ing for stock, are notitied Ch e Ime I tock , 0o 111iremain oen 'or a 1ito ,t p anithCieflic orcfJameIs Iodm q.Wilitby, Who s auticorii.y le trmios mîsimme>,, tr cite-corn * UE. 13 C.BE. N4. Sébretary &essorer. otIte, Fat,. 28, 1872. P UBLImJ NOTICE, Tii>' Court ut j<avislou for tîma Towîmaiip cf Rlam for the préent yant wiii bo hield etthlie S Loiigltarîl1 ilotell, Front Itamîge, 0on Saturday, thue 4th May, next, COIIMENcIN« AT 10 O'LOCK, A.' M. 1). 0'BRi EN, Tp. Clark. RittFeb.. 23, 1IS72. liu-9 THE 1BIG GUN COM1INGI, Tiie Iut Onurat(rder cf Geuti Tomir,, cf Whitby, hamet c-crd Cime serviccs oh 'SAMUEL OATPPER. 'lte (iremt Luîglis!îTct"nlrauuco strmmto deliven a..Leettuî-e ii lita Mcclanmictm' liai, on Wednesday, March 13, 1872, 'ru>' 1- tmve amuet dcided iii haviiîz a SOIREE li com.uîitcioum wit h iv lectumre,, animdlorderle NOTI-CE. coenny of Ontario, T EEYQ z .u o Wiv: ) 3 hat the Court eI Â!ze, Niai Pries, Oyor and Terminer, end Gener aGol Dlilv.ry, ýrli b. heiden li sud fo hb. countntfOutario In the Court Sne la 1th. ToWn o( Whlîby, ' ons NDÂYàl, AIPRIL 6thp 1872, Atheb heur cf 12 o'co lok noon, of whichii ceroners, Justices cf lt.eI'eace andi ail othirs cneerced, will take notice, md overn them- selves aecordingiy. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Shenift la Office, Whllby, hrif .O Febrnary 21, 1872. MIIJLANII R.AILWAY O~ CANADA. ~-00- TINE TABLE. Ou sud aftr Moaday, Novemuber 181 h, traluc W111 mn as foiiows 5011<0 lOliTt-VÂîL. Port Hoepe, depart............ 9.15, a. Mn. Iundsay, arrmve .............. 12.05,ani Be ettrt ..e........... 12.15: a:r~ lrtHope, dcpart ............3.00,pn. Lindsay, arrtve ............... .80, p. m: T"5AiOOINO I -BTfl-MÀIL.' Beavaerton, dent,............ Lindmmy, arrive.,............. depart ............. Port Hope, artive-........ 2.45, p. ni 4.25, P;Mu. 4.25, p m.1 LUnday, d .p ............†††. 51 a. in. Port Hope, arrive ...........15.50, p. M. H. S. TAYLO]a, SupI. of Trains. M~lENT CT'F 18 I4~t~fGEo~~'LAZEan --.- .-,..rie> m hithîtuo uithtit ocetision, have docid. 1,tthea undersigu , o s iloldon, orf a sn. - d t iîiki iiut 111ilîîfeu tiitoan md etuna lown of Wlulby lt nty of Ontaz (111 cli ets. Tva fro,u 80 ho 7.110 o'cltck. have heten ap Po t nAsugu ii ti LEÂBI6.--.At %Wick, on the 17mh. mat , et' imn on'îm ic uit t 8o'elock 'reIV", eqee d nteihir ciii David Laak, f a daughtr. -..,.IAt'I, ton ne l c olit. X,44WED. Wîihlv, Fi. 28, t1872. Scer'y and Trar. J AMES 10OL I'ERCY-JOIINSONý. -Ou flima lOth lu16() KtN ilmmUS8 E.Ela aI WhItb titis 121h day cf Set, yth l~ .J. B. Mooro, Mn. Unr hB obrprny, AD. 1872. Percy, to Misé, Catherine Jcl>mscn, oniy l13lih O O KIfL i N duioghter cf Jllmuýabtiaoii, jCs'q.5 ail cf IL . gT7OJIL1yÃ" rjiîr 1) 1 F, D *i tarie l mîilse i hie îmh iii-c 1u2,1110(1hiot, aeîud cm lr tiaht.> fitriiggli cviry cfnuimf,,tu-t îd cu IfAMEIt -ALt himby, an Sutuday, t'toiieo.(f iti % ulti 11, ufm hm it> vth eil. Ait flhoic n It'li whtm iii tiu- cecst WinaaesIt Fcb. 25ib>, JoinIlameron, lq., ageti 85 i1 iît îuîi uir. uti St. Ins :muu1 gooi0 M - .. irooîkhii,lFUI. ,it,1872 ]9 y -Viti «hi4oiîîî........ ......... s c? u 3 fhli uIi cmue. fnhjmu.crtud A12 IîW~KSB SituC, Wttlil ...... ...... lis t ito 1~ i) jt roi hit colt. l 01teli, or nabolit thîc IsI c0 Ilaky................3 ( O hctricr hst, TtVt.) EWIi,'.tThe owmnen au CA U T IRN. - Ail genulaolbusthea Potn ............1 . 15j 7 JPIii-au e llet-hl by po gpoot n u-yrup," tumcv Plm ark"l 1>,...................u o ~ eiuc. lrvo iolnyati~ blowo bliteglaue, A ~7npian 0.JOSEPIH CA.SSAI3Y. fnre J. P. DtNsaas, Prper, DeiBtI' mmm................4.~@ 10. TNok. Sotd by g.jl Drtig5isc. loi Ail tfoem ...................! 45 U e nlcite,, t-ti. 24tl, 1872. 1i0 rvrN-h.............. 5- .su- ...... t4,2>.i 'rilt sr'(GARDEN. FLOWER, E E» F lud tiqr......... . .... ilF@ on Shrtib, Evcrgrcon, F antiGd M U U C S lie 11r cdu, Prepaiti by Mail. con ................. 5(_(il poe n 'd1i ascortm , 25 orts tepek[?r Mt ..........-4. t li$5 .1 ofcëtîlien c $L. *The- siclasues, (50 .....* ........- -. «4 s ickcls;) for Aiso, a minense steck Wtii..............................cfr anc ycar g dti St Trocs, Sinali - -Frulitsut Sto unouug Fruit, thtna. NZEW ADVERT]TSEME,çÇTS.tifntal andi Eerg Seetilings, Buiba, - --- -' - -Ru.ses, Vines, Hoc a Border Planta, liemkfmm. Ep~ss eet, 'i,&C., ï&c., the mue omple sortîmnnt in iline Cuonigo.-. '1'y i liirtitZîik-ulv- Atrc. rpiibym Pic iettg - iCu,îtCuit tc wiîi ittrîtt, ctlgues te y ndc0,a ot olista, Phio tchgîtiici-I înutîriion, and îîy gratis. Se u (eui isiM. cula W0hIsmtcloctd efrot, Mn. i.1-ti iiiis trrivideo-i ocir brui4kfimt t Litî-sirCt civit te coiîel B. VATSON, Olti Coiony Nurse hvnmawhiitl llita tt y t'lis iil)t, hîî-mf!l icv e m -Seeti Warchouso, Plimouth, - 1oos ,1 is. /inil N~ rte(ieeh llttr a J. Establismeti 1842. mIlmupiy withm lituililiu ig îlî-r tir Idîl t -hiai ________________________________ IluOket IA iîttth-Ju l l u-us& iîo. -rut-t iesttie t tii ss iîilî ' l.î îiîcr oi lepi nt'14Iih- 'oi>tiiit iîihu,.îThe Osborn Vletorlous Everywhere. lit-k. - - V i~'AR25 FIRST 1RIZZO, T1tAVL5JLLRI G fil ieg, çr)- aSECOND FRIZES, ta uthoes ..JBREC ~2 DIPLONAI. (qrrt llsr-llmit.7.031.3 itît i i 1iOr) îî .1ieO SK I À L 0 81 Oita Vurl,îll.8.17 ~, 0,60 PrEULr'.I'ovincial Exhibition, Kingston# 1871, t.m,; lixpresa, 11.53 mpâ l.h e ,5 ).tu. ~~Sti4O'I' U mu 1A.î.'. J. Mj'tortMTHEWQRor F RST IZ :00, a. to., al, icl4,ýuniiiig i AWABOEut ,ý10 pu 11- WU,- m -(CNT HlE OSBORN l*atkeeoie IgimîtllJiy ruim t CC U 'ewYork OfflSll27 gÉEEM.êzrST, LoktthFm y n Lih lVihjfic#tunue-Gogmiîg Iice. 60a.f.ii. asil 7tui>, Igl okII.hFi fyad -ih liigiticrcdcManufacturing Sewig Etliglisj itlmhcises nvury'I'liir,hul -'(îlg--IO Ât)N(. ah a17,15 P p .1par t e*îî- cry 411nudajy, 915I i5t.m,.lier tititam-rt-uumd . îu (lltiWAIlLAit h5 repsanct ho OVÃŽR AiL OOJIPEZlTORiS'. 'Ilite mbveis Wiiiuy ttCuîeie fwofC ~t siet eir im~iun(Suutir '3itiui , Ï-d > 1thie utC. The (jSBORN lo prenuîîcedby ail praotiottl NiigIdvurîlî iitltug riir-ii ntîh _Whity; 0~717. -~ Sawiog, Machine p4oplIl, who have toogl ["leu lahait im tt cciithe )ly. -- - xai luea il. t "netlonly a Fîratl.clam. - - -chiffe lu eveny perticalar," 'buah, lu their b\oaesh DJIVINVE -MIVC.~jdweî -AL AtxT' iuummluuitiif Theutei,-utiitJ---Aî it$ Wing la, ami1 7 p,îu-ltm m 'sC>uy s0 TeletFatyLcsl1i el £ATUOL~>',.. - ,r .o,., i a ~ u~4 w &Machine in the Market. tNi 630, p in-ler, X Cr. t tur P, n.ii. Rev. 11fr. iuteityie. oA I ADA'OAMALimN A4(iUNo u-A t l f. Uiiiu He c,.R, li, n ibtis - LO' ýO REWAIRD arn lim il-$0 1,*,*3 mid te; eltegeti.r 487, sud ouuitiied g. $510 rew8t1c wihh h)o lîsiiltir thie imau ho chi ouer, w0m il îît 0r itween itue 'Townu utiti Mn. Wiite's, li1,1011KIIIKLAND, -- L.t 29, 2îutl cou. Wiîitby. ote TllOltA6 JEVEiIILL, Townof Whitty. îceof titis papen. ficite turïttniioîud h.&ga Co iuemfy Fiuuu,. uttu(c ht h j' huas tIul11 , 1 uce ian Lm'mmui Smat, il] hu hW!icht e queuiti O atiti i l hm îautitias b fuit Pu ilh S brud lt ci nchtiat, 'hate suti ~uPiiecrs, fli ahsc turthouC Ika,î hîm aixctuU,3 O aud. i)>ts on mie akekt pneuS Whiîby, Fubnuury 20, 1872, BLO- trie, 1eor. ti. I !l -Therincipal pointaseofuîenllti the08BO114 Iover ahiothers na u:-Tite ,xaeiisûoe sndsami- plicity cf lta mechanlani, the materia eaipioy Icd ln its ounstruetion, Ité lsstlng qoalilles aud Iwda ran ge of wcnk penfennied unob as no eaui atimnpt. The 8huttie sud Boblbtaoran lange, hic. noedie short, slraight, and eauiiy set, ltnsoniperrfeeI, and impoasibls te got euh of ordeir. The fooed eau teeti sd diowsrsd -sC-wtlh, accondaug to lte fabnl ie s oed.- TUEi 1. osBO1N" CHiALLENGPS THE MÂR KNrrr FO MEQITL. Guaranteed for three Tears. Titoocandtis uown oe throughot onand. Agents Wanted Evsrywhere. li-& &Il. t)'iAIIA. Bowuiaville, Gaulerai Ageu1tâ forbOutanlo ccauty, Durham aend Vio- OUELIî EWING Jeery ut, 1872, MACHINE CO. Guelpht, OuI 78 (0 85 0 We ceril -,thà~ ef? Receiptt and nituree Ratma, for year 1871. Ramai P'ebrary lOtb, 1872. FISH E uE. Hadd iesi Creen Coc ftt .....$659 89 289 72 200 64 rintîuoe ,53 * o ILeliable Watcbes -atd, (locks, Genuiýne t'olored &'Bi ighit GoId Jewly Sterling Silve r ' t cha d , - Eleet4.o-Phlated Goods'o te. Bet ~aiy ESKSWORKm-BOX1jS>, VASE, AND FANOY GOODS IN GREAT VARJETY>. Having,' i trust, '.stabIisficd a naine for' reliable Goods, I arn determined to earn a reputation for eln goig a.cri~tw~U.rgarel the of ~e G~o loiTowùsh of THIOS. KELLY; THIOS. LA.WRENCE, 'Aiiditors. FI SH J AW 5O 5Jrock-st, hty Bloéaters, O I Fish,0 1 Fish, c.c Iv9 BOOT AND SHOE STO-REq T routWALLAOESELOÇCK>WHITBY. 1 Oysters, j . iI Id R lias much pleasure iriacquainting tie inhlabitazîts ot' Whitbyand 9-fsurrounding country that lite as opaneti eut a largoesuddmuperi-ir Stock et Boots anti Im Shoeof cvary description, whieh wiil bc seiti nt Metutreai pricos. Parties rcqu ing Gouds lu hi, lino wili de woll te exainre his Stock pr(>vititi.;te pujrchmsing ci.sewhcre. Ku Ilis largo experience andi the favorable ternis on whiclt lic i.; unablei teurcit gi-ve S htrn cvcry facility for giviug Bai-gaina hervtofore umno%%n inm Wlitb-y. 1fR ELRaS .niatie ail kinds 'of stitelhedi sewed avod pe- wok, to rder, n' reaouableLiuîs. ear;luousrtnic Spuced Salmon,. Brook oie Sali Wcatcr [Ierrings, ;Fresh Wbitby, February 28, 1872. SPRING GO O ~or good aiid cheap suits, as they are seli- 1ng off the balance of their Stock to make rooîn for N-EW Whieh tbey are now rccciviîhg Daily. BA[tGAINS MYBE For hvo .wccks. Iongei',11 EX.Q'rJ AT PRI NGLE'8, McMilIan's Biock,,% Brock St,1 Whitby. W ilstili continue our Ohean Sale bao -b11i n 0Mu -AT I.'1E- COTTON, AND> IEAVY STéPLEIS, AT TUEIIOH WEARESELI.,ýFrnt Cash paid for&] Wiltby,..ran. B80 ONTAIR MU'TJAL cont ,ab lItes, as L') Wsasth mget auii Waasabi ba ompayin Canada. JUST LOSSES PATD PRompTly.' L.FAIIIANKS, Ja., -J. B.BICKELL,- Secracary. , > -Presideut. N. B.-Mr. 'D. Haiiidny la no, louiger an 'Agent of titisCompany. Wimlbvc Sept. 6, 1SM1 ~, 1 IGIJN FUR SATJv y A 4'îe Breeli-losditng Donble-barreled The hast aud iowest pricedsit u nthe world. Barral is eileckiug. C'entral re, matalli cartritiges, wimieli catii ha neioatiad u ed any nuiier of limas deMred.. Apply et limhe CHRONWCLE OFFIQE. p ORT WHITBY &P'RL E Rty A traliiiwii, util.funthar no-t-aa loave Port Parry a&tumiicmn very ]imwf ni morniflietaI7.30> o'clock, and Wliitby aet 1:00 p. mn., stoppiug et Whitby, Jan. Stit, 1872. 2 HENRV W 'ARREN, M. [Y. BROOKLIN, - ONT. COJIONEIR. 0,.1 . V, UI-Utta Uy, eniitig me to do so. JAMES JOHNSTON, Pr-actical Watch anîd CIock Maker. Jan. 17, 1872. 3 AIL UUA. u t', ji oz w. l~Ttti chiîe f W ooiis ioo n o . - -- . -5T.. M.soiz-çluýt c-gin>' whJaiuuary 72. Il R. B. B.KEELFP là itlCed y Gath hiîuuliteit, S.- S. Wood,an wlîitby, Jan. 22îîd, 1872. -]y l.V. Obumt uui iHora c uem ;otisrana 4 i ,unhator r ahe> i ul lHamiltonu, Il os.,K. Booitien, lDr. Duo Lewi.s. PiD. W. W. ......----------Hall, Je netPrtout, et. frlt -eiecier iSCowe, Brick fPtiuuro, -J.ohnu (A-.Sexe, 3mj. Kcî , i C i i î t n t i e k . l e t ? t t t - oî u m V . N n à b v , e . , wnu'o for ht oeetmit:ulhy. OTefis aDollar e GROCERIES & OROJCKLER iegie frxh réeo*oeof ten h mobea lu etug Ch te ve pliu-i sl iedicaNo - îagttziulicaucoul'oC 91te uoiilmeuts ofbumiutes A l î'g st c k f t e v ry jo fýl1 (jdS whcl mr t en hc e."- Jfe ote lý.1 .(),e toc ofth e ver ý b st rd li ylone =rnt, h1ladutphmia, tli. !"1t;huas heen of iîmltr c .er iiuice wc i'îw t-n god o f n it r i o i i n Cfo r fi l î u e " 3 ure > , N o e % H an - - ket, (u8Ltldm. "ICLt.U; à i f re h I A nit Croceries,- Wines & LiquorsS ýO, &C' 0F TIIE BEST BRANDS. Na ur4N . . PIIEH F t/' T~ i ,Photography.a î,iPsCiits, F14rcsli Oysteî's,,Lub)Isters,- Sardiqes, R. H. Willson, Photgrapher. 0:I7- C('rockcu" jnj j b>.t vaelu n] b-lemtun Ie i prraits, he lano ii1>. î-.mt to. rut'uw CalnteeVignette bt h t hc, Yty AVOI1D QITACKs. A victiîn of earl>s 4 ]y .thîdsrauhcuu, cauusiuîg tuenvous debilit, e (praiatune dtcay, &eî., liu.îiug triadlti vaing ci eny adventited ncuîucuy, lins dhscovered ms su h'ineaus u cbucaf-ccîu, whuhi hwiul sueu4 troc 1.,u4tfothow sutLt-s. J. il. If1EEVlIS, 331- 78, Natsau SCreet, New-York 0F I EF AM F0ZOl - _ _ iN F T E hint vehîtaleuiruin of Chue ttumtioaigaed, cou- humituig 75 Ceresý, tli cheumd neisd iutprcved, r- ~ ~ C u I ~ n- lep, g p rt of lot No. 2R, l st co c asion W hibyq LlIon teruils, &C., uthply te - IL W. ANINES. WiibyFt. 14, -.12. m- for Nothi ng OF THE%.~ 13 0 CONTU0F -OINiA72. tl ,bureau contre tabhic sofa. chirs. F1 U E. 82 Wlitby, Jlan. 22rid, 1872. c'pîv o 'uFURNITIJRE GREAT ROCi~ Notwidhstanding the great adva.nce àit d oi h i e to OU il Iarket. betimnoun sots, &c., anti miiaietChie 03- Now is- the time for Barg ains V~,Dc.ltî JOHN SKINNER, .GREAT -CLE ARING, SALE !The only firstcîass estý - A a las r c u lly s u p p li o t. YEOMANGIBSOWin rettarniug thanke te his Old ftinÃŽ18 enstomrne aut the publie lu general, now bug to inform tbei that in order to redu<te lis stock cf Dry Gooti s much ar possible, before Christmas, effe tho whaale cf his stock, cou- uiuîiug of Canuian sud Eugiish tweeds, Beuivers, Does1kina, Broati ciotha Shintingu, Wiuoeys.,FuuoyDf58 geotis. Cobourga, Reveruibie Black Lustres, Me*anio, Pnints, white antigrsy Cottons, fuincy Dresu Tri iigo anti Ribbý>us, inu endiess variety; susa; white Blaukets, herse Biaikets, Buffalo robes, Oarpmlts, &c-, anti a full stock B O O>P.~.,T S of Miuk Furs. Lade cuille ot eaefo ore ivebefod ceprhan tehhcero. * luTowni. 1 Thdeclan w exe fofrtheab e lves be od epr han ue choapost [Theo unuersigu Just arrived -ab old No, 1, a ohoice and full ussertmeut of 'i11kimîdi, Of Ladies1, Gents', and Childi Christas ]Fruits, Valencisautid Layer Raisins, Currants, eboioO Teas, Cctffc, F!'es, Sugar, ke. gi> The highesti price paid for Poultry, Rll Butter and E.ggs. &L LC Don't forgeu the. Place or nmIme, DB os a d WANTED IMEDIÂTELY AT OLD 1ý. .U'l.oos n 1,000 Uood Dressed Hogs, 5,00 bushels FaPeWu, oer which the. biglant Market price wili b. paiti »00 Tubs Goond 1 10,000 bus3hd1 Si 1P000 bushels Cli 1WWitby, Doumber 0,11871. iPring Wneat, Rc lover Seed. è Y. GIBSON, OLD No. 1. Jan'y 22, 1812, ii---e-h cfvab ulîbobean best~uauity uEa H.nnfanSA--------- Ko I i l 13 24 324 t N . 12 14 25 25 i IJ J C ( No. 5 ... 15 ii20 26Il * No. ilt.... 16 27 23 i ment in trie Oounty, where Funriqr- N..... 18 28 29t 205 a - Whithîy, Feu). malh, ]1s72, 7 r Al t one iudelted te thue late DAVII> N E W S CRIGIIT niarchaur, Ashtun are r tuent. dat wllbc r dsgei condinglo iaw. k S E S OP. & W. CICIG N. -- -Ashhburn, Foi l 2tli, 187Q. -7 bas a large stock of JNSOLVENTr AC? OF189 Fille and Coarse 'Boots & &Shoes t. e. of BAH G. )081 Is )(3s mlade to ordcr. > jheneslate tab sa dte marenotilled tonucet nt the làm n f h ai coînortbie Inda RîbI~,1 Insolveut, lunt 0 o itby, lu uuo Cons ftltrc on Sawturday, thi y of Malcii-zuext, - -AT TW CLOCK PExor Stand. T r estniene e lursadt - appoi anAssigne..e JILLIAM BtURN,"S, m u3gnee. Bot&shoe.Store, Brock street, Whftby' fj ra'y-A. 1872. ýablishr ied ren Overshoes lined warm and, iairing iweatlY doue. Cal at the oldoc .wl siroRE 1 February 12th, 187.). R. FRANCIS, SIGI .871. Butter, 1 Fresh 'Cod GOOS' SPRING. ý GOODS - CHEAP

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