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Whitby Chronicle, 5 Sep 1872, p. 2

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timng léaVé srt. - ONLY Si 5o PER ANNUM. Wbib>, Thurtday, Sept. 5, 187 2 'North Victoria.. 1fr. John Morson, thé late mémber for Nottb Victoria, ha. béen» deféated by h lis eppôent, Mr. staples, by a inujorlty of 88. Thépeple of (bat Ritilug, mli yet inS that- théy bave a8caxcly atooSwislyflu preferring a iséw mua te an ld sud mél trieS frie4nlke hi Morrison. Mr, mer- rnéon disehargét Isalégislative dutiés' fsithfn-lhy aud meli, sud bis peitical * réputation stiudaoet without i~ blin-. isii. Anti long héforé hé son-ght- for paliamétsry honm orehéias thé eu-n est, maniy advocate cf evsx mesuxé * that con-id ativauce thé intereste, of thé- con-nty lu mhicbhé lias se long remiS- et. His position, lu many respects, a gool teal résémblos t-li- public anS privisté lisractér' cf Mx. Johu Hall Tboinpson, ihBe d efeat lu Norths Onta- ie mas bron-glt about by mapy smimx, eirou~sautés-laicaushless défection cf formeor poitidsi supporters -thé lukemarmumsé of frièn-tis, anti thefe il" o4 f meney iy thé agente cf bis o pponént. Hlia ad&wisé asnkucrin diémy at mork-au oit peiffcel cain- paiiguéer, Mx. Angus Mfori-sou -iro stoeéiito the back toirushsipa, anti Wa fnr dséiiiously -meki-g amongsî dlie eectors (hère, n-tkno#U tc tIh e fern cauditiato. Mr. Au- gus Morrisei n-uowàa thé noxthieru - - owii,siipis mli, sud haviug béén -iustrnmèntal miti thbe laIe John Cain- eren, thé fermer membér for Victoria, i listing thosé tevusbips bron-gbt i-to existence anti anuexéd te t-bat, ceunt>, lie con-Id set'up'asaolt cof clani te bei-g an oIt friont. Aà lthioséilunen-ces tinibluet, conpid alo itb thé laté icisîbe'. lu-oas, when al bepes cf bis récovery hàsf been givén ovèr, an-S irichei- lèft hlm iles' able te, prosecute tlie canvass mith h Wà* viâtd vigor, leS te Johix Morrlson's dfesý.' 1'W îïï littie leit for biss ancéasfui oppôuxihË 1 1 tri-mphlu initiner (lieue cixcumtaucos, and crlaisiy thie sinaîl msjenlty cf 88, obtaiied ti nuer tise cireumatauces dé- tiilét, ctîs carcel>' ho clameS as a -vitoi-y ov-r tlie Ileforsu causé lu Northî Victoria. A Refuge for deéesteS Ministers. Il i-sali>'tonlt appéax asuif,ihén- imeitfoiug upou Britishî Coîbinhia tise ost-ef-a iloî~portluu rép$esntatiou, cf miicli t(hère la s' ucli i-ase» te couipisuin, Ministera linanau yé(o ié fsîl-uaie'éêeitmés of tiséS lrecskrien-s- polsitionx. HIaieé e noe xaaeii te suri- suiite se)îîchî iiit-le casé cf the Min- lo3ts-r of binazicé ? Drivèn eut o!ft-me îsi4lintssini Ontario lié bias founu a refuge iii Vanicouuver- Distriet-hu cou- sti tu e iy ithi four h-nil-éd zcf spopu- hationx, îsltiuig men, memen an-t ehihîxern, Chu-ose, Indieu nud hli- limeisi, anti lising sixtéén actixal volors I Sir Geo. Cartierina>' aise fut a -oîîetîlîîéîscy lutlié saine mteeting district. Ant i iad-Si- John béen- béaten iilKingston <nlure lie lîiaseonai-ou au esc-upc,) ne sienbt hs on-iud aise fal hache n-pou sojîie ue et-ler cf t-le six cou- titistieticicsgivcii b>' hlm te Bittishi Coin-ubis, ris a refuge. Nothiiug liké hîsviuig sun eyeo ufuture événtn-alit-ies. Movîuug at Last. 1,110 T i n-utcil, (it mli hé seen1 1» tise pro-eéétiuge,) bas n a iadîse1 a iunove formard. Thisa woék two b>'-1 lama sfi-e pubhighet - en-efox xaisiug1 $7,00)0 for iiool purposés ; t-hie othés-1 fur - u-sising 97,000 for thé punchasé cf as - ire t,-tgiiie, &o. ; boti b>' thé iasue o! lont-nrés éxt-éiig oter a périoS cf t (eut>' yuara. As regards thé prctid-1 --iiîg o!fIse îîîonéy for school puxposéa (lure mu neoelutic. Tise moes> havi-g * ee éclu onaud b>' théBoard cf Sobool Tutees n-tsai hé fertbccmiug. Thé cjet cf (lue bylî, lu t-bat casé, bei-g t eoxteut t-hé paymnenî cf théamen-n-t oer tuent>' yoars, lusteaS e! raisin-g il zt a tee burdéneome direct tax lu on-e yeari. O! théefixe engnué by.lam it- ls euh>' necèsear>' te sa>'t-laItIsée rate- * Iayerustéaveîon- t-le opportunS>' pîse- és beorts-o (o t oclaxing misethéx (lie>' màut a fixé engin-ecx n-et-. Witb (hin athé rempyoesbilî>'nom resté, an-d in having thle responslhihit>' it-bthemt t-liécouncil listé simpi>' perforuned t-hueS dnty. (livixo ni' Busîseas.- Untier t-ls hsésu, mé publisis a rather ceuspicueus aunueiomon-t in ethéx coin-musfroin Mr- Yomuan Gibson-. Mr. Gibson for wasu>' ycas s as héen en-ee!ft-be fore- nit moi-chants lu ,Wbit-by. Hia faix Solg npeu ail occasion-s mijhthé pn-blic, sud bis bigis perseuiti ciaxacter seourét irlmpublieonfidence an-S at ronage npou 'Ailaides, lu tom n s- counntry, soe -h tu thst,theretirernent ef feir buaineas-mén- in Whitby il be more regrettS dthan-t-bat cf Yeoman- Gîbsoif. 'HIi. bn-si-eus rlatoms mit-h tlié puibieof titis. localit>' bisé nom ex. tentéS. ovér a- périeS cof t-îenty.aeven yésrs n-t-be severai relations, o! clork an-t merehat-émploye anS 'employer, -sud Suri-g ail t-bat ien-gtS o! t-me t-le fi-t mord bas neyer once beeu, breathed again-t bia business intégrt' or agaluat bis publie or prilvaI- charse-' t-r. Thé giving n-p business by sueha insu moult h baslua 188M n>ceminunit>'; in tItis lbéait>', the loua il Mbe doubh> felt--especiaily b>' the on-toméers irbo for yéams bavé kept aceounta -mith se mn-ch accomodationà sud satisfaction at ",OlS No. 1.1 1 W. chu oui>' s (th ,purxoally-me ici- lut-hé géuural'regret-, sand(mnst (t- ttbe sale o! goods <nom rendered conpuWsry ouilîlapat) wilnot, l&Vte to é maSs At ton gmèâta osmiiée, but (bat lt-minlt-hé luteml, btwéèu - t-is and CbmstSu fials, >Mr. Glhseu, -a fair et-nrn.- - likoly to induce a large future business M~ this' brlinch of thé, lumber trade. Yester'dzy théré was quit. a dleet lu thé Por4- vessels running in to take sheltér frein thé adverse wiud. The schooners Spbilla and Storr8 were' beug loadéti with Iumber for Oswego, wbilé thé 4msiie Minms-Captain McÂUau's handiorne sehooner - w discharging ceai at thé wbarf for Ma. John ]Blow. The, Engliuh Criceters. At thé match e Ottawa$' thé Eugflsh playo er ér, à# at Moutréal, easy vitors, wnnlng the.game by 11(% runî lnum onlningé.-Thé score stooad Engliéli leven, drétinnings '201 ; Canadian Twenty-two, firat inninga 42;- second inulugo, 49-total 91. At Toronto, thée nghagh players soor. éd Big théefont imings ; thé Cadias 97 in thei first,and 8 lu thé second inninga wth twelve Meon t',when thé stUmupé wére dxawu on Tuasday even- ing. Bu"mo STRUOR Bi Lrmni«NG.-A new brick building iu course et érection by Mr. George Liddle, near Brooklin, was struck by liltniur last Thuxsday evening. Thé window sashes and doox frames wexé knocked eut, sud thé building therwise damagi. M.F'ÂRzWzLL'o PRIZE13 FORt APPEs. -Thé prizés cf five, feux, thxep, sud two dollars, offexeti by Mr. A. F axêweli, M. P. P., fox applés, oxe se given, we axé réquestéd*te state by thé Secretary cf thée' ounby Agricultural Society, in orderto encourage tho production for shipulent te foreign nmarkets. The prizes wiUl therefoxe bc given fer thé béat diSplay cf winter apples,-twelve cf a kind corxéctly named,growth cf ex. hibitor. CRICKET MAI:.-MRUIED Va. SN<L.-A maLtch beteeén the marrieS sud jinglé playera oCiieWhitby Club *will hé piayed to-day (Thursday) at thé market grounds, wickets le, bé pitched nt ten o'leck. CÃ"ÙN'xY RIFLE .ASSOCAsTION.-. Thé prize lst sud rnlés cf- thé Association fWithé fouth annual meeting are given iu anotetliicoin-mn. ,THE 150V,*TE»' BISK Cei'mx are gaiuiug fo thëhMelves golden opinions- on évery hanS. . hig lateat wîll hé founutiin ther coin-u 1 Mé shPoetc Thanks " frein Mr. Youug. Coe.-Mr. John Blow has xé0oed'e threo cargees cf ceai, which hé effers chéap te cash purchissers. FA.an Ooon)s.-Mésrsf Laiug & Sté- wart announcé (lhe xéceipt cf thei.r fail stock. FftIL "0?HW, usual,at Pringle's made np tithé latos e t~b~most fash. iouable styles. Hou se go W'est, This is an- inunir>' uhicis evéty è,u shuoulhavelistrutýufxdlan-sire-d bd*"x hé tai-ts on his'jon-rny, an-S s littlé caxé lakecu lu éxamin-stien-cf Rontes mlX u*man-y cases savé innch t-i-enblé, t-imo an-tmoeé>. Thé "ýC., B. &Q.R.B.,' ranning fi-em Chicago thiron-gis Gaesbmrg te l3urliugteu, hisu chiévé a splendid réputatiou n nthé ast- tireyears asethé leadi-gjPassenger Rente te t-hé West-. At Burlingten it- connecta mithi thé great Bnrli-gtou RRoute irbichsrus di- rect (luron-gisSon-t-hies-nIoirs teNbras- ka snd Kansas, withi cloue connections te California an-S thé Trritories; an-S passengers startiug frein Ontarie Con-n. ty Canada, on Ibéir n-a>'méat-mas-t,eau- n-et dohbotex at-a tehetsé0., B. & Q.an-S Bexlington Route. Thé Lino bas publisiset a pamphlet- pallea "Hom te go West,' irbicis con- tains mn-eh valuable iuformation-; a large correct map cf tisé Gi-est-West, mbich.eau hcobetsiuod free cf chargé b>' atdroaming tisé Gênerai Pasuengés- Agent- B. & M'. R. R. Buslin-gleôn, Ioirs. - Electien News. Lambten-Mr. MikLaniie's majorit>' oer Vidai, M., li6s i~ East Dnrain-Rs, O., éectet b>' s inajcrit>' cf 288 ovér Kirciseffés-, M. West Mitdlesex-Ross, O., electéti bJahmfrity of80 over Mactonald, Son-lisNorfolk-Wallace, M., léctéd by 117 Majesit>'. - Est- Midlesex- Glass, M., 1811; Evans, 0., 1268. majoxit>' for Glass 58. -Casde-J. Hillard Cameroi,ý M., éleét-éS b>' 120 inajerit>'. .Son-t-b Bruce-Hon-. E. Blake, ., elected b>' au ovès-mhéhmiug majoxit>'. Son-t-b Rénfréi-O'Relly, M., eléot- éd b>' a inaoxit>' of 288 ovex Les-- Mac- dongaI, O, Nort-h Victria-Staplbk, M., léctèt b>' 88 majos-it>' evexMosrison-, O. Son-tb Victoia-Dormer, M., léclet b>' 164 maorS>' everXMcLennan, 0. We plédgè bnr réputation on thé as- sertion t-bat- an-y etiucatea physitian, after a caréful exi- atiou cf t-be e- cipe, ilsan>'t-bat-'Parnons' Purgatitée Fils peasse omore ioxit (ban an>' ethéx plI1 nomoffmd foi-sakla. -Ediard Bayer, Easq., Honton, Kingu GoN. B., irrites '(bat an astcnisbiug - cure bas heén affecteS -on his dan-ghtem b>'thé usé of!TOon!in Anodyne.Lini- ment. Thé whole' épi-s bosusédis- essed, she lest thée, e! ofx r.limbe3 an-S lien back mas 'xoundéd n-p liii. a bow, lncunmue o! taldng ceit: aftsm havlnýg'been innocnlated fox thé IUe peck. 5h. la-nom méIL Pellem'a Compclsud.Symupo! HypOp., hoophlites is net- enly thé eaot- mliabWç rineS>' fox consum$ ioné but- la speeltieaisefer ~lrïcmitia 594 Ath-. maü mn-rui ,W tir i 7ahv( An-tý1. 8.. azusrsaaaauuas zs'U e Df an01re Bug ine that would prove meast usèfi te thé Coporato, -and Lirewith beg te submlit the correspodence in réféenuce thexéte. B y wb' h yonr conmitte maké theéfilg stateménts, via: -That thé coct of a steém t ire engins, aimilax te thé one already proped te, be' purcbased,- w4lli hé, tegether with 1600 feet c f boss, coplingé', engine bouse, tankcs, &c., about sevén thons. And dars - That thé coét of Bttou's NoÃ"., 2 bad. engiues, similar te théeueý spokén of as lun use iu Londeuo, -together, with wels, bouse, .500 feét'cf bose, &.,,wil h about thxee thouaand dollars.ý Y'ouicommùittee bassasceined' thé dépth of water lu thé six -W.0118beloug- ine, tethé Corporation, sadaisethose cf lm indiv nais that jwouldho most eily te hé uséd in e of fixe, sud tnS thait their ayerage >depth 'water «u-16 of theni te hé 18 fest. -Yoýux commtte bavealito examinéS thé hbok sud'ladder apparatus belonfng te this ocorporation, aud hàd it 0", Ye muSe complété at a txiilng ceat, atadwould suggést that thé Conneil makeau~s appropriation fer thé puxposo ofprocurung laddérs, axés, &0., which yen-rcommitte wiil cause te bu protideS>. - ' ý_ Your commritte would aise snggest that, in théir opinion, thé Insu-rance Companiés doing business sud hsting rigko lu this Corporation, are directiy interested- in thé procuring cf suitablé apratus for tIsééxtinguishing cf fixes, and tbat theyshould contrlbuté tewaxds thé purchasé cf thé saie. Yen-r cern. mittée would thérefore recommnd that thé chairman cf thé firé anS water coin. nitte héinstructed te correspond with thé agents c f thé aforésaid Insurancé Companles doiug business bexé for thé purpoe é f fsudiug eut théix viéws, sud thé ament they wouid hé willing to coutributé, if auy. SThé followiug accon-its wéxe recom- mentied for paymeut ,-BR. Fraucia, $6 90; Thos. Lawlex, $19 40 ; E. CalS- well, $10; A. Cook, $8. Mr. Lawlex, lu éxpiainiug thé différ- ence cf coat of a stésmi and hand-én- giné, gave thé following figurés, which hé had x-ceivéd in austvér te communi- cations sent by hlm:. ÃŽÃŽTEAU FIaE ENIINE. A.Cly. rld. On-y. FrIl. Telai. Eng ~ e 320 2832 425 26 3282 :5itf'e .1800- 1553 2895 10 1842 zei ec sprig....... 1 60î t t e Ritglor houée ...15 Tonka, &ec......15 $7si3 )IÂND FRE étINE. A. Cy. Ontit. Dame. FI. - Total. Keém,' . 191)1150) 112 -23 1247 %Voile............... o Nri larper conténtiét that Mr. Law- ler's figurés laidnoet put thé matter faix- i.y hefore thé ratepayeré. A baud en- gins was oly >chargea withî thé coat cf 500 féet cf hase, anti a steamer witlî 1500 fét, while ncthiîig was given in favor cf thse latter for reqniring lésa; tanks (han aa unti englue. If a steam- er roqniréd three times the hose a baud engluée wonlti, it4voulci uceti a tiinlésé tanks, which compaxstively iras greatly 'lu favor cf thé steamer.TIien- tle en- gin-e louso irisé ciargeti $750 for a steamer, anti culy $250 for a baud, hille hée couteudedth lat the priée fox ither englue Nwonld bc about thé saine ; whiile if n baud angine were puirchaseti a ire Compan-y %mon-d hé necéssaxy, for irbose meetings a hall mon-id hé requiir- éd. Mx. Laîvior saiti that jie mas net op- posaSl te thé pureliase cf s steamer. Ml hé désired mus te place tise test cf tlie diffrent engluées, received hy him, béfora tho ratépayers, thiit tliy might kueir whist they mère vetîng ou. Mr. Ray thonght it was usehess te purchase a baud-englue, irben al other tomns were gcttifig steamers, anS sali it did net Say mn-eh fer eux entexprise. Ms-. MeMilsu saiti it mas eutirely ont cf ortier te tison-ss haut sud steain en. gines, as the conucil haàdetciteti pne putrchasiug a steamer. Thé report was ndopted. Mx. MeMilian iutrotinced a byàlw te raiso $7000 te purchasé a fixé englue anti apparatus cunnecte t tbrewith, which passeti thé néceasary readingé, and erdéeti te hé bxougbt befere thé ratepayers for appreval on Friiiay, 27th mast. Thée lerît réua slétter frein tho agent of thé mrrywéather cuginé contradict- ing statéments madie at s proviens meeting cf thé counicil tbat that englue was unfit for Canada, and viting in- stances cf its werking. Hé aise ré- quéstéti a trial cf the englué, .wlich, mon-id hé in Cîaaa hortly. "A boy i atténmptin-g t-o get off tise cars t aIthéMyrtie sattion mas (hi-cm te the gront 5si violénti>', as te break boîhbobese cf (hé igt aria, jnut-aboyé tho mrist, eue of the boues ps-otruing t-lron-glu t-le akin. A tanglîter of tise Rét. J. C. i>oméroy'a, aget about sévon -years, ua"Ipayin-g uneu - sies-bar irbicli lier broîhérs batl exectet fox s gynasm n-isd, lesiug ber holS, fl toe légrount, ilunig lies- ighit-asrun st théeihcmo, an-t fractnning crie cf thé bon-es, close teutisé joint. A son of Mr. pmésotl's, who-resites in t-hé Ot-i Cou. cf Whitby, wbiié tii-wing lui grain, mas n-put, sud, fslli-g upn-put-hé ban-lie cft a pitehdcfrk, breke on-e bone of t-lu rih ri4ax théeirrist-joint. \Vm. Phri cf;ext Férr>', luattempi-g t te cn0Uýè f tisé (mbér trains, ubile passing t-hie Mancester statioq, b>' grssplng en-e cf thé stakes, iras thi-emu a distancé o!t-meut>' feét, néari>' break- in-g bis ight writ, injuri-g bis.bip anti béat, sud othésmiso brsnin- b-ncou-E siterabl>' litticgirl bata narroi eacapeé, b ein-g (ire frein a lgh magon:, sud ran ovex. WVisu thé vébi- oie mas stoppet, one théeirbeels resteSl n-pan-ber; and, stran-ge t- as>, sé èes- capet l tisa feu aiglit bruisées. -An éldexl>' lady,.barel>' essapét séerionsi- jury b>' thé falling cf a ucaffolti. Shé haa lbei-hesi t o f a wicu m n-Thomp- sons hotel, irben- a hersé, mbicb teck fgitat an appxoschin-g train, sau paut ud--kuocked thé ucaffeldin-g tow about lhem. Blé éespét, bomévex, mit-bo-Ia ses-at-h." Wé misis ire conlt liÛn-Sent- just heu the, Boston-1 Jubile Commi-ee came ont- lu théS littie musical nndrtaking and wiat la t-c heconi'écf the masof Inber wlich thé>l'havé on-baud. Tise ast unneuncemeut- lat-bt thé show comt- 8650,000, and thé receipte amennt- éd te #440,000.- Tlat- léstesa a sun-g littlél ef!SotieS fer t-hé benofit cf t-bs guarsuters cf 8210,000. .Nom, thon, te nse t-us n-pand do somc(i-g bandooeme fox Gilmùoxé a grand concert and banl aré te bè -iven Oct-, 10, foi mhich it-la protoseS te è'el 10090W0 ticke-sat- $8e Th 'ias tat-émenit-,me e rstime, wmlieépodl foi-ee eh. It- 710 a capital arrangement-,-"bn-,t- suppcý,s the 1OO0000tickets .nt- st-il? Thé Crowm Pnixceosa vtidon, cf ?rusuia,,has offéred s pie oçremght thousalut elarà for thé béat- eusa>on sAvat-p-g'thé mastei s pxeiï;lt-f w-n angmmn. - nos nounitous. nnexare a ra JiaYý whosp li-vés wirréstakéd in thé great iyar,?l oth ou thé northern and south- eru ides ; and it la not unubusi te tinS lu émail teins, tbat ail thé. business men, anSdinany cf thé -professona4s, besides nearhy ail thé labonrers, mers, engaged iu ightlug for four yéars. Many axéethé Cam e tories me bves benfrom, thosi 2o, thon-b aving seen mn-ch sud suffered mn-chare sur- priseS t-e ind a listener te théerit-etalf their Iâdventuroo, for long ,assocation with those military méz! bs nade ér- tizeus hère quite indiffrent te thetaies cfmax. BoréM '-fth é oficers I havé Met-are tery intelligent, sund éntérWan eue easily hoth-with adteutures anS with meil expresseSl opinions ou thé public affaire cf théeprsent. Thoe mise ere enfggé4ou-thésoutherua ide I havé found te hé thé -xnst-utextain- ing, pasrtly fromuan expérience in ad- ventures more bazardons aud with ittlé govérumént aid, anS paxl fena facilitycf expression d a gentleman. iy coutsy towards stagrs, (bat makesoue féel théir hoapitiy tebh indeed rosi anS hearty. Oémorning I rodéeout itethé prairieasméhall tiozén miles to accopt thé invitation cf a gentleman te spénd a day mitli hm lu thé country, sud I ànticipatéd cor- xectly thé greetiug I shon-iS réceivé. 0f an olS Sonthra fainily, éducated, sud, béfoxe thé max, méaithy, s générai un-tex Lee, anti au intimaté frieud cf ])avié,hé was not oly au hospitaiblo but a vcxy eutertainiug host. A fixe had jn-st destroeéd bis ho née, 'but,' saiS hé, *me wiii maké upin- good cheer what me laek in goodi lifIilg;' Itl mas-novai te listé serveS n-p in s prairie cabin, with man-y ef thé conveniencés cf a mansion, a dinnéx,- wbere thé heet apologizéd that whilé thé siltertntééu had beén savêd thé caxving kugé lhed beén lest, anti whéré celouréd servaute that once baSl heen slaves on thé oit estate, arrangeS anS removéd thé bunks, stoois; anS setteés, that had te perforrai thé office cf chairs. After diii. uer. my heét entertainédl me with rein icc o f senthéru life, sud ou- tered into s vintilcation cf thé old 'state rigbt' doctrine that diS équal crédit tc bis loquence and te his nnfalteriug dévotion te a cause that héhaed fouglit sud bled for.. Soon guns sud amurait. ion wére bron-ght, and thé hounda frisked axounti thé pony cart mith mn-oh gle-for tbey kueir théy more te havé chickes- for aupper. With a drivé cf a mile or two- me mère on-t iu thé (ail prairie grass as hih as oux heads. Soon me camé te a tnbbié ; thon (lié hounus pointéS; n-p rosé, a émail covey, anti my fixat chickeua fell.- Wo bat good inek. Thèeela mn-ch. sport anti littié trou-ble in hunting thèse bixtis. Théy are néax énoughi civiliza- tien te hc o fenuti thout tifficulty, tlîey are u-neronis enon-gl te afford gooti sport, tbey axé coy en-engb te hé gaine mcxlixhnnting, sund tbéy are, mixai yenng anti tender,. dlicions enougix to psy eue ampiy for lisard work under a bot sun. As; wo néareti thé hon-se mé saw (bat thé sky, alrcady tarkèued mithinîglt, mas cîtén bightly imuminéti mitix light. ning. My heét, more acqualuti witb western îîhcuomn-a, warneti me of thé apprehing torm, anti desixeti me te remaisi. 1, tinstiug te zuy Cauadiaîî knewledgé, thon-guit tîsexe as ample tiîne te get hack te town. It mas a grand ridé. Thé mhl cléhavéns mère on fire. Flash after flash of lightn-ing affordet a brillant iight, anti i-cl aftér roli cf thunder gave the sire (bat liglit- ning tees. The air mas se clear that thère was noue cf mixat is calleti shéet iigbtning-, bnt forkésud chains anti large épeuré cf ire played contiuually hetieen- eaxth anti ieaven. As I neareti thé town thé wiuti began- te bloir, anti thé herse, frigltenet. xefuéedl te go. TMsen came flhé rain lu torrents. With mn-ch tirging I gel thé carniage hetweeén tme buildings where it cenlt net hé blownuawayL provitied théeiîorséé couit hé hèld tîséVé. My luit mas aoeu on ita way to, Texas. I myseif bn-t uitle caréti for thie ramn, fer eue hall minute lu sucli a sterm mwas- as fatal te ciothea as a pingo lu a-lake moult hé. Wlth mn-ch tiifficilty I aItishe isorses tetachéti, anti triedte( get them i-to a stable. It was an- easy maltere as fax as doors wexe concrnet. Theé mmd titinet hosto a door te a buildinug;. Hon-ses wéré blowu tiowu, fentes laid, ern smamiped te thé grounti. 'Mien I ét ite thé hon-se I founti thé famiiy proparéti te go en-t at auy moment, tbiukinçtheirhensé cen-id net poasibly stand. Fox hall théesiig1st (hère vfas thé, graudeteof sights, u -the meét térrlie storm l ever mituesseti. Thé next day iras otcupied lu compar- ing notes. Net a man lu thé tom irwas ifount ilbnt what batn bis talé cif terrer te Provincial Asscciation cf Public Scboci Inspectors. A pieliminry meeting cf Publie ScoolInspectssof On-tarieoiras boIt, Susuantte rictice, at t-hé Qn-en's otel, Toi-co ule xTn-esday, An-g. W0, at 105à. m n-i uatjcurnment su-ie. quénti>' teck placé te t-Se. (tené c f theé Normal Sebhool, thé use cf mblcb mas hi l'graue yb' r yero- fe spuingat-mo t ianaig0 ain atc ublic Schsoi Ati rersie Cou tit ti ui as acc s-in- i> a ftêtve an-t thé foleowiig gentlemen cbosen as oeffice-héaxérs, on-TIi-rets>', Augnét 22, PRESîxIDYNT.-Wlliain Carlisle,. Ox- lot VrCEî-Pmcsmuzmc.-lteV. J. May', M.- A,, Canleton. 2n-d Vlcia.P5ESIDEIT.-JSineé Hotg- son, Son-lb York. .SszTaxR-TaAeiliEit-W. R. Bigg, laI Division cf Leeds. Ccn-acmwua.-Jas. J. Watsmerth, M. D., Norfeolk; A. DingàRai Fortiycé, Norths Wellington ; rm.' Alexander, Perth; Heur>" ,MLo>'t Black, Lanaxe; Robent Nonne>' M. D., 2nd Division o! Lesta. The -above t-ofoin thé Committes of Managemeènt. *- A vote ofthanls vas given toesrs May', Blair, Ci-né>', anS Bigg, for (hein exelicuslpi- rcenrings meeting of thé Inspectes-ansutthé Serx mswu i. atm-pt-eS terétuxu t-baktethe varions Rala Cou an-les for grant-i-g facili- (les for txavýàllm at rediscèt rates; sud aise te Dr. Byessn forthéen-me cf th-h thleatre of thé Normal schooL, Thé meeting t-hemPAdjo=red t-o thé call cf thé préasodnt. A C 'raÂsT.-Mr.' Mackenzie, the leader cf thé Ontamie Beforni Opposi. lion, mas on- 'Wedneaday laut electeïdhy a majomit>' o! oversix hundred. - Sir George -E. Cartier, t-he leader of thé uébe Mniaerilias, as, on thé sanieday, defeaate b>' a majonit>',_ci over t-mé bn-huidxed. Trhé Tories mère, a coupleï cf meeka ofgo, so e -éo! déféatin g UT. Machen- mie t-bat thé>' aunounced bis rétixémént fromd thé couteét. The>' mers alao se sure t-bat(bat ,Cartier mon-Idmi- t-bat th d fte r. Ji n'sg g ote vagurous maadmu UY T,0 m5j ..w J it étér baS (thé laie Péter Perry). We maut just such another mnute elicit thé facilitie. of eux town, sud -mben it géts aucther fair stéx( I hope it .Mi rémmnbéx' u ins mevisible fdxin thé man Whoe preachéd sud practised thé creed of Progrese. Thé ides ocasésngrist- ' derl capital, a go e eideut-ta théWond la, Why selong-untho ght of; caunot giour h rnsme d aspfitaby s iheat? hawud2eestt more activity lu tarions formatsconseqnently iucrésé thé, population sud meaitiso! Whitby. "àPrgreas"l calso for a subscription te, carry eout tbis laudable purpose. Wéil, e 's pa8gant, there la -no réasen mhy this sheuid net hé,prcMptly an- swreet, paxticuiaxly if thé ladiés of Whitbymon-id givo théix help.. They, havé bntoteignore thé ridiculous gré. clan bénts, chignons andS trains with paniérs-mhieh de not only cat more than tJiey are-worth, but-transform -thé Lé orétln f natureélasbeauty i-te tumpa, unigracéful even s a treme daxy. Yen-, ne don-hit, Mr. Editor, (hi-k mlth me tisat thé faix séx ought te keir (bat' thé resuit cf their co- opération in. ail mattérs of progreas mon-id hé suxprlsiug. This iifuncé la net uécésssxily a publie disphsy cf poirer, bn-t la tise éxamplé cf slmphicity snd good sensé-listing s déep mtérést in thé, prosperitý,,of cné's country in générai, sud cue's tom particn-arly- instihling lésions cf n-tilty lun(lié minta of théix -chiltrén, (the embryo men cf thé futurs,) thé result cf-anc h téschi-g must hé cremned mitis succese. If I have beau, tee prolix thé aubjet mn-st bé my apehcgy. Q, IN THE CORNER. Whiitby, 2Oth An-guet, 1872. A Horrible Crimne, j A fém tisys a g c stelégrapli Sespateb appearét dsécrlhing bcm a foui murtér baS beau- committèd lu Misaouii, t-hé bodisaof ité perses-cemprsiig t-mo men, oee omnan, an-S t-ire 'uug child- réu-with t-heur (breat ent frein eax te sax, batlng héen- tiscovérèt in a wagon tritèn b>' a-man- mbc mas arrésted b>' i-Signant ciÏzeus. Tise folloming con- fession- cf this teep-tyèS cri-m-ai, an-S t-be nature cf bis snmmary e ntien, axe frein thé St-. Lou-is -Re an: Hé gave hien-aine as T& - su saiS it- mas net- Oshuru as s- i firet confession. Tisat bis homo mas at Mont Ayr, Ioirs, irbre ie bat a mifo anti eue chilt, Tisé parties hé baSl murderet ireé ité 1n numbér: a issu mit-b bis mifé an- ttirechiltrén an-t an-ther minuirisa unmarriét. Hé Paidth(at (bey mère rétuxnin-g frein Kansas to-Ihé home lu Minesota. Hé met t-hem firut haut Thi-sta>', thé l5th. Havi-g n-o moeé> an-S traveling i- t-li saine direction, thé>' hindI>' saked hlm (c jeluthein, michho dit. Tise aggon- beng large, t-hé>'ail; six lu numbéx, lepl lu il. Thé marriét man-, hie mifé andt tie eiltirén sept on a phstformi i-aiseS on tise front of (lie magon, mhiié thé xemaiuiug (mc slèpt lu t-be bottoux cf thé bed hélcm. Laut Slday umgst tise>'campét within lial! a mile nof a hon-se n-car Bnr Oake grove. At tii placé thé mrétcb canceivedtei (isof muxdérlug Ihîci anti mahiug aira>'mitîs théSr horsés anti maggon. their cattie (thircé or four in n-nmbér) 'anti uhateter moue>'thé>' migixt havé in Ilieir possession-. Aflex haviug muxtiexetitisemi, liéinleudedtle setréte.hs in lutiéhei-n-ahiou Cléar erééhe, n-car b>'. Thal Sinua>' nigit, littié Si-cumin-g cf tlié hak-heartedt mxc thlie>' liati taken- un-tér t-heur eheltér an-S tisé siful fate (bat amaitét théin, tlha>' tom- in thé maggcu fer tise uight, sud al savé thé murdérér mère sounu asleep. Sslisfyiug Iimseél thuat al mere sleeping be toohe a icadét pistol mbicb la>' in tise maggen- an-S placlugit thé béat cf tse minu hse ias sleeping b>' bis sida firet. Hé instauti>' hilet hlm. Thé inasriet inu ein-g ai-enset - b>' thé report cf the piétel rose n-p. an-S thinktug Tauze>' bat abat asti-ange dog mhicis abauéan-n-ying (hemSn-rlug t-hé niglît b>' bai-king, said: "G0ood I gooti 1" Thé assassin immmotîstél>'t-n-u éd an-S shot bim, an-i then jumpéd frein thé maggou te thé gi-onn-. Thé mon-S et inu ttempted te folldir hlm vhxn- Tauzé>' seizéd an- axe anti tep adckhet him at ouce The ageizet miýf ocf t-hé- murdérét man- irsunom running ai-onu thé msggonu nttering fearful criee, an-t féaring t-bat sxe mon-id aharm. thé people attisé farm-honsé néax b>', hé aise kil-. et bier mith su axe ex club, juet-mhicis hée tees uet remenihéx. Thé tire i-faut bahes, agédthtrée anti fifteu mon-t-bs,nom sien-o rémainet living, an-S it- seéma t-bat- hé dit net dis- pose cf ther n-til soe timé after tisé reat baS béen killét. -When- sakét hem hée con-ld bave t-be héart t-o kIl t-hé t-w beiplésa childmon, hé repliéS t-bat hée dit se mit-brein-clan-ce, bn-t t-bat- ibn-lhé bat murderéS théir mothér, tàpy> anno>'- éd hlm mth (heur pitecua criés, an-t be- i-g alarmeS lett thé noise sheuld hasd te bis Setection, lhé cut théir (breats freni ési- te ei-, sut coinpleted.,lus moxhea cf déstrnction. ýfLer thé confession- baS beau mate, tire huntreadedtermainéS men collectéS st- thé placéen'hèré thé prisoe-r mas contin-e, an- t il as plain t-bat- théy lu- tentéS t-c take t-hé lawinite théir cmn bauds, sut mêleoon-t te (bis inhuman mi-étel thé spéét>' justice lie se riebi>' désertéS. Thé prison-ex havi-g finihet his confession, mas heind liant an-S foot-simd takén le a biack-.vainnt t-i-e, t-be placé selectet for bis exécution. ArriveS at t-héfatal spot- Tauze> mas ceci an-S collectéS, perfécti> nnmoet, provi-g bimsoif t-o hé s man cf iSon- nérvé an-S one cf t-hé meet bardeneti vilains thé mould bat ever kn-omn. A roeé ias (ben placet aronuthisn-èche, oneédSt-broum axcunt -a 11mb cf (bo trée, misén Taure>' mas telS bis (ime baS coins, snd t-bat-t-en minutes mon-id hé givén- hlm te maké -an>' last- réqn-st-. Hé i-e lied t-bt hé mon-id iiké t-clité until ho coulS sas bis mlle, sud misen toit bis roqust- cenltn-ct hé grant-éd, hée sait hé biat ne futisèr remar t t maké.- Man>' staliart bands t-heu teck bolS cf thé roe, drawing hlm- cer frein t-liégxeunt, an-S justas tai-k mas coin- i-g on-isét Thnxàday evaui-g, t-be seul cf anu>' héMnrèi res alaunchét i-to et-émait-yt-hère t-e appear befos-e bis Goid it-hai bands yetxret mitbthe- bloco! bf is victims. Hé dis5 almucat- u'lthout 9a Stmn-gg, as u masiedéS hé ýgffel8s oi e xiuuéss, anda eéy are ueang ml in their power te aid thé sufferers.' Thé Govexumént éteamier Mocassin léft bore at ten e'clock for thé scène o! thé disster, -ne dia aise thé ýyacht dbsîe,- with Capi. Lopéx sud s large cMWi. One of thé hifé-boats ýof thé Mertis has jn-st landeS hexe. SNewr Yok, An-g. 81-Mr. GoniS, of Ibis city, irbe ira a passenger on t-hé steamer Motis, s&ys :--Sen after thé Metis mas strxnckthé ateamier Stonig- ion came aiongaidée andS ofteréd héip, mbhich thé cap tain of thé Métis, suppes-. i-g bis tessél lunenodanger, déclinéS. - TheMotipent abou-t15 mUuts,luooký i-g fer thé mnissing schocùér,- anSt-bau résumeS ber ýcourse, leavi-g theoSton- ington te tinS thé schooner. Thé Métis had, beé'n' about baif-an-bour ou ber Cen-née, mhen asemas Siscovèred, te hé rapidlai> icng. Shé iras Uimédiate- ly héadéd fer thé abore, bn-t soon sunk. Théré seeméd te hé abuntance cf lie- préservera ou board, bn-t setralt tek t-me or *kbree éeh, anSléft et-bers mitb- on-t an-y. Tmenty.aèvén hodies have been récovered anS a number cf them; identifieS. Watcis Hiil, R. IL, An-guat 8.-Thé pursér of t-hé Métis-John A. Lathain -makea îthé folcming statement : ber jibboem irènt i-te thé, roin occu- pied b>' one cf thé sailors. Hé mas aslépep t-thé t-bue. i steppeS atthé eugiueer's roci, na u acquixéd if (hère ira>' anymater lu thé fixé room. ,Hé saiS No.- I ment (o thé place mberè t-hé véasel mas strucis, as thé .ofFicona mère (hère. It seemèt -te (hei as if t-hèrewsneotiamage toué te anything bn-t light mork. I meut n-p te t-hé sa- loon : ail seénièti quiett-hère. A féir cf thé passengérs, manteS te kueir miat t-hé mattèx mas. I telS t-hein I thonght theré iras n-e(lange!~; but in a féir mo- ments it iras aaid abc mas slnliing«. I sair thé.engineer rnuni-g t-o thé plot- bouse, sud asked if theré iras an-ytiig mreng. Hé aaid thé sbip baSl been bi'en. As soon as I sair shé mas ssnki-g, my tiret thon-bt iras fox thé passén-gers. I ment te thé saloon. Tisére mas littie con-f-sien. I telS (hem te, gét their life presérvers sut cork mattréssès: thé véssol iras mel aupplieti mith thèse. Wé diSail me con-id te savé t-bs passèngérs. Watér camé lu se fast (bat me coun-io-t bosch bier. Sixe commenceS te si-k. I ton't t-hi-le ovéx fort>' perishet. I neyer 55ir a troaSbéhavé bettér. Thére mas ne pan-l at ail. Théeirbistie mas blemu, as iong as mé bata apotina cf stoam te blowir Il ith, to attxatt attention of passiug vesselé.' Neir York, An-g. 21-T7he Métis mas vain-éd at $150,000, an-lber cargo at $50,000. Shé lé reportét te hoc fn-l>' i-uréS. Mx. Wern-on, bankèr cf t-lus cit>', la almost frautie at thé béa cof bis tire sens, agéd rèspectivel>' sevén anti élgist, iboin lie bat placéd on board thé il-fateS steamer, mn charge of Mr. C. C. Adamns. Thé schodner mhich ceuSéS m ith thé Métis irsé thé Nottie Cu8lting. Tuée captalu states (bat ho mas ri-untbyh> thé M1etig, anS lest bomap hlen-t- géar, kuighîî-héad, anS f rat-géar. Ho sang on-Ite othé captai- cf (lié steamu- ex te staund b>'hlm, as hée thoughît lie mas siuking, bn-t the steamer ment ou ber con-rse. After ecring théemx-éck, for Newr London, htit cen-Id net make il, anti came teo anihor off Gesisén eef, méét of New London ligt. AI th. lime of tisé collision it mas bleu-M sa gale frofti thé e nîb-ast, aud mas (biche anti rai>'. Thé schooner mas lométi mbi Noir London. It lé béliévéd thé number lest mll réachisevént>'. 0f (hé savet, 53 are at Watch-il. Tmén-Iy-tme mère savot b>' thé Mettésixi, anti éight b>' a fishing smace.' Pickering Townahip Conel. Satuxta>', 24t-h An-guÈt, 1872. Thé Pickeriug Con-n-cl met pursant t-e atjourn-mont. Mémbéxu ahI pré- sent. Mr. Green présénted thé pet-ilion ol Sylvester Mackè>' anS others, asklng for aid te mldoir Reid. Mr. Gi-éeu introeti-é a hy-lsirte, veut in Samuel Somervillé sud William McKay (hé aon-tlx baiff e iéoriginal allemaucé ferroai-est len lots 10 and 11, luinte Sîhcocesiou, mnicis - i-est a firstt (ino. Mr. Green movédth(at midoReid li, au iudigent pexéon, récéive thé sum o! $1 per meéek (illthé Diét cf Décémbor n-ext, anS tbat Levi Maieke>' te comnis- alanex te fnisht-hé saie. Mr. Green movéd (bat t-héeaninof $80 hé grantéd te imprové t-be aidé- road betiréén lots 12 sud 18, lu tisé TaE BUFFALO HUNT AT NiÀeRuÂî FALLS.- For semé ueéks paut extensive notices liste heau cirenlaelt (ron-giout Canada an-S t-le United States te thue èffoct thuat- a gran u n-flo bunt moisiS tako place aI Niagara FaIls, lu mbich ",WIi l i an-S a number cf Intins cf tIsé Sacs sut Fox tribes uvoulS take a ps-cment- part. Tisé Sun-t baâ,beén- pcatponet sévéxal timés, bn-tiras fin-ai- ly an-nouncéatot tako place on Woducé- ta>', 27t-b tle As an- addition-ai aI- tractiont - XeianVaquexe Troupe, cempriéi-g s baud cf Lasse mon mon-ntet on thiéS Mn-stan-g puls, monlt it- iasanuncet, st-tache the obu!- fsioee, sut mithu texterons (hi-lits cf t-le lariat, capturét-Sein. - It mas alse promiseS thiat (bey mon-id éxhibit (beir mon-te-fn-h fate mîth thé lariat lu csp- turing aid'tbreulug milS Téxscattie. In conséqudence cftbs ic.p ad t- vértisomént, about jî,ô00 péople mes-e présent on (lié grounds (bat . ftxneon for tise purpoae cf mltuessing this novel spectacle,.lint thé ywirse deeméd te hé tisappoiuted. At (me o'cicheabout one hundréti In-diaus caine on- the gronuSasudamuseS theinses b>'pis>'- i-g lacrosunnIl s féi minutes atex ths-e e'cloek, vwhèn- sèvén Mexitane, béeateS b>' "WilSBill,' énterét t-be en- closure an-S cemmen-cet chsng s poor atex ubiei mas quieti>' hromsiug, anti havi-ng stiotéétd lu getlug it te trot, it- mas lasacéd sud qnickl>' (broNu te tise greund, wirbihmas performe& sét- exal, limés. --Theae preceedinge ire not- rélishet b>' thé spéctatera, anS len- criessmers bsn-rd for thé bn-ffloés, t havi-g bhen- tated t-bat (bey more cap- tureS for thé. purpose néar thie foot of- thé Rock>'Mountains, aftexen-e cf tisé mnost exc ilg chass evér mituèsset ou thé plaine.,Bn-t- n-emIS -hn-ffaIoes ap- peaxêt, t-hein placés hein-g fillp b>' t-me mwhith bavé héén- on ctiibition for soe years lu Bârn-ett's Museum. -This se diéguét-eS - (bose présent(bhat fréquént butS cf tisapprovài >'mère béant from parties iWho audStrivélèS salong dis- tgncé anS paiS théix admission féce te mltuesé "thé most interoating, théenîcat grant-additions teeu poplaton?.If- eux polie>'a safinancial 0fcilit, in a mral peint- of viém, 'ditnguiabable freux crimnai uegièct-? Inbriate amy- l-n eau swcthsé dunkard, by exér- clsing tha'inudi>' centrol which dé- Vrivés bimu of thée pportiMity cf self- inJnry, sas expérience shows, sud they alonéeau savé hlm, 'ýThé dut-y cf se~-> cuety la plain ; it isa sdnty scarcél>' less temards lt-self t-han temnadathé -chasa ihicis neétis tgaïad. ýPrivaté 'cnte-ex prisé pxodn-ceaan-eh institutions inu.thé UniiteS St-at-s;bn-t t-hère iras no.-a igus cf its Seing se hiéxé, If thé efforts cf t-hé TeméaneSocieties 'had.,béeen stedil' trecéd -e biseét'it mon-id oe eihaéhnscue;but inatea& cf a crowuing monument, lu thé shape cf an luébriate asymum,- mn-ch mastéti énorgyas léft hehint a sas record cf fhus, rélieved cul>' b>'ectasional ilu. stancea of auccéas. Ftèry (bing. pointa te t-h cocunsion (bat if Ontarie is t-o t-r>' thé expérimart cf rechaimiug thé, tirunkard tbron-gh Inehiité Asylume, t-be Govérnmnent mn-st coume te thé rés- cn-è. Thé prospect cf urgiug il i-te action is rén-dérét gréater by thé atop-_ tien of a fêterai form cf Govèrmnent. Un-tex t hé olS lgisîsîlve. union, it men-IShavé been impossible te bn-Id on-e an-ch institution wilson-t buiding. tire; sud misère (ho énterpriae bas an- t-ing cf an expèrimén-tai characlèr, thé uècèséity of a largo éxpen-ti always makes againat it. Let thé churchès, lot phiathxopists, let témpéraucé ad- vocales, let al mwise are couvincéd of thé necesalt>' cf (bis mork hein-g untér- taken, urge on- the Govèxnment cof On-- tarie te éstahlisb on-e expérimental In- ebriaté Asylmi. If Ibis hé toue, in- ésxuost; if ail thèse separale organ-iza- tien-s an-S sections cf sociét> il cen-- sent te hé practical for once, thé mork Thé mork mwoult, iluoeespect, séem mere proerly te helen-g te thé Domiin- ion Goernmunt ; i-ce il is lulo tise Fédérai Treasur>' (bal thé largo reven- n-e raisét by dti-is on alcobolie drinks tintis its ira>'. Perisapa the relation cf thé tire thingu la more apparent t-han- real ; an-S in au>' casé, notbing tan- ab- solve Ontarie fremin is obligation lu thA promises. Sn-th aà institution mon-Id have te hé armet Wth én-ficiént poméra and gnaran-teés againut their abuse. Theré lu a étagé in thé hister>' of eter>' tmunkard misen-lhé becoifies incapable cf taking taré cf Ihinséif ; an-t iren- that stage bas been reachati, (ho étaté Lna>' clan-n te become hie guaxtian. ) Dmnnness, uulilcè insanil>, lias sboirter parezysma, irben placetunn-ex tréatméh. Insanity eau nevér hé cur- 3et lu a short (ime ; mania a potu mia>' -cessée lu a féir tiys ; bn-t this, every on-o kn-ows, lu qnité distinct frei curé. Tixe lénglix of (ime necessary (o reutrain the liberty cf a trunicard moult hé thé heuglix cf limé n-eccéuary te éffet a cure, probable if net certain. Tisis l thé clvii aspect of thé question ; anti it t vs rise te consitéxaticus %mîxicli lie at thérool cf théemîxele inaIter. This pomer cul en-t beééxê-rtiéet by officérs cf the goeécmot : te ticiegaté it, lu thé fn-l calent nètéésaxy, te indliNituais, moult hé a maniféattiullltnlty. A year is thé shoxtesl lime, consitéreti by an-- Ihoritiés on thé snbject, wlithimbwich a trunkati tan-hé on-et, an-t yét it mon-t lîartly (Ic le veét pritaté perseus, on mhix it moult hé tdie-ict te fix due responsibilit>', mltiîauthenity te tiétain an inekrhae a year against lus Nil, mh'qn-ii l-d net hé sait, drink apart, lié tonlinuet te hé incapable cf manx- aging lus ocm affaira. Bn-t seciet>', acting tixsough lthéeicovrumeut, moult hé bounile keép lu tien tise great endi 3of réclamation, an-S it motit hée justifiéti lu insiug mmatever autiiorit>' might hé >rfoundto te éeceésary te attain (liat en-t. Piivaté ingtructions, if vesteS mitix les ample poméxu, might do innch gootý; but thie chance cf a permansent ture monlthé mn-ch lésa. Those cf tho i-mates cf an inebriate asyln-mibo bat n-et private means te psy their ivay, néeS no e h odl s burtlicu ou tis- public. Thséir la?)or f con-id hé ntIieS i-site thé institution- bottor t-han on-t cf it ; for twmoun-Snet hé intercuptét b>' périodical débauches, or becomé gxatinaiiy incapable of hein-g éxércisetunîdér thé procesé of pl'ysical and meutl d ebasémeut, lin-ted hy constant uottishnéés. -%";liente (lus conuideralion lu add tei éîouéythal moulti hé savèti on-jails an-t ailtisé ia- ciinery foxthie adiministration of jus- t ité,,anti innatit asylumé, an inebriate *asyluni t becomés certain, mon-it savé more (han it monlt cost'. But me te n-elt ish le reét ils imeri ou tho, lu (bis fcase, loir level of mère limanciai suc- ceas : (hoebn-mau mnterests at staké are tee gréat to hé méasuret b>' Ni-et>' thousand slaves,-are exported snnnally fxoni théet-aster-. coast'of Afr- es te Fersa, Arabisansd Madagascar. The Unit-ed Stat-éa. ii-in ninntion witl of en-oth se ira ' plaes, otW r unahié te r'ecail a case misèhre'-a lettex iras on t-héroad sévénteen years,, en--5 ,acting t-hé part- cf a manSserixg Jem.j Jn-st imaginé thé mail clerle, sort-mg his lettiers at- thé antipodes éxcliming, as hé t-uru n- t-b'e inévitable 'John Me-1 Crachen-,' tlîrowing il awirmn -dlsgust as hé exciairna,. 'WéhllI'in hicivet if1 here ia't- t-bat lèttér agai- ' Stean- ahi p aili ciesamnut- have bécome fa- miiarmit'h John MeCrackeén's éplat-lé, sud ne -dcnbt, mon-Id exelimu as thé errin-g leter t-nred "a# csonil' 'Ah, hère yen- are agài- ' Rét. Dr. Ormiston la couixibuting te tho Néir YorkWit*nésa seriea of lu- t-xatiglelters descriptiveo saa-m. mer holday (rip, i whlish Canada la incluSeS. Amen-g ethé tepica hé n9-t urali>' attéxls te t-ho général élection, sud lu a létter frein Wbitby pays théý foeoi-g high aan-S Seervéd complimen t-o Ux. Ahsxanaer-Mac3kenzié,: 'Ti ' proprièt>', cf an- Gotéramént NIdxl au élection t e éhèlS,'spécial- 1>' lu agricutursi ceunties, mn-thé lime of irbéat harvéat, âamore t-han question- able, an-S onght te hé -atoidéd.: No valit reason eau hé assigneS mis>' thé>' miglit n-ct- héheid s feir mées ,earlier or latex lu t-hé season, I bail thée p- portunity ot at-tending, a large .pelitical meeting lu t-bis vicinit>, 1 ire I héard acmé cof thé esding. poitiéassof thé country>' iscus thégi-est -questions e! thé ta>'. Thé Hon. Mr. Mackenzie, a gentlemnan cf rare- gifla, large, expéri- ence, higis réputatien, andsuteling, mcxth, lester cf t-ho Opposition- lu thé Dominion Paxiament; gave an- admira-- ble adrSti-oef n-ealy (bhré heurs lu léngtb, turing mlleShé hepasseS lu ré- vièm thé bluter>' cf t-be cen-nt-r>'ince thé ,rimé hébfoxé thé couféderation cf (hé -provinces ;,.rèferring le t-ho actions cf t-hé Gotérrnent lu référencé t-o Con- 'fétèratien, the Intéxtolonial an-S Paci- fié- Rallroats, an-Sý thé Washington Tréaty->.Il mas a auxi>', compreben- site, anS -instru-ctive 'speech,«'an-S mas enthn-siasticail>' received b>' a. large assémbi>' efltelligeut yemen! Thé forcé o! tise foiloig criitieis sel Se'don-et b>' ne one.,0 'Sir John A. Macden-lt mas présent on thé platfci-m, bn-t diS»no-t pe, sa hé SaS promisét te attirées anetlior meeting t-bat eténi-g l i thecm c f Wbitb>', on- behialf cf lis Administra- tion-. I on-t t-obéai- hiiu, expccting s gréaI tréat, as I liaS - heart i hm fer- imerl>r mit-bmn-ch pleauré. .Hé la 1iookiug meli, notwiitandlug t-ho mear c f inu>'yaxs cf public life, an-t la con- idtel> looki-g forirard t-o anether léseof office, wmicis héis lkel>' teo-b tai-. Bn-I I mas gréat>' disappolutet lu bis atdresél. Hée poke pléasanti>', butn-In-t forcili>; an- aithougis hé ciaracterizéd (lie speechi cf Mx. Mac- kenzie, mhth he liaS héard t-bat aftei- n-cen, as a failure, ho dit net con-tés- 1cendtoeshow-.vberei il ma4ýs s.', TEE CîcOLLtA GNIN NINDIA.-At- vices frein India report t-hé choiera la rsgiug fi-tel>' lu isu>ny f tisétonn (bren-gent thé empire, an- th(at (thé nuinhéx cf teatha frein thé dmease la appailing. Tho greateat ccutemnation sud alaxin pi-étal amoug t-li nhabi- taule cf tlis mail uS t-hickly séttlo tomns, irho, feaxiug an épiteunle , axé hiastèn-i-g te the settlémén-ls mlxerc thé Siseasé lias n-et yct appéaret. Iu thé cit>'of LahDre, the capital cf tbo-PSn- jj, irlire, frein its! tits>'condition antin-arýà-cm streétesud overcroirded liess, thé disease bas,- appearéd iu a Mnost maliguant forin, thousn-st havé been cas-iied off, uinS a générai panile prêtais sinon-g, thé people. At Maén- mer aise t-hé ravages cf (lié diséasé have béen teriblo. Thé antheritiés are éxércisiug évér>' means lu their pomer le abate tisé- progrescf (bis terrible malati>. WIFIE MURDE.- Aucastex, 'An-g. 31. Au inquést mas bélS beré yéstéi-aar b>' Coi-on-exOrtoun- pou thé bcd>' of an un-. fortunate meman namet Mary Niche, 1 eifé cf Nicholas Nic, hemio belonged te a part>'ced Onita Indians mho eri- 1passing t-bren-gb tbis town-ship sut én- campeS théeilit inthé Woods., From 1thé evidon-ce it sppéared, 1tisé>' ers vos-y drunhe, an-S s fracas 0cur-ng, Niche- ýstruche bis mlle upen- thé béaS, iffiictjn-g 1a inortal monni. A post-morténi ex- amination ias maté b>' Dre. Richards sut Brandon, irbo désposet t-bat t-hé teceasod camé te ber 4éatlr frein t-h effecta cf a hîcir npou t-hé hcat cansiug 1spoplexy. A verdict iras reutéréd- iu scci-tauco uitS thé facta. DitsAsTEits at FraieANO WATR.- 1Osmége, An-g. 81.-A gale - cf nn--aal séVéril>' fer t-is uéason cf t-léheal Sas Wbltb>', 1t - The Qucen cf Mr. Stanlcy. London, Auguét Slst.-The, foleming léttèr, togétbér mith a inaguificéi u-nff-box, set mithbilliants, Shas been rècéivèd b>' Mr. Stanle -lé> PomîIN eOFFCE, An-g. 81. SmR,-I havé gréat satisfaction in cen-véyi-g t-o yen, b>' command of thé Queen, Her Majesa' appréciatioir ci thé pi-udence anSdzal hich you bave displayed inepening ceminUnlatien mith Dr. Livingstoe, nsd reliévlng H1er Majmt>'frein thé- auxit>' hicb, in cemmxn mits ber subjeets, ahehé a feit ini regard t-et-be fate of that distn- guishied traveilér. Thé Quéen désires me te express lier thanhs fer thé service ycu bavée(bn-s réndered, tegether mitb Hex Mjésty' congratulations for yen-r baviug-se succèsifully carrneS ont thé 'missin on yense feaxlésl>'underteok.. Héx Majéat>' aise deoires me te ré q usi yen-r aceptanceaof théeunemenlal mhlc acempaniéest-bsléttex. I amn, air, yen-r mest obedieut sud humble, sex- vaut,- (SigIieS» GRANVILLE. -To H. M. Stailey>. Mxr.rLuAnay, Clerk oftbshon-cse of Cotamwnal adead. 1, STEAITON.-At Wiutby, onuFriday, 20th ù1t.,. the infant danuýhter cf thé late Mr. Thomas Straiton. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE. GRiAND TBUNK R. B. Trains leave ~whitby Station as follows: Going East- G(ing West- Express .... 7:07 a. m. Exrs. 8-12 a.m, Mixed. :00) p. m. 3ie ... 0pm Express .... 6:88 p. , ic.Ep.MaillO:-12p.m. The trains ru by Montreal tima which ia 22 minutes faster than Wbitby time. WHITBY & PORT PERY R. R. Tirais <bing North- mail. Mixéld. 'wbitby janctiou, 9.00 a.m. 7:45 p-in. Whitby 9:07 a.m. 7:52 p.m. Port Pe;ry, (arrive) 10-30 a.m. 9-15 p.m. Trains Goiug South- Mixea. Mail. Port Perry, <départ, 6-00 am. 1-80 p.m. Wbitby, (arive) 7:2 a.m.3:53 p.m. Whitby Junction, 7:80 am. -L-0 p.m. DIVINE SER VICE. All Saints' Church--At Il a. m., and 7Tp. M.-Rev. Mr. Cayley. Catholic Church-E-very Sunday morning at 6.W0 and 10-.80 a. mn. siternately-ERev. Mr. Shea; vésidénce, Oahawa. Canada Prebtrian Chiuch-At Il a. m. and 6:30 P. . - -v. Mr. Bàllentyne. Congregational 1Church-At 11 a. m. and 6:80 p. mn-Pev. IL Gibbs. St. Andrew's Churcb-At Il a.mi. ana 6:30 p.mn.-Rev. Mr. Fraaer. Wesleyan Methediat Chur-cl-At 10-30 a. m.and 6:80 P. M.-Rev. Mr. --Sanderson., Breskfit.- Epps's Cocon.- Grte2 ful and U..mtorgtng.-"13y a thereugh kuowledge of the natural laws wbich govera the opérations cf digestionx aud&2nitrition,snd ly a caréful ampicatiénn cf theéfine propér- ties cf weil- eéted ecoa, Ma. Epp! has ?-.- revd- eu beakfaat tables with a dliete- yflaverâd bevrgwbich May Esav,é us mnauy heavy docters'bMfs."-Civil Seivace Gaetdte, Made simply with boilingwateror Milk. Bach packetioalabeled-.tas.Epps & Co., Homoepatbic Chemisa, London. Aise makýers ef E p' 3fMn-qCocos (Cocos and A ChemIcal Food & Nutritive Toute. XTTOUT Phoasphorus ne thought, say V.thé German, md tbey.mighitadd, no actien, aince Phesphora and its compeuna aére knoivn te be the metive poer ef thé Inervens and. muscular system. Tliey cen- stituté more tbkn ha]! ieerial ofthe buxnanbody, being feunldin evexy.tisane, and theix présence is abselutéiy esséntial te nutrition, as théy promoté tbé converson ef aleuinen in the foeod into:flbriné, wbieh la thé vitalizing agent a! pure, hélihybl6oS. Théy are cemting ite unîiéral use in En- repe and Améericain t]4e tréaneunt cf Sexe- fuleus, Cemuptive. ana Vénérai diséases, which 'are eauséd by impoerishéd or pol- soned blood; and in disésssof voen au!- fering front irregularities, obstructions and éxa Umdshrgésin paie,pony ebiid- rau, anS that condition cf nervous and phy- sical' prostration résultéS frbm baS habita excessive use of stimulants and tebacce, and sud ail that train, cf-évilg knewn as a fast Hie. Thé great réliability ant, promptuanes in its effets in inméedîately and permanent- ly réat rinig thé devitalizéd constitution lias made D aWHEELERIS, COMPOIJND ELIXÉIISOF PHOSPHATES AND Q ALI. SAYA à great favouxite with thé Physielana ana pblic. Sold at $1 00. July 5, 1872. 82 WHITBY MARKETS. - CzaezîIez OyrYc, Septf. 7th, 1872. BÂan.x- As mat. yéaw g adIvise farmérs te bxing theix barley éarlito miarkét. -Thé sample here is a very exdinary one, and rnuch inferior te that-of the-Wéstérn States. No. séttled pric e yt'; but No. l-samp1e may-be set-dowu at 60 cents. FaU Wheat ..........$1 25 @e$el30 Spring Whest......... -1 20 g $1 25 Bàxley-.... ......... 60c @60o Peas ................ WC@70e Bye.............. .... 60e@65e Oas ................ 40 45e H1ay»....... .......... $e16Y Potates ........... ... 4c g 406- Clover-Seed ............. 85 Timothy .........1...e Maple Sugar..........1j24e @ 15o Eggs............ 120'** u@ 15c Butter ...... ........ 1e @ 17e Chéese ...............î4,3 i8 Béef, bina quarter...... 8 @ 8 Bée!, feraquarter, .. ... 87@e#7 Pork, ler ewt.......... $6 50 @ 650 Wood............. ....35 @1 - Wool................. 52e NEW TADVERTIEEN'8 T>) TE PESIDENT .-DRECTRS OF TH[Ç

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