I) 1W me it4tyfl i uNoIn>Ipa I IT VT éI nt the rate Or 800qoparcVOLJJ VI Id 2 "lits per lBue, Ue _______________ Inde Witli advertfrera by ~ L W- H- E VANS, le orverlsements muet (2iit4s 041ge. Dui W :;b, o.th, 17. G. YOUNG SNITKO V AIJ.a.Ju MÂ,L., - AsRJIITz14 ATTOI40V-?- LAW a 15 WJJITBY B1TAN<Cuî. TOIC TII ClAICERY AND IKUOLVEI K. F LOEC lA RX TOUT PBLjî, -*&C, &C. imoc OTR-m WH1T8T, S DOMINI;ON DANS,. JI. B. ToarJorg AbGEW1T.-l IlM M 1 WATCHKAKER, &c. A prIl 16, 1871. Brook lIres:, - >.- - 5Il. COCHRAN'E, LL. 1D. W*th, çeksMa I nsr 1c rlna. litLiirrlte, Pubtar y-tlc roe tili'11Set o ]ae@ n 31 ty a 3,1ý1 GE1ORGIE fi. T)ARTIqELI, LONDON ASSURANCE CloRPioRA I)ritNRgm rM se EtariFIllE AND LlFz. yl)s I I ti q .....£2,468,588, 17à 4c JA m*4 'iTI (ItlDON, JE DAGENT', MONTRtEAL.....1«J B Stîo'î 'îîi C,ît. îarmer, Nc- NaO. 85 St. Fratîcale XitvierSte. ary Pulic. &v. Uivao-e~ ot11 tol-,Stor ni . & J. JOHN AGNE W, A Capbell, Brock- Ni., W14Wy, out. Wlitby, May atli, ÃŽ571. Wfltby, Noiv. Wý, I m7. 46- FAREWVELL & IUGitEE,'bd-st3 I TAHUS -11 -ê1AC7. -o- (lyriot: :-iîîa mv îîof ititi 'Ost i()Meng The îandorsigîîeçdt ,kisnoîîjaîtainlorm Oqînuî;tii IvXvi t-r"' tt-t îp t e ttersthntihe above MiiIs, Kehîîaîed 0a Tîtwn len, Jtt) tîtim vii t No. 22, il) the 7tl. altccoAion or tuie 'owl J. 1. AI LIS WJ 1~tw;. ILIl M( It. of Uxbrîdge, tire noîv in CHARLs - -PuLL WORKING ORDI c i An . m. c i»,L L ERn, 1A1141ready for catting LU ti r i11n q 1TI'OIN E-AT- Vc, I6OlOR IN t vt utoîîîerés, a.îd with pi tIctuuity notr, c. Caîiîîîgdespateh. on lîrock, 1J. W. 6 Lîîmnber etit frein 10 to 30 feet ilèneth. - .-~ -----JOIIN W J. IIAMJER GREENWOO1), Septenibe 29, 1670. ATTolINI1Y-A'-bt.AS012CITOR 114 A ialicer . Notitry Puibtlic. t oivoyantcer, etc.g W litlty 'C.W. *Oitîcti,, Byroti treoi# OINTIARI -0 IlOTE] sotitil if lPost iflHve. BROCK st, WVlITBY. LYil N G1,i8TI L L. B., CDAWE Si __ Propriot CAry, EouvciAtrl' %,ier lotoý riC .an lIe < eptaw~llied Hotel i m1 8lmae t,,t',jiwî -40 ythea proprictorail ithe ae turtmefnîs b trnilahad with Dc ii ed itable futiîttre. lThe uceitndwilt boive iothig une TAMES LAM<îNlit povidiîig,.for the coinfcirt ofais igiests, th Iybncy rcty rpî tebiet oapure lic, ~ iccil", riiîtî.p li t lt intBir- auî I rt N tii A.%CvitV, tri tei-ti oitpatd Intheluit .tîliiîg, ai CONVIýYiN('I-ýt, , à 1)C. Dawtx, lProprio Ovygt~- ive A in ~ M1111) î si; Wiithy, Nov. 2211(, 1871.4 lxciîim .tt7L1, t1 «9. 011N lÇ WOLFENDEN, Ri. J. < A-,O3F 1, A ortF0TIUE L1UIIhE()-N 11 TiHtE. oj'rV(jAi ~~~~~~~ Ilri uI-t t,.~CELEBRATIED- SCOT7ISi 111131AN i 1SIONGR A NITE. T ittiv-X.tt l h i~:-.~ttctok.- ~~rAt MNI iditi. 1is r stfJONATfIL 'W ILS il LT 'SE, I \1J1I 1Ettt H, t Whiitby. COMMtERCIAL HOTEI A. WILSOTA, Jn. - ?Irprietor. iiO IWIIttV of Au htî, I ,,tht tuittiittt. AittttCe UtA ti h'vit ta illtr l ut ito titi ut ut t Grand Trunlk AT IH T l' tut tt- t - v i t t trus' t0"'tt j 1tX AXl (c. i-tCx, t, 1N; JAMES ttht h A n e 'C'41 tttit- t' .Ii 1Uttcî(tytith îtIt -tI V It. lii u t- Liuoiaaikii---ith- - ulI m L) el %V .1 (M POW ru bytlA- 1~ti E.ou ltsviiiî-r lt-g , l i t, icîîîcc t ityiicîu t ttici 'iei utt s tw fitîed t- t- id ftcr - st -n-iiiier, oiliai-arrdoivei 'G'l unicî11c- oicfottr iti ruutýc- lîttOuttcf guteicîsiidtie-ti t~ ~ ~~~~wt i tlct astîîi e5îtile1uona :ljautliga4r tOî~istaiît4i t. iti citîtt-- Otsti-r i 1waî i uu'lit iriitissCisarges Modiarat .VIi>,.r..o'rtprictor. E. M1. CALDWELL. L f- 1 S tttrltliî Jais. t4, Pled. PR-ii1lway -Hotel. 0-C E IRAL JiiEB'1 ;uolIAý i :t-:..~ tl~~lJOHN BAILEY, Proprietoi t ----. -hh t tt li uît-h itrtct.te l, t will inît iiit îfrtuct t i trti [ mi:N til"lîi-g, 'r, d uit-1 h Rot Illd &MaCINure Drilu J2rorîetr. hW A G 0 N8 4 AND ALL KIN'us OF ci -.-cilo THES t op 01t ttlttHt~ ~ ANGIJE & W I GEI ~ .Naad as ana aOfthe, .besit erticie i ftise kiaL 71< N itinufactti nid iii tue 'OuntrY, aud ltie ioprov- lt Il , ON'T. cd STiAW CUTTERS, e aaely corkod, aund sa Mstuperiiar muucvery reuliteat. '0/N ¶1 î-î rui:. hJ' lee ttutuw eliuub]o'd la exccuîta itt irder4 vithisllclthau tit- bc o t.Oevciseapan i t tti.uitî 1h,11 t u- auîul %îitiî gntaier expilitioli tltcîuî huoet o, Ulid t , , tilt, ta gtuirtuee 'vary suti4tttitiu ltaeut-itaineriin - h-~ it.itr.t - ti'i- tut llî iIaity ou ii5 e rktu ali it- naterircl. - - , h '~ Cttr.iî-. fond uttîî i ulur tîuku utex- i. ciiaige, îuîtd Outitls rice aliawc-d - I JAMES CLAYION ï 1 j j 15tlttî, Nov.t 22, 1870. 47 J'U, I'ropriotor lîîk~.Ftt, Laftýr ttc e pi Iýation of t~~~~~~~~~Dls - iNif1ii' ti.ttvJt ri, tI.e 11uIiulî.dttioli 1ttcrat, tira Attt i',jltli't 11,0 t l' hviut.viof* itb- S uidttW avili j t t. t;c tlîigritii f lite Srmrol. (',ltftet ut0Cîîî. ti carut tu 'ca î ittattitî i utîrvh~~ >s~ t i t ii tut u nuutm lem Nuic.n uu.>tsel c!vt lne e,'as. ttlm, - NT utît.truî ulljiii titof,,(j-uîid MuyAin-Atu ttu auct tiîtîîol r ititi, ntyctuugar, deec ahd. - Prorîeto (0.Il. COCHIZIINE N na-h eu.- fuilsduuIî) uil tieI t Ait ut, 1 o ar AuS2.u 1572. Sîu-14 - ldrtgte ucepsred ta alcamumoo Il t)US E -1 8 (,r lo rie 0 e ictcabisutie uuceo - 1 r i l e . : s t î i î i ~ i o lr , m ti o o r r - F a n i It:~v~ît~ eatii', Ieurrtw~t; Gruiman eL llM .5a TTIIE WS.- t alatr V1iithv, Ai-rutil!d, iSt2. 1'i ---id railtit1t ' -$.WA'rlS';SPIAN( olFORSALE. Btt .IANDliýLL. Ai tia aveekoi*imdcraîA PRIC E, 2 , 1. Apply et Mrs. uamn'à . - Whltby, Aïril si'M8i. --1 OLICI. ô OIC, 'a r, hitby. Ifliwits ofPain. kAnD Jewelhsvy...es, I bnci ueavly fovgot, Altlbcngh lu the eae vonwJU 5n4 ejsnobhla]o0 Of parl a and rublu 1 owisI CânI'tbÃ"ot, TSar. ave l z dtme tO sel] tom the Inoest. Sind1 fin.,-" BL- t O nl foot, or on isorsback , aelg is or carrisega S uthWrd t . a d, n re e p o n rk d pr e . " O I i v ism a l " t n wl uds= aero r, in i t ers d ea T hé- m ate ow a s div d - l thr , t e r a on the mng Seth a or t aîd el fecoodi sud P 'iSeol(O tis ed pt.)$ t Butvteldrermalrtaout e'.? 22 rieb s fgood val ue you'hi et rom -- a bigh stâttsof utvaton. on the corner f Petff ns' t1e ioP an ,Sc e l 1îc a)$ ,25 B t it r en,à ch oer [rvi d à - -E. KNJWLLNG. Wellington snd Gifford Streets, Norths Ward, Wurrli'senttar Sollool. 1 0 Upen lte adscerr remongthe legetees, or a e st those who 1; si iniquities.- t ATO ýA quarter oftn acre on Centre Street, oth' Peter' Mcldeon Sots001, 1 50 le .aýý roblin, . ~~were knownà te be in ide. a TI N N . B .-T isd partn rahip ber to o e ex stin g f thés re aden oe -of . D raper, Es., lu tie N e Plus U ltra G l e-book, 1 50 A nd , B il 7! B i ty il iy ! him ueif te be Jouie , à Né d nsek te bem a.u ý w ifu having beau dluuolveadby mutusil consent, tise Aec Teny oru f oehudPaarrCoinpaufion PueaJSnn. e h ersne 2.Aie wnyArso od]utreing frPetetndBuà l i' , itr long rsd einffl e' a eait e l ble bus. iness villinlufuture bc ou'ried on by Mn ccmposed cifv artci lot 18, in tise lOth caî'ce' PetViaei 2 -00nfTh , hoafee e osidncel " Knwigon le coll.flno h Townhpte uryCaty of Ps orsPc, . .n Id.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stg. WtibJu.2o,17. incte wsspetMraCou'îlCompino, f or llte, Vio- TeW~5.T e arngof the death of his inter a 13 oue neencontingencls ea Kno t. Wli i on eJeu coonu,187 . 4 Northsumberland. lu and VPiano, 8 on -cerîloforward te daim -bis inheritenco. picion of he'vixg betrayed it. Patgru' Newýx»d Ipoe ilnMethod 75 God blaostise wivea, In lappearence h a bu iemn Sneutoh inidr igrantfm [RITIS ---B.- _7 A alear and ludisputabte titi, iib Vmaeo' Voî ntutr 8They 911 our isives, p li1~nî e bo bouthe md.an uceindLee ha-v enietin2 13IIHgEII.l iveln toualtiseaboaeprc[erty. For furtlior Woller'i, Plete vittiut a] anetr, 75 With hittie boaindine; AMERICAN particnlanm appil te iie wner. NewYear'a Eve.. A Cantrtaefor Chitdren 50 '75ey Oavo lit2u ssooka, M~ h nwJseB ly teâtifled York during the peut week, ail foth gOMPANY RANCjIS LARK 81titiitgLgtctt~ecollection ofsucred song 2 y00nd ur ooks -OlMs uk.,wi wlsiilvnsacs Addreas J. L. PETERS, 599 Broadway, New Whouîenv are alk et one tume thouglit OhU recognized lu- e à - IL. Capital, $4009000. York. Snd30cetb for a otuple-copy of They eal tus quk. uhi'ler long lost son.. ,*sthor- e learnie. *.Wes, avingn E S T B L I H E Dj t ~ ~ î i o O A e t ! 8 o t t m u d .1 f n t ~ d o i n c i d e n t i n t h é l i f e o f y o neul e y h e~y o y t a l, b i n g a s k e d w h a t th o ugi SHED 131.ue tom butoueset abeve ns.snew Adybithei chohntothc vrinsîoa off the. mrried utate, replied that lbyln IITI$ old"'and wel ciablishitd lCampai-y S' à an Un ,sis D t.etidoNg-lthma e e ttxt gci e oahuiisIhe i wsi h ai Eprec i ad on tag aura pnepancd te aooept iuks Inal clasoc sit sa stYa..n e de. msy.sn Nsh Legeabrtcnad ioni tnno Aot to ie riîc O~V Aed.' O1 1 aipnoperty,, et ratesae aw u iwasthonsecfany 111E1inuhbotestLth mainfantka .peopoarenotockhol- n OUa-I; 'lct u tn aadu p- a ferhstoi Ii ui ". he ato a Cotoçpany tao os'etniiCt a Ratt way tram thetishelokhl. eing, anhd voihtds he esidet fft omere. iotwell otabltetted Ccîapany u Canada. forLt Il daPufle.s s r lt ite tWithheerhepytof. eteptwon ff Con-ey *as a boy. To this we mey a-dd tfie ly vinOfftheir ege.. There is a sto~ ra te,. 'l n te azrou;prpry ti l h 0te mms cVork on, ana ai tCita ,fTratite ta tise Cly aietextaptionitof-Con-hvain ilfli ue o truler rl-l isC Cu>e fte , a r r tcitiCt witlc exiuting orpnojccted remrkable flctthat scars sand marks on a vnéreble cie h xnt f o 'scuîipci&@ uuo o tia er rhut peachey lov ___ 'u>l" e-sltent y lt I~ aiwssyin te Doinio. tantinople, the mot beautifl CIty i bs~ crepnd xcl ihths os i cotln, h eing se o w ut' L. FAIRTBANÇKS - rDI,, Toronsto, 28ti Fab., 1872. 1 îosin -the "Vnisokolm, th " Jy o senow-nto beo ER, ,1Jr,81 se the ol e Sooiceofathe Nrc,Ity f s-v o tobothe. porson off Bunkley. old'ah. wes, oxolained with an el'dn Office, Breok St., Whitby. siuae uoùec- de'o he-ult-h remeaindor, of the.blairs, iiowe'ver, ra- feigoff pride, -"Ah, I dinna kon,buI anutity Whiithy, Atîg. 29, 187 t. 35 C OMMER IL H T LN aeaawiil- ao ef n ___ Aand.O TE - jN- OT LcGe ale, wGALLERYr. joi- O f ex o edte rocognize hie dlaim, and hoie c- eam a thousan', et ony-rate.'- hunredmies rou ti.westhere ordingly brought asunit in Jonea' Super- B ioAW .r C. heourt for hie ful share offte stte EBTTERTZ<Eao t.-evre REVERE HO«USEOSH WA charges itseof into thi. Baltic Boa. Plafc- Tii.case . a long imd litigated oen- bandon your hopea. Hope ils oftenb- 41 XNE5IB a . W. JAmEs BAK PROPlwTOR. A. B A.R RE'T T ed aroundthis watery basin, asi em agig on oither aide soute of the best ter thn ejoyment. Hope la oftente 41 PLNKPrpretr.Bogu ta aiuouncj totlite people ofiWhitby and lu the niidst off tiiewaves and off isiandu, légal talent off the.State, end. soin.off thae "auge as Well as the.effect off youtliI PLNK - rortto. Conveniently fltted ur roome ifon Coinuan vtcinity tiiet lie wiît altartly, open a raiued terrace-like o-ver the hüifa nd de-vlopements were most re markable,*so is certainly a Nery pleasWn'g end iat S~ tages ta uJ nd t urWitby oell datly. Every aciltrevelenu. Billiard'; attaohed. thn tininto ffi 'valleys, between mai sOthat public pninwas Steegor- psso . ihopelesa pei-eon lu deiat aitentioti paid teoguesta. -Cerefu1 asad atton- s8 50 î H TGAH ALERSga eroces, haro 1nakedd s térile, eadgsetyiîds .sb b f yhÉimsef;eand lhowhoforsakoehiusf - terecovredwith dwellingu endvYiginth clainent's identity wit Jse uk-i soon forsaken by fri eude and fortne in tse ui ling opposite tse Onitaro otel, forets, it présents a picture -ver'chang- ley. Tecue iuieetel et Ti ES FRGE.Tir r B3ROOKLIN, --ONT, grophe, &a., l. tisehbeet atyhea. - inghtauJ loely. By men prons thesageinet hbu endwas soon'foilowed by a two modes offestablshing ourrepution ASSURAN<JE COL, ~A. BIRE thogtta i.apoc o.ee crimniral1 rosecution, which resulted iu a te b. praîsesd by honeeat mon , and-toS FtlL GNTva ACETEj frmoebCOfjtinth . fric u imad lhowas sentèeed abused 1y rogues. Tt je buthoeer bailtg ISO)MBAND£STPEET& CHAICING CROSS, ISOLATED 1118K FIREINSURANCE WCO ly Fi.ISi, 32t~fi dthe , Mar.'oming frn h sl one ii.penitentiery whore h srved outte e the. former oas t~lh Joie ~ ~ ~ ~ O 0FCANADA, TORONTO. - tca-dte tetofLhu at u 5fl term.m What becae ,off himaiter- imv ily aocompaid ythote E s - L I ! L I S I E D J E 7 8 2 A I o g e n C A  D ! N Iz TIT IT O l' n -s e a u th e s te e p le o f f S t. C a th e r in e , th e fi x t w a r d u w e n e v e r l t r d . H o w e x e tly « H â * Ù Ot i s i n e t o n l y th e g r o t u an U U à çlnr zÀTTO glimpse off the. capital by titis route ; end doeu' hie hitory tally with that off thé e ùheneit ecnn confr up n us, u ESIA LISE.L 1W178. Aie AentandAppaise fo Casidt lor-siortîy after the. shores end the islands Tichborme chaimains, who after a long it la also e only service ,hhath.wfllp cI nae~Bidn u cvtgScoy a ate~£I ? oteiybekpni uhme o struggle iu the ci-vil court, now indu him-forfootig GILIIft'1, MFFAIBCa Agn lFto oin&nyCaoiw rteaai ictnne. nll tk.) oldi l fai lleir magnmanifceneendc elfainedgseelfo.v EAntn.-W hane o s1" otan.Cantada.WityAuet7i,81. y8 beeuty. The rocky dliffu on- the êouth 47 NUJAMCESugaVIt byR ICHanIager.N - .QREE DOUBLE dorned with liouses sind gardons, risig '~s----pathy with the -eluggard who imagie 1 I AR ) N0G I>E terrace upon terraeoin pictureuque marn- Esigles. hixuself half-frozen to datl as soona LOSSES t'AID withouî raieretîce taelise Board t11ct lie lias ne-lakleniste ol1 pralutia, <.'__1 t g lu Lercdcu. ltey etuue h ir ly ES M HEctcas of hrc edcon a hir reuueif ' i hc eiik rn ho MA tinsi slopere o : ETINTEWORLD catchesglimpsesio hrhadoeis, y n ircm n t tthe Tse ulnianly intspirit ieshik _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _lu tire__ _ _ )f squar s an d bridges, e u e tr a s at e th eir, naccusto mn e d stre g h or energy tth e w rffare by w h ic i w o ob tain th e m s Agent, sqaresend an 9,tus, eiould feu ou theï ir t tept ry ovr q. g Api r'36 E.* a wiftly-gliding water omniibuse,as e ietid-te yovrthe.elenints. Energyn B A R E oNt,. thY &ufealng tairpendent fiight. There are Manly cuiront ectit-ity couvert fha cold weetierintil A ND $ END FOR ÀCIAFIte pf lngtertrachless course froniesta ersn h eaeegea u A N - i - - ~ ~ ~ 9 N F E ~~ T J O N E ~~ y U N E Rt~astel h oli nu t o th e. luxurian t fore ts u o t s f a e r s n h e a e e g e a u t IAN 1 ~~~~~NewYoen Office, 27 13EEr.IÂN T and beautiful villas off Ijurgardeu. throwimg froiniher meut ail the eggu butCATOTeIUS.D.-vy 17 ED AND RECO C N E TO E YLN I nwM.sh ace;adohr htta i odo rahn eoon 1 EDECD YTHE MOSTv JtetrecEiesetruevral cseore i At six o'clock Lu the aveuing the wrifer aie hatoheusaveral, but destroyu ft,é mostnt odofprahu noythi £IN NENGLYOAN O EIîE IMttEcr iiei T H EF, L 0 R E N C- E and hie coinpanion lafft the. railway car:-' ein fha ro.Tee hnuw ,ciollakIinself how otnh SMIOiEN PHYS5spss - îtese ulanflsoff fi s- occr as wthi i te uonal as l ihe ec- ____nag, aJ aiong 0ccasinay, swihother practiso-s that acif-denial, in little er dNoTiIINGBETTER." Fi-tîOrRS.PEI.-ti cpitl - -birds ; but casoy are uy mo menu te i.gan- Cs E IN.CJ' MACHUIiN E~ Froni oui parlour the wearied traeiler ee ue n i ota- i ewi tantly anal oracularly racomnidingt lita - LE BORTN.0, 11-0-F LL eIN aslC IriuJite.t t'Ont theSrut-tatîe ow îeyhacotiuaiy muedbyti. ve- ereas-ffcttlafiertir ir'sItt- Wma havesar eeqfo tes ne- cLesTIAint8ldbthsDugg~ - eptcoîtlaîtty ui taict, ti 'Otaeit. of %Wittth)y, sorti ce tjiti, beaixtitul înactine siitlgpen)raina of liffe which i mvsusuehabit ijuta rear more flan anae eg. i- nutcs nito o-tui a fil ds, Kep ciltattl o hali, it eani. witin cis -sle.totir iileretit Iio i iticte atroce aopen square Off Gustaphus let, simd fief eh. ijsmouftender and mal -warcleseesning theîl- respect anal love f ORANGES, LEMCQNS, StcndN.auu-e iscîlýwi hways. liisaVe-ry lt-cla t ced etîli. Adoîphue, andal hfe magnijficeut vew te leryoumg. But t fhaÃŽfentive t ; advieer ; for resect andl ldve, if SARDINES'rToiiitae tcit to i but, a mnac-îtîite if tiîey wtî iefolhSd elii LYMrdA NELLIOTT &Co., LOBSTERS, RAISINS, t'±CUNES, off her, hc eyn h an-awini VrL oic 'ha, Toitoîtro, AGENTs TOflACCO.d them t'.ra CoJoltS. M. W'tlox, aacwhc byndft.hna- wanfueand lever jmluti1 -of thii onaasotilvucannof b. diNoe ______________GENT8._______________ .Wliitby, wil receiva si foulJeeiptiott ai tiése Nornbro Bridge, se fotehavehbeen uafety while they are tohelplese po-.. N. B.->ystens cen b. isad iy the plate,nMachines%, with prict i Itt. &e. let dowm froinfie skies, like e housse mot vide ffor themselvs-alwayeffedingftam PAITIENCE WITII C11LDRte..ý.B etienl iu E R 'W RR N .D troeddeivor dit rtaarir. w alWlb, Jeu JIIN s.M. WIIhCOX made setih hndà . The centre-off the beo sating lher own appetite, and - witl children -paorîy organizea c ieu tasanr i dliee aid gcusoîliu Jctil icd ailyIe,172 gtopen paca je appropriatly adoreal 5y sldingteufoibtmae tfennoî drat.Iiialecedefe 4e._______ an equeufrian statue off the hero affer cost offler liffe-yet sie neyer enouiags fend to fret and griava. -13e patient if Pho O L h wOoT.fieosquare je cailad, anal by whose indolenc, or cowardice hy kaeplg then ciilienfiat are obetinate anal gmy --CORONER. Winitby, Sept. lu, 1871. 87 Ph t g p y pou tha riglit Iay he seen fhe palace off fe go go <orti anal seek their ow min- velopeal than tht- itigher. Be patin 1_____M_____ 41____ Prince Oscar, the. eldesf brotier off the fenance. Si. rouseu lier littié ones oarlytitfposbeyo Iayhai.o - B~41 TE ISOLATED IIIK IRE présent King, Christian XV. At the lefft to exerfion, warmly encourages tieir firsf counteracti or resfi-ain, 'or bial, that ,i r.GL ROU UC E S NSJ'I NC O R . ilo, htorphT stands fie Royal Opera Hose., but inlufeehie effortu te lbave thi, neuf, watches in theni which, -otlierwiseuay-comril C 0 R.H. Wllsn, hotoTaper.1782. During g meuk.d bail gi-von et' anal directs theirmotiomesmnd when as- ing o-ver .vith accumuuations tauieEC GLOROUS UCCE S !INSIRANC P>cturrti, oiall kini fiand eizem tiukèn li the(hie house, in 1792, Gustavus III. wau sureal fief their powere 'are sufficiemtly in- generafiaus. Alioreover, wie tp ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O F CNADA, oteii.c c ittrtt~eii iijto uasnta yAkntoaSeihmatured, se. aite m, one or fwo ut a yoti arae aving ftani yot cave* voitielv; ctiorecdi lit - W alteror tiriditu i tk. i Id pli,-officer lu fh. infereut off fie aristocracv. finie, upon ber o-wnbaei, anal oartng jfor fithet- dscplne-aale~h-etan titi Il E A B O FlIC E1<litt, qineet, Canin tiI tres uii'ntIy colticd. 'rite rîaw CttieOitgnCette Ifere aiso, Janny Lind, off loiosalofft, hrowsfenofiniahgere-nlslfdna ica'.eureio Chunctit, Toronto. t'nittit, ,i tîkeulier Norttuti, ainTaratto, ed tTe ndslfd& CAPITAL, - t500,000 taukeîî aItl'ci]14leaîi'e ew titttic-Y, W lic' e orl' de î'de et, aa aqum giomu off fie air, fiat tiay may ie Coin- train tiose wio araeillilicuiftaetrainro- Depoittetl wittGo (anarlueut, - $ý50 000 lBlock, Whtlly. 5 a ondwoe an palleal ta selff-exertjon. 'tii. mother eagla acts anal makas you botter. -l W A 1AW, Aao-r---------------------. - -. -- ' Tii. ext day we prepareal to eaie eJoes not, iowvryfandnh o- W. A. LAW, ASA Il' city. A siort drive acrosfie epacionu upring, but ho-vers near fo waf cli flir- SLEEPLES5EeiS-TIï hast anodynol Mellllin'sBl _________S., _ c'y. granite Nornbro Bridge brings ns to fie inexporienceal fliglt; anal if sie perceives a liberal aniaunt ofîneoculer acti'nifyon %V hitîbly, bept. 2th * 1871. 38 magmificant palace, the. grandeut in al fiat eitier from fimidify or lusufficient off doore evariyz daS. Persans whosi Europe. We make the easy msent off strengfh, titey are unable to maintain jai-ound thé fine anal lounge on fhe sofa  u cr~ j ~ N BUSItNeSS ibll which le bordereal by marbie bal- fleir position, wifhsunrprieing dextarify or Tead or sew a grat part off the. dy - -IN BU INS ustrades, colunins off Tuscan graniit, anal e.files undar fient anal recel-vos fierai neesi not oxpoof uound sleep ; onlyfe ci CA, A O E r."lions off bronze. Titis palace, exclusive on honr wlngu fo prévent their Ià 1l. labouiing man eau faste if u i a Tof ifs spaciaus wgocupios a quadrl- -sefue.Mauy fail-to- sleep et nigli 1869 atral ff uehundrel anal ninety-ono 'bacausa they wM rirst inlu1sMeepIgn FOR SALE tat m îid J iar-yean aId iy foui hundrean id eighteenffeot. Much Lus tht euofe dayfime. Iijta mossible t Irt t ,t'tI. uîadaî'tuuet" C3 Miadamugit basalal off the panticular boauty of TeCutof ul mofffe tev- t flnfothepmoortioe n o hexocs o iih, isy IlCa et," aut ai rit lyiytutporteil aac aide off Ifs wings, Italian gardoens, -eetlof they force niofaLouespXon fieFrance, 2"BFyRST PRIgESIltliy WalIa ' t1Duireck,"anal off fie ca 'iviews. The south n n fteii bilatonaet urs ste frcethei jn' fe ýdi 2 SECONRIZ E S, J t rtue hakis Ithe bal patron lthe celebl 'g .g.f ouosstihgiei rooson oaaloeof i iatbilin rnmnamore food tien fie balyreqnie.Rfe 14' fron--osesss th hinesisaetnssos t 3 ECN PIES aeertfane bostoeelupan me, îudtaatn- Il Crnadia Meeee-gor." A r iosane otln Court, was conolemnedlto deeth.by 'han court sleop by inidustniome activitie D1>OAneunre tiaitî1amnpnepancd te cendut saltes, in every ay; véry gontla and a 0 nefoa,,. décorative adornnient. Six Cornthianfatmnrhoaspoeliili an prosrsotomdcnesu DTItOTEFL t'11.eteriiApp te tise prapriaton, fiat te reach from, floir base te the cons"puracy. The ortntcld-;t r e m,,,wi)nshradda gattr. ame Tcolunnuoff uc01ige1871poporionsiea hisinnocence eCutmtoie saynwdn liil eads sfe lra of the charge, but prmtrof le ecomes et oif, lin - TOWN OR COUNTY, GEO. HIKINGBOVTOM,-N windows off fie scondl story, tfer alofft ofern on- e r agru Provincial Exhibition, Kingaton, 1871, AT REA89NABLE RATES. laîamp. on eech id, ff pofffledotlenrnevicn af w - entiahe eè t -u 1 bearing n their caitals grous oftrium-Louis was oxesperatad, anal deaf taO al npsesftmeosqaities. F I R StT -4: R I Z , W Arngements for sales eastibho nude R oO KL I-N Il OUS E. phel .mblems in bronze,bfoi rso~sc oaa efe- UO uNxt.Tomse rn AWAEDEI t heCooriozOffice, or et M w acre1odn hapoihs ead eteidg Oh >ITU-hmse r I ~ WRE BnctolWity y w os5sa dimensions. apochsmdg 'Ofie.Bok FAe, iRbANS r,' ROOKLIN.W aebaupniua f neg ity offbis situation fie Ring sont bis fors off Toronto rodommemalfit à no boy T T4 P f) Q P () -barber, Olis'erl, Da1l,-P-deB Re0familL r Nbe jopt aveamy officen excne;_ nuder 1og- NI, "BAY. i. sw"é tcO ss blc.ýÂ;nerd ud s autr ec ,ppy 10t 5 A. A.PO~I teg-ustsaton, in ng ~~-cefrsdcosqetytii.> a 5of ifs Nord, where I was womnded infthebrinst ptinte,5 wiiha-vo fisçnemtWOIf lu it Uuaranteed for three Years. î'Ort-ll, PO doer.m-u, a qua, arslenuryeu losm- e.bys a rrow mesut for your, iiajesty, crafftat ieart uhoule mont desine to ses g 5j'~ M RW- Lnday. rrve........3.0, P.. ____T_ - wi I'covoreetyu f T î o u s a n d u 1 1 0W l u u s e I r a u g i s e t C a n a d a . O c ur î oi o 1- - w i r c c r i e d o n t .e f a x i s t e n b c e e e llc y a n e g QTLTTRINiS Ocîc O UaTII-oA1L. PuovEuis.-He wiio expecta te finals attaci." ntEzy' facecared ot.f isebor uciie ia gb. A-eneWatdALIyhre TY EqBeaverton, dopant -245, .friemal wifiout :Faulto,-iill ne -ver final 11. Tluisapp ahe-von Louis NI. conlete erailyhe' claas wio flrst put in Adems,, Agents Wanted Every here5 ST Y LE, & lndaay arrie...........41, p..m. --fe 'Who s.yuivt ho. ikee;'iean osa auLimlmpumihin e e'frsha ae sfe.-btnxe R . I . 'IA R A . B ow m an vll1 , G oseral T o c l b e o o a F I N I îS H . d p at. . . . . . . . ..48 r . . w h t ie d c s n f i e. T i e y i o0 i- o m itte a l, n al su b se q u e f p ro o f off bs in n o - f o i . Angectouf-rosho Port hope, arruva. . ..7. 1 8 , 1 mn. l yl gi, ye t giT quic U -Afo olii ene es toreal hum te feroyal f-vour - A 1 ci on îjn t4 > A g ut f r ut ni o q ty D n h in e a i p e r ne t eo v le it i n a u a c u M IX D . frie n d d o s m o r e iir n L n a s w is a n l c o n fd e n e . f e da g e tr i n s o f f a h 1te d r g a , a Is taris. I hovetotcve..PUduwie heMa as mmd~~~~~ot ......p.... 9.25, e.nu- mm. An olal dog canuet alténitis way--s.- "WiIhpaeo,) - GELIIoi WNUKAHIEC. llrcisexocutoal vithi Promptitude o1e,8Arvp....t..o....b.ndng. AWhalidnhaël.betoltitn OIlorns DoU -Gszlpbî, Ont.andl disp"zm. -- G.T $YOEýp. EdM.n. Ac Baffenlu C84brili adksvtaÃŽiitlfiathfe second tulcea lele the~ ~ t - - K Ai E. o~'rlig UWM tccste, -9lU'3 W - - = MbB re6E on "u(Ien essltn CLAROK wit1dfor A -r -- muT tg ~e1s.s