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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Apr 1872, p. 4

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ytîl an~d (oiteopt kii, for lojys and- y ,'roont TE~R, e Ontai). 12 lIu4Io3c Brosk st. <Wbltby. -Ii# C ompanly IRaUTeg aro Bn'ldings;, 4 YOI1ft7 Ohurcb.e, seheol liUese, snd thecir 6ont9ntj lt 11*.és aL) W a#thue of aiiy W.lî atpàbllà1mOompan.y ln C<anada. JOT LMUPAID I'EOMPTLY. L. WMIB*NU, Ja, J. P. BICKELL, î8.ertav~.Prealdcrt. N. B.-Mr. D. Bollldsy- la un longer .iun Ar.nt oftbis Comepany. Whitbyv, Sept. oï,1871. 8 GEORGE GURLEY, MERgHANT T AILORi Ç~LOTiIER AND D]tAI'EIt, OSHIAWA. GEtNTLEMEN'S «AIlMNI'Prs atie eji ii thÂe hat tyle jil letett fittîlion. Afine stock of Cloihs frein i-îteli ti inaku s 016lection for <oîlîc0 aîîe ,ii. Onhawa, bMsy 12,1869. t Flour &Feed- IIENRY PlIP A l1) l)eslres te lnf'4riu tho fiîliahitiiits et whtitl)y sn 1 Vliciiityhtlliît lie husa snictiel lo t e busiinKss ofr HENRY ITALTEUS, ]BROOK STREET, W-HITJIY' Whero lise kcpt§ comittiiY nlyi iti, Flour, Oitmeal, Corn meal1, B riîiI, Oiui s lihorts. (iraimimu Flotîr. &c. Anud svoryuling tmtthîe Poci litse. liest of Flô-tir foîr faiily ite. Ilîîihiîîg ai lite loweht aliig pnituos. Tîtocash uêyinttin itilya i-î to. iite osAi attti eyaititto e iaJit) cui Iricic. Wfîiitîy, l'ut,)., 1871. 7 flair Dressitîg anîd Shaviimg SALOON-) BIot K ST., Wtt 111111Y. Wltltby Jan. 22,1't0C. 9 , PLUS T IlJTILIt, à NEiW tatasBOuK, WITmi VUtAîtA'tOiiiuNi'. P'nlo $1 ")0 oîîcl $U. licr tiiot. Wlierover tire Ne lILaS IJtnît (lit- Tîbla beomii iîtioducod, iltin)s hti"i poui iwie i i - f orlon te itiI otlîcr works oil is iii, li4t1 t angi-t, Iiesfl -mitiitl olîly 4-t lltiti i (lires 111111(111entotfes,'uc-ii'll '11i tIkilîilit-t. Sti pJ. I..s lule- ' i fo *.l ; s V Jsmuary 211lm, 1872. 4 if The Soth-half o LtNo, 121, liil i, i TO WN 8 I P0 F rICKER 1ING, \ ousiltg100- Acrae,, 85 cloitrol. 'l'lep"ite-P ctli)te farnitt notd 1tîtl it.,Ititie, ititelt-o aIfll ailcab s, ai îîI a godtît *Ilt i l iti t .11,10it liaîfilles frnt nFtciiehiiti'to Iiy mti taii G1', X., sumiiii lli Inîm n Whitlt't 'tetiiit ut Aply i(f ty letter mre 1ttiîl)>ît, ietal'roiste--, lîi ititi1.9). Jsmuary 22it1, 1872. 4-ti JMPORTAN'r TO . lt1l U SI J. 'J. S Tic)1c' EXTRA MAC1111NE (illi. Tht, t)il oxesîs ail otIe-r 01, totaiiroji' Sud vegetibî, attl %e tre Ii'eîinî-eI lI Vh ieitiltytif tIis ()il to tIi clu-r, il 1>' - . the te t roe(mi'sstr) 1 rettio i- t l- c'-lit- IulIe, it le ntliSt tîCi i lt-r gît - ~ eîîhiury, froiru s clochetrr-it<' ' iit Itoaveit ef ,uufV. 'ie 'titloititff r lit' 11 -Wpoints lilu t wtilitIt cîcels îtht-r 0,W4o: '.T Wiijlt NO'r cUMiIeànetiuti iltîryr: il-1,t byOter Olh. ih willi Ut tlunt'il i r itlut lin -heooîdebi of a'outier. 'his5 bà (tjîîuîîîv1 -01 te Iigbesgt Inportanca, front theflet lin011 i -- no.tlitvi ng ibis qîîuuliiy w Iitlot litln»iriteté)i cold siafi, & lailiami)i.m ay bo epî>lietl litilu hatell. ,tate, but tht0 noiieit l u tile lii it cll shm it c805 egaîuii tuttlwilltit lultrcîl-tt- tiI thutleornal by fiction at-uitlroi it 1,11111; i store necssry te reiluco It te ut litilu lid t it soquirngýa hIghecr temniioratuire l'y fiction., tue journal ex psuds t tnd the hbox 1% tîtjnrocî,lit is as 5ilîpossible» tilee lI ttiwill cuill onilu eold 'a aft vithaut titis reiuit, as ti tlI itii.. le 011 wth watr. J. 0. Stolic'm 0i1 ii lu i- ~rieawthe omdctit cIilc ho ~iue ltiiii-iî la ilmll~est ls 01118 notsitîcîl ii tireqr teî hup ad etablshq anti iitýit>iigtlttîttîit pf Matilsfsctlou antiDUaIltll i 1aivit>oI-v orefr lt te re1ncd HSperrp or puiro,01i<e-. t i. fiaesfreux the ohjetiuesurged tciiigtt ail othor O1a,,uts Il dons. mt guiîmuon fi'iezeî. Nio% as ihe publiecsm-ocs'anre thut mîuîywîmrlîics thiD8ugeare puliffael litho iotenlcty, fil ,î if) prove that ttisleneoiuimhue, atlti t-mcoine onelvei egaînsi ilmo OPorfttoýtiehniîrlt- loua o11 agents,, (mauy of iyoin will tiot hosu- tâie to palm off tue Meut, offal of oil refinenies sA bolug idenicofl wth Stooe'u extra, Maclilme 011 ) we propose ta thoso who are imîlorosicti tuiVetrueuh of t ie seattoneis, ta seil to thora, on spplleatioiu, by mail or -,iiîterwiiue, - rce of chargte lu auy way, ut aanie, 11,11tc il, thatitw ay mpak for ithlf. And-l eill atir bl wittlit iL sfow simple testas c ffectiveans '.'thosi testa by wbhu gelîl Inknoliviifronît the baser metsle, and Wh ehc wiII enablo parties or- derlng to seenne tllenislvesa agnlinst InipoF4l-' tien b y .nliblig thora te deterntie ai otuce wbeýIh$n 8h, 011 fcrwardod la1 as gooti as Afl"partIei dealluk IlutMaiIhînO 011% wililJO Weil te coonunbeste with GEO. B. SITOCK, Broughuitu, Oui, Bile Agent for the DomInion - Broughcam, Matche 15, 1870. T E S T 1M*0I'NA L tlitjOSICPFII HALL MoCUXNO WoRMnî, Ohnwa, ApiI4,1870. . 8,100xce, FiQ., IsoetUUQ e., - DzAn Si,-Wo 1itiv ben enlug your Lubrieatittg 1311for tle 'ntt -' four mentile, aand eau say 'SithontILtoeiituioi *s40oho*ean~tud lesa onerUtluîs i otiu oil, We bave un Oar large 14 fetoot lieu litur,< vith luerOh ii.lligi ti kûIata tue tooi iSq brit' . Wu do net w*uuni'sîatbling isiyitirs truly, ireT W. GLEN, Iprsulat. ïhere wiIl be f Musical Instr Stringn ea.aei.j tJM A CIIOICE AND VARLED ý ý4ýRTMBN'N "'Magazines, Periodicals, an&-Pàpers supplied. -AIl Or, for Music-and Books carlfuhly filled. PROF. JOHN -POST'8 CATALOGUEo 0FMusic. rxsTlliMK2<(TAl. FId gltC Little Sancey Kate, OGond Luck, Teo Coing Pl tel) fIruen tiko edswiuh portrait, IntIe of lPraguie, NisonleFtir,- iTho l'.1MfA Uireli, %utth cornet.-, A RAo esuiliiiie, Oxeti Watz, (M'tz.rt,) FrolUe eft e Frokia, (4raî.d iuks Alexi-, Ilatlads withietttod,1ecl Tile Ilýitr, Meni iotiîî i~ iktt'corda e4, r t- l!c V 1 rtt lirn, l'iet si' Glop 4 Galo alp 40 aloep 80 ~fVh 50 snte 75 8iere-h go. 530 IVeltz 85 Waltz -40 Weltz go Willtz 50 lonzourka 1U N! i ,-,ý!soaT igi,1o o Shooet Miîlslit rillirangd anîd docount. sweet Birdy, itlng, Live sud Love Forevor, <oue wbile the Mornic.g BIngbe,, 'Ti% 8 wet to ho -totnlemberod, Auzteacr Bnielî sud Fair, W luai) Daimy liet V%, If dongiuty Deeda îny*Lady PIes.., Baruav O'3és, 1 wll Msrry mnyowu Love, Lest Cllild, comte, 1iapy Oka Qtîeon, 03 fair Deve, 0 fend Dove, Geod Eveniuig, .Scotcha Sougi4-a rare collection ou baud HalwthoneoBalads-a gond selection . Any ef'thec Songs are worth lîaviug. OT.%.DAtiD MSCAL WOIiK. Betîislianolleeti, complote, 661 . abidiged. lliîtill't Pianio Metlod, comlplote, Iclreto'sPitio tMetto,, Met-on. & lloaly's. J. -A. Ge-ts SOIi for liJe I'arlor Orgamu or !lodcoI'no,2 'Cil tcqp (Ice Book, (excellttuit for Festiv- t-t 'r iogliîii)4 cittiesA), Wiiittsi&ôlit Taton, Wiiiît*' IuîtrueuiuuBooîks jfor Guitiir, ociutui,îi tîtr or stal iîîstrutuîouts, lié iIîcVfj Wnrkx are itue bemt issucd 100 Z50 S0 B75 4 00 2 110 75 Bouuid. as desired. Orders will- be cati bo stipllicd withi inusie at tho usiîal1 Ploaso send your orders Vo JOHN PosT, Dealer in Music, Statio- net-y, School 13 otks îutîd Faîcy Goods, Whitby, Ont. * luîic sent Ireceto, nîîiy-.iddless npîtin rîeiit cf puico. ~E'Slhot Music cannot bc -exchanged. Florence Sewing Machine. I i lf - Caîl and see the 10-tf NEWS B -TS & SHOES. r ,' 11 . : i(e 'tl l it as Lad'(r i.Gcw si a Jarcre stock of' anîd Coarse Boots & Shoes IUIc-]s. ER400f tools u d Shoes mîade to ortder. ~i iîdwaîiriitmt'l coifortalile. iiîudia IUubbers, 1Iî ii éucatly donc. (lal lit the olci Stanîd. W IIAAM -Jî'22, 18472 i 1>(JIlJN 1( STP I tilt i t tt'CM r liIt l'y t ti i i r li ie l it l Itsut,411111Wi'.1, ettît l kLilil lFd ,il iiug ;I the iowct-,t lt- itt rieu., for tii;1m L '>lUW Ciitu i H ftr ail hiittl ,I Faîuirs tnîtluce Wvlitsy, ,Jan. ti i17.lii titi1, i-iltnttiC" -îlïe 1LIt u tîcîcit, lc-îu' Ici 414 uie-tti tcfli'oui.i-ilttige cf Parkc 11111, iuitt ntaîniig 14.2 acresl. - - TIIOMAS KNIGIcT, 1IRNSt Boot & Slî,c Store, lirock street, lçVhitby Agricultural Works. LEFI'EL'S -CELEBIÙATEUý Double TURBEINE WATER IIEEL.' T IllFSH W lioels we arc î,w manufactîîriîîg clîcap)er tliin siy otîtar shbpinti tn- lry, andi wu wili give a Cîarsetes witlî cd V1îelwarrîîiîl.ig ticm tu bo as ioil matie, î.od tu give as goed ,,atisfactieîî as any meanu- lfatted ini the Domnion. f>nties desiring fnrl4icr inîformation ean eb- tain it by auldrcaîuuîg VANXTON, TATE & (JO., Pori y-St., Port Perry, Ont. IMaei: mt, 1S86. si Thorald, Dec. 1 r, 1871. tf-SI NO TIC E, '2 (oulity ('f Ontario, ~I IIEREBY GIV&N, TO WIT f J thlat the Coert cf LstzNiai Priziki. t)Ycr sud Terminer, sud Geiieni (Iaol Delivery, will bu lden je snd for thie Co(u.ily n0fulitanit,,in te Court lieuse, lu Me Towîî ci whiLby, on MONDAYe- APRIL 39th,1 1872, At thteleur of 12 'cioek,' noen, of wlîieh, al Coeroers, Juntice of tha Pouce, and sîl othara epticrned, will take noticeo, sd goveru thetni- N EU ON G. REYNOLDS, gîterift làs-office, Whftby, orîay2i, 1872. -8 ~OYSI& 110 E STORE. The gndert.iuî la% îeoved hie BOT AND SHO0E, STORE, tu tl-icinses oa djitîing the %Wesitern loto!, 1Qda0d-st,, tviittbY, whure bo is tunw f-,re ot t xcuite il eors for "rk.; 'llargo amsd 0sel et stock on hiand. 1téîairing doue as Whitby May 8, 181 BisuisFresb Oysters, le-obsters, Sari l'ý Crockery in great variety,.,£g R. -FRANCIS,- DundàB.St., Whitby IWhitbyi Jan. 22nd, 1j872. G EAT CLEARING SALE!- -A T- YEOMAN y in returnli2g thanks to lus o fiiencl ecustomers and the publi e g er1, w beg to inforin thein that in er to reduce his stock -ci Dy Ooca smcbap ie before Christmas, offe the whole of his stock,. con- sitn fCndian and lish tweeds, Beavers, D eskiinui, Broad cloths, Shirtings, Winces. Facy Drsa. go . nbourg ,ReeiBilalck Lustres, Merinos«, Prints, ;hie and grey CJotions, fan Dress Trmmmingil Ribbons, in cndlessvaet; Rosiery, Gloves. Nubias, Hoe , and ail kind -of Pancy wool gondc:, suitable for the season ; wlUtBlankets, horse ankets, Bug o robes, Carpets,'&c, and a f ull stock of Mink Purs. The whole of the above71lle so clieapc'r than the cheapest in: Town. Ladies cali and examine for yursel s fore purchasing elsewhere. Just arrived uat old N. 1 a c iec and fouull asortnent of ail kinds of Christmas Fruits, Valencia and Lay i. rc,(urrants, clîcice isas, Coffec, Fig, Sugar, &c. 0:j The higliet prico pait î Pou y, RoIl Bîîtter and Eggs. Dou't torget the place naine, Y. GIBSON, OLD NO. I NTED IMMEDIATELY A' LD NO. 1. 1,000 Good essed Hogs, 500 Tubs ood Butter,- 5,000 bus s Fali Wheat, 10,000 bus 18 Spring Whoat, 5)'000 b els Puas, 1,000 bushe lover Soed, for w' the highest Market price wiIl bc paUd IGIBSON, Whit y, December 6l, 1871. OLD 4<o. 1. GOOD, CH V-itP A ND WARM C LOIHNG The -undersigned desires tb iîform b is' nuluerous. customers that with theuo oîîy f acilitios afforded hîrn in the new premises iuto which ho lias remtîoved, ho is eniabled Vo keep on hand a large stock cf cloths of every kind, Well selected by himself and of tlîo'best qual-ity. Genitlemen's (?rienîîît s imac-t to oî-del.,1 and a perfect lit guarauîteed. Gentleme'ijîrl*,shmig goods, ifclCiti g Shirts, Tics, Braces, ncwvest styles of C-ollars, &c., JOHN FERGUSON, Dtundas St. Whitby- <1-remises lately occupicd by Nfr- Gerrie, as 9.Drug Store.) Whitby,' Nov. 29, 1871. tf-48 ÇARIIIA GE S& CUTIEIS mèunU-à" N0%o: f ' 'S- CARRIAGES& - an uffactu re I3UGG ES~ - htest style and best Splendidly Finl*shed Guttsers, .0F VERY SUPER fOR WVORKfAXlSHfP. BUGGIES & SLEIGHS. REPAIRS AS USUAL.1 SELF-RÀKING'ItEAPERq AWARDE.D FIRST'PRIZE At ProvinejalI Exhibition, held at T oronto, in the FaIl of 1870. We ôffer 'to our custoiuers for the coinng larv est, two distinct Machines, which in -style and construction, eýmbrace the latest and Most usefql improvements of the day. JOHNSTON 'S SINGLE SELF-RAKINIG REAPER, THE 66RING 0F REAPE]ýS.'Y .The universal success of this Machinie, both lu closely contested trials3 and je theheands of the fermera, warrant us in saying that, as a Self-Reking 'Reapiiiip lachine,,it haî more good points and less.defectâ, and has met. witlu more succes and leas failurie, then -heretolbre offered'to the public. Exhi"biticn,hbeld in ToFonto, 1874, inu competition with ail the leadimg Mach4inmau- furd the Province;- sud wlithour recent .mproverý n S ate nhsfiethatl chiallengeinives$gation ad cipaon with oOptigMchines, wesre stsidta such jevestigation will convinoe *yery unprejfxdeed. mnindF that we ofSer the bëst IWwer~~~~~~J tthFeerorl8,bui e ~ oii on. Send 'for descriptive catalogues, TESN Wit1b, J une 14, 1871,'2 IIEA V-I jw- A.T ý GRFAT%ý;e&L4 DTJCED pyblum. -âp eDrsa Goods, . 1 ý 1 Millinery and; antles,ý' Tweeds, BI' D hn eyry00a .Winc St e 0 er c. antle',,' '01 ouds- Flannels -'Scarfi, M-W F Onne 8 MÀI CLOTII t rg i T'CS'0w-1( Blank Furs, ri f - 1 1 gr a.n a -0ý 'dY'6 In or r to. ma'ke a thorough el nce'of IN i er& our ADY-MADE CLOTHING STO--K,- great- gains ke thor u h ci nce il e offerecl. il À M 'il, & C IIAMILTON TEI 'Uv "SIE, NWAND CiIO(ýE OOIDS& JAMES J@ -MURPHY' las receîîtly r-eceived,.at his newv store on Oundas Street, a large lot of new goods suitable for the season. Ready-m'ade Clothing of the bestquali*ty. at very low prices,'. f D y G -o s ev 1 r - ~An excellent stock.o r ooseey thing in the line;. Ilats and Caps , Gentlemen' s furiîishing goods Departinent co mplete. Ladies underclothing.' FaiiIv Grîoceies comp1ete,, New Fruit, &ec., for Christmas and New Year's. JAMES il MURPHY. Whitby, Decoeubcr Gth, 1871. 49 GRE&T ÇLEARING SALE A 'i, INlct-'!IL, N & C-o. OPhi Buffalo Robes, Railway Pougs, White anti Grey <anndian Blamikets, [borsc Blaîtkets, <arpets anti Feit. Over- ce-ts. Cioihing, &c., C-îitidiuin Twveeds anti Flannels. Cotten 1marntindBags, Fur Caps, ln S S. Suai, Ilair Seal, Plujcktd Otior, Pluteket ecaver, Eniiitie, Mjîtik, &c. WVe offor special iuducenieîîts in the abovo lâces. T. H. McIfILLAN & Ce.' McMillan's Block, Brock St. SPL{LNG ST1CJ<'0F BOOTS_&SHO 1ES* MATTHEW 1COLLONS Begs to atnounce to biscn'rs and the pubiic that he has opc:ned business on the promises lately occupied by Mr.13 mdclli, ou Brock Street, and th'mt he is. now 'n receipt of a spleîîdid Stock of the RIGLIT FIT AND _MAKE, And of the best style of Boots and -Shoes. Also on haud a large'-stock of HOME-MAPE Boots and Shioes which,,cannot be surpassed for qualIýy and prico, Ail orders punctually attended to. Repaîrs neatly done. Business also carrie-d on as usual at the old -stand, near the Royal hotel. Whitby, May 10, 1871. MATTH EW COLLINS.ý THE OLD ST'ë- [E S TA B LlSL-HED 1833. The- uudersigned lu returniug thanka for the 'hitherto extenlded'te the old establishment, forinearI a ý te say that ho has uow on hacd a lange ssortm *e And trusts by proper attention and moderate.p conticuacce.of Publiceatoag.Pnactboal upholstericg. Fu evered. udertakin'g and Funerals Fully Suppliei M£Some splendid Bpecimens cf Pieture Frai Re'member tIe Old Stanzd, Lct-o.Ne. ,2a4 CefiPfeken*ri* Ol Kingien road, post <Offiee, Wity WhIlby, July 11, 1871. ly-28 WHITB Y. R. P. CLARK, - Propriptor -oý--, B. ?.Cflark beizs te iuforma his oid fnieuîdat sud ustmoratut holias reflttfcd sud reno vateem the old hbtct l nowiiî as the 'Fanmert-' liiii,' Ilrock st., wlîere ho will b2happy to ro- ceivo theni, 'on giviug hlm a outil. Goed, setabllung, bex-stllsand oncloied yard. Mode rate .agâ - R. P. CLARK Jau. 5, 187(ï. - MI 1 u S 1c I W hithy Brais andu Strîne Banda. aetapted tpr seirees, 1pie iucg, Eitéuraions ;.Quadrile piirtjéc, d&e., &C., ZihI sunpply tint bout sud lateioisu1, , Qn reasonable Applications tuli bi made eltîterpensounally or by letter, (Post paÎi» elo J. WOLFENDEN, 20-bMay 7, 870. Whitby LIVERY! T IE UNDEBISIGNED DESIRES TO'114- forn li sfniemidsansd patons'tbat hi itaiti roanîneti business et tbe olý - WHITB'y LIVERY STÂÀLma I~ laving ecreasefi the nimber and q olt c h tul u 'es de"d> to cd un- pvoitecv oc» s simehic-les on the peialelop,, by 0bein j.aposton. cf publie patronage. 99 CHLARGES 3IODERATE, . N.. 'B-Coveied coiuveyiate for familles sud ladites., rujt'iedne i eoooe ho ai eorsr. M. RAY. Proprietor Whitby, Apnil 8, 186S.' 14 FELLOWSl' H Y P OP H O$ P-H IT E' 8 A Inget umho diseasu4,overcome by « Ie use et FeUliotes' Oompouor Sf rup of> Iaipop7wstplttu Ckis Uîoniî, Diarhec, linoal. l)oliliN, resultiusg frein Tyîîmoid suid other iow fcverA. Dilitlieritie h',-tatiou, hLy-.terhe, 1Ivpocîiidniîl,A etrri Chînrosi.s, Aumuf- oius tir Vcsiiiig ofi ttt Eus1>'Aîii, l'oatsof Tnice, ihorcî or St. Vitums l ance oSiigslut f lte Lic-en, Ituterr,.pted at F,.ecle Actionu ofrte leant, Su.Jo&ating.Fmirgs citusi l Ii ifuctins ostrueicmte of - tltu Lung and Air Psae lumgthereto, vud Debiliîy fit-tu varices1 cac-aos, muitiy caens 0f whiichlup poiired bopeloësa, - $(Ad by ApotiocumnaG. I~Puce, 81.50 -Sfi for $7.50. .1 J'AMES 1. FELLOW'S, Osaaata, 15 - t.jobm, N.B. .-JOHN CARTER,- LICENSED AUCTIONEER. ONTAItIO, YORK & PEEL. -o- WMRESIDENCE.-,0t 8,, Sth <Con., Mlarkham.-1'ost Olige-Unaonvijle. SALES atteu&e te i iteaoteat enotice, and onou anbloteruis. Ternaim nuboaadeai.d bills pnriittotiio Chrocic10 office for Mi Carter. -17 GERECORMACK- T UJMBER M H T. Carýenter, aud -14Joinerir,renSt,'Wlitby.A laqu titynf ql] kictsoie ibroinaty nhn .,UN DERrJA ING, FU'NMADS l'nlly inppiod sud atteuiled On shbort notice.: Coltinas kep't coniýtauitly ou -Iiaûd -A henni,. te bine-or. ýiberal ternis. wbltby, Pcb . QEÊGE 18MA2. an: f. ha of vo fllt ta: et an uS As - G: n 1 lnT%

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