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Whitby Chronicle, 24 Oct 1872, p. 4

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1~ 'p g hUre ia -1 na.. the staustioalcon. îur h uarld b couatle furope mIght b. pr.u.id *0 hlm, 1* was deêidd tt th.y -aowd 0 0B- b. arranged in alphabelical ôrd.r, crý *ld -bspu 'T. he 4lgat.s <rmn Oointy roe fOaio, 0 4 ýeeby ivea uat Austo-1u4g& viwre placed nader the vo Wrl jthe.Court of Assise,' lettere A, butî 118 sthe H ýr ) iolusu, y.es erirdGnr objected, sud ultiaîately 1* wu agreed aoi wMv 7 ylb. holdeulun sud for Iba Ios vb'omafrin b.velethe o 'T 1 orin tluhocourt EHou., half of tbe Empiré ehould lie clau.d as ' htyg Austrians, and those rom the. auent Wednesday, 'October BOt, 18172 bal! as Hunguiriar.s. This ai' flgmOât àthti. heur edl 12 o'ciock, noon, of which wu@ explainea tb the Grand Duke, who aiu Coroners,'Justices 01thtle Peace, sud ail wLiS toFd liat lie would find the Ans. oteru concsrnd, wUl tide notice and gev.ý trian Gerinans uudér the lester A (Au.s-ern themneves sccordlngiy. 1. tr'al, and the Hungariano under the . NELSUN G. REYNO)LDS, leýtter U (Ungaria>.,-Tiie Grad,,Duke ShOriff'. O01B0e, SHiun, 0 . q.. thon asked one of the "Aus3tian Ger. Wll*yS pt. ,, M 89- iana whoe eho ýcame rom.IIIarn s BIav roui Prague'ý *as the .answer.- -Rîs noiglibor, «on bcbng aked th.e, ame question replied, III-arn s Polo.", The Grand Duke uol aidthea ipro. ceued ol the lutter U, sud sskîd* the "Rungoaran" delegates wbst wue lhoi.r nIItionality. Onô was a Croat frorn A ra xnwh ceuld net speak a wçord cf - lad eiettled in* Croigtis, sud' knîw n litho oflthe Magyar languagi an bis feilow.delegaîe. The oddest anowir -f ail,,however, wasgivîîtby an Au&.. trian colonel, vwhqo had bien sent Wt h, î Congras roui 1he Wter àoie ,a1 Vien.e na, On bîing &aed b ythe1 Grand- Duko wlîbch hait cf An~a.h ilzg od1te, the coloinel proudyiy eplied, d"To neither,$î3r; I belong toth. ,whoii." _______________ Thîis wae tee much for the. Oi'sane D .TISLTEbES 'who exclsimed, "Whyl.i . e ed- as a rddle. A (*iaanýaïlgf iiiti I.ýÙ sec ne Germane, a Magyar half witliouî Fré ISurance CoyofCnaa Magyare, anl a wlîole which belougs te y neithier of its halves." R HxD Orncx-MancSt..cer. Churv,, en The iipicy, devil-may.care Now Yorki * letters in the St. Lomis BdpUNlivaare writonr by a vealtlfy-lady n " *0 <MW gay H.Iiurnhsrn, an eligant, daind, woniýU o f, sot ety. Tee puobliUc" folk& have latelymade ber a. prosent ef 1110complote llncycope0a ri lniok' eeventy-twe voluen, as a tken cf their osteem. *"INSOLENCEiZ 5DDED TO INJURY."-Aa Aforican paper laughingly ssayte Iow couid 0ohn Bull trust- île interius ,in the hands ef sîîch-is ait o!old liios. bics, vueo h ave lut- hlm lu for thvree Millions snd a quarter. ii t>ie hape. cf expOrlunontal phiosophy lu polilic ciii Le ubitrâtien ?" Týhe'réunit vii go lu ab oeecar cf Alilnations sud out oft'lieo othor. *Thei Brst expirimeul," eoya out contemporary, 6"bas hsught 1'01d John a leseon tren Young Jonathan vo hope," Tiis m uc, but yul wîe Sheridan one day, when comng bacit rom slîootiîîg viti an iupty bitg, dld net 111w te go-borne, cmpiletely enpty secinà a nuber 01 ducke inus pouel aud a man or a armer leinng on a1 rail watching thom sald. "sWhat viii tako for a idiet aI themdiueks 211'Wili' lie saiii, I v ilI.4 ake tire.'dollars,' 'Doctesai Shr a4na udho fired) mb thie îidst eft he Bock, klllingsa zen. 'li arad yn ~év made s ba ybar.. -n,'ea ihalda.WellI dou't minew,' e au ie imn, 'tbiy weriu't * Mre Clark (an euterprlsig widow cf thie Paciide Abe) edits the Sacrarnento * Winniîng Way. Train le hor idol. 811e exitildy exclatmas; "On ho Washington -vox populiac i vox Train i'Never miud *plaalfuraiaa,-Ne wata man.", 11.Ac',.-fl Aierican doctor asserte hast lio eau nake s mustard-plaslîr cf sucli strergli tha itI will dvav tie cork of a chamipagne hotlel witlîoiït upping the wire. lie will îrebably advîrtie il in anuthor nionth as useful te fox. hiuaters for drawiug ceverts.-Punch rtnctuation la a voudertul hhiug. A Mnu heographed te Hurlington for s seholîcc, "lSah1corne, or.is 1h., place filledi>' The aniee preperly vas, "Nol Place tllledce ie171h." Titi teleraph operator received, "No -place fle'nte1h ."Hi veut for for it andwas minus travelling expiass.. A GaEX 0P « ISLÂM.-Il seema there 1à $Omoe promise cf coalu cornugto us [rom iIreland. Iltii. pîcý, iiseb W 'eas cù, the Leaerald Iole .bould changei ts ialine, sud be cslled in ricber lauage,_f -tlie (BJlack) Diarnd Ile. A preleperous merdian isa for bis. incte: "Early te beel, sud early le risc, nover get-igil, sud advîrîisî."e The mnu- who. advertWiseehovs nôt ouly a business talent - above bis eilgi..ý bora, but ho may ah once ho e rckoned amoug lie- Indepeant, ïgenron. sud publi epfridofhthe',ccmrnunlty Ho la vie bides is ligit, nadir a bushel vhien ucnobdvnlsgio s sehose et pro. sent afforded are so freeIy olerîdhm doce net deaerve le puccîed. The local leisiatur.e -,Quibe. vIli bIt a hheught probable, b. called te- g0braou h 1 fNevember., Ille Mineree tatîs liaI the depart. mental reports are big .Prepavié for Pubmisalon ho lie Chambers.- Buow 1h11 et the village cf siughsmp. ton on Thîîrsdas nighî, le lthe depthhcf Mr. Jas1iR.pSeuldlagi lhe feundr of tiii NlewYoi'k orZ ad mors renot. ly counecîed withheb, died on Thurs. -1 day utthleiirisideuce ef hlM brother, at Dovir N. H. Al Germnflct of ive vessesa i. b.. à lng ftid oute laite sacrmise sround, ' tii vomen, OfeAdmiroaIi lie un4a T avlii li liÉnAbqtehtten montés. 12 CAPITAL-, Ssoo,ooo. Depsitcd with Governmen, $67,000 Il WR;idjnst AUl leesswithout delay, aud psy over the cash AT ONCE. Hou. ALEX. McKIENZIE,, M. P., JOUX MÀUGHIAN ., Lrosident, lfsus«er. W. A., LAW, Ageut, Whihby. Whltby, coer 9, 1872. 41 D IZSIBABLI FAIM TO LET Towniship -o f Reach. That Flret-clss anm, sltnsted in the. Townshlpof Beach, and boing parts et Lots No. 18, 17 sud 18 lu te ii.lth concession, the Proerty ef the late Alexander Leaek, ]it#q, decessed, wil be We on a lease for a teru o1 feven YOMr. It centaine 170 acres, or thon.. by, of arable lsnd, and about 20-seres of pastuire land, sud ls cOnveniently situatod se regards rmarkets sud rsilwas. TAO Building, are Cominodioue andin good -order. F'or further information spply to Mr. lUe. Leasis, Lot No. 1e, l2th cou. Bosch, who will show the bouudsriee. snd oSonrs iili be reelved by hua tOi the fdrat dafciOctabor, vien, if s suitable citer lan miste Far= will b. let. 0 Good enooun.geuent vill ho affordcd to a tènant cf ekiUt*nd capital. Tevusàhlp cf Beic, Set. 11. 1872. 88 00D CAilLE, -SCBEW wIBE BOOTS -& SHOES LasIas lng aainas -aiiy other klnd. PORT'WHITBY &h PORT PERRY B. P. >Takie eOectun sturd&y, Jui lot, 1872. i'relu Golng North Mail. mlxed. 'WhltbyJuc 0o 0 9 Oarn. 7 80 p. ~9 49 sm. 7 59p>m. 10 12 -m- 8 42 pm print Abert 1021 &.m. 8 51 pa.- .porI perry,(arrive,) 10 Si) s.m. 9<0 pi.. rTmùn,oiag soullu: mlme. mail. ~.ra7,ztep&es) OO m- 20--n "a"'t a 18 .m 6 28 an l 2841m 701âarn. 7 28l&.m.' maotion, (arr.) 7 0 .m 4 0i) - P nÉ Stations, Trains stop ou nal i 89 P. 2 48 p.mn. 2 68 p.=. 8 nl pa. 8 si p.m. *from buuiness iatogether.,-. He herefevê For Saléethe Whole 0fHR8sLarge Stock And as the prmiesrst -beýg in the',meadtime ren AT- ANýD T N -D E R COùS-T The..stock being -now coômplete and well selected, and havin~g been purch sd BEEFORE THE PRESENT 'RIS'EIN GOOD$ý PUIRCHASEIRS WILL FIND IT TO T HE I-R5.ADVANTAGE, Ul,1 i TO EXAMINE ,,THE SAMEI *Before Concluding Purphs8 lewhe? Let it be borne S mmid ýthat ail muiE rl -<yç sold -- *i i Christrna tJONSEQlUENTLY THE SUBSCRIBER IS OBLIORD TQ lKK PRESENT SOIiE To the necessities of hie posîition. THE STOCK NOW CONSISTS 0F ALL KINDS 0*F DRY G00D*l SUITABLE TO THE SEASON. F A M1L -Y. GJOCERIES A ND HA RD WARE TO TIRE TIRADE-He would offel his- stock -at -a great sacrifice, anîd he is confident that npon examiùation of the sanie, tbey will find. it advantageous-tc suit theniselves with purchases. -----o 0- TO - BU 1ILDnEi?1;bS,. They -wll also find it to- their vantage to examine bis. STOCK At the, ProefinciulExhibition, Toronto, in 1870. Weëer'to our custoniers for' the 'coming, liarvest, tw'odis- tinct Machines, which in stye and construction, embrace the litést and most useful imprOvements of îheday. JOIINSTOIN'S iNOLE SELF-RÀKING RFAEJ RIG 7 EET.p Th.e universal successofthia Machine, bthl i loèLtycoea- id tialsand là, the hand of thb. armer, warrantus n l sying tat, as aSeIf-Rak- tmg Laping Maxchine, it e ol'odpoints andla Je.dfctee iesà,tiiWl more suces.and le.slailure hnberetofore eýftered 1tif. poublk -Me, werO, awarde,the Fiirst Pizeand Dipiorua, aIthe,,Prcvin. lial Exhibitio 'n , beld lin Toronto, 167O.in coipitition wiib ilti lîading Mscëhures magnàfaetàred in the Province ; andwidb our recent improvemen we,, pnhiesi.ft- ingly challenge Joventigation andl comparirson wiehconi petlrpgIdscbines, . air- satialee Chat such -investigation wil convînce every unprejudced mird, tiaI We oflîr the beet .lover te the Parmttr for 1872, built in, the1 Dominion. I"'8end ROWNri& ATTEIRSQN. st r inqu Bt on w ST( ad- 0F 'HARDW.ARE 1 .it was. bought before the rise, and- will be positively sold at and under cost. ASAVIN G 0F ONE HUNDRED 'PER CENT May therefore be effected, between coat then and profit now. -The ciosing sale under this, noticýe will commence 0 MONOMDAY, I6th SEPTB.,'2 Aud wiIl bc continued froni day to day until he whole -stock will be disposed of. TO0IIS OJ(D CIJSTOMEIRS tbeý subscriber desires to offer.hià--hearîfe!î, thanks for' put faivors, exfending oveir a period"of so many years. and regrets the closing of his pleasing business reIations.,with them. : He desires to say t,_hat tbey 1 will reçoive. thlý full'.b.neet-'gf, t1l0 above, and alsoin the .usual terms -azêj' redit, t i'il. t October, 1873. * BARýLEy. season commences the Jchias. ail kiuds of graji CAh'/i'IA ES ,A NO -'1 __ CUTTERS I M. O'DO0N OVA N'S. BUGGIYEINSHD» 0FV.ERY SUPERIOR WORKJL4NiSHIp. BUOGES &SLEIGHS. WHITBY 1~ov 22nd, 1870. REPAIRS A8 Us-UAL. PHIOTO.GIRPH.-, ALLERYO OROSTE 4es to announce that hé hau buit on the above premisea, A NEW Photograph Galler-y, 60 -feet mi length, Ihich be bau fitted ýUp with.ali the latest improvièments, and ew and improved apparatus for taking picture., froni life-size to any re- nired dimentions. ictures enlarged & accurateiy copied. EET, WHITBY, 19ANDSOME FRAMES AND CASES. lusinesi' hcurs 8 o'ciock, a.i D Sundays, hitby, July 3rd, 1872. 28.ly m. to 6, p. m. No busineiS doDe A. BAÀIlBE'I'Tl N1--EW'GOODS! NEW GOODS! AT* MoMILLAN &GaS The subscribers beg te inform lieir custoer nrsud the public generally liat thoy arc nov receiviug their fal sud vlnter importations, vbich vil com- prise the Most extensive aesortmeut la liii manket, sud vbich vil be effered aI pnicos defying honeurable competi- tion, T. H. McMILLÂN & CO. VcMiilsu'a Block, Brock St., September 17, 1872. 88 ~TOVE! STVES!! rnstrong's Ceiebrated Cooking, Parlour, 'and Hi-atingi for '0 orCa.Prosdsrous of purchaming W- FIRST-.CLAS OVzs, wih hFirst-Ciass Furniture, *hould,%.ot4faiI té puriasé ai-th 'ot ed Chesp ,,Houo.."I CT F<IROM ENGL AND, yôoüble and Bingle'Barrel Shot Guns,' Pow- 1aleO, 1 é stock cf(Jutlèry, Stielt snd Heavy of 'Iroh,à, large stock of Refiued -Horse Shboe e&C. Apoxple Pairers, pares like a chsr,i, nly neeQd -m0 bes tin plates1 Il osîbridge " . 300 boxes brande for sale, AIl goôds as beretôofore guaran- DIIREI k ,1 Ovem] Sliiper@, aiigneatly don, Ma 2, 87. ot &'ShoeStomeErok treet, Wît F{JR LTIJEFIJRNITIJREl- A'ý TE SI(dN 0FTHIE GxREAT I ]OGKIaNQ CHI ý'Funiture Selling at'Old Prices foi Notwithstanding the rise in, ma; and labor,-,the undersigned- offers bis stock at-the-.Olf for 30 days lnger., -o s :the .tiime to enbrace the opportunity of i frorm the largest stock te the coutaty, of sid.boards, buresusý centre ta chairs, hedrooni setit,&c., and al ci the beat quality sud rnanufacturq. JAMES -R. The only firs-cia.us eaablîshmenî in th Cunty hr F FOR AGOOD SMOKE USEMTE M Y RT LE N AVYtS See T. & B. on Each'Plug. 7L FPrIce so Low thatA/CanliBe, it, SaptetÜber 17, 1872. . 3M-38 JIJS'T IECEI'VE"D A LOT 0F A choice lot of Java Coffee TQ ,ARRIVE. W2 Dublin Porter and English Aie in pinta and quarts. Whutiby, July lOili, 1872.R.X N£EWý Before the busy season begin.Yu GOO0DSUI 558, Oxford Street (Ite Loudon, W. C., Odeà CARRA T- F ECelebrated Carra J.ter- laeinsuzpassedi ceoliag aperieut, On. or two flseac uuOliibefe,rcateC your ayeRI-'ol s--a l etm m11 july lmt, 1l72 'MPORITANT TO PARTIES J. -B.S O K EXTRA IACHINE Tis. 011excels aUl cher 01,beth sud vegetable, sud wî ripe ved [nrec eld ail . lrca [wiL l fndteeasIeniasrOnntF ~FALL CLOTI 0 FALSO, And a Comee Wuitby, Sept..Jrd, 1837.3 Carra gos, Buggies1 Waggons, 'de' a ALL HAISw> PRACTICAL CRRIAGE MNFCUE azrDINDAS STREET, WHi TI Ini Broughaim J . TI - 1.Il lia 'e t0. e titittanks to 'Our dm'ay aâdOur stock sund priveos 41Meet ycur requiremenità and ca [Before s.IZ KIND ies.» GESI . 1 . SPLENDIDLY PTNISHED 1 BIZOCK STRI 1 - tib re 1 firy tq FALL CLOTIIES AZ ýNEW A

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