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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jun 1872, p. 2

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ai.B Bi w4'vIse ana Ratier.dsMomn C. t iontyof Ontario. In . jg= « mimportan ; e.nt depaftmentswe bid n C otton to -o. &tao. County occupyin a first -Place. ", It i vI 1 secced&,7 ~ Co~ 10reaWanted. credited with the iecond lrgesnubr is fJdur,16.1 ne h Bii*wI fouwd.- of entrics li holies, and carried off #46 Gra eui mperance Excuirsion. ia prizes i tiis eIas-being è ded h'prigtlexened s : Cote o ml.only by the County of York buines amou mngest Ûû oint daà ,olwson's Liniment. 0 hdrshdamn ncsflpitn Stock'sMachune Ot. F apii the Bligota aré pu. titueof the firq,iu Aiigust, 1808. by Fùiitc]#u Parm t rent- >louis county,) and the cýy 9Trnowc h uligmciiada Zroncliltio ii'ed. at tii. Provincial Ealiiblt i In ;aUI lue s bidngmchnrad Mdmfnit itrs notice-0. Y. Snmith' aimenu canount of stock nd pa$tereie, M*.sutÈýicr Examiations-Towu n ta Wanêof 50 igO 'ere destroed. The lo" sustained entrles, whiw ~York only. obtained âmuQgtabt#2,0,oean Tate lcor Li3uh Otro *T 800, for, 24 entries. B h ou n (mwiittiaot12o0,svsas acr lt olwere excoelee by Wllingtou, which in aboifer te iurancava ie uch- blw uaeraclu oi-male. o redited with $784 for. 52 entries. In audfrtI.tm aseymicfit Glving upbu fs-oh kinaier.,, sheep, Ontario stood second îine uiUi r emn Tdishcrtnet n-r Servant gr want4d-Mrs. T. Dow. 4tb, andin imiplemeaits, 8rd, iiotix ais re- their enterprise chclcked.the eta girl .. ~~~garde the nunberof:entries and amontworbilin iocaé of rim. ofenaeinmade i ele.o )lMeurs. Xlr as gibýahg charac. resuit of ther eforts was'sn in great- --------PR NN M. tr o i uDrbinm cattle clmaieaIthse ly énlarged-, promises, laid ont and" -____Si SerpvincIaNNUBxibb£tbu sneadaptod ini the bust ad mont convenient ayJue 0;182.form ,and !style suitesi to the* grow11ng WhitIy, Thurqad *UeX 820 M. White ., A Working Mn, requirements of theirbusinies. Machin.1 Me. W;teireddrss. re o f Mr. Gibbos' ob.ery of evcry kind, Îa-nd of thec latesi in suppoters ho afectdo ener atvention, replaced thi. oUI plait ; cvory Me Wie' ddcs c teeîcm' reesiu, e~bho1 - tui8 w as put li anew, and the proprie. of 8o utb Ontario will ho found ilu otiier yahn an 1h8cae0 e imry oavaied te asele tohoery recen col;iniis.Thiein lie Indicaies ti» (aiways more onamental tirai useful) impremte mcmltent h Db- Pollcy lie would pursue if etected ýt 6wil bc groatly shocked ta learn hu mi on or cr go the tco pet ati. Do- represent tlis riding in thse *Uuss ofMr. Whiite iunot oaily a workingmnan,brniobunesm wchtyae Commuais. Ho certalny W004l. be but tisait lie in actually proaid of the egâ.a,ýTeÉï*cifn hzgle fouaisi neitlier jà tiîne.server ior a, &.fiact that 'lie'fi a good ui ecîanîie nggd.Ti Ascrin iensle serveuttoo oftla"ooemmnffus-, "ýlu ma hoentrai th ton..atogthterto tise manufacture of Asan- scrvoa.ttoolof tse Ovcrns s g a cokuninaficki ntred thse tourt. CULTURAÂL ipiplements, Jbelieving that political failLi lias tieon alme4y 'veil ship couicil offPbksrnesgsaattisedcit-tGieabra tried ; he lias evir been fonnd ti4ic ta ty condil of Oatjrio, nuit wlîea eleva. and co!do business teisipl'eR, hiq liviiiciPlei; hfie riaiy'ýbetieves lu toi aothse Wardoa's chair it made noindcnut nbunsspacpes tho riniplai or liilm tli Ilforn uffeiiticc li his position. se, tooile aulic more uccesstilly carried on, party coiitend, snd doéisnet believe i la e1cted 'as the -ersnaive of8enti adtli gat er asvanLmth e mhsui- ai 3sp-ziiîtcoînposed cf parties Ontaio, (Wliici'e fùly expcct holie ilufacturer s 'vens tapitl ne rler, holding opste. iiina ll v ier e,) 3fr. White 'viii not lbefouaid tsa aiby'stigcpaladeirg 'oppsiteopinons ajgwlIeeon a large xîumber o! expo.rimeaits, îîhîepl-s urî ang.pufdu ililswaipotnes or in a more homnely phrase keep-a -. -_____ ~~ta look down upoustris for-mer frieuds, ii o an rn a i ie Ought the Wcetern Sect4eiupport te workmon.- Trueman White ije i gto mn rn nte7fr. Mr. Gibbs? of thse meni of the people ; a n i lso tIi3 iii ta ie'hvebogth - dos no beive ai tose romd<~ ouaidry works ta sech a state of tlsor- Tie mei of Pickerinig, -andt of ýlie tinctions betweeai what are cailed thte o= efctob xigtermmi- Westernî section ofte Iiliiag, witl4sut upper -andtlower classes, li the.olIt c ithaisrl a dcoja i.h pie kid o refeîee to Party, iilouid ask t1rscm. country. Hoe believes li the digaiiry 'rardtha stoe.do, omit wlth adicunar nelvif 1< vant lias Mi'. (Jlbs <oue, or is; o! labour, in an' advocate of tise Niaie- f lîkely Io li; for tieui ? JTet the. Coli- houri' systeni, aaidut' giving the work. la bor, tii he reealed ho mutke a h fai reiu-l ' diil -mucis more perfect machine, and for a I ncrvLtives î'cîiffjîiic)r 1mw hasely D.ingmin a ir ear or fytoit.le rie hn ioennnfct ir - - o wl iylecrtincd'67, ;ie is' li reTil is Wàtue'f;plan- Whio combine the. business of maiking sLi( ainesuppor-t thcy gave MI.. Gibbs, and is onie of tiie wcrkirigue icn hm framchnr ihmaiieyu lu' itgîthaefira autyrtune.self- lu varions branches cf manufacture, t her. lilit havelii iio wai aWetrnemin Wo wris tik-îadaeersne heir auperiority lies in ttus: Their un- il -l)r icker, or anty!aiyWeten-anid Ri; iideîseiieiuce aè;t llal.Iivided attention is given ho tie pro- lus fffitimî o Ltfi eCoilyit lsainaisic Workiugueeu 11k. TrueumainVWhite ductioni of a perfect article of its klmd, lim postion i et etlf aIif marri seuaie have made " this Canada of ours" wliait wile the maaiufacturerswihoe akill and l IL ectona reresnta i e i, aîd mnt -tise dres8yosy ihou are capital are Ii-ided, amongst mnny clif- w cAsri '07, clcfliîlofct he oorgticu. but the' doge upomi Lhe sheels of in- £ereut branchel can seldossa attali par- Pl ly, tliuse cf tieii hlî vote for Mr. ------ n uyone M.-ronth F quel , taare ,îtfllciently inteligent tao -Important te ttie Ratepayers,. manager, thomouglily isndcrstaaids tise 4111 tiîltiihé! cequrliaee, sill so vote Vi"il edrc teiii e'I aliîts cf the. fariner, anid-maliee it his hi tl' Vu w8li o diectattetionto wiatstudy teaîanitfactin-e noire but sudhC ki vgluit thîey aire votiiîg directly tfok p lacei te Tow'i Cotueil on macîincry as is acknowledged ho be at FI ('cfli['ll Le ht'tru litel oc f tht' Mcidaiy cveniug lait, respeetlng, tIse cure tieseut ecoaiomienl, useful smd tlusix thonsan dollars~ required b tthe labor-sayiig. Tle succs f tht' ohn- < tfl»en1t, wli ii lile. drite are - tireper nuel Vi luiii gf <f f pe trlldel <101!, 1111 ise Board of SchllTrustees fer buiinlg so epris aninstance oft iis, taen 5f (lhîîîîif 'ii<$flHllaiesliif'Irdepurposes. No cime demie tht' neceas- whieh 've rigist point. Mesîsrs. Brown hi - ity for lîruvîfîf g mdlitinal sclioul ne- & Pattersoîs were tise first to lutrodaice tY. and llf-fii(,(iffrtiflft.ity, Nvitlintiie couiiuedation. 'lime quetioîn iii,('an that celebrated imachine muta tis coun-te i"fmii! fe% <-uit -iii îia ii' i ctiaieC, Board' f111bettes' Iliaiily expend- try, and its widc eprend reputation lie, a tf ffifdfi- 1w yl"" << -î'i'.:. in- silaerge n suin impeuithue site offthe to n gi-ent exteait, owing tte ivaluable tioli propL <U' ~ Pe-osent neltiilliîmg ? In deterumini - mrvmet hyI ti .cflm- loty iIte tcwu et' Wlitby. tluis, se eee! cstisfed îitît thi-rc is hit aiuufaitti-e. Tlimir Caiyug1L mower il; no Wil îî iiî I el i oir f Glhloî08'.O iiî~' nil s' III * W 4.tî onut! in îuuioni ai<igetrt tlie mufi'inlîrs'eof anotiser instance cf suececîsfeil SUI o n e f , 54 -ci t4e hly i ut te'pa ;fr'efî tle 'îeee wilwul out, u il Cf t'le the Board,_aul tlîat le, to lay outth flue'rpt-fo eintha;wrvrte wîjî'.t me, îîî î'-lf pseeuue<i tir l'1010Ylis-ecuaioiicllv and it uvanta. tisese nuaiciae8, oft teir nuufac't e andit e Iehlits w'vue il yceI i îîîrliu w iKaiuuLIm 1ipc-ii 31 msyas Ibossihle, se as te insiurer lhearremacdi competition witlu tiose of fro fI iO 0 dtiîully uprngM. 0ilè-, t tllé eXAns oftl-irnecomioilitioîi rrîuirel. -If the Towai cIlies tleey invau'înbty carry cff thse pri- Ci dil~sati:fXie'f isr wîînund Council anmd Iliiratopayers ileire te go zes. 'Messie. Browni & Palterson have 1k tîîî'sto iiert' n1yntn ii! teaiite st cf suore extensive groundes- es-y uel ni prc-eed tIhe Canug mower Fr ilitffî ti! Iifit' e rifitiuir ays nui diilibuildingts, lustraIt cf niakiug tisei for tlie tuarvsest of 1872, hy eulnrging-the' iittii1 tlîeir Pastfl li hie tliet' resritimprovemenîs, nd itit aitsuit- drivo s'ecanuItaddigitraignl ot 9 1 aiwai. Unuîtell, te nai5- ahi. site eau b.e precrireil, tIhe meiers anuItalso hy roviuliag a uew lifting in' ui<iiiemiii uirfmlOauill îifireics hoitof thse Sehiool Buard wil, w. are assur- lever, se easily cperatei4 upon tisait amy h lfrfl'e ti e, i ti igltabcf tthe ci d, Most liearitily éo-o1ieraite witi tîsemu. boy, capable of driviaig a span ofisorses, WC Ifes liti-,tar fsthrumiigabutti, u3t il mprtvl eeeeyttteau wcs'k tise nowcr witli the greateet av* cticc tuug wle- sîninel-S lsretliii" lionild le iuiniidifitely dune. t'aie. Fire tlifyf'Vitîc clfi t'Il tii.frst lui'v Frone a 'ceivrsatlou 'viluMr. Maie- AUl the tumber used in tise manufac- T]e ~'î'lMr. Giblî, anà ltIesenusibile pieu- doneîl, ('iairinai of th(!iBoardl, we ture <(if implenueeats at tiseWhitby in j Il cof t)a1ii a t HcIi luWisp anfd ceuse. learai tient the Goverinieumt Inspecter Ifoinidry is pilid up aind seasoned foi'six lem ILpar astil;ia' - I 'tp ' upoir. -lins already gis-ci ss-ruuieg tiait unîcci. thiree 3'care--bre-use. t le culldas ofC - c M' (i!1i~ Slii lresntsfed e aitise ueeessarl' accommoefationi liepro- it le hrcuglit intîte leard, and noe sti Illiifl'iffiltirail diape, wei'e the position Viflefithe guserament giantt(8770fwllî -i cepteilor afterss'ards'uorkedinuibut maf il>WUc ie hwm'and ltiEs' ntuefreu îa u isutytsiud ati-eu ulaiw ciud5i'C bojugeed na lait 'veek. Il centaine au n im a fais- day'e -us-ric. Mr. Bu'owîs , se-ho euh loran (ubiciz(lan ohowie;have Mense ameunt cf valuahiesttîl. is mow in hie 10h year, is a Whitby giat orgae (aibidied uItulier'ise Treatiu'g of the importance ut'. gi ul ainbon'i ; he fias been cnnected 'vitis teni siothlig tg) four fiam tii. investigation tuai Societies the report staites that tise tise founucry eice iLs irst establishmenut, Cai4 9)f the ot' f hi atrs h onmaerous Societies lu cuainetion seis tweaity yens-s ago ; Ile ssideiy kuewu o tisey sock ho avolîl fair, open anud above. tise Departinent, tiere le gocîl renseai andt 'eil liked fer itis uwn gQuIt quaii Pt boaird iîtscutsint'fliseir mcet? Lot eiici for bclieviaig, have. been quietty anud ies; but'it is ties uperienity aid quai- T tub tan upo lis ow boiomTheefficiently pursuing tîseir waymad, up- ty of' lis mgicuulturni machines tisaItuem Chuarges agiassltise Ottnwa Governinent on tise 'vIole, these aigeaieles have ise av sse gained hîlsa a mmmc mmad an envia- typa, 91r1-mnaluy aindI 'eit defieI-tiiir bce- fveurahie ho lthe muvacemeit cf lthe hle reputtîtion abrond as. weil as ut Pt-ai ftaatOf Canadian iteres in lime Most important intereets cf tise coutriy. hie-TL ~aslisigon remt buglin; tIr Amcng se0 large a number of organiza- ns arbitrer3' icgisuîelioai on,-the Pacifie Rai. tioni, Romnit'aie tont, have made but "THE lcniocosm" h is e titI.etf» té 86 bu tio b ih i; thir munomet ofise i-li tie agygree ,hburt tleir influence aiew journal w. have. seen, gotup. by app' Intorcooilal; o ismd amnk Ad; prein tîe agrgaecanuot have fied to tise pupis cf tiseWhitby High Scimool. I"reu Itrloit; heu. ý an c poueabeneficilieffect eus the most t ~lireiilly a army creditable producl. T'j thisel-rej(cticas of tise Coutroverted Eîect- ineiepeuîeabie anufialuable iùidusties of 'on Accordîng ta its prospectus, it feen 131Bill;, tueuir c us ntise N life. hais a ls-g. imner- of talented ceeaisi- edor B3runswick sclisol Bill11 Iteo nd umlscore Tihe iesire continues te inervase fer 'butors. lIte political principieof tise 'ish et' utdonstitutioiaal meonsures;, or tîtir uniting tise sti-ugIlu' 'Iormre"icrocosin' are net vcry eccriy de- Fs-ce il' usi;anitumtoiiè acte of extrasvagance Societies li suetainiug au exhibition, fined ; but, frota tii, fmct eft ttice of'-Th and tCorrmuptione 'vhichsarcml hbeforo the tandias tliiiis hîrencepibi. under tise ex.lise editore hcing Young indues, 've un an publie, anti need not I'here r - meu itsîîg statuLe, iL le botter, perlumpe, t hle - - iei o a iit t - motll reaptu ave tip moe-cieslt tothie voîuaitau'y smuu ' icee esyitseln i latedt. VlY do tise crgans slsrink fi-cm co-operatien eof tIi Societies tliesives, luge 'voutd aid b. ade-vere tu e cause ia tis'eut;iug tîese ? Arc tlîey puu'posely vhicli must lie tise lest Judges ufwt' o f a T'rue-mn anuIt&aWHIurTMain. lty, I itmilg8 natiut about Blake and Mac- is locaity muet suitabie, liai te tlempt -ticin --keaizie ini order ho divert publie atteai- le enforce combination b3' stingent en- Pic-Nicx.-A union pie-hie get up bý, Ou tien frome ise eldeede-ef lie Minmsters actmente. 1h le beginning tu e eObvions tise lionisu Catisolies o! Oshawva andmui yj utOtawa*?te tise more observant tismt a considers. mil ltmw? he number of Townuship Shows are of Whithy, the proceeds of which 'vil be 'F'toi bu _ey littie accouat; anuItét mahe applied tovairds baildiug a prebytere-y te - i EQrxX UsaT i-l. ~ilbon, photo. cempetitive exhibitionsi sers-e tiie higher for Rcvd. Fatier Sisen, à18 talake place. r- -gmapiir, 'ieh akaipic hures in pus-poses of vhicis hiey are capable, on Frldny 2811s inet. particuisrar pbh - iit8 in e > 9 . nIhi Iatka tueir area muet b. enlarged, an , as a g e u- re p bi Whtb * 0 9 ad l salo ak donsequence hheir material anuItre sour. iea i nadvestiieenat ini other thieas a go00d Maiay truiting rditrs-in, ces, muat bocorne pueportionmteiy li- columni. This is Lie irut ocasion cf mmci - 'as fOund Missing frothie aisuai place creased. The makesi succees 'vlich tue kind w'e believe -tist Fathser Shemaisided -of biilass on Friclay lest. He,~h& bais receutîy atteaided the District Shows lms been induceit te ldentify imself rther not tsuce rotuired. -Neitjlor lm etofLonden,. Hamilton, Toi-ente, and 'viti 800-llclg ad, tjp'vf. f n ndu- edh, cearly sadicates lhe direction t- - tai trios ad wll-now ton '1 the improvemetof Agricultu- SuxXIER GeOnS.-AI McMilan & tinue tr~i at'elkov onman, 'viao Saciehles lies. Il le - eacua"im e ôCo. Balsadprc.et i absneit4 Ief.frqm her home at the, observe in somdof the reports a distmetG'cSeistanipls.- ca osnIectile, anîfakliàa gsince rais1pioo-recognition 'o! tue neceeity o! an IM- F le -- - proveit grcltural- e dieation of tihe Ldh TLL-npetrDavis and Our in gacMPmny 'ith tic gay 5deceivlg pyouth o!aIe country, and tue formation, GOeon, 'vitu offcer Morro'v, o!- tie donne plctume-taer. IHie takùwiagways lu if only as ycî li a fe'vinstauces, o! InIaîsd RevenueDepanrnt,.sdizedu enlise, tii lasie, not Contpnt 'vili tise Pas-mr"Clubs. WhsaItcs-er tonds te illicit ocliirn IiFgisMumro, of lime doser cp c dd - ifli c-rr'iaig airtlleis Mra' maiers together fom btuaua1 help, to'vnslsp 'o! Beachi, on thie mat. -They ditai' ansi for th. prômotion of their cosmunon rmovei the tisul, wlth, appenalus. to ansi w - intercale, shouici be regardeit 'itis ta- Toronto. 'Ti he fl'vasone In use at agai lu vour. -Tiseestablisiment of piicaii tue tiue -of tiche izue, but bore ci- o'f be RaLs2muurourTL viii be svoi'n Markets or faims in the varions centres I sence ot -having bien reeently usei. .mckè ti o Vrday next as administrator of of! pation hanbeen ettendedby bon..f. 0 !4g qýoymmudurng he ntepuM eficWà resuito, ans i a settheMenlýainsi Au Alahama paper 'vas net isffec t thUe go Lor IO« nws faiciileim oenesu, il e Mest tue regulas-time, one. o! tU"Ii.eitomaibe. llhistr $0 d.aîý4 ýPXtrte o of la:4gai hsu m i satt oypsuuto'1to Uc <lê uc~y, b. <o ai'ansi -UýAf 'Vul-- Fâr,zS it le 5tfii5 W. 'vii aur friensis Of ticCag îuinmemnasred AidU selatueir effos meot thé'vant. o! Whulibyas=s- ing country. Fs-Vth ie Uîebrige .Toicrcl. -The Whitby Çaumoaa zhai besl lagesi fren 82 to 86 colcamne. prices'vilMemain at one dollar sa pilfy ar yable ina avusce. ýCIIXYýý assided taubs ah elel furmiieei office a ne'vpover 1 ue'v type, suit otiser impxos'oitprE matemial. Yenr afler yearîthe circul o! thc CHRoîrxCaiEha" beeauhagel. ereasing,'výieh has ran4oresitue saut enuageetit a necessity. I tic bust ovidenceof!public appmobi o! tue merils as 'veil ai the comae successof tiat journal Tic Caaoî hs long helit a foremesi place ama tue local press o! the Dominion, position mie fui satisfle it i leboue mainitala. W. 'ish tie propriei ces ain e wenterpnise. s-osa lthe-maas-ena coueat. It is with pleaeure *seonotice Usa laremet f te WhibyCanoncL 36 ehumns. Tise appearance ef goosi local paper us enhauueit by li prinleit on au emtireiy nc'face. M glaS are 've tu learm UsaI t We pamei o! Bs-o. Higgingsu nsta enable t redu-e a mcw powver putea, new uherimpovesi prinhing mals The Canoimeza 5numberouloui monget ous- beel local exehanges. I may il prosper mnd its circulation erense. Fs-rn tice Canadian Slcuiesman. The Wlmithy CEBONICLEmha largeit-amal improvod, ainsila pel from ne'v type, makimug il oeeof bestlboklng ne'vspapors in lie Provi [t is a journal ronducted 'villu mi aisi 'ortiy o! support. Freont thce Bellevillr Ontaio. The Wliithy CameZeCaisis enshus to 86 molumus, ni gives es-idem. uncreased, peosperity l inone epa romitIhe Orillia Eqiasitor. Tise VWtby CaaiemicLKs has been lagetuho86 roiumns, andl te pri ew ' hyp e, T ic Caao eii-. s i one ofet'Î] aincsosuest ansi beeht-t pmpers lu the Province. ns-om lseMurnlreal Star. Tise Whitiy bHETNomICi.aComes hansi considerahiy .nsisged.- CHitoNicLE dors hhe -ta'n credit. Fraa lthe Stralfarci Beeaao. The Whitiy CaeocLax, wihi ec aucteIt 'itisselielarly ability, has bi unlargesi ho tuirty-slx coiuimus, mmd mnterpnising proprietar isas fummis] .5s office 'villua me'vpowver pness, il bpe, andm otiien improveci printing s unrial, l'y Lhe skiiful use cf 'viinstise per presents au eceedingly hanitsc ippemare. F'ara thue York Herald. PROoessu3.-It i il; ihpuemeure etire lia t heso Wltby CamONIEmec1z ge pet'y improved asd emns-rge hIsly-six lumanin pepen. Ms-. Hi81- li propnioto-, haisosepus-csased soi c'v mate-ual, anS anue'v Poweor pi oni the Hall iVorke, Oshaswa. T 'HsemsîcLEa is uvou.onecf lise ment md l'est priaitesi 'eeklies in tise F inee. Go on ansi-prosper. 7ras ilue OnarieReferme-. Tie WhiLby CBRONICLE dame tli a ist 'vcek greatly enlargodalnul mu iproveul lu appearaime. It îe nos irty-eix ciumn pape-, andItnn don ril l'e siell reietses by its renite -e wihthe eait.rprisiug publisi -cr3- succoîs. -roi tie Guelpsh Hceld. mie Mhithy CaiemNcLas-.eetc bae ia ne'vIr.ess, aud emiairge u h iu- àceolumus. We are ml'vaye glaIt otic, sui indications o! tic ps-esperi fcur t'eilo'v labo-es-s in fields journis ic, anIt vo iope liat hrcther Higgi iy . contiumcule prosper. onui ie Pd'erbciraeglî Times. WITUrns-CaaumuICs..- Tise Wisitl u1RNumICLE lias becai- enlergeS fre, drty-t'vctutehtny-six colunus. I spertulate oucnlempornry on il misunce cf hic cuccese os a Jous-aliî id trust lie may continue te prccps rm ther OnitasObserver. ras WHIT1mY CauOersCL.-hlsiisjourl ramet hiaind lest week eaiiarge< i uamsome tiist3-six rulumu papi il got up mnecnimrly andI othuerii i creditahie alie te - tie erg, as terlirise cf tise propi-leter mmd te ci ai-aility o e ct' te u'u 'ise liberal su St remdes-ed an enlairgement mecesar 1 hope the cuterpriecf flie pruprig ai lthe st; Niarips4-gaui. mc 'Whslhby GURaM 01euuci uS te isais argeit aindiimproved.it. innoW uni. m in sus. 'iti thse Argus, ansI prut. ai similas-odillie paper. Wa a it suceesu. m lthe Coaorg Bentiuol. mse Wiitby Camantic comos te us s lmpoeisa. We are glas 15 ie tusipo et l insi Hi- JfOum o isalvays prov'oa iselfa trucfrieni t thie o'n local bmas 'rit.n up uis paper ns a gen. aamly editon, sud has., cuosqueutly l'est wse-aes for hbie succeas- Long ho leprosper. a lthe Netlie-n .belocte. ie arc pleassesi ta notice tinto-ur on- wsingrienmisi ethUe Caoemcma hb id it meceasary ta elamgc is lication ho 86 coluitins, la enter tuaI aitiertisements mny not cro'vd tac s upon tie nO'vs coluzine, ansi ha Bd n ne'v po'ver prees, ne'v type ansi imuprovemenle ta an Office ai- [y'vcllfurnisied. Tie Caumscaz' AsAÀL'amongut tic. local Pres, a Doenisn, amuit 'e hope.it swM lcou. eta mcccv.he support il lhas hili- enjoye4,1 ansi se 'vehimeritesi lthe Gazelle, Whi lby.- mr tewmu colcmpcirryinaslateIy ida ne*v -ires, ainsi insno'vbeen rgoiteonsidemably. Friendi iggins "o inasci lrais. for lhe very arc-, qm ch o f i ê B s c ee t a r y O f u B ac o 1 5 0 ai? i O e ~ ~" " . s uc I - A nm m A ý-i a c o n r m n - a n a g r e e m e n ut l a n ti id 4 r a i , c m w n î s - in thé c osinir r prt -i - o! .f P0 e i Ue nmadei e$W een Ue <Grandi Trunk p p- e4lndýe n tw f rhý* 0 je tiendanndi e PO Otien o- f N . G . B i gCom'a -,(~ sp ny ofCanada andi the In- the D oni nl *wit vhich ýI ' i n a O U o f h eI L U a I M . -, -R e n o l s , a s e r ta t i o n a l B t i d g e C o m p n n i o -it k l a ryu b ê n e i m . e i up. àdliOman iprvemnt. "L"ý07Tg TON AL ailiU thr purposes. connIete c ýb yan io hno.au r , Ïl1 for~ - Wr 0 ofOJ. Lng, p'oyMng fr bheeaemaa. An AetIfor the-,avoidance o! doublet, ata lreyae on Pe er-sb te and th e M r. B l wl itroduced a i .la i'v t 0 resp cting Iarce y o Sta nsp. > m o e t a ,C r eâ s - 0310f h s ni. n resse the t Ow sihall keeper 'ea9 s An Act further ta amn A (l an net reg- R s !t c à e iti a e O ! N . G. B y nod's, req e ting th >frim a 1 4 Oïo #200 ad af te = eCting t ic sec rity t a h given by f . - -fth , itti oft c, a e r= ýOPnin9 of certain istree$s leadiag ta hie nt i cmmittee Of, thevhOie--Mr, acers Of Canssia. - - - PoaL> uxixamQÀ . Party. lni~e, nAdbcrrc aeeiclero u --Oo'v.o, N. Y. June 15-A rare phen- Â< a Acïmt of Mlre FOgofo!12 for 041 mtisif m. MsMlha, trose, -Ue si epctnmaieu 'oeo,'asvteisil-ii viiy p_ý dt a rg retani btina tlavet property.- - on Thursdaiy ait1 l m Tise'vates- on' #i vea osio! s- ataian. -Anc t .Ieprovision for Use the lakomsanariver rose fra feet, mc- * - 00000'vS?!, ,* TEE LÂTE MIL casais, continuaition suit extension of the geomainin- aitthat elevatien 64 mintes.-~ Mm.McMhlascanei, 'y "* MeMnan, aepaidesi iy- Mx. iogical eus-ey o! Canad andsitfortie malc-U et 'eoi is vse e en- 'ls suprwsptic in entio h!Ue Sehoal en bmoes m i antnneo!Uegegeimuen.alterntelymie ansi fel, zbsding ta T' rgmove Uai Its auci larefuY l le*,f te erygret oisth An Act ta asmenai tue net eguhiting ils ordimay level ait 7 'clock, vhere it T":& dolasiteena hem efsix tisoisani t wn ! U sîedvi-y renioeat f te'issue of Dominion Notes. nto h- 'lteJs;ýU1ere h Û c epromaiuied. ýPreviaus ta Use thUse lua ai" setihafrUs uar geea ! s p-e al as usaiet ù4h earsW10 o ture adtre pectimg tie public debto 'vhsquul1 on tih aIe gathes-esia i.id esclved, Userefome s)'ii haço t h~Ue îsllof o!Mayor, 'vilh Parliassieut. tisa it r e, ce, A umbih cunwas oas-si <r i , C a lm e i a= n e t- co n t ré l 't h s o a ct 5i n o f ficiai a, i gn i u g ty ta h la A m ctt e a n si f U se a uh r e p tiu c ani m g u e 'v a t e r o s u c a e uin th m Borinteceto of ffcsPoiin; amsibeing qualiy nAt a med he ntrep;' nlea ltingUeSho Badl s eîaan< prsoit -with tue etil grter. los the Civil Service o! Canada. Use eus-gfaceo! te. sater;s cmea tam aindoits, orthoe ependilurýe of moneys for lbereavoisvido'v sud iai»ycsstan nAttoaimtheaio no-bieautbbieo i oer<l u ~pre- its unqtUifed disappm-eval of the actieo' tOW au tus thir ,is-st counei otien of Us. Canghnwaga Ship explodesi Symptoms seee te indi- y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~4 su-, siolprosI hoItt peess onvet Userefoeia it l e, - pennlCompany. usl 'a Of th e S c o l B o ard in cré atin g a i ieb t s m i m G < o e u e tin g a a m e i h a - u n - i u i e eal o! ui manio rto;latsep-ntinu. mo* si7emosympatiy ta Use 'visowvate tise etroit IRiver Tunnel Compny,, BeesxE xufxosx-Qvzýa TwauTY 'mCe oi cml touneo! aur e to asi la oing ansi familY Of tise -eceasosi.in tus Uset uit mfor olier purposes. xosDavm-n-ag-orIo , Zt*0opiio s o f a la -miee i' ePressn& time o! thiies-grent trial; autUa ie An Act btaniend mn nah ta insicmpor.lune 15-Tise raft boni, D.-4- Maedsipt raeltseoionaiare xailt f es-k fOr'ard a cOPY O! th rséluionat.e emanagers cf tise Ministers ald, exploedIhier boilet- yeelerda %i tiatrtPayers a vh ibe callesi upon 1> t iea vso >sîuwiWidw'as rin' ui !tctevmi bv ols e4'ras , id i ta priio for- te sais deb. OhOthlamenhesi ecen-eoit. -ck f cf. ââ2taetah a qie--- .. --- SyoIt of tie Peslyterian Churnis f met.Ts mi mc ly sL eue Me MreMllantheianndtat e 'v a t. Eut wby C<neil. Canada, in conection iitiste Chusch TeAaalapcet ht o!Us 'vl waemhat ii Cumii- atli nt fScohand. -ccrdlIeo! tm roU4reyounsi-. c o tr a tem e i m o a s - o m l c ' eC o lu m b u s , u n e 8 r& t.1 8 7 2 . A n A t ta in c o p r a te t is a i Da esi ' o o ! Ue i n h a ve- .i n c e d ie si. I supemnla aking Ue large expendi- Tsehlnc CetaMobda hipr.dnsiNevfumlaitSeiuig n'mFsliô 50ot, ceitiyknova hw an 'er ux conemplled, yet inamucisaa ai- senTie Beve i o.nierhai. pro. n p efnia on îearciaah lise tins. et'*thetaciswuut -ein cleigta imply thic s ealof le Minutee Of hast meeting remIt and An Art melatimg hoalthe Treaty. o! ansi t l mosbl aacrii ipe U conci a'0 engtti 9 omc etcoufirmedl. Wasington n,18aiàlimse ibleptalunai 'verioai-19 upon se siouliters o! lie corporation, A eonuniegcn -o vsreceived firom An Art ta inItcmnity tise meanhers o!centla sthe i7ouss. one rman ,aeil 'vAs iir igitaomuaccmmatmion thtiiBon. Ministor o! Agriculture -.-fthUe Exocutive Goveraimeut ainsI chers, A ei ecnh ~eoifents nag h il.AIIionlsi ccmoainenchosures respertiug immigration. . for lie unavoidable expcnditu-e cf pub- sear !tas eavbc hse, re mt he >u type he ordecessar, bt tc mnuieac btrfo M.C .Smith, on. lic moaiiey 'ithout Pnruinxnentary graulhe e'em 2tn 0 erPW UsBIet.I va vh lnwi 'ere oflie Colunrillers cf lic Townuship o! occasioned by lie seuding of an exp.- be ewe.2 n 0* le a- - dividoci mmengst tuenieivee as htohow Darlingtos, 'vas read, enclosing a cop ditionary foi-c. te Manitoba. lu 1871. TsaPse sucA oe-O e- e - l hois l'e provdide , i o.setr 'y no! a Reseiutiou of tue Darliaigtc Colin- An Art relatiug te quairanîlue, teemesid niefatigabie riemit Mr. 1 n t .p -Y addtion, vuhs'osisfic cil, Offeriug te poant tueeenta o!$25 ta An Act luamteuIthtie net i-elatlng oJckoedtro!heneinretE for a l , and in veivo but a com para- im prDve le to 'vai Une betw een tise t-e- ba tks anuItb tnking. mimdJa cks netnry oftis e n aa Pse s, ra- tOvely ma1o utaysieor 'yeUe prechia.ofte heopposite thie i-c. Scuthi-Imah! An Art ta incorporat. lhe 3Missoii soriatios;in u a o'vs, ainsi as succeedeit o! moe umiabl ste or ieerehio c tie 41s cocesion o! Dariington, Sociehy Of lis, Wesleyaai Methislt 'viti lis usual jpromptitude in making. n on- of permanent buildings. Uniter tise on condition tînt titis towvnsip graut Church lu Canada. motdssrbea neeusf U inte i circum ta uce it 'vastheir iuty ta place n qu mi sum . Whe uion m otioni of A n A t rta o p ai m e tbers f tish e tasud I mir e to lie m e fo iters , . t e before tii. Board a u expression of piu- M r. LicIr sec. y M . M utierai,, thi, LOca l Local Leg'sla ure un a y Pro- ol iFeas r te d afae , wof he oM er Ind. ln c li concl, ssI i.theetcround lgrmnteit the 025, ta meet tise vunce 'vier. dual represenhation is nultmanialtrip.Tise route ae beçn soel lity, brouglit forivarit the resulutionî. AUl grant cf tise Darhington Connuufi, aini aluowed ho resiga tiseir sente before l'e-'viait ehaiged, thougi h'viinot ta suy 'ver.e enally anxicue te promet. e potehe. aol i-8 ,Cmi,-cmu addtsfs et nts prs.rt o is cicls PP is oeio-nte UsM'eJaut' tise tmni- onPandiae o t nteDo- gi- texient effect -the genern pro - prseiy ftescol ut h ioe ao eqte expenditineoftemnn almn. - gramme, excepti ladmtiing au aidiitlonil' question 'vas 'visethuer -tise enlonmelusi sainie, and alec lîppeinted 3fr. Smith ,Au Art ho ineolecate tise Canaidiain csusm lutiste excursion. H1aiving tic rged expenditue meked t'or shoutd, lu tise andl Mr. LuIre ho meet Mr.- C. w.Smit is improvenienL Ceilege. mnueetiaheov adh si ýe of preseait shate cf thm.finainces cf lise nt a lime teal'e appointed isy imit Au Ad c aand tIse immtigraitmutnet g mently inuis ed hie ecepie ho! mets. ta'mi. h. mdi iue moatdsle iehe mtjdh nuetise cf 1809. thehospitnlity ansi courtesies of 'ou 'veusi sffir. lili, on time tuwis ine, opposite tise 9th. An Art te pros-ie forer incoreuspor- tewsena on the part cf lise Executive Mr-., Ray saIthLis deniand cf the tcou. e! East Wuiby aticon cf Emigratiets Aid Societies. CositîecheAscainulti ntde- Bo uet l'e ronualenati; ti at A-Petitien 'vas presented, sigsied l'y A Art lu reaidjust ilise mprrsenatioai tse Press men siti timeir 'vives, etc. stItIhe ouci hae n otenais,;hl. ifr. W. Smithi and 9 eLluers, ticIing-as-Of tise liuse cf Comenous. %vi aeagami eetcia il- IlO'v dilional eciool neconodatioms 'as sisteairet'onMe-s. Laipliain. Au A-ctho cous-cet tIse laisvrelaisg te lige on1,lIme thtio!Juiy, aller 'hich Usey_ e'i neeessasy, and tIse only t-ling ieft for A Petition signed lîy U. Taiplin and advertieimeaituepOctiug stolon geede. I1pruceeul ouneMsrIaLk.W lies (ie eusei) t dossnc e <llir thsi-s 'as presented, askiug timecaeun- An A-ct le nnendanA-ct eof tise psr- trust ou r ihizens 'vilextens a cordiali put tisiisudu lu inteu- pockets and cil ho grant a suinoft' mouey ta pny the. srut sessioun, amuItah enabie tise Gae-- elcome te tuec gentlemen, ansi assiel taprevide Use lande at once, or iesue de- haonse rent uof Ricrds-tFclry, s-%lue huais mur iCouneil lu impose a dIty oui eta n aIre theur vssulame ccasion thobl'e Tihe lieatuee for tise ainnt, aisItgo extend heruna long tins. sick, wiih,ou motion anIt effce, insîferteI froue tht' Unitcul long remlemicrecl, 'vies, 've fesi assur.i these t ov.r a perieS cf yeairs. Tise cf Mr. LicIr, 'as erdercd leal'e laid on State iai tise case thes-ohm sneaihioaed. cd, the3' vIi. Tiser. 'viii aise lue a1 Scisoci Boas-c lih presunted, kne'v whnt tih abte. -AmAc eammdts iiia s grand recepticu ah Bnaebridg,. Mr. Usey 'vere about, anuItwiait vais wanted. A llY-Law wsas tseus introduced assId-rc-litiaig te violonce, tIisrcts anIt ules- A-. P. Ceckburi, 'vithId a ussul gessero- cou Tise resoiutioa of the. reeve isaplieul n passed l'y tise counecil ta expemd tise tation." sity, lias placed tue-steamers Nipise ieg -men vote ut' censure upen thisu andI it uiO 10.fer tht' covmet f A-s A-ct respecting t-nde Uions, ndWeoa ahe ise oa tue shoune tt have lii sete. rends .ansd bridmges tise pi-esent yens-. Au A-et te extenul certain tais es-at- scalo. crt <ae.heion teyAon lied Mi-. King tisongist the expenditure et' <> motion eofMs-. Smaiths, $e.cly 3fr.uug te naittsers connected 'îtie navsiga- thsose lakes baffles Itesciption.-Orillia se' 6o large a ilum open the. preseut ecisool LuIre, tls. Reeve -usas inste-uctet te rall tien lu tise Provineuout Britishs Cclum- mua- property 'vas altogeties- out of place on Riehasi Puley ndIt - . - Liuilct. Pa- an wouldbc onl waste. Re ws t'yActais grantin h, o Msuris s- pa ad veil le alyseuctr. ie'asasistaince as lie muay'requis-e. IAnAcTto suic ele Mi ih coitouoau BREiuSTEocscExiOaRp- mus 'shieledas e lse eceuit t's- dci Ou moioncf fi-MoterlI ceds 1certain Butas et' mcey requi-cu for de- Mr J. M. Young, lat-e,uf Broute, Omt.,- lonal echuol arcommodation, anItseas Ms-. mie, Mr. Smith 'vais instr t'i-ite img certain expeaies ofutheis publie hu,, becainl this sedtion purchmslmg lu fus-or cf pres-idiagig inlua suitabie enquime intoelcase. of Mrn. Lapsatm fot'e ise uncisil yaas cuciug reeper- thos-ugis-breIt'stock for Lime LCliferni 've imes-. Itl ntt]ieC(loua Oun lie candgrant sucl assistance ais lier c 'e 1tive tise SOtisJuai1872, ainsi tt'e Otîs. maisket. lielhas rercmLly purciasesi1 l'as preseait site o! tiese echuol biildinig s le requirci. !Juuse, 1878, anItfer ailcif urs-ere-- f ron i. Vsiiiam Mille-, et'Pickering,1 I to 've therefose li faisos- ef'purchasimg ai. Tise Coumuril reauiuscdiaied, mund i lating te tise publie sers-sers. t'venty-tsmee Cotswold esees. lie liaisc mue see liae logtîer vieselisse. usder-u e oilhe -igaiceonmt o h- .s -tfs-ipeuglman usaise securei titi-e Des-on ruses, t'eu nie'vulI le umîleruosaid emelu aipofcfE. N aukrvilîe s-repais-iusg brl' ad hraratesq e e est et'f-Durhasm eo's ansi t'vcDurhsamnbulle,1 res ho sliews-for tise expenditure. In tIsait ar-Ms-. Binke', iii, $ 80 38' cf D. 1 ':Laps-e-teg tieeuuuMgmicandQLie- t. rail le nigais u is lfaer. TW. test suni ; l'ut aie large as tise preseaiL;a- s 3; cf-,N. Brokemesie' epîsiiimc' tsehe bc. -lmnNpVleClfri, 10-_ mount seais, lue t'elt satisflei it is-ulItli I-c!ofuf-tse fdril shedl, 60ets -,et' J.Joynl A-iAct te cxtenuIttise Canadiin îai-f M lmng aaViley C ina oaily seaunuei meney thsowu ass'umyfor 1 cos-Itof wooed te indigenit, - if uliîe cf cuii sofecuise, ta-It dcem- him anIt is tpck n sale. journey. 'vise-.il'vais preposed te b.claid Out.- Ms-. J Buenisi ord o!f w-cedte itdigeait tain ains e elatiug te e-ustonss auI lmei id Additionail cormun sciscet accommoda- #3; cf W Jecks, for trees, deai nslu"md r ev-enuie tu te Provhie o retBitisi cl- TseNewv ouaily cf.1fnskoIra coin- ach tion 'vas noeessns-y, ainsi if anue'v ilui -pîantimg ait ta'vu hall, $8 25; of Ms- ui mmbtu. 1 prises tIse Towshoips ofclfo-u-son, Ryde e a sc io ci 'ere built th e r sent gra uin a r SAtsirl el! e - r l u i e ts $ 4 : A c tAr s- pe tiîg t ie Pu lî)li e L auds M uskoka, D rapri, O ley, W ood, - - cf flue iSmithtreliefMoo, Macnu1ay i Meenu5 Mecloi5a th a e h o o i b u il dli g s c o l ' e a se et a s a n n It f J o h n C e v a s , nr ei efo f in c lig e no m n onto n k $ 9uI y ý e e a i M d r a xteuioinortdigmonscnti e' h$Co9.llin0umif i r.tete-i.nfrte omu col f Th oni hnadjonu-neI taho lt 11togeuîher aiemmhIundîc i nItses en- Watt, Stepisenson, Brunel, ulp.ry, her theisen.ainsi ps-i-rates ocImes--ieCarIt'eil, Stisted, Cisaffey, Chis-stie, ur Mi-. Powe-cIi cated thtt like 3fr. Rai3y ~ -~~-- actes- secure ie sRoy03au assent. Tifeth, Mcmum-sirh, -blhtt, Pcys- lie coueletse. notîsiug hoal'e gaineS l'y Mara Councl. ien tlîe oneccmaille the Speaiker fson' cfMKllr eDual tise reeciautius. lie, Imee-e-s. cunsid- -- tiselieuse of Cetemuscus aidItessed i heu usoSpnre be er, Mfog, adered It a great mitlike te lay out 8ablairai, Mtty 25 187,2.1 Excejiene:, as fîîlcoss :- Fergus lson, ariing, ake n zieCrot',t y- mmcli mcney on tise prscrat sehsoul j oneil met. Mieunhere 'aIl ps-sent. 1 bfay 1h phease 3-ceai Exec-Ilny,-In B ]rown, Mo'ait, Biais-, Cowper, Conger, ei tO i l'nijig. fTue ihiti sîsoululbu a epl Ms-. Warrni, miinutesuof laiet mccl- jtheame of lime Comuns1 fpresane te 1 Pairy Island, Pau*sy SoundS, Anmiek,- e iypieceet'f ps-cpettsuffielent te prosid. meetinmg rend anItapps-oved. Ceuncil iyens- Exéelleney usaIfiluientitîcul un sert Lakce Tes-les-y, Mnýlgnts-t mmnd au.l ýai- ample accoaiumodation ah oce, anmd net resolveIt into Commhrt'f Re-,isicu. Oaiyiy 'e- "-utiagteIler 'Majeuety certain -dss amvys ceaesp yu ot nsspend tise mcucey ehues-e tues-e 'ould bce L'o aippeails. Against mîseesmeait. Mu'. I unie'a fo! cîeiei-cul tedefra3,'tcl- -ftieNos-l isRding cf Victoria and t] ncthuing l ste sowfus- le. Fcr lhie evn Grant, ssas Io'vrcIt$50,thuis 'eiug tise tali expeaiscu cf tme pumblic ses-viceft's-of tise Nipicsing District. ac p rt hase-ulS 1k. te sce n g ced scel Ionly nuleratièn iade. Ses-es-aipersants tise flaucial 3-caisenedhug scpectivd '- eý---.- 1'y MulI, somcthingtisait se-ulIt ea Crcmit see-eassessed for lots, pumlisased andl Ithet' tJ'.Tne, 1872, aulfi tis 0e Sl , A ee o- ae-sesum nt> ni th tis o'va nIt n lenefit lte epeuple, scîfleul on since assessenent. Tise Rois 1873, tease-ies flitumlyrecquet YOus - eeerat hurricaenat hZanzibaran h N. ansi erhsape if tIse BoardIt 'ere ap- as revicrd, l'.ing adupted. Tise Cai- Exceciency's asemt. To titis bill tise steamer, bcionging ltite Sultae-f at' la« lie ps-chilui a ps-cper'vay autd askd te cil sesunsed ils esdinary business. lRe- royal nescet wsiegaiuli rI iiinte t'llo'v- Countr'y, omIt leas-hg a sli-ange-iouiidiug 3t, reonsider lise vhse i alter il inigist ciipt for anicunt palîl Purket, aind aie- ing siorse:-f Inlies- Mmjsly'snuimerhukisnaine, wsiwreckze ý Thsis- <s-. have a gondl effect. rount frein ]aiy Telegraiî for $10, H-lm Excellent-y tise Goves-nor Genes-al steamer se-s feruînii' an oljrct l nchv' M Clarke. 'vas satifled tisait tise puusuislisg 'essard, for apprehleasien cf, hummkc slalyai sulijects, acrcepta eiins- :le-es-talutise peuple tti r0 hncituh tu-~~~~~ fonu, but stcolutiisegntl , - unte conneiln w omeér-an opinionîteun se rommeuding fin outlay on rmails cf ces o! tue tintelhast niflculsteength hoe tilscseluxurisw iny m if myon has - mortant a matter, as lte expeaidihuro $8711, 1tl'e expeaided, viz : ist Co-. tise hisoo-ble position ut' Canada, bollu tIuç moment. Yoruntreo iea o! six or seven thousand dollars, fer te $100 ; 2n5 ron. 0100 ; lOtI cen. #250 ; as5 regards the Bitlishempire andthtie and theis- cnîy per-manent effocti i te Jus eniee Use uix-thousaud dollars 'voulS ilths ron. 0150; Bih cen. 075 ; 9th con.Unitedi Staesï. The s-ast projeet--ut'cnsume your ineans. I1hà18 l' sncliuni a rq *e a isuecf sebeitures of $50 ; Rama ronil0$50. Report mdloptcd. 'vsaie yen ]liaisu ely matureS tise litflc extravagance (net muci sepasahe- eu tindclllars; adafrte A eouinwspassed iistrsleting conditions for eaM-r " mh;vai tetise î, 't rmo n ls.mgrcal) I a .= opn cfthi, Council vms maide te des-k ho otity tii. M. R. 1R. Co. cf shsores. cf liePacifie, se-l] 0epen aa tls. Ithr g1-uai ajority cf famlhics ai-e kep9 k'vtien peehils itise peclile may insfiiieney cf cuus'erts in curse e!fse-y for Engsimu, tee weili peace ais in cnps-eivi oo.pi i-s 1iu thimk pro or te offer thiusopinion te erertion cmntiseir liai. tismeugh thuis'van, t hesc aste mmd ssi11, I- trust, bl'e holeas- is te deiy yous-el ' uselessecx- n d dh OT uiipltadi etrcidlpprocdaictive. afth ie mest eceiu llbce- prense, omIttie fis-st step ho'vais leur-onE tiseIJor -mssnicimlly, nd f uot rchileI lenl t] Mr. Lai'ver salItfic questicon'vas action 'vil l akcu. < fils he thsls Dominion, by qiving faril. ing titis hs les n stethalber yoeii - 'vlî,ler tue0Council hcmd anything ho Coîmucil adjeumned. tii îJui3' ith. hice holi-ffldcof mil desci-iptions, enitanc- spend.- edo 'vitu tiie. malter aiL mil. lie unden- - - ---«>- ing te value of Lime public lanits, pro- ehood thsat lêndere had leeiu askea foi-, Lates: about te Trcaty. meîlug tiseir setilenaitni drm'vlug Tus CsaniosoEa RosE.-A rose -ouglut iso anit mcepled, anid if su it vas tue laite - eoces tîme tics 'vues îsind tise eletes-pro- tLublieîaulifuliaielu liamesuclîa cluarsis- Rai no'v ho taIre acticn lu the natter. if Newv Yorkr, lune 18.-A Hcrald spe- -inces tegetier 'y racles- accese andsi ig rmuance ais tise foilo'ving conecleul 9 Use hlm. bilnet cIgone l'y ho'v- cs- iai frot Genes-n emys tisaitlue Engli mulipicd, istrconrse. Fe' sehie have 'viti its lane r- t'A 0ihere 'vousl'ec oharta lu rcmnoning ae 'eresulute for eigit monthisecjeurai- net ceaiisiiesi tise subject huas-c any AyugTtuinéit'e'teSeim a - 'ithtic Board. mient, andthtie indications -are timat, ifj adeqnato conception iso' large an cx- hilie vai takeis prisonci- by uis enetmies _Oe I The vote has'lug seeu calIt for, Use ihis lu net grainteit, timey 'vili 'vithd-ai'v ent ot' economical aIt-nutage ti.he -thé Chserokees, and deomed he otumre resolution 'vas rejerledl'y lise casting fs-cm tIse arbitration. ÏThisth m nru- isessioni cf greai anavigal le-are s lt'but felI so e eai3'i iati eaii vole cf btié mayon. Caneo'Wini sict ocede, thongisa siortes- fle St. Lawvrence, ans.itis trihuheri.,, aicesar ho'vit for Su restormioa e'o Yens, Messrs. Clarke, Kinig, bIcbtil. edjous-nmeiai ightt l' accepteS. Verl' jcompris-ses. Tise ostîay you linse salne- hlatis belcîre coiuiitting ihi a tse I, an anditHarper. littlibusiness 'vms trausaclesi h.thelu'tioned on thucis-iuaps-vrent, adni nuIiu i-. -tt i u ypesrîu ' e- 2-a Nas,Messre Blowe, Laieles-, Poell, Bonasird hesidos Use annonce- thal t'ite tuxiliieycanais, is n safecseipit aia t ohsCtroee 'vadis T and Rlay. m ament cf Mr. Davis cf tIie mun-receptien iluvestmcnt.fItse-lui bc nîply mndristeIacghecfueltrayudr The or u gs'ng iiiemhiu, slI cfinemutlug frou themo Gei-umoet. Speadiiyi-cpaiul ly thea.augmentod s-cl-.Iarlc-!aced nmaiS 'vms hie nurse. Sie Tes sho did 0 bcause wh.rc. liserewsa nTheme scoule - reasomu te ielies'e tsait unie oet eIelowiac'-_'owsn ai l e alla"'î- u-.ilve -W iti tise ycung nîieft'ain, tihe tocise consisicres it hie' Itutyta Ireep lIme tue main diffiruIty l in-te arbitrallon neis opened te ils course,fr t'e h eil l'c andI, w'ishinglu amy, iselife,- urges i hm <, mstlèr beors l*6 rounril, mmd net haire huas been feund, and that'aibasis has s'vuieu by tise confluenceof o! y o cie-nhoescaipe. But he>'en o t os n out d! Useir disposal bY us fsole vole. been reaiheit upon it 5 passible te con- ccuniulahiug productions 'vihis lieo!f oes et doth ci . S, cn- M T ic question o f tise xt encliture o ! six in e th e arbçtra hon. -your 'esterni nig isiurs. I le highly l gs tit. e t,' ef re w th eh i t gene fn , ans, Usousanit dollars 'vas, Sa, uin.snhlefactary that tise condition O! tis impellesi by Sort. regret ai lhemving lo, quit posrtaint one-one tumI Seia forsecrions À BIGs lîuxeà4àW-1a omFOo.-A <les- revenue is seps-osporous 'as te ennile sieno! horho-re'lem e u a ttention. He di t mot pprove of pat h frou i Se. L ouis states, liat Ue y n hoe mitance the inter ot o ! le c elin. ti n forth ie ptflm osai cf- ai sedn o harge su amounit i n Amueican: Initians; te tue numier çt' 10,. try l'y emec-gtecosri l' f upoeo emrmg &Wa $l sunei lumeo! lai&A, 'ilehe ouonfit O 0anse on tue'vair pati ainsi thatiey tîise 'vosre ah ees sithout itelayc- or teleps, St fic - o , nasaiug Zrsnlia e! geudge double tic ameunt forai, Plaies have made ai raid into Toxa, ainsi are isgivsges'5g 'isite rs hc imou s-piul that 'veuisi gi-r. sitabie gpounra, sitesnd runng udn igtue coutrey. Gealoetnce ofilte Hlouse ofc ommoa- c f, icr ate's ténl. su j -pre is it l sufficient maom -Xc considereit thal it Welt iàformstle*=îmi éve tutai i lu ler Majesty's narmo, 1 thank yen sdus-mg icr-fligus . tndouigis he 'it E U-cl seoulit bc asiviaiblO te- approaci Use big Indin'vasonfeelandtIhal tue 'for tho aupplies 'vhinis yen have se oi lnle<i tiUedofcr - nc'v- -feris inoa rieoliool Tarsee ote be i Aeriemu Go-ernnuent 'iii hais- oged - cisoos-f l'aoueS. I iieiinily cosgrat- home n lia tise aif Useensimies.Amui lu afrlediy anne. * demI o! troule'iti tt ecIt mon. Imate $ýoiipthle prosperous condition -fremt hat day tie utifu- lo've sm On motion cf Mm. Ring, Sembaid sbly of ~' e'tise revenue, andmonl ourn- hvn Ivy enIn'ntmogiu-tseo Mr. Ila-pe-, thesoMa yor, Reeveauti Mr.. ho .W.1e0elyVs-lisg te eo eohe, 'yhlDonpmicfli-ioSflsethSthe lvhiun-is c tli lIaiyW've aIppointes a peal commit, baisers ulake-so mucus ,talirmit,' muked tics on tea andi notl', eehdiniiu t heCiserekeeroemi teeI ee t vitis thic scice'Boarsi, ansi n Dutciman. 'Sic - keeps a 7place tmp hesI rcftieeu eM-ine-1- he tie -ie' Ofe!tue é cucl het'oic ta'ïm-oneofo!thiose concerne, iyoukno'Ioecl nasacfbt ro'la ala yx oa9asj p tc Usn. - --'as tue reply; 'IY-aI', .i ns v url ýesaade to . io u n fnod,11 n OrxscMnu OF r xaNEWS'v iEPa $ ie vas a nié -oman tie lmirs noer Gentmimof tlise Oiçf CosMMOe- feIomu'vdvon iBs'vo'fl, ia - iskler name in ,dypes. Dem cdl- ThQ joint. addres'vitu 'vilci yu rliushans ied reyearsAgao, andsi A Mr. L'vIes-secondait by Tm iutara kssowmoma as hiii about suchv lins-e honloitredite,- an the. eve o01 min. ail-Usaith lme h.is n met- apoien ai ths. Usvdthtte - liOo ! fr. . H ndsutmagoýosi.foliharendal de d Angrtalrcssin <>st a rcibjmr word te suy livi ng , Cn aim Lng, b. = lýOU -tat ie cisr. )a. Tic net- tuapes-0ma e oy n S- I a.I'asure ou,,hli a D 'iitra it c ht m 4I au- treý aËâiism i.gra pteful repeïeacUbn auiMyhife, the e- -put>tUsen on ainds i th= Usemuitils bsMt 'à 1, aaM',uusa.wit 1-p ei.44uxe»sht.2 yUi becomu.eAsy. -- to en- greait 'etani. valua- affect- 1 mm smcan ecUles u us.us secis yew,1purchasieu oe dozen of tuag and have used only tree bot-leu, benltfiseno'v botter lha fi < isbeenfem'yem-s. Net roquirmng Use balance of Use dezen, Isoldlt ta difbm- eut >arfies, ansi no'v bier. 18 a goeeal demansi fox: il frein ailparts. Respect- ful4yyos, W. J. NELSOFN. - Cuipt. H. Gefflih1. lie person 'vis vms, cured o! Ceneuimption lu 1866 by Fello'vs' Co uuusiS pOfff iho piuhs, -wh'ieuê iteseas p'ub -some fIme< age. F i Prnss XMIL-E D. - MarseIc, lune 16-Wiile tue Spanisi steamnsimp -Gmiad1a 'vu aslym* lusigints pIs-tto-itay cs-o'dedt -l paesemugers, lie- Voiler ex- plotohis Tic entite upper portion, o! Use ship'vas lorin apieces. Of Usoso, on board !e'v eurpeit death or UUajuy. Fo-hy-foux paisengers amud elevesk oih- cors 'vere Irillesi. - Immieitely alter tse ex1flosion the' stemuer took fis-amuithUeTaes cein- municalesi otic dock A ses-loue con- flnoimtion,'vas Ilireatenod. Séves-ai ndresi bales o! cotau'wiero -comeumec when the fdanes 'vos-subaicit. If Josmustan Anolysse Linini la hia)! afi s-miable as people. sny it s, use llmsniiy sisoulit bo 'villiont 1h.- Gos-bain- ly no person, .ho h.iehavye-, - ictar, mimuies- or c f auy olier profession, aioulat iart on a jourmcy.'vithaut it. No sailor, isiormamu'-or 'voosiemmu ehould.l'e -vithuulil. Ilu ft, - il la -- neoieitvemverrtiere 18suanache, spaiu rut, limse, rougs or.rolI. Fasmers andI 'Herse Mcn' m-e, con-- tinually inqus-ing 'vint 've kno'v of tise utlhityof Sheridans C-aihy- Condition Povse-s, ans in repiy, 'vo ççmuWd smy, lhrouge tue rolummus; of tue CIMzosucLE Usa- eehave bmmci fromn lundretè who have miseS tueun 'ituhurtbtfig resuits; tint le alsqoums-experienre 'iresi Nnhiiis'sS'et Resdorer, Bal- my Sieep.' But tuere are limes 'visn lie "Reu.wen o! Shrenglth'i sienieit us, tintes whien our mindss sud iodleshla'e beeso iciee--'orkoitansi are se 'vemmu ont Usat w'v. "eatUe tue-dro'vsy ,Goa. lu 'aiu.' The Peruivian SyrËp (sunfs-on Tosnie), reuc'vs our strengti ansi maIres sur resh 'sieet ansi rofresising.- f),tails of tue flocits- mieu Ps-agis., cansesi ly theo ieaey nains, showtsat tho, destr-uctiaion! l!. and pnoperiyw'as far ponater titan 'vas at fis-st -suppcaed. T'he 'valr poured, o-rer the coumutry, e'veeping enrorylling beore il. Ferile districts 'vere devaihatesi. suita numie-r of villages s'vept m'vay. Thme bei et' lifo is eppauliug, tlie umbeoscf persaong vie peruish eing estimatoi t hseshaW hndred. -'-- Es-en smc.e U nion l'etWLcîln-,5* 'vo bodies, tue British Wes1oyau: odut Çonfi-,uce six isndredkduc-' sterling per- aunum, 1ev ecaisimeration cr ceti-ain- burdeus ausd responshuilied transferred. frum, tise forme -ho the- lai- ter. -hebirgain.isas beesi rearmamuget this Confes-ence l'y tise>Canadsa body pgeeiug tlaiaccept aeveu Usoneamund icunds sterling doivu, coummutation et' the annuel. payîeh. This, ve belieue a-es tve bodies cutis-ny .indepeunitu f raici otumn lu fimnneimi matezý To Caroline; Like ai' fragmut.Ha- ane long Icept frcmhe.lighet, are its ls-elineessfadelhinasnea andi nigit; ke1a saint ui is cleter(na moultkin. biseel ei e m ciesapenke osserç'vnap edu uin its siseil; Ilire a loas inaa nindelomu., a cauin utise sea, mýy icaml is icunul up, dca-est maiclen, la Usee 1 Phi is quil eut, l'ut it'e goosi. Dussing o rodent Irial tLorkport Iud. ssdge Lairit he'ntesitise testimtsny rfai uud 'vihess, s-.marking tua it 'as - sst relevant T ie lady raised bler eaIt, anal 'its a look made- np - of!la. ures innocenre, "W'ell, sir, am I tell- g thie stas-y, on are yow?2".TieJug il'ted, amuit mlo'ved lier htahkas long i sie 'vanteS te. FascTueiRrux.laaxcamo.-Tieclange t' tise hurricane ycsterdiy weas cou- idermile. Maýijîraons hoth la Newv os-k omIt frooiyu voseeinjureal, and-lin ci latter clty tune perseas.'ve Me ds. Lt Wimgfleld, Long IsamisitUe beli 'vwer foil en n train df mars, emls 19a pweronOf the train.None oftho ' s i on g er s ' v er e i nj u ne s . l u J e r s e y 'ty tise.pain Slomelicuse o!-tise Penn- hvumuinContrat Balse-y 'vas blo'vn, luslug a laeof ses-ai icusani dol- The Marquis o! 'Camsiten,'vso has i -diosia poor mmx l-i Emglanmd, -vol-- ntly omireis ere a 060,000 yoarlyv- - yoong girl muamed Bilan Hoinlan, k Portugal Gove, Nflid., gel a ma'vbesn, cmr turent. BSe 'vas brought ho iîfax amuit'An ereratimiuperformiea ho Sicatè- he'bean buit aitemiunh sut- i'os-Se esisnat hlis te 'voaudsthat rd en maire. ViSe ei ofaulîuinupovorty, but hie' udsatat lsini se are !aults. q 4 Y ô; r r f "t ta 'va mi d u ne oraîtin

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