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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jul 1872, p. 1

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VOL. XVL' Bu s8/n es88 D ire IS6ÂEDBIE I ieotry0 Inaurance Oompau,qof- ORTAnJo D ANK , CPTL WIIl;TBY BRBANCH D2ZALjt Gv THIOMA&s'DOW, W. A.-LAW, Aoas - 1.faieauxsa.M lllsn'B locit, Bs-c W.U3ByANY, vHOL L DATY, H, B. TAYLE - 'IJOL ,oNT., - "1118KIS PIRE INS. M. J.>IACOS'<LL, '0f1<da. .Apus-ely canadien Imsil Agent sud appraIer for th~eC s-ngseî frSpea stinrc Hn .lss imosuoy show-rates Olsteres ainnQ.,sd-Dr. MMieba4ol, . O ________ WNATTORNE FPop, - Ontario, Buitar, Solcitos-_cav .A nrncyQp suces-, NotEs-y public ae, &c 0-f LIs- ~'Cro1 Atoney, Br.oc Strsnea 0 i -- C A PI TAL, *400,000. Brct set, vsty - 4oU- < DAaTNELL,.. ETD-SE 8 ARISTER, ATTORtNE'y,- ONVEV.TsaaSat -e salamt e -.'anoo, Deuty ilegi5s-rMuterEx. a-mpaprd aeàep s-ais uail c= tmris-,aaexaminer lu Ciausor fero a-~,~ra=tes IUslw-us tisosut se tIse Cauuty ci Outesta. Office, Cons- lB a t 'WisbY.OasIe, s a S campsnllu Canada. Isolatetid an onazardous proposi sureS for tIss-e yoars as-leus aI spcisi JAMIES KEITu-l GORD01N, raies. BABRISTER &I ATTOINEYATLAW, L. FAIRBANKS,j Sllitar i.Chance~,Civeer Office, Bsoek St., Wl NtrPulc &c. office-NeOxt dàosta tihe - " store ai' R. à . Campbell, Bsoct -estro, ONDON ASSURANCE COBpI WIsitbýr, ont. iu 1 TION. PIRE AND LIFE. BARUIISTIIItS, ATTORtNEYTS, SOLICI. ENTÂ5LISIZD B5v EavÀL CsiAsszi, 17 B tare, Cauvoyancers, sud Notas-les pois-- lie. Offic--ajue Soir-nos-lI fcise post FUsNs itIBANI) ..£2,4658,5817s4d. Office Oshsaw-a J.F~ AaiaWELm,, R eGias ---------------------~~:~HEAD AGENT MONTREAL-Ro C 'A 4 m . KELLER, - HATEPHENS. A TTOUtNZ-AT-LAW, SOLICI TOR IN No. 56, Bt. FiaucisX suies- Street. Ch anee-r, C auvcyacecr, &c., Canning- -JOHN AGNEW, Agi] ton, Brocaek, C. WV. LYDIAN LNGLIs8hi, fLL.ii 0 NTABRW FAItEERS' - >ARRIISTE11 A T LAW, SOLICI TORI IN ML/TUALISR EC -'£ suces-y, Canveyalsccr, &c., &. h."~LISRNEC cas Siresi, oehe-a. -- IMAD OFFICE, DROCK 5v., WI' <il. (511G SMiII, L T n hie .Campany insus-es Feis Duildi SATTORNEYATLAW Coauntry Chus-tIes, Scisoal Ecuaies, and Notas-y Publie &,&c , M _M bllr , Contents ut rates as LOW an tîase of Block, Dracia Street W lllce-Oncaian'e wdil.cîiuised Company in Canada. - JUST LOSSES PRompTLy pAS: JAXiEN LAIMONr, L.AIRBANKS, il%., J. B. 13ICKEI TTORtNEYAT.LAW, SOLICITORt IN 1 Sece-tary. rrsid A CautsY, C auve>rascer, Land Agent, Ms- D. oldyi olne nae & Ocu-aParsh011ok BokSt., bisis ComnsHiy.i olnes ne Usibritige. Pn' GREEINIVOO» & MeILLcqsN, p RIXPME ASSURANCE Co BARRISTEURB, ATTORNEYS, SOLIC- LOMAD T.& HINCRSLD CffIco-.l3 on Sts-eet, S t i oîOffie, Witby,__n aria. ESTABLISE IN 1782. TiIAN hUtSTON,- GILLESPIE, MOFFAT & CO., Agents Canada. TOWN CLER AND TREASURER, JAMES DAYIDSON, Manages-. ---- ----Inetsraaceu agant os aeb>' Fis-s as-oeff IAN ~NeIIIININ, et on tisemnit favorable terme, and Los Naidt -ISt s-es-nce te the Board lin NSPECTOlR OF PUBLIC 1SCIIOOLS dan. !for tise Cont>' ci Ontarilo. Atiss- 'YEDMAN GIBBON, Bagisu Feut Office, Ontario. Agent;,hi URGEJ. GINN, M.D., GA II T B Ct EO TO TETE COUNTY ALT S ByroanBt-oct, Wbltby. . L iverpool and London and bId IIIINRY WARREN, M. D., 1NOUR4WCE COMPA1%U CORONER, BIIOOKLIN, ONTARLO. i vÂmIAÂum.j4s5ars, $27,000,000. CUY'BS HOSPITA-L LONDON, ENG,, G hecy L . o. H., Oshawa, Otro JAMEtS W. lVlT1, M WBNE1. AEIiDNu,,SB <NIT SUCCES. Bo te W. H. Card.) Dental Roomne-Dundas Street, Wh "tbY,aver Mr. Jemoeiou'e Store. Nitrous j Oxide Gan adzalnistorecý for the painlens ex- j traction of teetlî. 1lJ 1A'iUNTtN, 11SUtER OF MAIIRIAGE LICENSES. Offie-Town Hall. litsidenec-Tyron Street,, thrco douo north of To'wn Hall. JOJIN JIOIINNON'$ T2UAIR-DRESSING AND SIIAVING IL Saloon, Broc St., Whitby. .301N IVOLVE.NI>EN, A GENT FOR THE CELEBRATED St tloli Granite. At Marble Worke a1iiLthn Wolfendcn, Dunda St., Whitby. JOUN CARtTER;t TICIPeNSEI) AUCTIOMJE1t FOiRTHE L1 Countýes of Ontario, York and Peel. Ilesidence-Lot , Sth Concession Markhem. Peost Office-Uniouvlls. S04es attended on the shortest notice, and on reasonahie termns. Ternms eau bd madle and bll printed eat the Ciuoxicna Office for-Mr. Carter. LE~VI FAJRJJANKiri. JR., bestowed upaon Ilm, aud te announue tIsat ho is prepered té condUct sales eithor jpu Town orCounty n et T450,&ldsrates. . rangemefnts for saleneau.n be madeo cuer'et tlie:CUUNorLEcc.aOflec, or nt rmy own îofficé, ]3rocek Street, Whitby. OEOl(URGuGUItLEY, jSÇERCHANT, TAILOIt, OTHIM n, ....Clothier,- Oshawa, Gentlemen's gar- monts madle up la the boat style, amd latent lesbien. A lino stock of Cltse rom i ch tu meke e slection for C.iutzce' sununer nuits. L anud Jalîaes-, Green ts-et, Wliitb-. les-go quantlty Ã"ai sUkindi of înmb4i-"dsat uet tl n baudl. '- * NDEBTAINIG.-fuss i ly rssy-. plieS anti attopticcion short tiotle,,eomnsfiu iaspb aaustantlyoi baud. s9tLi- on libéral i1cmn.. ' M ~ ONEY eTO LEND.j Tke underoigued hbxun @,y ta Leud uponFVar'Cp orTv'utý Ã"ery at u uUly Low Pqte'f i Itet 'Loans cen ho repald i lutin tost a' rowerii. . Severel Improve I Fermsawlanti W14Lxk45 for sale clseup. , Investmnts, miiMuhçi a,lDebon. ]3ank, and otîser marketetboStcs ' f u rs léta th CEOerIe Dominion JieiJ., 1me. bMillÀu's Drpck St., Wlitb'y. 13pril gth, 1872. 15 WVlstby lirees aand Strin~g ]lide, edeted fo)r 6oh-ces, Ptc.micu, Excursionsi Qua4tiliej Preu, &c., &e., Winl sspply the biset pasc retbet Mue n re4ssonable ternis. r Applications mnuet be Mnadseshclir pàitsos. ______ M1Ily. Thse undersiguecttakei occasioýn ta inforin lis custamers htthe nve 1.1111e, ituatcd on *Lot 22, Zth Con.,, Tp, Uxbrldge, Arce=u w lu faU worUcng ordler,rmud roeity for Cuttlng Lumber in n)nuutity to suit eus. tomners And *lhh punctuclty end despatch. Lunslr-out irons10 t t etlu nleugth. JORN WBIR. Dy'S8 HORSE MEDICINE8.f AnMeriÈtions oftbe 'beet Harse MeiA ciek ênatl n band sudiarsolaet I 350 brp for «advloe, Losses pald in cô=aur hrs-.M ey ly 88,0=10, 898 belng liquldâted as fast e1d'usted withaut déduction. Securi Prompt ;Pa nt and Liberallty in adju ment IM *. sies are the proxinent featU af this weilthy Co= any G. F. C. SMITH, Chief Agent for Dorninic L. FAIRBANKS, Ju., Agent at Wlitby, 01 JO N L. WATKIS, 0F FICIAL ASSIGNE£ JiILFSe>UiIsXul< COUUTrs- AUTON EERf, &4 OFF]ICE-Ia Bigclow's Block, Poi Pes-ry. Pcrt Pas-iy, Pusse 24, 1872. 216 N EW BAlRERY FRIUIT STORE. aiCHlAit 59SNOW ilege lu announce tisaI Is i nawprepare ta supp>' eves-yting is tise0 Bakery and Confeotionery Uiî At hi, aid est, laId>' siccupiatis y Ifs-. CHOICE -FRUIT 0F ALI, KINDc Kel)t constanîl>' au iani, insasmî. ORANGES, LEMONS, SARDINE: LOBSTERS, PRUNES, RAISINS, - CHEESE, TOBACCO. Baxsaisdeive-edi dciiy te customers, auý slhe e-pavi§ions aunt goods tielive-eitu - Cice P y a lai. - - - RICHARD SNOW. TIe.n - itas remavet hie BOO4c~HOESTORE ta tiepreslmadjining-the Western Rotel DunalmeSts-est, W*bity, w-ies-e lie lu no' =ze.=ý-4slcétstock on Isaist. liepais-ing "r JOSEPH A. !3ANDELL. flMN 10-N of r n~*lity tssîtIse>'ha*er e S-oe mn lise prOm, one D y iee5Ie"Y M..susWaliaceî Op4ft-ihs RObson 'Houee, WIssebisey irnat- b>' ligeing novestiin is ,tieir lino siways os , ta be abe ta giva rrAý1Cti =n bâ ut ackedul%"isnt, Wîa g, anti Mixeti 1;d9Uý '0fiJMet, -'g attse lawcst living priées ips- cîïS., Caiitaàllkintis'ol FismurProduce. Tisé unnteoregnc tdess-res ta iuirm hi, friandsuad -petrane, ihat ho ha" agatu s- snmoS businese et 'tise aid WHITBY LIVERY STABLES, Havlng encresedthtIe nonibe-smtid quality ni thouu, eut elso atited toand improvet tisé ceutaiyanees sut vebicles au tise-p-m. iiesoho bpeýqbXbe4in a sposition to meut tIsea tf wutùî ut»aer la nies-il a saeeo -N. li.-Covered conueyances for famies aud ladiles. Prompt ettenatiece, as hereto- fs-e, toalhios-Sers. N., RAY, Propreto-. C. HO IC E ,PPLE T-REES, A 1O U T 20t000, -AT Tes- HOME NUJRSERY, Frs-c 1w-o ta four yemofaiage, embrcig al lieý bçt ss-lotii. Ee4 S re Vsts" s~lu ti der inbu~h i ~ln, Hemloek o~s aiM mn-edu OhfaratnrnONT.,ArUruenc ta nia) wae is sat if I r.Anes therwi ae1dO m'o .rtlf e la d rawpintofm Can onB aS oso?0e, a 'ToMoty.141w 8h2.n d-Ohi for tàiiseaiie pie anpeeniemapeu lgssin s; frenumàie truu aeIasué Th. .Bbionh~as e ,toroT .yrenu o lat.-i .,isor1sndeet cum mdu.-strmeuua1 pu 'T'hosa,' M, lie I lam une lIh i Oh lr aÊeme-tle uportionle II u t èOf M o nttthi's,'ye epet ed ryan' sinsilug; 'but dain n c ,Oh fr asa tnt spoue-' tts lnp o dy a, sd u heebrt-su ufrasIanenaraIdn' xc. aebnsat s udattention. f é"9 neffA T cerngE» .- rrn eeybt asp aisigeti asffocig uen,idn but1h. ery y u e wlatu . ane. I hava cna St ng suduatt=earevonithuptlers. . od l ., uths,, . Il. - dranLig -E u6 , ete i1rtea 0 nsr rosé:he 1o;f her heéyol ofIhe iha i r ota.su-u- xun nuy esiI COMMERCIBAL HorTaLbig dur>b-eged au ymeune thnCongasulsu tTnis.eeae ee f alw e ua fot weew-c w M'heyspk la sspanyOKL.N ~ ?o maT . rye' tiowtisthtee îrousurîi tisiie-ti s t o 10 its ateaie eusly 1 es45 leuztntboepcei o u sy ~ ~ ~ ~ A ot sensCnvu ,ty erreans .. m-aieeowsc ,on - Iis uan yîil ma eaunby .ait nisl V fi et uc s i t, ciBtaer. TMW BX, roonEaTahe. ~1o ~eehaitiof P'devsltrohedta ý1 , ' ci deepenend lise iia l ak ~ Lr, r hnkti xh ýtt1 bu. rty lu quick1y~~~~~~ avU eIsgtremokad hts sChor1dýwa9 wavel g 55e ,'diln a rss1 f laimu rlme enddlyfinI PartboocrilÂr attentions edle l slaXL i ta hidie dcny lemigt ion wrMBioh csaaeriza res M'motrsion,'M 'hu n e sud cn il au * er., w e=usgve. puv,7oný 'OA. Bol~ccmmti 'ln usera *' Teeesu rort nhu itsekn c rn'qtUtet i n a prua tti e ove S' a nI uttis mesee tnwliste n teamo;d s ILa e autttrd edaewlIe nl " a A'ÂE F111 l cl hu isoca ldslry, ofnbepriso sudrw'fau dvolaîin l-s yuremomtbe drwy u tea l acoliquorud ars. Good s etab g itb0 aetsefrnrbThRSbarDan SO Ne Oh Wn au t i i*ë penetac. bAsich or -sandutymo n y eml oruw iit ftseewr theprsuies Chrgs mdeale ae ueqsfld;TBey aa es'l _erke, anery 1wre ict aei Ilyte nul u is astt lin fo uacr uwa senly GRAD RUK 'RAIZWY OTTE, O855r.Hc ior e go hieintenn ortie nwsale. Oul utay .tk shonlrj"ts etwrd u sh Caad Eig ATN srv~T T R À Luae ndev1 L, h7Jn8 prse tto cOusqetyelwea edcu udrs tbofrier a edun oud ýlef t Brythlu ster f ar. cI tis smmr z d utmut< e Is inboctcfun ii'ulrtin-isndnu'oo emzeen e lie lrngasutllu l WM. ONEIL . .PROP MaTO. CLTHE WINER1,u kepugupmucomerprseéihevnsive ,nave tieasiftien cmep;r eols le ualnti1asure mg Tise trutism is, tisaI l3urkogay, wit, uthrr. Tisno sut- Thsaoeanufasbeueel fteduTred,) pTrojoci, thotunlcda c whch oistheilnder thess ïts m and t el a rvn iuifl iesr y y e O m LI, ON T.nawenabetita aceue 11 arersfor isel inconson ili Flu.an ouud b hofatshmmalfanutsa eelie, ud pisespdssgiatisroftis mo 'butrei li uratts'fngrse convesatin wiicl l1 do h - }cutonslYAanti t gndreattentpion.satis-malterbantislowt ibut dihewsvcul Fl i rtc g auge ingJAS. AttAnTve, cd snys Oh frtsrà antonupnil lu uws sinsself a' J .H seslsa' an looklIt T.tl T, ONT. Broci' ha y n sn.c.oIuhav lisemealio.lie c f i e lear lfrin tsexulpp sat u lie Hotiisi.-h - - m ore d e p reja u g ci'aact r. T e os - l y u d dalte nt e islcla h e re n a f p s k n g h m O f; u I poi re y ta thg, W mins«ugrslé. aoet tlsts nde ha hi*,-a. aciy p nt by ts ^ON. of~~ ~of ee f . -.;~, -z~ ecasr cinote<I lt. nd1d t freit,ten>osibym avi ncmreo st ly Byu;'hover i si;aubing lu do lu C. AWS, .PROPRETO. o. ...a - aa c stcfIrlWn, we eyic lou* ebthetin, age into tsesam t deg audaen nor u lever ied l hae-', o wu i a~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ forM TIeobvraI stdls elitc bstenhae2 w e soAny d il ausk, the ail bee ait s crk rwni ta csked h ape hsude e aep.si e , elIm s re Id.u1uu , o i luuqicl Wal. a t ae ssoy Ps1da ts eu b ioevlte fnduslryof sud hent- ncftsaI kii lue, frideda goureouPsh COdsesA.OTL camarfaromse, ud8emateeyu#-----------------h ionjurespcyou -- aI ndhi tIs ba, ateustnpatatatIsesntion . Ul NHA, ay ufebtseatiufpevrilistie eguwTF i sanieh tua Isgprejc ial ltLeMNyourcu-ce;frs Whitb, Fes, ltis,1872 appoac E e auylis Ng il s ce! oiuîspepn hl is e rptitte a ntidi- owis aethr oucl net bU, gerp- i MA N cANai EST E aittONT., 7!BYFi. A LDWELLPROPRIETOR. Pr ery-gryytrtIW rk.a is oen asm rî< Xt-1uen i ro f ts thde, foRo,ôgurde esauld.I-iof a~th a*-te orit, sa T RBerlWoTRrV EE -nileesei e uqir ltossu e lse iilinauty, eif prirlyacug. s-yeian wiistisan ejuos ermto f lie te] lq osa dCNiga.- oo TaIL , wt-en causesfrm r biseto ad Pese eccaeby wh choouodn il. Lels N w hi k f netor s c lOs yadadatnie0 r las Ii S R WC T E S o4 ybn H P E X iserisun detipsgried era mA l..'an O.adsog d-yM ah 1 Id v net- libet e uto read ode h, omncto detsvç eti, iaktse, o utr ro soroua sd etiud, sdgoëlk M..ttnw s i RADTlN P=W YH T E i gur e .OOmCLWSE .W1 S o etceap'hn ia caea H. F'Y Hyserttaeno hienentionesfor te o e'oaas» ut qse tus réaaywtak s éute wheh sle dao - . - -TPHTIYOP,-IO . pl«' y ,~t resani set rans sd atetie ot.es-. <Isanmernd il feslo s s t mtae s$êtofmariu rt ion-tchIie hav e hoti-I n' me wluctilh e mes treamn uin-i on.O THE NEILOB RPRSON HOUTHSE, wiil ocessily' ecsneorelu ik5ithwogi aive fieldai diec h ontl ntre.f he smu- Panti. -' Ta gtrain âlsE T, W FER, RE LB R W T iert cuedd euas orves-ytmn àbs aiafilis a-sw aio i.lat o s rliqve Ise-.' no DUND aveS eltkncaeo hi n alohrknso AéutrlIpe h-Ab teea, Mis-, t ry B rewissog iorprepas leitaton cfa g tenots ero-Th wsee, My tiar grieci e vot a insi eut. retunr. mons wth ll te rcenrilaronme evoparentmllionkd-ns pesaclt- mlt ins-elan ti, tu ha m )hlu ise-a e lobe eret te be is usicin e ti -~~~uini r-c.a- ,".,~." ut ut tnise cieIs-y, de- te-e d snet ofaetinto ar s t a ndo. f yu ier yc'ado r eD a b-thein - tIer Tise poprietr beçeteonesouofe isaI Ie rie ycor peuplelet.candluymentvanti leusor t en - nin mus fa oetbat asL OEti He ulu oT mmcrîy kneno'a (on ofincle eusieon. oau3rseaang wora theptu-esHatlwisenba benrenvaitistisa esind athekode a cno w is pses i-ve sruths,thedismont n orevn hmropi er, ur- pagin BROO LIN ON . nw eabld taexcuteÎÏ1 oreraor aet in c'ues'a inte Fntign on cf bc is et mon. Exs e tionsth ut couse, Led ise adlis-s t i nduel u t yu r ainly O'Y JAnrS.iPOEdaniLiet Lgbruhu, tRP IseT -FA M N IMPudîN ongde lutisecret; ad onitiron et th no ar e inmny, Lof sproakig u t aev er' convesastinon hlb. Il Br ~~~~~~~"~~~~~i bmta tl. Ts rineeaepesul i a de uprovsy, ndti au i nesab e ncuaemtbe e niop i es a 'jserl a d griv e. m erepy. tud il ceaire ai tIse tawousy, and aRauarwaeeOmnibust a matt symatdiayow itstodie awten nty of n o lstts cniin e r- riveme t wlucs ucsibutup n u l fatin n n-UU4 hescooi s ms r ein pert ath i utte nowbliedupai, do at 8fiesehone-t nI et, fo r ca- fmv calsettHtel, NsItise tL ges.for 1h. wisicis, imde, utytentonro i. Ibi oetat aefrmn sya uqsu l4mn brige ntiI Bvetock Se tse oo- ccs- - Xte tisues-;fri e n sat bo ex. elt £rom'Brysu wisose dispositionhwss19ildetuiy, mouu. ItoIst$3 erday, N .'a 4 82. Csathes eteitIa tsco'ieuiifly n ryMi irI îcr elayei~i ttedane. thmeaŽs wll foota iemin l orei nlu Sevemal meth iat ia t , sud gdu it inre sud cisooriln tsh out n ,et l ýD. R. P.CLARK, - ROPRIETOR more Tise noi evil a e t séL- ase h n d atient>ion s wa.heexei et s ifs p eustig lto aiselfrtinlaus, =uyean r1,L, ST iR HaUSE cutoes ht i la rfit n rto-Lýc d .'ittntywiiis-prps-vbaoesue.tseaen norfwgesnc is evsIigletsecnvrato w là- e ia - i DTJNDAS STREES4 wimmruy.~~u W ovrouet ii suunbins ie intere lcst w t h eaulreif dy ates- ti hati. 'ai Cinua ,tsudcmaing-s i l Inn t iseunntieBrsignt,woultiintinsiste hpta es ie utpc1, ar eut y eles se essnguu abl, i e u s t; bthllaf nwhiis were fauntiti onapocia wissts9ovthote bile eOnehuet îse s fo m. crrsed uelyfle sp~nonvi ism cl ouo.NTA I i tnnt;cui fos tsi- n eae r Ooctei. go O lne hng ee cdBetiiLiquox ati as .-'i aaiiTisesa Wiseeyard.<rare tre C- aUeà y a eluebancey ii n l icasnd mu e on-m e uVke iftliltiy, ssitiFet etage Hy e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 rn halsaleantartthe.lisss-ters almnoby aîmlpwew-l ghvar.g'uaaimee wtîmccof mac acthey atvessaîle. a bIsi g usinufctuetilu iseDoninsn. l adlimar is-eesretin, iceinucisa anpose i tiesproslteanetnsubaudi e ta t wrpsnh ns es- m en., c tosn ohtaiss-it by atdreaeigis piieentfilerled eiau tse m.o,'rdte fst ssmtslgas-yuaet]esnt a lxls én mn --TN,'Ae : C., elilical ces-sopts Ion , i i e sîape et îtl nilbeeSso-d slde ie iat Citn -aîsni DOAN yISN auPOiJT. - Prt er-, tsfet y îsiin fanhie îi0aole oil cost te Le. rovo ore sr, wisu eray a uld ýI n ot have un otd i Mas-ehST,,WH1, l . 51'r -1 - a-cua u u t ievr -se, t nt e atths es-ica nwo-ise jeecenlat Issut pa eertîs u id nt tie uble enealy msa li las cu ti - - -~ - -- - -theidi lad oto is r etra i o, cf tse -scs lb s s ntiw-bu o r l t s be t 2' - -. - -nit o btrl d-bs irr N WIIepraueitAesapoierdtonrdI vrùe 'bsr. awioe lsPSR VlaO fA2i 1M1ou1ty1by1o ery cutbmes- i ea nes e oilin u pace .' Ne 'tse mimi.TID A n E S fl E OR N) 1- 1 1 f inee n<L at i re a d e tis tshsesbIsse Ie ihs- nadcrpelu arelartongze, * ilgi'msuee I d' rosti rn u; f Teibas-oi sta d ot aIs e btet c e as-e oel se ispoit e. es- ie « ene-ai'um aues ieoan ueyuliea out l;bu ro ne fite ubad eae d 'throuu, d V5lN. as&t 29,m lai t ise ttheIe, as to'.map, thl e -'ieengl n bocai hreise d ptied lheasie frtis ae npralu sai n e ffect. ng aveno a M ttbrid'ng firithel1 iliseeneeesinryaigopinion.etetiseyw-uo ouis etîhietwof listheNo.o7.... bis18voies,'2sudnsuxtensivepeutise' muneyonev - as-mue ewrnyma e, u-ta el licaalogesc ri ieace.lsrei a e iserndsi sd mreinl Asd mera taratimy ta fs-tn tsam teOui Lon onNDhenetises-s bause etplemigralon le lJ&>p 'y e hie cuses, th nan ereost twyuenCw-gle- ay aamasIss the ar. twonisy enfli leis lela n il cJespNs the g ~ ~ ~ l luoe Dpatned' sdtatIaafm the-~iasm excaîlouing Z. im s lley t aita being wtiseu ye kuw iaayu urfliss ifterifor li alterla0el ylce antii 5hjstkcrgo-. inS gra tly drivler. theieaglisbewarda e ts ulau ar e nn~tefs h e crry te -~ j - "-.~ Atas g estoc aiPaue Goaa cui J'we1- - itahs tis ia5e f hi rlea coS- it c cl s e tth es- Bs itymeanfd d sis o eer' pi»' o int ffe--ora-csrry --' -- -' s-, AstSciaiFIACTUE D AT T -'éslecand -i souen enw- y eai . . , ietlio er Iof h a e nt, cou e a nu e. oruu asa i l ot k o ursaeif , si if l MANCHESTERLINT., M Aiuded, inaue n d os- tie p-ieipniiie sm-aoit ni ren uoxpdt i e sume esyeboti t;frI y u asse unit - G ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ B k St~ R oulis ci-bi e C brb ulcleco u n try J ett iig g e u ra l oy n g;yatisse . t js sm al ter o t h e q l e sssaie< a n disu - m , a i u î I s d m f b u i e d s h -ftagesta andfrom MiiAiys-Il d-24, 1872 ce>proVest i ut rats-js e lîo l' tl ec- ks ome ____ Ps irt pnpejdc. W7lf liuve Co arassing epps- s7 »evy 0=0 ~ameWAY. os- cà oi wioeàîfas i ab~l,. 1ibe"pul ouI, not- havei IIlaeCbans- oves .mosingai ut - 7. 00-; - F a oe Ode Q, friRoclheser, cou- 1:11 AL-. -' Vf,,attis-é'erisi onîdl' lsiolinu leÉoirevy the5 sadat'h mny wosen-n ic 'n ouecân4 a witohalwas ÉAvainbd 1 Wub itla cIl.-ne<c- impfr roisehei yrydaensu ewilspto u--u-mtinexste'Çis- p ai otl4u«0tsWs. vtin i sl xeli! buinth,,ér#w_.bNew YUilpllm'Centraly 'yau'si ie- fo re URNNGI~eselete Prtai Ut25,Lu cssWet iiihnk ust yo t-ý'ell5É Wut-s-e - onsblo 6551eM b- a-daman therent lises- lissî sasise'a nà - w.ngo a n S - N e w c s sW e s t a n1eP a - t H W ea s tcu l u u g 4 2 e s r é " '- i ~t t e m p s b l e t e ' oMt - u t f a d ost e v e ls - a , ~ ~ h l . W I l l i e m s I e u t s y w y ~i s s u ' é S y ; a * h i b y O i s a w a ,kDs - l i g t o nn »P ô l il0 S0k a n ' a u ' 4 1 1 1 1 y u u w ia n $ . i d s te e t i o I t e . a c e e d , Mx, p8o l éffast-sIsy , ; trs 9 e Éeltvsu2p.mfre g p<cs19 s l< take é toesecb-44' , su'osyn'sat i ftior orniala s uc uiv eaoxreseti. 'likt ]\mL KD RALW Y F AN DA -ce nilas pcu4dtdè Itcw-yn'e tvorie f ndetbie -soe ens-utliei da- mun T I E T B E.. " els ian, ' aulr " lai; foTe luti m u wi ss wn lgetssnl to the.isw n peis y -w- 1 Ou anti simes-saucicy, Kav.IntIa, trainse P tr"âýe iser 9do - dtase --I . Tu bcMs a seiomu cur b lais ateaetall tBih Ã" arkHMand cnj rôud bt I ;Pfblâl t sýI >-t h ave yu'e rgi f hoa b ; inirO ujotflyus npeee ilnuo.b Hopedepa i.918rd, . s'-M9 -h-accos-tinqly en Tüedy; itoié11 - ie su _nuubecics' ut- tls-eiisrughyWinhoI Par Hpe desr -- 8 0, . s. oîi ibula iI'a ly .CA14 àr , . , --ecs , p'csIas a l t sîàliî141Wi ae M ay t Ètysha waDarîs.n, - -y- Strn on$ s-si 'IU" t a s uuwh n s hineI' o w M ailla fi- oe- LandNewcarrie.....onuse, p. su.0MASm 'MrT4S On eaoÉiis # lng t ;hess$'e Bh n i alsihne epet I u o atfslu-rtDealersa usineS lilsilomi witluauMIL jf .ý f.aLd ~c ~ 7 ~ o s ur st ~ ~ a - -nIt' -alô e's i n- 5 en t u r e, q ot .a rras, yôu ik ' ch a t diest. . . .2 .smre <macle-lbany; ZaiMW hehb3ý*euly 24, 1871w- 2b queut: e - une site,-sut uf.édpchie sud,'I bé L L' ,h ro s i1 ieve.I orBtop, e, Als-ive .7on...0 - - ' -aâ. feelig us4h. fuorisneiaugaagen -pliitIc ulyls.' eôu gTe 'r Most SupI. ai-Trains, b utanB rack Cottagetaa-ing auglelabure, (if w-e Topuebse o bi fr v yass 5 satsof<la oiduc c C o enreS*. audtiT aitciumdsto"aieCi t eu'wUs a ari a id e ~rhasû ti r, ovln, 'MSo ,fo h 'ateeirtlsub of prt i ~18,~ ~ -iseh ave ProtCedis pvelyutUs ine-u row-heüre ae,.Bycyrue of w e yuther faUter f O is i ont .TTwxeIipCaMNs-humer cuns-L udEa 6a d ll , eult,- bis sud o £ oeld 00lo Widpslis s; N oer w-aes bintes- i- l's U a11tyiTssse me nves- FARE ELL ~ ludapuabltill w-llb givn bleindeente~, ~ *mi gmandîlixer? . apport May tim t812.rival sacs s-fue ème, ustima-*ryânua liatinau byeuppo as yewae' sus' fn bue jiuu ba es-tiai s Mtais' dlu anet fais-i ta Vara u. M faIrýrIwas rmgbit ' 's'it as fooaiseiomfsetpt my w-lm aps à a'geaa' expérience. oha, 5no, -tisa auD'a isonesl-tuore ccn<t be su>' mise tke àhoût il.' Prom tis tepic Se cou olt ullelps-e. aisting, ag o 0pus-ueS biswa>'haine, biste iits he bcd receives w-ils reg. fet te.H1yey Bute's enaity bowss-d us, the ceuse of w-lîie scoulaiaot sarly u1isitaat. iycy Borts ,lad agénéral, lise'..cismrcte- ut beiug ,a 'neos-ss, dassiasg ycung teilow, with a fassît unless s isposition ta gallan. ry as a lisaagistesInclination -for xtlavsgance ; tf oScS %,r-sbisegessîle msws la w-i1ciuhabits et seduction ani i usisersipulcus; profiigacy lu tise ex cdmture of moue>', wes-e clolti dby' lose w-ho et cnce Ileeceti ncn espisei ns, but wiso wose noineous ceugl ) isprasatisocpinsians upea a great mise- cf tise people. 'iutou-niug ove- tatters mas Usey shotbetweas benw, a- cula trace Borte's enit>' lu ne ýequseiacausse:; no- indeet coulaiho leeit possible IbaI hoenetertainei My suels inircerate feeling et bcsiility ,aitet inm. Tlîey isat of labté.fre- c et>'met, on w-bih occasion Hycy stke ta linaw-stisnecrl>' asmucis cor- illi>' as eue-., Stîllisow-euer ho couli )t ltagether free--simeolt frosu a con-. 'lion, tist aiLtis Chute» cnt -Petser-. age -muaI bairejsa unquestionableý '6=dguforUselis w-hichtse>' land' sucs a trièndi>'w-y bisrawn, ontte In Ibis muet ie w-es ps-ceedlugt oen ise isard tise nuise ct.hurses test aint, sutdlu a fe- milntes Hyc usd1.f sutd yung Clhaton oves-oc s at ai 'pit Pace. Tbeir eves-- sn w-asTieutly as usuel, w-heu Brysu Seiug Hycy about-ta disais off attse serapitis-ste, sait, 'Ifyô'useoiuu ýarticula- Iîsry, Hycy, J'a w-isiî te 'Ã" e-%o w-esaw-itl ycu.ï> Thec latter' imàmnedialel>'- poilaS p, DlIing, 'A -us-t, Brydu 1 a>', aisun- >d-crtaii>'.. Clintan, s-ode -on a iwl youý?till I. havé oine couve- ,o w-thýM'Mahon. Well, Bryau?' Flycy,'pocccdeti Bryaa, 'I alws>'s eu bu ne buv-bmurd. Will'ou alaw le cet yoo haeve au>'bat feeling iistme V 9 WVil yoil acswer me enubiser ques- '2Lwp3i&H ic fryauL bisou, whytoyou ast mêmehis chtou 'Bryan?' Fo crn> 0wn satisfaction, sait iy Vdil, bîen, replieil -Hyt>', -I'I will mr >'ommuaost c l', Brycu-not siiglste.t; but I do assume yau lisait bugist yen isat SocS a feeling int me.'- &,t 'ostwus- igist tua,'retornet ra; 'tus-I s-eil>' bcd.' remember,' proceeticti ycy, 'usai Bn I estet you lu lent unie iis-y- Speunde-and thélsewa>' lhst s- Ies me IlîcI I cm sil ps-elty.deopi>' sur debt--you w-cuit neiias lent s- givue s stistactery reason why m etuseti me; now, w-hat eccasionet feeling, Bryass?' [Va b>'th Usersest, chance tisaI I hap- eteave tise ceuse cf -litn su>' ket,' replieti M'Maheu, W-bu,si le ke, hand et hum lise lise lette- w-lish ty Dissmbatil dlired bo- iifroni ?y hisslf. -Rcat- tisaI,' safit Ise, I liik:yols'llisaene greal trouble sdlsorstauiing w-lu>' I 1h11as I dit;- aluteet, -Hycy ttell yeoulise al I noer bbis e saine pini-ne siîuee.' >' , to lhie 011cr amaze- t, s-est 4 fows: DEAR MISCÂVAsAeI.- ll yen permit'libile Cupiti, tise-1 if love, toenrol thse mime of Hy-cy .e On Use long lis!tycfs- atas-res-a? if yoss conit cos-rupt lise UtIle. -blinti ,dm~ist>' te blet cut, evsry a u n r i l ys I u > w n , I h o u l t i i n k a &e> 1speme anticipation of 9Ys 'Ã"t iiliecoula Le realized, bah deligstll&tet. Is'Saisaticipa- -for-mu>' creodt a tUe' actuei l Of- Paralise oxist nowhe-e butl witli. ie elestiel circle cf sr'ambrôs'lal,* 9Thalle the.Paradse whicsî1-îels in; anti yuu'msy resl seus-etIhal < sU bs-ing tise magst fiemuimgxegl,- .ç the os sfervént dévetion,' sud aUl1 enuine- pietý of s tris. wcsslipps- lest- o0 'slting~t taaI adfadllà. ,-for liss4sce s littio ýBible 6f1lcoe rY poetet-fo-î I arn ireqkdy adi dtie Cu ii efre e 0u I~ ~$i i t Sil s d t c - a r e d 'ass o f o l i uni>' e talo. ?hu1 atI s-or tia DI a ,- s-ovo-' o Lý i ltwOrgeit 555<r 14' blii lr-e for I lues-self. Yen - woré - isfaten lsere, -t Ahoagh. It 'Sso 18 not a girl ta bL sinbuggei, I -grant, Brysu-ve->'fer fs-cm il, ludeet; sud no-issI yen uais Re outerbanal > 089h other 1- w-il go fertse- ir'bu'th 0yen- sates, anti a>, bisaI I regret Issu- s- iug wriften iuch aletter tu such au ad le murable young w-oumai s ie is. Te It tell>OU tise truIs, Bs->'in< I shall hait 19ens-y you lise jossosss- pfsucs a wife.' a'As tthat, repliedthbie uthesîmillng- a 'wc'll teepssever miudinký-but yen -harespotea foin>' and iastly on tse or oubject oethe hettie-, an' I'in hauttul e ta you; stili, Hyey, you haven'l su- IÃŽ sw-eret* my fsel question-=have yen eany lU feeling egainsl me?2' Y'Neiiseoe northdstlsie. I pletige -my isonoor antiwos-cl I havé ucfêl s- jùg against Yen, anor au>' designs lu lu- kjure Ycsi'- 'Tisal's eonoogu, H>'e,'- replieS hie cusupaicu;II tiint 'm bauni ta ho- lieve your w-esi.' i - L. 'Yar se, flryen; ýbut wlU you eilow me te est if àLn>' ans ove-toli yan that I bat-ani if sa, w-ha w-es Use pcaeu?' 'II's enoogis for you la tuowu,' sait rBrysu, lluat w-ioeuas- taulti il te use I dcn'h bolfeve il.'- II certailul>'alee.a sighb lu tunow, re- tus-net Hyey ; -buItishe metter s- l se, sut cvery ,wa>' -ufountel, 11I nul prue eyu uponil i-ai I eau us>' le sabidy> yen j, israt have sait already-tbat ente-tain no M 1wilLo- unfriently feel- ing tew-istyens,catil coneqoutl>', eau have no ces-tîsi ntentioofetdeing yen su injury ex-en if I cduld, eltsaunt a rtIse Inps-et imoment I adont see how, eoven if I w-as Wiliug.' 'Yen Ihaue noting psiriula- bise yao'tw-hishtetce>' buamua'? 'No. dcvii a syllauile.' No- a pruposal of sas>' tind.tae e ta me?'T Hycy pulletp isis-s -- s-Brya, m>' eoti frienal, lot m n ie bu at yo,' he exclimed. 'leil irigut te- have you aI large ? BMy'%ord anti hon- cOur I'm be . msing bu fesr tIsaI Iisere'i; aimlltn] w-s-ng wtis yens-upper 'Neye- iti.' repliet lirysi, lauga- ing 'Im satsfi e-the ,Iislg'e a mis- itck-o tisera us> haut te yeu, Hycy- I've au suspicion oet tise Lint sgalit - Ou-au 4 lit'a att s-sghl'- "Wstproposali l laun's name cusiSI. have ta makta teyez?' cx- uclaimet HIYCY. 'Tier ne, econlin.net i irymn, *f5a- w-jl dao citu tI sayn Iwas satisfelid? Méocanîow, an<l ove-cie yens- fs-bain -,>'tise lV ira>'1 a sfRue larsemsan tlay 'Ver>'few baller,' saitdl'-v; 'liot saine-he-e are-cnt ene I iuntcrW-Iio h ha!1 ha!1 Geet-Lye, B3syan, auidi doîi't Le madie a fool of fos- uatliiug.' H Br-va otei anti Isgîe, andi Hyey tasiton te oves-l itels friand (s-o: E (IONTîNUEn.) Cueîubsmru.-Phiorplcse isae-nahssr al>' eus-bous; bot neye- ditsa plsopher- psosiscoriosity s0 as-ar as nid M. tale l Contamine, lime Frenchs matsamaticas. tsangleexamne losely', anti wit> is ewn eyes, aU bise mations of c muan ;ne-Oing satiecthir)y'torture, lie "I sf sied,'ý stse F-cachavse it, ai tise exécution et Damien, lise w-olt-be as- sassirut Louis X«V,wmo w-nsles-nsa- derýpie.meal Lyrset-liai pines.,He accus-inghy pushet hie w-e>' mb .tise suse- spaceeees-s'pt for tise es-ruinai cndthes executionîrs. Some ofthtis guarie hjiiig endeevo-etita preveul hlm; lie eiet oxecutioesss, te w-hemlie was weUtksowu, sai te 0tse seldiers " Let moasie- alane1, hinaunamateur."t Wisçaeeu-la lsiWtet s frisasi, ho wuil empo,y lis lime in lnspcting cuti bcnting eues-y as-liche'in bie apal-Imeut -- anti rmmgiug the cupisoarde aut îlrawers. One ae>, being at Chante- loup, lisetheatudy>'of M. te Chociseul, tise prime Mfinite-oft Louis XV., aI the tlme of Ue arrivai cof Ue èlettes sud loptises, Ia Conlasisne,' turing tise mcmenlary -benecfhe MinL;e-, ont himseht towssquietl' cutibegan ta open the lobtera on Use table, aume et s'bich depbtoe - trestet e thlie cotst tees-el iiutes-este cf tse tifes-ont States of Europe. "Ah, mônebeur t"'éee M. tle Cisois- eul, inrburior>-ttwhaî are, ycu about?2 Itan as-p Opsiiin mýy lslts -s' Pcai l'a ts*olhWgat ail," repliéS' is svisie-, m ilh ýtis- utuosl unconem»; 1w-as ouhylÃ"Iokingta seceif Uses-o w-es u>' ae nParis." TÀs muosuix uOF- LauxaBymn-Au ex- - CWsais19 "'üisat, man>' 'ears aga, s Ome"ksise-riii& a~aUai wn neiar.Bans- aouts, but cf boer sas-s ago qent d. C,'"~ .y , e r l e~ W h d v e r t a e r

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