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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Aug 1872, p. 4

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[ ps wS, b. ui.d for au Blod oroms. staioln....... ..-............#4 #8 2 M snils ...... .......... 4 8 2 TIres year old uaire Colt ...4 8 2 di d PFlIly...... 48 2 Two year old etr Coti ... 4 8 2 0zý year old entireColt .... 4 2 Holse0 .............. 8-2 Ho Cltof.....4 8 2 Fflly "......48 2 5ADDLX OU 5051>nouES. ...........l............4 a 2 audPii..... ....... 4 82 Twoeyar old-entire Colt... 4 S 2 dé FI66. 4 8 2 To ear.old etraColt... 4 5-2 " p "F1 1'........4 8 2 O rC nrColt7 .... 4 8 2 Pairo! arna .rse. 4 8 2 Hos ço oHerse 1 haeu 4 8 2 laHorse..."..... ..... 48a2 Ftle f......-Hos.......4 8 2 BZare sud Og al...........4 83f/2 ire ar os tir..... C...lt.. 4 a8'2 y ..r..d..tir. Cl.........4 8 2 MacadFl'....... .4 82 OuaO year old etire Cot 4 8 2 " i 66Filly........48 2 iwo r Clof1871....l.....4 8 2 1il66',"" - Y.......48 2 Pair eai rer Puarolt.,Herses :4 8 2 .ta44lCn...................4 8 2 Mare niosi 11 ............4 8 2 Til iaerod etie l.......4 8 2 F111>'.rlPupoo ong4 8.2 Maro erad atir.. Clt........4 8 2 Oaare year old entire Colt ...4 8 2 66 "6 Fil'..........4 8. 2 Hotu oene Colt o181....... 4 8 2 Fi ' 46" il....... 4 8 2 Pair I)rsuglat Hommes -. ....4 8 2 TIIOROUGH BBED. Bull .........................4 Tao ar aid Bull...........4 Ycalig Bull................ Bulml Calf............. 4 MilcIa Cow, giving mllk or in cal! .....................4 17îîree ycam-old Coa-. ..........4 'r Mîyar nId Ifaifer ...... 4 Yýèaarliia Ififer..........4 iléifar Cal! ............ 4 ýMilclm Cea-, Cînadian Bred ... 4- Tlîrec year 01< Cea- do ... 4 Ta-o year old Heifr-de ... 4 Ycarliug Heifer de ... 4 iavoau Bull........ .........4 ýTa-o Yaar clii Bull . 4 - Yarlimag Bull ............... 4 Bull Jaîf .................4 Imileîm Cea-, givuig milk or lu caîf ............ ... ....4 'Ihrce ycar eid Cea-...... 4 Twvo year nid Heifer......4 Ycarlilag Heifer .............4 lIlifer Caîf ,............i... 4 -GRSADJE. .Xiiclm.Co, gviag ailk or in .........................4 lirnyea1rold Cea-...... 4 TWO Yeiîr Old Heifer...... 4 Ycariiug l Iifar ............4 1-Ieifer Caîf .. ................ 4 AYatSHIasm. 8 $2 8 2 812 8 2 8 2 812 8 2 8 2 8 2 12 12 12 12 12 B 2 12 ï 2 3 2 3 2 2 -2 2 2 2 f f f 8 8 8 8 8 8 zw ...................... . ............. ..... ôi .......................... Bée samle Stilton Chom. lIest hWo ole hn4 U bntter lame$gÃ"& rd .................. -Clams VIII-Poultry., pairflack8,paniih. ....... ..0e» Ga anFow .. ...........o1 àBantaim................ SOc ~'Dorking, White ..........1 WC Uamburg.......... 1 .0 "Polaud,.................... "Cochsin Chias......... oc. "1Pas owi ................ so idAnyý,other.variai> . 1 Soc 'WSGTunk>'.......... 10 iG...., large.b..ed ..... c id Wl ucIca................1.. 0M idCanar>' fluds ............ 50 Pigeens, beat collection,..... 1 50c Guinea FQwl .................. 50c Bost lot of Pouitry li oepa owned b>' exhihiter, ds tinct freni aUl ther en-' trias............. ......... 2 1 Clas. IX-Farm Implements. -i Beaper, an>' kind.........$6 $4 $ Mowiue. -Machine-...........0 4 Threalnng Machine.*.......... 6 4 Waggon, (ta-ehorse teani)... 4 do -(twa ihorse, «apringr muarket) .................. 4 8 Two Herse Carringe.4 One Horse, do..........4 8 à- 6" léwith top ...4 8 d 66 -"l without top 4 8 Twvo Herse Sleigis......4 8 Ona herse Bjeigh ............. 4 8 Iron Plough .................. 4 8 Pogayohrkn.....43cDouble mould-bosrd Plougli... 4 8 .ýoý; .........4 f8 5 Set o Hraes, wood .....4 8 de de iron ... .. 4 3 Twe hoeeCultivater..... 4 3 Ta-o herse Baller....m......... 4 8 GaugPlougll .................. 4 8f Grain Drilli.................. 4 3 Strassr Cuiter, for herse power. 4 3 ComuSheller ...à............... 20-I ,Oua-hersa Cultivstor ......... 2 1 Btraw Cutter, worked by hýand 8 92 i Horse Bake..... ... ....la 2 i Pea Harvester....... ....8 2 1 Lianiug MiR ...............8 2 1 Set of Draining Tools......8a 2 ý1 Cider MIII sud Pressa.......8 2 1 Ohease Preas.................. 2 1 Washiug Machiaea............ 2 1 ruruip Slcer ................. Chsur.... ........ iran Cualer........2 1 ruaf aoyen ha>'feka 2 1 Elf dozen manure forks.2 1 EHalf dozeu steel Hoas......2 1 Ila1! dlozen Scythses ..........2 1 Spiuuiug Wheel ............. 1.50 1 F'ara Gate ................1.50 1 Spacituen af DruiniugTile ..8.00 2 ipecinien horse shoes with caulis ............ ...... 1.50 1 Spaciuien herse slxoas withaiît ' u --.. *...... ......5 1 Specimen cf -Pumpmaker's wcrk.............. .......1.50 1 Itl....I.................. ... 4 8 2 Class X-Horticultural De- Two yer ldlBull ............ 4 8 2, .erigBl .....à......4 382 pas tment. Bll Calf .................... 4 8 2 12 table Appias, sumnier, nmi- Milcia Cow, giving milk or i ed....................... 1si oc0 .calf ................... 4 8 2 12 <Doking Apples, aunimer, 'fhreo ycar old Caw.......... 4 f 2 uamed ......... ..........1 50oc Twvo year aid 1Heifer .....4 8 2 12 table Appies, fall, named... 1 50e Yearling Ileifer .. ........... 4 8 2 12 caoking Aypies, faîl, nsmed 1 50c ]I [ifver Calf ................... 4 8 2 12 table Appes, Wvinter, nsmed 1 50e lcttlIard, ta iii 'clurde Bull,aiid 12 cookîgAppes "i oc at Irait 4 feniales, cf any 12 vrei~c Apples, nsmed, breed ................ ...4 8 2 6 of ssci ................ 1 50e L'et l31aîllîy age or brend ... 4 flest dispiay cf Apples, growtli FAT CATTLE cff exîibitor, distinct fromi thse aboya, by A. Farewell 5 3 2 lit <)x or Steer .. ........... 4 8 2. 12 table Pearafall, nsrned ...... c0 Fut Caw or -leifer ........... 4 8 2 12 table Peera, wiuter, named 1 50c Cls I. ho. 12 Pluma, dessert ............. 75e 50c Clans II.-Sheop, Beat collection cf Pluma.....75e 50c LiIisE.12 Peaches .................... 75e 50o liii..........8 12 Quineas....................75o 50c ................... 8$2 81 12 Crab Apples, lar-ge ....75e 50e Slialaaliug RIamn............... 8 2 1 12 Crab Applas, emal ....75e 50e Ilain Liatiaab................... 8 2 1 12 Tomatocs.........75e Soc Two Ewes .................... 8 2 1 Fig Tomatoca......75e 50c Two iSlwarliuag Ewas .......3 2 1 12 rects Beeta......75e Soe Two 1Ewo Lambs ............. 8 2 1 2 clusters Grapea, white, grow%. COTSWOLD undar glass ............. 75e 50o 2 clusters Grapea, blsck, grown Ibtin ........................ 8 2 1 under glass ............. .75e 50e Siicaring Rut ................. 8 2 1 2 clusters Grapes, white, grawai Baai Lambai.....*.............. 8 2 1 in open air................ 75c 50e Two Ewee .... ............... 8 2 1 2 clusters Grimpas, black, grawn Two Shearicg ]'wes .....8 2 1 iu opean air................ 75e 50e Two Ewe Laînbs ............. 8 2 1 Water Melon .................. 75e 5Oc Cottswold, Canitdian bred- Muak Melon, green flashi..75e 50c 11 SlicarlÃŽng Rai........... 8 2 1 Musk Melon, searlet flash ..75e Soc Io w<Les.................... 82 l Citron ......................... 75e 500 Two Shlîarling Ewes ....8 2 1 8 heads Csuiiflower ........... 75e 50e SOUTHDOWN. 8 laeada Caishage, sumnier ..75e 50e 8 heads Cabbsgoe, wixter.75e 50o Riani .. ....................... 8 2 1 8 heads Red Cabbage ....75e t'oc Slicarliig Rani................. 8 2 1 2 Sqnss.....................5e 50e Rin Lsxnb.................... 8 2 1 2 Pumpkius ..........5e 50e Ta-o Ewea .................... 8 8 1 12 table Carrots*.*.......**. 5c 50e Ta-o Slîearling Ewaaý......8 2 1 12 table Turnapa ............. 75e 50e Ta-o Ewe Lambas.............. 8 2 1 Speelimien of Drieui Fruit .... .7 5e 50o FA.T 5ItiEP-,A5Y IEKD. Cauned Fruit and Vege ,es- eheimpest sba t 0 ocf b Ta-o Fat Wetîera ........... 8 2 i rervig ansud kepmg- Ta-o Fat EWea................ 8 2 1 Ur. Paztn'a prize of ...$ 3$ 2 ClauaIV.-S jne. Speelmen of Fruit praaervedl i sugar .................... 5o 50e KMALL BRHED, SUFVOLK, XUpEOviZEU . Specimen o! Fruit. preserved sains A» toszx.without augar .......... 5o 50o aRias àa..E...X ............... ..... .....5e 50e iloar ......................$8 $2 #1 Jar of Piekles'................ 75e 50e $W .......... ........ 1....... 8 2-.1 6OCieimbers ..................5o 50e BorPig 011871. ............ a 2 1 . P:rsnmps .................. 75e 50e sou i.......71............. 82 1 6Pek reOlous,..............5e 50e ou Pieldiug Onions............. 5e 50e .or...... ..........8 2 1 Potaton Onions .............. 75e 50e ]Jar Pigoi'1871 . ........ ... 8 2 1 ô lbsofHRops .............. ,...75o 50a of Sow P1ig cf 1871 ..:.......... 8 2 1 Chickory ................ ...75e 50e FAT RWNE Beat aud gresteat variety of Fat Hog................ ... 2 1 Garden Vegetablea ...$2 $1 Caitoup .......................7550e Tc Claus V. - rain and Soedo. Maple Molases........... . 5 o 50e - - aspiberryVinegar ...........5 o 50e a buahlcs Fal lVlaat .$.... 4 $8'$2 GrapeWmu................ 5e 50eJ 1bushlelsof Spriug Whsat, T. Any other variety cf Wine...5e 50e 1 N~(iisa'prve....12 8 5 Clans XI-Domoitic Manu- W: Ibusiesîs pring Wbent ...4 8 2 8 bushala ]3srley (2 row) .. 4 8 2 factures. 8 btualela flsrley(8 row) .... 48a2 3 huhel Pea, arg . .~8 210yad Full Cloth, home-. 0l bushaels Peasaaia.....4 8 2 a, spun and ove b>' - - I8 bushaI8 Oata, black .... 4 82 1 hlanu .~.$........ 1.50 $1 'il b)ushels-Ostf, white....:" 8 2 1 yards. ul t, factor>'- ta eAirs trnug Cern (S row> ... 2 1 miade........ ,* ... ...... 1.50 1 fiti cars"atrung Corn (12 ra-) ... 2 1 10 yaras Satinet, home 3na115 W 2 bus'helsTimuth Sesi ... . ... 2 1 spun sud wove by bana... 1.50 1 lj< 2 bushels (lever tied. . .......2 10 yards Satinet, factoa7 made 1.50 1 2 bIWmls Alase Clover ....2 1 10 yards Flannel, home niade, N 10 IboSweusîa iTurnifp ... 2 ~spý nsd woe eb>' baud, 15 IJusîzal o Fa od...... Uwooî.. ............. .0 1W 5 lb. Carrait Soed ............. 2 1 10 yards Manuel, home made, l S Ibo Manigold Wurtzel Seed ... 2 1 by baud, cotton warp ..1.50 1Ith. 1 l'981101 liesus................ 2 1 10 yards Flanuzel.futory manda, rom 1 butilai Tares ............... 2 i Ail wooi . ............... 1.50 1 nes 2 nslels Bye, sping. 2 .... - 1 10 y'dâ Flannai,&far>'manda, .- "t 2 bushels Bye, fail.........2...21 cott0à warp ............. 1.50 I PI llarrel oflouf ................ 8 2 10 yards plaid Flannel.1.. ...50 1 n" Batrrel Of Fleur froan Spriug 10 yards woolen Carp)et,..1.50 1 ami WVhent ................... 8 2 10 ylds Rag Carpet,cotton wsrp 1.50 1 ie Barrai of Ostals............ 2 10 wooleu 'v5rp 1.50 1 jac Of CoriMeal ........... 8 2 Pair Woolen Bisuketa, home ma ~de .....B.......t....f.ct.r..1.50 1 made.,O....ma .................1.50 1 libneîîelspotatooa eari, .8150 .1 600 Pair Herse Biaukets ......1.50 1 busel P OtâtGeO, by 1.50 1 50e Coverlet, lieav .>' e ... ........50 1 mots of Trilps, byCeverlet, light,................50 I Jamicîsyton ......0 $2 $1 Shphrd'laeid .......... ...-0 1 -m 1i20teo MangoIdWurtzl o.o Stockiaiga ....7 76obo0et <, .ed.......... .. I Bocks,.. ........ 7 5o anu ellea- XsIOWdo.. ýô0 1 No II"Cotton Stoaking .7 5 e 50é o 1 ..........ur . *, 65eNôTor 2 2 i -2 -2 Clase XIII-Fine Arts. Oi Paintingiandscape,...$2 ou $1 66 aummals..... 2 Ou 1j .6 an>' subjeet... 2 Ou 1 Waler colored landacape... 2 ou 1 animais.... 2 Ou j an>'. subjet ... 2 00 i Velvet Painting .............1 50 1 Paneil, figura suljeets.... 1 l50 r Peneil druaing, au>' subjeet.'1 5o 1 Crayon draa-ing, animais ...1 50 1 Ce au>' subjeet. 1 50 1 - loed Crayon, au>' subjeot. 1 50 1 azniaIis... 150 1 l'asi Painting.............. 1 50 1 Orumnan i anauhip... 150 1 Mapping.....................1 50 i Collect-ion of Ambrotypas sud Photo«graphs ... .. 1 Photegrspiiic Portiti, finish- d in OÃœ ...............80 2 Pastel Painting.............. 1 50 j Clas XIV- Leather & Le'ath- er Work. lPair Flue Bh; .............2 $ Pair, Coarsa Boots .......i. Amssrimant e! boots amui Shca- iauker's work .......... i Set of Farm Harnes......... "Carniage liarnes........ 66Single Ilanîcs .......... sadulae.... .... ................ ii2 i Sida Saddla ... .............8 2 1 Pair iscavy>' Horse Coilurs... a 2i Travelling Truak ............. 1.5)o Sida Sole* Lestiser ........... 1.50 i Sidc Upper Leaflier, Cowidde. 1.50) 1 Cadl Lather.....ie.........1.510 i Clatis XV-Miscellanenus. c 100 1 00 ' 00 1 00 1 00. 1 00 1 00 1 00 1.001 1 00 1 00 1-00 1 oo~ 1 00 1 00 1-00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 75 75 75 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 0 1 00 1 00 L 00 50 100 1 (0 Pa.................. 4 CO #2 Scuptue n Mrb3.3 00 2 19 Ibs Houa>'in Cemi . i..... 5 0 1 Becs' Wax.,................... 1 50 1 10 lb, Honey-strained......i1 [)0 1 10 lbs Mapla'sugr- .......... 1 51) i Two boavasd of Bread . i......150 i Collection cf Cciufeetionery ... i 50 i1 Bouquet o!f lea-era, table...1 ) o1 . .6 - 6 isaud ..1 50 1 Latter Preas Printing. ....... i Collection o! Edge Tools.i....150 1 T-o Axýs....................0 i Panai Duer ...... .......... 1 5o i Wiaidow. Sasîa. .............. 1 51) i W'indoa- Blinda ............. 1 50 i Gruiuiag ina Wood ........... 1 50 i Bee Hiva,.................... 15C 1 Tuillors' Workdý ............. 1 5Ci Uphaisierer's Work-.i ....150 i Specimen e! Timm,;aitlias Work. i 5(j 1 Beat collection o! Cooper'. work 1 50 i Sawing Machine ........... ... 3 2 1 Floral Design ..a .............1.0 MUSIC.-Tara a-ill hea abaud of Mlusiaciangagod - dnripg lise exhibition, b>th ile oanittea îavlug tise arrange- ments o! ihat daparntut in charge. -HANCERY SALE OF -i Wbiib Hariar Oopaa, a abon- -W.A. LàW, seetar? suna Treai WV]laiy, Jul> 4,1872., 5 T he a iove m eetin ' j st ou t ,1872. IV W.Lw, .ai .d...e........ 1 DU Crotehet work Cutr 811 Quit..... ....... 1 60 Fanc e>'Nt4ig. , .......5eO. FroueKlti - 50 1 Cretchet ..er..........i1501 Tattzng...... ......... 1W Applique Work........ ý mbroider>' ou Mulin ... 1 501 -'lo, Lace.-150 66 in Silk....... iWow td..1 501 I, on -Cotto"..15601 Raad Berlilu ooj work 1 5o0 Gn1are~vAk. 50 1 Cei.work....... .. 1 501 Mexiesu needie ýwwork-...1 -501 Or=mhital iýa.1l work 1 501 Specieëeno!Braiding.,,.ýi501 O uitag 1 501 - ead wprk.,. 1 501 Best collection e! Lady'. -Uudarcletblig made- by hand,.............-150o -64 46by machine i15o0 Worked Slippars.....1 50 Sofa Plew ...... .. 1 501 Toilai Set ....i.:.........1 »Ou Cotton Tidy. ............i1 00 Woeleu ..."......i oo 0 Braided Il......... 1 Ou Workad Camp chair.... 1 o0 Camp Btole.............. 1 o Ottoman . . 1 Ou wax Fruit.......1 501 Wax Fees......1 501 wax Sheila....... .......1 50 1 Wax Lims ............1 50 1 Paper Flea-ers, .......... 1 501 HAiir Flea-ers............ 1 50 -1 Featiser Ficaers...... 1 5o 1 Zepisyr Moeaers..........1 50 1 Fane>'Basket_ë......... 150 1 Wall basket .............. 1 Ou Greclan Lamp............. 75 I*mp bMat .................76 Fane>' table mat .........1 00 Faucy iesiher work. i ,. 1 50 1 Bustie work............i 0I Coue work ..............i1 50 1 -Canadian Striaw Hat... 1 00 Farmer's Wreath ..i....150 I Hlair Jea-eliry ............1 50 1 T. LAWLER, Importer and Dealer iii alt kinda oi FamlIy Groceries, Pure Wl, PURE SPIRIrS, CROCRERY, CHINA, GLASSWARE, CHEQIJERED ST-ORE, BIOC]t STBXar. Wlaitby, -Ma>'1872. p ORT WHITBY &.PORT PEIUIY R. Rt. T. IlllfE - 'r A 1l L E. rakes affect u Satni-diy, Jane is, t87! Trains Going Nîrttr. Mai]. -Mx .Wlritthy Juur-ctiîr, i9OUa.ir.. 7 30 p,, whlry 9 107 i.rn. i7 37'l Brooklit,r,9' 29 alîri 7 59J p.ý 5umaiuit~* -lr 1 3 u. 1-1p.] Prine -A1lbesrt, 10 21 5rr.1 51m- Port l'n,(airra r') ff10 ra.'J O00~ Traitn Uîiug -îuir. 4ai .il l'ort Perry, liîl(i-art.i 611 lic.i X -, 1 p P-s--Atir-ri, é; W a.m 239 P., Maiiehu-omter, li 18 a.ii; 2 48 p.î. snmxriliC f,28 aur .2 .58 P.1 my-rtle* f; -1 acm. 3 Ilp. B.roo]tliii, 7 01 am. ;m 81 Whitby. 7 23 arn. J 153 p.î WlîitbY Juirci i-a, arr.> -7 lO a. 4 Ou p.1) *I'laf'rui St iwsrainî stnp r.n sign, Ualy. AS. DRYDLN, . R. KIM]3ALLL, i'resierif.Geai. Sup VALUABLE FARMS, 'One milefrem ta-n cf Wisitby, Will 1,. seld, ipunaisant te decrea lunfis. suit of Long vs.-Liviagtona, in September aixt, tise nos-tIi150 acres cf lct 82, in jat onession cf Toiwusbip cf Wifiy, in tisa Couuty cf Ontari o; sud the nants iW acres Of lot 8 iatisa ad concession. An al7ertisemeuf ccutaining pantienlars of od il mviih pnblisisad in a faw weeka. SPENCPROSE & MACDONALD, Vanuicn's Solictors. ronoto, 25f la ai, 1872. tf-ai LF ARM4 FOR SALE. In thic lisoncession cf thre Townisip cf ihits>' i utiles wer't nI Broakiu na hun. Ird acre. A1iply f o- neookifaAug. 15, 1872. 3kin.Otari. p HOTOGRAPiIY. Tie rucaa frmely ocetipied by M. NI Uharve in beau cpencd ta h pb icysau operafar, 4r.'0 H N S TO0N, Sac fa thorougsi>'acqnaintad vifS ail tisa mprovemauts fanflie art, having beau for ho lasi ibrea yaars efedia nec h aus, tram tise smallaat Miniature te a tifs me. H10aWsepracticea Mr. Butehart'a mes- eotegraphie precesa ef trsiaafrring lita- sesS ta canvua andi coteriagin ail. *The public are respetially invife ta Cali oci examine specamena. "Notisig charged if likaneaaes net safîs- wtor>'. Booms open fs-cm 19a.m., te 6 p.m. Pisciegnapi Galbas-Y, Wallace's lock, np Wlaîfly, Jul>' 171is, 1872. lhm-29 'lARD OF THBS -Mr». C. Hall alsires Most respactin>te Itii- bem aincerefth-ikite lier neiglibers, e. thse peepl cf tis mrronuafg ommutr> - tisa proiÈtam"d ibarai mamwarM.swidc- Py tim medisdassisteS iser Au-aviug ~ef r t y« , 0 nimu« g oi« T aie dy ,te HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. Tise frame dwallfag, with quarter sera cf land attache, corner efaig and John Sts, as ai praseaif cceupied b>'tise undersigned. Wlaitby, June 4, A AEO.23 I 111 WIAK STROG.I fs-s. 1. P.DiUct . caa-t, P-rpser 6 a S V ALUABLE FÀRM FOR SALE. .Tisa morth balfcf lait No. 18, in ltaeitis concession cf thse Townsisip cf Reacis,« 8o acres cleared anid 20 acres in mvooda. Gacti buildings sud orchande. Rallway station an tisa corner cf tise far. Quarter ai a mile from Prince Aibert, sud ana mils froni Part Pan>'. Fan fu-tiser puintienlars apply te WILLIAM MASSON. IN+ BRIOTHERS, WHIITBY, ONTARIO0, Importera, Dealers anid Manufacimirars cf ai LEATHER AND. FINDING8, Cash paid for Hidsa, Bark, sud Leather. lesiiser stratehed. 93 BELTING MADE3 TO ORDBREON ______ --7' -.-. 45V, Te tUIy fistuppliestalihmntinthe Co >y hee FIFELD'AND GARDIEN, si The onlyee Fu. nerala a uly-iuped-New, Choice, and Good. AIL the leading varietie ManÉold Wurtzel, Carre~t, Cabbage, Onion, and otbier Fiel THE OLD STAND@. «2,OO use1 f PeaW murer. a-28 until SER, airer. 22-tf We olfet. to our customers for the coming llarvett, two dis- tinc:t Machines, which i stylti and construction, enabrace the Intest and môs t4eful improvements of the day. JoliNST'I.Is SINGLE SELF-iAKJNG Il IAPER THE " RING F -REAPERS."Ç Tfhe universal success of this Machine, bote in closely çontest- ed tijas and in the hanfis of the farmers, warrant us in saying tisat, as a SelfIRak- ng Reaping Marthine, it bas more good points and ieçs defects, and lias met a-jO, more success and leas failure, tlian iscretofore ofierei te the public. CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER WVe were awarded the First Prize and Diploma, at the Prcvin. rial Exhibition, belil in Taronte,* ISTO.in competition wimb ail thse leading Machines nanuifactured in the Province ; and with aur recentimproements, we unhesitat- ingly challi-nge investigation and coinpariison witif eompetirg Machines, a-e are gtisfied that suçlh invesatigation wiill onvn<-e every unprejudiced mind. that a-e ofier the bt-st Nfower to the Fariner for 1872, built in the Dominion. EWSerid fr descriptive catalogues. BlROWN &PATTER01N, BOOTS- AND SHOESUl o fi MATTHEW COLLINS legs to-announce to bis eu.stotu trs and the public that ho bas opened busine8-s on the pi-omises lately occupied by an receipt of a splendid Stock of the M 0 U R N 1 N G G O ODS R IG HT FIT AN D MAK E !~A~ge Stock of'Cloths and Canadian Tweeds. And ofthe best style ofBoôth and Shoe. C L O TH IN 0'MildAD E 20 0 IàD ER. Also oam haîmd a lar-ge stock of Liome-Made Boots and Shoes NEW TFAS AN]> GliOCEý7RIES. CHOICE WINES AND LIQUC which c:aimot ha surprissed for qualit>' and price. Al orrers ptnctually atteded to. Repairs neatly don. Whby, lMs> 22ud, 1872. Wmitby, Ma> 10, 1871. lm A'III'HEWV1COLLINS. E iket SAFRÃŽST -AND -BEST. Freightaindpassa4e reduded. Passen- gers by -Railway provided with &.Et- elksa Cars at the sa=e rate as second- clasa by tise Ailan LUne. LEWIS ALLIN, Agent,Whitb)y. May lSth, 1872. 03 CARRÂT RACA. R11E Celebr ated Carratraca Minerai Wa- Lter fa uasa-passed as, a pleasant and coollag aperient. One or ta-o glasses of Carra 1traca every aieruiag before breakfast, or on any empty sto]aah dm-iag tise- hot weatber wiUkeep your systema cool and beaitsy Carratraca Water stands nnrivalled az valuable reial agent ia cases of Rabi- tuai Constipation, Derangeaseat of tise Stomach and Bowels, Cironic Inflanmation of tise Kidaeys, Gravel, Gout, Rieumatisin e ' tecbronic forum), Scrofula, Skmn Acone,of ail kinds, Dyspepsia, Heart- Daci t- and as a Purgative- after a e hi sUnequaled- Thse Caratraca Mine a r, ,fress ma thle SPrings at Platagenet, ont.,'f kept on sale *by Hotela, Druggitsand others throughout the Dominion, and MaaTbe had in barreis and kega of thse Proprietors,~ -WINNfG, HJL& WARE, ECU iTnToi PA2RTIMS iJSING vMI J . ]B.-STOOK'8S EXTRA MACHINEi QIL. TCE s 01, ael s ail u" er Ol,- hanimal J O El N S A ~ y-,jy of tsudsud w larappeed to show j 0 H N SA U D Ecf tebi s 011 t alers, it standstietetancesars'te procure a firast- ASPLENDI-D ASSOMTMENT 0Feartachla, inte a la oeiL r Spring and Summer Boots and Shoes, L aek NT. GUMisice tehroie cr aule ei dean with but Ii;tIe troubla, sud-Mvii- c eau mac eisZba ba ALI, THE LATEST STYLES. s]eiigme~ycier'1.hilmo congel orthickfaintisacoldestoci-aauer. TisisIo a qualt>' Of the laigist lmport=ce, Ladies' li3almorals, Prunella, Gaiters. Tics, 3ro m- T l 1ct ' cH imf, ui s a frmtise8f asu 011 net aviag thi. quaRit> quet Slippers, Newports, &C. Geutfleens' Boots and bIloes, myaaiplied las iseate d sf51. bch nitise in great varity. Boys' an d G irs' sew cd work, very chïeap. moment it fuches a cod sisft i is cegei- cd and miii net lubricata amatil tisa journal Ail ordered work promptly attended- to. "t rbcei o aliui sat nacce,-_ jouna oa- ir tea t eb ico the REPAIRS NEATLY IiXECUTED. - gp e an cilndthebisin afa i i eemrnbr te rghtplae. lý il Wit waer.J. 13. Stock', 011 wll lu- (~ Rbicmbo thorightplacee*the oldast-imeci eytbe meentit JOH S UN EBS9u~d establi b san d is-Oer JOHN SA Ubasfcf satisfaction, sud al unit. fa WlaiLby, Alay 8, 1872- Brock Street, tise praa- it t-reflied 5Peaior ue M1 _____________________________________________Ii is frei fromubte obiceimû-U trged agaimist al cubera, as fi doas - net guln uer freeza. Noem as tise publice -euwsre tisati manyr mvrtislens tiigs are puflad ianto ncotrfauty, in ordar to prove tisui,.tias is no isnmbug, JO0HýN FERGIJSO0N, ana t e~CUre uslves aanitte pr whiornm williotic atata to palm offithe mean cf an itlrfries gas ise- ~idelitiea i with Merchant Taiýlor #&Draper, toéwoae neetdintetnho DUNDAS ST., - %W H1TBY I n, wy l eo h i, tisai É Respectfnlly in tinantes that Le is now in receipt of a large *'wBcpetea fetv stott stock of Nea- Goods for -and 1 aeable Parties crdariag tosecure themnsaives4aaiastimpcsution, b>' euabliug tiseante datermine ai once iseoiser Eý4 i te 011 fcraarded ifas dasrn e* weli tocommuaisate gi Canadian Tweed Suits,*Cloth Suits, SleAen frth Dmnin Bc.YS' Suit%, YouthWs'aSits, Children's Suits- every Style andf Brogai, March 5ta, 1870. Material, Spring Overcoats. -- TESTIMONIAL.- - Gents' Shi'ts, white and colored, and oszAH MxcanrW..* ait kinds of Gents F'urnishing Goods.- J .SOEEqauaaL- ts8e Wehv eu wng yur Lubrieating 011 JOHNPGSN , fmetisapaslotr m pandicnsy--~s Whitby, Jul>' 9, 1872. LAING & STEWAIIT's, New-Millinery-in the Latest8tyle, WHITE COTTONS, GREY COTTONS,' TIOKINGS, HESSIANS, HOLLANDS GLOVES, HOTIERY, HATS, CAPSSHIRTS, -CAeRETE, 041W/IA GES A ND M.ODO0N OV AN'S. CAIiIiIA CES, BUGGIES, -AND- CUTTERS', BUGGIES & SLEIGHS. REPAIRS, A8 USUAL. WHITBY Nov 22nd, 1870. DOMINION WARIEROOMS. LOW ES & POWELL ARME N RECIT FA HIE L0O 0 In Braizes, Muslins, Brilhiants, Gre- nadines, Battist Cloths for travelling Dresses, iirenadines and A choice assoiftment of La dies' and bid.4 atFoes Ribbons, Laces, Parasols, &C-, &C-1 1< j A Large Stock of Summer Clothing' aif Millinery, Dressmaking and Taior- A Choîce Lot of New.Teas, expected a fow d14ys. LOWS &POWELL., in dune6i, 18Z >115. - C'otbirk&GentsOutfitfer, -DasidasSt. Whitbj <1remise o iateiy occupied by Nlr- %.effiel' psa Drug Sto Wbitby,, April '17, 1872. .T HE NEW S-T ORE. Our way of doing business is <wheu teseason advanc(,es,) to offer the. public who bave 80 kindly patronised us, the balance of our SUMMER GOODS at GrealY' Reduced Prices, viz.: Millinery at Cost. Manties at Cost. Parasols at Cost. Ladies' Cotton StocIngs at 95'é Pr. doz.ý A quick discerning public cannot l'ail to sée tje great bargains tlîat are to be had at HAMILTON & Co. Hâve opcîîcd anîd arc now showing a very large and # b ~2< -~ ~ te CUTTERS [ETALIHD '1833.] The undersigned in returning -thanks for the liberal patron- hitherto extended to the old eistablishnment, for nearly a period of forty years, de sires ta say that ha ha now on haad a large asso rtument of the mont 4odcrn end elegant styles of+ Wu'_J i j 7 L~ And trusts by propei atten-tion and moderate prices' to se- cure a continuane cf public patronage. Practical uphalstering. Furniture re- stuffed and. cavered. 'Undertaking Funerais Fully Supplied as Iieretotbre.- LW Sonie splendid specimens of Picture Frames, and Gild- ing. BRemember the OId Stand. 01UN STO0N'S SELF-RAKING REAPER- AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE! At the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, in 1870. P? I~PB WQ mes ibihtions o! tue gen- UM Ie±OLLWÂT's PLS MA» Onrrsesatr IWoùld asI as a great tàveour, tisai shouldl it corne tothe kuowiedgé of an>' .Pergona that spurieus -nedicines aïea ha- in.ag uds or sold ina ry narie, ha lie pleastto sancnme a&H the parieniars ha oai colleot respeetlng the saine, that la teà Bay,"theusine atiadrescf the vendor-whd la aelfg t.he spuxionainedi- ornes, sud ilesteane andaldt- d4reas of tise Houa. in tise Unilted SStes, .or eisewhare, whioh rnay'bavaa uppad tiselu, se as tai enabl ina, -for the pro- tection of tisa public, - te instiuta pro- ceadimigs agafuet suçhevil-doer, sud F engage te remunaerate ver>' hasemely- any personwho as> give me stich in- formation, the informaanîs una enavet beiug divulged. Sisouid an>' person have ressento be- liera tbat ha bas Iteen decaiveti by buy- lug spurlous iimituitiào~ f these medi- chies, ha will do -a-al -té send 'ina, in a letter, te the aduiress ai foot .(whfich ha eau do uit IL cosi cf six cenùts ifapoatage), oaa cf tise bocks o! instrietiona,,,WbCII are affixed te tisa sanie. I promise to easmine it anti Senti a repiy, stating wheibam tisa medicines are gennine cm nct.se0thst Bpurioa heMay apdy tu tisa person front wliom ha purchase&l tisanite hava bismoea>'raturned. Cisexiast a aid Druggista who deslra te obtuifa the niadicines can ba suppliad ai tisa lowest wh4cdassle prices Mi quan. titias cf not leas than 820 worlh--z.,ý 8s. Oui. 22., sud 84s., par dozen boxes o! Pille or pots cf Oitment, naît, wilisout discount, for which remittance inuat ha sent iu ativance. -I have the hinrtoebc, With greai respect, THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 558, Oxford Str-cet (laie,244, Strsd), London, W.- C., Octobar 1, 1871. M Lt d. ns. 'T'. 'n- ru- ii- mi. n. s] 't- 1 1 ýi 1 . JA 1 - Ki lý ý2 2 it st LAING & STEWART'S. whitby, July 9, 1872. vari,ýd SPLEXDIDLY PINISRED OF VERYSUPERIOR WORKJIAYSHIP. §b ruuuivcu. Dr o oraer,

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