Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 19 Sep 1872, p. 4

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Vai 1 Htu or.... 4820 aOeuguiL FuBp5E5, Mran o .........Colt... 4 a 2 Thrce year 915 entire Colt..4 8 2 Ou.o year old entlre olt....482 -.d 46Fill7 ...........-Ji482 OH eroldtof Co.........4, 8 2 Filly 6 " i y......... 48 A Pair General Purpose Herses 4 .8 2 DEÂUGUT IOUEs. ..t........................ 4 Mare aud Foal .............:.4 Tlsree yaar old autire Cir... 4 F6ý$ illy ..... 4 Two y0ar old antire Colt..;. 4 S Filly ......;-4 Oua year elS antira Colt .... Herse Colt et 1872......... 4 FilIy - i" ,......... 4 Pair Draugist Hersas ........ 4 Clasis II. -Catt1e; P110IROUGR BBREIX Bull ......................... 041 Two y car old Buill........... 4 Yatrin Bl.............. 4 - Bull Cî............4' M1iloeS Cuw, giviîîg milit er in caif..... ld C1... ......... 44 Tlirec par olciterc .........44 Yearling RHier 1r......f......4 Haifer CU ................. 4 Mileh> Cow, Ciaadan. Bred... 't' Thre year old Cow do .4 TworearoidHeUeif do ..4 Ileurlimg itlfr do ..4 DEVONÇ.- Two pear id Bull .......... 4 Yearing Bull ................ 4 Bull Calf.W .................. 4 Milchi Cow, giving milk or iu cait....................... 4 Tiîs'ee year p15 Cow ...... 4 Twu p'ar old Reiter ...... 4 Yearling Haiter",.. . 4 irher Caf.............. 4 * tR&DE. MiIcls COW, giving milk of in caif-...................... 4 *- Tisrce yaar old Cow ........ 4 Two y car old Heiter...... 4 Yearlng Haifar.............. 4 Reite a f.... ..........4 88 2~ 82 8 2 82 8 2 82 8 2 8 2 8 2 Bull ......................4 58 2 Two, year old -Bull............ 4 8 ;2 Yosrln Biull. ............ 48 2 .ulC .. ......4 S 2 Mids JuW, giving miik or lu cait....................... 4 8 2 Tliree ycar old Cew....... 4 a 2 TrWO Yearcld IIifer...... 4 82 Voarlissgllifer........ 4 S2 .lelfer ËJCal...................4 Boie lard, te incluSe Bu,and nt leasit 4 famaleiefý any f brocil................ ..... 4 S8 FIT cArras. Fat Oxor Steer...... ..... 4 -8 Fat Cow orHelifer..,.......... Ram.............5..2 i Sliaarliîg Ra...i i Ram Lamb ........ ........5 2 ji Two Ewos.. ................ 8 2 1 Two Sheus-ing Ewaa ......2... iwu ER-veLaibàs............i OUrS WOL». an ........ ......0... 1J.. 8 Sisaring URofl ........... Rama Lamb .... ..... 'i'o Eivas ... ............. Two Slioarling Ewa ..... Two Rive Lamba ............ Cutswvold, Canadien brocê-. slscaruid j tis . ....... Two Ewas.................... Tivo Slioaîling-Ewec . S.. .. 2 1, 2 1 21 .2 i' 2 "l 2>1. ...a.. .i................. 8 2i Slîcsrlieg Ram................8 2 1 Ram Lamb .................... B 2 1 Two EwF ........ . 1, Twe shiarling gwes......8a 2 i Two Ewc ambe,...... ...... à 2 1 PAT 5MIESP-A NY Bnasu. Two rat Watlîcrs1........ ...S 82 1 Tivo lat tves ............... 2 i ClassMa -Swin,. sow .............. .. ....... 2- i BoAr Pig of 871 . .... ....... 8 2 Bow Pîg.of187X ...... . .i....a 2,~ T'mon BSiIM, ANY-otI* e«MD, sow,. .......... ......... ..a 2 1 BoarPig of 1871......... . 8 2 sew Plgofl871 .....'....... 8 ýi FAT sWINE. atH ..............8 10 boshels of Spr1isg Whos, T. N. Gibbs'prîise.... ....12. s 9O 8bushoeswrig Whea:. 4.- a 2 8 buisals Barlay (2 row) 4 '0S S busisuls iarleyio(1ýO.i.,,>: :;::4 8 "S 8 bushals Peau, Isyee.....4 8 2' -8 bushela Poago amal#.4.... 8 busheà Oits, blak.'.1..... 48 Sbushelsatt, white, .... 48. 50acarcs truug Cern à row) ... t i 50cas lrîi Cru(2 row) ...2i 2 busliila Tfothy SeeS .... 2 2 bushels Clover scié&S. .2 i 2 buhole AlosaoClo e ..2-1 10 Ibo Siediui TurhÇp' 8eedk-. 2 i- BushelofFplai soed.... 2 i 5Ibo Cirrot Soed 2 VI~ à ib4 Mampld Wurtzeh Seed.. 2 1 1 busheitEisrlg 2, 2 bughelh1Byefa1i......... 2,, Banalof Pottr........... 8 2 BAc f Fleur frouaBpHuag si Whieat 8.... ... .2 Ba* e of atS Il Dring, white.............i1 boa Mu b ag ..........t ....1 5ou whita ... .....i50 Id WII oturkeys..........i whaiterd............i1 506 Ul3ild Tuowl ......... .....i15Me Gooe......bee..... . i. Be4eany -ins.î............. 82,0 TliseslagMab ocin...... . ...1,M market>ol .. , .............. 1 triHerse....d....... ....... 2 2 Bepr n ithto... 1 4 q " " 's'ithuttp..4 2) arket.................... 4 2 TwDenb116moul'Cbar4Fog... 4 2 Onrserill. ...........4 ela2 là o Iwsw op '.....4-8--2 de 6 le ien .to..4 S 2 TOeerorq C*ivat......... 8 4 2 Tweerb ~ 4 8 2 Gasg~h.......e knd.......4 8-2 Doub ler, feorheseplowe .. 4 fi 2 > erno Shehl r on....... 4 8 2 TOahors. Cultivter s 2Z Straw,-~vrke41 -Je 2 Grai HDriell...............5 82i COrnnlA n8 Ë 'i Cnhe rsa.............82 i Washi-macie........ 2 1 Tuéàrn & Sucr ...............82 1 ~hr.............. ...2 ,e1 1roi Êr! Usr............ è92 1 Hiden ilasd forse ....02 1 ChesnePrens fok....2 1 HeI deenstel Has 2 1 ~al 4oen ..yhe......... 2 1 -RjH dôe ayfr1 ....... 21 Specisidoen here, chees .with 21 Raul onsteel............. 21.5 Zanika....... .........0 wr.................. 0 ppcmnhréamen t ;.,ý ; cl.à.'...............$1 SOc 12aie C of pls umnier, named.............. ...... SO 12coigAparpiestainme 12 table Applegos,Mntrxuanei .0 12 Ceekig Applei"*$?" . m'J1 SOà 12 v$aritescpies, named, . 12 table PS, fa, namd.,.. i500 12 tablePerineamdI c 12Pcoksg4so' 7e-5'A .12 vaiis of pplre. nc 00e 2 CabeÂPes, &, ami...5eSoc 12 Plumtedssr..............705 0e ........m ......... . . . . . . . . 7 8o 0 112rodes............. 75e 50o under gppwla.......4..ýý7ý500'SO 2 cînsars Grple, blac..........75ob -12 d .r.glass........... 75e 50o Tm eair...........5e 0 2.claters aeie.i.h;..._.'15eSO Mn Meln, ..recn ....ash.. 756,50c '2Mcust~e.s aes, blah..70 > 50 Citro...................150-500 2lshee Cabae, white r..5e50 inoe u..........75e50oc Nalr éà.d71Çe U .>b.... 75 Ie SMe ' Msk eln, ree fesh.....75o 60e Mus Mlon siýýq,ý esh.....75e-SOc. 12ro table...Carr...I...........5e 50e &) 812ed tabl opa........... 7&oe 50ci S hecilnen bet redTsi 75c50oe 849 erlng ter~.in-..755e Jcliy w ... a...j...ï 76o 50e ...etPcke............. 76e 50o 12 Ctabe Crrs................ 75o 50e 12 tabertampg............ ..75ce SOc Peck heniea.....fe O ZaeruitanVegtables. 2 1 Çat Psup..............7e 0e factures'. iSspun und,1pvg ýy hand ... 10yards Full l6ifàctory- spuIn asdvove by hanS, .- 40~àW1~in ~s 1.50, ei by otannwarp..50 10 yarSaF1aneJac rnide ai èwo.. . ........ 50 i 0 yrplai4aunel.....0 1 's u'woueu-wa rp Lj.5i PairWoo1en Blankels., home Pair Wop qB43nket,ts.actory * Pair ri 1.6l .... . .5 Gqrz~nuraisqdà work... 1 50 .1 00 Guipure -work....... . 01OiW Chenle work*............_1 50 1 00 Mexican neadle work.i..- 50 1 00 Ornamentai' needie work 1 50 1 00 ISpeçluaen5of XrSUIM 4 50 1 00 3aad werk ... i1.50 iâ - " Lace 'sWek... .150 ~~4t Best oe&eý of o! ady'cs -Und9relothing ,»uade 6 16,by nichine 1 50 1 00O ,Wor4etd Slippars ........I 50 1 00 Toilt ....... . 150 007 To ..e.............i1 00 75 1 75 IBraded"................i1 0O 75 Wo;1ced Camp chair-..... 1 00 75 tbarYp~SteL......... '75- Ottman .. ....... ...... 1'O0 75 ......i.... ......... 150 1 OU1 Wax Flowera...... .1 do 1 00 Wax $bons.... ......... 150 1 00 Wax Lillhe..............i1 50 1 0O Piper MFlowerlL .......... 1 50 1,00 Hafr Floers ........... 150 1 00 Feather Flowers ........150 1 00 Zéphsyr Flewers ......... 1 50 1 00 Fauey Basket... ........1 50 1 00 Wallbaskat .... ........ 100 --50ý -Greciimt Laoxp...i-....... -7à- 0. Lamp Mat ................ 75 50 Fauey table mat ..........i1 00 75. Fan"yleather work. 1 ....l 0 00O RÈuche werk............ .. -f 50 1I0OU Couework .......... ....I1 50 i 00 Canadian Stmaw IHat...-..1 00 50 Fanrer'. a È. I50 i 00 Hair Jewelly.....1 50 1 0O Work o~......... 1 eo 1 o?, Oiaiuting, landsce...82 00 #1 I9l41 t& . ...... 200 1 dé any subjeet ...2 0O 1 Water coloraS laundscape... 2 00 i ani ..a.. 200 1 " ny sobjet ... 2 00 il ValsaI Painting ...........1 50 iý Peneil, figuraeubets 1 .i50 1i Paneil drawing, auy subjeet. 1 50 i Crayon drawlng. animales...1,50 1 any subjeet. 1 50 1- Colored ryn, any subjeet. i 50 1 - aII o12a1e.l 10 le '~aanl~Palntin .... ........ - Ornementai Penzuanship ...1 50 i ...pp .........I.......... 150 i Collection et Amuhrotypes an~d Photographs...... ......1 50 1 Photo rap le ortrait, finish- eicin Oil. ;.d. ... 8o00 2 pastel paiutiugi........... 1 50 1 Clans XIV -Leather &Leath- or -Work, . Pair Fine Bocots.............. $2 si Pair Coarse -Boots ..........>2 i Assortmient uf boots anîd Sisea- maker's work ...........2 i Set of Fanr= uanss........ 2 1 Carniage Harness .... à 2 i "single Lareau . . 2 i Saddic.............. 9, Sida Saddle................. . 2 i fafrsheavy Herse Colars. 2 i ~Sô1gLuather.........ls i Sida Upper Loather, Cuwhide. IM 1 .ceafLather. ..ý... :..... .1.50 i Side1fan, ss .. ... ..1.50 i Clage. XV-MIViscellan>epu*.( ýPiaîo........... ...... Cabinet Work ............... 3 00 2 ,$Pu]pt)IfS.in MaIrbia .... op~, 1 2 19 bIb ney snCoxnb..... i 50 -i Boe"Wai;.iî........ .......i. '0 1 10Y lise Honey'4rid 1 50 i 10 ubsaMapl9 Sg1i. i50 i Two'loasvet et Bread'*. i ;..'.l50 i Colleetion et 'Conteqtionery ... 1 50 i Boùret; pf ..wess,tal....1à 1 - 11 i& band... 150 1 Lotter PreosePrsutîng . i......150 i Collection otfEl440oos. -1 50 1, ýrwo_ Axes.....~. ~ I 1e Panai Door........ .... i1 50 i Wiudow Blissds '........... 1 50 i Grainilsg inWood ........... 1.50 i Ile Hivé... 5 U iors' Worlad..; ..... À,0o1 Work ...éià.1 '560'i Speclmnan of Tinsmith's Work. i 50 i Best collection of Cpoper'a work 1 50 ij Sowing Machine.,............. 10,2il ~.or1,Deig.,........1 0 0 Msic.ngagad dm-ill tiecua btd uf Music .-Thce dr il bheoeahbuitin by thi.onpni4o hnvig tise arrange- mentse htlIdpaýtmeint in charge. CY w R A5EO V'AUUABLE FAfMËY One mile froin tovwi ofWlsstby, ,Will îbe sod, pu itnttp, dec inluthe oit etLong vsoLivingeti n etm neit, the nortis 150 acres of lot 82, In lot conession ef Towahip of Whitby, in thse County e1 Ontario; adthse north 1Wacres et lot 388 in te ldconcession. Veudor's 8olicitore'. Tooto lthJI, 1812. tfi lu tise tis concession efthtie Towvnship of *51itby, 1é mile. wcst etf Brookliu, oeahon. dred~ acres. Jpl t-iOH CÂMPBELL, Es.q, Drookliu. QOutarlo:,l Brooliii, Aog. 15, 1872. 331f. p 10TOGU AP HY. Vil roons tormerly orcsîpicd hy Mr, >fl$a ave g1apes teedte tise pub«, imprevemneots iu tise art, havissg bees for .,se, laeý 1three: years eng gçla ineue ofthse rnte, 'Mr. Josnstdn offers a pèrfect liue- oess frein the pnsallest minialire te a liM siùé. aZe aIse racticoo, Mfr4BÛtchart's neW phsotograpie cprocesa et tiansferrig lice.' nasses te cauvas aud coloring lin iL. Tise public arc respectiufly ixsvittd tecli aZg~ ge ienesssn9at. R~ooro epeu irom 91)a.în., te 05pan. Whitby, July l7th, lm' .- 1nî _(IN. OTHRRS-, 'WHITflY, ONtAX4IO, Importer&, Deslpe anid s t-a xinds - f s TLAWLER. Importe ~dDealer ý U4nso Famlly -Grocerié8, Pure Wmne84 PURE BPIBITB, 4 -oY, G CHEQeurlRZél"ST p ORT WHITBY & PORT PERRY IL. R. TI1DI E-T AULE. Takeg eet on SU'nsay Jonc lut,"82 Trains Going Norths. M ail. Mixed. FWhitby Jîn ton,Il900 .ns. 7-30 p.m. W1b, 9 07am. 7 37 pan. fýBrooli, 9 29 arn. 7 59) Èm. Myfle !9 49 a.m. 8 19 p.m. Sumi IO~'gr"; pm MauE~t ~ 94%.rnlo2tna PrneÂtut 10 91 Èm. S85lpa.. Port Pery (rie,) 10 80 a.m. 9 00 p.m. Trains Going Soutis. Mixed. mail. Port Ferry, (depart,) 6 0OUamn 2 30 p.m. Prince Aiberi, 6 09 am: 2 39 p.m. Mancheeter' G 18 ams; 2 48 p.i Suntait- G 28 a. 2 58 p.ns. Myrtle* G 41 ans. 3 il pa. J3rooklin, .7 01 &.m. 881 p.m. 'Whitby, 7 23 a.m: 8 53 p.m. Wltitt.y Juv.sîtion, (arr.) 7 80 am,. 4 OU pa.. a 5PafrnStatimon, Trainsî stop en Signal only. JAS. DRYDEN~, B. R. EII3ALL, Preaids-nt. Gen. Supi. J ~TON0 SELF-RAKING REAPER' AWARDED THE FIRST ý>PRIZE î:At the, Provincial Eixhibiti on, Toronto, in 1870. We offer to our customers forthe cmn avstods tinet Machine&r, which in . tylu and co trcin m ae :the 1aes 'ad- most useful improvements of the-day. JOlI N S'110S S1IG L E 8ELF- ItA K 1N G iEAPERt THE " RING OF EPE& The uffiversal success.of this Machine, both in closely contest- ieà triais and in the bandls of the farniers, warraît us ïtt.sayitig that, as a solf.ak- ing Reapinz Machine, iL bas more gnod pointa and lePis defecte, and has nc i'h more auccesus nd less failure, than heretofore oftered to the public. CAYUGA 'JUNIOR MOWER We were awardcpd the First Prizo and Diploina, ait the Prcvin- niai Exhibition, hlil in Tororto, 1870.in competition vrith ail the lcadiiig Machines mfanulaIctured ini tih Province ; end witi.ounr recent improvesnents, we iînicsitaf,- ingiy chiallenge inveatigatins ti comparison- wiith competii'g machines, we are- sittisflcd thant sucl iiivesigiiors will conriice e&erjiutîprejudicclini i,i, tisat we oller flic e let Mower btinth ,rins.r for 1872, htilt ini théDoîinriosu. £t"mSerîdI for dîscrulîtive cataloes. BROWN & ATTERSON. CA R/IACES A ND CUTTERS M. O'DONOVAN'S. S1'LENDJrDLY FIINrISHED CAR811A GES , BUGGIES, A ND CUTTERS, OF 17FR YSUPERIOR IWORKJIA.N5SIP. BUGGIES & SLEIGHS. REPAIRS AS USUAL. WVHfTEY Nov 22nd, 1870. PHOTOGRAPHGALLERY. - A-]EI;?.e IR- ,Y BROCK STR]EET5 WI[IJTBY,- L~OPPOSITE ONTARIO BAN K. The undersigned has Ladies', Gents', and Children's Finej fEIzBoots and-Slioes Overshoes Iined warnî anri cc - gF Repairing neatly done. May 22, 1872. ifortal (Jali attthe-.old Stand. WILLIAM B1JINýs Boot & Shea Store, Brock strt, Wl DOMINION WAREROOMS.- LOWES-&'P-OWELL ARE IN -RECEIPT 0F A CllICE, LOT, 0F SUMMER'*>DRESSuCOO10DS In Brai*zesý, MusIins, Brilliants, G re- nadines, Battist Cloths for travelling 'Dresse', Grenadines and Stripe S1îawls, &c. A choice assortmùentý of Ladies' and Cbildrens' Hats, Flowers, Ribbous, Laes, Parasols, &C,* suitable for the season. A Large Stock of Summer Clothing just received. Mihinery, Dressmaki.ng and Tailor- rng to order A Choice Lot of New Teas,. expected in a fow days LOWES &POWELL. June 26th, 1872. ustuta pro. assd I me snch lu- mane nai-er reaaonto ha. sent lu, 558, Oxford Stre-t (lata 244, Srn) Lonidon, W. ýC., October 1, 1871. FROM NEW YORK TO EUROPE! 26-1y. FIJRN1TURE! FURNITURE! AT. TUE SIGN 0F THE GREAT ROCKJNG CHAIMR Begs S- ' alllounce that he bas buflit on thé- above pre 1mises, 1 e cFurniture Selling at Old Priesfor Pôtograph ,.Gallery, 60- feet in length, W-hý,ch he lias fit.ted- up with all the latest improvements, and walnà inroved apparatus foi- taking pictLurem, tiroru litc-size to any ne- - uqîired dimeiîtions. tires enlarged & accurately copied. IIANDSOME ("RAMES AND CASES. BusinesF hîcurs S o'clock, a. ni. to G, p. i. No business done on Sividlays. E W 1'IIOTOGICAPII GALLFRY 1A v ir-b A Ir,> îsl Weri GENEBAL ADMT88o Seo5ýlarncl,> begs t,, annonssue 10 thsersie -ofW>hitf)y iud viciity hat lho las recently Photogî'rapl G ailé r y, -wiih aU the late-,t inspsovemsunasd scen- es-y, lu tise buiding one> door sioulli of G. C. Grasse lssrd _e uorc, Sroek $t., Whutlsy. 8rsgsli l'nacoùutry, wonra5 of art'cecossd 10 ntstsc ut Cansada eau ise assureS biscustonscre. GI2 ERAL MÀ~iITRN GO IU.SMITH'S SHOP.ý Mr. <,hisbslîoisl prepsrad te maîýufacture gelS piver ' arc a nsaIl tua at~p n Rgs a-1 gB aetChi, man Ito tiselatent a ls sq -pont toodoit-vIereasoas1e ternis HAROLD CHI5HOLM .cjis Break-Street, Whitýy, wmtr ot Y 7 . 9 4W-85 BS xlï'F011 SALE. ,T.~thhlii e ot No. 18,'ite4-hl biilIS au erbar8s..Ràllation on lteeh te ftafrmn.Quaroreta Mile tram Pic Abert, and one miIe oni Port pcrry. erorier parti er apply te BneekIl u sîst lst, 1872. - 8a8 É é On -bALE ON EAST .01 A Rli hl' y 1187Il2. 30 days longer; Notwithstanding the rise mi material, and, labor, the undersigned .-ofièrs bis. stock id the Old -Prices for 30 days longer;, Now is the tirne to embrace tife >op"poitutity-àf setecflug, fram the largest stock in te OoufntY. of siîiebeoards, Uurcaus, centre tables, sofas, chairs,. bedlronîn sels, &c., and ail ut the best quality aând> manufacture. JÂ1&LES H. SAMO. The ýonly flrst-class establishment, in the 0Contv. where Fn., nerals are fuît>' supplied. SUMMER GOODS. ;, 1872. he siîbscriber in returning thanks to his frieîîds. r-espectfully begss lcave 10 apprize theni snd the publie genernfty, ut the arrivai of a New and -Compte-se Stock of SU MM ET-R GOODS, Consisting of the followiuîg lnes: Black Silks, Grograin and. Plain; Figurcd Sals, Japauese, Fancy IÎros Goodas, muslis, Reppa, DeIly Varden', a cîsoice selaction of Ps-Ins, Lustres in vas-iona colore, a,grand ascort. ment ot Irishs Poplins, White and Grey Cottous; Sheelings, Shirtm.isgsTIekiwge a magnificent display et Ladies' Undcrclothing, emlsnoiderad anSdp . uC$ll rans! Drecses, Infants' Robas, Bonnets, Rats, Plumes, Blibbons, Hesiery, Glo -.0, -Chignoens,'Braids, E&c., Sic. Thé Gentlemen's departm entijs fur- 'nîshedwitb, West of Eng1and :Broadc1oths, Detsfkinso, Fiun y Tiy'eeds, (Scotch and Cariadiaiî,) Haits, Caps, Neckties, in the la~et~ty1s;,Shitsand Collars in great variety. - Th& Grocery Depvartment is replète 'With -a choice selection of Teas, Coffee, Spices, Pickles, To- .l.acços, ke.', &C. - 2 A vsitobi*s:estab lisbmçat:is etfully solicited, where foni advauntages eaed by hi eins l paard dispose cf goods ah pniea defying compclitson. Whitby, Mity 29th. 1872, isAMES y. MURPHY. Caria gos, Buggies, Wagons, c ~AMÛELWALKEY, oT.*DIJ-NDAS -STRIEET, HTY In returning thanks for~ begs to announce, that -h,, bas cons ,course Of nlatufacturo>, Cairiages,TBugi ,pet JO0HN SAIJNDI-ER i. A SPLENDID ASSORTUkNT 0F S , SAFEST AND BEST. Fright sud passage rducd. Pacacu- gers by Railway providd wilk final- aisCars at the sanie rate as second- ais by the Allai Lina. LEWIS AL]:JN, Agent, Whitby. May 15 î, 1872.. 20-Sm CARRAT RACA.r rUHE CelabYratedl Canratracp- Mierai wL ~ ter hao-nsurpassed as a pleasaut and coollng ein. Oua or two glassea et Carratraca evcry moqrong bdfore breakfast, or, on Èuy eznpty gtcî--cis,during tise hat Ieatisar wl l kep yoor system cooiaudiealthy' Crratraca Watar stands nivaneid as a Valuable rensediai uget lacases of Habi- tuai Ce asi ten, lerauaert-of thse Stemàuels owels, Cliranic'lnfinfn>igti n buno, AeiditY, and as -a purgative aflter a- Debaoîth il li niAll STihe Carrtraca mmn ater, freah fbn tisa Sprnugs MI Plsintagenal. on~t. is kapt on scie tsY Roels, »xuggit,-ad othesar throogiseut tise DçO-nîjen, and may b. bail li baréle a4dkegs eoftthe Proprietora,.- 1VTNNING, 1-ILiL & WÂRE, - 889 St. Paul Striet, otél J PITN TO PARTIES 1181KG jT.V Spring and Summer Boots- and' Shoes, - ALLTUE LATEST STYLES. Ladies' Balmorals, Pruiiell1aÉ, (3aiteri.2, Ties, Cro-. qunet Slippeis Sèwports, &C. Geniemens' Boots-a-nd :ýhoes, in great vat-iety. Boys' and Girls' se'wed, wirk, vei-ycheap. Ail ordered work promptly attended to. ILEPAIRS NEAT11Y LiXECUTED. gM llcmcnber- the rigrht place. Whitby, May 89 1872. Merchant Taiflor * JOHIN SAUN)EbS, B3rock Street, F!,E-RGC iJ9 SON. DUNDAS 8T., WHITBY, - ResrpeCtfUlly-. inti 1iiite8 titai he is now in reeeipt of a large b Stock tsf New Geods fer a ;PRI[NG AIN D S UMN1E R WEMA. I Canadian Tweed 1Suits, CIoth Suits, -BL'esSuits, Youths' Suits, Childreei's Suits-every Style and P MateriaI, Spring Overcoats. aents' Skirts' whitei d lrd.nn1 ..' 5 d4' -i ( ý 1 Wijitby, July 3rd, 1872. 1 - JOHN

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