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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jun 1872, p. 2

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Joinsbon. o'elc [VALR A~Th À -Ld Ylrbubs J ,imUee NolerA ual Meeting, So"ey of OI¶LY 8r--o PER* ANNUM. Thle -Re-adJusbmen tofJgepreseutation Tite detikils of titis ieasure, s given by tlirJolm nA.-Madonald, wil ho found unden 1h.e Jailutmenbany iteai. Il Wil ba ceeu at onceltaI t e, Govarnumelu- seherrne (100s nu farly give thmoeeeiou of te additional six meubers, ta vhicit Ontario in eulltled, ba the people ta vitonthbie encrause is owiug; but thât lie re.adjustmeit lis cmmningly devised Si onder ta .effacf. poliical changéesin ayon o!fte Goverumeut. The doctrine of Population is Dot nespectedilte eoustteucies. Bise wity give Ivo meubers là Ottawa villu its population of 21,545, sud Ivo taHan4tou wili s Population of 20,7009 sud overlook rural 4 districts, whicb, if groupedl, sud lie dsibtonfairly made,-would have the ueeassaýrY 18,000 for a mer, lte proportionutpdeu wimie isreprosenla- lion in bseed 9 Why, Whuvige It0ppor- b -- tunity îîow allers, continue là give moruniers tg Cornwall, Brockville sud -Niagara, liten titeir united populations would searcmi>' otitlela bIta 0, ?s We do vot ccîuîlaium o! g ivLgb.addl. tou i ineumber tu> Toronto; its enersu- ai] Populatin twoiul entillaIl b o ulteoitu l 'utuilciluug te uui c>tiletiL4,lti ais miglt WOU be rlr-il.Ai tal t-mnts lb citoul mot leu favori] ut refruncahooultl>'cou- t.iuuu-os, utooked kiite ditribu- biuitmu ii mutulih4ttî-u- vtitlto aidit. hi~~ituti]itlttitl-ibo utituu t before Iltutujiltoli imit] (Mftîwa,IBuit take te CuumuutiL <>iuftiu <mît] 8incou, viblu ;tri i ummil pi ltittuttf upmvailsofonue - - humtiru-d lioituiottut]. Bull Itate -nly fovrlvmuner, t,-webv titeni, wile, on te basic tof 18,001)tu a manIer,lime>' wovl )üvitu nitlc]ta, aI least, ime. ovbsrio aul silivcoe arecadjiuiug con- liis, amd thare wuuld ha litle difficult>' iittskiig llii ueeesary re-adjuâlment. Ilaitiy, Sir Joitn's% re-distriîublon mes- sure wus uot i]esigviei] t do evan.hand. cl justice on te eont>ary, il *is at dir'ect violation of te prineiple wiie givctu bite vncreanéd rapresentation; ilb dumpriývM tome fairiy cîtitleu te adid- Mival mîetlers uofttirrrigîl, anud is a uilionmosutt levice fuorte proinotion of parle iitltreste. Th-e Trcaîy.-Diplomatic Decepîlon. IL lemtu(Jw tutoe t-urIlti uoubîful vitler tliùtt-tmy ru W'afilimgtov viiil e qc- - mlmt-l luyei-ilium part>'. The lBritisit (tc--titiî itutumlitufit-unas 10 lima de- imummuttilut-oitthe idt-tmuai o! consequan- t lt tmmtt1gts, 'rue, liai eutani]has b lt-ttuli- itu tomrttomue, butb >'aluncoun- fin-'mmet iid uttt liaI if Ihey accept til Iti Tî-mcy silîit tue supplenentliAti. via tIti-y wili lum-i lt-mu ntthle iok. An] tii Llite muabl)it vl ttit3-y wlui io ermuit tclit l i'l hi.illtttc-o!dipfluinue>' tuuu-u iil n-li-eut enclimtmms-bl dfronithte - ft-m tî'-tutct t tir meigliuhors anti '151ttu-rtIte-1lit-st c!ftae bargain utaI a -~ ~ ~~ iuvmn e vit aute îw isk o! pensunai imînnu. 'Sir Stafforti Noiltlicole, uie o! titmgilit - U-)e.venlatives, bac statai] tlhaIlltere vas a distimmel understandimg, eeu u aIttimigc, tiat lte daims fon lu- 'uirect tîmages suouli] vd ot le made 1>' lte Uttitecd States.6"Tva 9questions," ito0uaid, "itave heen raisai] ; ove ltae -- pemcîunal question as b vital vas ltae ttdtcrtimtlg etventh ie commnission- une uti9liievets atm] îeritapc etvaen týe tlien govei-mtl, aI te lime ltae t eatY Wvas- cotieuldi: andite othman 1 tbuOta-'gcneraI xuelits o! the question (raisei] wliuvregard] bu vîal ana clle]l consequnniai anagas ani] indirect s. , .Wiliuregard lu lte paruonal quesîtion, I vii onu>' s>' thIs--tit ev, lte Comumiselonare, vene distinely>' e- spnslie for itav-img reprasaueto btle gevorvneit t ltI ve underta] sa pro- nu e lu le giveu ltaIt ese daims vere niâ -o be nu puh utlfonwurdb>' lie United States. But if we, ara lu znainlal ltaI positioti, va of course muet be bvuuglil 1into îusliftl roitmtiunu,, sud.peniaps pain. Sfat quesioms, flvcwea opm'slves ani] dur )Amoiricam oIIulisupon ltaI Commis. -Sion, Il vont] hava baen Mostunjuetifi- ablehi f, vwhilo te maller vas ulder Ais- b mate gooi] our ovu case ii lte matan -td'interfoeaviitlte greal luternaltinal slemenb viticit lasbeaeingwO.- 'Whelhenltaé lime wviii os-i-came for setuuig fuil>' on lb. mater Y1i]o'l 1ov, sud I comparatival>' little cane." ýo Ibis ampitatie deciaratian no denial s beu given. Au] !aiiing lie dlean- est teitimony to te coubrar>' it muet lie canctludd aînt a charge o! vilful i]ecep- officiais. For ltenathlera seareel>' ap- -pears-to lie loft an>' ionorabie-meens o! b'1 iteeting cf te ge!ornu Convention. -' f Ton euo'clocktol-day (Titurida>'), id tha - - lour-sppolulad for ltae Asembilg o! lime Retorm Convention, et ltae Mecimen- SUDDEx D;Â'ru.-A nachinist neme]d John Heur>' Groom, eunpioyod aI lie foundr> heroe, dia] anexpectedi>' au b at"r]y eveuiug lumt, aftor ua short RII- neo, o! riteuntie foyer. itje deceased vuauanEnglishiman, sud itas beau lu titis country about Ivo >'aar. Ho leaves a widomv an] quile a large fam- ^rl>. ie rai took place en Tuesta>" leel, lia body belng accontpauà t o lie grave b>'a; -jargo nuir o!fbis folov vonkinon in lhie fountin>, vbo .nMost qenerous1y defrsyed lie expensas of lthe intermeut.- bILITE or CHaaaxL zva.Cene Lever, ltme wel -knova popubar'navoliel, b - islno more, Hoed in Trmeste la inte 68r year a! bis agi. QU~Avaa S Siuix. - Tue sami tenta o! tb. Court 01 <qusnter Sessions ,*illbe hlolihlem' on Tuosaylt4 j1ti instant quorum, for 414 trsnsacfion a0<ü o! bieo"ng&e5r eollsanes iting uti »Si h hotir ad puue& Tihe.'absent imembera,(besides lb -Myoao u mible 1e, b. pre-»spi tliogh Wuemu) W-ee'Mess. -B"$ Cauneron, .arpei, ind Lawlei. -Tu1 has.been t1h. Ibird pnlfourth Ume as neW tb. lastlmeeing/âshan a djbuýtiae E1 taen pleac~e aa >t o! ý-a --quorum, eéu& thon, hmbas betbut one' regla ùmetng of ourreapoéted -Tgwiuan we bolievo, ice tb. fire'aI ieRoyal liotel ou the (1h, of Mardi. '1t is verj well known tbat mauy malter. avwait the action of lie Councl. Member who have undertaken lie responsibili. lieu of liair position slîould give soe= attenrtion be their duties. Above *11 things, nothing can ha more annoying or iuconsiderate, or in facit inexcusable;, lien lte cavelessuess which trigles wilu bte lime of otiiers, sud keeps te pune. tuai members o!fbte Condil waitiq until afler dia bour of meeting lias ps. ed, when a litl.regard tb lia punctual. ity whieb ýal- business meu observe would prevoul so muci nonvenüenc aud frittering away of valuable lime. RÂ!LIROA ACIDENT nu Plcimaw*.- On Sunday lst a very serions accident occunred on the lino of the GrAutiTrunli Raflroad near Frenebmn's Bay station. A bridge, wblch had beau for soins lime condemned aunsafe, iconsequeuce of lie vain iaviag permeabed lie bricks of wiicit il s built, and the bricks bWv lig heoouFdeoomposed1 in consequenc of lb. mLsture freezing i inter, wa on bbasl day tbeharemoved, and s struc- 1tnne composodl ofîlinher te b. substitut. ed to mieet, for a lime, tha requiromento of lte traffi. A large number of aMen oontnted bte work of-denolilion willi pieks, &C., about 12 o'cock, sud about iualf-past two, the archies hiaving heen lthroun clown, te plers and alutmente ouly remainod. On oua of thexe pier severai men eoilected, sud thtu baing top.iuoavy, sud insufilciently supported hoeeabl, tell duwn with a horrid crash, partialiy burying soe of te workna bencabit i. Tlirce or fonr o! the men wers umore or lacs injured hy bruises sud ente. One sustained tvo fractures, and was su dreadfuily crusited by heing januned between a brace snd lime falling bricks, that lue diad about hiaif-past six o'cdock te sanie evening. Ha rasided iu Scarboro, hie naine vas George Thotupson, and h li ai beau but a short time in the employ of tîme Grand Trunk compauy. Dr. Tiuckar was snmmoned t te aid of tesufferers. The surviv- ors 1usd titeir vounds dressai]asdd era sent to, Iheir homes.- Au inqueutt was liell te foilowing day on bte hody'of poor Thompson, sud a verdict ralurnai] of socidental deatit, couiplai] witlî a ra. commendalion thaI bu guard against sinuilar catastrophes in fnture, miel sgtructures altould ble demolished -by blasting. -. -- CAULFIELO FoURusa aENIrENTIraua.- Wnt. Caulfiald, vitoce sentence va mnn lionai] last veat -as hmsving beau com- mutadoi] u prisoumeutivnlime Paultan- tien>' for ie, lefI Tnecday moruing for luis futtnre dlestination iv chtarge o! tle Slierif. Ou tite day previous Ravi]. Fabter Sies, sud Mn. Macilonoli, luis counsel, sut] aiso lima ciiliren o!flime conviet, pal] hMi a !anowell visit. Te, lte exertineo!fbtae two former gentle- mon, vo ns>' sdi, sud te furcibia case lthe>'presemulo n lis Ichaif, ltae con- mnutation o!flta coîmvieb's sentence vas niaiuiy-if nob slbogetanr-oving, ami] to-titan more titan aU oltere, as veil s lte abilit>' o! Hon. Mn. M. C. Camenon'r i]efeuce, tefumil>' o! William Caulfiol] stand ludeble] for te saving o! hIi fe fron lthe extrema peualt>' o! lie iav. WVe arealaiseinformai] bitICaulfield's counsel, on accouuh o! the uncartalut>' o! lthe evii]enca givern beforo bte jury, sud tae vant o! an>' positive heclimoit te linlg home hoeitimbthecrime, enlan sanguine itupes o! ulinatai>' oliainlug luis repriave allogebter. Thte piuoner upelts lunliaeitigietelme o! lima km]- mass sitawn hb theiaCoant>'Gauler, Mr. W. Coulîhami], su] bis faml>' dur. lug bis incancemilion. Titair ltludnoc an] attention tbu bis vauha vas aven>'- bting limaI coul] lceoxpeclai] under il circuumulanceu, sud compatible viit hic propen disobarga o! officiail ub>'. TION CARNIvAL b>' ltae ormi-renmvue Do]svort' Dand, vitici tlaltplae et Bochasier ounlthe 2ni], lin, 41t su 5ut o! Juiy, la cerlain>', ho se>' tîe leasi o! il, nalting couideraile a t 11in te vunid. Mn. G. H. Billes, vil tii camnival teant, ban] sud nagnificeul baud wagon, vill arrive lu Wliitb>'nezt Fnida>' fonanoon, b> lte steamer Nurse- mantebgive au exhibition, su] lie grand dispia>' ulouli] certihl>' strscha lsrge cnov]. The pncipla upou vbich the -ditilution of gifîs tatas place, il viibi ie membere], la, timat oaci toilaei a! siticket, mIttl, la enlitle] luadmis- sion. tae e ouscert, an] bu an>'gift Ibal ns>' b. dravu cbespon]ing vil lihe numbar o!flte liet. The value o propar>' andi]gouda tb iadistribube] is aitogelior esîlmata] stl*175,000, su] emîreces lbausunds o! guIfs value] frei $lot bu$6,000.- -Tax WmTrsv PuRRACY.-Tita busi- naso!this establishmeant, as viiil e meen b>' lie sunouncemeul in oter coiimna, vil lbc evrieci on as lavabo- fore during ltae lifelime o! lie laie Mn. Goria. Mn. Smii, lte laie Mr. Gev- vle'u assistant, ila a dIl>' qualifia] ment- ber o! lb. Coilega ofPitarmac>', au] has Is certifleate o! qumification. -,1The business- viii liacarTie] ou b>' Mn. Gerrie'u widoy, ander Mn. Bmitit'u cane- fui management an] lupe-inten]ence. Dzi'aTarue or VoaîNTEs.-YVoiun teers leave for camp aI Niagara 'next Wednesday morning. Thea route id nol yet arrange], butl lb viIIpnalibIlie hotuî saine as lasl'yean, lthe battlhiamuâer- ing et Witby, au] from ntacé laIà.4 steamer for camp. Tue>' vi1ruruo lia 28t1, nemainling in camp sixbe daya. - ,Lonta OEANGE Caum yLopcsz,-,N.t a lang e ting o! lie <Joint>' Lo4al liel] et Brookiu on Saturda>' las, Il vas decido] la colebvate the 4=»Voal o! tie batlle o!flIt Boyne inlthe loisn of Whib>' i. year. Tue Oranan ofthe District of Be»Cli lave receive]l ai . e-t&lou to jçiz.r brelhramCd minuo gra appointed ilt üq~r nas* lb a3ldwln.Lâfon.aljie Âdinisrýi- ii 849. 'Reswas îslectýd Speaker*in 1962 hel thé position until 'the dimela tion of the Hineks.'Morin Cabinet ln '54 n 1858 lie was" Attorne y.Generlfoi Upper Canada in the flrown.Doiioz overumnt, and after. tbe defeat of thi artiei-Maednald Admnistration t 862, lie was .calleil upon tb forin lb nMîcdonald-Dorion Mlnistry, oi hidi lhe was the bead, sud Minister cd ilitia unfil bis resignation in MarcIý 8u4. Confederation (tb wich lie wu pposed.) followed. In 3tily, 1867, hi as appointed an Emecuitive .Connellk f Ontario and Attorney-Géeýa of the ieerwincl ppsition lme held unti ocember, 1871, wien tie adverse vote g.int him ini the Assembly foreead lin to reuigu. HMo careful management, hile in office, of the 1P'ovificial affaire alned hlm l- th hghest praise fron pponentsas well asfrom friands. In *political opinions lie carriad ie inilependencqq b the verge of obstinacy ut lie was a man of lear perceptions -n sound judgment, and one whose aie must noessarily ocoupy a large hiaro in the "ltory ofCanadian polies alis early personal hlstory in a remark- bie onîe' and shows what triumpho erseverance and industry eau attailu Re was hotu of very poor parents whc ccupied a tumble-dowu shauty ih viinity of a saucly comman close by ho village of St. Raphael. There being on many of the naine of Macdonald la aie locality it was the customn to attacli a nickname' to establial inideutity, and ecoordlingly the family we ailude e bc-o came Tkuown hy the addition 'S;anfield,' which the subjot of our sketch early appropriated to hilmsel!. After playin barefoot about the cabin 10 or 12 yeArs, lie got employmeit amoug the lumber. ren,whlcli seems to bave disagreed witb hlm, s we next-hear of him dacamping 1the States. 'Ho was hroughb back, bowaver, aud soon after figured as a rierk iu the general store of Coruwall. En this capacity lie ingratiated hùxlef witb the people of the conntry side by miall acts; of tlîoughtful kluduess, snob as frequeutly puttiug UP iu the family parcel a wee package of inuif for Gran- nie, or a few sweeties for the baby. &.tr a lime, Saudfleld-always a smart ~outh, and possessed of a thirst for earuing, wbicli lie gratide a t everyop. portunity-asired lé the, stndy of tbe aw, and by dim1 ofsbeer tact and per- ~istency, hoetlirQstbhimself into the no- ice of mon who took lin by the liand, ud enabled* him to acquire sufficient mnowledge to paqs with credit au exxn-~ ination nI Kingston. While ernployed ba Toronto flru, lie was sont ona njission clown South, and during hie~ rip lie fell in with tîhe daughiter of-a wcalîlîy plantor,whidh acquaintanceshir Lerminated iu marriage. This alliance rnay lie said tt, have put- Sandfield *'on Is legs,' au-I hencefortli his stepa nup lie sociaN-adjer were rapid. At the go of twenty-six lie was returned for alongarry Connty, aud atterwards fo .ornwaU, whch place ha reprosent- 'd up to the tinte of his deatti. Ontario bas reason t0 think grate- Under his rule site made big strides o ho highitrsl of prosperity, and wben Lo reins of office were taken from e loft the Treasnry lowing over. In the House of Commons on Mon- lay, amouget olier tributes of respec aid to te mcmory of Mr. Macdonald, Ion. Mr. Dorion said, taking Mr. Mac- onald's political osreer as a whole, the 'rester portion of it met hie approval. Le intended goinïg to hie fffumerai to norrow, it was the asat mark of respec ie couul psy to an old frieud. Mr. 31ake bclievad lihe lute membar fo ornwall was at heart a truca Canadian. ifferences sitould lie written in wste Lnd frieudslips upon more andurin niaeilal. HA hopdàit would aflwayxu Cevernor, Mr. C. J. Brydges,HotJ Young, Presideut of te Montreal Board f Trade, Mr. Walker Powell, Deput Adjutant-General, and Mr. G. Steveus outreal.nj TISE PI.&,o-FAOToRY.-We laarn aIa Reveral gentleman in toisis bave made msstlsfactory arrangement with Mr. Rainer for removing bis piano factor froui Whitby to Guelpht and for carry. ihg it on and extending it liera. Il i unnecessary to mention the malter of the agreement, but we may stabe Ibat the gentleman wiio book lte matter u îitbh so mncit spirit have ýsucceeded L mssig the required capital,.'whlciw ieloaued to Mr. Rainer, who wflll Ilum e0 ena>le bo carry on te enterprise on more enlarged scale. Those .gonfle- uadeserve Ibuaka of dia eltizenu fo 0 im spiitad liherality bhey bave dis- LlayAld he iamatter.-Guelpli Mer- ,,We very mucli regret Mr. Balnerl 2 whefront Wbltby, ana bope Ibe âetwith thal abundànlesucom mi' l&ý field wbich lies plendid work. wra e u .believe 1fr., Rd aine bw equ4 '.in Iapartieiilar oaln spiano n uac ner. Imminstum nt laveYo alayarried off finIt prize' ~hrever exhlblbed1 anti re p rized ilf BesaZved;-That lie Delegates miden. at thlis Convention feellthe peu 'rantrn]bh 1Lathà ouïrs&"lu 0e so patnlatc lan moIiWend 80eem 1r'mn eb&acer, bavlng pu. to hi vswilk bis' prnaciples intacta vi~been sage la coancli an oaci. elne6ai0actio, as*lie latePresideul 01 e BeformÀociaion ofBouthlOntaio Uedo1ve4-Thst vs coudoieiilithe 5wf&mily an]d'relatives of the de. la ias hmbeing bereft-of a good ubandddnd father,aad !aîth!ulfruend -Reslved,-Thalliecelr>finis eafflict l!uiyiti a copy o! lioe sln$lqp, sne] à bylimit ma]the bimao!Ibis dieligon liehah! ol '(Sioned) J. S. M. WImucox, Chairmen. S. J. Houx, Becreta>. The delegabes attends] lb. funeralih body. Il vas on. o! lb. langeaI eud ouI reopoctlbi>'attende] Lenerals eon. wilneasd in WhItbÏ. Thet*neàgà lacesa!ùIsiee r il closed dUnin9 lpassage Ibrougi lb. principal stnselus th lie l and even>' possible mark af aspectvas ulievu la liaememor>'oa e o! Whibbym bail diizont. Count>' News. Messrs. J. P. Foie>', Philip McBae, ui F. Warreno! Mars, bave heen ap- poiute& J. P.'s Donald Gun, lia mniierar of yoang Hlesie>', aI Alerie>', basnot yal -beeu reateci. Bey. Mn, Finan, o! Mars, vio lias leen 111, il e aare glai] bu learu. recov- aning lia heaibt.- Oshawa iu bu have anoblier entarpnise lu te shape o! a Saving Machine fac- tory. An asiter>' near Mamilia, ovue] b> Mvr. John MeLcan, vas deslro>'e] b> ire au Salurda>' vcak laut. Loos 8500. A hazaar lu aid o! the Canigou Engiihciturqb, iteid on Quaen's bfrth- la>', nette] 8180. The bridge over lie middle linaneit ou hae Severn river, eonnecbimg te Alter- a>' au] Mumkoka roei]m, is in e danger- us shate. A cricetl natc eit eweu bthenrnieul ni] unmarrie] mon o!f Lxbridge, on hae Que'i hirbda>', rasnite in ivfavat filme latber b>' uine viekets. The village o! Uxhvldge is about on- ganizing a itoohu and ladder compan>'. TheaGrnu]Division o! the ;Souo af emperance o! Ibis Province, wýi neet I Uxbrii]ge on lte 25hh o! Junë. Ma. Borts DEcLINxu vo ACCEPu.-.- WVe are. in raceipt o! the foilowing comn- municatIon fronu Mn. Deicl, Secretar>'. Treasunan o!fte Souhb Partit Reform Association:- To t1w Editar uf lthe Stratford Bea- DY.&E Sma. - I reýéived lIu evening as lerinntfront»Mr.! James Buyi], slatiug ttliha asl"decidecl vol to accept hhe nomination for Soutlit Parti." I ant sureyotu, sir, iv comnin wîit- lime Reformons o!flte Ridivg, wiu Ibongbltte>' ha] securai] so eligible a aui]idste, vil] regret ltae décision et whicb Mn. Boyi] bas arrive]. If ltaI tiecislun le nuatrabe-su] 1 prectime it ie--you viilscelie macessit>' o! ou- forcing prompt anu zui] daction in te eiecllum o! a candidate b>' the Ra!orm- ru o! Soult Partit. Let no pat>' local ousidenalinus or pallr>' sectiomai jeal- ousie. preveut bamnions action vilh vmev bu the nomtination o!flte sbvomg. at residemt ornuon-resident brime Be. former Ibal eau lie founci Tours, trui>', A;J. BEaCH, Secrebar>' S. iF. R. A. st. kuary',1Mia'28, 1872. Wa rincéeai>'hope, vili Mr. Deicli, hâal lrofiting b mUat expenience, cîapc e tken b e aformev o!flte jSoubtRiding ho secureiluthie future uniteaan]ditrmoniuus action, vlitout agaIrtdni b - prsa or s ecioual pre- We uotie lte !ollowigl ite lagl ahbti for imite] -services, in ie" nnit aIilo'clock, in St. Apâ~reW' itrce; su]d lu hh-avening,aI0 o'cloek, n bbc Canada Praubylamian ebureli. at-e viii ha no olier services in lieue Clianekes on Ibal Sabat. Il la ofteu reZark;à b>' ulvaugera iitin gp"m" State, tIbal,-ve sfov e gev proportion o! guai] itrses tlieu uy alter Blute in lie Union. This, a tlUltent, id oving la tva principal ssons: in lie final place, vo breeti amIbhe ver>' beal stock; au] inlihe eau] place, aur peopleiesereidan's avain>' Condition Pov]ars, vitichitnl urjuqgeinut ana o!incalcuilable ai]- aulage. A Fiendim« Neei-Dr. Wislais Bal- of Wilhetrry id a friend inda.].. oabs] nalfoand il sucit in curing diseasetoo! lie lunga and thrpsl, uglis, cola, ]pulmoneryegellas &-4iamtnl uil' Consuaiption ? The au aeassure] liaI lie higit standard f excellenceon uwhlcb lb. popularib>' f"bi prepnalion is liasad, vii al*a>'s malulaine] b> lie propnielons. - TIhe Way,'ta mînieler bueà min] dis- ase]'laid ta bke Pervian SyruP-, u4pro- te] iolatiya oflte probaxida o! on iiivea aLyo ugt l anM' v4Sgon latli - oe yteiz, rostor e iadig"estveor-' bovr eathIth,lierpbyre.storing Mhe ind o patural Iyggr. Jobnsou'm AamttynoLifàelvi me relief in mmiasof Chronie ats- na malter boy*severe, - NwMaauua, a s auaxe, - as 9dOiiGuuuHomai MeseMe C4A afUll Meetlig to-Uda', adoptedtba fol- Go lGYU1M4 O e D. l0witig pres.bl stresoluio : 'no', Rowland, Sexton, ,Shi*e, SIb, 1- luesva ,Il ftee= probable lbat the "t)»ib Eslbty>Tsde , Ulb wùnited Stsgveruments, (Ivar th, (But ati Wi ledAb 5115.35 *p1 M »-~snt,, Mn. Jobn-EU Thomnsow ~Mn., SiiOabI*O$15M hIIII aW -Coaeuuisequnly enterea anabols ai 1ev vhiola 11e Unitedi States,1GOVent oxcAits o btmont hp Mhvo beau eebablisit- Whor apeëýu o beohr pe dte'l obstacle teO preveut lthe C= OU-t dia aabnghoTnety; or@aa afn i zutot, ant hat ilvas a mat. Beaoleec!, Thathearàilyapp.evtug e ar o! grattude anlwe prei* ngo couse 'usnebyie ni~i]la e 0 ltaliodieir duty. ne then, pro- earsestly ane upon Ournantional LoI Coeedelarea th le several commumnies. 'lature lb. importance of at Once etiact- "toi recsiveti by him, during lie necess. Sing.the nsesssrlawsbteCarrylthe flsliTb97 vete sfoiDv5 - , rycasso! ztfm reatty :oafet5 suo nmz Sprovidedfut, in Article 883 ofbb.iaid Opnoo!RA.HrinsdTh. -trealyin order liaI oun flshaieii Opnionus Q. C .s'Har itesonnd s rs ~ IIbu furtben dola>' be.blren..atks. lt orkei5 cggbIdeI a Sarrangements for the proseoullor o!f pat.hit oiniSon vs-bui liet frkep effn e- ~ fibares vlboml isk ! iterfrena o hie Co"tl7Couneilcoul] not svold Lie colo!im Bnls tPrvneo*s, - lie resTondsiuhy o! assung lhe bridge Rasolued, That copies o!fles irse repair, but Ibat tboUs migil lia asea CulOnIe elto rp- snale for le purpose o! b.eping it in repain. Congres. , Iluconsequeuca o!ftaI opinion, lie 1. This is lie - diplomatie triumph' Wardeu, as oua o! lie special CO nmil- liaI meets vili ,sumeit "b.rty,"!,yankee, lee sppoiutedAo oblain tie opinion o! i "iappmroval 'WUmy bycu c onsel, gave authority,jointly wIit lb. , over Ji"ba surrender te ltant o! reev o!Sogog xei]15 a r' 1 eds. pairing lte bridge. A~ZT p~s7The Wardea reil4 - coimmunication 8-fnr ois from the Co. BnIneofo SimCee as to ;9 TH iOàs -r .-ýA despathlifron the stato o! lie Narrow's bridge; alo No)f bMyBlmya àstiI lebler fronthle reeva o! Mars ounlte NewYor, My lot sas tatDisric me subject, . front wbieh Il appeared Attorney Gars-nhlas recelvati front Mr. liaI lie conumbrsel build a new swing John MoKeowa, lte counsel for Stokes, liai been let aI $1,050 te Messrs. HarIs a cpof ti.ti...u.»wliuth ho sud MoPite. visites Marelas Cicero Stanley sud The Warden rend] communications Dorman B. Eston, vito ana nov lu Eu- fronthbb Clerks of lie Co. Concils o! - ope, to ansver. It is very diffloutit for Simoe andi York, sud also extracte o! au outsider t e oeau>' onneciom a. eportso!conttles o!fbliosa Corpora. tveeu MeKeovn's questionssud te bi=sinrefenence tebite visa in te val- gmander o! Jantes Fisk. jr.. Shotild ors o! Lakesg Sinmcoe sud Coueieing, aJudge Garvin allowlte interrogatories sud asking lie assistance o! lhe CouIt tb go uucnemged, lte>'vil le for- COofilo Ontario in provii]ing s prao- vardod te a lavyer in London vibli«la remedy for reinoving obstructiuns aautIol'leanmine Stanley sud Baton, and preveutiug lteir ovrIow Inl pur- ansd send tlhelr replias, macle uùder suanca o! au invitation fronithle Scro- uatb, t1 lis Cil>'. har>', Mn. O'Deli, and aao! one reciv- Tsz Oyrio B.&Nic.-The llfteenth ai frointhlb Commussuoner o! lie Nar. mnulmeetingo!fltae stockuoldiersoo row's bridge, Mr. Bolton, b.oitai, lia slai], procaeded bu Orilhia ou Frida>', teOntario Ba* w as helci at its batik- Ma>' 1sic, vbeu hoemet lié gentlemen lmg bouse in Bovinanville on Monda>' representimg the ollier coututes. Tht 7lasI. The attendanca vas nul as large thea> charterei] a umali steamer, sud yas usual. The directons report tint, examinecl the ouulels of te Lake, sud 1, vlisan]u leacieco ltiinfouis lte obstructions lu ba o! a ver>' notwthsandng te ativ cometiiondiffaraml citaracter b teal lue (ltaeWar- betveen te moualar>' lntI tof o dem>)-lai] pre-u-lonsly supposai]. Tltat ath liacountry, taebusiness o!fltae Bank Obstructions sud CvrIl w vre causai] -for te pasl yesr lias steadil>' ani] lagil- b>'lte raising uf a nul-dam, sud wviilu imatali'lcreasai]; tint, after the psy. hoe vas sallsficd musl lc cituter loverai] ment of Ivo semi-amnual d]ividende of 4 or removai] in ordar te prevent lte over- Ifp an cent oaitnsd making provision for flovingz of tae waters o! -tha Lake, Ha - ad sud doubîful debts, lie>' vare abla (tle Wsrden) vas satistii] titat in ord- te adi] 050,000 luelite rasarveamcunt. et bo mccl bite dificuly, leglulaliva or The meeting passed off ver>' barnten- Govermnnent iuterfèeance vouùli ba mac- bousl>', sud al lte oh] directors vere eesary, ami] au application settiug forth 1re-eleoted. te facto made buebite Ontario Goveru- 1 DzATH 0F MEa. BENNETT, Or THE Nzws meut. SVR R rYoauc "HRALD"-Mr. James Gordon Te 5V~ RDE adilranl popnitor ! b Tahtae Wari]eu descrulai] lie dangerous Bennett, eî n rpitro h.saeo!fte Severu bridge, andl urgai] *New York Herald, expireai ihis rosi- ltae ucaslt> of immediate action, for denceoun Saburda>' last. Mr. Bennett ils reair. v as boru at New Mill, Keitit, Banff- ItiSCELLÂNEOUS. tshire, ScohIam, about 1795, vas aducat- Aiso; latter fron Hon. Billa Flint va- ai] or itapnisbbod a lie Rmanspecting aid te Marcitiont Honte. ed fr te prestoodat te Rman Front W. S. Williams, Napamea, ne- Calholic semimar>' aI AIeriaep,; but specting telUs on cout>'ruade. Sab&udonai] Iis intention or II o! hie Front Messrs. Fareweil & MaGee, .parents in dia year 1819 ami] betook Solicitors, çÎentatding paymnt o! 021.- humiseîf b bite Unted States. For 47, snouu(eof taxes slege ei]bch over seme lime lue earned bis living as s pal] 1>' Jus. Drew, of E. Whitîy - teaciter, butl822comniencedw orkutpofl Front J. V. Ham n raference to the the press iu coniteciion villi a Charles. Council pnoviming suilable finrou ton nevepaper. Ha speedi>' fourni], vanits for lis office as edput>' clurk o! lowver, a boIter opeming for bis talents te Crowu, sud for Mn. Dartndl. as lu Nov York, wvire hoe vas for some Master in Cluancor>'. lime assistant editor on lte Courcr ansd The Wardem next commentai] upon Enquirer, Ihuen onue of lte clief pspers te markei] improvement lunte sp- o! thte City. A in of evorîvous ever-- peanance of the surrouvulivgs of lima g>', %Ir. Bennett estaîlisthl] ie Ncw Couvi>' buildings, sud lte credilaîle York Hitrald invthe yu-ar 1835S, ant ini- cleanlinese and] oruler ivnviticli lte hutili]- troducai] a mew r nors thediajoumnaIa ing vas kept b>' tle presoni luousokecp- o! te United] States, sti, va May sY, or. lie recummeudci] lime purcse o! i aisu o!fte von] ai large.- Mr. Bcv- a lawv moyen, sud statec ltat i e liad 1 mett's histor>' lias sic hco lime boen onderoi corne Engi el i trecs ta lieb titat of thme jounal vimiclu luelias gnided. planbti(. IUc comclndle(db>' s nufereluce until the prdbenb day-am ovenbfvl pari. to lte Voincere, an] trustaltIte oi] ýf 87 >'au'. On bue Tuceda>' previons camne spirit i]ispiuyoui lait yesn wonld lie lu itis doati 't ahîe reqIcI of Mr. Bcn- exhiilai] Ilis yumsr.also ivnrnsking uebl, Arobbishop MeClosky vas invited an appropriatiou for Ilion encourag-'a ho hie hedside sud silnuinisterecl lu him meut. lte, saeramquls o!ftae durcit. Witan 5tECIAL COMMIvTER v0 EQUALIZE hie last hour arrivei]lho samk lu sloop Mr. Gordon, secondai] 1>'Mr. Mdilse, caImyaui]pasceful>, and biesecul pasu- movai te appoimeni of a special eai] a'wtitua slrgge.Mr. Ban- committea ho equalize te assessmonb melt vas in la701h >'an o! bis age. rules, bu consiel of Messrs. White, Me- Tux DERBY.-The great anialDer. Millan, Gu>', Gordlon, Bulton, Siire, b>' race, ovar vlaicit ail Emglsnds sport- sud MoRse. ingcirle bae bauin amcbetan fo b Mn. Ilidhell, secondai] b>'Mr. Tvea- ingcirleshae ben n eciemelt ord-iluamendmnu, movai] that lime mentite past",ame off ou Wei]nesi]sy ounc é_prceai -behabI-fr a-elei reoipieul o! a perfect ovation fron thle Tour Treasurar vould hg leava ho lisekeri o! bhab favorite, sud aI tbe cou- report Ibal expendibure for Count>' pur. clusion o! the race vas instanly> seized poses since Jauury lut, 1872, amoumîs> and bonne off lia courge on liaecitoul- là 815,168.88. ders o! i.aizrieýRaceipîs simca lst Januan>', includiug - ' - - ~-balance a! 1871,*18bt1 - C.Žujumo axu Acs~&vox.-lie Amounl expauded inaexces&of recepte Exacutive Commlttae o!ftae Canadian 08,819.02. PresAssociation mal ou Frida>' aitte An]dtaI litafoilowing amontslei Queau's Hotel, .Toronto, bu ntake an- cumite] as required bu ha proviclai rangements for lie annuel meeting ami] for lieeaneuing y'aan: 9 Ciminal Justice, 85,000. excursion. Tbere veve presaul Mr. Jali supplies, $1,000. James Sontarvilla, Dandas - Banmier, Menthers vages, $984 ; sualaries o! Prasident, ibtae chair; Mn. J. Mathie- Count>' officers, $2,250 ; CounI> pro- son, London, Sacreaan>; Mr. John pn>,*5;Tselno etos 60 boar] o! ExamineM ,$120 ; dieurs Smnlit, Elora Observer; Mr. T, lunes, sud coupons, 64,952 ; comlingancies, Guelphi Mercury ; Lv. Mr. Clarke, *500; indigent viluesses, *60ý; pini- Ontario Far,»er ; M . . Hougl, Co- ing, 41,000; dmi11 shed, 8250; Voln- bourg Wurd, and Mn. B. Jackson New. leors, & '; roads sud bridges,, *500 ; mankt Ea. Alater vs rcaivi] ol!hount>', *24 ; insnca, *187.50 ; markt Ba. leterwasrecive Hlghi scitools, *2,000; Registr>' office, front Mr. Mackenuzie Boveil, M. P., 0150 ; iulerest, '*782; Sengog bridge, Belleville Inielligcicer, stabing tînt Ilia*200 ; vood,« M j Aumos, 180. bai] cammunicatad vibi lie Goven- Tvu-aud-s-ba lpe cent comimission, m aent fit regard lu pvcuinig a steamner ~ Wvé' iant' in wbichitbu muake le contemplate]i rip To meet-vicli-ý front Montreal bu bite lover provines, Front Gaverument for eiminal jus- bulIl appeavai] bitIlte Governmeal tie*2,000. veascouldnot aecommodatetee rs Pdas sotn and u]magistrales, excursion part>'. The trpi #eqmul 500. - 1>' lid h li aandons usew o! Loaéevingbo lie providai] for sa> lie demanda aupon edibuial lime andi - ]M-Lava coi<rzEltD. labour b>' lie appnoschbing elatitiouis, il Tite several by.iava, o! wbicb notice vas. desunai]advieabhè la make lie ex. bai] beaugiven >'estterday b>' Mesurs. cursion as short as Possible. Il vas Gordon, BuhloneA uy(l>, vers lrougit dacide] ta MaM a at noubno on Monda>' up and fial>' passai].- evemnug, Jinl>' Bu, slart Tuesda>' movu- ine b>' lb. NoriernRallvway tla (>lia NOTICE. ._I! liauo b' seseer a Beceinl&e.Mn. To conuirmliy-kw vNo. 14 of bie lovu- Cockblirnkinl>'offeratli fo place - t et lma f adjoannai] unli onton- disposai o! - btaAssociation >oua 0f 7 . nïl1djune ntltoir finée smuers for a luso d-ayW 11 lie nov aorning *aI 10 o'-,eiuck 151505 Mlb. Muiskolce vgtOmL'ue-oftév vas acoetI?, sais 'r ot !tânke- After twonb>-fiva ,years o! diealex- durai] la Mr. Cockburnm f. apartance, va hava ýnover met villi a oi liee e*msket Ena, Was requesteti zeati>' v ofa!dependence in an>'1 -t make lie n0emaar> arrangeaient.. diae o! the lange,'umiilie disoeoy 1Théausam nwOting 'lte Ààsaeiatiou !Flon opu]Srp~ H' Iwl éhul-st eraoebniig'A foIl ofus o* Co pujd y ne-f y saeleio muboén mad, am4 , pophosphitos. Ti ril elyi e -uba_lsble a flid --o utitulion, or an eidnres l is 'Exceil- oucy pra"i gfor tl i ]ialovaieuî-o! the Provincial Act. Mn.-CoIb*, tlienenilurfor Slansteai] anunuce hs intention, aasaon as lhe, râies o! lb House wv-puld permit, bu mos-e an amendaient expressing regret et lb. legislatiom o! Nev Brunswick -aathe lehope liaI il von]] lie amande]- et lie nexl oession o! lb. Provincial Legilture iu lb. sense o! doing 'euh- sellji tiee thlerligiaumnoi>'. The Premier, inasnsver la 1M.,Couti- gan, announcod Itihe Goverumeut van]] support lb. ameudmeut suggesl-, o] b>'Mv. Colli>, ami] vouId oppose' lit Mr. Cbanvan; -an] thon lia de- bale proceade]. On the vote Mn. Cbanvan' ameud- meut vas defeatei]-yeas, 84, usys, 125, Coili> thon move] bte amendaento! vhicbh li ai]given notice. Mr. Don- ion sali] if thb. fiul1on bai]an>' meaning aI ail, il vas init injustice bai] been doue to Nov-Brunswick. This (aven- meut bad-lthe paver tu romai]> that in- justice, if lie>' visitho - eorcise 1h. Mfr. Anglinanidoeaitlie Guvermmemt vas ai aigspart>' qnestion o!flthe cubjeol. Mr. Dunion sali] lia vote just takion shova] Ihal a large majoi>' o!flthaI Houeha]l deliberabai>' refusai] radresa for a-gmievanea under vlncb lime ammor- ilyi ovBruswckvere suffenlng. Tbrsobli,6iio! 'Mr. CoiS>' scItlla Ibat aiinjustice lia] beau dons, bt vonl] le fruillsa o! amy nesult. Mr. Carmiclisel dii] not beieve au n>itjustice liai] beau cduhe, and gosu uli] nulvota for lime ainudmenl. Mr. Dlakce deiver- ed a ver>' poverful speech, i]eaiug ai- mout exelusivel>' viit lthe cuveitublunal -aspeel o! lb. questiun. Ha suggestaci au appeal'to lie -law officars o! the Cnowu in Grtest 3ritain, sud, if possible bu lb. Piv>' Coaneil for an opinion as bu vhiebher lia Nov Brunswick Lagisia- ture-lia]poven bu make ltae changes lb ai] clone in lb. educahionai law o! 1mba Province viith a viov bu sucit ramnaiiai measure a vilIgiva relie! ho the min- omit>', if il ia foin] lheir pnivilegee have beau infiigai]. Col. (Gs>' pointe]ui itov, as il appearai] lu hmu,îie le-alit>' o! lthe local aIt couitihabeelci] m n the courts o!-lia Province, and] an appeal bu Englatid',vouli] therefone la nuncecee- sary.Mr Wallace (-New Brunswsick) voui] support Mr-. Colby'c proposai. A division vasîthon taken, an] lthe meud- meut vas cariai] 1>' eas 117, usys 42. Mn. Donlon, iu a brie! speech, muvîti]l a dd]b t theraselution just carrici] a vider dcchaning lthe ftmtenrorgret o!flteý House thual, in lthe face o! audit voil- gwumdei] discontoul in Nevliauuswick Rie Excellenc>' iadiïiteen advisai] 10 disaluv thit ll. 8fr JofluJ4. Macd]on- aid complimente] Mr. I»oniouou tua maul>' and stnsighltframi] liaiact-r o! bic motion. Allen ia feèW wondu fron Sir G. E. Cartier, Mr.- Couligan ssii]lha itai nul intencle] bis motion as a -vota o! vaul o! confidence, liuV lthe Govaru- ment lia]use] aven>' effort to dafeat him, au] ho eiîuid votaevitit Mn. Dur- ton. Mn. Renaud] inuing spoken, Sir John A. Macdonald, in anseen 10Mn. Blake, sailih iouli] le happy'bo oc- cept lime gentleman's. pro pose] ridar, if Mn Dorium's vera vojected. A vote vas titan haken ami] Mr. , Doriou'c motion vas clefeabai]y b>' >a auys 117. Mn. Maciteuzie titan spoIWýou ltaegonarai question, and movci as , erider, lu Mn. Coihy'es ameîtimeul, _nov ecome a substanive, s rider in lthe terme cng- geste] 1>' Mv. Blake. TI>is vae sgree] lu b>' acclamation. Mfr.JHolton gave notice o! a motion reisîlv tobutle cm- piaymeut o! Ju4ge Jobntà in Manito- iba. The House aI12:25 ourue - lin.repl>' to a qunestuon b>' >r. Tip- son (Onta-io) as lu vitethen lantuunl lagoni ran bte Mummcip eti1._'ndo Ontario 1>' Uiffevebein fbai]& nltde- god ta the nunicipalities 4terested, Sir F. Hittekes sii] lIe (love ut 'in- leevci] a y over in goci]li to bthe Treasuirer o! Oularo the smoiU u lthe credil o!flIme Municipal Fun uari wiith a tew ho ils being (lislri lIen lu lthe tnvuicipaltieciut ro~ ilulur8duv, May'~ Tme anuieuts Ito tite Pacific Ra~il- vay Biii vere dixe--d sand carriodî- Mn. Gibbs umovu-] bthelo'H eiIýte Conmnitîca of tiie-Wltol- toconsidè' a btill bo icorporate lthe Missioxuary Soclý«y o! Wesle>'an 2Metltodist Chumrci uin - ada. 'Ur. tutus Iobjecei]tedtoprocede., fartmer viithbite bill, concluding ta thte Local Legisîsîtures an] nult th Dominion Parliament sul d ieàl vii mateon-f thie kini]. Sir Joitn A. N1 aculatali]argue]ttat lthe act o! incorpor-ation froin titis Par- liament vuts nccascaty lu enalile tite pracicable roule lu lime Pacific, aud mola sproviclai]ly ltae Dill, at coma point soulth o! Lake Nipissing. Titis amaeni]meut vas leston s vola o! 135 tu 15. 1 -. Mrv. Macengiie sel] ltere vas one 'thing vas ver>' avident luibis itole matter-the Exacuiva vere usurping9 lima fundllous o! Panliameul bu a dan- geoi~ent. lHe novai] bu refar the Bill 1a o thme Commihîca of lthe Wbohe vitit instructions 1e amen] iactioms tint gise te bite Govenor and Coundil aulborily o! granling tbu ralva>' con- panicer,île power o! passing n chmarter pocsescing lthe suliorit>' sud vailil>' o! lie Acto!flima Legisiabure, sud also sucit sections as coufer on lime Goveruor in-Couneil aulluoril>' lu change an Adt o! Parliamenl 1>' expuuging liierefron ail sucit provisions. Aften conte discussion, it vas nejuictai Yens 52. Nays 88. Anuter amndment %In. Msckeazie, but give aclual setlers ltae nigitt o! pre. emptinou lands granhed lthe compan>' vas rejeetai]. Yens 88. Nays 102. Mr. Wt4oinovaid au amandmnt pro- testing agaliml lite governteut usuvp- ing bte conîrol o!lilan aumune>' ble grnue] lthe Compan>'. Lost on a dlt-ision The Bill, as amnendai] vas adopte] ou a division. Fnida>' au] Salurda>', lie anmcn]- mneutsbu lie Pacifie Railvu>' Dill vera furtben discussai], sud ou motion of-Sir eorge Cet-tien limail>' rèsi] au]passed. 8 x ohin Macdonald introduce] bis bil for lie re-distribumen o! lie repre- saulalion o! lhe peuple in tite House o! Communs. Ha exfulaiued lthe object o! lthe liian] pointa] out tbe chianges whcit l as proposai]bu malte in lie nepveeatlion. Takinig Quebec vili ité 65 menthers as tic lissfurïreadjusl- moent, Ontario o uli]l e outille] bu au incrase ohf8 ntexlav. -,,For lie next - 10 >'earstle Houseof Counmons choul] lie, rcmeo!200 ielrOt~I lu bva 85; 'Qucbee, (if course 65; Nova Scolie -21, or Iwo1, more lieu atpreseul; sund Naw Brunswick 1M or, one mare,; Maniloba 4;, aiBriish Columbia_5 praserva lie représenatio!ofime coan- lies and subdivsionaas mucias.possilbe. ,Il wasconsiarad objactionableta make lia repréenttion a mare 'geog hical forai. Ifte touuties bacantierga, tiaymlglitlie dis-ida ton idings as vas doue luilihepaal. Huron with à. population o! 60,165, andi Gra>'vli& 59,805, vauid'each recor-e s meniber. Thon a uev district.vouil] lbe formai] o! MuskaltaýPanry'Soan; 'an] the i]1 trbieto a!liËssing. Tiare lie popula- tIon vasnov'aboul -6,000. Hapropos-, ai] e-adjugting lthe vepvesantatiou lu Hiaidim2"ansdMoult b>' Iakiig lthe tovnship o!frn fron.thi formev and gis-ing lb ta lie latter;' The population o! Haldimgan] v econebniotai] oul] li 19,()00, ami] Moultvoul] ha iecrease]l bu 16,179. Weilintoou on] le nre-a- jusba], 'Cape Breton anti PictQu in Nova e Sola, vwui] eacit receive a membar, sud the coun>' an] cil>' o! St. John, N. B., anolien or Ivo in aIl. Il vas inlendad lu-croate -a nov division in Toronto. but not ta dis-ide Ottava or' Hamilton. The ,MIontncal divisions van]]ldb a slore]. - SMoubrai West voul] consist o! - SI. Auboins sund SI. Lawrence yards. Tue centre voul] comprise St. Anu's, West Contreanu East yards.- EstiMontra] vau]]le St. Louis, SI. James an] >iv's vands. Tite ui>' tier change lu tint Pnov'ince vonl] bce lIe detabelmaut o! a parith frontbte port o! Nevfouudlandsunùlits altaclimeuttabuQnobec cont>'. Mn. Blakte nevicved lb. Mlnistanial sciante, laking exception la the pnindi- pie o! re-adjustmeut in se fa-s il fav- ourelci]biemorongiteseas wgainst liecoun, litis. Ha argue] Ibat lthe memler.Mn-, couties vouli] always, en vers agnicultuumi anmi nfcurin1 inter- acte lu conte mb couflict, 'consudan lthe intereets o!fbta «cilies. Ha heli] ibat as a genenai p' cipie lthe peuple buavliose exiseeotme Proyii]eun o! efOutario owe] ltae fact lthat ilvas ta -bava six si]dilional manhers, vara l. tepeupla who chutlti velum thon. Thea doctrne o! poptulation, wviitnglîl tabucie rs- peoboî ivnlîmese re-a]juslnmenle, vere civie luhevesta, imai'factureg inelucled, ta goveru main>'. Halifamx au] Mon- treai nigit dam a langer ropiresentsa- lion fRe cbarged tae chiee yul in- coneistoncies uni] defecîs, unjuet -lu chanscier. He-vomi] mol assaut bualite priucipie pvsctieallv assenai] inmthlbill1 tint lthe cilice exerciedi au influetisa inferior in promportion luttheir popula- lion. Haelimougit lthai cillas exercisci] nov, an] sivays voul], au. influence greatan tinu titeir popuilion, ami] va bai] s nigui- buconsidan lhmal circunt- stance. Ha contende] ltaI atesitui] meoly 'pa'due regard]ta1thlie unici- pal bounclanios, but tau heir population. Wbila paceiug over thea giaing incon- sislencles o! our prasant nepresentation, lthe Pnemier'% bilb>' nu meaus rontuv- e] titose clîaracte-iclics. The districts deal it ll, laid il upen butuspiiontiat btae minor altertion vas =clta]nul nul by' a desire ba equalixe thte mumber. o! ltheonstihuencies, umnI bu affect polili- cal changes. Asbtlthe cilles, titmin- fluence extendel far beyov] timeir actual veî,resevtatiou, insu>' o! tieir cili7ens maving infimueuce in mosl couelilueucies aati]saone -o!filuir cilizens acival>' re- presenling btan. t. h oul] le ltaedut>' o! the opposition bu endeavour ba rae-e dy lthe defecte o! lthe Dill, Ha vas mol cumnlitised, on eeing lime provisions o! of tite DIlI, Ibat lthe Premier hesihaeul su long lieforebnu il dovu, su as tfl~i-e fte H iii'6p¶ortuiilty o! proper>' dlscussing il befora theenu]o! lthe cession. Monda>', Juno 5v]. ThmeMatin divoice.lilY vas imtroi]uc- e] sn] rosi] on a division o! 76 ta 64. Thme quesion o!flime abominale sys. tenu o! criinrg or» ki]appimg un] ce- cretingsailionlu Qebc bl>' sîilor- hoardivg lhmuna-koeper.i, oiecitei soe remni-ke dvnirlg wiie ltaedeteomnin- tmtiotî vas expresse] ltha- il simonli h put clown,- lin. J. H. Catueron thon refenai] bu lthe death o!flime Hnu. J. S. Macdonald, tui] asked, not for n scjounnu, luI timat oui>' unopposai] businae sitouti] le brougitt fonvard ho-day until itsl!-paet seven o&cioct, in order ho giva cucli menlers as migli citooce au opportun- db>' lu attend]lthe fumoral aI Cornwall. SSeverai mentIons bot occasion lu ne- 'fer ta thme cecessed iv bigmi>' ulugisio ,tenis. 4f Ir. Costi"ýau's Dual ilepresentaiion Bill ,-tuen carne up for discussion. Mr, Dlake 'mmovai] tu ai]] sclause disquaif>ing di- rectors, anti shareitoldens in time, Cana- <flan Pacifie scimeefront itling lunlImai Housa. Sir. John XIconald hera- upon nîlsoke] Mnr. Dlake lunitis connect sud muet vuigaretyle, about theaffiairs; o! liVPOntanio Legiclalure ; iut 't-as cos prompti>' mcl and neceive] sucit a repl>' impruvemeul ofroade andid~-ige,wil wss resd-tiree limes n] passa]. Dy-Ibw we eaintroduceand u]passai, for regtilnting lthe dutias o! poundltoop. ers sud providilig for bte impounding o! animale lu certain 'cases; bu provicle for lioenming laverus aui]sbops anti de- fi.niug lthe duies -o! inspaclon o! licences; for regulaimg lb. perfonmance o! stait- nIe isbor snd prâsumillmt tthe duties o! omarseerà o! lutitva>'ws ; ho regmulata bthe denuig aI large O!nimuss; to protool nieau cvussing vaitks in lthe township -ani to pre'scrlbe lie isaanias su] me- muneralion o! lie saverni tow'li-'f ficers. . ovn.1 ip1- Tme cnilitee on palitio'ns au] ac. connis rocommendeai]smfoilovu :-That bhe peilono! - . Wilson ami] olians lre gae]b>' app 0p aag$50Q for grveling ou cide rua] lelveen lots 4 an] 15, in lIme Soulthliai! o! Sdicou, Ira Pimener bu lie counùsioner ; sud tint bita folovivu. socouîs le pal] :-S.-J. Green, for , ]to lieAllen family,22; Lewis Banliey,-ai] bu 1fr.. Smidei821.- 50; Frai] Meeu, aid ta Un.,Wrightmân, $13.50, sud for ai] la 1f-r.. Mcheterlck, i1l5; . Sm misapplymng fou'b BoIt Mitàbn,4*2.50;, .,S.-Willson, for gm-aval ai-]repaiing acraper, *M ,. Tue report -u)as adopte]. Cloundil a4jouret-=mtil Saturday,2S1i - -*. . - lw'peusre steameirvas -. superintdte SIXitamdt avget precUce 01 arps, arry iouI bbc suppi>' an] trants- port arfangeimenla; as wseUl as la leke miitas7 ;conmffind au] regulat. sUl dalles i camp. hleabsance o! lie deitut> adJnbanb.gemevaI of lie district, th1e officer appoli] la tesnltfor lim vii taire command. 1 Campesviiib. forme] near Wmndsor, Niagavia, Kingston, and Preacoll, in NUGARA CAMP, 1SiLITARY DI5TUIT x o. 2. A division, composai] as folova, viii' b. assemblainl a camp o! exarcise ou lie Niagara frontonr, ai Niagara, ou lie, 121h Jane. The officers cmadu te -division-viii ha LieuI.-Col. Dans, vito vii nomInale teacst duninag lie pan'o] lie division la assemblai],-six officevu similar bo' liose noninate] for lb. Windsor camp. The cavalr>' iii comprise No.l1tnoop, tbe Governor.-Genara'sloi]y-giariaud lte 2n] Regimeul o! eavaIrmY, elgit truops. -The former viii e. attache] 10 - the latter nagiment for pay, rations sud discipline during lia perio] lb.e division isasusenthle. >Tliefiel]antilhqny vill eénsl O! lie- ToriuciHenuiunan] Welland Batter- Tha eltInfantr>' 1rgide viii cont- pnselme2 i Qeu's-ovu) Rimes; lie& lOiRoyals;e; l12h (Tank) Dalbalion, telBltditto; and]lthel 9lidilo. The 2ni] hIantr>' Brigade viiicom- prisaelb.the 1t Baltalion; lie let (Grey)> ditto; 'lie 841h (Onlarlo> dilbo; lie-M5 (Sinmcoa Favýeulra) BaIl. 1lbê06th (Pool> dilto. The Bn] Infmntr>'Brigade viii com- prise the B7tlu(Haldiman]> Bell. ; '-le 831h (Brant) dilto;, lie-Mh1 (Norfolk) îdibbo ; the 441h (W«eaai ditto; te 77th (Weumborli) dillo. Thte - epul>' -Adjubant-General coin- =a wg ill select ban sergeauts dur- lgle eno] lb. camp us im opération la sot as staff mrgeante.- Debate on tae Washington Treat>' lu theHanse a! Lor;ds. An imtportanb deliate boohu place IsI Tu esday nigil in liefHousa -of Lords, pou arlRussefl'e motiun forau ai]-. dross;to te Quen prsying ler Majal>' bu ai]vlsa ber. govrnumeul teuwritbdraw froun lie (aees arbibnation unless-ble - Ainanicans silbdrav Itheir cdaim for in- direct dâxuages. Rani Russell roviovai] lte vhle sulijet, -amui couclude] b>' do- ciaring tint 'Englani] shouli] breal Ibe Amat-Icausas abe didi]nl-lie Trent affair -a ramark liaI vas loudi>' cheere]. Rani Grauville- dsfeuded lte cojirse pur-, suai] b>'lie Englisit au] Amavican gor- ernuntns, sud rebulte] Rani Russell for makhig itritabing remanie, viticit bc feared, vouli] pruduce nogood affect.up- on lte Amnericaus., Sxmînms-xumcA.-The Milton Champion -relates thue follug sensational allait-, whit la s a h ava lalten place in Norvai. cidr. Husipruprietuo! bte vooileu milmi, uiiderluok bu cov-hIi]e Mr. Harris, an Rughili genteman, un accouvl o! coma pecunlan>'dispute. Ou Sabunda>', Boss, armad i] vialia i- bide, met Harrs, sud acte] lin 'if be (Harris) tol] in lte iontreal Bank tbat Rues itai chaste] hlm- out o! $1,000.' Harris ]emied t; ami lima'lie direct' passai]. Alter some sugry ords Rosa struet Hanr's cver lia shoulden wth te rav bide, vhmu clenche] Rocs, gave him ntleor four 'belis,' laetbi oose, titan knoeked biniclovu, an]bfilan bul] it if hea stai] amythin>' funiler lu tbsln bo~a e il maui*ast b>' stand- in u.'Rse decliuai, saying liaI ha nlgndid nwpont expýct tml kin] o! usage front s0ge4leuna . Ross a i te ovuer o! a besutiful pair o! black cycs, Moral. 'r4!h foilovlng officers bave been elect- e] 1>' lteOrange (rami] Lutge 0o! IBrÎlisi Amierios: Grand Master su] Soveraigu, Mn. Maekeuzia -Boveil (ne- aiacied) ;, Depuby (t-an] Master, Mr. D'Are>' Boullon; Graugi] Cbapiain, Bey. Abralm-ant avon Vanimcimar, (ie-elect- e]> ; Grnd ~lSecretar>', r. Thos. Raye, SI. Calhem-itns, fre-electa]) ; Gr-and]Trea- curer, Mr. Wn. Andersen, Moantain Ve,(eehd); Grand Lecturer, -M. J uln Boy] Davis, Toronbo; Gna.nd Di- recior o! Caremonies, Mn. Win, Whte, Tweed; Girsnd-Tylen, Mn. Rolil. ]lixon Montreal. The Nov Brunswick vifle teaui, ou- trial eiooing for lime selaciion o! Dom- imîoti compèlitors atiWlhe]ou, finish- thtea' days' flriug aI Sussal,.N. B., yas- harda>'. Tite foluowing ara'. lie scores o! the lau competibuns; Baylar Laus- Inotit, N-B. cavain>', 266; Major Me- Adâen, 71s1 DatI., 255 ; Corporal -Pallen at-tiler>', 248; Ensign Jolinsbun, 71s1 DRatI, 2.4.5;- SurgeonVali,71.w. 231; !unè-4-Tue Dulta o! Edinlingli an- nvedto-ay.H raeix~anopen car- ceal Lo gd anîbusincticail>' ,2eere, N'cvEa nu TaMnrS e, frenvxa.-AThiS ruile me>' liesafel>' remille] vlien ne- mitiug ebsnlt note.,-mn. ,' Armiazncs.-The gentleman who min a nisk and]wonuli>aeneck, or nohilng, viii avail lilmself o! lie> liraI fugg>'- day bo un against &a1post.-1'u, Omîesiv op. DxziNsnv-Woul] il, surie yon bu lear limaI liere iis no dfeece lialen lie laîiguga o! abuse andtilIa abuse o! lauguage 2- ToucamN<u1 A TEN-mPoime.AU utd- vartisemeul of the day is addrassei] 'To Short Pensons.' - lowforcil>'hîs muaI appeal bu lia puclcats o! ,countleslion- Bsandsl - OmemvFsAoyl!-Ac amaitsemnof o!hliepub 'Ahi lie tarror. o!flic of Lisboa reahzednmul mnduicemenî, cavtasm]y-i bu 'tta ethair preasurel tener for .lte ,acIvertises set eanliqualte y.' Ail-ample liose vWho love ;adi>' !' -- L&Oannsit.-It uforme], lu s l viere rob- s. Arg

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