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Whitby Chronicle, 4 Apr 1872, p. 3

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I LAING & 9TEWVAIRT having rented that 0pci Suiabe fr herequirements -of th ality Bng aware 9gf. the àad n01aikndofaeia; have been early o'M 1111 the leadIing articles of the season, which we ing at exceedn ML ROIS eCtnddig~~~ ASH business, .becausewe ilsiltocapobebetog-rceit i~eeie, fo crdi an csh usomr§ are iLy '1Ycibarged al1e) Javing, been for a Iength of time un one of the ielnghuses in Glasgow, ScotiaDdl and acquiing a thorough knt idg we ean cope with any house west. of Montr ,One visit to this Dry Goode Emporium wili suffice to shew the reality of the iepng statement, and .by careful attention to the wants o iw -be wlntitîg Oui our Part to make the New Store very attractive. Wrhitbyî Marciî 13, 1872-il - - TO THE PIJBLIC'OF CANADA1 Ornas-E OT TrIE OSHtAWA ONT-., Mai-ciaf3, 1872. ]ieiiag tIc-irons cf testiîag tuhemnrts of ltae differei-it walea-.whools new efféred fer sale in Canada, as te tlair ecenemical lase Of. wiulcr, wo s-o tmauufactirot-e cf the GENUIati JAX4~S ]1iti$FEL DOUBLE TuanîNli iako the fellowing cînllonge o te a raaatiiiftit titrera cf JNy wtiEi. uow matie in Caýinada, whletlie-r il lie otîîrt fîthe JAMilELeritaPtlac TuitIiNF or JANV tTIlI l'ATTLI, tu',fie whels la ail cases te lit wimli~nîtifamtnt 4y flitecetiapet- ing paries :- , - - W'e - ill hplaci thetu hanîls ef any no- ptîis le par-iy six tlaîusatîd dellars - ($6,000î), îund lite lîarty acceptitag tlae- clt t la(4)tii ii aill tiie, ltenaeucy le belsdoufitlîct te fl(ii-auwurd if tt-jdîs Thoî c- utii lit-teutvin iia f<but' tili, i r iiviiig tti- saliaitl - Imîis if stiiiitt, gtinitg imurîlîu- if uît i-oit-ais e psitîg te i-t-lola- tii-t,teatuimit tif watt-r titlîgt-titiilou ti- iîe-awitme filie anitt -te itigs eLie iteîttssilt-ts tif Caita. (1a, tut lt le tiieatitglivws-l iiafttîmed in th titiiiiis- tif tcstiug tIi-(., poertf trbinte olîoi-lS,----tillatly t clie ut-q ~juadge ailaiflite tm'olitiiehoseIlti l hiri. letin-er'sr aaieiit--- egoIî aitduesttîilishitg mi uiteianicail [r-e ilrarvilu tuiuyte-as-tain Cîtuttîl aia-lvib liii- ns-tiir cf lite c- Te tlie ts-licol.a unit fulîl gate-.A Stuhapari-lv tegis-c gocî andmufi îcir-ut liiitts, llt tî ittiit tif e4,00,ftitat thie lcti-eiailpîytte Cltit-e cxpense-- cf tte t es t. T'lttr r itîtaît- w-wlc--lfliant plot- osa-y goiii ts-uts wil h fulil liaaî anti full gati-- .agi- whielt cîttimi-hfat ti cuîlsr partiall iit nîtlliatLital.gatetagi-. Sula lt ec-lsiqin r clitatîi. wlti (,e t tiwtler-h)ivc-rs at-e iTIsel l lv iioi la tld aiad ilteutlit, ta-etif . W ct- iit ttI 1-t- ilee01]Ytly naki ae if tit-GNI-ocI-t-lM-4 1.sFFEi, Diiunaiu :puiuîtoait W it:iut l d att, andfini at il is AuL titsiULTS. More 1-litauti6,00tif Litc- ecn-l.q are ro itn-lut eirîtiiilin ua Ctutat anthtî ie ut-iti-ilstattis. 'li- alis tifnoitherui os-its-il teit ilîtmluc-td 'op t tiis cotîti- iit-si tt--i ttiîlitxt imbibuer. Omit- sîli-litaîsss -îi tboii -giiiy testeil1 in COWAtt-]ii d ttl ittS fii- mnira-1 lauiîasd ti -ct-taiitiîî:i it lias gatîjietiin1 Ctaaaîittle ts t tutu Statets, ais the ntsi t'ceaae:ticotl itttuwîstiiii prac-ialtt eut-na tt ati e('drOit c t-îiict we aue itx-huiiiiîug tu«uîoo dsci-t-1 -150U paigssotf oatiaabll uatutter, Mtltichi on burfit-irct c plti uiiantîsu, F. NV. UE (siiiuOnI. N. B.-'Y lusite te catîl atte-ntion ate 1,tsî I)t., Ohi-t,lis-a. 25, 115 <i alill tuthttit Sut-havtrio--ehutld nfriislteîl V1. \V. (LE-,otI IOshawoa, Onttario, tuttI triis.tîtin a-t-î-îstîî-o iîttîîîîîî(jauge ltl- 11 t.ulic1. laoîýaiî- inorattl-tintI, mîau rtaiit (-( li- r -atu 1)il ,If-t- rl )iWt- îiooiiitîiou-iinaim ai i tu lut i ltth, ii t)-iiitii: itit -Iiis- i) l ' t ls- l, Mi-.Il lattami.tiitI l(.- titi utts'tlitîuawesl titetautta- vciltti ii l]ilumlut titiv pulic of* suit-i lit- tilîl mm-(-- iau os llacI ita u111 -A M 1-'s LJL:FFE L & Ct A hii. t i - m iii lui (C ILahi t h ox ait titi- htin1ti tti - tt-iîtla, ta i t uttu-t tatnd ti l v joti a i-i i i l u tii tti- î iuîluîcs- mat titi Ittl, iluitigi luiI -i mi- t- imil ai - îst l tluit nlit. i t n -th t\-ii ilu pro',tf tht >ti 'S ahuil il îillios fuiîîce k mIItitu lto IL. i at p o aaii l-ai-id ti. htti t t-i id nýI l an t i i i- ît iii-tt u ui u îut - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i isisuttl iI ti- altir the oi) i os- it-t e tu l II;t(Il ;]i-ii tî t t-Itgie are nottl$ u l attaï. i t u* i tuîigtutii- or AgIifi %Vstt til-c ttftîtt iI i t- . t eIi if Laîit (itat-tCtt-l insifi, t i n it wi iîî ia i t a ttilt iiI tuttîîîlî - im cex.-t cf laY ity AsIll eli t tii t IttilI Ail ra ittîuf wtrjal luat ir-siti tietta Th gît- t omci uîrianc-i.-il, h ACili iof il tifficiet a lmi-iltfîcoie s oif-t lue o.tity F as;mit -oaeIleAu lite cothd a iy o-cîiic of unagiuti t fier eîlldAs tiîte t [iatiaae vÀli i ll ituttitîs sttil ite woLre u-cgliaicdiLJeap Ye-ai.- Tl iiii-qii ti iltuatlias taor Ltae tii -tlitabeeît naiiiuesiy îl-eîl eGranîd Mtster. e li gtli;lîi-nrecMasenti- iXceos-Yrkla te lis-cac.1niw enCittb daily, inii -uh Mr. 11. Denaghaiuo eof the j3QSten 1Pilot, is tu hic la-gely intea-eated. Thé Atlanic 5teuasupee Tha forowing je a complote list of the Unes and nianber of vessais rnnning front Amnerican pîorts to Europe in 1872, shçw- iaîg aise the date of tifo establishmennf of eaeh lino. Il will ho observedl that ont of tlho 21 Unes of eleamelîlpa 18 are Bri- ish, iueludhtg tha Atlantic linos. T1here iii ouly one American Comnpany, and tiais 2etiapOC osl f four steamers: 18630. Allail Lina (CanadIian), 20 steant. erfrein Montroal and Quabec le Liver. pôol. .1860>. Aflan Lina (CanadianW, 4 steam-. ere, froîn IBaltimocre to Halifax and Liverpool. -18536. Ancher Lino (Britisht), 18 steamn- ers, froew NO-Yor-k to LondoniUarry and G.lasgotw. 1856. Anclier Lino (Britishi), 12 steamt. ers, frein Naov Yerk te Mai-sailles, &a. 1871. Blatic Lloyd's (Gerinan), Sstoami- ers, -froiu New Yorkc te Copenhagen and Stettin. -1840. Cuard Lino (B3ritisha), 24 steain. c-rs, frein New Yerk te -Cork and Liver- poel. 18045. Frencit Line, 6 steamers, frei New- Yerk to lBrcst antd Havre. 1855). Ilamlîtrg LUne (Germant, three stt-aat-rs,"fi-eut New Orleans te H4avre 1855. 1-ainliuirg huiie (Gea-man), 15 ýtea- uaers frei New Yorkc te fituuburgi. 1851. lunian lino (Britishi, 16 stea- mca-s frein Ne-w Yerk te Qnieonstown aîaad Liver-pool. *1816 .Liver-pool and Great Western (Britishi), 10 sleanit-ra., frein New York te QutIepctatwtil nIiveiteel. 1866. Liverpoel Settii-r (Britishi), 8 steittoers, frei Nw (Irleinis te Liver- pooel. - 1866. Lv-iieadMissisipi j(Brit- isha), 6 steamers, fri-cm New% Orleanas te Liverpeol. 18616. Lendoen New- York (rtei,4 steamiers. frei Ne-w York cte Lonuidonu. 1869. Letail Liatu î(British), 4sta- ers. frein Munt-cal anti1 Quisbec tt Londoen 1864. Natieonal Line (Briitish)>112 steamn- ers, frein Ncew York te Cork and Liver- pootl. 1826 Netrthi Gerîtan Lyl)14 at-acta- tus-, freiaN-w- Yerk 1< Seoitutapten and lire-nîen.- 1856- North Germiait (Leyd's> 4 se-- eis frein lIaltinîcre te lreuccin. 1856 Norlt Us-mainn (Lov(Ilsii8 sta- ers, frei-New-t Utleains teoI avr- and 1871. Wliite Star- lit-ilriebt stc-atm-rs frein New- York te o e-uîa aundlL ctti 187t). Amitricat Si. S. te.' 4 tinar fîeîîî 1 tljlîhlpia tote Lîvetelool. MI.l. A. N. Ratallîaci, of' Luicta- .itgNetva S-dia, Itas blin s-tub ot thic- Senaîte cf Canaedai, tii 1i lache ilas-c mtadeh-vac-snt b licti ieatît et len. C. IL. Bell. Mm. Eaialiaick sen-fotir ses-cral vc-ta-s, licfire tii- Utaicaut, i(taftie Leisia- tive osîîal f Nîtta Sctiit, autaî s-n5_ Itsil Lniîiiiiaî-g foarlte Cenaînnus at tIi- last g-s-taus-csiîîîî. 'J'ie tact-cScia- Moi.t- a tCeýiustti- utiiipciitics. A luatujiedtatafu nailîtru l'ibetLM.ill h1 abolit3 st '6ya-s uit agc, oarîîlri e ie frsin flitec- liiceuturymo- stno t-e -i--u age(),taili WUomita Sitarilavtat-mein, os-ile eut -alliiî, aal itad to iii.etaiei houmeu tolui-e lai as-î-l autl Thairscla-i-moi- iaag, oslas-it]lasetltila atcaion hîaao- apiteairi- t eauan tîsual eNteit. lus me- minuas %os-i-mnuteîrdth Ie saile dtin athte Unaio eti ttt cry.. lic toais a <îj1iet soea Miuu], hi-aissa i s-it n thie oIt] con*ututi.> atndîlitadtliecu eailovc-al at lepburi's sliuo tactitîv ful'o ut tît î'--k-jetu1l rTIi eao-an (aithlie ciergy tîtremîgiton theStaes re-ariiihoni a-'egrcuis stim-ainthe lit-m-tt influienceîolush is t1iats leit-t- i nr f1it~mliai i ay tîtiau-rstandinu tut-c-il tif, iî-tîitt.tli titis iSlipcCL, it ittiiiîitiaaitîi ovll ]licîr oflcs V-e -il- Liciliciail -stis Mrt-. J..Il. Clappî1ofîtNriiiitc-c-w-attitt miiir andat]killecl o%-sst cf tiattIto-ta lty lth- tîtixedtratinautgoiiitg -ast uatîut 2:40 luî.inu. 'ltlt i iglut saitciattIiutwutuc-tiititoi- on letutrtuuuig Imianaillaier iivod tutngeii lt suitmîkiuag utuaituet-, uaîti osthé li liad se- oee tîsu hîurfct-f t. Ani iatumst osas Le Ite laie tt d on matyeocîuitg. Mr. V. Myci-lias estaiblislioil tît Kin- catrin ltu it i-tirgu-utst ttiuiifttci-y in Ontio-, fitt its-itîal lte hatest inoprete- uticatu. ILlihas-lin eotupraling suaiface et abocut 3,00i0ilsqîuare- toit, audtif;scaptablcet îaaaukiîîlg 15(1 of'ttc sf attpef laty toithi lu eiititliia)tt tut tf ttull cita-is tf veei. Opematiettu s-tu- eîvcutitieucid (titiSatuar. fla Nu-oc Hulaiol, ai genatlemîa rtteceittly oistda C-tailg ladyi, sttuvacagradiletr latte, tandt Imiiig fs-aî-tui mî the fauily iooatfFIitis sItes ajiuîl w-nt toe fo lit t (ltiii luthes to(-iaju---foot.-l.itaus lic cru- -igivd tuuîuaIl te -lu-cm, wit dat-mei in i lain lai-o tsil-o pmilaa-tutîa lw-as witht etîteiit -aie ] îbs-tlt tiatle aiitdtliti-lady lfesLiter cîuuahîlcîîîîicmeItat tîictiena-i tllut li ac- to-tusni-Iro iicr cauticlatettmr titi luîckui1i - "otriutht-t.>-lmit s t aiige eaucf infaitai- m-le, flit e tau ibody tsf atlsiwyberi-nim- frulit llauviitg- eut feiutiitantneocfle me- resetetif t vitia thilhl iai- itailiff lataul tIltulrat t) ti a-i-mal, a to-eutuuaiuu h e ii i iitteîuul utiiti tectioniT - i lurui-tai-aiitle-5 il itIv, and .flu te lîîii thutos îaiau si %,luit-hi -ltilla tscî, 'fle Frettl i-s-iuo ei icrerguielti llI 22uudl. insutant. lMi.'fui-ma ila eliaig sai tîtaît fitrviim, vc-lticns os-c-v paii'c, but itîtiîîatî-l41011141îocceasioncur , -cFranco otl matl litituallies. - 2îaitutce yceAv-itit. .rdt, 1572. li ilrit--------------.---... ...... ..... . . . c'O -g 51 Il ly . ..u... .. .. .. .. .. ai iî, lver s tr.......... g a mir .~..... ..4 C ru il -r. -54 Wlo kr e.t....... 4. r)0 * s ,5-0., i Ireikftul- Epps'n Coeba.- Gratetul and Cumtorilg.-'By a thoroligh know- ledge: a i thé uatpral las- whliectgvet i te 0prais of dligestion and nutrition, sud hby l= oaeu pplicetlii ofutthéefâne'properties ni welI.s<lcclocuéMr. IwPP boap rovided our brcnifét tablem witri i d elicatlivflavouired h. c'riLre wliieliimuy cuve ut tuany lheavy tiotor' tilc."lOill.4re ,icsGaztt. Made Aitriply with Bijiuig -'sur or Nlk Eleil ptuket ls lilitlld -JAnMt bvpa & CO. Ilomoeo- ni Epe' Miky ocoa \Ctc ii n citidetimed Milk.>88 NFWv ADVERTIsEmrENýTS.1 N ilT I C E. Toka Noticothuit aller te ex1'riaiion (ni Twentis' Bys gr,,tît é ti- tuiliciitinii lit-eai, Mur tir. tti limiti, t ile [toc tteiip o %tii îily - Sitlo%. wtll 1t1111ltît flit Juge ni ofthée~iri Iade Cioiurt t1L.ua itViiI t tta "i,,t, ,-i 11ti piiiied flusit-dituti it iMars- .iz.iietii --ittit)t lem Ntii1içtr iitiunditi Iltirrii-t Jitueititt ilitititi eiildcott of the stîid Mary A tirsiSit li, antd ltiliitiir SIIIîlLI, ir-tou*0 i.dm-i-se-I. 8. il. CO)CHRIANE, of-i-rfi-r Nljtnri Ait it Siiiimi. Dtited lit Api il, lI 7ta. 8ilî-14 N<> IT E. T'he atii-îgt e t -ire-i to aceititî dite itm8 irtaîi Itt1îr,)icLerm, ile tii '- tMatle. Stulette tr lrit-mte 1refac-reil -Fo r occiiilodh.>Mri. Kit klti:d, C(itîtttr statooi tetuliet, lit.> St , MES1. NIATTIIFWVS, WhIitiîy, iritil-h-t. Il tati J 1c E, s*2 00. A.î.tiy t lie. lcit4 S E F. D) B5A Ui1,i. EY. tut oi',tom s :41tse :i jitultitu -of Oti, twT A N T E D A zood cit Ciktlsit tte ir-L'îu Mas-tuS.ti- - A 1ma-cvA -et Liie i112 7. 1eS,21. -13 G tESLSEttuANT \VANIEt-l). FORlî ,MuTfi, i'li 13-ut2 Co Yi7 .......ltIO .- F', -t Whib-Fetti I1'7 N . 7. i i i 7i i t Ni ta . t i.til 1:t : Pl Peri v4y i-a tiii Ct e;- il 17a il N-t. TI it j 4ING i t a T ta Lt for.7...... I 1 t tit titi cd A. ti he iugto. 11:1d , -a-mivs. OVîtiYork%,iici. It.i). ALABI en-' wii--îa &- t tti Wc-crall. uitt svnt i il ttîît1ttî 5la tî Wiu Elio, il-tii e.i-7 oe. 0 on , 7 Lawte r'Ialefy & Co, orîîvevaneiîgOfle Ptas mriitî gtuets o r sît-itforîFltt io -i. Mit.-,tsaNe anda, inptiti- i rMoliciiel. Q. C. n tilii , te li 2Cm!- trile 1-i75 ItIg lrge Br-,i ckllectn o i t ceIliacei lte0 M et C il y sa itî ann tisif i. toteti Addres J. L PETES-,A.l A. lwat)SNe Yorli fert], e15 t. framm *ecp i'4 ISttiiie, rs-u jai th att d youit ltnik.edrrint I'aster$' Ecltie oPmit eot(Oiî a,$ia N EFM AD V E FtTSEMEN'FS. BOOTS AD.SLIOES FORTHEMILION 'I A ND OHEA PER THA N EVER, A T THE BOOT- AND -SHOE S-TORsy WALLAOES BLOCX, WHITBY. Just rcceived and openedý out, a tre- meîidous large SI,-ring Stockc of Boots and Shoes of every des cri-ptîin, coînprisiîig the newest and mest -fashionable styles of the day. As Mr. Keeler purcha.,ed heavily, anD( before the ad vanICe on Boots and Shoca of ail kinds-, he is enabled-to under- seli any other Dealer in. the Dominion. C:- Sigu of the Mammoth Boot, Brook St. R. B. B. KEELER. P. S.-Sltîu heap for Cash. Rletux-urs" lis Motto. wliitbv, Apu-il 2und, 1872. FUri'N iu R Fi ISmall Pr-ofits and Quick1 141y FUIliNITURE! AT' THE SIGN OF THE EAT IOCKING CHAIR. e-Furniture Sellinig at Old Prices for 30 days longer; Notwithstanding the late rise in niaterial and labor, the undersigiîcd oflèrs bis stock at the Old Prices for 30) days lin tl*. Now is ~thie tinte tÙ) embrace the opportumity of selecting frorn te largest ti kin the o'tV f s.et'.. bureaus, centre tables, sofas, chairs, beiroümsets, &c.,- and ii < l (I c bc->t quality sa n amufýcure JAMrES H. SAXO. Xhitby, Apt-il, 1872. .7T3Y1I-330 FI. vie 4ÊAJK Ic 3N< .. The offiy hrst-class establîsliment ti the (?ounty, where Funier- -is are lully su1îplied. sMO)K-ERS8 le FOR A GOOD 51YIOKE USE THEf MVRTLE NAVY, 'SIE T & 13 ON EAUH PLUG. Price se Lew that Ail can use it. C A U T 10O-N: Tlitc Brutj il .tlyrtlc Nias-y' L rigieteret], atIi ttty iufritug'teut ou iL asiiî Ita rouîe- tel. The t tutu c Tils-tt & l"Itilii on eutascii Ctud,îaulT. & B. oci pi i-g. liitîîiltuîa, Maucui 4th, 1172. 10-3am T. DANFORD, Jr., Begs k-ave to announc to the inhabitants of Whitby and Onta- iol, tîtat lie lias comîineîîced business iun V1itby, as Manufacturer in the above line, andi leels asstîred titit a trial will cIînvince the Musical cooemuuity of the -Y uperiority of these Instruments, The followiflg Testimonials, from competent judges, will bear out this assertion. Testimonial froni Pi-of. Johni Post, the Composer, Wliitby. Mit. DANFORD, DEZAR Sit, - have examiued yonr Meledeons, and amn most lhappy le testity tîtat they arc iu quality of toenud finish, a very suporior instrtaine ut. 1- yoilt use., JOH.NmPOST.1 Ma. D.ANoit,-Sit,-I-Iaving purchased oee t yeur Five-Octavo Me. lodeons last Os-ober, and-i laving given il a thereugh trial, I cari recommend them for Pooo-er aud Quality et Toue. GEO. Il. B. IMOPERI. ~'SAMPLES TO BE SEEN ATf MR. JAS. JOIINSTON'S, Jeweer, Goldinuith's FHall, Whitby- Whitby, Marc-h 36, 1872.,' 1 3.3m.~ «N Ëi 1' I irj j ~' ,IS m ENils. SPRING G OODS GO1 Itailsaiyo% lnthe 'D Toronto, 29t Fi - -EW PHOT( 14) AB PRING - .e For' good an-d, chip suits,-«-s tIîey ar*e s"eli- iîîg off the balance of their StoJk to make room for NEW G"i'OODS lX*Xhth tey-are now receiviîsg Daily. 1HA HGA 1INS February l2th, 1872. -YBE EXPr>'-0CTEI)! ,-AT PRINGLES, McMiilan's Block, 'Brock St, Whitby. 7 ly G0LIBISMI1TJI'S hALL. H-ellibe ClA tlt&s-iî;1 (?It O lele%-1(,y "Sterlirg Siiverc ' î urs LIetro~>ItedGoods of the Best etuaflty, DESKis, WO1IL-BOXES, VASE AND FAN!CýY GOODS IN GREAT VARI ",T Y. liaving, 1. trust, estzablished a-imaî,ine for i-chable Goqds, 1 arn detcrmiîîed to ecîrn a reputatioîî for- seliing cheap. Buyiîg aud selliiug for cash-ouiy, enabliiug me te do so. Pu-actical Watch and Ciock .;roci,--st Wh'litby, Jan-î.117, 1S72. Maker. 3 4O1NG FOR TuI1E PEOPL E Co iei telisse tiltut> asntu, l'ilirusy und l tcttiilit sti latta. T-)it it-se wliii tlui-ut fr tr-at, ii mn'tlitincituta o-tu lte, l'vusirsuititiS ilue tatut isili ti, ti ttlt tint tek af vaut tii take M itulýtiliiciî wiliiti uuiiîcttc. de: çti. ctst mnes tie' 1tcact tate. itîtlu ui t t ktuow voit dufluotItee-t, !1t,00 ttu t i-unlarsýtes-tii, t i- ia iathie isi- l, tsut. Tii t 1lailttu-me ti t tt c- Uii t e hîrimtl'Il[MIl c-t-i iatstuca WIt suttethtitta titC gis-e Vonîtpliasure. Te yont utit] rietudeStite gmî-îteat tirait i-titI L a i a rte-uhit visitae, If'saithlutitis otei-itnot]tieina ll 1 os-dl s-vit pic--sure treai .>ot a ui. ,'o tt i tai ice 1 ireatt- gis-a lIroia tais-is Sou longer ilse Cire wte -a1etufi. lotir ltittrt-s ast, vht iei, aild cluc:ii-iet actrcul yct, Andii tisa itireationtsfleuîr in tiiiud, if rni a.-gallecy wslut tofitit], 'ie ut1) un iztait o'ar Iieemiigtga cii-ce Ailat] iti- I Gilaett'e just a dear. JAS. E. HOITT, Artist, Oehaau, Nuitch fîîd, 18.12. For i'. woweeks ,longer, -AT THE- CHEAP CASH We will stili continiue our Cheap Saie. COTTON$, STORE. We have piles of Old LINENSi AND HI 4VY STrAPLES, WHIICI-L WE ARE SELLING AT TUE OLL) PRWCES, N otwhhistanding the great adva.nce in, thei M11a rket, - rNow is the time for Bargains. JOHN SKINNERl PIROTOGRAPH an-the butHîing, opposite 'shere hé wii soon ha prep grapha, &c, la thé best et, A Whitby, Feb iStitb, W52, BARRETT. 1 j.RT AQE SALE, _ Notice îf; arebyiver., that by vir t of a power cf en contatned tu e rtage earing date tlie.28r )etoher, A. D. 188 il. tido!> reitereet, (w h mortgsge. toge with.ci other papers lu, e, poesesion aoft Vaietor. 'su! be produce e.t the tim o 6)~, titere 'su! h old h. Pu io-ucttioa eAuctinti Roomi fl r FUni pîtks, Jr.,:octioneer, ln the town cf wbithy, tuie C tffOtro Monday, the 8th d 0o &pu11872, .AT TWVELVE. O'C Yi çOnN, the landesud premimesa e inotad u id in- denture of iortRqgc. b » cortt posed of v'illage lot Neo n, h'dréd Il thirty-twn. (I1821, West of Brook eet, lunt _north' -nrd of théettald Towtt ofhitby.ne d owu en a. pliu thereof. kato IItcI";ery Ilan." There is a gond mfottble -fra dwellmit hpube nt) the misesý, anti thé p tnerty la aituanted lu e ve- lepston nite t sddt of Kent et, intrnediately ijort of thé présenit reside nf A. Alpxander, Em Thée ternits 248l0-will ha telt per cent. f the pi,,12ptreattmny clowu on the du-- of sal sud th. baac t I interest ln twn vek t Te-, alter. Ptt Inser ta t,(,et the expeuise of lie couiveyan .'I For fil Pr î,rtiefflarx iapý,v te the Auec- l)oeur,, o .1. Jli M Fit G E ENw 001), OOT GUW'c? g r[iN THE'WRP.s) NIew York O01ce, 27 D YLANST. T HE_ FLORE NCE SEWING MACHINE Cali et Johin l'ests MuRestore lu tlfe'town- of Whitby, anddsce iis beautitul mnachfine, wl'icia mikes four diffarcut kinds of ittitchelq etîda ,ewm both ways. Runs vcry light e t lu!. Those itending to buy e machine if they 'sili setul thair address te John A. M. Wilox Wlîithy, 'sii receive e fuli description of-thé Macines, witlt price uLs, &o. JQOIN S. M. WILLCOX, Whlitby, Jeu. 31e5, 1'872. Agent. Photography.. R. H. Wilson, Photographer. Picturea of allikinle and sizas taken lu the hast ety'e. Lite size ýportraits, aither plein or TooedI luO, ter or Indie u. dpic- tttrea ueetly copied. Thte uew cemeo Vignette Plottrait, se; takeli y Nolman, ofToronto, telcen et Willsoti's New Güllery, Wal1a&é% Block, Whithy. 5- S TALLION 10R SALE. "CANAIAN COMETý.1' FOR SALIE, thatr4lplen4id four-yesr aid dreught stalliou, "cdnad isu Conet Il 16 banda hivh. ,by "IlCameS,1" ont of demn i rnported "Bay Wallace" ; g. d. by imported I "1irock," thé cechraled English cneh-hoge; g. g. g. ICanadien Meserger." A M rsL-clama-homce in every wey ; vcrygenîle iidta saure foal- getter. Termes eamy. A pply ta thé proprietor, VGEl. IIICKING-BOTTOM, 10 Sf Blani.j> B R 00oKzLIN -fl ()U SEB. A. M. rfOMLIy.SOW, - Prnp;riefor. 1 Itame lcesed théeai. Z uÙmedi bote], end san l)repared tu fîtrnisli every comfort sud con- vautonfe to-al l i my favor me saiLl s eaI. Th e Bar is spie with the choicest Winei%, Liquors and Ciae. Good Stables aud gond Sheds. Everylititeution paid to gttesta. flrooklin Fé.2,172 9-17 Li dedpart ..............5 .m Port1Hope, arrive ......1550,: . HO G. TAYLOR, Our 8oilci (Ivan- -vl. is raes t iNo- t, f'or Soit- NS,) 'ns e will s - s- S. tii-il] 1- 1 AGE ii 1 ý" îr"% R 1 G

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