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Whitby Chronicle, 23 May 1872, p. 2

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oronti sck. ~i -d eforn will taleR BOl luit., 11h>'. 'W. mduce af 'Wu &Um t he humiliation ,attacbed' toe thq e c, lbeGoyern-ent bave forcedtise ,Jlwie condm=xd Treaty Biil Ibrougli the neusp of Commons. Tse>' bave ohîsineil a triumph i"flb.epns. o1îhefr-own degrsdatimn. Inatlb. afrageat language lhey oüdewued lb. Tresty as a demanil for' the. serifice o! Coadlsurlglits. And- over and over gsin sUd liey proteal bisaI tise rlghto sud int4r&lotisathecountry * should notlbe yielded up, but would he prolecteil aud honorabl>'. msintsined aI aIl iaszrds. lIf lb. Treat'n('ti alaa suri. fil..of lanadian intereats, tse>' deceivecl the. country 1 and bold the British Govemn- mnst w4it was 'ual-ne. If lie Troaty be unfair sud unjust, as lie>' epresenti it -ta be, lu wiicb Canada ecivos no equiValent, lime>' have proved fisseta - tisir trust; ' tse>' have violaed ei iu P104900; have mail. lie sacrifices llhe> cosidemnel,, sud yieldod up the ighls sud lulereste lie>' pramîsed to antai , aUýdwliehlt wAsieirdutyto defondto the laàt. Tliis la tic abject srpectacle tse- Cënadian 'Gavernient preseuta befare ti~ wold. And ' Minsterial joumnals- have -tihe baldness ta exuilt ise sucecess, of a G pverUnient no disiionoreil I Thse (.ovrlment MnJ.ris>'. Tie<Ouvemnuueut have ablaiîsei a iutsj - oui>' in favor a!fithe Tract>' frotns ail thse Pl-bvincog*of tle Dainian. And usîder otiier circumatancea, Ministers ilit fini is tbe facI a faim cause for solt'.cauga-tu. baion. But lutni -casetheie majonit>' -opani>' declarcil that the>' vated -agîinst their own lisauct convictiosns. Tisey isad denounceil -thea Trest>'. But he>' vobeil for lb, because lise>'beiovei Iisglauslde.c- o ircd thse Trcaty rat {/lert. Tlie nmotive waa, at ieamt, a loyal oeue, Il was o! buis Sentimnut aivantage was bakan b>' Miss- isters. Ilie>' laod ael!-coîideumne-î. But tIse>'kuew tlisaIlise loyal aud îîstsiatie feeling o! tise represenîelives a!flise pao. Plu would sacrifice mnuai for 'bbc sake of Enaglani. ,Minslteriai duplïcit>' assdMiii- latenial inainccit>'-casicuous as tIse> -were-a-oulsi not îlot ba plinisîsesi ut the expouse o! Casîsiale lyaity-er avazisa doubt o! il. O! course, tîsere ari-naji Mlinisterissi partizas wlsa wiil fini tiss a oisvejuqst excuse for bhsir Voles; but, sîncemel>' or auinemel>'given, il wass la * tise deceptive use o! the cm>', sud not la tis eriaiilsf! lie 'i-est>' the Go'eissneiit majarit> wsssini>' o4-ng. 'ie Leudoss~i's Iaeit$ on Cise posstis 1!Cms~a Tise folowiug wai-is o! the Lonîdon T 'imes," i-.îpeting tise position o! Cana- ils, as dialosci y b>' le loTreal>' sega- ciations, ileserve ta lie esmeful>' poniered ori-b>' Canadias. W4en tbe speechies o! Sir A. 'r. Gait, sud obhîer ieading states- men came ta hW reail, Englial opinion Msa>' fil expression lu yet more fomible ýuguage. "Tise question pmavokosi nt eoes>'otage o!flIse discussion is-how 64long are we tu go on s.ffeting la iefensd 64"lie, luteresta a! Canada, which, lin tti, déwe have noitiser tie knowiedge nom-tise fi'ahiit>' ta protect ? ý Ia ihere nating in Idlb. precedent o! Portugal sud Brazih "wieli mighit bho asidereil wilh advau- "tage in respecta!f Cpnaila sud Englani? "éW. keep Up tise foi-nio! gaversing Ca- "nada frona Engian ; but, whi'never 1h "hecomesa a eaity, Cançia uouffo',na "lite maintenance o! th. form bas tise "effecl o! keeplug lise statosmnen sud "pOeahe o! anad inuascoondition of do- "pendence If ual o! pupilage. Wlsen déyouhs bee9nse ian liu fablers emn- "elipaaetessshe iebenefil a! lie worhd " &ain diei luemois mo! affectionale feel- fiing betwoeu tishe o a nsd wîaI is b"true 'Of eian lu is respect is aisa trà1e "of nations."$ -Tsig-DuBmiN ExHsBIiONrs.-'flie Dule o! Edinburgh-iois, os the tIo! June, te - pen at Dublin asie a! lie îuoet inluesal- iu% exibition& o! tisese limes, eonsisîingI as à wlll o!faut tresanîcas. Sir Aithur Gs4nftess-aunoiher public'mpimtei, Irih.b man,, 1k. Mr. DslIu n lu858-nssninea tise whole oolstuad respausihulil>', and bis effortsehave: beau iberal>' espouilei tu 10 h me ioblit>' asi4 entty o! Irelanil o!fmli reedisud classes. A great artiS. -tic t-esit an&' deoidel succes-ýis aulicipal. '..l - -religons jealo=u2 Tba*sue à reul$ Iwould folow the formation of roliqloiile&. * ges of ainykid I.here la too àuch reaso-i to-approhend. The blstory of the ,paet *rosit. AOahol.LegeilAt one a menace and a challenge to the forma. tion of othor religions leagués, &na oould 2scarcely flog b prove afafeila1for the 0growth of. a pilifal crofMreligious rancour. We belive in the right of ever3 mnan, to ýChoose bMIS Érty -and sercise bis ï political oiniong fre, froni mau religions interference.: . At th.esame lime, *11e clalnluibist'" ight lia'meioWown inde. pendent Polûtical convitcosmae wltb 1h. aide o! thé Reforzà part>'. W, blieve them to be the naturel alle. of th. Catholicsofo!Oatarîo. Ai sueh ho b.>ave alwa-ys provQd themuelves ; aud gmcl h.>'- truly romain at th. present day. Who lias. called a Catholic--and a Catholie Leaguer, too,, fnb 1the Reform Cabinet o! Ontaro ? Io it flot Mr. BUak, the Re. form Premier ? Wau il flotthe Beform Party wVho algo lately, elected Mr. Frazer, *a leading Catholic,for SouthOGrenvile. In j Kent, Mr. Dawson, a Catholie, got the Reformn vote ? Did flot John O'Donohoe *get it iu Peterborough? And so tbrough- ont the country we find the Beform Part>'y and the lteform Preas, the Liberal Part>' -doing liberal aud even.handIed justice ta Catholica. If there was a lime iii 1h. past when Catholie Institutions were as- sailcd b>' peoplo calling themselves Re. formersi it waa doue tbrough ignorance, aud a spirit of religious bigotry, nover countenanced b>' enlightened Reformers, but nursed and fostered and kept alive by tlîeir opponents. But thatt liebs hetPPil>' passed awày. Catholic and Protestant Reformera now know oaci other btter, aud eau join banda ln a conmon cause Vithout the fear of sacrificingtheirreligiotisprlnclples. This bbc>' tiil can do so without an>' ceerclon of freedoni of political opinion snch as; thi Catbolic League would impose, and auch as we houestlybelieve wonld oui>' resuit in nischief to Catholica theraso1vesi, and tihe cause tho>' would aoek to, promote through sncbl an ilI.advlaed organization. Whiîby Races, Tisa races commence to.ds>'(Thursday), and, if the weather prove favol-able, the fi aven>' indication o! a large and succesa- fui n-deing. The t-a sinlutise fineat c>sîîiiiou that canid lie desireil. Tise !ollowin are th. cuties for ta-da>'- Ladies' Parse-Storm, Jack Bell, sud Gearah lîakamilli. Inkeepers' Purs. -Kc'hso, Cologrmansd Mohawis. Two mile dlasis-Kelsa, Juilge Darrel, Eden- boss uni Chograna. One-aud-a.quartei msile su, landicap-Sto-s, Jack Bell, and ' Mohawk. The prospects ai- gooi for a buirilie race on tise Isat day, inde- paendent o! bbc programme ai-cal>' pub.- lishlî. Tue euh-les romain atIl open.- Fivo iiorseos fi-an Toronto are _pmamised for Ibis racea. ENmgaRmnsNr NTOF THE WssmrarLIE-su- ARY SOuCETY.-Our i-Osiers are i-eminded1 tIsaI Ibis onterbammnnut taies pince on Irsida>' vening Tise programme ila-ful .aii attractive, sud tise accasion promises bu prove qnite a treat. CoLY'S CIRCUS , whieh exhibilel isere an Tuesiaaisa, waa wolpstrouized, andi w-ns as Weli wotii visillug. The equcal- sian preformalices weme au impi-ovemeut upon thie usuni charsoter o! sucis exiii. lions, aspecial>'bise baebacieil ridilng o! soute o! île maIe performers. The pos... luring-, tumbling sud gymnastio feats o!.b hl maie sud femala pai-fommers were wehh worthsoaeing. Tise t-lickhomme, lu- troduiceil b>'Mi-. Henry> Coaok, sud wiso pieks up a ail-cm coin out o! s pail and di-olîs it itoa nplate, la a wonilei-ul ani- mal. Tisa'exibition o! wid animale, sand o! seals, disportlug theniselves in bîseir native lameut, ha ofisel! wel worth tisa prceofo!admission. Cole's cirons t alen atogetisar is very comploe, sud ansd lise csre!uh management ci! lise pro- plieol aves uothing undÃ"ne 10 makes it popular sud attractive. DEATE six DRowmNiN.-WVe regret la bave toa ennaunca tise clealbhdmwng. o! a, finsehuItle girl ah »saffins' Creehe, d.augter o! Ms-. T. O'Losry, ageil lwo years and an li!,Being nuisseil froni lie ions. tiseniaIser made- auquiias but saou; conseil,believlug liaI lise chilI isnd gone off la île ields wili lier falier. Il wns shorl>'afterwai-da discaveel liaI shse hai not donc so; and lie pi-amuses having boen lloraughI se anrliai the bail>'of!the cbil& wus foundfioating lu tle cistamu, luto wliicis mie bail avldanti> faihon b>' accident. As lihere was no. blamne allaciseilta any one, andl uo iys. toryl in te came, - Dr. TIuciei- declined holding nu luqueit. TEmcs'asmcz Rz.UNîos.-We are i-- quested i t uluale liaI lie Good TenM. nias-sa!ftio t G-w.illIîIMu- S -15 W wam Iuupopiulaion oZfleituer OU6them, whlle the rural districts, hav#'gtheadquat. population, *M11be, àw4over, and smch mail borongÉs as Wga Cornwall and Brockylle wlll h. stiflrepresented by a member each. Such- a distribution would be auything but fkir and juil. It would bc scrfloing lie count>'populationsato the iâterests o1 the ecties, and eau onlyie made to suit Polit. ical and party exigincie, sud fot in the fuir arrai»gement o! #the distribution o! ma~ts e, &o<rdii$te 1h. e smus,,over the SUSuzom n<PIOKEEKG.-Dr. Tudker held aninquest on Môniday last on the ]Wof. Mau elder>' Seotohbm,,namtd John B. Haigli residing in a small houa. uMoneou lot 27, in the 7th concession of Piiihering, who had. terzninated bhis life b>' taking a" doseo strychnine on Saturdu>' evening. The b~ody presented a horrible appearance, the head being drawn back. wards, a is the case with-lthose who die froni the effects -of Ibis poison, aud th. muscles "o! 1h. back being lu a state of tension. Deceased was uumarried, had former>' beeau s bank clerk lu Aberdeen, ana wus a person of good edncgtion. He bail prepared ie fatal dose before gettiug into bod, a shingle with styrclinine upon il mixed with coru-meal being on the table, a"s a bottie coutsiniug a large quantit> of thse poison aud labelled. Ho had used. bis pocket-knife lu mixing the dose, aud iad laid bis spectacea6 dowu bernicle hlm after prepsrig il. A copy ofi the New Testament wasa alob close by, which th. poor feilow hsd evidenlly been lu the habit of reading, as some portions o! it were markeçl.- Deceased had suifer- ed froin poor liealth for ome time, waa noét always able te, work, and, beîug of an independent disposition, feared that ho snigbt be rcduced te heîplessnesa. He suffered from a pain lu his jaw occasion- aul>y, anad d several tines been beard to sa>' that ho thouglit he would end has troubles by Iltakiug a dose." The jury returned a verdict of suicide by poisoning,N while auffering froni temporary insanity. Iowa, Nebraxka, Kanssu. Calisor;su's. Advertising ahane doos nal praduce success. Tise tbiug wbhicl la aivertisci mnuai bave iniriasic mnrt, or else large -advei-tislug will eventusl>' do it more liaim tissu gaod. If yon have auyîhiugj -wbii hyau inow laelie goail, ad-es-tise it tlzoraiegltly, sud yen wiillie sure ta ane- ceoil; if il is poar, don't praise il, for people will soon discover yen are iying. Sud la iste polie>' o!flis. BULINamTsN ROUTEs, wbicis muuaéta tIi-oc greal megialas lu tise West: laà, ta Omaha, connectMig with the gpont Pacifia Rosis. 2nd-To Lincoln, lie capital o! Nebrmaska, sud-ail tint heautifuil regian soulia o! lhq Piatte, fileilwili R. R. bauds suddhanhesteais. 8rd-Ta St. Josepis, Kansas Cil>' sudnll Kansas pointa. The roadsaiae apiendid>' huilt, have tise beat bridges, fineal cars, the Milher platom n su&lopler, sud lie safel>' air hi-aie (ta preveul the 14s of life thnt la cverywseme else happaning) ; Pullmau's aleepers, Pulman dining cars, barge sud pawemflul englues (l a aie quiche lime sud goal connectians), sud asi-el a word the. hast equippeil roada lu lia West. Sa liat if you desime ta go safl>, aurel>', qulcil> sud conifortai>'la au>' ypoint lu Sonlieru Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, or on tise Pacifie Rosis, ho sure tint yon go "B>' Way ofEurlington." - AU wba wisia particular information, sud a large map, sisowing carrectly tbe- Grmeat West, sud ail ita rahirosi connect- ions, eau- abtalu 11cn, sud au>' aher knawledge, b>' addremsiug Genemal Pas. sengerAg eut, N.& o. R. R. R., Bur- lgtn, Iowa. RATs8 F95 i-usFSESÂsN.-At "Oh NO. 1 on lie Corner" Mi-. Yeomn~ Gibsan las an assaitient o!flise right uni o!fliaIs jusl suilsible for lie seasan. "T'ime trias ail Thinga," sud lias prav- ail Ihat Dr. Wiatar's Balsanao! Wid Cherry is lie mcmedy par excellence foi- lie cure o!tougiss, colda, c roup, wiaaap. mg,.oongh, hi-osebitis, s 'atina, phliaisia, sors tii-at,- sud influens: Il cures cougis ansd colsisntuer i Il soothes lie irritateil parta; ltl-heals lie inflana- lion;asud even cousumption itseif yields ta ils magie influence. The all-gona!feelng whioh people snime- limes speasiof, is causei b>' waut o! pro- por action o! lie liver and heart. Tiese nia>' haassisteil, sud lise owehs reguhal- cd b>' Parsons Purgative Pilla lu nxnml doses. Coi-n sud tour are tapie articles; bul not moi-e -no0 Inn Jobnsan's Anailyne LiIent wisere iuawu. It is gaai for ehhdren ai- adulte, for an>' internaI sore- noms o! lie ciest or howeis,- sud lts. beat Pain Killer prepameil, ,Under wlisaever name. Su»mss DsA'miAi- Mi-rois. - Ma>' 18.-Lasi evexing about ive o'ciociDr.Ç Gereýk. of" LA.w sowmoss1igi n V& "un Zuwu-wl<nila a tepeTh uiLowvniee . i le vsitin ?e e-union lu lieu- ooms, (up.stai-a lu tIsa tedor o i rsdne -elin INÂrrO.-We are Jlae over on bis facdead. Supposci caus ae -e "tOupYug aiwUesa Meobanica' hall,) ou MondIa>f ev'g nexbt, 1o! deti, beamt disesse. ai.- on-ea >'un twasie, t iust.. (Seoadavt.) AMcoinài AW< mueQulilvra ud I3aiwin 2G- Foi-est, Ma>' 21-A -you nc ase t] meossfsll' Pssel ieu ex Psso1 .-.W, -rgael ta learn, Ibat Geo. G lbsi>met wilia terrible eSia i athl sadents for admission inta m oi adeh ailnlllacnic.Lmut.sw-nI u g exu--luis go ciel>', The exauinalion, w . ohn 10 li ellMcdnl ---id aônsSW m --E-m a.-.-nth ni ered o boda 'absence of te'!s~we .iue-oia> 1'wai mont ereditable, hallslu o ngel. - r t e «zeflts4aie li udetok l. Mâisnssg witlsli hlsi!ý marikgear, btk edfdaWn toff lu lie] May ~us. us iauolei- aure ýBSAs5 'Bsio.-Tuie elient sUe, Andn ktiaptt le bo'urai aroundi i Ia -,ss>' eerel b>' Papis O! muéieofa!Our Town Baud, pls>'.& frmcame lu contact wllb.lihe saw, di-awingj yeute h Scbool; sud sinsËisinstance. AlliW'a Verandali, wuIWiQ t w h hin wî is wIalnsd instaut5neousi>' ev- jwI seeanaksowledge lie6ir-deligisi b>'ci-wa son Babur ds> v.nng IMIRi esan sd one of his legs fenswere i sfsstè* aff1tiey bave hast. The streets #ereliteralytirong e ,, " - -- I- 9w lattve sUd'eareful "n u -i ln*pa'is Mb a d prfDer.ileAdamst, oMTavitock, 5 iarg * ed ?i-eè ýh ÉIý0àt@l' >rn, <ý ving egmtt~~ed a râpeole erâng nearwhere the body woi#ouud, and a tUftoakaziwe ro PVioekëd np wièo Prisoner, at the Coroner'a luquest, ad& ted to b. torn from bis ead, and fart o,Oî near the aamelspp.t-'a'cap ws foc which was identified as lie pioe' The follo*ing conversation tbai l at theýuterview: Rleporter--We1, Mr. Caullie1d, lii a aahnainéss. 1 regret 0otti y'op Prisouer,-$ad indeed,buûti a=n nôt be hlaxned. 1 amn innocen1t.« ne RorterýWe1 owdouODacco. Whata%"hëvesi aoti'ocse,? - Prisour-! almosb forget overylli aflar lesvink Wood's. 8h. altacked on the bank 'witisout a word, and pi two hunches of -hair ont of My head, ase had often doue béfore. Reporter-Di.dyou- aay or do anyth- t0 hem?2 Prisoner-Noî a bhing. Wiseu attacked me I ran away. I rau luloi own houso, (also near the mili-race). Rep.-Weul then what did yau dûo-- you hear or sec anýthing fnrther ? Prisoner-I hezrd a 'spias in l 1 water ; but I knewv it was so low thone waa not deep enougli ta droWn lher, uni alie lield herself down. Rep.--You did flot go bo, see? Prisoner-No. llep.-You went down town aflerward Prisoner-Yes. Ilep.-How do you account for one the witnesses saying that wbeu hoe ail you where your wife ws, you auswer suie waa at home -in bed ? Did yop s that?2 Priaaner-1 miglit. I don't rememit what I said. -In bhirty-oue years I ne'v had s sunmons or warrant*aannt me aIl tiat time. Rep.-Is it your opinion thon that s: tlirew hersoif into the streamn? Priaouer-Yes. I heard the 'splash. Rep.-And yoiq made no attempb rescue lier ? Rep.-(aftor a psuee). 'Nia>'sbou slîe commit such au set ? Prisoner-Jealous>' sud drink doue Sbe wns jearons of me ail the time a g~ave mie no penace; she was jealous ai fi women; if 1 oni>' went into a neigbiboi house she wvould be jenlous and get lut bad lamper. 11cr jenlousy aud drj uiirned the eh-en againat lber. Rep.-Wben did she leave yo4.ata live in service ? Prisoa4er-Sele Lft about the 7tb rune. Wbeu shc'd take the fit ahe'd lesi for a weck and corne back again. Rtip.-llad she previausly made aij attempts on lier lufei44kkis-ben said?. Prisone',-Yes, once befbre I csug. ier banging bierseif ta btie bed;post, an about tliree y-ear-a before that srhe attenq d ta mnake away i-itb berseif in the sanr liep.-'-Sbie wsis a good wife otherwie ut for the drink and jeittous>' ? Prisoner-Sbe was that; but the jea Dus>' ani drink did bbhenuisehief. The Eiued thecehildi-en against ber. llep.-You were earning good wagE uikýcoiald lieep lier comifortqtbly ? 1lisouer-Yes. Bebweu aillaur car ÀiçS there wvas frou eleven ta twelv llaurs a week comn iugnta tbe bous( But she used ta make away wibh th loue>' wbeu thle drink would be an ;s Jiat f was obligcd ta- give . ni>'socon, irl, wbo lived witb me, bbe moue>' t cep the bouse, aud this made 11cr mai] bhat eveuing I got $45 from Mr. O'Regaî orwborn I worked, t a Y. lie men. net lier at bbc corner of tbe street wit] se moue>' iuni>' hand. She gaid-'oi tave pleut>' of moue>', give me a dollar' es, Annlie, said I, sud more if yýou wan L. I gave lier a four dollar bill ; ah Sougbhtnme back tliree dollars lu chaugre s111( se could take, more if she waute( ;se said sbe did uot, aud isaid, IlG( Leine and give tise reat to your danglif y"I asked lier then to came home, suc t ha clisgraciug he clildreu aiab se hai een doing. She refused ta do so, ani .e words sbe.-tlieu used was-"Wbatevei isgrae Tua ta 'cmibnte greaLtest dîsgrac( ta came >'et.' Reporter - W'bat did yau infei nno tlist ? Prisoner-Of course blînt sble'd makc va>' with lîcrisclfusas e tricd to do ho. )re. Canlfield 'wesit on ta narrate salîistorý, ffamil>' qùalras, ail going to show booi bhappil>' lic and lii nfortunate wif< ;cd, toes e Adiiauwrtfrbe 1is a cansasnt visitor ta hlim, -piepar. tise atrieken maen ta meet ils fate th aUl the consolations o! religion pro- led bjr the CatisaliaCiaurdi. ALdevoled girl, wiose ,lover bad bast e.af bis arma, replied teiser campan- s' hanter au lie aubjeet, 46I wonldn't 'e a maen with two srms--lse>"re s > iman V." k young nfs wia*o slede.d aà lectu-re 'lii. ubjeet,,"Are we botterIliaunurý hors ?I' started far home, sa i'" , ' hg la gel the botter o! mine sameiow, yway."' ýy 18.-A despatci froim Riaga"rataw rs -Alexndem S$mih, Wesley:Finùe. su ad Frederick F#çbinger- wetjkffled erda y ' >te Q b t' l e fal lng of tise ffof lie aid court iawiae, w ibeu re engagead lu laking down. - L "#ram- froÏnu Washington as, 1jlth& a, iueshlb tserday oeupow. 1s ier, - - M.atunuel "udr' iiie d - j - g e - r - w' Tu e ~ "~ w ILI. -N ew -Dm R sw ldi< 125 s k ed fo m t is a in e am i t b u setI, a n d h on e 1 atm B0 ijur ca s - )fju,.. 1 'aNu i-laglegal lue- mlgis as'lie minaiil>'o! Prèteatauts eni- WsmdlY. The engineer was &ady"ad-- >eh uceai ?i'ýMto»n hn e1f5ie4 ta e, h joyed lu Quebée,but tli s>'ssed hià- vain. ed sud othemwise hurt, and la net ezpect- Ume ppelâtejurisdiôtiosy'-for the, whole Do-, tioiis-rigisls, -aud ougit te bave b'en dis- br'ien. Tise lire. oliers were, scalded freueu ocsalil'for erece athe ighti weme enjayed at Canfediemation ansi'. -Ali is being dane liat sill -aud mit -Idicsl esunitee ! le Piv¶ Cuncilough t o be nialutaineil sudrespected. attention cn o fe da sil afféer-, b>' Drm, tiser lu Esaglaild. 8ir George F. C~I e ve The motion gave ise 1tes long disons- ei Mxn, Niel, sud Prake. lbe-_ m ameeplntioens Mm. -I.vine adnntted sion. . bae lb is ual yet inownrwisst casaid hE' tise necessil> for mare juigea, but remari. Tueidas>' M'a' st. explaaiau. The boier was s newoe ,e d tli t ii ;w a s ufs le s s fo r le L o c a l L e g . 2 1 - F i c a m o e i a s m u f r r , s d s e i l r T o n e - lace islaturea$c cmeaanddditiônstèourMr. eaa ' -the oiin Gvmmetwud camnttee.otish lesau'bhave te sympali>' o! the ~whoe te d i u l e . * A te r a f e w ý, w o r d a S o ltau o ! t m s n t e ud c a f e . H o 1 5 is i ] 9 d '- Gain8r h Mcde aia thd tateil liat i. deemed il only ou; act o os i sacneTS XBD5 Raid lisedut>' Pur î sIce te slow mercanls tame-bonid sdCapazas . taa a'l- b egt a * n tehl m e L o c a l L e g isla tu ie - " h d i o u s e o rg . - al p a cia g e si-. tt a wae'Maan & 'T h P e r fo r n i e d l ie u . H i e1f e - d a c o ff e l un aid e m l a t t h e ga m o n t o ! a e cifl o e b e cio n f o r l ie W im b le d o n fe sm u w il i )unI Past f.ilures la establiha Luom out dht'siansuuoda h opllbyliehèsamo nide l the respective Pro, a n sd Ye i cil ta while C uc rt, t a l i own c Ti m ig it =vinci si ranges unhd r- office ma desig uied that, wh lsl ribunal 0 e- hsdeciion gave gene- ble du oudanodtatday bave ta . rai satisfaction lu lie Hanse. Mm. Bod an'ein âyt eeaL ie aoatiug, lig-gaiiel, lise diffcuity la>' lu lie facI that welniaved ta place ila.on -tise frée istla-ho l-su> ie. daya il ie e o m e t e l w o ! Q ue e o d ife rel fro na tit o ! but le m otion w s.stua. S ver sit item s m encing Ilo 2 n tnt ranges w o, liedeolaw roics o h em.fivo sud six iuudred yarýds; five rounds wie lie.otior Pincs !ts siates were leu passedin slu aeci,moinsu aennn> a s m. D mO ' iow ev e , p oin te il o t t it c m m it ee, su d afi r s d iscu ssion ip on " u d r" m m g en d ati e, ul o n ds difference was ual se important as thle tie Pacifia Railway, ani tie rejetin a! Siiî ens wsoneiitrils l n ounemu- *in Premier represeneil several amnimenta ifred b>' h. Op gt aea he sudfrmGvr ngMr-* Blake admited tit tic rsent position tie Hase adjuined. P-nent stores; staiding at 200, yards, su>' s e aat . o thing a w as an asiaaous, i ut w e position. A ttie aler ange a le scores bY a i l l a d e a l w i t h t i s e m a s h o 's t o o ; s d T h e . N io s o r i M u r d e r . m a e b > t n m n in t is e - .d iy o w i l i- an da e coul d conceive n thing niai- dan -th e 90 rounds are t a e sent 10 Ithe Sec- -a d ger us, than la gise a general invitation CONFESSION F P IS(BE CAMPBELL., rtai->o ! le -Dominion Association ie e a ta lie Local Assem bles ta create as man >'- not iter than le ixtis a! June. rom th igis judicial Officers a epassel n ~ IUDSCMrrna OL ~ tise.fort>'Bo sulimibteil Iwent>' willho thh. mlaeo H UDRCMITDBelectoil sud lie provincial Assaciations *, il tise assurance liat the mono>' wonld boteran'e iE YFLN -mClfliYb'Loegapa TeAoNslet Pafrtyhatand ani ter Dainiat.eIf nc . edare ta repart at Quebe b>' the tweuty- pt>'pet aile anoliee p a lie oe>', Landau, May' 20.-Tise murdiereroas;tirst o! Juno, sud must subsaribe 10 lie le oextaatpsilnce etws ifr.Piohe Canipheil, bas confessei ta tise regsibstiaus appraved b>' lie Adjutant, einerllateextravagance.bec o.b- do? M r . C lby noved le third ieading o ! crim e O ! niurd oxi g lier usban i, andl G n r i o e p u e a Q e e a b le Insovenca>'-sw Repeal Bil. Mr,. em confession as been frwarded b>' le pail b> tie Provincial Association. The Of ariso edevouedto to te BllbyCrowu Attorney' ta tie Atre ee expenkes froni Quebe ta tie end a! le ked aisi& a o! ofmirer.' This falnIt vr ight pages o!faaolsaap, and waa>Wmldniace n h oto h r oi M r. Jo es, (H ua lifax) nov oil t o x n i ~ gv e uo lt e S h oiif n a Stu id y v e in g i ouu -ey th en ce te lic m en se h o m es w ill 1 Non eti ni NwUmnwick from n imer inrtlgM Sh be'hopail b>' le Dominion Asi'oaition. th e peartion o tie muasure. nGlb ences b >' aaing tît îe condu t o ! m - Arrangem ents will ho .tod e so titlie ber ove a hre monha'hoit.lusasu was vary bail,tlaa se liai hoon mon cau rotai-n via Halifax or- Queisco, v r A m d t r mu a i u p r o a r a n s j c n ti s io n »a u s o l l a a h i > ' fo r s a n i e n e p r e v i o il a t a n dm e m o r a u t m e w ill f s u pi t i c u l a r s- n s ? n division was taken oauýfr. Giih' ameud- tis e ieoi, sud Iath le was jonlas o! hierm e oa d m w t ful P ri lrs s 1 nint lue a os yyd,.7,n &0., which maie bier quit. bale bim approveil b>'tise Cannait will befurnisised met wib n is >'>e4 2,uys ahloyeo!tts u l ynpths b>'mail. Aclmowledget bis tolegrani. 1 3ha 80.Setl'ol ftaadhsmahs Mm. Beilemose movod te poalpane tlied ci wilihem, sii toi ier part, sud aaid AFxsi ona- AsmvMa tliri reading. for a fort ugit, lu order ise a i gotto love in, and lieh owuli m c O R R A F .m to give ime for Mr. Harrison's amendi- do al l un is power for hie. F lual>' D EED IN M ÂnRTNaQu .--Capt. 'Pat>, o ! Bill ta ha coniderei. C yle uggested that le>' wou l gt th cdnrF i ,W oàrve in hs S M r. M ackenzie warned the H ase this along w l oget ier andl ske ille , if h.e port n W edn sda >' nig t, fro ni M artini. snen ment w ald defeat ishe Bill. nade em s free wom n, would se nar> que,. W est Ind ués, bringa nl ie c f . it. A division was alln ou Mr. Joes' in? She di nt ina a 1emi aswotie ssacreofo!as amil>'nnbrnyo n il proposal ta exempt No vsecotia sd New len. This occur ai wofi nts previous persns, on May' 2 in.the French 5.111e- u:i 13ns'ic-1;Thi wa dfeaed y yasta lie munder. At fartl Ie>' thaugisl o!f-nent of St. Pelai-s, O! that isiani. A S's 72, uys 82. The Bill waa lîcu reail a poisoming Capbel b>' puting poison, gendarme, patoing tie vilage eary oau th r bl t im e, an dilp a sse i. p p r a h w i cis th c >' le dp u rch a s a, in o i ii fo o d , lI t a l >, s nw th i-e m n e ca p in g aeal - 0 a T I c n x b o r d e r o h e p p r v ra h b u t I is d i i n o t s u c c e o i, s un it w n s th 1 h 1 >' i h e d e r n e a fr n o F u g ie i's 1 ne(Ii a h aesu n atnessgosi s iebech a j aurned dieb te au M r. B o w ell's m otion de trm ine il t a kil in . Coy e,sis a ys, Hoe n i as i agtnc a sd, e l a cha ain go lu faver o ! bbc adoption o ! the 4f. 8jin. bo ght a pistai, lu St. Mai', as w s up- H b an d a ssa c ,a d àfn h n g ugeo o tie Intercol nial Railway. Mr. posei. Sis otes bbsb Coyle andiller- n whale-bo t, ollowe i te fugitives, wh a . of a rievin m-oui l tter fr ani t e E ngineer m a e i l u1P t a shoot C m pbell o u the w ere th n in a sail-boat. T e >' w e mo N e in C h ie , s bw in g t ie con n ection s o ! bse X edn esd n>' b efor le e il e w s s o niaitt- o v er-tak in g sd an - a nfe il aler a d es- li p r o p s a i lin o t a h o f . O n . a n d l g e n é m ll > ' e , b u t I ba s hi s b g t f ig i t e n e l, a il i w e n î p r a t e , a r g g le . J o h n F u g ie r ' a h a n e t] >'objecting bo the change. H e e t -tabe i sd fe l as eep, and i ttws4ate i tish e W s then ex a ine . Johna rFugier, jr., p ha if an furehilru, a> wctein is foïjme m argum en ts again al a lt o l ise t he tt m p î a It nt lm e. T ie n ext day lu blo d Jo u h oi r he a i hal ei n r t g a g e t p re s a t. A n att e np t w ý j s 1nd e C a le 5w l e m s d a sk e i lie r w 1 3' ae i l o . J h o g e ' e d b i e n d t o a da j o u r u t h e le b a t e s d ft e r s n e o h - a il n o t w a i t a i f o r in , n a i s e a d p r o . c t o ff w i l b s u a x e , n i a a u g i s e r , w o a : ýt_ ectin itwas gree to.miseil; Ibat lho, Coyle, bail went round hadovideubi>' beau swskenei b>'theCI net I jeetionil s agi- onoeil b. lis te banse but found tise>'were ail nsèep. noise, le>' On bisafloar lu a pool o! bloail. sevl bielHanse o!dCancedonsta aurda>' eAI Ibis interview lb was agreoil tisaI lb. William FEougier bai boen -slqt twice ' tie H ase was lu canmitee on te bill iurer a ould sae place n Fri'..y. 'On h o gite ea inbs r m, nd he l 'espe îi sg patent a o invention, Mi. p pe that vening Cam pbell, abhe ay , re d bis b ai>' o! Jean Fougier a >' lu an aler romana e slaine i Iat the bject w ata do aw y ]ible4b*id bis p myers 'aLo i aftem chatt- witb terrible gashea u i ieai sud C - ng tieraie t6 .w0 abia aotbeasdaa wni iîesani eywitlî bbc condition o! one years resîdeuce n obda bu rat n htwud ntesoah6 in bbc case a persns appl>'ag for pat- tn o'cick, wbile sie sat up sd sewei and neoJ. Tn bodies lu ail were faunai i- es ents , lb w s als a propose il tea ll w p t- ci lo bing. B fore Coy e cam e, w ic i nluthe bouse. The fam il>' a i in irie il ntees tao y ars within wh ch ta put was about Il o'aick, ae ays ae gave 6,0 ,0 francs frina reltives lu.B aid . th nventons ertoore. Mi-. tâ bf te nil tbe breasaI, and on asaignsa aux, France. Tise asassins were Louis one yur asBerthmy, n héi liaie tacaompaned he b h erav oe r.P p Pr- igivenftshe ksaew C:yle was o f-uau-tno t e: se ta interfèera Nviti exîstg anufacturera, - course FIe Bambliena>'ra id passa tbogl coniitee. dec sholi ho doue. Ha wanlci bier ta JoJi Berîeni, b> wicisagh ~ Mr. Pope, lu miovin tse second rosi tire Ihe pistol. S0 rpii bh h a abeen lfI la Marie aBrtgena>'tunlic mn g af t ie A ct 10 am n t th c Im nig ratib - af m nii sd co ud n ot. t v as th n agre oil w ife of Joh n F o n ir, sd le cou rts , t Act o! 1869, xplainei tiaI th . objeal h .a liuli disearge the pista. Pr- at rat do sltg t , h àd edcidedll ! t isaIler favor. J an Fougier ha refuiseil lu bise mensure wss ta assist inmmigrants. vieus ta gaing ont, sle d put tha light Fmnel osn aa> opoie ,h Mr. Chauvean thogt tse bili migîl put, sd tbc bouse ws ail dnk. Tse d l is suponsait th alBerton'poise, in te rf è r e w i b b tie c iv il m g h ts o ! t ie v a i-i tw o t is n w e n t l, s d C o 'l a tr i e i lt i e a d i i u p s d t a e t e . ur Provinces. Mr. Mils, M. Blake sd tie pista, but lb would nto of Hetemsaroftenie mlynodrvl t th r a sustaine i this vi w .. t isn sa li ie w ould get le'axe, sud w en t ate btain possession o t ie propert '. T ie 'vo le M r . A n g lin s i i t ie m a s u re a ig is b in - to a w e d s lh e c u p o a rd , fo r t ia t p u rp a se m F r a n f r dt r a i. v e e n o n , te ] duce a moere Coolie systen. - Ho gat lb fromu erthe cupisonni, sud j Su- Francis Hinka mplied laI îe struck im on tis e Iai witb be biunaIT HE --------- n -Te m Tde io 70ho. enlea -nut e gorntoft a ide o! il. Camipbell, s!tem tise blow, - Th-nre di( - boo.ienYtem. an ui h g en orno tI.nageil ta got up off bise bei and strugr. o! Mr. Joseph Giliespie, liotel keepeî:, o! o! e Colon> in wîic tse systeiniwalu gloil ispersîiy arounui the souse witl Blua-rd, eri>' ou Thursa>' orning, U f ocdo S - F r ni nin m i t a b e C o y e , f o r s a n e i m e a u t h e fl o o r , a n & n s ia r P a r i s , c r a t s g r e a t x c t o e n t l u a p d uantd it te ujet.- e x ai-evenînail>' goï Iowamds lie door. Wiete urndng bowvnsbips. In ppears queitei wil Ib subeat Ho xplin-deceaseil visiteil Paris iuring Neinesail th' r c the syste ni la s lw the obsurdit >' o ! lin h s'p sition C oy io*appe r d la ho get- mi M r n ' i i ' s r a a I . s a s î l d - i n g t h e b t t e r a ! d e c e a s e i , w i o w a s hb - d i -v i g b i s o w u i h o r s e a n d c a r r a g e . A t 1 k r ie a o! the Govcrnmn eut (I o ovoythin" amngeak fio oni ofaas o mnu?--ie o'clock tisaInighlliths lorsecame .Lcj possible lu le w ay o ! encouraging a n te rý t oi e ll i is is b oi hom e on n un alone, drag gig a broken c asaisting immigration, lie trusled liant thon bahd lier ta geltishe butchemisuife anil buggy. A yanng son ani twa or- tliree bueHane wuhdjon wth hen luIleu bis troat, le twameu bein Ir be genteman stareil t nc. for Pari, G e goo î work. re d im e cutched ogether. Coyle, w vîen know lg M r. Gillespie l sad licou ler.. G T I e il a e d a s e c o n d i m e , a t e m i s a p o a c h od i i n , t o o k t i e k i f e !i- cm A o t I a ! i a ' t e e î e ' d s c av o m o i l b i s p 11_eh-tialHanse --j-u-ni .liei-, and di-w it rassCampbel.r àl'saont, liai>'prostralo by lie radsie, with lia-.G er-mment O! Canada will ask Parliant uiisci.SHacxmaG OC5EC.nMna' en t a d o i t s s i a r e l u t i e n a t e r . I t w a s A s i r  e e nRAW A A a t u a i W m n, i e w i f e a ! T o n d e a p o mierstooi tiat Sir Hugi AIHan ad B AWUE- S en oferil-t pb n w seaer nnintsunûsuai, albhougis b>'no menusunpre. SN , lu ine Sth Concessian o!'stÏ t £1,000 a triP.' ceentei occurnce, ay nAta n al arih aigbe eagel ' Mm.Ras, o Dnda, mve îl Hos.papor, ïS reportai b>' Caplalu Lockyer of i ie ie, and labouming under lise , M r cR os is, o ! tiia, wio e, ta consie r t ie baïn K ing Ocar. H is account a i hallucination t it s e w s do m e il a ing i ts ! a i a i n g e o t ie o s h c n id r a s o io w s : T ie b a ik s a ile il f r o a n i H o - de mn i 2fi -e , i s s ii j s e l i d 1 esri n 1. ThaI it ha. highly d sirable tual le art Town on le it, w en 80 m iles ta tives ae wou ii na i, short wor i o! ht, s a e l m l 'cl s s s a - b a n c e s o ! i e - i n d s - t ie e a s tw a r d , o ff C p e H o w e , s ig h te d a s ud a c c r d in g i > ' t a ak s am e ma tc h e s o n t l i en terial'ursiseslur uanchot ho-ndil, large spcrm- wiale, distant about - 800 O! dloorsani acî hier clatiesmn tihea far asasielepseloanenit' yards, suc'proaoeilg lu lie sanie direc, h dymeb nd btwien tfames e possc:ibe -aed ol ausesint.lion. Tise m trfias remamnedin began tatake effecton 1er body ase i-uMn -~ compan>' sema considérable lime-four amaii matei'us», anadédsi. i ~ saplce wil ran f llkid rrain lmaysal-sd b n effortst 'tsave 1er, a)Ie do ntis aîw 'ý 8 . 'T uainu r ler- ta r m edy>'ths t in - t its h e sil o ut o ! lie w ate m sd m a e na g m>mg. s c s epualil>, sd ta rem ove an 4nusticoe le fumoDns d sish at - ie vessel, srii ng hem "M ay il' e w 'itte n n>wga e," iB f a I o w n ~ rt c l s i u p r t l l t o li is s o n . w i l i t r e m e u i o ns f o ic e s u d i c a r e e in g be r w o te Ho ma e s.G r e e l > , l w n u l] > ' r s a a , i e 1-'le'arie subjpreta s dt', i eo over several atrea. Thaoïe wio feittie of the Déoicratie a>, thjýa gw zarley, - otit aaaho sîrlklug, o!buahvos- wsils !oilower, sud liveil sud died in iù, ~~ bu ~seloI arock.i.Tise painpawýeme at once ' oliing-its deblor.u Ho u ow seaisl~v Mm.Raa a aicitisteic!a-ifiigsounded, but aIt ii-st1à wassupposeilaI ai nd ta elevate in ta i ieioe'o a intmealRswc s d ieprtctona. no materîal-damage was doue; -guabs.e--eUnited States.Tm ihg iowed a every-othem ciuas, y _ ie'qetsonhiaslao aevm ibcanges. - ongltratiserto rec v esi'ttention wsmkn ae l i ate T'he Petersbur-I ~ i- ad Mm.Stpisnsn ove s ad ta (~,Io up ta tise date o! arrhestl. ios :"m Mcefor ~- u M pr. - ' p au 'Y Years liscm - adence respecting the seisure ,Chicago, May 2.-Tise fee4w pc u sthe énieaiaip !ee avtsing>'sud co- -s1 b>'~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 115Uic htsCsbmo~cas !ioswl 0000 busiels a!ofcor- nt I fomed wath mles o! tise ofce btra. J the slamtug-sud barge, lie p ot !Booigon, 11h, ,was:deatmayed b>'tii-e ingsall o!bf hicsow cysftzne, i - J Hi-smpr Ide raieB. fte1t.Cna oeSisb'.Lis00,0. z muisday be VasI~flaecL'b>' thae awuer of the anc- .ces«hil whoeel Tie.weels a 0h. ested at ~ .k .k and ffl gate.- . Eàqsparty ta give goad aud sufficiont bouda, ta lie amaunt o! $4,000, liaI th. laser shall psy tise outiro expenses of lioe test. Tseme are sanie wiseels tint give very good resulta wili fu11 iea sund foullgate- age whicis entirel>' fail under partial iead sud partial galeage. Suci wieela in aur climsite 1wliere lie wa'ter-powers si-e ageeted b>' bath cold sud drouta, are of no practical valne. W. dcaim. liaI we are bhe oui>' makers- o! lie GimnaS eJAmEs LEFFEL DOUBLE Tununoe WnEsuin Canada, and liat il is wilianb a RIVAL ilu lie 'FO=iD Nrnap-,%CI AL- RESULTO. more tissu 6,000 a! these wiaeels are- naw lu operation, in Canada sud the United States. The sales o!f a other wiaeel evor yet lutroduced aon iis conti- nent exceed 6ne-sixli liais number. Our wieel bas been tiornghl>' testedl LuGREAT BaRsis, and-inas ffl>' an i taudtle ,réputation lb lias gained in, Canada-sudlie-United States, us lie most ecauomical weter-wiee1lui 1practical operationever yet-introduced. .We sre now pnb]ishing a ne-w. dscrip_. bive watem-wieei pamphlet, containlug 150 pagea o! valuahie Imatter, which 'wilI bo sent frie la ail applienb. For furtier fnàmtiouý sddress, F. W. GLEN,' Osinwa, Ont.'.* Ni. B.-We desire ta cail attention ta) -the !olloiag certifiate t SPRINGýIELD, Oio, Dec. 25,186à. W. take pleauro ininforminglie public o! Cansda,îiat we inve iold-and furnL-shed M!r. F. W. GLENm, of Oshaawa, Ontaxjo,' Patterns, Foi-mers, Drawings, Gauges, and ail otier -necessar>' information ta build aur celebrateil Doubleý Turbine ÇVsler-wiaeel, invented b> James Leifel, and known ns tlieIlLefel Wiaeelb"'lW. iave ulsa obli-atedl oui-salves-to fnrniah the ame facilities for -manifacturing Uso oher partiesiluCauids. Witaaut lie' fomabian we iaîove given ta Mi-. GLEN, n0 one eau suecesiful>' liuild ou- wieeis, and we ailvise parties in Canada ta pur- baÂse our wiaeels of no olior manufacturer. Mr. GLEN'S fncilities are uusurpassed,and vo feel sure tint le-w-i]l build à wheel bhat will give-perfect satisfaction, W. Ixerefore eommend bin a he public of Canada witb entire confidence, feeling sre hoe will manufaeture s whael lu aUf rspects -equai ta o;i- own. 4S$igned, - JAMES LEFFEL kCo., Caadian Order of Oddfeilows.. The grand annual meeting a4illo"ox. )rder ws ield in lie Oddfeilows Hll, roronlo, on Tiaurada>', l6th iost., wien bers was na full altendsnS of' delegabÏes. SMr-. e. S. Thonias, lhe, Grand Master eli'vered an oloqueut addrosa, iluthie ourse Of which hie emmenied on le apîd progmesa o! th. order in liii Pro-- inco, lie gréât inerease lu lie fond de- sted ta lie relief o! widows sud arpisaus nd tise social Utilit>' o! lie institution. A new sysbem o! laws was nadopted. Ie lettonrs "M. N." lu lthe nana. o! th. rganization, whici were supposed 1taiui- icale a subserviance to the Manchester unit>', were sbruek ont,* s0 tint naris pprehension mugit lereaftar arise asto- ie supreme sathorit>' a! the order in' li country'. Following 1the example o! adi-ad societies, the general annu »al ieting inas been callai lie Grand d04e, lustead o! tisa "Anuni l Movabbe nimittee." Mr-. 1. Gordon Bigelow was olected - rand Master; Mi-. C. H Banifylde, Do- jt Grand- Master, sud Mr. T. Tindili rand Secreta.ry. tse evening tise Inenibirs of lise Grand idge were entortainel st 'n-banquet von b>' the. ait>'. lodges. The retiring rand Master, ou beisif of lieý Grand Ddge, was preseutedl b ytle uew Grand- sater, Mr. N. (G. Biga'vs wili s ane-- aope, which upan bing opeped,wa und ta cantsin a ring sud the isc. p ato h ongavedupana siX-r juge as recognition o!fbivaluabie services-ta a Order. )EATH a Fnuc-Tie 1-Gnelph Adver- ~f yeterdy ans :-iuria atr- is wss rodnaed teas crisp. DrEr. Keat- suad -Worsfold werospeedfl in attend. s , a s ! n i d i a a l i i a ns d e x p er i e n c e a lu:D vs5u- The little one liugered on teri lu lie evening, iu great suifei-ing 611 deali cbosed ils eyea ta open lu a lier suid purer wrld. The parents, aie S-ad ana audd'en bereavement, .will ateiaea&.t!elt sympati>' of tise 'wlole bterviilke M..' ' .,. .M_ -i -t.-- I 5~~'* -i * i 1~ - 'f 1- t- t- f - i 5 i i - - e - e s - - b I s - il -'i a -a- li cu s8. hi is cl -the mi tgi Ra - m Poe ml bu] nie pa tI '- 1l

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