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Whitby Chronicle, 2 May 1872, p. 1

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W.M. EVANS9 M.; B. Omcg.-lyIrt floor Gorrie's Blckl Witty, Nov. 7tIî, 1871. m4 G.YOUNG $MITH, L L.LB, BÂItlSTie, TTOU4EYÀT-AWSOLICI. TOR IN CH ANCENT AND INSOLT4eT, NOTABY PU~BLIC, &C., &C.ý OFPICE--IeJIILLAN'g BLýQC K, nitEOET., - wnITIONT. 2 kS 0 110 Tie ündert-igned taen .occa!oa o to irm cue-, tomers, that ite aboyea ,,statdo on-t No. 22,in thîe 7tbÇoncoxsiOu. orfthe 'Township GEORGE 9. DARtTNLqFl, rUpigaenw .ARRISTER, ATTOUNEY, CONVEYAN- PULL WORKING OR,,DZR, BoerD.uy tgntaMatrExtraordi n71 yfrutnLîmeia»~aî~ ty ofotln.io. Office Court lloote, WhltbY dempateil.. - --.-.-. -.----------.---- Loniber cnt trum lu Lu 30 ibat in1intuth. JAJIEFiI KEITU GORDON, JOHiN WjtUL. BA iti{RIS r A'roHNiEY.AT-LAW kSepta.îtbe 29, 1670. 41 Solicitor iî Chaucary, Coiyeytncar, No-____- ary Public, &c. i)zreo-Next door to the Stor-. of B. &J.j D.)-H 0OLL -11) AY OoipbelIl,i3rock fMt., W lthy, Otît. A LN, o i. WlbNov. 18, 1867. 46 BOKI, -OT FAREWELL & JcGEE, 9 o T»lusxK FlUE INgURAN'UECc'(. * AI<RISTEl<S, ATTGRINEYS. OoCI F CANADA&, TORZONTO. BTQ1tS, CONVEYANCUII, ANI) NO- qbCNAt~INTITUT oR Orioa:-011e doOrtIOrti oftite l'o.,t Office, Aiso Agent and Apprnsear for canada per. 'OalawaL; atii MeFeter', Blocit, opposite nienetit lBuilinhg antd Saving î'ociety, for boans 'Town liaill owinanvilie. ot money at low rates oft4nterest.y J. E. lî'ARwzLt. R. McGita. Wlîtby, Aigltat 7th, 1871. iy 82 C IlARLES C.- KELLER, A TTOItNYFY-AT- L&W, SOLIC1IR IN 11tcory,.Convoyftncer, caig on Blrook, C. W. LYMAN IP-fGLISH, L L. B.. ARRITER 'r L W, oliitorin C han- 40 JAMES LANION, SOLICITORIN 84CHANCERY, -CONVEYA NCEU, LAN.D AGENT &c. Oîrion.-Over,Ârttrc.ng'e Ilte],, ii St., *UxlirIdge. - JOHN 1WOLFENDEN, - AGEsNTruFORTUE CELEIBRATED SCOTTISW1 GRANITE, CO»T At hiarbie N4erkt, etftoiATIIAN WOLFEND1IS Dutdas-St.. Whitity. 17 GEORGE GURLEY, ME1CH ANT T A Â 1L 01R CLOIiER-AND DRArER, - OSHAWA. -LYxIrtdge, Jiti 7tuî, 189. t f-2 3 GENTLL.attNtS lAHtIEN'S triade up i. - ~ - - thie bett ylo s anc î utis iteti. LJ-. MACDONELL, A fln.'tOck "t C1ot018 trîtîtuwlîlcto niake atetecti-mn fo'r Geteinett', sîîî eîîî slcita. Law (Jancry& Conveyancing Ohice Oiawtî, May' 12, 1869. 1 $tiUtTit Wtt- UtIiT ROtta. IAtud ihîtli.1S Atrrantgemetes for specluil retititter tif lhq.t. Ailr. Caunteroti, t.4 . ., ujiPr hAiecIlictitel. QC __________________ - - t-ou ,Ititi2e h %tist te t tti lit, U~ . .~INMD. Root, Seed & Manure Drills, LIJRGEOINTo) V'IE COUNTY iIAtL, mAStie. s t~Byron Street,WV'itby -4 ruom08As HUSTrON, 1Il'A R 1a w -, T 0 W N CIRIK .4TitEAiURIIt, WHITIiY îîmce-Towtt lath - Ilourmiito 1 o'cîock. JAMES MoBRIEN, T hSVCTOubI 13F PUB3LIC SCIiOIILS FOR Ite Count>' ut Onter*,e. ADMUaS-Rttglarî l'oet lilice, Ont. JuI>'l9tli, 171. 1 WILSON HOU-SE, ..WILSON, Jr., - Proprietor. 119 tESUBSCIIBEIt begs a u oiece taIlia frierîdsanid tha publlic geuerslly, tua-t ho -hell opeamAtithe tttoveeDew Iluote]iniiitiraViliage of Aa ibitril, for the accotnotitttiott e1, the uni- -velllig ptilel. TVie limue isi îtuw. P'td fuir- luee it u i mt tloroîgh îttîl eeîîîertalie ianaer. Sueste rihi fiîud , very conveuiectea -sud Cigars 'ifthe hast Bi-eidit alwayA keî,t on - a' Ocoilstabliltg ttall tîttlve Otira il] tendance. -"4.%V 1LS(,)N, J r., ttroprieter. .Ashbur n, M my bit, 1865, tf. 18 'Grand Trunk Railway Hotel. AT ' IVIIITIJY' STA'TION. WM. ,,'NF"I.""li"tilrcts' u tti anipet~skiuwtuas tueGrantd Tuin lt.1 W Its.tloî', nehfg. ta iîf e .8ft-elo.and tuittuehiaieingpuMtie thtat li 1hlxitted up t theotan sd watittiiesi l t-t- Oisea style, and by ant tîîbt iti te litaewrîîîts eh thuse Whote averhiiîtwit)tuteir pgtroiuago -,trutte toierit aectuu t e i iar cutem. gar Parties tuliiig the trainunttt leaiitg herses wil lia-ataent rail aakimcare oetituu 0OY AL1,CANADIAN HJ (T 'E L, PORT I'EIRY, ONT. H. FOYï - - Proprietor. Su p orlon accoineuiodsîîoîu. (;(jlsîaîîirg ,aedbahed nmont,,and lattentive otini. Port Perry, Nov, a, ae pOlÎT PE 1 J y H )<j ,, P ORT PERIIY, ONT. JAMES THOmPSON, PIeutOPET.. Tire Stubseri lber nisutem te u itrmth te con- - tatnit> tai hbie tuetulses mare tw en t» o tue publie, îrare lia-lis ireparedt te urnimit as good ,coenrnodstiour as suiv a theCant>'. sept. 1D, 1879. 7 GLOBE HOTEL, BROORI.IN, JTAMES POWELL, Propriotor YIRST-CLASs ACCOMMIODATION. IJeb. 22nit, 1871.8 WUITUY, -ONT. A.M A SON,., Proprietor. The aitove-bau. heen thorouigiti> rehovated, and the PtIblic nil Sud ever>' accemmodatte» and thil'est attention. -- Aprt la, 1870. 15 W'ESOTERN HOUSE! DUNDAS 8T., WIIITBY. -o- rVHIE undersiguret wouid lutimate teu'tie :L publie thiet tité above preuise itave been newly fittati ap and .usdevated througluout, for t. scom datiou ofGureste BoaaîtWlnos anti .Iusorm sud <.liars. d» ue hn -Wln, W*la a Leger, wlsae ndre~tlar JOSEPH -A. BANDIALL. B oarders teken b>' the weebe on nioderate -j TM§* bj, a> 1871, S C U V F L E18, At-eu AU I.rrNDs oF FARMITÇG IMI'LEMENFI.-mairta CLO THES MANGLE & WR1NGER, Noted a oeof te Itet urtie!ea et thîe kind ttariufact'urcd iti tue coutry', andi ii sîtîror- ed STRAW CUTTERIS, 5 iloaly w'to ud 4o Sîlparioir iii ei'ery respecot. gg Ble us tuer etatledte hoexecneniLU endors with wlîiehlie tit; be oiîraî cieapor, onutil itîgreater espeilitreit Lilion iliert-o.atid tu guarntenecvery stîîtîetle,î toencutoiners le tuie qutiuit>' of te orkiniutlil1t ast!i naterial. J.W' t3ordatii andmîlLoîtuher tîtien in ai- changeti, tutti Ilîtitl'licea itî]swed JAMES CLAYTUIÇ Wiitliy, Nov. 22, IS70. 47 REVERE HOLJSE, XANOETER, CI W. PLANK - - Pruprieter. Sttges tottih - mn i iifl'cu]duiiv. Ever>' a'ettoi 'gue.-te. Citrei iliit:d attteci- B R 0 0 K 1 »1 ~ Io :f Hes4Ollie - Brook st, WbIdtby. Ilti14 Comnpany '!n'ça ar.~li1na Connitry Ccits lool ioeamftti contef, t otestc a'LWAà th*as f51 WeII cstabjilsho 40Cmpar.y-in Canada, JUST LOSSES PAID PPROHPTLY. L. FAIRBANKS, Ja.. J. B. 910,KLL, Saerear. Preiaideut. N. B-Mr. H. IiiUday la nio longer au Apint orfttis -Company, Wht.,sept,0, 871ST. 8 LO9NASSURLANCE CORPORATÇON PIeo iWAD R $3,8ANDj~. TIIAD -AGENT llONT18AL ROMEo il. Wty, JOHN AÂGNE 4VAgent. hi h btty8L ti1, 1871. 1 DlRITISR AMERICAN ASSURANgE ,1 CMPANY (?apit ai, $400,000. ESTA BLISHE> 1831. T1118 (dIlaidWeil ititbligiud iCoinpai y ar )reptred ttoaeeeitritkin 0elases Iqobctt.d tand ntin ltnzîîrdous proî,orty in- sure d for 'thrî'o veart or lette, gt sejeinly iow Offce, Brook fýt., Whitby. Wlîiîthy, Ang. 29, 171. 85 ]PHRNIX FIRIlE-ASSURANCE CO0, L.')MBA RI)STREET & ClIARINU CR<OSS, ESIABLISLJED JN,1782. (411MI K4'E, ',OFFATT 4- Co , Aizeit,. for Canada. JAMEH DAVIst(,N,Ilittiager. NS fACÉainstt LOSS by Fl1tE are Itfftcted opt the ntostfaxorable termà;,an LOSSES PiAlD witlîontrefcreme Vo the Board in London. YEOMAN (iIBSO(N, ucn.Witî.. 'po------ --4 '. 1r. ti.. Aprit irdiSt. - ' Port hi1c tuoi ~ . 7t.h OSEO ANaD RECoM- .t.'iA LO. 'MENEO BtTMEMOT L-R F MINENT PHYSICIANS 7 tit--' '-t NOTHINGSETTER." Lt il A i1,7h)5S -i - - - sua-reïN. Bit t'<h etl riit 'i l i ' ieratSOldbythoDruggloss lurte1% t ' i t c.'it'i i-sui. i1uti W' iiiut-, LYMAN ELLIOTTl & Co.,BAKE -Y ToîcONT0, Aosyrs. A-H 5Ifl~iCI Ar Ki .RA (NUTr% R1J1~ alluple mns ot flr-ou e, whle iwtl "U6 fres toehI e> felow atsfferers. -. 95-1v 78, Nuaan treet, Nemï. yore, HORSE < MEDICINER*"l Ail descriptions of thue hast Horse madicine. kept onstantly on ltand, and for sale at: tii Wtltby L!very stable. mrci sroei,. Whiltbv. ADVERTISEMENTS 1 À0Lý Ameteunintsmosreeln hi 1>r. $1.l'lsud oitrg dAt tite raté of 8 otia pr Iu n rt Ios.rtlon, and 2 conta par lina, osit subue unt insertlon.*, ÇpmLi ootracte. made with advertla.rs by' the. Y**? or otb.ris.. Ordoe to discontinu. >lverttemnts must b. 1 n writi Dg. ONTARIO BANÉ. WIIITBY IIRANCI!. X. F. LOCKHART9 WIRITBY AGENCY, i.B. Taylor, AGeNT. &April 18, 1871. la (te anti aItir Mîtnday, Noeeiter 13 lt rainîs wihi ru» lt; folera t Port hope,'ii-',art .........Qi1-,a. i. Litidtti ,arrive- - --....... 12oi i ..fil. deprît ................ 1 .5 f. fil. neaviutnt, -"rit-e- - --......145. F). l'ort Hope, itepar ......... 0e, p . . Lind.say, arrive ...........tIi, f.it. Boax-ertoît, déat............ .45. ut. ini. Lindsty. arrive- - --........4.15, t'-fil. IiROuKLIN, - ONT. COROIN R. THE IFLORENCE SEWING MACHINE Cal] at .ltl lost'am lumeStor iti theto ba ot 35' lth>',ond soitis tieuthifuîîmachine 'a'tthcut tnalies ftur tilterotit Ihids et tietes sUId "iws butu scîys. hiuttavery lglut îîîd rttihl. Tîrome irttiding t" bey 4ii e iclîturi tlîev wnu scîtd titeir aiitrt.as to .Ithîit S. M. %vitcox, Wbitby, wrut recoure t. itîilemeriletutuotite. machtinese, ithi prica b1[4t. &c. - JOuHN S. M. WILLCOX, Wlutby, Jitt. OItt, 1872. Agent. GLORLOUS SUCCESS I1liaie etiut i lie sltt,t've icemie utî,ttl, uta ie urcu.îrc.l t t'.iii rîîal utvery'e' iuî i îî,h con- veiiiecu,'t,0îhh trto rn-e>'lutiv r ina rîth il rail. - Liqîtlore cid zt'îga'. (Oe tltIut' uj oo tlihi . Every titteaiiýI pd(tt gigtah. hiro.iiuiii Fet,. 2e, 187L?92 ONT RLO--The Osborn VictorlOuls EverYwhere- ONIARO 110 ÉIJ.25 FIRST PRIZES, JJROCJ< $te - IIIITBY. Il SECOND 1rRIZES, 0. DAWES, - Proprietor. taieTE FAT.L or 1871 'ele abaove OdI(tciaili,,hftiIIti] bas hoeen taa rîea-ly ittad ir ni itîl riîi.-sateeîtlirotgltotmt Provincial ExhibiFion, Kingatori. 1871, --iu a béulhl friueig - 'Tiraeundensugtned twill brave iiethiiug itudotîe FARTt'II .Z iuu Prot.iiiiutg for theecoîntoru t i luigtan sd 1.11iu11W etitplicd it ilue Ban- , iqo Muriet attention pjald io itae tKblimng, mmd n .IJ s.'SBInli !ookluîg 'tCit tt iiîity ofitotiera. T H E O B R Whitb, NvbleI, C. Doae, rupruuuor._:Lockstitch Family and Liglit 1871. ~Manufacturing iSewing- COMMERCIAL 1HOTEL Machine - BRUCE IST., Wîhn VIuR ALL COMP.t!TlTOJ2.. HZ te liii '[lito u Te (SBOitN il; pronouinceti b>'ail practicai voalvk nhiote, îcuu trftel chute liitaven>' portieiar,' but, in titeir luouîst ic a tonierittio u e ici lwfttdu vseg %îbl e 0pio rgtesu t Ud he ru. The Ilesa Fermily Lockatibcit Sewlng. jiý Bac eitouio an ud tuperler Da o n tiera et. nîteslîquen,. ieut nem, Geoil utalîiutg Tte iucalpmnsfmr iîî e i l seil ytr d s a i iî , s ue s otan io i I a n ta 'r ue itl dI te O SEO IIN ne>'. on tep l 1 c mie0te, loüý ter a-- eextcllence ant i sin uapatba.CllcrgatModerate. pIicity et its nceoaiant, thteuuaterilleuatpbo> - .M. CALDWE]LL. eti iui il cousireetion, itak lastmtug qualutusa anti Wlitby, Jen.-ý14, 13s. -inde range et nori pcrtored, machtas, ne 2.'oter »machine in its cillas antd soid tiot it prias cati attompit. Tue 1fluttle anti Bbbtn t ara ENTAL TE U - A11largg, tîta neetIla eboru, atralght, a"(' eail' H B set, tenioun perteet, ant Imîpossibbe t'O get out -e-- ef erdet-. The feati eu h e raleoil and onareti u t nihb, îecording-to Ite 6bnic te ha useti. JOHN BAILEY, Proprietor. .ne"CHLEEST MI -Tlue aboeabote] lias hattinnti>' fltetidE enicp and fîtniahîad. Guiesis wi l Su cind notale E O 1IiEUL aocceinidation aud tenthlr. uaanee Goon roan>' atâling anti attentive estlea. G aate for three Years. Jan. 26, 1870.4 Thoumamuds now n lniae titrougîtont Canada. COMMERCIAL IOTEL, ç -OSHAWA. JAMES BLAOK, -- p PRIn TR. -Convenletily fitteti up reomm for Commer 99I tnavaiera. BlirsmtceI ~aentsw anta Evrywjiere. Agenxts fer Ontario coaut>', Durhaandut!Vic toria. GUELPH ëEWING MACHINE CO. - Gïëlphl Ont. Jauay si, 1878. 29 itiet reot ied, seei te-cs EAtits&TOMAxîTuOu. ve*rt'spr CIICOICE A-'IS&lE 'i PFLitOImYOP ARN D ttit1<t cdttaoi h,,tly.1 iîîlidi suc ORANGES,. 1,EM () Nh' i, SAIZDIîNlI:, i lis,-TIIACCO. N. B ->yeier- ccii bé litrby tic tplat.- cookeil or rar. liréaii dcliitir'm dty i c't.tt'r.-i a" it ohtrriou soiatnt gioit dchiîeredtIs ou tut j'e irderso. Cutoice Braumie t-L'of rt TJIIEISOLATI:D HshTFIt-: IN'SIRANCE CO'Y .0OPCANADA. IlEA1 >FIC uT ltgr t t tnre CAPITALetoit Deprititeil witlt Ottueriimctît, ->5h0,00J)t W iiby eptih ;lc h, ri S71. ,5"-itt MaI.d'Pcstpalen recqtpt of maylo Peter.' ioa!ctio Piano scitool (lootite., N,?plus 1Ttru'Olec-book,' RAIîîjE0110o, onttinlinw,~over 100 mongg, 1'etelt.' -Farlor Colnpauion, for Pna~ 'Lt arlo mpuýnfor Y~lute, ý,iëj inend Piain, et'ls' Nw1ild sui îprored Viol!» Metho, WLIewý2sVlolin Iiatueotor, oles lt witlhont'a Mauter, Nlew "'car'a Eve. ACatats for Children SlIjL 'Li Ihtsa collection olacèred songid 'gg cîc as ýy piano Muoe. Ad ese J. L.PEE , 9Brsay Yorkr Seîîd 20 OOntb for a stittple coi Petmr..' Moacal lMothly, and you will g, laiwt $4 Ïwortlt of rmode. New York OOffi e27- BEEMWN-B, REGULAR ANNUA tSpring ./éetùn 0f Ale OttrÂino Tttae CLUBu, Wiil ci: off o-ver Aine WILithy course, on M-AY 23rd and_24th, 1872. ]FlRS'f DAY. 8 0.Ltiia 'tt Il. ihe'tîtîd-hiiitdi! itjiii t- iîtciiihin- lred Horses ociii>. $100. 'TrotetigPutrt. ie Suchittte, "ini lit ttie';s. trttilrvic) r nl u hit-t. t never ti 2.' eO. Fîit hire$75 ît{t. t $15. l-l- il iti.. F ii--ttie.rcî01o (Çti. oe(ite f Oitiiorlo eu'P , Ditt rîtantii. Cct liWL-bte. CRE(OND lA' 1I75. l)'î-îiîiiititi 'litho. eriîtA e Lit-i.. 4175 wdd.t. i',-liciefur iii-E :Ilti- 10t-i. i- t irte e t'~ ta ti.c.fi Lc--t.ti' r- 7,'l. ttr1-'tse $ iC> t't- ' ;r c' 1'-"'ni-.- f'il) ul.--. F ti ,cclh,irvi. 812. CI- i' N- î~- I ti-- I.:.-et" ii it 't - t i. - htiîr.î ' e t ti u '!i -t tuttin iaI '-t t RUI'Li *AND I'FCULATIOI<'o I-trst-t., al]t ocihi' p-r Ceiii. fti t1tie r ui ici-- lteletuit'iontj'lut a I si'tr i-ttîi't.it tre oîtitbted 3.-A h tiiirit t ut-t mtilba îr nuitiheil orhi-îr.. eî-d 15l Mtai, N, 1872,to tl .-ecrt-Ltr.y, sc't;il ah nd ullretaho tutti, %Wl luv Post iifçhce. Ni., otitry aiihoiereceivetiut less I ti.tli5 tutetey. No pas (tiru atuoesc. 4.-Aul ciin ie ist t'pechly uucr,scx, ceuh -i rit utnd chien0cf ithe luoime, aciiithe iihoré tel teorii lu h 'e rider. 5.t- -ecliirse ai- 1 e itciitorin iieut-lt roi at ie ho etat. orutice. 6-Ait rttr Ili. it-c cd inu Jockey coe h tte titor t--liii wit t tînt bcinaîlîwed1 ti 'ci n Liue t-tlire stt-tî'of c:t-'ri 7-miittdir-tititu-il ehrt Twoi text i».y h t.t-t ttly ti 'te)t héttiincs,t I!f-ic- tit i -teyt- A tliitttitet i-seOerthuiugiy, tht.lui-'et- t. aitetît.ititel 11Y tite Do Clhi'tt>, Ah il 17, li NRAY, ttccitttiirî adltcur Thv Uý tieilitii utie iihiltt <r e5 prtufcrri-iI. Fi oci- ietdi- Y su r.Kitk it, u. irîîmîutr sulie Ni:.MAi<TIIEWS. At' UI ON BTIJ-ss --- - ;,,A2t~.tI" i -. ~t;Ej~$~t' k 1869. - ehg tii roitîru.tuinkittor tie litbutar ut rt Iage hentotore beRtoeed il .cuu nie., ,îildl(te iii nommtChat I fini prolpcned ti côiudutîsalit., itiluer inu TOWN OR COUJNTIY« 11.1 . 0ICtA. '..S WtumY, Jati. ti, 1872. 2 gw' Arrcuugemouts for sales ese li mode aithar et thua t-rttaeaiouttoffice, or lt my cm - Oilice, Brook street, Whultty. D AILYt LINut ro L. FAIRBANKS, 3r., Whltby, JuI>'8. i194A;Qi aa.R O C HI E ST E R-I3 , MARR[AGE LICENSISITENE LAES'A E, THOMAS HUSTON t- t55t'EC aF MARRIAGE LICENSES ZW OAlce-Ton Hll. htesitince-lyroi, Street, Cbree doora norih ef-Tesn'»hui. Jen. 17, 1870. .S Z .6. , Wiil, on or about 1 st April tîe.xt, commence HlITB-Y PIANO CTORY ban raula urtlil>' tripa, be permnittung; ioaving w 0 F'Cl-oorg cveuy înorniî,g ut 7.80 ; Port Ilope et -o- d9'l ot.k, fer Rhlriester, a'ounnecuiuîg tItae rita .J~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~h OSEPH RA INER.ttNew' York Cenîtral, Nortiari Central antd -J 0S EP H A N ER Ei tailwat., t-or ail poit; Ea.st, So.uth er.d PROPRIETOR. south-rattt. -o- RETIJ'cNING latesaCiltrieteport tof .- The tnbseibcrin rturrig 11 min. uas0ter a0,vet'vqniutg ut 9 0101001r, (cxcept Sttrda>ya, rîtatu suie lesasi, ut 2, p. ini., for cre titauks to the man>' tnuent4s Bnightdn, direct). andi custonra if the Wîîlîby'fThe steauner cauls ut liriiuati Mou laya eut! PIANO MANIJFA CTORIYv Tlu a>î~~ ,boia to atate that ha nos' cornas itonuthe huai- offen. flhr, t»nstock rOil Sud this ta cheap - nasaq solel>' upoîr hig onaeeuunt; ant iniiist, est and quiekeat route ta Ailban>', heston, New licitir.g future orrt;,,s iebage te assure iluern York, &o., &c. that nathing nuihite loft- uzîdona onl hi& part -: ADug, R. C. CARTER, t* grve satisfaction, lu supplying Pr oe urrs U US BVE E,~ Manclu20,1872. 12 tQIT ALITY, JOHN ROBINSON'S ST L , FiNlql . flair, -Dressing and Shaving Thte celebrated -nan patent anti crauis-oeaîe Patte nofIis own inventiouniuianiltctarod - SALOON, ai. heretolo1re. W~ Aib ordera exeauted witit promcptitude -- BUOCX ST., WILITBýY. .nd-disptcin. Soumr 07 THE BANK 0 OMMrx*. JOD JOSEPH J. R I . Whltb y Jan. 22,1'0. t A I LW A Y. A trin iti ll, cîtli t'iij'utter nittot, letii'cIor Pt.rrv octý-iii v ar>' Ii r ncrîtui t- nt 8 a mi Oetck, aid WelituîY- liit le.. ,s'p ILt No carg foradîce. N. RAY. Whithy, Nov. !et, 1871. 4 rr iE anbcrber offersfor ïaletb oiw T i. 'lsi to -Tc fý I-it-. ay vf -nc-NeI r. eto,~ith quarter (cf an acre of landl, sîtuated or. the cor- ne o 0Gen and St. Peter Streats, in te sontt Ward. Aiso,11l aua acre ot' landI, well teeda-0nd i» a high ntate or eu!tivation. 011 the cornr of Wellington Anîd Giffo,7rl Strtt, North, Ward, A quarter Oran acre Dît Contre Street; moinh> oh thpg ret.îtence of C. Driiper, Emq., in; t1e Soute Ward, Mto, Twenty Aorea of good !uîi)d, nellig ompoieed of part ni lot 18, ini the lo)tîtec,t01*-C Mion of tha lowgîteoitip ût hlîrr, ,Comiîty of Nortihumberland. r-j A eletir atid i îipîilittewiii t. givou toui!the. tîliovt, 'roîerty. For lurthir purtieularx appiy to te u wner. whirî,y, J11iy 19, 1871. 29 -tf MJIBLANU RA ILWÀ y 0F CANADA. -00o th aqi a spoused, la a mmbor Aug-----e---"' '"- - s xerv gooi, su fer as l ge. gv AieMrushaing i- on alot0ion iues.tronoiy.- n ai> litlist toit polnwl a nigint anti bis ufte AieCatlnolie bhuse ut Norfolk, Aine olti- fat«rve coit utiîtrd outhAie 1gcat ltutole eebit' est luAnepertage -ut Englannd. Hla isyear, vien ee-rIthing incisA netiu-ii do uts I lben«ittesie. I can't sing. As a Bsin'. an nceuAie precent flube et Norfok, tlart cnitin i? Kiowe, then, tAlAlet ,~anntaseea n aiet and hua been luin e Britlih House ut sixtocî thtunanîl years w-e shah ina lecre uîîeu I sînig; su arc Abuse whmo lher me-, Communs. Ha la la bis B4lîinycar, anti ugain, oultt ltosatne day aat the Alo ame to>' 'ire s'a-* max-riedtiwce, bis, fecond -marriàgo Aak- Itour. \ibyugtou îîi iiAin' nthor' aigtide oe tian1- tm m lut' place one -eàaféttte iedeath out bis Theostes iowecror, îîd ]icir repî>.'I a c- uîihne myw r-oiead ysung fiestwif. Tbue ride la ainr l9tle year. aun perlct willhtg,,' sdu etre'eo-; 'bt it ia an ne yw-dw u ag "Corne wiîcre My love lies dr<>amlug." 1 la just cixtem tinoustinil ds>'Oti'5 iite-oit idn't go 1I didtia hilnk it wouhd ho cor- ANsDxe orxerDit. SMOLLETT.-A DOnt- were orhero etn, anti you lett witIout ret paulon ut SntoiletA's, wbu was apprentie- pa>ing; sttle AIne olti score, anti I -uihi cd Au a surgeon lu Gltasgowlha-ring been trust yon for toe nt'.' A --- va bintAhat ho asfro engagot inlua frolie witin Aie future bis-.-,pci.t. sat asun a ostnt ton-han, une winter's evaniug; -%Wmarecel-. Tienodfon Tiîu-it'i u atate~an lin am il>'. "eadabsadr. an te vera reprimaud front bis master Mr. IHuwe's speech, at Ottawa, protesta .s ueoac uou ietml's ig for quittWug Aine .hup. Tino lad having strungi>' uagainîst AIne ci'narge Aîe îtn th-ua111d t Ani ot ot e tui-An abego inuexuse tîat ho hati been struck lin witlitrawng lo io q frun Canada- grond."- b>' a«snowhail, tend inatigone out la pur- la actuatetiby iasclfishipolicy. Ï\Ve ha-voe Ino " palutial bh aat tAilabad, suit ofthtin persun who -bail Ahrowa i,was dune notîîin,,," ruys Aine Titutes, "A tut'e- w'ich cocAt £200,000l, have heeu de. liatexulng Au Aine tuants ot lUs master, on toit unr rigint Au bue rediteti widh a gun- fluuitel>' pnononced ft0 unsafe thïf Aine Aine unroablty utsucina star>'. "How orous appréciation of utur obligationis." 1A14A1nRagi-mont were ordere t t vacate log"saithie wertiny Doctor, wiAh Aine Tinogrounti ut Engiadsclna oe' ietu ne hmen tIre now uider confident air ut une fearls uf contradic. i-s atatedt Auinatino desire for Aine cuncen- tan-vus. iou, "utiglit Istand haro and sncb a, tration outheAinmperial forces tend tord- -Mr snwafedfrrv y:- Ahi-ng not happen te me ?".-The boy was upulent ut local-rusources Au meut ay a Hoesemnw eit-f rveyairs.: -A complotaI>' puzzleti, wheu Smnollett, who ftr oaow-i mr îieiea y Zasb hnot hlama ig-fh -au era ld atoot-lhuinth Ae pffllrofthAie siop.door, ant i wth botter muans for tioing ws oajuenlisfahriceavntv a n t ' h a r w h t p s s ti, a n a c h ti p ' to a u > ' a n ti e se r > ' p o r tio n uf t hA ie e m p ir e . ig i t, t n d h o w a n ts t o ln o w if t h e r e i . ahauowbiltend qulck1> u d eled isp a' ~ .aflotiner 'insuliving'-xhuse father waa m ate -fro n t Aie- d ile i n a a- ilu w h i h t ino A n in genio n m in d lb as inv onte i b r n i u d e i a t iasf v e r queistiolaita placed hlm b>'an answer shaep-shaariug machnine, Au winich Aine agu. eqally prompt sud conclusive. animai untier operation, supplies the mu' rludiag hinusclfin a.aAtrentor, npon go- tîre puwer. 'We chall soun have mutton ing imte battle, Turenne laid to bis body Six cigara a day, accordlug te A pri rôastbng jAsait - anti walking on Au Aine "Yen tremble, cencasa; huA I shail ta4e physicien, wiIl ahorten a n'slite fi-va tahle. n y o nd places which you will ike lem"Y yeara; aud it hecemea in latereating cal- Why la-te olling ut a hall hi-ko Ainhe caunot recaU a>' fluer insta~nce of culsAien7te disoover 130w m»auy wilkilldBpraying et a hypocrte 2-Because if ila atoe tni-unpli of moral courage.ovei'ph7. bue 4m *0 pot. -001é=oen10=4ndby a $heightlosa tongue. a owxi rir (;0 VOL XVI Allfob6pjbergd -'baise, S hrwd j i ýprjcq.QIcrcr Thxe 9t of OetOher,JS57, wl 0 le CnietFr)-ok* n remembere'amii the Labrador r lsr Touiro; Amour. mon OIls aya a i hrcane 6 danghti4Sc il ei 75c i'iie'tajrged onglhe -oast. One -of th@fish è h e f ,t finsngae) 7 otellie, Iimple chic, - ng voaseIs,'wWthÉ arg unmber.dfnmon, In En0Aqda _, -h id At wha ago doe# love beju I -.wom.on, aud eMhdrcju on bad a saea 2 09< onbieoehaesnolsa» I cauglit in the tormn, uad triei a rdtolttéthïW hf B> at a fitijacleorotàweet189,ide ne hurricane. After a Wh *grl was unuhtin ta u 75eBreateh of fearful suspense, Ealto dingged- lier an.: 75 ý Zir'ier thiter, chorsa, a2d waa'driven on shore,. Witinh inbaignorance ~ idniYcî raç at rat diffleuIty, ail ou board Were safrul1y of-lis U à>é' i1 I - 4pzts- 50 Wlien didiIt iuarn ia heart to Ended. Drc i ihrubided by prua~bobnpe$ .2 00> Prithee toi! me, Dinipla w1iu i .i: laAlo A"eroà h eoe'ccsoe Aine anow-irifts, s..erong -iCt e e, motyti.Z. 2,00> t Oh "lte ro' lips tapiblasa, they fournI theuiýsélves on anun- If lieis nt r'o'perotô'th ae New 1' can't telli-Yeu, il.try 1I inhabited part of tine, cosat, theo nearest btinep pyof 'iao oglca' ;nxtbehuta hein fie miles distant. h 4o ep »m~ ;Vtet Aï iteayonrtger 111.5thani '111,g naXnight closed, n a tassA£ ] w Marriaepwhbe avoi r thé "'e Tell, O telLute. Grjizied Face, Of hem.'were droïgcd asinore from 'fhe if yourîg wOmeii were agttepia 'Do -yuur liîart and! heat! lteep puce 1 wreck. T honly lhope loy lu endoa. pies of. acconnt-keeu M Wlien doteca i ylove expi-re', vni orege 'te dlsta -hus101id hbis u rspct$ý Wlten do*<oito put ýont tuie flre 1nti Ahndl hbisinrearknoaeiý lad f h cen ite otnobe rbr eIo,01w V 2afê fa ge hnu sband-woulttk l l 'AllUa t et o r-f tAeBheobràitw L- iat elÉdnOe an Crao a milIotiotnd ' i lit ofsuYex1slq outhàli oorru"baud. ep i- Thnthe zno;ning-auàslne out nino. pout, f, 1) Wten dote, Love givo np tid ouedouaa'e I tee o TOlI, O telme-, Grizzled Face. no hml> eduogAn hr.comon interet. A gronp of Alreo wpmteu and two ehidrén w6mal of a'verage inttelligencse and "AILb"Ittte wiae old lips replY, l11itpel in one another's armIS, ani fgoa Seuse eau maletehie fortune of a Butof ove- mîy ant rt nl enrt ot'Oe;hre umud, was fond i i ~dma whoîse love- aine exjoya, and who wil Bg o te id ae 1 thn'ito 1oenStark lu the loy embraco of death. ]nr- fti're hor'foi Aine purpose a full abare in Askrtotoolde..agetatîî!"ing the darkness and confision of landig no opnil oiro fAeicxeo a bmiily of fon-ury klrn ùcýe The Mrrttga o tît Maruis t Ent. f Uflgckilren or he Aiouscinold. she Winl not generailly Aine MdaugeMaqusnter u e.parated frnttheir parents, %vho couglit ho able Au enter into his »nea~n The marrltege of tine Marquis of Bute tue 'en' eblutvai, an at iegtb gvethun bût f aine]cnow th agtrof Lord Howard took pla& Up for bast. wages, salary, or leurrent profits,) and his on Tuesay, April l6th, ut the Rloman oAebo ut focîrtonesardlgLin crie ofpersonal expenties, and caiAluna foreaee Catholie utratory arBrm ,jnTe pu iteue, n idn hywlat the houseinold ha to rel>' on,. alto wedding coremonias were witnosaod by a hall nuogude or-protection, rcooh-cod Au will characteristically ho ready te '&ont great crowd of persons., The Barolîoss do wlîat ho eould Au sgeve thefr lives. ýTo Atoe oat accordling te Aine elotin," and will Burdtt-ouis, te Dches oÈArgllroach AtoehuAs with t tein becng imposai' usually lho mure acrupulous muline A-o Burdtt'Cntts Alo Duheesof Ae léo, hoermade to'- ahirorin- colin '-'lielay aside something cvory. season as Aine Baron ]Rothschild, Aihe Duke of Norfolk, n ohl decb tir' ainiii ý1.ig ftefrue and man> otiner noble personagea were li st l ok out di otiner' rmthnion, M preeented Aute toenowly'tnarried couple. o e owr ooutb olcig0iis n ttefrue Auîong Aine mou>' présents aent Au the ofwiich, funtunateiy, Alere was a largoTe e-icry fibride waa a set uf cameo broocines front uaiyabtniping isbotTuNe-Vcr. .'!I is HoinesaAine upe.tient in layera, lho at bougtli sucec'ded in Tsh inrragehs oP sm mu-ope xcluilnng partially At thpierit. oO Lord Dufferin, Chanecellor of theflncy îme~~~~~~~~~ ~~ -nidAeatninu iefsnoal otntl c.h on uernglto"lc ofutLancaster, hies belon nomnated Au Aine worluid tlatenin ofte aus, inose thefragm11ent of an nid sail, whinilie G~ overnorGoneralsip ip OîCanada lu the, family nome le Stuart, la descond~ed from covered over aamtdcubetig or jace ufLord Lisgar,' wlo wi]1 ho called aarpre mua, ieinconecî în ruie og n-inomo. The annexed articlefrom an Arn ffented linAine peerago before Colunmbus litte "ntcTc Dceset in's nomtination, la luteresting. lad rosed tceeinnnic.Ho i Alo ony ith thebitter coîrI, and Ldoclareci thcen ca otmorrsgea yLr > h u a c r o s is d t hs m o ren tc omH ooit ath e.nl y I t le s a c o m m u n t r a d i t i o n a m o ý ! & e n g - s n o th se o d M arquis and LTd sileineretors andle Huaine, auîter t ltofiatMarui hougiIal lto vcarv heronr ttailisin legiltrsadjournalists, if net H a s i ng , a ug it e o th f rst M ar ui ni h tt h e o o ie b o y etcto d a lu n e lty th o r ea n m o n g t oeinea d s of E n g lish a d m in istra - uf Hastings, and succeeded Au hie father's iin AI Aa0ia tai. ite ad stteawhlaan nfnt Wienciildron, replacing tfic cvering wl e lctaonýutha Irielimen are dévouil of tinat agit ti l e nd st a es hil a n nfa t . VIi n ('L'f ac lty w h icin gi-tes gtccese t oau .ruiler o f n inis ole-entin year lUs mother (lied,îtut w'ind ascattereîl it, anti helring themnwlimn letaiin-myb n ae luio hds uf caope:rHoemiglîthehave trictil tu ci.~i rdto myh n ae uis boaefain eevdtnoma ae he.tit -no cins, itbe hwuied tut 11act, but il enrclessly set aside byEag- Se-attention from hie guardians. About four lseuIqipeir nterslcino ooùt yearsaugo considerable surprise was cauti ov uIepeschrg. lers-ptenî'el thi sein uth coia Î'ne io uneettnt oiair- At length day daw'neiî; teOd fthon liue smo sai i-'se wimr c;n d by toe itnun Aîiha ieha e- rned hiii totoerin tstep.3toi A ldto ýarhîtram'y puteors titan are entrnsted Au a rmsnucdtecreed of lUs fathers and join - stbmetA eu id ltn'eotprime minister, ur evea'to tino Vicaro>' ut 'e~tcd Ane omanCatolicCinrcin Holialf--n'n lielidthAie pateite u thAltolut Ireland- A yoar or Awo rince, all toe adoptcd ia scourse su unustentationsly c tvl1îîY eçd %itl ii ,rii, osac An-ttaltcolonies ]]adl Irishn Governors; tînat runnors stating tat hbl dn'turited lrthnîc, î>i. , 'D - b in e otnemday tinere was an IrishnVice- Au Iie fut-mer beiet founil ready crec-r'e i ed zz5til ad11 ý $lu nttil urmaiy dened. -pecimwît ut fillitgttît'ii y 'lcroy u Inidia-, andthe tinosalllfry- ritcl- 4tiouuntiinoromanlyAd'nied. , ltatho unithe yoo- Tino accession ut.Aine Mae'qnns h-e.v-ceai-lie etî H - xcelenceiei, suci as John Ppe Do- e Au eicomnfthenarqisn May, 870ina dne urv lt'.-m ivl' lre ieisi', are quite numerous. Tine- M.d t xitera entwlot nin M ealdty, 1870 en omt e p- i'-ittypreScOtLG o-e'ru#r uf Canada, Lord Liagar a -r t l l o n r c - t u -m i tt , e ,î p o l w h e1- Dt e tn m î.1 1 f i s h-, im a n , -i e u c e e d e t i a n I r i 's h - Pel yung puler Au tic public laniit. In AÉtat ii o i ' un1. ui nu- ev iereporteutosAiat ho î'e w rmani t acei s n o eucceeetlb>' anotiner Irishm a, 1 l5) coilecteti, ititroduces Lothuein'as a .yuunlg \Vbt tworls-iol g [cll. 'I,.ýiMî) crll 1) -in SEn oglish nnoblemnan utof-ast w'eabth and <c-uP A 0.alteti position. Left anu rpinan lu his ofthetulier awli nteci * - l rd. - -c u-e fue'wiho ]la-vu net read Aine But, alas!eotiubsetelvwapaitîte biallad known the $,r iintancy, lie is bt-onglet uji tndon e atithe t eii y-ît îar 1 titia te ýam o teIrs -- spot whierc tho- . ,tt e-it- - Lteii chargeofutAwo guardiane-one -a greni t -lt i; t ~-l-îîn and nuteei':yoneistfmir witin n S cotch lord,Aine utiner aul Englibi clor-v v tO fotec 'h- - - tef1t'A-tsttnb>-iega .. th Aioeilclrn' ,1..t 1aneex l ic:ùoîtf tîhet that it a.. te ' hega:d mon, ho, l aving " Zgo e oýer-dotâia'IttIW c. ut lii ird Brinsie>' Sineridan, mainstay ofuthAie Ppyi lu eBiih ffl i-lt adilaiet hela ot tduod ont.Terilatad aiIsies. Tin ouug peler us intruducetid u loitgî;tn ti i -iAlec -aflthev.fl o te.uTnordfrili ntld te thne romance jmat as ino i-son tAine -vofut riendiy sîtolten. hlisai-ldcvii ai'd xad Alto 'elfe tA o tAer-Loffe rm himajrity, and maklghis ntry ijuAn ----n4i* .i-nt-eboyeanimterfAnepo - 4' o cit.Tn Au> acnof> cui ldi:t ntunent poon'. s.H evsbora lu .Florence la t!I.socety.Thestoy ischifly ccuied1826. Hoe waa edueateti at Eton and ' ýt - witln Ahe efforts ut Cardinal Graudison.AuTîtose peuple evleu are nîaeuaintc'd Clnrist cînîrcln, Oxford. Suceeding Au his n- tempt hia wsrd luto Aine Cinurcle ut Ruine witbe tile Atoorit-ai abot-iîtes, are apt Au fttrer. ile ia 1841, hoe was for sume st- and Aine efforts ut lUs tliner frionds Au keep AjlnîthAIltat An iflèrent tilles speai uy i-etne Lord in W'aitlug-Ao Aine Qnenunnder hm out. Tino pralel la nt, lnwvr, di-lectte t u -e-u - irt~ aLuelAmnsrto.\/uea x Tcarrieti ont AueAltoendi, for tAlthie Mar- ' - C t t nie rto.Wiea x bit quswn -ebtLtni'rmieib'suponstititits cituttns are ltesanie. Tiisi fond toe faluinle ut18462*47 de'rastated qui wnt ve, ut otairreian Edho in- - Avil arfo in-fe C t oînil.,Ho, iti compan>' witin a coilege Tin aeiaeutAineHussu .roleSe Ahrbe liasits poculittritiesiouA' cust oins iictd, 'vliitod Aiat Imlund; anti behneld. orArndl n Bte hwve, inuàr- oueare tvorsleiupers uo'fté soinonn \t ininuclehuort-or Aine culamities out Aie urAudten ue ioeesiglryand stars, antisout nc ehipcry croit-aie ortinnate Celte. Prutoundi>' imprasa- teconfirme whut coula hare uni>' been con- cd ubject. Tîtort ileaion Altoeo a vdn A inat lhiadl eea, lho puhlished i.l Aetratgy teRome le tOintrution ont peeniliar cnsdom. A wbliie dog 'rith- an ieeunL yf his excursion un his returu. -v h e t r a e g y of o m e i s h e nt r d u c i o n o ut b lo m in ih ii p u t A u ile a tîn l y stra n in' O n A lla th l eu sa n te st n a rra tiv e s e t a of uthAineyoug mugqis to a Catînolit tamil>' Thisted-imuAii ttiSaii a-lti-c-.iq-xal shs-LteE Lord anti Lady St. Jerome, and tîneir it l, tino) deog je lni tng ttlios anti cietîng Laits,"aî islis"Lattera0 dauginter Clare Aruatiel, winointeri>'cf- ai style wte-fh riions eeanpninqt.attd l tt yait accoutat fbis voyage te Spitz. o-faces tine impression outhAltoLady Curie- to-them's ; and ttew rrinot-tveitandl itrgin anti Icelant a Ain e precediug year. _ antie, his firt love, and ti o t dreaun. l- 1 on te, os oil in u Aneunt> e hrstieon, nt il n a pst lie t tianting'îtýottsc lie 1860i Lord Palmerston aenA himtoi pling a reant fCinedTnoman-d h reenamis srtiraI titys. lu Chie ttsiii uropor't onthnemassacre outhAie quer p w ounin ha v bea u seed y, suT h sro n g- uncn ti mte, sev era i t îer trem ct-ic s, to- C hristian s. - F or lis services lho w as cre- quet wuld-hve eenspedy sostrnggeth»r with dancingr,atc -cat'liried l. Au atei a K. C. B. Tht official positions hoe are toe charma of Clare Arundel, second- icn"dtlte inte tfi-sW'hctitheAlto hlas hl-d have hectiu uder tino Untier So -cd b>' toeartifices utf-mure oxperionceti ceremony witlufAineduCIne ic.Dtnylî t ol,-teUdrSce breada. But Théoudora is madtiAnrescue tire l i d(l* eti nte liae e vlicro e trs'IutwllateAn innobosi toe impressionable youtb, wlio s final]yd" lugteîiAlndujjsonnitn utdmeeinuof aicaatnt'th aeloi in w ~ o n b y L a d y ,C o ri sa n d e . in o b la z in g ip ile . A p r ie t l b e a y s a i n d a tbwtu n î s h r t t e l a e e n ra is e ti acconunt te inetoaldVin taMr. ne-r iti-t-, w-ithiii, littho basket i tu u luan carllont. Ris ;Irish estâtes are in or Disraeli desires tAu maki' beweeo Aie retl it~rut i tlnhebacs i atsAu nxvu ,u hc oi iu 1 t

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