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Whitby Chronicle, 3 Oct 1872, p. 2

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Dest aw&U &Ur. cuugir Mufflue Me _._ jý a £o- -W= the toa4t'Of rnfflglu angaf' 00 yiold moi 6't'ýéW---h little éï No. 10, in the con, of Wbi boit two-year old, John J. B414 P -Iàuteàâàt *M prosperiîtý-to , emului moggh. te seourf the, intro- urn. 0011 bew eau kee Irelind ina ýLod"ýrà on Thuroday October 1M, 1872.- T 4 . duetioii intc, sud oettlemoint Ù4' Kansas té' mm î x'not'J. "e Brôý*,n gar In, respond. The , lower Americau ýFal4 for in. troporty of Ur. Edward B. Stick ôbtaiýied ing, sud the third the Mosom Tho P. ing, ;;îeý ýat do ù-sid of Anumber of etrong-willý,d abolition- stance, rhkh - ý id ney, lit prize for. boit home-made choc", arling étable lène te give the ma j ri In -in -dzy only shows Levi Fairbanks, Jr, Auotionsier, M& Mn. Wm,' mot J. W. Gréém,ý,4th. ýj son, And for the tient ye two queotiong-.wtâg jots, mfficient ta "JO tY tO white and palo'gréen , rater, in the tri. other au John miller, Ist, sud John Dryden Re said ho would thoseý who were',oppoud'to -ILkin 4ht eaiùiLs & number of deUeàtê, tinta 01 Farm Stock, Implémente, &c., on John, HoVý,srA--nOt Ho de Zy 'Oh. 'Romans à £lave state. vo*ed le. 'l' hode enterprii lot No. 82, in tl» lot cou. 2nd pzize for *1o Muuburg The - Moeurs. Thompson à4c, obtsiiie nothin f th poliey of thé, Land Venge ; end düring the an 'a il-purepumeybinin isilver, VýMtby, on ; but ýL lie t MY, that ý ho bc. ýwe, when Ãœ16 and &-pale pinL 7 With o mm shin- fA'r o" Monday, Oct. 14, Mg, Two-horse oseià ý X 0,'I)oàovaýi thirdýf« béat 8-year old cow, amnd li"ed it would Mus r bc admitted thât «éry 6Yes Of, the entirO nation *ere tùmed ing, the rajnbO*sý_ form. spect. 1 Mesure. Win. & OW Rocd. mot S. Walkey obtnLeýà là ýýé. mill béat 2-year Old boiter, intelli ut and bonest ý te the centreand South, and W cd of mista and old Sol, are visible and or' lirot for go mon, iùýMs own ýgetfulofthe Westý'bc s.M eroforý. ever, ma banks, jr., Auçtionser. Two-borÏe ëIëigh'_ý'W 0. Dbnovan'ý:," Closet would, apprêve 0 o IiÉ=fpleg plýOW"bb ith Square, lit. Au second for boat boifer calf ;. John f th wo B"mg,'and a beautifid sight in te of equity ou which thati ý billwas found. -ýýgose. quantrell bail been a régi- se ihe'estarýàëi'by' t, a] Of lam and mm MvdT,- DO" Wuhiii nia'chine--WnL Matýew#om Ord, for boît one-year old boiter, Lawrence, and it *88 apiust appm 1 moonligh day, thi Duilius Ciaek, Wedn" y, - th 04ot, lot, WM ýetkmu 2nd. and John ýBnujlj Srci for boit 1194 cd, and they or yý. _ t, 1 1 >1 would alici sec thst4hose ntly nearly everýoue endeavorB L. Pabbaisk#jr., Aucti r Prillieiples bail been embodied with the bis old fellow-citizons - his il Ynmun wu te 04do",Niagara.-ioo kl and leave The ship Onoer. Mr_. James G%,vton obtained 1 ýt and CaIL Ec organized a without di etin lark, nest admirable skill and views ipally directed. Scovering 21alf ee grandeur Of forai stock, implementoi, &o.,'Iot 049 prize, accoraing tô thé maiýtýla bft triatic ý ml", Guy, of 096 arded of 'a, W législation by Mr. = tOne. No Land of what m called Miasouriaus. or hall the béauties of 'thé loca are Hkell No. 86, in the 8thicon. of Whitby, on boolci for hand-power a ý1y_ a4y ibri Tuegd&Y the làth of October, 1872, the 8-qum bOx1chur»ý4 Of the' prizes M wità,regard te go grost a Men- It may, mot bc known te n2=Y'that Out- Many visit the Falls, without seeing an itié large amtir héros of an Men thst are fea "ýd for thoir the IIwhirlpool Rapids," a Sight of no t, shires, and bu bord in the OUret theré Might lie difficulties and ates, Levi F& boit 12 root beéto, W., es property ofGeorge Ploiighman. W mm ou &Oémnoe, of At the présent omble hatred and bàrbaiéuB legs interest and for more excitinq -than Fairbanks jr., Auctioneer. mot Ulchell-làt. "Wu highly commended' moment of à= 4 xisted, for no Orne Whon enraged the Missourians th once U In grad es 0 ces o FaUsýtheumlýes; others are un- Andri Orvis-aotrýDàv!o--b& for my. miner sud Mr. ]Rue crédit "le of farm stock, implementis i - 1 son aloo car. do'ubt 'nome 'people thought à very Are E worst. of wwt nationality avç,are of a rosi ludion seulement ex- quantitie MünkMelon ý 1 - l - 10,000 tc ried, os prizes. For boat pair fàt and eat change, had boom, effected' , Now, theY are, 1 have mot boeu ing near- the Village. À g1ýand view roporty of Ur. George Brôdériak, 12 vorieti's- table 8àle" ohn X. ta ascertain -but they au toi boi Of M near %ancheoter, on Wednudày, 9th. ýpoth 1 ', , , . E hâd given là very béat *tte'ntion ta Of L 4ailyp ergill lit. iiorldai oxen the Mégare. Thom 9 -,, ut thon àke OiztiîW in te ý bc obtaînid'from Octýober--B. major'ouotioneü. the inconnu, sud, speaking'of it as it -and heàchs ', ýý ; - th6týM!nt, -and those, historiai in. the fallo 1 ;W. Niebol, net' uueb.el, ffl. sn'best Obtmùed the inver cup, vàlùe in, ho was perfectly Co ocent, apparenfl 9% clin o. mous au Chancery Oslo of lots 82 and < lolây dàvules. ùfideùt that ore msýy trend on the - famàd býtd'*" ti y sa, d 1 given, as a prize bý Mégare. Hugli Mony years elapted it would lie found 'People rhen net »»> en exe, field of Lundy's Laue. - Thang points, th fr il -wed. Ïor the op. ie o concession township' Wlitby, on îA buùkeüf b a dom' nooday, oth 0ot.-SPemceý, Omo -i,»k*, ler à V;é.,Àrcýgàts, Toronto, and thst the-extent oithe changes effeeted by the ingult of r, Rose and Mm do, 2nd.: and othm of more Or less interest, are ukt n Was verY Much amaller thon they bail positionof any one, at once te malée Macdonald, SollaitoÃŽ-*- L.,']Pairba ý:l!i- L ýBettî Obtained -the: second prize for the béat fat nt r, thé Most implacable and iesentfiù of left ý unvisited tisonnas the i sight-seers " rout auticipated, and that, whfle it gave os. Jr. Auictionéer, à#dý John ]Russell Srd for boat fmait CO . curit - rell organize do net give themselvessafficient ý«me. y on one bond, it didnot altsrýthdS boings. quant a band'of They -hurry thiough, Niajârà né they do to bond. 'In bi-eadin ;Gilliyîay_,,_ýnot lu cOtewoib" Kin ton mine mockffl ý4îtàÎu à a ina p, riz 0. Mr. Miner obtainied 1 r relations between lânfflord-ind ý',temont. thons men; t * 0 WhOm S à6#rÃ"ýi6eMéd as thoir business ý inatters. - There is no iings fixait r &VIPer, an au , gerpent. --hé . goton Xim AnnieýJaâi Dawes Olif dlpd' 'ho 'On* The guérilla leader had prao for, beet " rling rain, Referrin te What *ore calleil ' di , abolitionistis donyini, weyer, thât the, Falls, are béat rom lamb,,fint for béat tw e . flictil1g Misions under the Act-lesa throlltened legs attractive naturallytbau they once. prosperit ?'*,o for Ladiieiïndéýêlothing, mode lAwmacoi and the inhabitants o shel. te, and àeMnery-'Ii'ô-'ý mro.' 1. D nu lie thOuiht; the7 *ere, th= 1. Dy M swes, as g owes, and fSot for béat two oiq ce conflicting nwarO were. 'The famous Table Rock, -a large of hie thriats, formed a gus yel '>o IrOnerOMY SUPPO"d-he said that ha be. _rd, and jut of 1,and and rock overhanging the ed lut week C Iambe. the night, and in -the day tinie ylver, juet below the catàra tants of ONLY Si-jo P£ lie'vedtfiÀtitwouldnot lie found im. il _ et, tumbled R ANNUM. "worot'ed," iuàiorâ . tao, or many iiionths, thé City was Kingston' In wor #do mot' , in- L"Fters Meïm. Miller and Praèticable, aiter a little more experi- re into the river b.elow saine , years, ago, tho es weré swarded. 1 . watched by its fearfui citizýens. But lie able tc Beattie a6o obtained prizes. once, te fmme a code based on a aeci- The Rock wua chief Point of interest,ý, W.1iliby, Thuh-day, Nt. 31 1872. re., Boyer, net Ëo'yn, obtainÏcl 2ud, In Southdowns Mr. H. Pen sien of thé courts, these having been- se week àfter week passed with ni but of course in iiow gang entirely. smarr prize In cone wbrk.-- K. 8 first compared with esch other, andd if, alarming happening, the a", ty ci The celebrated Rorseohoe Fait in legs Grand Tr Cady 1 ce'2n' il in farm hameau. carried off the bulk bf the gros . t exti lu i-pri"s--i t noces" , modified by each other., by the toi of his nome le ÉmIned, the of a horse'shoe shape thon . when . yôÙr Auction, Bille. Applique Work-Miu-NeUy Ru for rani boat shearlin guard waa legs etrictly maintàined, the docay. S, and béat - ra ÃŽBut, if this -were found impossible thon correspondent last saw it, and Gent lst"p Mie, nWBurton, na printed eclaratory Act Might bc pusea by las, lamb, qui boat rom lamb, first fo d people became forgetffl Of danger. Island itself is being slowly and si north, it 1 Auction Bills are printca Dit TRI Week. te Législature dcc But it was only à week- afteý. the com- ýn ire èisappear- gers ont bout two ewes, second béat two abc lâting its intentions mencement of this torpor of fancied washed sway. Its M li cd oê--buý CHRONicu office in superior style, nt Min Elli Rodgeon'- daughter, if ling-eweo, and 'second boat two o e W on the points MOOted. On the subject security, before, one Morning &bout once will mot happen in oar day, but as cd remait lo-west prices. Parties having bills ta major Rodkoon, eihibited lut weék, of i tien ho Said that lie did mot o' dence of its gradual wearing the print should -bear in mînà thst their turcs, au - uty show, five. oplendid ic. lambil ; and in fat sheek, saine 8 , believe the Land Act would affect it ulub".g People 'oldest inhabitant" says that the pres- at'the Cou llow three o'clock, the el cking of re- . vi few yeari il obtah 4 fi i one way or the other. NVhat would 'Clos , were swakened by the cra sec a gr( aie ve prizes. Mégare. Miller and Bunsen càrried ent carriage rond in the tllirdtliat bas 1'en les will Also recoive a notice in thé aloo took the ârstprize for liearl 1 &intý Prîtes. really ùay the fide of emigration would volvers and on rifles, the trampýofhorstrs, bc,, mode on the Island within his John A.'E coliiiuns jfýTiir CanoNieLz witàoui ing. bc the assimilation of the rate of wagon and the oaths of mon. Quailtrell had one. Ici In poultry Mr. Thomas, of Brooklin, conie, and the town soleop î First to récollection. at a rat se widely ciroulatcd, Thers wers thrige bande of music liere to the'rate existing in the United If, however, Niagara is losing in mat- ny that the notice is Ofiar grcater the ground-the ffliitby Band; 84th Was awarcled a grest number of thé States and Canada, and this asgimils. the principal bouseo, the guerillas Ca 13, ural féatures, it is rapidly gaining in Amèngf "lu' te Battalion Band, and Ontario Bond, boit prizes. tien was already nearly completed. ,,il calling out the iminates, glict t o. artificial ones. The railway Supension country, t thitu tlig- cent of printing the MYrtle and thoir enlivening strains, C. IL Gay & Co., of Be It was idle ta talk of landlords or form. one by cýuê as they emerged M eir brid ,built over twenty years &go, in tiary and bills, avorton, weri d welling . go and the choice sélections ployed ers depopulating the country. It Was, ter Did n one refus t o SUR worth going te sec, and go in the Insane-, a them, were aiot the 1 out amonget t'y swarded fint prize -for boat inowing o, th, contrary, their interest that Ch Scion applic the bouge Chiton suspension bridge, which @Pans Kingston, The laite Elouth OntarÉo, county Ae- Many fittréetions et the Countypair ai Machine. wagon should mot rift very high, Only worse ta bc feared t n the bulleï ofua the river, and connects the countries of half milef i 1872. [The splendid Machines -in this clans, those louve Ireland wlw think th gun. Going up te the 1 Young Canada and Brother Jonathan. Botli build Cultural Exhibiiion. - ---------- 0 ey the leader sakeil thât aervgeesýt hotel' tensive g and in réaping machines, exWbited by have a botter opening 'in those other aboula coing 1ýisIe The original cent of the Clifton bridge The Govemor.oeneral In Toronto. countries thon wu ta lie found in thig. out, under pýo:nise of sud, but f Meure.; Brown à Pot e lie, pénal- was $140,000, bùt gince thon about ai chara, COMPARISONS, CORRECTIONS, toi If th Theideaof supposing thatit wu in security if they came, under 1 $50,000 have been spent in i v * The réception OÃŽRis Excellency thé WhÃŽtby Foundry, ýrere ruIed out oul the PO'wer Of &ÃŽY man or any set of kg of bain? bumed ta desth if ti* monts, The towers at cither end are would mal &a. cd. Bighteen young men,ý an7ornee and more] Goverifor-General, in Toronto, wu of accotait of superior finish-being W men Materially te alter the conditions or two old men, were soon stan covered with Wood, which in turn are occupants The first County Agrieulturai ýthe mont fiattering. description, Aa. fâctf tac 90044or exhibition.] 1 of agriculture, or te alter the auto of din y plated with iron plates. In the Canada Show the maikets, was one of the wildest and half-dressed and shivering in4he col tho kresel The - Misses ' Strickland, 9 tower a steani elevator is being placed, was holà on the 28th of September dresses ftom the corporation sud va of OShùwâ,ý mOst ïMaginary that could lie laid frosty air of an autumu MOrmi , u1 011 I am told, by which, on the payment of The inma -18513, in this town, thon what - the public bodies in the. city were obtained sévirai deoerved prizes in thel down. What is happening in Ireland the plank walk in front of the , otel y - least 80 mi Was pre- standing in a row. As many'misso i a Sinon fée, you are hoisted to the top of pulsive, gi calleil "Wliitby village." The Re. sented to him ; iliaitinatiolii extended lino arts departinent, and alge, in thoi now, was the converse of what happen- un- the structure, 106 fect higli, where a department of ladi a W cd at the close of lut century, anci the a", standing in front of t4m, teck are led te 1jorier of that date informa us thst on every Éde, antil the streets of the o ' ork beginning of the présent. At that time aun at them- esch, hie , a A Most b magnificeut view oftlie country could and Id thé show of stock was worthy of the jo Dint a eau o boit. The Clifton bridge, al- city were se brilliantly lighted up sa if OT13ES Piazza. there waa a very high price on grain, Moment More, and there muster - wi it were daylight, and triumplial arches bleeding reekin row o corpçes in th tbough a narrow one (being only wide were they i OccAlqiO"," and that Id it for surpused Boat breeding sow-S. Beattîe. and the prices of cattle were low, for 1 f o enough for one team of bornes,) and The extended serons the streets at varjous the réseau, that Stream navigation had tter bc . il ',ýrson' si last year'a Show at Toronto.', Béat pair iron harrows--J. Doidge. fVuý -low % people were pars- looking like a fancy net-work, is yet a feew ex o -ýtlipn Premident Of the Society was Mr. Point$- FrOM an 8000unts Lord Boat pair borne shoes-Geo. Ayres. mot t en corne into f d ther and great Il orce, Un o j2ed with fear, Te bc awakened by durable structure, and creditable te the P' were mot the saine facilities for trans. the death groan of yeux neiÈkbour, or engineer, (Who, 1 am rond te Say, la a 131rrell, who deliverod an Dufferin must have been greatly pleu- Béat honey, in comb-11. M. Thom. Orting cattle te England. The grain, o crash of. firearrns in your own eose instructions great exten a(Mr-di on the occasion, characterizeil cd lit * the grand and enthusisatic re. as. gowever, was high 'M price, and was bouge nisjaralysis ta Most people. and plans' the bridge was built. The one of the Wome à children were opgred ay', by the old, Reporter, as ,coin CePtion extended te him in the Queen Boat two bushels tares-W. of thein are bining Thomp. easily transporteil. The conséquence but bridge in fully a quarter of a mile in better il the renults of practibal expérience wîth CitY Of the West. The Toronto papers son. wu that a great déni of land was brok. bouses, chlirches and shops wëroburn. Ingth, and during a bigli wind, I am facture va n up, and with the great subdivisions cd te the ground. And did suyone try told, when standing in the centre of thé the hîgliest liftaillillonts Of the Scholar." are filléd, with descriptions of the bon, Best two bushels Fife sprîng wheat- e te escape, the shot of a rifle, aiméd by span, you can feel perceptibly a sway- knives, toi of farnis the population was greatly in- a fanciful Shi Ilittu Perry was the Secre. levée, addresses, décorations, and ac- Thomas Guy, 8rd prize. creased. Now, however, the conditions sharp-shooter, soon brought bina ton ing motion, but no cause of fear over- te the caque tiOty-tltü firât Secrotary of the Society, counts of t'le recePtion ýgenerally. Pearl barley and oatineal- James were ail altered. The coule were easi. stand-still ý the stillness of death. cornes one. The Management of this The mone3 a-4 )Ir. Birrell was the first Prosi - *Il- Russe l H, Pickering. lytransportedtothe English market, Some women tried te gave their sono bridge bas fallen into bad bonds of late. dent. PILPERING FRON TUE GRAN]) Titulix while the opening of the Ênglish mark. and husbands by enfoldiD9 them in The charge for crossing both ways was inounts te u At the Iluxt aunual mocting, bold 24th CARg.-A person who bas been in -the- Hamilton, Sept. 27.-The exhibition et ta the grain of the whole world. hall their arme. But it was if no avail. increased during 1871 from 25 cents te up for a raii 1854, ItIr. Dirreil was re- employlndmt of the Giand Trunk, a came ta a close tcý(rây, after another reauced the Price. There was no With one band the murderer$. would 50 cents for each passenger, which is and, sim'l'r clortoil Presidentp and Mr. Sheîr, S' t day of that exceptionally fine weati menus Il stifle the woman's shrieks, with his re- altogether too ranch. Resi&ýts of the 8trik'ng P' ce* the Whitby station, for nome time, han for this season of the- year which Own the volver in his other lie would shoot the place are only char.-cd ton cents for _uo1ý le of t1l retio-y-tho latter rernaining in price of cattle, and cousequently it was husband through the heart as the wife il tl _Office been arroisteil for pilféring goode £rom pwvaileil every day during the week. Inueli more 'profitable te have cattie lay upen 11,mI de one crosging, se yen will sec that it is W"' fln 111 lil) to Jannary, 1861, when lie wu elect_ the cars and in-the warehouse. Re hall Never before, we believe, in the history 1 thon grain in this country.,, fending him W itli her th, visitera that' are imposed upon. viet in the 1 vil Prosi(leilt. Mr. RObsOn wu thon benrernanded ta gaol, and évidence Oý»ese exhibitions have the meteoro. breast. So sudden was the attack that But this is only in keeping witli the test ther logical been go entire1ý favorable. Botli jý two men escaped, and in a regular gouging system that prevails at theinselves i clïï(,.t(itl Secrotary, and lie lins hold the financially, which isý of grest import- i but one o Niagara- This continuai extortion, or udice, and in accumulating against him. i Silver lolet -Mr. Wm. McDougall's few bours the town vins a beap of ability ta gel ()'Ucc 111) ti) thé Présent time. The last Venture. ashes. One or two managed te get a radier thieving-for it is net mueli less ailiolint of prizos awarded. at the firet BusiNEss CnàNoz. In another col. once, and in other respects the show 1 bas proved a grest success, The re. i hiding place in the swamp near the thon that-hurts the place; the robbers could convie i)-Xhil)itiýii was £58 10 - 8284 - the umn will bc found an announcement ceýJpts 1 during the week have been as , Silver Islet is another link in the town. Some hid in cellars, but their are killing the goose that la 8 the gold- all-qo far ai iiiiiiilier of entrîûs in net given ;.but it under this head. We - bespeak for 110110ws Ichain of disappointments whicli for romains, all charred, were found in the en Si But perliaps Ze greatest perfectly cou Yeurs bas encircled the rejected Gov. debri8 after the conflagration. One 1 began te tl: inay lie acceptotl os boing proportionate Messrs. Burke & Smith a fair share of Monday and Tuesday ......... # 801-87 orner of Manitoba. Manitoba is a Pro. licier woman preserves as a relie the nuisance or, I might call them 1 noces- the disgrace- to the prizes and entriesoi! the présent publie patronage, ne successors ta the Wednesday ......... ............... 5,059.57 sary eviIs ta the-visitor are the bock- coliviet. TI Thursday ............................ 5,922.00 vince Vont in extent, and which bas al- pocket-book ofher husband, take'n froin men. They will lie, cheat and deccive (IJ17, wlien we find prizes offèred late Mr. Gerrie, and we are quite lier. eady cost the Dominion nearly $5,0qa, the aide of -bis burnt corpse tjiat lay sure, if they Friday ........ 1 .. .................. 777.52 ()00. neares whenever an opportunity offers, and, tliere was no Ïlltiotilitit)g te upwards of 02,000, and suaded they Win do their béat te de. it the ground-charred, and satu. y ou May lie certain, it offers frequently. go ý Silver Islet in a barren waste aWut rated with the blood and fat that fried They tell a stranger that they l' will lino" their taï] the total nwnber of entries suin, up serve it. Total ................... 812,568. ý.ne hundred feet square, in sinoath out of the body of the burning man. show him all over tho Falls fer a couple 20.13. The Society thon possesseil no For purposes of comparison, we qive as scarcely scen above the wateà, With what horrible thoughts 1 traced of dollars," and having performed tlle Friday, th( 8110vV' 91-01111419, or accommodation - FAUX POR SALE. - The Robb aloo the receiPts for last year at King- 4nd Ilid from sight by the waves in any the course Of this human fiend,-where the visiter may consider himself sun crosseil of Brothers advertise in other colurans a ston, wIgch were as follows Storm. The one in its vastness, the lie entered the town, where lie loft- it, "ut a"Y kili(I-Llio exhibition was lield Il an hickyy if lie gets off at five dollars. And looked out fbý vsluable lhrm f)r sale containing 100 Monday and Tuesday ......... $ 279.42 pther in its littlonpos, figure in the dis- the spot lie made his head-quartersi thé vi over " in the Streets and by-ways ? Wednesday ......... ............... 2,988.44 4ppointments of that would lie grest the bouge& lie burned, and the remains gîter generally pays the extertion; And in going acres e 45 cleared and the fémainder M lie is almost forceil te do go ; ho bas burg was eau, wlioraver a conyciliünt spot could lie good Wood, aituated on lot No. 81, Thursday . .......................... 2,695.05 Man, Wm. Macolougall, ýC. B. Soin, of the liayoc lie made-may lie fiuagin- seeured for thé Occasion, and it began in Friday ............... ..... .......... 278,42 years ago several companies were form. cd. neither the time nor the inclination for story of the I! And ended on the, the 4th cou. of Whitby. [Sec advt. a lawsuit with a rowdy hackdriver. go often writt -saine day. And il ta mine for the valuable ores said te There is a and legend connncted with Te give an idea of the high prices te come familiai tieen, let It bc »Orne in Mind, the So. , taw We-.woilld direct the attention Total ........... ll,,l blot on womang honour as ever was ....... $6,885.88 e abundant on the shores of Lake Su. this history which, if truc, is as foul a those of the readers of TiiE CHRONICLE iS S Stalé sub viety ortibraced the whole Cotinty of of our readers te the. great clearing a The above figures afford a strong. lie Montreal Mining Çompany. - In told. For some months préviens te the who have never yet visited Niagara, I disgusting 01 rgument for the holding of the exhi. ýl grive the following sample of extras ex- that Storm in bi tarie. Now, witli Soutli Ontario Bâle, now going on daily nt Y. Gibson's bition an for eastward -as Kingston as ddition ta their claim Oâ the mainland raid, a Oung lady of faseinating mon- perienced while "doing" Niagara, by a The grandeur +1111Y, the Society passons ample Old No. 1, Of drY good, groceries, bord. oeldoni as possible. When itwas last tlhe patent ineluded the islands fronting ner aniraire accompliolunents was cru- disgiisted visiter- disgusted net with sublimity of tl groiinds, convénient roomy buildings, ware, &c., at a great arific,,_[See held in Hamilton, four years ago, the ele shore. Amoag them. the rock now ployed in the town as teaclier. Who the Falls, but with the extortions :- graceful care( iplil other accor nrùodationg , acknowl. advt.] total number of taying visitors Who at- dalleil Silver Islet. Ill fate attended abc was or what lier antécédente were, Carriage, 85 tell for, Geat Island were entirely mlged te be superior ta sur other tendeilit was a out 14,000 legs than the companies, and the montreul jýfin. no one seema ta know. Her condact bridge, $2 25 visit te Cave of the in consequen Coinity Agr'icultural Snniptv ;ý di.- SABBATE SCROOLB 11; the receipts for this year represent. and Incg Company shared the ill faite of the wu oomewhat eccentrie. Everv morn- dûty ', the dutiez ýVýM gëa'>-On fresh, -wdted or -dried seik., or :- Oný river'fish exoopting oa. - ýTlë "0"". 3 to- tions ý in, üje tuiff ori textiles &ré, Aér' iMe d Ou ille bases reommended the will' o9mmitteifér the p inqui- Bon iii, ffl . 'iiüdlffl cotton yara from to, 100 would be inciýe9"d by le . 111iiimiýs threà pér éýnt, -ânéi, i er, b y Vhà, five per cenf,7,," ebttm 1 tissues tàýrei1 at W ten u,ýoent,-to,.be increaud to fim, en 1 in Il -YiAtng to be Chargea ftom No ber instèad'-bf-*oxii-No là only: mixed, ing stuffi of voqolfýn - 4 ' Cottonio be increased ý,v., frow 5 to 8 the augmenta- ere jjýýn en y-am ëf= lie to be the ffie same foi Cotton yârn., 'in e applica- th- don ci the duties for- tissues of flax and ça? PeMP, the threado of the wool ü well ar- as Ofý,tbè--Warp, to'be Couriteil in a et, squareof-five 1ý .' The duty of on dainask, linen, which bu been re-_ wO duced to, ten per cent,, by, the tresty le. with Au be inereaud to fifteen ger cen:ýriaht% English Government as " received answers to a series of questions it had put, among them being one as to whetheïr a rectification ofthe duties; on textile substances was an es- GeMtial poýf iù-'caoë of 'a"revisiéh of the taxriffs- being accepted. The French 19- Government replied that even had the inquirj, of 1869 and 1870. not zovealed a the necessities in certain branches of ýte induetry, the new burdens on. all pro-. ýie ductions, causeil by, 600,0wow of new: Yi taxes, would compel the French Gov- y- ernment to demand an increase of du- k- ties for those' manufactures ; any obsèr- vations relative toi the amourit of the in- crease propoffed would be taken into le coifsidemtion. In - reply to another Lo question, the French Government â- clares that it does'not infend to allow ILY drawbacks on the exportation of kY t ues of silk, flax or hemp, and in no other cases wolild the drawbacks exceed the amount of the Compensatory duties fixed. The Rappel does not givé any Information* ou the present prospect of the nee otiations, but to judge from the )f t, joÊsome "authorized!' organs ofthe presa, the govermneent does not share M. Thiers'former confidence ofeonvinc- in& the English ministry that the de- mands of Franée were so just that they coul&not be refàse(L ir ,r M. Louis Blanc on the French Re- public, The Republicans of Robaix having written to M. Louis Blanc to know whether lie approved of their intention r to hold'in BeIgium the banquet they -Were forbidden to have in France, M. Louis Blanc hm dissuaded them froni takii2g,-"t step in the following -ternis . 'iGmTLzxzN :- Imperious- family duties baving calleil me to 'England, L where I am obliged to rernain soins time longer, I coulil not, in any euw, have accepted your kind invitation. ti 64As to your idea of crossing the fron- er, in order to celebrate in Belgiurn the auhiversary ofthe 4Ïh ofSeptember I am not iure-smee yon ask thy opin- ion-that such a step would-be alto- gether advisable, were the enemies of the Republie td construe it into an act of open hospitality towara the presi- dent of the Republie. "Not that I approve of the prolubi. tion of the inten.ded banqùeýfar front it 1 "I can well undêrstand that the situ- ation in which ý unexaMpled dkuters have placea our country makes it more important than ever to a*voicl'anything calculated to inflame passions and to disturb the publie peace. But when I consider that calm prevails in peoplè's mind, that the necessity of order is everywhere recognized, and that the Republican Party is not t'ho onewhich lias shéwn itself. leaist moderate, and lias made the fewest sacrifices for- this necessity of' order, I wender that a Gûvernment which styles itself Govern- ment of the Republie - should be made so uneasy by the péaiéfui , celebràtion of a Republican anniversary. This exceuive uneaàinesg . seems to betray a remuant ofthaffear wiih wlli& libe d in, France the Mo al ýw1urBpire "Such a fear, persistent resource to exceptional measures which circumstan- Ces have ceased to require-n", to ex- plain-and the indefInite prolongation of the state of siege thatis to Bay of a regime which puts at the mercy of mili- tary authorities the most precions guar. antees of the citiËeii--aU this is con. trarY to the genina of the Republic; and if ll this were to continue, those Who réit them-selves satisfied would abandon the subýtance. for the shadow, would ffiistake the word for the thing. LOUIS BLANc.,, A ana Dant au were trested te ahanâ. caretaken in -là- &70.VZUUur, kJ'Ue sided in town, were savedjl a a actoro more plainly- of 1 aught, Wilson, James Pile, oolme repaît of goof ýv-h7jý - "" --- vnt onley Ow th And lu tir examination of Routes magniÛcent sumi of Thrie Rundièd lialetion, to use a slang phrase of y t Dc llars" raised te purchase thme band. this l'a sfainst lier or for' the Seotlan r7 chUren Alid adulte did eaple justice, b.th.r However she Th ir elchard nall, Wm. Mackie, Wm, Kerr, 1 things, te whieh will n many cases save much trouble, rat, mes of land at the bottom of Lake day, la Il toïo thin." Every- One fa111eýu Ah1eiýr 1 'b ber, eau bard JO Itild, to to Wr.n., Sinclair, John Bitson, John and Pit 46 the sotti fini, ith the raiders, whether knows that the minister bas just been 1 ýun a and money. disappeared w imatoéuonùr"gold fric if s1ý was castin Su peerior, and this land completely Our- doing a job for them, and to ruake it 'Bowleo, James Qu" , and John the skirts othis p- M g 0 as captive or qu 0 be over Z The "0.,' B. & Q. B. B.,' runniüg rounded Silver Islot. Thé late ý Gov. _ ide I cannot tell, but pinetréé tops; lesving their radiant trail lier nante la held in bitter execration by appear that it's soulte tinte ago that the of his relative, le COrbctt- 'ýrbOPrlncipâl exhibiton and ýpOn the suràce from Chicago through Galesb en ment wlien Mr. Frue applied for his aunt of his had c aming waters Barlington, bu 0 rnmont, Buttowtheappuestion little affair was transacted only makes the fact that, wi splendid Paýentrerred him te the Dominion manY. -oftbe gle nrg te 1 thein appear ridiculous. Even the la cittlO are beadoil by the tu Company bade eac achieved a 0 RESPERUS. portera distinguish them, by their new ing his incrits. h othor a hotkrty reputation, in the lest two yeurs as the wa ý of anothAr kind. Mr. F ruewas a our contents. haf lâmonted John Dow, and the llitt re, farewell, sud in veldeles' of overy kind trunks and new clothes. The ladiesý and sizé, wanded thoir ho' meward way, lesding Passenger Route to the West. werking mau; Mr. Macdougall the po. ThO Cornwall Gazette and Ottawa pick out the brides b th ir shinicg bondage of news corde the hames ci John Cadet Joseph j litical fiiend of both Sandfiald and -Sir Free Press are hard at work making is Lyscif. we it by----.ý no longer will, Pe Morgane Wm. Gordon, Botion Mitchell - -Bésides Mr. Ballentyne, the pastor of At nurlington it connecte with the of parties. weiiàing and I $OUI and sufreryk , ý the church, and many of big parialtion. grent Barlington Route which runs di. Jol a Macdonald, The Attorney Gen. Premiers and leaders How, kliowing ht9silt is almost a pity AuderSOI34 James Tweedie, John on, whom, I know will in formeryeuý0, rect through Southern Iowa ' era with some reserÏations roported in theoe journals manage te devote se TEBOUGE TUE CANAL. not blessed with Spencer, &c,ý - la oheop we And . Witt. I had the plessure of meeting My old tO Nebras- lave r of bis claim, and the commission. much time to matt 0 of a nad Miller, John 18pénoor, ùiend, thé Rn. Mr. Marling the able ka and Kansas, with close connections or c t Crown Lands, M. C. Cameron, dition te their ordi er stat ' i not live forever." na wm* lOffi" and hiffh1Y estéemed C or of a Cou. to Californà and the Territorie,; and gave orders thst a patent ohould be ply bewilde À trip through a canal is not an un- ring. mterestingi if it is a tedious one. And BEWARD OMB -fathers of the great brooders and tional church In oronto, and hie psattangers starting irom Ontario Coun. M,,,,l e ont for Mr. Macdougall. But The Montreal Heilald mentions whst going ttriugh the Welland Canal la no crument Offer al exhibiton of the POP exception tO the rule. Twenty-eight pressent de ; sud brother, the head maiter of thé Gram.. M L11,10niLnt fate again in osed. The may bc termed a novelty in logal eti. capture of Fitzsiz 3000ph Pierson la #ut down in seveml mar school in Whitby, and a toucher in ty cana"' on . a . t y their way westward, eau. "' oiganddold aàmin. miles in length, with nearly as man murderers of Dr. places un à @U00688MI towinnar, In the Sabbath-sohoot I grestly ouj net do botter than te take the C., B. on wore h te lotte, the q net e, and which occurred et the Pre- Il lockm," the voyage through the pri oyed 'u sent tenu of the Criminal Court in that Mud- ded to the stilbs the day.- Omteful memories of -the Q. sud Burlington Route, je MOI d thon cart, dy Ditéh," as it la irreverently called, çp,,,il of st. Th grainif dairy piýdue, sud mauttectitroi petit mingled p4santl a V, . te the Crown Lands Depart- The Attorney Goneral prosecutý occupiets generally about two days- oitglit to induce a y wi 2he Linte hait pubUshod a pamphlet rw 2% person ; but of the cases three ,we find the nimes of Pagot'. cintlà oumam'en4 ]iope1Wù@ý4 owfththý =0Y. wmt,, rateL The adniinWration U sud ugh CLAM AGAINST File, W&Y, _309ent calléa ý 11ROW te go which cou- t tthejobmust net be orpet- were delonded by big j nometimes leu, but more froquently. Tomilnion, Twft: beré,ine. unwr artner, longer- tinte. The Welland, altho tains Much valuable information; a withitthe hoeoof Mr. Nacdouel. which in a mode of' kèeping ?] -London, Oct. 1- die, carpentar sud Rouck, aud voq within usine'00 the largest canal in the Dominioii, and few Othon who- H. 0. CAMin, Oshkosh, Wývý , large correct ofthq Great West, The fint taet almost ofthé New Govern- thO finn thst Émist be admitted at the time of its construction anticipa- the Irish Iligh Cc 1 se names haies béon map the t e original and thrifty. Wh.ether it the carrying.tMde with the taken depositions reprosented Pobruiiiy, 1879, Lu & letter, sÎýi: - Fol. which eau be obtakeà fiw of charge mezi t was au order restraining 0 b ted te serve of lote years 'be theïr lows, sypophosphiteï JO doiig good by addressing the General Paosenger administration of justice, le angther ' of patient» to mining'aompanies, le altogother condticiva te a severe greatest eau, le hardly able to dé the against the Un4tct p8pfdllwn descendants, The Ccunty Show of sud te se far ashave yet been logued. amount of work required. -ne number tY Of tl" O dest' work hors, and we hâvn afroacly dispos. Agent B. M. B. B. Burlington, Iowa. 1 tu - heu remained for Washington matter. of vesseli dally ajug thiough le ve 1 war, valued et tllut day was ev'dent'y cono'dere4 a cd of large quantity. It stands ukrýo,7, uld be no* VIRT OF TIM el C)u .0 drand affair, although ifs ill 2 Disappointed in hie Oil A SWENDLES ARRESTED.-Pario Oct. large, w Z t perty of dite Va et -Wwo the Ion hile, If e canal were e test sud day people ex spec tiens, lord neither of land nanied Lagrano, the business déne weuld be are ThOusandý far excelled. by Any of die TO We are hsp to 1 a 6 nor lot.--A man evuy prao thoir at who la atly en- of el by earn that the invita- wa rpjected by the half breeds of said - to hâve defrauded varions. Ne croued, 'by the larger siz wnship Pr" of its Virtua, Our phy"àno th W à veuelsee Lonsine arè'show t t th Soidetyil -Exhibitions in omth ()Jàtuio. tien exte e, Mayor and'Cor- Man tpba, spurned by the people of %York marchants ont Of OUMI; 01 money *hieh are ùôw . unable to get into the Fronce byýchooàn What ma W# expe thé Ccunty " , an prescribing it, and We 'have good poration -te Lora nitifferin to be present on Ol this -- of perverted talent& amounting là the &==ta from Michigan and Illinois. at Our Western Fair haïs been re0pond- - van al et _ 9 aggregate te sow;oon, locka," passink through. A né* and férence té Gentail ut ite present rate of, progrou, to be wan lin through the province finding lm boei arrested et Baguer« de larger canal in'prý>jectod, and surveyore 'retontion of tbeir 1 ed to in a highly satisfiwtory no o ' se to do him lwnor.-St Ladron in the 'P8rbumi of, Gerron. are locating the line; Whou complet- twenty yein hence P Thére là no '*»»e. Ëesh in heir. te in - manher- noue . bi de od,<théý,ý', _ ad aH probability ho wM conte, COM.- Cath s Tiows. ne. Carrying tr a will be increàsed, .. Thé rumour is We find thât in the hurryaflastweek, znore , troublesome te manage than bl*!U*ng this with the faet that the en. %P- - - intiéea te mUclx - so ý as to Irequire both will bc a éànamatE ;" Mus 1 - tries l'or. the Pair have alroady excoed. 0 The Toronto Lacrossé club . ofthe French Roi and Lu endeavoring to> give gloprào JW m. It comes wh n yon lenst Th a writs- for the noie local élection &feted, the present and-projecteil canal,ï., ý - '01 ed the number of suy previous e . . ý Gýouaë _hj the St. Regio--champion j_ýàian club - 1 likely, jýdgiiiff froi before tho oecrottryla books were quite expect it,-*ndgener&Uy romaine till, it sr m in Sô th ave bten receive& on Saturday là three straight Uuder-tibe regime of the ne* Super- Many Of tbe Most important I:Pae- Dr. Ecorft la Returning Officer, and the, - games., mtendént, in the plue of -Woo(Imff, pics a.-ainst Thiert màM liv, saveral errore ware geâ roody to goaway. The most OM- mente. the grand sué=ee = nomi iàtion will take', place on the Oth It is ranwuréd thât ensMts = Sir John B080 Whose actions, peccadiffoes, and potii- The Germans v»w percecoed toi Sniâ yý r " complaint 'je exhlbition is doubly lut poUing on the lotil., lfr. Prua wW ïuccièdLý Mr. Ring as !>r@sid8nt of were so sçverely criticized. by the France - unoccupW wM b a oppose& by a, Mr. Coi=. the B=k of Mutrez laté Tý Tolograph au to oecure bils Offl expoctea. "vu tilaceo, DY a ung man narneil Mills on muttw 'eet, abouta fortulgh; Bince, died ,m the effect of bis wounéis yegteruy ernoon. . milli at re ut . es in jail 'aiting e < result, is - net be- e- being brought fCýG, bis tt , arley sta d t e best of owledge è nevér given 1 the le t eau r crime ich ho c it d, but that mills 1 On twO Or three occasions threat- 'd tO luurd0r him. An inquest wffl héld on thebody of j3arley nt the ra, Armé Hotel, yonge strect, tjùA ýj1ng nt eléven o'clock, before Cor- r Ralloway-Leader. Conductoi by the name of i. froight üýný,'met with a sad D«i- t yenterday at the ]3owmanvüle done by whieh he jost bis lifeý In -mPtiug tO get on the trail while in ion, bis hand filipped and he feil er it, getting-lotl, legs eut Off. Ho after. Me duke has threwn hinx - over- said One POlitician, sp,,ki,.g of hek Who was WU gaid te bc logging ýet11.,,',was the reply, ',but rin. 6 ngth ý, enough lert 'te a te t1w other Bide. 110 -ost remarkable engine now in progress is to be the cros- of the Andes by the Týjma Oro a roait The mountain chaim výjU ied nt an aitit de of 15,oooféet by inel 8,000 feet Lu length. The gra- me the steepest known on any or- 'Y rlilwaY- The workmen em. 9à are Cholos Indians, the only itives Who can enduré for. 'a Pro. ffl period the ruefied atmosýhëre is great elevation. Reform dej:àonjÏmtiou-wM be bad CIL ýeC._ m ffl be au=g ùjëý 43eakecto,

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