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Whitby Chronicle, 27 Jun 1872, p. 4

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c brris tfrsDit 2 rerlrreath , True 'etitanal eter oraltbNommr Benaleo thou i setern itir? À-a what t ao 4d tu bt putresi Maet ist istW thedMb T >we tthiu À* corne. A 8idrndh wiîh Red.skx 'Far out on tihe pairies%, fai the IlMigty Mieeoul- farther teboldestpier 6lIedtiro cottages cf Robert Hilliard, en, itauncir frend, HOMryAlireo. versee of fortune lu their Eugteri had depiived hem o ai most an worlirly gooide; aul 4 eepairing gairrlrg tireir lost property, therey edite try thier fortu.nes in-the f4r At tireperiod of whicir we uemeiy, th opin f 1857, 13 'andi AllisenhaIM jus t co=mýj6ej ereotion cf tirir humble dwslm1-@ were auxieusly awaitlng-tirs arr a emal Party Of their -owu -uali front Eloru Peu Pnsylvania, aw mors arrxiously becauso. their own accomparlied tierst . cf 'it rolvthe fleetul of euredAllison te Hilliard-or,, ehali iereafter desiguate mim, Bot asndounr friands have net yet an theY Assfureti us tiret the first di Api Sireulti witueu sthirir div Oulle w home.' S I know il,' repied Robert. say yeu, elti boy ; sralil wo taki knrrpsaeks, and sireulder our rifleo heiston tla meut tirera?, 'WVitlr ail myheuart,' repiieti He dand îrnle;s shomo serions aceideu bafaller, thair, wa shUd sureiy tliir on tire western sitis Of the T4he praparriliorra fer tihe jeu werre hrraliy radle ;andt tire w Weil or ilill seL Ont ta muet friMriaanrailirasa tliey lôveti. dusp s8e wrfly ae tiîay jeuri 11) ciiy tihe tirongitscff rrtiî iri iidsant1i ovuiiues4- dobyr'îfrishînrg Iry reaoîr o! dre 111 1r'a îr. ey ra'iv tîrir jo n r j -auti 1lrarriv î'i usarted areunîii u wrr il'iN;Jib' unriniig tihe joyauit Vive îiryà 1r'11ouihtliiadtirus1 eid, ani l iir urornf tire uixtir f( 11-11r cil tir" wcct lirrnîk an ini b iMl 11 tié,11 Offriand o Out -r- oi'wr';ajust li tire aci , :-liu ' ia lrlii>,cînstrrrtcd: rrr'h i' rîrî,rirrigrrtlrared frein (iJ' I ru ii'l'wcolwlraîthi î'r'r ît( e' ra rifle was hennirt a litt tarw 111 î)u 4iwriver. aausing lhsm1 îIlu 111Y tlulîrn irir cye ia the direc .1'liidie-rîLU4. Henrry net ouiy Ix tlrareportut' tire rifle,)but àaoi Iurrî'rilîg Sensation lu tire lefitaie cacivirel ianto raise i i mnu quickt lira sP<rL, rard in tirenectlire disengag1 brownr iock, wlricirfeilutahhe girrrwirrg rini too trrriy tirettireî Iriha oir alirrct fatal. 'fiiiiri) for tire sirore, Robiert 1!, c Ueonrr, lad ireke fer tire weudg i rfr crase we are separatei, repair te iast uigirle rcamping place, snd 1 rncat you tirrre.' NO iure wrrs giVeri le galirer tl itîle stock Of rovîisîinîsbut, iras Jurtirinrg 11)ieiiriguns, tirey fBei wastefrieriy sireiten of tie re al rrr'ot nr110e101t eu rr, for scar hrrduire01Ygainreti coi'er, wlrerrfour five lirdlisrs daslird off in pun-suil. (lrinirrg tire Words, our-lieoes wo hrve liait ample lune te have secre tlli'scic, or te hrrv'e plurîget i lepriîîtiî,litn riiizvipptlhro! tire t aînd i ,jtrrgl, wiirjî, itthlrià; tnt,N nrrrl t if ilanin widtblirat flew-ry rr'solrn ig lsir e xpýrb#serl it, givîrtii' reui uleviiri lirrrnjer.' 'Lai arri eirirr a liruge sycannore, 'rildIagrrni, raiting tire rpprer Ofivir Irlitlra ;tirey #cvanrced witl rrrai-fliva te twe ; tirey expeecd * îrîY raî-.Orr tiey came, maki tire rvoouis resruir itt)itl tioir biheÈ ýells, wirrn suilderriy tire rifle cf 11el ýqive tfortir-1 a iote of tdefierce, andti forranreut cf tire savrges gave i eep tlie iir, anud feil a cenpse upent lltirrry m0(11a rarementl, axpectin IlVtr a urîuiruilr gourd reprtfnr linrt iii '. lucige cf Ibis astruis rrutcrluokilig aroinird for Iis col fuInrIicîr--t 4rr l'rnrul hit lire as uôwbcere iitntiiy r.'otraingîlirg liratiis friti bulI l Il wlubis 1I. U, thani utarej- Id the aWies wprite ITs, nd kva ofr eubard td t]r bot- larny ol sand resi lae i pass. r ruu4 ai] itof W] "ils marlk, and ceused arnother "nreb. mati inurri" te bite tino-duel. ,Ily tris lime théirrmaiuillg Indians tirree lnu ariber, lied gainedth ie berl cf-tie rtream, sud lu quicit suceessiel difiehargedl their guna et car hero, bri irally witirout ffet ; sud ber sitherparty coniti reloed, -a single re prt, as if fireti frcm tire reer o! tht qniai, caused.Heuiy's irepes te agait spring np. Hnrving by thistime reica, et i" iriepu, liretiarteti seroas tiere r Iaariig openi space, sud witir e Big, relief, gainoti tir s ieter cf a tree. - YOu reti viiiians, I've get yen uow1 duoleqnized IHenry, $l'l gsethie c -_i1 yent witir tins charge cf powi sud ball - sud swett tira inevitabi r-udr of tlireetirer lwo wltir ruy-revoir, Tirrowniii iuseif fat on tire grountj Oui- hure warted furtirer duveopementsr liré lied nul long $0 wait, lirwover, foi stgain tit rnystericas single report cfa r.ifle rang ont, sud e single sâage, with a yol tOf rage andt tanor, leapeti Out 0 tire ratvne, 'rend tietei off et igi angles f#oW tire lhna utpursuit. Tire Ijudien wts uow loo fair a uraik 1o HU 8 4 rifle o re let off Scet-frua gtmèhm, as e esai, "e-panting rit." O S avage wasesceaute raise Iis bandsutiicly lutire directionrof hie scaip loek, wic lire, ne doubt, thought ,wau'n- nger, ,sud, radcabiîg isetf forte, was 800nu be l i tira' timber. Tiré Iaugthened eirbadows airsaîji foretoiLI tire near appreecir cf iit' and oi*'liio eWes eastIng about, in: hil mind ,tirs probable direction' o! tir Camp of lest bfght, wirsn ire. was arons. eti Lrm hie tueditahions by s cireur 'Heilo l' anrdiokingapeaw stand- ffe efolr-te esrer Robert Aý e'wwýdâ*ïincâ o mk tire matter of tire deserticu ýclear $0 tire sourewirsh mnddlad braiüuo!Allison aud- tir, substance-wase hua. t tir ItuOment Of thOirfIhItel tking cover usai thiret; R.~ obert oau4fl ýp$finie ta wae bueywatoing tha Indiaus,hie lie rau a few redito th6 rlirt. a eafte,5, 0 iii. river, frot withont ;li ever, for datkneu lied by ti ý- coine on. Tr7reached tire river nt apoint about a mile froni t4place o hi e partw, andi foilowed e témdvn ty oped tg find the povisions tIhey Uontire zft uathemoment- of their sudden surprise. Ima ia theij feliÃŽngs wiren,- on tuairg a orb benri in the river, tirey oaw two or h théy iad do unceremnonioas1le hoars before. Lletaniug, tir. h anheakable satisfaction arSimg tiroir owu namnes spéken. pé cautions- to aflnoltnco t ' fore approaching too n ere greeteiby alu H ld -h ne4ý moment wore ÃŽ4.1 midst ,of fionds, and in thre embrace of IoTing We riraw tirecurtain over the meet- ing o!ibnabatudesuad wiveg, sacred in iteel! doably oiii vlew of the recent perle of oui iroroes;- ana whils. tiie nerrated the eveats cf tire day, devout thaakgiviugso were sent up to Hlm 'wlro numbereéthtire haire of ourlisade,' -for tiras prerviag tire lives o! thiri kived and noble. companions. Nothing iulhrer of note tranopired durigthre remairider of tire journey; sud t! hehpyary rcsted the -third deyat tlce abýidlng place o! Hilliard aud Allieon. And now, where tirere waÃŽ anuaniroken prairie, a beantiful village dote tire plain, and tire swoet Sabbatir bell is lisad celling to wor- aMip thoso wiro toiled to make this wllderaese blossom a the rose. Prudence. TheeOMALD Gare mo wsOOL f r w n seuaa Il-r UiMe xwn te Tieaaa ayicw-an tis place, froffi wlrch, efler 's bcm- iearned'-bnt, when tire>'connete mer- il'y penieti'!e passeti, tire>'cernefir-tir nees, the>' are of no more use lien a air. sun-dieuluina grave. BLt luutnce crnuprisene cebweb iceruiag. Ilt is LITERATUItC nvYMîenrrurrt-WVe sec tIrenens o! acti.e-piiosapi>. Il an advertibnntt whichir ifoî'ms us; we tLascies tire stndy o! ailthnzgs wialeven can gel a iiterary mracine for twveuty lirey rare e! solii use andi bancit.'* If shillings. Wc sironti like ta imow tilrdrea were tanght htc praclisa ils irow it wor'kct, anti-if b>' eleam--iu principies frum tIra ecnilt yeuns, -tlry wvirat way il gels Up ils steara. Orre s-onlt, on arrivirng attre age of nurrir- 'rery iruaportant ut estica las, wietirnil ity, bcoe knewiug and juilicieus eau tura eut senîsation iraveif, anti ah Iran mnost minîuw nanali>' are rit irew mnny linon-e-wa bcg pardon,liow Sveaty.maîty Drnac powi'e ii le matie to' Prnaee tire active facnlhy cf di- wurk. 'ecting actions mnaiiy gecti te ti'eir Ago odi nts biain imetite cutis. Iliras fa double tapa- Autgotd ort slean llras>'i.ighiiurnsi City or statoin la ralit'. Lt lias a l bu t nl a ssinoit rnira uy i F ractical vir-Ine. îî le, aise, an inteIl- i0e ha ah noiiu. ,tîng habit. Tie fret liras ils seat in No luereon cvr ngol rtrng by,ýioaets dire wil; lire echer in lihe ' irnnn. Tuie>'M'ira kejut amra>' irom wLne le>' wçre. r-o botîr solicilors inthe-uaarcintrcaus,It im jialt awithr ban habits. anil cautraciiora in thre sane nationu lir adnse-tie drai iu'ci'CUec ga, tîrose pantrettu irsvo prt Oia jadlira -ienti nmnrrinr'ry -lira ùi-é ine, wo iv ort danerva it_; for irc' ted with ôrdinsry Enl, beireld, fhitetp of s, coachà, eati. SOMAbpigeli~g thé roadi, t ecoaversetional, thre Don r , ato drive i8- apig--ýone mn-aâ godman>r -ve 1 Here, observe, tmr but they 1ueddaiegmlt r eWallright, irowerei. esare f. 1ftclt todrive, and thre Yorksir d- e *tleer Who wants a ua abl to drive Oipr apair, is rigt in O&sring h» tr above nloble risesin. wage. (3orresondente wil abstain froni.vïl., gar suggestions abou~t a pig abar<shog' -ws' don't Understand threm. TirÉ HoxzOeoo.-4j0neof oui z.: changes, in au article an 'tirsh Lmoon,' tries $0 persaide young marri4d people that itila botter for them to sltay qnieti2y at home at oach an interestiu'g Period Of their existence, and io't' go waudering off -on exhibition. 'Most pco- pie will agree with tire writer; but tea to one if he je a single mari. snd over get maLrrÃŽed ire will do just as others do Wiry -mweddlng tour shonuld->be con- sideked tire correct tiring io of theoi conundrume which, as Dund ry M ,no fclo W can flndôout.' If Ui r s' conifi be Persurded to forego thre bissei. ed privelege of leadixrg tireir prises a. round with a ribbon, we wol recom- mendy for a chAnetirO singular eus- tom wirich prevrails, nt Nassau, New .PrIvidence. Near thre place tirere 'is a solitrXyhouse, Pisssantly sitnstod; where aUthe uew narrieda couples gqo o pees tire1rôngYmltbta-They tkse a Et ari, wanti lat--tIra frngearundn fae-cf W'itironit 'riretirau t be no truc' ir lirte saiea ock. chIappiraesa; but iaw r-Wart love join irai Tiei!pdseeîr ruere jIl virtita ho driva us alill'ie poil dis- irppinese. Tire moirais are nierali 'i- vhich luis isor-ItigJ capable cf besto*- Sud- tues. Tuseasiote ietal, -orh a mmainug. ltion thI, i le ma iire Ilanans,-oee--------- NON______3 .N card svér yeti. It wcni ireasie I tudo HiW HIT nyrYj'y' Ml8'rf. W-A STON rer-Zn1 , nas utecf lr nidtmpe s thee- - - -Ana ' ý f rp," nrer- 'rtDamek sat fteDu etoneplaes T Stne blnwala rtre gN. -A r geeiawle rsie iy eusge. ST i rae. JP. Dîsçxi, Po p 52p , DerP "Y ta Prudence me>' ire lienredthoascaluaFAM ILY DRUG SN~~Ee Yack. Soid by e , Dey Bt., feet, aud Suéaete murtron, wlro, living inithie sirot worîri, respects ever-y îsw, b>' tiea cr-' OF' THE LATE " -____ serveuce e!whc her condition May U EUO' OIET RDT criati bcabettareti. Suc tekes cane tho- malta JAMES H. GERPRIJ X> OS NTC O RDT Anti irerself acquaintuti wiitirshm, tiret sire Aipeenn holding laims againel thre us- lOur- inaykltep tironsd se>',tire bensfits Continuer te Le carid oun as heretolore, laie or the Lite Samuel H. Cochrane, of Cthe wiil tIraI r-seul from tîneir- obs9-snces. Sire- Town ef Wilbyflr-riqhen, are notifisdti e untiertakus e malter-c!businesaui doua Dr-cga, Cirenalas, Paetent Medicinies, Dye senti in partieinZrs of lire saurs ta J, E. Fae- hein net outangle liersel! lu diffcrrlies. Sire ufPerfamerie, &'c. weil, cf Che Towa cof Wiiby, Solicitor for Lampa, Keroei-na nd Coal Oiu at Wrouc- Cire undAelgned Ekecutrix, on or belons Chu stiylan neyer uncomfrable-alrvays pnc- sale a lit etal. 25th dry of Jane, 1872. Tira said parliaurars 1 te- hia-attentive to waats cf tc-day, lu- Ror l'aper-A new soutok untaernivedti e lade uacessary dates and items, aad te esg ;' morrow, anti of yeane lao coma. Sh ire~font Ergid direct, give the ciristian rinmes anid surnaures of 'cl>' neyer eonfused in Ihouglir about an>'- ~the clainranti; anrd ireir Paît-offico address. n antirnug ire sie alumps le nie-m. y, Jane 11h, 1872. 23-tI Anrd notice ie givea tirai lrom sud aiter tire Siremrowrsre laa rseInarut stpîtilra d'_'"- saiS date, tire Executcix of tire said estatu rulti "nhn.S""ee isub-PORT WRJTIIY t'POI1T PEItCY ~R .-m wllproceed te distribale tire aseete cf Cire teiUO urythig i île itrisr teataton amonrfst tire parties antilleS tirurete, ý@e U sproper, tiroug i stste iravlgrga tate li iîmsof wirich sire stiii rigluls ail thrat is Mrcng. 11rHertie - eh aîrn-have notice, and will net be hiable r-ee antid iusaafacatilmIe.-ir 'for thre rrsuîne su> uistr'lbrted or an>' part was pursues pleasure, suri doe uintbac nler. - 0,oEy nudien f c041a~ nt sof i tIs n>'cinclét ier civilwndis-.- - UtinnýoFe a aili itribution -this notice bring to niilvattage. 1 - givra nader section 27, Cap. 28 cf 29î1i Vie. kinug .,'JI 1I E .-'T A li L E And Aruui ersmrona inunebted taletie said e- 'li How te Live Happy. Tales effet arrtSrrturdni'y, J- , M72 ras te i , pliii. teA.te lei idh luh flarny initire marrieti stata le tît Trains Goiag Nrrthn. Mii. MixeS, Executnlx. an fluest Iîing te bu ainnilatie. NelinigWnin Jain l )ae 78 .Wlriib', May 2'iib. 1872. 22-4w ing cari prusorve affeetionas uninterrpolWitby, <i9(07 ana. 7 87 irur -ens burt a firnn resolution neyer te diffen in Jiroojiir,9 29 arite 7 .59-p. inn>' wdll, sud a déterminaion incascii le Myrthc' 4) 4e9su -m e nun19 . tir ceusiner tic love cf allier-s cf more vita Sanaiet i O uri r 'hiluulhnns,,,,,i.s-wistuorou inclu Maalrcrr, 10 12 a.in8 4-2 irn. tIr e rrwiEhIurduny objeti. Hat on îigi -Prince Albuent, 10 21 ami. Il51pra . " thea Iw i a sacrifie f an>' cirh, inPorrt Perry, (arr'lvr',) 3 .i< i Our9n00 hOpi. O-' . fat h arfc fay0lewsTrnainms Gcing 'uatth. ixeut Mail. s' -te wirea weigired ageinst lie affections mofnPort Jerry, (deSapin) 6 00i a..2 30pro. C> sa m roin une witi wirom we arrete prisa r-PrnuAlbertî, iut9 un u2'J39 pnîr, C=_ -.u - eh- whcle life f Andt îougi apuositioii in Mancesuter, 9" nuu;l.I2 i48rîrr. 0 _ 'na single instance wiii unar-ru>'o!f ief Smrit l21re'2 -58 prui .1 W - l e protincu alienalion, yct eoro ne lasmm roliiii, 701 .ni. ;l 1n iîn.i ME > t thiri-penchirbwirij* ail thase lihîle witby, 7 h2;r n.. iltJInir. f Zt. IL' nti epsitin are put ; While tiret ire illiug Wbiauiy Juuetio, (arr) 7 30 ais. 4 Ocpo0 r 10 hlrelienatien is inseasibi>' gig an, h'intf4uurnî Statiunsu, '1ranris t',tuuun Siginl Vcf e ted anti, whun fillet,it is craîriete. 1h ai'. cme .5C bywonld puzzle eitluor te un>' wiy; bce- 'u u. c cause n nes Sifer-once ci opitnionri ias fJAS. DRIYDEN, B.11. KIMItALLL, uj . r tir-- beau narketi enougi te prrrîice ni Seri- (411. suu'ui t. c 1 - ed iuP oua uffeel b>' itacif. Bunt Inea mmds ii '<nrint._ 0s- affections weariat oint b>' a 'onslrint 'WT A N T E t)m Sir drearo! littl ho cks -a as uo bstacles~. V -,- ges Otirr sources cf discontcnil, ver-y coin- 'mur luirelalriuî'. urirma for i'isi yea, r ug mon iudeti, are tire lithla cross pur- COMFORTABLE RESIDENCE, elr poses cf irnibaîrd anti wifel ermnm 1>, conversation; a disposition ia caitemr th INo ' ON ' OF iat i s a-rai fer crilicse ansd question luliahaver the, teiliugr ar,<r ", liO i:~ OEToFBP is- cther saye, a tisaire rlways lu dtrnicu- J. E. <-'t ICîIWELL. jEURO n nd strIte, antimalte mina feai iimleinl telli nj ire tira wroug,esepecially lu eomn any>. Bru' i t., Wh<iby.i. rir Notlinagle se gosding., Muali e er li 2aîL ,187-- 2ifof ietînensfore, if our cempanion vîuws a foi- î ;liing in a liglit diffèentafrinuruxat we JMiOICTAN'I' AT't'IEtiSt \i -. -ledo, icavaIlira lu quiet posesssion of ris iiirLC neviuws. IViat is tire use ai ectrl>'rng - _ r-a Ilur if thie thing bcira iporlani ? Lei J' . B. S T.0 C KX do itpaes for-tiha pr-sent, aidirait a Soiln', EXTfRA MACH INE OIL S4AFES'i' AND BEST. ro Mromnct anadnerare nciia1cr>' oceactr-- desienr cf reîrrans ing tiera ubjact lu- li OlOl ,0 aril Fegitnd euc.Pse- fagelirer-.lia woudev,*tirmiin anry liî- rali et abioiua si eu rf.prapuir'd t-,aishwgarslu)ttjî],yu uiîrlurliinl 4t sans en-c readenctdiunriul Yi>l>' iriar- tir upriruu of y I O ul Io t herinui t cinîs p'v tlii ntroi ruriu' i sn- ns tien lu-lircea litholveai ofprudnce.ra tanc s ule tq aun-u iltunpruanu'rf. a ul.t, , rjf lesierýa eod 15 - ~ .- - eiresiria, t i lap uiauul 1-u tituir igla r .1wnî, Alltiait rl'ima. lr-'c~~,eer,~~ Duo.- Tir" ' inînn'lrrer'y, fIlI lrui j u- o -r , le vaiUslriùa~nl in Kartsautkinu he lo ipg a'e the lTtý n uliilaI itir-u rir'Ageint, Wiritb>. dog. Dnring urater tira>'ar-e ted avulin tils:ITl"ill NOI' tii'YM irir nnaiu Miinv 1Uuh, 187'.- driatifisir vor->' morniug antioeaing, cry'critb' .e hi-i Ii uilîlInrti 'SI but whIie travelling tire' elnoîrru dsit hu'il rcaI irl iinaerv th: is a, ik y ese9 iogrhr> -nfr hem- e îaS>'«tmmed b>' atier villa It wiilt a'BE 'nt aae hute unfor h ours. aaiar tirkîren ( he carde telofeealier, it ireir strungthils wu)nderuL'l Genemal>', Tu1ie l a qunlit> cf tire higrneeî importance, - ene murs titan five cf themnu-e harnes- from lire tact an Cil net iraving tues qualie>' eti te a letigu, anti will dr-ag with easea' ill flot lubricate a coldSaatai sulè Cil - ri 4 < tea a Ihr-ee frri-grown pursens, anti sixty nrse be applied in a ireated eÏte, but tire . pountis of gag.Wion ligirtl>' adeu lmoment itouches a colS siraft i41le congeal. lucd anS vill net nairiattenantif tirs journal enîa eeoigi trieifen Yu->'tib>'fiction kînuqiir etiraternperstr narras-' l fer-t>' miles tn a day aver baed m»"tais sudgi-v honrsSuiue it te a lirjuud shahs in acuqir. a- tîrroughr the dieep snnaw; on even r-cats iag a iigir t ho uare sb>' fictiontireé- frein hirt>' te enaeIîunerlauntifor-t>'. jonunnai expanrin anSdCire box is injured, ±it'ii ~, Dniug euester-n, tre dge îcepj us mpossbre ta use eil tirat vili ailIlon' a - IlcelusaiaIivuitireai 'his resnathaui t il e Cmnin- lirair master warm, ami u ili lie qtriely 1 l il wit n -tar. J. B. Stocks Oil wilr l anear hInnfor lionns, 140 tlaire raIas 'bicasie tira cobnîsh uraiier-ythre meurent t Br merci>' te pravent tlir ncw frein cruvcr- 5 PPi.Thi Int ig anow treud inn evertwo Wh ing hmmra ho leapi>' andi suîoraîirng l unr ui(feuaabluslimmnts anS à«iving h V iretioga are aisoex icehleut w-atlirer ba c asation,.anÏ al riteinsr pr-opinaIs, for wlîan, wiile resling, tire>' i is irou Icrar the objections urea ant dig irolas lu tire sncw, a StormIn >'aila othrr, as il Sous net ganua non feezelil. witli certaint>' be expectuti. >o anthre ptubuhe are avare. tirt man>'- vorthies hls repuffedirlenotoriut>', SILENC VES COIvnt3NEy.-A conhein. in cnnicte prove that Chie is no amh g 11, poar'lires lunat a pesing questicn su- ntneaf urCe rslves ageinreltirséepera- T>lBLIC SCIIOOL TEACHERS' - Df ot ion ofýuncrupuoees cil agens, 1mai'>'of p Mte i.rt- ycuug lady uanta Ce vhernwsillnnentheitae te pilm laifftirsmuati kowwohra girl Me>'bu surea aof an ir efineries is bciung. ideatical 'eitir inulve rn iulerl' -rny r taime proposea, e1 I~ Ij 'ji2'UJ W.11 maSte ie iut-abywinl e aks Extra Ol1,>w a v k isi 1npuac fra eu iîotChose viro are intereted l ic éîrnli of sitsin ier resnce or n hor wtho tirhosue tatene, te RenS-û ha tiu, an appli- oeaking.' As aur aontprmporar-y, lite caton;, b>' mail or otirorwisc, fr-as of charge Thre examnaion aI Caadidates for Public gti le peu-t>' aludeti te, esys uotiring hanan>' nu?, a saipne In fthe a11, Chat it ma>' Surinai -Teuacîree' Second anS jhird SCiass eabout lire question, we vii atirisa tIrespeak for rtaalf. LAnti viiaise senS ait i erti uvns il bcin tire WityRr itYung -lady -i*e never- coula >sce I a f ev simuple test, as effertivu -as tirose tests Sehool, in tire ~~~~~~~b weinie u nosîr sssitiout ffafrgein tire baser nmut- J feal i isres ïhot ffr'n a- 1,,.Ibih eabeparties orderiug ' 'IT Y -sistance. Our ativice $0halse $0magr-Y tcure tirsurelvas agaiust'mmpositien, b>' TOWIN O F IT Y tire Mariet once, ais tirer-e are not enebliugen te o errinle It once irutirer y msry wiro let their- vs haie al lirtre éOil orwarded itees god as sample. lu the Count>' of Ontarilo" CacrnuPemt 91, on' tainag 'tu tiromelu-as. fAll paries dealingin Mac-hins 1ewilS LEA T/ER' AND' efN.DiîNBË- 'Cash pald flor Hidffl, Berký aid Lestr, Leatirer elretcbo&.- ELDa 3ÈâF"' TeO O RE oN 8UOlRTMOTIOE. 'May, 1872.> 299 Lost, a inote cf baud umade bjiahloo mcii'Ceancra,il a lver cf MsJcoim Tayvlor, for tir6 suniro 850t p arcr, 1872. Pa blce t Brown .,àterouloffice, Ail pantiés anc bereby esuties againgl pnrcnaing or usgohiatrrg tire saure. M. TAYLOR. Wirhitby, Jane 11, 1872. 24 j{9USE.,AND LOT hFORtSALE. The 1u-wme dwdlling, with qnarter acre of land atlaclrad, corner cf Ring sud John Ste., as rît priaient accuîried by threuderiged. W]rttby, Juas 4 n'~28' teD the mosUaatdouse 'i'a&& 'T afioring and Dress, LOWE May i~th, >~872. 2~-ly FTRNITURE GREAT ROCKJNG CHAIR 1' U1-I "RE! 9-CFuriture, Selling atý Old Prices for 0dyS longer; N~tw4staudg the risein material and latbor, fthe undersigîied offers bis stock, at the .1O l Prices f r 3 d rslonger. Now la - the time to embrace the opp!ortqnituy Of seleCtiDg fiàont e t 1' lrg eu t ok in I e C euaty, f ieboards, b oe a -us, centre tab es, sofas, chag , bedroo nt sets; &c., and al i el e st; bs q uiiy ànd m n f c u e té olly first-lass establishmrent in the County, wtere Fti- nerais aire 1111.1y suippliid. FIIELD AND GARDEN- SEEDS5 New, Oboice, and Good., Ail the]leading varieies-of Turnip, Mangold Wurtzel, Carrct,. Cabbage, Onion, sud other F'ield and Garden Seedé. S2000' bughels of iPeas Wanted. Y. GISN Wbitby, April 17, 1872. .i~I THEý OLD STAND.1 rET I A HE The undeiýigued in returning thanks for the liberal patron- hitirerto uxtendedt thir olti establislimeuîÏ, for neeni>' c peried cf font>' years, do - sires lece>' tiret iehe s nowon au baelarge nasser-meut cf lire most modern sud ~ I I~ ~ 3. J CAPS, SHIRTS, OARPETS An dtriasts- proper attentionanud moderate prices to se- NEOK TIEBS' LACES,--,& WINDOW CURT&INS, c rs a c n i c of public patronage. Practiel rph lsfering. F nimture r- . r-. R N I N G G O Q D S stufloti anal cetre mou NV1iN' é' Undertakiw & Fun'erals Fully Supplied as heretofore, -W- A bauge Stock of Oloths and 'Canadian Tweeds,,,_ jASonue iplendid spedimens of Picture Framnes, and Gild- LO nïy MID 20 O ER ig. Remember thèï Old Stand. C H N0M D R -R ~xx -.~INE W TEAS AN lýRCRE.- CH01CE WINES AND LIQUORS W"l i by , M ii>- 2 n d,18 7 2 . 2 JOHN ST ON5hiS '4 ~' CoLDSMITH'$; H.:ALL. SELF-RAKING REPER OTED FOR 1ÙEEAP AND RELL4BLE GOODS AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE- At the Provincial Exhibition, Tororto, in 1870 A_ Jewellery, Desks and'- Work-boxes, We ofler Vo our custorners for the comirig larvenit, two dis- Bags, Porte-monnaie s, &e. tinctt Machines, whicl iîn style and constru«ctioiî, eurbracef the latest and rnost useful improvenients of' the day. ýElectro.Plated Goods! JO[iNS'I'ON's-1 NGLESLFPRIGi AP E I Watches& Clocks of the best Makers, TH "IN O RAPRSW Each cau-eftily exainied, pîoved, and timed,.n h The universal success of this Machine, both in cloely t-ontest- per-formanrce guar-aiteod. ,n hi md triais and lunlire bauds o! the farmns, warrant usin h saying that, ris eaSul-Rak- HlAMILTON &o Have opeîîed unidare uiow shaowing a very Ia' n vr stock of"lunneienrn Dry Goods, c-ornpisiug- Ne w Millinery. in th e L atest Style. PRINTS, MSISSETNGS9 WHITE -C0TT0N8ý, ,"GREY COTTONS, ri r t ir o e r a ,e ie publi. fi V i l t'IN ' r CAVUGA JUNIOR MOVER !'Pactical WatCh and Cock Malker. Vo were awarded the First Prize and Dipom r, at the Prcviu- rir<is -1, % n t1ry May 7th, 172. 1 Ïai Exhibitioni, beid lu Torcao Ito 1 ,in cempetitiou vitn alhieeinudirig hachinef -s---- manufctrsd-ia.the Province - sud with onmr reeut iinrproemenLýz, wuhs-aUitat- g i > c i n n ie n j eg LV i inn r t u i c e e p a r is en i it ir c o r r p t i m g M ar c i ni e s , s- o *a r e tisf e d t irai s c b in v e s tig a tio n w i ii co m v in re - ue r >' u n p r j rd ac d rnr.d , h a t w u tie re heaet boivr te tic Fariner for 1872, huit inn tire Dominion. r-0"Setid - a un esripiv eialgns.BROWN & PATTERSON. eý S PRING STOCJ 0FM 3OÃ"OrS AND- SHOES. JO0H N SAUNDERS' A SPLE14DID ASSO'RTMENT 0F MATTHEW COLLINS Spring and Summer Boots and Shoes, egs Vo atunourice "Vo iris cuirtor-m-rs and the publie thaï ho ALL, THE LATEST STYLES. lias opeuéd busiess on the premises lately occupied by Ladies' Balmorals, Pi-unellas, Gaiters. Tie, Cro-' Mr. BaIndell, on Brock Street, idthat he is rrow quet Slippers, Newports, &c. Geitlemens' Boots Qund- bhoes, ini' receipt of a splendid Stock of tire ini gneat variety. Boys' ahidGirls' sewed work,- ver cheap.- R 1 G'-H-T F IT A ND M A KE! All ordered work ËromptlyaËttended to. And»of the best. s yeoRot adSîe.1EPÀJIS NEATLY IiXECtJTED. person4 t a purions msrricns"s are be- ing'matie or soiti ln my - neme, re ire pleeseët sens! ime ail the perticuars ie cen coileet repechlrg the Eamuý that re to say,tre>reansd elidreas o!flire vandor who-is "elngthe sparlerismedi. *cires,erad ikeis tireumore andsa-, drese o! the Houseiluths Uniteti State, or alsewirere, wiricirr=y haesusppiloti * 'tiur, seate eneble Me, for tire pro- tedticn of thre pubie, te unstihute pro-_ ceedingeegairnst saab evil-doer, andi I engage t$0 reraner-ate, ver-y iandsomel>' e:nyperecu- ro- may give me suchirl- -formation, the inlerm -ant's usure nover beig dvugeti ir aniu person have feasonto bu- libye tiraIire iras been deceivred b>' huy- img sparioas imitations o! tirese uredi- aines;, ho wMlldo.wslf $0 senti nus, in a letter, $0 tic atidrose et foot (wii eh eau do-at a ceai cf six ceuls in postage). eue cf tire boks o! instructions _wiei are affixeto tehie saura. I ~promise, te exaùmine il sud sentia- repi>', statlug wiretirer thea madicinas are gunalureor not, se, tiretif'spuurious ire me> apply to tre-persen from whom ire purehased- thrm $0havaeiris mona>' ratarnat. Chenuiste anti -Drurggiahe wiro -désire $0 obtain theierd!cines en ie supplies! et tire lowast wiroleaee prwces, la qan- titles cf nolises thon, 800 wQrth-viz., 8s. Od. Q2.,- anti Ms., pur. dozen boxes o! *Pila or pots o! Ointment, nuIt, withiout, discount, fer wiricir reurittauce muet bc sent inua aice. I have tireïironour $0 ho, - Wiir.great resct THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 558, Oxford Street (Iste 244, Strandi), Loudon, W. C., October 1, '1871. TO THE -PUBLIC 0F CANADA. Baing dtius of tesing the meriseof he diffurautwater-wiresisnow offersd for sais in Canada, sta their ecouemnical use a! water, vu, as manafaelurers, cf tire GENuIE JAmaEeLEL DouBx Taeru malte-the- followlug chaileuge t$0-11e maufactuens cf sav wmExsnew maie lu Cauade,wiretherit be u ITÂTIO<S Ofthe JAnEs LErIPEL DOUBLE, TunteBNEzor A"' cuInixePATTýERtelire els lu al, cases tb ire wirdl>' manafatureiby. ticcompet-, ing parties :- 'We villiace in the bauds cf an>' rus- pousibie pgrty six thonsanti dollars (86,000), aikd the perty accepting the challenge te do tire Bere, the moue>' b ibu ireltisubjeet te the averi efthejuiges. Tirs vireos to e-e steftinua foui mml, diing the semeruneo! shenue, gr-lnding thecisemo wireat, anti iaviug the saure,. number cf square incues cf opeunkg ta recuiTe the vater, tire amount-o! vater -disehergettebu tic mueaur-cf-tic aurount useti b>' aci vireèh' Tire jaigus ho ire on-resitieuls of!Ca- 1nada,aud to bu thorcaghly ' eilinfermei in tire mode cf tasling the pvreftn rbine viruais,-each par>' te cioose oe jutige sud, the two to choosu the tnmrd. Tire ovuers cf tire wiruning vircul ho have tireir mcucy refaxadeti tham,aardthe- Ioser's mouey to go toyercI estebiisig a meciranical froc librury insu>' towu lun Canada nemeti b>' the Ovuer cf the suc- cuissul vroe. Tirs vieels te bu tustuti attj J, , ~anti full gab.e Eicîr Part>' to give gooti anti sufficient bonds, te tire emount of 84,000, trat tre loser shall psy theauntire axpeuses of the TIrere are soeawbeels tiret give TOr geeti resulhe with fnll iruat antifnll gate- age whieir ontlrelyfailunderparetienti sud partial gaté ag. 'Sucir viei luur dlimate, wvireotie vater-pevers are effecheti b> botr coîti andfdruuI, ar-&o! no prectical value.- .Weedaim tintveu-e tireonlymaeerB cf the GynuuzJimxs Lntummn Donnenat TnmrrunE WEEL lu Canadnagnd tatiî je vitrout na nivyi.luthe vou -INe R-eÂc AL REBULTB. Mlore tien cooo cf tirese vrecesau- nov rn.-eperation in Canada ant tu Unitei States. Tire sales o! ne cIrer ' vireel ever yul introtiaceti on thrs Conti- nent exceeti one-sixth Iris nuumber. Ouirsuhel bas ieen therongirlytoatuj iu Gaxa-&*Barr-AR, anti ha'-fnl' rai i 'talnetithe repatatior it iasgauci ui Canada ain! tire.United tats as tire fflstecnO"miesivsîr.vbel luprsote- 'sI'opuraliou o veryulintrodaceti, Wu are nevpublis1igea newtisscip- tive veter-wbhe1 paE t, contaunug - 150 pages o! veluale rmattr,wichirwm ira saut frue $0 a1l applicant. For o-trrànoraic tdress, - F. W. GLEN, Oshawa, Ont. N. 1.-Weaesire t0crsltattin toe lire follaviug cerlnflcate;,'- SPeMNrMx, Obtec, Dec. 25,186l." We takc piuaure inufoxsmtieub. hieof OCln5da tat we have bolda ur-- nisireti Mr. F.W. Gax, cf Osrsar Ontari, ]patterns, Formers, Dra- Gauges,audpn cIrer ueossar>' informa. tien te bailV oui celebu-steti Double lTur- bine Water-whieel, luveirtei b>'James [raffelanti kaown stire, Lelil WLeJ2 We bave aise obligîtuti ourselves $0 fur- raisn Ire samefitiesformauniictuing tonoolirer parties in Canadai. Witheuît tire inf0rmation vs lns,ve givunto Mr. Gaxx, nro euee au succassfully bauld oui sireels,,and vu ativise parties in Canada topureirase uruivbei'cfrm otlrerniana.. rfecturur i G~5aijte~- ua- nasseti, anti we foui sure "tint ire vil baild a-wiroultbat vi give purfel salis- 1atieu. We tirefore ceuruemrd hlm t th Public Of Canada vit riitircouli.- 's Aise on hand a large stock of Home-Made Boots arnd Slroes niai cannaI be surpasseti for quality and pr-lce. A.1l'orders Punctually attended Vo. Repairs neatly done.i MPORTANT'N EWS! 30OTS AND SHOES. lie- undersigned_ lias a.large stock of ,dies'. Gents,- and Çhildreu's Fine and'U as oot& Shoes' T'Boots and Shoes made to, order. «DO overshoes iined warn and comfortable.- India Rubbers, gW Repairing neatly done. M-' Rontebor the riglit place. Wlibmay 82 JOHN SAuNjDEps, - Brock Street, r%84187~, Oeil at-the old Stand; WILLIAMBRS D o t * 4 h f ~ ~ c a r s 1 W I 1 Merchant Tailor &...,Dapr Respectfully intirnates that lie is 1)0W inl receipt 'of a large, Stock of New Gootis for splIUNG >ANOsUMMII WEB Canadian Tweed S-uits, Cotuis Bc.yg' 'Suits, Youths' Suits, Children's Sui*ts7ýevery Style and- blaterial, Spring. Overcoats. Gents' Shirts,- whité and, colored1, and ail kinds of Gents' Furnishing.'Goods, Cl'othier& Geints' Out~fi' tr i - Dnnda ..21iby. - <lrenrîses Iatciy occaPied-b>' Mr-- Geri.u-, 'sD4 Str. Whitb~y asya41872.S'tore.) leneofeeliugsuie lie villuranketuice riruel~lu ail' respects eqaal $0 car o'wa. - [Slgnieti, JAMES LEFFEL k CO, - M ONE'Y TO LENDI -- - Itepsu-eble b~ instrrlnrunnts fa.- f-r.,., '~'-..i,. e k -r t" 4- - s n 'w r fer-I L Fart Icter "'Aren, cuttie hanter Lu= 18 3 3.] r. Wliitby, May 8, 1872. ihitýk gay 10, 1871. DUNDAS ST.,- WIJITBY, r ' 1 [gay MATI'FIEW COLIAMS. i i ýo IEI X FERGTJSON'5

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