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Whitby Chronicle, 14 Mar 1872, p. 2

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mi>? te, wffl bcluown to posterity an as on . 0 hovte uldlu of the gr5itest, Most notormous and flys. rounded by Othe, buildings on sithi The eath.OfGuisppeMazzii, the tenions illposters in the world's latory.- -(fortuately of brickç) and onte well-nown ItýeW B 3ufbUaml agitator A resume of the case muynot be uiinter. stabling sund shed-rooni' in th~e rea>r ~ Italy,* su- sting toour roaders ~ ~ ~ ~ ortw - waa SÙ iThe claimaut pretendeid to be Roger POr=Y' :account partieulars of the wasai hdeatgaleTicliborne, sou andsi eir -of the late Sir 4"The Oshawa rire Brgadehlajqn8 .xrme James Francis Doughty Tichibone.uMThe trelio l bot .4 bad othe lId osi loge Tiiborextinction ofronithe time the lire broke out, an uzfèrsl xticton f would bc the eleventh barouet of thxi4 good service in provonting the ire n thd * la 'itW zime, sailed froum Euglsud to, South extendiug. Most-of the furnitureo Riýw4, ie fp lca telr pIane "e~ ,o a»osrejunY hotel was saved, but in a damagedp 11f ~olltca1 ntriue, n uthe.latter-cQ'ntry. ýAftoiashort sIay tien. The extensive salu u Ï wses-of Euope Trin- uSouth America, lie beft on the ship rom.werîe sîsosved. heada ! Euo eRlia'from Rio to-_New York-, tha1tfp m -hYS !~im thst bIs agents waa no ver heard f ntndemie h e adj 2.ý b iisnth,i Po!, sud, u due toiueate., ùUated the office 6ofMr. COChi WÉW ~bùUld 5~ inlsurance officers gave lier np as.lost,aànd County Attoruey, Mr.-Kno*liugsi ï0sro tà » c uneil c*hamrs of ingops. in. asttled thoir rlalis accordlngiy. Ini 186, uery -store, sud the frame buildiug oi 141osouilicatèl i eatRins.t to the father of -Roger Ticliborue died,- and by Mn. Collina, boot and shoe-ma&ker, 1804JI~ mpliatedla 11e atemp 10the titie sud estâtes. descended 10 a pont, ii otns wr oeo a aauffiate *the EmpaerrNapobeon, me lnons S'on of a YOunger brother of tie aged buntenwer o morserl sav èh of 1. li~r Iaha conPlraors h ae, absent Sir Rloger, then given'Up for dead teeetoao heclin n i arr.êe4havsg ailridon he tialThi4 aiy Tichborne, mother of'the missing ' MazaloebmwI Pro-i4e hmth e c-man, nover couldbe Jrought teo belie-ve heCîhromiee' office hail a ns pboivebomp wth hic 11e .ttempîthilat the sIp felld and ail ouboard had' waB 111948. Mazzluni was a Il resîBtess," esedn liofçdlagrwd t escape.. Duning the progress o! the strllclug dlianster-.eîever and shrwd- prseadseofrdlnerwrab teti ad !heb-igbid Of late years,. howevýer, h li ad- almont tîtose who iniglit find lier son, or.give any in. Part of th1e north end *wail feU on drOPped ?'nt of the wold's knowlcdge 0nomtincnenigbsexsec.souili waii of the flîronicle office, san whenhie~mae l brugî one m r Advertsenients to this- eud -wre widcly iug tliroughI auJ deîolisiig lewln -effeinby thc deapaîdli telling uç icltd adoeanucigtedahon tliat sidle, destnoying a quanti*y oft trte o ncIIè a Aitto adoonpi-of 8r Jiones, and offering a neward for andl encunibering the office ivith del tatrthe one eat giatora o nspir-thc discovery <of lis oldest son, was sont A 'good deai of thc matenial of ato lagoe h bi lit ome - t- thejournas of Australia and New Clîroieilc office was aise lnjurcd, andt The Queenroi Agoalminté Southi Wales. No tidings rrceed this"id nUcrmoa;bt eael -fititlifiil mother until 1866, wlien sIe to say, Our contemporary lias suffered O'Connor, the young mn who assanit. reeeivçd a btter froni0a persoiz, writiiig boss sufficientby serions ho interfère 'M ed the _Queen, lias bonu examined îy-tlie from Austrabia, wvlo profi>sqsed ho be lier thie regnian conduet of business. Commission. of medical mon appointt doi. 'lliet witer of tîjis icîher arrl'ved lu _Th.e liotel building was insured for Iliat Pui-pose, and lhey1 fiud thnt lie Paris, wlîero Lady Tieliborne was thcn $4,500 an thie fiuriture for $2,600- ià o! sound mimd, but an cnîlnusiastic sjoîîrning, Jan. luth, 1867. Titis was ioss on te latter beingfully covered.j Fenlan. Id, explaluing to the Commuis- tlhe clainant !-luthte late case; Lady Ticll- Ma-yor,mrse, aud deputy-rec',e wcre an sionor, why Ije weapon was o odtborne recoguizied hlm as lier soulu ntheo losoad i mueotl Wlion lie assaultcd Ithe Quecu, O'Conîîl o i Pospaitive zuauuer, aud made bh an recting operations for oxtinguislting slaid lie would have used a loaded I istol aloivalice of $.5,000O a year. Titis n'an fire aud protecting te property remov iii lis attaek but lic only desiroti to frlglîl- uunediaely coinzneueed proeeliîtgs CrgetltIMjriapr on lierMajest hua co theauce wlîî lus connunîdabbc excrtions b sas-e îiomanld, ase sy fatal resuit o! his tsgalt eptmt(s froin the tlistees hîy svbonî tlîey lIaîths building, feli froni the roofa would ha-vo brotigit lte Prince of Wales weru' lîeld for the infanît ludr. Iii Mairi, W-". t gooti deal iujumed; tiot, lîowe- Ità the tîrone, ad ltat event lue îoüs nuit 18(S, Lady Tieiborne, tîten 64 years obl, ve tare glad to ile uable to announce,s -uesire fuo ccur. - Ie wlsles Queen Vie- t(i<-il, andîîb lm e tichuilîttaxît ost a lîost loulîs-. WCT trust Ibis; warniug will prc tolia laie t'hP e atLuonareli iiEgaîi.tîtiPortnt twilness-, wlîose <bathle lit- o Our Tt.oîiv atlIii-s wlat WeChave bc -ciibedto uifoui plty by liî ii attagoults ili >tailalong iidsocatin, thie urgenlt noceemm SnLh&Atsot-iAToN.-Ail associatlt tecaie. tif a fi e îigiîts" . lion of the Saddiers o( ttis Cumty lias l1Hestors- sas, Ilt, leitiywî-ecke LitI 'nie exetIonts of Messrs. Agnew t i-ceÏtly leen fornîed, asing fori- Ls oh-.st'a, on theiel(,, ln 18r4,liiîtheni-arîitslIew-lkmw ist *ee Jtlte regulallout of a taiITo! pries anti pkki i t) ]),yîabveV-st-ibuundto <>Ausht-îia, aius --t iusenîeosho,î lîiOtcctingthue inhtests o!flte nitie. Tîte msV e ie li ititorîtpivate mieastîumaseitmel cutitendini u noi mii degru-e inprv firet iMeetling of tîtho ogaffiznîiîsn %als 1yld lui4 Thiiiitis Cistroi. &tilmg th ica-ulîliof iii- Ilite bof Ini lcrly at Manichester on tho 4 bz htîs., lt i -,] loîis fitt Iil(t- Cahbei h1ifm-sirlJame,,, Ji]tîaltitionî liithe abus-e, WC e t tImewas a large attenitaue. Te oi t-ed hiti- eAs-aiu-llatapers, lie liat i i-îof mtioiiumgtt li' Cîuaoxi bowing olihoers' were eec-d:---Ltijut-lmmu 1--dl iglaîtti to Vc-init hisoWît; tfilav-lias. lia- the nice, lia-mm a goidû -Vhilby, Presitenit ; J. Cuuisf, Prine 'A]- and s ii)huIs tu-imal'lega..J7lî1. liaI, fini -1 a-î îo111, anlltit isire Our la lt-ut, Vice-prifeident ; J. Slort, O-tai [tithi,' 11 ittM- -bmt, t-anlat<-nî la-t uhih d- tamIliai bteu wori lieccta-y ; J. Dlae, lu-o kit, T-umn- -lbOli e-t ug o, t-ne l'on hli-f Jus- of, ilu olt- t iwo 0I-n-s-lo th ie fi lé l-1it-ltataih h-t!sataims l -uJaig tit) J1 4 îmoflime tIlueliase bc( -. - truiitut- r i<ita-liilas Ve.ai t..alJYlc At an cam-iy lîur (un- 8uttday-iîrii-,,.Sr utl ~ at . tftI- t- au -tta <-xm Slnd inst., Hoyl's Cuib1let fnacîoryU-- tt a-lite finif I air.'.- i-s itIi1:i1 11) uingloni, witî ils Contents, ias uhî-strovcd ai :i;I:ýt1bi1 appcltmae fut -- lirlitee 1h814tH tit. luied lit- Altiî0o- iîe-y Gco--lselr i, , uI l)t'w Du (Jo0a-)sm-ii. lua oy lie. Tue boss i einaetimlil >1, eTh li- îîme L, rus intees oftiflt11e h tîmcViumare luntiire-etinîth ie attentio on-hio lIu ws tti nstî-uice. itia-tle Ti- 'vitt-tce mîi -t fretcottra tf ou- rt-adt-i-to the atîsertiseiifitîc tir lesuposd blia-c onlit mil o îieu miict hîad affîiti, lte questioni of ioMmir-.Lamm. Sl-tciii-t, ii occupie an incendiai-y. ]>uring lime ire, a large 1113- îie-iîîg caial is- wilnese , amineof a pîinmiiùueiJplace ii unr ui-ertisin soino! oue, ~,24, ws eolei fomnmi -htîjp- itivùiitienmtifieb lte claluuîuiit l oumi. ihTI nm i-eabout opening bureau ',belongffig to a Mr. ilewis, iio -iii neided near, the faclory, and t siItltmd "st 13 " ouu- new store in Wallace'$sblock, w-thI'a f1ii mlosed hiefitruiture mb-1hîltreec, féar - bule-ri tuti et-nitîl, shiow-edt hut lie e011141 cînes stock o! fashionahîie gootis, w-hlic.i ing hathishoue wuld e brll"d tî'lt by atiy liosrsibiliî3- lie the genîmilie tlIty annanuce, illlile offerei . ah s-eu ing hîs hie hous woud l butiei.-Tiehiim-mme-. Tut- ntuoi t imugmigh-l-retoumabbe 1prices. Ant ivae îespeak fo Soute Parties werc arrestedul ît, for w-nt nîaîey irastlItIof tle elalilanit, w-ho j'lm, am haeo ie~arng !t o! evidence, w-crc disciiamrged.tal-.ti i- eath-ii ni eauuecefa- o ir luia fth )tcn-,eo Tu OxFoitD-CÀMna>n iBOAT lAEt:.coutile-f bii w-îudeimîsvrtek, tîI i- es- We Cclip the folliaing complimeti -The great University hboat ruice iietwf-et-tî eue-.-No tvucnu mueitighersmem ilc !Mete au lwcIfa Oxford sud Camibridge l inautcui a tu5 itl-touc--eiclitlsuau rh utliGmlI)i Le aingtif teart mi. come Off ouilte Mlamoeson Salurty2,3- lie w-mit eml(ýiàlle--etnftseîi oiiithis par- M- C.F . Ste-wat, w-hualias licou i Mardi. TIc' btllng j ini fuis-tro! cîmn. ltici-, mii moevri-tii lesuit-it c-im theu theie- l-milmoyinenl o! Messrs. Hefferntit,« bridge. ntulante n ia tliuîaliî3- tf ti i 1, w'hielithlis lîw-ulfor te paifutur 3-cars, leavet TH "MIL"-ve.haerCrýij!I JC ilîle i i pli e Woi-ec thai tis, ba-unorrow-for Wlîiîby, wbe-re ie lulenul Txu "AIL"-V<tlm-u' ttic--yt-I Iei -l-trosîmu iue lslie~ed b Ilii ho ernliai-k ini lie tii-y gonds businesse prosectus o!thie ucw Toronto tiuy, tle -- coi]an3-wilhtMm-. Laiiug, haie tof Eloau Mdail, sud it lu exîîecled ltai the u init ittî-iteifduugttg-m îîdhle-îrt ti m-mm-ly inlte oro juiay <if YMr. Ve Wsithi w-idi thet- imibmt-lSit- lloger, a w-c-l St-w-cil, (]aeI1îl. TIc-y tire hoth indas paper wiltuPPear about theenmd cfthie îtiirttIrtiiunlcuroivumgmnaiWl preseuhmonîîl. Tue îirocip chu ttctiîtIris L-s îîe mi miiîimlmuttiîiîtm-ar mmmii 1mîttrîion ndcn rfitîe tiin e, andWi lie publie a frut-lase biaper. lewt n ttiIti1týaeProL- s-oI ilis 'Iiat thtl)ebuies.W lic iti mmîtkutas- Gcek raniLahi ; t-- - e-ii i er sîmcese. ST. PàA-uucus DAY.-SI. Ptmiok' - Day, mal,. But lie mnUst lia-me hiadq- il sec-nus,__-**-I 11eyear, fable upon Sunday. Ili sosc-ishrî- uiicl imitns rii ase Qc-UIcKWOuu.-Th ite m-at tle "Rloyal" places la Canada, W-e observe, tIe el"day' has bon numade p kithgrent <ikiIand lîntiscareely oeseedl um-ning, w-leu3Mn. La te be celebrated in grand style by Inludi- the stoîi of, là$ mposition hai~Prn l a a gang o! quen at work m-e-, 'me»on LIe foilowing day. (Monda3'.) nuatltese ingeîunity sud ofroutery. mos-ing lte deute. Ho huheids ercedlig Srano uAszzne.- Thue Assizes lere Il w-as tub uua-yailing, Izoîseser, and a!- Ian>ew-Il 1OYa1"' huew-a-t01wuhl w-ii le hehd ounlte 30t1 pronino, anJditot ter one atempt tb gel permission Ici bring-bPringle nuas frias plougileo. Mt. on ilme lfith, as adietised lîy somneoo!ilui aiVc-rdiict, the ju-y cama lu w-lll a sun-. th1e county papera.. ilaui remîuoest eule day hast week, whio couintry3, w-e li- no Jouît, -u*i le pleas- ~J-CU»C ~ how-uh uai11e iaianhs cae s-ascd la learu' o! bie delermination ho ne- 'C19ffOF SOOTLÂND- We ance- e- oe I xt-o-bn y rueto-build, whle heyp canuot but admire lis cmheted ho aunounc,thai Rés'. Mr. Fritz- îtAtre (oeawhchociidn nerg- anti ontc-p 'Mo. r.havlug rocovored from hie rocent ih b es hlIen chen days mu ils deliisery, FATAL ACCIDENT tIN MAUKHAM..-A man nese, the nsùial serivcea wlll bce bld in itasteneci thue catastrophîe to île prehendeti nameti Samtuel Watson w-as found Jcad the St. AndIrew's Church i bu 111e owii. Sir Iogeoë n dAuJo-afton neanly fis-e on F riday night hast, on thie 611 conces- IIwPHTG1 AZ laixr.M-.A -y8e !shugliuîg, this remonkable ilu- sion o! Marlibaxu, lI!a nulle froilie B&WOUl the 1.w-el.,l-omai-LIa, la about poster, w-ho hmlas ca-!ully aud lugeniously village o! Unionville, wihh his ueck and rmzovlzufront Oshaw-s le his i-own. liepejured liuizeeif, subsides t0thIe le-vol o! ai-ms malen. Reic lesupposed ho bave .bas seenred the -promiises-iopposite lte au artfui, vî1gar gicoundrel, w-bote pro- boen throw-u fromu lis w-aggon w-hile the Ontario hiotel, wjere,-he ofOunces, etnin auid'nfrlv uieledfboae earennuigaw-ay. the -iilized witlî nu d fr ossip wil! ehortly bc prs-pared -ttahe life-hiketc Naei~efrgi-, Apoiic tLon'opic , e lc - nt'.c- R' cr. -him;ii i -m:tniso-i. e- .FA. M. bh ib cmi ormed ah LiioTUItLeAT Irtnnw' Cs; -a] '-m-bit-, Noutn n , .Of îa m-.lpuna la-. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - tiV <!1ro»,--anu'-mJT.Im.uii oe -Il ile rehease is-tLe AgonIs wanting te make money, ;0 letuie on IlTouuperauee4 at Duflnîs' fixedt a duO but as yôt lie- bhas ouiy apply to lte(cjIplIl Sew-ing MachineCo. >ce.k on Thua-adoy cv'g usat, 2lst iash. Leou able îe get £MàO (Joftliuut azuuut. Tue tu Osboruze" bas no equel. - 'a sr People going to Iowa, Nebraska, Éan Bs, Californis, or, iny olher point in the ýe I e Territoriea, wil.îstuay t&fir own inteed Sby ý iné'By wa fBrfligto"frt )tm-rates of that Line -are B1NWByÉ 'as ov as e 108. anY Other, and it la the best Route ln the benWest, therefoié~o rir~nroy~ a orr a/ety and & opôt; 2d did The BurIi1gton . Route h-lm fai[ lMý £rom a#oweredl the question "Ilow to go West"' ofth by the publication of au excellent Pamph- Ce, ontim a largei,.tratbfu niap of a t v a u a b e i m o m a o n w i c a co u e i o v e r , a n u x b e n o f y e r , b y l a s n l n' dg- ë - e ' h e ý ù 'u -- tro p O s o m c oi n e- in s p i te ef s u nju c o p a ~ v t Y . - -- Pa4bntues-eor thut ater us w-m o Ir sadnonu i1tpops- on hbem natthe instance o! GouId, pro. Noliis I.ereby thruu.iut 1> vlrtuxa of a 01tneifiih0lew-m non 111edivisins o nd ol' îo-ey thefnypoie~n eolm SdQhte, ..hs.tdd pecpbédf~e utert !tx.oo ~osdihonf ie ctb eet- ateiphto e eak up boare-o di-einist.or oU, <whhmmconta il!a me.taeoîh ring a podeod0rt ho tM1-iY, le, ter w-it 0ri a S c w.T e sru ri u e n ~i h ~ la A e ou * î AwJ y ol lgaI w-ed- ho a-eXtis ownshi and5 wh le ehd (riv l ic hrAcD.ons tn d Aietul Eaal~r heudsud gis-efor ,W ha- att eo l s gai T M yD Li 4n. D 'ncw- aJ . Ll, às qàis-l -s -ihot fueuce.p o i e d toe cfW u by icleCo ul-oto r -am- istW ib 3ln A- îrrs~ie m otnedsnrs prsonto, akn I oni as was elote obo zuptem nguti rcidnt O H P Ac er, - J w ihrortgae oebe h0 iugh -a e Hpinlàyoui w-m i a or uvey t, le made o! =l tt e 3 nti4éru nay, nthe pi*8th-o teVedr Bne--i. y eray,1W ice Put ai i ldmî , ani Bon. Mo elctd il- e] ro[eel tdhety o & gale)8, r i m-ne sy)sd wa, sIb ! i où; . A ndabb papr lijue e mMn.edsito f t h e coni. Tcpryn !flcpeiio n olà e 'g -Jetawe areainawllI uefi ubihAatinon heAici - PN Soilaw.- re, o rail. - Thon. oue rly, ordente aier A etithonfowad hIenes.A ar ewell o aaeyGudum lne.Gu te rw- E a h.r gatte ua ucw e d firnu nb r A A P Y R. l ou el b eu pcae b-nw- ap. aim-e s er fif cutei n bl - i lca l, su Ii a hn datof e'i p rmue s , Jr, uicd t o i ita- fia-c, ~ ~ ~ ~ " ogei'o. T e ol wf m a h ëWu t y Salua- a ,, ad ei 11, 1872. - e T M ay , L.-e rse ! Ii h w u3anodt h d t i h e P e idnD .t e t t o f u en g g , n o ut o u d o d a m e Eoast4 u R EMtbGy- nrE a tt y ,oSf o 1 ,o lo w in g s e ot h e w -c pi - set et uuse n d sî ove w i c l n t l lce o u D x ha t lo n f . ktb , no t sh P e ? 1eYo O z ri a ie.te at Uie aei elée-m , Mr. E an O Xjumhe ne con. a TJeorore of tle ped :-O! n emîGtîîty nIlî dsî cd. le minier oieilda ghed 'ut-haliie of inuils d1872, Dawes , 2ad W m. Ti'omthe u lnd James tale t l hiewc n er h ut, v si l g m. m t, o - d ! ! h di e te 31; a lr-a irte t o bi g - od om b tc y l tt - cm tho p o is s s d li e ji- uory l B-cLi te D aw-e a r . . e er . bzgbeat herme 1piaie TIrA dto s oalte n ca mnfli h e c s J u s o i c an ti w-loye so fn tlee Tî T W n Esion O f . Lex iO, IO q. arlt> ýý1 Odphe te a d he o-l -n esa ond er e ait ta s-ey îîanm-cw c loap e r. u u l d! Oti. Prhse ~tch tl x os~ J ow a T lomp e , a2nd Toa s ein _t7» m-ymaTenclthnpse' yla 11ýà .1ýtf -dcae teeeto a eilgl n ter, or tsade inmsiitto'( nm n whtlmw JonNII1.8d gvetefrt !hppamsdradnal indicaorsuJre fr e- P ond ne îu be hue:Ji- f-eï o hIe4s- h VouiW it ori a Muaj liah hee 9W, ngii 1872.lado nu uI Mîuiyli stei-l li -li g île bit.e nt~i furetof i-r pmm-ee uarsnd ipl b ie o-o us.lrP emue LaI . McKeeîe, mailael arecmhi-ur audenceauJ ito! pril nazvllage lt No.a! - Vudor' ndtht S oliulu onee.e al P a-s ou ihi, im uso ls sni-n w-e eey Tim ..-.. .-T---- nient laIît nteo!nemnsnacefo- wJîhu of roeluSreet in' te n th i. - t I 2 u G e . B e k e l , l n d J ~ u . S a n k t I L e î oR R a p j î r o b a l io . a s e x t i- l a I n tlt moIm l i o l y .w a c e --n lp luaiscc m eb nm y f o r t h _ _ _ _ _ _ _T o w n _o f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _a s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tlîo- 6 u hi »-lt RO t --j î A. M Re z e, e ofan i i at o sT!phaer u L o o w n mm c - l'ana-gui Med, ri i i rusfo c i h c h eJ lu aa- ple-~ait Erc F, o il; a' err 'sC ri" arhy 6n Jo slmu G r n. 7.-fli-i t S o t ea , a lcui n s f no -m a xa i e , a d or e e o b L aadî T ,- a c-lfije- mi l ay-it exp a set o pn m-th eipateou h r s o d ior1io tt I ba w s,>iî . mh a c k Oa ts- sL T. P r J m ta enth i e o n dlu ti c e n rt - ain d ve tn M rT h . ha it',fîrele o hie f Abo f îm u ig e t o c , h- im ea u n a u o s a n m e t u im S W I N MC F di-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2- fne Ieei.M nra, atiîe Li-ofni esfoitc ad isosnne le îeinatefoi C l lin,îhe dIl-mcno lel01than te rv tyi 'ta re S terP4oh Tn c essg e n e n aily J .pe a kn tu p ro n e a î e or fit od î m t h u t u A î mi - jct v er tu i î . I s f aCo t w ll e a * i u a i c îtIL 'e et u M s e 8 ~ e - u l a 2it i ush 8-m- owod m-n. lu arety ls Jn o. e u fi n t hh l r e o u b hto ! M . c n om- n k m leiesttîme cxlnee-s-TIagnmte-e u it lîei y i dnc e t tf tis ieuttti mt fis in e D aw s A n o t,2nd H C . Spe er. E s t , a n ! l e f n e l c h o i î ! m m e u it or f the c e-e t sJa forî file hCOi te-îw-um<uss f P iceri amn gW oo hast w-c ek 0 O e otr d fe è i ittu i h c t y e ' 6 b u s . C o-r o n ed B r e t i - l e l J . G r a h a e h , i e i t t - t t . t l i c n-f - n l e " M r a m f m h m e h y t e i c s e t he $ i ) ( i u m i e so f î4 0 o 5 0 - , « f e t - I c i gu t - - v s geil I i - ui y d wi- s o h n . y W h d an i 2 n J A . M oK e nz ie ., Sv il.lela di fe c i t o e ue " c e lhuutoo f ti Bea i u s : a me r je am i n mtin en hc m tf i me - u li te-m jui tti t h e l e m r opo m ti he e ai a h a ed th ba w i l n e ti n tu t w o d e ekzp;ut c ( aP cr - 6 K u su . 6, rL ut. C. l y -- lo W i pia uM R E STi . " R F AuD 1X' S T M r.nc nFeas ' w-lU tie i; n te r e ruc - lu, t er ue -m l it 3 'l il - tuitm r owit f e apSîmî Nhl \Ta Jw s -of < Ja. u t. aseî o Le n ll .; 4nû- h Mi hîaeh. 2nd C. hmah s Pr3m , d aemthe Ii ltoftiSugîl i te ecleîmn.-s i pn oset r nh nnihisble-,mi-m ut tiai iams-helte oAue- ct w c h o h n î h a m g l i e e - t C . H l, n d f o m C a le D i k s W il isfla vi d C o p pnon - J u r u rn e isp p e r . is.l'e s U î m n g i c- h ol e- rng t ha e o ! a u hFor r t o t r t c t-1 for îe outgaxprheoses t e re"-st nnî cm eiletih elyo'ficAnrià'Gv.i-Sliicr 6ie bhîtshîi a-eeg-î iitupon. W l e i3,ex o hbitetlUc n hen lwhsuo 1(31 ruil c hud-la rte sai l'lnti t lic ti-h t ie-chiae iosr l fo-b-eiiy t ,1F2 ute n d e.Bik,,8ri s Stark. gotiat is-met tera aiag. M E n ds m eaî y Tai hmuile a-euiît-auemhtIt et- -li.tci0etitahe lE mI-limeet i -cly ilofoh torph r . 2 uiJoh n u Mra h m i. :s i s a ctlu i iio n i s s u Ant i er i n n H u m -h e iin L o n d o n , t a c h , e -tm o t- r., i tî L o n d oh ti su i i m X x n d e p r ss s th p r ip to mnl t- utt . .iE L Oj e-'Ru l s h uENC E s ti d iuu 6 h m as h i. l a Ol ap t f î -l t . hi m ir p e n , r e -t t s s e.o T i c n t h i ele w -fIla na J tr o i t J ' s asc e o n t h ep uA la b aatl, t i iii t u e o f m îf- i e t t- m îu - îigica n Gimn t e n ît l i s- e thn îî l i o u s si n < n h i i i t k b d p c iLS~~~~~ M ar~ B i ie Pi-kov in Lo-en , e valy serakn res, anifttheUiuted Sa!tes iuu- li-re d s-m o- i u t- s1tll e1t o l umti lism' e uiln, W uIc' flic 1 a î , 8 or s î C r , 2 nti an lti lu , J a s. . al l . u-ter n s o cas t y w il ities o fa i M er . -a s . h îa n o w lîshîi et fîi Lî b mi hmmm î t l î î ii- iit-- 0-Wl tt îy ai v el tl ese -n i nî e a o Il b -eut sîui pci fi-.u L i e eu t ra vagance- i r nt iohnita îme-îw mi uîestireeinnt-u . It meuhc ici t-luts, w Idel ani - 1> to u li t Nc i ii ýo f' s it le M r.p<-ht "hr whitee s Cus-ainHLectu e gg- notldipositi- i l îa ---ui ti oft m i reeîîî o on,îhe-ciii Dvsl-hias lUi rylglta dmi concd uMu'EMENS, 0 l'u-ema onmy m s- e y renig W-ihd obluet lit- dl)e o- otn bii 'e- t o m u imîj C o n r en e o g-l J M sae l, w el i se ri w-t e ad e i-e er n ht fi c &- r - I c ra n 'h e bu ni ft- sa à fimlîî î e-it i Im - - ' iiha u n- F L O R F E o if1 tle i an îîhk .. ee- nti A ePo Bou s ret im bJ.C use li a p hîic. "T e u eci ca ol seullm umu e flic ta s i a îof h eI 1]î S, e-( ie-t a em ofmm il s e. uit-m-o-C 011 S i. w lc h. liauîe3-. euschantiof ilie L wason Lect e," by Ate w it Ae îîctîi com erciaelttt, mat~-nr ti ~~tine rî--WNtu uJ ttu if Wtuillrity isfucllttde-laitptuooflthe. ve , t s-O hi - siliîlre s J m îCih c u Xa d h alo p lli s oeli e l- ttu, tlit -ii hi e -i si ul gs-boe-n. . epouît-d . 2îîh T Cark *A nc ati bieinlmîsilînuo o!limeollr n<lî-u hîrtthueiiuîr ju- ut-tluiti tim e- makilateto, n dsrvayaBtjnishmînîc.ntte mbaeto teil - h i!bet it-- prLn a cmmny n LUR N FEED ST W LIoRE ser. Ouc--îî hîum Doi. Lge. e p nteeed;hîabhe. Thie is Le tprorumo allns asfo atu Icref îoîère tihîu i ,lme ti r i i io tif l îiIfb i ti wun . nhyuucupe_> M- ae Tn-m ip DmilTh ati2al as Cey w-ieht<bc-~cs atiw- himk.-ib m-w- beu pac t e- Ci ouîîîauîmeil, Ibm- e--tIo-,Aî uite. 'mua. 0Dutîîu 1372t.etmAgenPt .- o!v 2 Ion s T m t y e (- I t J h la n autilcuc e u isb l f t etr, idbual in g huib , ic li i m ,i-mehs împi,4ucef" n - a'î îni ua s o Vee hcn Ii R> 3S> U U !. lîr ,i Ms T ic oel,2 rC orlutt ues Shom-y, t al ----4** - ehtheumîcu ons appr a3" by aitEugresmî lîmrie . thme iuut initpailevnr-lfnritheei )Co 10. l)R aney. Mdis . o t,2 d r m r e ii c keens le m e.g ui u al-D avidm în u mg im- i - î-1- go m- - I t ma îtu çî F a ee 'w yu ii t tu ti O uul ui gs- usl!u ciyt l s t G . H o a e l l J s î y a u n i A ! P h e s o e mttuelras mîmîbua we--um of-a u î h et , C tut a, r ck d hm l, & . Kîhehîcu fi(,Id"Mn. eauu de-W a n ly Dell"-y ollo-y Iosa o! lielandmîrterer 1raf-ic-, wUniaof-naal- t t tc- totîlit -st Pu îpCaro d - s . Iot tdJh edrdwtiafse rcso.'Gae W s T ;ai. Fr mlsfi rc l and TM Hrn se atichaelJ.'D ore p lucr e orub R eilw-ayala-s. Tîmetw-k ll uuelp ul c tre-îlor ony-ue-e h iue: FLuuUulvFsIi is-iî,eî. Squintifiosdofixemi fi- T V-s Wl ami Febî-uun-y oîMichaelklîmuiî et Fee4scîiitugestie-"ie Ie'II'vauv lueianuecd nîl idnita bohi-dyrma-e.1e- îfcs--u ilcmttke imiô îai cml i lmttugl esicr.iSMITJt & IF2uIINtIWAY su- lie So ahrs- es--, i-l Go. Aon. at vm eibo -h l baudl tt 'm s irwcl pe lretic e-f uue-tîîbîîue-r tuttm te- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t Se mfe hce aht-tl o umoth expeite fic wrk hr' il it -in lei copae lu su-h -î-l iiCmm- -- eII D. iuuiujuiul erah ki-uuîcfFuumneniPr-Itca out,- - os îunesovr I ot. uoll I ei is-uc-ttha-ut, tiqtuttie -i ,tU TS o d aIa ag . M ait' c i min e nu- (ý11'n -he W .G.' - , se--il'mt.ue1'd"; ofmhî-,o lt fI ua,,Wîîay i lmutu. iCth , 57C. 's ak i inuthe n~~~~~~~~~~i G randfolaw uuliei im B iheebck le dig in , ut -iîm.le oteino 3 blle . ta ble o :-W e s-ld o PI.sels-es edy tio wcaer ng iontpbcgete w"Anhic mai l eT ui -exeu e.î'îî.- i'liex Lblnt, Lnc-ON A iO FÂlUrtritieter plat* o ltt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ubetl chtîiloey aceino ne- I ppneiittm o. JhnCe- îîh foui V er'î-, Mutî-t l - st , . sa-! -at-h t-mm lic-hî 11h h c jlfUf'ild I i.t SUe r ANGE Uo.('d ie pri uh tc oatê- 1 1res. uit.* T a tosle ll ed r i ifma t i ntŽ- aauuld A - iad-. e fl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 abiouts mnmb i c- ai an w-t no onosm-ueî gRy songJaneirojmbr-udîccl c mulc-'e-tî Ii mTihei ti mît- ittW omb If 1), t Osînait te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r Lcauahis u tts cueto - o ngfsea t ellw Poee t u ariae ul. bIteand tla e--umaun-c tîuîe-i muîm<e-emtm - -at n pr jeot on îse as-t o!t e w-il k ow- meoing ail.S M r.En a ttyb clc ise ao te c oumitti--iotjaii in T orune it ta liat id imei.lu ti-tc w m-i*gsc o n Fat fit o ow-n&Ptror ndlilb , ihomilc uditifîsto.edforIfaV Crawiford luaJ etoaotil lice o - 0 1N 10 liedu0- repolitî-MrchCeude'scheriain Lecturemaid J, eli- , muîg hue atigItîti >u;,tîI. ui iîtili îi-ntmi - -t--pur b ar o intotd r b e rl t o n o u isb e a e s w l v w-hîcbhucn M n. b o m pto n sh o o fo r t h e u a doîmî e ntl - e mî a u t limmm a e--ru am h t i fi ~ ~ 1 n î ~ i te i iI mi 2 ~ ~ - -' L S E A D l I O I T W ake ,2 i .P rel.ftthi ca e ti a n y w- plut e stfi-.-T e b li d Aï î imcîîl e-î im e-m e titu lma e ~ii - - -- -i e etll t F IR A KS s. . . BI R il. au ayg Mwe-a li acies fri lin os-v yufeaus anti" diChrs-i et gIc i o_îte-r o! thue--tias-imi muotwomHimi'toneTme um-hi-----------a 6 ' B -r ) i old e o i otey oubi i--Iot w-a povincilnpohnithi , nti a Iesaat -l -ud l rnIl o! lfoml î3' a nt F t11s.11ltuiu. lui- mîî-- i - - --- ii Gii n i l î, Arnî fîle Comal cnia-.ateyhv R. t R 11Pl.t ataiIY. t h aiciuJuy lr, u ahi " oo Le tuepositio -an tejub -i ouamin s -e irlah d cîm i ;--------- ------------t-m Na Goun i îlt- opI. 6 t l a - J f f t b li g e s h l o n o r . T m usit agi h o a ! h e d w e i lJ e s- ep lt - ho f b pi c w o e x h m a m îc d h y l t e rig ul m mii u I u i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -g c il. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lad oenu e -ttvitriitJo nDmd e nepls titt lis- nsewonfiwtp~t wli-rs onIhoh e a d eanene o!.meo f, lc th ie iconemio e-cnfumaîfou -ms-na peoumiumtuAND uit-mSTOR noxh bectjn wTl calerk.ren*clii.---------------------------------------------------,12 Oi n-os uflrJli od, tiocdc-J. Tue nil e-e nond esiitt. ' i- - - - -. 11,u N]îLZT Â TO $g I rouhî u p bi1tnd w-ih Jaî.o l ay m - IbanpreiIla I etMs e ld ectpleeauJi raiotJ la are-e-lt mfe c- o -mm nf Sret,> ofumuo. liecfermersiw-ltheuertlaiNo-nal(honorai ie itiouh opeuingsontfn greethpardonrastcetiomi o! lime- e--tli-- - - - -tiheluimute À c o-h ore rle -s a e t ,2dgn t X-suhç> rne a. l E Hocrse r, butstauJat.eCuow-oenc 2nBond of Pealmertoi s t-cuc e- - ia uuîtfhl-eri,~15 llkm c-uut o e hoîdout, ' în iii - ~ i i 52 oî fl VUi tull a liet captit> ! , and ie - aeatim ey ud&--n.iut l ddh l aticual y, a t Ri lwadeotirs.T eio I lie ilm- oa r onhcIîut ermai \Vau , e- m--------------------------c . t a is liaoiet npa mufib o eLed saîg itthua Nae-tn. -e f aclities ne n l ! nd- dsbJ. îîchDalke.ots omhmig ! i srtau ene t a -ait-limr twto iydîetii-' lIe-- ý - G1'. 5e. Cruîmn asm-q te 1e hircoue is-lob ca n al y. W e -las homtir m sue- Iown thheuîg antil ath t-iice i . -~ '21s ,11-. ili ------c-- - a i l ifote unce s, f itor e cu .y cSge l Hlch ne ov- l . Tndluod ',long tmouhinued ses-cre frcish aniealues. îai, lailic. lOP,11.1 C'W Y ;D S t iosesh eq la- U G a.Ay r p nd h ractad tiohît ar e s rai t fic letigemlacting . ecttî'Iuîliîy- Iis See x .-o n M o u anum-ujmmgdha t, ana tym ehding te thscenibyofîtlle iahît- îe Jcored ln ucrh a, iin a ite tiutt-steLut-i ann b, - aycNS.hA1 Ie 0u¶ hertwse n~rogoUhî.tg,îa n W1ierbc s- oer m e og o-s. ilo s h.ov.' e frsi ddeme. Il tai d e, hl t-mu t W-- - -. ut-I i ttHiý(jnte amui llt %I- ittv a. ûl, tbm-w-t NT o! lu.is iN-, -Unuer te abovClaes he e, sud- coma Ieir bei-s s ail ara cti u ilinw-e ha l'-mt -ymiit i ni-,;.-î-deîi- U ry i-w lptefloigfo h el, am he digig , but with th-ui e o poma. o -n um-yyNî. îs i meutii--------A u-Iimuîuîtuui-muie lsounî uovileiiOntitio10-ut, sud Imatilie ed fn efot S a r a t uperes wiiî re mand ieru !oe o! ll; l"P Im e -ae-i--au e--- a-S ii , -euî sc-u-e e evrehyindicatctin-of e-nter- ot a-s arcs y. Jte al.Jon Cra _ e cifoi ïi , a iI -mm îe le-îhoti Iu a ;;'Çe Tv~e-i(uzot.Mt in prs ndon sprity al .- par f.ura rdeb Tms, netugi il lechinat iiimliiiil islaiiding inu-titî,,uî titi I.m.îtl.,î' A43. imîuker e s recu fct y o t h i s e -ral tle s ee p f yo u t eu a u cc Iep o su e t i s i no i a en- pt he il l u t h e n su e a n d u - h u u u - I ml ~ ~ ~P c u r u g î u d w 1l n ~ o ~ -i r m s Ihave by In in thn ntus o eing t nlhTe-ti. Consew-lib l scret l. abothlim e n5 ut eplonum bel anil ium Ila À i -< Ti t ci Is nceful w il lad oo rfue se î i c- - - - - -o'r f M r.ce e iI t i- ni r im c d b y d o g e s - Pc i a i s o f e w- a n e a n o n i ym e e pt ioa t S n dw e r l a no d o !t a cmh n o n ' a p m - p e r î y ! A i d ueb 5-L o t s e , 4e-lu ico nh upa ri o ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o o t c a o t idic i n d n i I e i . T i e b l c e l A p e e h iu n s , it f h i be l tu,;tu) l'!",- YPl O T O 1 1 P iiGL L &t.Nir-m t li 1 8 2.m l lBu, ACIDEo BnT&AT tIti FIaE.-W rgtby ho endidte . Ifd m ay o tuini Ut- 1hlieLady-Tfi e re î-is -,motin o! dt.---e- Quicexu tu - a L a t ýü f ica lru arm- eeebzitne o! pa tie îmeal h- aetacon-lUi greol suecea Adrocate Gencrel, s-mus hu-ought Iin c mmii bas e hc O ha s lcc u L d n Pe0n ce c p ri~ n p i ico e ty fiti -cluinL m romuubtî 'iel 3 A Nova Seotia for te saleuofîa lachc-dmtigeppeemannoeGeorgetBropn't îlufflt-in-------aulsu butiiI wesu -aliu mieSe-I Shiu PMy ututti - er bokteir bc ol Iîc w-niI o hs n R gbt sbweid e ca.¶-efiul w-bar nt Lc u . Som nw-aspe fientialuai -eÉ-i i ai me -nb ml'ui L.1FAiIRmANKSte-ti -lt-unB- u-;u-îî s and, w-bileassiwsllg I liesle M rach ile o nonlyoucas e nll dpvisonbut 'l>esily1.w-ha.t.m.ee-uih. hae "Ro aprovhienc sia epo, atthslle t-e t anw-slho woidc oi sh te. f Tifou-h une o T. Sb1ew-0erlof \ew PHQ51OGRAmI>ff GALLýyR , - no-- ngey un pti,gra hi rig on Ic ga r s n d ilt- P asof Purg ativeProaew-pposeion-andc ork je shimtedah btw-eu t...ati.....t..u î .î : ---m sie e-ie 6t-o1oîot. latcaredof heIlc ficaittosofol pud-vn av i wr x chn lb tv iltii e by.l b ow- e nt ease Ic f.io o d o ibon t heu- f-i-- scm lle on usionu s-m--t t-- tm lu 'c 'ut tak....u.................RAL45e d oetw-eeu ots 14 and- - & einth l- t t E.4 " T a - » R e u r - i N 'Ti U E î c m j u m - y b s y s t e m ,.' T h ce c u s c o n b i b u t c t t h r o u gy l i o u l l n g -&qt ILtt it e i c -i I b c s - II landt tathem-lef a! Chiago,ccordingîtomWiiuy4.BRET TleCutuiseop<>,<fe ovu- PL. c ."-« ote i keepers sd liquor dea l- Pe son s Slu«éienir frô ih m plure bloo ,ti e epnoprt of the com ritec a po ni ti u *TIu! aî uucu n mc i-s~l me -olu a t i w c v ers is-M lfirmby bellive tIal teIle .usned or those w-ho §tudY CloselY, w-Hil ld in reeeive subscuiptions, uînountuto l C60o 'i 'uticNfticp, tthîa. -ey tore yrepnredto om-- pliase quoted aloi-e enilueuîly applies h Feilow-s' Compoundi Syrup of Hypophos. 000 shg. 0 týiotnexfrh ccino tinBi - - - t 'ttis.Fuel Sited, and Englue leses nt Camp the notorious Wilskoy, Mioni, who :was phitos the mahenlalte builhdthe= up andt* Anothen nailiway b4JdgCibatwcon (h4u- Ai un-m n- dnh ci-dprls î-e~~ttIwe ats takeen hothIe Provincial peuiteniar-y on t1he ho okeeptheuz Ibere. - -i nt I nitd States he pràjéelati. toott tXYte>in. îîu t>tm uudc. Pos-it.cfat(>f ui- omeo ed Stro at Bye&I gîiinpApplication lias Icen mae ocihle Dotin- Taylor, nu I',eîm-n Gret, u.Cs-ormf <biif hgi.om-bttwa Rmoma So >' -e ~ - 660,00 w-iibs offnei lu s - - ion Palilament -for autho-its- o bîilmi. ~teuem liou, )dtl'tîl. 'eire-' Eg"' erOtrw, simouiski- -445----- - 1. ~iflIo nivlg Pa'k -Asciatîon, bridge aven ttei Jea i- rfroea l thN-ll<iANT Aî eudumm- b-for the whwbeor cu ny- That Iroxa La vainable sas medicine cmmncngon 1the 6th o! Anéuet naî. slone o!lie counhy o! Welland tlancliuutt~i rli2l t.lt-ile" uîmbor o! thèse buildiacas, ani' a1 lea Lias loQng becun os-vubut le la only slace _Choiera bas brýoken ont among Ithe Island,, N. Y. -cîtd a -e~ ~ f, bulhu12 " ai -k 1spreparaion lu the partculur flIn o!flnBritishIroops w-b9have bou eugaged in The 0,Fa-nchIMinisfer of Foreign m-are wuit--the 4 m e-- iîxuril i-ti exehu vicorlous campaîrgut againat the Lt Iiîe I ah mmt uittu.tfCcteui tn t-Mu'xi-lo(î'frpthe A. WALSH. Feras-ian Syrup bluis ita!dfIl power o-ver - as lu ludlia. - -- G s~et *mzeque netlaJexh lanîtultlîîcmî u -i i !Otîuwuu.,wiîb - - B. C19AR D1EJR, Goveriùen req-stig antuuua(it ouùmy 0ta thuetr(i%- mî R,.tl ..w ril he ,B ~MNLl ditumsebasbo beugt o igb. ls Uxbnitige la excited e-r the union lan of thcermtlion of!-fortifications on 1'. -te-e-.n c e-,itice ttItA.xsW;g o pmojetcd - ef a t i ,c a e f ilpp i nt l x m i g o p o e t dJ obc nassodypplani4ebiuly lte, bonds. o! uuatrlmouy o! a boy of seVe, Genooseémost, w-oîclm li fars unay en- lîhe-e5li flieutîtîhain. mm - o ! $ s y oyf És ud. N i e sth eT o r c l à t o , 2 i t l . , 1 8 7 2 . -. î 4 » - e u , J b ~ h A t i L u ~ s âmes

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