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Whitby Chronicle, 18 Apr 1872, p. 3

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1872." , 4 Weare. uow receiving our Spring Stock, .And hope to be fuîly complete in every department in a tew days. Menufactured Goods for some time have been steadily advin: cing in p"ic, owing to the higli prie 'e of xiùw material1, there is no 'inIcation that the highest point lias yet been reached, Anticipating this A&vance, we - Placed our orders eariy in No- veiber and-December'last, for the~ Leaiding «Line8,r *Reqnired for-the trade this tiea- son, at PRICES ON AN AVERAGE PFROM 16 TO 25PER CENT BELOW PRESENT PRICES, IN-, STAP LE GOODS, CLOTUJS, TWEEDS, WHITE & GRELY COTIONS, S HEET îNGSt SHIRTINGS, PRlNTS, FLANNELS, We are prepared to olier Great llargains PULLY AS LOW AS LAST sE éA SO0N, Our Stock wheiî) complote wili. lie Superior to ifly'foh'înc'r seasoli. anrd attow pricos, haviîîg Purchas u in01 îost adIvaintae-e -ous terit. . We hav e a, fuil stock of' BR0 CE R. IJE S. Like Dry Coods, ý'av materiai- ly advaiced îi price, W-qý have a 1fiilllitie ut OLD PIRICES, FROM .50 CENTS. An inspection is solicited. ]LowEs & POWVELL. Moroh 27f, 1872. 40loves, Faucyy sud I)ress Goode: ?asois ln gret arie âd' ofevery shitde. Ctoths. Tweeds, and Gents', Ouitting G06ds4 Iwhich lin quaîWty and style c'annot be siirpassed. .Also Riats and caips, to WI)ich spýecialj attention is, called. GROCERES.-A very large Stock- the Ùchoicest, Frecshest, and Best. Hardware ofail kinds, Oils, Paints, &C. FIELD- AND GARDEN, SEEDS, N ew, O'hoice,. and Good. Ail the Ieading varieisoTunp Manol WutzlCàrrct, Cabbage, Onion, and Other Field and Garden' Seeds. *: ý2,000 bushels of Peas Wanted. Wbitby, April 17,, 1872.X GIBSON, NEW GOODS!, NEW GOODS ! We. beg' to announce the arrivai of our Spring and Summer Stock, which com. Prittes a enoat extensive and variedl assort- ment, and whiell will bu offered nt LAST ISUMMNEIV'S PIIICES ; notwithstand. ing thec Mormions inerease in the price off -Woolens, enid the consequent synpathy in every other line of Cotton anad Linon Goods. - T. Il.McILLAN & Co. MfcNMillan'd Block, . Brock St. WiyApril 17, 1872. NEW ADVERTISEMEÛT$.- SPING SHQl-W, OPEN TO ALL COM1'ETITOM4. The SprngShow of flhn 'keriing Agr i '.% uutral Society will ho e i et the Village of BJroughamn, oit Wednesday, Apri1 24th, 1872. W"hei tte folltNiitg prizeit will ho nwal-'d. cd, niz : nebnt eucirc tintlier e $4 ip3 $2 Ii 1 -kitre , lrme (ettille r ..rrt-.ge) -t lecpt tire h ,tr.ne t. nitîrtar,' . 4 3 11,-t 2.y-unr <titi finr aiillitî utît un i'ng.. 3 2 t Diemti -tieciaCea 'it-nc inve. 3 2 t teai el, car .,itt cl.i.t 3i~ni tiesit -arIij Cii I'(a,î-i ir naî'tit 3 2 [jtînt il iait. alcec "-c înart.151.4 2 iriiu1411. cul cuJ it'e Jainar>-. lffl. 4 i 2- Aged Lt lti. . 4 i lied '2 IlM. "tiriip !4,1A.i Deiai2 ttiri c.fCcrtud P cii i t!l ,tg nn 1,0ît- tiài i ftû th Fait Stgiw. AMIl 4i"c'iniiitý,' for priîeig ut titi, Fi)t iii, iiLt haae, ,-î'îî i'ric cloe atier tut, i 5I. ci,fAt rit, ilti tii n-î e Ccr. iy niier ut tr.c'lrc'in DA.'t>lA%%sîuN;, . . t.<TiIIl, t'car,,,Aj'i 17, t 172. lue 1îî AsIk L'il' Fuît'.ALE ul RTf II-i-,ctwo roorni, Mn. l.nvr,,,>,i.-itr, ti týri-c illt.l WC-Iltlittedl witie i, -,i , x 14 .-iC. gcd uit and id î, cc ',î cirti t 7'tay. 01 W'. il. ulViAlbui Or t' t . Y. ,M ltilt, 1Harh.tcr, Mr. J. Durit. W lA t) A Til 8t [-t'CjiO~Ti ,.'. IL CARD.J DENT,1',, li'ltr.-rJrock Street, 'lity (mr Mc. Jaies'tîntore.. NITI'RoU-s OXIDELI'LAUGIIING GAS ADtMINtSiTEUË POUt THE Paiuless Extraction of Teeth. 'i'mthicAt-u lOI,,htti2 11Y W J'A NT' E1). icra. 5.2hi. OCIIIIANE. pettititphunami Milei. K. F. Lt)IIKIIAT Àlie, Tom il of % thie Tuinveo f t Wîi- t11, 1t ilnak Street ln ofthe liatet tctts'e, itt tl . ne. 'al, 4 umiei, ftil'lit a 'ailu0j e .Ot 0<~ bite tc'etja tî ucia Pottolufor a 4e iz17v ltâ lii AÀpplIcation to h me d toe ue hpeo, umtIl. tout -' J~II RIIIMIJON. -CIANCEItY SILE. PWUTte au erdur of ttie %CDurt, dist. 41 (,~ t f Ficirtînry lard, antd mitde ini n nmatter e' t~ljz <1 1 ',rMid tiersi « fay;ta, tiwe br W.;] 1ý <ii.t. fla 1c ] with tii apî.robatinn fl 4T b 'nan Wtrttw Tayiar. IEs- quirae. 1 r the iii ora f :hi-cert, 1.3 ['ltie vui ti , O1) Frlday, the 26î1h day of April, 1872, AT TWZÉLVE O'CLI)'I%C ION, By Jaitit, M. Pattîx. atucitneer. tit the VILLAGE OF WIIITEVALE, fl tle 'Iowîi.tttp cft ti I.r e t e <IItwill Valgt,,'-'le fi n ai lier t t t r' giute tlle ex tate hf 'lutt Vii t>t-iitt' al tCite ZEndura tilt oet- l INi,. if 'eir'g îciie hi eiîtri'l i-O ac-ea et'flte 'I lits pr' .îîctLi , -, <. 11titi iitt fetmite ti ttcf'i,-t taritg -lcraiiin t,.is k, it 01aclerc:i tc'l it" .,1 iate tf 'i(4 'ttiwitl ttIî- Cexetio'iatit tnt nu emeciCs. Ttc î'n-iiî'aart kitt p-mnt iIte cieCtpt at oj',t colf Jttî ,mti-nii, ît-ijit, wtîoe utein expires lt iline-cli cf(Athe presctt year. ' 9 i'ie-tenii c tir theitretsu tiey is to ha pîcil dtecii, ite iVeicoe. ra.ctitimuSolicitor, mt tli.,.tlue o f cute, t,,,,1 u.rit8Cieut toeotttr wiblm tic' salî,t i'îvcit le imîake iuptwo-tlttrda eoftthe inlole I)Ur'e-tast t iî,ic, w tultu cu0o nth tiiurutift£-r. 'lTe rcmnîling oîîe-tiird lu bc nceured* ma'>ttiilcaItn Ite rentsem, t-car- ilu', ituttteuct ut eiglittj'eu CL-it. te Inë alakia fo.t<,ws t- One-tîa'trt.i, -at Ltierof ou the FluaIt day ut .1tiîitry, 1>74. <tfinrîtul'art ttoreeof 1) tae Flt(tIl;%" f .!ui'ltury, l>76, etie-fuarîtu pitrt ttîet'ef oniuthte Fia lst y C)fJutitary, 1879, and enae-fcuurth lpart tlîcrct (iii th îto Etaday of tnîeay, Il, cdi. hîiitemet-t tir, in lte ineattinetlitaerccmtreai o eut ima ictdmce of l .,imary i actu t car. Ttmittpiretiner nu-lit lin ,cîtitnîl ti bc lot iu'to 01i1iatie i c lî nTintti- ci ti;e irceat tterni ot t"iilgi.ey. "lite î,ti, nu act,dtltyim iira the ,tniiiîg, con- 'ilitim if thl!ciCoumrt of CIiimteet'y. Fmîtiieu irtii'ttl.-ru ti ti ee<iotcs 'f suit, mai be lai,l'iiieî et the uL'w Officenof licihard Grccttiîui tn ij No. 2, Tà'rimîto Street. imlte C'l'cfl'aîn iof Joseph Meîtklteulie.Esq -, l ilte Villagge of Alititut, or etfltheauciiner. 13-ttc-J rd Aptil, 1-s7'2-. %. -LI RT.CHARDAYLOII. I Veidor's Scîictttr. VLL payrnienîsuuo tv ue10lie o àI fioru t i t tirin fÈjr Crown Landcjs,1-ut Itihber dura,îInw !sttep4, ilcensex or ait>' ether fecnut, W iniiIereefier tta inado uitt tmO fhflco or uitnce-t -tf a':y eti te fellowitig Itaruhts ILOYAÏ. CANîI>IAN IIAXNK, CANADIAN I4NK O 0F M- ONAII BNK-00 1PS A DSIOES- Andl wlte a t-tyuîetit 'lidte tl'Orende nt a point str,, ticre . o igti ci, tiet tttho - liguti-.y cf kiuuy ( i e liu r, rî'oil t5itukga tuimu c'lL' ueidu deioftiooi t t uir.m , (4ciite .1 <>R me u tciy et ut1 ,te<ie.ilieolbist rua-- LH E M IL L IO -N I 1872. 15 A ND CtEA PER THA N E VER, A T THIE 0F TuE Whitby, April lTth, 1872.. Grand- FOR, THE SPRING & SUMMER TRADEA Ski nner's Cheap Cash, Store, Brook Street, Whitby. Our stock will be tound replete with ail the newest styles lrom the follow-. ing mnarkets:* Canadian, En-glisb, Scotch, Irisb, French,. German, SpanisI., Russian, American, Italian, Welsh and Yorkshire, Our gbods this season will be sold cheaper thau ev'er, anid wo are deter- mined to keep up our reputation as the cheapest bouse in towri. We bave the best goode procurable of al kinde and to do a large trade we wiIl selI at the Iowest living profit. We have SPECIAL LINES of New Croods which we will, off'er to the public Io 'wer than regular Wholesale prices. We respectfully soliéit an carly inspection of Our *Stock, We wiIl consider it a pleasure ;ta shew tm gouda whetbcr purcbased or not. JOHN SKINNER, Whitby. April 16th, 1872. New. Goods, New Eoods,, * AT TRE.OÀ R. FRANCIS, Dundas St., Whitby. O-pcfng SaleI -0F-. NEW ST-ORE The New Store in Whitby is stili, a- hecad. Trhe Pioprietors have the Lion in possession. Shotild lie be aroused there is no saying the misclyjef tbat'might be doue. Le is to be liad by every customer at it trifling expense. Siîîce opening ont place of business, we have been highbly patuoffised bv' aq tick dficcrnin- public, wiîo have irvaiably pronounced the gooods 'l'HF CIIEtPESTl IN WUllITBYt We have beeii reeêeiving ag bpenso od since open- ing, counpritting Fancy DressGods, Grenadines, Lice siits, Lace Cohlars, Rosl Lace- Iloniton and Point, a vcry large assrtnment of (r' JE N rilT1!S' -F U RNI1S--HlI11NGS! li ,inoen Collars-Dukc Alexis, Grosvenor, Geri. Trochu, Lorne, and several other -nakes to nuincrotis ton muention. In 'fies, 'fichborne, Eclipse, (lues lcrfield, Pall Mail. New Styles of Rats and Caps, in 'Endless Variety ,We cail spedia1 attention to a line of Boys' White Shir-ts-th.e only lot lu bu scen in the trîtte at very reasonable pricctc, l&-Ilase cail eaî-ly and inspect our Stock. Whitby, April llLh, 1872. LAING & STEWART.1 SMOKERS e FOR A GOOD SiVOKE USE THE MYRTLENAY SEE T & B ON ]'Aull PLUG. Price so Low that Ail can use it. Thoe Branud 6'Myqe Navy' la registerted, anud an>' infuiugetnont on lt wiiI OF THlE COUTYOF O.NTARIOq FOR TTUE TISAR 1872# No11 I 1 1 i ij 2 11 t'2 No2-3 2 2 8 2 1113 29 -. h 23 24 16 ..... 12 14 25 2'341 17 14 . 1 8 1 26 26 Ili Net 14 18 272 -9I le NOT11 82 2 20, ,Wh4tby, Fet*i), 18j' 72,j IJ, MAcDONELL, Litw, Cha ey & Convoyanclhig 011e, Arrangemenat% for speaiirattiftar, if Roi. Qh auoo, C., sud Dr)rMoool, C.j BOOT -AND,SHOýE STORE, -.WALLACE'S BLOOX, WHITBy. Just received and opened ont , atre- menjdous large- Spring Stock 1 oI3oots andà Shoes 'f e ery des criptiýun, comprioing. the newest aud niost fashionable. styles of ,theéda;y. As Mr. Keeéler purchased heavily, anti before the adJ vance on Boots' and -SholeW of atl kindi, he is enabled ýtoi under- seil apy other flealeria the Lkminion. - ' K> 1Sigu of the' Mammoth Doôot, BrockSt. i ';S.--Selling Oheap ReturW Ihis Moto. 4«hbyp ÀApn4-187 R.&. B. KEELER. for Cash..<'Sinail Profits -and Qnick A DIeS'ÂýND MISSES' Su'n.Shade';s ,and B'traw NWDIRESS -GOODS, il, '~c&~ '~ 1-cIY 15.1y FURNITURE! FURNITIJý.RE!i GREAT ROCKING- CHAIR, rC- Furniture Seling at Old IPricesfo 30 days longer; N otxvvith standing the laie rise in material and labor, the uudersignied offers bis stock at the OHd Prices for 30 .days longrer. Now is the Limeo to embrace the opportunity of selecting* from the Ia et ato-:kiii tha Cott'tty, of îlt'rc. bureate. centre. tabres, sofas, chairs, hedroom stets, &c., andl al of the bcst qisality and manuf4cture. Thîe only first-class establishîment in the County, where, Funer- aIs are fully supfflod. SPRJNG GO TO For- good and cie a"p suits, as they are seil- îng off the balance of their Stock to make. room for The.tUnderaigued h b as un t o f Mous>' receiving Daily. ' eUd, apon 2aror ToWnProort t a* reraid inîu m t bsuit iiorrowers. - Several improved'Ftrms sud wlhci Lands for I E EX Pi>E C i D ! vssii ap.s made lu Mainopat flbenturas, Bank, sud other rnarketsbla Leeka.- .A<T ~ NG E'S, For furtiier psrtfeulara appi>' 80- AT ]RINGE's' JAMS ROLDEN, Block, Brock St., Whitby. 7 y tock, Brook-street, W-Ittbj'._ Aprtl Sth,1872. là DomiNqioN BANK. - notice ià bers,>' givan tiiat à dlvideud antLths raeof npou lie ospital stock of tufs Instistunham beu tiis &y daclar.d for tse carrentbslff- yeari and that lie situe vili be pyablestt he Wednsay, the lat Day of XM Nat - -. .-Omueemo lie ,smaoreany gruater That thé Love ixa hava uthori"ed and Te- juired te colivey sud asure hiy-proper Od.dOr deedasthe xand allowauce for romi toete portor ris wbo msy hava be- cOme te purc tigestereof suid alithe beal of the Corporation tiiereto. That t" aby-la- @;],il corne imb force md" bave eflct immediateîy after it shaU bave boeu cofi5rmed by tih. courcil off tbe Cous- ty off ontariu. -Public Notice iàliereby iVeu tiat tii, aboya ed bYthe&uOunioffft. Copoatio o th Tovuisbip 0f Pickeriug at ifs next meeting t6~ bc. ield ou Saturd.. te iStb dy f May next. HIECTOR EXATON, Townsilp Clark. Pickering, April Otu, 17.5-i BY-LAW, -NO. - BY.law lor the elosmg up and sle et a certain road sllowance thereia men- aloDned. Wlteresun consequence off teostural for- motion ol the grouud it in impractic-sble to, "!Onftruot a publrc passmai'. hlghway ou the allowance for roadbetweu iota No's 4 sud .5 ln lte'second'concessnion ut the Tou'nxiip of Pickering snd it la deoirable tbast theinosa shahl bceclosid up sud sold, ' Therfo-e Ihts Coneil ofthte Corporation off the, Townaboj' Pickering easts. Thot the alinwanee for rosd batwe uIuW No'& 4 snd 5 iu the. seeoud concession of-thé TowusbýIpoff ?iokering he sud the saune is lieraeloaiචup Asas spublieroaïl or Thot IL sha hob.the. .uty oeft th. eeve snd he in laoeby sutborised and requirod imme- digtely afier this by-lswsahmg bave comau intoforce 10 tendertthe asld rnad allow- onlce iteroby meutmoned b the Party' or. late vis and% adjoin for lime Oum of Vour ihund uFPfty Dollars. Thot in the case of the refuai)off thte Party or parlies whos lande adjoin the, nid AI lowance for road for thei aurnoff Pour hmn- dred snd FiEl>' Dollars, thefl the Reeve shah el h l- sulu s-ny otixer Part>' or- parties wito,-ua> be wlhîaug to ghre thers- for te saute or any guaer Anm. Thtut the Lave is itereit>' uthorised ré v- q uired -'to couve>' sudsspre b>' propar deil or deeds the sald ahilowauoe for road seafth ie Corporationt therato. Tfiat titis by-lawabsàli comae lutoforce andihait offet iuamedjstehy after il shahl baye beau conflrmned b>' the Counuil of te Cont>' off Ontario. Notice la itereby given " theibaaboya la aa true copy -of by-Iaw to ho taken mbt cou"i- eration b>' the Ccouncloffth. crprationof Pickeriug At Rils soit -meeting 80 b.ield o Saburda>', the IgtIaday off Ms' aet. Piekriu, ~ - owuuui>Clark. PikrnfhApril, 18W2.- 15 4iu Begs leave -to,'aituouîîce to tlýe inhabitaints of Whitby, and Onta- j' r n ri, that htc bas curinened business in Wlitb, as -Manufàcturr in te above Tii chair to Superiorîity of- these Instruments, Thé following Tetimonials, from competent judges, will bear out this assertion. Testimonial, frénm Prof. John os,0it Cmpoer, Wbitby. Ma. st, theICo - - DRAtu Sa,-I bave examined your Melodeons, and.,am mosti happy Lu testiy tbft they are'-in quâity of tne and finis, a very superiér instrument.- Yours,&e., 'JOHM (POST. M.DÂzç-Fur, - Sn,- Having purobased une of yonr Pive-Octave Me-ý lodeons ast October, aiifI baving gveà iti a thoroug~h trial, I an reommend tbemf for Power and QuaIi't± of Toue. -GEO., il. BI FLOUPERI I'SAMLES TO BE SEEN AT -- MR. JAs., JOflNSTON ';.ýýý1 -Whibye m' Mszo eu. ~ Toronto,.j HAMILTON Uii AmtL4 2. . Which they are now BAWGAINS iMliY B MeMillan's ' February I2th, 1872. MELODEONS !11 &-Co* 1 April 9th, 1872. AT THE SIGN OP THE 1JAXES M SAXO. Whitby, April, -là72, February 12th, PRI&VTI GOODS. NEW b 'PRING GOODS

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