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Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jul 1872, p. 4

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i1 g >1 ba rgaey bhreughs the ve wasled tsd been r u 'iel; batà get os-pdi Dusel wealgh proÈerhy. a =i~ to me. zo&tors, vý la continu-, #ii tIse setf Iegsy - 1h é-on 1.- ý ses houa' d s minites- vi' gse4aam - h s=ouY in 1, thoee vssd. ha 8hAtgs honce. Aunt Harrs-id ino vos-y near1 latieus ozceph mysehi ; and& yel, thl oveqbo4y expectedihsat tIse proper voîuhd.cessas4o me, thero lisd hi quite a gahhes-lng ah hhe openÉn of U wil. 1 stood thedissppeintmenhves-y han ï,omehy, I tlslnk ; sud whea hhat leat esyoid spinales-,' Cousin Charlotte, es; gased that 'Robas-t wil neyer Issza s use for tPlat tlting;ý I thulul I will tal il sm sslf, jusi te roenamber AunalHi s-cI, Ise p lied oaztewhal tastly - ,NO, indeed 1 Sa-'gave il te me l catuse ah. expectedmo te keép 1. oall take r-as- of Loo'- for lier sas - Vliti-ves- Igo, lie sîsl go ' -. vi tO)lt ad psethy Maggi i'awyer, 'if yen oves- do give 1h avej 1. ftni going to speak fer il nuselL' 1'spoike firsa, suapped CousintChi 1Imhe alivays liked Magip, anti li matl ieiesnxy confident about Lucinda ant i îtied in lier aveet face, as unewered, 'Yousa itl sallilia, Maggic,j 1 evî-r tIc pas- i wth il.' 'TIsaivisa net likeuy, lsowever, and îtnly Afîid Bo ho spile Chiaslotte. Ili serisou ta fuel spitefuh. Net that I hw bouets îtàigetli-r mes-canas-yin y lov, for tssy scuti; but 1 îîad precieus littl ît-lisîvu n wn, and I lad-count ed un tfhat wîll I laed aven bold Lu cintaHac; ud the'- deas-gis- hahd re ioveti tue liglit sarpiy, as aIe ougl te utîvu (ltie. Bo I sast liare,, gowe iî t iititi'fis-,anîd voudes-ing vhs tsîrtIsly îiisnco in huuse.keepiug hîtî crget fs-eau My vendes-fl MIY4l' tt acquisition hecauso alrnos ai e.y ansd frein tinie te lime1 tmrnetl iui gszed AthIilnt. Alilthti lu psa t lioa fsautn beisîg ridiculous i Jtuts lii; tîîd tItis specirnen wss deeid. ctly Iscîing lu tisat particular. Hi wsîa uiy about ciglît- itacîes Itight, aod houlu n.propoertion, acces-ding thothe idoia of0!iproportion iuidulged iu by the artiets lis sud thiga. A vasy luins paIrw'iîtatnd veas-y sird lion.- le htila iimpopotioateamuit c malle, admc Aretf on hia tsil tebalasnce il, wsa' lîis imoulu yavsaoî as Ite nccatl swshalow akny*hing lesg tatittwice Iis afisze, li1saspect, as lh tiîcii saeut tat sevonitg, vas peculiarîy giiti tîifosbittiiig. Smal aholie li e Lotuei tiu stattîpl p-essly betwein IlleuititflLuiidta. JAiÉlhettli te leur-openat, snd liie liglit feut tif Mtiggia Smwýe ine cass.ati. -iîtg ovin- Isle cas-pot tijlI ale stood beside lue. Roberî Jcltr1 ir] to s oi-sy h YoL Itave t i rgiti tu fuel disappointed,. WIsI't vilI ycîs anti Lucittula tdo S *WehI, imagg'ie,' salîl1, 'il Lucinda iit aait a -a -,",y as I wihl, ik vent aue obat.' 'M4c ie ii; I lutw altowill 1- 'Ait if cIte vosi. I suppose yemi wil Iosveia custici of fise lieuse te mie sud Le-fus- aavîihe. Pours- utile Loo 1 loy tifinluiave 1 sceau lirastanding ou Aunt Ilttit't;itIbIe, vflît lus cemical metI ciaitiueid ful of httessasd papies-s.' t e,îts tt a]ce hilm Autefn lutIe saine svay. 10 le iherîitî aaal lie cuis eut.' .u- I s-ed liard te laugh ihe mattes- oif; latit siaa'l vus-y good fun juit ALho it»lsueus-uaIpropos- heur nazi day, 1 matude îny lis-parattous ho go sud ses Lufýt-jucha . vatiledts buthIe fis-t te tel liter t ie- stev. Loo acered te watct mise ivit a is-ad, sas-donie grisa, vîtile -I vi Ï1ul-essir.g. I vas hall i>- citiedt btalîti lu ,'vithi nie. Iflito couud înlhattve walkod, litaaliou.hd have Itavos gotnu. Oi41 Munbon i aîltes-e wileî I vent in, atui lte condoled vitli me in the ueat crilodox sud res ectable mannes-, ovîs- rnUY laie sad ?beroavemesat. I knawwhistliha vas coining ho>next, sud was qulte seady for lina. 'Yhour auni laft a vas-y laudsou ro.pse ýiues13', did she net?' '0, yes, se loftiti al,' aaid 1. 'Hum 1 Ah!l' aaid the ohd goge. inu.'0f cons saltofhatit. yonr ovu àae-ritlse estate must ie a lbaud- saine one?' 'Oh1 Yeuu1qîsihe Itauldsotue;- ai hasth soe peele ould tlink su.' 'I 1ans deighated te heur' it,' aaid lite. 'May I venurse te ask low large it ia? I faelun tities-est, Yen knew.' !1ý 'Certailtly. Il's about eigîih iuches higI, as ocas-as 1 eau gues.' IlIov? 1 don't exaatly comprcîîend ye 'aio Joking?'l 'Indeed, I arn ijot I AUl that ny aunt laft mue vas lies- lien.' 'lIes-lion 1 Wlththie douces do yen. 'But Leinha, vat Wini papaMs- son say ?, 'Is amfaahiatlo j e Jvios-nuI dlsappoilntsd. Ro huas sel h bea upen -me s n g 8se0 in -lIsm. J lspr-hst~ t i t. soes.dupîasaut couse. -Ioita s Ptyl? SOi ia-n i llestuof a mane,. sud noeand-.-os-, s-shho-, vos-y mnchsend su Uan be aocleer- ,at -'Lucinda bore M or d t1ae seep zhsa,'il 1 a=n peor.- 1 vagSimtig WovBrne kwothyac: sountg of. tIs eu she, oes ftes-aoon ,*ae ahorthy alter-, vhes thse dos-beil rangr -vloletly, andina a minis!. sitar, eh* servant nng open tthe thor anda4 d- wlth mitted Papa Misen. Tiw.old gonhi.- m=a vasevidesshhy Minas-!oweing pas- 'Issa 1 , MisITon- seommdrel 1 .Where's my dauglter?' * your -tlU ghter ý?'sBaidas1 rea 'Ye,mnydassgltes-. Whese's Luein- *&I. da? Whsahave yen dons wihh lier ?' tof rosi'od '.. jur- 'Uen myinsoul, I don't kno,« wliah -yenu meant,' said I. net 'Dont t el <siseheeda ho, me, air I Md Bead tIsat, sir I1,,oaed thsat-' and thie rot- eh! gentleman lianded mie a latter - h as 1hwaa in -the dear'- ansd wefl-laso'wn ta ba ndwsitiisg, sud'I'deveured 1h IL. -Às ineaseas I casa remember, 1h concluded Ite 'And as 1 na wali are tlh&t, yes- hie- consentisa impossible, I have'determin. ed. adhto do witheut it, ansd go witls thse 1fý, MisnIlove., A nd thon mIse hall igned ha-neiae.ý- -NLlow, sr, wlllyen hellme'ssow -that es-e yen den't know Ises-e se is ?, WîiI ne yen dare 2' snd ohd Munson fairly ehout- ad. s-e I as a 11h11. bewilulos-od jüsst tIen; ghbut 1 snswos-ed thsat I. hosnght I could, I-lt and added, ins a lltesing veice, 'Don't i5ii you notice tiliat aisepeaka 'of 1dm ns thse oIsear eJames ?e" 8My naine"is net James.' nd- 'Jixa Janey ' ahouted tIse old gentle- M.man, and I'm àaid h orose, ug. Ah ail onts, lie brouglit down lis ny atick on the týhîe vitli snob force, tisa Ik il kuocked poor Leo's liead dlean off, as- alhlough. it lit izn. on tho back, vies-e thie masse vas thicitest. AM 1hms kJi,' 1 aaid, as I ttoopod te pick up thse head ; but old Munsun C.wasa aiseady lial-way, out of tieose c. I etood tuhes-e, vwit the head inii ny 910 liaud, witht a dira idea t1iatt il t'aspgod IY, luck tthat iuwas net nsy ewî ; vîsco, atts-acted by tIse unaccoinstabeni, is-- M"g'Io camin. ienie 'Why, Maggie,' eaid I ; ,11cinda lias id s-un away with Jhu Jancy, and'hles- ,; fathor lias bs-dco Leo'e neck te pay for I if Meggie actualiy amled ; but alie LIanswered, 'Hew vas-y drcafl what I wili you do 2' ad II don't tisinit it can bliemcendcd,' said 2 il--- ad 1; Ibut'the stick mnust have "îad a" ile The underîsigpecJ in returnie vete it.' ' le 'You seeus tà think nmore about îoing çrs miudtise publie ini gent-raIl, for thecir t- Leo than Lucinda.'yenrs,- respect fillly il àcon ctinnance '.T"on ruy seul, I blievo 1 do !, aid igu addition to i e rmer business, lhe b c- I.. But let's talle a look at lîim. If îachilnery for the ht lie cao ha mended, you chah l juve hilm a r- t'9 ie Biscuits adCrac] Igain. Of course, th iteb uelo And he is preparcd to fil orc hl as ollw ;butwu never kriew befora short notice, ai relsonable rates. Custo that lielada ]linge in fith~e ak cf lisa asuperior Biscuhit, *8 noeebut the tbent tu 5ht neck. Bread, Cakes, Canrdies and Sýý I 'Ohi, what a lot of papes l exehiiim- li elMaggie, iseering it tecavity-. ad afth ery letkind isahwayilitebe 'Lot'a lave tlheut ont h tii L ~~ And have tliem ont we did, ini a mci- ', n a ot n 10 men~t. Batnk-notes, oves-y rag of them, FRI î hi csn la packedl as bard as woold. Whc ou1dFR I inhersao. le lave thoce litat Leo liad se u cclinj le lWhithy, %ray 29tls. 1872. iY 'gaggie' aid I, 'l always saldIa ______________1____ never woult' par-t witi ht liîons; and if 1eor01~il oogi egv TuE WRITBY I'}LXIMACY lai 11 e e?' answavrcd Maggie. is 01am; but need lie and 1 bo se- FAMILY DRUG STORE le parated, i Ido?' Y Tho liîoa cf tIse tile bronze lion, 011MILE LATE ls that Maggie hld idnl lier Land, fanfrly n abolia, as aie answcred, 'No, litbert l' JAMES -H. G14EIE Ae i 1 sîN-AItiziimda Cîjiî<i», li e carried on as lieretofore. ethave told nie that ah ltoutit tCar-o a Drugri, Chtil iick,1erit Medicincs, Dye bitO abu ,ytIcnt bbas-it -l.Stolae, Ierfturneries, &c. $he lia t2cl ina esoe aces-ti times, lier- Lampa, Keroseea and CoaS Oit et WVhohe- self, 1 attribtite thesa p aternent te that sale ah Rctail, pen6riît whclijea fémininenadlsarau. Roura Paper-A news tick jut tarrived te say se ahaoluteiy ioathîed mue. I i'Whthy, Jusso liii, 1872. 23-t! look upon tîtat observation as abass-tlhIY ________ unlikchy. I dont se lîow alle couhd. J deelas-ed ssy passion about tîre1 ffOTiji usonthîs ago. She declined île offer of Mny band, and I went and expostuhateil WHITBY, ONTARIO, witb her mother. 'Wlen lier motlier hld spoken te lier, 1 spokie again. Site ~Diirariaind M;eiiîiLiîtnrs o~f aU dedlined once more, and výas srathcr Xiiîîdcof rude about it. I toid lier r coîîid wait. Suie aid, she rathe theuglît I shonld LEA THER A4ND FINDING8, liaot. I p ut it te lier~, wlsen WC met again, whether tIse devotion cf a ifr- Ceh5adls tdIarn]S-te. time migbt nottend te aiter lier feel- Liather sartrîilieli. ing towas-ds me. She aaid, thai wlienî il BLLTING MADlE TU ORnER ON the lifetinse had expfrod, slIe would be bettes- able te judge. I thought tuai if My 82 SHORT MOTICE. 2 I let îny beard grow, il saiglit haveMa,17.2 Borne offoci on lier. 1 let it,- but il wouldn't. 'When I met lier again, shu .. desidcd me. 'nie festive seasittwuî approjaclîisg. A great ides cccîts-red lu me. At Chriatmati tirne we htstavaits. I coul play a littie upon ithe cornt. . ' . Suppose It(hd amt tte inis-esdid î,f o1ld?-anppose I sereniaded lites? 1 pîîi I. on iny greatcat and golotjle-i t ilii raining catsaud dags-aund ivent and did it. 1 know wlîieii was lies- elanîhes- windew, and iiithat windew a liglît was bus-ning. I played lier Many plaintive strains, and s-ctusned home wet ths-oughs. 11e teck ne notice what- ever-. Neit night, it was raining ratites- lias-des-. I was again si my pieat. As t day was bseaking, thie chamber-window. epened. I apps-eached, hlowing in a- logsoft note. A hand app g itha pitches- in it, and I waa (rendhed cig te the skia. Ali, elle Iltti hlong'lit CI,~ ' ~o whoin selliaa cruelly outs-aged Tl<' t1 eae next night. and waî more plaint- - ive titaniloves- Thistixu, the Street-. ....i . deer openad, sud stalwas-t sarviug-ml aum appeared, Ha s4id, "As-e Yeu thaeout- rapeous idiot that'a b66e1 kicking ups JPU SIC AMil LOT FOR SALE. tis feas-ful s-ow the hast tIre nighss S" ai dellg,%ih ureîceo I said, "Faliow, I decline te answer! ' îatittached, t'orner of Kng and John ts, Ho said, "1 den't wan't ne ansiwr- as alt pst-actatiipied-by chia nnderzigned. Only move on," I aaid, "Felew, I A. OAMRON. shahl only obey yetu- Young mnistress's Wa ty ue- os-des 1" Ho said, "6Se shall I. Sheic told me I was te giveyou sonitîling fos- yoensaef ansd now yoî'%*e got il j" ht was traue. 1Ihla. Witets hrtcaver- ed my bs-ati, I tltoigltt it best te go 4 home. I did No.u,itg.My frit-utha tell nie tIsat secilmcaest-ftor mne,tir Ar sIte wouid noeve-ithave ltad tici' liil IRa lu thiat way. I tiltstutt eitviiloli tlsenghi. If site tit I lu. e tnt-ho lt dent hin.k aise meant t ttîhave liati ue ]icked-quite se liard. 1 shall ecrenaîhoe lier alan GE1R1X S B1IR 0C K.-S'T1IEÀT, BTTY, -Where will bc- found> Sheet -Music, and M cj-books of 4il. inids, M usical Instruments- ofiavery description' includ-.ý ing Vihu Stritngs and Boï f the bESL qUality; Stationea-y, School B13-pkà, I &o,' Iieautiful Musical:anuçl2Lterary Wo rks, Si- -,- table for Prèsêntt, constant- lon ha&- A -,C4ll10E'- NDVAflIED ASSOftTRENT, Vr 'Magazin'es, Periodicala, and P'apers snpplied. des-s fbl- Musid and Books 'éar-3fully filled. - Whitby. May 29, 1872. -j'O BAKER A1eDm'CO1FECTIONER, SODA. BISCUIT MÀNUFACTOIRy, A DNTiSTWs-Sr s -centhy saved frein dsovning hiy a labourer, and fs-cm the dePtIlS of lis g-fteful lions-h exchaimad, "N'~oble, bsave, gallast-an iuI oy sîali I- rovard youn? Only cama te rn. bouse, sud f iviii dlieerfully pull oui oves-y toathlyen bave in yens- lead, sud net Charge yen sixpeuce." Ceeseaàsrxe.-A Nov York papes- SPeaks of a dejected individamal vIe aaksd tIse publishes- vIatIshe charge w&a for mBaerinLs notice of thse death Of IS D- Ã"nbeiug told thai It vqMl8 ho'don. es- nething, le bs-I lt- en'du#consderbl-thât "deatl lad boan soblied 0f ItlIfgus tes-sosi-. Anbld lady wlkng vithIlies- tva Evn daugisters ou a xnaauliglii night, Ing.tOi my does, -4b Ipok ai the Thie nnk i4 Mats Brady, çillo vas sevesely' -de on the 21 ahinsi. y vt at.Pres. ,.abouh hhsreoe'- cloék6om loérecoived, C.ýAKITI1nE.-Â seMutehtaaa ewa' od b>' alDra-ta W A NTED - Te pus-clisse, os- lassa fer five émr, a COM'FORTABLE REaIDE-NCE,, &ce, &C thanks to hi&numerous éeustom. liberal patronatgc to bhlm for the put five B f thüoame,'anid Wî shes te annonce that as purcbaed, a 9 a conaiderable expense ie mlannfacturing of kers of every kind, Lers Wlholesale and Retail, on mrers can depend on being supplied with iatcrial i8 used in manulacLuring.ý ýweetrneats of every description had at the old stand, Brock Street. aent of ail kinds of J- G. - cDOIJGAL Importer sud Daler- i'>aIl kimada of Faml.y Groceries, Pure Winea, PURE SPIRITS, CROCKEIIY, CHINA, GLASSWAEE, &c., CHEQUERED STORE, aitOCK as-LEETs. Whitby, May' 1872. 22-tf 011X EW YORK TO EUROPE!1 SAFEST ANID BEST. Freigît and passage reducei. Passea- -s b>' Railva> ps-ovided-.vlth furat- iasa Cari aillae saane s-ate àas econd- haie lu>' the Apn uLino. - LEWIS ALLIN, Agent, Wlaiiby. ay 15th, 1872. - 2- m P UBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS' Th" xn ntoso CanIdte's for Publia SeholTeahas econdan&ùd im Is Cefcalts wthhain the Wbsbby Ehtg ry T=OWN oIOpWfElTBY. AppI>', sttssg tariss, te 'In tise Count>' cf Otstcniocn T.J E. FAtEWEjM,; TUESDA Y,' - 6th JL/Y 82 13s-t, 82. Bousk St., Wlitby. AT NMN, A. M.x huis>' 25b, 1872.- 22Tfe--x-nton for FirsoZà hs-l Cates' it be hld ia hétise sané e, coin. A hlTCLASS FARM TO lIENT. incacng ou. Thse South hall O! lot No. , Broken ?s-ont, U~4 8a IL ET 'Pickerinag, coniammsg 100 acrsSef v:isii TZ -~ as-e clased.Uhtere are 180 acres-o! splendidATWA.I p -ing e h ea t,10 ac e is- eas a fi 0 es as Can diates il1 4 e 4u ired to n o tf 't e bats ogwi4g on iaid ta-ti.erja-&t a jfn, npeoo nelater bIsas tisa Qtlrftii.cd >'ou joscrdx*mai tconlmaicing t, > 1,,&,. ts-24itentiinho ps-osent thesmselv rex. vndi buildngsare au1 fis-t-Mass. es.ars in wl egiven fr an>' nuinber of soarsi" - ocadîaateww-ee. i- For fnrhesr ed las- fte 6t' rmidi' - - - Ps-opeletbr. -PearmgJn4.19i 'lm , - ,. A ths- AilROr JOHN POST. The onl firat-class establishment in the County, where Fn- nerals as-e fnlly unpphiod. THE 2,000 bushelsc Whftby, April 1,7, 1872, OLD ,-STAND.ý .The undersigned in returningy thanks for the liberal patron- sires ho sa> that ho bas nov on band a large assorîment of the m oat modcru and And trusts by proper attention and moderate prices to se- cns-e a continnance cf publia patronD"age. Practicai upholstering. Fus-niure s-e- 'stuffed and ceverad. Undertaking & Funerals Fully Supplied - uIieretofôre, £W- Some splendid opcmn f Picture Fraàes and Gild- .AXA. 9EuK .~~ WlIùtby, May 22nd, ý72. Have opened and are now showiDg a verx large and ' vari-ýd Stock of G'eniraLDry Gôe'dai, omprising New Millinery in the La.te8,t ,Stle WHITE COTTONS, GREY COTTON7S9 TICXKINGSI - ESSIARS, OLAD GLOVES, OTERR AT*, CAPS; SHIRTS, CAREPETS, NECK TIES, LACES, &- WINDOW CURTAINÇS, MOU RNI1NG GOOD PS! Ojt.A Large-Stock of Clotlîsaud C ' adian' Tweeds,-1 CLOTNMAE WO ORAD LER.1 NO TED--FOR CIIEAP AND RELIABLE GOODS Jewellery, Desks and Work-boxes, Bags; Porte.-monnaiesl,&c JOHNSTON'S SINGLE SELF-1RAKING 1iEAPER 1Watches & Clocks of4,he best Makers, leratsn, is inorssss'snasa. nover Sliotsld an~ per son ba e r s e te b e- lieve tisat he bas been deceivefi by bu>. iag spuins imitatiens of tese inedi- cis, ho viiidovoiél ti send lise, in a hotte-,: te eddreas a! foot (vbhicsho :can do»at a ceai of six cents ln Postage),' oeolthse booka of instr-uctions whîah areaffixeal toe amne. I promise te examina ah and send a rep>'. taling vlietser tse mediaiiues are genumie or- net, 80 tsa! if spurios h eina>' ppl1 héepeirson frosa vhem bl i rdla: him te bave lia naney rehuned. SChoisisand J)rnggiata vIse desire7 te obtain tIsa unedicinscon, hosmspplie& aht the loves! vwholosalspnicés in quasi- tities-0f not-lesa than '-2W vortis-viz. '8s. 6d. 291, andi 84s., pe& do2en bexes of Pilaos- pots cf Olimtent, net!, vithe daceuss, for whics remuianco miuai beo sent in sdvance. I bahve Use.hsenosirte e, 'Wits gras! respect, THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 658, Oxford Street <bite 244, irnd), London, W. C., Octeber 1,'e 1871. TO THE PUBLIC 0F CANfADA.' offlEz or s-m JoazaE RHALL MAsUuwacvaîassC<cc ý Osx&wî, 024T., Mss-ch 8, 1872..J Boing desirousaof tesingathe saesitsoÃ"f thsedifferent water-wiieeis no offe-eas- siale in CMAnaaste their oconoaicalnuse of wate.r, ve, as manufsctus-ass or the GENtfusoeJmssseaLEFPLDoTIBLzTuJWUo m1ais.he .foilowing challengete Use mnanssachuriersof saur vEsExanov made lna nada,vIsethesiibouaAHONso1t- Jnczs Laxileya a-anzo- MS Os-BER PÂvTENNthe vheela lanaIl cases ho* b ha ll vII>mauacused.by the compet- ing parties:s- W. yull place la Use lands ef an>' se»-- fonsil* a priy six Ushousand donsag îl6,000), sud Use part>' scceptlng the, chlleage te do the, saihe noney lo, ba held mubject ho the awardothjudes. The vlieels to.e o esief inaÃŽa gous-mlli, dri-ring tIse samarussof atone, gsinlng- the smnawhéat, sud isavingtIsefsanie nainbar of aquare incIses of epetig te, recaive tIse .vater, tIse anst ef-vaiter dicsas-ged te be- tisa mosans-ofolthe .aniunt nsed b>' each vhéel. Tise judgas te ha nen-residenis of Ca'_ nada.sndio b haUos-ough1ý velinfo-aed la he mode- ofltestig tIse pokver of tairz bine -wheels.-aach pas-hyte ciseose oe jusdge hinfitIshe ote cisoose tise, thirL' Tse evasrs of tIse winnisag vheal tu- have Useirsaoney s-elnnded tliesasdtha loses moueyte go towvssdesabuialing- sa echasaicalfree, libs-ary'in any lovas in Casi'ada ased hyUste ovner of the ana- cessini lieel. Thse wvlot o be-hast&I ah ,t Jj J, assd ffilI gaie. Bach part>' tegive good andsurfficent. bonde, toes.samennt of >4,o0, hat Use loger- sissl psy the entire axpess oelhi test.-. STIare as-e seme wlieels tisat give ver>' go00d rosnlts WithfiM lead and fuh ae-t agewIsicIs ostirelybaIlnderparts~Ise ad sud partial gateage. Suclsyheels ineour cliate, vise-e tsa ivater-pevers are affectafi by both ccîhd and dronhth, are of ne prchical vaine.i Weèlina ta a se se oslysasera Of the Gxmz sseJAxes LzriL Douas .TunAncEWmmxgin Cassada,anutlstitîs wiilionha as-ax.la tIe veeLmPRs-s-c. iL-RESULTS. ' - Maos-e tlsan 0,000 of these vîcaIs are ]ew ins opeas-aion in Canada ýand the. 'Unaied States. Tise sales-el ne otidy wleel ove- yot lah-educed on, Ibis conti- saut axaceed one-sixth htanuabe-. i-Ouir visel bas been therongMsytested .-U T ses BeRAna, andi bas fil n ain- talssd, tIc repation 1 ias gained in Càeasdasand the Uite~d States, as thse Ëneaheeeisesaical watr-.vh.eîlanpraabic- ai eraliesi eve- yet introdnoed.- Wie ar oPubi «,lna nevdas-ip- ly ao--vleel pamsphile, ctsnhainI 160 pages ofrababe atesyich vi ae sent free teé, apfait. Fer fus-tiser iiestioi sddrs, P . W. GtLN, Oshawa, ont. Wetakapleaure lia (if Canad,thaï ntadms. F. -W, Ontario, Patterns, Gsiumes,and al otI1 leunte bnild' uens bine Witor-whsee; Le4î,>ts )sovusîa Garai, z vIwesi1 '14 J OHIfNSTO0N"S SELF-RAKIN-G ,,REAPER AWARDED- THE FIRST PRIZE 1 At the Provincial Exhibition, Toron.to , i n 1870 We oflèr to our customers for the com, ing llarvest, two dis- tine-t Machines, wbjch in style and eonstr ction, embrace T ING 01F REAPERS." The universal suecess of this Machine, both in closely contest- ed trials and in the banda of the farmers, warrant us in saying thatsa a Self-Rak- ing Laspins Machine, it bas more good pointsanatd lesa defecta, and bas 'met witb maore success and leas failure, tItan heretofore offered to the public. CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER We were awarded the First Prize and Diploma, at the Prcvin. rial, Exhibition, held in Toronto, 1870,in competition Witb ail the leading Mlachinps man-jfactured in the Province ; and witb our recent improrements, we unhesitat- ingly challenge invetigation and comparison, with competirg Machines, we are .Satsfled tbat sucb investigation will cotivince every unprejudiced mind. that we offer the beat Mower te the Fariner for 1872, buiît in the Dominion. W~Send for descriptive catalogues. BROWN & PATTERSON. SPRLNG ST0CIR F BOOT%,"S. AND 'SHOES. Begs ' to annoumce to -bis dubtom-'ýrs and the - public that hé l~sopèned buiinese-n the' premises lately occupied by -Mr. BaiJêfeflýnBrock Street, and that he is now RIG-HT FIT A;N.D M A KE oo And acfate bestyle f oét-MadShoes. adSos â<iAlsono ba u a aretockquaf Home-Mrcle BosadSos Ahil coi h s us-pe la ted e a t>' mmd partl dn AiW re' uîhal tede e ear sal oe 1IMPORT ANT NEWS Each- carefully examined, proved',and timed, and their performance guairatteed. JAME 'S JOIINSTON, Practical Watch and Clock Maker.» isroclk-st,. WXhit by, Maty 7th, 187l' 19 A SPLENDID ýASSORT3MENT ýOF- Sprihig and Summer, Boots wid- Shoes, Ladies'. Balmnorals, frunellas, Gaiters, Ail ordered work promptly- g~'Remember the rigît place. JOHN S Whitby, May 8,1872. titud bhoes,' rery cheap. ~4 dto. F1rock Street. JOHN-FERGUSOýN, BO TS AN.1 \P I)S+ i -E S. Repeictfully intima-tes that he i5 110W inireceïpt cf 'a large &,ys' Suita,.Youths' Suils, Cbildren's Suits--every Style1 Mfaterial, Spriug Overcoats. Gènts', ShirtI, WhIe and colôred, -&a ail1 kinds of Gents' Furnishing. Good&.- JOHN PERQUSOÇ The undegned hasu' àllrg' st ock f Ladoe' Get8' an Uildren's Fine>adCré ot he EI77Boots and Slioes, made' to ordèr. Ovesloe lne~ armadomfortàb1è. India Rubbers, slippes-,m i. C C&ll at the old StanCL iri 'M' - LU~RNSe- reaeslai ' W i ,J un e 9 ,-18 7 2 .4 W K E L I - AT THE SIGN 0'F THE GIREAT _ROGKING (JAI[C 4:1FunitixeSeflhngat'Old Prièsfor 80 days longer-; Noq"lita nding the rmin imaterial and iabfr, tue undq!Signed, offers bis stock at the -OId Prices fo r 3 Q d y lo g . Neow is the' ti'me tc emùbracethe opportun7îty of selectingý frointthe lai1gest stock lu the con.ily, cf sldeb@arcla, breana,' centri tables, sofas, hàir, edroom ets, ,isc, and Il of the hst qahity sund 'manufacture, JAMES H. SAXO; G. .-MODOUjQAL,ý 1> r -(1~ whtl)v, Mar NEW !, 1 - All Or- 1 1 the rOUUtY, wliere Fu-' JE LAWLER, 0 1 oit SAUýNDERSý9 1 1 ýh JO H.N S, 1,i,%'hitby, May 8, 1872. 1 Wliitby, May 10, 1871i 1: 1 F ESTA BLISH ED i H N MATTREW COLLINS MATTHËW'

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