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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Apr 1872, p. 3

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Wltyon the 28rd inst., Samuel H. Cochratne, Esq., CÃ"mnty Orown Atoruoy, age4 85 years sud 8 TJho tw2raI wil ake place from bis lI. eresidence tb he U Iio4 BuriaIground on1 lWda4y aI Iwo oFeloc)c P. M. aBd Coulorîîag.-'-fly a thoroagh kaow- lodge of the. naturel laws -whleh govern the operationis of cltqe0tun and îutrition, sudhy *a rer'tillpliestion ai the flue.properties of 'Wel-oeeute co , r. lre bis provîdue1 Our breaWtat table% witn a âoliuatelv ltavoured bover*ue-whlal, niay ae ,un many 1.eavy 4oetors blll."-(l re4 cGaza , . 'Rude sirnýywith Boilla)g witter or Mlk SEncb pu tMlbelIed-JÂ&NueeEm a& Vo. Ilomoeo- patMah.CenaIete, Loti.' Aliea, niakere ai £pm'. sMllky Côaeu* diou&a aiud camdepe.d Waiutby Morktetg. -âJxEONcL t4 0&. ýApi'iL 24thà, IR72 pull) Whest......... .....8125 @*lsi) Spring, W lteat............-1.1b $ 1 «20 Bry................. 656@0 - ................... 80 a 65 ')atm.................... 45C 50. Ptate................. 4.5o@ Sü 'Bay............120@15 <lover Sed... .......or, ho *6. c Eggs ............Ie. to 200. pur doz oeof, hind qr ........ .....5 ô 6 I zeqrý ............ 4 4N ..... ..... ... 2 c. 85 Duek ..........40c..0 -le. Pakpar uwt,.........*4.50 0 $5 25. Boutter............ ..... 1 be. <a 18 NEW ADVERTISEMEXTS. NjO'rlCEPn h e by -giv that tige COURT 0O REVISION TOWNS P 0F IOKERING Satufd , the, Wth day cf ay, I 72, At- fl,,ID tlie Tawnilip lia, , oghain. JIECTOJI IJATO - April 20th, 1872. T~ai uk PUIA L JTICE. The. be h rum "EaYs n Star" Ladue No. 72, will meet nt t Jrodge Ruani. Wlgjtbv SP]RJN', 18721b We are now receiving our SpringStock, And hope to be fully -complete i every department in a re'w days.t Manufactnred Goods for some time have been steadily advan- cing i price, owing to the high price of raw inaterial, there ls no indic ation that the liigheàt point bas yet been reached. .Antîcipating this 6dvance, we placed our orders early in No- vember and December- last, for the Leading ILines, Reqnired for the trade this sea- - son, at PRICES, ON AN AVERAGE PROMi15 TO 25-PER CENT BEL et ait. a'lélnoêk pcula Y RI1D A T 26th INST., For tha~~e ai eeg Litefalleral a STAPLE 0OW PRESENT GOO"DS, cur lté gipv rîîrB. Il. Uuctî I rol orea ga gLadgea arecrepr y t nv ted tae LTS b.plt By orer of the N.G. C.CLTS C. J. LAN FI\ELP'SS e. - TWEEDS, WhÃŽtbY, April 24th, 1872. 1 WHITE& GREY COTTONS * -0"" -SHEETINGS 7. :~4tî SHIRTINGS9 NUCIl "Vot> ISTR LiPS. PRLNTS, TL 0 j ai8tiiArtI Acoufor ti. Cauîty OfFL NE , Ontario ireroeçiecîf reqient.ed lu oaîîî-l tîne L NN I. pu F1% E RU OTHE LATE- S. H. U HR NE, SQ CO O0f AT ORNE Y, WVc are lrep.,tre-d to tuiler 'W itiul Il t: cli ce fi tîto Il t t hifle iee 'tt h inBna tru Fî, -riilay, 2tlî flrx nt W ol n, tt,- meetinîg cf tetti Jatiste orre lit iiilie )8- s 'ê aaa~ evloollîeldtt lit e Grnd Jatr Rot, aG ie t i '" -.eu Sa UnI he ourt- house ,et the lite t tîîof oelonk, I-.y order UL AS . ',C. o. Clark af the l'once ofic'e. -LW-A L S E SN Wlitby, Apeli24, 1872., ~ ieW SLS ESN GREENWOOD & 3JOMILLAN, ORS, Nutttîl u li'c't,toveic-rs Our stock wheuî complete wiII WImI-tb, litt1avie. 17 be superior to any- formier 'M t.KNOWLING Oseason, anld ut Iow Boigé ta lofortn tii.cdafiem ofWilîitby alla prices, having VICInit? tîtut site hue ruvcelveit1 ail thi. latlet b REAL JIAIR & IMITATION CURLS log ho tai amr, litit anplait- Bratidthe 0 ec - -U-DRE 86 MARI NGY 14~ everY Departmetît, amîd eeuardlng ta, the Ltest Stylusasud Falition. A large Stock of Fattcy Gueds and Jewelry, B MUS. KNCI%'LliNG, - Brook St., South a? ItelirinieOttes, OTTICE ToTHlF, PU iILIC OF TIE DOM - 1$10~- NO F CANADA. lb. TO1of a Wlilly lovitet, uny putty or rtrtie shooÙt stelrling ateW Or 14l uis"llnes *stMeniulaoturiiig or otiter eîittrprieîim la ianttr dIs lu alley witl a VIit btor. sclttlitig s- wher«., The sîtuatomaoaI Wtitby isl ummiurpiaà.. i b ht fui,-ow n sUtamtltafur Gohîerdl Adlier peuple golteromîs t l a tmmt iaiding bi beousue or oieérwimu iii cite eitlerjmrwee %qs~atnmy.ortribute taýthe maertul proaper- Itof the caounry. IyJ. RAMER GltEENWOOD, Mayor-. W>Itltby, A pril D4tla, 1972. 17-21u lehrb -gmei t lbtheunclerolgiied liane laoted oto grte vahiIpr ôthe îratica af the. Isw lai loobjsrnob 'tim ou sud mter' -lhe tiret day of May prOxî,ma, fit e prseo oooeld WL'îtby,. Purchased on inost advantage, 0115 terms.1 We have a full stock of GRIOCERIE S.ý Like Dry Goods, &'î-ave ftaterial- ly advtanced in price, wei -have a fulli une at OLD PRICES, J.HAM mL't RENWOoD, 0.(. MOI. Aprl D illi,872. _-_ _ 1 RJIWAD 1 ,- 1 An ispctonissolicited. oclis01 afi, th. Toansîm l, MSars and îab aler s rswerd OM8800,and th, of ilma lseaJoabu lllsy tgîco, for the sioand dedlimery 10 bh p ary aî of Donald up e.ytttn">c otamilnon,wba trilfftiy ordérad John SAiberiay, an thi v.ulg aOt t ï7 sacription of th.isaoteaîr :-ia~vIii tlq OIES & POWVELLo auils.; lîigit, &bout s i eli ;pook- I#gvbard andti ittloe*be aOr aàlsDÛy Bdi sbu c8 are, grev ye ; ;,»Peale '£gtS o OSifltt vore Wboenhob 's dark wat, JlgbtÏoIorcd Va daktrop,î aq :v~Y hitby, arh 217' 1872.. 1 *--~-~~~ o ar d the balance BeBL C lIca i foi rieoa itttalineteoj,,Witl, junter- Bn- lck A p ca Double warp 41 acca, Sale tio ô à. .,utFarbnk Mournin g (oods lofal kinids, Aotuîtr bes Black Slks fi-om 75c to $2 75, Fntb ter cicua' e ba i d 9h sID WhI~', ta Fserdî~, 'e nn laTo-Japanese, Suin piatterns. rotlito 1 r 1tîIe unerttiae Li fulaY e ,njybuldof L. rbatke,Jr.,,. SPEGIAL TO J.LOIJSEIE8L.M.UuA..L~W~ Auetionie , Wbithy. CHASs. ROBER ON, Fleached and Unbleached Sheetings, Cotton and Linen Tick. Cîtrcî SrenToont. ngi Plinand~tipu Iessians Bleaohed and UnbleacbedTable .Linon, April 13, 1872. - a--' Towels and Towelling, Table -N'i e R E L A R. A N N U Compare'our Prints with anything oered at the aepie Compýare our Cottons with any in tlie Trade Sec Our Brown Holliinds and Cfctton, Tweeds. 1872.. 172. See,out AlI-wvoul Tweeds; ~%'rin /P1é'in, en"'s Hats & Caps a speciality. Bôy' white Shirts a curiosity. m arun A W riIC L uce LUKewlas uash. Of the ONArio TURFp CLUn, will carne off over'tise Wlaitby coure, on , HIJRSDAY AND FR! DAY, MAY, 23rd and_24th, 1872.j * IRS'i' [AY. $150. Laîlgli.' Pitrx. . ile-sttîl-lalf dttiît t ýtrt ',Dmîniwi,î tred lnraces ofly. 8 1 10 0 . TIr ttin L' I'ttr-e a M ile li eita, 3S n -S,tO îtc.forr nil l'rtiîeie-Irei orp(e, that tiever tmumt,2.r0. tr h lorse *7â 00. sec- ond $2-> (,0. $150. itunkuepleri' Pitime. %flle lieate.Opf)ut ta aIl. I'roviîiee-e.b.-1 l orsua allowe'l 4 'tîs 850. Ilalf.înilo <tentm. For ltiIt breudhomýe% Duriimi. Cucl 'eiitta i ll ,et $ 175. DomIinion l %lît 111wiitîke tif sit) enclt,4175 adiled. AMil., l'eefor cli Do- tt'bi îtr.-d Itrmstlîît never wuî, tlthlie nli'-iiiiy.-80 jj81 ttlil tee týjtie the fIrst î're.teci,îîl 'ese $50. lttttîIrdorme M2. i 6200. W'tiyluir-e Tu ille 'lien. ttptti to LOIl DoînitîionI. lrcti ,11()iîîwtti 71>...First lic lî.5eîIitlîîrfe 5 8125. 'riottiiiz l'ir-te. NMiLî-lient.., j i, 5 tolit;îce. Out>pîîrîl 1 Firtutheirse *10" i:contIt horse e25. $50. ',Out.41iliitioliPlIrAc ne ituileditlil. *5 fnet,wltlî *0 ;dlel or tltli hrses -t4tn liiiiig thitufîitiitq. si-cond horts-te cane ]RULES. AND IREGUJLATIONS: I.-Etitraictelnl kurmeq 10 pu-r ceint. on tlri.tmotiey oîîly, excertig ,the Detîiîîtion plate. 2.1 eeu e nteriiîg a Ilorse are etititied te a Bilge. - B.-A:l conre itst <te rmade or mailel ati or butor. Wediiesdîiv 1l1501 Mîîy, 1872, ta tlîu Secrc-tiry, sci-itiîtitiià iddlressedl la ini, w lut by Pomt office. Noe eîtry iiili e receivedlUnu- les accnîtqîtiîiieîl ly the imou-y. Nu joia- elry ullaweîl. 4. Ail entniettîiîcl cpecity tige, ccx. color, sire unit itn outhie iortic, itidel tu Ziii telubu emori shi e ridler. 5.-Tllîeel jormes tii le ciîteri-d in eetid rae, andî twii 10 datt, otira ice. t.-Ait ridera te ii iitai'1i Joet eyes,- i ttiie. oIiiiirwtea tiie i-ii i rôt bu -iliniecltii niaîtpt. t tic r1t, mvii tir-trietlly e V. e 7-ir--ciii the irst ei.ti fr- 'iy aIl t4 itîew mi Jrm- t Ideiiùr.iitiirîri, il. t' iti ne , , c, t L, rie, îei ti~wil 10. tAi-i t -iîti ii. t.i1,i., ', te o- P.,RAY, ( ettici iii l'rc:iire r iIimAî'l7 ~2 i -~tXî :;'SA t i Alt~ AN Tit 1 t 1 it.Ce qîtlire, u- tf--lititiJ"eI l, I lr1 i l ri i, 1) i ,tIlietI-Iiiltým, ît'î Fuid;uy, the Uîili fay of April, 1872, AT 1W rt 'tLte tOA Vi LLAG E F VW ITETALE, vitii l>( tI i l -Ii di1î le kt iii ltte) Iîlio les ttle i,f the, Lite1 THOMA ON N ER, Siz: (iie-ltif f eth tIicirit <tilt u t iiNo. 2S. lie it,-i q- î ee-. àif lue -ilid 1,.)Wllt4lltp ut 5(;--l, ,icii, t cîîa 0acre, uf the '1is <Tic r -tiirt, Wlîl sin*a ta he ie lst oflc elle ii of t le iiifîett iriiilzi ,4 i- c--tsin 't litita. is iii pe-tr-il îandI ii t toor t ee -if etltivin in, mrt tue i--cii int alto t t -ire cee.. t.il FreqrrýVi.aM ar lii t iient i ii t-ie -iuu cm I îiii,.ti)l ti ci. i lii- reacît tlcIr tx1ic t f i tittl 1 rst - it li ?I l i lt e 'itit ii, o.1 te tiiiSc! 'i.-tli-o tttli.-tiiiriti.irii.-f einiireioit,î tr cii lytitt4'stîitil10 t1t itO tlitirilseti lte tlterett.iet-. TI remiiti tig îat.tird ta bcti eect-ireil 5y mou, gie "' Itctthe renuicea, <ter- littreetttIl iglî t- ita ho 1îald ic folloiwa : (<îl- ntit-ttur.cati ficti Flet dtty of iiintiaar , lê74, unetifDue i pîart thereuf uni tlint- Fîret ylof».iiiînîry, 1R 6, omî-fî,artm luit-t tliiniof îl.e Etrt dîîy uf nîary, 1879, antd tue-tour i' uit titurot uoit tL e Firat day ofufiuîîîti ,86, elîititereLAt tI ruait tn thtte ineaîîtim lmt hot turate afue eaid an ta Firte&dY uft iitcry lteuîîctîycar. The pliti-elîer ciii ha a,îtitled ta e lut lutta P0poesaioîulite uxp<rimîg ut the Pr ltt termn of teunîcy, t Tfhe utler -onditione are tlie .tcnd g-cou- ditionste ut Ittetof iChaoccry.$ Furliter -part le re ncmiionîlitiîînîa f cjtlef mes3 t'ii o<tîiîd a t te Law O<ttce of Richtard 1t GJrtlîitne, Ecq.. No. 2, Taroitîa Sîreet. lit tîte iy iTt-tootr.octi t uimkltulqee ttq., in lIte Villtîge af Alîonu, or af the anctioneer. 'Irted t-d Aprit, 1872. T. W. TAYLJ:. RICHARD GRAHAMP, Veudor'e Salicitet- W A N .TED.ý LAING & STEWAR~T, SEE TI-AT T. &.'B. 'S STAMPED ON EAU-,H PLUG 0F ,YOOCR MYRTLE NAVY. Take no Cheap Imitations lIairîilto,,, April 23rM, 1872. BROOK ,ST., -WffITBY. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS ! We beg to aasnolance thne ani-val of our Spî-ing and Sommer Stock, which com- pries a most exteneive and varied assort- ment, and which will bu offered at LAST SUMMER'S PRICES ; notwithatand. in.- the enormotas increasé in te price of Woolenrî, end tise coneequent aympathy iii c-s-c-a-y riliet- 'li of Cotton and Linon r.il cILLAN' & Co. BeIlcnellock, llrock St. Whitîy. April 17, 1872. i Fi.uR Till,'SPIIING S1 SUMMER TIRADE, AT Skin ner's C.heap CaisIi Store, Brock Street, Whitby. - Our stock Nvi e'Hl ucmnil repleto with ail the newest stylos lrom the follow- ing inakt-amtîdian. Finglisli, Scotch, Irish,-Ft-ench, Gerinan, Spaniab, Rusan Aî,îericttn, ital ttn. t lhanîd Yor-kshire- our~ goois titis seasofn %w-lu bu sold cetaper than ever, and we are deter- mrinid to keep mîp otr relito:tioanstt the cheapeet bouse in town. We bave the boal g(ode practîmatile of 0t1 kinrtii itrid'-to da a large trade au ail) sel) et the Iowest living profit. We httvo SPECIAL UNES of New Goods which we ail offer ta the public lower titan regîtlar Wtoles:le- pricea,. We respectfülly salicit an oarly inspection a our Stock. WVe will cansider il a pleacur. ;te show the good.a whether purcbaeod at Opeiig Sale GOFD- Whitby. April 16th, 187.2. 1189 IAND LOT FOR SALE OR TOi A Good Frante flotueu-two etoricse 7 roomse large kitchenitauitted on William' Street, in the. Towtn of Whitby, ýat prient occupied by Mr. Lawrio), witlh quarter acre land well filled witlî fruit trccs. Stable 21m 18, good well and pumrp. Will lie izold alteap for cash, or an tinte; pot5eeecion Fîrst of May. For termes, &c., apply to W. H1. OLVER, Ashburn. Or to G. Y. SMITHI, Barrieter, Mr. J. Ilurd. Wliitby. 16-tf [SUCCESSOR Tt W. Il. CARD.J DENTAL, U<>OMS-Brock $ tteet, Wlîittty, 'ver Mr. Jaritecn'> store. NITROUS OXIDE LAUQIIING GAS ADMINISTEUED FOR THE Painless Extraction of Teeth. Highca waltable and oom- petent persan. me.X.F. ART. ÇE PLUS UL7TRA, w pe À good. Cook, aleo e Nurse Girl.-Liheral 1 weges. Amy T o Marîi. a~luit Mew.5.tI.C0C - * a. àNEW OLE£ BOOK, WIl IRTCASSTORE TO LET te$1 Oe lun tbe Town aof Whuîby, ami Bt-ook Street, 1inu Wbet-everlte-NeE thme heert of lie ttoat'tena part of lte town.- been ir.trodneei, ilea Twa taries, 65x18.lTe building ln eone eitr te illotitor wos ai'tii. boit -but anitti tiled iritho bawn. amnd largueSq, lote et, îneti Cas, bu tttted ùp for any btnslneemz, the tipper GIim sud Quartets,n porti, for s itweliing if necasesry. Splendlid Plana AoinPani.ntn, celiogo.. Reont madèrete., Seople copies mai] ÀApplcatlaut tab. made ta the propristcr. - - JOÏ311UA EICUAUDSON. MIi PIANO> ACOOMFANMZNT. %abi; *15 par dazen. -a- PIus Ultra Gb. Book bas na& bemtproougioednu- ,ones ai ilis kiutd, il is th. inçi anly calleutian of !nea ,noarly mli of ahich, have ilts ad lit, îudâ, pot-pntid, for $1 60. J. L.PETrsZ , , DBrakwmy, New- York. JOHN SKINNER, .FIELD AND* G-ARDEN- SEBEDS, " New,. Choice, and Good. Ail the leading ,,varieties of Tiurnip, .1 Mangoldý Wu-rtzel, Carrut, Oabbage,- Onion, and .Ã"l*ber Field atnd Garden - Soedi t-2,000 bushels of -Peas Wanted. Whitby, April 17, 1872. Y. GLSON,- Now is the time for ail interestedii Se' growig to select their Seeds at the " Great E' M.im arrived Fresh from4 the markets, compriting a -copp'lte Ste( F'ield, Vegetable, and Flower Seeds, W" Onion'Sets,ý English Po*tatoe, Top or'Buitton,- Cana Ihallots.- Early and lie vait of Potatoes, viz :---?King of Earliea, Early tair To, Goodricli, June, =ree. Prolifie. Labo -varieties, viz :-Breeus, Pei 0Iùna- Garnet Chilli, and thse celobrated Pattereon Bovinia or- Cattie Feedoer te, (attaining lte enormous Rize of from two to fouir pounde.) Aiso 'the celol ~roerisWunes #cLiqur' F TELEBEST BRANDS.. uo s 9 c ef , lpay 0'fiao.mny utaieGa- or agenleua o ita b, fallaigbn ROYAL CAN&DIANq BANK, CANADIAN B êNK '0FYCO0N.1 AIERCE. ONTARIO BANK. And wben s payatent >a ta b. mad.eAt s paot wbcre Ihjere ii no suoh ageauoy, tben At thea ageney »f any ai the olaartalad banko, àsothar- ised hi' mny af the above.oaàmaj banka ta r.- caine qoob depasita an thair accouat. A. MACKENZ[E, -Toronta, March Dlth, 187ï. Temrr15 L IST OF THE DIVIsION COURTS. Witbyi Fab. l8th,1872, 0u aioQ ., snd Dr. Mio bsal, . V~hitby, April l7th, 1872. '6-.1y R. FRA.NCIS, Dundas St., Whi'by. r-UST TO HND LADIES' AND MISSES'9 Dun Shades and Straw Hats NEW DRESS GOODS, z:ýUÈ4IO E HAMILTON & BOOTS AND1JSIIOES 'ORt T. A THAN E VEI?-A T THE D SHOE STORE,ý Mist received d opened -ont, ,a tre- n~Idoui'ag 'pig t~ of Boots -aud -Shoes of, every -dès- dptocomprisng the new ansd most. fashionable styles ëf- the day. As i. Kedler- p tr ehased bheavîly, -aDdi before the - ad vance on Boots. andt Shoes of aIl kiqds, he is enabled to under-, seli any other'Dealer inu the Dominion.' b" Sigu of thé, Mammoth Boot, Rrock St. ce maI Profits'au P. &--SRelling Chesp, for Cash., Retqrnw" bis >fôtto. WhIibyl April 2nd, 1872. - T!at thettnorth IL-if of tie. all)waaLeêfor rond beîween lotesNIe s4 and fivelituie irat eo neeei6n OfItha Towitelip --of Pië1erinlgo ho aUd tte tain) jehereb>t ulosedl p us a * public road or higbway-. Thptitas-b, Mia.thdnity af-the Eeeve and te i> liîerelîy dutltorixed, atnd ,required ime dizttely cfter thîn bv-lr0w attilihave corne the eain ut Two huadred aud Fift-y ýara Tînt ini cuse of tue rûtueul of the party aï par.- e t- ics wlîose laIt., e djolUthe Saidàllaanue Just îtheiium of Two5lhutdidnd FiÃŽ llare thon tthe'l'etiveehuili salI the. saine ta Boy )Ck of otier party oÏr partien Who May' b. wifllng ltrgieatuelrh aut rjtnygreater Tlîut the Retire 1ie ereby auttaorlced and re- idan nIredta to c-wy and essure by praper Re, C-d or deeis the. eaid allowacee for rand Rerl ee, hc or m isu ave bc- 7Pota- seajl et the Cuorlîtt thereto.. 'J'bd uti t142 by'-law rcitl coote ioita forc. and hna èeffect imiedintely aterit. ehei bave Pube N otifrcd à orby gie otîral the aun- 1tt-t uesýpy of a lmy-law intended tii be pas, cd lîy tie. Coulitil Of <tb. corporation O f the. Towtiî,lip of Pickerîtîg nt itte uext meeting ta ho held -on Sâturdt.y; tlle 151h day of May ncxt. IIEC,,TOR BEATON, Townihip Clemk. Picbocring, Aprilt n, .1872. - 15-4în ,BYLAW NO>.,-- Dy-lttw for tlcî claetng up and sale of a certaoin ruaaEllowauceteîrerum men-' ttoncd.' ilîriaiii cqqccqutelice of lte n4tur»I for-- matien ut the c;rouitîd it je innpraôtiu.ble tc, . o n 4 t r u t a p u b i e p t n i i a b ! e l îg h w y o i ît e eillow.iitiec for ro:td tîeb»wcen lotisN's 4 and 5 iii ~ ~ ~ ~~o ii.iîi.lŽtttritutIhe Towvnqlîip of Pi~îrii iidit i- i estrable tîtat lte eana c'. dpi'ii od ô, t"i. i l;>'. , les-.atpuiie roatl or. 1tte - %4ieru ie a lie. t 'î-l- liý , rty or - -î r hile Su-)ouf i - i Tri îir-. -. , l' o ou'et tt - llire 1- 'll'r Vgnritni ieaan truce' ut ,--I-tv'oCi eL-i byeui l'lîieire at ie ie tontl!în-i Iltheld an ý-îturd.,ir, ltu-4th day outMa'y uext.,- LCTownshiTp, Cek O\<XEY Tii LEN'D. ni, ld îrd i î ttittorut-Ttwit l'ropert' at Uni t-rîî i uttu Stlit bo)r-twaera. c li ieu[à. ii v-.ecntsmonde- in Municipal Dabenturea, L'tttk, nd ather ntarkelablo Stoukiq. 'o r fitrlic r particulari; apply ta JAIES 1HOLDEN, Officiai Asstjgnee, Braker, &C. OFFJ(!E-Onar Doîninian Baùk, Molilmn's J3lock, Brook etreet, Whttl. April tt,1872. 1 DOMINION BANK. - retof erehy gitan that a dlnidend et à upon the. capi stock nt thisIan--tati ha& tietn ttîis .day clared for th u b aif. yenr,ctan tiii matnwill Pa le-at tisa banking loiebu t uty after Wvednlesday, mhe lat0-f May Nexý litr tanef-rboa ii loaed fuant thea li10 1-o-le sitith fAri exl, bath. deys. -The*tuid micral nmelin 1 tistock- itiuldere fur 'clection of Dî sud a- totti dmeitte by-lawe mviii bu, b mih Biitk nt ted:tY- the Lit dy of Bot. Ton cel a be teken aI noon. i Byudrof te Boar - P.H. BET1IUNE, NOTI Co1ul-il 141y the UJhoicest, Freshest, andi Hardware of al . 1 O-lils, Whithy, -Ap4l, ý7, 181.2. Whitby, April 24th, 1872..- --0-- April 9th, 1872. 'l; Whitby, April 17th, 1872. '4 ni JaL m PROU aà r-pýmPQ

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