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Whitby Chronicle, 18 Apr 1872, p. 2

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Wlultby, Trrsday, Apt - Pusblsoi air About Ihirteen yeursi LJ.Meedoneil lid a ses ÇQun44l, h. Intrduueqd t was -paseil snd publiai free fairesin the town o!'N - teriy <ays were appointes ofthé tUs tur atime a 'y weU -for- lwo or lbree sj apathy andl negiet ensued and fair -dayo were tg At leist, ne notice whsheve the fins, analtc se i.by-lî, tiernt becante a ueati-lethe: good -reson'wiy'tliis -clou -- b. lte case ; no neason free fairesithoulal ual ho su town o! Wititby. Iu facf prove a greallpuîblic cou coulal ual fal tado tic w- -muans iien, anal propir Sc a tliti- -tablishiment. Atv sucit as'ne tby, uitfini grounds, large itel analMt dation ; -easy a! mecese by all quarters, Iuyens and mui-clwitii mutumalad'anlaî hem... Pureiia-séns o!flions stock front a distance w-oul venu-at siiping point. B- o! liaving ta i-aim aven ltae iting farnnyards to aluai., colleect anal drive tiii catll -- nmîcut loainil IlxpenHe, wci se unitlî. , The cansc1îuul botter pnice ivien enal-c -urn'ias hone lplace. have.a neady elchae. ta scie er comupi-ition anatungsf lit te rest <tutuan fat-met-s s behîcin chance tha htaîfîy Jo - bftuuing tl ifud I sîtîe o! n] thue fair, tîaîtif' oiiigc-t-o uuîcertailu valuuuiauî çf but i-rit at linOn fat-tus. Inîtl hu tul itthcii'cts ofIif ulycu- tnd S iol faiil Ici le hiimtmfti u lmlhilltî-lit o! ai <'egnit ni<a b-011otauil fa tl 'tie-a.Ami i couifitie te fair t-t uttIi' m r a ndtutifariti stoc-k, luit inai'k(- Sutl litul t f' leic hy lte quterLu-ijtiiit alitil i-ýHuie, enî'Juuoîîd, iat Jsutso!.gau-uleuu utael ll SeilerC'u'cltlobttitu tht' igi <suitlie iu'casslttld citli iîc'.gomls;, on t') ai îwk tIti - leilitti ti tuuane'tt5<ii îler-o aoutîlieW aI tîuuc uu t-é fit fm'ouu lti!dit-cet inltet flic jii'uciceiutd tii. cousuili Ilitealof iniutiîg sitlt fu aliuui- as quaélu'ey, wtt w-mtil- a! holdinîg ftetutu uuuuills.3 it f a îl'a-uuay toiîuvui-aulu uts W - <ft, w. tliiisk, blu anfroque' ed Ailis hy cocu ILa lliu 'ptoduîing counny. Anatitel - ationait Huggitstmsf su thei'publi.e $,ales ti-e fur itiiuuais ant i iloîîîiticsst-il4 La bc soli o.lte martdadI ual stl) fa point ont flue mni i-filts ttat ivould bc h.e cé ci îuh. establishmntîof I.t-in markeut; they wiIi ah oieg farnter as'w-ehl as tothe tu mi-cianic., WVeelitin I te lte Town Concil ta tItis mu .suery vllage tiroilioiit1 hploils roguuar faire, tuttibc cliccess. At Wlîitby, uiti t t I ii - litenaeo! a ni-w wooi-if cdJet aI Qnia lu lii. intereste koka district auJ Norlteru Mu-. J. C. MeMullen. Mr,. I hel'etofore titrougi thie loa. -muai ttowauds Pîakintg knowt tages anal capabllities o! il Wlt kajturnial nDow initer hi linte s4me dj.ýeCeon uvi Moroîe int,'ezd wehope, forts lit <avor deLlie'wèlfre ' of luit section o! country wu a suitable rewaxd allihe ho wltos. lntersts?'e adveeaîes. TaE ut QEEs oASsAXANT.- Cottnýrentendra-pleaef insi Hâtle hile asseuit on th. Qui Old Bailey Jury danLsiasealj condemnedthe tyouli tota w -of<hmr4 lebor andl lwenîy lasl pect, the eang le d dý ifythei EÛie -& Co. politkalJ writen mof the M&ail U'o b es. coargest-and Muost offensive tehrctr- ;kinner, lu this respect it has ecertainly faed ho ýon. meet lte promises helrout in. ils pros. Secretary. pectus. Hare are smrneof te lWtesi s. -J, C - Snith, cîmens, frme awltolIy- -* iieleat W. Hl Olver. tec nM.Mtrn y-Geera Crooks>:- 6e"Oitly aesselect few know tbtin the a~ vant o f te Msedozeld Gbovernmeit be. ~ ~ ing beeten, Mr. Blake woùld eonalder the e Attum. y-OBeialÉliip 1oo great à >tax Up- on lte iixia4 whleh was lresd7 siubjecQo -~~--- -to titrée despe raté and, «Acting eu.- r$ A 'YBAIR Rere lie was the leader of his party -n ~ the Legisiature, i;hawing every day that ru 18,1872. talents and a pradigious intellect 18t187. culdmaufrr the trickcs of a Yankee atsc- =~ tioneer- and te wiles of aîn Albany wire., puller. Jiremplifyin<j the.wontdro1i machiner-y ofaNashs hamnier, lie ago, when Mr. pounded ta atonts tZ haiest qutestion ?t 1n ti&., Town Yf st<Ue or cracked a wr politician's a b-la *hc'hnut witlî equal facilit y." by.law whli"h Again-- edet rlshn "The. assertion that nothing would have Whitby. Quar been urged against thi. appointment of a, for tihqltlng Mr. Blake, twother. Chaucery lAwyýr, is year; All went perfectly true; forMr. Blake bas the ex. luarters. Then traordinary force of mind and rapid.ity of apprehiension that would enable himn tu d, anid-the. f8is do i a mout what his present deputy totally 'forgot- and subservient acapegoat could neyer rer was given of cncoinpass in a lifetime." aw establîshing The Hamtilton Times deals with tuis r. There is no style of abuse and ntisrepresentation in a nid continue to tranechant article, and iii exposing the. wlîatcver .wliy toekery of the. higli preteusions of our uccessful ini the now inetropolitan contemporary ably de- tliey ouglit te- fenils the appoiutntent of Mr. Crooks as iveaieuce, andi well as tii. standing of that gentleman (ere the proper at the. bar. 3pirit ûvinced inî Hon. Adain Crooks, wlîa 5ias bid an a central point experience of one session in parliantent, 0 pbli mrke an wio s lssknown among the mein. pubic taretbers than any.otiier member of thte Ad- shied accomnio- utînistration, is seleeted as lte safest sub- vraiiway froni ject of attaek. Now wiat is thet grava- [sellers eauld nmen ofthie charge againsl Mr. Crooke'j ge anti convcn- appotntnicnt 2 Wiy, that h.e is a chan-1 cary practitioner,not a mere conimon lawi :ses, éattle, and lawyer-only titis and niothing more.-i i find a cou- The. argument entployed agaiÊst Mr.1 ntclert,instead Crooks would htave operatcd just as1 o oltrvs strongly against the. appointmntno flte. i cutiry, late CJhancellor Vankouglinet, who had1 purcixases, and beeti, before his elevation, a common law1 se,1 bonglit at and ntot a clianeery barrister. But, we1 aîldl be spared believe, il was neyer urged. Tinte and- emce woîildl 1, tinte a gain in England thieAttorney-Gen.1 eralshlip lias been filledl by lawyers, woio ffordl ta pay a had devotedl their wliole tinte and atten- 1te make hii.-tion toFtih. practice at te cltancery bar, Iloyers wouid and titese are antan g lte nost eain*ent1 ,et frn; kecît. legal nuthorities ini the kingdom. But lil e it o ucw hhing for contmou-law lawyers uyers wonldlb to deny the. merits of inembers of lte volnld stand a otîter wing of tle profession. We al )at lîresent 'Of know with what virulence the crabbed,r otlimals-sold nt narrow.ntinded Coke altaeked his great f rival on the grountd of lisi inputedl ignor- i finhmit ho flic anc. of the. teclinicalities of t hLe commnon8 Lher. and boy. law. Yct titis did not prevexît lie lattert Sway tflic niîn- froîn being appointl Attorney-General, il seller coiiId anti wlat sentsibîle people would nat ratl..t- J ~, ~ 1 et Iaintth e oversight of» legalh ý(l sot'le gitlation hie talents of a Bacon titan i anket prove ata flic contracted intellect of a Coke 2 %VceV11i woibiotua ircly a knowledge o! Chatneery pi-achie.e ilt' of, hotte,, does ltnt ncessaî-ily impiy au ignoranceM iitîlîde it ato ofJitPrtepî'inc-iî)es and procedure a! coin- 111011t, iv aultun ina ility ta distinutgi a dlîelteil lioksj tcween a "misdeîneanor" and a "crime" butterg, --a lîarg1fe tmade agaitlUMi. Crook.- tt.tiî UWoid it7surprise thte villiliet of -tie At. s îeii fum hrîe .General tuarnta tediffer- :' w1i rash, itiid <lod-a differenre ntin substance, but e îiyîiîlt iniil hgrec meérely ? W<1 suhuit theiifol- 10101Li. r- lowing autiioritative definition for uis b ùr iip.tari-fuI perrusaI, ani w. recommerîd timi 'Iro~1 brlioli up lii. informiatiaon before lh. re- 0 (il>i.oeti l le-ileîîwg tue ,attack.t nirse Ltetwc-eî 'A crime, or nisleîncanor, i. au aetT lulcrcoiiioited or oinitheil, lu violation of a tr owjdltîî îiMelweiticr faÎlhi(tling or commnand- ing1t. 1This geiteral delinition compre- binfao.lieîîds boti crimes aîîd misdenteanors, T Moîtthfiti ft8 wlhlu îîroperly spcaking, are nterely ViIiitly wotuld tY f "iOW4oi tit. ut onind. 'e l'uHou. àMr. Crooks can aliord tuov <idtreat hiialigueis witi cautempt. Were t i-a uveîtl itita tîat eny laves a sltining mark," M recoîîîootud. L lievold have ecaped lhe silly charges s thei. xaking miate againsthihm. On. of the. brigilest wcigîîing ail boys ôer cr eucated at Uliper Canada col- Il 1. lee-a litinuili g adut fti n ta licaltli- of lte Whitby traci witouî hie mon.>'. aU ints front ail Goad sport lias always been jirovided ; W 3exception o! and wlicnever any difficulties arôse lhe or the ýday was Club ha-e univérsally acled In a Most li- o'niion. Ini berail spirit, tatiier eneroaching upantheir lies, aud ali own funde tiian ave aîîy gaway dissatis- elosed. Scr- fled. Turf men will, w. believe, admit Ot nt Protestant thie. Thi outlioming aeswl m(itii nions prench. tesfpettt be fauind to-prove no exception Of bservotd with -ta fanneýr.meetings.1 *SALE Oi Mit..SIMaîrBaÂrrîa's 0ST"LIama On ii1."- Thist '-is S."' Tii. fine Cleveland bay ti )ape' puibliai- lions., l.S- B.," was sold R fOw days aof lte Mns»a. o by hie awner, Mr. Simnon Beattie, of Lcountry, by Bangar, ta lMesers. Hall & Iloiti, for thwe .a« NrieMuilen liaes Richmaond Açuicutuin,îSociety. P.Q. The 1Ice l Procs;doue 'n the advau,- -he district, le; ewn ixune. 6li islabers R b. fitili far .liat hise e! aud progna!s 14I neet iil masa e! hase -Arthurv01' ianity ta 'Pal- een, but- tii. lte pli-aanal clv. mntnhp ihes. figure paiti ias, we uideretanal, $160. iii '< R. S. B." is a stylisi roadeter, goed' te, boni- anal chu-w, anal plendid action, andl hae ail liepromise e! proving an excep. tieuallj god hou-se. H. wus importelon by Mu-, Beattié 5th. fan o! 1870). The -ÇC Richmtond Agriemjtura1 Seciety have geca l l reaten 19 cougraluhlate liemneebves in se- fin cuving - so valblbe an' addition toe ie sto'ek o! lie district, e Nutw-GOna-Messrsi-T. H. lMeMillan rix & Ca., advcrtiso - titarrivai o!theur si Spring anal emrly Sununer stock. They are sebing-Wobns,ceon,-aJlesA ah last years, prices nalwithstandinglite mn nie, ite pice.o! geaas. "da FRANCIxS'% SED EXPRonMx-tten o- las direoted tothe la iîonnocmenl !lt esreemea. Lt lie ahi-ni' consnt. la b.t coune a candidate &gain, Mr. Qilba woul stand no chbance wheteveof r a suctiesufi Candidate. - - (Fm'om s Qi.Oskawva Bf - e. The Reformer ieepe onefitr.) W. H. Gibbs on hie ecceptance ô! lt Tory nonuhfation for Nati Ontanlo afte lie followingfaehion: "lWouid -yo-& be surpniseal ta leutha Load rosýpect,. brother o! "mny brothei thie member of Parliament," ias decideý ta canteet the North Riding in th. Tom Snteréet ? 'Tis aven so. Aitenpr sm ntany eleeplees niglts-nigîte whien lt tirowsy goa l aid, ual hie finger on Pros pect's eyelids, anal when lie ca.nffictin entations o! hie nighty heart and migi intellect drove lima ni h mita malinesi he decideoa'a accept le nomnaltion ton dered ta hint by lie Tory 'inanity i Nati Ontario. 'M. don't kuow whether Prospect is 'pirituaste or not, but il is quille evider Eat C l spirite" hmd soiething la al witi lte result o! hie pain-fui cogitafiont Anyway, the. Refonmers o! Nartit Onlai have a icit Prospect for fu= duving tl next eiectio n'-wiie is ual fan distant.' (Prom- tii. Uaxnidge Journal.) "Mr.'Gibbs le alri-adyithe fielal gent ly feeling lte politicai pulse o!thue el-t hors. We halie honor o! a vieil frai titis aspirant for lÉarliantentary houai mest week an itei way nati. 0f th( course lie intenals pursuinglhe meneur-i hi- infeude advacating or lte position i wil.l take on lie imtportant questions lhi muet conte before the. Dominion Parusa ment, we are as yet o! course profoundl3 ignorant. Mn. Gibbs wiil, iowevcr, w- have na doubt, in due lime enliglilen ui on titise pointe. A "lgui-se" migit ha malle fronthtie antecedlenîs o!fteparty liaI hae brougitt iin ont ; but wo prefe- la, learnufront humeelf 1h. stand lie intendti laking. The leformer is correct :-"tlic North are liardîy suci foales as la foli] - heir armes anal subntilta their repreen talive being provideal by the. village al Ohawa." Tii.Nantit will do no suc]i ting. as Mn. Gibbs wili y.l cfscot'er. Il we understaud the. feeling o! titis constih- ueucy arightitnhit malter, tii-y ar- determined ta h.c rtpneseuted as tiuey huave itithento been hy a local gentleman a- abliily and tue steel." FATAL AccuDNT IN.rxxPICIÇ<lNIxt.-WC regret la h-arn thal a slîoekiug andl fatl atiident acurred ou lasI Thtîrsday aliter- noan hy wilîii a youtîg man agoti abotut si-ventai-n yeurs, nauned Joit Cochrane, the eldest sait a! Mn. tnt. Cochruane, oif tiii eiglifh concession o! Pickerinug, iott is lif'u hy heing suffuicateal hy tue ftuliiu in ofa uturuip pif lu wiil ie 'ta. en-- cd in remna'ting lnt-uips. He was Ilîcte working aloîîe, a shant idistance froua flue hauts., ana lwiîen foiunî abotît ait houî aften thei accidenth lfe wa-a extinet. The deccaseal was a v'cty qiir.l and praînîsing yaung nman, andl ympafiy iii ex- .presseetin liai-niiig iad oriit'ilis-ai' reaveil parents. -SALE 01F BUILuîINaLO'rS.-Oue ltuantred building lotit, liant a!f teuientoîtpoutiont tf the Radenhurst proiuerty are salvet-tiseal ta, h. coul by auction on lte'251h. ints. Te lots are mast eligribly situateci for building purposes, anal residence. Tmims BtuowN MAXenÂu(;Itu'rE- SE-- TECE 0F THE Pamso-NERus.-Chief Justice Elagarty seituceal Hugi Caldwell, cont- vcei o! nansiaugliier, ta two years Ii the- Provincial Peuiteutiany; auJ George MfacFaniaue, couvieteal o! coîuinon as- inuit, ta ane year's liardl labiarin gaol. Suai-at AND SîiiutiLi IMPORITATIONSu AT )LD No. 1.-Mn. Yaman Gilison aunoun- cie tic receipt o! a complet- stockinS al tic useful lUnes suitalîle ta the season. He mas also cvet-y 'taiiety a! fieldalnsd garden eceds. FELLOWS HYPoi-PaePITîuuEa.-Mn. Fc'l- tows sihes ne ta claIe ltat lueliaa no antitanizi-J agent, but tiuat iis ypopluas- iiles may bm h . b ainaMo!ai rspctbl anas debilily, -are tite effeets ofindigestion.j tue, on two aI incet, -of Parsons' Purga- iv. Pilla will givo iunrediale relief,. Jolnison's Anodyne Liniment may be Atintinistercal ta chhilren witii perfect suc- ase, in ases o! eroup, wiooping-cougi, afiunza, ancalmnost anaoflte discltsis î'which they ax. liable. Many Suifer naliher than taise nause. te medicines. Ail who suier front ougis, cabls, irritation of lie branchial abes or tendency tg consunption, willl id ig Dr. Wister's Baisant o! Wild ,erry a rcntedy as agreeable ta the pal- -t aaeféectualii ramoving disease. Tic alon is apleasantnremey;'itis asale nt'bidy ;. il is ea powervliemedy ; il is a pidy rentedy; il is a rinedy tînt im-e. MMUEOr Tzt MÂtuxms orBuvTF.- Jespalch'front Landon announees lhe arnTiage oflthe Marquis, o!flûte, ta ti. tughter a!, Lord Hroward, which tals afi-e a Roman C3atholie O0ratoty, aI rompt-n. The. wedding ceremovies, rre itesad byea, rest crowd of noble amnag~~~~pes. mn* »ypeexte te- UIne LibaveJong beau canvaeniin evY aturtng Uamïpany, and the Cedar, -Dd ler y art oft1h. Ridig- EoIi ast,. edge tooi wonks of Messrs. Vhiling t. uiam 'WVet-and getting voters.to Çowan, basi in a few yearsmade the oui m- dg hmselves witere tii-y coult.- "itisigniflant liltle villa e f Oshawa Se. t hae h RefrntpartybýeeU acing?, marveaIMf prosperity anf1 propgre lto 3e-The hae nt yt tei maki he iel, -wlilecounttry, giving an exampie wi ldalthough I th14 ,you metalmit-iu iuany, at or towns and villages are n6. uul view Of al lte ircuinstances tint aeemlul ailw - tr"wiing-it is timne hhey mbaiMr. Tii. Oshawa -Comipany commiene Brown, if I am n -ghtly informeti, bas di- OPeraliotis in lie year 1851;'maufah.ht -clined ta accept the.. nomination for 1his, ingPrncipally tireshing.maeitines an r.8'as0h. s for several otiter constituencies agiculrai implements of varions kund w h . could b. easily elecled. 'ThaIt Dng s years follawing, lte laIe b h being lie casee4s il not tinte ltaI efoni- 'Joseph Hall, tiien a citizen o! ]Rocheste: <r ere wer4 np aud doiu?îg and Ilaîtheir nlan Il. Y., vaùd engaged htherejnl. theuanufi in ih. field ? You know 1ie-aid idaýe' hure *tliine o! reapers and ntowers, ha Sabout ima. lost,and getting tlei fist-blow. bei-n building up a large business in litsi r, at the eneniy. I would reeomntand-ou machtines in Canada, whicit prantisedl edfinsta take tinte by tiie fonlock.- b. hi-tIen la liiititan even liii iom Reformera have ail overwhelininà Major- business. Hi-hall for soine, tinte hmd Il 'r ity hi Southi Ontario,nnd ail tint i. valt- i-y.ami Oshawa as a good lcto nh heed is unitod action antang'd tti-unta ivin - idi- tf flicionndary line, and lie Passau )-il backtagain.. I eauassut-e ou tinttfli of tic 20 pier cent. tariff i 1858 deeide gfeeling againet Mn. Gibbs ii titis locaIit3' hlm aI once ta save fie duty by muni yg i grawintgstronger auJ etrongur evcny fetriagire SsIiado!Sle ni day. I knaw xnany Whto voteti-j.01 iin States, Tii. propenty-awnens o! Ositaw i-in'i7 who, disgusted witit his tunek-an.i- litd, iit wise foresight, aeie hi. deti tio spft !acn t avrue lnahion la sitII. iimself antong lte now express theur full -dcterninafian'to hy.otfirning land aI low prices, aud aIs aVote againet.- hi' whett tIi-y ,O4h- etittfiug taxation for a numben o! yeari nl chance. Bull tti-eenmust 1lie titai-une ity witichinaeans titi-y si-uev-J'wlat ha Je haen; without i il lu hist c'usem isu'b r situcer eIiua'th ie building-upa! titeir lowi bast. I would sîîggest tliictuîie1t'e t i.Tailteotkn , ueasdli io assernbling of thic Coîtrienutil'ut la id ilttrituti te otdtcoipaiiy, removed la Osl esumnter, or the cuxliug of tivioi- Wtt)Nv, 511<1 omrntnceil lucre tite-manufu( as ltaI decided anti iraimtçtlith- 'teP - Y itttîîra of 'rgapenat ani mowene on a lt-, ho tlken as ho wlîaî i.iîe"-cr'ta i h ,'i.saifebiîcswmxeuddi donc. Il i. wîîtI tis of)î"t 1-s 'aa-r's aiifld tbu . ittntlos stemuengin. you, lnumting fluaIt iionglt i t i t îouialî oîla-t' i, îdnîchuiî-y of v~arions kindi i-o! Tînt Cmm.E cLrn u vil 'îO'o' tI' i' it-l- ii' neigetie nmanagement t.l 43 duty o! prepanation 'anti stir u ut Ir atxtiîes uoitnetl to grow aundînospc ln once mort-e li Il fou-'îtftau. - iiitll isi loath,aîiout lfouryetîrsiga,wii rse ont lie good'old l-tcfoî'îî idi.inof " 0-juil i tii"lutt îfCaatiriiuy, o! wIliclt tfir.' je Ontario. W', flait ha Pi'eslit'iît and Mantagen, w s 1 arri, tiirca'f to-iftcoutime it. M e -Yiu.,î..TIii-- worlcs hitti a fronfaigîto! 400 feui at AN 01 il E'F0LtMIt. tai îî'îuiua pacle retîiu-edl for storag B-1rookiut, Aitnil 1701 îIt 7-2. a! utf tia.cover 1 iefwccn ive anudsi i it--I"S of gtuîiiti .Thte umain iiuilliuîgi <1 1 f'ciî( o.ifroi-o t o lsoutht, auJ' as Our Corresponîdcntit; iirglu qîuul'i o '" l f- wl, t'iitua tvings exhendeil wcîi e lte duty aofhiit-ely pi-reaatioî. Ilit! wil1, utard o01<0 ac dt, cuici100 fi-et i , liowcvcn. uc tluiuk, bl it'itsel toiidti. --)0, and alln-sre mdont-s - iu heighl. 0C r whlue G ilne cotules, t1itf Ieftîiirttt-ar ttei- iawnlinon, anJ aItie soti end,i lsnatt FýOt u ruli le itar 'tii-tlite- fli ion deparîteut af titi-agiculturs le îîuîeliîîo siuop ; a stenun engmne o! [d occasiion euuhifi-i îi'utatlthfor iitrotita bosu-o't uit capablec -onig;-a uin u-lic u-iM Ila ;,tua tt-bngup ta 100, i. jîlaceul abont th afsecune titi-united ai tat,,1*i **, ititle o!flueeiîîîilli- tg he nntît-ru di hknaws no sucil o . -,- - i'aaf lihg'uufloon, i.sftue genel t. go iuulo thuectf-î'-t - t . ttiiOe ,witr-wlielm, puiutin "e Ho will l!)0 i'etail) tl.irx- "i - - i uttti:-eliiuiei",' of n y va- Mir. T. N..Git :a - j t- ' -i i utlieWC-ten ctio! elît iOu$used fto iay 'Vl;itlietri~ t -"'V -hiiilte wesf cuni o! th au's - tof t iiiý cn! lAl-lr -.ii' uuarli allogetitir o! neanî3'si: expctaio o!<tott lIti 4- laif(-(-flicthe-pac if froni 45 f-o à lighit-" IPatienîce ;ta-' aii- til-i2at ectîualy astwoi-kir LI -a -t't uaptri-ît wifli 1f ihes, planers 1' <<lac ut ut g (îu t-'-iiti ittt i',utii euttiiig umachine t t t~u Iu' x'luh-lu, %vill aîîpsia'îtli - .0 - -- ai î ltta t, iiittriollui oli asit if 1 The()!t- t c 'l i îleIra til iest- itit Mru. L qwrialty otft, c-i tIt tapl i nti- -iii- li-- t,-ipt'tatil ppliautei. ai antilS, ini flic ati t t iC'011.. 01'l it1<it1h3 i-tulat t- - tîttîlt-Ilof flua' ileii-ît Ist dtiy of! l iau m t t I r' ' - at.. i'l ia iui iîi iiu int suchi ms îînst- tut-I t l 'l; - l- ' pl i (lpait l uit i( fan- tht- 151h il utof %I iii pi e- - <- 1 s-t attilt llsuie' Mn. Browni uUtOi Ilt't-i a i 'ati ' i -tsi- - - pro-. closinuii uutstuit' iii' -a------ij, ý I1,t"aiiul t-at li; - t ub ut- ' fthe l>i-t ilialiltv e1 ani i u ;ai [&,;il-- i :'utaeat i ti fini tint. ' - ' ' *uttat l t' fit t oi 'i'îa the I-gali tuitiet- tt! ta jit'ai :'.t ~~t ît ~-1, r 1 'i'i t'îtîi "- mitlteit-ni inthtle is t tt'V tl fif 1--t' . ! - -i i-' I t- ll - iiin ut sirtii iii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1i fliit1 clt, uf a- u- t-'l grei-.~gi Pros- sale of' la-tiiîtat --------i a' i t ata ti faî'tti'itlso ttt li' lots Ntis. 4 alii 5. l )N itu t- Ii tv 2gi fla i iioti- - I ' a-a- i 't 11 lit iiC' it-L l t tl Mr. G 'îi'î îtveil t1ia i - ( tl 't I - - - - 'i i -l iite. wîulttI inacîîuuîîî jouri-u t i s f1 atîti-it'-, t t ta a - t t- '- iii t i ii' iui h' thCe ifitiii) tinte titi-fit-st Ise tili atý't lit:(e tit t 1 ' I i t i h1 D le Tuineu< tt t vi'sion fan tliti-towu'l-ilî s.-;i ît tetiii't'o ---e. - a-,f ct e eel iîieaions "u loxiti, Ne-bru--Sa, llaîla.t-1- - - t-ut-f ii ai) ît'tit tie munît a f utu f ifuis w'lîi, iiau-iit, Advei-inaiîgtltiuu' t",ii--t. -!ti -"'t ta' i tut' tlue psueuîee'twlivli aI- succcss. The tttI iti'i t ia -- - I ditw'uglgig-ansd must luhae ~;,:---aitîî t cî' ueetiany foîi' flue-lino. a-I du al î-sitecfsîierect ndî'î'tiiug viiit-t uttiil:1- - - -' tla(- itvetttitsitcai. Of hi-st equippttd t'îl i lI 'h ' a'tîî lite mî'c'ouîistor'v în piple-,laitd froîn a fiat if you desitin o sf10 -tt tat-tti 1saili- cauitidei'nllcdistauc-off. anl onfiitblu tiM u at îtîi'îltgii- nito a tu sîauxhaut, ecapable o! quickly ad-cizrtbl rfan itos, anal in a uii-erai-way Sautliecî'nIowa, Nlnulx :sctat a' "tuttugettmJtomiac-fthecshahli.siî' titi Pacifie ]Ronds, hi- Cuti ftintmit11Ïtest-ut couiplefe on. i. praviîid. Sanie "fly Way o! Buniiugntout." Stonffit i!imnu-pigi, baý, auJbale- AilWhio wiiti- làttie'tlsr ilitlinmaou,t-gfie-r-ttei*aîal u vér-t'tltr-'ixundred limtit are enpioycuîl, anTi a lange map, tio'igacr"Li] lia' xxiîaîe' xxagetî aunotunt ta a enînthuat maikes Great Wet-s, txiaml lIta 'oiutii t cf o iauc Lar ge iutcrc'xmc totahfcgi-ni-mai -~~~~ '15ii -Fatalîi'a h aw «a chî t u m i u i --t-'Ira' knwidge,, by uJnu ît cac~î 0 "teiilt oisin isteiniîd ro-it songer Agent, B. & Mo. R. I.Z. R, itu-l-cu <îuanf-i oaSoit lingfau, Iowa. - 'ilîitoha. -An expert July o! $50 cacIr min titi-bol-d i ba- sfrn oTnonaMIl, ies o! deaJ Citinanien sent ht-nue frn antifis a prt-y accunate, if uaL fuilde- British Columbiai, is oui- a! tii- Bills lirai- -seription a! thi Josephi Hall Warksg, al oslea in tite Local Legislatt'c r a! it 'lteitorfaty! flîcir establishmntnîaI Osit- £'ravnci-.-awa. 'rhtir vastes and importance je ut malter -o! daily gnawth, unlil, as aur Mn. John Bowlby, 2nd con. mo! Wood- . house, bas a eow .wieh iately g-ebutili cantimporary tiy says, machine1-y frio ta four calves at one irti. Tecow s< the i-afabliehnîenl is, i useïS eveny Pro- oniy four years aild, an-idlias ital siyen vince. lu ýhu Dominion titis side o! the caives.' - -.Poceky Moumtsium, and fron Nova Scotia - a ~ta Manihoits. - Bom-US'To THE BowmuÂsvnLe ui) liot- Selçt 4 oq 16-Aboxne ! *00,00 a tt atv;t~ i? n- Xtîueeice of tti- printing presseis vle aaldBohcayge-on Palduay t-mwa-clu- ari uifaefuied at fin Joi-pi Hal Wanoks, upon ta-day, auJ caricd LîY n L sti-if- cte n t pasition, n a s syhag is, ta, o!~sp 12.1-pakiî fe cai-a. This papi-ni is pnineil. ,Tlism cînioue EkeftzLreMdîcal Ceilege on one o!f lai-i Taylor cýdialers. I l as o! hildelbia whcigiuc~rse aa~ ~ bei-n novi humnig soe-two mouillas- Il recentbo~u6 taI an i~ L 1iiu ~w nlasna ofqiO lias b=t~ ~ e$ a pe ale nle ich a! the Seuate. Thé 8catorfrontBriishia ta king thi- go ern mnen l on te varios 1 hi nýt. a ia, w i- of Mr. W in. Sklx-' w Coumaia nliMatitoa wre ntrducal.point, ana particularly witi eferni-ae t n-r, Senr., of ing ton, anald rither of an a to lc their seats. T iti- numhrs a! i s coursiein regard ta the W ashington Mr. John Skinneîr, Imerhant, W hitby. e dt th e 'S é n a te b in g a s s e m b le a, H i e E x e l- T r e a y . --_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ar- lency w a e pleu sed la. co m mi an a t e a len- > S ix iY . Hin ck rep lied ina spiriteds ps eech 1 ' e i f a î- i P ' i s o t- ( r t f «J Jne !li anea C ontion, .anuJ dfýi-niite government. H . denied and CUoti i 1g.-u-Iyaturniktt- ile. lia PHouse beSprcentHisExcellency titi- nspousibiliîy of lte Minister of Jus-' itIe ut liii- uiuor nul ittt-i 't'i ioli-tuindi-hie i n ., t ah e a e l ta pn ie h , f if f t s e ss i o n o ! t i e c f o r t h . r e a t y, a n d e ttd h i- Ja d - a 6 fdit e c i c ic n u uli î uilo f t Ii~i l i i a t ,ý il m n ; etu i e , i d b sr, lit fratPaniaent o! lie Dominion o! mdir insf*I-uciana as te noninee o! the wI-tluldc-ut,'in i{slt t'ile un- anaa wiit h. filoingI i-n iai govei-unet. Titi CaTnadin our brenfatties' wtit a, elicaie <V fiavuvreci Lad PECiF11Oi THE THONE. gvernnet liad niver asseneal la lie bîettewai1 ut uV--u uîuytev ? e H o n . G e a ut m i - c o f t 7 c e n a t , G e i- fl e . t r e a t y , b u t d i t a p p r o - t u l io i t . T h i s b e i n g d c e n ' b i l s " - tvi m u l ic t- u i e G < c te . M a d e t - m e n m o f th e H o u8e . tmo 8 h . p o s itio n a !f l l t e jir e e n m in is t r s , s in i ly w it h l u "ii - n r o r N l ii k - E tie i meofCo »z-ii.packe t i hdçiiJ Ms tu' C . lloi - hi - The aspicios rcaeuy w iiclî le in consequence ofta opposition, 101n, pahieCh42îiuie, Lotdit.' Am, uuki bis mee a ouclisafcdf-rn the i-Imptttia gavi-nmnut, the- nisul o! witich MilIt.) agwel i nigi montai llni-ss a! the.Prince o! woul h.c seitawvienthue papers tîpon 1h.e 1RIIILII>GI)u.5 W ale Sio alo ealj frha n iversal. expres - tûuiýje t cam e io n . T A E LR-I G I E saofanlithekfuEmessire.ugion Sî. Holton insisheal upon thc respouisi- -'rninuer G. T. ttntîway, ittuve Wfituby taui id li. E p r . A hi-classes o ! th e p i-op lO bility o !f te, M inister of Justice -ta liis s to : la estifel heir eep sens. a!f nilie! frai Hanefn u esa o msinna- <ut entlit mc u. ctu.'0 v a s t n ite fa l n n ai f l o -ef r h atas o Gio er a - <m. W r-.lal. - -3tii L ocl 70týM r - - u i e i s o a l o g a J p n f s u s - W -a s h in ut ot n , a n a l s a i t t e d o c t r i n e ' l a id M ux e d 3 ,W p ia n . ~L - i un ple t, jIn g i ,in w hoval ui--n ilwn y thmciMinisten f F-ace was a.c;<-tnrt,«5pm- MfdhSi pi. - 50 apubic hankgivng, w-ut pr-t-al n uonstrous, dangerous, anal destructive o! he tins i 'ui i'çt,%- ii.i2tVieh l nin rs'o! atedance anl utauniintiy o! feling Coloii ngl. H oia a -sv, p w kpî~t- tLmv-îPr en t t s th grande a an alm tit itptssivti c ne - au luvoit ual, e111 udhi- t la tii- con - un tintîttg ltya Wtih tt n. nany vcu 'tvfni-atiin li B-ifticp- tauy, taI fte Minister o! Justice ioulal î". mn ka itai. ~nia itita f in t e argu n o t h ei -Ainis e n ! of- a- I invite Yu ta fallow- licgood ttaupe Finance, lliah b acea aI Wasinitou Mitaticîtm ise Pîltyteu.-lle, s tiii n thi- tfteenti a! this Iomîfl. Iî w'u- tact yasi the nnî-noce of te ]ltpeniti-al ulrîrn-3iu a a i- <. ilc 'ap, u. t<îutuig tt'st s te tu-.m 'uuthtT ti u,.ue.; otig Noi,i tîag[Bolisbet i-in i.siîu1 ittet, amni ual as thce'î'cpnesenta. e an. Ri-intet-iltuters ittetil tue dv!ivrüd futhe- us, ftwo aouersutawl ltas flimemIieua o!ftiel ite tof Caatîiin ititet-etts, ni-sponsibie fat- uvîket ii titiutes tefuntuotiti tigiifntls. failful subject îtrougliaut f th itut1t)u1Mc1lougtii uia ]is'a hli e tîi sl î M i ' aahauaeaî"s.vr i- n, w -il bcauxi S fa urtite iuat h -nu f iet uiion'as r ut an iti- accsiauu aill' tilttît-isal s hettu briouglît Y ourM mle c siitgli i a ilm e lc ut p -tt au n g tc-- 'aislii i ia 1 3- i m mbe h o! 'tti'k ir tIieî. t tin c-ute uen - e n t a a a l s a s lua n u u a , u p atyt t e e a t s i t o n , t îte a l l w s s e b o t - u f y i -, t a i tF i. io u f r e i ,ne t i , ) a f f u i ît l îe m - fle n t r i la t t ' t i a t a î i t e r a m e i n h i n I lu i i t t - J. : I A . s I t i a ' C ac" . - [LC l t e r a , f t tà t fl E e t i e d . a lu e mct y's Gonter snn ta n - as a! -lu Euphcuand aw-loi. H9"t'uh nu..aic.rtih' uî iiea.j I. ingit'iî siv lus , a esî m1îEvrt'snîay niiuun, s ix ~ ~ ~ ~ LIOIOI r'ouam nvuc ! M uioia. 'xi> canti ~t îicrîîoîiin l-wt tst iaî tm tu oug. sio n Sct e m ns f tP oltt- a s eti 't;xCo iu3- i tyII i. o 'w, t'et m et , a nciou r ç n î ity f 1 - a i ti tt f p î u', ti u 't t t -t u . J ilsint r'tan a t i t iîa tm litof -at- rJ. fylteas fàrtastat wtet-. Cntittsî'.a lax T-cassure ie Po i! Ie aiî ou-aidr flc, qustio o! Haugn ou i- 531 i-oi ir i-ad ai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ eIe anllite-utaf-ute c o i ut a i n obs r u t insaiu t. T witinale- Cîu.-tn,,tc tuwui iiîîa A l t n, a i is l s ra e I or era th frcee o! wt - aiulwasire utet a atiîlo- s ri a et.-ae'.trJ.tii' o! ilitiamef la le s eurrOls l Fart (isnt'y. imulliil, but as a pubcli m-bc Si1ud - t- - ty ee N ô u i ad iat g ith e lo cal in i t s s ait o! 'Y' t"herta t7 i t o h i tl cnirmacusds il. tr m . ' cV. t innkpts )n ilîli-d it hlt e tw-f] u-tg. I liut- tît Inîanalg'te-mettweti o -itP ~-ý-----------------it Il a. En.,tand i s t c e ss t i t h pr ei n o tl e i t - l - tî0î d i - c u r sei t e t it r - r a l u x p o n t r st e b c c t t i f t i î t r i i , ' I t t - - - - - --oI - @ s , an e cîlîli e t r au uu su e but tle o te ilut le ' osd t-h e que- -- -- -- -- - -- --nl fof eh~ j o! fl c o u L h un ecî l a r o tit la i- --ot' a t, n ea tiiw , t-'Sî ej a n au l 3-Lu ir- 6.3 t0 'taff- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - 111 @ Ti a cco u nîs d a flit e o fpt-u d tt o l lraa iîtî I ar ho m re a o t i t t i f u e a e i ii t 4ir tf S c d b 3-ti m ti s c x p eî i o n t ii li F o r t a-i i e wb - - - I e p ia - i , t t o m r i i r f r t c o l a u - a t U t lie pua tisITtadintalcinf c Ga"t-i atunatiof uiIc felutios a tbic aticvinIE 'x Ibin c-t ---------f i-ift*.0 th e y o 1h Tr i-tif'- urmo ite 'elI di la îî te-tu t.t 2Oa. pe ,ic l' îttn i-tytu-b-tu c i-- tSirx ta ' " eslia ' i-u iieP.utattut y lta' .Hi~- - --. ~ ft1 Q ut-itltti - Uuteumrcletvitulerc,t' t'tutu t t î i 'alpî. ' bt-Ihet- - - - -4<c 4 Si utiiti-huthi Iam-uuuon i-tile- rta' iii ' Imperuia' calculion fli c ititt-l D'-'e----------iii. , a f lS.ý il ss etuht "titp lc ajl eft o tnettai ti ho fîiit:pnttuî n jet ' a a'- - -fit.tI(n -525 ~ t-at ~' ut-ilu- -- i '-- ittt'of-tu t'et- ut.________L ug i itn e' lii iti-n d ura n c e-, b ut t e I I 4 i 7c,- i lt t l '.a- lo ....au -.i.'...uli '? " t leTa M M T S Il Coih e uî î t tu li tal 'a 'aI a r w i T rti"'a - --Aftr r îie i h IM a'ss rs aI. Ju. .....La.e..o. .lita ,e T - lh u- iî' l- a t ai î0 1 th e e l uaid tuin -d îtu u t o d liMaso n p c: I i iGi ) à~r i J~ ) 67- t a-tîutta'n 'uuî'eb ot'tt citn tatuad ita-' u i a lie ftîe flicHouas. i0 Pt l)c i lte s -idl ut-a thc taInd tht lattertai'ita --1' lu -c w-ut n îuîes îî î.î - --~ - -ut ait ' u t aa ieluu ouî t rai aa' -ae a tti l tv Hin ea lo s(e W I ....... 5 1 i) 6-lit-t-. A in p otî f thti t t,- i ad it t tue a- aie-'i !itl - utuarbtg'tei't -li ititt 4 nitalta-betîaapun.Mr-ktta. us i at a st l cuicutul iai m ttatt ifx ui l u -t tu ta e a'f ie tt41)tfcui.1 ' @ ) Je.5.t s Calotuii 'u-it Camîtat lnc lerîu lii - j " ' ii . It aU iït'ti 0 1 1'l g tlat'luiititi..i...$5r25 - coftîîîutthe t , s ati ht tW<xti thIt . Ma'îiuaill tutt a t liuk li-lt s Cîiuli !,-il a detIut-'m'iu tt i l Ia N ut ua ttt-i fî'a-i-' l't':c list a e s u - ' tt n tî î a u a l e l i . ' t -- a a a u i - it it - t i i a a i t i O t c t i ' - t l i - - e " e t - i . uu - t. u a i c c fur lc cmLat'taiti -fainai't-u"taltait, îua;usrullti-tl' iuiu-a',rillai i -tlunatjtult-acaitfOtltttus utitIitn I~it~~t l-tttu ii -t ita ttt ii t-u I t- t C'- i ut a t " i-l -ti u' at t tu l-e iu'- ~ I u-t 0 -c ir ia- -a l ofîuu tfltrMaC-ats iar - o a uîtlthrt aoîitafi tii a'e.e.'i'eu 'aiiatFtAhîts ulie îg iift l ()uuli ti I a a f a ' Atli iii tiuuc a-ing mof tha ie ' - sta, fo rî îîu i t t ut t ue , tî ua t ai i ae ai ao ui t s a OI- - It li tt ri ît ut b O î utît ti lu ri! îiwî'îi naaiau 'u-iabtute auiIt' t lu -t0iîIlae-a'aitiutiut Sr.1alnt-piiil t' itauili.u-u. -enleui utislîts tuf iii iui'iii't-t aî'iui'x'al t-dl lia' lai la L11t iauu.t ila li- t', "îî flu atir utiu"e îll ttwere lpIehi-i te: w11't1,tittî. jouii t i ltttt- Iut tut ' lndita, fait î - lieu--a 'tx aîu lidle hu ouhî tuiig it li lie taiti' ifticl St.n aco il u at fl i c t it t t' t' t a- i it a-i c -uTle l a t u u it i i 't i i ta l ec , u a i iii elJ . lt o t f l tt it-la"t r-o -' ' ' -a". uauh - i t I e i ~ t l t t a t a i ' ' ~ ~ ~ U Y l flue ltlcali,;mms' ti'tt'ai a'ala"-'- - ta t î t I ll(,-apubie a i lti'i'i'I it llaa'- tUiliejl ;ý , Thue dor tnu -tii tusitua lîtax lia la a t;-ij . itlta-tf tht !Quei-uî tii cp-ac a ndii ii ~ s - aI la a'eJ -l lieur.atl tti a te n t c a ata4n H J R I A Il)the t , DAYgAN» nnrairt til'tthe oela11)al yttiet av tjI.f,, ",Il" tai'g ut" -litlti 'uutu"uo',leitn.- " .ý'. 3 i t , 12 puuup os w i ae id -ia guii, o t i tl 'a -riF ii l ) Y -iiartiiioiutinctcopiesrofs oui P~cî nmiayo reiaiug ttiliii .Tdgaaa itt1,--1it ' ni ýio , ruî Ihd - i. the 1aJo l a q -"t lit' t ir'P ' l; . anl ins ! i- Dmtt 11(ion i ) Matu i.a! Nt'luuu'uk',l n c u otui u -y ' d*.t aua lte Noritwet ft-ilnict, ani fr lîw-alitt a I 1>i ti it ti.lI.r' t ni. , uL tit-u 1 fr i a m ri h n n t o ! f u e ia -s t- ii u ti ai it -ttinl e' î u'l u' -' f ta i- c ti - w af t- - ii tt.uiti 'ttdtnta fIasaîilu îîîî isst i l A i t a p i - e o f) - t c e l l ie u s - o f a a u t î t a : - t t - t d - t u t i - e f t o l a I c t t- J i r a n t' a tatir a I t at1io.-m u - l - I i d i shahceeî ite wreceipîts atieiîiaItta ai follfousing arc fia.heîîama's tof -i"ai51 lti.,fi.1li- o! lime c et Iyemn up ta ltea-to%-th e lta'hli(. uf, ~ - -t- a ' a.iC- li -tewu fl , b u t tni p assi t frivgcs . u u at c' t I i ' e a a ' ' i - ln t Lsth oifl. It s gi-if3'i roctt 0 mue at anct !iii'aullsct .Sisi tihi\~ it -t tt' -i ~ for thec ast, as 't-t-ilas !for ti- (cm;it c- _liOftutti ltit, ihaotaic-,;i at, îiaut-l,.tpu ycsr, -HI hc cauitieî'ulîl3 iua .hait,' iaîî-i; u S. Stîckutey, jewellet-; $12-5.'rt Oiia'tblt-i.uh ly tlsci-cis Ilu) reacru Ii uîîriaaitti-ttau'ùtais .T anvod a 'a-t ba1rftssàt on7tti-, lluitlitutc f> l dry eil.,T. Mnooeve. - tuaCo.,<Iltcîîi.tI. Tii- estlnatt anti.a-isaiforu' tiutheli, îtiiniMts Nruau, lilîmî-î' lit celt. lSt ît o s eplc lue submitteal ta Yeu, ta-il 1 truttî voil w-ii No i an g-oi-, . bos'i& Co., dryfRLS ý; b i c o f O p i n i o n li ma t t li s p p l i e s w -iv i i l à h n a - v i g t d t u u î î g r c t u i c a , N V . lo ts ,j r , p mr i a t e t i1X I 1 < > I l ~ ~ i t a ' ' O u Gbvernniml will ami you fui vote for tht'ét--uat-uce, luthfline lutivat, utisidenco I- îtnttî-a,:iitit'p- ui<tr i-.0< service o! lIer,À)jesty can]bc iuiit hl- te Juage Euutifila, ccupieai y f-liteîua>,---'uit'ta ltltabaili. ivithout inconu'enienco fa Her Ca îdaarnly iin aa t'u-ul-"'uiJ~ subjecte. cm~ester n13ït'nd îutevailitg ah Ililu tintecar- cor-ii t- Rut u'it'i 3 -.t lie Haut. Geuttluiic i lue Seutatc : Ge;tff- nilflic cinder*s ta' a gri-at distance, ana l Sitttit,"-iti uaI<a- tsi-iiiIuttlh men of flic Hauise ofc t'in3 smt onte o! Ihi-ni dginglte caniee,ca lut'l110«t -c-ti - ',ut-rn,titi !w t' rccrio ll- I havethe mri saisfctiofuilu'-ecnnniug l fite rua! la catch, aud in a fi-us - -ltsircip teu ttli aoitt fp-t la âoyorcrounsel adassac i hsUe h uilding, ivms too fan gone la bitc >îîiîîn 4tuc - lai-nît- -, 'acolon, pe;iodi nasmncita ns ay caugrahulaio sauua. Titi- ois is *noughly cîhintateal aItlst-ut uuiil tiin f(4-< . ee a -î,i..eili', ci< you on lie general prospei-niy o! lie $15i0,000. Tiae Briiht mnisuia, Landa on-.(rji ,tis' il tî'la .country anal titi-forfunaftismue o!f ie anal Lvenpool-auJ Globe, Westlern,Nonrth .-Ttree tm-eo it- -ta'-imue une is horinul t.ra*tii MarIici eicrbrites sf-ps takhen tfa nulle alud cnse.iahit tlitah-t 1 nponilProvincial,. -andJ Piio- u.-AtIi ite-! l ecuc-'-iu J e a -t-ast lent-itou-les w-hii naw fôathle Do-_ nix Insurau-e Companties wiiU auffn n.ts euts Iaamai am- rt d te minion. I feel assuri-alyoîî wÎil coniine Tht- on-m ýo! lic fine lu unuknoai. itaî<-.ltmt"'ata, ut r-ri ta des-ote lie sanie asaiduify Sin hiepasL--<t i..7-l!rifs ii'l1 it r-at-ta tf aeha-lt alUyw'i ta te augaientluilabours 'hichîliex- Tito Ali uci-ai-oyo ! y ~letat-1ieîc î- . 'act-, r tua,. igeucies o! muore nînneraus consliht.ticîi- mca aw-as bina-J oivu auTueday naitt' 5-luciln uejit' , t i'ieti an a a ider sphene fo a ena ia s dem anal in ct asI. W hln rsltis nti- hei building 9Uwuî 1u ii i cr u t l ieiiîej Cf ' tstte uîuty ayouv Lande, anal I i-rnesthy pt-ay fluitms - tneioped in fianes ana lie roof faîl afneîdtu i uiu i our efforts in lte pataofJuly may hlieuiniii. Ticentactinery, &c, i-c a total î.Wiht tsi nt - he. cDa- 50 iappily guldea as <to a anhain pence boss, I111e erange hos the lie .originalt uliij5- djustico iallàe bordel-,ftho 10nd e, snofieha-ee aothlbU-- 1.RAY, a o amsure alicýha inca*Ms andilaslingwL. for a.long lime. It ilscpfl i- c ,ecïtiî7eld Tristîrer c wSx > -NO LaUeà 1' iis-i a _ , ls WimftbY) ÀlU 1,182 1- - - i a' - I :4 -'--I - B r- - -1L0 r- -Pur GTI Lik( 'y 0] id on 1

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