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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jul 1872, p. 1

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bleu lî 1 IN - 1 T,11E th prD ,ý' izw ' -Y ge, (CF1110c il c; ü û Ul Fe 0 JOPY, !nsuratloe Company, of Van JPRIE vîctýà' lmàiýà 'inÉ ý'0ùI' roux nameg nô HEAD OPF'cz-Hlng St., cor ChuyclTont'to #',: to livita, Ëf u ON'VAitio ÃœANK, CAPITAL on liii,,; be= fhorgi ffiflY-. T=Gvxe" -ea .11 - t publie will find el ery 1lcc*Thmo-ý WHITBY BRÀNô-H, Deposited'ý%-ith Go> vemmelif, best attention- dation and the QM For illeulory, ýpý, THOMAS J)OW, W. A. 4Ar, AGZIiTý of rot S4 to aÙ0 m ôhýj4e Vr,8mis«,ý À Baili IIIIII'à 0 0ýEL I N_ il 0'u E , r e , water. cro- M2 a- Ilie Ils illey, turf,ý wasprettyý-well -f - th -but,, he UL loge er, 1 re "01ff 1,ýION BANK, yê zow, 0 ap dýnowto,-c WIfITBY AGENCY, HOLLIDAY,- il. rî. l'à wultng as -if "0& Aý roiwlzr MLINSONP RemileCk.ànù had 10 "10riz t lui en, in B, TA-ILOB, This LýtLIiie lias $=èea;, lrwn ai P WithuiessagLo a îolina, bérest wàsý center,ýjd ý,upoü., thèse -fýur. AntNT Ton Tne 'Die bar i8 5upplied Nvfth the éhýicet willes give;L -Lif"g me iloûrer Atýtha eé_MenoeMentLýof the lastloui, ISOLATED BISK Fi e grouad Lfqtzor-j and Ci arli. Evéry attention plaid 19 v4ors, ri)ý 1bý' -of the INS. co. to guestiL Gooâ etables and sheds. or ta-- ase, was proçlaùueil a titution Toronta. 01 Canada. A purely Cu,ýiadjuii Ing T';" 'ýBOttY' À&Ins JOHNýRAIL RIC4., There iLIýý'bc timeq Whou the ipirit AUo Agent und appmiser for the Can'ada KT It A 1, H 0 T E Z, P. 0ý throo,_ dozen C 'ýicap" from the house of cLy, an4 el L Office, Sou-til Wilig Court llouze. Ar. Permanent J3ÜÜXIinýlî a4d '-ing Sucicty, 1(ix retsnt.ýr 'N Ay And Ilies to itx liati-vo heaveMý, r glitento; Dora e1Xaljýbn thre ementit for mpocial of Ilon, Mr loan il of nioncy ait 10%v raie13 01 f tli, lez dozen -e selven eu 8 nna baVitne C thii glimpies ilitif t sa j dimi -agli"týree' dozeli ,au eve , 'eut&'; and, C L -A At týj" 0_,; WrDý4 Joli X BAILEY PROPRIE T 0 N S And Y FcËgy Baigy, --thréë a mmory &iiacli, - ' 1 ýi PAI, J. L. L L' 1, Tý. 0. 1 ne-M-ly :ft'ttedý lip Are ZO'w 1, euts«ý, hé' O'UNT-f CHOWN ATT0,Rý;EY FOR and funib3lied. G uwýtLj will find c A 'l N T E 1.) omlo le That it 1011,'8',tà'tarry bRch-ý own party an - as for her sueéeài,. and> c Ontariop Barril5ter, Solicitor Convcy- A Oompany, nud-ettention, Good stubl. aMiaSt thsllour ofiùteièit-'hË3ýy anCer, Nof,ýry Publi ing and litteiltivû hoetlemi heart-8 beat with , raany 1 c', &c., &c. Lifeh - _- , , * e Ces and 41 1 Occupied br S. II. Cot-hrane, E late - 1/opsc - R a k e th gron Attorriéy, Brock -et, WhiltZ. CAPITAL, eï,400, 000. 0 M 11 r IL 0 1 -A 1,4 M 0 E L , fears t1ilit I e Most are.incident ev i0 6enutîfý1 cire seribed outests wh cou human life; GEOftGe if, 'E'STAB LI SHED IS 3 1. Qpposit Do lilliioivn up 1) ètý,rzîty's flow e ra'titbocl youth- wl Bakoo(with the new til ABRISTE B ATTQRNEY, CONVEY. JAMES LLACI,*., PRO)PRIET011. menUI) AZ8 n Ir lèin ý ýn=uUcturecl ýprOvc- Onthe quicki nda of time tc)'div-éll ancer, De 4 Tl 1 WC ve aIready net e janiei. xý r, bv the And uIomeý patente - shov.'. 2nity Registrar, 1%tvoter E 9 *,- they lirle soli-actiïlg" lire, maige of gb,ý;whése.,SÈNR4 ý 1 tmcediu'Lr3', du" elýuni)ier iii Ch,%noory lôr accert iî3krýý in au ûlacWed j aliag ýr y moins jo;r Comaler. the' - on' soein but a*- l p&eýotühY wé JY, fi Utýd, ? the,0quaty el OjMüeý Colirt BOU& proper y; at zatke-U low 1;4 VtUL- _. es fatéiiiajý "&ýý4;û,jÈÊC, jujMtý GDae b" to, eloifient graud el t iijtc, with lier - su as.' lfe(L ý 'Wbitby, lai h' 'kincfëýâintroalicoato 1 aizotlier if washiug the strand m n 'Coinpared ci e porfect communi lor doiug thé *ork ouipazzy the ýa the billow th t brouglit it Ou s1I0rý as it inay, the inoment was a l Isolated and Illon2hàtardans property !il- dy a. m bnutffurspell isilo more". for tbrée ye4iro arless lit special1ý low well. S y g ot from 08 tu eq Alid thi Et n C' 1 A-L MOBteXciýing 0110, eveli to those 't rateu, quicki ular, iâtÇution is Ù160 c 1 cd te felt ýùo' ther intere8t than thftt ývliîell -L, FAIRBANKS, Jn., B-F. oc I; 14T., W-RilýrnýY, 1 1 ý 1 ' - arises froui huinnu competie t AIMISTri It ATtVôitNrY' T-LA B soucitor, in Chancory nu Toit. W, L. M CALDWLLL, P-VGP AND' MAXIME DP.'ilý.LN, tien, Aâfl îc wils. linquestiollibly à' 'y Notary Publie &0 OfAce,--ý:Xext doar tu th clomtrhod _2îýecIL four youthfül 1 They are: supeii6r ýtp'anythiug of the hind 01? 1111811 Lir-z.' 'a -r ONDON ASS-CItÀNC«V-, Collt111()I'.A glllll,,Uo - îvell caledateilto store of IR. ý ji Campbell, Brock Street, nand Nu _Yet manu1ùiýred, auà»'aw lar Contât bi I_ _ eut v CIIAP Wbitby, Ont. liquors and ci isave the farmerbath labor-anil expense. 'TEIR VII. i liclustrions yonn waineu. Dore closèd yards, i CI C Ms STIIAW OUTTERSworl.ed bv liand FIRE LIFE. Inoder othel ANI) the premises. wise pile and lâeî(IfeatÙreà were areune ualled; they are,,euily worl£ýd, and A kenil?, or Calup, is a coutest of in. Y, and er . beàütifùl' 4grk a ENT.WLttiUZD 13Y ROYAT, ÇLLARTER, 1729. 7 net liabt to get. out of -Vdex, and oold at a dustrial skili, or a Càinp8tiýtion'foi pli. eyà ýflaShin" tc", Colivoyancers, sud Notaries Ilub- > .13AIMISTEILS, ATTORNLY$, ILI'.NiD ItAITIVIY"eÃ"TÊL, very lèw fliilÏé. under the prbüd.ïlià -ai- il lie. Olgtle-OÃœe-(Ioc)r north of the Post Vexils uri 178.Ad. stg. Squâre a' Olity in it display of dent spirit ofâznbitiçllfýr suebkifact wasý 1 AT IV II I T IÃŽTS TA T 10 N. Churnis, Anlo.. Ineil it Ïs ',,rtIlc]Pa!IY reS rted the principle which'*iiôýv urg-e'd'and éni- 'Il WýàL ONEILL PROPRIETOIL cioTHEs -wRrxGr,,iýs, toilipiftiltilig potatocs or r )ing or mated tlieebiït-ëàt. Wh à iiearly hàlf-' o kEAD AGENT MONTILEU. ROME0 1 - III n 3 the jal,, whiell elosc -elle coM and generally orly..on e d'aY ail- our he pasSed,' Rathleen camé be- 'cHAftz;rý-4 C. KELLëiý Parties t.aliligili trait audleaviiI-hordes SCUFFLEr WHEELBARROWS., for the H. Jourat hind lier, and stooping dow>% - wIîLBpeý- 1 ir Street %%-îu have thein wýirlt:àken Caro of illeir Ad the selise in which it îs e ci.- wheel ào t] SOLICITOIt IN No' bol St- F'&ne'À-X av'f' all other Iduds of Agricultaral Implo-' seas0n; but in an don't tùm your - CllanceryWcoiweýaucür, &-c., Canning- JOÙN AGNEW, Àgeiii. ments iîvith aU the recelit itnprov#ýmeùtsl. inost ustially practised. . d conteste(il qütekly,: you Ïi%6ve the fooýt-boârd too h ;ton, Brock, 0. - ----------- ving procnred one 01 Marpe tu skill the fast-tk L, Ma rs Neiv it lar't' i ni't twist thé thread tob Mueh, ù ONTARIO- AJiMEIlh C steain eliginéli, (one of the most complote of spiiiiiiiig oflilicu iraril. It 3.6, ideed, and yoàll let down tuore.' LYDIAN ýEN(» the kind nianulactui-ed,) the undersiglied 'LlSli, L L. 1[11.$ a very cliclerful asserablage of t e failr Dora" sznilëdýanîl looked up te lier Il ý,1t AT LAW, SOLICITOR Il;, MýU7-UÀL INSURANCe COý-Y, > Il R O.X 1, 1 M, 0 E T'. now enabled to exceutjo au orders for nild ilItLough stronc and esPér- witIf a grateful und flRs1Iiný JAS. POWELL PROPRIETOR. F A B «1ýf I N à I S afo rivalry i,-, 11130 -coe Street, Ofibitw.a. order of the - ùay, yet n'Thadnink you, Rathleéu,' allé M-1' L E M E'N T -replied, 111 AI) OFFICE, BROCX ST., %ý'IlIT13Y. ýI, c C oel M QDA T 1 ON. nitq which he -jnay lie lavorcd, cheaply, ex- it iS côllelLletczl in a spirit so light-hoart- g, II,11 tike your advice;' The G. VOUX(iv ditiougly, und tu gtpirantpe complote satis- ed and iiiiiicablo iliat--ývé scarcely know state of contest was thenprocIaime(l:- o< tî Cdurit'y ý1hý111111hùK, selloÇA E -JAS. CLAYTOýN 1 in D r ny 17 M 0 TE L. !action in au entien. a mûrçý laudeble or clili-Iltfillicel'eatiOn Betty , '" ns-three dozen and ten cuts; ni a.-p- Solicitur tu Clianceg ýnd Imenlvency, r'rock St., WLitby. lirýc_ 'Its 6rljecl 18 always ora M Malkon-three dozen and ten m Notary PRIMIe, &C', &c. olee-Mcmillauu 001Y Ic . ýbe Ma 1-1th, 1871 a-i-1 it., association pi-aisewoVffiyý ents; Hannà Cavanagli-three dozen. m BlOck,13rocl Street Whitby,'Olllirio. R. 1. CLAIIK, PROPRIETOR. inusnitteli ils they prýçaote industry, a six euts and a half; Peggy - Bailly « spirit of Cinulation, aud.l)rlu- threc dozen, five and alialfý Cil JAMEq LAMON, JUST ÉOSSES 11110, 111-1,Y PAID. iliforni Iiiiifrieilds IST F 'IL,' DIVISION CbURTS dplc.s ofgrlod -%vill aný1 'Icinduess to our On hearinc- this Botty ýAikiii's cheek ý-V J.,'B.13]CFýELL, and cnstouie-s thiit lit» has refitte(l ami rene- L Ilecaine scarlet, and as it is useless t-O il, SOLICITOR IN vated t'lie o1(j hifflvii as tlie " Fariners' Or Till". :A ""'0"xLry, Ct)niýf-yitncbr, Land Agent, Mi. « D ' Houiaay is, no io a Co OF ONT ' ces that partook more of a Penthesilean liger au agent of 111n", 13roek Si., V-h,ýýrf3 ho M-ill lie happy to Wheii a kellil) ÃŽs aboilt to, Le lielcl, djsguise the fact, seeveral flashing glan- Offlce-111 Parrisit it Bloek, Brock M., thi 7 T Y AR109 tile Illititersooli becolfies lknown- in the S Company, (!nclole(l vard. efod- FOR T= the fire thart the fearful spirit which usual- pfý FIRE ASSUIZA'NCE' Co'i», Nvoiiitil an, !,lit in Illost instaii- ly charaëterizes the industrions pur- wi P '10 1 'S L . t ý-z î -PARItlSTL4S, ATTORNEYS, SOLIC T A 10 T, , 1 --j-. to attend it, that suits of Minerva, were shot lit generous te, 1031BAItil ET. & CILAIIINC, VPO (Y i -- il, the Dora, Who sustained lier poàiou of thti yo itdro, Notariés Publie, Convoyancers.- l ý - and in i2joulitain dis- coutest witlil singular spirit and temper. Gffiüé--ý ron t8trect, South (d Post Officej trictg, it is off'r-il lis Ficttireqque ai, il, is 6Yoit inhy as well give it lip, Dora tu C. IROPRIETOIL 1'17 ý l , vouiir, Wonien usually ý1 117 MOFFAT ez, (ý0,, . Týie 'Million, ; exciainied Betty ; Ithere rej GILLESI' -%geiits for il hotel IJA i t o n Ibo er wag one of your blood coulil open ap Nt# '.1, . .. 3 - j -, - 'Il folli' O'elc)cli in nev The ablw( Ill)lisllc s hcca 9 and Iv; they always go in Canada. ilcm-ly Ilited uj) aud reiig)vatcd thrblighout, against an Aikine _rOWN CLEMK AND TIIBASellE.R, JAIIJJ§ DAVIDSON, Mtaitiger. au. the iipartrneiil.,i being fiii7jisbedmith now à 0. - -beat me.' whit1jy. Hall. Hours, and suit or will ri -the stuff is not »il oiv iiblc furniture. The lifopriet ps acý:0!!ipnlioil IjcsifIùý, I)v their j'Ou to tri] Imm 9 te 1 otplock, In uturiCO8 against losii Ly Pire tire ûf',üct: Icive nothing lindonc in Cviding for the 2lj the inost favorable terme, and Losses conifort 01 and, 1C.ý Ne.., 14 plýVC*(ýtiicItrt-; or male rilativeq' 'A %,cry little time will won WIl that, -neJ No. 7 ..... ol'eli relilie(ll)ora; bùtindeed, Bettý"ifI ffli id withont referenee tu the Board in Lou- du the beif of pure li J., 'hefug pny illicir voices, and alit doint iny est-to win the kemp,-I th£ the bar. St, TNSPECTOn OF PUBLIC SCIIOOLS Sa GIBS().N, and in looi(iu7 rif!(;r the of liortlers. '-ictattout n 1)ilirl to the utabling aPrI joiffl lipon bope it's, net in a bail or linfriengy sni X for the CpuYitý (j? Oittario. Addregs- YEIGMAN the, sÉiII11oýýs iýf'tlie iliglit witil IL holillay Sririt, Init in ou@ offair play and good Raglan Petit (illice, Oxiturin. Agent, Ný'Ilitliv. -e 41tûil telf t in,ý, In.1 e Il in ANUFACTURED AT TIIE dai-hilesq and the The contest noýv %vent on for about thý Il. il, CaINN, X. D., 11 1101117. fitteel, illinutes, with surpassin- inter- raà ONT., m C, TIIE COUNTY GAOL, A / the spi;j tiiii- IvIleels are carlieil by the est and animation, at the expZtion of Whitby. LIv oolandLondon'and0lobe 133- POrtPer,"Y gricultural Wol ý8 inilfF. iiiii'le;t "m (11ili of flin, Yen c 1 ýrp, whicil period, the se 1 > CIO* belli. al- INSURtyckei. c0111llAýJ1Y. azlil sticli lis alluded to, ran- the hotir fi;r ski] ùry attention pairlÂnglieýî3ti4. T UR lieir labours and determining WL 52' ,000,OLl0.' 1 il. liý.t"ry. BIXI? TVA TER IVTIEEL. "%,i!ll li- ù%-21. oc- Thus stood tlicir relative viol TAN I1()T*ý'111. itions:-Dora M'Malion fo lianks ail(] 9014sliLiiTci lu cour;,ft i'f pos ur rLllol;.g oie VIS. 110Sr LIVIONOMICAL WI1I EýLýNiAV IN USE .ýl;1i ili lo(j 010V lire and iliree cuts - Bett Aikiu, four fàl uy's )SPlTALý ï,(')' M)ON, ENG Il. c ed P y m iý o r.,èr l., it r Y, o N, T liaillc.s; 11ainia Càvaûagý -threc hanlo sinf ,are fieing liýui(I»Yca ft4 fust ar t1ic barii ili CkLimll I)IC)li(ýitq j1ffl(-1ý(1 thýý alid lline euts; Peggy Bailly, three, Mai the e1.ý '0',Tljawn, Oi1tzýrj rýý lit l'a mont tiçljl7tt- histed wit4out :v; o) 1 11,0101,11 every laillis and eiglit cuts. but tic, ýVIicii this result was made ktiown, telli ofthiwweàilthycoy ny. 13etiL for tii,ýi; tho 1110 Itirsi. v AiLli burat into à loud. fit of for il, a in- griefiii ivhieh site sobbed as ifher for C lîçad Office, Cuna a N H o l' j»ý*, thfY :'zi 1. , , 4(ý !ý . * J iý4 11 oai-:1 Lii heart ivould break, and Nathilcon stoop- iloti Chief 1ý Irviit for Jiolni>lli,"I. %V Il 1 Ir P, Y 1 nu,.1 ailectiOtVII, ;III fillr down congratulated the beautiffil tain L. FAI1WANKS, Jli.,;týgozit cit Ont. ci t1îý, 1011(lpt, (fit-I ulloil lier'vietory, kisring lier ut the witl Nor to W. M card.) ýaine time as she spolie- au ilict -mat Im m Pý 111111C)illwe thilt lio, Dell tal Itooiý114-D und a treet, efOHN 1 WATKIS, iÏ 1 tjIc tr: !S. of love and kàidness in W cil she ivlio ;ý.- Il . '17,ts in ille i wt)iil(iliovejo3,fuUy boen followeil by the Oxide Gao the 1), the ha!x",s of thr S becti, AMOV'Ited, se vtral of licr male friends, if they liad bog- traction of tceth. 0 F F 10 A L A 8 3 1 0 N E E, aUv týti-iiili,, ... berty. Sliai t of- 14 t j-ý T] lil(ýjii;antly dared to take that delîeious Ji in 1- ;-ýert1tili Ille the lo'I f1wl iri Ille The nionient of victory, we believe, tins S8Vl!,It Ole MA)ilt[AfiL' LICENSES. iit flie alfil ilici for plm ric o. 1j,ý The Otriaibus V'lliell fýv('r7 ci' ;Mil is that whieli may be'relied u alls u bus Pl AUCTIONEER, &,7,., &c. x she. oi, lio 1l:t,ý eprin ýfie illost 01 as the Fi very s test of truc greatness. Dora M'Mahon brit1gu iti-.11 i i--ei3i lo-.,VL 1,Uý cloor e wilis Ili(. th -iltif-eii for foit the prido of that Moment in its fui- the Street, tbrec douro north of Ti)wjt Malt the OFFICE--In Bigelovi'!, Dlock, Port 41tul, cI,-,%-;ý LI; with a eiiee lier botter and obl r p epl Carefal hos- lest eNteut, but site feit it oilly to influ. JOIIN itOBINSONIS nu- aliv closc: n e rin i es 1 t 0 vi LJAIR .1)RESSÉING AM) S11AVING Pert Ilerry. âme 2,1, IF372. ý2o Perry. 1ý 3,1 u N Mr 0 V S L a I! After casting lier eyes around, tc, gather peda Maloon, Brock ll!;Ilttllý. ( Indevil, flur- il, as it were, that lionest approbation ý towl iIIII, C;t. iv'liole ila ' N. bc fair eoal'üiitor.1; wliieh is se natural, and üxchangingý that JOIIN %VOLVEINDEN, XTIew BAIRRY & fli'fi lI fi ont tinlý Io til1w. %vitli the' soine râpid glanecs nith the, youth ive Iiim woulil intilawtc to the f, rovi oý tllc fiddle or bal, liavo alludoil to, silo went over te, lier flipt [lit, id'ove pjîými;ies have beeti :1-ad very ofîLý,1l witli Iliv ullited defeateil coinpetitor, and takiug lier Suottihh Gritraitv, At Maybln Wnrkii it 1 ù il il, I i :10 m fitteri vl) 4týti(l reilovittinl throughout. inelod v of binli liand saitl, 'Dont cry, Bettv, yon have first ciýiollittlial, W(ilfendeiil)tixidttm St., villitby, BeKs to arinoulice tliat jm j'l iii)-ell, lIfst MIL-f"e W11cels Nve am Imil tf., giurply Vvc-rythirg,.,> in ille Cniugl;l" ah.;o p1lro Ithilte M'ine. Walz'f; Lag- cheaper than any other sliý)II in the voulliry, 1 1 1 . ,, ollee no right to be ashamed; sure, as you adva jolix er, «W11i11ýýs;ir. J2.1d retail. Boartlerif taken by alid we %ý-ijj Iiý'e U tUcLï;itltet! I.Vitil end, ailil IIioiý1 1 y njl tll(- (nit-offices of Ger4ld sa it's the first time you %ver ýever able 7 - Bakery and Confectionerv Line 1 lui Nve...,Ç. Whoel warraiitirig Ilieiii lu be as well made CcL%-aii.,ý.,, i'lyore, in stir anil bustle, ' b y t ail Win; au' indeed 1 that ICENSED AUCTIONE'E li FOU THE by -Mr. J. "1 a eaten; we couldil ' L . Catititied of Ontario, Yprk and p,,I. At )lis old stand, lately jin iii nd tu give as good mtisfactiail as MY 8, btit Coll(ýemaion Màrkliulll. Arnall. in in ifactured in the Di-miiiiioti. l'ont Office-unioliville. Stiteg attenfled on i Ille 71.. 1 Mt élit. ti a n éà, on arme, j"PPojýe 2ý 'Ema'nuet WU Of lie :lutYmîjv,ý> DU4, ý?f wl Th-e lâh girl et ti,ýi lwd Il rep""I x friglit ho ààâ -à' isll- enongli. of 4»V iclk . U- WC ýFa3_mtLë, èakîyý-4345-is, 'atii8 agaitist.,, NaPo16ýmý1-." lu-the: ýciddl-- Cle;kgý'Ofrice there ýyas à 4à"very ana-all the? àiýrej, hià 1 goti . e o ýt lie could' - Ue,' 71êsvilî--ý 0 with lier a 7' , 1oîîîý- 'at admimiou of t t be P!ýive VOÏM ât hâ etir. ýrL, ' 11, pet, laps, caumed hùn tb tnràýrôlîUi1 &ï "us, [Ch' lf;i alors riLpifflv thmi:ý . was hiqwaut, At the eliling _IJY Iliy e,11)OW stoc a spare, d9 'lot IDAU, of èrf-t ýs, ît Y"ill Vjat of il 'Fill out these paper;3 &t once, Iiir,' said the stranger', Khalnilv tuld per- gn(yrallius 1 ejn, ptorily, lian lin- thf, ' , y0quýe illan romé M k Theclerk ôw1y put up hiiieye-glass. gako of the visitor coolly a-ad de. ,iý Elierat-ey for borue lime. tj ciw a1jou1ý who inay you be, sir?' j eaine for. 4)fUeiiti ai IA*4't, in a rather imlignim', yc, sneerjn, manner. Th, v»ýL1Àtrcaýt one ýiLarChiU1- glance aý- by.any at, ovu, and throuffli the p(ýrt young le inu ' st Inan, aud fileil F&W, rn ilis arl y stuff 1sý peeffl: cleai, F;4î arp, com tolit: y naitip or i-9 for mon iiiig. YoUDýg 1 u about mail. liil ont illose Pape-, ftt Olltýe.? ' . . - __ - Trile Olerk Wàr, M'iLli 'lis fLýeL confusioiland (1frulay. He eesayed to c1.aùne.d;ý speý[,Lk' , but Wellemley stopped L,-*ý apol- 0,Ées ýýhorÉ, furned on his lieel, and kft. ' savage; saying,-Rg UI!Dlo,.,ed as Pver. , Fill ollt , Coyùe, tIlýse papers ai orce. I silaU reurj, -for you foi. tÈem in fifî een iii ijîut,-s. 1-'Tothiiig inçu-C, hoard of it; Illit 011 ' Uli A thaf eleili ilotai IY polite afts-r ttint te 1tliJtnýwn civilians. Rl)(1 in It illut4t be ailluite'd tlint tlis is 1t ýj novel-reitiling, er.i. the t:me of lis, how- Scott, lyhosA birdidav Las ne juit boeil eelébrilted ia all couutrl,(-s ;ý7 is ý,hutl)rë- the kilill of liter'eliri, to 118 Chif-f- 1liýj, fil- ly oweshig Line lias Il-,VI a a justly developinfint. Thè writers -of fictioli litès ilthe;j are lioiiit of pL;oý, of k ille lit!atl 'of the 1; lerikiw enift e,,rociou8 Novels of every î1èscripfioii ar(ý *ia ile- aýý, maý zuandi- and, ÏÏ reaý.Ible, commawl 't On mré-110 lal-ge, sale. Hàtorical L t 1vas F.at!»nnalnovc-l-,ota(Ivetiture mid evé-ii epart'. - politiéal, lind arr, Ëve aUýj 1 all,.if well -%vritten, suri- of numerous J) erre ct -rýàf1ers., gilvm Tfie e iv;ght at îirst sightseem S111111le- ýl1 Uttle illing alarining ili this woifflerfai grov- 21 me, tlý of the appetite for, story-reacling, L'exeees - we did not, on furtIler ef)r-5ide-àtit)ti4 ty, jiu- sec that it is accompaiiiefl 1», wu equal f ilic-reg-tie irlÈbatlier -brau elles of litéruture, -,[» of a more useflil aud siilffltântial ca:4. 1 1 tl t' f-Scott,,& Ilistoly-OfEný-f- but, ît 1a1UT1ýl1 yolumes would bave. ýsed the been de.eined quite as -much as the de- ýere fl,ý,P manýds of the rîýadin- publie wouhl war- Cott,ý -tut Mr. riroude bas, belcn abI(,ý , e !. n - ic ci )lace of, to devote aworh- a work of t' ïat'exteiit ýf soille to lt peiÏoll of about fifi' 1 Y'ears, and has y )ýl1 ' ny forind manylýliouý;and of. eager -riia-(Ierm. 715CAves 31r. ý1otlcy has occupied ime volumes. ofinore than five ýLun-Jred pag wi oach, t froixi tu a periad of tu enty three years, lu A Cý1ear the history of one of 1flic. smauer 8tatte.,ý of Ëuropjý-fhc uniteil Netherianig ý- rad ]te and lies fouud effition aiter editioù cald- is it ed' foron bôtIi aides of the , Atlantic. ,ht fo' I'Scientifie ivorIsý booI,-ý;,of travel, auti. jLý, 111c pliilýcislopliienl W.-il-kli, conilit, 1101.v, pro- ce bâbly, ten rûadqs for elle t!iaý tJv,ýý. ýiôultl have liail fil the, last Ce»tnrý lf ý case to this we add tllàt thrèe, volulliniQu'ý enter commentarivm ôtiiilie Bible, on w1licli i o be solme of the abl ýst' sellobirs of the agn', ras a- arc engaý-e(l, are at the Rallié'. fime in l'y the pragrcss of ptiblication in Eliàlanti, ît relish- viill be Seon tjiat--tlLe deinailil for fiction - has not-interfered --vith the p-roýrrë-ie; ür A huil 1g-Lrràuý and 1vundý i The irùtli cloubiless is. that the read- !ds of efs of ill>«Zels, arc for tivi inost Part wr-Y maixis orlinaurl al, ý7j or ýh1-r0 en 1 0 a ONIýY" IrO IIÏýN,,), The underi4igned iliferrti tlie inhab- ItJiýru Ce.utrýî, end Erie Enilways fer au A valuable Fnrm, in i, bigh s;tate af culti- _,ose former fats i . ye rg W( lad infIlleed lier friends to entertain oný I)ùivileged* trom a participation, iii.the - conce! itants of Whithy ail( eh .1try liave ý4,a4,t SouOi and sonth Weftt. seil ]lot Cxcelled il, Cailada, bellig her belialf, i:trong, if notý.qertain hopes feïiiv'ltie,3'ofthe e«vening- Aixon the > 't l', v npenad a Flour, aud F sc.2111111; the-preni. 2nd con. west williallis, cotint ofvictory. iÇa4,llle(, y of 9 Charlotté, Port of valioll, 11, fý à principle est, gaunt auà - gnruiý', wore "tliothme ofiat-,:. ises lafoly c11plEýý Iilinis - Lot The lias 1 eveliing ut 9 o'clock (except ses, 80 acres cleared, und well of gencrosity JI - > t patrotizeil .h o. Dtds -sitreel, sllu1l,4,iý' 'uogans, 1001;ing. thréIugh i16 ý'11 vit Furni (IM, :3 fit 2 P. m», nces, good buildin ight. the fé! ey ta Land up for cd, 900d le gs, and a fine friend? Dora and- ShibbY lieÏrted yeung orcharil 01 choice fruit ; situated aqoeinblage with the darrý and Ji lintioually Low Rates of liitertýmt. Op osité tha 'Oa Holise, ut Bri ndays, 'glithin 4j mileiief the flouriohing village of Latins cuit lie rolIgid in aunis t(j ý,,Itit bor- gliton 'Mo 1 a on, oil the other hand, took sinister-Visages of thoi6ugh ruffiaà,', allil Park Mill, und containing 142 acres. Ranua Cavanagh iinder lier protection. Who we y- 1IYI Ili Il, vel'itbý- OsiiKwa, Darlington, re a1together inca Thlirifficy -ne evez UT inofiensive repé - ;;; colboi y day except at *ent-,fo' able-OfJoin. and th, Heveral Laproveil Farina and Wihi Lands their lino aimityt; oiL As the evening advltnced, "and the sp Mie e they trust 1 , * _ 1 ' , .9, For particulars apply te- ing in thé cheerfül anïward.around The to giv(,. ait weill] esaayshoulil freight ark tators ali(j. flion(ls of the parties began _amusement th fur sala elitali. satisfaction to in k,,iock WiÏl find this the THOMAS KNIGHT call, in order to be prc es Iliveotine ta made in ù%huileipal I)ebcu- Bran,-Sha,ýto, Hill sêüt'at the thern., ý Nat& Ro'g s'ý -aU-oýscure weil turcs, Bank, and uther niarketatable Stilleks. &c., of the best q a à 41iid*cliiielit-.,,t route to Albany, New M'hitbY, July 9-1, 1871. tf-20 -moment of victory, it WOUW b corneïbehind 'the Miller, where Éle not for 1 A(.1clyesi visible, ý but frora whieh matical Fur apply to 11. C. CARTER, tu witness any assemblage of Young wasýscarçe1 -ili(fg o ", - e; -hg vi itig lit t1w 10-%% c3t Port Hope würnen placed undér cirelim tances- of elle enjoye a ew of. evë JAMIeS 110LDE-N, living prireq for caq l. such strildng interesL The,-mirth and that occurred» in thé hoUseý will tel Offleial Brolwr, &r. SMITII lîw1ýjîNc.ý, ýýy OF -CANADA. î 'î songand generai miu-mur diminished A shebeen-maü, named ý Pàrra Bra.- * Il n oriFICE-Over ilie Doniùiloit 13unk Me Ci à,ýz ý,ý . 's by degrees, until illey altogetligr, ceas- da-h, f&their to Burney, ýwhom the resd- 4lycy, Dpril Oth, 18% 0 met in the stiu-hoùu M 'ýifllati's Broek i$t.r-Wliitl)v. S. 11ý IL - 1 L E ed, audnothing, was t'o be heard but er las already IW I T 1 'Il 1, T A'Ix the perpettial cracking of the reels, the brou,ý,ht a cask of patient. th. stablé' On and Nolv, 13th, trains huin of the rapid wheels, and the voices where he diepos9d of -it 8ub sileW' c i- m u s i c L 1 v lý"" y W, course 1 l'oit a of the reelors, as -they proclaimed the- by Iwhich we meurt without, ihe'kuowl out, The landersigned (4,14il l it) state of tji,-q enlivening poll of indusîtry. edge of GeraldýCaýanagh, WÈoý woulà Hycy frieU(lf3 and PatrOll«, thitt he hLL3 il i. Il- Opt. depart ..... 9 15, a. m. As for the fai des WÉltby Brass and Stritig aclupted ý;2 r compètitdirs themselves, not -'have suffered suy such-, persan. blanî QuadrMes sumed busines,.; al the old Lindsay, azlive., ..... 12 05, a, m. Wïï it might hIV for, soireen, Pit-nius, EXcurrioÙs. been -observed that even abouf,--his place, Imil the.. eir, ='Instances, Ci Parties, &C.,. &c., will supply the, best and ... 12 15, al In. 1 6. theinrrho had no, or at bien made Imovmto him et latest Music un rettt;àlia4le terins. WHI TB Y LI VERY . STABLE-8, 1 (7\ those among Among the* gratifi ...... 1 45, p. in- 'riEST ïï iât YiortL Applications intist lie malle cither person. least but slight pretensions to beauty,- rest, inihil e of the eveý-". &lly or by latter, (polît L4aià,ýto of tbe stud, Vila also added ta sud iulprýoveâ Port Hope, dep=t ........ 3 00 p m -became actually interesting'frOnIthe frfi mb an.1 j oms-ffi.-ý Our YOU î, Having encreaoed the ni. er a ( qI alif üd: O"Linigaà 1fllê Phil made , ý417m t ýhe conveeances and vehicles on the preig- 1 É O FND fox m 1_ J. WOLIIIE'.N UN Lindsay, arrive .... 6 ÏÃ", P. m.ý r his appearanee, sud 'as waf his wont said, gn excitement whieh pr-evaîlèd.. Their inez,* lie hopes by'being in a position tu mcët TRAINS Go.-;G SOUTn-MML. eYes lit by the active spirit -of rivalry. very com"erably advanced 'in liquoir. i6el, wit sono 'SAW NiIILL,,;.' Beaverton, depart ........ 2 45, p. m. the wants of ciutoinere to inerit ashare of lKew York O&B, 27 -UPIEMUN- ZT, within- them, sparkied with peculitir. The wôrthy pedagôffl,' on, inq 1 don't i publie patronage. Lindsay' lairriye ........... 4 15, PIým. larflliancy, their checks beckme fluoU*cl for the -4ueen, of-tlW-Iàinpi' awhe> =tyle night.' The undersiâned taliqorcasion to inform; j9r CHARGI, Poýt"mope, P=e ...... 7 15, p. m. ; de art .......... 4,es P.-M. or got pale as they felt,'thqý2selvei ële,-,ý lier *aï tâ1d that heýý. miight know her 'A sin his etiétoiners that the above Mills, aituated, '" tlàBLE,, P*RDPF14TY- FOR'SALE. probTec o floWéig in her'h,=', , 'Th 'e you WiE ý 1 'N. B.-Covered convo>,aa=s for famWeG Y *iât ;ýatedordepýeired b "tlié' f r by'thë- éÏs. d ladies. , Prompt attendance, as heý,to. we» thefe is madher ' £iAair on 1 >ý -,= D. "' loss Of vietory. INTOr said énèr-of thein '4vMlhî COCISMES Lot-22,7th'Con.' Tp..,Uxbridgg, l'inre, ta all araire., 9 _ýw a. ing on titis oce -iïvld-glan6,es roses où YOIL Port ope, arri 1? asion som e, . her hèad.ý' ý - _, 1 . ý ýý ý; j'Il ýý 1 1 1 q IZAY, ...... . . The subscrib - er offers for sale the follow- that were burthened as they passed ia. 'WeIL' said O'Finigah, looking about lEieuâ Are ilow in full working t)rd,,ýrituýd ready for G. TAYLOR, ing vLluAble'#ope 7, m the Town oi'Wllit- outtiiigLlÃŽfnbortu ally llua11titý' tu suit cul;- an the corner of Griel, and , than thosb th 'That', Supl. of Trains. excellefit fflk* Cottaée wjthý,j acre Blaut thoir fàces, %vith pithier feêlin' re 1inf wifh "'rise. have, Ilefo dance si rtillàler eut froin 10 ta 'JO feet fil longth., M tente and with plinctuallty ILBU il 0 1 C L >oiandy situated at, orig, _4 fecUl a BUUe now, indÛWd in -thé Cerillan juice un- St.PeterSta in South Ward ple étesire of viýîory. _, i the st tilýuVeYeq,1iÏýèî becoMQposs t -truth é5seil of as I eau T acre of land, ýýell ed. and in alî A RP L'E T R E E S y 3011N WEIR. cor;ier pesa 0 bieh utate bc told, bajeful flashes, -unmea calied the dânble 1 Ur S T WeHingt!bn'ahd'Gil- both in mu»ber and, - e4)iégsioù, re UfI m -this is- Our-nM ford et., No;thlyàrd. 1 1 acre où' Cintre St. t oc on. y 'lm 11.0 u T 2a,000, exchanged ili a spirit of truc, difi th Il whieh the a 30i0oe L.BN southoi the reddonce of C. Draper, sa.. M between the . tercsteý and eontendiàg aforqM usalilple& t t" mind; lq the Bouth Wâd. Also 20 in test see hm b-pen < bèùw bomposed ot'paire of iot is, loth àoJ2ý parties, asý the- éloge > xý( the con tour., don't see > HORSE MEQ101NES.ý HOME 'NýU R SE RYý j 0 0 L t lene, by the 01 MuÃŽT Nol*th=bi.-- proached.- A' lamaý Finigan indeed was right. Dors &0 no1w. AU aô=iptiouz al tho bant Ilorsa Midi. î.From two to loue ycàxi of zec lnnbramu- 41 i=d. t'on of;thâ reôlérs body of Il presen a SUU -de at, j the boat V=Ietics. A. eleai and iUdiýoimtàble title wM bl, Ipven 'bc èô,zï1ýctitorG tha. net 411pV.!1ýf e1ný tell *ith là ahaplet d"c-e an cines kept conniâtutla for L ut, and of flowers, M thé ýVrùiùë ort, ghest cash, price. to: ail tic abo7ýp= . -Fôr f uthoi Paz- , tm(y tboVnitby Livory taillis. 1 consè pn,> papfflm tleulus apply ý'quenü7 gave- up thQ=nti*t &Wwo clwgo for advio. No. a, 2na;,Cýoù. pkký=zt On M'ptà :dbàp- wi -à w e, fl.Y- like à fair. -if 1 -'îe a Public 'institu- A ' ti6il,;:wî'tll ouly one friend, the directors lion- COM8 dOWn iUcOlitàlently, waylay me te or in the abd ad driýE;s me in Iong ;eut. SpCeéh-ý 1-go fo a pari- in the eveniii, - 17 y 3ked and am so enclosed ant! hemmed Ided [Lbéut bY PeOPIe, stalItl whÛre I will, jýijt, that-I-4in exhaustedfor vaut of a;r. :outi1dine dut, 'and have to talk about rlin_ eît' h everybbdy. I go to fur - - %2c'h t9q'Cet; and tbere is a violelit and rtÙà to, the neighbourhood of the pew àey 1 sit in, and the clergyman preaches at ýMs me. 1-take my seat in a railroad car, al. and-ýffie very conductor woti't leave lue get, ont at à station, and can*t o% gl"s of water,.without liavin a hun people looking doWn my throat, whe I open. my mouth to grwaUow. Con eivP w t all this 1 Then, by every post, letters on lettero arrive, ail ad-: 'about nothingi and all denia'nding im- meiliate answer. This man is offended of beeause 1 -won'tlive in his hîtim ; and that man is thoroughly, diaguBteil be ,on cause I wont go out more than four- tinies in one evening. 1 liàvo-no rest ab- nor peace, and am in a perpetual yu UZ. Two,-women in Detroit got- at dâgý md geTs » 'ýOint&,'8nëL one -ofý thumi, of &ný_ on turu of mind, -t à f ý.toùy to Bay ! ZGýù'_'t'L"!C ý7' îîrlien?., - eýV eV or 0 ollé, the et beumnt ïz- SIW' ar. got à l'olly, "ývhoin, She taught to Sèreain I'ýQU dyp. YOU baig', er,'. ene]P2yý:c&Me ïn ýSj ]ýin'%n the fi jpiliciikïy wu 'àPjýéÏIed îý' àuÏ'aih ,,ý%reje spike ' d ' h6nie'; - t Qr' ":ùïL.

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