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Whitby Chronicle, 21 Mar 1872, p. 4

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eel, ais ar ull pphied ment CouDty, whiere 1Funer. ,GROOEIRIE$ & CROOKERY' A Iarg sQxn z ,O m , D\ 25, 1 8 ,8. o f eaad ta$w.have mçld and turnikedMr. James Leffel. sud knowntu tbo' ýLeftoI Wlicel' Wo have siso obItgted ursclves téo fuii., the uamouie sllieeo for manuwatitritig te 210 ether parties lu CaInada. Witbiqnt theo inter-. motion wo liavd0lio te Mr. GiLr*. DO <te car: o5uffoigsft build orir Whaclo, andl weo lv;mi,5.ý "ffrt].. liuada te pîtrehane ou r liccls of E n other msgruacturdr. Mr. CGLEN<5 fleeilitices -are unstipaseod, uund we ftee]-tîre Ct-lt1.o wil buihaa ile ha(,t w]il gir. perlfeCt sol ige- - tien, W. thirorer, c)rnon'J lîhu i tu t1ic 1 Se U1 (S I)ulie cof(Ialaowith ordire eoiflwue, foël- iug sure ho w]!] Maînfacture a Wiehotii al - rcnpectw equal tao o'ur own. (gnd) JAMJiý lAEEFEL & <> - VI3ýgssrpraparied t or lA UWa r t 1110411%u trirl, 'Ahoy ur i,t ,t.pcî ,wc eu care ui,t t, tu srr, jr: nt ].no re gi t es "'ij , in w l I" s l 1 ,li t ti <i wbi i o 1 i tt îortICer.'li, vi.!L purliulas r errjse, 'rt!: lvit 10 thuea.n..1...........) i'îr-i wN A.lalcu...............i N.JO>î,rrili. ...........'.Icji.,, A.llwit:;Cd ......r'î,.~ ......oîrr .............. ..îr A. . lu'.....................r.i Ju. Itl. iciir ............ ..I. rue) elle W M l ilf, n.. - ......... . I :..ý1Ii AJ "iea . î .................... Nro c.w ui.................Wirtii. J n c A .( l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. AC W i. r,........... .........grii. "o............ Jam es lon r l.......... .. . . . .. . . 'it >4aînîîDye, l.........î.îciy igri u..o................ili. $nanjl'a)iai..tl................n .~ .......... -:: - . . . ...iil.,,O- J iae M .)t....... :. ,...... u'1.le ii1 . ..e r l r i ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i o e Bolusrar xMlc..............î.. tit,4, Rob.e(rt eîî..i.......1........ Mri, 'nid -'iî ir>!. .............(eriw.ci Tho-tous& Di,..i................ hirswaL, ilosep.hrcoa....................îîV Qnl Jerdoa, Mc....&.C.... .... 1...irid WVm. & IWalter Uuîlîric.. Vill.ei. WiVn4 illier .................iîii d' litIi&içl& Lii...........kin.î. Huîîîer Broters .......Aii.Ille Cusit. Itaymel ..................NI ruai. * Job,, MRe ga.................. leî .rc i JYlit lia, l.o................î . Ii]tel C Joh eCeoo...... ý..t'iF.e'trii r. Harr io ................ce. r cklini Ir 'e&Bernr...........NPo,,t Iope s' là cMoela...................ai J1) y .es& ehn............ii. . A.-W'.O !.vf. ....,.....N î,. . t lle$ oîrle1i. ................ iel, #£tn,, 'etlo. ......I..... ......,r rJ.i. Penobri la aitc............. ill.Ps r Y..... .... ......... ifM * Peck.lln& 804C...... .J4tiii I>rlisa.................. . 1i Jameiii ll>alir... ..... i ii-îj Jolie, t urimI...... ................. si siuldctilmn11,11;...........,... % Mmlan rii......... ........ "Jansà 1 l igi..............*ý... Itifey vt h. .. Stog &Co"elei............ ;.'. rv Ilc.Il. i.l&............'îr Toli,sark jlut, ... ....... . Jaes11114141Y ......... ....., Jointessijîisci ..................iliî,ii A, 1), Unijes ............i u..I-rI. jolifil 'L'SnI - ....... IL tOupmnits..............u r, fitalit Bri t.., ............ ... Tlehemsi..oî &ephiOiLýn..i..... Ter lIes......... ......î. Co .X!Xcîr. Joli 9i, loWipi....... ...ir tu IVlils.;liioer............... Ci ii.,î,I Petr &.tTonsl,...... ........ Chleis tniik l............... If.ur c IVts.n'............t.. 1,'l.ai P. W 1 Ws>..I.......... Jn'ii oouero...............îî, T.P. r i................jrvt. SV..................It.. ' Jaesr. Seasg ... ........hîîîCor ý C rgit, ...... .... ... i i g l i i cillr andd Anerlcun tlan,,. I4Vuasjoul tet silîns an B>îarinmi lawAMI5slunýqin.el t ssIf iuiruar $a(.ul il. Floor mlLîocbniy ufal i miat, ,wiih )Il-Laie lin Oins1Ui, Solahin¶ae». m otle. 1lM vo i n lese ue,. ti 6I tv 'e stock ofItb very Iiest, of ail kinds, eries, Win es,& -Li quors, 01? THE BEST. I3I3ANDS. ~H PRI77W, &Col, Fresli Oystet's,-Lubsters, Sardines, Uirockeî'y '22tîî- i,872, in great, vaity.jj R. FRANCIS$ -Dundas St;., Whitby. 4 'y W!hitby, -December.0, 1871. &'A. Are in recieipt et further arrivais of Winter goods, iund lcg to announfce, tha.t their stock is now corupicto in cvery departaient. Dress Goodo in great variîtty. Clan Tartani, Plain and] Tartan, Winicevs, Euj3ish, Scotch and Ganadian Tiveeds. aTHEILNRY -DEPART3MENT. will be fblnnd rejnlcte, îvith altheIts trcin in styles of ilot, Eibborie, Foiers, mates, lre-s :riur eings, &o. Setts of splcudid Furs - very che.1p, ~ir3, to m ilo t I;r;' hi st!1,111d * J he lîuîibhic tbat ho 1,as JC 1 ri 1.isn e îîtî ï u1; IL P-.1ately occupid byr F TE R Y SUI E Ïi-,L...,-sîi,-ý, j;;i, tj;.*jLI ta Ic s 10 BUGG ES &,. SLEIGHS. r, iýxîr1 J UUA L. 9 - îJ 1 All c':iîii.it u i,ct uai. y Id& t c(]ei-n Il L. .I r- h iii" PoL.;.'îd h Ai 1ïh.' u. 1nttaii ttk,' 2 a earsiety donc. t.U»,Mati. t 'a W-10 to t i a t fic iI1 snU 'crthe SELF-ÂKINGI1EAPI1KRoyal1 n, e.u~ trY, PÎlou i$nUer.and Eggs. Y. GINo. 11000 Good DJrOBssd Hoge, 500 Tubs Good Butter, 5,000 bushels -FaIIWheate, (o000busheis Sp i . Wheat, 59000 bishe1z'Peas, .~- 11000.1>uéhels Cloverseed. 1 or lwbicl the higliest Market priée vl1lbc Pàid.'l wTinter Qos SMITH,- O! A llr t-as cuer- ,Biet naýosnat d fashiaa ute i l )uiiîr . 1riîtl uo FRESH G;ROCEUWES & NEW FRUT.« NE. tt verv o. nf ET whitby Nov. 2 8, 1871. yI. TI iîc undeî'signe-d 'las a Iý'roe %stock ofGO D cIH p Ladlics', Clents', and Chitdren's Fine andC(i'trse Boots & Shoes S i\D .AP LUM Mac:> vu faA r- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ f -f--I- ,,t.L., ;I Slkrîîc'rrt, &c., &C, - >~'Repairîîig uîcatly doîte, Cai' at the old Stand. WILLIAM BUU-NS, Jafi'y '2:y, 18172. Bot&Shue Store, Brock street, %WhUiby MANUFACTîj1ED AiT ME Agricultural Works. E-L Fr-EL's CELEDRATED y ~ Double TURBINE WATER WHEEI. ?IIE MOoT EVOt<QMI('AL WIIL'EZ NOW IN VOL 1~~w'72. I t; 'f fil h'.' tiioil it0r,'s I it-5Z!iLii "t t 'l.oevr-jil-- WC kl-' t!.NNr.î,, onu t iii.' i'rinfor th' New roar ket, (ULI;dà IlIt i -à et., tIr. of 'ha . og n lli i 3,-t B-cru.i.. nëtý - Ajw . "I..'y qrnh fret < aSrîx. s. lî . ' ' p WOOD Co.ietidr 4r din i.'ia i, o!<... t,.,. 't 4; ilaer iusihI. Oiig .lx 'i':- Ao ii îIe0Jllyîue,0 Inarnla , au '08 0F &ALL KINDS Giell in iand E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 Ji , OU1 11K ~ ~ raWîilyS Machinsir> of aoy kiodni aro.tprMNÂYPI3ý rover>' dedptioni>na,î wL'ené hm >.A.. , ' A îP.<.'RIanot, f18ci i wuy wrranted to ilinnudiof grop.. C>oier-.. :" ih l. 'sc aiat oLhir 1laathirrughly %wori,iaillIk i me u w tnke . lijceCreel ý4 rertîreru- Irhîng farnler - taîeuad.~0W E?>OD F'- W'e OLEN9, Preardi-t, whri' o2eWh Shrff C1 - - Qa.aw~,OSTaxu. Il'bruay 21, 8 cticaj.r t-rîtlit iiatir hp ti th Ce toui-j try, aIîîîrvu 'Ovetil ritcer. iiotee vir i acti "nNli.-et wàrranitiaz tniiii tec risWe i la i'aticeirtric c 'rtirti 'ri tc ati ah- tii ii itlt rilîl re"iz 'l'lrcrnil.i, L>e-. b PrAXTOAN, TATE (& Cl)., 'Orrytt. Pr lc1y3 Ot tf-5l .1, 1171. <I"e u"ndci'signeýd dsr' oifïî numerous customers that with the roomy f teiIiij afforded hirra in the new premises iiito which ho lias rhao ehois eîiabled to keep on hand a large stocJt'- of elothsmof'rvij selected by himself, anti of the best qtuality. G~enitleenr's Garumenis miadeto ode and a perfect fit guaraîtoed. Gentlemecn's lijIIIL*sIiijg goods, t iin' Shirts, Tics, Braces, *nowcst Stylos of Collars, &C.. JO P1ERGUSON, l)î,:sSt. ~lii ' Whitby, Nov. 29, 1871. tûUTf-48 CaRRIÂGS & CJITEISu On and',after the '2Oth Dt WILÙ OFFER THlE BALANCE, OFfOUR IIE4VY WVINTIÉRG00I1 je AT GRBATLY REDUCED. PIICES. 3 DesGôods; M li e ya d M urntles, Winceys, Clus, luî ordelr to uhake a lhot-ougb ecartnceeo0 our READY-MADrE, CLOTIING ST(U%-ýK,- greathagan llosiery, * T-veeds, will bç ollcre&* HAMILION & il, T -0-1 a e. NFÇ'AND'CH EGOO DS. a S <'eceHt1 l rec evd ,, i-bs -necvstore -oit Dundras S'tret' . a (1~'iy Lot of* îi<cw -o~ocIs suitablo e for th-- Season0 . Il ex cellen t o L o l 5 i t d :- ev r tIiii la tic hue goods IXeptrtilemit cn i et Ladies uuiderclothiing ~ fll~ V~ oc ne;c 0 111) 1c te, --N ew - i'Aruit, JÊA m- s J. lMUMPHY. ff~iE~CL-~J3GSALE 71'i hur in'S . . l r ' i . 3XS ekO Oite. Elillr. w '.c"iiç &-i.iI3.,-'. ~ . ' ri lne tii. ;i luc lii. P>JK5W bd1 4Offie, wh~Uby Wbty o711, ]187L !vi-28 R. P.CLAR, - ràPrictor b-_- stabingbox alta aîj oîclCeed yard. Mode fliut ee purtieF, &e«' &C., %iituh ithu or by lettecr, <Inýt Lpai ,L 2') mai -sowhîtby LV ERY lit aoi golr rnoed buï;rrc eà t LLe cld WFLIT13Y LIVE RY STABLZuS se l!i'ir. ucrüeLecd tire aiaie',er, ad 'îualiýty or Uihesad, n'id er,-) adje'io aiir,- tlic-cttitwrnts oîretcrstîjîîere bu rzjn*'ir-iL a sc o'pubeleic Irc.uage. ïe-CHARG~ES JIODEILÂTE. N. B.-Cavcre!d ein~.iieas fer fainilies Wîîft,, ~ N. RAY. Freprieitoir TEEL E P TR C E, WIlTHOujTPAIR, - ]YTilt:USE 0Fý t)E TI~ TIC, AT DESTAL RbOOats, DUNiýDÀS -S:rE-E WI-uIT, l*C. W. - IVt ), tM . . - n6,.i. ! lrjn'Sa H YPOpI4 oS P IT E1 S A i-iiy-4c" Ie iliir- ti'ritnriu.,y.lrji air! or Lasi ,ý f Vî'tcc, r~.c.or t;.Vt.',Due $!ii~3r3l~î v. r Ui L3îer, îtvr:ijne. ncic t"c;3 A tt i rtichu! . îf.rtbiJejî, erraentha auicni. cerrc;.o 01;,ftIcLuu. .JXMP J. EL'- , s, C lt.. , I... - at __c St '. Jiri , . i ONTAi'jÏO,'YQRK & 1ener'. ,ile Gr3i c ertilib CarerND E RT-A X or il FlJikNF!rAtSfubly irOpp-lied idteue 1 "bort nIotic. CallS keý,t C)nstt,ntctîi n d A o Leanot ire or' tertrin, TIE ROBSON 11OUS-1 DU N DAS SREEr WT, 7JI1, GEO RG-E mOlisON, p- op)rj0tiy nas lenspatëd thei 1.UIfBSON'i O ~TS ;~ ES AI A II C P c- l eKlz=J>ilyMt tti7 i at frno We offer to our custoiuers foi' the coming Ilarvest, tw'o distinct Machines, which in style and construction, enubrace the latest - and most useful ilnprox-cments of the day. JoliNs'roN 'S SINGLE SEUL-11AING lE APER, KINGJ.LdUOF REAPERSlo." The univer ohsal succcss of this Macinbohil Closely conitost.cd triais an4 in the bauds of the fareaers, warrant us-irn sayiog tha, os a Self-Raking Reapins Machine, it bas more good poinrts aondters defects, andbtis met with taure -- ~ success andi less fiiure, thon heretofore offercd ta tlhe public. Fot S ALEnC u n J nir M w r A inîrluMe arni uinr, iiicb Uit..ofc nli'va- ' tiens, ni!not excelelda Canaoda, being *Lot w wr wre h'FrtPieadDnou-utte~ciea 25, 2ul coq. NWet viliaasà, -Couty cf Mld- wr wC - e'fs Piead ilia, tte4rvn-a dîeix, t80cerie elcred*,d e wiwterecl, Ehibitio'n*, eld in Toronto, 1870. in conipetition 'rithi cl the Iuading Machinsm ana- sc.Ood feaeair', ge'o# aitigs ood -a Alin. stue the Province; and, with -rrcent irnprovcmentiz, ie0 n iatngly ien.jg orelard i f ur'toi*r*t, iatoîI'(lwitii ' d - SMiles of tlio :ffiiriolii'îg vil.ai-e'f.-Prirk challenge invMtÎgationandcouparisen 'rît!>cenipetirig Machines, t are q;ttrSfiêd tha: tiil sd>eontuiciing 142 aces, - sucli investigation wîii convioceo evury ueiprediced mnrd, thit -c b iler thie beut For partieulere oa>pî fo- Ntiïerrte the Farther for'1871, bitilit in 'the min n e-Sn o.eeitv Wlitj ~uy bPar Bti ill BR WN &PATTERSON, 'Wbhtbyu Juse w~, fr4 ~ o ;..- ." k __ - '--------- Tii.; le':-L~' cdl~ii'euî'rztaffks for the liberai patron iage hitc'lo '-ei i 1 lt he id t-t"] 1h' i * or acn P~tii-c]of fortyi yearg, desirq ta say thtlie 'hras 1,01M 0onandInt rp'ut. t neit or ct an't OO]co e i]lean sly les of nidr delgt And trusts by proper attent*îo1 td'~4 'c o n t i n î a n c e o fa h - p u h l e t op a i e r c t i î l ico s e r eg, Undertaking and Furrierals - Fuilly$fppie -heetbe - £e"some splendlid specim-ens of Picture Fr e, dGlig R-temember the OPdseand. NEW ARRIVAL8.' A t Provincial Exhibition, hctd i' thleFait o f 1870. I p - Il -r4- &"T% %,Mur= nu-ql 1- @---m E C. XI fWANTED IMRDIATELY'AT OLD NO. 1. - 1 .-1 Co. 1 lui-Lin LLUII&JUrs 1 1 .2ýl . 'l' ClY c)cctlf4e'l OY -àl * Lierrie, asa Di*ij(r Store.) .1 tf--1 8 A Il R 1 A G ii,'S, B UTGG 1 lato-t si pe-lier 1 el J-JAMILTOY 1 * T «,Î--, El -ý 1 . NI w

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