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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Oct 1872, p. 4

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escapo to hi,- friando, expecting thher congratulations. Ojoe.pf thom,ni I& 0 ï: 11 ta1d'ýroU tins river s WShallaw. 0 .2 wacver. der, orMusc ndBoks argf4l file Q"- sllglitIy aarcastio Wals tlie Yankee cleryma o sed, anad a4drquead 4WIbcid chutli ifsa 0" .- , 11, 5J* Oil N.PÃ"ÉT. sermon JI41 bogun, with the. r.mark z t7 - "Glad ff> ~eosir, Cbne i. AI J 0 $ eo th~$4se: ha9p late. Who ~ eaui't cont e t 13nt dec1&- 0' po.nesslÏ ee t lianut d .&MOti lu thé pésnce of au as ..An 1Immenisle St pk àfl geaot.as lie résax 1d,' "Thank you. Wouldlyavou Vr me wlih ii. O te x t '" S n~E purposes, returned complotely drench. cd, alet 4g= re u ____________________ reus nd ye 14_14,ti* "' > fND GL S W A R dripping absentée, wIth a look aifgis-r,,~ prise. ' 'Deed, yo May bco lad t Si b a i o b i n . m a e d a p C t o i o n t( ) U o# a r . 3 y1 v n t l t t è X XN U ~ ~ ~ providence n o' raai I' loiù*ityîraud T1m or, ahd (loer-1 ha'e beetn drowned,#, 1Gâc o1 eivery, wonu b. Iolden in and for Il 1 Couaty 0o! 'etarlo, inCtae Court Hanse, dAwl' LN Vmtii. i ovu of Whltby, on p rp W4. a slicel ia week or twoa ga and incod akiing hlir. Whknisé' iehu ~2ocok ~... LAN( got o gi tl ( the clergymn under. aU Coroners, Justices of the Peacean i totatlkwth hItMI, lie dis§played a othe oneerned, oii take noti-c eLand gev- . quartties ofŽit ars. H o Saaùhb4waaslirl' iice. taau',C.'..WitvJn 82 socrry,-vory Isaory thtthoi had porii- Wlitb1, Sept; 25, 1872. 89 by hecaliai it was a good chair'-.one of' c 1 Vs~io a# aitl eir'03 la4 e_ pl'ttund ttlite wpt afrosl. The cliitllatiti, Lxenuatailiisol!, aad onat Itttaaîu tto a liasalai ai t raîoat. - Theta, tler Riit taai to hola, l i ni- --.A' al ai poJtoitt, lbattixo it ila nui-r fautid'IY in itlu or wiclkadatasa, but aiways j in u- " i » ahst'yipüu1aaioe, virtGO eret; - attl roigiual - prop'ictAli- i aotre four tting,3a lte ok every dataittwhistita; ta ýtllrowdat aonc il a iaag, tu stuoka a cigar aud teala F /1 0aver a.gtartd'n fence. Jîtliatay, a Clergyman%' son, went ta hisfaliiin0- ýQpag, cty afýer FARM FOR MSLE Ye eepraytng; t a a ansteaing C) -raaîe.-" e ll"ausonerea lte go 2 0 0 A c reb'. ltau, ,if Yau lîad been tr-aying, boa, -Ts norinen ZwouiaThe l have ge ,5 autlirzle seoii,> t A friand waJcmlteiigMdm nortit1 af lot Xo. 15, andi the norlh'east t a4pq eîtngMalraio lot No. 16t in the 5th concession of Picl Il 'aig 1-g~atat~agriiQ %u gmpising 200 acres of excellentîlané ovîeîj 14 Zaîro, 6I" xt'oda LéweUI& %pted fait gxlth iaaýînr îaly !~ pu a,"stla Mac~a an ~1walesteam san 'h h tWefai ti,"ta t tcrats muust bo YOUng and Thlelràhelasuffileent frewod and ?aU.tflimb ma(Inïý', hgenousl fo theuseof t. pace.Thesiiuationi lalt."-Ai tîaate" uauu l eaat, bengî av between the vilIag i'aaitl le etuaîlfitneai , 'Yaaa area 199 Qr8eiawood tana irggham. livintg jaruaif u ti very cou ýrary." For taulinforunlion esquie O- ZVIItI YOutit LADius' CADcItasta.-- HENJIT H tWELL, ]3rok St., Wlitby Wlîat ' le Ito lul lutY Of Oomei? Tc Whithy, Sept. 10tlt, 1872. 37. artat, l te g, ta platy otaile piano, tae _______ gabblo FI-el'attcltiGermiait, anita \aaemie graa'a'ftily rit licte.tbo ý lN it atlat? .liîgt'wla - NvIII, talit witla, la talco taelita tiea- toc, te Iatigla ct, ta bu atr7ietet,- ta -- jtty anus bille, antitakeep ana Cait. LtadtgMea'yotfyaituhOtLIof June, IH2iI, wiWii lacfoatnl ta,- follwing: fat grloa'u',t. ýra»ýtüÛda SittUâtlQai by Clitaleat lie wjttï0#]eaaciiibean, confine. ail ltttx'uiug beac-tlîa,entieed ta Mil. Clt ie llai, aoflietadittg, Wlho avoulal Iliait alaw Ilîlcu lio and Selis par- c-attfr l'i elest six mentho,liAhugli lIa'iîg wthiu six utiles of lieading." 'Wlitedl, çaboolt lte footof lte Ratraa titalkagiaorfer 11le *a o tf a ~ paair tialof k, ta koy lauuno ebox aU a téeur a tie, ttat vitr tlawaslî lite face't raftli l a rt il li, t t ,ft t li lite ietal of - - - le t-ta tal>l0eovulor lite aralway -- Iiaa'aLa pe c aotacele for tie eyes 'fà_____ lia'fatata, a sîaeling for ,a leg of Mut- NBEW PlIOTOGIISPII GLIH tolat, atia aitair cf legs for lte b N'eeeies of jaraalîiaaa. Cgs abee sAND Attilîbt-4ois Maman comanitteal sui. GENERAL GOLDSMITH'8 5I'f 0 ciii' l'y ltataîgit 1101te80of la an apple- t'ao. At lh italtttaraaI a ioitlaibour, na- HMSAUQID CRIata-OLM(tal'taa cvrts ticiati ti sai t alalarancea o!ite litas'-Scoilasuid,> lege toa sîtnui-e ta te resaittata baaaly sayiog ltat liea wVltby aad i iniity tha ie haa', cuat- rIay!1et vitlit a li'i'aiblaa Iots. *'Y08, aopeeta lt lte I îttl, lteivitug a sgi;"st Photograph G- a il e r y, Ittilaaiicaltvttifllly taealiake ofi tia aU ltetelInîlare-a'snenîts andl scen- ri lttltl a gaca alles litI ouli i -al h lott' ataat attla aliltt' buiie snet-y, inmthe1tbildtialriiats leurisottiaof G. C. liei, orti adolar bulie whU Gossa-hardwvare setBrook St, Wiby. tltuyCati ajaaa1" -Havbtglitai l laearratàxperisnee â hé u A.laiullaat'a, e 110tpouse, bonnet- o rtscndt ou nCaunara, netbk cat atatai tlt%îvla, aet'y a'acantly appear. assured hlis çustomers. 'aI at te dalobtf a ratii nwitero lier gaatlutrogi liege lard was 'about laeGENli'llAz, M4NVUiIC7unfjj-( litlcrlit ieatfortabie anoaze. "My llUcti', Iltatat gcattgsiaopiug. XVitIGOLDSMITH'8$ SH O P. siatai i î'itg ta>coînar! oaî 2-"I Mr.itChihni pitattala'tarc-l l tenantfaott,' lol l iali'tla t'tîytIitiatg I oaut tatien- gain analilo-or tare iain l lI rth e t tatt ltat-y jiitaow. Caine andl kiait mn. I ýmoal beautfaul deis inl wi teltl3'Oti, iiawoer, wlaet I don't watttî yaaîta' laiving în."-,Viat ii; jî, Rings, ar-rtngs, B aCelets, Chains, îatyl?"-"ru-ydon't bring meint i c, &. c 5 ea,.unfashionablit jewellery, &e., itiaitabit of volatîug -on $nniays ;iotierate lteraaas buti, ater a wiile, iasjoiuedtlat'church. Masonie sud Oddaleloins' embleans matie 011tt J4aY hlienlt it itiater.ta wiaose ta acter aht ' rasuîaabie terme. elttreli;lue bclonged. "WVeii5 Utcee A eaU 'sis oteti. 'am"a," sailli ite,'do Yeu aSe anuy differ. HAROLD CHIOLM. ILOn l i, radger since leho Iltherack Streetl, Whitby. Cliueh "-"01, eu,"S(Ld & eîia Wliiby, Augusl 27, 1872. W3 *' &reotdIfoene.ýýBeforo ohen h )VcIIt out ternend lis fenCes on SUnday liw ciiriusa l1-9II) xeOn lita shonider, bail ito1- lue titiaTes inter hlm côst." Au Irishe adoerisemee - Ilflte geai- ti aliltuawhO'keepBa e01,00estore onit a tuaI iaeaîl, wiii riaturan tae uibratila aosI RO 11141agi>a jitli lite ivar~y haitale, lio wîi l Iraruauoaetiting ta her sdvan!ege,ss -A bloston zaircian l lasving aivertls.- - vil for s parler, wu scaldot l l'p nez! dlay by a stalwazt Yankee, wo asait, AEs 1THE WEAK SRO'3 111ssy,bajs, ho yion lteznian wlatad a- vertisdfor for c parler?' ' a 1ATlm-Algénine bsthe turne alerUlY reîuhia>d lte uerchaul, "aadl-Il'crsavlalrsp," (xvi Ilr -'Pravian Mark exî'eaiysiite lia! ilappieilina btuwajInthe gtass. A 82-page îaanMi'ascînl rutit buLemallo by mail.a"" Jase' Saol1(ew ToIL Uelby ailHlaruistoi. tiosi," respotudealflite Yankee, ~ ai eof 1 aiîî't i.tale idlbe obiegeualoe!you'd- ________________ tlomn, t ' an I'Me go! tho itallis ORT WIITIY & PORiT PERUT Il. B. Anmussnîlurôpic adiloro a lr coîtitouoenaniuattug lte exampie aiof!~ of i'ar ladies, hat a nice cas! af Th o St. Louis Glôla- tells about a U Taks eto AtirayB iI,17 3'otlh, j!us marie&d, o lioft Ut! -cit> k,, ___ on________ue ot 172 witi ii brdeonau Eastern tour vie Yeandaia tite alter 'eventng, Wo insu!t. Trains (bing North. Mail. Mittot. C ai liavpi abudroomn oitit a dor laIl - WitbY Jainutiona, I0 00 a.m. 7 130 pan. U't ýývUnat ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 11,e u ti'yhýy 7 asm. 7 87 pn. SUJiSCRIBED CAi'ITAL9 iOoaO FUNDS INIAND, OV.EII - 9,0,oo IIEAI> Ol-lIlCElFOR1CANADA, .11O-NTIIEAL. JQ AWARDED'THE FIltSTÙX'ý;,PZE"f We ofrto-our -cvàtomes for t e:c6inàg. fiarv twod tinet Mâachineés, Which in style and Copuct-Iop, --çmbac the iatest and most ù*seful imprO"Vemen ts of tedy Jo i N ' O S NG L E E L -R KI N « R E AI EI -n t î'at acsun a a ti alga.we Respectfully, intîmates that he is now in î'cceipt of a large SA .N E L /J~.L.~Ç~y'ntsttuy hliG ,ýett-sit - Stock af NeW Gooda toi s p ~ I N ~ N s M M R W À UP lA C T IC A L C A R R IA G E M A N U F A C T U R R ,m I 'X ON 1-N 1ý 1N AIN ) -, UMi % î .FLOUR & FEED STORE. Canadian T10weed Suits, Cloth- Suits, TheYUNDAS STIREET, WHTBY. Thandothe eêd ab- Dc-y ' Suis, Y uthS' Suits, C ildren's Suits-every Style and,-- - - - -- . -iaaSl m M ate iai, Sprir g Ç verco tts. o u ihlei 'b r a oy hW a vo& Gew& Sirt, wit an coore, adIn returniiig thanks for past Patronage opposite the Robson House, a i l t s k d S o G i î t s i a iw h i n t e G o d c l. h a d e g s t o a i n o u n c , t h a t l i t - h a i s o n s t h n t l y o 'n b a n d , a n d i n W h aer e t e y b t n o b y l ~ u v r t i g alcure omaufatuc-,C 'daes, -Buggies, (covered and open) ili atelsaln na, JOH FEGUSN, ' atest styesnd vehicles ôf cvery description. Bt-tu, Wbeat AsH he UONFLOUR...p at Q1otieî & Outlttî' se uses none but the bcst inaterial, and employs the ~ ~ ~ t1 beaaii> g, and Witedt .;Itbii- DnndaSO fi ab, oÃŽken he qualiiîy and finish ai bis work con b. dopenideti opon. Everyîh ing n p-- s forsh (Ilclat Iuite5 n tel y o c a u pia d b y ~.i . ;e rrî , s a s W it b y . a ti d tre s ud re p afi r a p r a s np tly a tte n d e lto . A il w o r kS r n W e t ' < ~ , ~ D- dasS.it - heraya! carrnage Mani C!-iee or cah.uFou,, eWhijb4j May 14, 18724 ; Stor y a 26,1872., I t YaîOOTe ,The,uiiîjîversal succes's of tbis Machine, both in èlosely'ýciitse. ed tria sand in the landà f the farm erà,'war ntus'in s yi ng tat, as a $ lif R ai- -ing Reapinc Mariine, t-bfas mýo.e good'pnititssnnd lbs defe ts, and has' met wnial more aucces *anti e8s 'ailure, titan heretofore oilered ta the publie. We werea awarded the First Prize and Diplom., at'the Prcvin. r.aixhiltion, hcid jn Torent, 1870.in cnpetiion wtb al the erdng Machines ranufctured ini the Province ; ant itttt ur receuit improvement;, wes'a nhe8ilat. igl, chalenge inve4tigation and coophrifýin w hcomnPetig Machines' s'are -zta ii ied t haot ech inveÉtigati n w ill convin t' tr upe jdiced uird,*th t ,W e B R O~ V & 'T T ! R O N VAJBMIAGES -AND, CUTTERS M.a0'-DO0NO0VA N'S.. SPLENDIDLY FINSIED 2ARJiIA CES, BUGGIES, AND CUTTERS, 0F VERY SUPERIO-R WORKiIA,SÃŽIp. BUGGfES & SLEIGHS. REP-AIRS AS USUAL. SVHITI3Y N22rd,80 [>HOTOGJRAPH GALLE RY., A;.. -J-IE JTT,". r r 0 NOC TETA WHITBAY, .. li, Dei qu Pictures enlarged & accurately copied. IJANDSOME FRANIES AND CASES. Businesp lcurs 8 c'clock, a. in. to. 6, p. m. No businss donc on Sundtxys iaiby, JuIy Srd, 172. -8l 1872.. SUMMEJI GOODS. 1872. The gilbscribcr- in rctUrning thanks to ]lis friends, respcctfully begs Icave toapprize tieri andt'hou public e aeai of the arrivai af a New snd- Compie,.e Stock of SUMMER- GOODS, Plasin n of the following lines : Black Stilks, Grograin and Z_' Ahl descriptions cf property insanrta t equilabit' rate". Iaolaled Ae'llings and fat-turisht licaiOn elttCially favorable k-rans for titree yeara. Life Insuraneot grentmal in ail lhe mo-aI appt-ovad melluoci,. Titosaaiantutlaelu-' sura aitoualaibt-ar it iminai lItSecuriîy sîtoultl bcu lite lraI conslalorativu. Fot--t'aIes of pt'aaahata, apply o lte nudîraigaical. Wliia-1.,-SePt. 25, 187L).- NE w JOI1S AGNEW, Agent 81i-4in NWGOODS I NEATOS MoMILLAN & Thoe anhscrlbc'i-eIaa'g lae infotan Iheir customers andl lte publie gcnertily tuaI tliîy are aîow t'ccia'itg lteoit-feU .andl winter icnpaitiol, onhicitp111 corn-, pisthe lite mstextensive asortanent in liais market, anal oniicli aill ha offerea at pilos dafying itonourable campeli- lion. T. H. MeMILLAN Lr Ca. Bl.iie' ock, Brocha St., Septtunaher 17, 1872. 38 STOV ES! STOVES!! Arîntrog'sCeleruîcd ocîing, Pailour, and Heaîàing, for M'ood m oî Ccii. ie-oîîs 8-:M' îen'pîri.-aig ~ FIRST- CLASS STOVES, witlih r -itFtrit'iîim-e itauld nfot fatil to purchasctat ita lieaap Ibouse." *ý-DIRECT FROM ENGTLAND,ý ' A l arge stock of Double andi Single Barrl Shot Guns, Pow- dûi, i>ouitem, Ml teks, auto a large stock of' Cnticry, Slitoifand Llea'y hrw;rCe., &e. igr 150ý Tons of Iron, lai'ge stoelz of Refiîîed H-orse-Shoe BaiOyg,Ana-ut. viocs, &o. Aplte-Pairoî'aa, l'ai-em ike s charni, only necai ta sec il as'oi'k toi bmy. 100 beaxus iti)plates, 0arqouîhi.idgea.. 300 boxes; Can3cltat Pinte. hasmt briatllig 1foi'sale. ,Al good nas heretofore guaran- teed as,re'eoinnaaîided. We. desire téo return thankai to our niumerous patrons for pas! titarors, ixnd iiay '(14 miar stbc-k auidrimcc, we inteaci b bc futll up ta lte lunes, ta lancut 'out-ra'quiiieina'nts aunai cotAfdence l intae Noîi Chîeap -as. Wkt3, eptembert- lîb1872, ~'38 3egs to anuloulîce that he bas huilt on the ý'bove p'emises, A -NEW Photograph Gallery, 60 feet in length, Vhich he as fittcd up w-itl al the latett improvements, and ,ar' u; i~CrviPt. -,u-S mu oor rn tisoopiins'--.a, aaaattaenta Grey UCodons', Sheetinga, Shirltinga, Tielaings, a mgnficeni dlapay of Ladies' Uadereiiting;. enbrojaet-sa anal plain ; Chltd- ruais' Dresses, Infants' Rabets, Bonnets, Hala, plaines, Rihitons, Hosiet-y, Gloves, Chignons, Bt-aids, &c., &o. The Gentlemen's department is fur- nished wath West of England- Broadcloths, Doeskins, Fancy Tweeds, (Scotch sund'Ca nadian,- Hats, Caps, Ncackties, je the latest styles; Shirts aîîd Collars in great variety. The Grocery iDepartment is -repleté with a elhoice slectioii of Teas, Coffee,,' Spîce.s, Pickles, To- A visit to his esLablishment is -respectfuîîly solicited, where ironi adh-anltag-eaposseaaeti])y hie» ue la pt-eps tedtotadisposte of goodsaet pt-bas defing Ly coinputiton.18 Whitby Ma 21h 172 JMSONMRP Ml.ercha ntITai lor &Draper,l Mieû-ûér-i. The undj EZI"-BootSandýSlioe- niade -to:ôrder. Ï 0 W ho çàlined. Ëarnl and counfortable. 'India Rixbf ~' Rpaiingneatly done., - Cali at theold Stand.- WILLIAM BJes,, -1 FIJRNTUREý!:FURNITIJ E cis t fi'n AT.'THE SION eP-F THIE- -eag --- anonuto. ,ýFuriiture-Selli.g at Odii o 30 days lonager; Notwith standing.d the rise lu x nteria] Now is- the tirne to emhbrace the opporturiity of selecting ('rom thre largesa stock in thte Couo îy. of sidleboarisq,.bureaus, centre -tabliâ Ws. chairs, bedroom set.g,'&e., andal al of lte best quiaiity aLnti manufacture. The- only first-clas establishment in the. Couty,. where Fa. n i s mui y a u p 0c l FOR A GO( MYRTI See T.&B Price-so Low Sapteniber 17. 1872. JJJST A A choice L DbiotO - j b.v W] ntb y J 013 li, 1872 NE GET YOUR1 Before thie. busy - iili flidthero a FAIËL CLOIR And a complete Furnishing Goods. Whitby, Sept, 3rd, 1872. ~~I)R SM KEUE u T ebrae& Carac MneaW&, OD S OKEUSETIla9uaisnxpasaÇd as a plussent and~ - - cooiing. aperient,- -On EN V . r or pgwo B~ao atraevery dE N V Y O your itystean cool lsnd ueslthy. OflE a h i ug.Carrat-ss a terastands nnrivailed ai a, valuable ruedia in ucases of Halai- tuai Conestipaltui, rn genlient -o!ltme on E ch P ug. Stomach and Boonela, CrieIuamai,. Of thie Ridaieys, Gravel, Gant, emahim > (cspecitillytbliechrouje lfot-uSem kiaa - 'that A.Il Can Use It Afectosopf allana ysa,, ert. ebuhi suneqnale. 3M-38 - The Caratraca Minera] Waber, fresh frent teSprings aI Plant.agenet, Ont, us ept o, - soesby Batel6, Druggisls, sud lliera thLrougiiout the Dominion,an ýd May b. oa iuiIbarreie and klaga a1 thé Proprielors, 'MiVN-NXC, EILL & WÂE, j 389 St. Paul Street, Montreaui ua,- Jnly 101h, 1872. 28 R EcJEJ1V -E D IMA.PMSU8I LOT 0F I J. ]B. SioCK's EJ T A... I EXTRA MACHINE- OIL. This OClexcelsa ail,$ber 011, bath animal anti'tegelabie, sut -wue are prepareti to show ot ofJavaC*o'fee te snperiarlîy 'o1 Ibis OClte all hers> it stnd ofhJvatCstse nee ta tprocure a&at. ARRIVE. heavy tnachanetyfro aý clock or sewn lewing are tbe oints niutchit excels other ,tcr anîd English Aie, in pînts -Oila: IT WML NOT GUM, heen,-,ic e aunti ckittea wth uli#is trouble, eireety gurunan dbyallier l5Iliiat ube . .JAMESON, - ongotaIOrrIicen.iithe cesto eae This isla a uaity of the hicet moraneetie fr-teanhoa. anint nahe ntporuan -- oui l lai bricabe a colt BleuI, sncb n u M iay be appliet i a heate tebuth Motmentai tanoches a colt sa te, t t eti anti -Mi1not lubricate unuil te 'jaugz'a- iry fiction. acquires the bemperalure necces.- astY ta redc t t alqidsabe lai acqnar. ang ahinglu tepeatureby action, te jour-nal expends anadthebox asin iJred, il la O uS0 U D a, imposaibtlteUseofilitht'il chili on a E colt shaftitoaut lbis eslî as il isto nain- gis <il iuila aer . B. RStock's 0Onili lain. 'bricate te Coitiat Madhlery the moment il FAL C OTIE A - hunldO5 etabihments and is th FA L CL THE ATbort of satlisotien, sund alnulle hi s the prefer il lu reftued Spaz r PZ 0e Il li ires iothe objection org paeO e 3C.. 3 ~alieasalatdons fDot guze er Ieaze, Nalw as the publie - are aonare ta i tant u'orttuless lhiug -e uetm oaray seso egns OU inore toprove that bti is taneoumlung' isplendid assorînuent of liane ai nmtgeOttsitivesteagalist' ie a a!ial ail retuneujes sab-ien- w Stock'% Extra Machine On1 epo t 0F ALL KJND95 tt0ih O reinteregted inthe tuÈo tb9se tatemnts, o ibtq»eut, OU appli. cation, by anior. athet-wiïe -eire !charge - ALSO, mway,la a 1eofte 1that.ita A LS, sPak or iselinÉdý wiias eaad withi foin simple test, as effeitve -as lhacg tests L L H A T S a$,, d.wW-1Onablatoas orrin the~he»tdeemua~~17 assortment of n ew 1î -T;B. STOCK, Brouttu Ont. Sole -Agent for tbec o%'nîaon. 36 Bro-ughtam, Mat-ch M4tI, 1970, ýJ, B. STOCX, E s R&WPril 4la,1871 b eing oivulgeo. Should dny pi lieve that he has -canes, Le will do latter, la thenad cenu do at i' coat, anc of.tiia books ié aaffxed ta the -examine il and, -ihether the ned iot,-'so Iifispi teé persan froni theni ta have hit Chami>Bs sand bo obtahii he na -ùtt ha' iwesf Wh lities.aif aat Im 1 -PMs or pots'of C - THOMAS -HOLLOW. 558, Oxford Street <isa 244, Sturand) Lanidau, W. C., Ochober 1, 1871. Carnages, Bug~~Ïes Waggons, ~, Tnx ~ J 4 4 May -22, 1872i 1 1 Boot-& Shde Stoié, Brockstreet i8 -1 le' OPROSITE and quarts. GOODS ! co,'S, FA DIINDAS ST., WHITBY, BROTIIER. INEW MMES X. MURPHY.

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