e 'witliîadver c<livertilen ONTARIO BAN go . . F.mi, LCICIEARDo- nOUNTYCtiOWN ATTORNEF FOR ON- %J tarie, arrîster andtto ttrtiey-ttt-Law, Seý ýliitcrmn (Mlancery, Neenr-y 1Public, &e'- Offloo-Bmeek treet. nexi donr le Royal TIfotel, Witby. 3 GEORGE fIL DARTNELLq nAUIIIgTER, ATTOIINFY,C<)NVEYAN- 0Bcr, Dpty tngietrttr, Nasitoi. ixtrttordi _ty eflottario. Olice Coturt IlaIese, whitty JADIES REIT!!GORDON,- B Sitorin Con ve)t ýý-;yatLAW.,No nny Publi,&c. C. Oza'c-Next i-ber ttto fli tor-- "f 'R. j,- VCtnipheil, Brooakh-t., Wlitby, tott. 'W!iltl)y, Naov. le, 1l"7. 4' FAREWELL cGE IJtlbi <mNVEYt NîSEI, ANI) No. ,TAiZlE-ilS i.c oyriîcra-Oto aberteofîte, r î'ýt illice, Oshtrs-u; 1111it -i Maoaer'ià Bla CIc -mt 'Towîî Hlai, Bianville -tptit -.e.nFBrotok, C . V. J. IARSC .LE A'PT(a)IZNIeY-Alr-1,A'W. OII'Ou A îsîeîcry, N t:ery -oit %o k, . t îcer, il miutreag- Fc. Wl ita rf c,-W (eie ire imteat Llcery, ~ ai &.-&e - 40 JAI.ES LAMOXN, - - - - tON VEYANCEIZ, LA NI.) AGElNT &c. - Illmige. - R. M 4JNr. D. U ~ hRotue et, W ltiatay - 4(,AOL - 'l'IIOII1ACS IIJS'l'N, J -Taxnvualïitl -Ilotira.9trnti 1t'clmick. NW VARS,- ts-e rtt bdla titi i-- r r ti as siitarir Bank. WILSON IOUsýE, 'A. WILSON, Jr-,- Proprietor. a fnicuatît. aitaith bic i el le tttrsl 13-dtittlie liai. oeteticaltia 'the 0 c) ua1ihv tatel ira th i 'a'aia et Aalîfîau, fur thi îuctatalatinat'thtuma- volliaug ptai1tie. 'l'lita tat-ia att-n-r!.vitat ui- uited lta tla totitlaoîaattii aatd eoiatuaraîle ultirir. Guats ill y i it- aect -t caitc tutti eigara !tialis uta iaalibs oitn tenadiance Abli 1)iluia, M7- .t s, 15e, -I- G- YOUtNG SMITH, L L. B., "TOUt IX CBANCEBY ANIt NOL4EJrey, -NOTA Y PUlBLIC yte,, Ti O)FFICE.,uc PliLLAN 518BL'OCiK, A 2 i flrock fStreet, ni-Wlty Staws, SOwuug.UMacine8. Ai evemyýtiing Melhaulaîl epîlred sud,1ýn-*A tov#%Dt sit ail et Low Rates, and tieor, s te t ntice.. WhilhYMrtoî3, 1871. 22, 11 L D UAssrNy edýi'OAON be SV " i5V'L CliAtTKEE. l729. bu F-caNMasu aa, 24M31,is'a. Stg. IlI-b CiI'.lMf)NTiREAIRHoîE(î Il. -\. a t.KmuceittXta v*ir Sircl.- - JOHlN AGNIIW, Agettt. Wlitity, Miy tt,1871. 1 'Tho utular6sricet t ire tctls t inc na tcsnrr. tiit IltabeltNiaiiis, 4cittted il to No. 22, lut tiltc7c1 utaceusieîî otIlle "ewîtmlip -f Uxhritler-, ara )Oiro ii FULIL WORXING ORDIER, Airai tca-aatlyfati elitine Littuher tilu ny qîamîurty te sui inîtle s.îu- a.111 nilu litiuielaIity anud Jt)IIN wEiiL. ONTARIO -HOT EL. IJfOCK s. ~-WIITIIY. C. DAWES,- ProPrietor. liel lte ne 0 o it- I ,nli l itme] lase hceti Las icwîy ltt're -l tair-taîvitl tlrurmglaa,,u t1mCio ptricncr, il the ilitnsbaiiag fiirutahret1 Iilth cw f ittillle tatitlitaure. 'l'entiti er,ir.uud will lt-ave iteitiiap tndomue lai prvifu fl oi ecanf'ort (Iflids Euestltt -maS tila- :1Yita el r -a ltt lîuit e-it oe! ure liqarora *bcttr ta tîl i - it l- Stilc-tlat ttualt patîi le lu t a a ndli inaalt lcohkill fr l ise-s- t e i i sa-t-r.. C. D.aarca, Praprieter. WilitltV, Noa. l, 17 47 CBLEBrAiýTE-D SCOTT.ISHI GRANITE. u M tl't et-iotf JOATHfA' 1 1E TO j'iENID/ .AT i IIJE>RATES. litcîat-y at ias rdî afcthejmdl'li-ani Or f55o ductivû lesta itrale-l t falie weat tacaible rare -'Ir jua-relt, le. arn i.' ittaltuiaruer te csdit fssrteîi.Priata-i[-tal caîru lac rajaid luy yearl> solerai w-lIll i ilti 'rcs aîi so atill Lauta&taf-or ta- lebe-s. 1Ila l 11it-s' iatuata ati.itailsci aeMertgageu and ti er Seeariiies. ailver tuI)d ' alurs lu-te -l am-i olti, Forura tt-îttr i-sitMt ilytai JAMES SOLDEN, tiaa-ailaXsiaca- otey Brekenr, &e'. ot'Flî-McI a iaa'aBiocli, lirack ira-ct, COMMERCIAL - BUST RSE MEDICIl luicriplloni Of the hest Ecrea x mcii a tly on bad dforsa NF,' I iand dia' 'fvr pn, anudr"bla.a ovwu Iei' @a 1ntiiopeltu -Oa'tim,. t te emiii thett ltit luirýe arej t anl uni jeudi lu vîry good-t &i euai fit e ipreà nd dcte ch Aîîd nov. dîmmest uslles, prayzih'c te a ti nud Ycu'i1i lnd evinlng flouera fer the Foleilu Bil 'n foot, or on lienuebacli, oleigh or earri ilcoma nchling, lebest cf gooti value you'hl cet fi-cm-- B. KNOWLII 'N. Bt.Thç panlnierahip icreefomeecxliv a'fwooiMms Knewling sud mro. Mati, iving hei diimîoivod by mutual conient, isna Il lunfauture bc caried on byà Çnowhing On l'or ewn acconsît. Niîitby, Jîîî. 2îrmd, 1872. BRITISH AMERLICAN 1LSSUR]ANgE- EUMPMN 'e Kri a lote Veogt. imite tail, Odd ig4e NG. tIug the Mm Capita,9$400OO JfSTABLISHED 1>831. T1119 aId An-i weII catablusimtd Ccmpam-y i tre prepmredt le ipti cika n la ielusai orrpry trites as l")wnis tiieme o! auy wel eta li liilC('a)aînn icanada. IîctIiiUrI d en hazardoas pmoperty in,- anred fiar- tlîrm'c vears§ or lesK,, tt pecimhly lou L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., (iflice, Breck fil., Whil Wllttlu, Ang. 29, 1871.i REVERE HOUSE, PLANK - - Proprioi sta ges otaimanaoui thy ecul tmiy. lIt s'amîapaîtIdte giie5tu. Carefnl mcd att, IfÊNI FIIIE ASSURANCE Coi, 11/IMBA IZI)> TtFlET & CIIA]iON SCRSS iiWZBLIBJEDIN 1782. tby. te tor arc ind Bi. UL+It.KeSI'tE, tIOFFATT & Ce gui Cal7nada. ,Aet J AM ES DAVIIaIPN, Manager. [NmITilANCIS agaite LOSS tty FIRE1 c4efecitd ot iearnuestfavoratble termet,a LOSSES l'AIl) aithoux reterejjtucetlIiîlot la bt~c April îrd,iluqî. YEOMAN GIBSONs - .Agent, Whii CUTLERBROS. &MOST LYM N EOTT & CoE.8 TeoOTO, AGENI HENRY WARREN, M. D, JIROUKLIN, - . ONT. 41 Gl'O RLîious SIJCCESS Grand Trtînk Rq'ilway- Hotol. ,at.wîiy teli A'l'Il l V'Ilt S~A ~10h. -it], sîlmuad-, ulf tatilé, tiltile Ias ire- -- sîSSatm-icii i , If' tats 1a - ta. i ' tva-il att1tm d fit- 'iitutafc ld , , 1ttC e t j-lit as' -- t i l- at- Str ltît rat lîl f ici ait tisa-a ;,;-it -,%il) :îlt-sa i t-uk I ltise-' -tilt--. t f e-te--I ail i letnt- ai;laîsa ao yls, titilt, 1atharg-s tata - l'aiai- a 'i. : - Silt tl i,1C ratat. . X . CALDWELL. tituir j-1liti-4, -) - ,dtaialt3, Sa-i-a.. s;t 7-as - -1 0Y A1, 1 A NA 1tl\N _j1 L(;'P 1,. ;1,(013 E Il 0 TL,9 H. FOY$ Propijtgr. JAMES POWELL, Proprietor iaèliatilemuit:, ai tI ttI ,t~a~'-II N l'art PerFyla. 2iaa, li(1U7 47 th le <'tuIty ote- t aai tu 0111JTH BAILEY, Proprietor. Ataîtutatti -ilis- w-l a e-Siai, t j __able aeIi ) loa i farî iuti 'i t i.Gasa aîi fai e ibî ai ii pI>Gir:vn't- - - -r italtl iig i d uta i a'nali t- astîlrl. J AM ES TIiONI PSON, P0l'L1E'îte-aILr hoi lytaîtl i a-uala-t oae tta1 j lî. a g nie W -I lf'-y, ONT. -7'A. M A SflN Propriotor. Viîe ahuri liaisl,4'-otliaîut.iiîslay rata-tedtý aldtite jtlaie ivilli iaule-si-filaîîtt-aaII) atrîltiré seat atoutaua, -April 13, 1870. ta iRoot, Sood -& Manurô I3rills,. AiS Nt:le-et, s Ur11 F VL E 1!8, A-1î) ALL ntxnS Or - FA 11,11INIç<. I»ii 3EN'rS '7'I4mI'I~~~~ [-T('tTb-~L' ~ I u1tA~\tiLL~ & WR1NGI~Ji DUNIJAS SuT., iVu11'113Y. T 'IlLaîeraga'l 'ti laittt:- tu tie J p ti)le. thitt lc aIt ua ulu sas liat-t- lact îîmîwly fttat i RItîs iiitiuted thgiai it,i, tr lt) 0 ocom ln t-i-Siiil ft! if ita-sa W.Mýiu -rai --Liqucntu i jýikiitrs- - Tiei(eut e!tCinau!aa" alsc paat hiaiîic Wlr, 'sLuoger, weauliatiiri-rt-Cill. iOSiEl'I A. BA'NDIsLL. - - doidira taken by clac o it, ,- inodargte - iihMoy, 1871. i19 'Natral s on et est uartices aIOfthti kiud tttaîiuhltrra i ia iaauîi, l lais î aov- s e atîleriar ii n-aairy resîetee. r lie i la aatv cial-é îaednt i erelra wllanylace-i- as lt-- n-aiet acper, pýte guîrtailîc 'n'sry msaf aciiei tct cuatoîners ini tfh eaîlity oft tic woritma,1m11, sîaid materi.%l W_ rCturtitaOOýaind lntýIor tuken ln cx- dltîtgaîd >tîltPruce rtliîwed. j JAMES iCLAYTON, WaîyNi.22, hSw0. - The Osborn Victorlous Everywhere. 25 FIRST PRIZES, 3SECOND PRIZES, 2 DIPLONIA89 DURtINGTRI: FALL OP 1871. P'rovinciatl Ernlibion, King8tois. 1871, F IRST PEIZE THE. OSBORN Lockstitch Family and Light Manufaoturing Sewing- Machine The ('SBORN la prtîloatncediby nil praetical Sewiîîg MNhieie eople. Who have il orouwly examined it. to " fot oaly a Firmt ciassI Ma el)ie it every 1 trtictilar," but, in titeir bonest Thelest Faily Locktiteh Setiug. Tb ericial p oints eofratirit lu the O$BORZN over aliotlrt m:-The. excellence and film pliiitY of its tneeiîanie,,,, titi uateri,.1 împloy ccl iits t constraction, ita liasting qualities and wicde raîgcetfwork perforird satti n other tuieli ie in its clama artd ei ai Its prica ci atiempt. The bhîttttle an] Bobbiu. airc large, the ileclle choit, straiglit, andi eisity mt teiclo pcrfect, and, mmposible to gît ont ef orier. >Tlie feodtisau)a raieed and loerîd iet will, accerding te tIte fabrio te be aaaed TIU 1,O81eItN" CHALLENGES TUE MAR 1 iK~ e ITS ;EQUAL. Guarantee4 for three Years, Thonsatdu îaw lu uettrenghcut Canada. -Agents Wanted Everywh.re. R. 4. 1a'ARA. Beutanviile, Gene-ai A&geit* for Otiturlo -ceuîy, Dur-ha and Vlc- GUELPHI laEWING hMACHINE CO, - GucilpitOnt. Jannany Mt, 1872., coxupar * 'Tel - *Kste,' il. E T i E aubï4ber offers for Palsehtiibi T aluiblo'prop.rty, ln the Town, of V by, via :-An excellent' Brzik Cottm'ge quarter of au are, of lwid. îltuted os-tbe ner.cf Green' -end St. Peter Street*,, l South Wafd-» AIa, hait au acre cf land,, veIl fmcedi ln a high otite of cultlvatlon. on thue on Wellington and Gifford'Street*, North Wm A quarter otan acre on rentre Street, d cf the. residencoecf C. Draper', Eaq., ln soute Ward, Alie, Twenty Acres of oil land, ft couîposed of part cf lot 18, ln the 1 Oth coi Pion, cf the Townlilp cf Murray, Count Northumuberland. W~ A clear, sd indieputable titi, w]l given te ail the aboya property. For lur porticulari appiy te tthe ouner. FRANCWIS CLA Whitby, Jnuly 19, 187 1. 29 eam.rjlc a evl. ituutt i 92=811,8-2i~' mtt ZZ imci wt va ecmumkaa"its e scA-iditm ',e, roda~.. i ifii ea va ;à ' ..pa. ablbi -a îe bi COMMERCIAL - '-OTE OSHAWA. JAMES BLAMK - PsOPRSîuîe -c- clons'emicnay ftttNuprooma foc Coma nua traveliri. Biiii.duds ttachîti. Aprhl 8, 1970.1 D. BOLLJDAY. BRtOOKLIN, ..ONT. AGENT FOR THE ISOLA1>ED 1115K FIEE INSUfRANCE1 tOP CANADA, 'TORONTO. Aise Agent and App raser for Canada1 mianent Building and tiving Society, for If cf money ai lew rates of interest. Whitby, Anunt 7fi, 1871.. Iy2 R ICHIlA R D 8NOW Bega to inforni nia frier.diansd the pub that libu ne.taken hiie oid premiaes lateiy eocupied by Mr, Ari, wherm he in uow prîparedto te epply ever.ythtng ln the BÂKEXY tONFECTIONERY LIN Jiil!t recuived, severai cat;es or PEACI! ES & TOMATOES, very înperior. CIIOICE AII>LES & PEAI FR FI I,OYS FEIta, F R I1T 0F ALL K 1N D Kept cnotantly on lianti, ln ueain. ORANGES, LEMO'NS, SARDINI LOBSTERS, RAISINS, PRtUNES, tý11EESE, TOBACCO. N. B.-Oysters ean be had by tii plu cookecilor aw. Bread delivered daily te custotners, and other provismons and goodis delivered ai n l'e ordered. Choice Brandi ef Cigira. IL . týNuinW Wuithy, Sept. 13, 1871.,- T EISOLATED 111K FIRE INSIT-RANCE C O' ý 0F CANADA. Il E A D 0 F F I C Y-King Striet, coerr Cherclit,T tîo CAPI'TALk, - - $500,0 Ibupomlleai witit Govumnîmenit, $0, W. A. hA W1 AGENT. MuNillai',. i3-loek, Brock St., Whigl Wfatitl>y, bopi. 2001I, 1871. as 1869. -~ 1869 Tbog to eturuubmnLkstor the lihîrtîl pmtrc Iaga lteretofore hetowed nupon me, and ton, neuince tlîmt 1 in preparudtot condnct siali sitair Ilit TOWN 0OR COUNTY Arrnimgements for sali.soa ho mît efîhîr mt lita CimmosueuZ Office, ci- at My oci Office, Brook strict, Witby. L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., AUCrIcirZ] Whithy, J aly a, Jase T ROM AS ;H USTON~ ImSUat or- DIARRIAGE LI-CENSES W~* Oflio-Town Hall. Rei§idmînci.-..yton Street, tii-e doors ncrth cf Towna bail. Jan]. 1't, 1870.3 WBFITBY PIANO EACTORY -o- JOSEPH- RAINER. -o- Tlio isabsîriber, i ta itung hi, lin. ocre thunks to the many friand, and castenneni e thle Whithy PIANO MANJFAgToURy bega te itate tht hlie a esti-cion tihe hast neis 80101Y upon is oua couan d lu so- iîiti.g fntnn,-omdccs ihobigote usuret teom that uetliiuw ull hi eft ndoni on hlm part t aeitaclon, la iupplylnt - - STYLE,& The celobrated Dow patent sald croia.aei patteraneofibi oua-invention =aianoued as henitotone. -- .Mr Ail cidirse izoutqd wlth Promptitude andi disatch. Pa jbcul d mitutrati 'Theu.Iam the 'appiest OfnMeéL i. - s ou e u t 1sMUS ausWei Uppied htm woûfl Ibrave 'again the porfls c dctr aito bt he groat ea bb 1 3a h wln trin wca erarr:aid; lc, dangers of my wandering lifu tlizfce over.' uxrived Ilrst, and Este ]Branudon waa 1y. was t l bic.. Btep jred Fox heurs tbedure.wandered Up and dow n in uthe awftil xnajesty of deà th wben marua with Tseuietii. ~i YOi wond ualscarce leeding tire fist-departixzg twiih a ubn oie jo e tti.~etl Uhf~2 athe- Tbe e miea e th dumam& o.vrappedlwere heylineach o&her'mhad fouglithebcbatble. Let us hbesh prpeetabo wuia gardthércesmpa5 nymil upproaching night Warný- had won the crewn., ecn-dccrrcd. They w 2 ~lc fui rted em.tait was tixe taemparate. S, -.-.~ ôl, !dt8mbaManea~o xerof te amIeucet hel dor; fondly kissing bier, ho bade ber adieu, FOW theISRECAN - eer bcbghest tank delight -n* nyn u rd, vut Lmocat le gencrous, 10,-suad unwillingly departed' frenitheo spot of the 'beautiful, ai;s urifested il , 4hese sflyjoeu In Scolai7theprac- soti .hlkehhallowed te hlm nby asonciations -witb bMo flowrô dmwl ohapttha i lc'15 called I"hmninmgthe gowk"--the lnlte - * t" ag o new-found breasure. thtfoerntu obigzliatyi April fool alwi.yscarryimg a letter wlth Andin To e eple u dimrema Many wcrc the envions glunc's cast rutreoins, are on the countrary, cisinfectants tefleii ope nic ncs- wiI1~i1.< WiihODCCL st b teyeln ldis e bvi" enl diseuse. Professor Manbegazza hucs dis- nuefrt4yorAi ty cf Yen Yankees are a ikastulesa race, tbe heart ef Hurry Cullen, - as neot a few covereil that ezeneis dcvelopedbycertain Ilitthit owk sn'ghetr nrlie." i bon 'twUt limd yen Ie dsgricee-;'eoftheni bWdentered bine listu against lber. aorons flo-svrs. A writer lu our claver ln Eng-land it was caI1l, in thc Middle '111 be in>uuu ho'vî nleate Yen 8004 triciula. ,:Aneng bbe number was Kate's bosous- cnenoay;' aue -btsta gemk sgeckadgil; b ether A word or two1 avetosa friend, Mary Gardiner, a dark-oed bru,-nient cf tbc strong-smellin. vagetable bo- word gek o geac siguiifylug a cuckoo. Regacdiig Bmitala'a m!glty sway. nette cf orne twcnty sumnuers. ,uascba nnt lvr,' btvcuder, The ýS-%ede-s cull it Torcan. The French tAK litomueuaFlnekdeacrates tn prose 'Rate, xny de m id Mary, rm u eoad .claeaditd a4r.Th .W a .F. ,t ,pt dear,' rninngvermo,, cherry laurel, develop aolt ali no8o 'Arl h 9 lt en Queen Victoria waveu lier band, lu eue morninig,'bave yeu licard tbc large cînsntity- of Qzeue. Floecrs tlfrst Napelen znarried tbe Emprs Joue- -gwiii Iy at lircommndl news ?' i 1 tre l d thou ana m n es m ii o te l e ar iît e i.' e u d a e w u t a o t 'd e s tit u t a o f-I e rlh m e d o n e t d e v e lo p t, $ n ne O n th e l t ef A p rila n d w a s d u b b e d <j- To oceqoe o men, oes NsadNte;Iha bu and generally the anueut f ozone eezs apoeisizc cvi' l bcause h lie ud been ed e bcbodslirehad, an th it.gri '. ter'te be agrand ball on tabbin proportion ta the :trengtbeofbthe ccaglit 'Ont an y s go À inea tbousasailler brave& body will be thèra ; so I came te aak zu racommentis that l usydsrithdienperuec éigofcal ,ua emtlraa ber biddisg on the wiveg. ahyisrtgbiateperaoofèn fiil m sie ibilyotrpo pott the cent,, whlab yen intenti te we.tr.' anla iun pipces iufesbaed wutb noxueus ex- evcry quarter of Lendon, te go anti mcc à kk A simple tlîig, Yet 'uta eneagli,- 'Oh, I suppose plain whuite; titat Le- lialabîina, atreng-sinciling lewers sheuldthebb lioeiabbe Tcwcr cf London wmubced s To tous.ofi h cernestme bodt;' be lilantetiand 'the beuse, lu order On bbc lut cf Ap riL. To thc utchÃe TAC 'Well; uew mmnd, leokyoui best. LBut chat bine ezeut#ûeitted freni thaunmnayma aealy acosadtncldwly -musement cf tbc garnison andthebbcdis- mir iZstnef mhi ye vhetersorth drrssing ft To ber tht wraci the iik ccowtt; pmawwol tra otbdsin fe exert ils pov.arfui exydizing inifluenc.- gust cf te dupes, theusands cf persons Ackttowledge lier iupemtor rigit iu this placel' Se picana nt a plan fer makin" a nualari. assethbled uit the Tcwer gates -amad de- O'er provinces.oftrut client. Theeavarrng carne ; anti Maiy Gardiiluer, eus district sahibrieonl 11Y re4luires te be mantied entrancéo wibnesm btceinmportant Aiayrcl's empire flivcm wau Su weaityau vicieria'. i- wbe watt aeknewletiged te hadtihe balle, knlown to bc put lu practica. emo . E i TeRmnempire neye, waa endcavenred by evcry art te engage bbhecarheuy.o pil 84 s eimee la part 50 peptloui m ri iiattention cf Uarry Cullen, w'be on bis -for tbbc abelisbment cf tbc Flect Prison A es i em ire n v laim t p r etflatteret by lber prefranca, littie W OM WILL SE GEl - Ties are fer the incarcration f debtors, -wbicb tep Acabta'. empire ue'cm coud d raanig c bc alous ayes that wutch lhnel ubcdcs forgatftaa ate Mr. Dickenls hics terever lrnmertalized Thepowm f Vciommu kl, d is ver atio, H taneéti t'itlayoung mon îîuid incessant ceurt t the nlutbc Pckwick-Papers.", nir Ner coud the Ct.icageiima irend lber, and taikati ututîl siuddenlv ile r,- fair," anti their ennilca ýverc cousiclerea O h th nteyr17,parOie BoS fat and widc amintecf drad. ' -'-t---.. hf1 cmeiio.Bt ;i More nation. owlm the e litiait imbea-et wila a start, as if ivain . frein C cf oltIsniith cama te bUs nisarabla cnd 'lu 14 Tban conqueiaf lhero e'ertcoumîmidaim, a dreanu, that the mag-nebie apdlls cf tbi ais~ yetng adty cf bInaprescrnt day cubers uthoe Orat Alexanader ia mal bis aiglit girl'a voice andi manner luati uc etgresseti ito Iffé, the opinion expressecti i nt Oui tha Obl of April, 1860, tbbc peut Tc tom a bi a .mwc ter ceigh t tdb is fin e as te n ake h i m n tinb rcly n egli- w - , 4 8ll, e taka, b ut uw be n w ill ahe o y E p e s o 'C l f r i %v s i st ta - Tit as itute Queru "fourtltnd. gettof Rate. 1He hasbaned to lier aide, gt bi iwtntcuot ob iedI Epes oCFornisoa aS ftJsepht- Titi Spîtani empaire, fur ditfmcd. andi in his mont w-na iaaruarer apolo. lbusinescf gr'ntîe fair cilas te look eut for tt c-eî utFuenoat-t ceb %Vu sou me géaî au wbâti. as r1d1 bax n byüefdc nen fuaMissonri. Tht' rate cf bravai wus ily out gsod an nol ucecen- gizeti for lais lon,, absence; but Rate watbauatily'vr ieetar-t te make twleife e o n tedsac c. longintay abe tire, len amy &ha reigi hrt1cclybrt u its uit, stralnîge tiacun blcir CIVIL For ilis, tîueyareip- ofwela mlsprler nibcdsac Hiunctt thoaZa. tleei deacu-fion. Pariais pricl t e aso pyIoeci to edresa, to acqni- te aCernpliala- tef nints an hcmti'rdiebtwebc l i d s em e bh in g [ o d e writI u i t ; f e r al u a o ld u ae t u b , a i d e v e n n s a v e t i c nm a r k , t e g o0 t e o p i t v a b a ' r e i l a a i hC lewa or eh iencn fîe ha-h Ieetseiinhntuc anti a bal£. Whab Vas theü cousidered a- him slc -,vs Eory to c themeansof il- elirc,"I. Thecoitpwonderfulrit mabancete cf A t- pericrn anferprisepris Per- piiviug ina otcf anapîcalsant compuury, anecn tlnent for tisa-favor c f -wcaien, but lawsnbire l iLtI sgbt ef lu tkje peut nus fl' aund insiatei on biie Iatilag hcr. lHe inn- auning woenascfor flac faveur cf m en. pa,,c1aiw'- ~~ ~ plorat ir;Iu sescigbtefru sli bna ycung lady is about to e bmaa-t 12~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~L _______________had ntiouls affectiona deterrunci .bo pat e on na fgoi nou rS.o rgaint 7eatorçianybae is Mate'. Two Levers. puenisbh lm, for ibis ene evcning at cat prospects, lier tgooti- fortune lin ecIu1I' esptrivan thef 7rl>ot~rlu a.Sti by rafuaiîug te tance with bIina, ant aise s*Ir la muatchis isloutily spokan cf, and i'è fesivaltouebc 2trti - biso b.St >iic, -'Is di your nal auwer?' y cbowng hlmthat i he col iat, she la evidcnily undersatooti te la1 tLe nvy cf Go)rge , h iecrybtr fBiau bl, 'Ist-m uce ;izi oal n et mu 'N Lad a perfect rigit Ioif ie uta. er ia. Se berontea for bbc ie a 1in t',baai ablyplacei est maton f ta hIldTu-tee durag tto* octecsinseaa cfbrle.ow iîi--etunî,nacsiuusstitants., but for maîîy entuaries bis if Idid net ucntt ont ircsBannaies yc fxaniZ ntebe- lameateal. To uegard-îP;onieiuhiuutîia xitne a be or T ic g irl w lo u t re tth ese w or s raised fu eri -iti arlesug an d ony p c c's cxîîrfi e d n eî Idl boin sfa o f v r i - sl bgûli g L tIt tet b<' sp c el a n dt t S t. A lb a 'alu A b bay w aso s pir f erybin e-este bcdar, ~en mi faeas iflise isaçi divinietilie-r se- bue elîjeit st-astit tise l <tstreIe u-cîecti,las ecuititthe poat cf honerin lan face of lbar cempanion, Chtarles Bran- rtcueo r-T1;inasotti,,letndpýtü f -vthepctocl don, who Liad just tdat mement aiketice as c rml iaatic-1bni i arip-tc1f -uinwti a-jette i glicai ercantda. In bte Greek berte o bs ife Su wa 6 camQ recnt l e-ure sico w'-s, alcarsiski uan, a-ttst.uc tti. e3lecerer 1, ise itrei, lscw-cv-u-. uaader the naine ef St.' ber a b biswif. Sie ws pllig a bbc pleaauu- cf ne tlance.ý At auother raflner cf Ih., -itens-asd er 0" c enorupaoi, ei ez-hgl smesrose te places with about as much lima alire w-culai lave ra-lýuseti; but iiew- Is-e-l cnstitnbtcon, -ans veak Ia ûinr. vciiert.cf AUireigionialc icr ighlye i compunction atm sire butireftidtiab munnwwa ra l ;i-ii - eec.but pon-e£ufuiian usu-libicne-liuake it li aern-edsclnclL nin snd net siightemt bit abaslietriuthbbc r - M iuo bostler eLatceut ac renge. - --rtýt '" 111t IP -Clb. re fQuciEimbt-i 16.lr ous' ig bte a teco r sagtiflic w-oeci e dur pi-ove ler spiait Ibsan . l'y a ciung witli iis luelr witla s-ntinueusa f defèece n id 5d b c y -a fl 4 bbc orer C Lt.George, or rivaiheîse huent- tiadtht tîto naseaueluate act. WM eoi ieau cIlan-tntinitte ac own bleor. rvlSa -u teetvoil ht Ga:Iiflfeig h ln ta-r, n-wat -instituteti by- Rin g eaciîotiiero ci-e acconas! ; andatotegraîifyl erlipn ftlngWieiiniîr uaits 11wiTIi. 'IaTetradition ija dat, ut'a 'Give neareasen, Kate.' lierfaîî"ersvase-isîii(faitetla lranadena cf;tisirwatt. 'Wdl dcrepict, ater o lterig a n geîi rot halte naapluetti Brtnroncourt fate, flue Countesa o! Sallabury hav- moment, I don'b know thut pther's aa ia at struageallier fron llnydur- tiera- a oi.e estbing r oa f a bigli alla1t bîg dibw1,tetirer garter, flac king pieat mE en, - tire reaiaahatiite-î- cf -iî-ealn levotsnasdmairatioi naua LCIug upoîtn vliini necessity for lb. Yen ihave my anawer, Te axbmriixgHn-- Cie-r biugbta eiylaslaenlci uît graec ut u-aentuglatllahabrnt andThaho yen ac svuffbertîcs' Idu erat ~unia eaaelta wtclery, al for bbc pn-îase of -atif-iue 1!ttc is renrtiers aImi Hoi otqu sud ritahesrouandiyhorniufficlentie isriai -yu pctte(Shiae »o te hlm wbc evii ate, n H o u e vi eates peu-ce neibl Rate, dticininedti tecati 0, alat thle sanie imie eievutnig, maten i liai2s.Th iseRnrg-l a uitehave atdati ne Hewas about t launclitinto sema- lier'-but on cciisitiera, likng tTl eIDg i'acnrfia r ouî itait "tlsey alionalti sbortly sec ifat garter l bbinig like *invective, but by a streng effort lgltb ýývWltegvlirtn A t s esild a tefeigwel ilani os hgauoo ndeow riy recover fronaf.Wrà bahua monur, ent liar asatuare tdesignas civilizeiiîicit toe etertain, 'Nover mmid,' Lie sait. I bld yeu gooti a niote insteati asking blirfcg c andut respiscting te gantier sq~. u oacnnttesha ap ew bye.' t." H a in aiutedt h e ord r ut once; andi -. er rtiplewttrsnuctu ntimating, tha acow-uli sec lier that -a- - -titougl St. George's namne la now dreppeti 7. He b is mann mr ulfesticl esan ber; but ou evaming.luviug tiespatetlil the note, C'-mreepoitice f T ikicl L ea :. frein its bible, tbecI"Order Of bbc Garter" C - i secn fbb antsi oaier;gbuht lier lacwcabnt otfor a sra-tiiin bbcw-coda witlt - s bbc auteat cevetati ticcratien lu bbc seodtog, adcnieigta irbis do,-og o r fvrtngi o ,nrluoi, oI1tç rseteprr frn refusai of Lina liasticansetiau uilowabî lne.TIeato C'iia ' e"ee-riasttgn-rt-lc rseî meor fFace cxcamentlu bs feling, Kue MIIra Kabe îad apeut ainal uhit3- ligbt ; bala ie Turks, -anti idua alover w-isIit--s btandt Lussia buving beau glai te accept lb aierecdeams lad tisturbetlimer reul; tLe facecis commuuicnate hienltimnants lu writing frin b auac ue itra ( au hiangIy osseti lier fuir, brownisb car-ls e! BrunMn(V, us hsIeaalw irtire h re- tirey liaive u modeeof effactiug lbit-Ithoit Getd Friclav anti Eà sber Sunday usual- bbc r he hi l de s s e lt r m fusetotebecouate lais vif, înaig aat ait p-ca, tek or palier, bLv eans tifflo-ars, - y fait l rîî tlae nieonal f Apil, bbough t bier a ud t h m - but lhe w as g ne. S vl u n tciv , hsat Iau mat i Ier; an ti evera traits, w-o tas, ilEzs, tu fs and colors, f j om ebbineaa il tîme lat w eek of M atch, as hatijua upde p be micu e ieu tite remeiancu cfIlais tate wlie-n aune- nn-icll tlmy rinahe a packet, cadi aticle lt tii year. It la morewbat strauge thut ueo ibhhlm sp teber bien, ltabbc '>ning ]bad cauaei npatuiit recoileebiona ;; buviaa mt sllariaicana-s. T'epukt ts uigetcosbn a e ate 000 stereobypeti ltambelblut tlingthesue mînefancicm sho lid iletectetliaiciou l cdtia "eset"Tiose %%,rae empioy biebserince etfflic day on tbbcoueti- ceultieeotled ahm, ch wou ainaya bunifie abolit bhe meubla. Anti thon lber ifuis mode o! commuiunication av e a cas- nenat e! Europe. « Iu Great Bribain, be-o, 7. b i f r and ne t v i i n a t h e w u l t a v so o n f u a n nr e l i -i b s F a i - . W ' u l i i l i e (- v e r e t s t r e t wN -i b isi bt e n c c c - u u u y a r t i l s t f a l b l î n no n l i n S o l a n d . I n l i b i sl u c o l i n - 'Y. anelrer telove hm. But sorv h wat atutelier again, afer tie Outrugleols cnmpoe a cscai. Tahave cion-ty, inthbe citis, flic conufnpiou oft'bt 8 gene, asudlbrmate lrirtfel sut te tinh munner ru w-lia-ltsh ire attitreben i iin ? am-y, w-hiei bbc-y knlow ý- nmen-y, of tire ciotbrins on Gooti Friduy ila rgcly ou -Ceunît sîre expeet il ? or conulai site jnstify astiias lîuy wiala te -ive by tlii lotlw- tire increasc. - Som itnun una 1 tha t by lbr levity sci a lc been tie lur con u t i? rs . î a i is e a t s om te ut a s fmi bbc S en~Ot eudin bc mur eta ellw- AnatI, b, lion-sIte ion-eîdlînn!lt te inauirsinfes,"Wae are bobla cfaneeltPugans, i-ho placedcakes >on tde bine Rer gentie nature raproachati lier lier ulmoat hcart-sich te remamber inoni, orne mîindt;' a pie-ce e! rose-bush, 'In-cep ctur o!fluheQacon qf Heavan. wlmen.bbey for t acf; andti hougb sac tnwaillly ut- lu lier vincictive uager, she hbascom11ul- contiuîuaîiiy, huit yonn lie my teaîs ;' a wosaipped ber-a ensfete e tecfund l in - i e fo a o e yetahat aedl onupasing y turnet amni-y faoma ian, -whie lac gaizet îie f Cni 'l a Icm tiret nnitli yeur m- C l inluEgypf, anti Maxice. The early 'ovr bslo er atrea bf laosm alnd itg lier sc e rccîfrlly. Tîus she racket Itorbtuiiities;' a piae cf buek-xt or cauvas Ciaratianaseen I exhibiteti a preterence for itkopan et hcwng ati omneutei ieiscf aluet miasneertie- '\Ve ital Letog-tîer to-mou-rei' i a tise breadti tey eut on Goot Friday, an- Ueapn fraerse n-us occussioned ng ivliat w'oult Lacoma o! bier if, Le picce cf silk, "Yen bra-e guiniet my mmnd;' marhecl itli tae-Toua luncmm. bybrhaving withonb gi-ring a reamen, dettes-ted bler. She feit nabilemoger- te a lohLing-,da-ss"II arn ready te sacrilice oration cf tise Liutofte' Lat 8UPý- ~,refuisa i hm sc abruptiy. anture'tîe miscry, urdnt a st founat r- m inva 'i" yon;' a pimbol, "I love yen par. But uxnong -ne people wam lu- bbcth meantima e iîcd gene stridiuig lie! lu a-floot o! teura.'Vas- muclu." - biis custoil se nigrdfly prosered as aniong mm~ fercei ovurbbc aadorecf tnsse a buonk caenn t e flic oor. A gricluof rarisina, soceblue mille, a peuttisa Angio-Sa-soas. The* Mytory Psys lobngaibui tocahelirnocent iowondr s nSise listenaci iutentIy, randai ith a fluter- a moraci cf sugar, cnt a piece cfflicen-ced enactet? ou bluet day lu tise Jrk anti flaa b i teicednt l tre n iug litait, inopin a aiias lope it.iiiighlt o! ulees, ur-nouet lu- a cartain eider, for-m 'Middle Âges protncedth ie profeuindeut lwcnb,'Nintil tewoshd i i lier daîlilug Ha-y. nli e'wa e fltoî à basafc -eabuisn-ann l h lnm viw onh uantaniloktuibcIisvîeTu la aieIl-!-iut -yherI nl lv if ayn;d1bo."is..Il ni asone.u but net soc tbrst u -b u >a-~> IJuLbV ci uTe i-culeis lanontoe e' thendat isigai bciomen bbey Brui circliug round ber n-aisb, peukinghorrer-slrieken at ee b er-bon spe -s bnniue Lutsite n-il uoveu allen- lier meton do I On'a bgbstoeam un-cet nousse l binr. n-illing car, wa ant ielg aauicriarpl aptela otn.ninuhm'gtul ody uEataca iepvler mTc-thy bbc ,oacd yeung insu n-houe broundtbfaceisud cirrietib - 1-foi 'sheeket on iiearing a Loy, t*hoe n-usrelat-,btallepiieonii bcmn u gr4y oe.dicae eenhea bate nitis~u eoalga Stery about a tordrai, bell iss m- many s fiu&i.waexuebei freux dose n-ho 1111 110 inr, aesude ohati uI r1ned mnlu.- idote-cnut bis tala -short. Sire actLul' ebjectet te bclug eidher littet or hisod. i ea ewn, ability te aicet Ibm 'dangers.Wnn Rate roue (liîite cnsereusues, aintet anai' n-en a relative saitiliè had Bal.play,', de eatig f tsuzy puddings, Re een P s-abcating bbeliounurlas of the pmrish, and wHi bt bain s pilsymnandcf at e's al bclonu nti meiser'n f itbnue e-. > lug i Mi.- any -eofher apeeuisr custous, n-are in.- riec ntly ritum nd fr ein Ata- telsu goci m r. Poor Ete M il r i The sh ckt There ls a pring l in eigan-so bbc du g eti. lu bi' cergy. -sd l ity a ike at diglumwhrch htibe e runse ns'dreAful. Se tiugt sho wuiti Anericanpuer' ayso bn«Iyfltg. Ester-tide. - e uugh te îse= e -W hat scare ly oneen u ne er ou live l; L bu e la the o e r- n l e t ut a -o tr sulafr i-o u l at i e . ,u u oi - t r un .cig u ie ler et ai tiing a, sud lu youtii n t eu tlao a bla clsith lt irp, tern î t hbb A yo uing Irish studett at s V eterinary h ad met bsrtublps lu aven' shape, cspecially,niontbs accauplisia n-but yoaaiixlo -ibb staukfsatehm g e K sukcd, 'Ifsa brokn-ine a d k uin- n-il n-bt a fre su re h a hâ d can n t e-ucn u m a u ribi'. F ou ux i n l u s uo m n ib u s, y a g n tlem an h rse a oug h te blnm r im e c r g t lu t .l ov e et R ate. It n-u sf r uch Boder, nas tie hcartîcs? S ie n ver n-lue nas sea e t n-tid is b ck te tde Wn-n- W' T o w ult ho advise-;-p zuim ij3 5bI53a 58 ishhad titatd n-orked a8kei herseit that question wn-eu ine ti-,severe colt. Ânyboty tcsirous - îoîhlmaSB oUas poaie. ý - d. se ard;=sd M $bis byis b r coelcti es of t ek Charles Bran dn for Ltter,ý for, f having, t be sam , Su haveit by g l g M any lo e t bc oppo xluiity of ,uii i bleh lie.drvet bis baud and> uteïaietibis n-crsc. lu lors tdan oue yosr ater de bo dc mrai place su psying bbc uuiil teoIou hi n~ »=i Y 0.9 e i$=W4 aseOum . Now hux f dat tomribla suffern1g ud» icuio expoue ii. kter di lngb gi g o o g ,s I - - s <ti lis t tai il, -' tata - - lut, i-t- - i -- I - i =Ne RDA 1 1 ' il ti ai ari t TM 1 1 1 ' ýl m HOTEL AT REASIJNABLE BATES. AUCTION BUSINES: Il 1 Il à %, nt 1 ý () Il,»«, . .. - --- ,