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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jun 1872, p. 1

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ONTAItO DIVJK, WITB3Y DEAN.0H, j 1-P. LOOKK4RAT, -DOMINION BA.NK, WHITBY AGENOT, - H. B. TAYLOR, . 1,MACDOXELL, ragemanta for upecolal ratalar M i. 1r. COUNTYOCROWNATTORNRY FOR aucet, Noiary Pubiea&C., .&0 .Laa - JEOinoo 1H. U&RTNELLo- AHfS'IATTORNET, tONVET. ill Coriy o Ot&ro.OMMu art tfl Whllby. 3 ARI1TER & ATTORNEY«-ATr.LAW, - oBUcltor lu Cbauany Convaey*tte, Notaq 1àsbUo c bOffice-NexI doar-to tii stosa oà.!ù.1. d3: Camapbell, lrak Street, FAREIWELL & oUZE, ARIIRATTORNBYS, SOLICI. t. ors, Convoyandern, anti Natales Pub- lie. Offie-Oea dearn nati t afha Peoo OMéecaOsbawa. CI[ARLE65 Co KELLEB, -ATTOREÃŽY-tLAW, SOLICITOIIDI ton, Broek7 Yr e~Cnlg L IXAN ENGLISII, L L. B., t)AeISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN J>Cbnceery, Couvyscer,&c.,b. Sim- coaa Street, Oshawa. G. YOUN'G IMITI!, LL. B-,s * ARfSERATTOlINEYATiLAW: Notary IPublie & &c. x flcee--McMillan's Bliocis, ilrack tce't Whitby, Ontario. JAMES LAMON, Uxbmltc BARRIST S TONY, SOLIC- * fflca-ByrnuSireet, Seuth i oPst Office, Wbitby, nazisa. TIJOMA8II USTON, ,I-AMtES 1MaJ]IRIEN, T NàPICTOR 0F PUBLIC SCHIOOLS I.for tae Counny of Ontarie. Atitres- Raglan Post Gfice, Ontario. Tt.J. U N N, M. P., SUWGEON TO THE C UT ÀL S yron qgtreet, Wbtby. HIENRIY WARIC , M. P., CORONER, UI100KL, ONTARIO. *-Win. .ntitEN, m'o., m.II.ces.9 C(U Y'q IIO'IITAL LONDON, ENG., Xhe eaya IL. -H. L., Oshlawa, Ontarie. ~D ENTIS'I, (SUC'CES. son ta W. H. Card.) Dentallieeme-DeudasStreet, Wlitby, avec Mr. Jeîuesun'a Store. Nitrons Oxide lGas administeretifothe opeinlesa cex- Inaction o e eell. TI[WIAS IHUSTOJN, TSSUEI1 OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. * -Olca---Town lIU. Reidace-Byron -Street, tres titet-a iet ai Town Hall JOIIN ROBIN-aIVN'8 :JrAI-R DItESSING, AI-W SHAVING I-L Saluain, lrock St., Wbitby. JOUX WOILFEe~DEN, 01N FO THECELE1IIA'rED ai Jonatau Wolfanden,lluudas St., Whitby. JOHN CARTER, LCENSD O I ýNEER F0lt1TRE lieidnc-Lo 8 8oncession Mankisamu. Pont OIUic-Unionviil. Saes atteutietiou ltae siotesal notite, cution reasonabla terus. Trenniseau ise masdecanti hils ptiuteatite Cansosi..Offiea for Mr. Carter. ey te Lenti upoit Far i or ;-on resrya a iuMt&aiy Low Iiates of Iteuts. Loans ceu isa rapatt in tustetasuit ber- - 1overs, $everal liprôo aFermasant i Wld Lands - for sale chety). mte - Db hures, lBank, and ti mrktaab Stocks, Fur furthier lîartictlct-s apply te JAMES HOLDEN, OfficiaI Assignae, Broker1 &a. OFFICE-Over lte Dominion Bank, Mc. Milas Brok St., Whitb3r.- * lp#il 11h, 1872. 15 - -Withby. Braos anti String Bauds, ada&a for Soirees, Pic-nies, Excursions Quadies PartLies, h&c., &hc., wlll cepply the bail sud * lateal Music an reasonable taris. Applicatiounsinuit be matis althor perequ-. ally orbyrletteri (post malite - - Whld'y. sOOSA.WMILLS. The. nnd.rslgud akes occasion ta e faru Ms aofltonciesthat ltséaboya Mliii, situalet Lot 22, Tth Con,, Tp. Uxbrlde Areznow lit mU warkitig order,aad rsay for cuithing Lumnbar lu suy quatltyitasuit ans- tome, ad iithpannatsian~d tespatcit. immer titWin10 e Ma Ilnigtli. JOHRN .IR. T IIS HORSÉMEDICINES. Aildesdnlptions of the.hast HaiIod$.« iei etconstantly ait hanti and forslé at the hftb Livry tables. 4 ~i élip<4radulée. X--k! W. A. LAW, Aomm. MeMfianes Block, Skt D. OLLIDAT, Bhit 00 xLi, dOf ., - Aar" 10E Tm, ISOLATE» 1118K FIBEE INS. CO., 0f Canada.À pet»lY-Cans"aInstIttion. Aita Agent an& appramsarfartba çMada Persmat Eufidlalg SadvI SoWey;fer IÃ"jwsof iouay At loavxatssci terusl.- Asuranoe -ompanly; CAPITAL, *400,000. ERTA&814SHED x831. EM'Aol adelesioaatanyw C i urdfor thrau .asor issu at 0 T ONDOI# ASSURANCE CORPORA- IJTION. ESTABLsssn N»Yaan An TzES, 1729. EEAD) AGENT MONTEEAL-EOMEO H. êTEPEEN8. Ne. 56, St. FranchIoavian Street. JOHN .AGNEW. Agent. 0 NTABIO FAET4EES' MUITIJAL IN8URANUE CO'Y. HEAD) OFFICE, BOCE ST., WnIT]Y. This Compsuy insuras -Parut Buldings, Cauntry Chancies, Sohool Hanses, sud their Contants At rates s MaaLWas thase af any wefl.est;tslibed Campany lu canada. J11IST LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. L. FAIRÉANKS, lii., J. B. BICKELL, Secretary. Presidaul. Mr. D. H3oliday isne longer an Agent ai tbis Company. P HIENIX PIRE ASSURANCE VO'Y., LOMBARD) ST. & CRARINO CRlOS& LONDON. E-STA.BLISHED IN 1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFAT & CO., Agents for canada. -JAMES IPAVIDSON, Manager.' Insurances ag&lnst las by Fine are affect- eti on tbe mont favorable termeassd Lass es ,laid witheut referauca ta thé Board in Lon- - YEOMAN GIhISON, Agent, Whltby. TU Liverpool and London and Globe SNSKRANCE COMPANY. AVAMLt SLZ cTs, 027,000,000. Lse adincourse of thityIl-ve years Clainis 1,10 ag Iraeastimateti aI near- 1 y0,0ara eiu'%diqidaltac fast as atjucteia thoul utiatnho. Security,1 r Pa 'Ùt sudLibeaityinadjuast. Headi Office, C r91anch, Mouireal. G. F. C. SMIIH, L.Ciief Agent for Dominion. LFAIRBANKS, Jus., Agent ah Whisby, Ont, N WBAKERY FRUIT STORE. RI1CH AR D 8<0W Bege ta announce thal ha ta nov preparati 10 supply everyiting iluthe Bakery and Confectionery LUne At hie aid stand, lalaly accupisti iy Mn. J. AruaIL CHOICE FRUIT 0F ALL KINDS .Kapt'coustautly ou baud,ilu esason. ORANGES, LEMONS, SARDINES, LOBSTERS PRUNES, RAISINS, CES, TOBACCO. BaZA deiveed.daiiyho cntomsers, anti ail alterprovisions antigootis daiveretias ma' ise ortianat. Chioce Brandseto Cigare., RICHARI> SNOW. Wbitby, Sepl., 1871. 37- REMO VAL. The untiarsigneti bas cautoveti bis BOOT &t SHOE STORE ho theapromises ad' luing lte Western fatal, DuntisaStreet, W*bisy, witcr ha la nov praredt t executs ahi ortiers for Work. A ea~ anti select stock atn baud. Repairing doua as ainsi. JOSEPH A. BANDELL. Wbitby, May 8, 1871. 19i D OMINION FLOUR & FEED STORE. The untiarsigneti ieg te infonu ltae inhais- itants ai Whiity sud vieinity that titcy have opaneti a Flour anti FeatiStoeailutheapreut- ises lalely occupied by Mn. James Wallace, au Dundas Street, Opposite the Robson House, Whera they trust by keepiug va-ytu l teir line always o an aud, 2lse'ss.ategiva satisfaction ta custoiners. SBran, Shorts, Oatnteal, Cracked Whoat, of ftheabest qusity. !OUR-1.'aul Wbeat, Spn«ng, sud Mlxed7 -and al kinds af Feeti, s;aaitghal owast li'ing pnices for cash. *SITH & HEMINGwAY. Casht paitifor aU i ddeofiFamueraProtinca. S. &H LI V E R y 1 Thé undezaigneti tesirce ta lufonnibis friands andi patrons, thiat he bas agaïn ne- swntd.bucleu et ahe lad WHITBY- LI VER Y STABLES, Havlug encreasdetilt number sud qualit~ ai lte slnd, matalso *dded dta anti impreeveà ltae coni'eyanaes anti vabeles ou lte preut- lues, lie bapes by baing in a position ta mach lte vante aU cushomere o teneil a sbire of public patronage. Rir CHARGES MODERATE. .~ N. 1.--Co-Vere convyances for familles sud ladies. Prompt atiendance,asu banale. fors, t auail rdars. N. RAY, Propriator. A PP LE TR EE S, A BOUT 20,000, HOM.E.NURSERY, Prom tva ta four ysrs of-aMe, em i 4b#i bW auartIse. iSiI ,* «EHC. WILSON, lot No. 81 fld cin.PîÃ"ak. _ , n ingsDton B084, Peut oi esWlbj NEW PHOTOHRAPH -GALLERy. - A. BARRIT Bq*gt teannonata h pe0leaiWbtb>- at Vlclnltbt Ihao lsui a en a W"NmPhotograph i gaiepy i.n * btuflding loppo'nte i.OtaoHa, vIuSM4% 4b-1'n haepertatek. lia ~uow Ç ENTRAI, HOTBL, JOHN BAILEY - M~OPBIETOB. The save hatli li e«,ï1wa lte and4 farnushol, Ouests wlfl knd 9 Accommodation iw;id attention.. Goaa stabl. ing and attentive hostiers. C OME-RIALHO TE L 1&z ý1 if ite p roonatfor Coinir- Cid r.yfa.BIliar4 zoom attachéd. ÇO:MURICIÂL HOTEL, 13ROOR s8T., W1EITE3Y ÈM. CÂLDWELL, PBOPBIETOB.- Boit accommodation and miucerrWlnas liquors snd cigare. Gdootabl, 1wtb en- closad yards, sud attentive aliers aiwayU ain the prmses. Charges mxhmte. ï-ýý TIUNK R&XLWÂY HOTEL,: AT WIRITBY STATION. WM. O'NEILL --.PROPBIETOR. Parties taklng the train and leavinghorss winI have thein welil aken cars of tijl their ratura. SLOBE HOTEL, BROOKLIN, ONT.ý JAS. POWELL --PROPRIETOR. ViE5T-CLAUS ACCOMMODÂTIOI;. NOBTHERN HOTEL, WHITBT, ONT. B. P. CLARK, - PROPRIETOR. The proprletonbegs ta lnlarm bis friands aud cmsterr that a lias refitti and reno- vateatha aid hotal Ituown as the IlFarmers' Inn," Brock St., whera ha willbabaopy ta receiva them, 0o ninghm a eal. Good stabhingebx tàailsudenclosed yard. Mod- aratachalrgea. O NTARIO HOTEL, BRiOeX ST., WUITBY, C. DAWES,- - PROPRIETOR. The aboya old astabIishod botel bas been newiy itted up sud renovated througbout, ail dha apartmaents beimg funaish itM a aud suitable-'furnlturé. Tila popr wirm leave nothing undone in dig r the comfort of the guests, and t nay-Iely up- ou the best ci pure liýuors being supplied at the bar. Strict attention paid to tia stabling and in looklng alter lte ci-.iity of hostiers. R EVERE flOUSE, XANCHESTER, ONT., B. PLANE . . PROPRIETOII. stages teansd from u tby cal aiy. Ev- ery attention paid ta guatte. R YLCANADIAN HOTEL, -PORT vsaav, ONT., ]E. FOY . . I'RCWIRIETOIR. .Superior accommodation. Good stabling and shed room, sud attentive ostiers. T H E HOB SON HOUSE, DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY. GEO. RO1SON, - PROPRIETOR. The proprictor baga te announce that hae bas ieased tia building formerly known as. Seripturas HRotel, whicls has beau rcuovatad, refunishcd, aind fitted up tbraugbout, lunltae best of style. The premises are piaasautly situated, opposite the Post Office, antid ite centra of tue towu. Thaellailway Omnibus calJs at the butai, sud the étages for Ux- bridge sud Beavert-on leava tbe door every moruing. Bloard 81. par day. Careful boa- tiers aiways ini attendanie. W ESTERN flOUSE, DUNDAS STuLEET, WKITDY. Tite undersignati wouid lutimata te the public, titat te above promises bava beau newly fitteti up sud -ranovateti Ibrougilont. Beat Liltuors andi Ciprs. "The Creamt of Canada,'ali, pure Rbine Wina, Wsiz's Lag- or, wihi-saati"~nd retail. ]3eardars takion by the week. --JSEPII A. BANDEL. wyIL SON flOUSE-, A. WILSON, Ju., PROURIETOR. Thte aubseniser bisgatoa anounce le friands anti thc publie geueraily titet ha bas opaneti tae aboya ucw butai lunltae Village ai Asit- isuru. The bouse is new, sud furniahetinl a utoat thorougit anti corafonlaise maniiez. Guektaviii finti avary couvaulenceat ahlie aboya establishraent. Ainas, liquona, anti cigare aiflte bail brands alwaya kapi on itanti. Gooti tailiug sud attentive bosîlars always lu attendanca. May laI, 1869. 181f ID AMLY LINE TO ROCHESTER. THSE NEW LA"E STEICEE Wti leava Cobourg avany mraung at 7:10; Part Hope aIS9 o'cloak, fer Rochester, con- necig lt era wilt e New YckCe tl Nonlea Centra ludEria Railvays for al pointse ast Sotaunsd South West. RETUR*iNG-Laaves Charlotte, Port of Rochesterc, evary aveuiug aI h9 a'çiock (axeept Saiurdays, vian site leavas'at 2p. m., for Brightoan, direct.> Thte steamer calis et iBcightoan Moudays, anti Thursdays; Caîborne, evany day except Thursday; at Wbilby Oshawa Dalington, sud Newceshla on Weinasday,simonld fraigitt offan. Dealers lu stock vil i dt iis lte citaspest sud quicicedt route to Abany, New York, Boston, ho. Atitrese. R. C. CARTER, Part Hope. MI7DLAND RAfLWAY 0F CANADA. T IM E--T AB LE. On aui&aUter Manday, Nov. iStit, trains Port Hope, depat... 9 15, a. ut. Lindsay, arrive- ...12 0, a. ni. do dep!wt::i...12 15, a. ut. Beavartan, arrive.... i146, p. mi Port Hope, dapant.... 3 10, p. ut Llndsay, arrive....... 6 80, P. ut. Esavrtai, dpaI 2 46, p. ut Lindsay, mini-va ......... 4 15, P. nM. Pa RoHps, arrve:::::: Linduya a . M5,.m -Port iope, arrivee.....i2 0, Itm. H. G. TÂYWLR, WAN TEËD - HlighélCaah Priée. 20-tf fetadidhe aitbo kid ovt-iu#pducod ta coumnnl=ty. for doln lie vark qula&ti veil elllng put ft8 ta #9 1Partlonla attention lusIcacalid ta Ms ROOTAND,» HüaNUEPEL Tiey are upenlar t..sutytbin ailàcid yulutsnfsinrd, -aiai.vaUcaiculaheatt sais thé farjut rabôa sd expense. HMe aTRA'W CUTTEES,vonkéa Jy baud are unaqui'eWi; Iha aa oullyvaed, anti tmý stagahontaofordezý, n&soldant very loy figure 8quare'-and Revolving Churn, 4LOTHJL WJNGE13S, SCUPPLERS, WHEELBARROWS, Antia iothez kinde o ai4gricultural Impie- meula vith aii de recant improvemeuts. Hsviug -procureti one ai Hapn's Fév Steani angines, (one 01af le ost complata of thé Idi tmuanufattetm,) the tuamdea ii S nov enablatita moxeaaat-odais for FÂRM.INO IMPLEMENTS vlttic histb. tay isa fayareti Yi ~ex, pedtiously, sud le guaruntea camp satis- ftion lu sl casas. May îtit, 1872. -JAS. CLAYTON, Bnock St., Wbit. L IST OP THE DMVSION COURTS 057 Tmr COIJNTY 0F ONTARIO, F-OR TE VAII 172. N.2 3 i 2 12 2 3 2 11 13 i 29t . 15 it28 24, 16 No 4::., 12 14 22 1V 17 14 c: ) h. 1 151 1 26 118 No.r,.. .. 14 16! 127 29 19 No.7 .... I i iJ l8 29 20 Wbitby, Fais. 121h, 1872. dg. 7 m ANUFACTUPED- AT TEE Port Perry Agricu/tural Works, LEFFEL'S CEiEBtATED A31ERICAX DOU13LE TURBINE TVATER WHREL. THE 31ORT ECONOICAL WHEEL N0W tN USE Thoe aWhtelq va axa nov aanefaclurng cheaper titan auy otiter abop lunlIme country, sud va viii give s guarnulce ititcti Whaal vsrrautlug ltera tabe ad st-s matie, sud ta give as goot satisfaction as auy mnanufacut uite Dominion. Pstias desiring futiar informastion eau 'oistsli is y atidrcsalng PAXTON, TATE & Ce., Mri 119.Penny St., Fart Ferry, Ont. M ES. KNOWLING Baga a uo nfrltae ladies af WhiIlby sud viclitly lha h eé as neceieti alidathe ai stylas in Real Ha-jr and Imitation CurI8, Svitches, Chignons, Pada for rolllug sud plailing ltae bain over, Linan Switait- os, maais, ha., ha. - - MILLINERY, MIElI,,NERY! AND 8ýr R E 8 8 -M A K 1 N G, -M Iu evany Depai-Imaut, anti aeconding ta dhe lataut Stylas anti Fashion.' " A la!,ge stock ai Fancy Gondesud havai- t-y, Artiffiaiel Flovara, ho. Masa. KNOWLING, Break SI.,. South ai tiec Cimonicle Office. Wititby, Apnil 24, 1872. A valeaisie Faim, lun a higli t ale ai cullî- ration, soil net exceletin iu nadaing Lot 25, Loti con. West Williama, Cenlnty of Mitdlasex, 80 acres clearated al vatan- eti, gooti lances, gooti buildIngs, sud a fiua yo=u orcbarti of citeice fruit ; sitatid vihi.u41 utiles of lité flonrishing village ai Park Hi, anti contaiuiug 1-12 actas. Fior penticlalra appiy la- THOMAS XNIGHT, Park lilh. Wiitby, lIly 24, 1871. if 20 mhe -sîmcnibe fersf a al te follov-ý fug 'raina-bis Pp tzyl u ttelTmwn tsWh6t. gem wfnet teiyo aZ nor lame? .Tourrei c with saiangblng pont, And sean frImmyour psy eyes flashes ont- Katilen, mny qusn. ]Listen,- ah, lova 1 bond your prau& giacefuil Close ta aimé, bannie Katb1aen~ -Ouly a beartf-but I ,f té yau TisaI fanda artsavohin, tender andi trae- Kathleen, miy quem LbesgatgcrIS a t d tour sby, smiUlng, bannis Kathleen; Sweat are your bluabas uat swif blooni As plnk as tihe iubsl'siadding ullme, Katwieupiy qaeeni. 'rHE EMIGRANTS. A TALE OF MI25LIE. (JHÂPTER II. The houtée affGarald Cavanagh,though not go large as 1h54 of aur kinti-hearteti frlend, jaumy Burke, was igood i se maon of wbat an Insu fsrmer'sraifencé ought ta ha. Ih was disant fram Burke's somawltat botter than two miles, and stooti almast immediately inside thé higliway, upon a sl'oping greait that was vernal tbraugh th year. It was iu thé cottage style, iui thé fouti of a cross, with. a roof ornamentaliy thatceet, anti was flauketi et a littie distance by the office-bouses. Thé grass was always g0 close on titis green, as ta have rather the appeaan of a wel kept lawn. Two tharn-threes stoot inl front of it, lipped inl the shape. of round te~les, ou ana of which, exposed ta al weatbers, might ba seau a pair of large churu-stavas, bleachet i lta a white freslitcalour, that oaused a persan ta long for t butter they matie. On the other stood a large cage, lu wbich was iniprisonail a biackbird, wbose extraor- dinary malotiy hati become proverbial in the neiglîborbooti. Down a littie te the rigilt of dia bail-cloor, a pretty wind- ing gruvolleti patbway icdte t a clear spring well thnt was overshatioweti by a spreading witeltiiorn; andi nt caci gable stooti a graceful eider or mouu,- lain-asit, wltose red barries tiuring the aulumnn ld a fine affect, sud contrast- oïl weil witl lte mass of- darliar and itirget- treas, by whili the back portion of the honte andthet offices wero alnmost eoncealed. Bath the lieuse anti green warc iu un eievated position, and coin- manied a dt-iglîtfui expanse of ricli meadows to lte atent of nearly ane litundreti acres., trougli wbicb a placiti river wouid its easy way, lika soïià contentad spirit that gildes ealnuly abti iîappily through the gantia vicissitudes of au untroubied lic. As Peety Dhiu, whist passing frout the residefice of aur friand Jainmy Burke ta titat of Ozerald Cavanagli, cou- slderaed bimsaif in his vocation, tho reader wil l hbcsurprisete thiear diat il was considerubly pat noon wben hae arriveti ai Fentan's Farin ; for by Ibis naine the property was known ou a por- tion of wbicli tho Cnvauagb's liveti. Il. migitt be about tlieours of lwo or titrea a clocla, wben Peety, ou arriving etthde gate willi led inlo Cuvanaglis bouse, very fortunanteiy saw bis daugilter Katb- leen, l inte net of feading tha blekilirti aforamnnionati; anti prudently deetu- ring Ibis lte beal opporlnnily of accoin- plishing lus mission, ha beekonati liar te, approacl i hm.- The goati-nalurati girl did sa; eaying et the sauta ti4ne-'Wbhat la lte malter, Peety ?-do you waut me? Wau't you coma junta the kilciten 2- 'Tîtanit yau, avourneen, but I can't ; I diti want yeu, but it was ouly le giva you titis lettbar. 1 supposa il willael you ail. Oh, tibm, la it any wontiherý ltat you silaulti get il, au' that hall tba patish sîtoulti ha dyin' in lava wid you 2 for, lu limait, its euaugb ta makeana oulti man feal young agm aven ta look at you. I was afraiti thay niielt sec mue givi' you the lelîher froin lte winudy, andt hat's witat made mc sign te you le coma ta me liera. Oood-bye, a col- leen dhca-an' it's ycu tbats titat su-e euougb." Thea fealures, nack, sud bosoin of the girl, on receiviug titis communication, were overspread wilb oua general blush, anti she at1, for a few moments, ir- resalule anti confusai. Iunlte men lima Paely bad passeti ou, anti afler a pausa of a faw minutas, aile looketi et the latter more attantivaly, anti siowîy broka il apen. It was probably thé fitI lepistle sha baai vez recaivati, anti wa uaedscarcaly say ltai, as a natural con- sequenca, she was by no means quiok lu tiacipbering writtdn tauti. Be til as it may, aftar having parusati a few lines sba stateti, loakati et thé bottout 'Von dou't supposé, HaUnua, tilet 1 intend tiait keap il; bftintied,' site atideti, with a- amieii;. 'it la nul worth wbile bain' angry about. As thé siters stýot besidî oach otiez' hol1ding titis short conveuation4t,*6ul hé difficuit tafind& 'nytwý,fémaleaore strikmngly disaimiarbath In >fi'gure, fea- lares anti complexion. Hatznwépl but not d'sgreablé, éq»iaiy wei lier face bécame an9nedwt good haniar. Her complexion, thilnot aM ail of asickIlyhtawasc£ thatin'd -tint 1whish le neit.ber pale nor sala,- but homo, a isau uiposîuîon ,bet*ean bath. Hér bae wssb~alc, but tinILandi withopit 4hat pacn , ls W" tcac, COfllaniasitharthaveIy IoWY i Of aamri>aauuy, or"at 'leat, the, ich brown h 'of a tt.e., lfgîre lwasi itnowymro ' i ' tse was rather miderth nidlIZO. holder hy the É u o e'orü flue vaquettblyall,ine.look-i ing counftry girl, 4tastfa*y -"aa appro.- priately dresei j--bt it -vas necassail ta see h a re b a ,antehave au appoztuuityI ofxammmn iber, limé aftrhiat bable faiyhoapprecisfr thé surp . rsiug aiaracter adIï bar beauty anti -théinarédible 'arlety ai ia. chang.es vbich - austainit la Reai an&: give il pérpatual novelty tabat lsse anti eya. 1h ias, ilu mat, ai thai dan.- garons description whicb improves, on inmpection, anti graditally devélopas ili- sali uponu ta batailler, until heé fels, the full exient aifIls influence, ant is sensible, pérhaps, *ien tao6laIe, ltaI hé la its hélpiasa anti unresistlng i'lctim. Arounti thse ttvaIon-ies vahavé allutied ta vana huIla circulai 'seits oai the gnassy turf, aun' i"hh ie tva ais-2 ters, eseit engaget ina Inittng, now sat ohatln, anti laugbing viti t hair nna snel gooi humour anid' ilsi~ vilicit gave unquestionablé proofaiflte- mutuel confidence anti affaci ýtlàih stibsisteti betweenthaut. Their natura dispositions anti tempeas era as, dis-' similar as ltaeit-r a.fn as livaly anti mirtmini, -uomevhat hasty,, but placeble, qnick ilalber -feelings ai aiter jay or sazrov, ani appareutly flot suscecptibla ai deep, or permaànent impressions ; viilat Kathleeni,'an thé othon baud, vas eerious,.-quiot,placiti- difficuilt bchapro-rabêt, of gréatiweet- nets aitelamper, vitb a lingé ai mea. eitly lt aIcasionable gave au irnasis-» tibiacantt han voice ani. featrée, vien cauvaraing upon any suhject liai vas caloulatat t ouai the tear,,oran viten aha fait tieply. Unlike lien ais- tan, sha vas rasolule, 'fit-u, ani aimost immutable in hanr nasolatiaus : but tiai vas beceuse lier resolutlous vena sel- dom Imasty an unadviaeti,* but thé, nesuli of a stnong feeling ai recitude anti greel gootisensé. it istrmecaacpas- scaseti bigit feelings- ai self-rospect, te- galbés witb ail entitusiasie ion', for ber religfion, antis moat aSrnest aqal ion its etisaneement ; indeei, sotroitgly diti titesa pretdoioutae la bar muiÏd, ltaI auy aet invohving a persoualight te. varda hersai!, or iudiffareàc ta baer, ceetian tls propagation, vere lookei poby Jaleg escrimas for viloi Ianiýe vsniorrvnas.If site ha auy falUnge, il vas lu-thèse twa palatý1 tluay lay. But, et thé sanie lime, vUt ara bauntet say, ltai' if thé courae anti cntltualasm ai Jaon ai Are itati beau> tiemantiatif aieanby thé state anti con- dition. a ieancoulry an i ier creei, abé vouli have unqusliona'bly seonlilceti bier lia, if lia secsecanethltapros- penity oa i ti. Soutetbiug ai tieir différence ai tam- parement mighl have beau absanvati during thair conv-ersation, vile sitting intiez théevwhite thora. Eveny now ani tien, for instance, fiant vouti Blart up anti commence a séries, a i 111e 1lirtatious*'-'wtb thé M bach-bird, vbich aile caeila2 hen Sveataeart, ani, again1 resmati ber chat ani seat as before --,; an sté vou alt lempt ta catch a butter- fly as il fluttereal about bar, onrsauta- limes giva itpursuil aven hall he gréan, vimilsl KatÉleen sat viit laInniting anti deligiteayas, anti a sutila ainutlera- hie swveînés au hen lips, vatclmiug the ai Ib o tis innocent frolia. Inu dis1 situation va muaI nov leave tem, to foliaw Paaty, wvitelaounie -way ta i daiven lte altai, lattez la Bt-yen M'- Maien. , Our 11111e black Mercuny vas net long lu arriving ai thé bouse ai Tout M'Ma- taon, vbict ha reachedin compauy vith that wo-thy man bimaief, vitouthé happanatetaoventaké nomearriglasé, vitera hée lirai. M'Mahou seamti fatiguati andti ta-u-l-vorn, aud couse- quently vas psrtrceeding ai a slow paca witaitPaaty ovaneook hlm. Thea latter absentad titi. 'Wmy, tIm, Tom,' sait ie, alter thé firat salutations itatipassed,'yenuloak like s man Ibat had jisl put a lougil jounay o-ver -Min.' UAn' se I oughl, Peéty,' ha napliei, ,for I bave put a taugit jounay aven 'u~Muaha vitara vara yetalai f it's fain teaex 2' inquinéti Paety ; for as lot~ me 1h54 haérs ovét'ythln a'mos, ltée héet a Word h hari 'o Ibis.'- .I v as lu Dublin, tien, ail thé vay,' naplieti thé fariner, 'sînivin' la gel a ne- naval ai my laise froin eulti So.uira Cbcvyiale5 thé landiard; ait' upon my »mggas Peaty, you mey eaU a Jouruey, toa)bI'ln an' home agin a taugh ana- tievil a tiauft ii ovr, linie -Goti, hère va are et home ; au' hiesseti bch hie naea liât-va ha *vea ahome 'la 'cainýýe te ; fan, aitez ail, whsl placé la tie ili -Tlroth, Paély, my hitrleng- edti.ubtmés.brave fieldsa ofimmrs i i aboy us:~ar h aulndthýi h vas a, ns w t n t are yau, avaurnu?1' last vorils t6 ma, -but lie vas Iv earpsr an n y ou vel avez sincé?P au5 tiat". au thé nact day bal oune tuwrl! -vasna n' maba, 8pg on£'t 'Ibi, 'Fs j>t as geai,'- thay - exclaimed Ranger, yoe ll4ef -a.ch, Lied forqi ewith one voice; 'for vittLq -botter, or - meý 1 ivhat arn I; ayin'?2 sare thé poo vht cnlib pler thati thlitsii'rafan' do6 gla 1W ti as lité éat-f u-arra I~ishaIge ntlemen ?' - -' thinLlôàk -atthlb.afteotionaté cu'alnre, hi an ghtlta hé httei'ûtallaréents ie'masgt hidebIiiselil1:Dora, _avisl, said-Bi-u.- ,Wallfatbg-frvIy. givalIimthta caulti lrabduithai's in*Iting la lgit, for ltera is no. ïiiibt but lté ealdLlet, jiat fion Ms affection, thé ýcrs- bis son viii -fiWM hs wvas-M-r. Feth- tiln.~reRaner-angrIÊasy- -' lange bm lf islai-the iltng 14 ah no, serra one's, in thé bouse no* but dont seca vhy-Ii b a basih e r-enenly. yourseli, Tom.-Wel,; an' te'lea vs Waslways aloti w.9l1viit lth I>l4 wa iiothing vrongviti youl>' an' I hope viWiinmt ltaeson. Comea, 'NothIn', Nancy,, lanies hé ta ltae Ai- th tl4oethé bottia agai-heas mighly-dovn, poonrfelovw-there uow,- anothierrondluil shgo'; senlai r* Rtaoger--oeb,' babava, you ioolish i, og ting-looka 1se v el ami d-ouri ufiâ. t -muaIta~sée Ibis!'- à lisy, ve'l se ilta lte otu' 'Thrôtim, Tout,' .coutinuéti bis hoving Thte conversation vas again rasumnet, vifa, 'Ut vitalli happen, 'it's théelest' questions*vêt-a once mare asketi con-' jeré ée e'il lai you taie firout us. corn ing thé sigits ant i oiud of Diib- E Cern'ae, ttane e-a vantitiniUln, aifviticli -oua voulti iniigin t héy an' Ihinrail'a diausanti lhings about: coulaI scaraaly even hat-edbugb, nil . yeni. At oee ime liaI soetiin' bnp. tite evening vas talarably fan aiancati, panati yen; thon you feU slek ad' tati vb ltae naigihorsvitlitdraw, ta. diair noue but strauge a outyu. Thrott, respective- tomas, anti hait M'Mahon va "nt.; ltwbtviiappen, yen anal hie fanily alîogallte l tanseilsas.ý mnst stay iviti us.' - P.ety, nov, that the jey .sud'-grain-, *Indéati an' h navet- knew lov I lové- latian for tha raturaofai théirfadiar hati édtae place, an' you ail, tli I vent ; somewmal subsitied, lest -ne lime -in .but, thank Goti, I hope il'g the lest delivengRyoy Burke's coutuunidetion joaraey ever I'Il hava ta taka froeain, âoth iée nts 'ai Brysu.-The'lattr, aiter you or il.' onoD *ugil, stanlti v iti surprise'net 'Sthbby, rue dovu la-on do you, liit-mo:n ta hhat vIlli vitici lKathleen< Dora, you're lte sauplest-to Paddiy Cavuinagli hati poet-st théusie et- ,Muiion'sianti Jcmtmmy KeUly'a, andtihie drasséti ta ilarseli- Non vastitisan. zest o' tba naiglboura, au' laU tiieu.t t Thé -letten i'oceivad bhy B.iýyanýas iftae came up, ltaI your fedmar's home.- mattez 1ad beau âtotaly dasignad 'by RBue nov, suile, an' if you feUl dou'I dia vnitar, producati thé sofiamé symp- witi ta raisa ; an' Shibby, daUln' do tains aiftieep naeuiment upoii hlm that yau wbang down ea loI a' Ibat bacon bila milti anti gentia Kathisan Ca-cangl into rasheos, your fadher muat ho nt- axpaniencatiooutde perusai li onu. dcah'a dooz viti Iunger ; but wagu'I il fis face hacama flustansd bis oye- vil tiiet h1titougbt ai ha-vin' diaevwhig- hiazati vidi indignation as lta vent bey in, for yo asc aidhez Tbursday lest Ibronghis s coulants ; tier vic e h va dialei*kuow whist minute yae'i once more lookeat thde aulerscriPlion. pionus, Tôoin,7à' hsai il vas aniutwistauding lima vehamant pas- beet ta bc pnepàîeai' Give Pcety a (ion inb vbich il bati trýown hlm ha chair, théendîifue-> oe fot-it, I'aaby, vas ultimatehy ohligédti a laugit. au' tabe a salé ; an' boy ara you 2 an' 'Peaty,' sait ite, zctuming bis gnevity, boy ,, dia girsaa iti yoa, au' whene ta 'you camti a latter froni fyoy Burbe site 2 ta Kathleen Cas'guagh ta-day?' To lieequestions, thua rapitily put, 'W.ho saesltai?2 rlied Paaty>, Who Pety returnati suitahieanaswens ; but coulti iot but ramaxjlb'an the salenily ludeéti Mrs.- M'Mauon diti not vait t taa'is oni etîmat accomplisteti e n ta lt en having gone ta enolluar gontleman.- m ntaprotuce dia-viliskay satt bati 'ý do, Peety.' avidaifnlt ccso. - 'll, 1 cen't lteip yeu, Bt-yau, non - 'fra,' silo saiti, r-aepearng viti a et-vent you fraut liiuing se, aun- linge hoîléuina bad ant eglass in stick la tdat.' lie alter, 'a sup o' lima riglît sert wiRii Whv, I knov yau titi Peetyý' belp you aidher your long jout-uey; yau 'well, ecuail, au' if you do, yan're must ha iti, ha coonse, so Isaead sup otily se muci thdia iser.' o' Ibis.' 'Oh, h untiensfaut,' coutinnetiBryan, 'Aisy, Britigat,' exciaimét iehanbua- 'il's a privae affair, on intautie ta lba baud, 'dot ioul 11il; you'il maba me sa--au' Mn. Hycy bas matie you promise tesnly.' not la spaka aofitI' 'Titrat au' I viil fill,'- it eplieti, 'Sura you kuow. ail about it, Bt-yen; 'ay, an' pubtsaiteap on il. Titane nov, au' lau't tilat anougil for you?2 Only finish thai btupat-.' - vit a anaa m'I ta gi-va hum?'< Theta ainu, vIil a smuliîmg atudi iap- 'Nanoata presant, Paaty ; but saey 'II py face, raceiveatheit glassl, andt aking sec liimsel in a day on tva.'. bi wife's ilant inlu is, loabeat aeba, 'Tiat'a yaur acueren, deu' anti titan upon lieut ail, wiit an ex- 'Thaî's ail thé atnieai' I eau gi-va 1111 I prass;ian ai deep amotion. 'Biigel, sec imaeli, -as I ssidi4 youn bealtit; cilidre', aU your lieteals; 1; egot ,Biyam, au' Goti bc anti lmr's ta Cerniglasa, sua' may ve utId yoî1il' 1o liva happy 'lu il, as va viii, plase 'Good-bye, Pec-Iy 1' and. thuga bey GOti! Peel1y, ualfangettin' you!l' parleti. NVa neas tiurdly say btn ltaheglass - (Ta BE CONTM D..) vent round, non hhat Paely vas not amnilteilu intéeitospitalilyy m1' tarc VuSIT OF 'SuIRaOica'- ra uts TcaAS. titan in dia toast. TY-SrRoe'la-be ont 'fanée, Bayait,' sait i s. M'Mualian, w-catie-'ir Raerlaso eau l stivte vonytt wilile utthedilspe, it's naiglplace.' Uniler ltae wing iii ha principal hors comas u; it' iî'sttayiî'îî ih supporter, 1Mn. Guildiford Onslaw, hé liteoms p ne.t , it the . liýelbcvas conreyçet Irougi thétavillage, ai teglat gi Wt'" ' t - e o aébc leaiond- 1theinhitlnts ramitîg tIhé again, Tom.'forlu lu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~fu tilfhéineolt Ial oel chat-gars from bis chariot anti an ti a-l vspoka thecoma ha roelv- dregging tle .-vehlie--en-naininglimé éd freinat, as hvilit spnk cciv.20 tans 41hà, sud.diaet-ast aioftaut-. ant Nrmtoa wth sp é3'é. ey l tlumpheanbhy by lime migitt ofîlueir stàil- anvSarit rap they gi-Seteti im u wà# rtame.,Mn. Oualow niada a s peech> his rtr.Ntonly h Paddty lfiCIîhemsts osly iar1,ndttnlt linenti Jaumy Kelly i-n up it htet- 1'cilamat' mýata i -eessflîd h sote the lattai-, vile buaibeau diggiug li ilaiat aetS«exl peh gantenvltoutwaiingta ut n ~ whit vwas aise loudiy ctaerad; If thea bigaoncoatbutaiter ftaputonlias ~navapapel reportes ti e rale ie h is the nelgilborhood, ynug or aid, croivn-liabatiaIlata age po- éd in ta velcoma him hom--uta- tion 0aithe Alieaford ielkaë,-vhone Dusas-fo- l lill ly lie ~ daubî .arc net ail teatatiairs. The.ru- DuBLi--for n tat l-y he pincpalmaur us distiuly conitradiaté thtilMn. citaim. Thé baIlle vas againproduceti Radliffe, lte'. ltoraay-,goenéal,, an, d ani a bolida y Fpirit n»v pra-ailetiA-Lord Bllwv era amoug dihecroa lnong liéni. Questions uipot questions vito racivat im-; titis couliietibu la vêt-a put la him vitit refenencé ta thé voueheti fbn bu ail aideas, su téré vonalarstlliy bati boardfth ile greatsi eins-no raîsoit ta dispute ii. Wé baàv métroli-f Iamates ni boier lard liat in otitanfu-arts ai the couintry« les conuheiupnIealestt ld-nso lte lnour afa aitfroni lie uapping ai streugars frout the country 'gneat"'nubas lien soliciteti, ant ie -lte LordLlutenaui'a Castl,vwitb la about ta make a tour- of tfie provinces tirea ilundreti anti aixty-iour vindavsa dsar -il in, varionsloacnts. -in îi. and .allthhle extraordinary eighta 'Tiêolé o-I kuova udlbing -ai, ils-great- anti prodigues vielitmis*ta spposati ta est menit' çanlalu. lu a fév milnte aftier titis - - friendly accession ta diair nambers a d-< 'Mn. Bennett, of ta1e'YorkHcrald, takan.plu.e, a yioàthit'nered about tsatlgapmvy r is uile)ý Con- nmietéeàei&s of sag-5twde, tenacllng thé Heral- Cofice vii is îsi- anti val-mde-in fact, sucà a stt-pinug dente a t Foit Washtington; àlS0ô a na gîVe uniabk', promigsai bcoi- thorter luné (tiremiles) ta bis houge ing a fine pvnuyugisOnha: enuFliftiAvanue. By titis ns heb.is' ing itandeti a glass -ei tisbay lehéâOO '_u ehtnt comutiticatibu vith ltée banda villa M'Mahan, walcome-,hini, amfoA. tralpelani névË-é iattiEurope, ducetilt inta na rligiaus cereinelies Vu-k Corpus Chiti tay. Théemanuisomee-t toiamet ta hé foimuti vas- viappatliilu£L ctid'a ga-dctilng- alotitea and l iéu placat in a siinie, befane viili pealel- bioea ntibout thl nae,-virile o' fer- lug fiait-rrs anti inense- The fcstivsiai ofSI. Ponpae,tlapot!- -on hue 5 -ne fa as nnfbisÉlt or ýMeuht,'anti mantyred iiu the Year 7.55. On- dia 7th ofaii-une, -1780, o' George Gardon led tis ioten;ou-'!, ýcily ai Landau, for lte prun fmmcii- Protestant* fmny aalui zbc'liim A êitetig gain e alll Thimhble-Rig June, lu 1825. On l-t(iday sauté shiap- ans on à mae-comree lu Enigtautiwrm annastati fanr' 'defraudiiig - en~oi Fraucsda uchlaud ai tme aie 0fLiP) bY means ai a pea antid the" T'le tricke hati tut béan ieard ai baýfore, anti muai ainuieit was causatil ,ylita public performance lu court for -ttc in- formation6f&lthe magistrale. T'is ;sys- tam ôfrabhcr-iscoitubu erngt mow wliotevatr lSeia ata ongrvegtian iiftei, laver classes .. The first Pratende -i ames, Prince<iof Walas, -vas bo-n onu éutheth ai :,e, 1680; anti on lima 111h oa i Jau-1294, Rager Bacon, anaeai lthe grentvst e- lta vaniti bas a-ver kîtovas, ii et O- fard. Johnu Wesay mvas hun -tEpwoanlh on thé i7th -ai une, 170fi but un vi, ai stM-igreatan Intereslta oAinieii-icaus occurati on tuat i lay ï 171.5. 'flua bat- tA ai Bnker 11111, liîghit caieluteti ltae royal troops as a -îictoiy, umudatitti- 1 'tendti tinimcethe c)tit-ne2 af lia pat.riols t.lmiuselveoq. 'Flut figltit h ahtillnagardei as anea ftifhle glories ai Wàr afi lpn-luce>. anim ;ilui tl as hlgitly lionglut -oi as tt-1 ualaof anuimvecp;ary of wviiloccir au i i _151h. OitIha 2911ih n imptae great Amaeri- a tatsmau, IHenry Clay, died in the yar 1852. On lima iotit ai hune, 1837, an ac"t a aliiîIt alolisbidltéeusum ai ltae pihltiiy linbtaUmkIt ug A Nocturnai fiances.' -Bpl;lI)azznr Smih!maILa -ety , adf- au very diaugarous babil f ai wulglig >~ slap is my faedti tat, dirig t :nlu e, i vsIl changé oui cf, VIL, te7utiow aind MII thuself; soey -per. sutie i irbat- p s-ttlîtto er William, sud. -tis ons'enCi..ofiasô - anoanti luistoaiy à'antha o)ther.-nà anoun the bita oralat ile William, T' vêt-y fi-si nigbt sitar tia'ragie vas malté Balailazuar dreamati liat hunglar vas pnruiug lm v itli as,- gar. - Bolue crept oser lo W,,ILmisna' of le-liW, ateppad oe 'anuiainBni"s heningIoru, j" i e uteot on tht fio5,aýd sliti undeam'lbèbe La. ed there awhle, fast aaIê-p '- érgadupon lie oter aida <fý andtiiundthé ie cave-a-it'à Thé-Topé,>i il ii hé asefî,4 neat li boa; iand ilwslled- buo.iElyi-tt oriigR about bailfaswakc, sczougeai - William. To- bis surrise tthe M maiétjerkaclWillham efast-outo - Belahazzar leapati oui toS a$jtéfit ca-useai ltae pbeInnntim anid-,e, ine bis brodai- diseLppearotind~ hati. Belsitazzar, ilardly. yat wh ,was scareti, sud ha diveti heuý t Iedsteati; as be tii s eaeard Wiliamn ciermiu g acoasslie blankeaIa-ý abavé isa& mas Oce more lbe rushd 'ot, over mq, ýýbe S'ver

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