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Whitby Chronicle, 30 May 1872, p. 6

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WSy tb~ The. Qieen'. Bir met-~ Puiday'Isat, the. auni do birh"y of Our MSt e à0- V'ICTORU., VaS Celebraie red. oi Canada wlth tting lu the. town of Whtby-as Vas4 mg Io i%1wmys &meon thti en- day wabobsen*.edùuk to the. townsppe T4i1i& Ltlmg, Cah .-O. X fi ONLY Si 5* PER,,AWN>US. Wh lb, hntrsay, - May 30, 1872. Eclrgemnent ai ils Chrouixle.' Il %villxxx uuux)tiu-îl fluatIhc lszb of Tua'- luwî m.slis uuetu cixarged irom Ilxiiy-iixmb trfy ecolmnei. Tue ux awlhl iernaimîs i a retofare, nt Danc uuxlusi- xiAnd a bilf s veuapyablerin a, xxx uc, î.itimve umihui-ul lu, aur alruady axilfxîriisix-x chl snsw p0wer press, ti ypeiti talieriuproved pmixiing six-i ixr wîi glsu-If.aitllp wl Vixir hy y-sr thie ciculaioîx cf THKz Ji îuxxing blis hp.xîulargely euceaing, w-Ii i)i xxuixxxu-iisgmcwiuig ail- ixi-uxxî i nxi;igi lns cnurosclmeil no itilix-x i jp.li uîuîrcuxxliug columnsase ta u-rîuix î- .the [iu.seibit largemeut a noces- miity, iii ixuucm-tiio 0jixtice tl asbeibers umxî xlvxriîux- T hhisis lathe lest evi- Or xîîî"filici iiubIAu ixpreciatien oaithe uxxuiltN CIslI 4lvmstîcommercial suc- jlx xxxIIj ux j urnaîl. 'iix-tCxxxîizi- rominox thxe etart liai uxihx 4îiru-lusl huioamiogl tle local Junif-iiDoiioni. Tînt position ilix lîxxîîxuul ta umimtxiu. Tîheprescnt .hipforiai-x but lelun other-in adi-suce, Pýlie - fahhxweil up hyxy chU gretaer ins- Tho mx-leeiu-xs u'flie pasi, and] tha 4 g;îitîxhxmîîx d ue -gefrieuds wlxe lave xxx i] i i tis x re uc higlier nie: livtýi lxx :ifixiiutx- cxxxl- ciTrtm- -aill lié" m in i -x xii uiiriiug ixxcen-u- etu furthier xxx ix xx -~'u fi--I x hxx>x i uusciiils- i 7 ix- s 'tloi'ivhxuic i % xîmybeliturlcîuiî-ld) un.xîx iixig iuxx-lx--binI ut t olst 11t),( x lit, i'iuh il l un i lx, or WC L17xi; i i lix- îlxî fii, i xi xxi xof u silscrilem i-per.suî Sîhouia ubliainNew Bruns- wichu.î ThéxiXciv ]hiuswiek Scell wa s e xxxix lxx-euxix' li>-iuuitiug quieatio inluthse Poxxiuxxiiiiu uuxi uxxîxThé ixe lagils rf tenu- fintxt i'os-nee iallpil au-Act lail4vîxxm xxui ulxxg uwy ii hSaparale Tigiiiux e 'fux' lcuu aîiCtîolies com- pjiumix44-ml 4hxflet as -lejriviug llxem aio iglxîmi liy u-ujuyil pre-viocuse tue Ccuid u-i:îiiuu, itxiil limliedtlhxgiti le set lM-u- xixxixi iiml muiuhlogi' uahl)eeled ta lie I iiiiixi xii liatiuuxt. xTuhequestion ii!lxîxux i-uîeltheIxre thai bod7 lu 1,1 imiefx c x ' 1i'cchuliini, askiug the xxx--uuxjgr (cut-uî lCouuicil te uisallow lixxii. 'Tux hieeuxit uiemdmexi te livilu xiiîtuh é a Iu eelthal Il la!g I lle J luxccui uim, igehIco cxtitutliunal ulgîixu uulýfli imcicl Il'Provincecs hal 1is hlun îviy ixîuim'eul lxby Ileaction ai 111 >xiixi,îPxrlilîiuux'ut, Andit haI hla n liitmu;ixxxd hxy lthe Nu-su' 3mmuiigw-imk Legis-in L'i 18imxii ttly withiiithie éhnoîilutionial eiu thaï;tlmuinmît hcsviug yel leen ilu fxorce fetr ei'eimîhie, aud no imnry ta is hmutresîs cof the -Domninon lnving0 hixu i xi' lxu réselt lleirm, the£ SIluxhi! uleca tinItAem il proper te inter-m fa-e iW1,11île Avice thiat May -le ton- îl-idtau113e Excucleucy tîxe Govemuor. (mue ral i hébîe ucshxuihle ?uiiier ai Ilim ('uxwil, rem.sexiulhg is eNew Brunsi-0 wick 4hol ILia. To tiluis Hon. lM.t Plenlam, lremxier , ofthue Pro-c -ince of Québece, biMage rarsd au-0 aier huxendunuil thIe affect limaI 11uLIuliiubîs ùAdrosab. praaeuted to uul-ler lfajasly, praying thst ime vi ber , ,phens(4 oi lacanse aux. et teile passd "îîmc(,ndung the Britishx Northx AmMean '.Acl of 1867, lu tichenmosewhieh is Hloua.meelleýved itau b. intsuded ai t 1el!ti niofithie paaaip aille said Act,c pyrîrh1ing thai ev.ry religion. de-t iliuxuuiatiouu'lsium nProvinces of New hIrtr,îiclc ianmA ikva scolias@hallOcon- "liae li paseesa~uuhu iglils, ailvan- tgem amkil pivileges, aitu regard ta wÀ itisehch, as suelu - danominaîlon' -uouu uinhmilesProvinces aI lima ne fthi. pssiumg of lie Adt' auxd ta lic lamio ctent as if sluchi rigfsai -ua 'sitages sud privilog'es had beauin hon dl ii sîbiiahxd by isa." - A11xA lucre ilvixeré Il. trouble lie. The Otaws ,Govemmsndesluetashirk hue icresponqibi1it>' ,lh thie conousliiul Ilils filposel UPaIWi of silvlslng ths GovrmorOanrs -'On lii. an. laad by dimaUloing t4ela* they'ugit ove tatuius afNew Bruuwfo.k; vwile as the ailier lie>' amre qu&U @aml suieu ot <feud the. Callohlca oi thaf Provinceor thelm-carligionists On thleave ciaà gon- ..eraclip. M;. Chatursa', amena- mentàuheiatiorewcuinglydehue, gel tuemu othicdlemnm > br. lag 14e resPsjxeielhtý.Wbst heb.rsul will be olooked forward tawlmiteaolit- ,New Buniswiîhcare Ilas st e icite-î tld I4la thie coumuaofthie Cusasui. c Wers tue course polulcA out by Ml, blilsen esrsago, tixe i ired Vhsitd&ffsirent select vould ther. ha on tho $5.. et the couniy,-sud hua 5asueh moes avmbsly siluatsd vaould e$éry section of the c<anny l-oday? - ZÈmteail ai being tlm" tinea viidis.. insnb.rmet, maidue x. Iaila divértcd "itd dWes oM -out ofthe aisrai diane>, lb. ebîýly ould )le bouund >hrougiionî ia lengthuluiron bauds; tbe oenaus traIe cf tus uomuh paso- ing *buugh Is imullme length té the 'frsi, bgetin atqeming Populatioun, tkeq value fpaet increaseil, manu- ftiiua e. ahsb d uda dege cof progresa sud sdvaucei.t on evcmy elle ni whiieh vs have now scsmceiy s Conception. Tue milway oppanents of imbt day have ived ta regret Ihair mis- taken exildsait.sghled policy. Thay shionld Panse long, auud veil coneider tb, resunt cf any future action they xmoy be calledl upan ta laie iu tle fiame ilireetion, sumd the decisian, w. trust, le gulded by s viser anA more libemni poliey. -Supplemcentiuig thxe psy of Ilie Vol- unleeri is auotlier question ikely te le brouglil femward ;but af this as have wiiteu lu anather calumu. Encourage the Voluneces. We triet tînt at île Session of ftue Ccunly Council, whicl commuences on TuieRday next, île position of the Vol-f unteers ai ibis County ailnet le over- lookedl. This ycnm tley have becu called ont agalu ta ixemornu thee nunal Ami afiixteeuxdeays in camp, at Niagara. i t io;not that -lIe Volunteer ha lenving lime couifarte ai home for Itue rougI mmc I sud teilsame werk ai the soiier oni duty, butm in m auy cases s grcal sxm-ch fiee in made in Icsviuxg hie b4usinucs Ix:- hind hus ta tic came aofaIliers, or, lier- laps, ltufahi ite minous uegicet. Our citizen soldieme ixerform itîxis paîrietie -spomled te ithéproo4juxsUnosf. Ér.- tUmeiy suspende& The omuuwavIM.d lys large unier of people -trou tiseà Perry, ]kamaulllce, saAother towis acre waltmepmeSnteil., To'theme -tiies, Vas no laci of amusementofr - thaugh WC dld -ual enjoy- th p'roverbw~ IQueeux's wacather" an 1h. oCasion, which, douleu, detraowed saewhaît ifaun the -generuil anjaymeut 0aube lsy. TaEE LAeeE MATeH. At ten o'clock l ie msmlu, lrg crowd was presemit allihe Marketgmoud. ta wilness a lacrosse match betwvemenli Osiiws club'sud th. second tv.lve df lie Oiîiaio club, ai Tomante. Tue ,match, Wlih", a avery exciting eue, i'teultedfin a victomy for lb. Taronta, tuey winning fIe second, tuird, and fonrth gamnes, in cigit, timme., and iomty- seCven minutes mcspecliyely. .Oshawa' seenreul thxe tira game in about one =in- ut.. Tha play of bath clubs wss excel- lent, sud the Oshawa boys, ilmougi beatan, proved. themseives ta le no mea ppouents st hé National game. ]BASE SALi. MATCH. Trhe American game of Base bilis, ns yct, lu ils inianey ilu Wtuby, ithe mare national Cauadi*u games ai La. cross. sud Cricket beiug played by the. Young men.. - Snohb.bingthe case, 1*1, ne Wonder Ilint the Base bail club me- cently. orgnisedl liera suas easily de-j ieated in the match vuthi lthe Bawman- ville 1mib by tue veteuauiplayeros aofIhat toan. The match, owlng ho tue main, was ual finiehuei; but tittie gamej woul hbave becu easily'wos -by' the Boaunanvilla club, there is littie doubt. LITFixAs? so)CIui-'e ESTEETAINUENT. '17Ie enlertainmcut cif111e Whitby Lik" ernry Society, given lu the evenug,.was atl-nded lxy n large audience, sud wa.- cf n dIccidcdîly eutertailibg hamacter. THE RACES. Creade acre isltrated tafthc race- course, aieme tîxe Wiitl7 Brase Baud discoursel "siveet aIrains" in tlii- est lies style. Pumticulani ai tue races are given lu suotîxer columu. Altogether, Whiiby provideil goi holiday spart, sud lis day was apont by cuir tawuaoaonla and fbeir visitain u& fpart, while tue mure careful unouey fMost uj'beusnr àgmbber-abo la cmuahîy ixtexesld, sud for alese cîtuail protection flic ichmu- Deail, ai Mr. James H. Gerrie. teer gives lis tinteu aud xb-ugb-aleil coumibrtabhy at loin, initîeccemuo of Analier preminent Wiltby man ha& lis fssiiy, anudeau folow hiscalsiing passed away. Mr- James R, Geqie vihoni losa or interruptionx. 0f cours, empiral aI lis recideuce lu Ibis tawu, On wema Ihueme s dm11 bfixc isxiy-:m-hcoets Mouday steruxoon, about-acren o'ciock. would have tu bec eUed oui. s1îilin jSaluirday weecle as nauexpecfedly nul wonulliai- tesuare ilutilme xuidexitlki ioni. nuxîl as obligeA tleaershie cf dmty cf lîliice alike. Butii i the slare sud go home. Dr. Gtinu as aI coning fuimammulof tlue yaîxuuîîeî-r lire-1I neuxentciifor, sud îrauaunced his dia- vents, andmd ahilie lie doc.3 se, anî suives Vasei' o be inflammantion oi thie lungs. r lis usigixîur froixufluc apernîicim cf tlime Thcsymptomns irons the flrst veme ai draft, if e sîilîl cw ur xî i)lr,-ciiiiuiiix1 aux aiarmimg clîracher, sud living as- oif hic xxtriutiii x xxvx..1oxvi ig uned nu anggravated forru, île attenA- lihucmal andîxîgeierolis sîx)irit.- sut pîxysician. Du. Gunu, callidlunle Thxe sixil ixay cf fdi centsk, îîcr xlxi., f lis assisxînm-î-Doctor TtUeker. Snb-, givumi by t] oviruixiib l s a xci-x-îlaixor- cxiuxîîl Pîcorx Eastwood asud ars irpuxes, ianmdlcerbahi1iio îîxu iiixilltp i- MeGili acre cnled in for conusulta- meiuurxtîifoi-filbhiriuigser-mvicens io0. But indluite of nil thatmnt edical requireuL iroinsîlic olunteer. I lic t. kilh colil (Ixlicuepatieut guaxually i casa ai tîxe xfficcms tîxe psy us a-nearly snx-cmmuuihel, untii Aaîl took pince aI sufficient la caver tle cipenditmure tley ftîxe lime stiutcd on Satueay. Mm. Gem- are put tii, bi-ides flice iiorux cerioîxe lacs rie .s lîxs wd lu e deeixîy regretteil by tle entailcdl by tIic- îegicct of busxinecs. 01'1almole commnnity. Ha ans a kind beli ai If hp Vuhnteare tIen we 10îleueig]lîuxr sîuand a arm friand, sud bisj coutanul atiîs ethe luty of tIe Counîy nMsny excellent traits ai character gain- Cennli ta supplieîemt 11dm r 'y , xl dhîn huxle fruciiuahip sudetem aiofail miaking a rasiinable appropriaionxxifer-waimo knev lus. be iliA the office aof thie purpose. The ainuuxt given mest 'Mnyxxr o cf tîxebcxmfer tîmea years lu ycar, il ailIlic mremeuxîereil, ans oly succession, up le the municipal lertions lwcnty-fmî-e cents peurxay, per mua. offhie preseat veau, alîcu lie reîimed1 We subraitt ilal thuayeam îhe suin s clulxl i rons lue coumîcil. Previcîuely holise be encreassaI te tifty centsu; anmA thiat luix oceupicd s seat antuah counucl boni-A, as3 "hus Cnad aicur", hcr ai aler nc et tîxe repreccutsivel; oflime Northi1 kcinds cf Inbai- is si) lilerally remineat- 1 Wnrxl. James ber-la Garrnio as tue aI,,Ils Veuteers, ta ahens wu look ta culysîxox of RevA. Jolua Garnie, Baptistl for lime defence. of ailwe heu fdear i i minimtex; lcsuas lxamu i Aherdensbi-e, hxome sud country, shululrees 5011goul- Scuullaxmin xx1822. lHe aas iamerly1 thiing lii. a faim day's psy, sud flairengnm<ed lanlIme ding aud stla$ee.r-li. paîriolielu encouragedAnsd stinsulateul necms la Sîuamtfield, i hi& salve couxi*y, by île kuavîsdga tait il§i appreciatoeh.s;>sud caie ta tufs countryinlm 84. Ha reruaimeulfor anie lime in Toronto, in DEAIuOu.icAL A-mvusu'- To USTisr A thxe emoPloyument (I thme Meanms. Leslie BAuLWAY TaAiNu.-Om theipe uei's hlmtI-II an id froîn ihiei-removeul to. day-an excursioix train fron Port Per-ry 'uViiIby, aimera ie teck uiplii eelulence ta VWuthy, haviug sbenmd-soricue 400 anin-ueîtisd lic establisled lus- seursienise, bl a a u ncaescapme self nas admlng"ist and apobhxcary,ahxielh being throvu ilowan nu cxmlxakuuî-ut. fbusixness le-emirrieul an up ho, tle ime aud aunber ai vainable lives declrxy- el. Abeuls muile sud n quarter tîmis %ida of hýrotekin, tlue train came haloi Collitlicnwih n piece oi tinulxer ablmomt 14 inclues squame, s maihsuay tic ilumîe impedimeal uced acrace thue lnck hxy seine@ umhiaxgaîl i'illaiui. By s mirae tle train eseapedl suith ics liviung freigcb ai humanhieé, the Cuiglua o111Y îeceiving Borne 0elit uaniage. buc] le diabmlic- ai att.mpt succoecledlun huoing lIme ars off tîxe Imaci, tha ass ailifa tuai miglit have enan e ic faimm te coniem- plate.Tho.Company chaulA ofar na libutmI. reani for tle Aiscevery aud abpprohmensian aifitue miscrean aim coulA le guihi>' ai soevc'iisli an att.mpt ta cauil twhloale muirder. Whathis said iroms Home about Wihmby Buggies. Mr. T. WVail, coi Aitiîmior, auitiuug ici Mr. O'Dauovau, sa.y$: 6 ndiTua buggý,y came ssfcly ta 1ai]. Onite arrivai liera I started hurried>' "on a jaurne1 vwitI il, sud have nov "rehumnedl. lesiu8gen eserysalie- "tie, and i. jst shat 1 iceemted, I "nos' selose my cheque for $100."1 Iday giat, 1872." PartruX'aTIs rolIEr.V. IL1aS]C. -The Bible cia..of sI. Andmew's hIuch lnlists ban, presenîcd tthe, madnItos.Prêentu le ossîpe 'd jm .&M. chair, reaing table sud pmaliu ecai. TuouseI, as muici as fIe luîmlu- le' Vaine of-il th e s, t~she mnd. 'yfeeling exletixig bsieat n mbns huA hi. coxigregaiou, al, wanaremu* *cOsW~g llOum,," Mli i xfnev iiiustraw d awthuy mngàzinP, pbiie ily> tle "Pure.0Gohd" Pulliel- -- Tronl;prire, *1.50,* bkn ti.fiaet nuMier as I I i lu e ai lis lenîi, îvitlm thxe excepto- a year or lac spelt in Rochester. Las ycsu- lue bhîxiht thxe handome block ou tle cornier xof Brxck asud Dinln streetssnd wason m the u' Iiimoaxl te a puferans hixxsiues-m cmumncr. But ini lis case, aselu sa rimîîly oxuivis, inexorable dentu pute fan unîl iix thxe lxcct liepes aud highie hinanl expelaticas. Mr. Gerrie learee n aldoa und five x clilh-n ho deplome tîceir- sudA hîcevemenl. Tva ai lie cleccasccd gentleman's daugluters are guiman up Young ladies-he youngesi daigîler s a girl ofi Ive, sud fhe tva yoeîgchcilulmen, hItle boys ai four, sud fao ycsrs, respectivcly ordyc. Jchn Gemie, lIme iathcm4 ahil survives, snd- aiîienghx i luis 7611u ycar, discargeas lis; pastoali uties as Baptist uminitar ta, tha cougregahion bolonging ta tiat lady ah Eloarm. h)uriag unay yeare cf intimai. friend- 13- itecursi, aith Mn. Gerrie v. alanys fanudl hlm a faltiful frisaI; in Puiblic lufe n higl-miuil sud publie-spimlt. cd man, sud in ail aur relations vltu hlm tue seul cifhMeuur. Tur STONE CEnCE STRUCK »Y Lxowr. wio. -Dunng the heavy thunder- sitoun which prcvailcd eu Moziday morning last, St. John's Chureb, i the Bay, known as th1e stone chureh, ' struck by lightning. The electric finid entered the building, sitar knocXt~ part of the steepl6 inta pieces ; A the. windows were mmashed and the, organ demolished sud much damnage. dogea the interior of the. building. A defeet ,the Iligitning couductor wblc'hab. b)een neglected to be repâîredliallegea ta be *11e cause. The senteae.4 4qQo psesedon Ju Caulfield for w* mde,,ýp buse commmted bý ]' Hx«ee* ibWQoy, ernor-General, ta' lu the. Provineiw PenItentiUir. 'ITEu.WALLAOE BWOCK"FGI8ÀLL aadn.tý. 2aw d&Y wu p. #5 lIth Uis*huoce he sterwioh « me05 on«oedlngy fine, malthe -rack wuI rhdW in the .bom of aider. Thi e tl1aiag .il 'i.ti ei. ~ lat; mytvh«M A. oh. BOU lad ~mus ~ stiud. Th".y *aak 81 ta mml. ae th@ d mac, om 2:M *a the Mile. mLui. pâte theeam 4siWuy b..hesudf ue PseUl yesr aQl.fetllol leuglw oa luechna ailway, ailofvwhch V ii àfu*.umeader te cary Irai- JiE, vis: ivier> du Loup toMsleepdis rosI, 68% miles; Paudsie uCtion ho .fimhxert,42 milies;1Axmb ers aTmuro, V45iznihe-mùingàsttaliofi204 milss. Engl" bNevspaperp ou Amendain Pdiltie Tue writmr fl"e English pesa m". some vsry amning commente on Ainerionu affaira-m insecurahé athuey are grotesqlue. - In strivixig te make someiig ont oaithes-mnminiation of Mr. GrseIy for Preuident, VO nAfi"ithe .<. .erday Beeeito suemtimg that a' Mu. Oreely avei huis triumph sl Cincmmti ta, 1h. voles Protealnfl Isigate., andlvhoeu bd is shcteil ho wM ilb.he fiist Desmacral a in theWhite Hou. for ive yeaur. ne emeeexsithe Mcst ceisbratsdaif heii.làoeli papers, -himks Grant viiib. rs.slected, be- Caus themoldisWhvo, it syantiiuts a fifti of lb. voter, aoflb. Coualry, regardim with lb. affecton wvieicin Engiauidis bestowoilupomlhbilaubls. The Maescleetr Gssmdon slsmlanlh that tic treaty vith Z ngland va- mal mentionsin luhi.Cincinmsti pls4ki.m 2%e Lonmdon, Stanidardf graelyFinipru juotojensd in tim UmistaluMlia ea hund d ostreet iote ; mmn sMd vomen have Isu ht dm own for isir -political sentiment,sud aàreigOf violence sud bloodesillis.benInu guraled vhich vs psay Englanil msy neyer s." Wiers Il gela Its informa- lion flou vlllbc Rzzliug toe eAmeri- eau minI. We gir. il up. Our Agricultursi Intereste. Tue select cammitie.aille Houes ai Commous appointed fa enquirs labo sud report ou the Agzwutral nilorsta af tus Daminion have sent nlu te 11. a questions gpvsn 1.ev, sscita wblel tuey dei-s sa rply : 1. Whist vou tb. efeel asn.seMtara- in uieets cf lis. o$uM dle th 1e Anis. o" forulgu proim .liposu inl ApL1870, ad uple a »r 2. Not hsaig reciprocity viti th. Uunitedl Stator, in th. exchauge af grain sud gour snd faim proiluce gnasrally, do yon li"k il isfbÎ tuseiex-et ai tue Dominion that w. shuld continue ta admit Augem praduce free, while fCanadiasi produce sxfamteil aver the 'barder bsat paysà te c f twenty par cent. 2 8. liuaI duties, if auy, wonld you impoe ou fleur and on the varions graina îrecpcctirely, or vhal genamal g nug ule as ta tue imposition ai sud 4ulies aonhd you recommend? 4. bas tIc frac admission ai Ameni- eau Ildan Cemu any effeet an tue prices of came grains lu yeur section cf thxe country, anul ifsno, what affect?2 5. Do you ad-is. legislatiou aitl n viaa ta esalisiing sud pramafing ini Canada thi. cuitivation af the sugar basi sud tue manufaecture oaisugar lIera- frons, aima the cutiratian of iabacco sud giai, sud viat legishation vanld beai conduce ta the. sud m view ? 6h. Froni vhat section ai country, ln Canada or in the United States, do y ou olhtiuyaur suples ai grain, sud aluia leiou avergequautihy meceival su- uulyefrm ech country,. and for aluat puipomas usel?2 7. Wieme in tle mont ai yanr fleur or mncal actnalhy cousumel, aud ahaf mar-ket in il mmntta yaur adraulage la ssII in, tue home mai-kct ai tue Domin- ion, tus British, or tb. Amamiesu mar- iol ?1 8. Doon the. frac importation ai A- memmean fianr, viti recipmocily, put yau aS Ob dailvaau compsnel aiti kueriean competitors? and, if oa, shahe mesans. 9. bave yen founu grindlng lu bond couvenient anA practicabie, sud faim te aIl parties; coneamucd, sud vould yen mecommenl ut lin cas. of the. imposition ai a Iuty ou fereign vîsat ? 10. As the ad vlorum duly ai 20pcm cent. imposcd in tue United Siatsou flour, againet the fixail apacife lnty ci '20 cents per bus"uonas haat, gsnarally eperalesa sa stàfmcu'aumtory tariff s- galuet lIma Cansi aiUm ler, would the. elablisimment f idriminatory AnIs h>' île Parlianient of Canada in your opinion bc advlaslbt We sisil endeavrite rsply ta 5cme of the manlimportant cftithssquemu ions. W. alec adlieu answers fram thleeofDur readsrs Who u>'feo in. feraein lugiviixg su opinion. Amnesty ta the South. By degmees th. South i s olainlug ils palitical nghta fromtie Nomihusux con- querors. The 111hpaeeilDM.1 vek b>' the Unitedl SlalomSeonste vin gire tue fraumhise ta 150,000 aiditiamal South.- erems Thome nov rsmaining under disalillis.umber oxily for ai v. iumdrsd, mi gaxg m srsl.ffmon Davis, John C0. Biscienrilge, Jacob TuompiaE n, enteToamba samd Hum. ten, O Jo utmsou, Brq& Beuregard anmd lhw ire ath. eesm, auxy, anA EsehACI SeMms. in refèrenos ta Ibis Imesaure Of a&M- *àIi, 1th... mamea how foallis is atlenplia...epup n>'longer Ibis-Pro- senipon. 'ov iSe nster IHuniter mw orli yer' A Wiseoar ohn Leicmes? yet thé, latsirsrersetorsd .*bu* tus former ha oL. Why shanhi -eammFlerres e ib rito the sons ai GamiLes, or tue Cousdemale Bee;Sfroher>' lJobaa C Brsksuidgs? An~d, above eaeir twhIe; ems, ho s"s noâigdtb& i ati uati»na ÇwOOIefl ÀA W s e flI ho élosé snd mocNsl Pp~awp a 'lutimse outi sMd makingmssayu aitbam for tua peoplê tgaects fee for tueir liberpchly iw Ujw.mut vIdo mare b4ýto.41; MMn4Itau-Elux dis- -tugi - an.e.aiwUy vJlteMerirritaion an nitalsy eau*&ilsn lno than c=n lc devissîl anA 7'*u i Qx Èuq, thaf âteM, N. Oi (31h. le t rçh in or ofuauo ~~vmous4 e lMa.a c~ The. Julges deelareil -No race," lua the lia suldpools oit. ; ke.s us,$150, mil. heate Kouo, Mahe.ckand Cotloram itrti IM th@. trsththe la Ittertoak thé lm Md VII pàM&e lmy bcl*the Iiber liai bélwêen thé quarter MdnubaL-mif md neyer s* 1wdemade s showi eonîimg ta thxt. Durlghb.roti tise bes sund Wrace 1the cauleet litagetmer belwe.u Jfolswk sud eb sanw wa svay keen ane. ,maw wu. the vinuer lu twa .lrai ht e Tixu, 1:55 and 1:5. , mIlS i>DAY. The. second dixys races attracted coniderabloe rowd ; -special tripa eu Mud Veut Ver. 1Msdlu'ith vistors au holiday excsomWmde, suds trin frS ]Port Fery due.brauglut in about 40 excursioniat. fom lfe nort. The fo lOWing iras thill11ofcifans: Madmup, 0175, nileanda-quarte lau. Ths,,entries Vers JckBell, 117 Storms, 104'p0OU Bye, 8o Ibo. jac Bell led; Sicrm, 2nd ; 014 Bye, BrA. Wbitby Puis, $200, twa ule dui Ju,4ge Durell, lot; Kel8o, 2nd ; iez iou, 8ud. Time, toi. The"se Vestwa good races, -sud th excellent sport affordeil gave saisia tion ta thé. Patrons af thie turf. Th tVo-mije dasiiespeiàly wue au excil mpg sud Velcoutested race, sud wa omly Won by hallsa necil irom Keltm Thé Vesîluer cbmed ater tf erace mni Il cammen m ain. The ace Ve» rs maght ta a clooswith a seurmy f 'which dve hoems sr, Or. Jame MeBride's hors. boing th. vinner. NEW MUgie 1-W. are indobted la 3 LPaters, M9 Bromdvay, New York for the iolhowiuug selecticu of Nev Dàrll>ru wumore. Sonansd eho. .............35et OnlYfeYmRo.omsce. Ch. Delio= W et Dcn't forget te mite me, Jarhing. Suandeho ...........Cm oi. 3 Under ueWasnut Tre. $angor W. n veuhve th.ePau. maie Voices ............. Perg.ey 85et stars cf the Sumimar lut.md Voxes .............. Glover M5ec Sensusai aWits .....Becht 830 c ProMdies.Galop..........tinie 35 cý Awakenlug a1 the i.Br&. Ca -ce Draps cf Dew. VamsbrillianL Aila r SOc Mr. Peter, sihiseud sny af the abovi mnsnied price, or the entire lot may bc hbi yseuding 80 cents for the Ju number of "Pelesi'Musical Mouthly., pTIEm PHtEMioOMTiAu.JOXTIoAL fM .Inna s an admirable number taechai thia ftfy-ianmtu volume of Ihai excellezi famlly magazine. Conepicieus ameng ils contenta are, William Outan, Prasi dent Western Talegraph Ce. ; Whmn is the Tariff Questionu? ly Herse Grec- iay ; Stesi or Starva!1 Si- Francia Cressley, M. P. ; Monticdilo, Famons as lie Houseai Thomas Jeferson; Ex- pression ; The Cîluece lunlIme Plip- pines; Preachemesud Prenchlug; Boys' Libra-y ; Camion sud ils Difeérent Forme ; Paul Du ClusOhux, tie fanion Taveler ; Life Immcuuauce; A Bad Peu, ste. With unuimemous fiua illustrations sud portraits. A new volume beginu wltlh e Juiy number. A gondl lime lu subseribe; £nua premiums oflered. Terns $$ a yeam. 80 cents a uumber. S. R. Wells, Pullisiar, New York. CATTLY, &c.-Atntien ha irected id lima aunneuemenî ci auction sale o1 imported sud pure-braI catlla, Ils pro. perty ci Mm. John M. Bell, ta taka place on Tuesila>, 25111 Juna. «Tue stock c: Ihis praprictor sud aeil-hcnoau breedcu NAVIGATION ON 1THE BACE LAE Sras'u.mu.-BDCsAYvoEau, May. 27.-Oc Salai-day. hlmceks ahiel lavael.ee defectiva for soma lime past, at lengtu gara aut. Navigation is cas- plalsely stppdansd, for thea present, tle lumbarman are mnable ta aiip Ihueir lumber. WmiHrmar AND ORT Pai PsaRILAY.- For seme wecks past avar oee Iundral men hava bea ah omk on thl he. It is eipectal tuai cars aili commence ruuîuing regulnrly star fluet June, sud thial tle mails xorthx ai li en ha saut by mail. RAILM'AY BY-LAaa DEîEATID.-Tu, bylas submitted ta ftxe townships cf Euh>' sud Mauvrm, in aid et the Boy- maurilae & Babesygeon Railva>, aae deictel on Manday hast by large ma- jorities lu bath townshilps. SUME] GacueS AIND GaaCEMMai.-AS viii b. found annOunced in oller col- umus, MMr.buiphy'fesetablishment is supplied ait'hi a vemy large sud campieta stock ai eummer goods, grocerles, & vhieh ha là seUling ai axtmaodiuary loy prudes. COUaR aiBuvmsuas.-The Court af Bevision for the.tovu af Whltby mut. oni Monilay hast and finally adopted d1h ass.seor'a raIl. Tiers vas but ane ap- peal cas, tuai oi Mr. John Fotheuglhl, fer aveu oseeeement, linVlich tus vain. atiau vasq reduced fram M86to $75, per acre. Tma osaerîxra ai "BAY JAcx".-War. ante have been issued for fie ar-est ai s colonel lad usuel Abraham Ro0bin. son, (tua Iraluer ai Baron RathscId, a hors. vho waa Jack'so1y competr> and Dan. Macfic, Joseph P. MeFartana sud W=. Heffernan, soz accomplie.., for thiepoisouing ai BaOY Jack. IxmaxToumrs-A number ai Scotch immigrante, mml> faim lale-rs, ar- rired hers b>' 1h. Grand Tru* n umon- day hast, sud viii nA immeiaf e su- pIloyu.ut. Tuey csme out by hi. steamébipe Germaeia sud Prumis, fram Lirerpool anA Glasgow. SomA BimcumT MÀiuîco.-Insa- dition ta hile ather business, Mr. Me. Dougahi hma llaI ý 42eiinery for tue manufacture ofiso4 biscuile, vhoale, anA retai. CARRAsGEuS, BUGESa, &C., Af Mr. Siùuuel WaIkey'eo, prachcel canniage. uasylish anA di flufiisiel, ai the LaWINa &STuxvAUncontinue addition# %o tueir stoek. o4haudlaOIbieg. adveWusamhcr il ef; id.- 'of ut id ter ,7; h. W. he ce- We in- les. ta Bmaoklil, May 20 1872. ~sConucil Met purfunaUil ta adjOnmUMeuf Members ail prescul. - The Reeva lu tîmu ,gchair. tB The Reeve preseulsd sand mail tue petition ai Audmea Remua, pl. . ta bu ,,allawed te do lis statuts halai n thi ,ts tawn lime betvean Pickering anA Whit- re by, opposite lot 85, Sîli con. ; also cer. tain communications fram. tue Dopait- Sin refèeas.toEmRigrafioan sd Drain- le agi. Mr. Tveedie nseved, secouided by Mrm Campbll, Ihat the Reave grant lits or- dem on the Tresemer lu faver ai W. K. 'rEvanus, M. D., for the sum ai $86, fer se medical atteuclgxie for 86 veais an it Miss Wimit, utu xuiget ; aise in favai goa Iasa avi"raI, for tua sunu cf $15- tgbeiug the amanlaxpéudetlformnexlichuc i- for Elizabeth Winn, an indigent. i5 Ou motion of Mm. Campbll, secondai] e-by Mm. Taeedie, a by-Iaa was lutro- is duxesilasudpaasoi, toamend by-laa No. MO8, ta regulai. the performance oi statut.ehlai. - Tus Truasurer was ordercd to apy flic f olioaing accounts; :-.1. A. Camupbell, adveitisements lu Gazette 8 josephi it Kempt, laîxar on rosuls, $1.50 ;aiso te psy Wiuloa Cussan, indigent, 8i per LSweek miii fuirîher erders. 1,Ou motion of Mm. Campbxell, geconuled le ly Mr. McTaggart, tîxe ieeve as nu- thIorized ta grant lis order an tîxe Trea- curer iii favar ai Wm. KerM fer $50, 2beiug tixe amonut ai ewuard b&freil lxy lîxis roncil for tIme apprelueuion andî -convictioni of thue party or parties wlic stole a horse hchîuging ta Mr. Kerr, rcanieiirig nsisu-e do tînt Mm. Kerr hai ser-icultue intereste cf tîimi nicipaîhty Dby luis exerîhîxus ho apprehteniling tassu-e oconsiuier lic lac,) tîxa praper party, huit f os-iug tte meunsulsianliai dtate aifltme -lock.up or jail, thma pamty escaped sud laftit liscountry. Thua Reeve iresexited aimd read the if petiticu cf Johin Elles andA ivre others, r prayiug for s grant cf $80 an île meal opposite lot 85, ou the Sîl co.l. On mnotion ai Mm. McTn ggart thie 8couxucl adjomrucd uutiilimaeii-st lMou- i day ini Juine ixt. DuESTaUCTuVuiFIa. AT Onua.iA.-Or- ii, May 22.-LasI nighl about 12' - aclccksaflie broka outinluthe cellar ai W. Binghmam'e hardware store, sud os'- - ing ta the misemalle mode of extiuguisl- ing limes alîlcîxae have liera thee hamac; spreaA i aulx apility and cunsumed- Mr. -Biuglxam's hardware store, aomlcslop aud stomehouise lu ear, Mm. Jack'a dacîl- - ing ever tle clore aud thes stalles sud ahede aif the Orillin bouse- TIxe nea poql office washn immipent danger, but owing te tlue cuperluman efforts cf s t fea brai-e Men il wascayeu bciug only pnrliaily dnmagcd. Mr. Binglmam'c; stock was lusuroul lu the Provincial fer $8,600, the Commercia Union 83,000, f tua Toronto Mufuai 82,0W0. Tua ttal las about $15,000- My. Jack and am- ily ioî,f overylhing, sud bamely eccapeul with tueir lives. Total lose about $60<), insured for $200 lu tle Western. TIe post office was psrtily - estmoyad, the probable les. upon whxchwas $400, cevemed by insurnce inItîe Pmoviucial. Mm. Doeliltle'ei stables sud sheds weme i ninsured. Less abent $1 000 Wm. Haie, packet office, lest ixy removal about $150; uninsurcd. Total iass about 817,8W0. If the vinA tînt pre- Vailed lu the - evaning had conlinue.d dnrhng tue nigif nathiug coulA havae preventail ile destruction cffie main block. A mas meeting o theic inabi- tante vas cailed ta-day for tue pm-pose of taking mesure ta secere s better mode ai extiguishiug fine, sud hava appointed sa committee ta sel lu lie matter. LmzsL oN TEE LoTAtTy oai iui ue- coPAL METHoDîisT.-Tue Epi SpI Metuadista -of Canada ail pemiapebh aitonisime Ituaherepulafion theynea lave in the United States. The Brook- hyn correspondent ai 1he Chicaèo Tri- bunes informa the readers ai thafjounanl that l "limaMelliodisi Episcapai Church ocf Canada, ahieh vas formerly s- part ci te gestbédintis UniteA Bitates tias a portion of the. Motier "CurehI.tm e belevc thstaob. ta. tally untrue, for aur 3Metuimiisl Episco. peal frienda aress layal, a people s ny mq Canada. - It shows,. hiovever, hoa lue vers aur anticipati of itle ril mesuute tuai vouM low bofrm Dm. WilA's mjudicous anAd' uncafle o peh Let them disovu tint speechaqiey as possilie. DpsTaucrrvc Ii;UiDnroù. -Prague, have r -A --u h 1ly b ps ii At mmrs w.ha shem é Blithe buoysuf sud gay,1 Pond psue luis.arow, Fo~u dughtdw Lutt hpesu turi preoslightiy- INs4 us ae thy Iep. Cé -,Deg gwith s=guls, Tha= esrtI8'spaLthwiasplail. DnRni's Cmeek, May 27t1i, 1872. Whmtby Toavuablp Couneil. Bmooakin, May 201h, 1872. Court met pun'suaut ta adjourumen-ý Ail the membei- present. Mr. Josepi Burroughiw l-the chair. Maveil by Mr. Twieedie, secoudei by Mr. Campbll, tbat the resointion passu ed at the hast meeting ai thia Court in refereuce ta the appeal ai John Goidi- bro, be amaudeil by asseassing Lot No. 102, Perry's plan, ta John GoyneaFs occpant, sud John Goidebro s owuer. On motion of Mr. Campblil, the ap. p eal of John Champion agaimist Thai, Hcward Vas dismissed. On motion of Mr. Tweedie, thea sç peai aiJohn Champion against chaster Card was dismissei. On motion aif1Mr. Campbll, the ap. peai ai John Champion agaluat Ors' Groat waesmiesi.d On motian aof1fr. Tweedia, tue ap. 98al of John Champion agaiuel Chester Draper as. dismissed. On motion of Mm. Tweedie, the ap- peal ai Thomas RaIson aguinat hinusell Vas dismisseil. -Teappeaseof John Champion a- gistHenMyBodp John Haine, Wm. Buston, George liàBien, John Skin. uer, George Switsem, Thomuas Weilom Isaac FitchaI, Edmnnd Bail.y, Robert 'luippen, John Goyus, George Frank- ish, Wm. RaIson sud Arclxibald Pal. mer acre ailhdmawn.- Mr. Caumpbell moved, Recendaed 1' Mr. Tacedie, that the Asssment he nea pnssed as fluslly eised. TIc Court DAdjoumued aine (lie. bersof the Catli.lic Léagà, aud the Ousewas flot tÇhebreoimmtUte Ontario Governmeut. lutbf. Isuda. t rnepe hchwl âýâuMn ble desinble s giy falled, and suc. afuhtnestage. ceeded u h i iayming bunself langhed Th adanS gofl 'It ai alleiltaorder by the Speaker- grapli Bill VIs remAàa boaad hë ~o1oai&the mies of 1the Hanse, ib_ me., Th. dbtathe »aue1ti.- Mr lakù9 eÉ'. r 1 of a afesenteneeéthe management of the siuprpnuâion,~ jas laid ta have made. Mr. G'Cannor: (civil sérvice) fumA Viw e rou'oed8 Àtrrecels, the follawing irivate after a I4 fuhe wou. o' ' !*1f Bile e rend a second timeand ud- over for the. consideriOn Of*the u~elt ýed through Cammittee without ainenil. P*riamnt. Mr- 'CoetigaÏYs bM L e. ment --AnAct ta incorporate thé'lu.pen- ngdual represeuisiion Psed land Marine Fire Insurance Company »Uhranhcommittee, and&-he JRoule, of Canada; an Act ta incorparate the after gie og f severai ether matters, Bank oaf St. John; An Act t nap.rs t a ,u*rtttwelve a'cloek. aie the Anchor Marine Insurance Coain-~ 8b psny. usY a si The hast twa were resd a third time Sir John A- Macdnabl gave notice andl passeil- thlat-he would on FriclsY bring in th" The- debate on the New Brunswick bill respectiug p'rarimentay reprefen- School Law was then rosumed, Col tation. Grey continuing bis speech. The Hanse VIas prinçilaY engageft Mr. Chauvesu foilowed, in n very duriug the sitting 1 i cousideratiOn af able snd argumentative speech in favor the-Pacifie Ball'waYBill n conitt" of maintaiuing the statu quo of the var- of the'whole. At il- 'cloek the corn- ions religions ministere as.tley existed rnittee rase, the. Billýas amende wae. prier ta Coufederatian. He mai.ntained reparted, andl FWUdy was filed for ite' that the non-sectarian principle could. reception. Some'other business was ~,nat be successfuliy applied ta sny edu- disposed of, sud th, Hanse rase at Ixaf- ,h catianal system where any portion ai paet eleven. the population was Cathoie, lun On. The se&ai, safer a debate céf lve tario where-it had heen ticd under the heurs, read the Treaty cd Washington&a s- most favorable cireumsotances, it -badl second time, withOutadison nr- in failed, andi it had aiea failed in IreIand, ferred it ta couxmittee. ~in Pmussia, andl wlerever it had been-&ç< >attempted. Nan-sectarian education Pickering Council. ,meant for Catholies na educatian at rl r.or a system whlxi hwss utterIZ repug- Satürday,, May lSth, 187. nant ta theim conscience, ad hostile ta Phe Pickering cuneil metpns u the cltircli ta which they belonged. ta adjeuurnnlt. He cancluded bis very able speech by 8everal Peýtions-were preseuied a.k- moving In amendmeut. That, ail afier mngfor apjproprxations on the. roads. rthe word 6that" in the motion bo etruck The Beeve' reail a communication ont, sud the foilowing substituted, -au from the Salicitor af the G. T. Baiwaýy humble address be presented ta Her Company protesting against estabuigh- SMajesty prnying that she will bc pîcas- ing a roail acrose lots 12 sud 18 in lb -cd ta cause an Act ta be pnssedl amend- lot concession. iug the British North Auxerica Act of Mr. Miller movedl that tefie nnil do r188'7 in the seuse in which tlxis Hanse now sit as a court of Revision, and t*11* believed it to be intended at the time cf S. J. Green be.chairman. -the paseing cf the said Act, by provid- Geo B. Stock appealeil an the. grotnd If ing that every religious denomination tlîat hoe is eyercharged en realpraperty. in the. Provinces cf New Brunswick and Appeal diomissed. - Nova Scotia shail continue te possess T. H. McDowell appe*_à on th1e ail mei i iglits, advantage sud privileges gmounnd that lie is underc_ l od n real. with regard ta tîxeir scîxools as sucixlide- property. Appeal sustained by raising nominations enjoyed in tîxose Provinces hE assessment to $250. rt at the tirne of the passing cf the Act, The soiutlx quarter af lot No.e 1, lun*the ansd ta the camne extent as if slxch rights Sili con., wus atdered to b. ateused t;é ailvantages, aud privileges, liad heen Selah Orvis as tenant, aud- S. Ma.Clkey, duily estabiled by iaw." The debate s owner. ywas tîxen adjonrned te lie resunied on On motion of Mr. Brown the court SWednesday next. sdjaurued sine die. The debste on Mm. llodwell.'s proposi- The councilreunmedthe Reeve lu th. tien toa dojt the fonr fret eîglit and a chasir. half inch gauge for the Intercolonial Mr. Brown meved that the assess- Railway wae tîxen resuncd. Dr. Tuip- ment ral cf the township cf Pickering per argued agninst the resointion on for 1872, as now amsnded, be conflrmed. Lutlie grouid that tîxe propossd change of On motion cf Mr. Brown the by.lnw e would cest the country $1,000,000O,with- for establishing a rosd acrosa lots 12 ont ailvantage, as tliers was ne other sud i13, lu the let con., wns read s e raijwny within two hundred miles cf il second time and referred ta couimite 2e wldeh lad the gauge proposed.- Afier cf the wlîole. econside-al1e discussion, --a division on The coucil went luto coxnmittee cf -Mr. Bodwell'e miotioni was eailed for, tîxe whole. Mm. Brown lu the chair. ansd it esulted in yeas 51, nays 88. The The committee rase, eported pro- -motion was themefore lest by a majority gress, sud asked leave ta sit -agaiu at cf 397. the neit meeting cf the cauncil.e L_ Mr Blake meved the second resdiug On motion cf Mr. B3rown, the by.laws cf the Bill ta provide for holding any for closing up sud sais cf sida ods general election on one sud the camne betwecu lots 4 sud 5, lu the lot and 2nd day. 11e said tle principle iinvolved concessions, was resd the second time -was neot a new One, but had been con- and efermed la camxmttee cf the whaie. s idered by the Hanse laut session, wlien The oomuaitlee rase and reported the i it was mrejected by a smai majarity lu a by-laws without ameudmeut, sud the rthin House. Mm. Blake vcry briedly repart was adopted. ienlumerated tlie graundm on whichi lie On motion cf Mr. Browu,tbe Treasurer etlicught the Bill should be passed. was ordered ta psy ta D. Gileliriet the Sir John0 A. Macdonald xiaid lie was s em cf $120 for services randemed as 1 oppased ta the prineilile-cf the 1Bi11 alto- Assessar for the passent year. "'ether. 11e thount liasulrli, On motion cf Mm. Miller the Treassa- snd Ilînt i w-as il obstriuction ta theercmwss ordeced ta psy John Skier the f great principles 'which umderlie thxe suai cf $72 for survey cf lots 28, 24 sud wlîole syxteuux of -thue qualificationî cf 25, lu tîxe 7th concession., 3voters, and ail obstruction ta tle proper On matien tie. Beeve bit the chair 1exerise of the francehise. At tiue nexl for one heur. i session lie hoped to discîiss thee Dili. and The standing comwzdt"-.oa petitions )point ont, ta tlie s:ttisfxx"-tioiicf Ilie sud accotnuts hrcughi up.>their report, r Hanseý, thebe iîsta Idi lîxciple [ ecommendiug 1the faflovýlxARprapria. 1ofti îLe 1311; boit lie ohject(-ul to it ixaw tion~s ou tic rondsj 1hecause ili oglit ix 'tt be lx'iiiruluced On 3111 con. rond ihfatfrotetlots 12 this sessioni.'lie tiin riioved tie six Aud 13, $75, G. Hick, comissianea'; c0 maîtl& lîxisi. side rond'ou lot 12, iu the 4th sud Stb. Mr Bm llake sxîii the offly resoxu for-coii., $100. S. J. Gmeen, camisia 1 tlueeleing 1ic îrgxi*eit %Vas tîat tltemu-o0n1 lrd con. rond in front cf lot 22, 0160;4 1was ilxix sgxinxeîxt xiîxsiiit the 1Bil1. As J. L. Palmer, com. ; on sida moad be- ta teuexlestioni of the iîoatterbeig set- 1 tween lote 8 sud 9, in 7ti cou., $100, S.1 lied liîst year, the lxiin. gentlemanaii ust Joncs aîîd T. C. bycAvoy,, commnission-E have f*orguxacîx ilthat lie linîself was ta ers:;aux 2uxl con. rond iný front cf lot 27, briug iin s mensure as ix> tîxe lectixîns $100, 1). ]Brown, comn, ; on side rond1 iin Britishx Coluxmblia and Manitoba. hetween lots 4 sud 5in lu th cou., $80,0 The nex prpxoxsitioni, tlxxt il vax un- T. Ssdler, comn. ; on 7th con. rond in Britisli-it was liird to know what 'vas front cf lot 11, $50, A. Byer, cein. ; an 1un-Brilludi tî-day, aud ithe phlrase ta- side od hetween lots 26 aud 27t, ilmt.E niorrow bldoxxx îîcning. TrIe lion, co~n., $40, W. Anderson, comn. ; an sie Gextinîî aljeeted tliai dubile votes maal hetween lots 12 sud 13, 2ud con., coull b givu-ux. llîw îîîanv doule1 $1106, D. Birownî, cein, ;ou cule rond votes vrere thjere ? Ih was - kîîun tlicy between lots 10 und 11, 111h con., $100,t wezre a mrc ruxixop ii tîxe hxiteket.. A. Waddel, coin.;cix 9tlx cou, rond, at e A div ision wastieui calledi foxi. cixthe lxxt 8, $10 for eleaning ont ditch, $100 Amnemicuin cilzens, axixi sic Ueo. Car- several rend divisiuxns ; sud ae om lierstaeiltua tu suxjet wuldmcciv-ig a new rond division lu lhe vinlage-ai cd umeupttentîcxetlmalnul c le rhitevale, sud appointlug Jas. Taylorh ~eveiîmet. varseer of the camne. Aiter recees Ir. 'fille moyed t'le -Concil adjaurned l iii Saturday, May si-coud rending cf Ilie bill ta abolioli 25t1x. dni epreentation. Hosuipporteul il t. lu a brief but able spxeechi, couiclnding McsSrucM.Cs:LEuRAION NosQoUixeý-- s by the ram atnt thceeInts ini lIe TRoui ir.-T.he preparaticus for ad ban«Of te past faw days bnailnbnd- mnonster celabratien nt Qucenstan aully pmoved the importance cf icccping Heigle eux Donsinion Day are being the eîmmcscntuaio the provinces dis- puxslxed by tha Canadian Socictieî iin tinet frons that cf lIme Dominion. 'Mm. varions pqte ai Outario. A large dele- Blanchet meved a ilirce monh's 'huist' galion cf Indians wil ha preseul in r sud withent fiurther giscussion a divis-- tuair wnr paint ; sud societies will ai- houx ans taken, tîxe amndmeuil hcing tend fmom in egars, St. Cathauinxes,a csrricd hy yens 74, usys .55. Theîbibl Grimseby, Hamilton, Chatham, Cehiing. o1 was thxerefore lest. wood, Tarante, Belleville, Ottawa sud oj Mm. Blake tlien înovcd l te second ailier pInces. The Hamilton Society reading of liii eeutrovcrted lietiong coutempistes hnvlug' an excursion by P bll., fie paiul onet that, for tîxeir bont, wliicli will, no doubl le a very local electiaixe, the cyst-mn lue ndvocnted pleasMt ansd enjayahie affair, s6part oj liad beau adopted ini Ontario, 'New freux 1he proceedinge ait the grnd. Il Brunswick, ]3rilisii Colunîmia, sudf is lu contemsplation to creet a statue tu Manitoba. Tiieme, as an-Il as in- Eug- Tecuirnehiby fixe ide ai ithe Brook land, it lila given immense satisfaction. Monument. A fund ham heen startcdv The Dominion sieclicu Ia as but n for tint purgpaso, sud tiie consemtoi he, cx aggregate of tîl as cf the Iscai bodieGoverument obiaineéd. 'TWItidant P sud preciscly tle same circumstauces take a, warm interest lu this meanure, surrounded its administration lu bath andA au contribute towarA'it. it in te cases. Ha bore tastimauy ta thc salu.- take part lu the ini*itory work- -1É4, le tsiy influences tbe a liait exercised lunllîey contexuple vi *$ing Qu.eetafr Ontario, sud declarcd tîxat al aieo de- on tie loi ai July. Tic union 6f: 4 in simcA ta put down corruption acuiul lip- the Caniadian Sacietie -uill aIsbêii *i-1 port leu masni-e. bly be eonsnmmaied at the e~n~tt. Sir Johu A. Macdonald oppascd the A meeting aiflhe CentmgO cite , c blli sud moved th1e iirce mauth's hoist haviug thus abjeel i ý vie , 4sal1eA te Il -whici as cacried by a vota of 64, ta ta take piace at Tai-auto on de 4th afin, 49. Junee.-Hsalton 487pe1to<m. Mm. Costigan the!n moved the second --ê'.-- rcadiug of hie bill ta ompel 1membcrs The. Mtvzitoaà xirooa.dq thedéatu aif of the local Legisiature Whcme An dal mc- Mr-. James B. Porter, ou edn"sdy presentation le net ailoacd, ta resigu hast, wbilst ou a, 8hoa$in g excursion thieir sass before hecomlug candidates -with some- frieuds lu fie- vicmuîty ai for thue Dominion Parliament. Paint de Cbane. 1* appears that atthe o Scversai members apposeà te ilul ie. lime'ai the unfortunate occurrence, Mr. OU cause.cf ils parsonal claracter, heing. Perler, luncCompany with Mr. Gearge r.j especialiy directed againet fIxe leaders- viMleicen, wasriding in a wagon about oi tue Outario Goverumeut, sud> ounfixe 18 miles fram Fort Gar-y, on the rond - ground uhâti ifas desfigned, tae spple7 ta Point de, Chenle. Ih was raining atla meut.thfe-Ontario net i rlu i-d em f ime, sudi -the set a ofoVering hie maembers cected tathue Dominion Par- igîn il slpped fr-cn hile gmasp, sad*th. ta] liament shonld sot ha alla ta aoit eue bu limeistrikiu oan-ft. Ïhei 'theuu morc session in,-thelocal Le luie. eýpIoded,- tSé The ame diiéfit ta gi'.. the b 'a tr1 th]8gh, seez femh al1 Si~~ Euuimm reê,bel I lu5.The en- 41w w4e ve. "Imerick" (_Mr. Marks). *,Belleof Gaeich"' (Mr. MarkgG ansd 'Pigeon" (Mr. MeLennan.) "Imerick" vau.asilythrec straightheasg' Pigeoii» bsing accoml.. Timne, 2:20, 2:21,_ sud The 2.85race, besiniu5. This ae lb.e raceof the day. The entries were: "ieguhatar" (George' Wehlar), and &Waterloo" (1fr. Lee. "Reguiator" won thefirsthuet by tlfa legth- -Time, 2:39. -Re was ailso snccesdaih the-econd lysbhee4-tinue 2:09-sudnI in tue thuA heat by a nase-finie TI%. Bih te Repeal the Dutieis an Tes and Cofeée. -Thi 1111f embouied ithe iollowing ". duties of Custcxns,whether zecific or ai sualarem, naw payable on er Coffe. imported inta Canada, " bshlb.epealeil upon, from and ater the firsi day ai Juiy lu the. preseut yesr 1872 : Pravidel that Tes sud-Caf.. aon which such duties- hava beaui paid, may b. re-bonded ansud e-warehansed sf suy vsArehoasng.part, lat any lime baforaý_ 1h.- Twenthday-ai June luth. said pfreseneyeâr, undar suei egulatiana tif sexy), as the Governor lu Cauncil May mce fit to make, sund thaf an their leing sa, xe-bonded sud rc-warcheused, fthe -sp.dfi duities paid ou snch Tes and CogeOabb.repail ta tha owner tbà.so as-a drawbackr, by the-Collectar a<&Intameant the port wheme -they ai-e ee re-bonded and re-wareliansed." CHAUGE AOAIT MmOTrs-m A~xN THE "MÀm" Nxwsrà.n.-The, Hamiliton Times prins-"1A short finue age, when th1e bil ta incorpôrate theMail Pullièh- ing Comnpanywas before cammiteans attempt > s. made ta obtain th e aia names of 1h. members af tue campany. Tua attempt, howver, was trongiy me- sisicd, sud only tue naines ofa .cw ai the meixersare ta made public. Thc- infiemeie ins-that the eancealèd mcm- bars are .ither aahaunmed te le hnaan a having.auy caunection witl fhe Mai - or the. Mail f. ashusmnc cf having fhem kuroan as beiug connectaI vith il. Per- haseilis wcase ofmutual, shanie. If is wvell undeasildtuat Ottawa Minis- - ters are smang -lime ehareldeme, sud tuydo not care ta have it kucan, that tel'y are pulting Gavemment nioney lu their eau packets by iuruf.hing thé Mail office aitu Gavemument aork., It ia au lugeniaus plan for adding ta the Minieferiai pe.rquisýteg; sud ifituey ,ouly Pus plenty ci departmental werk aI gze prCes iiithiea i i egn SJeaan& hi. calleagues may maie ExTan.&csns.uuvBRHEAcH ciPacusis SuxT.-Tbink ofais oman ai forly-fira yesaof age,. lu Detriot, suig a- loyaif nineteen for breaci aif promise-ai mai- -nage!1 Ifa miner gan maie s contract of that kmd, if aihi' alays hie,;suspic- fous anc ahan thé 1female par>' in over forty; nom viii a jury give va-y efrin- gant damages forer iclacsscia ]usland who, l ia eye- ai lie lav, is unable te maie nny cf tue ordlnary contracte aif largnin sud sale, or ta convay real pro- par>'. A single vauxan at forty-fiva is net supposea ta lesusceptible ta tha tandem passion, unleassaie i. a, fool ; sud sea lis Petiot aomau ougif fa gel- nc damages for the injumy of hem feel- luge. Sud 5 ce.ougit trol te keep, -tua leasî intelligent jury eut-momnthai. fcmhy-eigbtbours. A DETrucTrvE SaeROT-nIniaîgMT BROTHE-D;-nLAW THE Asejsai.-A mana aloI nt and mortally aouhded Petcti-e- Haeuderson hast nigbf ahila aI lis sta- tion ah the junction cf 4tu sud NMarrer etreitm, Nea Yerk. - Tue affair grea ont aisa rama-k ai Heuderson lu tue aftsr- noon cancerulug fao persans si-rested for diaoerlýy -conduci, whom Henlez- sans amslanideaireA te have relsasal. Tua assassifed toVndembilt'setales, sn ud vaatervarde apprehended lu tue Cammoome's ions.. Tue assassin is Mr. Crawford, lratuer-lu-lav ai Cam- modore Vanderbilt. The persou ha de- simel ho have releasec vas Vsuderbit'i calored coachum, aho vu hall for, assaulting an afficer vioatttemptea te ar-cal hlm for dmagging a wlite girl mb the stables. Puoxcas.e.-On Tuursday mormg a younfg man namel Robert Gsaimner, a native ai tue S"atoai New Ygrkin.luthe emp]oy of Mr-. Johnsan, vilUf lu 1h. ict cf laasening a log whmiim ba gaI fast aI 1the bolleun ci tue minluthus village, hast' hie-'ioaliug smdfoU lu tue rirer. Tic- body up ta thealim sofigoing la press hasnibe'rsowver.dBace- bridge .Adumocae,' Daowuxiunr mc Srqa.-Two par- scus ver. diowied an i nhf itfe 151h inst.,aiilo croummgiu. Bel River. Four pcrsons Maidme Foutain, an elu- caled ludin Unel Clouetau, sud Ivo woman vere exosmg lu a caxuoe dfliig tle tunder stemin, vien lhay upsel, ad tva-Cloustoan d eue ai tua o- mu-aere dravual., Tue>' are en-- desvou-ing ha cross, appeau.? 1fr. roi- iau's, Kidoian.-Maniloban. RtoADa-We are pienseil te learn tuai, lhe Commnfesiener oi Cican ILands in- tends ta have Uic rondai-epslred betaeen Gmnvenurst sud Bracebridge, asud ha- accun Rossenu, sud Pnrry SaunA, at onceand sudasexpert aur ald fiend MrI. P. C. Canmpbell up hera -lina, few laya ta commence openatious.-Bracc. bridge Adèeîcatcs Tiare are several kinIs ai aormns whuich troubule herses'-; the pin-aarme poimmielat hlncus) araelimemort t-ouxmon sud most iaugemous. Sheni- lan's Cavalr>' Condition Poaders aill in a fea laya ejacl ihe wacius, suda tua herse vii la gin ho turira.- Factoies and machine shape chaulA mot la allavel ta mun--mday altueut Johnscu's Anodyne Liniment, Inlu"s ofa oulden accident, nimmédiate use ofit May save veeka ai suffsring, sud perhape a 11mb, or even lii. W. ail cenulder lm;on the embodimaul i mntmsugffi sud pover, but liais'fea are rwmr flialit is hie mc element lu I.2ewm sytilat ge" us strcngti sud vigdr, sud thal an - -insnfficlaucy afit eusse veakuesâ sud debilit>'. The_ 'oruvian Syi-up, a protaxide ofiromp, f. Peparel expremi' te suppy tfis Vital- zing elemet. -ý DEmHCAT.E.-Nohingiseft stand- ag Of Dery Cuts, Irehaul, but tIi-e. àds valls. A. tremeulous breaci vas nae infthe remr ly the idhlug ois mlimnmy, vhich buist from tue intense test. Tva men ver. kffhed by the fan.- cg efais al. 1Tu. famans Mefairia- rae scourse ai ca wOmicans hes bs.mipurahasad ior U20,000, and vill b. convertel mb so Te e nvle'C a'h ...è lea -I -- I - I i -I -a, - J c- I 1- s lu I - a C y v - c o b il il t] xi KI 1 w 1

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