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Whitby Chronicle, 2 May 1872, p. 2

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.y show aoros- 5 and exp.ndl4irs- moeei.ug-Cricket Club. Coiugregational Cirurcir. il150 CENTS A TZAR Thursdiy, May' 2p1872. ,aeadu reaiflo RailLwy. doubt, tire mast importaut if tire Seaàon-scarcaly aven tha Treaty of WÏaeiingon-is Railway bil introduad hy 8ir rtiorc sud refarrad ta more at lengthig ourParlisunentary report. Ai - ordieg ltir the te= by wbichBnutis Columxbia accepced Canfederation, it noad ils tlbchoconnimenoad uet lai- thai Jx4jy, 1878, and compieted -within ter yers. Tira proposition aiflire Gavein met is tiraIIre Bonddmalate t Lais Nipiseming, fronwiîcir point ho Ire Pac. fie Coast lira distance shsimated cul sone 2,700 miles.- Tuhe-woâkin ta hocoin. nimeuc ' iuullaueously aI bath cutIs c tira line: Unden lire bil lirhe.Govonument wili have power ta arraruge witli any one aithue companies 'uow applilg fou- r clîartei-,or withu an, amalgamnation oai hem. Tfirc subsidy frionu.thua Gavairinent will consul ansdanîdnoney; tira landI »grant Ici ie in aiteruuale blocks ai lwanty nubc le1,sila unorrey eubventiun'of souruie 2( )0J000,00i0. The blockis ai ianp uhava beenau nide' 20 muiles iru deptir go as ta nraolice lDominionu grant unifanun witli thrutrigreeci ta Ie giveru by Britishu, Co:'hîubia ;threr Uaverrîruenl expeccing lithuladinrc irthe siternate blocig e.o îîcn'etsl will lcc'sufiucienttelura-iculcurseatire cocuntcry for. tire uuosucy icrlcsuny. Any - - E:onianuîynrdertakiung tire waknicunt 'isavo -a büng ,/de sobî1cnibeid capital ai tecrlunillionus, af vicîr urnucunt (ase a îroouf of clcdiiihy>tule-ylcri-a tc ongeteler a'cent. ori ane umillion rdocllnars w'ihi thea Receiver GülJeriua. Inn urcic1tiIon hte :nainî Une, tiV<c Irîruicesaurne proîcaecl tt-te brujt- aieurccIrru ic i no oint in3Maunitobaurta tire bocî1rcclnny liii;', und anîohr ~firn a jcoinut <ccc tioenumainr ficne WciLaker Superiar. Il ici îot îmnpuîcccet lll înlce iîîuy ronuey grant tat lantIer, nussmvcrrnel Companies hanve rrlrewrcy nîpiulid la carry &1 thue work.- Triic vucst nrcdcirrakiuug wili throw an han- uîrelsecie riocunulof aiptranage intunthue bandsc ofaithe Governurreiut wiii (if tha s' prroaeuct me on titinuîe in power) wiil ha- xilusoIi t a, urradle theie rst ai, as is go i)jencly and icastingiy loue lanlira case ofthl ltercolouuiah baiiway. Tire onhy way ta pr-aveint extravarganice aud misap. 4ci iatioxu cof tir' xîuncy anudisocurr tirej iloýnl Icy t1 luc' hîoctcret andc.i osalest route i e hy criair ichatunge oai uuccnnut -the l~icetndofanffirr Vo. ic nnruel tira niccunul pi-e nt ii iccwr with ths large exîceld- itcure.sipit-nicigly ha Utlici-ci uouariurruta Spniig liipllys 4.) ricli'ly beauhifl vtdil ciuttth trs of ur pi cialnc,.r t. e i.j .I gtf degreeff, ltheprocession bhlngsuuA1reluIail. by P. G. b'Don&vsau, ii. peU wus borne by six odd Feflove anaI six genl.- =en oecededby friends of the iamuly of deceased' The magIstrates of Ihe omty blo occpied a conapicuomusplace hi tthé tuerai procession, msud oe pciel meet- ing hald in tire Grand Jury room-ýjudga Burnham chirms-anmorder waemade on tira proposition of Dr. Gxunu, (whicir *wil be found in aIrer columns,) verY complimnentary la the menite af tire de- ceaucd anaI of aympathy witir bis aM.icted widow and famiy. Tire Bey.-Mr. Cay- ley proachad tireuerai sermon, -Ail tire place of business 'in the tmmw wre, closed aud sirutters put up duing tire passiug of the fùnarai procession, and avery mark of respect firown ta the mae- mary of thé lanenteddaasea . by is fellow townsmen. Indeed ail appeareci la feel tiraIt tey irad l more than a coumuon- frieud-one upan - wirose liker tirey ahould unoe readily loak again. The reaiins were intared i.4qlire Union buiai granud with ail lira usWelce're- manies andI solemnities of the Order af Odd Feiiawe. The Assizes arec310w, going on as wa psn thoeolines, arid baokiug through lira court room, ane well known andI digni- fied face ie sadly nissed, and, wa 'hear an ail uides wiiperiug regrets ut tireIoss of 8. H. Cochrine. Iowsc, Nebralska, Mausas, CalliloraIs. aAdventielug alone doas ual puoduce succese. ira4ething wiichirs advertisedl i, muet bave intri-n8e meriýaor aise barge 1advei-ising wiil aventnally do il mare irhai-un Ilan good.> If you have anytring îwiich you içnow ta ha good, adxertise il pthoroughly, sud you wil ira re la- suc- îcead ; if il is pon, don't pi-aise il, for ipaople uvibi soon discover you si-e bying. 1 SucI i ire Dpoliey ai tire BUuILZNOTON Roui-s, wirici r ine ta tiree great ragions in tire Wet. bel, ta Omiahas, conneting 3wiîiu tue great Pacifie Roads. 2nd-To rLincoln, tire capital ai Nabrasia, suad all LirhaI iccauifci npgion souflirof tire Pialle, f lid with R1. R. lande antI houn steads. r8r'u-Tu SI. Josephu, lSansas City sud al Kianeas poinhs. Thue roade ana aplandidly muit, have lue hast bridges, fineet cars, tira Milen icinrfonin suri coupler, ard thie safaly air liriaie (ta pi-avent thea lors oa ifle tirat is evcrywiiere-eia ihappening) ; Pullman's sleepera, Puihuan diuing Qars, large sud powei-iul enginres (ta make quici lime sud goad connections), antI are lu a wou-O lie 1)esat enluippetI noads in tire Wee t. Sa that.if youu desire la go saiely, sureiy, ffickly sud, comfotabiy ta sny point in Sontireu'urIecwa, Nebraska,' Kanss, on on tire Pacifie IRosds, ho sui-a tirIyon go 1113Y Wnuy aiBunlinglon." Ail wiro wisuu paniculan information, aulr a large rnap, shuowirug correciUy 1h. Girent West, andI ail ils rail-at coninect- ions, cin obtaiui tieu, antI any aIrer krrowlcdge, by addressing General Pas- seuger Agent, B.' & Mo. R. R. R., Bur- lifiglounl, bous-. CRIrCubTs.-A î nCeoing ai Criciatens de- 2 ciuonh aif joiuiug, nand rosusciîaîlug Ira 0i' Cricket Club ai tuls towu will ha ueld ntllii loinebon Hanse on Monday aven-3 in-, mcxt uah ali-paît savon acloek. Abb 1 wishling- ta boem eaue rrcuir will pieasse1 attend.cia élîts ili ýillucua i'ctnîîr wauted pirofugiccir 'rtire 11ev.DR.* Vnmrcrs, Principal ai tirS sn'aicnr. icýTe lui-gresci ai mercanilelice Couigreguiional Collae, anrel ettiriprime îira tis rerjecelievcery nîbe.erv-- sil pi-ascii (D. V.> lu tire Cougragatianal aible' N'ct. uilii lrnhrîkcrCrî (hicr, oui Fiday avening, Mt-ay loti, <'cràn ii i lc r a i-col ity tlhcliutcoui-asque ber-vic' at i iuf-pacil savon. citn r'tyliccinj'ippeatiruiwliieli aduora-titue gayly ncLo'rtrlstl.Ivinrc'awg. Bt in r U'nLOWSl 'uuPo'irospuicITES..-Mu-. FUl- hcirdis, 1ciîyie, wifiuitt utrîcwitlilput, tlce hcuw rimlc'cusreta stàtà thuaIlire iras no crci-elciltc ~-Itnulutiut ii-cr cnrcii~î-auîtanritcrclagecnt, luit Ilat iisHypopiros. îiriîrwtlt îinc'tst rîr1.0i'ttir'enuntiL.aiofphiteiunniy he nîtained of al respectahle thlrblicJ ciii iru r gir-i' litantinn ai-tutu, ns Du-ugistcc and ApoI.,iicanies aI iris pricas. wei therkut <crin" lc'cucuiînuct Iri'tl ýfi-onu CaNerurAND TcteBLI'a X.-et concert lias afliscî irec'ctachiihtntir niMo amailtableaux inaiel ai linaManse fende ai "P. l-1.C-1illitir & CaO., thle necw clorealo, t udesCiuri siiir ie itr Messrci. Laring & Stnrwar't oppcosite., ltae 'ireouîauics' Hiall aoù Tiursday evauing, Domuiruiouin vroictuiu<f MoccinuLowe8 -Maîy OhU. The prQgi-aunine vut ciove s 4,owlir .YeotiitrlGibsunt, Old Nu b, veruy iîîviîing ana, cu=4soluld ahI-set e âfMi Janu Siiiuer's, mtrnitlhagi Inuclbut atndnu. mange tedn. iaI le4st, tie aid esturbiislind lusornfa Mlesurs. I1f snaiiion & CO. "Noitlirer eliauld PRcOMOTION or Lv.-Cou.. WÂrLA.cE.-Wa Wa Overlooaithue linnnaiicéone ucew ctin aifcre Icîcasecite finid in tire IssI nuubar ai UMiMIViJciy, on1biucls t.eS,, Wsest 6É Al lue officiel Gazette tire following '.$uiule Ciuicn.- li huee-eilubleiuenl 141h Ontaio ]3ahlalirtn ai Infsuhry: will bo jfaurud uvrytinrg fr&îsiionrahle - To ire Lieut.-Coiorri, froni 121ir April, .'I1872,Mujor Jaunes Wallace, vice Fair. sub)stnizrtitd, umuri elugcant tici had n~inii-et jbaînis, decceaSatI. craesscnîy <ni-ygoocîimcirerec,,-antcrerr pice<S enîicmolly hais--if nttiîilu cuitly rcîtcii lreccrciùs. WVerare eJatuplucni(Lc ll îit any. thinug iiiauan, elàubocaerccntîeiptiou-i ai si 114llaces and luis prelanlions tirice, sud u-cfer rtlîc 'i-caier s-imad tias'o bu 'Woull seic, uirzl t l ueetwithu MasI counteorut altuion tea t ri al ai any ai tira pn4unubanr etablislrme nts we have namlel. fircuse ai Mll; 'Ainlrrng, ieuanson, t BevroWtilt etîily dltcrcyed by fine Tui4tlay ucornicuig Tirfa Ines, whîichu fire;t rppeaared buur-iiicîg fimthlIe roai, lIIreîltodtc-cansîrilirahuele icuiltI. iug; brItby lira tinnraby andI onergetie ai- fonts ai tire -vilagurs lira lire wsas soon - xtingulsied. TIre cause ai thue tire is unknown. 'Loâis cas-ci-d by insirance. SENTEuSCRO To DRÂnc.-Joluu Wýilson,' 'wiu a aeerts tiraI ir arw fanmonlyas sol. dlier' in tuie Britishr amry, liras beau found gn1ilhy ai vape et tire Guelphr Assizes, sud, saitnted tla liangaci on tire 201irJune. -Tme Falwireaî i ir e towasliil ci Broak, Scott, Uxiridgo, ,RIeaclu sud al thue wuy Souli thiroug)uli ais counny iO coamplataly IilietI y tire sevei-eity ai, tire -:long wiuter sard scanl covelng ofai ow; wire il dope grow. in pachies il will ha latter warthu. Clavarij kiled off slo- -getieas'sud asl ai thiehiesare beiug ýMOiçSTtt4csT.-Mn. John Hashini, oai lot No. '20, Stircon.7'ai Piceringliras as eaw tiret gave 'iruIrta a cal' laut weak,E )reuvismg hwaIbodiesi, lwaIslcai, i 8x legs ' (four'iore -iaet) ant Itwo thUe. neon- Otrouity dise Mil. birtir.' state ai th. Agnieulte rai grounde, t] show of animais and exailution of t] îjudges tocir place in the fedoppositoj regideuce ofiJ. B. Armstrong, Eeq. T fallowing le 1h. I3lood stallins-2 entries-W. C. Lfi .ton, lot sud 2i2& 1 gteollias, aaddle or car"ige-4 entri -rE. M 'S '-, moirgen',lot ; B. Beat-ty M. -uk Peeh nmud:; John Wilsou's 'G.. Gaerý al irpase -4 aunres - il. 1 Wileou's *'Mosîtrooper', lot; C. Lyde $Gbenele, 2nd; G. M. Çurtios IldaE 2ud;> J. orte- se&otua' Glory-' rd, . Canadien -Drauuiht4 mnes- Wn dlay, 2nd; J. VtSpean's '1lciran', 8rg 8-yr. oltI entireldraii colt-2 ent-it -O-. W. Fewa'er~bYirmre', lI; h Oka's 'Prince of Wales', 2nd. 8-yr. old genei purpase-l entny-4J Hardy. Geuarel purpose brode4=6-8 etiE -Win. Smith, lot; B. Gutrie, 2nd ; à Harris, 8rd. Draui rt.brood mpre.-7 entries-Jah Midland, lut; Wmn. Smitir,2nd; H. Spasn car, 8rd. 2-yoe. oltI entirq -colt, Eaddle or carniag -2 aunes-S. Toms, lot-; J. Robb, 2nd 21r. aid generel purpose fllly-1 antrý -B. Gibson. 2-yr. aid colt, draugirt,2 entrias-li kH. Beith, loI: J. I. Davidson, 2ud. è2.yr oltI dranglit fily-2 entries-Wm _flýaY, ' t; Wm.BrMitir, 2nd. Bes spsn carriage horses.-A.B. Camp bell. Best siugle hanse la harnass-7 entniai -W. Couithard, lot; Gea. Ogetan, 8nd T. H. Smnithr, Srd.1 BesI teaun, gencrai purpasc-4 entniei -John MeteaI& lt . tJ o,2d Bes spa sdr ;gh as.h Sth . Ag:d bull hcn- ntie- F. Campbell, lst; Wm. Smih 2nd. AgetI bull, Devou-S. Tome, (only en. ry). Aged, lirsire bul- TrosGu. 2-yr. old Durham bulL.-Gerge T om. son, lot. Wm. Kern, 2nd., Gea. Ogeton, Brd. 2-yr. aid Ayrshmre buil-Thomas Guy lot. and 2nd. - - 2.yr. aid grade bull-John Metealfa. l-yr. aid, Dnrham,-(8 aunres) John Dryden, lot; J. 8. Thomson, 2nd. k'8rd. 1-yr. aid grade bull-H. Doolittia (only lj eson ligirî hanses wana Messrs John Haigt, R. Pardoq,- and S. BolantI. On haavy iorees andI bulls,-Messrs rames Wallrr, James Piorson andI Bell- wood. Pickerinus pring Fair. The Sprng Fair aiflira Agricullural Society ai tira township ai Pickering was ireltI et Bu-ougirsun on Wodnaoday, las.- Tir aettendence was barge, as urinal. Tira eutmes warn ual 8 numerous as we have seau aI former faire, "uumbeu-iug auly 45 allagelirer. The quality ai Ire animais, as migirl ha expecec, was, irowever, ex- cellent. The fallowug iS tire FRIRE LIST: Di-sugit Slallion-Wm. West, lot; West & Staray, 2utI; J. Witieside, 8rd. Canadian Drangit Stailion- Rohert Annn, 8s1 ; B. Staver, Luci; J.V.Spears mrd.1 2-yr aid colt, draug4t---Jas. 1. David- con. 2-yi- aid colt, Canadiaù draiight-D. S. lieFalane, lot; R. Fishrn, 2nd. Bonl, calveci since Jan. '71-John Milanr, lot; John Wilson, 2ud; Thomas BannaI 8rdt. Bull, calveci since Jau. '70-Bmil & Fairnston, lot; J. Tirampeon, 2nt;I; lae Ifiddletou, r, d. Aged bul-John Miller, lot. antI 8-tI John Rusneli, 2ud- % BlootI Stslliou-Wm. Linton, lot. SacdIe or Canniage Shafio-S.Beattie, lot; B. Majo,2ud; J. Laiman, Brd. Gouerai Purpose Stalion-Jas. Paul, est; R. S. Wilson, 2ud ; J. HunIer, 2rd. 2 busirals ai Claver Seeci-James Wit- sou, lot; R. Fuillr,:2nd. 2 busiiels ai Thaahiry SeatI-Jaunes Nbujtean, lot; A. S. MeFarlane, 2ud. Erapîron of Venuvirm. ec ms 'bise ONuiTHECONJ<EQUENTIAL i Cn.Âîucs-A beleguaru fi'om Landau states tirnî Ihoime .sias cougratlaled lire Ainnaiian People nîponu Gen. Grsnl's tris- don; in wiludrawirig tire daim for causa- tîrneutluil damages. Mi-. Gladetone sud E an Gi'nYuille, 'il is luitirer staletI, are ta 'conplinîeiut Gon'. Grant in bhe Parlas. inclut. A telagrani froun Wasinlg- tan sys tuaI il le genenally underehood huer-e thualthue caim l oi-conkequential (lamnagesliras liccau Witidrawn. 7 TE..AiD cCastes DuTY REPEALED-A haegrani fr-ar Washington States trial a baU pasecd the Senate YesIerda1,' provid. ing' hluit cdc autl ler th ir r-t ai Juby next. torau ad eofeée sîralihbe placed in ltha irea liel; sud tire duty paid upon tira camle in bond ehlba-refundad. Thies i grnrifying news ion tea anai eoffao drink- ers. MAN DownE. -Lanark, April 29-A voung insu nusmed. Samuel Douglas, îabout twenîy yaars ai age, wae dratrued1 'Yslarday sai-ruidon, wirile ontbaating au lir Mississippi# abouth Irea nules beiow tiS place. FàTAL AccuuN.-Kiugston, April 29 -About six. o'cloci lasI aventing g lad aumed Wm. Kenairan wus shah in Ire had by tire accidenta discirarge oais pis- tai in lire irnde ofai ctomnada ueured3 Robrert Waoclband, BODY rouxD.-Caruwall, Aprtl 29- Yeîerdrry aitarnapn lie body ofas aud tras found luinrè Cornwalel c&al.AU inquesi and po imrirtm exaM2inaýion wae irael, triicirproduced tira faobwing "1,irst tira cird was nôt aven six iraure aid, surI tht iail etualbeau ire wster' mare thran a waek at Ira auteide." t - FIRu.-Parkilli, APi-i 29-A dieawousf iraé hi-aie out ieroliis maning in aebarn in tiera ear ai SIuant's hatli. unuUIug Pawell's Iratal, Stuart's irotel, 4U4t ior stores adjolalag. Forhunslely tira wiu4 was iotring in a north-weslerly direction,c ai tire business pprtiau ai Ire Iown w*qhd bue, booi m i" . lo- se es bo' S. e'c 21. rd. les r. rl. d. ry N uALes, Apriir 29-Tra view ai Mount Vasuivins froni tis city ie uow the grand. est thrs bas baaui wihr>esed sinca tire yaar Many persan have taken advsntsge ai tire p ' eamoug tire people ai lawns whiir wara thu'astened witir distraction ta taie whatever gondseey corild mid, sud Ire Governmaut irave beaeauxopall- edtI taorder troope ta rs.places la pi- vent tire etealirrg aifratheauadoned pro- Inf ins, cil ythe Bourse iras ciasadeiAnd business is aloal entirely suSpeuded. Tire people use umbrallas ha preteel thrunfrountire ialing soiras. Rainby * badly autad, aeaetire crope will be desînoad. -71 AS lire wonst is now believed ta hac ave- the nxiJty ai tire people has considershly leesened, , NAPLES, April 29, unrning-A .Sond s ai tirundar sceampanies tira disclisiges fraun Mount Vauvins. Tire wluduis blow- ing lu this direction la-day, cerying dense claude ci snolçe sud soies aven Ire <ily. Asires ana falling on Ire streets lire snow, sud afready Ireyý have reacirad Ire deptir ai lwa an tiree. - lches. Tira rumhling laside tire vabasua continues, but no fresir cratens hava openad,- sud lava las ceased ta, flow. Shawere f aisntI have succead. ath Ie raid ofaishirs whiir ws iuling Ibis mnuuing. The eruption iS no-# c- campanied by fanfsublectric pirenounens Ligutuing dNatiucassently franitire su-t- mil ai vocana, sud lirundea' is continu- ns, Bunniug claders, shoues-aud seorese sure falliuig fast antI thuicinutire town of Massi.di Somma, wbmjeb s euhiraly ciee FinEN-SlratarI, .pril 29-At about eleven a'clacir tris marning tire fiue brick residence ai William ]Easan-was diseover- eto aie aune. Tire.fireman were quieck- oui tire spot sud by train 'effarel pi-avent. ed the. fire frm'-spresdfiug inta. an ad- joiring timuber yard. By tir a ialiug oiea chiruuey thure. uiusuwere badbl' injured, nae danegnqby. Thre furntura was uleanly a e,.ved. Lps bout $2,000.r eoautàUay insured. 1 PàxUrym Acouuxuc.-Guelp>, 4pril 29 -Ys*qnday airant nc>on, as tie ra nig train oclrrinug et ou lire Qrad ,ur waa baeluglu nleplth rgaï the freit hrome, alHIS eboy, C;ouc ang, in et- c lomptuug ta cras e tr lrclsliýped and, feil aenaes rail. Twô wirees on th.eand< car pesd avýen bis log, cracbing litsa badly tiraI il 1usdto aiaputated. Hie recoverny le doubtfÙl- <Tire (Jrarberbalu snd Camrnleaioner of ]Tanoulp lbava reoigued hem offices.. Petit1191)e Wae» W wat. rk& t , 'yjAIn Dunruga, ].L.Ebbeis, ae 12 and other menibers ofitir.Ci bar. Dr. MeMichael, T. Deisuisi Pattansn, P. A. Hurd, J. Biyre, 'EB Martin,. J. Mueei, W. Muioc MacLanmansd B. M. Chadwiol aie counsal named 'on tire ncord triai. Mi. . aterson acte as CI Couneil and Mr. j. X Gardon sesa Couuty Attorney lu tire roomaiflire Mr. Cocrae.1 On tira criminel calenar he-1 returneadfour cases -ana of mausiai ar; ana accessory ta murder;anc foi pasture;. and afouith fou, deficianÏt Tire are altagetirer ninaean necoi sanie of tram of an 'important cirera GUM2D JURY. Tire panai of the Grand Jurors hic bien called over, lira following auso ta tireir namas sud wera sworn: Gea. Cuhie, Esq., Fýoreman, A. RsW. Warren, jr., John Mfllar, John Tweedia, Sirerman Brown, L. C. Tirounas, David Dow, John Dryden-ý L. Cirurcin, Wu. Powbott', Tiras. Guy, Gea. Kerr, Robt. É. (lark, J. St. John, Jas. Ruddy, G. C.ý Grass, Charbas Paxton, Wm. Talbot, Jas. Holden, J. W. Gamii Hie Lordsiinluciarging tI r<uandI Jury, reunarked tiraItire were ual many cases netuned on tIra caleudar liraI ai Irose lwo wera aifi-aIrer s serions nature m-ana manslaugirter, aud lira otirer as being aecessory la murdar. Tirebattenha Said migirl involye a cirigeoaimurden direct:lira difaérence between apurincipai sud accasoiy was tirat tire baller wirile ual being pu-seul may hava encauraged an pracured lira comunssion of tira crime, and lu Iris particular cas. Ire charge, tire Court wass iforuned would ho sub- millatI fan commaision aiflire capital ai- fence. Hie Lou-dsbip very bucidly ex- plained tire difféence between tira lwo crimes asud wirat wdnlta consilute aitirer aud Ire dnIy ai tira Grand Jury lu Ire preunleas an-tire evidenca submitted ta tram, sud lu desling wiîi r ra-offaucas. Aea tire duty ai tire Grand Jury ta vieil tire gaol sud repart on lire condition ai tira piSonars, antI stated that Ire Court wouid discliaigetreau sealyae passible. The grand jury fQud truie bille in lire cases. The Qneen vs CgulilltIfor mur- der. Tira Queen vs Wibs ,ns Robbery sud assul. k re' Ia for rd-- CIVIL SIDE. .Bigelow as Maw.-Actionon promissgony note.-Verdict for plaintifi for 8259.71 Hector Camai-au for plaintiff. McLar-en vs Stanly.-Action on pr- misso-y note. Verdict ion plaintif 6$177, G. Y. Smith ion plaintiff. Dominion Banrk v8 MeLanghlin.- Action ou pr-omissory note. Verdict for plaintiff $878.67, G. Y. Smnithr for plain- tiff. Tumii vs Hodgiwr.-Aclion for'sian- der. Bah parties reside la Toronto, fi-onu wuicu tira venue wvas chuanged ta wirithy. Tire elander complained, ofwas liraI defendant acclusedlirhe plaintiff oi iraving elolen irises, shîaep sud caIlle sud aifinaving sred a torin »the pane. tautia-y. Damages wei-e laid aI $2,000. Ou bhialf ofdefeudant es-idence ws given la sirowliraItirae wonde usod wera 'liraI daiendant "lwas nover in gaol suy irow," sud tiraItirae wonds as used wara lin eply ta oppu-obnions language applied la luin by tira plaintiff. Verdict for tue plintiff foi- 20 cents dIamages. MX C. Camai-an Q. C. for pîcintiff Mi-. 'lit ion deiendent. McGrockin vs Burkholder.-Acion by a son-la-iaw for tire support antI mainten- ance ofitwo grandeirildren ai plaintiff. The esu= ai $350 irad heen lotIget inacourt, tira aniy question hrng as b lira suflbciaucy ai tire amount. Phaintiff ciaimed #2.50 par waek, for aacir ehild, IraI aunount inclnding clatiras, wsiing andI çus-eof-tthe cirildren wiro weraelsatet o ha betw'en 8 sud 10 yeare ai aga respeclively. De- fendant ohjeclad toamunint as avenuuei. Verdict for daiendant. H. Camai-on antI W. M. Cocirane for plaintiff. M. C. Camai-an sud J. Billings ion delèndant. SECOND DAY. qCocu-t apoued aI 10 o'cloci. Havrtrck vs Haiglt.-Tis wss an ac- lion ta reeover damages for au assanili aileged ta irave been eammiltad by tire 1 defeudaut upon plaintiff. Bath parties 1 si-e well-kuown nasideuhs ai Pickering.- Au aid fend has long existetI belween tireu. Tuea ssanltcomplaineci ai waes4 said ta have beau committed in Oclaber, c antI wae tire rasuit ai a quarrai bafone i Fonce Viewers s otahie reunovai ai a 1 fonce. Froun lir evidanc il appeared t tirat Hartriek irad esihad Haiglit a liai-;( or tiraIire would bel 650 tuaI somathiug r Hsigut haci said was s lie; tuuat lire lat- han said : I"If you eaUl me s lia- again, ['11 kickr yau." Hart-ici repeated tire I ccppi-ohuions term, sud was Iran pusired t by tire defendaut. Hartriei tirapôn eJ tunned antI ws kieked (as elaletI by tireci principal witnass, Hartnicinlutire I"fun- t dament." Hartrick aia e wane tiraI ir iras wonded sud thal tire cut bled prio- i fusely. Several witneeses wene exammied e on bhraides. For Ire defeurce ih was i tiee hat Ha-trick hiad approacired I ~agtwitir a stick in a tfiesteulug r nainai- liaI lire provocation was great, c and IraI tira plaintiff auly pretended ta hi rave beau cul. James MeCi-aigirî Esq., hi J. P., John Milar Esq., tIepty. ueeva of q Pickering, and Judge ]3ui-nlam, weeax- r uuined as ta lira credîbility' af Mn.r. b i-ici, sud- train evidaérae waut to shaW hi irat ire ws ualwortiry ai belief on oshrÙ -lira Judge qnalifyiug hie evidauce hyti aagst ir aI Ire would ual like ta aceepI t] Mr. atiksteiony wrehie was b' parsonsfll concerued. Mn. McKeuzjg Q. b 0. addressed tire Jury fanr e "daence, p: and Hon. M. -C. Camai-aon Q. C. for plain- Ci tif,. The Jury neturned a vendrct for a' isiîntif, 020. Damages laid aI $2,000. au Tc- Quucen v8. McKay.-Iu tis casa I th Grand Jury founci no bill, andtIhie 0' nrisouer, A. MeKay, was discirged. hi -T'Em EARTHQUÂKE'IN Sxnu.ý-It ap- P' oear- traItia fatalities wena ual greateot Ps a Ira cihy ai Antioeir, as thea hi-st des- Pl sateir intmated, but wera ireavier lu Ira N aun-y un-Irhe vicinihy ai liraI city. A ln etten froun Antiock unden date ai lhe 41ih i )f April sys Ire American Proestaut a' Lurcir wss savarely lujured. Fouroaite uie American cammunity wane kille&'; Pc fIl Ira members aiflira familles ,cfthe i nissionanies ana sale. Tira number ai a )ersônidiedintre cily af AnUých is P 'e thn 8W0, but il ie knawnliraI 1,600 PC îaople ea, un Ire% sondin.gtaowus'asuIn~ ountrý wireeeshocirs were àeiséBvera di' fnot grealer: Ihan bore, wexe, kibled', gj-th 4do cpn)uer may ha lucreased. .Thé dis- G( ress ofthe people wMil haoui tom - eh c Ire surqp prospeche ai-e go o ;ýUe p hi]b ly ai provisions ap 'baud lioruoderate. G urreepoiudeuts. af t1ie Iondpn papere Taise Ire Bey. Mn. Powens, au 4munrcan ta rue URouge weut juta ommittea af vwhobe ou tieré nsolution' dacisnin1 expédient ta unake funthen provisui lie collection, ai 'demande einet vai Of Canada. Tire 1>1mkas repaire supplies e lien on vessele, snd seanu wages a fret*lien. Aller sonie dicussion lie corumi rose sud lira debaté adjouruaed. Mr. Wrkma inroduced abita corporate tire Bxchanes Bankr of Tarai 13Mib ra'spec larceny ai stamnpe'2 s Z hrdimadpassed. Tireoreaabo h e ak Thuiler ironth Mn. J. Hl. Cameras praseuled- lie res 'port ai the committea previleges and aleetions racommau' ding tiraI trewit ai iectionagid polb. book. fo rqà uetieo Manitoba, ba ameuded 50 that 1 te raàtura sirail hbte ea double instad ofaie-a cial ratura. Iu auswer la questions, il wsy elicieed tiraI aithougir no special effort is heiug madea aItlie prasent lime, lie question af 1amending tira copyright baw lu Ire inter. ,este ai Canada, is gaining saune attention lui England, andI that Ira Goyrnumeut do ual propose la eslablish a free postage fan nowspapans in Canada. Mn. Huteiluson, who hatI a motion on Ire papar for a ratura ai ail afficene super- sunnualed sinca lot July lbt ocmplained ai tirenianner lu wiricir ti Superanua- tion Act hatI beau put into openatian lu New Brunswick Au aid maut who had beau appointed ta an office in iris district irad received a pension ai 6400, sien four years' service sud a brother ai Ira Minis. Ion ai Marine sud Fishenies lied beau ap. poinled liniris place. He also eomplained ai tire manuor in wiicir patronage was dispensed l ir taI province. Natiing cauld hýo dane witirout Ire intervention ai tire Minister ai Marine sud Fisiries, sud whenaven ie (Mn. Hutchinsou) sourgir information lu auy ai tire departunentis, ia way always mol witi tir asnswer, "Go la lira Minieter ai Marine." (Laugir. tan) As tira information ha required lu Iris unotion ou Ira papar, lha wonld asow that ai wirich ia iad givon notice ta Mn. Metealfe moved au addrase for- copies ai ail tendons saut in fou- repaininmg or eniarging ai ail contracte entai-ad lato, Ondens ilu Couneil, sud aillaIrer docu- mente nelatlug lirerela. Caried. ' Mn. MeDongail (Soutir Renfraw) moved au atddress for instructions ta engineens, correspondance, &c., u-spadtlag -divisions B, C, D antI E ai Ira Candian Pacific Exploratary Sui-vey. Hé said tire infar- unation ira iad received sirawed s greal auu.onnt ai musmanagamant sud wagte la counaction wiltirte sui-vey on tirese divi- sions, sud ie lirougirt tire countr-y sirould know irow haI extravagance bad arisen, and wia was nespansihie ion il. Many ai tire mon"eunpboyad on tire sui-vey wera quite unfit for tira duty hey ware requir. ed ta parforunwirila lire Commissariat was lotslly inadequate ta maintala tram .prapanly. Motion conented la Mn. Bodweli uov- ed ti ionse inta cammillea ai tire wiroie La considor tire rasolutiair declai-ing il de- chrable ta adopt tira 4 feat 8j inchr gauge in the construction ai Ire Inteneolonial Baîlway. Sevai-al members aI hotir sides ai Ira ilonsa favorad tire change, sud tire quos- tion was debated up ta recees. On lhe i-eassaunhling aiflire Hanse tire discussion ou tira second reading ai Mn. Calby's lueolvency bill wsreenued, sud niter coneidenahie discussion lire second 'eading was caannied by a vote ai 77 ta n fai wee aters and Len'o in nto. the 1for, il - I Several bills were introduced. Sir. John A. MacDonald gave nLotice off a bull ta rend just the rçpreF'entation 'of1 the Parliament of Canada. r Sir. Gcorge Caitier introduced the bills respectiug the Canadian Pacifie Railway,w in explaining which he eaid the Goveru-a ment was bound by tihe terms of thre Union between Britishr Columbia and the r4 Dominion, to build a Pacifie 1tailway,1 thie work ta commence within two yeare p roim the date of thre union, whieh wae 0 thre 28th July, 1871, and to be compieted d, within ten yeare from that time, He ej would obeerve at the outeet that the Gov- ir errnent, underetanding trie obligation i and thre promiee to Britiesh Columbia, had gi set ta work at once and eommiénced tire r( prelirninary enrvey and explorations. By tl ire net admitting Britieh Columbia to te Confederation it was stipulated that the ci raiway ehould ha begun on tire Pacifie E coaet, and pueired forwards towarde thre Rocky Mountaine weetward, at the eaine time. Biritishr Columbia, on ite part, hiad undertaken to a;eeiet -thre Domnimon in nao *ompliehing the work by putting at the b ispoeal of tire Dominion Government T twenty miles of land on each eide of the 1 railway, making a widIth of forty miles, eî i tire saine extent of land wae appropru se tedIy," r Dominion Goverzument with-a i the eriory under its contraI. Threa Bill contained in ite preamble theee cave- V nants and bindinge. Last year the Hanse ~ came ta thee deterunination, traItirhe build- Ig of thie railway ehould in no way en- t iii enciran amount of li.biiiy as ta re- nuire inereased rate of taxation. That a reolntion also formed part af thre prdam- au ble of the bill, anq it wae thre intention of 5 Lie Goverumnent nal anly ta carry it out à spirit but ta the latter. Thxat resolu. aon contained aiea trie other propoeition Iat the Pacifie Railway eirould not be )uit and worked by thre Government, )ut that it ehonld be built and worked by 271 rivale enterprise, whicir provin wae < ,ntained in tire measure. To agreat re ýtent tris measure was an enabling act, JO] =powering tire. Gvernment ta make 1 reements with conipanias incorporated, Do Sirereafler ta be incorporated, for the lut iilding of the railway. The Govarn- ed Lent purposed ta obtain froun Parliament ar Pwer ta agree with any company incor- eai orated during Ibis Parliament for thre bei :urpose of building a railway from Lake Mr Miieing ta PaMefl coaet, ta conetruet My de railway and work il afterward. The mu il antirorized thre Gomermeunt firet, ta mo rrange withiany Company having at leaet, ahs Bn ,ilons of capitalisa of which ten il r cent, eiou>have 'been paýid inta the te mnds aflire Receiver-Ganaral; or, witi Th, erompany formed af tire differant eain- che aniee naw seeing incorporation for tire To iposa ;,or, thirdly, wilihScpitaliste who oihe ýfht offer la bxiild lire road on sucir con- one itaons as miglit be agreed upon, balwaen Pat e6 Goverument andl such capitaliste, lire rai vernnxent havging1-:power ta graut aSi iarték basedan tha provisions of tli ra aInow beore -tireHanse, aud of tiere ac meral Railway Clauses AcL. 1 the Tire Goveruut roed to askpower roai granf ta any company undertaking theo Ha ork, a qpiati of 1iiil not excaeding tire Et miflin, acres, hich dulaid lcongist corc alternate bléeks Ïoth ie -dipti of 20 Nor àls on.eàoh sida ai-.th. roa&,and tuay c .posedfuther,'tiraI tire ther alter'nats reaç ,olnttus gr&ntedshaUlbe rc-.to r u.wwsUve1 for granle cusion~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~m omionadsQinfwo uurdre ,-- , cn-emteas y60 chu Haley, aI Atirerly. toauiso -aiwn astructed dur- Tire Conféderation is napidlbbcouning J wa1871, sud it i5 expected-tiraItirhe tira National Company-ai Canada. ý ýosid; tireneavd lu tireirair ,Ai-ea-' us-l be complated in tue eanîy portion o ati-îsîactory ta aill concerued, sud fnisi tion, moved by Mi-. MePirea andI eoend- tire summen, 80 tiraI 'applicants May be -tie hast proof ai tire facî Ihat tis-Canlà- 1by Mn. Warren, waa passed, offerng anablaci tao ceupy tire hanses sud bande pally iseat becoming liré uost, populai rewardaif6800 foi-tire appreirension ai dug'ti r i-sent .yoan, under tire condi. ana tirrougiroul lire Domnionn. - id Gunu, antI ai candolence witir lie lions oai eteîîenn ýreaved wife sud relatives ai tira'bate Z)ai4, Lcccde,-, Toronto, Apnil 17,1872. r. Haley, sud censuring in strong termenis-'e'----- r. Beunard Tivumon, in wuuoee hanse tire HOLE FÂXILY MtTBDERD.Minneap. April is saîd ta bh tie mostpoiin urder was couimittedi orn ual ieeping a Oie, April 26-Advices neeeived from muontirohir plv nw ricirta hamar ai-e orderly hanse. A resoînaion was Oadaa o ieNortherapacifle Rail- nied, for we anatl inlutire lIeu ia co car-matI instnucting tire clark la Irans- wyqovaura~ eoing sanuca tire "Mynvrweamniibv, ia copy aiflire resointion oficondolonco wvholesabe murden of s fsmily nauned orMy il aifflawn' threbeneaved wife ai tire late Mn. Haley. Cook.- Tire murder i us psdt have BtmrrArl wetrd, ra iollowing irecounle were paid, b a Jmte b y Idiaus. -Fa Alve5il a iwe btkn ieque Win. Halo P<ickct 632.60 printing Fný.u. ACCIErc....wlanviUs-eApnil Uxhnidge is-about e _bis'_vfie ) clark expenses csiling couneil toget- 29ý-Wirlt afariner namedi Richard Fas____________________________ ýr on spécial meeting by unosengon, 62, Ian wsdniving inta ticwn Iris ,,vgning a tird ai Ire amount due Messerswithi singbe horse sud waggolr DIED J tai-son, Bain sud Patenson, for sdvice has tsred r"ofi hnvoenb n HOLTBY.-Aî Whithy, ou Ire -8Mtu lative ta bowçring lire waters ai Lakir tire gon. oly nvvdeieafc ula., Mn. William Holtby ncoe 64. To MesessAllawell & Ras ioefaafew mon ts Y.akwa ___________ i-t paymeuî an Mulia Paint i-atIcon- dislocaled. tt #100, MeessWarren, Clark, and Uxbrnidge- hias' , a --Brettkfsssr....Epps's cocosn- Qratelio ereeve wae appaluted a committea an Ihriving business.- IblaBIrsWhrado'&e sud CVenuiligs....'BY a thorougla know- ubde udbridges. A petition froun John Svriiiruatrrlr. ed#* softhe 'iitnrailiaws wih ovea h rgraîve sud athens praying for aid an Svrio h gmatrmës n To a- aoa cto f h iepoemO 9lm I conce sio n was referredta road routa av a gien lun0o5n:the nne-iour- well-selâc2 . eac, M.M<jê bs o e Mnuittee. Taxes apearing, against mvuat aritk ttables witii a *Iroectelvy LàwM.4 - rIrhalf28r n l Ie 81irconcein Atbubetic clubs aebli h-.r dbavepwe ' hiell mccy Iwe n mauy ueéavy crgad 'u i-n onwere ,esuceflesi' The tinuigirout the roine.- 'what aredthe simly wbhifl"ng &ia euu.M v e w s Ltr nz e d t a n o ii y n. B u r W l iitb y bô a a b o u t ? 'o i ij p o n daafsdouehby himtaTabbot A cincn, s t heCens8 odnAn- ikr m1 nId e rclerk W40 ùUt - ý Jîahay el browgirCanada o w g ak ch Lo o and O 4 n" Governi' Gov.grun J. Jwoodl S ReIn 01 ts Fae firc CIlerry i Reeceived lot Sersl, ra J£ .Yv nn U ti ( l'u, * - -..- -tra ts n 5 1d ond a e Also d a i of v a io nis - -- ' v- 1 ý - "- . )r tiýP nY p ble bü iýiy t e irà'ru clut ni , drainage o s h e p r y six . ounsd dl azf L' qunuty for sale ytire goverumeut, assud surveye,. and lie works conetedJ060,an th ry-acetu te rs a h tI b f r xp ae . The rnaseau w ilt ire 6 se llfqrent of tire free a nts , challenge la do lie saim, lie m o uey t 'wiy'a deptir af tweny miles on eacir sida Large expnittÉres lava beau made in'ba heltI subjeetttea rwara of the judges af lire lino was appropxiatod wao lirat tire tire eeto iLeitnn-oen Tho wirele ta ha testad in -s.four-Mlli teranis oi union with Britishr Colrumbia dé moeionc of eiteatG-oero' d r~ivin- theé-am un im faitone, ,giudaing de t giaItier siou a h agreaen Parliamet Builings, sd as no fom i t e saema whesl, andI having lie sm e detinganadl that- Province Iran application for lire Iransfer of tirese buldt- fnumben af 'square iûrcbee of OPenin lu lw entY m iles on escir ide aif lira rond ; l g nIg o n ias I;be au m' te to thli r nc iv atie w ser, tir a ms naunt o a e r butwuirreardtaMaitha nt lraDomi'nio a aada, :il is recomunuded disciargdtob theemeasura Ofhiesamount d Nori.estIrgPaprpiat ia ir T a kerît h 'communication ha forwvarded fram used by -oaci wirel mat éire lnc ppopatoT ie treGoermhefo lrafôual tinier Tire judges la bcenon-rasideute ai Cane- Y of-theabe mentionec::uildings aahe d lotebe licroughMy welbinform:d i their disposai aif lie Dom inion,' b th as sa atPenelsuguisiene, wae ereeed. b u a sud hè lir el ta ch a" o. lir e onermrd. gattliee pyanIaea gota hoset bale Province Oai Canada ou Ordauca iaourofiainuwielarv p a rt t a eim b u rse -aa n o n i t re lan d . A s t ira p ro vi ce a'ta iT h é i ai o u a r f teu nnd e d h e el u t riav * oney siy. xp ndehea large'0amunt e o ntareing ensmooyl ohasd stbihn f t h e .G v enm e t ask ad a h av e p lace a i oa-b u ild in g s t a e n ase lireacco n o da - a u nechaM nical fre o lib ary lu a n ta ui i r I ri dipsa asun ualexeeeding$>30. lieofaitris institution, itie desirable Ihat Osada named by lire ou a r u 0, 00 Ila , H anse em em bered, lira so xun arr ngem ent so nd .be mia eWtIe whir- e eshul oitheasle lamouut o ai adgranlod, sud lire isct liraI liraDominion ai Canadafor lra lase o * i wabdbo a Ie nloeetailir buldng nanfe ailie inidinge, andI ofaboul .186 Tie wiro eab c atesteti aI J, ,j,-,' 'apsian aaie tra baue asvalleacres o anad ésurrouudinglire -saune ; or'adf1a. * sposihi, sd asotat re ovenuunl itho buildings are abaudoued sa ne- Eacir Party ta give gooa antI suficent wobf iae iealenaabbceaibu oirmalory, Ire occupation af tire proparty bonde, la tire auounl aif .4,000, haltirsh tiray would "sa aItirerawae every lire- migirl ha surrendenod on -lira paymont ai doser sirel pajrtiraentire oxpeuses ai lis liroad tiraIls greel Part, if naltlire wirole tireaunount exaddb ie rvne et ai lremuoney uîdy wudent al Treuidngn busaImotOnillisansd Thora are saune wireels that give very br enhreed uthtay en aa ae Malden, formaly aceupied as bunatie good resulîs witir fàUlissa sud fungala_ dith oeenbssthn lan.Supposing tiraI asylums, ual haing any longer requireri, age whicir eutirelyfaU underpartial hea Ir Goentu sol a make unucir siould ha surrendered ta tire Dominion, sud partial gateage. Suir wireals in onu thenaaol ioudmiennaa i y Acconding ta tire Repart ailirt Asis-climats, wiree rewater-powore -ase te aléaihiralandseot tram disposai, tant Engineer, lira acirs on assRie afeldbbthclIu4rujrrex threircouryho tie buonen lrn a a YuP 'sPoint, san ntira Scugog no practiesi vaine. Ire ounty 2 ver anairadleared iver, aI Lindsay, wera conmpleted aud 'Wae aim tirat wa are 'tirh rb acr w tir p easure that tira Im pe ial G overn - luin useolas I y ar, andt h le *bauk betw een a i a G N I E Ju~ e L cuo r o uBLma er m ent ha d co se td ta assit Cannada in Baisum n sd Cam eron Lakes is no w . o tURBI N H u Canada, v s ud thal D itBL builingIrth ea ai ay, ntg n a-curse ai construction, andI will h o oun- wiliout a nivar. in Ire wu. vPÂTO pr vi g ir an is by g arantaing a n' p eted early th ue ear. W 0RsuuIN ; Rrs.I aunont wirici wae quivalent ta a saving Tie aIer works consistaif tie reging ALR S T . ai pr cntou ir wial ouls. ut ai culs antI improvement af i niere, ail ai More than 6,000 ai tiresa wireels ar-.- Inretan tis, ven f tirerawere n no m-winci îi becompleted thisnow oé utin nCanada 'sud Ira para] garntatie eeieqeraiCa! Tire Wasirgh a ' r,0irrtIlaI United States. Tire' sales.'a o Ie adaâ was sufficient t justiy tira expendu irt< r whicC, ayan r aial ae wraaven yet ialnadu'aofanoIbs oti. ture witirout ineressing tire rata ai taxa- Laka Couchiciring with traie ai Lako nant exceed one-sixtir tis numben. tion ai last' year, antI wae8alsufficient Muskoka, iras beau compbeled, witir sauna Orxwireo iras beau thorongirly lested ta psy off -thaéslking ifnd in 35 or 88 trifliug exceptions. The ra sipr in GaÂT BtTA&nq, sud -ias Muiy -main- yaar. ~,ie iea prv~on~ ~ tant as a meani ingrese antI egvasge ta tinad tiereénputation itlma gained lu Tireas antI prfrsonun t iébl n rte Free Grant bauds, and tira Canada sud tira United States, as tire Most tiraI tira caupany wiora shuld huild lira aid settie& portions ai tire Province. Ad- econounical watar-wireebluin rasitica frailasmeirotbdaoafathetas maen for dtonal appropriations wil ha required operation aven yet intnoduced. fron sun pontai iraman lnain ortira conupbtion ai tieroad, sud ai We ana now publishing a uew descnip. Manitoba ta tire Province lina, in order the bocks on Rossesu sud Baleara Rivens, tive waîen-wireeî 'pamphlet, eontainiug la forun a canuection witirtire railway sud ah Young,s Point, and alsofor dx-edg- 150 pages ai valuable mallor, wiricir wfil systeuncof tira UnitedI States, andI also a ing tirh aiie qi n SuoRvr.h etfrçt i plcue branir rou sane oin outir man lna ili tiesa exceptions, lir e-votes aiflire For fi-tirerinfomtnadrs' ta a Point on Lakea Superior, in Upper unexpeded balances wib hac sutce a-P C an ada. F or t iese branc ies i l w as ual com pl te t ie P ubli c W orks i n u eaiF. W . L E N . 9ropose(l to grant ny uoney su sidy, construction. 'co reofhaw.aLE , O t aueduonbtetha baud as nirt h Tire report states tiraI a deepateir froun N. B.-We 'desire taCali attention ta andrteCoupny.tee ireoen ntt~Secretary ai State .for Canada, ta ielireîloin et antI tia camp-ny. E cllcY tiraLieutenant Govarnon aifest Afler saune reanrks froun Mr. Mac- Ontario, was eceived in Mayq 1870, sud 'SaaNGcxxsun, Ohio, Dec. .25,1868l. keuzia tira bill wae introduced sudni-catI a referred -ta tris Departunent, enclaeing au We take pleasure ininfaruxLinglie public firet turne. Order in Concil autirizing "he Minis- aCanada,tiraî wa hava soltI sud iurnisired. 4A resolution by Mr. Tilley antliorizing 1ter ai Public Worstetr iîon o M.f. W. LEN iOiawOlr tire poruotian af tirird-classelcerk or jun- lions, On beliali ai tira Dominion Gavai- Pattai-ns, Formons, Dnawings, Gaugaes, ion second claie clerir brougir ouI a dis- ment, wili tira Gavernunent ai Ontario, and ail aIrer uaceesr-y information lu, cussion On civel service appaintunents. with tire viaw ai effecting a transiaranc e builtI aur celebrated Double, Turbine Resanhin cirrcd.ta tire latter ai tire public Works canneet- Water-wireel, invented by James Leffel, Manday, April 29th. etI wiitirte navigation and tire descent sund kuown as tira4&"Leffel Wireeb." We: In rplyto r. Kele asto te prd aioftimber on tire River Trent sud tire hava also obligaled oui-salves taeirarnisir Of Barminger for wifa munder, Si- Johln A. lae ewte District.", Tire is noth saun a fcilitias for mauacturng ta Maconad sid hatBaringr hd benrecord inth Departunut ai any action no otir parties lu Canada. witirout li Maoun d ai bticnt Barriner thedcbaueiaving beau taken in repiy ta tis ffer information we hava given ta Mn. GLEN, funC iîyustcanltary ta ir chre ainegotiatian, sud as il iras' beaurepart- no ana can iuccessiu]ly iruildaour ireels, ta Crii Jughte havegey wa repted se tht inucir ineavenience antI inter-; sud wa advi'aParties in Cada pr lira ieredit a gah ave baneite, ruption were cansed lait sommer ta thealsa aur whlleeisoino otrermanuf o7er. andtIe lirai-sonar was tiuerelore aftar due Iraff o h cgag River, aud the Stur- Mr. Gr.EN's facilities ara nnsurpassaeand investigation pardoned. geon, Pigeon, and Crenung Lakes, in wo icel sure tiraI ire wiil builda wireel Mr. oss(Cenre ellngto) mvedConséquence a tie dames at Bobay-eon tiaI will give perfect satisfaction. W Mr. Mss (Cntra aihlntonn.nave an sddrees for a returu ai tirh nmbr i d Enckhrin hoing ont ai repain, an'% as tirerefore commend hlm ta tire publie ai daubia-iurrow planglus entai-ad at tira a barge axpondituro lias beau lueurrad by Canada witir antire confidence, feeling Prt ai Guelph, tira vaie ai saisi ponlis tire Province in tira construction ai ipki sure ie wili manufacture q wieeb hina&U tira number on wiieir duty iaseen paid, aI Yong'î Point, nean Clear Lae, -aiea respects equal ta ur wi. antI tira amaunt ai said dnty, tire unhabr between Balsaunl andI Cameron Lakes, [Sigued, if sny, whicir passedl free ai dnty, tire sud on the Seugog River, a Lindsay, sud grounds on wici te duty was remitted. futer imprveunans are nw lu Pro- JAMES LEFFEL & Co. Carried. grass on tira Otanahea, Pigeon sud Sou- Iu tie absence ai M. Beaty, M. IHa- 1ga'g Rivos., for tira hprovemet a tira j Oxi-EE"TiÂoï LiFE Assocwriox. 0F rison alsird wirotirr detective O'Neill, ai navigation ai the inland waters referred ICAJNAD.-WO Caitira attention ai aur O t a aw s in t é m l y n p y o t n the d sPat ei, it M ay ho désirable -e ndrs to the ollow ing notice - if lira theDomnio Goermen: ad Sr ohntha auhoityshold cive o eneraboyaInttuioextiated froun Ie t, Maconad rplid tat ie as ot.In ntOnegotiations for tire transfrence ai Catiri-nes Daily Tines :- _ rfily ta Mr. MKeagny, Ho. Mr. Ppe abo Public WOrks in connection witi tie "Giet succos attende tie Confedra- stated, tirat lia Iad availed hrimai-f aitirhve avgtinlion Lueé-Assurance Company. Il seams aervcesof ol.Maddn, s Enigant Works counectea witi tire drainae aiofta have tire rigit kind ai menaI Itra ieun agenfrvi hesoofhCol. Madeasn ig ramairhlande have beau' i rrssi n luta giveil eay prospect ai goiag shead. Mr-. Renaud unoved for correspondance ni O townsirips, lu only ana ai wiricir ias Ai; an avideuce ai the papubar recaption reating ta tie sciool se, passeil by tbe the couladt beau campetd. It i5 ex. wiicir liese Canadian Insttutions eet [aoisltur aiNa Brnswckant e- pected that tre whole ai tua contracte witlu wa May mention tiatirae busines w i l h a c l s e d t i n s y e r , i n w r c r a e o ebfi r o f rto -u i g I r olcsain at rince.aiir Roman Cacr-vote ai tiua unaxpeuded balance ai tira montir waî .ncarly $250,000. Mn. Bal- dn elce, n raIProineDSminJon Mac-Originab appropriation wiiI ha sufficieut. four, tire local agent, iras irad' lire assisI-'- rumant irad no po*er- aven tiraecirools aunae encouragement migrt ire judi. auce for saune lime ai Mnlf. Heuderean, tu the ro' ciosby affonded ta ui n ie rvnces, andtIhie Roman Caira- ca uuipalities ion raheanaai tire genal agente, sud tl<ea anount [ic shuldfiht or-he emvalof heconstruction ai baIera inswhicir ai business dona lu Ibis tawn for Ire bast ice shoulda itefanlirAe ravriusiontire drarhewoks inse woul retIe tie waks n tra everai faw weeke is truly wtondenisub.Oua wouid revacatirte Copois. Alle ocireia townsirips mare heneficial in a îaniîary tini tirat Life Insurance business wotuld ira mamibere ai wbicir, Mr. Millecon- respect, aud axtand thue advautages ai soon haci-un into lire-grond by tire gea ýenddrainage ta tire adjacent lands. ~ amount doue aI present, but losa raI onde, sirould ha alected iry tue POOl ihrsett riaesres aentopoley iaIi ise-ylu il PaitI No. 1 itaie-t e 1'aid boni Janner 1 July' bit ?'aid ti (ournty r-cc refit tei- dbo Mrs. Tirur Suir.s. c la Lr J. A. citic; Cc-pp, Clir DacdrcSur NcDrth warc C'ctcure wttc Souith wr ]lapkiez tt unier-ot'- Cieactruug er- Wo-ad for r liepsirci ttca '1usîl sud IL ILtC- S sel e 4J J. ;Be»t, dan Inisur-cuce-.. L'i-s te'nid. Repu-iqta u ptcttiig down Driuiug Fu.i Suit cleit'n. lient peilcicg éaIertingur Jc L. Allio, sun luxas*....« board,... - Bâlaffeicaccls In hoeorc We tire t Town ai W] lily traItirhe ai tire ncei otftthe C Co h in Trei Taxaisauairle N. 1<. ttxc ni .I. 1jcunty g: Mer Scinoal. ie. Camai-eu (since pusll Market lot an(t Facr (li-Outud. Stck irn P. R -tari Bccnn., Naces duo Mfc' Fai- Gi-coud a Debenitnrc-. Snudry &accU.. J 1 Ont-tria R. Outane Be& Shaap desi Cl'ei-isnd' Town hall 'A.E:-aniari-o hsirulerr.. Town t tiil D. Cerntjb the, iý 1 1 Ir Friday, 26th.

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