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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jun 1872, p. 3

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'At Il am nsd * 8TR4ATON-...O5thse 151h. met. Thomas .Bel, s"riton, aged 273 WHITI3Y A4K2 ( qunu%,,icLE ,J'uneoth,, M LU Wiseat.......$ 50 f Sprlng Whet. fi......... eariy......... .Ocle, PRe ..................3@0 -.46@0c< PotaCoes ..... Olover 5.....f.. ~Timotby.' --..... . Maple Sugar ....12ic Mi1e Butter...Î1.... 15C @1& Chee.......... 4 @ 18e Ileef, hlnd quarter....e. à <~68 B.ct, fore quarter....07 d@ #7 'Vork perewt .... #aaà 6 Wood ....... .. 5@# J!E .... ... ... .... .. 21' T 0 T HE -ELE CTO-R' SOUTH-RIDIN or c'TE COUNTY..0F ONTARJ1 GýNTLEMEN: You will socu»b. cal Illpn to elhoose A representative tiseo Rouge Of Conizons, of Canei to serve y ou during the, tort OLI next Parlianient Ha gboeen honouz wlth thse uomimaUon ýby tise B0fli Convention of th.- Ridin,0- I pow4 *0 announn myseif e candidate for t pou on of o -r epresentatiire. Ai chatyo meiY hoenebled to 'deci bon-fa 1 may be entitled to yci condnt, I Cake th. opportusalîy, stallag my opinionse-on somn. cf tho lltlial questions likely to dlaitumoi imomëatae public attention. Trise listory af Gref Bnitain aud Canada proves conclusive] that good ologielatian, liad holeet an mdultratian, uxder a eoastitionc Responsible Governtent, such as Our, caimaI obtain vwititauta'periecthal mony of pciliticshopininatise mer bora-c f tbe E mecutlve. 1I ana, tiser fore, appased Cteailcoalition, ai O' POSlng poliical parties for carrying 0 tise ordînary affaire of Govonazueut. Inu arder Chat tise vani and wishes ai'tise p pleMay b faitisfuiy nepreseuted in tise Legiisit t ure, it i e nceeary Chat' fraud au intimidation' la coapexi*Ou with ee tiaunsaoui ho vsited viCia exemplar punisnent, aud fthe aost napleoai potnnlty afforded forte ifreoe au, unbinactedexorcise .aifCischefrauclaieî Tisa holding ai ail tiso electianis ita tii DontInion on asri e and tise saune de tunian Ch.iuthority ai a tingent an -'- for he punlianîn ut oi bnubery ead car rupt arntcs sd tise tial ai cou teset eicîapsbytise Judges, vouit "in imy opinion, con4ucte taetiiet result. Whilo it is rclquielto Chua the~ Exceutive sisauld have certain dis cretiauary pavers, I hold tis. opinilai ttthopre powna sisould be confineÉ fa i-hesacaanest huait, 'consistent vit] Ctae 'pro p or administrutionofue icGev. ornumont of tise ceiutry. Ronce1 stand firnly opposcd Ca pleelag thi r- ?ltne flargo $uias of pubhi mnout I ith isposul, of tise Ministcy, n-Isanut tise saneti noi Paarieesa b ein g fnsi ohtaieipcfotalaIlprtieusîare B ull detaihe connectecd tieren-itis. - -- - W. fluad tIsat cauiCrie 0t avaiv dvanced insin lunational gronltuemasand niaterlal praapcrity, ac ltoîe nhosc people are eaagaiged -n Cise onost diversified pureuits, anal'vise bave'turned tetaho utuacat accouaI Cisc 'ntna dvaatiges iley passess,. -Posseeseug, as ive do, len -"'ur fertile sai], extensive Lake, ni ims>mense rivera, naturel resourceaCc aalm~ost asalibdd oixtent, aBe -eas eaycoanIUaslcaétion hetn-ee a alparts of ehoDominion, i111e my ima epnvic. lion asit,: villatise ouergy andl enter. prisle Iaur peoaple >ropemly direeoi, -at norleal by vase legislafian and wle orDomnionua iiirank emong tise final countries Of teglobe, linCiao - , extent and vi'nlofailiorn 'rculturel sud mahtufactureîl products. Our po1 icy.stisouhdl be sudsr, in mny oinion, Chat wiue enccuraging thse dove 0ont n&of aur natural reoamcem, ta, et Cii1 'sane tine, utilize our necosities by levy-ing at duty fan a poatian cf, the revenue -reqttred, tapon ataci nporte'd articles aau hnc o stmaladvautageoualy pro. dueed and manufatùrad lu our own --As aU aOur nnaturah advan. tagesare uIcoo ihat braine aud band te imSU'd apply tioru, n-e mhotildiake utase ai every proer moans t. itt#ce immnigration ta aur couintry. cT£ise defence or a countr dMZÈepurs, -ia 'n~toueands aifniles of ad boutnim>smueit rouI inly is h.ebrave heants and-staut arms oiflar-people ; if, tiirefare, sisoild ho o ur aunita bculiiate, a martial spirit- lu t eexperts lunteUse of ai rlike weospons, ansd tea liienad the a-ou iniêmslisauld affeè tClientaufficiont la. - cucoenue -for de'votlag- tCisc ime neceasay for Chat prpse ; and not as .hltisrto, by depenLinupan te mut». cipal couacilrtaniek o cod the(de. 'iciency. - Tises. aud 'aIl otier q nus. Mons,isaving refèrence tolb. voliane of te qpitr, I shall, previous ho Ch. f tuCý4-Vau ~ opporlunlîy o!du. euwn sý atlY'ou, 'at public Mieetings and oherrse. ncl,'In c6cnluwoq mmund-iLtl ct, vfth y our con. 1 saail, tn". gio bUiftes, .eides- bya fidithf À 4mvant, Yeà»s. la a Blile od; 04-erifching 2aa&i - fui vite!l agenct, wloiy removing frcei h. 4»P" autireve 3>erij c cra a ~lîfoi ecmwland pain lix t c dftedRid;oye k.a charzn 8.' in Ahthma and Bonachltla, 'w here isa diffient brseatlag, with congis and r.iaizg of 08- phMeYmni he m pft s sue W ifà fecty rellable, cngwC uiCaer.y dellgisCfuteCo k. j doe..notiacea ftocRjL, DrekfNtt.-Eppes s Oâ" - ' e. do Picring M ô fui and lîiortilig.....'ÇBy s thorough do Reach .. 8150 knowledge oelihe naturel lSs wjslch oer do ct. M0 h. oprtiOof dcig.stiou andnu . cn,and u loa7. 1 bya Caroflpplet.not he. dasçpreper- 'do Tlxbridg.a 1170 tre' sl-eected'cocos, âMr. Ee 'udoe Wtby.. 890 our 4 beak»t tabes w1th a ft- 'o Wib. W Il&VIeddoeac ihE.W]utby ' 40,01 soatny hea ldctebi >L-ilsl erme. 10 Gaèeite. a'. isi'il foInwtrrBille Payable, discunted - Ma11. Bach packet ie laisel1ed-i. npp os .1*te 7........ Co. iomoeopatilAse ,po alk Cooe Coca a _____ eossenee tuas.) 8 - EXPENDITURES. rs. l'orliabilitles iacurntd' ~IqEW ADVERIBE rier te ot iny,18n THE OVILY 0FONTAIIO. par cent for 1870,Town, s in:ths oe, £1cf William Wiaxson idWhiby, T gwni --deasbd. <> . .... 172 4 oeoi Jiarors.... 4M9 0 Adournedaoesslons ordeïs 12457 G nî,Louneo Statut. 29th, Vie. Balace Salarie« Covnty ion. ap 8,te reditore f ilim Olicere Local Superin. Willamson H1olby, laie o!1te town of Granmsna Sciools, lust, '0. Wiitby, in Cia. County of Ontario, who hallyeur ............ 1728009 V.died on or about Ctao Thirtietli day of .- Aprfi, 1872, are lereby notffled to seud DEYNrTuaES AND> COUPON$. t- bjolm Holtby, son cf thes aid Willam County Debentures, Nos.: Williameson Holtby, of tiese aid town oai viso l Db.No 03J 'Whit: q eadrlnnistrator of tise per- due Septesuber ...1200 00 le oa.estate simdeffectosof.<these aid llad Db. Nor 25 26, 27, b Wilia Wlliason olty, I' ise 28 and 281, due <ctoier20W00 O eo âid W hmi, o Co t h e.In'xst,'Coupons; Connty a, . C o'wn oitbo at ne- Deb.,due Janury .... 180 00 thse sxgned, as.hio Solicitor, on or before tise Do, 4c due July.... 144 OC 1ner4*oupous, Provl- TWen7ty-Flfth day Of JUIy, 1872 enel doisî1., due Mardi 7200C and - Do do"' due Sepir. 720O0 or To ChroiaandSurnamnes, eddress. rlu ou: n, oatl24 seg es sid descrption; tise mil particulersDodo iCLdue October 240 OW teof- Chir daims, e 8statemeut oifiseoir Intérest, Coupons,'Non. Lnd accouaIs, ýand tise nature ai tise seeni. aldent dcli., due June 225 00 de fies (if any,) halA by thens, or in ddanlt Do, do, due Dccc. 225 W0 [)ur thereof, t ey iwtll b. excluded irons tise FUC_#'»~L. ai benefit oiea distribution ai Che aseets of Legillaivoelnol gat po. tise said estate, which tise admuinistrator tc Townshipîs.... 498 (X) re thereoi.will hiereafter proeeda ta mneke. MuiiaouesaaaCs.42 ( Ail persons ebiotate sai etate 4alr cSchois,lîalf yr are requested, ta sett1e tiseir indebtci '1'lùiby, Oahew e, Port aût noea ortlawith. Perry, Manille, nid Lx. el ~bridge ............... 2-1500ot .G. YOUYNG SMITH, -yerMnla cy and lJxbridge 760 OC ai Solicitor for tise Adminiistrator. Local Supecua'ud'ntsa e- reî Wiitby, jue 19, 1872. 25 Board ofPublie Instrac 290 ia-..e Co rderà ...... 328 15 0 :FOR SAE - tcL.ar(s ýp- ~~Coroiiece' 1nqne1;.... 2-1567 Apretty trame cottage, aladquarlter acre 0oeS aun 5id1... 3>453 nU lot, ituated on Centre Street, cnt' -door Coanty counel or'.,n.kL norais Wesleyau Idethodist chnr'-h, et pre' dance, &.. ...1 .. 713 C0) t sent occeupled by Mxs. Roche. Tîtere as a lrinting nd edvcriising, Ce 0( god'ell, sud first elaaè fruit rees. Wurdcu's djournl';i oeC-g e Aiea quarter acre lot sitittecol Peî'ry clous orders .... ...... LM 72 . Street, near aid steainamn. Pire lneucance .......... 187 3W d Apply te Stationery .............. 86 78 - 1WM. 3R1'AN, ltegistry office, bo.oks, &c. 2-i; j5 ry -Broc-k St., Wlithy. Postage, Cita-k t>f Connity, ,. 'isibylune~, ai.25 Clerk Peace aid Trcus'c 107 26 P. whi _________________________ Wolf bouities.......... 12OC id 1"--. (licl supplies, W'ardt-,i'.i C. T'011t)UG SICIVAINT VAITED. ordere ............... 443 20 le Couiýsup)liy,,do .4811 3 Y, WSedreýrJrs01cr 1)a25" zil~ated, au go ttu Trnt, foc a suait Voluntece, &c .....1503 (x vt familY, e goual, capable, thoruugh servlant.' Couuty Slilc'atr',ltler) ~. Appiy t>Oid ........... .......226 251 MR11. TIltS. 1>1W Salaries Ce. Tacsurer êt I, Whilby, Jline 1lu, 1872; 2 Clerk ou accouit ...... 1114 2a- ColutyAuditrs ........ 80 out t D y G00D 8 s.4cOcltNEaroSESSIONS canants. Constebic's & countatîgen,- Cies ................ e 2169 20 A T THE BONA F/DE 008ST / ShecifflReynaolds ..176-Q C8 d Clerk cf the Fets, wer- h - cents,'70 aC71 .. 0 32 i- JOHN SKINXNER C.....t.r.i 2.09 (80 [e Gvin upbusness LeiVilg Y n 1 neses ................. 10 30 1 ....Bill payal............ 6J00 O i Thse ctire Stock offered eit Cost. l)lccuuit id Sctiai). 277 65 'VWe Must Seli Outr 21 rer cet c e Treaiaurer, ICceclil, Scott, Whatby. , Coule foý tie bargaîns utC aone. an h.m<7( 231 Whîaby, Juiei 19, 1872.'., c ltourct rc'asirc'ca1 DeCnaber,'1871. 301-»0 UNION 'We, the uln'de<"igiîcd Auditoî,uc cf * t poretion ut tise CouuCy <f Onitria , i - M currenit ycar, lîereby certify hat tIe p 1 N t c going bp a corrct e htraet of tis e i P . Nj ud 'lxpenditnrcs of tise said opr Thelîe il nC athlieh C c gcegataa t>of for tlic' yeiat r <'ijit 'il-.t Deeenbc'r, 187 Whîtby saiti Oshiawsa bav iie ic n ivaac(, H05. LAWLER )c>t e grand Pie-Nie, oaa . W. C. ]i1LowN, f uty Ai Whîtby, iCla Jane, 1872., Friday, June 28, 1872, Statemeait af the Assets and Liabf At Mc. Anniso B]eautiful Qove, betw.een af thse Corporation af tise Couri Whitby an tiahaiva. The procûeeds teb. Ontario, on First of january, 187 a lied 'inuaid of bulding a Presbytery for l. Fatser Shea.ASE1. te-- Tise Finle Band of Cthe 3-lis Bettalion, Cashluh ASdecf TS. and alec Lubars Quadrille 1Baud will Se in 'h fnroauds Te.g1s87.47042 ettendance. e ri e.8,17- 842 A Laerosae Match w-lU bc pbsyed ou tils CcuutT rates '71, Cilil due a uandesud tisere w'vilsso be variotis Ath-. Fit>m . 904 0 RianSmentg, et 'viichis riz,. will be c Hamta .. 164 00 givon Cc tisauccesefui eonapetitor. rcds13 Tickets' 80 cents, for admission to te Scueo8g- 871 251 granula sud dinner. 'Cildceu isalf.prico. " Pickering 1168 20 Tickets forsasle at Mr. Jelinstou-s Jewell- t Whitbv. '38 32 ery Store,st Mr. Murphy', Dry Gcods Store-aVl.ag.et.s.a10.10 00O sud et tise CR3ON»CLY. office, Whtby; VillDefGoshoaccui a tglMw-n-s x,-- ý Due froin Govbalac o! oug. uls it Uzbr Town of WhMe Ncn-resldent Fi Coupons.. ov.grant, ~ y nsr Bebool, do ane. ta to pay Ebrldge. 410 0O tPry 82000,- aia.28000 Do, on Ce-unty grat.... 11418 60 Bille pZaaise,utstandiuý 8let D0c., 1871,.00. 00 Muulieipal seisoolt es.- , 1 mnent due Pabniag.... 170 00 21 Per cent ccuu.dna Trea- mrers'* Bcock, Mare, Rama, Ujxbridge, Seu- geg sud Osbava,tfor '71 194 34 S lenJur.on for;1871 - 820 00 Adj'mn is'ns cders ', 11s568 Warden'a oeteasalaries sud IlabilIties, fIor 1,87 30928 LocalSupurlnadtend'" 80 Grnîfoi r m111id lanpalS90 Grnt lua adotmnonumnant ta Vohunlteers .1 0 0 ýproatialAl duebe tures ,4 ~6 gunltt&uing 81 Dee..t71$ 1200 Cônaty de du do 48w00 Rcsad do-dedu l o d00G 76W 0---...1003 Balance ason-inge6so Aïssets9aver LiaS5flas - 806.1 RAN ~ Q-DUNION Tem»perantce Musical EXCoURSION. ANidithCetise c aet Niaat o ittis the gren revlev et over 700 Vonteers. ON MOND3A Y, dUNE 24, 1872,, Tise Noreetian 1 tee . 5.a Te- . 0 :0 00' of) - 0 ou 0 01 =ath W » the àdn f tlonimfyýb, an& ha inla ereby, authori4e4 for te.uynmof y- iW, ne debentumes of the ad Coqorafion, for aunainonunùet e da' litted 'oUItekheèisdebentum ,and beazing inter st the rate 4:>j x percent UMýp,;rannmtyable on te. drot day of - Âpr~n~ o1Qtole lueachasuc e.ey year, dnrinigthe côntinnence of Chia BY-law* tie pinicipal and laCeraist Ca h payable- at Ch. office oLtise CounCtr Trea- bieuldrnlplam o! ýtwety' ThOn.. an~d Dom l = C 'ana. uesu payable on -the First.,day lmtoe, 02 Tisai Ca By.law isu akeéfYet on7 h. Pirat day o! October, lanCh. year of our Lord oe thouaand. 051hnudred and 19 Tisatfor tise pnrposeofo! ipying. the intereet suad ores IMg nm' na1 yi nkigfn for payln iseprncp ! ie novdlist hr. shahb, leni'-emeear anequa annual specalaeC0 eetut of one 0 ill on h dollar,nupon hewviole rateable -8 975821 ' spltl U M R~ OD 4.FORM 0F NOM:IE. U M R GO D 0 Tise above la a truc eeoW of. a propcsed AT, By-law ta b. faken inCa consiideration isy tise 0 muaaiipsili O et C ý1ýOntario, a tise lovioi Chy in thse'saïd County ou o IL A o! I 4thday a! September, 1872;,ýat h. boum of2o'clock in Che aitenacon, et whlis-Clan.i and p lace tise membiers cf Che Condil are Panama Rats, froint . 1837Jto $8,0 isereby roqnired te, attend for tise purposeSta-Httc l '01< afcreeaid. 11SrwRtfo 0 e16 Paesed tise severai readinge, Wiitby 8tis Feit HeCs froni - 75eCa 'ý2 50 June, 1872. -. H. J, MACDONELL SlkHRata from - 3800 Ca 4(0 Couuty Cierk, County âutario. Linon Coats týrcm 1 25 Ca 80Go (To be publiclied lu the WRemny Czeeoacu. ute uslCetCas2G a23 cnly.) Lsr u uslCr ot,20.t 5 "Wisitby, lune 18, ».72. 2 Musllu Drees Goodz frein 10o te25e f 579 00 reaaadiuo Drese Geoda frcnt 121e te 50e TOWl' SCHO0 LS, WITBY. Brillienas, Prints *sad Cotions of every MID8UMMER EXAMINA T/ONS. best vaine lu th. maket.ardciey 'reaîyst. r.a. Iîi c'ie Ser Ot'eo.200 bis. Cotton Yarn, W'et< iLta .ithi.c, Henry 8L, 8ce,,> 4ah T. H. MeMILLAN & Ca. IJi i. d*< lait r.Whitby, lune 12, 1872. A'tderao, iS Setee Io cu~ ayil e r., John Si. Seccet. isor. eu a15 "2p.nm, iCgl. i<hoet .tcccic, 15tie«oia - tutY.28, 10 a&LM, Hier Si.sebcci, Led. ', - Thse public are' reapeetfully fiiied ta ut- IeLd H J. MACDONELL, 1CA/IIRMGEUS A NQ CU TTEI?8 Whuîby, lune 18, '72. Cisairnau. S A W L F 0> U N»-). Lady's elîwl fonnd oppoeite HardwareW . )O N V A store ofI 1Mr. G. C. (boss, wisere -the saine, M . 0 l 0 V A _ S mna' be obtalard. 1N CHAYCEBT. 1RGT &VAETN.SPLEINDflJLy FIINISIIÈD lu pursuanice o! a deeresud final erder U IflI E, occîe, iv made lu tise above ceuse,an4n-iais45e approba- 6974 57 Cou of George H. Dartueli, Esq. Master cf SU ERIOR -WORKN'AN.S'TP. Chis Court at Wiiitby, vii be sc11c by Publie 0/3 Iý"i711 Aucticu, et Boisson'. Hotalain tise Town cf Wlity,atîlle'clockinCthe forenoon of BUGGIES & SLEIGHS. REPAIRS A$ LUSUAL Fr/day, the ,5th day of du/y, next IWîtTflY 180 DY LEVa I AtANS, in., AtiCTIONErm, 31~ Tise noctis.east quarter of lot autmberedevon la tise tourtlisconcessionîcf tise Tois-shi c,,0. Piîckering, iôntaining fifty aeres,murecir (oas. Djn 'ths poperty are a couifortable Log SP BIN G A NIJ S U M M ER' 6277 65 -c i g nouse, aud e good Freane Bain aud Ste le,-sud e goed orceisral.A Tlie above hanali. cf duo 9uality, enitaîcle 'T '" " for grain and pastuce ;-4s distant fronthtie IM P 0,R T A T I U N S quarter, trom Duris' Cr.ek about four 20miles, and fcm tise Tcn cf Wiitby about A 1 .s..'.... . .. A Adeposit of $10 lu' every $100ocf h. pur.- 2584 chas. moncec a i e t C h. VendureSo- ieCo- licitor et theo lime et sale, togetiser -with a0 fr tise fuctiier enni cf 0813, and tise balance cf tise se fore. purcciase money te be paid n-its « teceeft lu on mnh heeitr no ol o h Y. GJB SON lias just received *a fuil ration creprcfses a. b nttId and comniete Stock, in al the lunes of the saô.Silks, Lac- nlltccs ocsesitn til thse Jlais deattofOctober, et slvs, Fan cy nd Dress ods. Pasrol n re;.ar rler -il bc one reserveti bidtlicg flîed by ~GoeosmOS a.ac~.esU tise n'aster. and of every schade. Cloths, Tweedls,' and Gents' Ouîfitting ltis Tise ceaaditieaae of sale in oiaer res1pects Goods, which in qun.lity and style cannot be surpassed. Also ty ofareth Cout <n.-coniin fsl f 72. r. Hats anxd Catps, t' which special attention is caled. Furtîcer partieulars o! saise au beisadtfrom- Ithe Auctioneer, froua J. Keitis Gordon, Ven.- dor's Soliritor, and tise uudersigned master G OCE I ESJL~,.,.L very lrj t c ofhia Court et watittiy. the GhiR large Stocknd est ODated lunie 3rd, 1872. -te~hiet rseî n et GEO. H. DA1ITNEL ] J. KE1TH GORDON, Master. Hardware of ai kinds, Oils, Paints, &ce Vcnder'e Solit'itor. Wliby une 12, 1872. Cd.24----o: - W la 'sBlooki, Whitby, -and Do ni on HIôtck, U4 fde o~= in ftlie Mgj4ioth, Boot. R. BB EE LE R bis vig receri ved fùrther Oçadditions to bisldre Srig Sock f iB ow setling al kinds'of Boots and' Shoes, suitable for fixe season -aunh' d > -Parties requiriIg Gonds in bis Li'ne, will do Weil ta exatline .hi$ stock previvue 10 pUi'hasing flsewhere. Hie largëeepeen, dihfao. he tem e on which ho je enabled foa purhas, iv e ieey faàilityfor giin bargaine heretofore unkuoyru in W itbyand xbrig. aity 6rg in - i . K E E I l o m n f c tu re s a il k i nd s o f S ti tc he d , S e w e d , eg Wok oorder, on resonable term. S3EîrRepirs dné on short notice.. New, Choice, and Good. 'Ailthe 1eadin&- virieties of Turnipt Mangold Wurtzel, Carret, Cahbage, Onion,,. sud oter iela n r'4è *:1 2,000 bushels 'of-P.ea$,Wanted ti 61 )W 27 i85 78 Dowran~j. Conet audtorethlei in ceflent QarleBudW11i fur. wIm on 'bouedtha bout, going &Ma Jt Ld e.qrn Gonla. Tise -uderwigurd wlsbes t> sou a final jndgaueut lu the Court Of Chancery, againet SInsuel lierton Burdett, barrister, of tise town of Bellevile and Mr. Donald Cameron, of l3eaverton, lanud specïiatAc Judgmant and intereet ab)out tIre. thous- and dollars. BOBT. SANDEESON. Chief Constable, Tpwn of Wilitby. WlcCby, June 11, 1872. S8in-24 E XTENSIVE, CREDIT SALE OF IMPORTE» AND> PUIE-baED SHORiT- HORN ÙVATTLE, 'IMPORTES> AND PUPE-1BRE» COTSWOLD SIfEEl'. Ihûve meoivedt instructions f roui JORN M.ý>BELL, E8Q., ATHA, PICY.ElG, ON4T., To al wlhot .nyl~eere 1l~enire herd cf Short-nRl ot ~ i;mai ock of Cotswold Burnside, Lot No,'248,- th, Con,, PICKERIING,» off ! TUSDY, JTUNE 2elî, 1872,' The hedamCO'taama 89CaCi 8S'1hlcis are oows snd bhlt(=,,'&"-sud - Ch.oeimpcrte ed», 'The Dcctorý Tho dock consiese c<80 E*td F.m sud bred Eweasud lsrb,8Yeur Ee 4h. 5~ ~ ~ l' 1answi h o e 'daAlong. 9Y. QI SO14, Lest, a note o! ha d m ade by B arhol . - - AiS mevW Conneca, inlavsrm et MmilSn Taylor,:OR for th, aune o! #25»10 de -a om7~ *1IY DS.~. Wftble et 1Brava&!Pateon A An- partisaare heieySaCend~is 'purcisasing or negotlauasg the csie; ' - pIc. NI C. '"s teU a tbeearraedou hrtf A;grand Pic-me wllie halila . z . D ugl emle.>, pateetMuocnes, Dyu Go r d o u fs b e a u t i fu l G r o v u n s t f s e r i l n fs , o r " i e ~ ~ vay st oD P 'ô l, -Lm' Keom a e sud oAt 01 ibeo. I-DNESDA Y, ýdUNE 26; 1872,1 ui rio deôom vou&s Na1elco k.n aed. .Whithy, Apnil 17, 1872. xèn È EOmCoN Mondal, the 24tli of:J& PRACTICAL CAURI AGE MA DINAS STREET, -In 'eturninmg thanks for ýpaÈt patioiïagè bege, taý annon 'nce, that habbas constantly on band, and ig, course of manufacturp, Carriages, Buggies,- (covered andOpen)' IaLest styles, s'nd vehicles of every description. As he' uses none but' the-béât material, and employa the-best workïnea,'ihequaity and finish of bis work cao b. depended npon. Everything in tise Way of carrnage manufacture and repaiY» proanptly amttended to. Ai wonl Warra , ate go. 187 Whltby, May 25, 1872. 8A>~IUEL WALKEY. The subseriber ýiti returning thanks ta'his friends, respectfully 'legs leave toapprise tlaem sudw tisc public gencrsiiy, of tise arrivai of a New mnd Complet, Stock cf (3onsisting of the followilig Uines': Black Silks, gr og*r ail) an( Plain; Figured Silk, Japanese, P'ancy Driee Goodii, ýMnline, fleppe, Dofl, Varden' s, a choice thiection of PrinCe, Lustres in;vrionscoorm grand asort ment of IrishiPoplins, white add (iray Cottons, *Sheetg,-Shiriisgs, Icdi magnificent dieplay of Ladie' Underclotling, emibroide Ld nd pain.1 dl resDresses, Infants' Iiobee, fBonnets, Hlats, ?lnmüee, Ribbons, Hosiery, Glnvçm Chignons, ]3raids, &c., &C. The Gentlemen's deýpartmentis fur- nished with West of England Broadcloths, Doeskins, Fancj Tweeds - (Scotch and Canadian,) Mati, Caps, ,Neckties, iii,.tlh lateastyles ; Shirts and Collars in great. variety. The Grocery Depaîrtment isrepIeté -Aiiiit-is -eatablishment is TespectfùilY soci ted, a e froai dvatags pessed by lainah. i. propareilCo diapos. of gooda _et priesi deilng cMe titi872 BAER -AND 9ONFE CTJONR, SODA BISCLJJ ANIJFACÜOIRYI JAMES 3. MURPHY. Wbitby, TMay 224h, 1872. The underisigned in returning thanks ta his numerous custom ers end the pâblic in general, for their - liberal patronage to him for t - h pakt lire yesra, respectfülly solicits a oontinuance of thse satue, and wishes to, announce thât ini addition to Iies former businese,- b. bas P6rchasid, et a conaidera.ble expene iuachinery for thse munnufacturing of 'Biscuits and Crackers of every in-d, And--he i8 prepared to fill ordersWholesale and 'Retail, on ahorl'notice, at rensonable rates Customers ce= depend ona being snpplied with la upersor Biscuit, as-non. but the best material ien à ed la mauluacturi4g. B rfî Ïc Cakes, Candies and Sweetmeats- of every. descrption and of th. very bentkind ie always to b. bad the oh! s;tand, Brock I5treet. ,Also, an assortment of ai l kidS of ErUit. iMayn2thir 18a7. 17 J. G. KoDOUGÂL bitby, Msy 29th. 1872. M'EW-'MU'SIO -,STORE,ý BROC KSTIREET, WHITIBY, Vhere will, be found Sheet -Muuic, end Mamae-bouks of ail kinds, -Musical-Instrîmients of every descriptio 'n, incllidr îng Vialin Strings anýdBows of the beut qulity; - 'tatpneySchooi- Books, &c.ý, Beautihýl -MnSica1 and:Literary Works,,Sn'i- table fior Present., constant- W' on had. A 010IE-AD & E A RIýN Wý Magazines, Periodicalsi and 1Papm s upplied. >Ailor ders for Music and Books carefally filèed, j 2 E~ Conaxroyit olealanleej' 'v'blTby Ey2, 872.LOT d y t. s, I. s, (Olili, tha.nijSierJ-iiaw, in eia anatance tekiag tise gitidrevu et thse Same tinte. Tisa Drawlaga ivill ke plceeiuly 5t3aChe lest day o! Che Concerte, X. B.-The Manager places Ch. dcawiag la tise bands of a Commsittee, Ca Se chdsen by tihe ticket isoldeca precgent at' Che tisa. of 'SU'Tisera ylibc no -Postponessiea:. AMIullLisa of' Che Drawinga- 'vili b. 1Sb- Ilsied ag soon ae tseDrawmng tles pnc, lmA lici. KM (Ippeo uy destinationas Par order. It M msaka 'no- differeace. Ca perlons holding Tiekets wbether Chey are present-or mot. Ai rdeýr' for tickets by 'mail muet be ad-: GE. B . ELLIs, Manager, Rociseste-r, N. Y.. C,4 Paffei. stréet, Pavera' Conmertial ]lcildlg.. Agents sohing Tickets for thse Great Carni-vel, et Whitby-A. blason, Albion isotel; U eb o.bsu, boissonliaourao C. DaiE;ýr, Oftilo bat '. Suow, n mihY May,81972' - 24i DAY 'BAîT O RD-ES tSI EXTRA M-ACI-INE O1L. th - - C. npemarity cf Chia 011 Cea11 cthema, it sadtis"et necessary te pgsea fiMt- CL" article, ItL ixadapted I'etser 11551 or bd9*y- '1.fiamsageiekorsaviner- nase jut.e ,eaviéestof shas. <Thse col- 0 reeowfnTg;'f c e e m;lac ber e>y 'can en So et dan iiti bU litio.trouisle, "and fl ri si-iachdi ht ube L.ongead-or hien in Ch. jaudest ofayqsfher, This a ea ality of tisis' dgSest 'iUtj#xaoe-, fronthtie =ciau OU net ha-ring ilais (liulits' 'vil nct lubri ýea scold rslinctsucS zMOn ir- niaybetstaCs, but t4se Men atihesa a cl It ile ei5l- ed.aad w'illnet lubricateunatil th. jouinal_ Sylfition acquires the empereture ueccest, samytoi7ouceittoaliquld'etetei aequic. ing a hagiser teniperafuris ly fiction, tise lounasi 0psdesud the box Le injured, it i., 58in ,~SeursecU' -tiat ill chill on a cc d Chout tigsiseeasit s t oumsin. gleelU«Îik vater J. B. Stockb 011 i il1u - briailte'eldeÏmachinery the neemeut it ieajtplied.Thalsowsdoero 11111dred talisisnents sudd le gi-ring Ch. Seat o! eatiafaction WOaalunite la Raving the preter it Cate liaed Sperm or pure Olive. lfi free fronthtie objections urgeal ageinst 1ail otisers,, as it dises -net gumia'n om !remze. Mow vae,the ýpublie are avare Chat-na vorthlss CisnaapufedinCa 'lu orete aProie-,Chat tisis lnaou mu ail 0.seuers c>seivesagainat tise toe of unec M*paloue ail aoxi,(i= visons vinnettheteopeint cff Che mea et sA il 1reflueries a Seing ideutteal S'itha Stocksa Extramacisne 011,> ne proposa, to Cie 'vsa ae lterested a C he ambla cf thus,.tteMn4a losesad Ctet, cnappli. catie», Sy snallr othervime, free ci charge sa-aay-'va7, aaaple ! Ch. oil, tisait itntay 01emk for ataelt.Andl -e-Ialso mend villa at asien- smple teat, au effectiv'e 'as thome teste- te meure gmus thiml'eaa nat joiticn, by ialiqimtc'dtemanine at once 'viether th is liforvardm dles90d.ssal. 'val> Ca conmnicate 'vah J' . B. STOCK, Broucgham, Ont. Brcgian cale nt for tise Dominion. Mareh 118-187. TESTIMONIAL. - TUE JasatR sx1 .. M.tCHNcs WoasCs, .B. Oshawa, Api 4tis, 1870. forEsQ.,ilaoc;uax, - We*save be- uin y D Llsiaa Ses,- ler the Ps fu muthad 0a o 1w1h eOt hestation Chat il laS.ebeiçt nenv.ha-r.' evem used.XIL salma êesp, and lastallonger fisai'aay etlier oiL We av-e rueuxmlarge 14 teet imosplainer. 7.-dan itla -ona alane Itkb"e toosafoaleau and bright.We f aoC vaut anyting boter asea lubr'ator. WAN TED. To purcbase, or lease for five y"ar,-a COMPORTADLE RESIDENCZE, 15 yxttSI<XOWN 0VsISTte May a8p l.87, WOOL WANTEDI JOHN GENTLEMEN's GLOT] LATEST ST' A hoic ,Weil =lî ý 1 ! ngued And iÏnl.,! 'SUMMEIR GOO <DS.-.. JAMES J. M OU G A L J. G...XcDOUGAL A, ehoice manumawamom ýl 1 1 Vbitby. M &y 29ý 1872. il 1872* 1872; 1 i . GERRIIE? S BLOC i: ITEr

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