One year old entiras Colt.... 4 dé Id ~'FilÇ....... 4 Pily......6............ 4 1sADLt OU EOAD IBORUS. Stalfion.................... 'Marc and Fal......:..... 4 Thirce year nid entire Colt... 4 Two year old satire Colt... 4 Oue yeAr oli satire Colt..'..d,4 64P d ly . ....... 4 UosigeCorlu harf2...a...... I,4 Saddle Morse............ 4 stamlon.-.............. 4 -Maré andFue.............. 4 TIres year nid entire Colt... 4- 16 6f Filty...... 4 Two year old entire Colt... 4 04 46 ily...0....... 4 One ye rol entire Colt.... 4 1 04 .$0 ly ..........4 Hors. Colt of 1b72.........4, Fily Il. Il.-............4 Pmr Generai pose Mnorses 4 DB>.kUOBT 110155,. talo .......... .......4 mare and Fod .............. 4 Tire. yeer nid entira Colt... 4 46-4 !Filly ....... 4 Two yeur old entiro Colt... 4 6. ii_ ltFY . One year old entire Cot 4 i "Puy vl .......4 Tiôoe Colt of M2 :: .......... 4 Filiy -I 6 , ......... 4 PAIr Draught Morses...... 4 0 2 8 2 082 0 2 0-2 8 2 8 2 0'2 S21 8 2 Clasa LCate TIIOROUGH -I3RED. I Bull... .................4 $8 2 BullCa ? ............U.......... 4 2. MileiliCow, giving silk or in .cul£ ... .............. i.... 4 8 2 Tliree yeatrolil Cow............ 4 8 2C T wu yoar oh Helfer ...... 4 a 2 Yearlng Heiferi.............-4 'S 2 t 11it eCaIf . .i........... ...4 a 2 ] bMlcitCow, Canadian Brod ... 4 8 21 Tliron yean nid Cow do ... 4 8 2 1 Two ycar ld Heifer do ... 4 8 2 Yearliug Ileifer do ...A 8 2 IIEVON. Bull ......1............ .......... 4 8 2 Two ycar nId Bull .......4 8 -2 Yeurlug Bull........... :: -4 S 2C Bull Oaf.................. 4 8 21 Mihl CoNw, giving imilk or ln- caîf .....................4 8 2 Thîson year olel Cow .... 4 8 2 Tw year oli lifar ......4 8 2 yeasrlinag;Ile1k-r...... ..4 8 2 1lniftur Calf ........4 8 2 Mlelt Uuwv, iving înik on lu raiE,.. :................... 4 3 2 Threnoynar old Cow....... 4 8 2 Tvo y car «Id lîqer........4 8 2 Yearlin<g Ileifer...i........... 4- 8 2 linifier LîlE ... ..............4 8 2 Bu........... .. ....... ... 4 8 2 Two year Oldil Ãl .......... 4 8 2 Yearling Bull ................ 4 8 21 3illîCalf ..................... 4 8 2 3MilohaI Cnw, giviug milk or in 1 , O&IC ...................... 4 8 2 1hren yean ol< Cow ..... 4 a2 T.wo year ondi Hifen ..... -. 4- 8 2 Ycîanhing Iliifar ............... 4 8 2 -leifer CalE ................... 4 8 2 fletfiord, lu laelude Bullaud cet least 41 femaîns, o! any brecd ...................4 .8 2 lîel Jluh-any ege on bread ... 4 FAT TTE Fat Oxor iteen .............. 4 8 21 len Ca ow or Ileifer ........... 4 '8 2 Cl,,ss III.-Sheep.- .......... .............8 211 ......... liu ... ......... 2 haro ELarn..... ....8 2 1 iwo8u ring... ............ 8 2 11 Tiv wo L art umbâ.............832 1 COTSWOLD. ilu.................... 8 2 1 Shcvaniiag Ram............. .... 8 2 1 lam Lanmb ................. 8 2 1 Too Res .................... 8 2 1 Two tihaarliog Ewes .....8 2 1 Tivo.En-e Laîmbs .. .......... 8 2 1 Cotswoieh, Canadien breed-, 8heenliug Rahein ......... 8 2 1 Two Rves .................... 8 2 1 Tino Slan-riug Ewes .....8 2 1 13OUTIIDOWN. Itemi.... ..................... 8 2 1 Sheimealintz Ram .... . ....8 2 1 ,Ilaîc ILamb...... ............ 8 2 1 Tivo Twes;....................8 8 8 Two Siaarliug Ewes ....... S 2 1 Two Ewe Lebs ............. 8 2 1 FAT SHEEP-AMY Dazan. Two Fat Waethers........... 8 2 1 - Two Fat Ewoa ...............83 2 1 ClaesB I-S-wi.e SMALzBEn, SUFFOLKe, IMPROTED EK SHIRa ANDES SEX. IJoitr............ ....-à ..... 8281 Soiv.............. .........8 2 Y Boar Pig of 1871............... 8 2 1 tlow Pig of 171i............. 8 2 1 LAilOiC W154E, A"YOTHER KIMI). 1Boar........... 8 2 1 sui............ ........... .. 8 2 1 Boar Pig of1871l........... ....8 2 i' >ow Pig Of1871 ............. 2 1 FATsWINE. Fat ng ........ ............8 2 *Clans V.-ýGraiu and Beedo. 8 bushiehs FeR Wheat.... 4*8042 10> bushele o! tprng Wheat, T. N. Gibbs' M .. 28, 5 a bushels Spning Wheat. ...4o 2 8 bushiels Banley (2 row)...4 8, 2 8 bushel Baley (ô ruw)......4 8 2 8 bushlels Peas, large........4 8 2 8 busiels Pees, smahl.*..... 4 8.2 8 bushols Oats,'bIack.'48 2 g,. 441V S..... aO Olis 'YIIt-Poultry. 'air Black Spanish ..... ...*.. 50 dé 9aqliglt.11 ... 50 "aeso . ........ ...1 50c wisit .......... iý colored ..... ..S..1 c - ol04 .. ........... 0 P>aF~owi.. ..........i O Turkeys, oolored.... 1 60c "-Wild Turkeys ...... ..... c e Gse ebred. i SOc00 Ducks ...................i 1 5c "Canary Birds ...........i S5o Pigeotis, best collection ..... i1 Soc Fouiu ...... - ...........i1 500. Bsst lot of Poultry in on. peu bndby exhibitor, cdis. tinot from ail other, n. .. ........... ....... 21l Dias IX-Yarm Imp1emeuts4, _pIer, -onyind .... ..66$6 42 kfcnwiu'Machine ......... 6 4 Tbreshiug Machine ....... 8 4, 2 Waggon, (tWo hors. tsam) ..4 8-2 do .(two horse, sprlug ,- mArket)................... 4 -8 T!wo Horse Carna4ge ...... 4 8 2, OneaMorse db ......... 4 8 2 66 5&o1 with o. 4 'S 2 - ~ iihout top , 8 2 I~~~wo~~ Wos lii . 2 On os.Seg ......... 4 8 2 PloifUyýothsrkiÉd ... ..4 8 2 Double mould.board Plougîz ... 4 8 2 Set otHarrows, wood, .. 4 Il2 do d4o,>: fon .- 4, e -1 iTwo Iso"és'Cil4vaor -S B2 n ~ ... 4 _8 2 Straw CuttW, for herse power. 4 8 2 Cern Sheller..:............... 8 2 1 One-horse-Cultivator ...«1.-~8 2 1 Straw Cutter, worked by hanel 8 2 1 ZHçnÉlà s in, Tlo*... o...,......S eaoMilvc itoress.... .....8 oz -1 Cha61e pres............... 2 1 Washing Machine ........ 2 1 Turnip SUcer................. 2 1 Chum .....................2, i Grain Crusher ..... -f... 2 1 Hlall dozen hay forkp........2 1 Half dozen manure fonksa ...2 i Half dozen steel Hues....2 1, ~alf dogon, Scythes............ . 2 1 Farmtlate....................0 i Specixuen of Draiuiug Ti1c .... . 00 2 Specinen hune siees witli caulita.. . .... ...........01 Specimen horse. mîmes withîout ceuiks ........ ...... ...1. > Specimen of Pumpmaker's work.. .. ... .... ........ 0 .Clans 'X-Horticultural De- partmeut, 12 table Ap)ples, somnmer, nain- ed ..............1 50c 12 Cooking Apls mer, nai.. ............ .. 1 .0e 12 table Apples, fall, namned ... 1 80e 12 cnoking Ap pies, EaUl, nameel I 50c 12 table Applos, Winter, nmcd 1 50e 12 cooking Appies, "l "I .1 50e 12 venellies of Apples, naîneil, O of c ................1 50e Best display of Applea, growtlh nE exhibitor, distinct frein thse aboya, by A. Farewell 5 8 2 12 table Pearo,Eaillr<amed...i1 50c 12 table Pears, winter, nameel. 1 50e 12 Plums,-diessert ............. 7e.50e Best collection oE Pluma......75e 50o 12 Peachas .................... 75o 50e 12 Quinces .................... 75o 50e 12,Crab Apples, large .....70e0 12 Crab Apples, email ......7o 50e 12 Tomatoes.....,..... . 7c 50e Fig Tomatoes ................ 7e 50c 12 roots Beets................ 7c 50o 2 clusters Grepes, whîite, growu under glass .............7c 50o 2 clusters Grepes, black, grown under glass ............-75e 50e 2 clusters Grapes, white, grown in open air ..............7o 50o 2 clusters Grapes, black, grown in open air................ 75c 50o Water Melon .................. 75e 50e Muait Melon, green flealo...7o 50a Musk Melon, scenlet flash... 7e 50e- Citron ........... ............7e 50c I b;o ofHops .................75e 50e Chllhory ..... ............. .. 7e 50e Best and grçatest veriety of!. L ýGardonVegetehles .... . $1e CatsUp ....................... 75e 50e Mepie olasses ...... ... ...7o 50e -.Uaaphrry. Vinagar ........... 75e 50e Grap Wiue ........ ........75oe.50 4ïi epietioWie 7e50e Class XI-Domestic Manui- facture's. > 10 yadsPul Clthhoin ô- mude pun and woYe by henel..................1.50 $1 10 yards Faui Clotia, faetory-; inde..................... 1.01 m ynr s Satinet, factory inad&e 1.W0 10 yards Funel, home-nedei a wool ................. 1.01 -y& s lanel, hoemach., by band, cotton. warp.. 15o 10 yardslnnel.fatoy made, ai31 1 ...... . 1.... 14y ~'~1J4tory maa 10 ... ........ 1.50 10 yards wýoolen Capt ...... .50 10 Y'ds ag Capetcottm warp lm0 10 ae. È" ole~ap150 Pair ôi 'l&nktsIbns mad .. ................. 0 -c ... .. .......... 1.0 ýéCovenlet, iht............. 1.50 fthrd's Plaid ............. 1.0 i PirWoolon Stookings...... 75e.5M $ott YStc*h.........7ý60 "C P nWosMtA..........75 50 le:101bwrmiin tWiatznai statu, $8 ............... Faucy ,Kulttijg -.... Orotehlet Worlc........ Tattiug .. ..-............. Applique Work........ Embroidery ou Mualin .. .4 un Lace.. 6b 1in Si*i..;l 61' in woratod.. "6 on Cottn Etsse Beriin wobl-wr Germ'aisraiaed. wonhc Guipure work. ..... Chenue wr.... .Mexican needie work.. Ormimeistai nýedlawork > Specinien of Braidiug.. 66 Quffting .... " Beah wnrk ... - lace -work ... Boast collection of Lady's Upderclothing made %y band............ 44 W by machine Worheei Slippers ......I Sofa ýpiUow............... Toilet ,Set .............. Cotton, Tiily .......... l3raided "..... Wurkod Camp chair.. Camp Stool ........... "Ottomnan ... ...»......... Wax Fruit ............... Wax Flowers..... Wax LBe..... Taper' Flowere ........ Heir Flowers........... Feather Flowera. .... Zephyr Flower ....... Fency Basket ......... Wall basket........... 'GeinLamp.,...-.. Lamp Mat.;........ Fney table, met Fancy laîa ok Hostfie .......... Cionlework.... ......... Canadisan StrawMat .. Farmer's Wrcelth....... Haà r Jewellry ...... Work Box ............. 1 501 1 60 ' _iSo 1.501 1 60'1 1 60 1 50 160 1 50 150 150 1 00 1 O 1 001" 1 10 1 00 10ou 1-0 1580 6 0 1 DO 1 50 1 50 150, 1 00 - 75- > - 07 - 1 00 50 nô0 150 0 150 100u 1-00 1 00 100o 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 'l 1 0 1 00 1 00 75 75 1 00 1 00 1 O)0 1 00 1 00 0 10 50 5 100 il 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 * lass XIII-Fine Arts. Oil Paihting, asdape.8.. 2 0O 41 66 animais...... 2 f0 1 66 any subjeet... 200G 1 WValur culored landecapo ... 2 00 i 66 animale ....2 00 i e6.asy subjet ... 2 001> Velvet painting .............1 50) Peneil, fiure aubjacts... 1 80 1 'Pencil drnwing, any suhujiect. 1 501> Crayonî drawing, anlimais.i*.. 50 1 66 uiiy subjeel. i 1 fl i Colored sbeet. 1 hSU0 i Pearl 1Painting.............I I)-1 Ornainicual Peiîuasrsh±lip...1 501> Mappiug ....................i1 0 1 Collection of Aubrotypea und Phmo0togrephs ......... .. 0 PhioolaphalePPl-trait, finis-J .ji i ......_. .1840 2 Pa lpaînthIy.............81 0 i Clans XIV - Leathor & Loat-h- PairleBLootsi.............. $ pair Coarse Boots.,..........2 Asiorinieut u' an<sd Shoo- naker's avork...........2 Set ofFar Il animes. l 3 2 1 CecaeHarns...2 ~igoHaruois ........32 1 Sallie......... ........... ...S32 1 tilde Saclille.................. ' 2 1 Pair hevy liorso Cllar .....2 i Travelling TI.riîîuî..............1.00 Silde Solo Lt;atlier ........... 1.0 i Silde Upper Leautlser, Cowlslde.150 i Cal! Leather..........1.0 i silde Hora Le-' ather.'--**:1.50 i Cl-asXV-ÃŽi2iscollanoous. Piano.-..................... . $4 00 >$2 Cabinet Work........ ........ 3 00> 2 sculptu-e iu Merbie -..... l 00> 2 19 Iba Houey lu Comb...... 1>0 i Becs' Wax .................... 1 80 i 10 lbs Hleuy straiuedl........150 i 10 ibq IMapýe Sugar ...........i1 80 1 Two loaveas o! BreadS.........150 i Colctiolisf on fectiouery ... i 80 i Bouquet of Phoivars, talle . I..150 1 b aud .i..150 1 Letter 1'ranA ý;Piflin .i.... 50 1 Collection of Ed,îge Tool .i....150 i Two Axes.. ............... ... 1 50 1 Paunelion.......-...........i1 50 1 Window lsIs .. ............i 50 i NViudow Bhias................ 1 501> Grainiug ini Wood ...........i1 50 i Be. Hive. ................i 50 1 Tillons'- Work................ 1 50 1 Upholstercr's W onk... .. 1 50 1 Specimien of Tinaruith 1s Work. 1 80 1 Beet colletion ofCoope'î wonk it 8.0 i .5eiugMachinîe..............8 'Z' 1 Floral Dcîiigu .....à ...........0 50 MUSIC.-Tsere will ha a baud O! Music engugeti durnug lac cxhibtiou, by tIhe cOnmitt.eo15having the arrange- mienti of that depanîmnut lu change. c IANERY SA O F VALUABLE FARMS, One mile frou ýtowuni fWhitby, Will be aold, purs uaut tb decree in the siuit of Lon g va. -ivingstone, iu September next, then orfh> 150 aures of lot 32, , unlat couceoeion of Tn-,uaip of Whitby, iu the Couuty of Oxntaio ; and the ncrth L50 ams of lot 33 iu the saad concession. An alvertisemeut coutaining partienLara of sale vilt hcpublished jun a feu- weeks. SPENCER, ROSE & MACDONALD, Vendorr, Soicitors. Torou to, 25th July, 1872. t-a F AReR AE luInths th concession of th. Township of Whitby, li&mileasvest ofBroolcilu, ue hu died aicrQs. mpply t-'-- Broekhiis. Ontario. 'fl~oldn, Ag. l, 172. 331f. S H 0 T ()G RAP HY. The reons fomee'.y oceupicd bhMr. Wilisou bava again bien openad te tise pub- lie by au operittol, Mr. J OHNNST,y Wb =stoogly hqai d'wtial the Isprveaua nthe at a'i bien for thse Lust «1hz..yeara engà gd ii.' n'o!t te Iargýle 1 hotgapiesthablim0fts iniTo- ronto offrfs a ýperfectike.- nessa,froua th.e malast iefature tb a fHie size. H. aispractice .iLButehart's uew photopaphie process, of tranaferrig k. nioh S Lu voas sud conlsin 011oU The public are rcapetflrly Iovited t ecaul Nothiug cbargsd. if likeneaaes fot s5atis- factory. Eoqnms Opan from 9 a., 'te C Q. PhotographGalleryWallace',% llocir, np Wlithy, July l7th, 1871. lm-29 i h 1 il 1 I i 'i 1- 1 i i i i i I i 'c 'e 'c le le le 2 2 I W. A. LAW, Smeay and Treauer, -orear iOffice, Wbitby, Jliy 4, i872. Sin-S W. A. ILAW, Secretazy Le Treasurer. Importer anil Damier- iu ml kinda o! Famlly Groceries, Pure Wines, tCHeQiUERED"STORE, saoul* araZiv. WhiLby, May 1872. 22-1> p OilT WHITBY k& PORT FERRY IR. 1B. T I l 9 TABRLE.- Takerefete n ÃŽalurday, Junc Lit< 1871. Trains Golug Nort- mail. Mixed. Whitby Julnctionu, 9 00> aum. 7 80 p.m. Whitl)y,907 az. 7 37 p.m. Bre~,9 29 7 59 p.m. Myrtle' 19 49 a.m. 8 19 p.m. Suarnt* 10 02 a,m. 8 32 p.m. Manchester, 108,12 a.m. 8 42 p.m. Prince Albert, 10 21 a.m. 5861 p.m. Port'Penny, (arrive,) 10 30 a.m. 9 00) p.m. Trains Going SoutiL Mixeil. Mail. P^# Perry, (deparQ,> 6 0<) a.m. 2 80 pm. Prince Albert, 6 O9 a.m* 2 89 p.ns. Manchester, 6 18 am;n 2 48 p.m. surcuit' 628 .m* 2 8 p.m. Myrtle5 6 41 a.m. 3 il p.m. Brookilu, 17 01 aum. 8 Si p.m. Whitby, , 7 28 arn. 3 58 p.m. WhiLby Jullion, (arr.) 7 80 a.m. 4 00 pm. *Platiorm Stations, Trains stôp on Signal ouly. JAS. DRYDEN, B. R. IMBALLL, Presidaut. Cen. Sopt. -OUSE~ AND) LOT FOR--SALE. TheaIfre iewlling, vith quarter ecr" e lsnd attacheïd, cerner cf Ring ana JoIs ta., as et preaant accnpiad by tseunnrigad. Wisitby, Joue4 --2 blcwn'ia tii; glss. '£>pieps ieué frac J. P Dîsxoaz Frepnieton, DyS. JÇwYOrkSeld by aJ*at<. yhJALUABLE FAX FOR SALE. Tise uorlh hall of lot No. le Ii th. 4th concession o!ftii. TownaiP -à %= h,80 acres claareadud20âcres iu Woods. Good buldings sud turcds. EallaY station On tise cerner o!fLb. lir4 .- Quarter o! a MUa0 fro i rince Mbçf t, and'ouamils frein Port Penny. Fonlorther partlcoiaimapphy Lu Brobkhin, Angust lut 82eSu8 KRING IBROTHERS, J. IONS SELF--RAKINO REAPER AWARIDED 1-5E FIRSI 'PRIZE At the provincial Eýchibition, Toronto, in 1870. We offer to our cnst.omers;for the comingHarYcr;t, two dis-' tinc:t Machine&, which ain tyo and construction, embrace the latent and -most ueful iùpovmetà -of the -day. ? JOI1INSTON'sS SFNcLE ,SELF-RIAKINGIIEAPER- TUE "KRING OF« REAPERS."' The universl successohs Machine, both ïn closely contest- ed tuý"ais and in the banda of tho farmers, warrant us in saying thasaSetak ie aigMachine, it bass oedéood pofints ad leu's defecta, and has met witb goe mcces and lesu failure, thian heretofore offered to the public. CAYtJGA -JU-NIOR'MOWER' We were stwâded îhë Firat Prize and Diplonia, at the Prcvin. rial Exhibition, held in Téono io 70in coffpetitionu witb ail the ieading Machines manlacure inLb.Proinc; aid ith orrecont improvemenia, we unhesitat- ingiy challenge invescigation and comparisôn with competirg machines, we are satisfled that such iniisiatioii wiil convince every unprejudiced. mid, tbat we oSfer the beat lMower iô the Fariner for 1872, built in the Dominion. JWSend for descrïptivýe catalogués; & IPÂTERSON CAIIRIAGE8 AND CUTTERS8 M. 'O'DO0NO0V AN'S. SPLENMLY FINISHED CGA 1?IIAGE8, BUGGIE6, AND CUTTEI'W, 0F VERY SUPERIOR WORKMA NoS I]. BUGGIES & SLEIGHS. REPAIRS AS USUAL. WHITBY Nov 22nd, 1870. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. - BROOK STRÉET9 WHITBY, 1&' OPPOSITE ONTARI~ BANK. Begs to anîîounce that he han builbOon the above premises, A NEW iPhotograph Gallery, 60 feet in length, Which he bas fi tted up with'all the latest itaprovements, atnd new and insproved apparatus for taking pictures, trons life-size to any re- quired dimentions. iPictures enlargedl & accurately copi*Led. * HANbSOME FRAMES AND CASES. Busines. hcurs,8 'clock, a. in. to 6, p. m., No business d'oDe on Su!sdays. - ~-- SWhitby, Juiy Srd, 1872. 1872. A. B A R1RET'l' SUMM' RGOODS. 1872. The subncriber ini returning'thanks to bin friends, respectfuily bega leave to-eppnize tham mad the public gencrsiiy, oE the rival of a New sud Conipiete Stock o! SUMMER GOODS, Consisting of the following bunes: Black Silks, Grograin and Plain; Figurea ika, Japanesa, Fancy Drees Goods, Muslns, Happa, Dolly Vardan7m, e choico seleeion o! Prints, Lustras in varions colora, a grand essort- ment o! Irishi Poplins, Whitean'su Grey CuItons, Sheatinga, Shirtings, Tiekinga, a magniflcanb display o! Ladies' Underclothiug, embroidereel and plain ; Chilel rens' Dresses, Infants' Robes, Bonnetbs, Rats, Plunes, Ribbone, Hoeiery, Gloves, Chignons, Breida, &c., &c.e 1 The Gentlemen's department 4s fur- nished with West of England Broadclothn, Doeskiîîs, Fancy Tweeds, (Scotch and Canadian,) Hats, Caps, Neekîjes, in the latest styles; Shirts and Collars in great variety. The Grocéry Department is replete "Wth choice seleetion of Tean, Coffée, iePcls o baccÃ"s5 &c., &c. -- visit t0 bis entablishment is respectfally- nolicited, where frouï aavantagesessd yhl a irenadcispose o!. goa et prices delying competition.- Whitby, May 29îb. 1872. - Carniages, Buggies, Waggons, C. SAMU EL WALKEY, PRACTICAL CAURIAGE MANUFACTURER, SDIJNDAS -'TB TWHITBY. , BE WIIEAT, AND])PlIAS 1 wHiI¶Y, ONTARI. -Ln-rtrn.n haksf T~iga vi py ie iTetImpentera, Ileth3rs a u-mbwoilBbegd ta annïOuncei tbat be has À price foeny ¶oantity of -* Iinda o!f- ourse-of manufactura, ,Carniages, 1B BARLEY, WHEAT AND ?EkS, EATHER- ..AND- :FINDIN 8, la ta yeedvbeisp v Palivcrad at Port Wiitby. Cash peAid for Rides, Berla, sud i.eatissr. - A i ssnn u h etm Leatherstretcbed. - workomu, lhIequality and f1niuisof his work'CI Sait, Plataer, Ce ai u Waber-lime feox the W&Y- of carriagi manufacture sud repaira sale tý BIILTiNG MADE TO ORDER ON wamraiied. W ity, t g ~thf -~ ~)gMay, Dl . -*bt~ ~'2,000 bushe Wbaitby, Aprili Zý 1812. HAMILTON & o.- Have opened and are now showing a very large'and vari"-d' Stock of 'louerai Dry Goodhoeompnià ing New MiIIinery ln the Latest 8ty Je.>i PRINTS, KUBIaNs, ASHERETINGS, WHIE COTTONSo GREY COTTONS, TICE1JUSI HESSIAWNS9LA~S .<*-LOVES, XOTIERT, HATS, CAF& xSHIRTS, CÂRIPETSI NEÇ9 TINS, LACES, & WINDOW CURTAINS, MOU RNI1NG GOODS f Q 1' Large Stock of Cloths aind Canadian Tweeds. ieve tiat b. à bas eau deceireet by Amy- ~ ing spolions imlitations o! $hes. anedi- clnes, he wihldo welto sell& me, in a' he6tter, tntue addrese atroot (iihel- cau do et a cout ofsixi cent in PUt9ge),. one o!flthe boolks of instructins whli are amed to the samse. I promise tn{ examine it and send a reply, statlug whaethser tisa medicines are geina or not, so'tissifsopurionsise may apply tn. thse parson from wisom h. prci=sed. f.iem te biave-bis xnoney retuled. i Chiemistsansd Drnggisls whe desire - to obtaîn tise medicines cama ha suppled st tise lowest wisoiesale Prices ln qtian- , tillsof ntlies tisas 20 worl-l. -gs. 6d. 22., and U5s., per dozen boxesof> Pills or pots of Ointmnent, usti, wilisoul discount, for wisieh reulttanco must bc i sent ilu avsce.. I bave these laour te be, a With great -respect, -THOMAS HOLLOWÂY.' 558, Oxford Street (lat. 244, Strnu), London, W. C., Oclober1, 1871. CL TIIN ~ lLADE OORDR. FoM*NEW YOIRKTO EUROPE! CL CHOICMA E 0 -ES ADElQUBS NEW TEAS.ÂNb . GROCERIES. Whitky, May 22nd, 1872. 2 FIJRNLTURE! FURMTIJRE!- AT THE SIGN 0F' TuE GREAT IROCKJNG CHAIR *C-Fu'niture Selling at Old Pric'es -for 30 days longer;, lNotwithstanding the 4ïse h fia'ra and labor, the undcersigned oflèrs bis stock at the Old. Prices for 30 slays longer. Now is the ime to'embrace the opportunity of selecting frotu the largest stock in the County, of sicieboards, bureaus, centre tables, sofas, chairs, hedroom sels, &c., and ail nf the best quaiity and manufacture. JAMES H. -SAM9 The only first-class establishmnent i the County, where Fu- nerals are fally supplicd. tet JOH1-1N S A UJ N D E.R'S?- A SPLENDID ASSOM-MENT 0F SAFEST AND BEST. FreigU 1 anadpssafgereduceld. Passen gera by Iiaxiway *provide& vith firat- cla Cars 4t tisesamne rate as s.<lOfd- c thse LUcui Lne- LE£WIS ALLINX, -gent, Whitby. May 15th, 1872. CARRÂTRACA. rTR2Cel ebratad Carratraca Miner-al Wa-~ 0n or two glasses of Carratraca every morniug before 'brfs, or on auy empty' ,-somah duriug thse bot weather will keep. -your system cool sud healthy. Carratraca Water stands xnrivaled as a. valuable rernediaai aent in caaes of Habi- tuai Cons taion, Derangement o! thse Stornach %sud Bowels,-Chronic Inflammation of thse X4tdneys;,Gravel, (but, Bheumatisia (e ytechronie fora), Serofala, Skm " =tinsof'al Irinds, Dyspepsia, Eeart- barn, Acidity, aud a.a kpurgative aller a Debauch itxsnneqnaie&7r- The Cearac&a. M .eaiWaer frsh froua thse Springs at Plautagenet, >Ont, i kept on sale by Hotela, Druggiata, snd others tbronghont the Dominmion, sud May b.ha in barrels end kelga of tIse Propzietor-s, WINNNG, HILL & wÀRE, 8St.S Paul Street, Montréal. - Juiy lOtI, 1872.- 28 J. ]B. STOCK"S EXTRA MACHINE QIL., This 011 smalal other Ofi, both soimal and vegatable, sud wva are prepared to show the superionity cf'" bi 1te ai lht .rst stands tise testa ueceary te procure a fizt- ass article, ilt i adapte oeitliekjlgbt on heavy machinexý', from a dock 'or =ame Spring and Sumuter Bootsan Shoes, :7-i ALL THE LATEST STYLES. -- Tisist] -Ladies' Balmorals, Pruniellas, Gaiters. Tics, Clru-, n quet Slippers, Newports, &C. Gentieniens' Boots and bihoës, =Ã"e in .great variety. Boys' and Girls' sewred work, ver cheà rp. e an Ail ord.ered work promptly attended1tô. g-1 LiEPAIRS NEATLY 1EýXE CUTED. -ill Remember ic n)i Wbivbye Magy 81,1872. JOHEIN ght place. - JOM$AUNI)E-S, JOHN Brock Street. GE R uJJs ON, Merohant Tailo-r &-Draper., DUNDA. ST., WHITBY, RespectfUlY intimaten that he is nôw lin receipt o)f a large Stock of New Goods Ion {'~H1G NI SM M EJ-W EA II Ganadian Tweed Suits, Cloth Suits, -&(yà ' Suites Youths' Suits, Cbil'dren's'Suits-every S tyle and materili, Spri ng- _Overcoats.. L1JÂLCV$~~~J 'el'Shrs ýd,,and î 'lf"SirS and open) al kinds of, Gents' Fnrn.i5h CHOICE, WINES AND LIQÙOBS, ý JAMES J. MURPHY. - 1 ý 1 rninu.09à 1