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Whitby Chronicle, 30 May 1872, p. 7

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wamen. 1$ appears ah. a'dv thse iraèk and lil asieepi,, Rr neci snd arm 'were broisen and tiser. wéa larg scl wound on thse, back of L ba.Te lothing was mostly ter: off the b y; lthe shawl was- cra rIsumran'e WR.Camberlain, cor onersummoed àjvny, sud. Dr. Btmo hîpluceexamined tise boy A veetltet was retunsed in accordaiso wlti tIhe facto. Deceuad came >=p narn otreal. No Marne lsattettse la the xaflwAy oficiaIs. Dm ccs OmNxTt.-Barre Ma>, 27 -A màn by flo name of Cralg, wiss * e und.rstand caine <om lhe neigh. bourhood of Ottawa, mol with a dread- fui accident at Durham's saw sniU hwXe to-day. Re wau puttlug a -omall bèlt on a wheol which made M0 revolutioni to thse minute, *lhen in some way bhio rigt arsu got caiight lu tise bell and lie wat; drawis around the o mat. Rbt risian was tom comnplotely out-af thse ocket. BoUs bis legs were braisai and a iole made as if by a pk titrougis uae!t hem. fis is vere alsa broken, and in tact, bo -was smash. la t pleces. Di.' Crookshank antd Mfoston are in aftendance, but they ýest tentain very faînthospes of lils rccovry. ,Uoe has a wife and fiv. cbildren, wbo, 'if ho d6es not rocover will b. left quite Tsi Ei.Emmaoa àxsna Rzopssx. 8sBsn.rais, May 24.-The (>aulioà publIis a lattern from 1he Emperpr apoleoi, datcd C>liselhrs, May 12th, sud sddesmod to thé Ocuerals sud Commandants of the Frenchs army. In tIs communication tise Emperor moas thie following acknowledgemen . I ans respssnsible for Sedan. The armn>'fougist heroicully witls au enemy double îls strenlghh.. Aller 14,000 had heen kllled or wounded, I sald tisaI lie contest was * morel>' one o!desperatiou. The urmy's isonour having been saved, I exèecmsed my savenolgn iglit and unfurled th& flag o! truce. Il, was impossible IiR * -thse immuolation o! 60,000 men could suive France,.,I obeyedl a cruel and iu- exorabi excesity. My heurt iras broken but my> consencie wM~ tranquil. Tii Fr:su<as moixa.- London, May 27-Tise Govensment has dater- mlned te pardon lise lPenians noi-r-e- * aliilng In prison, snd lte> willi short. ly bc releasod <om cuslody. * OI)ITUAy.-Londonl. May 27-Wil. 1iamUslnsil, eigliîtDuke cf-]Bedford, îsephew of oniRussell, lied ta day, in hsjq 64dh yoar. BJaron Dalling and Bul. V Jk, botter known ia4S ir Hfenry' B. 7 ytton Ilulweri brother of Lord Lytton ~let ast night, agailOS. CasausÀzs Z I*T Loos.-It in reportad tlistI0 Gresi rininals of tise irnt clamsehâve been reloased ou condition o! esnlgrating othle niteed States, and are siow on nieir way to Newr Orleans via Falmoullî, n 1nd, in lte Ilalian bark Agam~emnn. Tise gang includos nmorn f the Marathon inurderens. ig1IItnN .,Cox .rsssrrcs.-Washing. ton, May 27-Thé Sioux Iudins dole- galion nr ohre beld a council aI lthe Intrion Departîssent to-day with, Secre- tary Delatno and cosusxisioner WVi-ker. Thoe speeches of the difierent chiefs *lasted altogether fully an hour, but tise principal points irere-,'lb ilesire la e- main aI peace, a nequ*st for prosenîs of guns, ainmunilion, horses, etc, and bet- tem facIities-for receiving thoir supplies ment to tise aescy. Tise Commission- or will lot tisn have more ammunition as theair agents sital adviho, but wilh tie understandiug tlIa if tIsemnusdcrers of Mr. Powell camne inoacamp they WinA bo given up. -CANADA TOCtiYt"TiHiS IULmst POWERa OF THSE WouLm.e.-A Wester-n putlpeor, cammnening ou a meent mork o! "Can-, ado and tise Slalom," lias; made bold t6 place Canada us tise ligîmIoff "to isiliss poeN e! ftlIe iorid' lu fùture. Il aya; "Il luver>'evfl4onIta tiiose misa mill - td th mIa"l.climato aud esources ef Can-; adalta I *àladoinedilu>tise <ture te be tla e alt o owprehor seWest- * rn conI nent, and probabi>' thse nmling po'tÇes'a! the-wholp o el The found- s'tien o! a groat n*tlop .bas beeu laid an~,,sd oui>' naeds time te allaiu gi Y îtlcdimensions. Ever>' anc lu his o! listhemorid knows ltise ëanea o! Canada exceeda thiaIof tie united States b>' 100,0M0osuare miles, sud ap proachos liaI o! ail ursoe msn 15,- 000 square mifles.,,Ils linate, onrceh- - matas ratier, aud ils agicultural caps. bilieeo, moneeaoaly approacîs thase o! Eurapc thon an>' cher région lu thsa morld. Ils mil aud productions are as rilIs and varied, wiilet ils fislieniés are iinexlsaustable, and ils -uinerai rosour- ces aud înamufacuring copacil>' rival tlisas.o! al Bure eau nations. Ilmotsld e-not be unreasiouabie bt suppose thaI il icsale otsussfttaiitiug a population as dpeme An liaI- etEurope, wmmch mould give t 2,q,000 inlsabiauls§." r la thse' Noewoe* rtoum stateu thaia8r n bi sage -from J4wý onehall kt urd mon, nma mel d ad £ v. *Blui maages, Who 8, and insteid of snp- -a -these agro i- thlie expedilson, and. lhen assaultedl d The Inisi mombers of tIse Engisis Hanse o! Commons in favýOfo! Home 7 Bain have decided la os tpone Parlia- 0meula>'nation an tise quesion for a ysr rtise preseut, thisa onten t ihemsulvez ýwiti dîisg togeliser once a week durlug the seSson." A Bà.Bx AËDUCT'ns E -MsnWM.- IMrs. James Smiths cf No. 24 >Barrow -treel, iras delivered o! a boy On Wed- inesday ltI. Bshe bad a usidirifo na.- i d MeÂdauu, 'tro iedaitisecorner rof Leroy sud Bleeciser streets. Yesler- Iday afterwooL tise midirife came ta tise thous ils au unltnown womau, ana, aftrsetrippinthe boy, ois baay and neiîîer lb.eirouan or the child have, bon seen Osmaa. Tlse mother of the Ensperor of Ans. tria dled on Tuasday of typhosd lever, ItsnsaidItisaIat lbail fort>' thousand men are eugagod in lthe ~il<es in Newr 'YorkAt promeut. Tise-Figaro of Paris aunouncos tisaI )mie Niluson, wilU be married in tisaI city early lu Jnly.- M bolgyaT19017BLE WITE Tit INDL«AE.- Gen. Sheridan bas nolified tise United Staes War de&artment of lmpendiug diffculies* 1 lite Indians on tise roule of lie NorthernnPacilo Railmoad, lb appeana that a poirfl combinalion cf saveral irarlike bribes bas heitn nogo- tiatod, and tho construction cf the lino mil ho opposed l i vigour. TinWAeuneoOTm VXy.-After a pnatractedl debale, dnmlng icis evcmy, Senaton soemed la feel il incumbent ou iiste express individualy bis opinion on tise malter, tIhe Unit',d States Sonate, bY tise nequisile lwo-thimds vote, decided aIO .niton Satunda>' 10 recommend tise Predent ta negotiate tise supple. mental article laetise Treaty cf Wash.l inglomi, witb verbal altemaions ouI>'. blUirICtsAs. AIs, o.Vcs.uNTruzs.-Tlse township council cf Mensea bave jnst voted tse Omnof one hundred dollars le their volunteen company for tise pur- pose cf onabliug ilta make a credilable appesu-nuce at tise annual drill. This in as it'should bc. If-tise different muni. càii- mould lake more pnide ip thudr vo oIýrs, the volunteers would laite more priido su theinseives. Mn. ]ilake's speech on tise Waslsing. ton Treaty was the ablest ae edlivered in tise fouse of Commous, and was cheened b y bath ides of thse se ; 80 sys thse 5t. Johnu's, N. B., Teligrapm. Tise varions Masonie Lçdgs cf LouÈ 'ý don are arabgsng for aàGrnd Union Iý*M Pic-nie, ho come off ene long. l'be extraondinary rumuben of 20,000 limigrants landed ta-New York last weki. BIRTH. SAUNDEIIS.-At Whilby, on Sun- day, 26th inst., the wife of Mr. John Saunders, of a son. CAMPBEL.L- In Lindsay, on the 19tî inat., the wife of Mr. Daniel Camp- bell, of triplets, two sons and a daugliler. -MABBIED. BURICE-WABflEN.., At Oshawa, on the 22nd inst., by 11ev. Wmn Bell, Edmnund 0. Burke, of Montreal, te Is boUs, daughter of J. B. Warren, Esq., of Oshwa. GftOSE-MORRIS.-B7 lthe Bey. Geoge Brown, on 28rd May, 187iZ, kMr. Stephea John Grose, of WVhitby,4o Miss 'Carnie C., third danghter cf lMr. Thomas Mforris, cf Uxbnidge, Ont. - DIED. MILLý-At Whitby, on Fnida>', 241i inst., Mr. George S. Mill, aged 28 SKINNER.-At isihby, on lie 261b ists. Emmia, lie Isskyed wifë of Mr. John Skinner, merbt,*sWple',ar. YOUNG-ÂI WMt1 n, saturda>' Ma>' lie 21hjBche H. elesdaugi- ler of Mm. Wm. Youugï, .god 88 >'oau- aud 4 moutha. BOWLES--AItise reuidence o! bis. daugilen-in-lair, near Raglan, ou lie 191h infi., Michael Rvies, Aged 95 yen.Tisa Jeeased iras flaro! tise laeuMn. John ]3oweisgo well isomu lu Wlsi*by, sud mas a native o! tise Queen'm Count>', Irelaud. fie iad resided in Canada for upirards *o! 86 yeans. GERRIE-At Whilby, on lie 271is most.. James H. Gers-ie. Es.a ses 51 Tî$ DK&vaUCenOP 0FTISE SCÂLsE years. rfausr,-42ise Nim York Times pub. Tise fiueral mill te place la-day, lihs th le detailm (if lte recenh dreadfsýl (Tishmsdy,)at Imo o'elock, frons bis laIe soieo! caflsstroplses wviils oçecured la rosidence la lise Union busial ground. tic Fmalluig flictonmstic coasit of Lalîrs- - don ILud Newfoundlamsd. Up ta liselut-- est passible mail, over forly vessais, * IJienkfsait.- Epps's Cocon.- Grate. cAisdng four stestmslips, lsad beonlu' s114VComlortlug-" B>'a thorougli hisr mn as toIsit mreeks, iaviug been isnowlodge cf the natural awsire si govoru dlasisod te pieces, smuid Isuge icsbergm tise operatione of digestion anS uutrition,sud andl plains of ice during a lesuifie Ismsr--* by a careful application nf tise fine psroper- -dane, On sus average cadIs of!home ties of meii-seleebed ýcocea,- Mn. Epps bas vesseIs cas-mled ibamt one isuudred mon, provided oum bneakft tables mitis a delicate. mIta more eissployetd as sseulIsussers, asdly fis-vored bevènage1 icis nay bave ns eut o!thae four tliousand isumn souls iany havySemions bill,"-Cicil Service Gazte.'M ado inspi>' itb'boiluug mater or oui>' ane isusdred jiid soveuly-tdve bave 3ik. Eacispacltet islabeled-JÀs. Era & been secotuld for. Tise large major- CO., Hetnoeopatlsic Ciseinlts, London., Aise il>'o te! e unfortunattes have loft <axi- maltera of Epps'a Mils>' Cocos (Cocos sud 11e b.lnd, exclusivel>' sependont on cauSeuseS iItJ 8 lins for sustenauco.- Thir 1 y porsons more ijured-several WHITIJY MARKETS. fatally-by lise recenl explosion or Uthe tug.bo4l Eppmiori aI NavYork. CiiitOx1t£aiOt'CZc, May 201h, 1872. WVe lans b>' talegnispls <om Des Joa- > 'W-------------fi 80 f i 14 eluins, -liaI four mon, employod ou the OP ..g.W WCf I 0 @ i 4 CanadhnPacificaileycymre dramneS sly-------0 rfecentl> in tise Monîroal river. Peu .. ;............... 6 e 70c A rgitful and destructive larnada o ..............0 61 - pase ovar tise Western puar-of Miss. Ot------- ouri est Saturday sugit. Buildingsanud s>............... 0o -0 orahardo mare b owu demn, and several----------- O penon bl hm ivs.Timnolhy...............- ATitusvillo young muars-led ladly pub. Maple Sngu ........... 121c 15eS ,iild>' sremnýiplcd lier brother-lie.Ls..................000@100 othse day-. Ifi iudbesu Ialldug about- S@ e -ier. Chesa....î........10 lac An Iowa moman kassluvented awuah. Be.!, lUdqutrtr. -..-... $8 0 1 in uluhue, snd bas tare& ad>'5, l si, fore quarter.... 7$7 = - t~She malised ofIfroua l'or Porl, par ewt..........050@ 860 pa1ta is'te duY a£tersabc noceived her Woeo--------------P . Wuii........~ . 0 nwy-marrio 4ýluman and lady sel- WHITBY, ONTARIO, soveis* prtci% Dealr aud ]anufacturensofAU i toueS" - Klndsof Qua 1nUIj-as ithat 'Ui ,1)nand .aowensng, voUnlerpmMnesclored and wbite'And Sn eloellent stock oft Geu t isalud Ties, deoidedly es,-Tedan lskBroc>d Cloîb.i, - eeà. Twes Ta Tothe Shaw] and Mantie J)prmet o)aiooe1Mliey whflh fonde lb soeritdan agIgsobinson, a lady cf Iarg'# ezîps l enc. and élegant tuaIs' As hlb tek bus beesi siëtCedWivth car., at cannÎot fasi but (o bc one ver>' untaresîsng bo the ladies wbo6caré;for acat sada tlly got up articles. Wjisby If, 2, 172.LING & STEWART. Cariag8,Bùggies, mWaggons, 2c. SAMUEL. WALKEY,ý PRACTICAL CARRIAGE -MÂNUFACTUaER, D1JNDAS STREET, WHITBY. In returning thanks for past Patronage begs bt ann-ounce, that he bas. constautly on band, and in, course of manufacturpe, Carniages, Buggies, (covered and open) Iaîest styles, sind vehiclès of every description. As lie uses noue but the best material, and employs the best wonkmnen, the qualit>' and finish of bis mark can be dep.nded uoqa'. Everything in tbe way of citrriage manufacture snd repaire promptl>' attended te.- AI! work warrantcd. Whitby, May' 26, 1872. NEW ÎrADVERTISEMENTS, XTNIECREDIT SALE Or stPOaran ANDO PUII-Dt]Z 8H08RT-HORN CATTLE, ltrtUmTvraAND, PUILuE-nis COTSWOLD SHEEP. I have reeived instructions frein JOHN M. BELL. ESQ., .ATHA, PICKERING, ONT., To soU mlîbut an rosre bis ontine bond of Short-Hom Ctj and flock of Cotswold Sboep, by public auction, at Burn8ide, Lot No. Z8, 7th Con.,, PICKEKutNG, ON TUESDAY, J UNI? 25i-n, 1872, The bord contiiins 89 cattlo-83 cf wmicis are cows sud heffers, and S bnual-amnug them lise sotod lmported bull 'Tho Docton.' ffise fock consista ci 130 inported Ewes sud thoin lamb-iS impnnted Raa-2boume- brod Ewes and their lambs,16 yearling Ewes sud 14 yearling Rtas-100 head'Lu ail-sud tise Spriug samba, whieh wilbchospld sloug rush the dams. DullUs' Creek, tisenmarent Station ou the Grand Truuk, is 23 miles os frosu Torouto. Mfarkham, on thse Toonto & Xipissing, in 20 miles front Torouto, sudl 7 from ilunusid.- risere w-ill be teams waiting ai both tise Statiotis te coiuvey iutcudisg pssrchasers te thse sale. Lunich at 10. Sale atIl. Tit3seoV SALsx-$25, sud undor, cash; all snsover tisat am<sutiî ,S montisecrodit euh b lîvien, op ftiruislsiig spproved paper. ieud forcsusloge. J. M. PATTEISSON, Auctjotsec-r. Aisa, May 28tb, 1872. 22-id Te LAWL Ell, Impsîorter abd Dealer iu ail kiinda cf Famlly Groceries,, Pure Wines, PUCR SPIII I2's CHiEQUERED STORE, Wisulby, May 1872. 22-tf - 75000 LS. WANTED 1 For miic the. Higisesi Cabh Price mili ho laid.Taisen lu aI Robert E. iles-ry'e old te'$ALiT, iu bulk, bsg, sand isarel. Planter, Ceai, sud Water-iime ceustauti>' JOHN IBLOW. Wisitby, May 29lii, 1872, 22-3t E X, UTO'SNOTICE TO CREDIT- Ail persons holding eStima againstthie es. bats o! tise laies Samuel H. Cochrane, cf tise Town of Witb, Barristen, are notified la send is particulars cf tise saine te J. B. Faire- mail, cf tse Town ef Wbitby, Solicitor for tho ussdcrsigued Executs-ix, ou or isefore tise 25tisday cf June, 1872. Tise sald particulans la incînde necsar>' dates sud items, sud ta guve tise christisunaines nsu nanies cf te claimants sud thoir PeoffiMce aldmems. Ansl\notice is given tisaIt rous and aller lise uaid d1 kate, the Exeeits-ix of tise said estate mil proceed te disisibute tise assoie cf tbe testator amotsl tise paties otitlod ihereto, baana regard ta tise aims 'of mnich se shal tison bave notice, aud il net ho liable for tise sisals se distsibuted or su>' part thereof toa a>' peorsan cf msose daimsuscb Executrisali net have isad notice atthle timeocf ucis distribution- tis notice bcisg given under section 27 Cap. 28 of 29tis Vue. And ail pensons inâeisted tu tise sai ese- tate are reqisested tea eiile tiseis- indebted- nese fortisaitb. EMILY A. COCIAN, Exec"uîix. Wiitby, May' 1h, 1872. 22-4w s PLENDIDINfVESTMENT 1 VEllY VALUABLE PROPERTY IN THE TOWN 0F WITTBY. Tise subà;cniber has taon instructed th soU BY PýUBLIC AUCXTION, 'ON - Baturday, the Bth, dune, Next, 'Tise uqermentioned valuable propent>', viz: Tise. hree substautii and elegsub 2-sar- o>' Brick buildings erected lust sunmen, sud -uomis a THE ",WA-LLAtE BLOCK,?' ON ýBROOK STREET, AtI m pres u cpied as Stores, Pisotograpis =-1 5 m7,ofies,&~C., aI a yeariy rentai cf v85 iii a cerbaint> ci&a mucisIsgier reuI 0 ed CllssM >u ie -of thepment 1 fl ein Ou màaber nexI.. Tis toue oflMosss. silhaigeStewartwMl bsoSfirgt,those MfMusmrs. Keeler sud Aiesn togetiser. TERMC -OnQe-tird .oasis; balance la bs s.enred b>' morgae> aI 7, per cent, payable Ath m lus a libe maSo losoimat suie.ý tersak la commience lunfront cM promises aot 21 o'lolè, s': x., Wslbby,"25h)Ma', 1872.-2 - d WOl VWN27Di 1 SA.1nUEL WALKEY. NEW ÂDVERTISEMENTE. p UBLIC SCOHOOL TEACEIRl5I EXAMINATION. Thse exeustuatton of Candidates for Public Scbool Teacisenu' Second aud Timrd Cians. Certificates mill ta in tise Wlstby Htgh Scisool, in tise TOWN 0F WHITBY, Iu tise County cf Ontario, commencmng on TUE8DA Y, l6th d/lLY, 1872, AT NINE, A. M. Tise examinaton for Fint.Ciass Certifi- cates will ta held ai the usine place, com- TUESDAI', 23rd JULY NEXT, 1 3F. mý with ýa choice selection of Tees, c( baccos, &c., kc. - A visit to bis establisliment isrîe <nomadvassagesposmodby hins ho i.pnop defyiug conspelition. J. GMÇDO U GAL, BAKEIB-MM'ýCONFECTIONMR SODA BISCUIT, MANIJFACTOIRY, The undjersigned in returnâlg thanksto h is mumerous c'stoinm ers ind thepublic in general.. for--tbeir liberal patronage to hi. for, the Past fi" years, respectfully solicits a continuance of tl.swe, and« wighu. to sonountc thst in addition tb bis former busines, hbe aspurchaed, aet a&onsiderable ëxpense. machiner7 for the msnufacturing ofon Biscuits andcVrackers of every kind, And he 18 prbpà'red to U dll rtr Wholesale and Retail, en short notice, at rez;smaMêrs-Irg ast êrftew;" ' epend on being msupplled with a jsupterlor Biscuit, as none but thc bemt ni2terial is use'd in manulsctoring. Bre-ad, Cakes, Candies lind Bweetmeats. of every.. description und of the vcry bemt kind ia always (o be ,aïd at tb. aid stand, Brock Street. Also, an assortiment of ail kinds ofl FRUIT in'their seaison. MUISJ' NEW MUSIO0 STORE, GERIRTE'S ]BLOCK, B'ROCI{ STREET, WHJTBY, Where will be found Shecet ýJusic, and Music-books of al 'Kinds, Musical I;strumcnts of every description, includ- ing Violin Strings and Bows of the ýbest quality; St.ationery, School l300Lks, &c., Beautiful Musical and Litcrary Works, Sui- table for Presents, constant- ly on band. AT >Kr"5, L N Candidateswmii horequired te uoiify tise In.apector net lister tissu the 2otis Juno of tiseïn intention ta present thsosselvos for ex- aminstion. Normnal Scisoci candidates iilihoexamin- od wits tie otiser candidates. JAMES McBRItEN, lsP.S., Ce. Ont. May 27tb, 1872. 22-id w ANT~ED. -- To purcisaso, or Stase for ive yeana, a COMFORTABLE RESIDENCE, IN5 TIIE TOWN 0F WSuTBY. Apply, elatiug terme, ta - J. E. FAREWELL, BrochcSt.,r DrcS . lty May 28tis, 1872. -22-tf M ONEY TO LEND! Repayable by inssimonts fer freus Tirete Tv-euty yean, ai la-w rates of intenesi, mitis- Out enission, sud ai moderato chargea. i'nivate Funds te Lond. Apply ta- J. E. FAREWELL, Solicitor, Bnock St., Wisitby. May 28th, 1872. 22-tf p HO0TOGRAPHYZ Whily. Ma>' 29,182 A CIIOICE AND) VARlED ASSOR'UMENT. -~'Magazines, Periodicsls, and Papers sýppIie-d. Ail Or GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHINGT! LATEST STYLES! A-choice and well selected stock of .CLOTHS, TWEEDS; COATINWS, &o., &o. gC- A correct Fit guaranteed. ces excoedingly moderate. 1 CAP39 BRIRTSI NER TIRS, LACES, & WN OW C T W MOURNINO ýGOOD! OrJw A Lag Stock of Cloths' suïd Canadian T#eeds OLOTHIN-G MÂDJif 0 ORDER. lâEWTEAS AND GIIGBIES. CO0L DSMIT'S' H A L L NOTED FOR ORFIAF AND RELI4BLE GOODS. Jewelery, Desks- and Workemboxes, Bags,--Porte-monnaie s, &C. Electro-Plated, Gxoo)dsl! Watclies & Clocks of the'best Makers,* gV- Each carefully exarnined, proved, and timed, and their performance gniarnteed. JAMES JoHNSI1(N#, Practical -%ateh and Clock Maker. .,rock-st Wltby, May 7thI, 172 19 CHOICE WiNES AND IQU( L A SPLE14DID ASSOMTMENT 0F Spring and Summer Boots and Shoes,ý ALL THE LATEST STYLES. ]Àadies' Balmorals, Prurnellas, Gisiters., Ties, m- quel Slipipers, Newports, &c. Getinens' Boots and mhoes, iis great vamiety. Boys' mid Girls' sewed w'ork, very dheap. Ail ordered work promptly attended'to. REPAIRS NEATLY IEXECUTED. SReniember the. iglit place. JOHN SAIIStreet Wisîtby, 1~1ay 8, 1872. Brook Street,. A fulllline of Gentlemen's .frtrnishing Goods kepi, constantly on b.auid Wilison'8 New Gallery of Art,1 Whsîsy, May 29, 1872. WALLACE'S BLOCK, WHITBY. Picluros cf ail Idudesud aizes taken in tise besi style. 015 picinres copied. Remember ths place for Llfe-like picinrea is; at Willson'. Nem Gallesy-tise usat com- plets eue in the Ccunty. R. H. WILLSON. Wbitby, May' Oti, 1872. 22 Notice je isoreby given ibat ut the ex pira- tion of tmenly days from tlie date hersa!, ap- plicationuMli t made te tise Sunrogate Court su and for tise Ceuni>' cf Ontario b>' Obnis- tuasse Barbara DiesielS, of the Village cf *Prinçe Albetar, is e Cen>' of ontatio,is-fs of Jôbn Diesfeld, cf lise saine place, Watcb- maken, te bu appointeS unadian of thisen- faut eilidren cf William -Dell, lutle cf tise saidi Village cf Prince Allbent, Watchnsaker, dleecased. Dated 22ud May, A. D. 187g, MARTIN & CARSCALLEN, Hausilton, Ont., 213n Soicitors for Applicant. F ROM NEW YORK TO EUROPE 1 SAFEST- AND)BET Freight sud passage reduced. Passen. gens iy Bailva>'proviaed mihnsI- c as Cars aIthie saine rate ai second. class b>'tise AUallLino. Agent,- Wlsilby. May' 151h, 1872. 20-BM COUNY COUNCfL, ThiJne to! o Counhy COnn. al of Ontario, ioldan aI lise ?UE8D sjUj U2,ua AT2t? ofr___ ALEX. PIIINGLE, ]DOMINION -WAREROOMS MILL INEI? Y SHO w- ROOMB 1 WILL BE OPEN ON AND AFTER SATUJIDAY NFXT, THE 18 TIR JNSTAS4T, WITII A COMPLET'E STOCK 0F HA TS, BONNETS, LA PES, 'RIBBON, 9,FL-O WVERS, Je~d. Suitable for the,- Season, and pleasing to the mnost fastid ions Taste. Taüiring and Dress-making to Order. LOWES.& POWERLL.. 'May 1.5th, 1872._ 20'ly CRAN/Y- OPENINOý NEW 8LE QÇý(' - 4- ~ DRY GOODS,' FOR THE SPRING 5 SUMMER TRA»E, Aý SKINNEJ3 S CIjEAP CASH STC Br ock Street, Whitby. S8PRING ImpoIý Y. GIBSON lias just received a fMi afetdybt and complete Stock, ini all the lines of the seàsýn. Sike, Lac- "i01sT U es,Gloves, Paiîcy end Dress Goods. Parasols in great variety f uGxuxi and of every shade. Cloths, Tweeds, and Gents' Outfitting- ý,tx ýx, Goodsi whieh in quality and style cannot be surpaspsed. Alwso" auurs. Hats and Caps, to which special attention is caled.- Mor thau 6 Dov in opeval GROCERIE S.-A very large Stock, hefede3rt" the v.Ioicest, Freshest, and Best. mS xff l Hardware 6f ail kinds, Oils, Paints, &c. t FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS,=1 tiva Wate-ihe 150 pages of va] New, Choice, and Good. Ail tlbe Ieading varieties of Turnip, b. sent fio Maugold Wnrtzel,,Carrct, Cabbage, Onion, and other Field and Gardn For fiter~ Sceds. ~"2,000 bushels of Peas W anted. N. )B--We il the foiowmg ee Wbitby, April 17, 1872. - GIBSO1N nie fcÀnCda1 nisled . .- F ANDY8.U MMFR 0 tou uuuu lisYe i [are sd ho obtalu tise medicluos cmn be supjplied sttse lowM stmiolouale Prim in luaun. tilles of not IsgastÀn $20 worth-viz., 0. Od. 22., and 84%., per doseulicxesof PMU or pots ofOiunment, ut, vitmout 'discont, tfor whicis reiblasce mmml b. sent in advance. 1 bssîaeh Ionlr to be, * With great respect, -THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 558, ford Street4late 244. Strand), London# W. 'C., Oclober f, 1871. TO TUE PUBLIC or'CNIA orncz or v=E Jos feHAL nmricvcmans oPI Osm4 OnT., Mareis8, 1872. Being deairons of teftingthe -Merilso01 tie diffemntvatem-mieeisuow offemed!16r salein Canada, as lo theiroconomaical use of iraher, ire, as mamifachuers o!f te oENUM niJ'a sLsrnsm.Douiix sTuaanoe mako the folowing chltÎenge. tao tise mlanufactures, O! fflviEiL nowimade in Canadahetmeritbeixxnwis of the, ZMM eLxrrm Douarai-Tuxmomor uer- ýOriipAPiticm,the mheelsiu anleases to b. isll manulatured b>' lie compet. la ulce in-the ands o eT! are-u.. itested ah ,4,4j lYerchant'Tailiori- -DUNDAS ST., WHIT -Respectfully intimates thaV lie is now Stock af New Goodu fi SP'RING AND - SfMLEý A large assortient -of Goods h 11eatplonof the public is -directi u Il I*MM whitby, May 29th. 1872. T s ti ai w Si ?ILI de POST. 1 WhiLby, May 8, 1872. Pli- FEA TH-ERS, ý 20-ly XoDOUGAL.-J 10 H N SAUNDERS-ý JOHN F E R GTT i OH N

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