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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Apr 1872, p. 1

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àlot aaitswa4 th advertlsers by yoa _ r ofWi,. doms ., dlscentlnueadvrtisanants muet- ONTARIO BANK.' WiBIy IIIANCH. DOINO BN, , 1-. E aloAmt fiprl 16 181.e4 nCl tarlo, ariseATTORNERYPOIL ON- troarstrandl Attoiiiiy-it-Law,go- iIotor lu (fhancery, Xoý#%ry Public, &a.- Orces-Brook etrett-, next ddor -to Royal Raotoi, -Wlstby. si GEORGE 11. »ARTNELL, BI ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, CONVEYÂN- 1>cor, DepuityReoglotrar, Muiter Extraordi ary,5 nid exaemînorîn Chancery for theCoun- ty of(>ntarlo, offilce Court flouse, Whltby JAMES ICEITK CORDON, B.solleitor lu Clsancery, Cneacr e Mar 'Public..k». uuo,-Next tloor to the Storm of I. & J. OampbollllrockSt., Wlithy, Ot. Whlthy, Nov. 18, 1867. 46 FAREWELL & .McGEE, ÂHHIISTERS, tTTGRN EY$, SOLICI. f'ilR$. CON VEYANCERS, AND No- Owracx-One door no'rth cf the I'o4t Office, Oshawit; sad ?a(cFeeraa Iloeit, oppoite Toawn Hall, Bowmaîîville. JeX. FàEIIWELL.-RMol. CHARLE8 V. KELBlER, ATTOIINZY-AT. LAW,,,TàQLIC1TIOR IN on Brookc, C. W.O J. HANlER GIe*woÃ"D, A TTORNEY-AT-LAW. SOLICITOR IN4 .1Ohancory, Notary Public, Convoyancer, &o., Whltby é% -W. Oiteis, Byron street, Sentis )fpoitt Office. 48 L'Y»fAN 1i7X LIXBfl, L IL. B., DfILRI8TER AT LkW,Soliiitor lu chan- Llocary , Cnveyanner.e.i-,&c. si îoe s t,-QuIsawo - 40 JAMES LAMON, SOLICITOit f4 i ÀAà. ty, CONVEYANCER, LAND 2GENT&co Uxbriulge, Jue 7th, 1869. tf-28 R.3. GIYNN, M. De 4URGEON To 'ElE COUNTY GAOL, THIOMIAS HUSTON, T 0W N CLERtK&etTIEAUIZElI, IVII'uTBY LOfficm-Towri lall-l'Ieuro9to lc'ciook. ~~~T~ems, direct~ pe '4LL itî i es 4 -E iitras c oea re t t i s cl lon rit s o O n tarJrt -e-O '-PE SUJJSclCIi L-X hi-gi ïte annîuance te Ille friomtisuad t-euliecisîiageîealîy, tisut ho han epeucti the aboyase isotel lutire Village oft Alis ua, for the accosmîcisîtiesm of tise tra- vellingpsule. 'lise lieuse le ucw. i-sd fur- nishet li a nost tiiorosiil anti comfort-abîa niatanar. Ouests will fiuti evcry couveniasuce att-be above establlitiuit, Wicsei, Liquors, sud Cigars )f t-theot hiramudsa aways kelît-on ussisi. q;M" Gosti Stabliýg isti attentive Oct-ion l tenans i ce. 4. W i LSON, J r., i'ropmietom. Assibiîi, M y 1st,-ilSOV, tf-fi Grand Trunk Rt-lway Hlotel. - AI' tWiIlI'iY ISTATlION. w1Mu WEI- haiL,'u reluuses it-ie lii lsmssuiise-s k îîwssas tIsa Ors Triant-Ilotti, 'sW iiuly stai, tegs t-si ift lie frieusîs sî1ltise iraveltig pis ublic tiat bas§ littiuil p tlîiîîîîciii tistauucîlehir i olaissstyte it ss y liv steîi su ýtii Ilie asîte tline.wilo tuvor liiiu-isi t-heu' yaiftrois trusts t-o mient a el*tuticiinofs I thosr sisti W "'u-srtIu-stssikiig tleie tisi auleasIn. sormes wll liave ltit iiwcllttuust-c as-cof t-tair etu-i,. -JYI . <~~CANADIN J1OTE . PORT PERRY-, ONT. H. FOY§ 8300 5714Ç_ - wun, ONT. 2 WATCffK.qcEa, &C. Brook -Street, - Witby. And overythleg IMeobanical RePelrod sud lmn- proved to suit Mi. at ILow Rates, And on the uhotetotlce. Wbltby, -8Isy si, -.1871. 22 L ONDON ASSURANCE CORPORJATION PIRlE AND Lit!. FUrets, M R AND..... 8,17,4d. Stg. TRA DAGENT, MONTREAL-ROMEO il. Ne. 58 St. Francois Xavier Street. JOHN AQNEW, Agent. Wiltoy, May sth, 1871. 19 S 0- 1HO -e- Tise auderaigned ttaenceeslatei te iafo rm eus- tomera, tist the abos'e Mfils, elituatedi on Lot Ne. 22,lu tise 7th concessioor fth.le wship of Uxbridge, are iuew lau PULL WORKING ORDER, And reasly for eutting Lumber lu any qnant.sty te suit custenoirs, ssd with -Vatuiity ati deapatela. Lunibar ont from 10 te 80 tact lu lsougrth. Saptenabe 29, 1670. 41 ONTARIO HOTEL. RIÃŽOtIR Se, - g]T Y C. DAWES, - Proprietor. The above olti oetablishcd Hotel lias beeu tu r, nw1y fitîed up sud renovated througliodt 'urs he rprîeter, aIl the spartuients besng ,"jhswîtb ncw aud suitable furnit ume. Théaunutersigned wiIi bave siethiasg nsitie Isa provialiug fer thaeemfert of lis u eits, sud ticey may ralyi>'pon ttic.beat of paire liqnord beiinpplieâ nt tbq Bar- Strict atteusion pald te tise stabiing, anad in lc okitig mftem the eas-iity et hostîcra. C. Dawes, Pr'oprietor. Wlitby, Nov . 22nd, 1871. 47 JOHN -WOLFENDEN,- AoxENr FOiR TUE CELEBRATED SCOTTISIÏ G CRANITE. t-i At IMamble 'Vior1c of JONATHLAN WOLFENI)ENu, Dusaieas-$t., Whi-thy. 17 tnsssy cii thee sc -ity of 'Cee rus or iro- ductive 'Town Pro uy, aiut 1 eet pssi bus ratecfi itrec ilis s. ais] stser te s-it beî-,cwasrs. Pliu.ci1î ùpsid by yeariy iustahniains or liai wiii taudis for sale hp. lnvestments un in Debentt s, bMorîgges SiIs'er amat r uheet-, benjit au oid, Fer fortr art-ioulerai eppiy te JAMES HOLDE fiRciil Assigusce, Money Brot-er, CE-IleMiIIa's Biockt, Brocok street-, eptember 26t1i, 187(). t COMMERCIAL HOTEL BROCK r8T., WIIITI5Y. 'T IIE aubsesiber lsegc uc annessusce te liSà. frisiisandsitIse pul sic, t),:it lie lias e- souilseu ois fle a')ova ell sandifu- vos-sbly tai-u uoteî, wiuicl lm iîov litted lup 'I a stiperior iiasîsisir,.wiuh evemy coiveil- euîca for tue receisticus cf giuestss ausdIthui tra- SBstaccommodation, antisu psrior vine,, Iquers asnd dgamas. Q ccii staIiitig, wlti enjcbsulyards, essîl etteutave Otlers all lvays ens thesc u'reic.. Cisurgea Medersate. E. el. CALDWELL. MiVIth-v, issus. 14, î196A. 2 G LO B E Il0T 4L, Pro-prietor.1 JAMES POWELL, Proprietor Sup crier egcoisusodlititsssGoul stuising qnd 1,1 0 roui, und citesîtive osilers. - - Pty~sryNov, t8LI1869, __4 I NBPECTOIt OF PUBLIC SC'IObS FOR tIse Cout->' c f Ossiarlo. Aamuassaî-1igisial'eut- îlilce, Ont. Juhy 151h, 1871. 5 PO(RT PERiIY I'OUoE. 4'ÙitT PERRY, ONT. JAMES TIIOMPSON, PRuHETssturî. Tîso Suhacribsir visls ste iafomîith ie cein- lu saustyttisa t-tiltpeuiismare o oolasils-t-ho Public, wvistro tso hi relscmssd te furuisi.s aisgooti wootxuatfttitli us assv ti the Ceont-y. kleit. iii,1870. 87. WHITIJY, -ONT. A.X A SON, - Proprietor. Tice aiove lias beea tioreng>sly renovatesi, uaidithebs: iIc w91Ilmsd overy eecvanrnodsîtaeu April18, f570. -1 5 WESTERN FlOUSE!01 DUNDAS ST., WItITI3Y. rU- ndersslgted sl sitlr)iutat, t-s>tisa .I publuic t-bat tliststove pretusîses bave been ueowly ittesi up sud jerio'îtcd ticrongtseitt5 for th isa ac oiosation O ents oaee Wlne,( ansi --Lîquere aisi Cioagrs. -1 "Tic. Cresm of Conmta"-almo ocre Rine Wiue, Walus s Leger,,w ehoeanas tretail. JOUHi'IlA. BANDELL. Iloarders taken by tise ivoo niederae Wial& y &a il 17. 19 FIIIST-CLA-s ACCUElIODA&TION. Feh. 22uti, lâ7i.- C ENTSAL J1OTEL , BR' UCHAX JOHN BAILEY, Proprietor. -e-- Tic, abeve iaetel lama beau îelyttad-. np auss furniabcd. (8ueate wilI fit eernfmtebio accommrodataon snd attentiomn. OGccrooany slabling asd atteistiveosmtiers. Jeu. 26,1i870. 4 jJI'A'MING IMi'LEMIINTS, &C. Tise untrsgueti hsgs tu state tisut lia continues te ,piaunflIctire Root, See« Manure Drille, AS WELL AS W AGO NS, AND Ana KLINOS O PARINGLUIEENS -AIase Us»_ OLO THEn-S N1ÂNGLE & WRINGIiR, Noed eosuns ef tIseeat"rIl," , e telknt sanaiuufcturcd lia1sica ceusstmy isuît111 ýi IsOrI npmv esi STIIAW CLITTEUR, me oaily ivol" uamad go superier bru evar>' respect. 'arel le 1iuW îialeuate cxacuîe 1aIl cdrewith ehsICh hlie snaj. ba favereti cheaper edwithîgreater expodt .ou thisu itlserto,aamj te guarasaîee every nastiefactiomu t-o cusqtorner, fls tlisequetity ;)f t-lawert-mauship suri-nateniai. W- Cerdwoes anti Lumbor tat-en lu ex- cisange, anti Oah Prîce alloet. Whlby Nv. 2470JAMES 0LATT-N 8-y 781 NassaulStreet, New-York HOR$E MED>IOINES - AIl descriptions o e ibeat Hoeenudi lues i kept couetautiy on hba, sud for 991Z, at tbe in chquons 1 bae t I' r. Iif-lclgs~ss ~ a i aeY, 1'tnau,- No charge for advilea.-, They arelit for a liday,or asa 'J aathl i oMor,' . . « N . SAY. I hatv, lippeas , beentifui-beth ,rainaa4uîd Whitby, Nov. !et, 1871. 4 1 Plain- ________________ li you wear tbem tlueyl1 savaOyon azret"deul * V J L And Jewalery-ycs4, 1 had naarly ogt Aithougia lu the ceea y on ill f nd sneh slot, ID J TY FO S I . Of paarlsand rubisa 1 ovryî-Icuitbouat, - 4- , But hoe.lu -ood timptsllteli thn .we;t., rri E eubsebr effara for nale tist 161111vit- There acbjet sud fine jeweis le vary good taste J v aluable proport,w»te own0 Wt t Az-nck f or tUaeprood sud the obste- by, is--A»riaos1lëfiPwvxa -Coa*ftpriwit And noir. deareiladies pt. ir.e el qauttwr et au acre etiand4,oetated or.the e il And voulllfima evoinîng f1werg for tisaOàdd ueet fGreen sud St. Pater Strcete, lu the, Felles-a1 BaIl.South Ward. *" fo 4 o uhorsebacit, ieigh 'or carrnage Aaohsfnraflad eleudad c0-or)nAto ela-er o anlul oun, u "nice iccat et goed vne yon'ii cet frets-- lu a iih %tat* et cultivation. on the coruetf E. KNCWLING. Welliugton sud Giff.ord Streata, Norths Waid, A quartero u etaonCoCntra strest,.Sohth N. B.-TIe psrtisarliiipliseretofoe existlng 01f hie residauce et C. Draper, esq., ,lutbe ice5weîi Mro. Knowlitig esîd bMrâ;.Mathews Sente Ward, 1hbvirnica isto ' uul osnte As,~wuyAcres eof poil land, nbcbg buieswi;,ovdh ul cnet e A '*wl futuire be eerrhd on by Mme cemposedefouateof lot 18, lu thfe lOtiu gece- Kuowlisug eu lier owss aoceoutiti aeefheewehlp et Murray, Lqupty et Wlistby, Jars. 2liîd, 1872. 4 Northumuberlaud. - £ «A ecear sud ludlaputable t1itiswil hba BRITISýI AMERICANI givea te ail t-ha aboya property. For furtber partionlers apply te tthe owner. <'W <WVTSM',WYFRANCIS CLARK COMPA~ bIIAINY.Wityjy1917.2 TO TIc, WRIOCe5-.sss i d i l asiiîi, gwiaeuiaîmiP-eîut boulse, the Capital, $400,000. ESTABLLS'IIFD 1831. luS oi sînI elt;tsl llssd'Cesnpes-y 54ir<sprepare~~~~i t sit rist 'n i case of'- re rtstr -s. t-s siloa let aauy wir Itabilsl t1ed 'c', spussy lsCssa Isnltid idntion lsazsmdons prùpct1yli surel, for 'tsme Ilvsr. or lesis, uit »Pper y in- rates. oily o t.IiAIIIIANKS, J. Wilitlty At<. foce, Breet- St., whitl'y. REVERE ]HOUSE, XANCHETE5,10. W. PLANK - - Propnotor. Stssres te iail cm IWitiiy cell diiy.Every. paeîtci sd se guacte. (;afl ' deten PHIRNIX FIRE ÂASS Li RA N CBco«, IOMBA RD STlEET & CIIAIIING CROSS, ES5I.BLISiI.7'D -IN 1782. (31LLYSPuE, %IOFFATT & c , Ageents for Casissie. JAMEISDAVIsSî,I,N, lisasager, INSUIANCEi gaiiist LOSS lîy FIREtarc cifeécted ti i tie itfcx-emsise trmme, ansi LOISSES l'utID witlscut refeèreusce te thse Board lu London, YEOMIAN (I1BSON April ird,196c. igut,-hts LYMAAND ELLT&Ce., HENRYDEWARREN, MST OOJIXNEPIIA D 4FRN GLOIflUS SUCESS The Osborn Viclorions Evcrywhere. 25 PIRST PRIZES, 3. NECOND L'RIZES, . 2 DlPT.0OMAS, Provinciual Exhibiltion, Kingistoi. 1871, FIIIST PIRIZE THE, OSBORN Lockstitoh Family and Light m anfaturing Sewing- machine O VIR ALL COMPE'2I2"011. TIse ('51111Eus îàr-muineti by cli iraclictil Sevisg -Maclliseolete. v e toerongtiiy esseninesi it. le Il uîct ouuiy a FineSt clasa Ma' chiiliii vomy jsutticlt," tst, lis tisr oiriect Tite IJest Famiy Leckstltcb Sewlug. Naliu i n e athae Market. The prisîcipitpolists cI saeitii tlIseOBORiN ever aIl u-ters fir§-Tii se iIui' ims pliicty cf 'i molsisîiersi, tIse ais ruus.e rpoy e in tu tccomstrnctism, itsAiJ'-g qulitia5S~ud v ado resugü of %work i' p ieI?,od, ssoîsasne otiser nisolsine fitsitl anst el at 1pries crin stmiiot,'ITie ttîie' nouI ii are large, t-lie n estj!, Otm aigt-st, andi oasîly st,teniso vtips'tassî lsispeact4lc ote got eut utetir Ti ddIfca4 e alee ai nd aîsiiceresi 't eilli, "Cotptirg flttiof'bric te be useti THE "5BoR7i"' CUÂLLýýGES TUE 3111 Guaranteed for three Years. Tlitsossasudu suerlis tsc tlsressiusout Canstdi. Agents Wanted Everywhore. Agants fe r s>utssie cont>', t>urbauh anti Vic- GUELPII SEWING1 January 9tà, 1SÛ2. MACHINE 00. COMMERCIAL -HOTEL, OSHAWA. JAMES BLACK, - PitoisrTore. -o- onWencieutlY fitted up recuis for Commer ci travelers. Billierds etteehed. April 8, 1870. 14 D. IIOLLIDAY. BROOKLIN, - - ONT. &GEkT FOR THE ISOLATED JIISK FIRK INSIIRANCE CO. 0F CANAD&, TORONTO. A Puea.r c"Àaàx Jze U5T Ton Alis Agent end App reier for Canada Per- ninent Bnilding end Saving Society, for loais of mnony et low rates of interest. Whitby, Anugnst 7tii, 1871. ly 82 R ICIIARIII S<W- Belli te inferm i frierds asnd the public, tt h é ha& re.takQn bus old preminea, lutely occupied l'y Mr, ArnalI, wheru hé i8 Dow prepared te, snpply overything luinthé ANI) CUNE~TJJNRYUNE. Juict reecived, saéveral ccas of lPEACIîlES & TOILITOES, very snperinr. SCIIOICE ArPtLES & PEA11.S, -FREdiSi l YSriTls, FICUI'i 0F ALL KINDS, Ke1st constesitly 011s limc, is soasomu. (ORANGF.S, L EMs0NS8, SARDINES, L(iBSTERS, RAISINS, PRCUNES, i IES, TOIIACCO. N. B.-Ã"ysteme eu ho eidby tise plate, coot-et or rue. Breadi delivemeti dai!y toe ciatemers, ans i]I et-ler provisom anti gnseti deliverei as tVay [me orderesi. Chol.ce 43rauds of Cigarsi. Wiitby, Sept. 18, 1871. 87 THE îSOLATED ItISK FIllE IN'STRANCE C O' Y O? CANADA. Il E A 1) 0 F Fl1 C E-King Street, cormer et Ir Clircli, Toroasto. CAPITAL, - #oe,ooe Lspsutisitti Ooveruîcst, - $50,000 W. A. ,A W', AGENT. MctlassBloot-, ireet- St., Wisitby. W liiai)y, bopt. 20ths, 1871. 38 ALICTLON BUSINEi"SS 1869. 1869. T agte returu thankasfor tIse libeasl patrou J.agisretefere beet-ceulupon me, autito an- nounce tliset 1 arnpreparesi te contnet males, - itiar is TOWN OR COUNTY1, AT REAS9NABLE RIATE$. g--Arragements for sales enu be maide cither at the CuRortîCLE Office, or uticiy own Office, Breok street, Whitby. L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., W hitby, Jnuly ~ S. m ARRIAGE LICENSES I T H 0M As 0HUSTON' MlUER 0et UIARRIAGE ILICEKS@Es r&- Oflce-Town Hall. Reidence-Ijyron Street, tlaree deors nertiscf Town hal. Jan. 17, 1870. W' HITBY PIANO F AOTORY JOSEPH RAINER.] IPIR OP RIEBTOR . -o- Thae suhacrlber, t-n retnr&ng hi&e sun- dore t-haut-s te tIse many friandei sud enîtemera est the Whltby PIANO MANIJFAgTOllyV begt'rtoet-at-etuaha nos carres ou t-b busi- ness soîely upon bis ewn cceunut; and le se- licIIar ftfireendos h soe e sure t-hem that netbia g vi!h beli% undone ou hi& part t-o gir. satisfaction, lu suppl>-1nt QUJALITY 0r -RI] STYLE, & FlINISH-., Tise eeeb6t-ed nov patent anti 'eroa-acee pat-tamer tbis owis Invention nssnutact-ur6l s heretesfero. jd AIl ordoraezonutd vit-h promptitude su ipat-el.;- r --j e eài t* O mres or astud,o f Ute srd suldsotwtr yApply to 'A. A. O bIE USIO BOCsKS 'Maed, Pit-peid, on recelpt eofuirkd pr] patsw Ea1eedlo8 Wanu Sceol (lOth ed.)$S WorraIll'a <uitàr Ichool, -Paers MlodonSohool, Ne ýplus Vitr (liee.boek, Soni Echo, eontsiuing over 100 songa, p.tlePirier Conipsuion, for-Pinte aîad - Viollu, 2- péters'-Forr CÃ"fJoprîton, for Pinte, Viol- pst4;rs Newanid Jmproved Violin Methaod Wimmtersted's Violin lumttruetr, Weilerle Flute:without a baster, 2Xewj'Yeave. A Cantate for Children Shiuicg Ligfatsa collection cf sacred gongs 2 Megiec ircie.Easy Piano Musie. 2 Address J. L. PETURS, 699 Broasdway, N York. S0ssd ai) centh for s sample copî Paters' Musical Monthily, find yen mil gel laet $4 Worthi 01 musie. OTICE le hereby oiveaî1 thfa iesa Nwjll bc nmade uit tise nÉxt session ofi Legisilauro et Canada for a.) Act te incorp ste a Compcý ny to, conetreet Ia Wl1eaiwy froso City mt loronto to the City of tOttaswa, w power te cenneet wit> existiug or priojec Railways ln tise Domuiiou. Toronto, 290h Fcb., 1872.1- NEW PHIOTOGAPH 'GALLERY A. BARRETT Bep to-ououce te the people of Whitbya viiiytiste-will sbortly open a PHOTOGRAPH GALLER' lu fthe builling opposite the Ontari lot wlscre he will s&eon b. prepared te take Phei graphes, &o., ln the boa£ styles. A. BARRETT, Wlîithy, Feb. Igthi, 1972. i New YorkI Offie, 27 BEEfl{ÂNST. THE FLORENCE SEWING MACHINI Ctili nt Jolil'ost', Musiii Store i!n 1i1010W or Wlîitby, and msetiâi beautiflimacliv wl, ich an-st-es four %littarinýt kinîls cfr stisciE and scwm ba'th w:ys. Eissaîsvery ight ai til rhoese intesîditig te bu3i a macine iftilîei Rsnd theur eddregste Johin S. M. eilecc Wliit!sy, w ill receive a tfull dcscription of th Maiiele, Witbi price Iset, &C. Jt>IIN S. Mi. WILLCOX, Wýhibby, Jen. 3114t, 1872. Agen Photography, -0- R:~ H. Willson, Photographe: Picturceof ssii t-mjc anîd izes takaon ii th bcst etle. Lite ite. portraits, eilier plaino coiored lunOH, %Water or Iiidin lnk. t()Id pie turcs neatly copied. The-sicew Cimeo Vigneti l'oirrait, aist4teulo y Notinan, of Teronto tut-eu ut WilItioeiî'tsNew Gallery, Wallace' 13îtait, Wlislb3. S TALLION 10P. SALE. "CANADIAN COMET. FOR SALE, thîtitslplenidid four-yer oli llir, by "«Coeot," out tif-dum l'y importec "&Bay Walace" - g d. by itsîprtcd "Dorotit,l tiie celebratcd kILgI!Sîscoasil-b;s g. g.g Il Cisadin icse*ge A flrstelass lieraf la every wy very geutîs iund a munre féal getter. Terma lleasy. Appîy te the proprietor, GEO. IIICKINGI3OTTOM, Io tf Balsesu, P. Q. B R OOK 1 1N H0U8B BROO0 0K L 1N, B. E. TOMLI.SbONY - Proprietot. 1 have laasged tise above nained lictel, snd em proared te furuisla cvery comfcrt and con- venieilce te ail wiîo mey sevor me wlth s a nl. The Bearis snpylied witlî the ehoicect Wines Liquort sud igero. (4od Stablsades Shetis. Evory attention paid te guestis. Brooklil Feb. 20, 1872, 9-ly MIBLANII RAILWAV 0F CANADA. -00- ýT1XE T A B1 . - Onl anai aterlieuday, Neveusicer 1li, trains .W111 mun asfoîiowis Port Ilope, depsrt......9.16, a. ni. Llsteay, arrive............... 12.06, a. mn. di depart ............. .12.18, A. un. Beaverton, 'rie........... 1.45, P. . -V'ot Hope, depart...... ... 8.00, p i Lindsay, arrive,..............6.0, p. mn. TitAneS GStO eu-RAi1L. B otn, depert. ........... .2.45, P. nu Liudsay, >srrivc».............. 418, r. ~'Po6 depart-------------...425 P. ni. Prt Hope, arrive ............. 715, p. am. - XID. Liundsay, dapart.............. 9.25, û.m.u Port, Hope, arriva ........... 1.50, p. m. H. eG. '£ LX lil dýé#joe- wltb dionda ani Jse0, 'NotWng,' sys he, but tisaItbey vase re. If y ffwrii but lova me SO tru.; - 25 No'msdiu througliouî aiIbaheoentiy, th- eeple frountithe rusgtéothe P rm llirny ntothea-'ele, seting e esun., Andi-by the same L80 Shali rivli beauty mny Kathleen- tuknMn. O'Brien, if you want' my L 0 Thonsy t-bat yoïi e.1 aa onb, my bride, iangiston, tisene sho ta fer yeu-take-hon.' 75Mevournae eu culla i1 S oh, Bamyyoneuwmlseen ha My bride." '10,palisew 'youdo tins,' saisi- thedtar- 00 "Ah, ing ceaturo, 'sitis as inany cequettisi 20 "ABarsuey, go 'way wiîh your coaxiug, ind sesif melle d been eti V'esar Col- sure richles were Boever for mie; loge ail hon lite. 3 () l'va ived long saplain Kitty Datrrgh, 7b' Anipli Kty 1ura11i b.' cent Baye I, 'unlesm mise turne Chais- 75 sure truc]loeauenue>er be purchased tian andi joins Brother Modym ciureli.' 71 AIL yenr dhuueaadà%, ýyeur riches or weidtb, Dear Western yeu knew l'un a Met-li., 150 Couisi asever iuduoe me te love Yen- disl-Gosi fergtvà me. 00 Twould be but alone for yonrseif. -Ti 1mamtf ieldt re 00e Maivonrcb ban, maicl re l - contr~oversy of noligione difféenesc; fer ye I'ndb u ioefa ereu. tise drop was rising tu our heads, ana at"1 Demr Kathleen, I nueset net te purciua: peoplo always dispute pun ieliien wlien La Tise riches et Golcondas. iuetiey'eiun. Were as nauglit ceispareti with lice gieucea th e t n ounwks. T.Lct'e fleamia frein thonseyes ofti e. - on hrequartensofa urwsap tinTien darling tin t t1e MY oete; pei Busithe, andi Cenfucius, and Zenoast- tise L'ute yen, ï~ cara notbing for weath; or, ansi Maisemet, and tise Vetias. ansi 101" Gave 'nin your besrt ju§tea corner, tieKrnasiieTlmd-Ioua- tic, Anti lova me alone for inysels. te Rr,andwthee amutisetain eK auo- l t-h Meveurneen, acushle itesa fw ee ttefiro idr ted And love nia abusa for myei.'eny, andI these elsi weriies ansi tisir "Desr aIa>,doctrines wene notbing but sticks anti sin itor arnoy a y on s wore saifiais; atones anti nsanow bous lu our bauds. Sue, la Iiuyleesald By tise meteunpsyehesis et Pyt-luageras' 717 Vie5~ i~n coquetmh sud lcollsb, cis cnJp Buwied ed 1 u,esureate yeu. ieala Jp Bu hre'a s'O rosittinq yeur biaruey, 'Fer sisame 1 sais I , 'stop sueis ugly Aud 1 love Yen su apata cf yen: peif; ewearicig. - Iî's iseatiseuiis, and it wou't Se, if I arn worthy the iiaviug, bv. eti uyu jw fyu iint Jnsât take me alouate youraeIlt.kIl Mevourneau, mous b la i quit it, andi tisnon ilil yenook aud ,lust taka use alêno te -yonreel*." tWheI misould. I mey ?' ho asiset. 'Say ]3y tise piper t-bat playedl before Moses,' gaya I. 7, Connor O'Braen and- the laps. 'Thent ye,' gas 5ha. II aekciewledge tel, A »ants.ous botter ehuponienit-y. Fer wa lu tise C)tOPO-TA< ast enu teaelsyola hew t,à, pray; -but lu Birdet ibety Beck Bom No 1,01, sweaning tise Clinistiaus are st-lU aur mas-- Marcli 27t]l], '72. - Telie'ay ieJapanose. Minister To te Eito ofTji Weteri, athuc.of Wat-'Tell me isow are.-tise Feulant Dean Western Catholie -Ne-et'on 11'Thiero ist't a kick inlemn,' gas1. lest niglit it I fnily approclae th ie ad. 'hBy my trot-b, I'm serny fer that,' saya vasit-eof ta lit-tle "edtiieetion."1 Often tie olsi Minist-er. For if I coulsi depoiti andi efteu my poer tather seoldesi me fer on tlaeunt-o taise Canada, we'd lie acros wasting mry tinte ansi his kenosineo eHlunt-o drive thse En glias eut of tise East lID- t-le pontierone tesk of mest-ering tlie Clii- dies while yu'le satying megpJe, ju:qt nesa. Japeneme, &yabie, Hjindu ansiet-hon as soon as 1 Ihose Anglo-Saxon roblors oriental leuguages'; but lest niglilI wa ssuta gotteit- aWiin wtls auy reapeet- mono t-han nopaisi fer sy permevernen a ble pewer." - being able te enjey a toast of reasen ansi 'l'u urprisesi ai your toolielimeas," a flew oet8eperet8 wit-l tho8e jeily olsi fol- oriesi Jndge Spako-eisy-snan. 1l)om't lows of tise Japanese Emnbassy. - you kuew t-bat Englansi wouldu't go t-e .W ts geunine Irisli hospitality I iuvit. war witis a swatnsn*et bees, at ttle prosemt edterarest seule ofthtie part-y t-my tinte '- ewureon t tse boa aitioa, asiwbat Lest we alieult gat lut-e a ditqmute lu tooli place tisane I wil repent for yenr polit-les, I preposei a tetig, ansi eue of columsns, as tan as uny ragiug beaticha t-ha beauties. cemplieti by gining Ut 'Do -ansi t-le ditorsiarly syntax anti etymology Tliey Miss Me et Homo?2' et-thse Engish lauguage will ellew. y Tison tise Tycoou'us Minseof e Educa- Witli a Word ot their -native lenguage, tion sang tise feilowiug: ~'ansi a wiusk oeteatbelistiopower, whese în n0ai ia u& an vintme le well-knewn by thle Japanesa, Sisys tIse shisussVis Voeht- wu Irishs, ans inlu act ai nattions et Eastern Ansdftle Geesiseits îs!issie' uae engin, I rivet-ad tliein attention while t-bye sstile Ssan 't'fn Vocht.- l"were eujoying a sisort rompit-o frountishe stil'-eoerojIsa vil unmauly att-ont-lent ofthtie littie doge et Anil'il1 do% ss wilh tîuis, chenspagise, ox, t-li datiy pross, andtheis long-winsiesi '5aystIse Sisesi Van Vsîe5ut ýh blat-benings et eus city officiais. Deligist- osi t-o le adtiressesi in thiaoi vennnar, Geogmuspuiy is flne. they cceped. iar, Siur, tfieSuis Vuss;Voelt-- t-e1 acpts.My invitation witis eaer- Aiis'Gmatisssiýur lat divisse, ut. ness ansinet-bing but my limitesiqua-rt-ors Susys tiiesian Van Voctt- -pranantot me froun baving tisewisole par. Gcogrsioty is fine.' t-y t-o ententein. And &rmm i liit ie 'Ah i t-bn, hew do you do, Mn. 0'. Baya tluSis Van Vîsclit.- a Brion,' saisi Prince I-welk-you-new, as ho steppesi wit-hin my humble apant- Tise dean teilows said that wastheis first meut. song t-boy ieard lu t-leirbusdiug lufancy It will honot-icosi t-settie Jepanese wliule sitting oaci respectively upon bis r.latuge centsains il t-ho mono st--ei-g motis' knee. lie idiome ot oun own speechs wieu we omit The o tllowing sprigst-ly Anassrooutic or tise powortul arome of a genteel Irshwatsùsing by Aiîe- Mikadeo's tempornce e- bregua ; antuiistact will gofer te uphelsi ergenuzan: 10 tise Boston Pilet'8 arguments upon tise You're walssote asthlulre,- )I' aucient- power ansitise East-ern extraction Te whiskty gaiore, et eus race. Be vois Jew or 15shyloiaan 'I atm natty wil, ani how l yous lluga notiig te su sut IIa rtywladhwi or Our aorrowg lilco drist- houer?' satys ~~~. llore'e a yack for teWiiigesss 'Serra a bit but unlidlln,'says ho, 'anai îî courfermss moelatio, I am bot-hret witliln an - For tîsmee d'ead es, inch oet ue lite by tiese fi-brosi ansi wense Tîiengîsli1 ride to destruction e potiy os'; beget-ten Anericans. I den't s00 hew Anti vicen pis'yed cnt, YOu ecau livo aunong t-hem et ail, Mn.r. ÀMYjsig t-ait l'11 0pet, n Brin,' gays tie Prince. hi- ote'alilgoii I ooultn't,' gays Il 'I coulsin't but Oh, aevem aay pas, t-bat t-boy'don't know my tim-loionored Whbile ttaame's jnsea ais s g>sss, ,I ansi noble linoaga ; for if t-beytiti,' gatys 1, iiisesi enbacnda la 'tisane imu't an article oftnf'nltUr n ut-bus If youmn wilisiurtoeIstiti' id neens, non a etitcisoot dothem on =y lied, Us a eheet-k for the Wsaiicgtoniali., 7Ynon a hain upen ny heesi, tint t-iey would- eweeai en apyaou-t-i sen't drag ewey, as a nolie ofthtie fine,' gays t-une. Thon t-luc Japanoso Cousmissiener il I. I lino ýincognito, yous houer; I pro- et patentm sansg t-li following beantiful tond t-laI I atm nobedy ancd tisAmericans OrietalJ logent. Clot-bat lu t-hcgerli et lot une alone.' simpliciîylt bas, nevicrt-ielcas, a signifie-f I woulsihaeosaisi more ou t-bis sub- auef otonîswiioimportance: J. joot-, but et .thatmmeot tise greet-ost al -buat-le lu t-le wonîsi wa soansi upen tise Twencli ekaveut n 1 To figlit about- st-airs. Itwas tise rmaindor 0of my ox- -Noineater could yunspy 0: peetesi guosts. Prince I-waik-you-raw One home tice limme, intreducosithe ladies ansigenleomen te Keutt-y gamae, Tise firat sentimnt s'as tl ohowlng: put me inMy lil-oie tadjdinlg ai ,May tli a of ethuma= brothonor eoun. ld estinws ht ffoaigt-c 01auount th&sOeverli"of oseeîî'IIt vas M etsnainwstbtc ialgI drunli with greatçoed wiLf, sd'to il». lutiese ofet Japan, wMthOUlln shore tel trate tise e9uit of.it, I turned ' lowsnd the, in,'eWo' o.Hm 11 eu young léeeswith loolie et bretuhr - ho aliasdsnnssudlrn foction, for whlch they Ihankodme ~rmi onwl uSaeton , The naït toast Wu.atimr*haacs O'BaRtw. -- ln ,May lhe bird othumnan froedomùnevaý-e.- ti Ios a leather,atithle 4alone hoe ditffllss I Tise ]poorest; education tisat Ieachos tri 'Yougot is botter than thebest- thai u lier ceeka, wesbiucgwta et he- saune tom aIllte piaint witb. whih aIie 1usd adorned lier faoê ; Ibis neceesnily re- quires 1;wo more heurs atthe toiletwhep ahise ready for lier breakfast, wich cen- sists of a variety of $ela dishës. Tiss over, se. acicthirows herse]! -on- the sofa, and rexuasus thiere,half-sleepiug atnd lcaif-waking, tliia female frienê probably drops in te see lier, upen wluli-the sam- ovsrr again maices its appearanoe,aud our fuir Tartar d*a--ks aýain s mucli tee -as she tlid iu the mnorninig-torsay the least, neot lets t-lineo e cglt ups. Tise isarmeny, of lier face is agai deatreyed by tse copions flow of- perspirationo tiat-- enucses,, and she in foreed to paint lier chcks afreali in erder to appear et (tin- uer in ail lier elarinsu utise presen']ce osf lier lignsbeî. in1.825 M.Thiers wes aprinter's devii. A kivIowedge of extr-weakness croates iu us eharity for eothlers. Thse BritaIs Iron produèt lsaboui?,t 5,-, 500,00> tous a- year, and> the Antericen about 2,000,'000. 'A vian in Sait Laike is englagedl in thle superloias hbsiness of lecturinq on "heow te pop.tIse question." - i A so'rrececît-y iad a peultd eofeigar settîrnesi, with à note stating Ot tit con- tained too mnuéi tend for. table nl. and cnet cuiouig fori bxuiling pu-poses., A Nevalct man edvertices tit tiiong tle roe niay loge its fraserance -and thse sl aitro ck vîr ith er, Ii s il lo 'c loe k 'lu nc h es -in tissir excellence sieU oendure forever. Tfice yomtls -ivittsstLu EL watci atd re- turned ut t th ie o ewso, Whoepronnsed 'ne question.&;arheel,' iii i e. Thse owaer - was asi geoil ru Ili-:,Word, but lie arroatei thea yeitlc without aîîling amny questions. A3.stessiacî oeils thse attentiosn cf, tie So o liu, 0 nPm of C'tumlty te Aiinaas te t-he storekeepers Whio ueglect te pr-evide seats fur tise female cleitn whilc ciet essgaged in waiting sopon cus- Two feina 'le stridents ilt- Leipsie bcdaia duel, tin weliclc eue lest, an oye sand tlfe et-iwr part ef lier me'sc. Muisical bùes -ire eocuimg into fashiom again, antd WC fli'l t-hem 'cOutsealed lu Cha irs, -albums, sîlger-ceses, 'work-boxes, amui ail sorts of nhearl cfplaces. Thewifé cf an Irish gentleman being sssddleuly taîccu iii, tise iusbaud orderodea torvant te get a lherse readito'go forne 4_octer. liy tho tintie, leevssi, t-bat th~e hleevas ready, and the oe. te tse Idoctor wc-ittu.ci, ite lady lied receveresi ou whi'hulie atdesi t-le foiowug pest;script and'seut tse servant off: " 3y wifc isaving reoxeroul, yeosi nent cerne. - Tie Juiusul de MI. IeieraZsa{. tof M-farch 7, ttos tha nt a sstisque lu Cstucasia' sudoily ehsanged e '.prospereus district flte a - desert.- It dostroyed tisa City ofqcehomaia and i*njire s sverel ncighaboring villagcs, cstusing a iota ôflS7 lire. m At au 'atljoiineticd Goueral Session Of Cousty magistrato f Yenk, Isols et tse Court lieuseTrto M. T. J. Jonces, lutte cf t-le CîsirlIxcf tise Peacc's office, was appeinted Iigs Conistable for tise Couuty in place f M s. Ilig gi sî e a so i Bellev-ille bas ne lots theu fine bra greunds witiiuthse limits cf thiseuor- poretion. Tise Wahertox Station lies been clsed andi will net lie reopenoti till, t-lie W. G. ýB. lino te ballastei front Clifferd te tisat peint. The sollowii*gappoiltmert<s havebeeu gaetted -Jaq. Gilespie,-of Pictonto ho Sheiff of Prince Edward, vice Alissloun Groeley, resgused; Tis, ZE. Tisoruten, D.;P, of t-li village cf Consecen, to bee sn ausseciete coroner for Prince Èldward. 'Excuse Ibis bitoef eareasm,sa&Sunith te Joues, 'but I nsast sey Ilat yomarc am înfamone- seouadr-el.' a rnthi kit cf irony,' saisiJoncs te Smnith, as lie knecked. hùm dowsi witlî a poker. Slionidau's selicitor, celliag eue day, founsi lais wife alenoeand iana bout in a stateof violent exciternent. Ho esk- si -wbat wat the cuetter. Hr'ol e sly wasth tiat lier lsnsband wues vlai. Aftür a tie Mlle cidedL wit Soie hesfi- ation, 'WVisy, Ilave diseoveros tisat aIl the lové-lettonslIfe sont-me were tise very sane lie sont te bis firet wifo.' 'Wliaf ina-tie différenceo botween haif a 1 11

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