Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 2 May 1872, p. 3

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I IlOI b i - 906 91 480 00 22f5 0 .40 oit 30 0 24000 00 7b 60 60 .EVLAIO - 24290 00 o< v0 U 8 4 t' o f, 1 l à a r 8 80 0 0 t t. J-'7-1440 00 * uo.gruntocmu,î <u 289 Il ces.............8 J. Woodfta.fa et d J 0 w-2882 Itert et toaffi hal...... .... ô 50 Feu#frone-WoIl l 81 124 25 (llerry rere......187 50 Fine .............. ..... 52 50 mundrleks.............. 8 lieccived for redempl on oL lots Orold 9fr tsxa .... 162 EX PEN TUJD ES. Peild No, là issue o> 1 . 8383 8 lnterest oan-do .......... .. 10 001 I<id hous tu 14 IL.250.9. Janusry Irtrent........ ..~ ' Juiy lnterest........... . 10 ")v 0 2>sld lntéremt froirs J uly, i, to Jascary, '71-,..... ..1500 00 i0ald lntereat (roni July 88, , tu Juiy, 1871......... soo 1 ~79488 Conty rate ifor 1870..894 MO Coes nty rate fur 187 ....0iou BIINRVO IINT PURPOMES, Ors.îto urnayor.;........100 00 >fedlei si 'Onda )r.C)ooa 15* à do r Cran 180 Moirris Rtio.......25 M m. Tller', ur s )port ut wanissl andd hl...... 10 00 rafr...... .......ô 0 fladris .. -. . 20 (0 Ontarlo Ilînnk.,.. .......170w00O 7MOBrieni'» stt....... ..14900 tNTEtRE8T. Onatario BaInk ............. 448 66 Moren'stata ........... 18 80 -- I 457 M Shsep. dctroyed by loçga.. di8 $29005 oC 0'Jlrk anti Trenuarer. 450 op Town hall ke.per,. .......8o090 Collector........... 140 W> lIat iner,'4W17V&'il 4000 - Lcen8 tsea........... w £0 Aiftr.... ............20 >t Towi,liclo........... >Q eu !sip)iteli, do, 1 m 10 00 -- 811688 5 1'ItINTINU. ( Ilintl ...... 55 44 W. i .ltlgrltii..........140 1t5 JA. t3atnj>lîIl ...... <7 (61 Co'Pp, >Jlrica s>...24 1)5 LicoauCeilfc~t~......8 7b ,, ----8 271 78 STIIEETS AID XMP'IOVMENTS. Brok Strt ... .. 87. North yard I.....1 ('antre worcI..... .... 1 Sotiltiwsrd 1.......C Jisseilis....6... Tdoponi ide ii ... 2325 lilopcins Ksiteat.... ....... 2 5 W <Inrdani'a ida linoa....... ..3o <> A ndersoli'a sii1e ....28 00 Ciiieo si ide Il a.... 20 1,0 iuober ",, Cui S'ýll<. . go4 --- # 3.18 5U ACILLANEOUR. Wood for. to a hall.... 122 Ë-0 Repairo% listiaiuruund lown fiall i.ùidiDr 1 ie l.....72 41 Ji. C. a Selit1oprtionî ("1" "" vas .. i........25 I R etaol ra... . 59 75 "eWcaslt hl opg 1115 A. C aIt... 85 '£lie à ybr.18 218 au W. S., Post-dsînag tu itorsoime l5o J. ays, dîragana as 00O Insurance. ..44; ),a0 1rsue Lind ... .... 20 00 Retpaims 10 tawo WFs(old) -490 PEuttn1g down naw elis... 700 99 ,Drainliug Fair 700u ... 142 7-2 Taxes rtuodel............ 27 00 sunit eilt>ea C(1 C nutbl.. 727.(10 Ment poiitg b l.o h.......... 00 SeectiogJurar7. ............2 Co L tt .41u lloir...........3 Sunrie f10 18 I ----41277 43 utde à mo/oia O <I.l for ,Advertits*IRtax Mill(,.....287 60 .dioati-orclers o0f <tOuaI board ... 1............5672 15 Balanice etsh in (ot. Iî5k 65 9 In baud of Treanrcr .147 72 5--- 806 75 statemeat of tisofAsbeIs and Lisbaitee. of (lie COI PuI'.tiencf (ha Town 01 Whitîby, lot jeiîiaryo 1872. Ceiabln iT~r-.eaury 8 1 -806 75 Taxes unoolleolod, rI 11148m<09, N. Ji. taxes nneal.ctd...\5q9 65 Bâlý Govtlgrutt o Grîîitittaa soliocl............ .. 657 90 13àl. Çjoyoty gran tt<o 0;. mat- flola...... 828 80 Gao. Camanrou, hot>l liosilse (îlcp aît1d ) ......... M a r e t lo t a n d o w îfit ll 1 . 0 Fair ;round.........100 000 Sôhjouis,seliooiIallr c 600 0 - ----84415 2o Notes utîder dfsooont< (Uit- t-loBack....... . -#15o00 Notes due o criane» éstale 8(),3 5 Fair Groiaod antd IrlIitbhod,1 Debentrctî . .208 00 Sundary accts, mohatul boarî 210 730. bande o iiei........ 2 Q2 D fhoresnoltijjastoreci D.b. 8SEFir Urouo.4 SOU «* 1 DrllIShed..,L 1041400 Vaab*oek Ji,.. 900DOUDO I t --6280712 Vai it avsI.scorrect mat.oot o e t, et. anid Labilîl pet lite Corortion et ,Twnofet Ib>% on tite lat.suay 1 qIf< s98 VO have 8. e bo te sarlaio. - E8WALLACE. - ST. ANDREWS8 CElYEOK, - Wilbe given in the MBCH ANI C$' 1ALL, *WHITBT, ýX TZIUR8DAY,.J74 y 9t,J 872 Admission 25 oen.;I oreevea.o eaté. Whitby, May lot, 1872.:1 CÂH SAL E 0-F EOIJSER D FULR$ITURE.' ,The onei bs eevdIntntog to sell bypub auctiôn on SATURDWAY EIýT, MAY 4ib, '97 At Mason's Hoote Wibtefollowig 5valuabl o oeho Far 0.1 o,(fër. merly theVroperty R. J., WilsoupEq.,. consisting inpart as o llowa - L Carpetaf Sofas, B eause, ideboardoç .Wardrobe, chais, tab stov ,es, feather beds -and pillows,mattra' , illowcaes glheets, quits, -coverlids. Ma etso, lpe, kitchen utensils, &o., ». Tiaovefr niture is of excellent quality ndwMllbe sold without reservýe. Sale at 12 O'clock, noon. enscash. L. FAIRBANKS, Whitby, May lot, -1872,. uti e.181 SPECIÂL r Weare noéw receivi ngor tir. Spring .Stock, And hope to be fnlly com"ple.te in every' department in a ew days. Manufacturéd Goods for so time'have been âteadily adv cing ini price, owing to the hi price of raw material, thero no indication that the higi point -bas yet been reachi -. _____________- Anticipat 8. placedaÙî vember a s çeit ion cf i t tsot thlie Ottrie, d uathe(lburt 11011004,Ili te own c r-wh by, on Friîiy,L e 28ti.-Aprii,18 ;-I'regentZtic x itvsiliam, I'squirq, Citai Ialn. *Johnliit, W.Linton, ~ A. Fsrewel lvin Campbell, L1equired T. P. white, as. Alntond, L. C. Thomcas, J. S.11. Willcex, Aartan sipitaîl, R. T. Harrison, Johnt Paitker, B. Doolîttle, D. ilolliday, a.J. Gon, P I (). Drap-er, Tios. Uuy, P IE W. Huîrick, a B. Carpinter, B. Bonltinz, J. Biceall W. R. Gib , H. Ce pbeli,' P O Oroe- Esquires. .]BEL Wltaras i itatit pîsasalAlI lily God. Iii his IiSulte sdiio, ta reamove f m titis world our .lauriy alovad frietd ad couisa-lior, SAnînelil. Co rauna, lier Maj ty's Attornîey lu- lte Coarcty o ilaria, W , t he Clitirmun of lte Ni;sionsA, an itiocesf lte Pace fli and for ltetsaldýCoutiî , do h eby reorndor feliiigs aif deeljt sarro ut ltae .oI coc voau ail il public servati td. hi. bowing wit etbia siiat t te Divine ili, cordial STA.PLE lytender ta ts stfluic -widwi ttl9in reationm ofcft&Jcteued ganîlemait, rouir att- ilit synipatiit nodar .r gretlbcavoe. Asid litai t ctheai-e n r be auterail oin te ttltl liasm 0f lta Court, adcil opy oftheîs tbove -rilr l'e prumeited 10 vie_ iaow çf ilite ies. ceus«I - grIl. .,bih DONELL, WT'P - " .41- ' UTtlrr0. Wltiîty, Aptil Se, 1872. O 0NTA 0.1 OLBAN K., DITIDEND No. 80. faOurt'or Cenît laort t liaid i tp Capital Stock uf tlOis liiliîttlit, ffr t tma aUrraic l ikii -)ar, tia tiliiduty icaîtdelitred, and lita liahe l avilihb u tue na it)c B:tak al ils Branicheas ocil after Saturday, the First Day Of June next. TT'i-ui)teT--ijo<ik. wi!it sib 1101frontithie ittlta tiha lIai (et Slîy, <ttlitdays ittliisîva. * Nati4ce i iuso giail lithtIthe ANNUAL GENERAL MEETTNG ùf thù, Sîacklioldars fir lts aeletiar o> Dree- tors; and eAmoitd'ttetatiq ci By-.iaws will heoitîli ln tIé likinling lloulc, intn [lwmanvilia, ou Monday, the TIrd day of June next. Trhe Citiir la fbe tuken cI 12 o'olock, noota, Prcsl.By otr<,f tlga Board, D. FISHIER, O)ntario Biiîk, .Cas;itier. BwaaiilApril 20, 1872. 18 wiV. ! .II3RIEIN, M.D., 1I.R.C.S., GUY'S HOSPITAL, LONDON, ENG., TirE IYE R. 0. 11f. L, StOIl A W A , 0N TA It 1 GREENIVOOD & McIILLAIÇ, B ~AHRI,'rER8tATTORNEYS, SOLICIT- ORNoales Public, Cenvoyaucers, OraîcE, IByron tusta, Sotha-ai Poat- Clice, WViitby, Ontlario. 17 M Rîe. KNOWLING Beza la inforinalte talles of Witliy anti viciccîlluittaIt. ieharecela-ad ail tltela sty les in R-EA IIAIR & IMITATION CUTRLS Seicits, iiirins, adefor rollinist udplsil. iîag titoflair over. Utteu Switelies, .Braids, &c, &. MILLINERY 1 MILLINERy'I - AND ~DRES.KAIN G li avary Deauinetit, anid acciardhicg lice Lateat lilyltsa alunuloa.. A large Stock of Funey (Gouda and Jeawely, Ar feiiFlos-are, &o. SIRS. KNCWLING, lirock St., South itli 1e Citroiietie lce, Wliithiy, April 24t1a, 1872. 'OTICE TO TIIE PUBLIC OF THÉL DOM. Tae Town of Wlîiby invitas any party, or partira about fttatting n orsa et- dai lnes o> blatîiulitetiniug or alter sauteia s favor ils lucsllî?a wiila 5 Vit eilOorasaltliig aIse ailere. 'Ite situallaît of Wluitity le itilursmaa cd b» lthuîlat of ->- tewati 1 ii îads for lieneal Bouaes tucilitl(ts, sud 8Il esrtFuest paftise will S»nd lier peuple gsuuerous iii analitin aidîig by boîtusas or othitOt- lu ,itapi- thl iliay 0cotributs 10the lits na o *ttrspr ity of tse country. setlpop J. lIAhIE"Rigny00» Witiby, April.2th, 1872. Myr 1 Iama ber aller s res-ard liO adté birehers eofe0la1eJohn B y $,CO, for lte appreuis»io arî dsllivs (telits proruosa t orlîles of D , ,el %or1 au'- Hieiy, ah Alteérley a ltse Voulng et tse 17th bu.Iesotptio et tise r- :Iat etoatl bail ; h. t, ite te : tsrk markd,bevy né safitu*c osof a sandy oolo'r, agsd satsa5 etmgray 0s 1k1 5'lth s sig'tut,1 w5og.Wtb a-las ui &bham ,rk t,.1 Jhî 00 es au top týr4, o>sblaek - ire (ting this rdvance, wn orders early in1 and December laut, 'p the ling L-ine 1 for the trade this s, son, at ON AN AVERA( 15 TO 25 PER CENI W PRESENT PRICES, !N CLOTHS, &GREY COTTON SHEET 1NGS, SHIRT.INGS, PRINTS, FLANNELS, o a. c r c :1 R I ,, is L me va leg e i 1%, LI WVe are prepared to offer Great Ba rgaini FULLY AS LOW AS LAST SEASON Our stock when complete wil be superior to any former season, and at low prices, having - been Purchased on most ad-vtantage, - ous terms. We have a full stock of Like Dry Goods,iiave material- Iy advanced in price, wo, have a fulll une at OLD PRICESI FROM 5'0O ENTS. An inspection-. je solicited. LOWiES"& POWELL. W tbMarch 27, 1872..,13 ,,Cotton and t.inen Tiok-. * CO-iprorPrit h a ti Offered ai the samep *ompare our Cet s with any in the Trade -Sec our Brown lands and ýC.,t'& Tweedsk * Se0e our Ail-w 1 Tweeds; auÏ ' Men'I Hatz aps a specislity. BRo- hite Shirts a ou PrWoduýcê t4ken maa * LAING & tWRT, price. 7IOSlty. 'Laing & Stewart 1il 'ope" tleir Millinery and Mantie Show Rooms on Saturd 'Ay. 4H I'ay, 1872. SIEE THAT T. . B. IS STAMIPÉ!D. ON. EAuH PLUG 0F YOt7.R MYRT LE NAVVU Take no Clieap Imitations Hamilton, April 23rd, 1872.- 1 î NE W GOODS! NEW GOOD8! We beg to annonnce the arrivai of our Spring and Summer Stock, wlsich coml- prises a most extenssI4 and varied assort- ment, and which will be offradat LAST SUMMER'S PRICES ; îiotwithatad-,ii ing the enormous increase ini the prie of Woolens, end the conSequ(I41 sympat1îv in every other line of Cotton andi Lineon Goods. lifilla's Bc k, jrtN& ('S. I Whithy, April 17, 1872. Griand t h o ~ J b i c st. I Uro s h Hlardware, FIELDANI) agodWur-tze,'Carr-Gt, 9al secd8' Whitby., April 17, 1872, YGI SON; RCI'A Now is the tùne for ail interesfed in Seed- groviîg to sele(Ct their Seeds at the Great Emporium." Ju st, a -rived Freslh froin the markets, comprisiîîg a complete Stock of Fiîeld, Xegetuable, aîîd Flower Seeds, SOnion Sets, English Potatoe, Top or Button, Canadian MI:lot.Eiv ami l :te varicty of Potatoes, vie l-King of Earicaie, Early Rose, A911 Top, G'odlc-î, uni,1rcarsa. irolifîc. Latta vaîiaeties, viz :-Breaca, Peeriass, CIl> înax, Garnet Clu-Illi, anîd the colabratead Pattarson L'ovim*a oî' Cattle Feeder Pota- top, (iti.tining to enrdlos ciza Of frorn two to four pounda.) AJao- the celebrated- roceies~ ms &Liquors, 0F TIllE BEST BRANDS,, Dundas St.) Whitby.' WihApril i.7th 1-872. Openi , 1-.1I ~flDur GO N Skinner's Cheap Cash Store, TIT v- . TTAN -Brock Street, Whitby. U J J LL~L - '6-1y Our stock will be tounn repleto with aIl the nawosî styla4 lî-on i te folloav- ing markets :Osnadian, Englisit, Scotch, Iriait, Frencit, Geriian, Sptnish, Ilussiiii, Amerlos», Italian, Welsitand Yorksitire- Ourtgoods this season wilI be sold ohoapor than over, ini we are îlat-v mined (okeep op owr reputation as lte citapesîitonso ic towtn. %Velhav-cthie best 1 goods procurahle of ali kindr and to do a large trade we wiIl seali at the loivest Iiriv '- profit. We have SPECIAL LINES of L'ew Grooda wlaich we viill offia- Lo tua- puii1C lowe tha reglar Woeaepricas. NVo respecîfully solicit-ti.i lyo our bourit. ae wîîr consider il a ploasure flot. A Good Frame Rouse-two stories, 7 raanîs, large kilcicen sitoated on William Street, 10 thse Towne of WVhtby, (at presesa occupied by Mr. Lawrie), wiit quarter tere land sal Ili11. iit fruit trees. Stable 24 al8, good weit and pump. WiIl be soid elteap for cash, or on lime ; possessipen Firt-SIof May. For terme, &o., apply to W. B. OLVER, Ashitoru. Or le G. Y. SMITH, Barriater, Mr. J. Bord. Whitby, April i6th, 1872. ae 't slaew ltegoodiswheîlîcr p'>ýChsdo1 JOLIN SKINNER,i jVLpeymc te ct iy Ille lt t(ic Api .ILenulit onCul afo>r rotiit L>tilti, liniben dees, Iaw in , f lîcaîeaior ciîy <tIar sco h,'iIIerco olmcdoe t thea cffi<iese --- ar gencieg aof au2y otfollowiaac batik.,; ROYAL (IAN,& AN BAlIN, CANADIA'N 4 0F rCo0u-t MERCE. ONTARIO A N 1: And when s psy eitd ctr ie nt0. a cpiiul wicro ltera i4,1 au suel i eiZ[Oa el tat ,,li mgeICY Of Soy(of the citarteîeall bil iiil htr- i by uny of tua hia îeîîîil < utu10t caire suait dcpoiîa oan tt-r awcâit: A. MACKIa'-ZIF, T o ro n to , M a t-li 2 , 1S I :) lt- 7' l it i r i . 1 I N 0TIC0E la iteroby given taI lthe utadersigned have entated lmb psrlrasip for lte practice of lte Law in aIl ils brancohis on end aitertheit firsI day of MaypMom, lu the ofhc aI presant- oeoupied bym!r. Greeuwoeýd. J. RAMER GREENWOOD, -A. G. MoMILLAN, Wbîtby, April 241h, 1872. 17 W-ADAMlS, DENTIST, fOtTCORSOR TO W. R. CARI).] over Mr. Jameson's store. NIhU£DszE LAFORINHEA PaDMINIBTERD racon o mxt Wbitby, April lOth, 1882. 161Y NEPLUS 1-uLIA, 'à »Vl Ozumz 0, WusTE AoO0Mmoxrmxg» Pries 81 50 sab815 pet- dozsn. whérurib NéPles Ultra.,Oies Book ha. beau lltrodaeed, ha bapib" Mo»nced uri polrto il otbsrrkoacil fe kladt llalt iagsIatmt faaand niy oliseto'u of ne,' G e"d qAu i etnearly .11 of whiab have- J. .PiETEs M, BEroakway, New'pk Januv 2ft,1619. 4t 1G"IU-CLÀS STRE -TO'LET rau tir Town ofe Whitby, on Brook st-réee, in- 'hA hsÂwrt of thea business part oiflte tes-.- TWÃ" Itotl.s, 65118- Tite buiding is mes, ona cf tiae bttbuilî tad fiiloieiteii Ic ywn< atarI eu b.* tted op for any.laausinesm, lite npOer -portion fors dwellug inecesssry. Spilndid clsAe, . Rent modrtI..; Â:pjication Lo be 'Made le lice pr'oprfator. * .JQHUA ICHADS là nàc Shades and Stra NEW DJESS GOODS, HIAM ILTON 9th, 1872. - ND OHEA-PER?>7IHAN EVER, A T THE That ilafill u lt f th ie Reeve end lie laiorb ttiorireaad ieqïired (nOm. diately sfter thi iti y-la shalave corne lotO forc ta lcder theie aid portion of raad allowanoeï harehy mentioued (o. the party or parties wl:ote lands adjoiu for ta auna of Two itundred anad.Fifty'Dalisrs. Titat 10 caseof tire fetusaI of lte pary or par- ties wlîose leal adjoin lte said ailowance for road 10 accept lte Laid sllowDance for tîhe som Of Two hoodred -and Fifty -Dollar, titan tite-ieeve shaih sali lIeas. me-to aaay oter parey or patrties who oaay b. wiiling_ lo give t1iterelor lte "sme or aygresler Thalttee ae i hreby sutftoribed and re- qiaired -te corivoy and assureo by proper di or decil lte suid sIIowanee for road te titeparly or parties who Maay have be- corme tito puraiosars ltercof mspd miii tle -eletOftae Corporation tli-erato. .Ttîtis by-law shbah cone ilîto-for-ce and bave ieffi> imnaadistely after il shali bave heen COIIIIr-Md by lte counil of thie Cou»- ty of Ontaerio. Puiblic Noticie sla hrety givea that lte above lsatc Irapy cfa by-iaw intotdcd te be puas cd by the Conncil oat lte Carperatiou of lthe TawuNsip o( 1'ickiariug7et ilsnaxt Meeting te ba held on StilnirdAby.li te IStit day of May- nexl. HE!CTOR fEÂTON, Township 01.5k. .Pick-ening, April 91n, :1672., 15-41n BY-LAW No.- By-ljaw for tae cosiug np aud sale of a 5vltcreai in canacqîteuca of lice natînral for- mation 8f tlhe cround il la tiaaupraclicable to. * <ontrîîct e publia p:t3.ab!e ilcihway on ltie tilowaaîca for rondi ietcen lots, No's 4 and 5 iî.laaalcOt,3eaia a uttlie Tawaîislip of-, pirikeriag cl jit il esiritblatut ltae, ane- slalllia bcl u lp diO ciold, Tîtraîîr li, 'aîaîi -ftha Corpnrlitien or, the TOWIS111jor 'i ik-iiiiaot-: Lîîî lta,îlar<îîOfor t fi ltlween i.±No'sé 4 11111 5 iift.<vaa 'îea oaf Lice iîî.li<Of lickea li2l4 a ati ltae aim1e ' ti>yao-jsl i s a ) puliccail or TIît 'i 1e>< Ile i lty tof the lîcceaucatiet 1'1tar<s Ittlri.-l i )' rc-qtalil ine- <Il>- t ~I>-rIlîs aw 4114hav e-q ann !t4) ft>ra. ta to tller tilà ,j'id SIa elova - >vlî'ail! iîîtîla. itîjîli,:iaA<of t eaty >:!f foi, tlie m ifrFO!ir-uil "lt<i tlXar part- <Or lIt-gwt>riva tlai-c Ù11ei-t * 10' i,"Vr t.eI att-- i ti ad mdto q> rtie. ~t-a >' a-ii îaa Tt i 1, < -I-iw -tmIat cornllolto fonîacî<d hava Ntice e .11i-reby)gitNaîl llnd tit e above ila F ]~ * truc capy oit t<y-ïa -ciltekit luticouisu- *ceao-ay. the, Cclncil 4ecorpdrstiorao * -, *Pickîering alt-atsaext, încating tt ba ld ou < Sîturdy, the IStit day of hisy ucxî.. I7ECTOR BEÂTON, Towuship Clerk. Pickcring, 9th Aprii, 1872., 141 1ONEY TQ LEND. M a't he Udctsgnedlias îny amount of Moaey te Lud-pon armor Tawtr-preery, lit un- nuelly lwrae f'lïled.Loe i 7snbe -reyîtid lu anm4e 10cuit-borr.Dwcrs. Navet- lniplravad Ferma- sud wild Itsccda ifor cela cheep. 1 llenk , and allier fniirltstbha Stocka4. For furtLar psrticolars appiy te - -JAMES HOLDN,7 * - Officii Assignce., Broker, &c. OFFIQ.E-Ovar Po2,uLQ, Batik, MoMillax'a B -lock, Brook atiteet, Wliiby;.i C April9th1R72. - *- <15 & C u L IST F T HIE*DI VýISIO N (OU JTS -- COUNTI 0F ONT.ARIO, - FOR THE YEA.R 1872- * 3- T- 'ND SHOE .STOIRE, WILTJAC';E'S BLOGK> WHITBY. Jiist 'e e Ieive d anid opene'd ot a tre- meîîdoris large Spri4g Stock of Boots anîd Shoes of every de- criptivin, coinprising the. ne-West atid most Safslii sable styles of tie d-y. As r. Kee'l pu ae oi-ai an before the ad vantce on, Boots -and Shoes of ail kids e i fied to undèr- - selLany othcr -Dealer in t~he liominion. --- DJ- Sigu of the Mamaoth, Ioot, Brok.St NEW PHOTOGRAPE GALLEBy._ A.-'B AR'R E T'T 1e,02l; ito monesý tIthe people of'Whitbyand aIciniy ltaI lue will saittl>aO.Pe a , PaOIOGRAPB- GALL -ERY, in lice bail 1iuigop Osi*etheic Ontsr;o note], grpi,&o.,i li te bùek i>ylas. - A. JJA1ULETT. P. S.-..ý7seIl1ng Oheap for CJash. Ileturs" his.-Moto. . - Whitby, ApriP,2nd '17Q-- ýl 1 1 PROCK ÉT.e WHITBY. Whitby, Aprit 24th, 1872. ý 171Y a p 1. ? . AND MIIS.SES." 1, A D . I E S ý 1 9th, 1872.. yy fi 11 Ili ýl

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