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Whitby Chronicle, 24 Oct 1872, p. 3

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lame. J msie# lii. If-lol aa.vI ~u M I'.5U 4 à» die. SaUlie Homs-l'et, O. mutlii, 2nd, rfto me; te Bti u o ZBailé - 6 - tie fr bmonYand WGUld e t le. o.yn'i' mioma ofuthe menewere »ýth hll 81 ~lJme S mt, emi, cATTLMAU Dan l Along, and I told him' about Aged Bun--l, James Smith. haif.past seven lain.e omgnen.H Ter' BUU-lgt, B.- %pkni, 2nd, téld Me that I kiiew I wus 1itgte hlm 'James.mtèphmrsn. whei 1 Mid tht. .4nehher sk= m BaOUll01-laI, James -MoPhersois, wheniny ifUtcher came. I told hm 2cd, Aez Leith va dld-not have the. butoher comae te Malter Cal-lot, Jame.s mith, 2nd, . theuse,ý ve had to ,enote i.market James MePherson. for oui, meat. Aftrtli bIai gel au Miloh ev-lut, B.,Hopklus, 2nd, thzoàug do" *sta=rtle came up and James MePherson. cemmcnced té agus, One satdomn Yokot Oien-lot, A. Guadaur, 2nd, on tL. aide of! e bcd an&dédlbratly D. M4cKneon. tar e shoot mbt strips, lied kaiets on 8.yr'sold ter-lst John BOY&. th. slrips, sud, made g w~ hich 7 amltJames- ý.cP1ierscon, hd, - Om i vh~oc ~p.Ti~s ~dsdLvene,. rofled nome .of t tbr sct rouznd Bhearling RAM-lot, Thoo. Rdle. . Our ank s0e00e0 crIWO anidnt out Ram Lamb.lst, B. Hopins, 2ad, theni.Aller aU lii had boet- done SD. Heslia. tii.y lôsed aehthe. roont 'dôôn a~d' Âged Ews-lsl, Jà=ýs Smih, 2nd, vwt t u. Shortelr tii.7 came la.- James MPesa.ta tht eemadto J.'a ov Shearling Éves-isIt, 3y, Mephersebrhu.On. ef*t hhèni Askdmefor 2nd, D. Heain. the revolver. I told hlm I did net Ev. Lamb-lst, J. McPhersen, 2nd, knowev vit I*ws ý He sald: "Yen J. Smitbh. dld not et a chaneeto nueIl, did yen?" Aller tlaey gel hhrengh rlling lhe bank thceaMOenp to lhe men in the. hall 8evic, ame MPhr~e. ua= ilUvent out. They badl net beeni M prngferisI Jme SnlL,2n, one. over a minute or Ive before I - Âlexng er Leit &2n .Smth Lard 1Mr- Van Hoevenbergh tryng te, Sprng ev-ut 2clJ. nuih. geleut cf bcdin thenexl rooni IoeaU.1 GRAN. ed te hlm the bout I could te lie ctli ort Fali Wheal.- lot, Thomas Faliey, riey wond murder lim. -I soon heardi 2nc1, James Smnih. lum g dovn $tafin te alan licheuigi.t Spring Wheat-1.t; James Smilth, botars.'" My dangiler Sarahi cult tc 2nd, Oweu I*ihany. Brings-hich bouiidmyfeeî ; thie band. Pease-ist, James Tahany,jr., 2nd, <itffe Lad te b. fjle& of Jamnes Smith. Jarley-lst, Owen Tabany. AlANB1EJIGK5TA. Qat- icI, James MePliersou. I> loo na r loe h 1go Indian Cor-lot, 0. Martin, 2nd, E.Bl.p ooisoe. Ti~ ~ Lawrence. bard veas a lond nie.I ctheugil Ia SUDS vasdrcaiixg WLe I ame te My seuses ther. vere Ive men n athe. oom Flex-ist,,D. Heslil. beside my bed. On.eof thein placed Tlmoty-lsî, D. Heclin. fis band over my monîli, the, chier >t POULTRT. pliced lhe steeil andeuifs on my biande Geee-lsI, James Smith, 2ntl, J. alter lie- put my bande beiud me. 7 McPliersen. Thlet11mne remain viiere I vas at Turkeys - lct, James Mopeien, iraI, and finally teek me lIet my A, 2nd, B. okis mother's zoom and plaeed me lu tie Ducks-fIî, . Bailey. bed vIihlier. I llaeu zemained quietB Foisis, MPernnd-B and liey did net harm me. Aller theis Hokins. J.MPhron 2d-B an placedth le gag in My meuth hav. & Hopkins.ing firsI paed It ln tlieptier of valez YEGETBLES.onthie tae, Le po alted me gently on Potatoe-lot. John Heclin, £ad, J. teoeek and teld me nteb.f ii -Tabany.cnet y mollier sait! sic vas sick, th Trnip-isît, James Taliany. andi ho saîd liaI was "1tee ,hin." H.e b Crroie-laI, C. Merlin, took eno et lb. baud cuis ffliez bauds tý Cabbage-I, E. Lawrence,, 2nd, L. and m~ade Lez lie devu. 8h. Lad beau Wison. Mra n Jh ilting up in be-d before. Whoun lb.y E Oulon-li, C. Uri . n, oulai thtic oom I al1ppe' My land out of Hediuthîe Landeuffu and gol a kuife aud eut lj Beas-isI, John Boyd, 2nd, D. Me- the repas from Lteehefot fAil lhe otiers Cc Elunnin-lath. hous. m Buter-lot, Alexander Leiti, 2nd, - E asMNING DAUORTEIL Jralt ames MePheron. na Tii. burglars treatedth le etier daugit. Z.Bradll , JmsMe no . ndtez in the camne vay as the oee vone Z. Bailcy, st.eteenilegiven ftbeve.] MAMFATUUS.While tL. men vere in the lieuse ne CI Piaunel-lcî & 2nd, Alexander Leili. name 'vere mcutiened'by any oft hem. ci Bock-icIt, Alexander Leitll, 2nd, J. The eniy distinction IL.7 Ladl vas by ti HMedia. numbers.- One vas heard te ask tor ai Tefirst prizes frceunterpene, tg"No 9," Thileincupposet! e i noueedW oFi, vezo avardet! to-J. Me. wre probabiyceome au the yard and! Cr Pliben.oubsiebho kept velci and! did netoti S~ueLc-rhurMcArILur. come lu. The yard is sureunded by a gym teteLecon$uaien oftheL.Shov, lhe Ligh brick vali. Ail Le deers la the tae membors efthîe Society dlnet! aI Law. Louse.ver. loCked and -bolted. WLeu nCh rence'c Rotal, spendlng an Loup lanceo.llîey gel ready te go out tlaoy compaiied Ne cia! eut! profisleconuversation, Alto- Mr. Van Heeveubergît te unfastea the ari gtee L people et Rama have geod tent door and let Ihean ouIt itoLehe reon to fbel gratiflet! viti the lirai struet. He diti net see wvilîtdirectien sLow field by their tevnship Socety- they veut. Soma et the neiglibeuri; ai, Miay il long calIste - boIt! many more say îLe7 lboard a vagg ou on tihe cîreet- liez 'ehlblbions, lacreasiug iu importance about four 'o'clock liais moruing. A lu'i trea yer teyea .-EpeaUor. man vlio vas getting lie herses ready te qo eut draviug ceuel, about a quarter- The fIg Bank RobbMr. te cour oclock, sead Le caw a teaini, illa EÂLF -a waggon-load et men, go up- the streel RAFA MILLION DOLLARS STO. lathie direction ef Celioca. Anether LEN. man said he sav caverai men dresd Fa1 -in cark cloîhas go ever-tLe Waterford p Frem the Troy Turnes. -bridge. Il les upposed- that vhen they 'MaVana - laitthelicbouse tliey'separatet! and vent F M.VnHoeveubergh mdethef. in differeut directions. Wlîan the bur- clatmen tea rporer t' lieglerc left the. bank îlaoy book vith ilîcin t6bbery et the Saratega Natiduai fBank: verythiug Ihat vouid leed or baud te Oat The burglars liaulet! me ouI cf lbed. leadt t their detectien. They eh vwore Ha There vers bye greal trong amen. One make utvarioqe kinds tiliiatter îLey Pcti on eaclî ide et me heJd a revolver aI left thie bank. cAilU that vas found vere CieN lie aide et my Lad and! Lade me make Ivo cark lanitenus .And a lot et nev Tir ne noice. TLey'-took me clown clairs to steel liaudouYa, wbich, vare taken poî- mai th~e bank veulbaidt ld we le epen il cession et by the Troy efficers vhe vent Egg or tliey vonît! biow niy bzains e ut. I up teo rk up thie case. The baula Butt faitered ant! besilaled ac long as I der- van l vwas completcly gulted. Bookc, -Chi c ad fi nely ent t e w rk a h aI lie aundd verythin gz th y did n t Beec lock teopen it. TLey Ladl my bands va ut teleako offltey scateret! over the Bne la Landonifs behlad my-back and maide bania liber. Tiepri -c1 1 ' loss i me voil te l ock in tratIway .I speut rvate partiec, wvIt lia bonds, stock about au heur la delaying them L int.~,e ain id tevitt e;Woo revolver witiaDy liauclc cul bebind aie -egisltezet sud othor securilies are net Town sud vent dovu Éthairs. MY daughter negotiable. These vil b. et but littie w Sarh Mat! lippedthîe cuf lrom lber velue le tLe nebbers. Whitproportion 0 haadleut scOuIlLe zeOpe viiihbouud ofthie stolon bcd7 vwiii ibceot'valuuainu 1)C 'D'y tect. TLe en eavrelantihe Louce addition te tlae cash, cauînot bc ascer- Nt -about lire. heurs. Il vasu neez tour laiuad eh prenant, Mai7 ef tLe dopesi- fori -'el'cik vien i e y left. Whaou I gel le lors lied ilicir ail in flic abnk, and vil fitiu tie deer I firet! lire limes from lih. re- Le loft alanost vitiient e cent in thae tLe eu volver le alan lihe ucigiabeurs, but il verît! uniess the pro1iarty is reccered wyul be vas se dank I coul4 net sce viere lie or relurnat!. Tuehe oving lies been mon vent te. Tiey hat! loft betore I aneunet!:- Frida d a VAggn iorvxi:oit's SAheENBoant! of Direcîorc et the Sarato- lthtýdw.Dn nwwohrte AMIBE-liO EA, T Un»,vAX.STATXENT ga County Iluk hareby chier s reverd inclusi Vie final 1I heard vas s leu nt!onck of $5,000 fer thi.arrest!dconviction aI my reeni deer.> I dit! net know efthîe parsons vho robbed the aboya *haý,to make oe t.lla' suetirminute nemet! bani. lii. zoeai asllofaien. Onooem n The robbory vas committat! btvean Toront came tte sbadet det tek hLeit! e eenet!four 'clock on Monday moru. my hushaut! and Lanlet! 1dmOu.Inq.coe 4h182ST boggathm o pare hic ie.Tey 1iv hosn vllr il be paie1 ferST saürhey ould n iar îLbu e earresl efthle zobbers, aud 0,000 muaI keep sil.Aflez tity teck hfui for thie zcovazy oethle stolon prcperty. Oui t fte room tbey vont lookiug lly order efthlIe Board of Diroclors. arount le z oom, One cf them asked ILA CTPoiet m ne where my diamonda vere I sait!IWd 1 crPrscet dit! net have aiy-liat ve vere ail Corz ite heuce. H. said h.lielt! net East Wbitby -CouniciL. The tolUcv il. Hoeteok np myvwatëiifroni - 1h. SI the, drecslng table sud iocked ah il. 1 Columbuc, Ocbeber 7th 1872. Poo hlmwhbat lime il vas. Me ne- The Ceuncil met. Members all pre-MON, à., onee 'aiock. Me alt! Le veuld nanseuxcept the. Reeve. The De- tek.e elaci, latbohY Came Reeve in the chair. Minutes roeautan At 7:80, ire foz moey andi mpuey they veuit! couflrmet!. upou th Eva. Me laidodev on the sofa eut! A petitien signet! by Alex. Mceuzi, varsar1, Jl*1et a pillie unider is heed. Ttneu!2a tle va rsate rylu n ti said te' hil,"yeu, arecueo e te eCouncil ho altez lie.beonndaries et couadreis whc robbedth le Daliaton Scheol Sections No. 6, 7 et!and oas1 banhe, LbuI yoq imanagedteh get somae of enlargé S. S. No. 7. vien ou motion of tuei. stolen goods baek lier.a ai." Mr.Luko, tLe clerk vas instruicteel te nei .alieowac on- flie canal, andi did it!hér ie mstees of i, several School. nfet knov wenytbilug about lic affair. Sgctîons te hie effecte! by snob, chaugeg;. STon I)Uenng tit Lue I ased tfor my daugh- 'The crk vas ordezet! .te neuif7 Mr. AtP ter n et hey vere "broughl lnaneut!Richardson, overseez cf iighway No. A p laced t! he ILLd withi eaa!y 17, te open, torththh le culvert an li111o bey abo ut ton years Cotage . e valez curse euh.heRoad betwcen loIc £dia net have ai, gags in our mouIii-st 0 sud 7 ýa lie Oh, Concession, a littie6 tis ie. ooa 57My 110 110boy g*i l o thee orhiocf Hcniy Grahm'sei. U"oynefer vorkonbdg s;oU IR for, buildin sOefbr JO, =of.T. W. Gbbsfor 9&u au na Tie CO'oiiajonrtied. te Mouda the 4th ot Novcmber nerb, te meet l0 o'o"k a. ni. SiEOUNDELL PALîext'gFxr...4 trecelve &80,0Qý compensation for:1 srvices a aungi Gnreat 1,Bnlts before lie Gone%, Tibnal recezuendaubor ethle Peslmaci, Gaucral, bas rcduccd lie letter pesta rate belycen Canada and Nc*feuï land from 124 teo ôcents. AU- oh postages have been rectncthteCana rates,' An onder Las been isued by thae Eun liai War Officeto Lave the names lie Canadien uiiai staff and ofiice: o! lie active force ealered lu tLe Bi tisi army Eli uthe camne mauner lhe millta -of the MeIher Couuty. TzAwaesorvnrca Dày vos' QuEEEC Ris Excellauoy thL. Lieutenant-Goe. nor'et Quebec Lacsppoinled Thuradai the 241h Oclebez, (te day) as a a4 tLauksgiving, aud recommienda ic gez Bri observance. DIED. MfCPHIERSON...AthWilby, on h 161h inst., Alexander Mc.Piersen, age, 78 yeazs eat! 4 menitie. Deceaset! va a native et Culloden, Invernessiz, licctland, andýuncle cf the Revît. Jehi MoIPlerson, entiez of "The Chrictiai Hero," sud other vorks, eut! nov main stez cf Hilton Free CIturci, Dunkel lcotiaud. lui and V"mlorui.sg.-ii'By a Ihoroug taawledge ai the natur.1 lavu vhich goven tha operations ai digestion and uiutin,ani ZbcareflanliBation of the fine proparý va0 eIl.ele cocos, Mr. Eppe lai provided our breakfastltables vitia délicats, [Y favored beverage, which mayusaveun tony hesz doctors' bila."-Civit Servce Gazeatte. aesimply yuîh boiliug vaiera.i Kalk. Each pseket is labelied-3às. Epps & ao., Hamopathic Cheanisis, Landau. Ai. iakers ai Eppc's MAiky Cocas (Cocoa and cndeuseil Mah.) 8 THE, REASON WHY! DR. wuEELEB'S COMPUND El1xi 'hemicuil Foot!ont! Nutritive Tonie, lie- %use Phosphates canstitute more than hall aa material. ai the humon body, sud are saoluîteiy esseutiaile lithegrawth ai noua, duscla, sud Nerva, which connut attain fil evebopemeni vithent titei. They pro- ote a good apeatite, pa ec dgestion 'eate pure, haaithy, vitalizing blood, anux uppiy the vaste conslanîly going ounlin the 'stean as the result aimeutl andt!physical xerlian. ]Jaiag combuîaad mith Cahisaya, ac Paruvian l3ark, th. only specille for niai. snd Fevar, uiud. Chat condition af ;ervous ProstratIon and! General Dabiity rising tram low vitaliîy ant! exhaustive scoae, idtafrins an alagant and agreaie, rigoatngTonic, purely, physialagical, in i action, tuaI mray ha ta 'en saly undar t cicmsacas, eut! ahi diseasiedeendi. ina af tha body, as it buibhs np lte conati. lion in the cameeutauner as onr daily foot!. Sait! by ahi Druggints at $1. WH-ITBY MARKETS. CIIRueIscLa Oruacz, Oct. 23rd, 1872. all Witat ............$1 o @ i 5 riu.gWVihe ..... . el 15 La el20 arley----------------...65e @71c eas.................. 65c@70c 15-----------------.....85c -6..... I..... 15 17 )tates--------------..25c 8 0o over Seat!I............ 5 mothy .............. 0.6o apla Suguar...........121c @ 15o 19r......1........ 12e@ 15e iter ................5e 18a tse .. I..............c140 18e -tf, hinti quarter.... 8 8 t, fore quaracir.8 .. 7 8 7 'le per ewt ...........00 Ce 6 0 Cd .......... .... ... 8 @ 8 Dl.................. 62e ekens,.............. 0 @40c perpaiz. lks .. ............... 4060c EW ADVERTISEMENTS. 10 CCNTItACTOIIS.- ENDEIIS vii ha reeived uit lteoffice ua unt!erzigned aip ta AND TE -iurucîîon of Two WVater Tanks, [ae and e8 ecifiatious may hie ceeu at ofl ihof M. Lamler , q.Cianinan ie Caminittea an Fine sud Water. lly ardar. THOS. HUSTON, an Clark's Office, Tv ina Whtitby, 22aid Cet., 1872. 43 OMINICN IBANK. tice is hardi7 givan, ibal a divident! ai per cent. upan ltae capital stock ai ibis tutou hansbeen is day decaredton tinrent italf-year saidt! ltIthe sae be payableiat the baailing hanse in lis .cil>, on and afier îy, the first day u of .zBel, transtar bookes vii li e cabat!froin th. te' lte ilst Octoben irait, bath 'days By order af the Board, I. H. ISETUNE Cas9r. ta, 251h Sept., 1872. da ANDREWS- SOCIETY, 3annual metngaitih enaebens af t. Ant!nev'sSocietyIfWLiI>y ant! ring vil b. hait! ehthea Mehanica' Hall, Whitby, on iDA Y, NO VERSER 4th,'72, 0, pan., for thepuzpose c efd1ain te manner 01fc mbating th~1 y, sud the eleclion aiffflice& for the j&fUatednc sreque-tedà BH.JAMESO Seerelay y, Oct. 28,1872. 48 ME TO LET. Preeentaceupiei!.byMr. Kealerz a mion given 151h November, Apply ta R. de J. CMBIL Fi Oct lý l79ObInd 40;p [sy, at hie si the b<e er g. cf Bns as ky' of ie uas e, nU p et [p 8 b '1ruESDA, OCT. 9, 1872 a Hi. vhol. Fanin Stocka, cansiating et Thor- BL C 1 augit-bret! sud GraidaCaille, Theron - UB IC AUT I0T N- f bred Calswald Sheep, -vdli bed y~ a young Horses, ond t! oals and inilamauls as comprised Beantifnlly cituete!, sut! adjoiug the Mn list as undarmen. tionet!'.- VILLAGE 0F CLAREMONT, CATTLE.-3 tharongb-brad eaws witit pedigree; 1 ihonangb.bred bull caA, wyuL ON pedigree ; 2 do de haifer calves, witb ped gras ; 1grade bull, 2 years ohd MONDAY, 2oth INST. 1 grade bulcalf, sarad by Bell Duke ; 8 gdeheufers, 2 -ears ai n eaf; 3 grade tALE TO coxMMECE AT 12,EA. t.s, yaold; 3 rae stars, 1year -' '1 y -lar aid;,2 grade ciear taives; 4 grade boier Le 1 REFRESHMENTS F110VIDED. clvas ; 4 fat sie.rs2 yeans id ; 4 uew mileitceins, 10 m .i coins, ina Cal, TERUS.-Eight per cent of lte purchase SHEEP-oC thoraugh-brad Colswold eu-s;matay dawu; lte balance af ana quarter on 1 ditta shaarliatg ram ; i1ddio rantlamb - 18 final April, 1873; the ramainder in ibree well.bred CotWoid eeos; 8 fat vether.' equal aunAl inutalments, at six par cout HORSES-1 black emare,?7 year» ehd,sirad -ret by Bravai George; 1 gr mre, yeans old; ALEX. SPEARS. 1 gray maren, 7 yeaes ahdsired by Jack lte Octaban 15, 1872. B1arbe rin foal ta Burrava' importai hae; -"- _ ________ lm macid san geldings,O8yeanc ld gotby 0T T I C E Canquerr;ýp 1 colt, 2 years aid, gai bq Con- ' quaror ; 21spht fly2= les, eat Cn Ceu- In heraby gavon that appiainWnb queor;2 srin fi, s go byCoquerez; made Ca lite Legislative Assembly ai Ou- Icolt, geldiaig, 2 yeans ah , get Nelherby; aria, aI its nazit session, fon on Act le 1colt, gading, 1 year ad, gai by Ilnucdae 1 atablisit and! coninu tesida limes of lots cogl!ig ea iga.yAuadh;Na 's 13, 14, 15, 16 auud 17, in lte lut conces- 1diviug hanse, 5 yean. aid gaI by Coachi- sota ieTviii iEs iiba mon-1 driving co,4yar agt yo o s .1 8,19 and 20, iu lie lot cou- IlaaiLtow. hne 4yas iga t iosNaofthe To'wahip oai1Whilby, as dhey IMPLEMENTS - 1 hresiig machina nov ara ; and! fon propenly defiuiug the camplaîo ; - comnbinat!reeper ndt!mowensaine. Bals hi:1slf-rake raaper, Kirty ; 1 Wititby, Oct. 2nd, 1872. 41 iaimben ,wagon ; 1 ditta, nearly nai,_________________ Speights; 1anavy aping winaga; 1 ightI O AE vaggan ; 1 coveraci blug-y; ligbt buggy; J~ 1 sprlag-bard ; 1 aikey ; 2 cutters ; 2 a te Am FOts- heavy bb-sigs;1 set markeet bob-shighs; A splendid faim af 57 acres aifhaand, an i wcod asigit; i1icsnnlng rmii, neanlnn , ,viicin la slarge dwelliug bouse, bsrn, snd Pallargou's; 1 traw cuttery uev,'Walsan'e; out-buildings, situaat! vwithin corporation 1 turnip cutter, nain, Watsen's ; 1 grin aofte Tou af Whieby, County Ontario, erasher; 1 cern siiellr;- 1 'aek; 3 vaggen and klnovu as tha Tharnelike Faim. racks ; 8 herse ha y rakes ;bIdtair eti;2 Alsa, eue acre af landslniBrc sugar ketiles ; 2Hennylogis - ikt.Cattaqean sd goad autbndug.Leh son phougit, nain; 1 OShawa plangit, casi accupiad by lte laie William Thorudike. beasin; 1 iran double inanit board plougb ; Apply (il by lattez, pont pait!,) ta i gang plongh ; 1 cuiivaor; 3 sets iran bai-rens ; i double turnip drll; 1 souffer ; YEOMAu- GISO$, or J. L. SMITH, 1 aud zolien; 1 set siver muntat! teant Whitb, Executons ta the EsCale. harnss ; 2 sets teain harnas; 3 sets single Whitby, Octobar 9, 1872.4 haruess; 2 sets plangh harness; 1 saddle 4 and! bridie; 2 mille cons ; about 80 tans finit-clas iminthy hay ; 12 acres lunnips in TIUILIC NOTICE 1 the gronnd ; a large quontidy ci toals, sucit ap sas forles, zalcas, acythes, boas. dec. TFRMS :-Faz the fat caIlle ant! fat sbeap, bey sud luruips, and! alsus ai 610 sndut!nder, cash ; aver hat amouail- 12 moutits cradit, an lurnisbing appra-aed notes. Sale ta commnnaceata 10 o'clocle. Publie Noti nare..3 givan that Lynd4e's Lunch ut uton. atice.. , .. '- . ANI) PEYEOITLY REyEbx ù TUE DANGlER 0? EXLOS!OI -Ca a fýuê la I Ot Pet tly suicidai to daIsy furnàasinged&Y to u .a<'U it'leudi,'aft* .s«riof P'sag eépiment, 'snd the,'exponditu e 01 0 huaidred and fl(y'tboessnd dollars' bac been producel by R.I F. DAFO 0 ëIidl,O., se&;t basbeeu lahrodeced to the public wltbperect sice. tFWhe 'Dsautertb 1'troleum Flûid It Io elaimed :- lot', Thiil the ta] lumlastrn'in je~2od, Thatt îgs Irea Irom filtia and g a n d will nol slilks or tabil e .(he mont delilcte celoris or tinta. Srd'-e!hat kIc lenirel troue dlsagVetable ,odo. 4th,, TLat-, lt glvg&a rer., toure bilst thurnyior fSuid lInuse. .andi, iaUy:qqa1 to gt tiiq lisit! l'as above repu-sentel, kerosine cil sheult! b. disarded, snd lthe forth hluit! usea lu ta s iaNobte ouse il vouit! Le truffing yuL the lift properîy of 4vsny-emW1>r cÇtbe'.tanaflyr.' "!J'le Fluid, Burners, Laips, &c., in large or small quai cap les.Procurcd of ~AS Pcteber 28, 181-2, EWAeVERTISEMEEIqT5. FIFTH ANNUAL SALE THOROUGH -BRED, ,STOCK, W 1h concessoft ikelgo THUR8DA Y, .XoF-14, 1872, Wben tLe lolloving animah isni haoffnet!, 40 Importee and florne.bred 8hort. Hure C.attie. ' 100 Iuuperted and Sfaae.bred Cots. 100 Imported and Iioe.ebred flerk. And 1 Imporied 2-year cli Draughe Tilly .-Usm of10an de Csh; avez that amount 10 months crqdit stil U. given by parties fnznihig approved paper. Seven percent allowed for cash. Teams wili be ai Dnflna' Creek Station, 1t.Rhe night befor, and the morming ai lsale te convey parties te the sale. tie CataLgues sent on application. Pickering, Ct. 19. 1872 48 c REDIT SALE D3Y PUBLIC AUCTION T. P. WHITE, Raving decided ta gie up farming, will sell by Publie Auction, at hi. residence, White- raie, an ly fies Pht tI. fTeY, i1 ley ietey D., nea. s, wa Conro rChemse ndu DraggW Corner ef Break & Dundas St', Il U NJ1ION GIICULTUBÀL.-.Boc OP TEE TONcEIPc 0W WHITBY d EAST WHIj Notice i. Lereby givenu hst the Dlr ef the aLave Society viimt tEet Hotel, iJsbawa, on SBaturday, 26th October, AT TvOO ecLoCI, P. M., Far the purpose af paying prises, sud1 acting sncb ailier business asnmay b. say. yodr JOHNnder. Oct. 22, 1872.-lin sci R OBEBT JOHN YAIiNOLD,'- OFFICIAL ASSIGN FRTHE ADDEESS-Bax 99, W=crsy. w T A ix £ ev. A goad Carpenter ta vhomWinter' JAMES WOOD, Ouha Whiby, Octaber, 131h. B UI1LING AND PARK LOTS S. ECKARDT, Anctioneer. N. B.-The Laus, camprising about &10 acres, Ce let an neasonable tenus. Tbay are i a iret-rate stala ai cultivalion, vl lane- et! eut!have ap1e building accommodt!aion, Aise for sale, in lais te suit purchasers, 100 acres af vaad baud, belng tha wast hall af Lot No. 14, in the 4db concession ai the ownship et Umbnit!ge. For paniculars ap- ply ta the praprietar. Whitevale, Oct. 21, 1872. 68 P I IV A TEBSAL E Vafuable Household Furnlture, Cansislling aI Haircloth sofa, 2 flociI Chairs, hall dozes Parlon Chairs, 1 Centr Table, Tapestny, Carpel, What-nat, Sicd Stands, Lace CurlamnsDiming Table, Con seatet! Chairs, Sideboard, French bei. stesels, Baureaus,' Leange, Tiet Standi ant!sels, Bet!raom ont! all Carpats Hae Stand, DininIK-raem, Kitchen and Ni'anl Slaves, 1il Pamntiugs, Engravinge, Cracicery and! Glassinare, dc., d&c. Als a famlly Se. Theroer~t ne. esean t!sily Iroan tem to five o'cc, at the recidence ai tii uudersgned, Dualop Street, near lie Faiblie Scbools. The vitale vi'n be dlspoedaofinome let st a bargain, or in lots tasuit punchasens. Sais ta, commence an Tuesday, 22u n ma R. B. B, KEELER. Whltby, Oct. 25nd, 1872. a- FO0R-8 A LE. The underignet effare for sale a number of Shearlings aund Rani Lsrbs. 7 Cala. volds 10 Leteestezs. 1hhree-yaar aid Cota. va iiam. AUl pure bret!. 'Arti tEren gade bull cal, gat by ian. WM. JEFPREY. tý Boar for service on tLe premises. Tanins $1. Whltby, Oct. 22,1872. 21n48 TEuNDERS FOR REGISTRY OFFICE. Seabet! Tenders vil Le zeceivei t! aiibi office up ta Monday., the 28th irist., For excavation sud. ctafn oiudtion ferthue New Regiatry Offce, Wbitbv Plans, speci. &osina e., eau. ha ceeu a ibis office,- IL J. MACDONELL, Counby clé&k br Oetur led0104 IM 1" L veaC u be irty-prasarved-,àn'd-tb al parties fanitrespasing on titesaine,g seakcing to take fish t anefroan, vii be pros caitet! viebtha utinst rigauz ot the law. J. W. KERR, Inspector ai Flahenles. Wiby, Oct. 9, 1872. 41 FAMWAED. Wit.d, a imail fanu, eontainiug about fifty acres vtdb coifortabhe builidings. lat or ,se_ J. A.LALOR, Whitby, ociaben 2nt!, 1872. 40) y. 'white andc e Goods of a.ll kindis. -W arrn -W inter Ooo« F R E ilGRQCERIE J -,E--o- B--- U Te noW in receipt of a heavy- stock of Winter Goodo, emi i n g m o e ra i s p le nd id Iine a.. (ilotbier k Gents' OutfitîE -Duindas St. -Wl WINDCLT FLANEL FANCT DREss 'X) S- BlaCk SS, ~Mualins, Lsrs Poplina, DalIy Vardens, White su'd Grey Cottans. Sheetingo. Ticklngs & ec . c en id e r ab l y n ud e r m a rk e t vo l u e , t e l i c L e n i e s L e a e t e n c 'ta' A Chcice Selection -of the best Fresh Grocet * BLANKETs, DRY QGOODS STORE LAINqG &STEWAR- Have now opened ont a first-olass stock of Goids suitable l'inter Wear. They would call the i;pecial attention of the workingc ea chesp lins ýof Winceym. whicli they soli at 12J cents per yard,i werthy îthe attention of intending purchasers. MIJLLJNERY AN]) MANTLEI IN GREAT VARIETY-GOOD AND CEUEAP. rweeds-English, Scotch, and Canadian. ail of superior qu Ly, at very reasonably prices, made up to order, or sold by the yard lit purcbaners llaving einployod a fir4t-clas@ cutter, the publiceniayn ely on getting a good and étylish suit of clotbes t t JAMES J. MIURPH tc T re Drcss Goods of every kind mnch below ceai. Flanuels ofj kindat etlat season's cosi. Siaplea 10 per cent helow lest season's ceD Overcoats and Peuicots under cont. Vests andl Pnte t ceai Homie and (lovcs est price. Funcy Woolen geods et ceci prie. Yarng ceai price.Hatcsud Capsaet ceai prices. Tweeds et ceoi price. Ti and 8carts et cost. Slicwls and Jacketsent ceci price. Unider Skiu-ts ei LAING tt STEWA ~hitby, Octeber 23, 1872. :1oing Out of Business 7ERM 0F LEASE NEARLY EXPIRE] The whole stock of Dry Gooda are being sold at ID,~ Every Article at Cost Price. Wh N ] J JOhN SKINNEI mitby, October 23, 1872. NEW GOODS. GET YUUR FALL CLOTIIES AT dfore the busy. season begi.ns.Yo will find there a splendid assortment of UJL CLOTýH 0F ALL - KJNDS And a complete assortment of ne-m~ Wbitby, got, 22,'1872. riing GSep.ood172 v Ltby, Sept. 3rd, 1872. 36". NEWý MUSIO STORE, BROCKGERES BLOCKBY Where wiIl1 be- fonnd Shoot Music, end Music-books of aU kinds, Musical lustruments of every description, nclud- ing Violiu* String a ad. Bo*8 Of t.he béât qualily; Stationery,, School Booket,-&c', Beautiful Musical and Literary Works, Sui- - table for Presenta, eonstpnt- ly on handi A CIC2 N" VRIDASOMET Mr Magazines, -Pexiodca% ~and Papers éupplied. dors for MMico and Bgokocaefully filled,, Itby Ifty 99p 18». -oB Aill Or-- r POST., -Bug NI TO BUY- YOURý- FÀLL Boots- -and- Just received at the Dominion Bool mendous large stock ef Fali and Wiuîer description. Comp'bn'ng Eiigiisb,.Amenau, As Mr. R.B B.XReeler MO«VIlTG 'l'rO O About the;firat of uext menth, he vil! cdl' ail aI prIme jost, lu erden to -nrednuebis presen te moving. oer, 'hitby. ly broc- Irsh ,ries. treet. E, T for clama eli s -dto- Dow RT. D. )st ery ai Ind R. L rock-st, Whltby, AUgUBIt 21, 1672. 34 JAMES JOHNSTON9 Practical Wâtch -and Clock Maker., -AMILTON 1& - -c o -ý jARGE GENERAL STOCK EWiy FALL & WINTbERDRYDS 41iBIAGES AND CUTTER8 I m; O'DONOVAN'S., IRRIA CES, BUGGIES,, ANM UT-TEI?8, 0F VERYSIPER lOB WOkMILdNH.P OGGIES & 8LEIGHS. RE PAIRS AS USUAL. IWHITBY igv 22nd, 1870. Au Immense Stock of IEW OROOK ER Y AN]) G-LASSWARE. ])ow's- Superior R. ,by, 3unt 199 ,,g COALI1 GOAL!1 Le AU kinds et coal jnst receivet!. Will te d- -d uet loin puces faorcash anly. Arrange. ai ments have been made ta have an coal Li veigiet! on Tovn sealai. r JOHN KEITH, y, Brock St, Whilby. rWbltby, Auguel 201h, 1872. 86 B 1u~ LOT FoBt SALE. 100 ares-Lot 3, 7th concessione.séh. t.Ort Appiy te D. EINGKstN, MESSRS. FAREWELL de McGEE, Sohcitars, Wbltby umd Cubains. Septemben tth, 1872. 81 F AB FOR SALE. In tue th concession ci theii. o o Whltby, il Mluieset 0ai BrokonuT10 rdret! acres. - Apply te- - JOHN CAarionL., Ecq., BrooklUn, Aug. 15, 1872. Bro 85.otLro FýAM FOR S8E The north halla i LOt Nq,. ILs he4h concession 01 the TowiaUp «etWhtby; 45 acres clesne, andthe baistL;en"ble o lant!s. Frame bouse &ud bsru. Rbb Brolbmers,'on Lot 82 in lh. &ad oncesso,4 vil shown Me tanin te intendin gpnrehumn, ont! ffa rther partiula appyhto WILLIAM MSSON, Brol ei, m1 et a., 1875. Br 55in TAYLOR' BEST FREBH EVERY DAY 1 AT 1 whltisy, OBM,l8m 4-R FPRAN-OJSI ALSOJ l 1 1 1 1 1 1 R .KEEL EL P. 8, -Thiose who i aidebed iJl please seule lmmediately. Whitby. Oct. 9, 1872. 41 COLDSMITrH'S HAL Le NOTED FOR CBEÂP -AND RELL4BLE GOODR 9:1 English Colored Gold Sets and -GemIins AM EBPlCA.N GOLD SETS. ALL THE, LATEST STYLES, Electro-Plated ,Goods! Watches & Clocks of the best Makers, W Fach carefully examined, proved, and timed, and their performance guaranteed. nANNEU", )u have the p WhitbY, Oct. 22nd, 1872, 1- érock-st Wh'jtby, Augum LAING & STEWAI N'hitby, October 23, 1872. hitby, October 23,1872. ;i . 1 'D'l HATS JOHN . SKINNER, ARE NOW OPENING UP À ý JOHN ýSKINNEE IG- Se [EW FALL & WINTER DRY GOODS.1- Il ýEW BLOCK5 1 - -Xxx

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