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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Oct 1872, p. 2

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Àwtioi ie-BL'7L,. .rd. JIiWI1G8.. Wild Lanuds for l- lIcots and Bhoa-B. B. B. Ke.loeu, Sellilg off-v do. 1 Â UCTIOI4 SALE. credi1 sale of Faria 5toelk, Ihnfr nonte &o.,, ibueroperty, ofE. E. S"ok lïney-l oithDoon. Wh.Lbo Jria Z, aucute .er , ' ridit Sale, pr-operty Of 3. &A. Fia., or, 0!1 prcMStock im- leetg &.1. lot 26 in o ze8th cou. Wwtb ,o d' thei 111h Octobsirý , 7.L ar Jr, auctioneer. --. -î il -Çredlt Sale ýof Pa=-, u1o.k 1ant1.i- n plenel, James MoCormuaok inminis. tnator, -o 17 inthe Ath eou., cf th. Tcwg@aiip cft>loksnig, on Satuis', h. '121 OOebený-1872, L. 'Fairbanuks, Jr., Credit Sals cf Parun stock anud lmplq- mentoi, t. eoport>'of wS. & Gé0 HocA, lot 8i n th.'1lotcon. Wbhity ou Mud Ahle l4thOtob.r, 187e. Credit Sale c f Paia Stock, Impie. meuta &o., lie prepent>'ofai *eg P o u g i a n ' l t u h e t bc o n e s ao n WjIitby, n Tt eda>,tle 151h Octobor, 187. L Farbaks r.,anolloneer. redit Sale cf Faim ýStock, ln*ple- --meute &o., tb. property of'R. sud a liehartisoti, loI 8, Broken Front, j5 erip g, on Wetineaday, the 161i Octohen, 1872. ,L. Fairbanks Jr., suchioneer. * reAit Sale of Pain Stock sud iu. plemeute, tih" OfI~ c John Mai-. quis, lot 285u ie II I-1r ýcou. Phokering eut Tuursds', itue 171i cf Ocleber, 1$72. L. Fairbanks Jr., autioneer. C redit Sale cf Paru Stock, iunple. nienîs, kc., lhe propert y oiJamea Keutit, loit l ic h con. Wbtby, ou Fn-. day, the lti Oclober, 1872. L. Pair. bonks Jr, anetioneer. -, 1 Cauh Sale, licusellold furniture, mugi- cal instruments, &c., at Manon'a Hotel,- Whitby, on Saturday, the 19th October, 1862. L. Fairbanks J., auctioneer. Cnxzlît Sale of Farm stock, impie. ments &c., ilie property of Richard Jlriguuall, lot 8 in the, à con. Pickering, 1011 Moduu(Ity, the 2lst of October, 1872. L. Fairbanks Jr., auctioneer. Crodit Sale of Farm Stock and im. lautucu ts, the property of Samnuel Jack. sor', lot 83 in the 2ncl con. of Whitby, on Tuueday, the 22ud October, 1872. il. Fairbanks Jr. Auctioneer. Credlit Sale of Farun stock aud impie. ments, the property cf Thomas Soîtt, onu lot 6 ite 4th con. East Whitby, ont Thursdtuy, te 241h October, 1&72. 1). Faîibanki Jr., anctioneer. Credlit Sale of Farun Stock sud fin. jîlernents, the property of E. W. Boit. wviek, on lot 14 in the lot con. Picker. n 1Flridaythe 25th cf October,. 1872. Ji. Fairbanks Jr., auctioneer. ONLY Si 50 PER ANNUM. WIVhb, rîhrday, Oct.. 10, 1872, Auction Bille, Alttion IBills are printet att TEE CuuliON[t'u.u;ollÇicn t auperier style, ut luwatlurctu.Parties having bills ho priuut ishtrutt hoer lunminîl liat tudr tues tillA tlso mcciv, a notice in the C"111111118 cf lîuu CIIaauuCLer Witlioui t'utr;-uAtper 80 uvieol>'circulAteti, luut te uotice lf;t6f fur gieter value to thucui itan lic cost cf printing thie - mhils. Tise Ilulishr Peus on- the Peiics cfi Canada. Os.tt cannaI Aulp feeling firhy as- touîtuîubt aIlit,,donight ignorance- cutipublo we ihiotuitcali t'-of lie urit. crs for tite fettmoil paper lunteé Dril- flit Ejirîre, osto lte politics cf the Do. iiutilruioetCtiada. TicLouion Timea intu a article of lAue 201h cf Sepember- e in na vtrdy iuomily Ias tr teé e;peri. l mentIs,- uceda, dcomplications, conditions, r anud a Auntred ti er titinga, aule théie, rile of lAue Represenlative Assembles f itu C'slorial dt'pendcuciesî, controihing rit'speuusibuu Minlaînies, f akes upen ilselfr tu ieinonstrate sometiing as ho our l iuoiical conudition, ani as ho tie result eft1titeate clecions, iluat nbo 0'1ve litanul et, or keuoabtuat before lunttis th Canada of ours. Il lroectu toiteresd. ri crs as autluoilative facto (aflen mmuchini verbal Cireuni locution as lethue tendeu- fiý clos oet yourig courutios uand trcng ociAtn Coruutittliotuis) tltat tAhe Rouge part>'lu be ilue prrt>' 0f meigions intlaence lu Lawer Cautudla 1 Wtt>, as oppeseul le lte Jileus oi- Ultramonlane part>', tie v <rilutu constlititty cisu-got b>' iueir ce- wi roligionioss gainst the Rouges la Iheir m ton great liberalit>' of eigione senti- ' nuetut. Tbèio le net tlie nt parficle of r eîiilîtlasupport the absurd assen- tien of tlie irneailu his respect. Antipal se Io tIhe assertion tIa- tIThVe oiA Rouge party anrcng tlis e FraenhCanadiani, wiro rherit lie Ira- N dtucus of national diuaffection sud mu- licus intlélrance ubici prevalleilu Lowem Canada befone thie-adoption cf a r Lord Driam'î polie>', are brougit Str int countact ttQueeo ulit Onangenen we --as quameliome in their io0'slty, sud àau i nois>' lu theirProteutaunsunas Ibeir - rctbru in Utser"- . uer il lnasaubas, a calumu>' as ever ira siet ultéeti.churoe is net lte silgîleitt «round fer suci an unfounieti animai. fr version ounoiher sie. ,O0* tie contu-ar>'B -aud we eau apeak froun persoual Bno kuowled4 f fcftio, lie difficultis ilfar ta- more one botwteu Inursbmau...EnglUeh Aue spaakiug Gathto.lics lu Quéeco - andi Freunih Mpeakitig Gatiiolica, Iran bh.- IWOeu the Rouges aundiOrangn.6n--Oiare ihoinin tieCcilty Cf Quehec tien. areOc i comparativel>' ver>' few. But tie great N.( Engliai organ cf publie opinion «ces and on ittýayith, ail thtat sei-asunae. C uiti ubici w. bave heand oAA teunu Cu t nymen upesk belon, uow -.- Coi 6.on tie 'uhle, lie lections 'uici rn have latel>' terminateti were cocduoted nt inuquite asorderhy a fasluany genemal eleelfe a luthus cunIr>'; th. Pi c.lutitueucieu mnufesteA a healthin. o-se tenest l inte ceulesî; public questioun$ M.j 'mero tilacuuued mliimoderatuon anti S p raeticàl sirrewtueuu, if as >'ei, uitiétn lag political conceptuonsou ihr F ite." oueli Ti Wity, wmatis tic - fact ? Tht, lu ereci ail tAta eiounnts ef free Constitution, form al govttmumeuî, lie frsee, shuemnmCu cf Canada-îlu. mel - eticateti, enter. C priaing fanuueri, uuechanau, an i i unereirants, of the, Dom inion, are te'Bat day se fan lu advence cf lte English for 1i bor opcslng lte famming sud 1;?ring population si, that ceuntry, Tu sud "%Lnduo ohneyx, tlomo boite "y thea errora ofthie 1 prtuwàoiteasû&àLp&rsoem i cf the.-op- The tel& te iges El>ctfons.. The ,retui .ocorning- lb. 8tate èl. *oct ons iii Pennayývanla Mle, Indiana, Nebraka, Conneotlsut suid th distzict dA>', Are incemüpiete. ,Sfoiest bus been receivet, bouever, io show -ltaI lie Bepublieass b"e canet! Inla, Nebraska, Penuu>lranis, sud, perbapi, eUnnectilca andthe ioitrict ci Coum. bis! by isige malorlties, white,1.L enals hve been suecessaihi in Ohio. The ressuAI oi lies. electicus -miii rd- babl>' dnulae'lte Prestiluques- tion, 'andi fse ire ria>' couludeltai Mn. Greeley's chances of suceesa are ezinemel>' mai!. Main. anti 'Vermout have aineati>' teclaret inl favor of the Bepublican part>', sud lie Deneenatq, on Lflfeals have oui>' b een aneces3ful lu te extreinel>' Democrallo sste of Geongis. Itîl su oli aintheStulteshah"au -goei Penusylvania, se gees lie Uniton. It mas an axcun befere lie civil irar, snd we suppose it holtis gocd new. It ns>' lienefome b. acceptedtihisi Grant, witi al i hionteomin'go anti failinge, wil b. ne-eleciet! as, Preaitient for the' ccmiug terun. Reforun Banquet lu Tcronte. The Refemmens2 ef Toronto inienti cleiraling lie greai 'victaries yen b>' the Refrmm Part>' ai the lsteeclecins by a grant! bauqu et iuintai cii>' in the early par t cf November. 'Tie asiair la te be on a lange acÀle, sud, il la expecl. et,'i, u b. sîteurteti b>' nan>'Reform- era frou n iParts cf lb.country. TIEE LMCZSM Tire Porence Sewing Machine bas ual muscitdesirable prpperl>-a ilent Mo- tien, sut! is opeisateti upon iii s nevisabie timeati; il alec makes four Aufferent bute of sies, hi bau- taken unan>'finI prizea 'mieme exhii e11 - lucluding Mankiaun, Yokville, Uxiritige, &c. Ever>' machin, is wam- nanted for flac, yearg, sud la keptinl nepair (fIee cf charge,) duiing liai period. Mm. J. S. M. Wlcomîslathe agent for bia locahit>'. A Grateful Ministcr. JOn lb. -131h uIt., Mm. Nathan, Mi. P., rocei-eti a letter froin Sir Francis elecloma of Vancouver districtli1ud pro. vitet itina, aud eîpressing bis gratiitute fer their kintinesa lu savin'c hlm tram boiuâ-lcfî outinuthe colt. Wtt givolte, hext cf Ibis gneiing comunuicaion; Ottawa, Sept. 12, 1872. "To HuENaR NATHSAN, jr. : "P ra>' couve>'inm anmeet ackuow. lgmenîs ho Mr. luinater sutis sup- porters in Vancouver for thdr genercus support sud confidence. Tie>' have laid me under a debt oi gratitude miici, tiongi I eau ncven hope ho re- ps>' it, mill stiniulate, if liaI be passible nu> desire ion tic propnt> fVancou- ver District aniOf lemgnfch Province of irbichit formean import- ant part. VIOLENTS-rOMc. - Thre toirt cof Wiitb>' anti eighbýounbood iras.visiieti b>' a ver>' violent stein aon Sonda>' eveuiug lisi. Itl ateti aboutl bah an heur, turing ibici ihunter anti iigbtning,- acconipanleti iiti incessant ramn sud hail, playedtihem - part lu doing censidemable daniage. Tie gale, for thelime il lasteti, wau tire severesti ne receileet turing s resitience et near- ly luent>' yesmm in the hawu. SHOTIN AFRAYAT UXBRsxuEu.-A C lrccling afira>' oceuret Frita s>'ts, onV lue almeeol cf Uxbiitge village. Amuan L nareti Kliunerl>' taid h iesbrother- ' i-law, s Mn. Blodgett, but fcrtnnatel>' tilet in bis murdeneus deeign. He is oun unten arreat. Tire cause is saidte h . be a famil>' difference. P Tacr BAND OF Sm. PAuRcuis SOCIETY 'W, )p OsnAwA favometi us unexpectetly A. vith a uemensde ou Monta>' evening G. eat, Tic Baud, aithougi campais- C. rel>' >ouug lu years, bas; certainl>' Il. nineA ,jut greal proficiene>' in mugie ; D. 'B id lie les plcasing or apprecistive i trIt oi tisir excellence 'mas the spirit. i maunen lu ihici lie>' playedt h. uver-to-be-forgolten elmalue cifor stive Land. J'] Sout GEENVILL.-The eleclion cf A. meambe refthe Local Legishalure for W- outi Grenville wun hake place cn B Vetneuda>' uexî, lohi lut. Tiecdan- laIes are Praser, (lie fermer repre. rîstive) govemumoul, aud Gairna, cou- rvative. ta» Rememberiitie sueticu sale cf ai 'un stock, ke., 1h. proper>' cf Mesers. B . A. Riohanuisen, ou lot No. S,ca roken Front, Pickering, ou Wednes. i ty, Oct 101h, 1872, L. Fairbanks, jr., i ectioneer. [F or liet ae adtiv.]1 Tacn TOReONmo Ms..-Tie followiug BU] e lie permanent floard et Directona ncî th. Mail:' Mesitis. John Carling, T. lest Gibbs, Angua Memisen, J. G. Worts Ai A T. C. Paltesen. - «el -; a- -mect easECIN N NESOUTE ONTARIOkal WNT. Pazz LST. - We have been , neatet e maie the foi!owiug furlier te motions lu prix. lisi ci 1h. Southipas tario CeunI>' Agnicullural Scciety'u y>' ris et: net Secout! pnizo for hiriflouero:--Mçj,îQ.;0 J. Smith. 'T Secondi prix., Applique mok-tio. eau 'mlt prix., Breadi-dg. lain lioe pnizeuuncre instivenlenîl>' iii dited te Mra. M. J. Smith, lu Our Wi merlHot. -byta Agel ESCIET MAC.-A cricket match veu th. Wluitby_ anti Port Hope >M ket clubs miL e playeti hore on effet urda>' next. Seals miii Le provideda di adieu. -Joli - -»---- long. 'sx Presitamio TewuesaU' Fra M iiiof x 3elt te-dA>'(Thunta>'y) andti o-ner- vhol 1 t lt, VillageofBrnghsn. mint i>'mtcmapps.Tins fan e twiil Mliud ireports oun te tee thre Icontrer',netiesihs bave cecurred e4,t thers ull i ittis danger. Tho sepidemie la net confluedt! l an>' pantio ulan stabe, but bas appesmet i uti large 'onçâs:li the cit>'. Il s impose. ble tO ascnibe an>' tangible cause for tlb tissaeo, but itis suppseA o bae t, a peouliar condition of-tesuuspa r anud if anoit b.ie c ase, illinere li likehy lihai ail bomes Ibrougiont tlb country' wlb. more -on les& iOCIOL lu Support ofi Is iuppciilin 1it iny b e m e i i n t l a i s e v e n a l f l i e e i animais aithie Gueph exhibition yes. tends'y, oîs"' *ymplomuofhai caugi.t -te - olA. Il la neme i proabe lIIinas cfcldhe'a ofi ct d m li l ,ca taU l4 tv r" Houer Nusaru, Pcuxane.- Mr. S. G. Wilson, lie proprieher of lie ici]- kuairu Home Nursery', desires ho me. iun thinsukte he numemous cutoners ion thue cordial support, wiili ie be. lieve, la se tieservetil> given bim. Tie excellence o±' lie mut teecs procuretiSa Mn. Wileou'a Nursery'la i!>' yeitsbliah. cd b>' tic largenumben of bealli>' cnes liai have, sut! are atili being dlapoe TaRI-LcOFA STEAÀ M aENGIN.- The agents of lie Meri-yweauiier Steamr Pire Englue Cc. h ave signiedtiheur iintention ci tesllug oeeofitheir en- glues' ai Wiuitby ou SaturdA> nexI, 12th imal. Il la expeetetit iidepuis. tiens ficun diffemeut icmne anA villages iru' be present tle iihese lb. trial. Doxitrtour WmmRuraec.- We wuuit direct attention te lb. adverfisent ef MesmurLweo & Powell, of(the Domin- ion Wamerooms, 'urielu appean lu other columus. Thir stock isase usual con.- piete, ant isaked aI loi prices. Titein shew recuis wmli ho open ou lie 16li Wuormv k & ESTWBUY AOarclU. TUSAL SOCYET.- Tic fail faim of the Wbhihby k Est Wiitb>' Union Agricul. humàI Societ>'. mill b. helti aI Oshawva on Thursa> nexi, 171i mest. Cricket r4 tch. IA cricket imatch behweeu tue Bow. nianylle sut Whibiy cricket clubs irs phayed i here on Saturda>' Isl. The Imatch mesullet lu favor cf 1he Wiby players, being tecidet b>' th ic Ot luningt, ttheme ual eing lime ta finish the game. Whiiby mont fîrel tei bat, ucoruug 89 runs, sud lu lieir sec- ont itunings 116. Bowmnville scoret 61 rune luinlucir Omest inninge, sud 5 ruas, mihfour iriciets tiowu, lunlire second, mien tih. gane mas calleti, oming bt arkneas. The followîng le t.e score:- WIrErmY.-yntSm INNruos. J. Muuhhewson, b liaukin------------... A. Wa'fenden, rn onet .............6 John Hase, b McMurtry ............... 0 H. Garurit, b McMurltry......... W. Ihobson, b Rankin *--------------Oo G. ]leugough, b Rankin e MeConeebte.. 2 W. Maraihal, b Rankin--------------.. 2, S. Roy, bà Jones c Cubitl........... 96t G. Ray, b McMur-t->----------- C. Neurse, b MeMurlry ..Ib ... Fihzpahick, no ut.euh................. 1 No balla ........................... .1 Total--------------------8 9 SECOND INNufo4S. G. Beugpu.Kh, b McMurt-y e Pewell . .. Fituratrick b Jones e Powell... 0 A. Matien, m unouet ............... J aewo b Jouas e Fisher -1.... 6 r 1l. Gar-rett, b"Id snt et McMurtry -O 0 P W. Marshah, b Joues.................h :8il J. V, Ham, runout................... 6 t. Ray, b Joutesf c Rankin------------1 . 9 C.Nourse, b'lt anA ct Jane,-........-.9fi G. Rnt out ............... .....2 -k. oue, b Cull e Jc oues... .......12 n Ogltes...................... ......5 t - Total..................... 116 ou floWMAitvruLLu.-FIRSm NNuNoS. TI 0.Coleman, b Fitzpatriciî.............. 5 P. Cubutt, rn Ouh-------------------2. 2 a Yeue,, b Ftitzpahu-tck................. ôte W. MeMuru-y, h Filzpaîick c S. Ray .1 thr 1. I Reliand, bHam e S. JRay-----------r.1rij %Powell, b J. V. Ham ............... 0 *- iurden, b Ham c Bengough.......... el Vr Climie, ul otout-----------------.. ilPC - Iantiur, b J. V. Ham--------------s. irw 1. MeConochie, b Hams, 1 b w ...... 4jm )Fisher, rnnoui-------------------7 7 p - lie Total .......1............ 61 eti BECOND INNucoS. ve sui V. MeMurtry, b Fitzpatritk---------....e0 nue, b>itrpstnick................. 1ro GubilI b ihupaînici............ Pamtifb PiIzparick ..............::c 0ne: Chimie, ual ut-----------------...î 1a tu les .............................. 2 mi Totl ............... 5 bel Th Heu te ge West. b>', This is an inquir>' irici ever'oeeu nulti bave trutlufully ausuneret! befere sharte ou bis joumne>', sud a lilîle Soi re tlion lu exemination of Boutes ne ll n man>' cases save -mnch trouble, Pr" re anti moue>'.Co [he "C., B. k . B.,' ruuning un Chicago linougi (aesburg te pro ariuglen, has sebieveti a upleuditi euq tutahien ilu theiasl twc years as the 9«u, ding Passenger Boute le lie West. kBurlington il ccnnecte 'miti tir.e 'aI Burlingîcu Boule ibici rnensai-.reti et trmongi Sosuliemu Iowas te Nebras. bon anA Hanss, iti clos. connections lug. Californie, sud lie Terriioriei; ana tInt sengen ehtarting frou n tario Coun. lut! Caada, on Iheir uns>' iestirard, eau- and tico botter tian te lake th. C., B. & are a Burlington Boute, peu 1Iue Lin.obas pubUisieti spamphlet sut id "Her le o oWest,' irbicit cou- anA te muci valuabie information; a agni ,go correct msp ci lie'- Great Weat, P ch eau be obtained l.ee cf charge rei utidressing lie General Piresenger rehe 'ut B M. B. R. Burlinglen, Iowa. mt [an>' valuabie icnues die fcminhe bave ets of colie. Tire beit lblng te do in mot! se of titis kinti, la le pour a bettle ci At useu'g Anodyne Linimntl ie oa Srt- g-necked ti uk boulie, stiti isf plut ?OUM telasses anti mater, 'lben pcur lheie j ele towa lie borae!a thrcA~,lInu ib ites the hu 4hors ## feg 1 -P"r 1h. ebildu Meurs. .3 i. "c 1, 's I. 'e i. I lecbild,m. D. WOUa v a. huA Mns. G. Gooderhsm, Toroïtî OrA'Mme.B. T. Haklns,-Msrkhsu - Wsnir, lcerig 12.: Thi~e igne triplets, ie fouwin ipefa H.nWisuuer, Markfiu 4Mis. H IL akau 8 m r. Ray', Wcovii!e, $8 ; ]Me. R-Cl - -Markham, '#5; Mme. yL.'Wl 2ean,$.Aftenlire decliiens t nd n h. bàbiistiul>' tickeo i were expesed le lite viewof thé~ l. ors, uumhering aboni 2,0-00,u ,,c e th'mliicb ude' huu *Town council. Th - om TsCuclmet on Monda>' orl lust. The membenres.ut1ier Mayor (in thse haulr,~Mus. M ian, Ra>', Powell, BÙlw, Clarke, R& anA Donovan. - 0f Jas. Drydenu, Eîq., Pridefl the P. P. k P. W. B. B. Ce., il hat the Gompan>' havl~ci unt he agleenulmlie ",' respect te lie 89,000 balance due stock sub8cibed b>' lie loin, andti, le have lie tiebenlures cf thé <crn Itien te that azmount PAiU over kt ptrtestisti Wn]jlc6sîeibm b- a iirrenco slrset lu l*àSnh s qpeneti. On motion of Mr. Clark. Seliticu W"as granted, a$les rtered t e o' e oA- d e - the et Cerlificale cfTom bk f- pdllet! for sud againsiltheB. y.lý te 27th ulle. For lb.heboô b>'y.] Iberewene 42 voles for, sut! none gainatinlth. N ath WaA; s28v, ion, anA ncne '«ainsI iu,the ce, Werti; anti$'for, sud, a againit, ln Senti Wand. Total 78 fer, 8 'aa On lie fire englue b>'-law, lien. im 48 for, sud S againit, lu tii, N Wuid ; 24 ion, anti 2 agaluat, lu Centre Wanti, ant 8Iko, anti ô agaù in tie Scuth WarA. Total-70 fcr, Bgalual. BT-otonofMMla. ,te lw"O u rionef n. sMcMia n i lane iofor ciasing rpss eairie e anrtie anoolpurpseume, e hFtIie NpANEd. TerproftFinance cmmt iereport cf le ntanccomit tremmning UpayenOtthef ae oh 1n he rehumlugows, aI lie te pe on IA li ObFlms à adoptet. Mm. Harper movedti laItie cemni tee en fire anti unten Le auticriret procure 400 or 500 leel oi hose fort trial cf the îteam fine englue onu 551 day next. Tie neyver snid liai penhapu agents oethe engin, ioulA not b. ou plieti uith - ufficlent -boue ho givet englue s ticrougit test ci its *pomel andtie lie oei f procuiug thes u moult b. mensi>' neminal. It mas lr tic intention te purchas.e behs. Saturia>', but merel>' le ire on borrc it for the occasion. Tic motion iras csmnieA. PEINTING. Tie accounts oc inaxCHucuux at Gazette offices mere, on notion ci M Blcm, orderet o Le paid. ISSUJE 0FrfEBENTURES. On motien cf Mn. MeMillsu, tl Treasuner andtihie pisirman of lhe]F sunce cenimile, mens instmuetedti procure printed or lithograpiei debe. tue tenr!p for issue, unden lie byL>'is r eciooi purposes anti pureisse ci îre-engrue. On motlion of Mr. MeMillàn, lhs corc municatien et Mn. Drydien, Preit. P.:1 kP. W. R. R. Ce., referrng le tl luestion et deliver>' cf 89,000 A.eo ures, iras referredt thle Town Solicit )r. ixE Psou'oSezuAOSICULTUuAL coin-zou The nayor statedti laI hhid thr rlionrity efthe Miniaher of Agrieuri or syirtg thât if the toms condil, ani eo donl>' ceuncil, secouneih,, merne ulired tie goventument ion the Agi. iltural Celle g e'anti Pain ai soe luit lu South Ontarie, lie pebiliol unît carry greai 'meighi. lie (the ay or) icit more encouraged cutie robabilil>' of iecuring tis institution 2an ever beicre. iEe isti ressen te b. ove that if lie memonials pusut. li te govemumeni meuld eni. surm BTon bere te report on lie locait>' utabilil>' cf a site, &c., sud liaI su uorI 'ircuit! ici a pcrtion cf titi 'pers ho Le aubmitte t tei Houai 3t session, lu reference tle imues- re. Il mas underatoodti liaIthe mico site vas abandenet, and frexu he coulA iein, th. choie masnow unween Guuelph anti South Onitnio. le landt thle euit and ti d fWil -he concindeti, Inq aflho recoi-ý et!e asu- 1 ingail'osendas ulitisa necessaty frhelrn on motioncof ML McMllau, lie Tewn iciler ira requesti t te 'pare a emorfal te tie MiniserofAgnieulture, a * or he lcaton f h . pr posei ENGnIN OUSE. On motion cf Mr. Ring, th. Toua Dpent>' commUtte, uere iirueti le- quire as bo a suitablo site for an su- ie bouse, sud report ah usut meeting Ihe council adoumnet! for oeeek àfan>' pensons, appareul> healthy on ring, di.etiuring lie euernsting n freiom.. e fv. ln th.emm- 1'Th ire f.fore being lomeest alle e, nature more reatili' ancumbe. livitinals colen a'aie &W c" f font>', those vilalit>' bas eon lrppaired, îMost suscepblle. ,,Peloîs' Con. mil S>'nup of H>'pcphephites mli tain sud t6e.th. nerreus systern, Lils nu l anecesaryprocaution it prenatune mortalit>. murons' Purgative Pille urill grestl>' -ve, if net entrai>' cure, dysppu Dn everylming elséfaUs.Theits'bve *t bied lin e desperate cases, anA *given more relief than su>' eher ucrue. ,-Agranlan-vkolnoo la mile lu tie at>' cMayc, :relgid, Laniholi teé vicinil>' e! Newport have itail ao s ud t;maoiher ntrages là#ye- coinifittOde but"hinail çasi etrmffl s haveon"pA4l.Un S. nt n eetoj,2nRoei GanCd-:JB. of Riler ------eor t Sir peîe O5'sËî1.dFsil auera Lagelv m'p ;B"ini. Oss ue lck2en- Bale>' ok- ; J. B. Leanzi ann il relSu eog E un n uianaerg cee;s i leafroin tleut Ontario Gzr TW b sh lsOas ur bac - 2axe artier.under is ievlg patronage lun ' h alage are , Yield over average, et l i tries lotT. M nderon, nd S Net - W a hing M aeb ne-a;zJer..LM anitoba. T ic U. Prog pha . qu sAit>' goo i, sdve t i nlu go co rti e atýmer; cfh br De, oft e v n g eton rs1T. Mneon R . ei antSeet Sower-1; D. Bateman. lats canneilanesA lieOtepebridge,,0,"et n orlobh, Bpit, uAS ehron J. osi bunooti; brop"luIisnii.pector of- officeshen of inCuti" XAUPACTUVEE. of the Ottaira concem, nom cover u aly ar n htaentstae Tire busiels P teartm e . etnbrS e* sfrenthe Hammer th. pensonal humiliation of ie leaders; quantit>' about eue-tird lese than lat ibroug ltcPoincof n-y SetHoahhes oi sotuhetoince..OfOu- T e b h e s P a s, A m a - s e t ' s - 2 ; J t G . G re e n w e ll. n o m a u ie ir s ilte ti s u t n s in c re d is- y e nr ; et , g o o d cr p , a u re q u ire t!' fo r t a nfo. lot John Grahamn, 2uA W. Tumi-.32da Dozen Etge Tocis anti -Augume--l; tribes affect the standing of lie Ontarioel'Orneconsumption; h a>', crop ligit; ýétlesnyuSh bl w- jr. H~Eonsunsu & Ce. Goverumeul. 1mecOs of au kinda maiA to be gooti. ,îs se' JubScebll to 12 suis Indisu Cern lu thie fraee- Cicpping Axes-14 -Hcmsmau k Go. ------e---- ,7 iybùng u>'dSC sunies; 1et W. NichioUe, huA W.-Sitie Soie Leather-l; S. Parrisi. AB5IENTEE JURouus.-Tet'ethr> uÂthe fors Acet o udemeot uc.aindEosst i we or ~irytaiRbeN:Gore e fra&uE.iis'ocei oNeyerrip orlcak. Spence. Sitie Upper Lieathe-1; S. Panni. pî> umymen irere flueti one pountili f em nexl, Peck white Beaus -eutnies; lit R. Caif Bitindreaset-l; S. I>ariah. five igbilli go cach le-day firbeing a ab-'W eihe rand6 trun Ralws TE Sur uài B McKinley, huA J. H git. Set Single Ham e s- 1l; T. Courge. sent froun the court aI the callingof iril e canget o iGi.t 4 ft. -1 lun- -T e ofliiai inife ux 0r t B u ffube wh o, a r n s' . b i m t i cne ,it i . e 5be sw ed ish T u m nlip S ee - 2 su- G e uIs S a dl - 1 ; T . C u nfI .. their n aies. E is L or s ip le B u ffaglocieî,theeiS an S ar'n ant as lie Sun ailo thec de_ tries; lot W. NicitoUs. Matie Gentleman's Ceat-2; latI1Mie- cppeaedti icloslug lime wir 'g for d'Ze- a beeen tfed sudodrhngeci. con 'Mlib.mat!. ertY il --t Haif bushel PFUI See-2 entries- isel MoGrali, huA W. H. a. lunquen u mn.LodAertis- Tie Piou lehesdcpienlalecnangei ou. Aon. lot W. Fune>' hut! W. Nichonls. ' mingýV e1-l . gIL Ébom . -ofryueauLuthle caragonrd, taAt t nckp day, ugiât betweeu aC ba uron - B u s h e l C lo v e r s e e d - 8 e n tr ie s ; lI eC A B IN E T iA R E . o f a l t c c m e g i gt s o i t to r c i ig il r e co fcn iG n ti 1 h A . i. W. Bateman, 2nd A. Tiompson. Centre Tabl-1l; John Nets. DESTRuUCTIVE E IN i MONTuNEx- ou banmsmlin. le Busiel T iuoh > S e -2 sn e - l t B ureau-2; lot . H . lM o m. St. Patrick e ail as burnt to mu lassî B RiuC LAy aE . r n z b c g ct u h c t f v BoI er. w e d hf W. NieheUse, 2zti A. Wiilisn. ' oi-l;. John NotI. Wetneesda>', tue fine beaking cul be- SIh."Fo1fl-hiousand briekisycra mruk boti atessAsvea 'rewud Tirelve Ttý p-2l entries; lotJs. - S<ELv.N-z<ocuc. -- weentic andti lree o'clock. An the le-day fon cigit icuns. The caretr ate n eea eewnad Galleis>' , n e Stouebouse. 1 as.ape usr2 018 M. tenants inthie bal building anti adja- sislcontinue 'cul. The îorni>tntae Te mos Hry1are Tuelve MauugoiA Wurtreis... enhiies- 10aIboae Sgr-;lt r. cent ho il loe.beavil>. Tic buildings beiavirg 1 oncl ndn itàb, bafni hrerfedhù hit 2 ua S. Nethertn, Jr. W la e.qucl u te . T e 108 M ýa sy t1a e l>'a ne om C u se be or. kar thaset Jes ,yiba h Houe J.B.are com]are heal ehtai S. NebeickJ.,2n J el Silb 8 R ob e W tet le r- ; . uni.estimabet b>' fine sud uraler aI-etb" 01rca, ui i tens -e i> Twelve iriteCanets-e enlies; jet Gainingou , Il; on otI. ,W milchislepartial]>' coveret b>' Agentleman, recenti>' manrietin ument. I lmecte- 8.NâaoJr,2n ol h,ý.' 0Ib hstFou-; .Lud Chicago. presented fils brideati GclrlaIpot!e Aapa. Twole whte CzTot-ý ntzis; lt Grmingon ood-; JomýNot inaurance, mesîl>' lu 1h. Royal. - edding mith h.elaig ,,trensripheof ingl Indus. ýdtobedsape S. N.e-ten, Jr., huti J. H. Broyai, collection Beul Sînif for Cani'ages eaub>' a- cable teiegàaiitlia eecolfit t despaicies ever sent Twlv Bco! Bet-J eines ltanA Sleigis-1; J. B. Lazer. fw> nneeuere Itilleti b>'au exslo. over the fira8eerahlnfn Bl Tiiere bas beensm IL aiU, ndW.,Shrr-.PlairTak>'-s8; isi JohnB R<d, d. silus coal rs>re aI Merle>' en- on.lrtotWasu t was tii. unfighingin cb,onb ,,, ereut>'genrai PainGess-o; $T.Cosbes, !ýd a>', Tire gre4at çlit meutpM 4iSnouncùent te elad>". grandmoth ~'Horace ~ey W.BHses, Sbd j<o 8bauw, 7 » ý ,91 ber birtu5 snd reati.110m»'&s.0..r t réel. ad beeninirilt ti ky. re kt L- r:. E ~ ia ion ~Soi5. US ~. nsun~ Zd U~ hai~ard.owdMeÉ -l] a1eü- i puet incu w..odbti s not a4,& 11&IIr $ ôft # Cb)ig. nteulii" ance, and i lë npube 0fe* an 1pe to rare -Sh î L l i Netiieonýr. ,k a munte aot:,0. h i tow at la .fin ' mee --" -ad--he ne o-n % ý , S p a n C a r r i e a o r s e s - O ; h i ,, D . * i taoe be p u e l 5y m n e r s T h e o n W . 4 Z ~ ~ . ~: b~. .1 '0 * . f d hea.jAy oadç - , i ý pnn. C Od,2d C'N llhi, r .N.bè P.etr;T L wei-s enie; riz ft>' se ewu, hýç41ia t lQTaiï,doeqe 7k.Gt fl f- tôteB u ix-f.2 etrs; 1. l.Fmal , 1 i rhi-By f-' od a n n i n gu e ;h i T . T; o D . GS d e o . I 2 E b L L .a r s, leEG e . il er ) ar k a m l m .l v i 1t . - . W1,I I 11 Muer. - . Gepieg iA Laeaunb, ilo z rdW c T Ï 2n ebru n C w e r,2 , e eii i e x±ne o e 'i > -d iig e ik = "the ilaï t 1DPîldge$. otfe. Durha *t ùO tr ù .h Wn. 1ey M sd 1. .cf dg '.. ylder, leu th Oài2 CantriezrdM llen 1T. CîW C & A . F r m IY. -, ld-an , p er cviuen ud 3Ib Ais l b t ô iD- e tv e ep .4 - -ls-n rhN t li. J 1ers, ,nndd;'st er Byear, 'larkhaM i.teu alc re tn eydr.b.ils th eifé~I~v é cýad T.-lu e!rW ..î nhz ; !é W leab ih d batde cliieh2te o flput4 , T .2ad' t ve s n d H a î t " » Caàiul, unde r 3i ' ea rs 2nd J ùG M e re- n . futu b r eo ly Ã" s P 1a11211 1 V pl n1 i ~~~~~e n trie s ; lo T. H r f C i l , 2 d G o 1 1 c . f r u e e i 1 ~ ~ I ~ e s i o ~ n l c y n u s 4 a ~ i o r h i i ~ s ~j~fos Benras.eroei 2nd SCu ~ I lI-;Liamb,2«-O otcutrl .i oiete 5lvr opiznt al- ania i.daec hs dep~1 hr 1, ehnM i :SOprcei.pr.snnsnSsu -nloti frei e tiLiea pc.d M o î"1' y- lb. ell or P Bini. u raerw we,2shasan arBA iSt n duath'atgs, ofThinr etex - et ~Àt4id fenes surke- Ceaiesti8Wd Mrohn P. ain, 4hMe.W wcse ln entnéýy ýe&ey4g . discon, e riuglu iasc enegeues 1*'the. de- idî Grgg 0o ',;7lt .Caes 1tis0 pM.J.erw,2dMs. W oh fllr welt 2c u cetnthis ea bbut a-rm~ 11 4i t d oms ajn tifor, us lbey SNEEA PIJEOSE. armnibsel.8rdJohn iller * tecet, ayabl bal -aly, at 12e clafor tth cee the dsae uislo -year eld-l; TèM'l""' ck Mxi.J.'Roph. 4h Mrs lh. ueud 1.yer od-2 lu J.McLod,2d T Pa$q1, cees-l ntr;i If<Jap.Priderbnc88k ejs ,4r cc,,oc n snestenes h e iiaatrubil xmineb'n 8 C o l t - S ; l os . J .l oete v e nrs on g s 2 dd H M . T hJ!, a> d iR et i h o e cd ll c e bt p a 4a e b e c e k t u s t e ~ l - Chese- e i asBrooi0 àmen mcfth e bùds ssere ti >'I he bufý- hR oyn are ccu ine thaitw p iet c 1 Mare, wit fae t foco u«-lor; 1i fo B. ayswAt 8 pt cet. à- 5.andrartand P aR " S u e , 2 d Iu ý r td gf C te , a Q eH. M. i llero r e no.nu - b e m s r s i u c i t a v e n r m v e u b M I O N"4 6i 2 d J m s a l w y B rthn y o trf, ( d r k , a i di.c c f l t e ao n t r y c o l its i m t s exn - b tan a h d a ta e d o n d t onf imper, 2.>'er cIA illy-; hi . McPa. 10 ards ooe a-P. -2; 18* Houwdss-tasud 2,s dittado. r i an t u inerceat. Knd, with ai iheor Laei dvcs nfreu lii1h I a ., 2 n P M C l n t c k J m s m e m a , u d J o n J oeh nu c s u >'Mf s p r ulite rs n e s ae c d u n g eBal s a t h n I i m t u p as s ipî F iy- 9;lotW. Fre>',2T. ai: Wele BaMYPOulCt-;li a es Ce80ou, a 2d lih.e w re ant ipa iinu n in ure"al ndyf11l nt exceed tun ,0 2u S ýtcro, r.Cllcion cf Impo A Fcw Mle r. d iistwLneterand or athothea.atciý0 par4ti n èIà'h ireiic>ý li f Svning Pll-4 ; lhi. PCoies, 2nil Cries;letM.5 1J n . Ccaes, nA pau s, 2d, dîtto. vr, rd smontgonis hi teuil enux.T, cnit pice stiug ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Sa G.A2dn Me Jms alwa.Cohn h a ai il fjutu l ýe r t e.: hwho l bat S aiyh eriAli p e d nf ipee JpaoHrse-MlalTGer,, nd ooikens Ya n fr nitiuès ru lu T. C osesCr Bteshaw. 18* Mn. . ra, 2ud Me. Jms Poad2Wdt. P I iè11iS1l<3d lai bcHaussa Cil>' hss laketiai prt, iso n aaed1h. fe us i , 8 W . HrR P S . C r h aA n > o ts h e r a r i et > ,2 d l t o . s ecan d 2 et i l i5pa r e - e is o n n e n - *n g ^ t h e i a , d r o w n i n g g u a r d , -w a r s l e r d y r ei - a -2 0 I o u b o F r k n l o e n r e s l r C o n i er .b it , l e ,.it ot c e r ci a a let o w n s f y l , * U tp p r M o r- he S eti m l e ih e u u la t r >' a f e ou~~~~ rooCATTLJ. Shnta ne-s lI. J. Bnor.*Iaa iei u atiigIi adn Tenbestbsbe ui 1es ge T a Bllso 18* . M nV u L ar.nazeNO5.psiin e> mtrily yil a- pkeMfillerreg.AtatIe r s.Ati 2-'ear cIA Bl ; T :McClntoJ. Gcg,2d 2d z . . al ehr. * . ud fiun, hug 's fiee cmnuldy.aio thé ýt c.tiie,co;viiqundethe nEwcl rAs -yearcIoll- ; l t . BeL d, 2 d . McehWr, nd MisSStikiudtig a rig, .e de dabl. enAdcioÙi s elves well, b.>' ce 1 h . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n n J . Gtac,àd W J m e o . o l u S o k -dl q n . h i m r e i D r ' l 8 , 2 n d M i sM. T o . a i t * ug i t a f i b c v e 1 h . a f i e a i - l c t s e I i t el r e u f a n d r a l t an t i b . s i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a B u l a f f ' 7 - 7g8* JeMf a t:mi , 4 M m . J eo m n rS t n i c m edt o f e e s t i i g i cntu c t hc u . b e w e l l t e c o ie d - tn a o Wh z h e - p i n C od H . H a r p e r tBr A . r a la c e ,W e2e u S o c k i n s -JYl e t M . C . s , iB r o i d r y l u M s l n , l e i s S L a e n 8 r ho sel u ends' . e t i e le b . 1 h mon J. Mffat r. G san.Rg un etJ le an 1yr eur G~E ode r>' lu c otcn, ls e s M. bavý-WhIn e bridgtaâe oci tt he reisw Maeritheialtfe - li J. otaha. - ; itM mRSt nebons<, 2U d I go.ickn. dsaIictfoai bouer udbe it crue d , O Agtr uni oflb ooBk and e r a e s 2utJ o si, l d J. ff Gt rdba. S. Nethmten. G ipure , l tH.Mis . STcmasd. courKensas il>'; s é,ôttud evn oti ba ips ange Éal, uremCaosia an. a ot e 1 0' s l e f m 2 ; l t J o s t a a pd s ,W n t e s s a n l a r s - N e e I e y eklo tt M isWM.S rc o nfdi1u d e n b c n t e o ,d w il l . ac itTe w r b u t 5 0 m i eeeh s or n d P an . 8 ; i c h to n , n s J i g u n d M nll w a . J S s y r o t h ea ot r s, l g l o d o u n i fo , m enLw j e ~ c a d t e u h g a s o s n m a t e eg a nt e f e n cer y i ter . B e iear C l i c i ' 7 2-5 ; le t J. M cfihtt G1 0 lleard s C l ar i S ; l u t M on. . N ud g , fn e 'lit M is N . îr cl a u . r a t i ai c n f' n i. ü d , wv b ea il -th e lrý L a tes t a e s i i n eo m y n o t y o u nh e lue, 2ed F.meeoahon James Vrooeldersd Jrhn1<i11. insi. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w a k l Cur.G aev,8 d C M r h e ie , 2 d M s.J m h m Cu oeuin , n lM sst . a ri nd, ii . bterme of1h. r ioti h re r, as n s M en >' edofî od ess sudt n . civilian 1-erodPrere .Fre,2n arW oenBakte- looaensck T.emlmul i Pcto>-adeWhiddo do passngrareans musai ui m- b su ot ki llean& anuti 17 c ed; e5,u00an e iii Agt ul!,T ats Grots uN nthS Ouetnl;jetIr . ,rIl,,,gh orn,11 do cf L neve nd t ve batesbaniciats pr ge tch ctnt f80, 0c54, G-e 2.yer o BullY- 2lt . Tihemp Guli.Hou>' l cunilli . . Toms.llotud ntMiKa.aTCi.' Clen00trasmimti -. unit so,2d .Mena J amges-Mn hl s udAuc.. o.>,cl, i omn> i e t rains e 91i ye r ses--5Bu l ot; T8*GP.harm, 2A Lwo a Dei Es YomPfor EnT Cochkinti otnlog- banasd, is belter -wola wlle rigAad je ias walthe E . lo y M a ie s d y e D e s s 2 aI i ss M 011p l a n tl, f er, itdi tto. .i n u e ai , s t! K a vna s . mC ty h âl as' n o a >'h e vis n n d - lu b . thP l z a e b>' in T L. u metes , ud . B g lisi, SA oW. Mti, LadC e Merar ,ntie !or ae2. i D Ii lfJd l.lam e bcrid gehé ii - lumin n ea gni thcence, wic wee iid n e in tau s. Ti ue, on EUglish. Misa M. A.£IGR Hom N icol AnY tnahaer olra , fler, ido. arul u eu>,rvl teoir. tr eea arge slu-estai bs M-- s 0 w l a f o v t e c f n r c s e b l i a P n f e e 8 a Do m o a b t ,i t , t d i t t o . c o m m u ni a l t i o n s ie -l i ts e , e r t i sh je e > , f o t u e n t e u . e ptiar y u j u r y Spence, 8rt P. Ral. M terCild' e ss-8; l M n . J. on. iud -d ia . tsekau. iroad, sa i daed nwcrl ianow pro- i htirdng.i e. Te' cepru 1w V. 2Aear oAl 5 loH C .-8 lt a in, Wd . g a. - e -.ditugfo lsi afamtigoecfftue b> Thpoieobuteseasd. bicn ocu ptef 2n . toeos,3dL Binet. S pecfiu ef ouA roi ialebate Aa n . posptonru h aa iaise uuuos c r>n- ' ee a r we airae xcil h een r-l 1-em I Hieo6 ltP.Rm, 8 1* Mits ates J hw, AsieCovrSed sJe . lo. iieeho r 2uAcrs te ,éct,,ec te. 2-year old-Bgooti: manufacturera'd uceai0 . Ftualedr.wiveri- Madre uidrc s i tuu uiW pne m .Bi. iwTu'GoeudrtueIa the On.1 inthbe limitafie cmùi>, tal il mn>' heAcaeour milI la me nte ho hn ex- H e i f r C A f f 1 7 2 , a g e o u s t i e e d - P i e e y o u i - l ; l i i rs . V C6 . t r iC o eu e tnte t i s N t a i m il b act e n l o a n a l r s i e nil b ons., r oldG. Hatti e t ieeAroheReird, lI ie sssongrmangpo.mte-sabdata S .JO m haor as ns e fminlbtiar Te case dcii, expion ata tth e, t é J m s , O x e u-W .l a i o n ew e h t , 2 u d M m e J . W . C a r M o u W o k , b a ves e .b e e n l i a I i t w o c iid é , l ie'd er e v o l v l ugt h-c a liee Br2u P. rnu . F 72 7 o . ott ane>212' Mîtn g-J2; la me J W o ic ci>lca H mitn. Ti>'wilat. ivr o u, mu nib'iltmiloae 2 u d L B u n el , 8rd R. SGa h . o d ie e à ia n it tj tî E m breie r>' o n Mg s l- ; lat M es T. e b idn e r w iln ot b. v , er>' lar esas dSer pio u>' asLoss blec'War ie l ee t u td iffue t l rà g C. S b earlin g R a - loe t rC -es; l aI k 2nd A. N ch ll .hie o u2,trs . e n i ,Stri k a rtn b t . îl b. lu r ase i lvo enw bat d o w n ý i e n ri e r to nb h. l u î x s at c u i j s, t e - a i PscJ 1kE bodr> n Cebo ik îz ouelthtve o atfra- wemnusakofatch i asn, a tour, u t t téiU un, ati Ram smb . erh ams;1, . ests, Bugst n J. W. C rdsqa re. -cmm od in Coaist heGveo snce lotlugpMisfrsicgrat ônbutiu f H uased a ngi m e8 * 2 d J. r a h a u n, Sfri C ;P a e o e . GBah m , d- ; n g o u ClB.o u ,.o 5 1 1 k - S ; le t re u t a v e e s lv ti o u.em e cî g in cf oe v r d sg e fo r c i e p ai n s, th e m pe r >a u r e os u d ex p a n itc s, ' e b ic i m n t le ieE e wt dne cfa.vng iesRat.Jeeh, 2d Ma. . W Ibs wrklu ompiane wlh nunros &î- ake ani liou uia b n o it uba sulle l eles o. sLYuý votes uggeii. Berlin Woo;lot Workffsra S.et-8hrtlit v iu r ies. k IT i ob zcSle sticl are eftr ansporttio n dtcisema lua -Ciag, ctr-l anu brkfmb e tre ierlug we-lY.nrisBain.MBe. A. Pters e 2u t iAN icoyad s wae, heorovit aMlacscfM tr mtqi etlad. u, t ioghlubck c rael hurche e tabolie 50 aic rss Te J. Graaun, uti &Srd R 8;glot. B rln Wcol , 2Wo rk, f Ja.1Shaliw.ehr, inempraorit-d onsus'b ruttemhe r a agt o , tvelerrpre ishdupn iteri blmae à c amt'debicb Q t w c E e C a [ f 7 - 8 n i e; l it R . . H H y s 2MM e s M ro o e i nff h a y c e p î t o b d c eto i r a fl u r e A t hm c e f ei l l i e o m t euni l ' a y e u unt! Sud.Gg h am,2nd T. . err>, rt . Pa- n tlma'. dri -li . nk, tin der hy lt iesN.luencecf jude- ropolétlis of ue wt. liË y t e 9 at e le eeat iewon cf ecrayLus. nd Mse 2N. Wkr. - habý it e n ablndie . Sho ramcntrai eme ofthe rü -dchartr, ta>' dsut!engi 'uo hi. Ciamere ofl GgA R m nR ; l e Eu a n e > L a h i en a t r k- l ; J W et n o r b er a s so n s k t h e pn, l ud oa os n e an s Tm u e t _ r a n Tm n u k C o m ered à d 1 , -s u t! a n d cr i e a k s a n t r h Agegg, u C Pi c, .Co tes. G oCoatesh.1 Jt xi - ; s J.WCa d.eo iet>' n11 e p opodo oafhi I l- ailway C o ndoupn ' b s ji t p b i h t si il a b n 1 7 l u d d ; thbae ili e Sit, 2-ear oing Ram-4 et; el itJhoaCnda Srwl a .tion alual018Yin b, out IiuM. Tbompsu. is aunnaleet f l ye id sudil ecu- r eat'frocpnt! hie,000oïmma s o- R a m L a m b-. M e n t n e s l l 2 d a i lu g ei r s . W a ihit e s d En . Ha - o l let y , l o e i ,l c f t h u i u i t n n , t i o A ati b r a c h u e syO0nn - a n df l e i r e . 1 Sb ear l d E w e- ; et Fe.;W a I a ' o ";ld2d D E PaRT M n . H. l uh>' nbi g , i a l th e eîtruM is cf N . a rd o ni, an ti ' i i a s'ch a ce long be er vludicatigrara rgeu Men . Blow A . Gaan î .Pa bcî n E tee.leriucen. gvn irecnben duitîa o h B u l C ae. o fs'7F r u i t - I ; l etr d MW . H . H a yees - ; s . f'e or tu e ,Ib e C a n a la n h rb a i a ud m a n s b is l vi ïi g st o n e R in g e ,a nti l . g - 6 M s s M O il p a în in ýg fl o e r s ,b e euittm u cia n e i hea r rn , e a m d c t! o r h ,b i s ' t i co a -ovub e e u d s m o v ,' t h in la b n 17- me;luttk2L Ayesho,2u MrC . KulShw. -lbrta a xelt i lwc n hycu m i li'an t e hélAa - J G ra iam, Sm d T . P.i. '.Pa er Pl w e s- 8M m .. Dc one l e dio a colu u cf i - excejstsien tro uhm f p let e ec nt i M i su r O en eac e Fia ll>', i. pry os s pn Ti En e ia mb- etie;lt Maaes. de ptftrlp- ;It o sillf, n it. is rde heh nm giiene h eehife.blid tte.T id a haun, in A T. o lci, Br C.of ao ce lerMiss M Woo i F lwc l ; M . . a intigLe ader esys :- lo er , e x tensio n d a e ti e ri luls e Chat. e s a lte r gnew c toniscyn isiM a-' MaeHl' iayes. Mm. SMn. oîl ie c feniiemiht t - AComunici eor i a>' -ne beexacl i ngaht bt on hi atif nhuruap ei'> lait HDO ROw-;lt J.R MeDIuM ,2WO . JmsGl-wy n M .H a c. Pal d isarachter."is lu hie respectivh e clumna nd aliztuoicr nTh ancien xeite es m s. orFsucy-8; li . an M a e t-1; Mm e . T (ia i. Tisecnd duiss Mal cn n cf mi- aculu i miol eict reico-sarcuc t epoe on finti 'ueicoi' ee T2 o Ewc W.evtec e ivn La>s R uihei Heo t4 Mn. H. tiy' Leadev eh> i eea esu n th e oru- »ils temat ru c nt of la balu182- Stnbuenr>';Lu W.Px aprftie. ae oBsne sautng pn>tmntscmnetilonfruuplyMing -ee un ei ti Jr - Laiy'u uittei Clo A-J; n. C. acta f coruptio revelcd bfore ent' n' foration pair e s uje l Ti lctrehet emè b b ti 1-T to ldEwe asmb l etm>F. lai nW. Sammad."ivlvngoifovmueu f ntrl-'eicu a b otantifrunn cbe ug ail ' b t becaracT e cw.a. y. PatnJ.Fners W eh ;I M o n"n tieA rovMm. alexaner acnze M m ePoure . . Ve lipatic ollmineso iri ne by. t ased'iiMs Jo eMa - 2FAT. S en e EP8d . BJury8; 2u M n. R tJh e ar."& hîtati Mr. Atcme> Gnem asrmarnufc turbisra:Oeil, cf Flsk.Slckenohoecte'1la pre- e e fe C a l o fha c8 7 2 , â gema b a n si tl g l u W a e G iod2 ; l a T h é S i l be s c i nr t g o e a t it eO n . o f he i iteal o fn t ei s e s b . c w c o e s li l l e r a h iMl eyn 12 ; utW .TU m o d , nd J.St n M iss E. H otigac u, 2nA rs. Jl W.tGM, . 'ta Ge eral ib e>' st i tic cnd te umpl atei earl a e rae cr opan facp r en s - f'ebeaAflolnc Ment l ia Mm. Stae >', hic e e-- it Bea, lrdGe.bmed-en ir>' la B. Ficre , rs. E.ng- .iss o g. "sale of limendi n i ra hui., 25b for pr cr;baleCauavrge ino d svee ra co eanen. yn î~~~~et, 2ti Me. J. W. Gard. "r hh b ral'nitkn. rp u ir u cl at i lor btfa lu gi gecause otheM.eplsicnk Puaeiman th e r, 2sinP.l rei - 4 stne Pnuma igl.M.J W at. Poeb ici sli te am gual u iii. ir ei, uS't .ele pý note acr;e f e au. tYomk, ft her ou, nuth 141- Je. WFhA T rbt. Cayn Draing-2; lsI M sE. W. eof t e tifmton.n ubeiaei *1 veae2oe25bsespr ara; lecitres l ro fort othe gliuîtti Age dececfbsin pti l et C.72-5 enimii; M pplu-1;T . . or anrj. is "sling macte f"crmtie and" eta igeatridg ecomu niat s ifrit stoppwagey hll Bupliefr, ainetuui th l8 T G as .Pa c' P i lng-1; Barti kJ a os. w tt o t lie s ani e ) re ui ie bgounds.cwesteno fadi t gro in b onlc. p ek. a ai te'. o th r a dire n BoarL cf 1871, 5mai!d B . u g su- Pla i Pniu n-1 a ud k Pano n M s i Ms k e n uldings oka, nti e Klare at ed as Paily sî oie.'v r li iî c op a ep eni e e e au gu e b r-rae* trie li J. MdA 2d Jn r A. o &2n . Nich-os. >du . .Cm. ae ihu lmsh-Faihn ie eorai.eue ilei pugiba, sly a ei b i g. kc theabout ie C PSoir F g cf 1 7 , si a bth-een e l n i R H etigion.t * abc n rea ed i eavy crop, f o n 22 hoe2 b sriv e n, th e P a fic an ivd a. if se ý,t ùt h are Ban L mb- enrie; lt . C ate, Slk mbridey n Cothor ilk sieton et w'aEm B dr fraik. tre; vean era ge ua tt >' MEiCteCxauTEi4 co duit , he Or.p U ie s;liJ ar1;AJ ltt.-se n al>' aeae cmop,. ans, ct. tlu.-atin oue San Antomsio 2dJGha m,8dD.a CoecTehe>'.asoc tesarigpo fwhc aue ij] undenstanti iri>' U.on Pr>'g oroniu-3dilcoloentti irl.,,0,raî, an rav era g e at l A , b u om.xir SUli it»5005.Tuml D llil; ame Csytn- is ontnueb erti o n ci s show. li>' of n; calsae syfortpc -lais, t mer exlaod excan cawill e- fr Twore wBaesPsithe at4en tnofhais n c is a te ews-1; Gib s Gn. erf.nlW.hfn ani sappsi aratnose-n, Iw T a i en 7-en 2ud W.loairish, BA l. oki Pinewt u er Sl«LkadC r i- om 40 Ne i Tex s antives Ale B it. an ln > 1111; Ha ma k u . ar .peiis p li e dic tiu o Mm. McKeA a ro a Ist h a "s r; e e d teo a m og i cauÉM s u R bllp i.TE ]i. sugget. Belin W ol Wok, rased--8; je varost, m. Theockuisuas Mn a e 4ofbushes li ce, au in0 RE Tira bSheisSingEw e t- s-pi>' Cooa. Thruasn a otfaohta kyqanil' owtin lAvr> 'gltae 8a -hi cago, l C Aet.!6-11 aouscw ,li on1 l tris; at ohnRoli, ud . (aisn, A Paoî-le Pon, TiA k Go l Theabjectoisro demaipatteno f trontquuiet c o en h a>',in boks 'ufulr excucna appeaet nhi eic an iesw e Jnt T. aMam d &n. R SuPu m p-Brli W l s d 2n , Jf lb 12 o t isîor hizm eteconditons ai l b cal le ti; rot s, ten y u atee , - -- M n a ' l o h n i i a m t e T woies; st .aid, 28 nt ri . Ma te . Cîso.W . .Ha e,2 d M s M. G a rvlesp e a i u o th tribec am yw ie Tw u siels BamT. i. e>', c mmB-rdhuu-C.elJ.B.asie, niobu eetup ta tewayGov emnet;anti &c.te ail eworiu agmc pre sot o 't Dvdc, uh8ci ftop - hm. rin, ad udertheinfuece f jaic trpolsofthewés h. e or ear Su Te' i e. Let ho . îats i n e d cion, r cm eigho nrhocaY anl ig t p n >'eý r o Fi be rig a - e tig; l tjo St , daw I -2 JtaJ. C ; Jtn. s pectu io .al b> b e devsusaice cf theook i g nabe e flaxepornou te ygrcw n d ii f u o t C a k r s e d rt e ît u T ire. bra h m fl C . O she s g , we . s2e n o rs. d R a k e ;J . C la y O nb a he. O nuetu e r r e tb iu.ra M e fe t I -t' 4 p 4 1 1 4

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