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Whitby Chronicle, 23 May 1872, p. 4

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PROP. 3OHN ,,POST'S rlnc Ptoinîîî,Glop 4 ilaaglt4Galop e ~tti Sancy 1Kaia, . sOP 4 jod Lnek, (, 1~ 0 Coaaî tcMa iinsÇDukee -hsJ, ItI't potrait, -Morceh i.laof lPrmgno, ,sonata ' .inle o naariî,. o £on of tm -Fun. a Lane VEAL PICELOROm'Y.-À AOUtioUS coincdno. mi possibiy escape clr'o notieo, At tîxo rQCoxt dog aild inx Dublin thore were exactly b, "Evr dog hIs .day."-- T A 'tI 0, Il A-Nle JDi Nmei NO. N o. )) *Notwyj it esaoeiyivaili tta os -liiia t'ur ikur (Osat aieîuii.., iail i a p*islit!li St.ieh oif (IliIs 1lîastitîatilfoir tiee uiri-uit iul -ye.ir, ia.i tIis4 aybeosta oleitnrîlaiid hit t oe mairie ihl b.ïe lsio aj'O Nie iili ansid i "ts rîîiv On iiid gister liaturdayt, the cF14sjDay -of Juîîe .next.- lent ecchlil hile Mlour,, Tho Csiîrice' 'rilope î»îîate bail, beas:t Uvo'5he.~i u'~,~Lwa.rrn iand corn for4iJibl c% T t'pîr neatly doule. - Ca.Ii at the oid Stand. WILLIAM aJuuiî'y ~ 1172. Tue uu11du!isuiguiiicd 4ztéo lîî-iooolIatu ih FLOUP. AM FlM'EýD xT j trias'. loyinotjiuuig a-tluutLilmi'heii waY'oo011 fnia outtio uO-s.16iîté'ogiva eatiotion Loi Broui, shuorts., tICîoaIL, (i ielWlet .. uf thle loue'.quoîîliia Fnl,0U1lt.ale Wliaa'., hrrtIBid- atOI itll i Fao-i, milihig it Uic lOwcat lIV- ilig priceà _11ca0ti sIL-PIT 1& I LNiI N("V, Ay. (lato peiui fuor ail kittil' of i"armaora 's unc Wlhhily, A.iu.ta, , !2111-5I DPMUSIC. wy LdyPienici 40 uneI .; lnah1 - - mardi, 'lt QorII, ai ii.,. 80()%"ft iWT7 17 OWf 4"sb, C80 .04 CbaidIleoaaic, 0ahi, , 0, ilulic r 85a 0 Ofuir Pave i Oi# n>oe, (Mîîaîrt,> W altz 40Gac vuîg 't 'ori,, (12 escel.Wdz Iat-ri tltd -sgo-d cetOý 08-A 07ofIas. olige arc wortil. ii~ig Waitz 50 sonir witliîouti 14orieâ OIiiî>5iO M t oîl îiiiate, iy lirudu(eîiolns.Ct i," " 4 îiih iiuuly lonnl ii c'hitl, lliiitia'. l'niio Me. 9d, mpullati $4, 0E ýilîr.tùiy ii 'li -tta , 20>1 îand ne.l y 1i-ces ftr eiiiiiîîlsait ,a VOCAL. (ducgs'.Who, Kinug and 4' go3 ts oui 2 Ai 12 Viol iigTil, 2 75 40 tor in I)nl$ uitiea>,i 3 Sheet Music arrar.ged and I3ound as desired. Orders ivili bc ~rOfiptIY stterîdtii tô,. Trchers car) bu eupplied witi nu8je ,It tiue u$ul Pleage send your orders to JoHaN PosT, Dealer in Music, Statio-- îwr1y, Schocîl I3oo1-î aria 1ancy Goode, Wlitby, Oiit., Mîîsie sent tfree to .ry addlruss tapon reculpt of pnie.,1 Tît. PrssgrIlok wltho<dsa fuiiahi ~ Shoot Music caxnot be exchangred. idi.hotîo1hr iMîyiaii uîi .iî'i fe loreucc, eivu -Machine. AINNUAI1 GENEIIAI, MEE<'jINCi fi t!i. huhîahr tir L l u - ie i li i c hors. îîîîi Aa.iliiu a i hi - vinl le 1 -1 Mua)lday, the Tldîd d;îy out Jiîe nmat, 'Vlig l a - i.i!î' 4 1 - --, ii fir.i'iîîîy, ity oui iîr i.> i--a hliai, i i Tiii ii , l, i0.iIl. 1r Or lle: K 1).aoiviiu ;(u)"~î,Lil$ 1 0 1 * - 'l tai'v -Iliai. ti i VI 1y ltii. 17 uW' V,-iYii lIois. t ~îiori i ll fr tx'hI , il ~luth'- tîiii tl l ua tiiilr ivur. biiîiu o '-' MILL.INEIIY 1! %tifINEry [il' eviory leîiti a nd iuîî îoooîiirg t lu A. lrgii Stocxk u .uf wc.y (Ïio if - w i .îiuVt-iIl Ar tuai4 il Fowiara, &c. B.rouk aSt., Souîth ia iîtlîe CLrjiicL io ta, Wlihthuy, Atlli aitlia, t 2. S-iu- tir.. su) oic'w 011t'y, u i mi'h ,x,ahs.i ah- uî ur 1>11, uin Iu itIoi(uî uilvýt t, -nhli aa r'. rié olil înii rLý h i' kti,(I &I rt- i , C. i'o ti> tii i tou b o'al i-t a i ll er (!lutte 1-1 ai uilieyhiu t Ii t siiu- g - -o -i itO- Il leucudt, (of M cita ni -iu'ui-y otit lu.-t ut titller t ii h itiioa font t~ile auti l(.il Dlaigtiig toi'as.h t wh.ti locr ot'Pluie a qoiuit ate i iiiahes.bt tiaîap orhun ucu, toui tua tiot aua 11 eohaeft a citeau t tuen ia-aptlttiv el teil- Littî,attrtia by titionaoiiitirceitatdue.01a ti- ature ueaugu r e tdues. it toua lii>iïild luni, iii mosqxrlultttilcher teaporuataîre bi.hlb ltoi. I-tic mo~ieal .:p IK elt uthe bosxI114ijureul, il le aime-Là .ometi -tliut wl I chtiili ou ëolei iliaft withloitthhs. ra'aulî, as.%iet îo n ili §19011W5Ii1watee. i.1. L";tlall w iwLl lau- hu rti 6h,eotldtl ufttiii i sr i it aiîoutheoul OSIt Pritl-ltell .s.. îUi e ,-11 ig tu, îUY' sîrefer IL ho ii;ilul parfiaort pne i)lioio. 1h l' 1rc froi thias Jt-itioiis. irgad, itiitltalh other 01etl6' ase10- erot iiii or frouza. huit m .ho 1>ulie arc imnwirs. hliit iiiiîuuvwouitloic'. thLanK lire 1saal ' ni r t arhoaiii ar-ler Lu pt# 4 hit taits es ato -biuiffimg, ali -ci sbîoura iwrw. med go1lîsh tho operiftlot ot luu itlupta- -oli -11 CIJg,tI.d ataiy o(,wtîoîîwil l li esU il. tb1 i-I&thin ilchi Ofllal oui tirnn'tiiLrio8 s.ssltaScIIlienthuat l iti t u't xtrua Maaliiuue 011 >) V( -pro p9i.q, hithio~aw wIlît oeai-onttrcotlud in lIiiitrmu uft!lo ,e aliohei.tu hmen-toi ta thni u' ppictinh atizeiiaqrlIl. je iil, theti* a y wiwspilk tjo hpr '.And %anll tui, squçl withit ý rew K llli ti, ",i.'. clecticeluta tile"tUtKby whch g la kiiu.uvii froui the bae ea,aîito l aîwilh etallai rtie or- A 1 to *ohta' tiiuaoeti s neeogaii'.'. îtupos- ts.j, f>0nslblleg ten to xteaaaL t uoce wh 11rte011 f ,rwaro.led is. as good As pJ~ artl est4 n w llth 01t;-wilh 'ho OZU. B. S5TOK, lirougliaaa, Ont. d ole Agent for tlhe Domllatlan lVoaux~, Il ~1ll57Q~ C ai~nd se the 10-tf iIPOItFi-NT, l:jdia lLul>bexs', foot &t Shice store, l3rock Street, U'lîitliiy îîFtk W'tucs.li; earuo xuow mtinuîfiettiriitg - e luo'.uocr thlltill uoui 'tiOliihu initheua uuu- ytutîldwe wili tria a guuuiiitLc wtio ti] aelu 'L'tlinaul warriuiiutg iuet ou0I, wuo lola anid tigise uas gond meti'fautlo o u s ty umaiu- fimaired iiLthe JDonpwn. .- t'amties.deiii iiuiz fuitýipri- informin ci m îoh- tIîhua iL l'y tud 1re e.iu( P fAXTON, TArE & co., lituici: ii.alOto-lS tly-tit .l'oPo ra'y, Ont. Flour &e Feed isI- TO R E. o-D compIetéi. 1ear's, - -. Wbigîby, Decem.ber O(tt, 18T1 JAMES J. mu-RPHY. IRllt TUEMLIN AND CHEA RER THAN EVEI',AT THE BOOT ANb SH-OE ,ýSTOIRE,- WALLAOE'S BLOCIL WHITBY. Ju st received and opened out,,.a tre- ;ncndous large Spring Stock of Boots and Shoes (if' evcry des- cription, coin,,prising the ne west and most fashionable styles of the day, s r. Kelcr pur ehaied heavily, and1 beforé- the ad vance on Boots and Shoes of ail ddnds; ho is enabicd to undor- seil i ny other Dealer in the Dominion. C: Sign of tho,,Mammoth foot, Brock St Sînal Prjofits andc Quiclç 1'.S.-SllngCheap for Cush. Returns" his Motto. Wlîitby, Apri~ 2nd, 1872. l4iy NEW GOO0D S! \'i'lugtu îîOuîethe anSil îfalo'ur * piguîlSiunuie Sioc, wieh oiîC-nu purinutia ai1nomt C x 't1i %,e i 1 ttlvarieil aqiiort. mntt, nîtol wliieii wiIi lte f~ri'îl t tLAf$T ii- tifo hlt'uttitir- in tlw îîîiceof W'o-nu iitdthe coii;tu-i-it sympatlay ini t-vart- alic-r hieor ('.8 iii andlLinon W']iho-pîriJ 17, 1872. CA RRIÂGES.CIJTI'ERS- CA R RI AGES & I3UGO'GIES. late.st style and best pin Il .iihe utters, 0F VERlýY À!UPERtIOJ? l-VORKlJAy5S IE.- BUGGIES & SLEIGHS. REPAIRS AS USUÂL. WIIB Nov 22,nd, 18MO AWARDED FIRST'PR:IZE,, At Provincial, Exhibition, held at Toronto, Dosiroto- norni he iIahitItg of1h7I) mietre o Vifoity i'u e lias. i;Qlceaho e dfWlIo 1LENRY I AJ.TEIt1.S, We 4fe to our cutmrfor- the colning Harviai> two dsic BROK TRJ3r, HIBYIMahies which in style and ý construction, embrace 'the latest Wb e a a o h'nty u a, '- a nd 'Most useful impovmnt f t dy'. - oar OatmeaÎ400or,x»a,rn 0atîxpoemns ted Shorts.. Gr#îan mFUtur, &Ce djolflijiviO S, SINGLE SELF-PiÂKING II EAIER, And coarytlling iti'thii Feed iaus. ' -THE KNG D IAPR. Bas.t of Fitiar for '<unnily nss. aý reylig- -t he oloweast eoling pricut. - IertlRE ' The e3m~Olgeinhtioty aihsreilto..PlmeThe univ-ersal,àucessof this Machife, boh iweoséIy ço4testedý oail And exomitie qity- land 'ýee -rias nd-in the handsafte reswI'at 'ýpsyn hýl Self-Raking, Whitt>yA., - - p nI> Mchine, itjausmotaregood pointsand1epsdefects, aud bas met with more, wsn. - , Y" auccesand bastailure, liane here-totbe ofered tê thé publie. OOt- ,&SIIU LT1W- L<av u ui nfMf Wbkiby, Mayî lvjr 1 IESTABýL-1LSRED.1833.] The undersigried in returning thanika for the liberal -patronage 1hithcipo exteu.led to the old Lstablishmrit, for n.early eriod of, forty *yeasT, desires to y that lie as now on har.c a largo ysot et ftemsPloenan lgn Styles. Of Andt trusts by'roper attention and moderate Vrces to secùre 'Ia continuance of public patronage. Praçtcal upbolstering ri F %esufd-n enverd. g ,auo~ Bufd'n Tndertaking anld Funerale FtUE Ippledas .eretoforé, ,LWSornc splendid p mens of Pibture Frames, and Gilding. Remember hMe Old Sad Begs leave to announe to the inhabitants of WhitbY and Onta-. rno, tlîat Ilae las conixeneed business in Whitby, as Manufacturer in thie above liait', ad tulaIs suurcd tisat a trial wilI conviaîoe the Mlusical co 'mnnity of the Tlhe fol!ovviig 'J'esti rlolalsý, fron competetit juc1gs, wiIi bear' nuit titis asi-tion. Tei rat ioaiit i- oui Pi-of., h o;, the' Composer, Wlaiitlîy. DEit RSit, - I have exami,,od yo'.qr Melodeons-, 11119 taxaitoast hapîlpy 1xo testiiy flaut, theyý are ira qunlity of tonc axï&.finish, a very b 1 tL pe te 20M~ 7, 570.-- liI LVE R Y I' WHITY-LI~~ySTAIBLILS g-*Iluviaag erantraad tie-ii-iaber and quaitYOf the ssxid, ai'd îîlao xudd tpa nd iai- praved hijo <toiive>:a;imeîadvliiel .On thje Pp.emisea, lie liopea by' beiîig in a pstot aleet ttue Wxuts aI IxitofIaîra ECOancrit- a jliare IiÎ ÇIJARGE5 lIODERA'E, ~ N. ii-overd c w iî~ve:IIcc. for 'l!n:i8ase. ta ail ordere. N. IRAY, Propirictor Wlîitby, April 8, 1811. Mat- Xu~îoutx, --ut,- liaingpn l 04-0111-y.xîFive-Octave Ne. lof'i-il ist Ocholuet, and liaving-given'tr ta thorougli trial, I can reitommend tu-ai b- '>Wil ttu uulkyot o. f EALS 'PO BE I-SEAN AT MR JS.GEINO . . OER Jeiweller, Goldsmith's H411, Whitby. SPRJNG. .GOOIDS?! For>2 good and chieap suits, as they_ a ie s-el Pi luîg ofi the' balanîce of their Stock to make room for GOO-:95. Wiil-1ih tey are't now receiving Daily,.; -BAI1AINS-U~y E XI->zCTED! bTIRNG LES,, McMillan' Block, -Brock st, Wh itby 7 ly -AT THE SJGN 0F 'THE -- GREAT ROCKING CH'lt Furniture Seiling at OId %rces for 30days loilger; Notwithstandug the lt is mter-al 14n labor-. the undergigned offers'bisa stock at threOld Prices for 3 0 days lo g r - -Nôw is the tirne to embrace the opportun4y of gICi m thes largest stock in thie-Oonnty', of sideboatd4 bureau, . te ab iý3oà bedrooni sets, &c, and ail of the boit quality adsud f a bWa - ,Whithy, April, 1872. - -- H YPOP H OSPF-#i -Es.. Amnonget the tdi$C*ues ecver« eom- by the ue oai Fdlowa' Comipound Çiyrpup alJ4upoplos-Pîiee ýD0aihixy reeulting lrKin Ty;ihau li al lier 1ev oyes., )i.iatteriic 'rcitrtr'iat, Il veteria,- mus orWcatinii, f he t uahe oe.A p-hnlai'r Los ofaice, Choreas or St.-,Vitnu-.ilr.Dinuxe, Slugiielaueiqn of the Liaoer, Interrupnod and Fsueble Actonaaofth-Htir'., .SeJocitinqFeelingi- eoaed ha' naicons. t)littruct.Oips f thi L.ung'. abd Air Passauges Ieading htiorec,iid Debil ity ircm varions. cotue, inui-uY ces othil peared hapeles. jl Sold by.Apotiecaries. Iâr Prie, $ 1.50 Six for 6.0.. ,IAMIsSI 7LOsCeiî' 15 St. jîh,ln, . B.- H JON CARTER, LICENSE D AUCTIUONE4 ONTAROIO, Y 0 RK ~&PEÊ 3~REIDEN 1~2L S'.811at'oni. - Mar-tlaax.,=Po tOlieTa~ î* SALES nh.budedon11 Lie 1reauipc pn abale ternie. Treci.b naeau. Carter. ut 4, L A Blt tEC IANTc i uL G FUNE'.ALP, fuly s.upplied aul ieutelidcd ai, ahort atotia*t.Cotflisiekclit Coniilyv'u lîuud A loeors.c ta lilas.or. 4iuiis. ltarins. G1:IG ECo R M A C. Wh'xtby, Fa.iS.1,18. - 'IN "i :lN J1Is WH ITI Y.- .vateah thie 01,d iottol l Xnwn is, -lie 'F-urxaitam' lunt,' Brook s.la'iehwili b2 Il,,] l r ce ave th ay - giiug 1dc- aU roa eiabling, box-atolls, uxnld elosed"C yar-d.* Mode rots. chuargée. Jan. 3, 187i0. - ()0 IBOOTS &sHOES.D ie 'dersigned has a ILar~ge Siot' Lades, eî t',and Children's Fine and Conî'se l3octst& Shoes UZ~' i-~ots nd Shoe.s riua4.e ti>ortier. <j .<TUE MOsI 'S 0OU~ICAL Wltk'i. , W i vA N ~'ebruary l2th, 1872. (III r ~ 'fe - Pi la ai ç k r i -~ iaL 141f 'Te 'S'ilperiority JOHN POST. 1 BURNst (;Eo. il. B. ROOPFR. [ ý -Whitl-ty, Slarcli 3G, 1872.' 1 February 12th, 1872. Frufit9i DANFORD .Jr,., of these Instru- mentsý GO TO [NEW RING TURNITERE

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