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Whitby Chronicle, 18 Apr 1872, p. 4

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f Ro-. meept , for 8 and :n, RUTUAL INSUUANGE Co -0- 11lt. Oompany lbiWu* -Partu, Bu!141rîna (3a1inrvQhntcetu. 0ehool Hou., U& their oontepfa, stlfate » I/)w maituaof, niy Wei olgoiompally In anaâa. jus78r! OSS8U ?ALD aolMpTLy. 1., FARBANKS, Ju.,. J. B. BICI<ELL, NI B.-Mfr. D. Hellday, !0no 3onger- an .&4'ul tof t1ls aCompany. Wsby... ,1811. . 8 cGEORGE GULEY, MEIICHANT TAÀIlO0RI CLOTIER AND DRIAP'ER, OSHAWA. GENTLEM-KN'S (JAitMIENTStiade îssdo Ir, thé bost ,tylo sandîllatest f.sajilgo;,. A. fiue stock of(ëlotli,% froi wldcl, t<s uîîli a moeetion (fir Gaîiltlounetll§S sîsiîînîcs eults. Osshawa, May 12, 1869. 1 Flour #cFeed S TO01- I" . HIENRIY SIIIijPIPAflI) Desr~s toInfnistho iffihtitatîtA of Wiîitby an I Visiity1 tIas, ho Istieepsaae o th usa gof IIENILY WALTEUII9, ROKSTREET, WHITBY' Wisere haiicsg-j> coiistusîsitly on lsîsnid, Flotirt Oatmnoft, Cornmcal, Brun, Oit (s shorts. Gralsaîni Flour, &c. And eeeryttilssg 1) tIi I-'îcîIlt *1p lîcî oFliîiir for Fouisitia,. s-ver~tîu at the Iuwest ucliiOg îîrieUslî. Hair Dressinîg' and Shaving S¶ TI Sovtor Tille155% fxOF î!TtiÀ. Wiiittsy Jeui. 22, lit. XE'PUS ULT'Uu%, p Wr l r û r1t4el Nr hm i s o l î t r î s i d , I t i k i si serior tO liiolinvsir oi si, l kuuu.1,id t- ti Qi-e ued QuartetaI ;Iîrly il 'f wluit-i. 1luit- 1'îîoAestolli iiisîuî lits, ili ii, sisule Copies h u f,~- - iîi or *1 50. 299 ilrouikw-.s-»c-Vok Jouuar>' 22nJ, 1872. 4 tf Tise Sottli-liilf -rILijt 'No. tt, toi ce-si. of T 0W N 8 I 1 P0OVF ICKfEIIiNG, COI)irlîli)i104 Aunve, 85 eîeussi. Tîsoritirs on thierni i good mstols une. < asst o, alisitlalies, isud te04 orïdîiriiii -l ; 1eisi is lieu'nýilies mii 'reisîb oîis'.Il.. 4 dtiis, (;' Mt, aMo yns is.. IoisiW Wtsiîio.Trgi-s ciscy.' Aiiîiy (if ly itter tre-lpiiit ) h, On thie Plr-iitcve, ' iiiuortoil 1im. - klibiary21211J, Is7i. -nut Pv A CHOICE AND VA t~ ar gazi ne, Periccdicais, and Pi fbr Musie and l3ooks carefolly fllled. supplied. , &Il Orders Fly lnar Datohmrnm, Galop 40 ]HldmlgIt, Galop $0, Little Sancy Kate, Galop 40 Gojod Ltitk, Galop 80 The Comin14 s tel) 1 48treh 50 Grand Duke Alede, with portrait, Mercis 50 B#ttle of Praguse, - sfonais jç maenic a rssseal, Merci, 30 Tihe r.M.A. Meroit, wlth C~ornet. t S. 5o A B y f 1w h iff e , 5 0 Pasisy 'Tion ghta, Wa 50 Oxen Wlilt'z, (Mozart.) Waltz 4Q Ffrolic of theo Frois, Welt.i 30 Graud Duke Alexi, W'%altz 50 Ballade withont %Nord.n, (12 excel- lent teuellitig piece,> eacli go Idbe iionr, Minzourka 8U Tihe Cu'jprice Witltz 50 i~esc.lsj], i'rwitliotit %VOr.ia Tiuope îîîateriy ,produsctiô oi, [)o jdisîî, letli ybouiîîd li clii, $,or mrpitritufy iii eut bru U OI i es d t ' t111le mctEin .4i T il, îlove, 40 Kimg îîîs.il"_ 40 Jaii'y 22, 1872. Sweet Bird>', abng,, 40 Live and Love Foretver, 80 Corne while ti.e Morning Bloua, 8 0 'Tias 8weet te he Rsemernbered, 80 Angeliiever Brigtlî and Fair, 60 Whaen Daiav loft UM. 36 If dàtsghty Deedas iy lady Pleeae, 40 Barney Oe36A. go Good Bo. 'Liza Jane, 85 I will Urrry nsy cwn Love, 80 léAât Ciild, cote, 80 Raf pY laa Qnuse485 0)fuir Dovoi 0'Ofond flove, 50 Go eing, 80 Scé~toh Songe-a rare collection on band, Hfawthorne laisd-a goocd eletiob. Any cttilese Songe are wortis lsaving. STAXDAIIO MVEICAL WoiiK. Bcrtini'as Piano Metisod; conîplete, $s 00 46 di té auridged. 2 50 Jiuthîtý's P'iuano Method, comnplote, J 50 66 .6 d abridgcd, 2 0() RiclîardsAolles 1issîo Metiod, 8 75 Mîaseol & liealy.s, 4 00 J. A. (t,tSi>oi for tla Psirlor Organ or lIo, 2 50 Tip top Gleo BPook, <ei àil,ît o 1ctiv- ais orSiliginir Scibtisîs), I1l88 Winnes. Violiîx Tutor, 75 Wiîîîîer's Ineptruetion Books for (iittir, toicîîi u tiîersinalli îitruments, 50 Tuisi ove Worka arc the liteat ixsucd for tcît-Ainii >eig4. Shecet, Music arranged and Bound as desired. prornptiy tittended to. Teachers can be supp]ie-d with Please send pour ordeî's to JOHN PosT, Dealer ncîy, Schjool J3ookse and Fuxney Goods, Wriitby, Ont. any addross upon reccipt of pri ce. t'Sheet Music cannot- be exchanged. Florence Sewing Machine. IMPO. FANT OrderÉ wiIl bé- Inusie nt the usual in Music, Statio- Music sent free to Cail and see the 10-tf NEWVS Agricultural Works. LEFFELL's CELLJJRATEU Double TURB31IE WATER WHEEL. VIE JMI'OITANT TO I'AllTiic SCIîN(- X~~- :- -EXTRA iMA1tiilNIl fi L. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tht. 011exculisi al tu. lier , toth asitrlal D O M 1 IN 1 O N and voealaeid wsî sir,. tscîireî i ,s tise s eortty of lî ilto[Ii ssii îiir. ît,-iUt -iF OL -F )SIO tise test IePs1cfaUr> 0llta iîsn tr.t- !. FL--R i1 r-S,011 t 114 isi- oii- i ier lig!ut or oàiitv% s oeisc orsvca ts .-ru0ic ll4>5tt5uV irs, t- Luti u i 1 'h-- -tlit - 911 fi l ii111t011 tit e uî(tuîr (uil^: 1 -i ill N0r liMT(MHlIIý 1u-sss (iIlu4 I s- i,FLOUE, iAND rEED STO1?P * ep I C u.n c t witlets h itlh t-Àsîtlî-, ii t I ii si ttIit <-is it -si- Mr, unc- hy oaller t01i0, Ilt Nilti <1 t -Iu Wleî i hMii . tZ irî i- lis She oldest ci westiser. Tis , t a rtsi5t tss v Ii lgiti-tlIuitu-rtbea ut tise lisi~ t intiortlîce, froli tIsie loi IIIsîî t t u t L ,h ,1ffe 4r ii - i 1 i il i nothIsvtîsg tisIs qîlit>'it i I iuîîtt lri ul Waye ($sII usu i i ilC tigI.sit-fi-sî . uoldlilaft, 5litel iail'jt!i Ihi>' 1q. al i f i B C t ,i- . beeted state, but lise iio itpîît i oncsiis s]I Lri loue imliuLdoftlsCl,<sikî lca,&. blieft IS.4 coligeaie< i iiwill îsit itIil4iitn itS55 tJ(U< lasVi-u.i1îi- u iic, til thiOourinel b>'fiction arqisirea tho isuntai-adixt attireocatry horoti-ci h1sl ssd<tt onsiaIlkiil. of 1k-s-, ssllitssg ut Lit e sct liv- erti -tîigher telintceritut lrc "'clisi, 111 iisg prive-i for caulI. un i ilspe.aitpte to i useolIOintI sylit clili oi a ~tsiî paid fuir asUkinibs if Feis PIroilssce 'r il ,, iaft WiîhiîlIst e reasil, asc il lu i n. &ui il. 5 -~ guis 011 Wltii water. J.-G;. stocl'e <M iii il- îiW'titl,, ti. tt001, Ii72. ti- uritawte I# tolîleit iuclihSry thîe siuitl._________ lm sppfiud. Vilia 01f isnow iid inster INa oelalieuseitstisuis r ivisig trtie 1bst- pf mgtieftietion and ail isîito ii si gil -y orefer Itt» ref<ned spersu or pitre olive.. It L- free frein tlîe Objectiotss srgpd 8tliut i chlier Oa, dis it dote roct gtsssss or friieco. MaNON%.,, es thoapublie are mieetlnt sn:uv worthlpéom~t 'o tlsgirtpta lito nuîsrity, li i rier te T ourelvee ageitithie oprationaeot nîîscrsspsî- t lo1s il-sntit, (nlan>'of wîoisa wl notl iîe- * -<' câoopst ff tise tIean offllof Oil refincries ci M4 beiug identioal witiî Sioek's extra Maclîlîse W-- ~ t oll ) We preposue té tîiose wio -ilre0iîcIteisteric Ii ite trutl ti tse aton(Itto enseul to4 >I' thenu, ou aîpplications, hy inailior "ssîerwise, z t,..<c ' froc ofocharge iiny wg>-, fs. esni' tjelieo, «<.c tlinî t in a>' eieak tor itbelfli And willIllss t~~~~ e iieid witl It a fow simipie tts, ise effretive ase 0~,' tluo.eeNts b>' wluch goldîl a ksoiss froint tise- baster ineotali, îud wl cliwili etiiîbl iprtit-g or-. C L.>.2wru -7 Jetn t aqsretliemeusivcs ûaKssInst itpoisi- Ci-.Î= o tien, yenbinc tisonsteJerniurscent onc witetlîer. the011 fcirwarded la un g ou as Gouuiaowtî-*\Ç-EO. B, STOCK, irouglsassi, ont. ti - -sole Agent fer tise Detsnilotî ss Brouaghiam,)&*roll 15, 1870.- TES TI MONI AL. ----- † Tix JOSEPH IIALI. Meeîlitrý Wu F ORJ. SALL. * * Oeliussa Ardil4, 18î0,- GB,,Byocu, IliQ., Bl1cuciiÀM, A vul-ibh. ili, iiis s lu tatehi ccf &nltiýq- beau usitg9your Lssbricatig toitifor tli- Plis ttsiI ul- c Vnsso, hity ci Mid- totiruonitlisa, pnd osîn sa>' wîîiîtiitlOl titht-, 14> iici tbiuuruiiiîdsu i-lwilrd tîaê it la thae boa a lwe lheve-ever naei.iid s g Iissis .ii fulli15 ui 1,11ste ala oi.liad iistlouarthss ay ttijer cil. JVot is9ors-lisirsi of ehlitjue 1fasstëfis ast -l witlt iu Wa>4verou ou Jage 4 fetlt-n aisser 4 imilûs. cf ithe fioi iiehirig village cf FPirk 'I7~ywti héo~1u. t eci tIsetooîl jktll, anJ citaitiisug 14-1 acreâ. qt ~ Wo'o net wnilaytliîig- For particutirse ppi>' to-- Stt t - anm, youra truly, - -PaTrOAS kNil, p ~ B1 LrS~il5 WhiyJll 2W,.n T JIESE Wheela wearé Dow manufacturing clicaper tban any othar shop in the ceun- try, and wc will give a guarantee with each Whccl warranting them to be ne weil made, all(l to L'î ve as good Satisfaction as any mauu- f4ctarêd in thô Dominion. Parties dosiring îýrt;her information eau 'ob- tain it by af1dreoi>ing - PAXTON, TATE-& tCO)., March - Pcru>-SI., Port Petr>', Ont. Mte, 1869. si Tijstrald, Lice, lit, 1871. tf-5I tise iolir cf 12 o'ceck. stet, cf wlisch aljj Curousier,, Jumstices tsiltise Peace, end ail etiser eoncisriee,,wili takre uotice, auJ goveru tisen- seea uccordisigly. x 2g£soN G. BEYNO)LDS,, àiers1lh ,Wilty, Sheriff;C. o. BOO'1'& S'ilR)E ,S t- fl. oE.. IIOOT AND sM1E sToRE tO tîfit"-pi cifibiex jisigthe t.ýienterls Ilottil, DIupdae Sb., 8W. iitbC', wîsere ho i4s tow rrepssred ta execaute ail orders for m'ork A large and select a9teck Dudhan!. lpairipg doue c JOSEPH A. BÂND L Whltb 3Y 8y, 1871. - Î --9 W fbDecember 8th, 1811. Clothing Flaving,_ [ trust, -established aw naine for reliable Goods, 1 arn deterrnined to earn a reputation for selling cheap'. Buying andselling for cash only, enabling me to> do so. JAME 'S JOHNSTON5 Practical Watchland Clock Maker. .iirock-st; Whitby, Jan. 17, 1672. ýi. 'ONG FOUR TUE PEOPLEn Cerne listen itow unto rny sacg, l'il try and Dot detain YOU long. To thoge W11in wlsîi 1offr IrisaI, Jdo0-e I tliîskh but fcw will bcdt. I iro' tItis monsc von foilow ina, 1'i iYOn wlistt le. trent wdil ia ,iî. ot agk of yi toIii ake 0f tIF t iibw1il' îtxcs >S iri4t e wil cre rie )Y, TIi t ilever riljm ier 010lu-îi j Th l!t iý1ýnoCs l, î1s.olate, Pr1' rAd ï ef i -tl i J rt'.t st a.ý Ieîlinot sive 1îî iiîz-.awéed, Tlint iiii'l kniîyùOO di)not tsest', To t iceo hta lim i stet, To cliewerm gis-e ',.s -L bitis. wilî hgltri it lii i îuff.1 lTiît ItI l"r1 t- t1 U ito t ;, ; iriî i i H11 - t - 'o r 'Wjtli iieiîgtli:it'lI gire y iîCur To . idtietids LiC griatest i.t 1 ti u-. ist yI uluii15 cidiI tilt wut]i liîsi~ure tx.yoîî ail. o-y tIiii, suvtlia1ifree-y gilas- ie !1waus-;.11, yN;o -zu-à g JiV Thse b3st assît clcaepst oitercd yst, AuJ tiseme direi<ius bier biisiîid, If yen rny gauler>' wiaqh t'a 1usd, 'Tis up oc fliglit o'er Deriiig's mcLore, And cest of Giliett's juat a door. JAS. E. HOITT, Artiet, Otiliawa, !iarcli 211d, M82. GREIAT CLEARING A~ 'j & <'o., Whjo ii Gi-v i -i-/ a3!ls lo] i in.. Wbiil>y, Jsily 11, 1871. WH111T 3- ~ R. P. CLARK, -Proprif -c- -B. P. Clark bers ,ýto itirn s 01(ci1 and cam5orsscre tîisî I lie ks refltted and rateil lise oid iiotel1 i-.own a.s tis -Fo Csu, roc!; st., -where h&wil b--, Ltiipp eeovc tit-oi, 0ongiv-tsg him t .a cil eîalsliii, box-ftulîs5, andJ 'eoed yurd. r a.5 1870c~. W!itbyBrase sîdStrîîgBaus.ailapted fer Piiealcie , cris.Quadrille rrt, .,&C., W- 111ssspply tise best hjlts,tMusic, 0ou reasoablu AP~Ilicatiotis mist be maade eittlrjýes-sonaIly or by letr, (liîot puîid,) té% LVER Y .3. WOLFENDEau(, T ~ NDEISIGN D JESIRES TO IN- T ±!rm Ilitsfids and patrons, ltlie lis ,aaiii roeennîj utne-,ett d- WHITBYYLIVERY STAB3LjS :ýF-Ilssvin.z re illeinber ans! qtulztlu YOf thent nd, anid ssiio:idded tto ud in- unse-et the, wci:, i e.-tniers0nkit a shabe z-ýrCIHA ReE.-110 D ER A E .N. ii-r-rdcoiiuvc-alcuis for taniiea te ail order. "' N. RIAY, Pr1oprietor Wiitby, April18, 1865. 14 H Y P OP H O S P HI T E-S. i th- l.-eie -i C csnse b>' i'FP O lu- '<îtî i ' n'f Irpikapyue -- ~ ~ ~ (3.os4'i;iei~~~~i-.AfuCia JJstiii,, aiL Bonus toalmin ice 1-o h. h c-îtoî - site - ts to A TT ci1 the 1; lîhd -lu pc t ah a H n Mr-. laiidsll, 01 oii r s i i. uiti 15- ii1 iI W u iOAttst>5ullirt, . wi>ea 0 agutsîi Zfg si lad- ()l5 0f iile ap 1 Tl55L4 u i - 5 ttieauic Antd o .fthe best style oftoos rdSt'e Piée, 61.5<> Mx for 6.0 ivîicta cnno becfBoos iiidShos«JAMES -1. FELL0î)W-St Ct,,Tp AI&bot011hand a Tartrge stock cf' IIOMNE-3ADE Boots-and Shocs 1upsoifrct:lt 111 OHN-AT . Al orders punctually attended - Rpars I Jon, s.i. Business also carried on as usuai at the old stand, near the LCNeDA'UOT-OiNEEII. Royal hotel. uI 0T0 9-vtr Wbiitby, May 10, 1871. M iIIEW C LIS iTR~ OK&PEL 'SIDECELct8, Sth Con., G OERIES &CR0OKER A large sto ofthe very be of ail kinds of C'roceries, 1in s&Liquors, 0F THE T B R AN'D S. Bisc.uits, Fr Oysters, e: rdiras U~' 1ock-y in g:'eai vari~4<ff R. FRA~~ Dundas St., Whitby. W: tY, Jan. 22nd,. 1872. 4ly Julyli publie,- accoula :Sept. G 3AMEO 3.i MURPHY, I 49 LE -rio-i J-,- of _As velliss - - ssthed atisa fi - steîs tvir il pie ludShir ort GOOD, CHftIAP TIhe uîidertsigulà numerons customers thtiv 111 the niew 1:.prùmîz ildIît to keep on barid a large selected by hiinself, ~îdot- Geut lC111(nlsý and a perfect fit guv..ut.,i, o t.-e abu ile Shirts, Ties Braîces., ieî- ~l~st-~- u i t c t t (i j n g - I t iîil:1.iSt. \Xisliby. Whitby, Ncev, 29, 18S71. tf-48 CARIIIÂES & CUTERS' - s& SrcJU ES m. e 'CARIUAG E: Manufacture - - a--------- Ils. iitt(j~ i~.-, l:Li'i dii' ni c12 y >-ur -..-7 OF VERY i~>Rù~1W5~/\~f[ BUGGIE'S & SLEIGHS. KP~F- AS USUAL. WHITEB Nov !?24s, 1870, 3c~x~Er~xlc3 Ip SELFRAKING -SITPIEAER At Provincial ïFxhibitie-i'. Iield at. 7'oronto, il] the 'ai of, 1-870. Weoffer to our customers for the coiing liai-v cdr, tiwo çisfinct Machines, wbich in style atîd cotîstruction, <iibîtte tue latestI and most useful imrpoveh-ients of the da*Iy. JOLIS'I5N 'SSlNG~ SLF-ItK I l'ARE P ER~ The universal success of this Machinie,-hotu ituineo-scTy contested fils sud lu the banda of the fa>meseÇ arrant uAi is eiting clth.t, aiL auSelf P.aking Rteapins Mechiun-e, il lune-sure good -pointsînduJ 0e.sdcfctt, and' lisa met with more snecess and less fallurt- ian Iseretofore offercul la the plisis. -4Ca -g-a uio wwer We were, awarded théIî~t rst Jb?izue IId IçI o rt.at the Prcvincial Exhibition, beld in Toronato,-18S70- in crmpcolitian Whtlt ii lsi- lli éiJachiiis man-- factured inu- the Province aJ ttand ittrt sviounsn -,te Unhe tt0.l challenge investigaticit andIcotoparuuon wshcosnpctbîg ;s,înnu -e tutlsfltdtîat suclu invetigation will couvinre eî'cry unprejsidti cd tirihisut1il we-ficfr flue biset Mo1werto lte Fariner for 1871-, ,fbui1lt i Ce Doinion. 'iS end fQr desJripive catalogues. - - -Wbiiby, June 14,1871 BRON &PATTEESON. THE OLD, -STM EES TAB1, 1Sf-H EBD 'The undersignedin returning thanks for t.he libeifa11j bitiierto eytended to ths e l eteblishmc 1nt, for neai'Iy a peniod cf forty yc te say that ho heue now on baril a largoe tssortm nît cf the atacat modcm slyle0 cf [An- centi Undertalg and- ùeri o Itnn *-.-..îvcs OtieIîli ivalle i1- - I ~ Cau 0- tcraud Et GisME c(lL>IACK. - Wisiîtbt-,FlI), tlc, 1862. Patonge HEROBSON' EOTSE, arnd ees tDLNDAS STREET, WITBY,C.W ,cl tru'sts by proper tetn and mioder'ate pricesto seci inuteuce cf Publie patronage. Pr-aictiaihlstji~ Furnsîîsre re.tjf PROF. JOHN POST'8 CATALOG*UE, 0F N USIC. An excellent stock ot 'Dry Gýrnds .-verlyw thing in the line. R.ats-"and Caps, Gentlemen's furnishiuig goods Depftrtmont complete. Ladies uniderclothing.. Family Groceries corn.plete, New Fruit, &efr Christmas and Newv Year's. BOOTS & SHOESO 'Ille uh.riiw as a large -stokf Ladies', Geints', and ChildIren's Finé- and Coarse Boots & Shoes Q ~~~n Boos a i oe-s rue to ordei'. cu~ Overshoe.î iiîîed wuiî and- comfortable. Itndia Rubbers, Rp IîIîîg n etly donc. Caii at the old Standcl. -Boot & Shoci Store, Brock strect, WlsiIsy E. P. cLj 1 20-31ay 7, 870. ( r,

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