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Whitby Chronicle, 30 May 1872, p. 2

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public schiot l n c r -D o . - es%-De.ý hégtf3,t " ,BZQIc .' i BlowJs. W&. - 01L41 s 3o PER ANNUS Euuhargemnt of 1h. 'Chuonle. It Williénotteet thiat the ic. of Cmueoueucm lues benei nize& t thiîlt.lwo te itarty.sLc cclp;s p4c i-tew-lroimeln asi hereo1bý, X, dolar (mil a 1ai! a ycar, p _ab/e Zn uatiçte. We lîtuve uttdedta âte nlm w-cl ftu ruuîillcmi) a uew power pîu - noue typo and tichien Lnpoveti pria miuteril, anti in thîLs shîsiet thueri-e catmdtlneti w-tl goi w-ektnensltip,i -tpai fou itlseif. -Yaar lu>'yecr lte cî-cclatioîu cfT Cilutîou<u:,KImmus lqeea lai-gel>' atcreasi - antiuts c cuesc-qitis gnowingj veuhisiuug patronage itas eiubi-chuei intli m upuimi ut-ratftifng eeiumtcs aui -renti-erte p-esettenlargaunent taie i11>', hum euiar ho, îlejustice to subsenib4 eula alvanhiaaum-.. This isl tselucat 0 - leime orcf loImepuuie appreciaiomu cft nuiilis, te w-eu as lte comîmercLial si i-cas cftcir jolmnitl. .Tutu CIuONCIitsceafrcim thea tant l lieait ufoeummct phaces aîtngti h lgi pre'sso lim e Douminionm. Tîttlpasiti iis itolud tul humuuuauîtuiiuî. l'uli resc - 51 te -owat'ti la hit uumothut-uiiLut tiar hum bu fiiow-aui lu>)It>' tili ue il 'heflue ueas t lit e paît., iunul gralitîi ie dtut'fice fnio-tuis ut-lut, lia siîti lu>' lis---wcm- ir t ai itigîmi t n tiii c. li iti mir m ftul--w alwuuys aîmlumspmiriumg iuceuuhtivc te fit]i -exertioiu. i'p' fpel a uîPr iendcînaclo P049s (for uthic-lu w-u ne>' ieliai-tien il !ugltitug a utew-liaper thmt ltleu du1c)-s nu discradit le ont- lown, orN liciete letht kiaulftivtgr tif cuit aumsiie Rialft-lî-utd,-. Sepanume School troubles In New Bruni wiclc. The New- Dnutswick Scîtool ittw- Il nuîw lecieumalte axcitîn.- qutustittuin luh Duomnionmiaut Vem-hitnau. TMtaLegiail ýtitreof ltaI Provimnce passeu n A hast emisiot iîong cwumy wLlhu Supet Sehuetts. Tuhomumnan Catlimdie col, plaincmof taie tl as dajiriving hhmemmu riglts the>'etjoyat pi-evielus ho Cocift pration,ati tssert tt th it e leIlu co5stutiotual, tund haveahulpumle ta leà -, niurttjn Parliemnent. Tho questi. lias aicrni-iuumigit ifoie taI lbodyi> thtt forusu of, a rusoiutieuu, a8king Ih 1eertui'(etueritl inmColuncil lui disalla, uto s-t. Te>this an tu îeenuiuuuint li ý!ln ucuevel, tlethe affect lhat t la0 umil b litatheo'peac andtipi-osperil>' e hDouminionmltat thuetconstitution£ lgltsif lice saverail Proinces shil i) Sno way irepuireti b>-thactio! Ilt aumuielont Iarliaunenl ,andt uabtIhela assfeul b>' lae New- Druuswiek Legiela ,iro Ile strietu>' wilimlie consiluticnn bmwe; -that tnt huving yet 'bîten i fonce fer six tuaotthu,tcan e noinjur>' i -lte Lt0resîs o! h.efloun on has-fr -- been sRhow-n te nesmitt herefron, tI flouse deil net dcemut proper te tnte. t fore- withm lte istice tiâtma me>' on - teroa d ie Exceslene>' laieGoverpor G ea , lu>' tIe responsible Mlishenss t ceCrow-n, regpcting tiie New Bruniý j wbicSchooî 'Law. To- this Hon,.lM Ohuajinirean, Premnier' cf ,ithelPro, vinedr of Quelie, bringu fei-ward au Offier tuienlinttta lite effeotth l ttati buisa d4resslie prementeati 'Illr Majesi>', pmavng hitsas1-i!h oral s1.c$1oeuMr., Chiaeo'uauenti go t ethe out ofthe dhlemm' bysh"k. lugtkO reppemul$lty -Whâ tIlue-.reul wilbc i l Iqketi forwar to w-Ith nc lit- * blta, lt eahlmne, ib$hhparti's inL Bmmwleliok'are aoat shhsof excite- meana t o mâareaieing consant-, i"OU $e'»Y Olo'Wýnln Lathe :Vake f 1O ,- fer rrht f W hm .belon 021,97 4 Whi so have dame sa, g-eat-, trelypgWenjo. lWtôwU ysgW *ad' &r.workobps, 5 8o7*s5,o7. T JXthýdvantag f their localities. by-a lrge zmbrof tàii h i 2 bri-desOUcmJthe IitoOlaW auof, ngfor çMinty ali to, a ecunty rail- connt-y, ad Türbntoý id ' he Por ad ot. approve d oo iny hun 'obtstory wth us-an oc ,Pery, eýWmanviUe, nd -cher twalieia .m~nj~ md i M-talai tale in thie colftmna cf the, Canon-, wdre welU reroosetd. To tiiesa thepe, firmo-li E san nd the UniedSItte 4g. Were tii. course pointdout by ý'W1s no lack*,cf-aiàusoMient offred- -flamieli, theFaibairu .E î~em us ixteen years ago, theiu foULowed t ug didiiot enjoy m poerbiaL syi 4god AdtePhciCfh whfad lfrn sect wonlàthora lo "Qucen'. weatber" on the, oceasioix, Thrails W9. 1 >. rMysteel tbroujiont. h for on the face of tie cecunty, and how whieh, dn iLldetraW c Se oewhat Tiie CôjnÀssOoe. onfidently - antici- ~ much mtore favorablyfaiitnatod wcýuId from taie*general enJoymeont cf thtdday.:pat. the completion y a een.d -ofthe> Wal. avery section of thie connty bo te-day?7 - T5XZ LACIXOSBE XA1'H resntya o th12flwi g _tisc lusteati of boing tlircatened w>tlidis. At tono'clupk Mid q t hem in,~orr~ IbnrloW Ias ederte arry o f-c moimberment' andi the tratle diverted crowd 'ta prosent li the M'arkÃŽt gro i fl'iz:BIuri..du Loup toMetepediac eus tand westçf us outocftaie naturel te witness a laecssom»tch bet'een the r o.1 6iles; Pasie nc tet -echanneI, the. connty weulbie boýmd -OalU&wà> club.,alla the sc w1eM nh~s,42 ia;Amherst te Truo, t1iouglacut f ta -longth in irÃ"n 1bande ; the. Onttrio lélub. cf' Toronto. Th ii lamkgatoa Mmls thae euormo traie oJ die nortai pan-. match;, whicb was a vox#cry wweL nges e, n wI. i papers on American lng- throqgh lits entire langut taie. resulted- in a victoiy f0r,,4he Toronto,Polc. r fi-ct, bbgetting a teeining pepnktitili tiiey Wnaing thd 'second,é, thirý1, and T iesfrti nls is 4.the. vaine cf proporty inereauied, xlii: folurtit gaules, in aighit, tIi-ce, andtiaety- ris factures etiittlmw, and.âa 'degroc 'of seven minutes respective]y. 'Oshawa Amie some v.ry nnning commaenstaon M. progreis and stivanceenent on eovery soecuict the first gaula iii about one Min- ae rcatbaffaIn-string a atey --side cf wltiph we have new soareeiy a ute. The. play of bath clubs îvas excel- aegocqe nsrvn emi 872. conception. -The railway oppenents of Icnut , anud tlie Oshaîton boys ,thio'h soinlething but cf the. nomination of 1fr. th# ay avelive tareget teirmis liéten prveilthensciresta c G-a 1ly for Président, ive find the. Bal- -~~~~~~ tia a aelvdt ertterms-butu rvt hisia eh rday Rcvicw asserting that I"1Mr.i Staken andi siortý-ighteti poliey. They me~urt opponlents at the. National geint. Grcely owed his triumphjit Cincinnati shouid pause longs and well consider BASrE hALL MATCU.0 TH thée resuit cf any future acteion thuy 'Tite Americutu gaine cf Basa bail is, te the votes cf "Protestant" delegates,1 fnu ay be cislei upon ta taie ini the saine as yct, iu iils infançy.,in Whitby, theandihnh neetdh ilb h Tai diecion an teirdaisin, e i-etmore national Canediai gaines oyf1La- irst DemYrt a tie Wlilte Heuse for1 be guîdeti a wiscr and nmarc luberal crosse andi Cricket boing plkyed by thie 4vle yas 1-'ueEoom1- ens n h.pyc!ta 'youflgmon. 1Suell îaing tua case, it l'OMost celebrateti cf th'e finaneil papers,i hïpplemen--- h pyfh Vol- no Wonder tliit thie Base bail club i-e! cause thie sol diers Whuo; it sayscenstitiute Ply unteers is ,acothiar quoestiçW likeiy te buccnutly cr;,aliiged liceawasiuti dit- n. llftl of the voters cf tiheouty resls, brouglié forwerd . ; but ef tItis we liai-a feueat in the matchi with the B3owman- regard hua wIitl4 the affection wlidch ull ting written La anothar column. ville club by thie -ete-ian players cf tluaIt En ad6estcr mcdiaonis astenibset - towui. The, tnttcb, owitig teO tia raia, Iliat the -trcaty with Englanti was net suit, Encogragc the Voluntece. was uit finishucci; but thiat tie guanetout uteCîciat ltom We trust thal et thie Sentiion of the woîîlîl lhave- be-cii eaily Woni by tlle The- London Standard graveiy infornas Couny Cuncl, wiic cciiicnce ý Bowîuamuville lub, 'hýrinis 111e coulît, its raadçýs that Ilthe. polihical camp&ign Couny Cunel, hie coniiencg o LIIAlRY OCIIY4rNTItTIý;fr.iT. just openeil in the Unitedi States las rîix Tnsdyuext, hie position oif tha Vol- ear:civitcuTt iT1Tî~IN ansei hînudretis cf street rnets ;muoa Tiguîteor ftidConywlliayb v The c,-tti4îaiiii-utoth Ie Whitby Lit- and women fiave been sliot down fer ai- lookaui. This year they have bec-n erary Society, given ini thae eun , a thair political sentimnents, andi a i-aigu of 80 alliloutAgilitaperoru te linalattc-îîlddly a lar-ge ui dieiîcüýa, tutiiwasviolence anti blootisieti las been inen- i ~ ~ ~ ~ o il caîlti uitagaii t paforu lIe aîciualuratei whic ivwe pray Eîîglanti may drte ll of sixeiuuyshn u p, Ni~agara-t. ciiuccelyc'trariîgeîrccr ever ase." Where t gets its informua- ,fi a -It n iot lia tlle Vlliiter is Iaviigrtienhfin Wiil ha puzzling tte iAmeni- 'Ces tlia cotiforts tif hoine fotle -rougli far C1aceltoti ae eul d. - ,i-ie t up. liers anlatfitisoma work cf tlaesoîdier (il tourse,- ivlI'irùt- liiWliitb? Bt3-ass Bandt -- tii- diîîîy, îbut in inany casas a grceat nicri-. cljseoîi-reIstu "it t irains' iniitli- hîcast 1 Oui- Agricultural Interests.- the fice isnimallein lu aviimg lus lîsiîit-,s lit-t(!sistyle. PI'tiiiiîrs cf tliti-ract-s ti hinil iirn tateure r of others-i, orl-, j givan iii antîîieitîluixui. 'asAc cmiîeo h luec brc as afeu itut niiitiis itagecet. Our Altogetliai-, Wliitby pvided good Cvmmons, appointed te enquire juta cilizeat soluiers hirformu t tîtu patriotic hl- i-pot, anti the day was spent by anti report on the Agricultural InterestsI oui townspcopie andti uur-isiters Lu a ef taie Dominion liave sen4t ns taie list e! lias par-t, whiis thc ua ue& cereful mouay most enjoyable intimer, questions given below, ànd te whichP ical grnbbr-whto is eîîii]Y interestei, anti îaey desire a rapîy :i iot fer wluosa cqual protection the' icluti- Deeth cf Mr., James H. Gerrie. 1. Wiuat was the effect ôn taie ferm- I ttteer gives lii tinit- tatd strengti-is loft - ~ - usitig iuqerests cf the operetioui of lten etutufottably utnt ite iii the lîosom cf Anhirpomnn lîy mllan lties ou foreigi proîluce imposei lu i'c, lis family, and ,ictti oilow lus eulîîug passei awaY. 1Mr. James H. Garrie Apnil, 1870, andî repealet inL Mai-cu, tii-itituct tis r tictrtptOu f <ali-pc-exp-eti at his xesidlence i tus town, oui 1871 2J wer. tt-t- ii-at ua îa-atluiuu-sMonday aflarnoori,6 allaut soi-oit ocloci 2. Net lîaî-ing reeilîroeity witlu taie wîîuîîîW i Iui 1 i tt cîît-îi<ont, at itn J atrdaY wtt-k lue wai sune-ipcctedlv United Sttes, iliti xbnee ri titi's 1a î, i-dand flouui anti farnaproduce generaily, i ail wîull hle --to iiatra i I lIe buruitei l n VOolligedti5leave I 1cie yen îlîiek t is for the interest of leite ofi lity.ofti l,-f(itt--icika. lîtut titis tl torce allai go IloSi- Dr. Gutin w-as uI Dominion thuat w-e sitouiti continue Ile oiifi-wl..tif lte vthintitr lire-tonce seuit for, 1:i roxtoicei lis<is- admit Anueicau prbiduce froc, W _ vet$,an ii ieli dessoan st a8set- iilie iilhamumationi cf ltaelungs ' Caneadianproduca ex urei vrthe lier lii.uegict froîuu thte oiît-rttirî tif tua iTha syutîtltoms fronithte first wcra cf dborier hies te pay a te lt cf twenty par le ns- dra-ft, wt t uîii lleut- rappreeiatioui ait auîiti-criig ciaractar, eandi laving as- 8. Wlîet dntias, if tuny, wouid -tou a d,) cf iLitctu-riotimttî iinut -iiricsponittg 8111110du a gra-î-ahu-i foi-un, ltae attend- imposa on flour anti'on taie vartnS P est libeî-e and ganertins spirit. jilt pysitctun, Dr. 01tt11t. callLu ta gi-aita rsspeetiveiy, tir whel generai Tit- ial pa c 51i -ansuer dy, astiie-Duitor 'rtîcktr. Sub- guiiing ule as;teatths imposition o! Pl The mmll payof 5f)centsI)cr,,av, ! -1 1 stuectitiLaswouilynrcim d L Wegiia i îy Giintt i La scarceiy laboil er aittIutly Iiorttii-i astwootidynrcotn-u iCrs et-s ivagels, atiti eartaituiy no alltute MGiiw-c-ca chiil iti fotr cousuft 4. li;es fritafiaduisitin tif Atna-i- - au Ittdliazi Coi-tuatîy effecmiOtte pi-LeesT rt-tuitine-uation ftor tttheriîiiiuu Si' uî'ciceL4 tien. Blit Il i rIuitc!f- tifah ttatailîdcel cf ceai-sa gmansiti yonr setic, of the e -~~~~~~~~~~~~ rejtrt icc ie -ltla.Iut skili citil ho, the hpatienit guaduiiy cttutitiv, cuita if se, wlo ifeet t? u-case cf the ofilcors thie îay Laàttiot-irly cc'îuîciuniti fl it-ahh eoplace uit 7). lDo yiiitailisa lagislaticu Witii a sufficient te cever laie axpaniiuret- hey tht- li;me stea ii Sittiil r. ?i. Ger- 1:1-w lu eiiablisliing anti promoting in aeput le, heaide-, the more ser-is husrit-'!*s îîq--ill bh,- iluepl- roi--ett:-ti l'ythe Canaidae ie uiivation cf lte sugarli ai-a - - haet andtlimamatitufeeturecf sugertlItie- i ias entleiltiby tae iegecet O&buslîtea;s. Ot1 wird01 o cttiiîiuty. île 'Wts aIufiuni, tlsa lte cultivaticu o! lobacco lue beaef of lie Volutcarititetn we a ciauiglihior etnilaa irinifriend, îtiItis LManci titx, cati w-at legislation wouhd il- çonitenîlliuaîit is lice îlîty ofthue Conutuy nany cxcelent tuails of charaeti'r gain- hast concince le dia and in view,' cet Coutîcil Iti sipîpliuîcu tlu i uty, iiy cil IhL lte fiieniisitip andti ce-mîtof tlî hi. Fi-cm wliat section ofcaunalry, in île making, a reasenahîh appropriiiationttfor wliii kiw- îi. lfle,,illuaofie, fCnd o iaUiei tts c~ 'l . 1 V-iobtaitu ycur supplies of grain, and whalu th a- thue pniposc-. Tiua auoutlgiietu uuaîMayor if ltae towîu fuir 'hreycara in a n - average quautihy raceiveti un-- in cf year, i ill u iictiiunhtcracl, ires tîîly i aiceeatieon, up btI te municipali c-luchons tuîûlly frein<adli counIry, anti for w-laI P id.' tweity-tiî-c cuits pt-r cimy, pe-r iîutîu. cf thaiepuslut Yiua, iw-htec i eretu puuruutuas usai ? Ii- 'Wu stibtuit Iliat lis yc-ar tesaituti aluiifi-eut îlotcocicil. lireviouauly lue aise 7. Wlt-re la tîta uutost cf your fleur or th 1lue liaeureasieti holfty. centuts ; catithat in -ocaupiail a $oat ua hlie ceuncil board, as mnu] el uclaly t-ittacmed, and îvlat . on tiisCînedaui curs" wluii-ctI olue on- e lta apr-su'iahi-e ti lie ort mar-kett i i ut Ite yeur ativamuage thO [on Ilthis anadaof onr", wlere ill ethr oneut th reprseeriLnvesofuth NorthOn in thi-knt t mr felitethDeomie in kintis of labor La so lihlî-îly rertnîîptî-î Ward. Jemi's Ileiu-e <iai-ic % ' thie 1ion lte Britislu, or lie ma nerican un-ir- lisid ctlIeVuhimtteetiu, ho wîitiniwua lok teonly v ioite!Relvu. -loltit Gai-rit-, Iluitist i 'î -t- - Si ow fur tai eifacice tf ail wc itoldician i ntmiiniit- ]l? wva bonîîi in Abeiuesirtatîe, -8. lices thetfrcitmportationumout!A- las hoe.anticouutry, sîtouliiiîcivp le . .cotand, n 121.. -e ws fri nucu-leicatufleur, wiîiuout recip-ocLty, put (d A- tinglik afui da's i egagël. n te du- nd tatonûy, -si eu t aIa tiiad vantage as eompîared withloil ~~~~~~-~~~~ 0ihglk u ardya .y nilai na iut iatiCgat taina- 'busi- Ate-icen cetuptitrs? anti, if soti, aatepl o! paîriutisuaaclcui-îged amndi tiulateu nis ttc-t htuartfuahii1, intlis nathie commety, -re - .th aI hy tîhe knouwldge luat ài4a uprcciatîaîianul carane t tis ctuntr-y in 1841. la 1). liai-eyout fount i gimding Lut bond i 'oun 'te ceutunit wiuoiegale unurtiar. althougl inLu is 701h ycar, discluarges 'erfs. Tuoe.new remalmm.Ulunderý w __ uspsoa diaiUthis nnblez - 'ànhy -lot&r or'flve -e IiPatoracitics aias Beptiot'»mitiistei- iuuntired, ind axneng timent arejqesnp Whist te said from. Home about Wliîby thelmacengregetitin bcionging te taist 'ai, eî Cçrehnilelae eie o ' Buggice. , - body ah Elora..- Thompoon, Senelers ITeombiaai uni-a -' - ' - '~Dutriutguuiaxy yers o! Ltimate fiui ter Joe Jehnton, Bragg, Beau~r ' Mi-. T., Wait, o! Avtmptioi-, îvmitieg le .17 iictacouuîau wiIIîMn. Garrnie we andt hz.. o! taie fLees, 'Maun-y, anti acr eMi-. O'Donovanm tys a'hw-tya feed in.hL a faithfui friand ; in urefel -ene eIi mauecfa - n 'Tie iiigy cuuto stfaî leaien!, ublc lio elilaimnd. anti public-spLriî- negty, a.Boston paper says. 011Oi its arrivai Itera I mtaited htu-niedhy cd* mil, atiii al aOur i-lations witii "Gi-sat as is theaisevance matie b> a CI "Or einney ilîianibaeuw-'n uaseul o! hanou,. huis bihl, thme aines huew feolisiris laie son net liaseti. e nc acru, satis- __________________alteinjut to kéep up any longer lip.pe a i, k tien, and / uiuitt I wccet4d. 1-'srilon. Hew ticea Senetor HunIer and a now enclose My chieque fur Sg."#Tu10o0,C1uc15'itc mvLmur desem-vec tepiivatiennflîlapeulitieaurigltts 1872y."sh NiNG. - Diuing telaieiuavy hhindtpi-- moeahan Hu> C.Wse ci- John a stoni whidi prevailati on - Meday Letcaiez? yet laie latter are restored fou P11CSYTATONTO EV.M& orini' lst st Jon'sChlrc. - h uiletaie formner isas*et. Why saboulatI Paaucnvruma ~o lav MLF~msmi. utoriagles, S. Jiuns Cuurimet aieGénéral Foi-iest b. preferi-edtthae sons m -ThIi. Bible lass o! St. Andraw-'s Bey, hnoivn as the ttne ciîurch, -wasof Général Lie, ci-taie Confederaee . -ChurchLe inbtis towmm, iliesoeti1the sti-uci by lightning. The 4electriemflidt War Ssetr te John C Brecienritige? r1 Revti. tr. Fraser, thieizngdâtelr, wilim a enhereti thi building, efîsi- knociing -And;i aboya'à%wherads taie sen, te ÎÏ& imatiomeprsen -La ai saep etanpart eàhtaeleeple Laie pieces ; au u. avethe -o tt.justice, of creating pîti r amu cleirm-ealiagtali. aucj putui ivÃŽtios w-rcSn Ostracle i can of Borne of th. abiestet am cair reaingtabe an pshn 111dwe eresmashed' andthisorga4 anti unst popular n=en ln taie Seuthi, e -bock. Taie aclt, as maucit as thue litrim-' demndisImeti andi ucvlt daumage donc laie anti maklng marym-a cf th.cu for - lihe froi a "ic vaine of ths articles, show-s haejFmçiniin ioro!;the. building. ýA îlefeel in- people te respect ae snffei-erfffoi -the-ir lyfcl etohting between laie titeter he liglitning ,,eoniuiclor wh!ii Weaow-n <heoot àuse' f-; Hcwflong, endstw-e diti t and laie congrgation, anti, uic are sUre beau negleche tô lle nepaired. n' wge -it before oui- leglehaheuns learu 1 lImataDo àa &ùiy.amli.u, r rep f c-h rveoni a .fe- i ea- hlbaiapoucy tow&rd timese mmsswoui:do i mnoeeleapnt 1 _,ntite K- anxi». - 5ethma'stmrts, as well as due Irisa - -4-- -turbaees anti aIay.*wevr iniatidu amui estimation La Whuihlue i. se dessrvedly SE cî OFe.o D iTH cmîuT4- May, exiathIia l taie enferenentuuts hielc- TIme sentence cf ,deathipass o' W.-tnilihary cemmpaiglus La timenbfuac - Cumu~ied fr wifsmnuala, aes acuhan cen b.caleviseti anti execaute !Ce" Ma- tOnUR WELCscX Ug Gnr," je lIme-tille 6mtdb Hsrcuicytcèv i Ma~w iinsratti onîdy turoîmîti y He Ecele'ay'tmo e0 ON DIT, taiit Mi-. T. . iimb tei. u> of ahew flutratd mnthl iýprÀn, nto-Ceneral, te impzisonirient for Btê teceivo lime portîlfo f Mflislerlof lu- yuibliahed b thé 14P e in tul~h-Lu4e viiR-venue tumg Comupany, Toronto; price, 01.5m ' > eenein thé place oM Hon. Mr. t 8 per ahmnu. Taking the iret nuluber as@ uT»uý W'snnÂcme &oonh i-ou SÂua- a~ppdn fedLiut.- d a~~e~t.t P1~54ao oi~me 0ma-n-Il wIlbc se en luy ertseen, ~ ae a.T gain. gives good promise cf being i- Lthiyue Naiic , lýpëi~ty, zbewuai,-the, - ' -,. IL1_______ aisav__ , él Weq«m ufuist * èaýéîWAýc ok -n»rc e.' Win cus'Plo.r. of hae ins câ -,P tO4e 7 polu à MU& --z -affl Dy b= ie usiwa JIUXl bstween the qurteraIaf mile paie. anti-neyerafterwads madie à ùuliof Oflifg te, the, front. Ding thierestof taie hiest anthIe race;taie contâit wae anti wéà a vezy keen 'Pm.. Me/tae/ 'washthiewinnerin 1w-c straigat lieats TMme, 1:55 ant i1:66. -The second~ day's races attracteti a coiadrablercw-a; specialtrains east anti West w-ere fMuatilh visiter anm holiday excuunsionists, andi à train from, Port Per-y gho bucugatitnL about 400 excuursoniste from lta norli The fol- lewing w-e lie bill cf fare - Hauu4rcap, *ps, ,uuue-and-a-quazter tiashI5'-'The. en r~-re rasck Bell, 117; -t"ms, 104; 04 Rye, 80 Ibs; Jack Bell lot ~r,2ud; Ol! Rye, 8rti. Wiutliy Purge, 0200,1we mile dasli. Judge Dur-el, lot; Keose, 2nd; Eden- tonc i , Turne, 4-01. Tutese w-ere 1w-e geet races, andth ae excellent sport effed gave satisfac- tien te taie patrons c! taielui-f. Thé 1w-o-mile damai especiail>'w-as an excit- iug anti well contesteti race, antiw-as onlyw-von by 1mai! a usai frona Keo.. Tlae wellier cliangeti aflor tais race, ali il comhmuenasdti o nain. Tut. races w-sie brougait ho a-close with a saur-y in 'Wiah ive herses stetet, Mi-. James MaBi-ide's hersa being lus winner. t' ta Brooklu, Ma>' 20 1872. teCouncilimuet pursuenh te aujaîunenl. Mammbers al present. Tha Iteeilulae t chtain. taaThe Reevo presciatntneadth le Spelilion o! Anti-oui Rose, pi-a>ing to lic ta alow-edtitedeoluis satauts laboron lime su 1w-n lins lietw-een Picteiig anti t- Fe ly, epposite lot 85, Sîhu con. ; aise car- e tan communi-cationufrom lime Depcîrt. eiL reference te Emigralion anti Drain- eage. Mn. Tweedis mnoveti, secoutieti h>' 1r. Campbell, huaI the Reave grant luis ci-- tien on lIme Ti-etsenanL fa-roi-o W. H. i Evans, M. D., for laie suna cf $86, for ;e meuicel altenacafoi- 86 ueets on ht Miss Winn, an indignt ; alec Le favri 9o! Isaac How-ard, for ltse ima cf 0113, - leing lte amoualexpensia4Jrmedicine for Elizabeth WLnn, an'inuligïet. On motion of'Mi-. Camupbell, sccondd -b>' Mi-.Tweedie, ta b>-lw w-as inîre- duceti anti passeti, ho amoent] l-aw- No. a 70,to reguiate lime performance cf Tbe Treauiqer w-es orderet o pe>' lim tucei4 aountu :-,-J. A. Campbiell, adtventsementif le Gazette $8; Josephi Kemph, lalion ou i-catis, 1.130; eis ho Pt>' W iow Cunan, mndigent, $1 lper w-sai until fuither uti-tera. 1,Ourijotien o! Mr. Camapbell, seconenta t 1» M;. ?hfeaggart, thu eievaw-es atm- thuorizedti o gratnt his ci-darn tltae Tint- aunai- in Weir of Wi.mnerfor $130, ibaing lte mouet o! rew-arti efferet b>' itbis setunil -for tlimaeppi-elension eut] -convictioni o!flImapart>' on parties w-ho1 stolsa th orsbelocgmg le Mi-. Kerr,1 çoasidernag as w-e do taI fr. Ker- lias1 sers-ad taieinleese8t!of lmjsmunicipalil>'1 b>'M heaxertionsisnLaapprelmendiag-(as w-ej iconsiien bhlus,) laie preper part>', lut f0w-mg btoe unsubstatutiel stteaof taie locci-up or jail, lha part>' escapetiaeut] lefIt te Coutly.i Tiie Beeve presccbti antireadt]he9 patition o! Jolutu Elles anti Ave -othetre,( -preying fon a graul cf. 080 on lte rmail opposite loI ;J5, on lie BI con, lune. 1 On motion o! Mr. MeTaggart thme coucicil atjournati nuilltlaetiist tou-f day li June cext. DESTRCIVEuF IREATsu-OtcLLAu.-O- ilhai, Meay 22.-Lest tiglit maout 121 o'cIoct a tire broita cul in lime cellai-cfi W. linghem's hatriware store, anti ow-1 iag telime misai-abue mode of extineuisi.à iumg fines-w-l uw-e havane ierhîtuuce1 spreeti w-LIthiapidih>' acitionsumnati 1r.1 BLughain'slhardw-are storc, wenksuuopr anti sloreiouac in near, Mr.~jaci's tiw-eil- mng oe-citlIestore andthic stables anti a shiediso! le ima iu ousa- Thes new-L post office w-as ic imutinent danger, but i owing te lte auparînman efforts o! ar few braire meci il w-s saroti baing oui>- partiail>' damaeat. Mi-. Bingmains stock w-as Lasure theui Provincial for $8,600, the Commercial Union $8,000, duc Toronto Mutuel $2,000. Thea tctalt loas about 011,000. Mn. Jacit ent] fana- l>' huaI avor>thfng, anti bai-el>'escapedti wilihm ein lives. Total losi about $600, f ineuratifor 0200 L lIce Westenn. Thou0 post office w-es pertiaif>' tulie'ethe lim probable lose upea w-iici w-as $4001, coyart b>' insurunace in lime Provincial. Mi-.Dedlitlae's; stables antishtedis w-ero uninsuneti. 16]Yss about 01,000. Wm. Haie, pacit office, lest b>' remoi-al about 0110; usinsurati. Total hosa aliçut 617,800. If the w-Lad that pi- vatlet lu due eiening lied ceatinueti duing the uigtxuolbing couitiharo pnc-rente théliedestruction o!flthe mamin bh hlock. A mias meeting o!flime inimebi- E tenta w-as calledt t-day ferrlui. purpose aI cf tshing mneaure tesecune ahétter tI mode o! extinguleluing fii-e, ami have hi eppeinleti a cemmittes te eut La due 1 malter. at LÃŽBF<L ONcTHE LOTALTY OF TRE E18- Ci cersm. Mzeiioomtt-u.-Tha lpZ ceal Metitodiesscf Canada wil p 8esbhi estenismedai alle reputation due>'pnowr have Lanltae United tathees. Tuhe Brook- hi 1y dorreepondent oti.Chics-go Tri- 1h baMne informe imee eders of, haljournal i duet l "1h.Meîhedist Eplecepai Cliurchi B "o! Canada, w-hici w-as fonerei> a part - o! luis greet lied>'in laie United tiSates 1 "ant i le sI-eangî>anti-13ritiahin a its T "s7mpalhies, desires ho resmmme ils posi-, i lion as a portion e!-tme Metaier a "Churelu" W. lielisteel ttoe A--In htl'e rufor uqMehodsEle- Ca inae tus loy a e popleEasan>;'ta u n C n d a t1 s h o w - s i e w e i -e r , h o w hrin w-sie our ati ptiens o! due evil si resuits Ibat w-euld'fiow frein Dr. Wld's V onudiiu i; iuicalleti for,' speech. Let te n ilow delspeech asquicly hi' Nxw Music i-We are Ladobteteho L.Pétera, 599 Bi-oadiway, NewYork, for laie fbllosýing selection o! Nem Muas: Darlingw-eenomore, Sang sudecim. W. S.17s..... 8.. 15 ci 01 1 1 e.iimaneé lu. Diitx30 eau Dia't Mrget' te w-it. me, clenling. Song and che---------.. .Cox. 801 ct Under taie Waiut Ti-se. Sang on duel-----....-------Presson 85 etf We weu't isevlime Farm. Male 1Vmices------------..Perley 85 ete Stars efthlie Sumania Niglul. Mals Volices------------...h. Gci-er35 ecI Seusatomai Watz ....... echt 30 etÊ Fretidies iGalop---------..Kimhcl-li6 eto Aw-altnindeoftheimeDldo. Cc c. Draps o! Dew. Valse brilliant. Allard 50 aIu Mn. Petens wil senti an>'o!flise aboe pLaces, posl.paid,'-oni receipl o! due menkd price, or tha enlire lot me>' bi tadi b>' sefmdiag 80 cents for'the June numben o! "Paters' Musical Meutil>'.1 Tatc PuteututoIecAu.JOURAL-am for June is an admirable nunîber le close lhe i!h>'-foum-th volume o! lhmat excellent l'ami>' maigazine. Couspiciua amen ils contente are, William Ou-tout, Presi- ~eut Western Telegrapa Cc. ; Wlmat Lt Ilie Tarif Question?2 b>' HoraesGrec- ley'; Steai - or- Stanve i Sfr Fi-acu CrossiAey lNt. P.; Monticelio, Fanuu us limeflouse cf Thtouas Jefferson; Ex. mression ; Tii. Chines. in tais Puliu- uines; Pi-cacluers anti Pnaaching; Boys' [~Lirai-y ;Cerbon anti ils Dîfferent Forme i-ni Paul Du Chueilîi hube fanions T'i-vehan ;* Life Insnacc; A BadilPen, -e. WVitit uumeu-ous fine illustrathions und parti-ails. A now volume begini u'ilIli te Jul>' nuunbei-., A goodti ime ta subeibis; fdie premioms ohiareti. Tanas 88 a year. 80 cants a numbar. S. H. Wluels, Pubismar, Naît Yor-k. Ex-Estsi-ju CIRnT-SAL F FlMuRoiTuui CAi-iLE; &c.-Atentioc Le aiLzecet t lie anneuncemil e!ofauction saue oI mtporheti anti pure-hi-ad caIla, the pro. eu-t>' cf Mi-. John M. Bel, ho laite place on Tuestia>, 2811u Juns. Tme stock oh luis pi-op-iea nd utiw-aî-knowu bracuien i0 mmomgaltaithe beal L e muinionu. NÀvmcciuome ON Titi BÂcla LActua ,ceti,tE.n.1.oBcîvcEoN, Mây( 27.-On ehturila>, taie locits w-hidih, ave beaui lefeetive for soins lime pasl, et lemgtm gavaeout. 'Navigation ismecoin- halai>' stapmat, anti, for lIme present, tae iiuuicrjmce re utubla houutbip lhmoir utumbar. WHInTrenANtI)loaPO aT P RR RIILWAY.- tior sonie w-cake pasl 'oici one huntrint tan liai-e bec-n ah w-cik oeth Ie lime. It sexpactadti hel cars w-iIl commenice tmning negumîl>' yaflan irshJuns, anti ual thismails contaiw-il ttaen liesent BALVAY 13v-ucAss DEFEATED.-The j'-lews suhinitteti tue townsbips cof 7mii> anti Mauiers, Le aid ct due Dow- nauvilse & Bohictygeou RHailwey, w-are tîcéateti cn Monda>' lasI b>'laeimme- milices La balli townshiips. StiuautunaGoona AND GaLOCICumus.-As eil b. fount iannouncet inLaother col- uins, Mn. îfu-uîlms establisbment le .pplieti wiliti van>'lange anti complehe ici o! sumnmiti gootie, groceries, &o., bhielie ixsueiling ah oxtneorfintry iow Cýoîmai-Or Rzvuiom.-The Court oM ufrisicut for laie towa o! Wimitby met nMentis>'lut anti final>' eteptethde mesuor a roll. Taisi-.w-as but oee&p- -ai cae, liat e! Mr. John Fthengill, >r oyer assesumeul, La wiih lime velu- tion-w-es retinceti freun.080 te $7,5, pei- ore. Tirz Poeoma<ope"BAYvJÂcuc.-Wim. ints ha-r. been iLsedtifor th. ar-est of coloretillad muemetilAbraham uRobin- e, (lie tr-aîner cf Bar-en Roth8cld, morse w-luew-as Jacksucul>' competiten) ad D=mi.eacl, Joseph D. McF arlane cia W=.',Héffernen, as accoumplices, -r due poiscmuiig oM Bay Jack. istmuieAeTs.-A aumber o! Scotch Lot lbeg.-O=tudfpxvZ'îfghtly. "'nuiughmt fflluie Tn. e wlthth,yetl ~ afois," Duiffl'a Crek, Mai 27h, M82, Whtltby Trowmtebp Counil. Brocidin, May 201h, 1872. Cour t iet saîh.ajoUrmument. Allthememerspiement. Mr. Joseph Burroughs La the. chair. - Moveti by Mr. Tw-eedie, neeondeti by Mn. Camnpbell, tinat lthe resohution pas&- eti st the hast meeting of tu Court lin refenence tte iappeal 1ci Jelun Gohds- lire, b. ameuideti by aasessingUL o.e 102, Pcnî-y's p an,« te -JohnGocyne as Occupant, anti John Goîdsbro as e-wuer. On motion cf Mr. Campbell, 'tse'ap- peai cf John Chuampion againet- Tics. oeward w-as dlsmisseti. -On motion of Mr-. Tw-estie,th p C h of J ondh w -as m no ag lunst C hies ter '-On motion ofMr. Campbell, tais ep. ~elo! John Cham . mn agamt Qi-au Qn motion cflMn. Tw-csdie, lihe ep- p sl o! John Champion ageinet Chiesteri Daer w-au dismisseti. Ou motion o! Mr. Tw-eetiie, taie ap- peal of Thomas Robson against himeh w-as dusmussei. The appeels cf John Champion a- gzaicisl Heur>' Botien, John u Hins, Wum. Buelon, Geci-ge McBnLen, John Skie- ner, George Switzeiý, Thomas Welhl, Isaac Fitchet, Etimundt Bailey, Robent Plipîten, John Goyne, George Fi-amni- ii, Wm. Robson anti Arcilibait Bal- mer w-ci-cwilhdrawci. Mfr. Campbell moveti, secontiu by Mn. Twaedis, lthtlte Asmsomeut aie now- passeul as flneily neviseti. Taie Court adjou-n9d siuue die. DzEi-mucTuiMc ImeUu»artem. -Pmagu- e, Me> 27-Hie-yaiiw dsrclr en hae pi-evaili Lui ti-laciltIithepast tew- de>'s. Tii- olumne e! vter uviici fel w-s 00 gi-et as teOLaundate due sur- i-cnnding country anti errerai' villages, ai the grow-g cropu hasu been mwepl aw-ay; anti a aumnber j>! liv. stock w-es -FATAL Bo=lc xr.sor-PmIdl I; An A.ct-te iicorper- aain tinsran es S bei. Hcf aiLsntnevut-lat, Eorctiu l.ca électpointe tultn ho fer hteir oah eleelLaous, lime sy taun i tocclNti catnick, adoptishLaohuia, Naw- 3runswita Dhre s Colms inE, nti lafnio.T har e, aamesw-siaiong ah'onti, timui giea immeutus atisan lage oinonthec te la-uaesbci a anggrcs te he siew-sc i tboes smi-ounie tls administration Lunluoth Eases. lie boei-e caimon>' lehe'sehu-i ai-y ifunes the lai- lid exeralset inic )tanio, lati i eclarot laI ail who tIe-, sired te put tiown cerruplion, w-onudsop-1 tort lime meesuri.1 Sir John A. Mfacdonaltioppesethée bill anti mevetilaie lires mcnth'î luist1 wbici w-as caied b>'aevoeso! 64, te 49.- 1Mn. Cstigan theunmovethe seconti eeadig o! ais billte omjo e1 an f--%eleciLegilatures rr tuai;.- uresenhaon le net aIlwed, te rsiM thein 'eet befre becongîg, condidaes1 fon li'e Dommuon rliamenl. - era iMWembers pposeti hus-bil . ase of ils. pensenal caaischr, -bang espocial>'direcleci agai L - é luao- Df thieOnhenie CGovenn e nd mion lea iem.mA n à. ua ile, * t'O Buvii,,',4 4i ri ti ci e1 The debate on- the New Bzunswicl Scaieci Law wau tueurresumet, Cel GIrey' coumtinumig hie speech. ',Mr. Chmauveéti fchewed, La a8_vcry able andi angumenhatii'e speech in. favir OfmaitaLng the stats uoo f thoya. mu rý u miistrs a tley existed pi-lorte - tien. HemaLntained tiiet the nen gdri#u princLple could not bc sciccesàfily applieti te an>' etc caticuai soyst-euviere au y'Poi-tioel he-p.opulation w-as Cat1ehic, In Oui tarie w-here Lt aiad been trieti nder lth =est favorable circumotanles, Ltliad failet, and ti lhab alo ileil ýIiXeand, in Pntussia, andw heeit,I%1 licee altempte.ti.Nonm hT sireucehiou m îuant for CtMhohie no edatinhina tal on' à systeni which w-as nutterly repci- mnuit te dueL- coiisaiencc, anti-hostile ta the ehurch te whica tboy'- belongel- Re concludeti bisvi-ry able speech by moîriag Lantmendmrnt. Tuial al aflez laihe w-oet "tmçt', La the motion bc struie ont, amidlthe followLag substihuteti, "au humbnlle atdresu hbe presenhedtie oHo Majes>' praying limaI sha wllhia pleas. .4 te cause an Amtlo lie passet imntid ing the. Iiitlim Nothmuerice Ac t -1867 Linlaie seuse in wlîie]î Ibis liouB lielieve iLt-to lebc itende t he t iima cf lime pasaing o!flIme saitiAAt, b>' puoviti fing thLul ciry neliicus deneaninaion in hi Provinces cf New Brnswick and Neia Scolie shail continue ho pcasess ahl such rigt, asivenlage antipni-ilages wiIm regard te ticmir salmools as such de- nominelieuls i-njoysti in Ihuese Provinaes et taie lime o! taie peassiug cf Ime Act -ant te salue oxtent as if sucli rigluls adiranlages, anti privilegas, imati heeî duly etiblishei by haw." Taietiebate 'w-es hen adjournet lebc rasumeti o Wednesdey next. ' . The deliele on Mfr. Bdeal's proposi- tien to aclopt lime four fret iglut, antia liafinichi gaugie for tisa Intercoonial llailway w-as tiieq reshmmeti.- Dr. Tnp- por enguoti agaLast the u-salution ou lthe gron.tt imIîîropoeeichanimge of w-ouid coat Itue cocintrý*fl,00,000,wlh- out ac!vanlege, as timers uwasunoclaier i-ailw-ey w-ithin lv 1uub miles cf it w-lichueulIhue gauge propese]. Allar consitierable discussion, a division ou Mn. Bodw-eil's motion w-as cahletifeu, aud it nesumiteti in ysas 51, nays 88. Tii motion w-es lienefore lest b>' a mnajoity o! 37. Mn Blakte iova the scondtilaing cf limeBDll te previtie fer huolding any geneu-al oeetien ou one antiflia sain day. Ha sai th te pt-Lnciple inivouvat w-as ntuaIa nswcee, but huai huecucon- sidencti by lIme fousa lasItiaesion, îîlmeu Lt w-as rejeclti b>'. e sniaullnajori>' Le t tain lieuse. Mn. DBlike va-y iirieily enumueralethe gr-ountis on w-hili lie thougmt lIte Bll sitouiti hiepassiti. Sir Johin A. Macdoenald. sciu lue W-as oppocti l totuhînmîcipla cf lthe Bill alto- galbai-. Ha thugl il tw-as uut-liritish anta irat w-as an obstruiction ho fliu great pruucihuias wLcîliunmidt--ie fhua w-bols systau o!flthe qualification ci icoters, antiu obstrction te the propai oxenaiso o!fltae fraunchise. At. tma nazI sssion lie hmopeul te discuisuflie Bill, andî poinuaut, te lIme satisfecioncf ltae utsa,t ltim e jchions limepiLciple cf ltae Biii; butciue objactati te il cciv bacanue il omgil it l e lueii-toduceti luis sesion. Ha Iliotuiovat hesix Mn. Blatke saul theu-otth reeson fci- there being mmcai-g-tient w-as tumat here wes ne ergunit guimmat tlua 1311. As toithe quastiou cffhie malter bcing' set- Iheti lest yar, thue lioo. gaeîtleman utuust bave.fargollqn limaI lieluirnself uvas le liriug Luiatmansuuc as tleflieccecions La Britishu Cumuniia nd Manitobia. Tîte uext propsiionm, lthaIt iw-tasun- Brilisi-il w-es hmr uiititenow imal w-as un-Dnitishi ho-day, antiflie pthrase 1u- morroiv had. moidi ieaimtg. Thelion. Gentleman ebject lei tIdoulhavotes conht iehuagi'vau. Huîw cci>' double volc w-ara laera? it w-as knot-uit siey w-aie ut mare drop Ltlaint umallt. A division w-as lietucalt-fou on tumc anthoatiln, w-hidi wus cii--ed. Yeas, 81 ; ciys, 151. llajoii>for- ttheucuimeum- me-ut, 180. 1fr.elak ieIt n mcvedthu condcmm reading cf lthe Diilst-cn6 uug lthe itutepicn- dence o! fli 'e emate. île'suti i he lhau pi-eposeti c neesu-e cf tItis kitul lest sessLoni, but the, Nvota lImn aiukan w-as ual a truc hast cf ltae opinion of lthe Houae uupon il. flc gave l uîcîîruilel taso>ns wiy lImablu imet es ut Sur John oppos-ti Lth Ie mcc liùttsy- anti nu.bstutiel rgutmt. Neyer- huhets, ltae motion for lthe saconttî tu-d- ing w-as voheti dow-t, by a volt- tif 77' nays ho 51 yaas- Taie lieusae tut-n aijut-met. Taiursday, Ma>',2ý3. Scieral i tw bisivare itroduce inLu -j i ou inthu sig tlim gi-7 n-i. 1h s mu otmlton' teicet ati stittet Tecumseh by tlhe sde o! tue fiBeic Monumeuil. A fuýa, hlas beei strttii for that puuipese, anthe conlent o!flime et Goverurmeul obtaineti. Taie Indians pe laite a w-ai-mintsestLths eaume anti w-il centnilicie tow-ari-tt. 14 s te haka part Lanlte iialton> work limat - they cantemnplahe visiling Qecenston ou-lb.. let O!, JUl>'.T40eunipn <o! au taie Cane&an'Socielici uvihi' aise probe- siâ bly lie conunmate& t he assanie lime. M- Amneting o! thie* Central Conmmuihle, -jj havig tais eljeet'La vîicw, cahledtire I, leG takes*Place 4t Toronto4on the -4h of! Lu Jcine.-oamimn ~pectato>. Taie Manitabautirecords 1he detuthof Mr. .aus iu ' ~ ~ 8 Taie 1Houwas ~upnincipaly 'engageti ry, dui-ng the sitting un cousideriation cf rthe aeifiepRe1wayBilin coum/mittee o. f taie w-hche. At Il c-ock thé cun- ti mihteêirose, the Bill s anméndlei .w-as ci reportei, anti Fiday w-as fixe4 feri- is li receptioti. 8cm. otimer busines-was .; dispodo!, atîtitheeuuse rose-at mi!- 01 pasî elevenî. t. The Sente,' afler a tiebale ef ûvc le h/ui-s, -oaci îhéCTrcaty 'of Washington a' i 'seçguud lime1 without a division, anti ie- ~,ferr*d iLt te commillee. Pickering Couaicil. '~SetuuzdayMauy iti 82 ýo Plie Pickesring concù met jumisiant L te acjoummnent. 'y 'SeVerai pehtitions w-are presenied ti si Ir mng for appr-opriations on lthei-catis., k Taie Ileeva zuistà a com nunuicution, en from the.Soieitor 'o! the. G. 'T. Railway' rCompany pnoteeting, against estabîlsai- - ing a nemi acrose hots 12 anti 13 in ho 1. let concession.- - f Mr, Miler movedtiiai thlie, concil doi ie now sit as a court o! Revision, andtihat f S. J. Gi-sen b. cheirmnu. l. Geo iI. Stdoci ppeaietiou taigrount ltaI lheis overchergti on i-cal pnopely, id Appeel dîamisseti. s9 T. H.'McDow-ellappealed* oi) he ,s grounti that lhe us undercargeti oni i-al p- reperty. Appeal, snstainad by reising, s bi asssment te $2530. t, Thé seti quarter o!f ~&.1, Lu taie ts 11h cona,ýws ondereti te b. assesseti te an §elah Orvis astnnadS cey auus ow-no-. eteatani.Meey n On motion o!f1Mr. Brow-theim court' euj'urned situa die. - Taie concil -esumaid,tlie ieeva u inte a chair. hl Mn. Bi-owiieveàthaï;1 taieassos- ý-meut i-ail o! lhe townuship o! Pickering t for 1872, as now-amedct,he coufmam. )f On motion-o! Mi-. Briownulte iy-iaw i- for aslablislug a nemiaross lots 12 nr anti 13, Litaie laI con., w-as read. a it second liane anti i-atmredti ho emmnithee r o! the'w-bale. n Taie conil w-tnt inte counnittee o! lite w-hle. 3Mr. Brown ici lIe chair. a The coinxmitee rose, repertei pro- ygress, anti asceti heave ho uit agaum et thc uext meeting o!flte qounelli gOn motione'! Mi-. Brow-n, lime by-îw-s yfor closing ur andi saeso! sida roatis - beîwcen lots 4 ant in utaie ist and 2nd il concessions, w-es i-edime second lime i- anti refanrejl te comiLîec o!thue w-iole. Tîmoe con*timulîcarosa anti iepomted lha * by.iuivs withcumt' ameuntu, aund lie y r-epor-t ias aclaphtid. - e- On motion o! Mr-.Briow-n,thme Treasurar w-us ordereti te paito D. GilcmisLuthlae ssuitu cf $120 for services reutiercd as -Assesci- for laie paeeatyeai-. Otu inofe!Mr-. 3Mi-rthea Treasur-1 e or w-es ontiredti o pay John Shien lhe1 esn e! $72 for strvèy o! lots 23. 24 andti ,f25, in taie 71b concession. r Oit motionthe ilee left, taie chair tfor oeehleur.-' 1 The stanincg comumilles on petihtions ,anti -accouuts biou -.teir report, recounmendingthue bow-ing appropia- i tiens 011 tic i-atis 1 On tu dicen. i-catinLafron1tof o!tcs 12 canti 18,-575, G. Hicit, ceuimissianar; ou aide ritati on lot 12, in thie' 4th andmuti u cou-, $100, $. J. Gr-eea, comaniasiottai-, con 8rd con. i-ced Lu front cf lot 22, $113;0; iJ. L. iai111-, comn. ; on sida roati ha-n .1w-cen loIs 8 antI 9, La 7th cou., $100, S. f bJones anti T. C. Mekvo>', coummission- s ars, ou 2cit con. i-catiiifi-cnt o! lot 27,7 4$100, Di. Dro,«-n, coi.; on sideadat hitw-en lots 4 anad 1 iLn Glaicon., $80, T. Sadien, cen. ';on --7dm?' co. i-cati in fr-ot of lot 11, $50, A. Byer, coin. ; on'i aida reaul betw-aei lots *26 andt 27, final s cati, $40, W. Antdersont, cpn. ; atm sida c i-cati beîw-cccilota 12 andtis1, 2uuti con.,a $106, D. Broewn, coin. ý; on sida i-ceda iuctweei lotis1luani d11, 1MIL Coci., $100, tl A. Wacdlth, coin. ; oii*91h con. i-cdata lot 8, $10 foi- ciaauimg eut tilteli, $110 fer cattltmg'doivn Iiii, anti u aidei-ced Y tucuth cf i3tlsam, 8$00, G..HIcekiugbcl- tomu, cein. ; on 11h con. i-catinic froint cf lots 1 andt 2, $213, James I. Davidien, con'u. ; titi ide roati betw-eeu lots 6 cuitifa 7, 2nti cen., 4800), S. K. Br-ow-n, cocu. an Dixie kil, ina iticcci., #15300, T. P Whte, cana.; on lilioci i-aiLunlaie 2nélti con., $600, C. Stolîs, cein.; on lise KLn- sahei-cati ii 2acl anti trti con., $800, S. Irving cuti H. lir'cit-u, eomnxMIEssioers. se The fullowing accouts w-ror zlIi-caIl ho buha cd >C. Pcthy l,'for ilas; F. F, MOQîtoii $1, dog tex nemitled Dr.' c Ferriter $5.130, for allaciding Mn. Keest's child. ; Mi-s. Keast $5, ho defray thie cx- I pc-nses orlha fumnerai cf liai-1chulti ;'A. tu -Ellis g8.66, for a shuaep kilati by doge ; m G - T-auiley $0, fer a, sieoe kilieti by il dogît. 'si w-asram tiice ava-al ime ant pas. 0 itg o cccDINTHESc n TF ,r souow-mcmcwdn mcth ie umcfTiof pe 15t1 inat., w-hile cressing the Rei-Rive. Fou- porsonu, fexine Fentain, an cdu- 'ahtid Indien nameti Cloustloi, antwo rukmen w-anc creusing in a canoc tiuring baei lmunter ulornu, uai ha>' imypact, and lw-o-Clcustou andi coeo!flaie 'we- nen~-aCuiit tirow-act. TIi.>' uvre on- Leamommming- to ci-eus, opposite Mx. Poi- Son's, Rildlonau.-lfaiutobcn.- EOÂDS-Wa ara pleasat o learu liat lue Comauassionai- o! Ci-cua nds in- tendsa holiai-i-atic-i-ced rcpaiietiletween ii-avmunul anti Dracaliidga, anti ha- iveen Boeaau and Pa-ry Sounti, et auce ; antiwe expect cur -olti fnuenti Mr. P. C. Camupbell up leiai- a tfow eaya ho comi'nce opeaiôîni.-Bace- britige t'tdîueat. Tiexs are sat-eral timide cf wm -bici Iroulule horses ;.lie pin-oinua ýoiuteci e 't h entis),nare thiamoîl tuti andMost dangateoi. Sheni- Ce-ly Condition Pow-ters w-ill t e !e- ir el tae'Vui-mýs, _anthdu Ïose w-ilpbgin -ho hirive. Fetorias anti 1machine chops shonlal. 2ot lie allowed te rua ayviwitaout Toheson's Anodyne Liniment. In casa )fe sutdeon accidient, an u M£Pdiate ns. Lf t me>' S-i-cweà1s o! ui.{uganti tnla pi5A lim b, or eveu - ?We ail c Onsiiai-I-ou' the e mn1ô6iment >fstrength anti powver, but hj.- few are arze liaIil le Ibis sanieselément La i. sa-stem, ltai gires us stren gthu antid Ïg o r, a n d t d u a n in su ffi cie m ie >' o ! t1 musas wtulness ami debuit>' Te, ?etaanSyrup, e pi-otexitie oMirn, le Pepil expi-ci;l>' te 'supply this vital- ing elemant. DPRauvCASTem.-Nothing let stmud g1 e!, DsrryCastle, frelajtd, but dure. ie w-ails. A trememttons.bmeach was ictai*l.î ear v ui4 : .; - -'nf 1-- J 4 -Thme Billto Repeal taie Duhies on Tes l .and Coffcc. -Taie biHlei emûbediet inathé following clause andl prot-la .11. AIlihe duties of Cus-toiswhetier specifle or ad ualeremi, new payable on T1es or (loffe.importeti LiteCanada-~ similiaie repealet uipen, from ai after< th. firsh day o! Jul>'inathe pré-sent yeaf 1872 : Provideualthat Tea anti .3Cojee o# wmicai sucli <lutiesavei- been paLi,maï aie re-bondeti anti re-wai-eicused tsnj ;Warehusnpor~t t y lime. heforb tue Twentieh da y of -iune inthea saitt préesent yea-, inter sucli regmlatioas (if enyj, as taie Goi'enoin LaCeun-cil me> see fit ho maie, ami tha on duein lieing se r-bontied santi e-w-erelioused, taie specifie dtilcupeiti on am-h Tee antid Coffe shaH b. mepaiti te tais ownor dieneefs e drawback, by the. Collecter o! Custemu t taie pont- uviere thé>'a-o se 1re-bontiecianti re-warehotsed," CHARGE AGAIN5T MINISTEES ANLD i-UE "MAin" NxwsiAm'ax.-TheMo eniltosi T/mýes pninli-"1A shiort lime tige, w-heu duo bsill te Lacôrpenalo dueeMail Pubiih- Lag Company was >ufone coznmiltee, an.- attenph w-eu matie te -chiain ltme actauci nanies o! tic members o! due compta>'. Ti. jilempt ioweuen, was-strong>' ne-. sisheti, ant i uly lime names cf a few o!' tse mnembers -are tornade public. Thme infereuce le duel taie conceeletilmenu- bers ai-e cither asiame t tebie inown as huaving an>' couneclien wiitaite Mail- or, heMai/le siameti cf ae-ing duein ituown as bbing connectet withit. Par- iaes il le a casa of mutuel siamo. Ih ta well nte-slcot dinhOttawaeMinis- hem-t ai-e amcng tho sareheltiars, anti -he>' do netl care te have il inuvu dm1. laie' ara putîiag Goc'ainxtemen a>' La i heir 0wn -p &cit s b>' ftrm isiing he M //office -idu Govermumeul w-ont. Il is an ingnious plan for .adduing ho due Ilinisterial panquisitas; anti if due>' only- push plent>' o!ftipamtmantel w-crcet gcid piies into lie wa>'o!fdiahe organ" ýSic' John anti lis coileagns ue>' in ake e goot ling ont cf il." EX-ucOumncAa BaxuAcs0F PommîsmE SUrr.-Taiini o!feauvomaciOfcf!om-t>-flve yeens e! ege, in DatrLot, iuing eàlue>'of ninaleen for hi-ceci cf preomisa o! mumr- riaga ! If a minerenu maie a coul-net o! liaI itind, il w-i elw-ys hie e suspie- ious oeaw-ian dia feaile part>' leove- fort>'; uer w-ill a-jury gi-e -ery stria- gent danîegé,7 for laie leesscfaà huand. w-ho, in the oye o!fltme law-, leunîbie ho mnake an>' cf-tha ondinary conl-adi cof bei-gain anti sale, or le coc-e>' real pro- par>'. A single w-an eh foi-ty.flve La, net supposeti te hie susceptible le due leader passion, uneus shite eaefeol ; anti se Ibis Dtim-ot womn u git te gel »o damages for lthe injur>' o!her feai- ings. Suclu e case ougait' net te iceep ,he leest intligea jumry ont mo-e, tian forty-eigathours, 4. DaECi-mEar- SUCToiVANxnnmni-'s BnrzxEELlq-LW- i-utAASÂane-muu=n siiot eh anti mortel>' -stulideci Detective Heniensen laîl nigh whuile nI bis *sta- lion et the junedeon cf 411î anti- Mencer streets, New York. Taie affair gnew omit o! a reuneni o! Henicuson La the after-- nocu conc.rningwo mernsa rresei. for 'disonticr>"conduet, uvimnentier-ý son's asseilent deuinti lb éhave naeesati. Tia assassin flet bVautienbill's ilabe, anti w-as efleruardu epprehenieti Ladia Conmrodere's umouse. Tic *assassinis Mn. Craw-ford, broher-i-law cf Comn- inodore Vanderlt. The parson ho de- sireti te, have relcese atw-s Vantiarbill's cuorati coaimuan, w-io wau helti for- aasaulIing-tItiofficuer rho aîthemupteti ho, urreut hun for tihugging a-,bvite ïgiminle he stebles. Daowmeui.-Om Tîuride>' nming a fenlg nman namatilRobent- Gardiner, a native o! taie State of!-N cwYork,,iLathe ummplo>' e! Mn. Johsonu, w-hîithe ac o! hoosaning n log uviciahati gel fast et lhe behtoun o! due faillsinLuhis i:llagoe, lest bis footing anti Idlu iihe rivrai. Taie bod>' np te taie lime cf geing eo pi-cs as utte n b'eliurcVecrcd.-Brace- -f 1 p %

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