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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jun 1872, p. 1

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ut recto ry. O1TAKIO UANKX, P< . LOCKRÂRT, D>OMNIOBNK~g~ç, WUXTBYAGN«c, K .TALR Insrane OmpayOf Canâdî ])eoelt. w Goveimnts, #O«Z W, A, LAW, Ao"*T. biMcmjlaeock, Dfockilt. D. HOLLIDÂY, DffUOKLIw,O T, Â0%NT 1PorieZ ISOLÂTIED 318K PIlLE INS, 0Of 0f canmd. -A purely Caiaadala ttutien, .Alec ÀAat sud appraloer for the CAadà Penn»ntBuilin'audSAVin Soctety, foi lAsurance' Company_ CAP ITÂ!,*4o,w. Whltby. , ga4p IJOUTaflOlin, t08mPat , sured for three yeer or lmsetaispeci J~EgK (i«rDoi)l, -rates, 13.RISER&ATTOIINEY.AT.LAW, L. FAIR 2Ko B olicitor iW ChanceryCwvayanc E ffcL, Noeby Publie &a. Offce NazI dnerft sienocf Il. 7; JCampbell,1 Brook Street, L ON --N As8t"4 C oi Whiby, Ont, L TON, FAREWELL & lit-GEX, PIRE AND) LIFE. ARUiBATTORNZyS, SOUICI. BEeTÀULIMJIZD ET ROYAL -CUÀAUraa B cr"Couveeyancerit, autNotariece Pub. lie, 0Office-OuJour forth of te t i ol fuun u JE itAMi.£2,463,53817» Office Oshawa ÇUlARtLIU V.. ELLER, 9- TEPHENS. A TTORNEY-ÀT-LAW, SOLICITORIN No. 56, St. Flranciïx avier Sitet ...Cbayie7, ConveYacer&c,Cannng. JORN AGNEW, À - IA NGLI& L z-0NTARIO FARMERS' BARRSBn RLA, OCITOIIIN AWflTUA L (NiSURNE Stree, Oehwa. - HEAD) OFFICE, 1311CR ST., WH ILAZlfTR ATTQItNEY-AT-LAW, CoyurceScol oue, n Nàtoy Pblie&c c fawel-estblibedCompany in Canada. Block; Brook àtree't Whitby, ýOntarla. . tbieid PRMTYP JAMEU LJIION, L. FAIRBANKS, in,, j. B.JIXCKE A' TTOUNBY-AT.LAW, SO0LICITOR IN. Secretary.« Prel Chancery, Couverecer, L&ud Agent, Mr. D. Holllday ine uclonger An ai Se.Offce-lu Partise .Ilick, Brook St., thlls Comupa*y. CeGaENWOOD, k oMLAr, HNIX FIEEi ASSURANCE ÀBlARXIERS ATTORNRYS, SOLIC. LOMDAEJ) ST. & CEAUNa CROSS, LOI ,B ltoa, Noter!.. Publie, Couvey&ucers. Office-ByrZuStreet, South af Post 011e Whltb,Ã"itarlo. * ~ STAI)LISHED [W 1782. T55OLA@s IJUSTON, GILLESPIE, MOPPAT & CO., Agen ~~lWN CLEUN AND) TREASURER, JAMES DAVIDSON, Manager, J. Wbltby. Offie-T"wuHall. Hours, - m0to1oclcInsurances aganut lceu by Fire anri ~ M~1l1EK, ad on the iMont favorable terme, and]1 SPECTR O! PUBIC SHOOL lai without reference to the BIoard ln L fdrehéCountY of Ontario. Âddre;&- YEOMAN 0113501 aglan Post Office, Otalo. Agent, W -Il-. (WMN, DE.». T HE- S1UBREON TO TUE COUNTY OGAOL, -~ Byron Street, Whitb'y. - - Liverpool and LondoU~nd ai UBWRV WtIVEK, 41. D,, JNSUEAr4CE COMPANI'. bOOE l l3ooKLI, ONTARITO, YIA.aAS, 827,00,. Wse~.MCERTN, ~ R.UN, s iicourse of tlîir.ive3 GTS)ý Týý -ONO IN. Ci flAgoPie estme at x idute eoui deduction. sc IAN RI W.t4iniTilre , )., Prompt Payxnt and Uberalty lu ad mnentoai ts LaIseoàwasthoproininezitipaÏ Cl~~~~~~~~~~c OOEI sEIEtAsruw isue althy Ccmxay *3rn.20 -Read Office, Canlada irane , Montres W.. DA L Chief Agent for »omlj DENTISTi (8UCCE . -PAMBfANRS,"Ju.Agett 'htby, ~ sor Lu W.- H. Cari.) 1 PV entalIRooma..-.undses tree, NVEW J3AERY & FRUIT .STOËB av tb crrUr. Jemesone store. Ntrons 2xlde tao admluletered for the paulesex- RlI C HA RD S NO W ractan 0 teeh. fega ýtaanunounce that hli lenow prept T11JIKR 1UNTN11tae upply everythiîîg ini the TJlERor, Ae hUSTOICN, B aker>' and Con/'ectionery Li Ofç-TýnRl, jsdne-yo At hie aid dtaud, lately accupieid by mi .1011K RODINSIONelo CHOICE FRUIT 0F ALULKIN TAIR PRIeSSING AND 5JA'IG - Kept coutautly ulcand, in oation, ElSaloon, flrnck S., Whtby. ORANGES', LEMONS, SAJIDINI ;- LOBSTERS PRUNES, IIAISINi JOffN WOLFENDEN, CýRESE,- TODACCO. POli UE CEEI3IîTED DrÂn delivered dally tacustonxerdu XSottieIi Granita. At Marbîe Worke i te rseoe n]gul ci a 01Jonathan Wolfendenl, DundnSt., Whitby.ru abc ordcred. - = Cloice Brande cof Cigare. JOHN CARTER, RICJ.A IID SNOW Pont Office-UtiOecvi le. Salee attendeJ -an the alerteel inotice, ain! an rensanable ternes. Tainies ca'pmeut. un! bille printe! cet tie Cuuso4xsuct.x l3gito.for Mr. Carter. LEI AAIJNcJR., L ýICBNSH UTIOEB l 'OItT11E thAnuke for the lienil lisîruiago e ctoliure betave! uonhim, as uc!Lu nueun ce that lie. i. Prepartu concit saIes citier lu Teiown o0utty ai roisuocable rates, An- neircentc for mules earilecnmode ether ai theue auno c Offie, or ntni>' cm Office, -Brock Streast, Whitby, 1ýMIRCIL%.NT TAILOJi, CL(WIlUeER, &' ±T CoLhlcr, OeliaWuGoutlemen's"gar- meute modo up lu fie- bouL tyle an! latent fahilaii. A flicetock se1 Ciloe , nunuWhich to make a seloctin for Uctlcmeu's summer nalts". G (EORIGE Co>IllACi<, LT UlMBER ME]RCHIANT,<JARPEÉTÉR 14 auJ Jciner, Green Street, WbfJtby. A large quactity of utl l kicdg f ailmber con. stand oun baie!. ULRTAILG-Fuineri .fully nup. ptAsdat4udJod ou short notie.' Coffiuc te~ antuty on han!d. A bennse ta Lire È l erai-ernie. MýONEY TO UEND. Tii. cndersigned tua#a uy aniouitai Mu- ey to Le»d uupcu Parue tr Town Property, ah icnicually RaEgtesofainlterest. i',,ane eau bc nepi! isunis e ni uit bar- 8 en~~rove, Ferme su!dWilil Lande four saleclieamèp. . lulvestuneutinade n Municipailfishen. tbures, Bank, sud otecer niarketaab10 Stocks. For ftuther particiîiara apply ta jJAMES HOLPEN, i Official i egiei, Druken, &-oe. MOFFICE-O 'vrceui.onliiaon.Beit, Me- MIllau'o Brook St., Whitby. BpritOt, 1872. -15l Wltby Brame anJ String Bande, adapait fon Soirees, Pic.cie, Excursions Quadriles Parties, &é., &c., il sépply lie besi sud latent Mula on neasonabie tenue.. lppiAcsIoinmfius et cmode. eltle en rou- aily on' by latter, (pount aifi,) ta J. WOLFENDEN ________Wlity. 0H0 BÂW -jLIULS. IVThe iiersAgneel teks occasion ti- iniorni bi# cuitomuersi hat-île aove MAil, shtute! o - Lot 22, Tth Con,, Tp. Uxbrldge, Are nic*ilu uii wrklng arder,"&tlremiy for- euting 4uber n eauy qune e sute. toea pdwt ueLbaniLd 48>c Lube et roiit0iu=ecttanleonge-e. Juita .WRIR. MEDIOJ NES. 0a ofie 'est H'us. me&- os les!au! Mdfor sala a for advlc,* I 4 o Whihby, Sept., 1871. E P M O V A L . The underaigue! has eniove! ieé BOOT & SHOE S TOI? ta the premisen aa Iîg thes Western RUal Dexudait Street, Wiliy, mîcre loic s no prcparcd Ici exeente ahinilere fuir Work. large ansI select duels aou hîaîuîl epairit duncasenuai. JOSEP'Hl.BANDELL. 'whihlcy, X!ty 8, 1871. I 0 M? I N I O N FLOUR &-FEED STORIE Tic undensiguti! beg Lu iiifurm thei Accu ihauhs ai Whitby sud viciuity Llst they lisv opened a Fiaur sud Focod Store lu the p m-ou ise iaLeîy occupie! by Mn. James Waîhnoc on Dundas Street, OPPO8ite the Robson Hpue Where they trust by kepiuig vrtigî fleir Ue alvaa sudu, tu, leable tcit satisfaction ta customere. Bron, Shorts, Oatmeal, Cracked Whcu FLOUI--Fll WeaSpniug, sud Mixei -sud aU uinde ai Feed, sol CrigMathfe laves living price;ion cash. SMITH &' HEMINGWAY. Caci pal! for &eh kiuide ai Parnene Frodute L IVE RY Tic uudersigised deetiirs tu tafornu hi iniendn sud patron., tiat lie bac agalun r enued busincessautlice oh! WHITBY LIVERiY STABLES, - Havlug exceresse! fliiii er sud -quelli ai Lime stud, sud aiea a!!s! to au! iueprare 1 ie couveyaccemsud vehicice on thc preri ises, le lopem by bieeg lu s positIon ta miee thc mants ai customnere Lu o nt a siane oa public patronage. W» CHARGES MoDERAT, ý _ 7i .Coss onvsyaucep for famuilles su! ladtes, Prompt attendantee, s e eto. fane, toa ml onders. N. RAY, Propnieton. C H 011cRB ,A'PPLE TR EES) ADO 0U T 20,o00, HO-ME NURSERY, F'o Ivo t tou3r years oi mga, embracing &11 lie besi Variotiee. SETII .C. WILSON, 'ot No. ê, 2nd Cou, Ptckariug, on lliugsîou Rose!, Pont Olfice, Wbutb7. EWPHOTOHRAPH GALLEBY. - euananotince t thi eni oj WbïcW rEWaNw Photograph Gallery In4husbuidlg ppomte lie Oltalo HOtel vbrhm ho ilswon be crma otîak pie. « eiau ulvrfurniïsbe. wittbeoicetWinos BOT teIi*i ae -OTL , n BEO vG EÂX, 0OT., WtiWonld lie onaimor thé I10aut lue JOHN BAILEY - PPROPIIETOB. ÇL A TT 0 N 8 IWtaieh>4thite eara; The aboya bote! iiibeeze nswly fltted qpWoum weep the feara. and furnIhtâd. -Guetswi1 i6ndcafeb A T E MT E» accommodation and attputjon. Geodtabi. Ab,1 0 e ani I Each paasonate grief ieg ad atmtiv boom, Ia*hIost ils power, bath log ituam, a#citv~ H~L, Horse 1R a- k e;8s^i leatt u1irflt COMM ERCIAL 6TWheN ore lji. OsllàW4, 'ON2!ABIO Tee, eaIft h iwm" Ueý4v lw q3Am.eI8 LÂ0K - .PaoRmIoe the l fini- -3A E EN DER SO N , The 5.idsth JOHN HARTRICX 7Tomto ad -Y eaI CW raviere. illiarc roo ateln-yte anin.z z : ha a ' ---.,-- W ...f 5Iaeea noae ti no~ow v pertyin lu. 'in ,Otwlb dý6 oug t ork u cene s a ye s.j e~~~ ~ ahe ~ ~ stbad efa,'. No surtfrgeewSI, .deMMEriiu- oitLo, UCig tTadilog.foro's dhf wilfieltuhe n- Wer, lTrehat in~E c 8e draikh W'acouîa* gadae c, iiOW eatd, atbei aman oce, Wid huosp . M. CALDWELL,' P OPIE O . éO T N 'AN RE D IL Eu eti gid alirerairn;'T4 ' îldlx outd iioîis.r rpii Hguift ml mreosmyu atie i cehliagabr e Ût i iieotlke u r 17ier .. I Itu.'br yemaeedau!reWe5elultdg ude olMartiaeaven. X-* 1e grirau kwi u-emneos olr o olg-be;btgnl-p(,tegd o IP R . Be t accom m odation s'a u m rior W in ee , 'T ") are O e to énythin of the kind Shux M ourus the pa t, witb o row trira, 'druk i he fi ho ap t r yrefi sibutb t 1 . s o i n -I& a m acle o y, Iri l i t y i y e t m a r m k , p n a t i e t o y o p 's e, s h e o r ; t h ea , I ' a l a a i n i t su h a h i~ ud acigar. -God stab g, wth . ev efre r bat a bi»o . _________________ ai acqired by-niy terplaw a cldy adaJattentîréenters alwaye n ou I TRWma_________n uses More lud- fbluk. cf if, but u -I na1isorbacI fhienomse. Charges moderate. ae _UTRS ore y hand TEEIRAd.ae ner lnge obliaton o hii &jn a forions see T2N9.ALAYHOE r eryoUnre TL OIUSXLIE d en 'hecwene naen,'sid ilarnig, 1inay say, upon l IdcomtiveréIows, bt M 17 9'M essrs-e o e* n of r e ,a J~ J ~ SY fax & Pro o . G ram m ar, h a 11c u 4à AmyFm en L # .' 'h fîendisl. --dan n. h.? ~Ok ; tere m uet bce n& sym rt Bravo, m a ther 'IdI aK ena ul tha À ieFO~ re fhwui r .a i g ywerlmy ,Asbssla e n.>iy. - whlAt soeao' them caelt aiSy _2 o hw idyuig ia A J W H IT B Y T A T IO N . S - , re a n d R v o v I g C h u r n s , C*Ta V ru e rm bn- le uea u ' j u il se ye n Y e' , a b la sted lie r , 1 ell du n l c o o i e p i ci l s d c o r i e t, s d q i e s 44. ~ ~ ~ ~ CLTE O'EL Wae RvhIIadG wul exlu eug.rroyour Stll. am net ; but I.ssâpeZci-4ha0t m 1 ný ;?i'eua-g riu Kr s ITrls.iiMplpo î o > u i o W M . P O P R I E T R . C L T H E ~ ç W R I N G E ? S , A o u t t î c e m A t e r l u a S o u t h w e s t e r u o s e " W h a t b r o u g l t y n u p d h i s n i g it ?2 1 r y 1 - ýy e , a d I t q e y I a m n t w a r ua e d e r < ? S s e , w f ? Patestkigth rinad evigiogoSCUF'FLE1IS, WHEELBAItIRWS, &irction from Burkee 'resideuce, the 'Fwlat About d. guaget Il Oxclaiined sskedTeJdyý, ospieinusLy.oft. I do pload gnity-tthe peripa. w Pt il atn e ingtalo asoffit outywsbonli ya raungof ih Taddy, starting ; 'il. n hlm Au! Shun. 'Becuise I ladlews1 oa'n-Ltesee 'ieacre rrle Weill; wh ha'm i ae b gent. returum "E hIr Aud ail other kinuscifÀgri4eturalIpl.hOUhoUUtacma'OIItcLy by'ikn cue ltavle monta wtLti aal the receut 1mprovemnts bls anad mountinsn of n ver)' rugged tax an' every oder fax, rnlau' ail-ho.! plied'his compauion ; 'but whohrrIl1 Welwy-h LH 3 ariug procured one ai Harper's New audJ wild, but picturesque, description.hee 1'Il1 not, I'd be liera.' ehr rdurriug My - juveunle >Jýayc-s 1iM uot it, excepî tlaI'fott e-sn-- CTL B H O T E L, Steaux en- ï-(oeo Li ae aplt iAlthougli nportion cf the camn and-i!. W. May as Weil -let Ourredr no, Tc samikitsrgîtmylelaud' e i he herdhe dcura 0,y - Lint.' i, th . g nos, (ne 01 theMost compote of retorsyknawcent whadaage-iigsit modicieay b- ut 0e'd kn(hïe Aie 'lee. bn -ncàoettifàail-tbark thc kind mauieiactured,) île uudersigned te ecape, yet notliing could. ho moracstnjk. befare we procoed frflter, fixatinlthe o-eohisi ,it'e nal right, mAy bc SO- bu the oeiân 'fo a ae in- 'hic.eî2Dlan nrtliw fE , BIOO KLIii, ONTe. now euabled ta execute au ordere fer ingly isitict in abaracter flan île opinion of Many, Tedi! Platsunder- weil ?, .tI -wa ilnéehii alttr-bll A. JAS. POWELL .-PEOPRIETOR. F AR M ING IM PLE ME N TS position cf île birown wild hilene s toad and coula Spaeak English as weil TeJi!y, aithough hoesali! it wa's ail.a, aduiecùp csefluer il arn nwable of tIent; wailcoul4,it go - II B . P U î . I » C O M D T O . w tq h e i g x a b a o e e al , x- tra te d w it l tîin t of t ih e m o u rit in s fo m as a n y man of is sta ti o n - in th e co n - M nicl i djd. o t sem lo w evrc n Lut ld u k so in m y o w u h u bleion wit a rp leo i T r ru ~ i - o ---- î- editiouely, andJtla guarante, campile 1weieh hyaute.Teltele nty I âr r mres ran te fe utv n ssii gac .ih lIcy hehioro bugal a t or Yl on1 Odinge RNlTE, action il ui came. long aud lofty raneges thnt were markei! public pluces, 'ho spoke, it isitrue notx. lie gave Hlogau from uder lie red becie'Pioal ftrm uan-iiilenugL Adiraomrewil.th i tieeir N J~TH~~ ~~< ,JAS. CLAYTON, by a majastieanadJsublime sip lng 'but Irish, tixlesà -inirwssaul e eu u vdrtab.un 'Fhiuigauthllugaynbany me ïlýeanuo taep-Upritulatnfra hne aiHIRY ay ONT. Brock St., Whitb iwhiletthLe blsw falus os suad àonly to persans lunarratm eu, JgZ eIstood. -n!wîr eîe yirl i ur Teipaiplimeut wi d1 IR. P; CLARK, t - MayRIETOR. 1872. bc irs n!semda ~~ 1~ota acoula place every oience. hit ' el 'sai-andr.oloig hl o l do tînth2 e ser -sudhialheng h ele y Iwon± I w duttiiL Th r p i t rb g ,randoui. A s a mna ter ofcour so th e w as oft au bserved, lowever, fat in -it je wll; au ' w lt lcoeom n e fi e ul d h m e Rfad arl p l hu leINutye y alw id l, t o i ~ iIt u oLadccoesta i linra ristîcie u ernaRae- T 0Fm a"ahËin ÏiO EL an uTren;thtllare ie indrendm Se OrEDVISINCORS gIens advilstînat divided t11cm raul sncbconversations lheoc soayA-J ob u ir iý araeesé ta Coiegoybài fl;wf ý s d e n t . v a t e d î l e a d o t e l k î x w n a s L ie ' " Fa r m e r e a' v ci- n e v e r y l o s s i b l e d i r e c t i o n , o r n t ù s r a n g e i ! h . m a t e r f h e e w h o c o u l d o s a an e m u t m e b n e d ? - S t i l l - H e a J , a n ! W o r man d n u L i!m uf v ld e i c i gorût <of Inn," ]lraek et,O R tesrufrnofow Mtma i(I where ho wilil lue ap crossing anu inAtrecting Bchi Ien aI usa ouly English te him,. lu cucla way comfuntabla. Sue vint bt try-her bad 'autxic aumie oiecbu and? thra o ,yu ura au oTYihtanl0Fan smu arun as prove! pretty clearly ilat lie muet u neomebody's rnoct, au' it'll go lard YtIla- I onoainL.kewmuley dcwn.' mrt hre, n aepsesse! s grester mastery oeer Zie fais.' tInt1 myvexte soaton tomentio - 'eyvî;lilpoicfenei ttbg ostl, an eucioged yard. Mod. cainlcl, or twiste! nway in Opos1posit' Faj!'excu' vii a mn ine it eatio clasical ery--ale'TWll'il craI c r ce.F O R T E Y E A R 1872.d rt io n s uIn on e of gîcuat u n g u ag e - t iu h e o v e g..... I ex l m eil T ed ây i' a A l n ar u m t r uiai N T AR Io HOTEL,. ---- lay nerestthe Inuntan, or rafer W c blier. the act te bel however, tIet grniu...'h, the i'na a wlalInud, czcibu neflo e-ecep a ineda ogten, MU pt ih Teddy, As- au illici distiller, iai! funni 'An' anther teig-Jxc'eom in bu îo ra 'lixT! l l a e dou yr'F au* l nciypniïmLi C. D A W E S . , P1 IE T O E - - from lis ecuiA r position o n!! app ar it o u saieo u li r o c s o o n c e a h e n Ca a ahxc s 1 - e c l ash .C.82 a ef16prds orte in au <. - ceeu t knocrEglfou oilen airarady,1 ac' sd mv up sud enavato Linon ut, No. I..,. l Il 20lu lie unountu ne, tI nt mcgl1, ano Th bv l salse oe o en2 2 il disler . tw sakn fb H algýo 'o ee ie* provh e a, a tîntbe-tho n u i'îesy Iincieli getsagasu lac. a usf not'.rep i n ry cu tfeh fie astct eu frldinvNo. 4..:.: 1214 newaiiesou blialloe anud euitable furuiture. Tii.proprtetar will N4Or. r'.. ~in fueL, have t-supe! Qboervation alto- e liise bbl f hie friands ; tIaLtiahre isn't a girl of bis owu rclig- 6ys glitieman,' roeçeai!JO'Fiui. affcet- bcave nothigg nudone l pin dg o r NI). Ê'.:. 1Il4 1.51 271 2 5 getîcer, ns it oftto dii!. The approacueadleawy om, steel odinintence ih:o Losses comfart of the guets, and they may reiy up- Nu. 7.. . 18jleu28j I uxJ '2 t aiLus 13ya louxg preoii T ln ensonu te blier., tint ftee IrishlIan- iik. l ta lexmri! oiy u n itatu-lilimasl t aielce, basides, eeîvtosue iliu iLau on the boutof pureoliqurs being euppiieat it --l-s-iiatur-l-buIlutlcoul! be cuiterai!natiialite loweresti5ndisvIe the bar. Stric-t attentian paid ta tls stnblilug Z. ]3URNHAM, uI m eic- t euiaeannt blrough the. mediueu ut au luterpreter, -'e hcaIbc!vl, xlie icsinug-uisueadttc 'Prctrvinlnanlosl! iciokung ,Fe, at, 87. Judge. thecaraLpt er toe thefonoaittin, fvoaospeci.t- idylnhril grimace tical iu"Lha inue ime, propose tlue-lialth of tete o lcitby.~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ e . --- itlFo.11e 17.7 l de sac. At-tLie very cxtremity, nily vion nesonoteil v ithin the ne- gave hic vhol couuteuaucea a~coquake, une of my boIt hcneactors--Gerald.fealenwcieiymr alo R E V t l E -S , [ N U Â R E Tl o e v e r , o h at e n a i e , - a e a s i e n l u o f e u t r y c o i r t h o u s e a u ! l u a ' e m a y b e o %be ' i i g t a l L ' d ' t C v u g , vaeJ i s i ~ b e r e 5 s a c i D y y ' c m o t i v e l I ul,' u , tN,, Mrrtleonthn", a tioa4,aofth u e.bca a etaculleon of icreligionhome--aDomicilism Luerudition An-ntih d c 'syu snvl cagi Tu 111 o ii -ght Il d sie,'ni! lie on gooder tascag, ucrn cte~ a ecu' eirro Jîes eudng xît a eces 'ou'o nfou, Tdhl,'àîd Hogan;-1fihue reliio is fvlara Pli!!bcr respctability, vben thîey lappen, n au i e hian. lobeB. iLAN - -- PIOPIIETOI. ort err AgrduluraI - vîieli vas eompifletely enuemps et 1cmn drink theulves llu-LcsFvhibe's estate is-loeyant tIc icynds, tbey ouglut, Lute bl timatoiy coucate. di l u oelte urcae.cl - Stagee to ad rom nWitby euildy. E. - preeipics. Fron th, Éie Lure asi oîy lquor s pal! or- n a' A9,e aeo veeh aefal!fu viilr ae i i sm esua4ey ac Bne cry ttetio pal tagucts.LalP-.' EiliiuTYisroxc E ~one. ineis of f.sctupe , ieî!epenuiently of spil it by lice vay, viy, blazes te yeur liee1. ho. 1 boa 1'luyou bme erut;sud lw ieg r;Bre - - T U R I 3 J E W A E R H E I < t e g et tllro ull I lcli t m v u s e te r d . p u rty ra ug , io n ' f y en k o * fl ay ll ba v e - ' li e 1 ud b ou ie r t ry n o u e o u t l is ink- o u e h uam ! l e s r ua t Ade Ïî e a o n - A ', fi fty - e t u n e! b c c m a 1 O ALCANADIAN OEL, T R I E W ER IIE .Tîxe îoors oai, uhellde mt aproneîu. t for anothe carg.'amsv!an t1. Cvaui, i! -luis fuirauthe viod uIlete ronE x iLt 'freSml!u 'is uspcos ok; btn A 1186 - P() l T l'y I. il rY, 0 ~N T. . ~1 0 T eu. yitC~ v i rî, N usu i e o b v l rc n n ln a he eye B rn y lu iein . Bat, f an fral i ehom ig li la broug li Lu leenin luco uiuuti n vidie ucam p ià w b ih r u ay y u m e u l n a u sa r- v.F YP O P I T Rit i i L a t p jî o 4 n o f t hî e m o t n ta l u v u i e u ua r c y B r g n , l h o m l u t e d ,' t e * a b l d o u a iu s t a k e o mn e fin e a y - tli a t 's e d î i n o u t u o t le n b e n e f a c l r o t m i n e - Y p n s ef- '- b l s a i i e h a u -tm e mta one to ieOpsie sle, gtitat lubbcny-iuokiug, bulletbohaded cul, àail gay ;an' thene'e mono cyee flan bns ae uk-nc.jubo,~ 'Aicaiarra At muetle lu'sl i H. FO - .PP..PRw'oas orle looil o h opostelitknnre, hltfool,,vwhe lire! about Miue upon hlm.' hsayviJ aiescour- nnn Hseintb. I otherand1 tIen neI. lty, Superior ac-'oinuuiodaflt. o nd,. ea! tlcldiuigci!Lale ol thosa!c on- ileabnexesnte, nu!yacnth us onu Iciol andfcshedd re spue upperatsueestavecte! n nues- Thie dialogue -c-s ncnnly iost iu îlelntlemen-Biily Ciutoce, yen Ilievin' '&Very veI, den, Auiirao irb, SP-ieninopIlînlllssec ht selr, s' ,an! vidette ; 'lisen lbed. laudus of a Jointe vlich lad uiglua. 'inu1iy=u dou'b pny attention; IYsny mid Tedi an!dlIce urrainnth on Tue emugglcn'eiiti Il, rig abyoe n oe a td ih easuppereran fbi gnlov, f isxuaulde re sIle dopel Ço.Tl"' 10351 11038 ieî9OiiN 'l Poeîiîîîi'1bOttlc. un' let 'o L di il (e gr-se o' fiienda in fia low:r part of file ,n-soeuyiriun..pno~~n~wrnc ~regueo-vr en DUNASSTEel',T WIITY.Inthe xuox-tlîcuruucorner of thL u- o oe n'i. oe S nis ren. lite, I sappotita latadu hroîT onUt eA.eeiI:, ara.marlieaIle localiîy, a dulepcave, lcuviug 'More_ power lu yen, VY c, x- bic-o taleiuieso atiehbute. megiiu tamdi -scet i onc-euastiuu'ybsmnti OF.BBO,-PlPl~Tl.evcry uecesury property us a place for calme! coenn, 'you're wrhatos o'cuie.hl rsn n a iigfitýa1o euy ntemn o enSiui E. Thc prelîretor legs ta announice t tnt lie uneadistillation, rau limier the rocks an!POnds, quarry veigli.' rapii!iy luto a comparative estimnie ut imiae--w1, lie rnudere! iexapeusi. liesuntbe& ha!henbsendau! vas reing penrasut'Trou,'. lu ihe man ha, lues! te lu witIubasioreny Inuvuas - whiole met over tiLnlua kin! uofgotîle 'Iar n clined ta thluk, Mn. Keenan,' fe rovosau! itrength of fleir ras- 'Hec's lier icaîfi, mnsîiier,' refure- -yu. 'T rot,' e a, ink u-s Suiripures Etel, vte-le ias ben renoate!,arui. AstIreri of.water..just sufficient sai! îhe seboolmaster, '11sf you are lu pectuve factions, an! consequèntly ne- e! Kecuan, 'an' lber taiuxer'e taean' t adroedmonasvseou ure refuruteece!, an! fitte! ap ilirougieut,lu th.e for the requst u;oe, ell iruitue.hbtocsoal ftkn lih 1r' apnaya sttyle.miThelyetrlamuseligitmumlg n vry lelligerent aspect, vluen Hycy ]3nrkc's ixtote liargain-is flore 'merpnayod'.pptt. niu t ! p e eci Pst O ffi es, sd l inth e a fissu re fro'n ruIne , foriui g su d - a li erti s i ! t i c iny th e n m t o o y a tau , la n k , an ! p o w er tl e ra le i m d e a n y m o r e o ' th ora ? -W d , n u m a LIe. ' H g a u als u p li c d h m v tb p n h cailscentre iotel,sudheastages forUx-/s - la losubterruîcouut cascaeJin tcoLittîle, l'Ill bo una.,Lteee-iina go!!esm lier appenrance, currying a largo bundie Tion, turningtab Is aulagoniet, heo -hlcvingWprOrle<l. lisefvicuafo .reJ cair, ef t h e LovTe nhe tagesayfmr uc uvrna luiudeintofboauty ever dreamt sle'! fini! a ne- ilihonhand. d! Iey gn Iiu 1faMulesh atie uryctonsFu o DSbridgand Btveron Icavee deororvery s5(c1arcey lc unuun i!oinciu itNf ou!teo.' at Mr voae1'êcnme du et a'Ia aI ý thon Kocu a, noM eee *g ene dahe tàJ or le r. nlg Bads prdy rf ux i- bas-haesupss! n oftru présentaie l T ddY P iafs.'e p xe U ____ Ds ~tllr youre fe-boy au o i nya i gg Tedy's rus ith i elbo. le.cat! an!vo'e aered uca t ako itie nsa!vae.Iia e-I 'STERNî Hcavethon, v Miist takoe h ile ste a o e A n Asman!'l mai! hie campanion; 'if eh, uxatier?' -nL utcuii i ajifone UT E ST E I N 110U S E ~ -~liber-ty of transpou-tingOunr rendors lun rate,' le adi!eJ, approaciugt 0onh oul mey sbt!utliti thale' uot!ueu teups cce ne o te ate B E, DUND "--- ~4i-- or! - ho give ' -' Precotor, take5 tpel 'O liofi'a:adat vay.' 1 pat;"r iet ike'raKe 0 tiLINDS THENT, vîîîvuY. op----De-gelie gcpeo-pttlc uîeuic o a oteu i 8, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~-etiga e te iiemu auofuntxt olanguag eou estn! Show forth, Ente?' proeecded ber nan fbint erer veut unnte'e beaLler-liivoeer ike vLitva an! Thc unulersigncd voul! iltutlse toi the - ~~Yi~ Stillhue n tuiuiga oto f 'e umrtiet ea yDary, etuneeal oie, 'leMusevcathea o' beau!- - ios u ni Ke' Mychat.' in 11(5 bint, l ne Publie, tLiiethLe slave prencise aveis-cbeen --f-llisuu itierug o-in c 'ou mer, te muy, Doa knly,'orunre!h, lussu; 1. u e le ataprg-'ilbeau' -i lat'a rn at.' %-inrepl w ai!mrathe iylage yei n adigavu t e l a d i- o u t f h o g o t O v e r s x u o x , v i c c , a l t 1 o u g h % o t e î î p i u c d i l g u y î n l n H uviy VIlîeixî,a,!ruivtr Lruiat rkalle for eittîer elegac, redfc-spelling-boak amouget us, sud su it As- tien'cks pakt upvdr ux o-î atrilvapaace egi u 'Canada, uN-crarauîuî!aCilacra.i"gcc Cream aircheseeWlceolescarobl', ulitalphîa etoeaqily larncd. Younhcnltlï Heo in vhippei! up a icorexmensue tcltccvripeeîe eu a Y un nut-anq indfceetL i ir CacaasflnPurue linue Wine, Waiz's Log- cesper tlca ettmii~u e utryugtiore, u-emeeettiitehé-Oigus oi ovanatersticu daglitu utLic-ii,îs-ut ar er, whoieeaio coul retsiL Diurders takenby ade-vl a i ic outy ctui, ii tom lItanss- p rtv tlg(.11"lê 8an*9wl ieaguarautee viii eau- hebCinin orelieunJer aIl cincumeltauce l 'fitat cuntaine! cortaiuiy mare tliuna cuuîolùta,«oi;ileveue a fie voek. - WieeLvarrauLing them tLubleaïe m'eu ma(do ur17- b tîce eîîuiiîtiouî of Our narrative. ay r hdduI rnkt on agl, nwutig tcndrfi atuvseue îa ccesu nOInti.îe ngi -- -JOSPE A IIKIE. -an! La give asegoo! catisiaction ne an; Up An tlict cuti! vicli constituteul file cr n! neplcaleproorios;spriexcnecmeoeliuone til-fe cccleia tfaT!du!lBattaJit vte Aiienti. lei lenile ws ana! ILO OSmanufacture! An ticePDominion, terilunation orfilie cuve, au i lix lupoux andîsuy for your comiont, my vunfiy lau!eJ il lier. Six. touk il, au! cuming ofthIe latter, vicu, lîaring final liastily Ia l uke aTmN iula ogie I L SO N O t'S EPartie dcsirig further informaution conu nlarge uflrevxcx uu!vill tillatr, tint i youare not su netulg- up fovards fixe fine, wviel flineiv oui a ptcud veyiiu iaf ugutb.A -' - a auk oe n!tl-ol w V o b t a i n x t b y a d r e s s i n g c r c e t u r s h i l u n d i h n ptan e s p o rnve e - c e s J e t - r o c ' u t u ' ! e s c e riin - cicl o Sons ha sporedit ws ot nbenuty ns Venue, yuenaarer strnug ligit, nudi!e!-te t, and, ivil. jureel, clou!enjoyiug flît-coniflietvileRme appoinîmeut, nvil-nci. ' E A . W I L S O N , J i . , P I O R I E T O RL . P A X T O N , T A T E & - C o ., t o l e nb l lY i e ! S ti , u na d e o t ho c k - t u . vIat a b o o y v hu.B i i h - n a O u or r a wh I t a t t hp e s red i avi o î g Ir e u ! yis l l u t l n lei l tertpl un i l u v i i; é re e i e t e n o e aeu 1sbo-l. iuth is ee aec8, Peny S t., Port Ferry, Ont. T ic mnou îi o ticiStijl îveclose lynu -a lod w ieB ilh-a lvt i a ni 'c Th usrl il air-tL'gu vras f icldtethbImoesthur As,' uid Tedly, ifi n Ime on oheroyes pnccenled undeulail bis chair. ErexBre Bola, ie i'bi ercl oevecHgn adtepublic en- _______ Heu!o s, rm vielu a tuba ut ic sm ru Flli-, eiîuyn eproote u a ecet confliit.-W . lave foi , coul! nuL kêeep Iet, but-o h cîuded au in F hikm eatuyur ete L Ic e a fse rc pnelue oolciu the aboe uccv otel n flc Viàeg n. RS. KNOWLIG mtlpaeîJicoalrekee rposey ut Tullyticklum, spisilly vi adIitfoe vr eea eeus otaTteutIisil ie qure, usreitn etoge l vu!b Theboue mnew an, fge of sh. M qarrl, wiftie f i nonaies ng s thuru. Te iaetecondoitiraiid u condenser, that vue kepi uîvaye fille! atanl'likyaiyu ack. Yon cluglug an! ching, an! some amlccp, au! luegnu to strike ieilscrimlnatéiy aI t, ur mee tirouue ouleOaiatale mIner. BeD ogeLi luoru Lice indieeof Witbj sud viti cool vuter ly un incessant streauu u heBra Pde it ail88ns un uthe roexotes PartsutfLice cave ; aan-i i wulcamne i li vy ntl u lin t le îîigît aaset-mnuauaw aboe esth i iduxîercut. Vice ùute, sud sty hehsr-ciidiUteas fein 'heîaîînî' an un. f lu ciiýtt r aocestealfini!.vorwcuceeciquorgeandie sutyitci isroicuaitc ~ aitccascade we ha-i edescribed, as uobo!y coul! 'undestand ber-ha I ilis vas truc, nltiongic vo reR-aine!iliueky Ieîow on -bte n1105hpeing tat -oacudugyvaspn!t - cgni i(o et reideavii kept euîiix lvulwys rau intu eand overfiove! -nd nln palirLct mi ndraur iuis cînrêt very cupionsîy, lie niade o ad eIi vtui oIttn iue.(00!l talling and attentive hoctl Harit.'e anin oftblis lbaud vas ite!an! isil e wrst i'i aivayeiuc ...es R al airand Imitation Curis, made r -tgt io it .oia aej Tii. naster, voe ca r as Fini- ueody witfthe conversationofuthîe a biuudup Ieihi le cl teiga vi uinuniunru att e u-e dnc.gan, on, as le h. v tisbc Lule il!,0'. cipal personages.Alu ne1eilsu-bwiga -n uun 1s tO8f tlu h ai vrLtc tcopper, calle! theu rih e rue- 'uî au loieed upon Teddy adslook 1nu! ra erbe! lieeulyodU.Iyygi hm plaiting the h d over, Linen Swtchott- bisesaesiîuallylundyime lelookeila lisovu blàoid, tuat i es, rais, -e, &c adin he ate oftheuioer c'ad a iyandunoxpeote!, sat dmelodiste, con- vere amuieging li ite extrême., As At - (ezr.uu toj ee Dadelo. c. e l -levts Ier tsthc coulr n!ene lM" a-i!, MY vurlhY iillxtor,' troveneinhiste, ue-d-leejeers nil tu ileoir hapec! he1 eLI nleneu - Tic - -- - 1,- D "~ IET OHSE. M ILLI N EIY, M ILLIN ERY! cnit! rconvoutins, ike lue proceede!, 'tîntthfe prorarb vIioli legs. Tiieme vere no otleer tn the quor vas.lte trong upon botl -parties M - A N D tfe ot vapeu r -vh ie l vas tran sm itte ! say e 'laieilan u ii n e b z la,',i e n t i np- p crc ug cckles out Lvu a nine! geese ta nable th ixn u taLu lufic i on ech Ot rh ee i a u , ib d r se ll s r a gT D RNEYHW- M A K N G, E ut t rin fe glo tng Stil into flintLde- plicable lu yeun case. I lik 1 ae oa n'= ie hlad scecre!fRonu cq n y serions injr-. SheI hweren, as ne le-fnuw llu ru r.soa' vey earmet ad corin ciption ot spirits lenovu as poteaun orensioraiy deitteLl uthse trrotliveuvigeiabonng fariner, fle rden Lu pro. tleinigeLpastime outhe slill-heouse i! ln ôûe kocu nvri itl-i luevryDearneut s! ccr!ugta, the Ai île buttont oftLliii cuuler, bbc Wormnli llcutttdsda ircievceasupper fiounr friani!Hycy. vlien ou riuand Hycy eutet-e!. for, ny ofter species.iL eealycu inateat Styles sud Fashtons. terminate! lu a email cock o îpoio o tuibeuo a p sesin- 'To!,' sai! tle temnie, 'I luet my 'What lu the Jevil'e nain-rfefnsmel eod(nIutupotao A larg e sto ck (i F a n cy G o od a n ! J v el- froin tbi dftI cs-spirit ce ~ ~ --~' -'-'-- ry, Artifical Floyere, t0 . n vhicl yo vule Iie smce I came ut,,or ieyd bc ugns-lc e vrs'h eei, ck;lte l pd x or(aiflneo a î n e n s r e n i n a b o u t th e fiic len e s e o f -ae p c r o , a s l x y s a .'q u ie t e n o g li b e f r a t i s - l e n !j m e o n e a d e s in g im s lf t al u B a t f an d ! T e d d y , n o m n o i' e c i . h r t, Gi ~ __Bro-k t.,MES. KNOWLIN , q it eelpae o snc M . Fi-iganu,' al! jKenan, -m liai! smnue yIlei bl. 1$feinaigutalfis'sCa een Aýthue Ienoc nfeah (MI M j w« u p __ S.,South ai tic ChranAcle Office. ul o aslplcdfrlis cpnov roturnedoisfen,1ifyugsautmreia Bd ÀeN '* ~WtblyApril 24, 1872. 'j ion. Su d vwas th o position o i !u lieren s Ai p u 'S is, te le s re, Ete,' ixe replie , Fait, yo u lno v n M ost a ne cl a Ai la li x use 'o on f e e e - - - Sil Hon, an! Wrm, vîc lu onldn'f "b-e-b rtllicr tépioye! te- lian-ing,,hon a large clamp kuife vif nabount it,' replicd Hegnu, iaugblng, 'ast, vlutwillov u fertes et ~ ~ etr Wcev eeymauu il1); E-operation. Fixe! naotthfe cave, upon1 Cabur¶F ou' le. elonu 10fi w..-frilliullIa.;'au Kae biscr vo ie do ;flep gol dnunk, asnýth1We _nt - r u d e s L u net h h e e w o r k C e n r a l-F m a n a l v e - y u ' r é b o u g t u p , 1 s e c . ' o n i t . ' - --«. - . -- u t h a r cv e a d r e e n e l e d t e u Setienc nti .sud,4 Wial.Ir- l in --1 - -1 C rumda sthe tn ioro île vothelulml-v iee 7u.amak he l sdUa one ele elc ook ...... ariv.......... ýu&1- letd'-rztig h ew s - -ir eu ;hsitn o oie ~a' ux , ~ aicusacn u~onîingrue une ve ,~,.- aeu tmMn, vuen mvln by a sddn ezucai'- alsde*n wu amles v steak aibea d=P7 15c r fnend tT eddy P h a f, w vicah a I . ~ " W v e ~ t h u th een, l M e u la ger forre r ou an , emamli fi Par Hae. rrie....... 718 p. VA~ t I>BOP RTY-FR .s4 a. o uly ame ho vas ve l-ou b te,, jesF v elu - o ff w v cm ae hy wLo vsLnac hcs p eua o nl Ce'i mf<Ie, edraie t3ý a i n-Ae 1eu nettu u tfurbue a-amneblaof spva yndlu fte Toww lipuli eine takegh. l gsatbe iare, an H. G. TA LOR, e - u Bri ck C& s otae v gthee ibs e ,. enirlyfrox u prsm ifa. s!Td . cifl.amp t f sfnd iias d lhlÃ" Su ,PI.e in. le ore a <renm-! he mp'ùeqZnhailetneüydl-a-wiez <mkaw wak gSf. P e roer Ste., luth. Sautlw= Anea,' LuIUliI5at H. AGN T TAYLOR, -il»! e i n thcreon of Wh - - gg e niàh hà 981t O dim i- 0 Hyy,>ta s nteen, 1 e a u t r e s . ~ ~ SH quss ', - ' aelfcultivaucornerr-Wel -iegten an! GlIo- aïe de0e *oieh Ws sn' ie o ftdi S0,000 ofI Train s uthA flee !eBrck tagCpm ith j =m . v ant ael rm e c eu'n aicei 'gâO iand Te5p5i -my fatLor va w-" 'f'mmtet* Mf1- , past r n t one 18 of Gr con m a o rntes o lch tienc ' l in 5 r uNeî th'ne l e i fe , a g r thuu yfee - oi in L i - itenul Jookeei eH H h. Çe aan mI S drtb1i 1 villlia. fa e t m a ,ME mon, consfitu. 'Wie heiA pitilP, i o e u p f sfmx <a Mhàulim lia fu 4 acolf àuaboveprpn y o utePe ea ~ n . li!ce- ~ aecshap~~ 'q' & nt a e- im , -ms ema xn -p Wllib~ luly ~kp~ -U~iatochh1 1 1 ý

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